
A Treatise on the Acid Treatment of Silkworm Eggs - Central ...

A Treatise on the Acid Treatment of Silkworm Eggs - Central ...


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Preface<br />

Acid treatment of silkworm eggs to block diapause in uni/bivoltine eggs for instant and<br />

any time hatching has gained great popularity due to lts easy method of operation and<br />

extremely dependable results. Even lhen, lailures take place because of the method not<br />

being understood/adopted properly.<br />

So {ar, in lndia, mostly multi-x bivoltine eggs were used {or commercial rearing which<br />

involve no acid treatment. But the recent attempt to utilize bivoltine x multivoltine layings has<br />

broadened the scope of acid treatment. ln addition, a large programme is being launched<br />

to increase the bivoltine cocoon production which will also involve the acid treatment of the<br />

eggs to be reared.<br />

Until now, acid treatment was mostly restricted to Government Silk Farms and<br />

Grainages. But a time has come when private graineurs should also take up the acid<br />

treatmentof eggs. ltisinthiscontext,thisbookletisbeingpublishedtobringhomethecorrect<br />

methods of acid treatment with precautions to be taken at every step which are often overlooked<br />

leading to poor results.<br />

Knowledge o{ acid lreatment remains incomplete without understanding the developmental<br />

sequence in the eggs. So, in Part-ll of this booklet, physiology of the egg before and<br />

alter acid treatment has been discussed.<br />

It is hoped that the booklet will be usefulto allthose connected with seed technology<br />

and commercial seed production.<br />


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