Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests-0838581358.pdf

Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests-0838581358.pdf

Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests-0838581358.pdf


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Index 481<br />

Pheochromocy<strong>to</strong>ma<br />

diagnostic algorithm for, 355i<br />

erythropoietin levels with, 86<br />

glucose <strong>to</strong>lerance test in, 96<br />

MIBG (metaiodobenzyl-guanidine) in<br />

evaluation of, 272, 355i<br />

urinary metanephrine levels with, 125,<br />

355i<br />

urinary vanillylmandelic acid levels<br />

with, 178<br />

Philadelphia chromosome, 57<br />

Phosphate-binding antacids, phosphorus<br />

levels affected by, 138<br />

Phosphate infusions, phosphorus levels<br />

affected by, 138<br />

Phospholipase A 2 , in Russell’s viper<br />

venom clotting time, 157<br />

Phosphorus/phosphates<br />

parathyroid hormone levels affecting,<br />

134<br />

parathyroid hormone-related protein<br />

affecting, 135<br />

serum levels of, 138<br />

urinary color affected by, 30<br />

PID. See Pelvic inflamma<strong>to</strong>ry disease<br />

Pineapple, 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid<br />

levels affected by, 111<br />

Pituitary disorders/insufficiency/failure<br />

amenorrhea in, 339i<br />

cosyntropin stimulation test in, 77<br />

follicle-stimulating hormone levels in,<br />

93<br />

glucose levels in, 95<br />

glucose <strong>to</strong>lerance test in, 96<br />

growth hormone affected by, 99<br />

hypothyroidism in, 168, 351i, 393t<br />

luteinizing hormone levels in, 122<br />

serum insulin levels in, 115<br />

serum sodium levels in, 161<br />

soma<strong>to</strong>medin C levels in, 162<br />

Pituitary dwarfism<br />

growth hormone levels in, 99<br />

soma<strong>to</strong>medin C levels in, 162<br />

Pituitary tumors<br />

amenorrhea with, 339i<br />

prolactin levels with, 144<br />

Plasma<br />

fresh-frozen, 401t<br />

liquid, 401t<br />

thawed, 401t<br />

Plasma renin activity, 152<br />

in hypertension, 152, 348i<br />

plasma aldosterone and, 48<br />

urine aldosterone and, 49<br />

Plasmodium spp., test selection for, in<br />

bacteremia of unknown source,<br />

241<br />

Platelet(s), 29i<br />

Platelet aggregation, 139, 377t<br />

Platelet antibodies, platelet count affected<br />

by, 140<br />

Platelet-associated IgG, 141<br />

Platelet count, 140, 377t<br />

Platelet disorders<br />

activated clotting time in, 73<br />

bleeding time in, 59, 377t<br />

blood urea nitrogen in, 377t<br />

creatinine in, 377t<br />

hemostatic function tests in, 377t<br />

platelet aggregation in, 139, 377t<br />

Platelet release reaction, defects in,<br />

platelet aggregation in, 139<br />

Platelet transfusion, 402t<br />

Pleural disease, chest x-ray in, 252<br />

Pleural fluid profiles, in various disease<br />

states, 382t–383t<br />

Pleural fluid sampling<br />

in cirrhosis, 382t<br />

in collagen vascular disease, 383t<br />

in community-acquired pneumonia, 212<br />

in empyema, 216, 383t<br />

in esophageal rupture, 383t<br />

in heart failure, 382t<br />

in malignancy, 382t<br />

in nephrotic syndrome, 382t<br />

normal values in, 382t<br />

in pancreatitis, 383t<br />

in parapneumonic effusion, 383t<br />

in pulmonary embolism, infarction, 383t<br />

in rheuma<strong>to</strong>id arthritis, 383t<br />

specimen handling for, 26t<br />

in tuberculosis, 382t<br />

Plums, 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid levels<br />

affected by, 111<br />

Pneuma<strong>to</strong>celes, in community-acquired<br />

pneumonia, 212<br />

Pneumococcus. See Strep<strong>to</strong>coccus<br />

pneumoniae<br />

Pneumoconiosis, angiotensin-converting<br />

enzyme levels in, 52<br />

Pneumocystis carinii<br />

Giemsa stain of, 28i<br />

pneumonia<br />

lactate dehydrogenase levels in, 117<br />

test selection for, 214<br />

in AIDS-related pneumonia, 214<br />

sputum sampling in, 28i<br />

in transplant-related pneumonia,<br />


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