Kol Shalom

Congregation Ohabai Sholom - July/August 2010 - The Temple ...

Congregation Ohabai Sholom - July/August 2010 - The Temple ...


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<strong>Kol</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong><br />

Congregation Ohabai Sholom - July/August 2010<br />


Though I have<br />

been in regular<br />

communication<br />

regarding The<br />

Temple’s response to<br />

the recent floods<br />

(and the Jewish Community’s response, as well),<br />

I want to devote my remarks for this column to<br />

update you on our on-going efforts to reach<br />

out, comfort and support those in need in our<br />

community. I also want to invite you to a<br />

wonderful, “silver lining” event that symbolizes<br />

the extraordinary nature of this community.<br />

To date, we have received nearly $30,000 in<br />

donations to our Flood Relief efforts. These<br />

funds have come from members of the<br />

congregation, members of other Reform<br />

Congregations around the country, the Union<br />

for Reform Judaism, and from a variety of other<br />

individuals who have expressed a desire to help<br />

members of The Temple community who have<br />

been adversely affected in catastrophic,<br />

substantial or significant ways by the floods.<br />

A Message from Rabbi Schiftan<br />

“A Rare Moment...”<br />

By the middle of June, we will have distributed<br />

the majority of these funds to nearly three dozen<br />

households representing approximately fifty<br />

individuals, not including children. These relief<br />

checks went out to members of the<br />

congregation, members of our Temple<br />

Playschool, immediate relatives of Temple<br />

members, and other individuals whose plight,<br />

condition or unique circumstances made them<br />

eligible for consideration for funding.<br />

We have received many heartfelt letters of<br />

gratitude from these individuals, and we<br />

continue to receive more each week. And<br />

interestingly enough, we have received equally<br />

powerful letters from those wonderful<br />

individuals who have contributed funds to our<br />

effort. In addition we have provided meals to<br />

those displaced from their homes, as well as<br />

volunteers to help with the cleaning and<br />

rebuilding efforts.<br />

Indeed, our entire Jewish Community has<br />

reason to celebrate. One of the silver linings of<br />

“Get on Board”<br />

this particular tragedy is the further realization<br />

of that which we already knew: that this Jewish<br />

Community (as well as the wider community)<br />

is extraordinarily active in reaching out to those<br />

in need, putting aside divisions and differences<br />

to unite in a collective response in assisting those<br />

who are in need.<br />

To that end, I am honored to invite you to an<br />

historic Shabbat, a Unity Shabbat, on Friday,<br />

July 9 th . This service, to be held here at our<br />

Temple at 5:45 PM, will be a service led by all<br />

the Rabbis of all the congregations here in<br />

Nashville. It is a rare occasion, in which our<br />

community and its clergy will come together to<br />

welcome the Sabbath with one voice, regardless<br />

of denomination or affiliation. We will have a<br />

chance to celebrate our collaborative efforts,<br />

even as we commemorate the devastating events<br />

of early May.<br />

Please come to support our congregation and<br />

our community on July 9 th . My best wishes to<br />

you and yours for a relaxing and restorative<br />

summer.<br />

by Randy Goldstein<br />

Summer is here and<br />

I am happy to tell<br />

you that your Board<br />

has been very busy<br />

from the start. Many<br />

of you may not know, but one of the first<br />

and important Board Actions is to review<br />

and approve The Temple 2010/2011 fiscal<br />

year budget. Budget & Finance Chair Ben<br />

Russ, the Budget & Finance Committee<br />

and Treasurer, Ralph Levy, have put in many<br />

hours looking at controlling expenses and<br />

ways to increase revenues. Your clergy, staff<br />

and Board of Trustees continue to recognize<br />

the need to be diligent during these<br />

challenging times.<br />

Though summer is usually a little slower due<br />

to staff vacations, your Board is actively<br />

preparing for this upcoming year through<br />

our Board Committees. I have asked all our<br />

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committee chairs to complete their<br />

committees. If you get a call from one of<br />

the Chairs inviting you to participate, please<br />

get on board. If you are interested in<br />

volunteering to be on a committee, please<br />

call Nancy Richardson. She will make sure<br />

your name is given to the appropriate Chair.<br />

Each committee has an officer liaison &<br />

staff liaison and we are listening.<br />

The staff is also busy preparing for the High<br />

Holidays. As part of that preparation, I<br />

would like to thank Betsy Chernau and Sally<br />

Wolfe for their time preparing this year’s<br />

Memorial Book. Once again we will hand<br />

out these books during our Yizkor Service.<br />

Please consider listing the names of loved<br />

ones you would like to memorialize.<br />

By now, you should have also received your<br />

copy of The Temple Directory. Please take<br />

some time to look at the directory. There is<br />

a lot of important information listed,<br />

including your name and contact<br />

information. We apologize if we have made<br />

a mistake, but if so please contact Mitzie<br />

Russell so that our records may be updated.<br />

Last, I would like to thank those who have<br />

generously given to the Rabbi’s<br />

Discretionary Fund in an effort to assist our<br />

Temple families adversely affected by the<br />

May storms and flooding. Please join us for<br />

a Community Shabbat on July 9 in<br />

celebration of our community’s response.<br />

I look forward to seeing you at many of our<br />

congregational activities during the<br />

upcoming year. My best wishes for a relaxing<br />

and enjoyable summer.

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Congregational News<br />

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shana and CPT. James Mackler on the<br />

birth of their daughter, Hannah Leonia Mackler,<br />

on April 22, 2010.<br />

<br />

Mazel Tov to Jamie and Michael Rosen, on the birth of their<br />

son, Jack Gordon Rosen, on May 4, 2010.<br />

<br />

Mazel Tov to Randi and Roger Taylor on the May 7 th birth of<br />

their daughter, Emily Julianna.<br />

<br />

Mazel Tov to Shana and Jon Dowell on the birth of their son,<br />

Simon Frederick Dowell, on June 4, 2010<br />

<br />

Mazel Tov to Mary and Joseph Horowitz on the birth of their<br />

son, Armour Levi, on June 18, 2010<br />

<br />

Congratulations to Nathan Caplan, son of Kathy & Jon<br />

Caplan, on being elected Student Body President of<br />

Ensworth High School.<br />

<br />

Congratulations to Robert Elman on being elected<br />

President of the American Jewish Committee.<br />

<br />

Congratulations to Bonnie Spear on receiving the 2010<br />

Tennessee Alliance for Progress Lifetime Achievement Long<br />

Haul Award. The award recognizes people who have made<br />

significant contributions to social change in Tennessee.<br />

<br />

Mazel Tov to Benjamin Wolf, son of Steven & Frances Wolf,<br />

on graduating from Hofstra Law School, Cum Laude.<br />

Welcome to the following<br />

new members<br />

Ella and Sergey Chiripko<br />

Jill Freiberg and Jonah Grifenhagen<br />

Adrienne and Michael Goodman<br />

We are glad you are a part of our<br />

Temple Family!<br />

Sincere Sympathy<br />

The Temple mourns the loss of the following members<br />

and extends condolences to their families.<br />

Sigmund “Sonny” Held - April 24, 2010<br />

Stanley Morton Chernau - May 18, 2010<br />

Juliet Averbuch - June 12 2010<br />

Karen Kronenberg - June 12, 2010<br />

The Temple family extends condolences to the<br />

following members who have lost loved ones:<br />

•Jodi (Randy) Fox on the loss of her father,<br />

Ralph Mattes<br />

•Carol (Gary) Fradkin on the loss of her sister,<br />

Diane Yankelevitz<br />

•Ann (Joe) Gilbert on the loss of her father,<br />

William H. Kirkpatrick<br />

•Joan (Saul) Solomon on the loss of her mother,<br />

Gerry Dunn<br />

•Hedy (Dan Cornfield) Weinberg on the loss of her mother,<br />

Lila Shaffer Weinberg<br />

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Everything you always wanted to know about<br />

Judaism in three easy lessons ... by Rami Shapiro<br />

Join us on Wednesdays, July 14 th , July21 st & July 28 th at 7:00 p.m.<br />

Please R.S.V.P. to Kathy (352-7620)<br />


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July 6 th<br />

Bill Sleeter<br />

11:30 a.m. at The Temple<br />

August 17 th<br />

Jeff Lisenby<br />

July 20 th<br />

Bill Ferrari<br />

August 3 rd<br />

Frank and Diane Marino<br />

Join us for lunch, entertainment & fun!<br />

To RSVP, please call Anna Sir (354-1686)<br />

The Temple Book Club<br />

Meeting time is 10:00 AM<br />

Dates and Selections are:<br />

July 18 th : The Frozen Rabbit by Steve Stern<br />

August 15 th : Olive Kitteridge by Elizbeth Strout<br />

During the summer we meet in members’ homes.<br />

Newcomers are always welcome!<br />

For more information, please contact<br />

Heidi Silver (heidi.j.silver@vanderbilt.edu)<br />

or Mark Schoenfield (385-9865)<br />

mark.schoenfield@vanderbilt.edu<br />

or check our website: www.schoenml.org/bookclub<br />

Eco-Challenge Kickoff<br />

The Nashville Eco-Challenge - Hosted by the<br />

Nashville Jewish Community<br />

August 1, 2010 1:00pm - 4:00pm<br />

at the Gordon Jewish Community Center<br />

The Temple is a participating<br />

organization for the event.<br />

~Congregant Gallery~<br />

Meeting Room A<br />

Our featured congregant artist is<br />

Pat Halper<br />

Come and enjoy her artwork, which will be<br />

displayed through the end of July<br />

Dru Markle-Bloom<br />

will be our featured artist for<br />

the month of August.<br />

Be sure to visit her exhibit.<br />

Social Action<br />

Committee Allocations<br />

The Social Action Committee is in the process<br />

of planning for the 2011 Allocations. A<br />

request for proposal (RFP) will be e-mailed to<br />

existing grantees and others who might be<br />

recommended by congregants. If you would<br />

like to add an agency, program or organization<br />

to the RFP list, please e-mail Ann Gilbert at<br />

anngilbert623@yahoo.com no later than<br />

August 1, 2010. Agencies must have a nonprofit<br />

designation and must not receive<br />

funding from the Boulevard Bolt or the<br />

Temple Religious School. When e-mailing<br />

Ann, please give your name, the agency name,<br />

the agency contact person's name, and the<br />

agency's e-mail address.<br />






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If you are interested in volunteering to help with the<br />

event or have questions contact Jimmy Marks<br />

at 218-1234 or dook76@aol.com or<br />

Drew Herzog at 353-0509 or dherzog@harcros.com<br />





nancy@templenashville.org or 352-7620

Judith Barker 7/1<br />

Bernita Brown 7/1<br />

Paul Grand 7/2<br />

Jack Zager 7/2<br />

Frances Mazer 7/3<br />

Beatrice Renas 7/3<br />

Sally Wolfe 7/3<br />

Theodore Lipman 7/4<br />

Linda Wolf 7/4<br />

Suzy Glazer 7/5<br />

Raye Ann Greenbaum 7/6<br />

Lindsay Jacobs 7/6<br />

Krysten Levin 7/6<br />

Bill Cook 7/7<br />

Jason Gichner 7/7<br />

Alan Mazer 7/7<br />

Jay Yalowitz 7/7<br />

Mark Bergman 7/8<br />

Roger Blankstein 7/8<br />

Eric Chazen 7/8<br />

Julie Falkoff 7/8<br />

Estelle Jacobs 7/8<br />

Annette Ratkin 7/8<br />

Mark Rosenthal 7/8<br />

William Smith 7/8<br />

Rabbi Randall Falk 7/9<br />

Jodi Fox 7/10<br />

Gary Hyams 7/10<br />

Karen Kammer 7/10<br />

Diane Trachtman 7/10<br />

David Fox 8/1<br />

Paula Friedman 8/1<br />

Alan Graber 8/1<br />

Danielle Kaminsky 8/1<br />

Paul Kaminsky 8/1<br />

Beverly Small 8/2<br />

Robert Westerfield 8/2<br />

Daniel Aronoff 8/4<br />

Michelle Orenstein 8/4<br />

Daniel Rosen 8/4<br />

Anne Wolfenden 8/4<br />

Lisa Bressman 8/5<br />

Norman Cohen 8/5<br />

Hannah Cooper 8/5<br />

Mitchell Kahn 8/5<br />

Eric Blumenthal 8/6<br />

Howard Rosen 8/6<br />

Seymour Trachtman 8/6<br />

Robert Warnke 8/6<br />

Sandra Averbuch 8/7<br />

Carolyn Greenfield 8/7<br />

Shirley Speyer 8/7<br />

Johanna Rothberg 8/8<br />

Janet Bender 8/9<br />

Melanie Hirt 8/9<br />

Suzanne Perlman 8/9<br />

July Birthdays<br />

Peter Katz 7/11<br />

Howard Kirshner 7/11<br />

Edie Graber 7/12<br />

Leonard Greenfield 7/12<br />

Randall Held 7/12<br />

Judy Morris 7/12<br />

Melissa Pinsly 7/12<br />

Barrett Rosen 7/12<br />

Lawrence Berman 7/13<br />

Mildred Dolinger 7/13<br />

Robert Eisenstein 7/13<br />

Richard Heller 7/13<br />

Dorothy Hirshberg 7/13<br />

Treye Johnson 7/13<br />

Brenda Joyner 7/13<br />

Oran Aaronson 7/14<br />

Esther Cohn 7/14<br />

Midge Cone 7/14<br />

Maurice Karr 7/14<br />

Leslie Kirshner 7/14<br />

Steven Shapiro 7/14<br />

Elizabeth Yang 7/14<br />

Karen Sprintz 7/15<br />

Brad Fishel 7/16<br />

Eric Goldstein 7/16<br />

Joanna Henry 7/16<br />

Emily Kuhn 7/16<br />

Richard Rothberg 7/16<br />

Darlene Eisenstein 7/17<br />

Marvin Kronenberg 7/17<br />

Howard Snyder 7/17<br />

Jack Zigelsky 7/17<br />

Sis Cohn 7/18<br />

Nina Harris 7/18<br />

Joseph Lodl 7/18<br />

Melissa Rittenberg 7/18<br />

Kenneth Anchor 7/19<br />

Cynthia Himmelfarb 7/19<br />

Irving Levy 7/19<br />

Tiffany Israel 7/20<br />

Terryl Propper 7/20<br />

David Cypress 7/21<br />

Keith Kraft 7/21<br />

Leonid Barabash 7/22<br />

Ernest Freudenthal 7/22<br />

Julie Gordon 7/22<br />

Griffith Haber 7/22<br />

Charles Kahane 7/22<br />

Patricia Lutkowitz 7/22<br />

Robert Nemer 7/22<br />

William Rosen 7/22<br />

Jacqueline Tepper 7/22<br />

Michele Wise 7/22<br />

Jackie Zigelsky 7/22<br />

Amy Jarman 7/23<br />

Mark Jarman 7/23<br />

Sheila Schwartz 7/23<br />

Marc Spigel 7/23<br />

Bruce Sprintz 7/23<br />

August Birthdays<br />

Karla Salomon 8/9<br />

Peter Sonkin 8/9<br />

Jeffrey Kuhn 8/10<br />

Douglas Lewis 8/10<br />

Michele Weinger 8/10<br />

Marissa Holmes 8/11<br />

Sally Kaye 8/11<br />

Albert Reinfeld 8/11<br />

Audrey Arkovitz 8/12<br />

Jamie Atlas 8/12<br />

Joe Freedman 8/12<br />

Letty-Lou Gilbert 8/12<br />

Jeffrey Kammer 8/12<br />

Eddy Rosen 8/12<br />

Joni Werthan 8/12<br />

Courtney Leach 8/13<br />

Jon Snetman 8/13<br />

Tina Spielberg 8/13<br />

Paul Fischer 8/14<br />

Gary Gutow 8/14<br />

Jan Pass 8/14<br />

Jennifer Penson 8/14<br />

Adam Small 8/14<br />

Mina Towbin 8/14<br />

Sylvia Salomon 8/15<br />

Madelyn Berezov 8/16<br />

Tamelyn Feinstein 8/16<br />

Susan Friedman 8/16<br />

Selma Goldstein 8/16<br />

Dana Strupp 8/16<br />

Leah Berman 8/17<br />

Kathy Caplan 8/17<br />

Rachel Johnson 8/17<br />

Sharon Bell 8/18<br />

Laurence Cypress 8/18<br />

Rabbi David Davis 8/18<br />

Frances Machanoff 8/18<br />

Brenda Rosenblum 8/18<br />

Lisa Rubinowicz 8/18<br />

Nancy Shapiro 8/18<br />

Danny Spear 8/18<br />

Barry Stillman 8/18<br />

Richard Wolfson 8/18<br />

Joel Gluck 8/19<br />

Warren Eisenstein 8/20<br />

Sherman Novoson 8/20<br />

Michael Shmerling 8/20<br />

Patricia Krizelman 8/21<br />

Chris McPherson 8/21<br />

Steven Robins 8/21<br />

Lin Kayser 8/22<br />

Bertha Moise 8/22<br />

Tommy Bernard 7/24<br />

Doris Fleischer 7/24<br />

Howard Kirshner 7/24<br />

Julie Doochin 7/25<br />

Mary Horowitz 7/26<br />

Jerry Karr 7/26<br />

James Renegar 7/26<br />

Ellen Roback 7/26<br />

Mary Bissinger 7/27<br />

Michael Bressman 7/27<br />

Steven Hecklin 7/27<br />

Sara Robin 7/27<br />

Jerome Shainberg 7/27<br />

Gloria Glick 7/29<br />

Candice Kopald 7/29<br />

Mitchell Schwaber 7/29<br />

Barbara Schwarcz 7/29<br />

Karen Silien 7/29<br />

Keith Lewis 7/30<br />

Evelyn Brin 7/31<br />

Paul Cohn 7/31<br />

Michael Goorevich 7/31<br />

Mor Kantor 7/31<br />

Jennifer Lewis 7/31<br />

Miriam Mamlin 7/31<br />

Linda Mossman 7/31<br />

Bradley Rosenblum 7/31<br />

Mary Wolf 7/31<br />

Fred Zimmerman 7/31<br />

Eugene Pargh 8/22<br />

Sheila Schott 8/22<br />

Eugene Martin 8/23<br />

Cherie Robbins 8/23<br />

Richard Rubinowicz 8/23<br />

Gail Jacobs 8/24<br />

Charles Krivcher 8/24<br />

Rose Lundberg 8/24<br />

Michele Sonsino 8/24<br />

David Wasserman 8/24<br />

Vicki Jacobs 8/25<br />

Jen-Jen Lin 8/25<br />

Peter Skeie 8/25<br />

Mindy Weinberger 8/25<br />

Herman Kaplan 8/26<br />

Marisa Mayhan 8/26<br />

Lawrence Speller 8/27<br />

Robert Elman 8/28<br />

Jeffrey Hall 8/28<br />

Ken Mastri 8/28<br />

Milton Salomon 8/28<br />

Lynne Cypress 8/29<br />

Clifford Fiedler 8/29<br />

Barbara Davis 8/30<br />

Judy Lefkovitz 8/30<br />

Bernard Pargh 8/30<br />

Best Wishes to All for a Happy & Healthy Year!<br />


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Religious School Registration has begun.<br />

Please register your child (grades Nursery - 12 th ) NOW !<br />

If you did not receive your registration forms<br />

please call us at 352-5902.<br />

Look for our new logo and details about our<br />

upcoming theme:<br />

The Year of The Temple Community<br />


We Say Good-bye & Thanks<br />

Wendy Kiepek<br />

has been part of<br />

our 1st grade<br />

team for 3<br />

years. We are<br />

sad to see her<br />

go but we hope<br />

she’ll return<br />

soon.<br />

Hunter Wernick is off<br />

to pursue her medical<br />

interests. We look<br />

forward to hearing<br />

about all your<br />

accomplishments. Good<br />

luck, with love!<br />

Dru Markle-Bloom<br />

takes a leave from<br />

teaching Religious<br />

School after 18<br />

years. We are<br />

grateful to you, Dru,<br />

and we love you.<br />

Donna Caplan is<br />

also taking a break<br />

after 8 years of<br />

teaching 5th<br />

grade. We will miss<br />

you and thank you<br />

for all you have<br />

done for us.<br />


“The Sounds and Sights of Summer”<br />

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by Jan Huettner<br />

Summer is in full swing at The Temple Playschool. Laughter and fun fill the air as we add “inhouse”<br />

field trips, picnics, walks to the Belle Meade Mansion, limited water play, harvesting vegetables<br />

from the Pre-K garden and summer impromptu parties on the playground. Please enjoy looking at the<br />

many faces of summer.<br />

Science on the Playground<br />

Petting a skunk.<br />

Nashville Zoo comes for a visit.<br />

Pre-K poses in front of their garden.<br />

Mad Science 2010 Mr. Bond 2010<br />

Swinging on a Summer day.<br />

Fun ‘n’ Fit Class<br />


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Our Book of Remembrance<br />

The Temple’s 19 th annual Our Book of Remembrance is<br />

now being compiled for the Yizkor service on Yom<br />

Kippur. You should have received a donation form in the<br />

mail. If you would like to memorialize your loved ones and need an order form,<br />

please call The Temple (352-7620). We are eager to help you in any way we can.<br />

Please submit your donations no later than July 28 th .<br />

“Write this for a Memorial in the book.” —— Exodus 17:4<br />

The Temple would like to thank the Memorial Book Committee for all their<br />

hard work and dedication. Co-Chairs, Betsy Chernau & Sally Wolfe,<br />

Ann Bernard, JoAnn Bernard, Kathy Caplan, Anabel Cassell, Shirley Gold,<br />

Sherry Haber, Carol Kirshner, Marilyn Krick, Susan Robinette,<br />

Betty Lee Rosen, Eddy Rosen, Joan Shayne, Lisa Small,<br />

Jackie & Howard Tepper and Sylvia Weinberger<br />

Don’t Miss Out!<br />

Did you know that during the<br />

recent flood Rabbi Schiftan sent<br />

daily email updates?<br />

In addition to our weekly email,<br />

we also<br />

communicate via<br />

email, many other<br />

significant events<br />

& notices!<br />

Please let us reach you too.<br />

Contact Mitzie (352-7620) or<br />

(mitzie@templenashville.org) to<br />

add your email to our list.

Adult Education Fund<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

Neil Osheroff and Cheryl Guyer<br />

Amy M. Cohen Playschool<br />

Teacher’s Fund<br />

Memory of P. Millard Cohen<br />

Peggy Cohen<br />

Birthday of Fred Goldner<br />

Peggy Cohen<br />

Donald E. Jacobs<br />

Student Loan Fund<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

D.H. Hirsberg<br />

Michael Fair<br />

and Alecia Malin Fair<br />

Library Fund<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Samuel and Sally Simon<br />

Memory of Clare Loventhal<br />

Samuel and Sally Simon<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Norman and Hedy Lustig<br />

Marilyn Dicker<br />

Robert and Martha Nemer<br />

Samuel and Sally Simon<br />

Minnie & Nathan Doochin<br />

Lectureship Fund<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Rudy and Elinor Saperstein<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Rudy and Elinor Saperstein<br />

Playschool Fund<br />

Birth of Hannah Mackler<br />

Douglas and Melanie Hirt<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Anniversary of<br />

Elaine & Edward Eskind<br />

Guttman Family Foundation<br />

Milton Grossman Playschool Fund<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Sara Rachel Robin<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Sara Rachel Robin<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Sara Rachel Robin<br />

Memory of Peggy Sternberger<br />

Sara Rachel Robin<br />

Scott Shapiro Playschool<br />

Scholarship Fund<br />

Memory of Aaron Caplan<br />

Marion Caplan<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Marion Caplan<br />

Confirmation of Class Fund<br />

Confirmation of Natalie Glazer<br />

David Shaffer and SusanKroop<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of Josh Halper<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of<br />

Julian Simpson-Kirsch<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of Ross Levy<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of Aaren Rosen<br />

Gilbert and Joyce Fox<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Confirmation of Charlie Rubinowicz<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of Aaron Weitzman<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Confirmation of David Zeitlin<br />

Doris Fleischer<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Manuel and Gloria Sir<br />

Charles and Alyse Sprintz<br />

Barry and Linda Zeitlin<br />

Confirmation of Jackson Zeitlin<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Manuel and Gloria Sir<br />

Charles and Alyse Sprintz<br />

Julian and Barbara Zander<br />

Barry and Linda Zeitlin<br />

Confirmation of Josh Zeitlin<br />

Julian and Barbara Zander<br />

Confirmation of Richard Zeitlin<br />

Doris Fleischer<br />

Hebrew Graduation of<br />

Gracie Hoffman<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Hebrew Graduation of Ben Kuhn<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Post-Confirmation<br />

Graduation of Sam Blumenthal<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Post-Confirmation<br />

Graduation of Kayla Ducklo<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Post-Confirmation<br />

Graduation of Sara Rose Schiftan<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Ralph Z. Levy Library Fund<br />

Memory of Adele Bernard<br />

Paul and Sis Cohn<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

David and Ellen Levy<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Phyllis Alper<br />

Louis Brooks<br />

Paul and Sis Cohn<br />

Mark and Robin Cohen<br />

Steven and Elaine Edestein<br />

Stanley and Phyllis Frank<br />

Shirley Gold<br />

Selma Goldstein<br />

Joel and Linda Gluck<br />

Neil Osheroff and Cheryl Guyer<br />

Wayne and Patricia Halper<br />

D.H. Hirsberg<br />

Douglas and Melanie Hirt<br />

Irwin and Nancy Hodes<br />

Roger Ferris<br />

and Pamela Harrison<br />

Blum Family Foundation<br />

Doris Fleischer<br />

Jay and Lin Kayser<br />

Wilma Koenig<br />

Theresa Lapidus<br />

David and Ellen Levy<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Virginia Rapoport<br />

Charles and Debi Robin<br />

Michael and Nancy Richardson<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Shawn and Gail Seibold<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Geraldine Sadow<br />

Bernard and Betty Werthan<br />

Julian and Barbara Zander<br />

The Temple Women’s<br />

Torah Study<br />

Memory of Carol Rothrock<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Birthday of Eva Garfinkle<br />

Paul and Sis Cohn<br />

Honor of Annette Eskind’s<br />

recognition by the Diabetes<br />

Association<br />

Paul and Sis Cohn<br />

Honor of Nan Speller<br />

receiving JFS award<br />

Paul and Sis Cohn<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Gracie Hoffman<br />

Wilma Koenig<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Ian Jacobs<br />

Wilma Koenig<br />

Ralph Z. Levy Library Fund (cont...)<br />

Honor of David Levy receiving the<br />

American Diabetes Award<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Honor of Ralph Levy becoming<br />

Temple Treasurer<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Religious School Enrichment Fund<br />

Memory of Adele Bernard<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

David and Susan Berck<br />

James and Bernita Brown<br />

Heynry and Marilyn Foyer<br />

Memory of Clare Loventhal<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Memory of Mother of Dee Doochin<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Memory of Lisa Vise<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Anniversary of<br />

Betty Lee & Howard Rosen<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Appreciation of<br />

Lynda and Bernie Gutcheon<br />

Jeff and Gail Jacobs<br />

Appreciation of Lynda Gutcheon<br />

Seth and Betsy Hoffman<br />

Marriage of Daughter of<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Steve Hecklin<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Birthday of Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Birth of Hannah Mackler<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Birth of Amelia IsabelleTaradash<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Birth of Reed Bennett Blankstein<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Honor of Lynn Ghertner elected to<br />

Family & Children’s Service<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Recovery of Larry Wolfe<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

This report reflects donations that have been acknowledged as of May 31 st<br />


Arthur Lee Goldner, M.D. Fund<br />

for Judaica Artists & Healing Arts<br />

Memory of Adell Bernard<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Reta Gutman<br />

Memory of Georgene Glazer<br />

Jeffrey and Donna Caplan<br />

Memory of Bea & Morris Guttman<br />

Reta Guttman<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Norma Neaderthal<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Memory of Gayle Marcus<br />

Reta Guttman<br />

Memory of Carol Rothrock<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

Reta Guttman<br />

Roger Ferris and Pamela Harrison<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Birthday of Fred Goldner<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Sally Wolkoff<br />

Kassiana Bateman<br />

Don and Suzanne Brandes<br />

Charles and Dorothy Hirshberg<br />

Peter and Marion Katz<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Seymour and Diane Trachtman<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Leonard and Shirley Greenfield<br />

Janet Bender<br />

Bernard and Betty Werthan<br />

Murray and Isabelle Cohen<br />

Joan Shayne<br />

Birthday of Goldner Family<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Guttman Family Foundation<br />

Henry and Marilyn Foyer<br />

Birthday of Eleanor Hersh<br />

Fred and Martha Goldner<br />

Marriage of<br />

Ariel Neaderthal and Sam Voorhees<br />

Norma Neaderthal<br />

Guttman Family Foundation<br />

Hank Brooks Campership Fund<br />

Memory of Louis Brooks Sr.<br />

Louis H. Brooks Jr.<br />

Louise B. Katzman<br />

Memory of Nettie Strauch<br />

Louis H. Brooks Jr.<br />

Louise B. Katzman<br />

Attention Seniors !!!<br />

Beverly & Jimmy Small<br />

Golden Agers Fund<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Joel and Linda Gluck<br />

Jerome and Albee Guttman<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Norman and Hedy Lustig<br />

Memory of Clare Loventhal<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Memory of Georgene Glazer<br />

Joel and Linda Gluck<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Betty & Bernard<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Murray and Isabelle Cohen<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

Joel and Linda Gluck<br />

Memory of Lisa Vise<br />

Douglas and Bonnie Small<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Memory of Richard Zeitlin<br />

Irvin and Beverly Small<br />

Birthday of Ann Pushin<br />

Jerome and Albee Guttman<br />

Recovery of Blossom Averbuch<br />

Jerome and Albee Guttman<br />

Building Fund<br />

Memory of Lisa Vise<br />

Phyllis Alper<br />

Norman and Hedy Lustig<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Phyllis Alper<br />

Norman and Hedy Lustig<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Donald and Joyce Friedman<br />

Birthday of Eva Garfinkle<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Birthday of Madeline Pargh<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Birthday of Bernice Esstman<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Marilyn Dicker<br />

Donald and Joyce Friedman<br />

Memory of Ross Cone<br />

Donald and Joyce Friedman<br />

Gerda Lowenstein<br />

Caring & Concern Fund<br />

Memory of Adell Bernard-<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Robert and Miriam Mamlin<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Betty & Bernard Werthan<br />

Gilbert and Joyce Fox<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Jerome and Albee Guttman<br />

Doris Fleischer<br />

Robert and Miriam Mamlin<br />

Julian and Barbara Zander<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Robert and Miriam Mamlin<br />

Bruce and Rae Hirsch<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Bernerd and Janice Krohn<br />

Steven and Judy Lefkovitz<br />

Howard and Anita Taradash<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Mark and Goldie Shepard<br />

Phyllis Alper<br />

Anabel Cassell<br />

Robert and Miriam Mamlin<br />

Sam Hirshberg<br />

Bruce and Rae Hirsch<br />

Memory of Floyd Melman<br />

Ted and Marilyn Krick<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Gary and Carol Fradkin<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Bernard and Betty Werthan<br />

Memory of Lisa Vise<br />

Bruce and Rae Hirsch<br />

Appreciation of Marjorie Zager<br />

Ann Pushin<br />

Birthday of Fred Goldner<br />

Howard and Anita Taradash<br />

Birthday of Betty Lee Rosen<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Birthday of Frank Boehm<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Birthday of Eva Garfinkle<br />

Bernerd and Janice Krohn<br />

Stephanie Freudenthal<br />

Recovery of Margie Astrin<br />

Robert and Miriam Mamlin<br />

Anniversary of Ann and DavidSlosky<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Anniversary of Patty & JimmyMarks<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Wedding of<br />

Ariel Neaderthal and Sam Voorhees<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Beautification Fund<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Sanford and Sandra Harris<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Howard and Jaqueline Tepper<br />

Memory of Terri MorrisSimons<br />

James and Elise Straus<br />

Memory of Charles Speisel<br />

Bill and Lanie Cook<br />

Birthday of Betty Lee Rosen<br />

John and Gayle Rosen<br />

Birthday of Eva Garfinkle<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Recovery of Sheila Schott<br />

Bill and Lanie Cook<br />

Alan and Teri Cohen<br />

Memorial Fund<br />

Memory of Bess Bubis<br />

Renette Corenswet<br />

Memory of Adell Bernard<br />

Allen and Jean Eskind<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Kassiana Bateman<br />

Memory of Joseph Foy<br />

Kassiana Bateman<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Stuart and Shirley Speyer<br />

Stanley and Phyllis Frank<br />

Louise Cole<br />

Robert and Sheri Warnke<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Allen and Jean Eskind<br />

Charles and Dorothy Hirshberg<br />

Robert and Sheri Warnke<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

Peter and Jamie Katseff<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Allen and Jean Eskind<br />

Memory of Diane Yanekelovitz<br />

Gabor and Judit Pap<br />

Jay and Lin Kayser<br />

Memory of Arnold Zager<br />

Renette Corenswet<br />

Sisterhood Women’s Fund<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Roger Ferris and Pamela Harrison<br />

This report reflects donations that have been acknowledged as of May 31 st<br />


Suzanne J. Morris Youth Leadership<br />

Fund<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Blum Family Foundation<br />

Gordon Family Foundation<br />

Frank and Barbara Ghertner<br />

Shirley Gold<br />

Jerome and Albee Guttman<br />

Dorothy Haber<br />

Roger Ferris and Pamela Harrison<br />

Bruce and Rae Hirch<br />

Lewis and Judy Lefkovitz<br />

M.I. Lusky Jr.<br />

Norman and Hedy Lustig<br />

Emily Magid<br />

James and Patty Marks<br />

Ted and Louise Pailet<br />

Bernerd and Janice Krohn<br />


Michael and Nancy Richardson<br />

Barrett and Carolyn Rosen<br />

Jerome and Brenda Rosenblum<br />

Geraldine Sadow<br />

Rudy and Elinor Saperstein<br />

Barbara Schwartz<br />

Eveylyn Solin<br />

Craig and Diane Sussman<br />

The Temple Women’s Torah Study<br />

Howard and Jaqueline Tepper<br />

Sylvia Weinberger<br />

Bernard and Betty Werthan<br />

Jack and Sylvia Zager<br />

Julian and Barbara Zander<br />

Alice Zimmerman<br />

and Harold Cohen<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Jack and Dorothy Miller<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Jack and Sylvia Zager<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Sylvia Weinberger<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Jack and Dorothy Miller<br />

Cantor Gutcheon’s<br />

Discretionary Fund<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Irwin and Nancy Hodes<br />

Memory Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Sy and Diane Trachtman & Alyssa<br />

Appreciation of<br />

Lynda & Bernie Gutcheon<br />

Raymond and Nancy Jacobs<br />

& Family<br />

Appreciation of Cantor Gutcheon<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Michael and Nancy Richardson<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Gracie Hoffman<br />

Seth and Betsy Hoffman<br />

Rabbi Mackler’s Discretionary Fund<br />

Birth of Hannah Mackler<br />

Steven and Judy Lefkovitz<br />

Music Fund<br />

Honor of the Wonderful<br />

Passover Seder<br />

& Cantor Gutcheon<br />

Kassiana Bateman<br />

Attention Seniors !!!<br />

We want you . . .<br />

Come to Temple Programs.<br />

No Ride?<br />

Temple will provide.<br />

Let us hear from you.<br />

Call Marjorie Zager<br />

(352-7620)<br />

48 hours in advance.<br />

A Lasting Legacy<br />

As you think about your estate planning,<br />

please remember The Temple.<br />

We welcome and appreciate all gifts, regardless of the<br />

size. Your gift to The Temple will help ensure our ability<br />

to provide a spiritual, educational and communal home<br />

for our members, today, tomorrow and for the<br />

generations to come, L’dor V’dor.<br />

To learn more about Leaving a Legacy, please contact<br />

Lisa Crockett at The Temple, 352-7620.<br />

Calvin A. Buchman<br />

Social Action Fund<br />

Memory of Clare Loventhal<br />

Annette Eskind<br />

Memory of Frieda Freedman<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Memory of Sonny Held<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Memory of William Kirkpatrick<br />

Michael and Nancy Richardson<br />

Geraldine Sadow<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Memory of Diane Yankelevitz<br />

The Temple Women’s Torah Study<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Memory of Rick Zeitlin<br />

David and Meryl Yoffe<br />

Birth of Hannah Mackler<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Birthday of Samauel Loventhal<br />

Robert Eisenstein<br />

Birthday of Eva Garfinkle<br />

Annette Eskind<br />

Birthday of Goldner Family<br />

Letty-Lou Gilbert<br />

Graduation of Sarah Schiftan<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Cutler Klein<br />

Judy Cahn<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Ian Jacobs<br />

Annette Eskind<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Jacobs<br />

Annette Eskind<br />

Wedding of Ashley & Adam Small<br />

Beverly & Jimmy Small<br />

Annette Eskind<br />

Honor of Nan Speller<br />

receiving the JFS award<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Honor of Lynn Barton<br />

receiveing the JFS award<br />

Lottie Strupp<br />

Randall M. Falk Fund for Social<br />

Action & Community Relations<br />

Memory of Ross Cone<br />

Roland and Jennifer Stein<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Memory of Diane Yankelevitz<br />

Annette Ratkin<br />

Lee & Theresa Kuhn<br />

Social Action Fund<br />

Memory of Adell Bernard<br />

Gilbert and Lois Fox<br />

Memory of Stan Chernau<br />

Gilbert and Lois Fox<br />

Memory of William Kirkpatrick<br />

Gary and Carol Fradkin<br />

Betty & Bernard Werthan<br />

Memory of Clare Loventhal<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Anna Sternheimer<br />

Memory of Rubin Ratkin<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Gilbert and Lois Fox<br />

Anna Sternheimer<br />

Memory of William Richardson<br />

David and Lynn Barton<br />

Memory of Diane Yankelovitz<br />

Michael and Nancy Richardson<br />

Anniversary of<br />

Betty Lee and Howard Rosen<br />

Gilbert and Joyce Fox<br />

Birth of Hannah Mackcler<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Birthday of Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Gilbert and Joyce Fox<br />

Marriage of Ashley & Adam Small<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Confirmation of Class<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Honor of Post-Con Graduates<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Presidency of Patty Marks<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Presidency of Randy Goldstein<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Recovery of Rabbi Randall Falk<br />

David and Lynn Barton<br />

Recovery of Rae Hirsch<br />

Gus and Elaine Kuhn<br />

Leon & Charles Gilbert<br />

Outreach Fund<br />

Memory of Sigmund Held<br />

Harris A. Gilbert<br />

Memory of Phyllis Hirshberg<br />

Harris A. Gilbert<br />

Memory of Nancy Saturn<br />

Harris A. Gilbert<br />

Honor of Bernard Werthan’s<br />

Crown Award<br />

Harris A. Gilbert<br />

This report reflects donations that have been acknowledged as of May 31 st<br />


12<br />

Kaddish & Yahrzeit Kaddish will be recited in memory of these loved ones:<br />

July 2 & 3 July 9 & 10 July 16& 17 July 23 & 24 July 30 & 31<br />

Doba Alexander<br />

Jonathan Morris Averbuch<br />

Toltze Barker<br />

Randy Belz<br />

Dorothy Edelstein<br />

Josie Lieber Ensel<br />

Joseph Eskind<br />

Samuel Goldstein<br />

Faye Stamm Greil<br />

Milton Grossman<br />

Charles B. Hanks, Jr.<br />

Joe Hershkovitz<br />

Lillian Kraft<br />

Mary Kraft<br />

Irwin Krick<br />

Lawrence S. Levine<br />

Geneva Lewis<br />

Philip Lieber<br />

Marion M. Lipstein<br />

Ida Litoff<br />

Sheryl Ray Lockenbach<br />

Lillie S. Loventhal<br />

Sam Marks<br />

Adele Metzger<br />

Sarane Davis Meyer<br />

David S. Morse<br />

Dianne Ocker<br />

Abe Olshine<br />

Sarah Palet<br />

Margretta Plaut<br />

Granville P. Rose, Jr.<br />

Charles Rosenfeld<br />

Mrs. Rose Ruben<br />

Bernard Sachs<br />

Rosa Schulman<br />

Edwin W. Sear<br />

Edgar E. Shyer<br />

Miriam Silber<br />

(mother)<br />

by Doris Silber<br />

Rabbi Myron Silverman<br />

H.D. Simon<br />

Ruth L. Smith<br />

(mother)<br />

by Frank & Barbara Ghertner<br />

Mildred Aronoff Tobin<br />

(mother)<br />

by Leonard & Shirley Greenfield<br />

Louis Weber<br />

Louis Weinman<br />

Albert Werthan<br />

(uncle)<br />

by Joan Shayne<br />

Charles Benjamin<br />

Isidore Brustein<br />

Henry A. Cohen<br />

Henry J. Crail<br />

Isabelle Davis<br />

Rose Doochin<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Rudy & Elinor Saperstein<br />

Ardele Ferris<br />

Pauline Fischer<br />

Herbert Fisher<br />

Sophie Block Geismar<br />

Catherine Haber<br />

Irma Horwitz<br />

Grace Isaacs<br />

Alexander Iser<br />

Sara Kahane<br />

Enid Silien Klandt<br />

Mabel Carr Kornman<br />

Sol Levinson<br />

Joyce Silverman Linhart<br />

(daughter)<br />

by Carol Silverman<br />

Milton Lowenstein<br />

Rose Melman<br />

(mother)<br />

by Bettye Melman<br />

Abe H. Morris<br />

Leah Grosberg Morse<br />

Moris Ofman<br />

Verna Plung<br />

Clara Pushin<br />

Abe Rapoport<br />

Elizabeth Rosenblum<br />

Henrietta Rothenberg<br />

Helen D. Schwarcz<br />

Rose Shepard<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Randy & Gretchen Goldstein<br />

Jennie Rosa Steine<br />

Berney B. Steiner<br />

Milton Sternberger<br />

Celia Tugendrich<br />

Hattie Mai Weise<br />

Jacob Zager<br />

(father)<br />

by Lawrence & Sally Wolfe<br />

Bertha Anchor<br />

William Beck<br />

(father)<br />

by Ted & Marilyn Krick<br />

Eva Kopald Berkell<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Jan Liff<br />

Ella Braunstein<br />

Harry Braunstein<br />

Sol N. Cline<br />

Baron Coleman<br />

(father)<br />

by James & Royce Fishel<br />

Estelle Tohrner Dobson<br />

(mother)<br />

by Julius & Ellise Falkoff<br />

Robert L. Ducklo<br />

Mae Eisenstein<br />

Pearl Feldman<br />

Tillie Schott Ferguson<br />

(mother)<br />

by Martin & Sheila Schott<br />

Alma Grimes<br />

Robert Heiman<br />

Karl Karlsruher<br />

Abe <strong>Kol</strong>lenberg<br />

(father)<br />

by Marilyn Dicker<br />

Ethel Kraft<br />

Sol Krizelman<br />

Melvin Herbert Krohn<br />

Flora Rebecca Lazaroff<br />

Freda H. Roth Lefkovits<br />

(mother-in-law)<br />

by Martin & Sheila Schott<br />

Lottie Lieber<br />

Joe Lowenstein<br />

Sigmund Lowenstein<br />

Gilbert Miller<br />

Milton Mintz<br />

Abe Pilsk<br />

Fritz Preis<br />

(father)<br />

by Bill & Lanie Cook<br />

David E. Richmond<br />

Elsie Rittenberg<br />

Bernice Rosen<br />

Fanny Rosenberg<br />

(aunt)<br />

by Jerome & Albee Guttman<br />

Dorothy Rosenblum<br />

(mother)<br />

by Bobby & Brenda Rosenblum<br />

Albert Rubin<br />

(father)<br />

by Martin & Sheila Schott<br />

Joe P. Safer<br />

Jonas Schklar<br />

Toby Mona Shapiro<br />

Merwin Sibulkin<br />

Pearl Siegel<br />

Estelle"Babe" Small<br />

Mattie Ernestine Barbee<br />

Morris Barton<br />

R.D. Blum<br />

Morris Brown, Sr.<br />

(father)<br />

by James & Bernita Brown<br />

Melvin Buchman<br />

Anna Dembsky<br />

Sandra Helaine Dicker<br />

(daughter)<br />

by Marilyn Dicker<br />

Samuel J. Goodman<br />

Esther Greenberg<br />

Helene Greenspan<br />

Mabel Cohn Hartman<br />

Frances Karp<br />

Rosalie Kaufman<br />

John Kleban<br />

Benjamin Mark Klein<br />

(son)<br />

by Alvin & Ann Klein<br />

Rosemary May<br />

Bettie Elkan Meyer<br />

Mrs. Rebecca Wineburg<br />

Queyrouze<br />

Rose Rapaport<br />

(mother)<br />

by Janet Bender<br />

Seymour Samuels, Jr.<br />

Sanford Saperstein<br />

(father)<br />

by Rudy & Elinor Saperstein<br />

Salim Sassoon<br />

David Sherman<br />

(father)<br />

by Howard and Betty Lee Rosen<br />

Rosa Ceigler Small<br />

Harris Solinsky<br />

Rebecca Stravinsky<br />

Hyman Trachtman<br />

Annie D. Weinbaum<br />

Harry Zimmerman<br />

Jul y 16 & 17 continued...<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Douglas & Bonnie Small<br />

Leah Garber Small<br />

M. Horace Small<br />

(grandfather)<br />

by Douglas & Bonnie Small<br />

Lawrence David Solomon<br />

Elmore Stelzer<br />

Amelia Schweizer Vise<br />

Steven Zeitlin<br />

Max Benowitz<br />

Miriam E. Bloomstein<br />

Lt. Irving Samuel Cohen<br />

Joseph Ehrenwald<br />

Aaron Elterman<br />

Herbert Eskind<br />

Betty Frances Ginsberg<br />

Molly Goldstein<br />

Mrs. Ruth Handshu<br />

Solomon Hyman<br />

Meyer Joseph<br />

Hans Karlsruher<br />

Marion P. Kenigsberg<br />

William Kraft<br />

Mary S. Levy<br />

Dorris S. Loventhal,Jr.<br />

Benjamin Raybin<br />

Abe Morris Rudderman<br />

Josephine Russ<br />

Leslie Jack Schoenfield<br />

Lawrence Serkin<br />

Selwyn Silverman<br />

Jerome Kuhn Small<br />

Lillian Weisberg Spitz<br />

Malvin Fisher Steiner<br />

William Gates Sternberger<br />

Sherron Weinberger<br />

(husband)<br />

by Sylvia Weinberger<br />

Bernard Werthan Sr.<br />

(father)<br />

by Joan Shayne<br />

Melanie Bloch Worris

Kaddish will be recited in memory of these loved ones: Kaddish & Yahrzeit<br />

August 6 & 7 August 13 & 14 August 20 & 21 August 27 & 28<br />

Alma Appelbaum<br />

Ira Esfir Olshanitsky Arbitman<br />

Manuel S. Averbuch<br />

Birdie Cohen<br />

Lahela Jacobson Cohn<br />

Fanny Farber<br />

Ralph Fensterwald<br />

George B. Gordon<br />

(father)<br />

by Joel & Bernice Gordon<br />

Capt. David L. Gross Jr.<br />

Shirley Burke Haber<br />

Nathan Halpern<br />

Charles C. Hobbs<br />

(father)<br />

by Steven & Francis Wolf<br />

Ida Horwitz<br />

Morris Jacobs<br />

(grandfather)<br />

by Rudy & Elinor Saperstein<br />

Bernard Kalmanson<br />

Andrew Kasper<br />

Marcus S. Kronberg<br />

Bess Holzman Levis<br />

Charles Levy<br />

Helen Lieberman<br />

A. Maurice Loveman<br />

Naomi Lundin<br />

Dorothy Olshine<br />

Rose S. Olshine<br />

Eli Perlman<br />

Meyer Salzkotter<br />

Harry Lipman Samuels<br />

Nancy L. Schoenfield<br />

Lawrence Stuart Scott<br />

Louis Sear<br />

(uncle)<br />

by Martin & Anna Sir<br />

Joseph S. Shapiro<br />

Elizabeth Schwartz Silverfield<br />

Adolph Joseph Simpson<br />

Samuel Smirnow<br />

(father-in-law)<br />

by Peggy Smirnow<br />

Joseph S. Weinstein<br />

Doris Woller<br />

Ernest Zwald<br />

Michael Abrams<br />

Elsie Werthan Adler<br />

Dr. Sophie Spitz Allen<br />

Helene Bloch<br />

Anna Bloomstein<br />

Rose Bogatsky<br />

Estelle Elter Cohen<br />

Esther Daltrop<br />

Charles Denbo<br />

(brother) by Theodore & Dede Lipman<br />

Ben Edelstein<br />

David Feinstein<br />

Sol S. Fishman<br />

Ethel Friedman<br />

(aunt) by Betty Kirshner<br />

Maurice Gilbert<br />

Theresa C. Goldberg<br />

Dr. Arthur Lee Goldner<br />

(nephew) by Norma Neaderthal<br />

Paul Goldstein<br />

Jeanette R. Gorden<br />

Fernand M. Haber<br />

Arnold Haber Jr.<br />

Dr. Arnold Haber Jr.<br />

Ida Hirshberg<br />

(grandmother) by Sam Hirshberg<br />

Sidney Kay<br />

Max Kirshner<br />

(father-in-law) by Betty Kirshner<br />

Marlene "Penny" Klubeck<br />

Louis Kornman<br />

Ike J. Kuhn<br />

(great-uncle) by Gus & Elaine Kuhn<br />

Rebecca Leventhal<br />

Jane Schwartz Linn<br />

Milton Lockenbach<br />

Audrey Malin<br />

Rose Milrod<br />

Candice Morris<br />

Fedora Jonas Newfield<br />

Fannie Garber Paplanus<br />

Katie Pushin<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Jerome & Albee Guttman<br />

James Harold Queyrouze<br />

Abe D. Rosenbaum<br />

Miriam Wolf Samuels<br />

Eleanor Floersheim Seligman<br />

(mother) by Randy & Gretchen Goldstein<br />

Louis H. Small<br />

David Solinsky<br />

Ruth Trent<br />

(sister) by Martin & Sheila Schott<br />

Morris Wachs<br />

Dietrich Westfield<br />

Max Westfield<br />

Sally Rothschild Zander<br />

Reba Blum<br />

Robert Blum Jr.<br />

Joe Copple<br />

Martin Davis<br />

Fanny Karsch Dresner<br />

Frank Edelmon<br />

Jean Karr Fidelholtz<br />

(mother)<br />

by Mary Wolf<br />

Keith Frank<br />

Peter Grant<br />

Max Hiller<br />

Isaac Hirshberg<br />

Oscar Israel<br />

Isaac Karnowsky<br />

Harriette Katz<br />

Joseph H. Levy<br />

Lottie Fisher Lightman<br />

William S. Lipman<br />

(brother)<br />

by Theodore & Dede Lipman<br />

Isaac Lowenstein<br />

Florence Gates Marx<br />

Arthur Metzger<br />

Dr. Paul R. Michael<br />

Harry William Pfeifer<br />

Cindy Pomerantz<br />

Norman Propper<br />

Rose Rabinowitz<br />

H. Leo Schwartz<br />

(uncle)<br />

by Jerome & Albee Guttman<br />

Julius Silberman<br />

(father)<br />

by Irwin & Diane Kuhn<br />

John Uhlmann<br />

Jack Urtnowski<br />

Oliver Clayton Wade<br />

Rose W. Weil<br />

Anna Heiner Weinberg<br />

(grandmother)<br />

by Norma Neaderthal<br />

Benjamin Weinger<br />

Elisa Weisman<br />

Mary Jane Werthan<br />

(aunt)<br />

by Joan Shayne<br />

Henry Zalman<br />

Kathryn Zander<br />

Harry Zeitlin<br />

(father, grandfather)<br />

by Frances Shmerling,<br />

Michael & Lisa Shmerling<br />

Basia Gutman de Zentner<br />

Pauline Zimmerman<br />

Sarah Abrams<br />

Eleise Bauman<br />

Charles Julian Bloch<br />

Evelyn Giles Brooks<br />

(sister-in-law)<br />

by Louise Katzman<br />

Dora Epstein Cohen<br />

Sarah Copple<br />

Sandra B. Goldstein<br />

Julius Haber<br />

Michael Harrison<br />

Ben Herman<br />

Joseph Horwitz<br />

Walter Huebner<br />

Esther Klein<br />

Sara Lefkovits<br />

Beckie Steinau Leichtmann<br />

Elise Bloch Levy<br />

Frances Lusky<br />

Morris Marcus<br />

Benjamin Samuel Meyer<br />

Goldie K. Meyer<br />

Charles Lyon Morris<br />

Norma Morris<br />

Gladys Kornman Myer<br />

Cecelia Oppenheim<br />

Rose Shub Osheroff<br />

Rose Rosenblum<br />

Albert Roth<br />

Rudolf Schneider<br />

Victor Schreiber<br />

Agness Schwartz<br />

David M. Shapiro<br />

Edward Shea<br />

Edith Star Tamkin<br />

Charles Teitelbaum<br />

(father)<br />

by Bettye Melman<br />

David Tobman<br />

Theresa Weil<br />

Morris Weiner<br />

Dr. Bernard M. Weinstein<br />

Sol B. Weise<br />

Florence Eskind Zucker<br />


July 2010<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1 2 3<br />

June<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />

20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

27 28 29 30<br />

August<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

29 30 31<br />

5:45 PM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

9:30 AM Chevrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Independence Day<br />

Temple Office &<br />

Playschool Closed<br />

11:30 AM .<br />

Golden Lunc h Bunch<br />

2:00 PM Knitting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

4:30 PM Officers<br />

Meeting<br />

7:30 PM Social Action<br />

Committee Meeting<br />

7:30 PM Twinning<br />

Committee<br />

6:00 PM JACS 5:45 PM Unity Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

2:00 PM Knitting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

4:00 PM .<br />

Executive Committee<br />

6:00 PM JACS<br />

7:00 PM .<br />

Taste of Juda ism<br />

9:30 AM Chevrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

5:45 PM Family Service 9:30 AM Chevrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

10:00 AM Bo ok Club<br />

Away<br />

5:30 PM Movie<br />

Extravaganza<br />

11:30 AM .<br />

Golden Lunc h Bunch<br />

2:00 PM Knitting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

7:00 PM Board Meeting<br />

6:00 PM JACS<br />

7:00 PM .<br />

Taste of Juda ism<br />

5:45 PM Blue Jean<br />

Shabbat<br />

9:30 AM Chevrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

Tisha B'Av<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31<br />

2:00 PM Knitting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

1:30 PM Beautification<br />

Committee<br />

6:00 PM JACS<br />

7:00 PM .<br />

Taste of Juda ism<br />

5:45 PM Blue Jean<br />

Shabbat<br />

9:30 AM Chevrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />


August 2010<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

1:00 PM Eco-Challenge<br />

@ the GJCC<br />

11:30 AM .<br />

Golden Lunc h Bunch<br />

2:00 PM Knit ting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

4:30 PM Officers<br />

Meeting<br />

7:30 PM Social Action<br />

Committee Meeting<br />

6:00 PM JACS 5:45 PM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

9:30 AM Che vrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

3:00 PM Playschool<br />

Open House<br />

2:00 PM Knit ting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

4:00 PM .<br />

Executive Co mmittee<br />

Playschool Closed<br />

6:00 PM JACS 12:00 PM .<br />

Women's Torah Study<br />

5:45 PM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

9:30 AM Che vrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

10:00 AM Book Club<br />

Away<br />

11:30 AM .<br />

Golden Lunc h Bunch<br />

2:00 PM Knit ting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

7:00 PM Board Meeting<br />

6:00 PM JACS 12:00 PM .<br />

Women's Torah Study<br />

5:45 PM Family Service 9:30 AM Che vrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

2:00 PM Knit ting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

6:00 PM Confirmation<br />

Opening Dinner<br />

6:00 PM JACS<br />

12:00 PM .<br />

Women's Torah Study<br />

5:45 PM Blue Jean<br />

Shabbat<br />

9:30 AM Che vrah Torah<br />

11:00 AM Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

29 30 31<br />

2:00 PM Knit ting &<br />

Crocheting Group<br />

July<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31<br />

September<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

Summer Hours<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday<br />

11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.<br />

Friday - Before & After Services<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />

19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />

26 27 28 29 30<br />

Closed : Monday & Saturday<br />


“<strong>Kol</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> (USPS 537-620) is published monthly with exceptions by<br />

The Temple, 5015 Harding Road, Nashville, TN 37205. Periodical Postage paid at<br />

Nashville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to <strong>Kol</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, 5015<br />

Harding Road, Nashville, TN 37205.”<br />


Congregation Ohabai Sholom<br />

5015 Harding Road<br />

Nashville, TN 37205<br />

Executive Staff<br />

Mark Schiftan<br />

Senior Rabbi ............................. ext. 224<br />

Shana Goldstein Mackler<br />

Associate Rabbi ........................ ext. 221<br />

Randall M. Falk<br />

Rabbi Emeritus ......................... ext. 226<br />

Bernard Gutcheon<br />

Cantor ....................................... ext. 234<br />

Lynda Gutcheon<br />

Educational Director ................ ext. 233<br />

Jan Huettner<br />

Playschool Director ................... ext. 231<br />

Nancy Richardson<br />

Director of Membership & Programming<br />

................................................... ext. 298<br />

July/August 2010..................Volume 84, Number 8<br />

Congregation Ohabai Sholom<br />

615.352.7620..........www. templenashville. org<br />

Officers<br />

Randall Goldstein................President<br />

Ray Berk .............................. Vice President<br />

Ralph Levy........................... Treasurer<br />

Martin Sir ............................ Secretary<br />

A Founding Member of the<br />

Union for<br />

Reform Judaism<br />

Office Staff<br />

Lisa Crockett<br />

Finance Manager ..................... ext. 230<br />

Mitzie Russell<br />

Office Manager ........................ ext. 292<br />

Judit Pap<br />

Religious School Secretary ........ ext. 225<br />

Kathy Smietana<br />

Rabbinical Secretary ................. ext. 222<br />

Barbara Palmer<br />

Book keeper ............................... ext. 228<br />

Pam Stevens<br />

Receptionist ............................... ext. 240<br />

Adrian Bryce<br />

Temple Administrative Asst. .... ext. 241<br />

Marjorie Zager<br />

Senior Services Coordinator ..... ext. 237<br />


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