
Resident Reminiscings For the New Year

Resident Reminiscings For the New Year


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Resident Reminiscings For the New Year<br />

Ruth Sacher<br />

I would like to make more friends at the Villas,<br />

friends with whom I can remain for a<br />

long time. I’d like mostly female but maybe<br />

a few male that I can trust. I’d love to reminisce<br />

with them. For example, I’d ask where<br />

they grew up. And hopefully we can stay<br />

Margo Grube<br />

I wish our country would ban assault<br />

weapons, and make it very complex and difficulty<br />

to get a weapon at all. I wish this so<br />

that bad people can’t get their hands on them.<br />

But of course good people still have their constitutional<br />

right to own a regular gun to protect<br />

their family.<br />

Helen McElwain<br />

I wish for world peace. I think<br />

people have to stop squabbling<br />

Mary Press<br />

Peggy Milich<br />

What I wish for is that our country,<br />

families, and friends would all come<br />

to their senses and go back to our<br />

Christian heritage.<br />

Lee Austin<br />

I just want to thank the Villas for<br />

helping me get well and for the<br />

good experience I’ve had here. I’m<br />

moving to an apartment in downtown<br />

San Clemente, but I’ll be back<br />

to get my hair done every week!<br />

I hope that we all have a very good New Year<br />

that continues throughout 2013. On other<br />

things I’ve been thinking about, I haven’t<br />

made up my mind yet.<br />

Jerry Elliott<br />

Like many of the Villas’ <strong>residents</strong>,<br />

I’m extremely thankful<br />

for all the help my family has<br />

given me over the past year.<br />

Eleanor Green<br />

I’m thankful for mine<br />

and my family’s<br />

health. I wish for continued<br />

health<br />

in 2013.

Jessie Strike leading the <strong>residents</strong><br />

in Christmas door hanger craft.<br />

Employees enjoying a special<br />

Christmas party just for them [Left<br />

to right top row]<br />

Esme, Jing, James, Harold, Laurel,<br />

Lupe<br />

[Bottom row, bottom to top]<br />

Diana, Pablo and Toni.<br />

Thelma Smallwood<br />

I hope the Villas will have a good 2013. I<br />

think a good year would include good<br />

health and safety for everyone - nobody<br />

falling, everybody well and busy. I’d love<br />

to have another birthday. I’ll be 96 in February.<br />

Bill Filmore<br />

I think we all want better health. I would<br />

like to be able to walk without impairment<br />

in 2013. I had a birthday December 13th<br />

I was 98! They brought me a 3-decker<br />

piece of cake with a candle, and sang me<br />

happy birthday. It was a very pleasant surprise.<br />

All in all I had an enjoyable birthday – and my daughter<br />

was here, too! Here’s to a healthy 2013!<br />

Ruth McLeod<br />

Employee Stephanie Alter<br />

with her husband Hobie at<br />

Manager Christmas Party<br />

Resident Reminiscings For the New Year<br />

I’m thankful that I can still get out of bed in<br />

the morning. Here’s to a 2013 where every<br />

single day I can still get out of bed.<br />

Resident council member handing employee<br />

Laurel Bernhardt an “appreciation” bonus at<br />

Employee appreciation event<br />


I was born in Birmingham, England.<br />

I grew up in poor circumstances.<br />

At 14 I left school to get a job in a factory.<br />

My parents had 5 girls total, including me.<br />

I was the 2nd.<br />

After a while I went back to night school.<br />

I got married at the age of 20 and had 4 children.<br />

I had 2 boys and 2 girls.<br />

Only one of my daughters survived the birth.<br />

The other daughter died in her 30’s.<br />

My youngest son recently died in his 40’s.<br />

I enjoy reading always have.<br />

My favorite is mystery books.<br />

My worst subject is math.<br />

I lived in Canada for some years and then moved to<br />

the U.S.<br />

My son lives nearby.<br />

Dale McLeod<br />

I’m hoping to see my younger son completely<br />

recovered from his bicycle accident<br />

he suffered in 2012. I’m thankful to the Villas’<br />

for providing us a home.<br />

Page 2<br />


Resident Focus ARLAN HURWITZ<br />

Arlan was born in Los Angeles,<br />

California, January 5th,<br />

Arlan 1945<br />

Arlan, Sylvia, Bob 1949<br />

Bob and Arlan 1947<br />

1942. His dad was an entrepreneur.<br />

His mom was a housewife.<br />

His memories of<br />

childhood were that he was<br />

small. He says, “I wasn’t very<br />

tall, and I was mischievous. I<br />

liked to take things apart. It didn’t<br />

get me in trouble, but seldom<br />

did things ever go back together<br />

very well.” So it’s no wonder<br />

that after high school Arlan went<br />

to UCLA and majored in Mechanical<br />

Engineering. He graduated<br />

in 1964.<br />

After college Arlan worked as<br />

an engineer for Rocketdyne,<br />

building the space shuttle. But<br />

he liked working by himself, not<br />

the structure of engineering, so<br />

he went to work for Aaron<br />

Brothers. He describes it as a<br />

factory in Culver City where<br />

they made picture frames. It<br />

was owned by two brothers,<br />

Len and Al Aaron. When<br />

asked why he liked this job<br />

better than being an engineer,<br />

he said, “I liked the job because<br />

I worked for myself. I<br />

could do whatever I wanted.<br />

It was a great job. It was interesting.<br />

I became Vice-<br />

President of the corporation<br />

and was basically in charge of<br />

all the stores. At that time we<br />

had about 400 stores.”<br />

“One day a lady<br />

brought in something for<br />

framing and it was a mosaic<br />

that she had made of grains:<br />

rice, barley and peas. They<br />

were all pasted onto a large<br />

piece of plywood. We went<br />

home for the weekend, and<br />

came back only to find that<br />

the mice in the factory had<br />

eaten away most of the grains<br />

around the mosaic. So Len<br />

went out and bought a cat. Of<br />

course we had to fix that picture,<br />

repasting any grains we<br />

could find. (Unfortunately<br />

that one cat was no challenge<br />

for all those mice – I think<br />

some were bigger than the<br />

cat!)<br />

Arlan stayed with<br />

Aaron Brothers for 18 years.<br />

For people who don’t what<br />

Aaron Brothers is, it’s<br />

picture-framing, art supplies<br />

and craft supplies.<br />

Eventually it was sold<br />

out to Michael’s, but<br />

there are still about 400<br />

stores called Aaron<br />

Brothers Art Marts.<br />

Just before<br />

Arlan got out of college<br />

he met Naomi. They<br />

had a common Uncle by<br />

marriage. Arlan and<br />

Naomi met at a family<br />

function and he says he<br />

pretty much knew right<br />

away this was the girl<br />

for him. They dated<br />

only 6 months and then<br />

got married in<br />

Arlan 1960<br />

Rochester, New York, where she was from, August of 1964.<br />

“Naomi and I first lived in a home I bought in Westchester<br />

(near LAX). We lived there our entire marriage. Naomi<br />

and I had 2 children, David and Lori. Then, Naomi and I went<br />

our separate ways in about 1967.”<br />

Then Arlan met Reata. “I met her in Laguna Beach.<br />

We had common friends, and we had lunch together. I had a<br />

little MG sports car. I went to pick her up in Laguna Beach<br />

where she lived, and we went on a date. She eventually came<br />

to my house in Tustin and knocked on my door, and I said to her,<br />

‘My God, you’re the angel I always dreamt about.’ She thought<br />

I was crazy, very eccentric. However, we got married about<br />

three years later.”<br />

Reata and Arlan had two children also, a son Matthew<br />

and daughter, Jessie. Jessie, by the way, is getting married<br />

March, 2013.<br />

The best part of Arlan’s life, he will tell you, has been<br />

his children. “Jessie is beautiful. David is very competent and<br />

a man of the world. Matthew is a genius. Lori is a fabulous<br />

teacher and a good cook. I love them all very much.”<br />

Arlan has been at the Villas 3 years as of January 7,<br />

2013. He came to the Villas because he’d had a stroke. At the<br />

time he lived in Tustin but the Villas is closer to his son, David,<br />

who lives in San Clemente. David and Lori actually found the<br />

Villas for him.<br />

“I love the Villas. I enjoy the friendships I have. It’s a fun<br />

place. The employees are very competent.”<br />

“If I had one thing to tell younger folks that might impart<br />

a bit of wisdom<br />

from my own life, it<br />

is this: Life is too<br />

short. Oh, and do it<br />

all – whatever<br />

comes up, do<br />

it….travel, for example.”<br />

Arlan and caregiver Ryan<br />


My First New Year's Resolution<br />

I've never really felt the need to make a New<br />

Year's resolution. I suppose this is because<br />

I've never smoked, nor even tasted alcohol.<br />

Both for good reason, though, as health issues<br />

since age eleven made smoking, drinking and<br />

all habits not contributory to health, highly<br />

unappealing. Also, I've never been what anyone<br />

would call overweight, so no fodder for a<br />

resolution there. Hence, I've never had a<br />

burning resolve to declare at the outset of any<br />

new year. But now, in the wake of a highly<br />

controversial political landscape in the America I love, and so many<br />

have fought and died for; in light of conflicts in the world that can<br />

only be characterized as evil; and as the Nation collectively weeps for<br />

28 families in Connecticut who have lost their angels so violently<br />

and unexpectedly at the hand of one deranged young man, this year<br />

a resolve is burning in my heart. I'll start off with a "disclaimer" like<br />

they do at the beginning of violent or otherwise explicit movies.<br />

Warning: The remaining content of this article is highly spiritually<br />

explicit in nature. Anyone sensitive to the spiritual sharing of others<br />

may want to turn the page.<br />

That said, my resolve is based upon one short passage in the<br />

Bible. It's a promise, actually, where it says, "The Lord is with you<br />

when you are with him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you,<br />

but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." 2 Chronicles 15:2.<br />

Now, I've cogitated on that verse (and others like it) for<br />

years, putting the emphasis on the different words to see how it "fit<br />

me". Ultimately, it's the "if" that gets me. I've also heard the "if" replaced<br />

by the word "as" you seek Him. I think of it like electricity.<br />

When you're plugged in, you get the power. When you choose to<br />

unplug, you are on your own. Powerless.<br />

So my resolve is to stay "plugged in" every moment of every<br />

day. My pastor recently told a story of an occasion he had to converse<br />

with an elderly gentleman on his death bed. The young pastor,<br />

wanting desperately to say something profoundly comforting and<br />

pastoral muttered something like, "Well, at least we have a hope for<br />

the future."<br />

To which the weak and dying gentleman replied, "It's not the<br />

hope of the future that gives me comfort, son, but all the many times<br />

I experienced God throughout my life. That now gives me a peace<br />

that passes all understanding."<br />

I wish for you in 2013 and beyond, the profound experience<br />

of God's power and peace. May it carry you through your life, and<br />

be with you when you need it most.<br />

Barbara Tancredi<br />

barbara@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Pokerettes<br />

In loving memory of beloved<br />

resident and Pokerette<br />

(she coined the name),<br />

Lorraine Cameron (second from<br />

the left). You will be sorely<br />

missed. We love you.<br />

Barbara & Mario<br />

Participants in the annual<br />

“Ugly Christmas Sweater” Day<br />

contest, Activity Leaders Barbara<br />

and Mario.<br />

Page 6<br />


Byron Elder<br />

West Indies Activities Director<br />

e-mail:<br />

byron@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Looking Back and Serving Forward in the New Year!!<br />

As I look back at this our Christmas season, while I didn’t see mommy<br />

kissing Santa Claus, for sure I saw our staff serving and giving in the spirit<br />

of Christmas! From our owners, Paul and Aileen, to our West Indies staff<br />

and caregivers, I saw the love and care! Santa Claus has surely put a check<br />

in the “Nice/Good” box this year for all of us!! It was so evident, that one<br />

guest that attended our Christmas Family Night said, “I can see that you<br />

guys really care for the <strong>residents</strong> here!”<br />

He went on to say, “It’s rare and refreshing to see this level of true care in<br />

this type of industry!”<br />

That’s why I love working at the Villas, because that’s how we do it,<br />

every day!!<br />

A big thank you to Ermi our Care Manager, who I’m enjoying serving<br />

with - for her spirit of care for our <strong>residents</strong>. Even Paul our owner commented<br />

the same at our Christmas Party, and all the West Indies folks said “Amen!”<br />

Looking back at our Christmas season, I came across a song produced in the 60’s called, “Those Precious Memories”, by Diana<br />

Ross and the Supremes! Look it up, it’s a great song about memories that brings sunshine to your life. I can relate to that song as I<br />

remember all the Christmas decorations!!<br />

Let me start off by thanking Karen our Administrator. I discovered that Karen not only knows her job as Executive Director, but Karen<br />

also knows food, and “BOS”!! Sports fans, if you recall, the sports world had “Bo” Jackson, the “multi-sport jock”. Well, we have<br />

Karen Milroy, multi-talented, awesome decorator, and Administrator! I also want to thank Diana, Esmeralda, Salvador and kitchen<br />

staff, as well as Nick, Carlos, Nemesio, Ben and Stacey who all roll up their sleeves and work hard. But also thanks to all the caregivers<br />

for your awesome help. You make the “West Indies” a fabulous place to work and live.<br />

New Year’s Inspiration: I owned a home in the Temecula Valley years ago, and I was blessed to have 31 rose bushes in<br />

my backyard. Sounds like more work than beauty, and at times it was! All gardeners know that the beauty of a rose begins with the<br />

tedious pruning process; from tilling the dirt, putting in the right soil to the right cut of the vine. But it’s all important to get the maximized<br />

beauty of your rose. I recall asking my neighbor, Tom, for advise on how to properly prune the vine. After the lesson was<br />

learned and applied, though, WOW every year I would see the inner beauty arise from each of my 31 rose bushes! New buds (memories)<br />

would pop out on that pruned vine! West Indies staff, we don’t have 31 rose bushes, but we do have precious families, who<br />

have trusted us with their family members, I challenge myself and you to make a New Year’s Resolution to serve and care our <strong>residents</strong><br />

to see their inner beauty bloom even more in 2013! To our 31 precious rose bushes and families; we Love You! Serving you<br />

forward in the New Year! God Bless you all!<br />

Happy New Year!!<br />

Ermi, Byron, and West Indies Staff<br />

Santa Chris visits the West Indies!<br />

Ermi Martinez<br />

West Indies Care Manager<br />

ermi@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Dee<br />

Dick<br />

Byron<br />

Lois<br />

Dorothy<br />

Tink<br />


January Happenings

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Call for your printing and copy needs<br />

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San Clemente, CA 92673<br />

(949) 489-3400<br />

Owners<br />

Paul and Aileen Brazeau - 2002<br />

aileen@sanclementevillas.com<br />

paul@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Business Office Manager<br />

Maria Nemeth - 2007<br />

maria@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Executive Director<br />

Karen Milroy - 2012<br />

karen@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Marketing Director<br />

Stephanie Alter - 2002<br />

stephanie@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Food Service Director<br />

Salvador Caballero - 2005<br />

salvador@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Wellness Nurse<br />

Rae Bright, LVN - 2005<br />

rae@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Assisted Living Director<br />

Jing Yarbrough - 2003<br />

jing@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Care Manager<br />

Amelia Diaz - 2006<br />

amelia@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Byron D. Elder<br />

West Indies Activities Director<br />

byron@sanclementevillas.com<br />

West Indies Care Manager<br />

Ermi Martinez - 2007<br />

ermi@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Activities Director<br />

Barbara Tancredi - 2012<br />

barbara@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Hospitality/Weekend Manager<br />

Elaine West - 2007<br />

elaine@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Activities Assistant<br />

Mario Veluz - 2005<br />

mario@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Front Desk<br />

Anna Lombardi - 2004<br />

anna@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Sherri Saunders - 2009<br />

sherri@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Esmeralda Lopez - 2009<br />

esmeralda@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Dining Room Supervisors<br />

Oscar Garcia - 2003<br />

Vangie Cayton - 2003<br />

Yaneth Oseguera - 2006<br />

Maintenance Team<br />

Nick Sgountzos - 2002<br />

nick@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Carlos Garcia 2011<br />

carlos@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Nemecio Lagunas<br />

Housekeeping Supervisor<br />

Patricia Mendoza - 2006<br />

patricia@sanclementevillas.com<br />

Transportation Drivers<br />

Weekday - Roberto Rodriguez - 2002<br />

Laurie Bernhardt 2005<br />

Weekend - Alicia Aguilera - 2006<br />

2013 Resident Council<br />

President – Arline Phipps<br />

Vice President – Elsie Bova<br />

Secretary – Helen Darby<br />

Treasurer – Bob Creighton<br />

Follow us on Facebook<br />

facebook.com/sanclementevillasbythesea<br />

Twitter SCVillasbytheC<br />

Happy New Year<br />


Suzie W.<br />

Maurita S.<br />

SAN<br />


VILLAS<br />

Aris P.<br />

Patsy W.<br />

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