Neutron Scattering

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich

Neutron Scattering - JuSER - Forschungszentrum Jülich


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An experimental verification of this new technique is shown in Fig . 4 .19 . Here, the<br />

magnetic (100) Bragg peak of an antiferromagnetic MnF 2 single crystal can produce such<br />

a 90 degree rotation of the polarisation . The ordered magnetic structure is collinear, wich<br />

spins pointing into c-direction, which is oriented in between the x and z direction of the<br />

instrument . Varying the field strength of the y-coil, the initial polarisation at the sample<br />

precesses perpendicular to y leading to a final polarisation as shown in Fig . 4 .19 .<br />

neutron polarization analysis<br />

Pxy from P-precession in xz-plane<br />

Blly<br />

M11C11Q<br />

2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4<br />

l y [A]<br />

Figure 4 .19 : Measurement of off-diagonal elements of the polarisation tensor using the<br />

(100) Bragg scattering of antiferromagnetic MnF 2 , in which the magnetic moments are<br />

aligned parallel to the c-axis . The precession angle in xz-plane of the initial polarisation<br />

depends on the field By (x I y ), and only neutrons with final polarisation Py are detected .<br />

Appendix<br />

Units :<br />

magnetic field H :<br />

Oersted Ampere/meter (SI) = 47r x 10-3<br />

(cgs)<br />

magnetic induction B = ,uo uH, po = 1.2566 x 10-sm kg C-2 (=1 in cgs-units) :<br />

Tesla (SI) = kg / (sec2 Ampere) = 10 4 Gauss (cgs)<br />

For cgs-units and vacuum (N = 1), H in Oe corresponds to B in Gauss .<br />

Earth magnetic field : ~ 15 A/m ~ 0 .19 Oe .<br />


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