
Contents of 39(1 & 2) 2011 - acharya ng ranga agricultural university

Contents of 39(1 & 2) 2011 - acharya ng ranga agricultural university

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J.Res. ANGRAU 39(1&2)28-33, 2011<br />


IN RICE (Oryza sativa L.)<br />


Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,<br />

College of Agriculture, Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030<br />


One hundred and fifteen hybrids were developed utilizing Line (5 CMS lines) x Tester (23 testers) fashion.<br />

The hybrids along with parents were evaluated for eight characters during kharif, 2007 at RARS, Warangal to<br />

understand the gene action in rice. The combining ability analysis revealed significant differences among the<br />

parents for all the characters studied indicating the predominance of dominance gene action in governing yield and<br />

related traits. This suggests the possibility of exploiting heterosis. Two CMS lines (APMS 6A and CRMS 32A) and<br />

six testers (1096, 612-1, GQ-70, GQ-120, KMR 3 and SG 27-77) were found to be good general combiners for yield<br />

and other yield attributes. The hybrids APMS 6A x 612-1, PUSA 5A x KMR-3, CRMS 32A x IR 43 exhibited higher<br />

specific combining ability with at least one of the parent possessing positive alleles for grain yield. The interrelationship<br />

of sca with sca revealed that predominance of non additive gene action viz., additive x dominance and dominance<br />

x dominance type for gene interaction for most of the hybrid combinations which could be exploited for heterosis<br />

breeding programme in rice.<br />

Substantial increase in rice (Oryza sativa L.)<br />

production can be achieved only with the use of<br />

suitable hybrids. This can be further hastened by<br />

choice of suitable outstanding parents with favourable<br />

alleles, which on crossing would give heterotic<br />

hybrids. The line x tester analysis of combining ability<br />

proposed by Kempthorne (1956) is the most common<br />

method used to find out the general and specific<br />

combiners and study the nature of gene action<br />

governing the inheritance of different characters. The<br />

main objective of this investigation was to identify<br />

good general and specific combiners for yield and its<br />

component characters.<br />


Five CMS lines viz., IR 58025A, IR 79145A,<br />

APMS 6A, PUSA 5A and CRMS 32A were crossed<br />

with 23 diverse elite restorers selected from rice<br />

germplasm maintained at Directorate of Rice<br />

Research (DRR), Hyderabad during rabi, 2006 using<br />

line x tester design. The resultant 115 F 1<br />

s and 28<br />

parents were grown in Complete Randomized Block<br />

Design with two replications during kharif, 2007 at<br />

Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal,<br />

Andhra Pradesh. Two hybrids (KRH 2 and PA 6201)<br />

and two pure lines (Jaya and IR 64) were used as<br />

standard checks. Twenty 25 days old seedlings were<br />

transplanted at a spacing of 20 x 15 cm and all the<br />

recommended agronomic practices were followed. In<br />

each entry, five plants were selected randomly from<br />

each replication and biometrical observations were<br />

recorded for plant height, productive tillers per plant,<br />

panicle length, panicle weight, filled grains per panicle,<br />

spikelet fertility %, 1000 grain weight and grain yield<br />

per plant. Days to 50% flowering was recorded on<br />

plot basis. The mean data were analyzed for<br />

combining ability following the standard method of<br />

Kempthorne (1956).<br />


Presence of significant and high variance due<br />

to genotypes for all the traits studied (Table 1)<br />

indicated the existence of wide variability among the<br />

genotypes. The combining ability variance of lines<br />

and testers was significant for productive tillers per<br />

plant and filled grains per panicle. In addition, the<br />

lines for panicle weight, spikelet fertility, grain yield<br />

plant -1 and productivity day -1 were also showed<br />

significance. The high and significant mean squares<br />

of lines x testers revealed that lines and testers<br />

interacted and produced markedly different combining<br />

ability effects and it might be due to wide genetic<br />

diversity of lines and testers. The estimates of<br />

variance due to SCA were much higher than that of<br />

due to GCA variances for all the nine characters<br />

revealing the importance of dominance and epistatic<br />

Email: saidu_genetics@yahoo.co.in<br />


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