How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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toxicity tests were conducted over 3, 9, 22 and 52 hours. Abamectin caused 40% paralysis<br />

within 3 hours of exposure to the nematode when compared to the check and reached 99.25%<br />

after 52 hours exposure. A high level of mortality was detected after exposure to Abamectin:<br />

65 to 85% after 3 to 22 and 95% after 52 hours exposure, when placed in tap water.<br />

Abamectin seed treatment therefore would be a highly effective method of controlling the<br />

stem nematode on sugar beet.<br />

Host Ranges of Four Populations of Stem and Bulb Nematode, Ditylenchus<br />

dipsaci in Iran<br />

Fasihi, M. (1), Z. Tanha Maafi (2) & A. Karegar (3)<br />

(1) Islamic Azad University of Damghan; (2) Iranian Research Institute of Plant protection, P.O. Box 1454<br />

Tehran 19395, Iran; (3) Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University<br />

D. dipsaci is widespread in alfalfa fields in Iran and the infection of garlic to D. dipsaci has<br />

been reported from a few regions in recent years. Four populations of D. dipsaci were<br />

collected from alfalfa and garlic plants in west, center, northwest and northeast respectively.<br />

The populations were cultured on monoxenic carrot disk to provide sufficient inoculation<br />

materials. The host ranges of two garlic populations were tested on garlic, onion, faba bean,<br />

common bean, sugar beet, pea and soybean. Alfalfa, Melilotus sp., common bean, clover, and<br />

sainfoin (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.) were tested with two alfalfa populations of D.<br />

dipsaci. The plants were inoculated at a rate of 100 D. dipsaci in 10µl of CMC<br />

(Carboxymethyl cellulose) suspension 1% and maintained in growth chamber at 20°C ± 2 for<br />

16-hour light and 8-hours dark period, meanwhile high humidity was provided for all plants<br />

for one week. The plants were harvested after eight weeks (some after four weeks) and the<br />

aboveground parts were examined. The results showed both garlic populations were<br />

multiplied on all plants tested except on soybean, both populations highly multiplied on onion<br />

with reproduction factor (RF) of 30 and 128 for northwest and northeast populations,<br />

respectively, while the RF was 10 and 13 in garlic and 1-2 in faba bean, common bean, sugar<br />

beet and pea. The alfalfa populations showed high reproduction on common bean and the RF<br />

was 4 after four weeks, the RF on alfalfa and Melilotus sp. was 1-1.3 and for clover and<br />


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