How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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three times. Significant intra-specific variations (α ≤ 0,05) were noted among H.<br />

bacteriophora strains. Mean desiccation tolerance ranged from a w -value 0,90 to of 0,95 for<br />

non-adapted nematode populations and 0.76 to 0.99 for adapted nematode populations.<br />

Variability within one H. bacteriophora population increased with increasing desiccation<br />

stress. Strains from arid regions tolerated desiccation better than those from temperate<br />

regions. Results indicated three nematode strains from Israel (a w -value of 0,845), Germany<br />

(a w -value of 0,857) and Egypt (a w -value of 0,86) were the most tolerant and will be crossed<br />

for production of the foundation strain, which afterwards be used for genetic improvement by<br />

selective breeding. For this purposes, the most tolerant 10% of the population will be used for<br />

each selection step.<br />

Cultural and Physical Combinations: An Effective Control Measure<br />

against Root-knot Nematodes in Cucumber Fields<br />

Esmaeli, A.R. & M. Nasr Esfahani<br />

Islamic Azad University –Felavarjan Branch & Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center Isfahan, IR.<br />

Iran<br />

Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with vegetable crops in growing areas in Isfahan and<br />

other parts of Iran include root-knot (Meloidogyne javanica, & M. incognita.) and root-lesion<br />

(Pratylenchus spp.) nematodes. Root-knot and root-lesion nernatodes reduce growth of<br />

vegetable crops, especially cucumber. The potential of soil-solarisation to control root-knot<br />

nematodes Meloidgyne javanica and M. incognita, and soil amendment with (cow dung<br />

40T/ha.) alone or in integration were studied in cucumber fields. The study was conducted<br />

during the hot season at two provinces in Iran between July and August for periods of five<br />

weeks in two consecutive years. The temperature in the solarised soils was (10±1°C) higher<br />

in comparison to non solarized soils at 5 cm depth and may reaches lower temperature at<br />

deep depths. The moisture content of the soil was preserved to value more than 80% in the<br />

solarised soils. Bioassay of cucumber roots, indicates that soil solarisation alone could<br />

reduces the incidence of root-knot nematodes to 52.56%, and in amended soil to 56%,<br />

however, the integration of soil-solarisation and soil-amendment could effectively reduce the<br />

nematode incidence to 83%. Total parasitic nematode population of the genera<br />

Aphelenchoides, Helicotylenchus, Heterodera, Paratylenchus, Tylenclus was reduced to 71%,<br />

69% and 79% in the respective treatments. The total free-living nematode populations of the<br />

genera Aphelenchus, Cephalobus and Rhabditis was increased only in amended soil and<br />

integration of both treatments of soil-amendment and soil solarisation to 30% and to 53%<br />

respectively.<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 298

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