How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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associated with peels for five minutes was effective but judged to be unacceptable to the<br />

industry. Heating potato peels and associated water to 60 ºC or above for one minute or<br />

longer was found to be an effective destruction protocol. Submersing whole tubers in water<br />

at 80 ºC for a minimum of three minutes before peeling was a reliable destruction protocol<br />

that would prevent escape of living CRKN through the peeling process.<br />

Variability of the Reproductive Capacity of Nacobbus aberrans Populations<br />

from Argentina on the Pepper Cultivar ‘California Wonder’<br />

Lax, P. (1), M. E. Doucet (1), N. Coronel (2), O. Luque (3), N. Rojas (4), D. Ramos (5) & J.<br />

Muzaber (5)<br />

(1) Centro de Zoología Aplicada, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C. 122, 5000, Córdoba, Argentina; (2)<br />

Estación Exp. Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres, Tucumán, Argentina; (3) Universidad Nacional de Catamarca,<br />

Argentina; (4) Dirección de Extensión Rural del Ministerio de Producción, Catamarca, Argentina; (5)<br />

Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina; (6) INTA La Consulta, Mendoza, Argentina.<br />

Reproduction of seven Argentinean populations of N. aberrans on the pepper (Capsicum<br />

annuum) cultivar ‘California wonder’ was evaluated. Nematodes were from different<br />

localities of origin: Coronel Baigorria and Río Cuarto (province of Córdoba), Lisandro<br />

Olmos (Buenos Aires), El Pucará del Aconquija (Catamarca), Tunuyán (Mendoza), Lules and<br />

Tafí del Valle (Tucumán). All the populations were collected from soils cultivated with<br />

horticultural crops, except for the first one, which was naturally associated with a weed<br />

(Chenopodium album). The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions at a mean<br />

temperature of 21 °C; six replications per population were performed. One hundred active<br />

second-stage juveniles were inoculated per plant at planting. After 90 days, the Reproduction<br />

Factor (RF=final density/initial density) was calculated for each population. All the<br />

populations reproduced on pepper. However, three significantly different groups of<br />

populations were distinguished: a) Coronel Baigorria, Lules, El Pucará del Aconquija and<br />

Tafí del Valle (with RF ranging between 1.6-6.2); b) Río Cuarto and Lisandro Olmos<br />

(RF=25.1-31.4); c) Tunuyán (RF=47.7). The variability detected in the reproductive capacity<br />

of N. aberrans on a single host is useful for the formulation of alternative strategies to<br />

manage this nematode using resistant cultivars.<br />

Biogeography of the False Root-knot Nematode (Nacobbus spp.) and its<br />

Major Crop Hosts<br />

Manzanilla-López, R.H.<br />

Nematode-Interactions Unit, Rothamsted Research. Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom<br />

Spatial separation of populations is one of the reasons for the variation in biography of this<br />

nematode. Such variation is detected in plant parasitic nematodes over both great and<br />

relatively small distances. Different organisms with the same ecological requirements can be<br />

sympatric only if the environment they inhabit is heterogeneous. This heterogeneity may be<br />

spatial or temporal but can also be provided by host plants. Nacobbus spp. are endemic to the<br />

American continent and distributed along two biogeographical regions (Palearctic and<br />

Nearctic). These regions are centres of origin of crops, including, amongst others, potato<br />

(Solanum spp.), tomato (Lycopersicon spp.), chilli pepper (Capsicum spp.) and beans<br />

(Phaseolus spp.) that were domesticated by ancient American civilizations in highly<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 205

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