Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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where we can arbitrarily set ri = r i (0) because of translation of time invariance . Using<br />

this result the final expression for the double differential cross section is obtained :<br />

k' 1 %<br />

dtexp ( - iwt)<br />

8528w k27rh J-.<br />

(5 PA 1: bi b~ (A exp(-iQ - r j (0» exp(iQ - r i (t» A) . .35)<br />

ij<br />

This equation averages over the scattering length distribution (which may depend on the<br />

spin orientation distribution with respect to the incident neutron's spin) . This produces<br />

coherent and incoherent scattering as explained in lecture 1 . In addition the initial states<br />

of the scattering system are averaged weighted with the probability of their occurrence<br />

PA . The latter is given by the Boltzmann distribution<br />

PA = Z<br />

exp (-EA /kBT) with Z = exp (-EA/k BT) . (5 .36)<br />

We now denote this thermal average by angular brackets ( . . .) while that over the scattering<br />

lengths be written as an overline . . . . Keeping in mind that for equal indices<br />

bibi = Ibil 2 has to be averaged while for unequal indices the scattering lengths itself will<br />

be averaged we end up with the usual separation into incoherent and coherent part :<br />

k' z Ibl<br />

- Ibl z p( J - ~ dtexp(-iwt) .~ ex - iQ . _~(0))ex r_ p(iQ - _Z()) r_ t<br />

27rh<br />

k'<br />

+ Iblz<br />

k 2rh J<br />

~ dtexp( - iwt) E ( A ex p(-iQ<br />

. ri( 0))exp(iQ . r j (t)) A . (5 .37)<br />

z,9<br />

The first term is the incoherent scattering . It involves the coordinate vector operators of<br />

the Same atom at different times . The second, the coherent term correlates also different<br />

atoms at different times . The material dependent parts are now defined as the scattering<br />

functions<br />

Si.,(Q' W) --<br />

Scoh(Q,W)<br />

1 f°°<br />

dtexp(-iwt) E(exp(-iQ - ri(o)) exp(iQ - ri(t))) (5 .38)<br />

27rhN oo i<br />

1 dtexp(-iwt) (exp(-iQ - ri(0» exp(iQ - r j (t)» . (5 .39)<br />

27rhN<br />

1,3<br />

In terms of the scattering functions the double differential cross section can be written as<br />

z<br />

as2a~ _<br />

N ((Iblz - Ibl2) Sin c (Q, W) + Ibl<br />

2<br />

s~h(Q, W)) .<br />

5- 15<br />

(5 .40)

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