How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...

How different or similar are nematode communities - International ...


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Progress and Challenges in the Molecular Identification of Plant-parasitic<br />

Nematodes at the USDA ARS Nematology Laboratory<br />

Skantar, A.M. (1), L.K. Carta (1), Z.A. Handoo (1), M.K. Nakhla (2), L. Levy (2) &<br />

D.J. Chitwood (1)<br />

(1) USDA-ARS Nematology Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland; (2) USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST, National Plant<br />

Germplasm and Biotechnology Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland<br />

One mission of the USDA Agricultural Research Service Nematology Laboratory in<br />

Beltsville, MD is to provide nematode identifications that are urgently required by ARS<br />

scientists, federal and state researchers, and regulatory agencies for research, regulatory<br />

actions, and control purposes. In addition to traditional morphology-based taxonomic<br />

approaches, molecular methods are often required to confirm diagnoses or to provide<br />

conclusive identification in those instances when species morphology is ambiguous or when<br />

microscopic examination is impractical to perform. Here we will highlight current<br />

approaches, challenges, and new developments in molecular identification of plant-parasitic<br />

nematodes within the context of some recent diagnostic scenarios involving Globodera,<br />

Meloidogyne, and Pratylenchus spp.<br />

Specific Diagnostic and Genetic Variability of Meloidogyne mayaguensis<br />

Isolates Revealed by Molecular Markers<br />

Tigano, M. (1), P. Castagnone-Sereno (2), C.C. Teixeira (1), M.F.A. Santos (1),O. Randig (3)<br />

& M.D.G.C. Carneiro (1)<br />

(1) Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, C.P. 02372, 70849-970 Brasília, DF, Brazil; (2)INRA,<br />

UMR1064 IPMSV, BP167, F-06903 Sophia Antipolis, France; (3) CNPq/COAGR, Ed. Nazir I, Bloco A, Sala<br />

301, 70750-501 Brasília, DF, Brazil<br />

Meloidogyne mayaguensis is an extremely polyphagous root-knot nematode. Disease caused<br />

by this species is a matter of grave concern in Brazil where it is responsible of serious<br />

economic damages on guava crops. Based on sequence analysis of a highly repetitive satellite<br />

DNA family characterized in the genome of M. mayaguensis, primers were developed that<br />

provide a specific and very sensitive PCR diagnostic methodology. In order to further analyze<br />

the intraspecific genetic variability of the nematode, sixteen M. mayaguensis isolates from<br />

different geographical regions and hosts were compared using a variety of biochemical and<br />

molecular markers. All the isolates showed the same phenotype based on either isoesterase<br />

electrophoresis or amplification of. ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA particular regions.<br />

Further analysis with different neutral molecular markers (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) showed a<br />

high level of homogeneity among the isolates, and resulted in very similar clustering of the<br />

isolates in the individual trees obtained with each marker. Although this root-knot nematode<br />

displays a very wide host range and worldwide distribution, these molecular data confirm that<br />

M. mayaguensis is genetically a very homogenous species, in agreement with its mitotic<br />

parthenogenetic mode of reproduction.<br />

5 th International Congress of Nematology, 2008 97

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