How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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Relationships between Soil Electrical Conductivity and NDVI for Sitespecific<br />

Rotylenchulus reniformis Nematode Evaluations and Yield<br />

Potential in Cotton<br />

Lawrence, K.S., G.W. Lawrence, E. van Santen, A. Winstead, S. Norwood, C. Burmester & C.<br />

Overstreet<br />

Auburn University, Alabama, USA<br />

The test was conduced on a 20 acre producer cotton field naturally infested with the reniform<br />

nematode in north Alabama. Before planting, soil electrical conductivity data (EC) was<br />

collected utilizing the Veris 3100 mapping system measuring both shallow (0-1foot) and deep<br />

(0-3feet) electrical potential. The field was placed on 0.25 acre grids (160 targets per field) at<br />

30 days after planting (DAP) using the GIS Site Mate system. Corresponding nematode soils<br />

samples were collected at each grid intersect 30 and 45 DAP. Real-time NDVI was<br />

determined using the Greenseeker technology. Yield estimates were collected with a yield<br />

monitor system and placed into four low to high yielding categories. EC shallow and deep,<br />

NDVI, nematode numbers, and cotton root mass were then analyzed with the SAS ®<br />

CANDISC procedure and the resulting phenotypic correlations (r) were used to determine the<br />

relationship of these response variables with yield classes. There was a significant separation<br />

of the highest yielding areas from the lower three yield classes along the 1 st canonical axis,<br />

which accounted for 50% of the multivariance. High yielding areas were distinguished from<br />

the low yielding regions by cotton root mass (r = -0.80), R. reniformis per gram of root (r =<br />

0.93), and NDVI at 45 DAP (r = -0.93). The 2 nd canonical variate discriminated among the<br />

three lower yielding areas. These differences were best described by EC values and the R.<br />

reniformis extracted from the soil. Regression analysis indicated a significant (P = 0.06)<br />

relationship of reniform counts with NDVI at 45 DAP, although the coefficient of<br />

determination was very small.<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 312

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