How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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inoculation. The level of nematode biocontrol reached between 55% - 82% in repeated trials.<br />

Surprisingly, the highest level of nematode control was found in fungus wilt resistant<br />

cultivars. Although endophyte colonization decreased over time, the antagonistic fungus<br />

reduced M. incognita in the most of the cultivars tested.<br />

Biodisinfection of Soil as a Means of Alternative Management of Northern<br />

Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) Damaging Carrot<br />

Douda, O. (1), M. Zouhar (2) & J. Mazáková (2)<br />

(1) Division of Plant Health, Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic; (2) Department of Plant<br />

Protection, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic<br />

Northern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) has become a troublesome pest in the<br />

Czech Republic in recent years. Crop failures were reported from root vegetables and<br />

especially from carrot cultivated in Elbe lowland. Chemical treatment is of doubtful efficacy<br />

and currently there are no registered nematocides against this species in the Czech Republic.<br />

Therefore the aim of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of biofumigation on<br />

population density of the Meloidogyne hapla nematode. The infested soil was recovered from<br />

a field with carrot infected with Meloidogyne hapla. The soil was placed in plastic containers;<br />

5 g of cut fresh plant tissue of rapeseed (Brassica napus) was inserted in each container and<br />

containers were covered with transparent polyethylene sheet. After three weeks the sheet was<br />

removed and young carrot plants were replanted in containers. After another six weeks the<br />

plants were examined for the presence of root galls. The statistically significant difference<br />

between experimental variant and untreated and uncovered control variant was determined.<br />

Therefore the amount of the green mass and length of the treatment were proven sufficient to<br />

suppress the nematode population. The research was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture<br />

of the Czech Republic; project number QG 50087.<br />

Evaluation of Biocontrol Efficacy of Pochonia chlamydosporia var.<br />

chlamydosporia Isolates on Heterodera schachtii on Sugar Beet<br />

Fatemy, S.<br />

Nematology Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, P. O. Box 1454-19395, Tehran, Iran.<br />

In Iran, populations of more than 1 egg of sugar beet cyst nematode /g soil cause economic<br />

damage to sugar beet. Environmental concerns regarding nematicides usage have increased<br />

interest in the exploitation of natural biological control agents for nematodes. Strains of<br />

fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia isolated from Heterodera schachtii<br />

have had variable effects on nematode control. An experiment was conducted in which<br />

seedlings of sugar beet were planted in unsterile soil infected with chlamydospores of six<br />

isolates of fungus (10 -3 /g), after a week pots were inoculated with 11 J2 of H. schachtii /g<br />

soil, all pots including control without fungus and five replicates per treatment were kept in a<br />

growth chamber at 25 ○ C with 16 h light. After two months, weight of plant parts were taken<br />

and final nematode and fungal density were determined. Number of cysts, eggs and<br />

reproduction factor were decreased in fungal treated soils; final population of eggs were<br />

reduced by 70%, 60% and 20% in soils treated with isolates 6 and 4, 5 and 3 and 1 and 2<br />

respectively. Reproduction factors were also decreased to less than 1 in pots treated with<br />

isolates 3, 4, 5 and 6.<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 292

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