How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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Red Alert on the Plant-parasitic Nematodes of Banana<br />

Salmon, F. (1), C. Maton (1), P. Topart (2), A. Soler (3) & P. Quénéhervé (2)<br />

(1) CIRAD, UPR Amélioration génétique d’espèces à multiplication végétative, PRAM, Le Lamentin,<br />

Martinique, F-97285, France; (2) IRD, UMR Résistance des plantes aux bioagresseurs (IRD/CIRAD/UM2),<br />

PRAM, Le Lamentin, Martinique, F-97285, France; (3) CIRAD, UPR Systèmes Bananes et Ananas, PRAM, Le<br />

Lamentin, Martinique, F-97285, France<br />

A mutant of ‘Grande Naine’, the cultivar MA13 (Musa AAA, Cavendish subgroup) has been<br />

selected in the field in Martinique for its good horticultural characteristics (hardiness, bunch<br />

conformation, productivity…). This peculiar cultivar always demonstrated significant lower<br />

susceptibilities to the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis and to the lesion nematode<br />

Pratylenchus coffeae. In addition, the cv MA13 exhibited singularly redder pseudostem as<br />

compared to others Cavendish clones. On the basis of these observations, we selected in field<br />

conditions some others ‘coloured’ mutants among different banana subgroups: cv<br />

MA13_Green (Musa AAA, Cavendish subgroup), cv dwarf Mossi_Green (Musa AAA, Red<br />

subgroup) and cvs 920_Red, 920_Green and 921_Red (Musa AAA, CIRAD hybrids). The<br />

susceptibility to nematodes of classic cultivars and associated mutants was evaluated under<br />

controlled conditions in a growth chamber on Andosol (volcanic ash soils representative of<br />

the French West Indies banana production area), at 24-28°C and 80% RH. Forty-five days<br />

after inoculation of each banana clone with 400 R. similis or P. coffeae per plant, the entire<br />

root system was carefully collected and weighted, and nematodes were extracted. In vitro<br />

micropropagation has no effect on the colour stability of the pseudostem. Reproductive<br />

factors and root infestations showed consistent trends, with an increase in R. similis root<br />

infestations for green mutants (up to 54 %) and a decrease for red mutants (up to 61%)<br />

compared to classic cultivars. Surprisingly, the opposite consistent trend was observed for P.<br />

coffeae root infestations, with a decrease for green mutants (up to 43 %) and an increase for<br />

red mutants (up to 76%) compared to classic cultivars. These results provide first evidence<br />

that colour criterion, representative of the anthocyanins content, could be a good and fairly<br />

simple indicator of nematode susceptibility in selection process.<br />

Nematode Control and Other Benefits of Resistant Trap Crops<br />

Schlathoelter, M.<br />

P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH & Co. KG, D-24977 Grundhof, Germany<br />

Regular, proper cultivation of resistant intercropping is not only an indispensable measure for<br />

controlling nematodes and other plant diseases but guarantees also soil quality with lasting<br />

effect and significantly contributes to the guarantee and the increase of yield and thus to the<br />

profitability and sustainability of crop cultivation.<br />

Nematode control: P. H. Petersen is a breeding company which is highly specified in<br />

designing nematode controlling trap crops. Starting with the first fodder radish (Raphanus<br />

sativus) cultivar PEGLETTA which is able to reduce the sugar beet cyst nematodes<br />

(Heterodera schachtii) population about 80 % and a special developed mustard (Sinapis alba)<br />

cultivar MAXI the reduction capacity of the newest varieties is meanwhile more than 90%<br />

with the use of resistant varieties like COLONEL, CORPORAL or ACCENT. Also against<br />

Meloidogyne sp. P. H. Petersen selected fodder radish varieties (DEFENDER, COMET) that<br />

suppress multiplication of these nematodes. In potato crop rotations special varieties like<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 241

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