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oyal dutch shell p l c financial and operational information 2004–2008<br />

<strong>DELIVERY</strong> & <strong>GROWTH</strong><br />

<strong>FIVE</strong>-<strong>YEAR</strong> <strong>FACT</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong>

<strong>DELIVERY</strong> & <strong>GROWTH</strong><br />

REVIEW Of<br />

THE YEaR<br />


fInanCIaL<br />

STaTEmEnTS<br />

UPSTREam<br />

DOWnSTREam<br />

aLTERnaTIVE<br />

EnERGY<br />


InfORmaTIOn<br />

OUR BUSInESS 1<br />



OUR STRaTEGY 4<br />

2008 RESULTS 6<br />

SHaRE InfORmaTIOn 7<br />

DIVIDEnD InfORmaTIOn 8<br />

fInanCIaL CaLEnDaR 9<br />


TECHnOLOGY 12<br />


EaRnInGS PER SHaRE 16<br />



aDDITIOnaL SEGmEnTaL InfORmaTIOn 19<br />





CaPITaL InVESTmEnT 24<br />

fInanCIaL RaTIOS, DOLLaR EXCHanGE RaTES 25<br />


CaPITaL EmPLOYED, TaXaTIOn 27<br />

CORPORaTE 28<br />

EmPLOYEES 29<br />


EXPLORaTIOn 32<br />

LnG maRKET 34<br />

CLEan COaL 35<br />


EUROPE 37<br />

amERICaS 41<br />

afRICa 46<br />

mIDDLE EaST, RUSSIa, CIS 50<br />

aSIa-PaCIfIC 57<br />

fInanCIaL anD OPERaTInG DaTa 62<br />

OIL, GaS anD OIL SanDS EaRnInGS 64<br />

RESERVES DaTa 66<br />

OIL, GaS anD OIL SanDS PRODUCTIOn 69<br />

GaS & POWER DaTa 71<br />


REfInInG 74<br />


RETaIL 76<br />

LUBRICanTS 77<br />

CHEmICaLS 78<br />

TRaDInG 79<br />

fInanCIaL anD OPERaTInG DaTa OIL PRODUCTS 80<br />


REVEnUE anD SHIPPInG 83<br />

fInanCIaL anD OPERaTInG DaTa CHEmICaLS 84<br />

manUfaCTURInG LOCaTIOnS 85<br />

BIOfUELS 87<br />

WInD 88<br />

COnTaCT InfORmaTIOn 89<br />

i <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />



€ Euro<br />

$ US dollar<br />

UnITS Of mEaSUREmEnT<br />

acre approximately 0.4 hectares<br />

b barrel<br />

b/d barrels per day<br />

bcf/d billion cubic feet per day<br />

boe barrels of oil equivalent: natural gas has been converted to crude oil<br />

equivalent using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel<br />

boe/d barrels of oil equivalent per day<br />

km kilometres<br />

km2 square kilometres<br />

m metres<br />

MMBtu million British thermal unit<br />

mscm million standard cubic metres<br />

mtpa million tonnes per annum<br />

MW megawatts<br />

scf standard cubic feet<br />

toe tonnes of oil equivalent<br />

tpa tonnes per annum<br />


GTL gas to liquids<br />

LNG liquefied natural gas<br />

LPG liquefied petroleum gas<br />

MEG mono-ethylene glycol<br />

NGL natural gas liquids<br />


ADR American Depositary Receipt<br />

CCS current cost of supply<br />

CO2 carbon dioxide<br />

DD&A Depreciation, Depletion and Amortisation<br />

EOR enhanced oil recovery<br />

GHG greenhouse gas<br />

GoM Gulf of Mexico<br />

IOC International Oil Company<br />

IRR internal rate of return<br />

MoU Memorandum of Understanding<br />

NGO non-governmental organisation<br />

NOC national oil company<br />

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development<br />

OMEGA Only Mono-Ethylene Glycol Advanced<br />

OML onshore oil mining lease<br />

OPL oil prospecting licence<br />

PSA production-sharing agreement<br />

PSC production-sharing contract<br />

R&D research and development<br />

UKCS UK Continental Shelf<br />

USGC United States Gulf Coast<br />

WTI West Texas Intermediate<br />

All financial tables can be downloaded as Excel files from<br />



MINING<br />


ON AND<br />




LNG<br />

LIQUE<strong>FACT</strong>ION<br />

PLANT<br />


PLANT<br />

GAS TO<br />


PLANT<br />

LNG<br />



With around 102,000 employees in more than 100 countries and<br />

territories, <strong>Shell</strong> helps to meet the world’s growing demand<br />

for energy in economically, environmentally and socially<br />

responsible ways.<br />

Our Exploration & Production business searches for and recovers oil<br />

and natural gas around the world. Many of these activities are carried<br />

out as joint venture partnerships, often with national oil companies.<br />

Our Gas & Power business liquefies natural gas and transports it to<br />

customers across the world. Its gas to liquids (GTL) process turns<br />

natural gas into cleaner-burning synthetic fuel and other products.<br />

It develops wind power to generate electricity and is involved<br />

in solar power technology. It also licenses our coal gasification<br />

technology, a cleaner way of turning coal into chemical feedstocks<br />

and for more efficient generation of electricity.<br />


PLANT<br />


PLANT<br />

POWER<br />


WIND<br />



USED FOR:<br />

• Plastics<br />

• Coatings<br />

• Detergents<br />


• (Bio) Fuels<br />

• Lubricants<br />

• Bitumen<br />

• Liquefied petroleum gas<br />


• Industrial use<br />

• Domestic use<br />

Our Oil Sands business, the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, extracts<br />

bitumen – an especially thick, heavy oil – from oil sands in Alberta,<br />

western Canada, and converts it to synthetic crude oils that can be<br />

turned into a range of products.<br />

Our Oil Products business makes, moves and sells a range of<br />

petroleum-based products around the world for domestic, industrial<br />

and transport use. Its Future Fuels and CO2 business unit develops<br />

biofuels and hydrogen and markets the synthetic fuel and products<br />

made from the GTL process. It also leads company-wide activities in<br />

CO2 management. With around 45,000 service stations, ours is the<br />

world’s largest single-branded fuel retail network.<br />

Our Chemicals business produces petrochemicals for industrial<br />

customers. They include the raw materials for plastics, coatings<br />

and detergents used in the manufacture of textiles, medical supplies<br />

and computers.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 1

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />


The objectives of the <strong>Shell</strong> group are to engage safely, responsibly,<br />

efficiently and profitably in oil, gas, oil products, chemicals and<br />

other selected businesses and to participate in the search for and<br />

development of other sources of energy to meet evolving<br />

customer needs and the world’s growing demand for energy.<br />

We believe that oil and gas will be integral to the global energy<br />

needs for economic development for many decades to come.<br />

Our role is to ensure that we extract and deliver them in<br />

environmentally and socially responsible ways, safely and profitably.<br />

We seek a high standard of performance, maintaining a strong<br />

long-term and growing position in the competitive environments<br />

in which we choose to operate.<br />

We aim to work closely with our stakeholders to advance more<br />

efficient and sustainable use of energy and natural resources.<br />

2 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


EUROPE<br />

Austria � �<br />

Belgium �<br />

Bulgaria �<br />

Czech Republic �<br />

Denmark � � �<br />

Finland �<br />

France � �<br />

Germany � � � �<br />

Gibraltar �<br />

Greece � � �<br />

Hungary � �<br />

Ireland � �<br />

Italy � � � �<br />

Luxembourg �<br />

The Netherlands � � � �<br />

Norway � � �<br />

Poland � �<br />

Portugal �<br />

Slovakia � �<br />

Slovenia �<br />

Spain � � �<br />

Sweden � �<br />

Switzerland � �<br />

Turkey � �<br />

UK � � � �<br />

Ukraine � � �<br />


Argentina � � �<br />

Bolivia � �<br />

Brazil � � � �<br />

Canada � � � � �<br />

Chile � �<br />

Colombia � �<br />

Costa Rica �<br />

Dominican Republic �<br />

Ecuador �<br />

El Salvador �<br />

French Antilles & Guiana �<br />

Guatemala �<br />

Honduras �<br />

Jamaica �<br />

Mexico � � � �<br />

Nicaragua �<br />

Panama �<br />

Peru �<br />

Puerto Rico � �<br />

Surinam �<br />

Trinidad & Tobago �<br />

USA � � � �<br />

Venezuela � �<br />

s Exploration & Production<br />

s Gas & Power<br />

� Oil Sands<br />

� Oil Products<br />

� Chemicals<br />

AFRICA<br />

Algeria � �<br />

Benin �<br />

Botswana �<br />

Burkina Faso �<br />

Cameroon �<br />

Cape Verde Islands �<br />

Côte d’Ivoire �<br />

Gabon �<br />

Ghana � �<br />

Guinea �<br />

Kenya �<br />

Libya � �<br />

Madagascar �<br />

Mali �<br />

Mauritius �<br />

Morocco �<br />

Namibia �<br />

Nigeria � � �<br />

La Réunion �<br />

Senegal �<br />

South Africa � �<br />

Tanzania �<br />

Togo �<br />

Tunisia � �<br />

Uganda �<br />


Egypt � � �<br />

Iran � � �<br />

Kazakhstan �<br />

Oman � � �<br />

Pakistan � �<br />

Qatar � �<br />

Russia � � �<br />

Saudi Arabia � � �<br />

Syria �<br />

United Arab Emirates � � � �<br />


Australia � � � �<br />

Brunei � � �<br />

China � � � �<br />

Guam �<br />

India � � �<br />

Indonesia � �<br />

Japan � � �<br />

Laos �<br />

Malaysia � � �<br />

New Zealand � � �<br />

Philippines � � �<br />

Singapore � � �<br />

South Korea � � �<br />

Sri Lanka � �<br />

Taiwan � �<br />

Thailand � �<br />

Vietnam � �



Realised oil prices – Exploration & Production ($/b) [B]<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

World outside USA 92.39 68.24 60.99 50.56 35.53<br />

USA 95.01 66.49 58.53 48.94 36.15<br />

Global 92.75 67.99 60.64 50.36 35.61<br />

Realised oil prices – Oil Sands ($/b) [B]<br />

Canada 88.98 61.97 53.93<br />

Realised gas prices ($/thousand scf)<br />

Europe 9.46 7.24 6.94 4.99 3.76<br />

World outside USA (including Europe) 6.25 4.61 4.41 3.84 2.81<br />

USA 9.61 7.23 7.74 8.43 6.33<br />

Global 6.85 5.14 5.08 4.77 3.59<br />

Oil and gas marker industry prices<br />

Brent ($/b) 97.14 72.45 65.10 54.55 38.30<br />

WTI ($/b) 99.72 72.16 66.04 56.60 41.50<br />

Japanese Crude Cocktail – JCC ($/b) 102.41 65.55 64.08 50.99 36.39<br />

Edmonton Par ($/b) 98.45 72.13 64.62 57.02 40.66<br />

Henry Hub ($/MMBtu) 8.85 6.94 6.76 8.80 5.87<br />

UK National Balancing Point (pence/therm) 58.06 30.01 41.93 40.61<br />

[A] Year average.<br />

[B] Exploration & Production realised oil prices in 2005 and 2004 include Oil Sands.<br />


Refining marker industry gross margins ($/b)<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

ANS US West Coast coking margin 9.40 15.95 16.05 14.45 11.65<br />

WTS US Gulf Coast coking margin 8.95 16.30 14.55 12.30 8.05<br />

Rotterdam Brent complex 5.25 4.45 3.15 4.60 4.50<br />

Singapore 80/20 Arab light/Tapis complex 3.00 2.80 1.80 2.90 2.90<br />

Cracker industry margins ($/tonne)<br />

US ethane 445.00 334.00 452.08 412.55 284.92<br />

Western Europe naphtha 675.00 424.00 459.06 406.82 380.25<br />

North East Asia naphtha 17.00 216.00 467.17 350.04 565.06<br />

[A] The refining and cracker industry margins do not represent actual <strong>Shell</strong> realised margins for the periods. These are estimated industry margins based on available market information.<br />

[B] Year average.<br />


$/b $/MMBtu<br />

150<br />

120<br />

90<br />

60<br />

30<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

Brent<br />

WTI<br />

JCC<br />

Henry Hub ($/MMBtu)<br />

15<br />

12<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />


$/b<br />

15<br />

12<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

US West Coast<br />

US Gulf Coast<br />

Rotterdam<br />

Singapore<br />


$/tonne<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

900<br />

600<br />

300<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

US ethane<br />

Western Europe naphtha<br />

North East Asia naphtha<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 3

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />


Maintaining safe and sustainable operations is our top priority.<br />

Long-term supply-demand fundamentals in oil and gas create<br />

a positive investment climate for <strong>Shell</strong>. The company is well<br />

positioned in upstream and downstream heartlands today, and we<br />

are rejuvenating the portfolio with long-term investments to create<br />

long-term shareholder value.<br />

Our ambitious capital spending programme is focused on<br />

upstream, with some 1 million boe/d of production and 6.5 mtpa<br />

of LNG capacity under construction, and measured growth in<br />

capital employed. In downstream, we have a more concentrated<br />

investment programme, with some 0.3 million b/d of new refining<br />

capacity under construction, and selected growth in petrochemicals<br />

and marketing.<br />


billion toe<br />

18<br />

12<br />

6<br />

1980 2000<br />

Oil [B]<br />

Gas [B]<br />

Coal<br />

Nuclear<br />

Hydro<br />

2015 2030<br />

[A] Source World Energy Outlook 2008, IEA.<br />

[B] <strong>Shell</strong> activity.<br />

Biomass/waste [B]<br />

Other renewables [B]<br />


million boe/d<br />

1.2<br />

0.6<br />

Long-life<br />

Other<br />

4 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


$/b Refining $/b<br />

120 12<br />

80 8<br />

40 4<br />

Global refining margin<br />

Brent<br />

Our strategy is underpinned by strong capital discipline,<br />

integration across the company, and industry-leading investment<br />

in technology.<br />

Upstream, <strong>Shell</strong> had some 3.2 million boe/d of oil and gas<br />

production in 2008, from 37 countries, generating among the<br />

highest cash margins in the industry. New capacity is under<br />

construction to offset natural field decline, which is running at some<br />

5% per year. This new capacity covers a range of technology themes:<br />

deep water, LNG, tight gas, GTL, heavy oil and traditional plays.<br />

Our new positions under construction, in a global portfolio, will<br />

more than offset the natural decline of today’s heartlands fields, and<br />

deliver growth early in the next decade, to 2012.<br />


Upstream cost index (2000=100) [A]<br />

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008<br />


million boe/d<br />

2008 2009–10 2011–12 2013+ 2008 2009–10 2011–12 2013+<br />

1.2<br />

0.6<br />

2007–08 Start-ups<br />

2009–10 Start-ups<br />

2011–12 Start-ups<br />

2013+ Start-ups<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

Sakhalin<br />

Salym<br />

Ormen Lange<br />

Kashagan<br />

Corrib<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> key project FID<br />

[A] CERA/IHS<br />

Changbei<br />

Afam Gbaran Ubie<br />

Gjoa<br />

Bonga NW<br />

Angel<br />

Perdido<br />

BC-10<br />

Ursa<br />

QG4<br />

Pearl<br />


million boe/d<br />

4<br />

2<br />

00 02<br />

Gas<br />

Oil<br />

Disposal<br />

Europe<br />

North America<br />

Middle East,<br />

Russia, CIS<br />

AOSP Exp 1<br />

North Rankin B<br />

Gumusut-Kakap<br />

Pluto (Woodside)<br />

04 06 08 11–12 11–12<br />

Africa<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />


Downstream, <strong>Shell</strong> has a refining and chemicals portfolio<br />

concentrated in the USA, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle<br />

East, with global marketing and trading activities in oil products<br />

and petrochemicals. New refining capacity is under construction<br />

at Port Arthur in the US Gulf Coast, and in Qatar with Pearl<br />

GTL. New petrochemicals facilities are under construction at<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s Bukom refinery in Singapore. The investments will increase<br />

refining capacity by some 7% in 2012, compared to 3.9 million<br />

b/d at the end of 2008.<br />

This industry-leading portfolio of new projects offers attractive<br />

returns to shareholders. Projects that are post-final investment<br />

decision and are now under construction will have higher unit<br />

cash flow than the portfolio today, with development costs of<br />

around $7 per boe of resources, including LNG, GTL and oil<br />

sands facilities.<br />

The industry has seen strong inflation in supply chain costs across<br />

2007–2008. To mitigate these costs, and meet the challenges of<br />

maintaining capital spending, <strong>Shell</strong> has slowed down the launch<br />

of new projects in 2008 and early 2009. This protects shareholders<br />

from cost inflation, and creates the opportunity to launch projects<br />

at a later stage, potentially when industry costs are more attractive.<br />

The company is following a value creation strategy, and is therefore<br />

not targeting precise growth rates beyond 2012.<br />

Looking at potential beyond 2012, <strong>Shell</strong> has leading positions in<br />

global exploration – which has averaged annually over 1 billion boe<br />

of new resources additions this decade – alongside North America<br />

tight gas and heavy oil, and new LNG, notably in Australia. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

has some 1 million boe/d of new projects under design, which<br />

could underpin further upstream growth to 2020, subject to the<br />

timing of new investment decisions.<br />


million boe/d<br />

5<br />

2.5<br />

00 02<br />

Refining and GTL<br />

Disposal<br />

04 06 08 11–12 11–12<br />

Europe<br />

North America<br />

Middle East/<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />

Other<br />


IRR%<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

$50/b<br />

IRR/Profitability – Portfolio averages<br />

Post-FID key projects 2008–12 start-ups<br />

Includes GTL, oil sands upgrader, LNG liquefaction,<br />

refining, chemicals.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> aims to maintain a through-cycle capital spending programme,<br />

to ensure the safe and reliable operation of assets, and the right levels<br />

of investment for future growth. Capital discipline underpins the<br />

financial strategy of the company. <strong>Shell</strong> has a long history of creating<br />

competitive returns for shareholders, driven by strong financial<br />

performance from the portfolio, a long-term conservative balance<br />

sheet, and global portfolio management. So far this decade, <strong>Shell</strong> has<br />

sold some 0.9 million b/d or around 20% of the refining capacity;<br />

and 0.3 million boe/d, or 9% of the upstream portfolio at the end<br />

of 2008. Asset sales in upstream have been dominated by late-life<br />

fields, and in downstream by smaller refineries lacking access to <strong>Shell</strong><br />

marketing positions, and marketing portfolios with limited growth<br />

potential. These disposals come alongside a continuous focus on<br />

cost structure, and ensuring the best prices from third-party supply<br />

chains. <strong>Shell</strong> will continue to look for opportunities to sell non-core<br />

assets to create value for shareholders.<br />

Acquisitions also play an important role in strategy. In recent years,<br />

the company has made selective acquisitions, typically in underdeveloped<br />

oil and gas resources, or downstream positions in growth<br />

markets, where <strong>Shell</strong> can add value with integration, investment,<br />

technology and scale. Examples include North America heavy oil<br />

and tight gas positions, and growth downstream in China and<br />

Eastern Europe.<br />

Technology is at the heart of <strong>Shell</strong>’s strategy, with research and<br />

development spending in 2008 of $1.3 billion, the highest in<br />

our industry. Our technology investment focuses on safe and<br />

reliable operations today, and differentiated applications for future<br />

growth, where <strong>Shell</strong> can offer unique and creative solutions to<br />

industry challenges, for example in integrated gas, deep water,<br />

and exploration.<br />

With this multi-pronged approach, <strong>Shell</strong> continues to create<br />

shareholder value with investments for the long term.<br />

$70/b<br />

$90/b<br />

Others<br />

Long-life projects<br />

0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

2<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

Traditional<br />

Profitability index Profitability index<br />

Deep-water<br />

Integrated gas<br />

Downstream<br />

Oil sands<br />

IRR/Profitability – Thematic averages<br />

2004–05 Environment: ~$50/b crude and ~$10/b USGC<br />

2006–07 Environment: ~$70/b crude and ~$15/b USGC<br />

2007–08 Environment: ~$90/b crude and ~$13/b USGC<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 5

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />

2008 RESULTS<br />


$ million<br />

458,361<br />

355,782<br />

318,845 306,731<br />

266,386<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />


$<br />

4.27<br />

5.00<br />

3.97<br />

3.79<br />

SUMMARY OF RESULTS $ million<br />

6 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Income attributable to shareholders [A] 26,277 31,331 25,442 25,311 18,540<br />

Estimated CCS adjustment for<br />

Oil Products and Chemicals 5,089 (3,767) (77) (2,580) (945) [C]<br />

CCS earnings 31,366 27,564 25,365 22,731 17,595 [C]<br />

Basic earnings per share ($) 4.27 5.00 3.97 3.79 2.74<br />

Estimated CCS adjustment<br />

per share ($) 0.82 (0.60) (0.01) (0.38) (0.14) [C]<br />

Basic CCS earnings per share ($) 5.09 4.40 3.96 3.41 2.60 [C]<br />

Dividend per ordinary share ($) [B] 1.60 1.44 1.27 1.13 1.07 [E]<br />

2.74<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />


$ million<br />

26,476<br />

31,926<br />

26,311 26,261<br />

19,257<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />


$ million<br />

128,866 125,968<br />


114,945<br />

97,924<br />

91,383<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production 20,235 14,686 14,544 13,577 9,522<br />

Gas & Power 5,328 2,781 2,633 1,378 1,774<br />

Oil Sands 941 582 651 661 301<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis) 5,155 6,951 7,027 7,532 6,592<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis) [A] 156 1,682 1,095 782 1,148 [C]<br />

Corporate [A] (69) 1,387 294 (328) (1,085)<br />

Minority interest (380) (505) (879) (871) (655)<br />

CCS earnings 31,366 27,564 25,365 22,731 17,595<br />


$ million<br />

35,983<br />

40,667<br />

35,748 35,777<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 [D]<br />

Exploration & Production 1,910 1,102 521 1,662<br />

Gas & Power 1,302 275 – (84)<br />

Oil Sands 25 94 120 65<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis) 25 327 38 427<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis) (210) (28) (113) (565)<br />

Corporate (96) 489 (206) (148)<br />

Minority interest – – (41) (82)<br />

CCS earnings impact 2,956 2,259 319 1,275<br />

30,599<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

[A] Excludes working capital movements.<br />



$ million<br />

9,516<br />

9,001<br />

8,142<br />

10,556<br />

7,391<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

[A] Including discontinued operations.<br />

[B] From 2007 onwards dividends are declared in US dollars. Previous years’ dividends were<br />

declared in euros and translated, for comparison purposes, to US dollars (based on the<br />

US dollar dividend of American Depositary Receipts converted to ordinary shares in the<br />

applicable period).<br />

[C] Chemicals earnings are on CCS basis as from 2005.<br />

[D] Identified items are reported from 2005.<br />

[E] Comprises Royal Dutch interim dividend of €0.75 made payable in September 2004 and a<br />

second interim dividend of €1.04 made payable in March 2005 as well as a <strong>Shell</strong> Transport<br />

interim dividend of 6.25 pence and a second interim dividend of 10.7 pence that are used<br />

to calculate the equivalent dividend on a Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> basis.



Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> has two classes of ordinary shares – Class A<br />

shares and Class B shares. The Class A shares and Class B shares<br />

have identical rights except in relation to the dividend source.<br />

Dividends paid on Class A shares have a Dutch source for tax<br />

purposes and any dividends paid through the dividend access<br />

mechanism in respect of Class B shares will have a UK source for<br />

tax purposes.<br />

The following tables set forth the high, low and year-end prices<br />

for Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>’s registered ordinary shares on the principal<br />

trading markets:<br />

• of €0.07 nominal value on the London Stock Exchange;<br />

• of €0.07 nominal value on Euronext Amsterdam; and<br />

• of the ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange for the periods<br />

specified (ADRs do not have a nominal value).<br />



A shares<br />

Weighted average<br />

At year-end number of shares<br />

excluding shares excluding shares<br />

At year-end held by <strong>Shell</strong> held by <strong>Shell</strong><br />

2008 3,545,663,973 3,455,841,942 3,460,493,000<br />

2007 3,583,505,000 3,486,221,746 3,544,866,699<br />

2006 3,695,780,000 3,585,194,588 3,702,251,572<br />

2005 3,935,625,000 3,817,240,213 3,965,748,481<br />

2004 4,148,800,000 4,039,611,920 4,046,424,252<br />

[A] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification (in 2005, Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc became the single parent company of Royal Dutch and <strong>Shell</strong> Transport, the two former public parent companies of the<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> group), holders of Royal Dutch ordinary shares received two Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class A ordinary shares for each Royal Dutch ordinary share. To assist comparison, the historical prices<br />

of the Royal Dutch ordinary shares have been divided by 2 to reflect such exchange ratio.<br />

[B] Royal Dutch ordinary shares continued to trade on Euronext Amsterdam following the completion of the Unification until such shares were delisted on September 30, 2005.<br />

[C] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of Royal Dutch New York Shares received one Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class A ADR for each Royal Dutch New York Share. Each Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> plc Class A ADR represents two Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class A ordinary shares.<br />

[D] The New York Stock Exchange halted trading in the Royal Dutch New York Shares on October 3, 2005, following delisting in Amsterdam, and resumed trading in the Royal Dutch New York<br />

Shares on October 31, 2005, following the joint public announcement by Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> and Royal Dutch of the definitive terms of the legal merger between Royal Dutch and its wholly<br />

owned subsidiary <strong>Shell</strong> Petroleum N.V., in which all outstanding Royal Dutch shares were exchanged for €52.21 (or the equivalent in loan notes). The table excludes trading in Royal Dutch<br />

New York Shares for the period from October 3, 2005, through their delisting on November 21, 2005.<br />

[E] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of <strong>Shell</strong> Transport Ordinary Shares (including <strong>Shell</strong> Transport Ordinary Shares to which holders of <strong>Shell</strong> Transport bearer warrants were<br />

entitled) received 0.287333066 Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class B ordinary shares for each <strong>Shell</strong> Transport Ordinary Share. To assist comparison, the historical prices of the <strong>Shell</strong> Transport<br />

Ordinary Shares have been divided by 0.287333066 to reflect such exchange ratio.<br />

[F] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of <strong>Shell</strong> Transport ADRs received 0.861999198 Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class B ADRs for each <strong>Shell</strong> Transport ADR. To assist comparison, the<br />

historical prices of the <strong>Shell</strong> Transport ADRs have been divided by 0.861999198 to reflect such exchange ratio. Each Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc Class B ADR represents two Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

Class B ordinary shares.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 7<br />

B shares<br />

2008 2,695,808,103 2,665,893,421 2,698,609,114<br />

2007 2,759,360,000 2,724,135,015 2,718,896,273<br />

2006 2,759,360,000 2,713,568,281 2,711,132,635<br />

2005 2,759,360,000 2,707,858,347 2,708,431,286<br />

2004 2,765,552,027 2,712,563,580 2,724,034,698<br />

Total shares<br />

2008 6,241,472,076 6,121,735,363 6,159,102,114<br />

2007 6,342,865,000 6,210,356,761 6,263,762,972<br />

2006 6,455,140,000 6,298,762,869 6,413,384,207<br />

2005 6,694,985,000 6,525,098,560 6,674,179,767<br />

2004 6,914,352,027 6,752,175,500 6,770,458,950<br />

Euronext Amsterdam [A] London Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange [C]<br />

High Low Year-end High Low Year-end High Low Year-end<br />

€ € € pence pence pence $ $ $<br />

Royal Dutch ordinary shares/<br />

Royal Dutch New York Shares<br />

2004 22.02 18.30 21.18 57.79 45.79 57.38<br />

2005 (Jan 1 – Sep 30) 28.38 [B] 20.92 [B] 25.80 [B] 67.45 [D] 55.37 [D] 62.80 [D]<br />

RDSA/RDS Class A ADRs<br />

2005 (Jul 20 – Dec 31) 27.67 24.12 25.78 1,894 1,633 1,771 68.08 57.79 61.49<br />

2006 28.53 24.32 26.72 1,974 1,661 1,785 72.38 60.17 70.79<br />

2007 31.35 23.72 28.75 2,152 1,611 2,111 88.31 62.71 84.20<br />

2008 29.63 16.25 18.75 2,278 1,276 1,805 88.73 41.62 52.94<br />

Euronext Amsterdam London Stock Exchange [E] New York Stock Exchange [F]<br />

High Low Year-end High Low Year-end High Low Year-end<br />

€ € € pence pence pence $ $ $<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Transport Ordinary Shares/<strong>Shell</strong> Transport ADRs<br />

2004 1,570 1,205 1,545 59.98 45.38 59.63<br />

2005 (Jan 1 – Jul 19) 1,991 1,528 1,838 69.86 57.75 64.56<br />

RDSB/RDS Class B ADRs<br />

2005 (Jul 20 – Dec 31) 28.90 25.41 27.08 1,968 1,717 1,858 70.94 60.69 64.53<br />

2006 30.04 25.18 26.66 2,071 1,686 1,790 74.93 62.75 71.15<br />

2007 32.20 23.64 28.46 2,173 1,600 2,090 87.94 62.20 83.00<br />

2008 29.16 15.84 18.50 2,245 1,223 1,726 87.54 41.41 51.43

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />



Dividends are declared in US dollars. Dividends declared on Class<br />

A shares are paid by default in euros, although holders of Class<br />

A shares are able to elect to receive dividends in pound sterling.<br />

Dividends declared on Class B shares are paid by default in pounds<br />

sterling, although holders of Class B shares are able to elect to<br />

receive dividends in euros. Dividends declared on ADRs are paid<br />

in US dollars. Eligible shareholders must make currency elections<br />

by the day before the declaration date. It is expected that holders of<br />

Class B ordinary shares will receive dividends through the dividend<br />

access mechanism applicable to such shares.<br />


%<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> dividend growth[A]<br />

Inflation UK<br />

Inflation USA<br />

Inflation the Netherlands<br />

[A] Royal Dutch € dividend pre-Unification, Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong><br />

€ until 2007, Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> $ from 2007.<br />

8 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 0.40 0.36 – – –<br />

Q2 0.40 0.36 – – –<br />

Q3 0.40 0.36 – – –<br />

Q4 0.40 0.36 – – –<br />

Total 1.60 1.44 – – –<br />


2008 [A] 2007 [A] 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.23 [B] –<br />

Q2 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.23 –<br />

Q3 0.31 0.25 0.25 0.23 –<br />

Q4 0.30 0.24 0.25 0.23 –<br />

Interim – – – – 0.38 [B]<br />

Final/second interim – – – – 0.52 [B]<br />

Total declared during the year 1.13 1.01 1.00 0.92 0.90<br />

Amount paid during the year 1.07 1.02 0.98 1.21 0.89<br />

CLASS B SHARES [C] pence<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 20.05 18.09 17.13 15.84 [B] –<br />

Q2 20.21 17.56 17.08 15.89 –<br />

Q3 24.54 17.59 16.77 15.64 –<br />

Q4 27.97 18.11 16.60 15.64 –<br />

Interim – – – – 21.75 [B]<br />

Final/second interim – – – – 37.24 [B]<br />

Total declared during the year 92.77 71.35 67.58 63.01 58.99<br />

Amount paid during the year 82.91 69.84 66.62 84.61 55.33<br />

CLASS A ADRs $<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.59 [B] –<br />

Q2 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.55 –<br />

Q3 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.56 –<br />

Q4 0.80 0.72 0.65 0.56 –<br />

Interim – – – – 0.90 [B]<br />

Final/second interim – – – – 1.33 [B]<br />

Total declared during the year 3.20 2.88 2.54 2.26 2.23<br />

Amount paid during the year 3.12 2.81 2.45 3.04 2.11<br />

CLASS B ADRs $<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.57 [B] –<br />

Q2 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.55 –<br />

Q3 0.80 0.72 0.63 0.56 –<br />

Q4 0.80 0.72 0.65 0.56 –<br />

Interim – – – – 0.78 [B]<br />

Final/second interim – – – – 1.43 [B]<br />

Total declared during the year 3.20 2.88 2.54 2.24 2.21<br />

Amount paid during the year 3.12 2.81 2.45 3.10 1.99<br />

[A] Euro equivalent, rounded to the nearest euro cent.<br />

[B] Historical data converted to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> equivalents.<br />

[C] Pound sterling equivalent.



Financial year-end December 31, 2008<br />


Fourth quarter and full year results for 2008 January 29, 2009<br />

First quarter results for 2009 April 29, 2009<br />

Second quarter results for 2009 July 30, 2009<br />

Third quarter results for 2009 October 29, 2009<br />


2009 First quarter interim<br />

Announced April 29, 2009<br />

Ex-dividend date May 6, 2009<br />

Record date May 8, 2009<br />

Payment date June 10, 2009<br />

2009 Second quarter interim<br />

Announced July 30, 2009<br />

Ex-dividend date August 5, 2009<br />

Record date August 7, 2009<br />

Payment date September 9, 2009<br />

2009 Third quarter interim<br />

Announced October 29, 2009<br />

Ex-dividend date November 4, 2009<br />

Record date November 6, 2009<br />

Payment date December 9, 2009<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 9

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />


Oil/gas<br />

Refining/chemicals<br />

Integrated upstream/downstream<br />


AOSP EXP1<br />




10 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

BC–10<br />

CORRIB<br />

GJOA<br />

BONGA NW<br />





QATARGAS 4<br />







PLUTO<br />

(WOODSIDE)<br />


Start-up Project Country <strong>Shell</strong> share Peak production LNG 100% Products Category <strong>Shell</strong><br />

(%) (kboe/d) capacity (mtpa) operated<br />

2008–2009 Afam gas and power [A] Nigeria 30 67 Traditional ■<br />

BC-10 Brazil 50 100 Deep-water ■<br />

NW shelf LNG T5/Angel [A][C] Australia 22.4 170 4.4 LNG<br />

Pinedale growth USA Various 140 [B] Tight gas ■<br />

Sakhalin II/LNG T1-2 [A] Russia 27.5 395 9.6 LNG<br />

Ursa Princess Waterflood [A] USA 45.4 30 Deep-water ■<br />

2010–2011 AOSP EXP 1 Canada 60 100 Heavy oil/EOR ■<br />

Corrib Ireland 45 58 Traditional ■<br />

Gbaran Ubie PH 1 Nigeria 30 280 Traditional ■<br />

Gjoa Norway 12 107 Traditional<br />

Halfdan PH 4 Denmark 46 23 Traditional<br />

Harweel Oman 34 44 Heavy oil/EOR<br />

Pearl GTL Qatar 100 320 140,000 b/d GTL+ GTL ■<br />

Perdido USA 35.4 130 Deep-water ■<br />

Pluto LNG T1 (Woodside) [C] Australia 30.8 124 4.3 LNG<br />

Qarn Alam EOR Oman 34 44 Heavy oil/EOR<br />

Qatargas 4 LNG Qatar 30 280 7.8 LNG<br />

Schoonebeek Netherlands 30 20 Heavy oil/EOR ■<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Eastern Petrochemicals Singapore 100 800,000 tpa ethylene Downstream ■<br />

2012+ Bonga NW Nigeria 55 54 Deep-water ■<br />

Forcados Yokri IP Nigeria 30 70 Traditional ■<br />

Gumusut-Kakap Malaysia 33 135 Deep-water ■<br />

Kashagan PH 1 Kazakhstan 16.8 300 Sour<br />

Port Arthur Refinery Expansion USA 50 325 Downstream<br />

[A] On-stream March 2009.<br />

[B] <strong>Shell</strong> share.<br />

[C] <strong>Shell</strong> direct and indirect position via <strong>Shell</strong> 34.27% shareholding in Woodside Petroleum Ltd. Based on 90% Woodside shareholding in the Pluto project.<br />


Project Country Category Project Country Category<br />

AMAL Steam Oman Heavy oil/EOR Gorgon LNG T1-3 Australia LNG<br />

AOSP Debottlenecking Canada Heavy oil/EOR Kashagan PH 2 and 3 Kazakhstan Sour<br />

Biseni Samabri FOD Nigeria Traditional Mars B USA Deep-water<br />

Bonga SW Nigeria Deep-water Nigeria LNG T7 Nigeria LNG<br />

Browse LNG Australia LNG North America Tight Gas USA/Canada Tight gas<br />

Caesar/Tonga USA Deep-water Olokola LNG Nigeria LNG<br />

Carmon Creek PH 1 Canada Heavy oil/EOR Prelude LNG Australia LNG<br />

Champion Waterflood Brunei Traditional Sunrise LNG Australia LNG<br />

Clair PH 2 UK Traditional Tempa Rossa Italy Traditional<br />

Gbaran Ubie PH 2 Nigeria Traditional Val d’Agri PH 2 Italy Traditional


• Oil and gas fields with some ~1 million boe/d of capacity,<br />

which will generate 2-3% annual production growth early in<br />

the next decade, to 2012;<br />

• 6.5 mtpa of new LNG capacity, an increase of 40% over<br />

2008 levels;<br />

• New refining and downstream GTL assets, totalling ~300,000<br />

b/d of downstream capacity for <strong>Shell</strong>, an increase of some 7%<br />

for 2011–2012 compared to end 2008;<br />

• 800,000 tpa of ethylene and 750,000 tpa of MEG, a 13%<br />

increase in <strong>Shell</strong>’s ethylene capacity and a ~60% increase in its<br />

MEG capacity.<br />


URSA PRINCESS WATERFLOOD (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 45.4%, operator)<br />

The waterflood method of enhancing oil recovery – in which<br />

injected water pushes out the oil – started at the Ursa and Princess<br />

fields in the Gulf of Mexico in July 2008, and should continue for<br />

30 years. We expect the waterflood to add 30,000 boe/d to peak<br />

production and extend the life of the fields by 10 years. The Ursa<br />

and Princess waterflood is one of the largest construction projects<br />

ever added to an existing platform in the Gulf of Mexico.<br />

ANGEL/NWS LNG T5 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 22.4%)<br />

The fifth LNG processing train at the Karratha Gas Plant in<br />

Western Australia started production in September 2008. Its<br />

4.4 mtpa capacity has increased the capacity of the North West<br />

Shelf Venture (NWS) to 16.3 mtpa.<br />

The NWS has also started production from the new Angel<br />

platform in October 2008. The remotely operated platform is tied<br />

back to the North Rankin A platform. It has a peak production<br />

capacity of 170,000 boe/d.<br />

Both these facilities support LNG delivery to customers in the<br />

Asia-Pacific region.<br />

AFAM GAS AND POWER PROJECT (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 30%,<br />

operator)<br />

In October 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> Petroleum Development Company, as the<br />

operator, began commissioning the three turbines of the Afam VI<br />

Power Plant, the Okoloma Gas Plant and six associated gas wells.<br />

These are collectively known as the Afam Gas and Power Project.<br />

The power plant has a design capacity of 640 MW, and the<br />

Okoloma plant can process some 240 million scf of gas each day.<br />

This integrated project will increase Nigeria’s power supply by<br />

about 20% and the country’s domestic gas supply by some 20%.<br />

SAKHALIN II (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 27.5%)<br />

The first year-round oil exports from Sakhalin II, one of the world’s<br />

largest integrated oil and gas projects, started in December 2008.<br />

The LNG project came on-stream in March 2009 with the first<br />

export of LNG from Russia. Two new offshore platforms and<br />

some 300 km of offshore pipelines were built to take oil and gas<br />

production onshore with two 800 km-long pipelines to the oil<br />

export terminal and Russia’s first LNG plant. Peak production is<br />

expected to be 395,000 boe/d of oil and gas and 9.6 mtpa of LNG<br />

from two trains.<br />

BC-10 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%, operator)<br />

The deep-water BC-10 Project in around 1,780 m of water<br />

in Brazil’s Campos Basin is technically challenging, with<br />

predominantly heavy oil in complex, low pressure reservoirs.<br />

We will develop three fields in the first phase of development,<br />

drilling 10 wells. Undersea wells at each field will be tied back to a<br />

double-hulled floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO)<br />

vessel with a 100,000 boe/d oil processing capacity. Technologies<br />

include significant power and heat delivery systems required to<br />

process the heavy crude and the first application of undersea<br />

separation and boosting processes, which improve recovery.<br />

The FPSO arrived in Brazil in December 2008. The undersea<br />

equipment will now be installed to allow production to start by the<br />

end of 2009.<br />

PERDIDO (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 35.4%, operator)<br />

The Perdido Development has a floating spar production facility<br />

with 130,000 boe/d capacity in 2,440 m of water. It incorporates<br />

drilling, production, processing and export facilities for the Great<br />

White, Tobago and Silvertip fields.<br />

The floating spar was installed in August 2008. In December<br />

2008, <strong>Shell</strong> set a world record in drilling and completing an<br />

undersea well 2,850 m below the water’s surface. In March 2009,<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> installed the drilling and production platform on the spar.<br />

Export pipelines 124 km long for oil and 172 km long for gas will<br />

be installed, and 35 wells are expected to be drilled. Production is<br />

expected to begin in 2010.<br />

A floating production, storage and offloading vessel, BC-10, Brazil<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 11

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />



Technology is a key element of our strategy. In 2008 we increased<br />

our R&D spending to $1,266 million and invested in several<br />

demonstration projects and field trials. This investment secures the<br />

long-term development and delivery of technology to our operating<br />

companies and capital projects. We focus on technologies that will:<br />

• improve our ability to find, develop, recover and process greater<br />

volumes of oil and gas at lower cost;<br />

• improve the efficiency of converting oil, gas and, more recently,<br />

biomass into products with cost and performance benefits;<br />

• reduce the environmental impact of our operations and products<br />

with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

We actively pursue partnerships to help accelerate the research,<br />

development and deployment of new technologies. We also retain<br />

ownership of many breakthrough technologies for sole use in <strong>Shell</strong><br />

projects or for licensing to others. <strong>Shell</strong> has more than 30,000 issued<br />

and pending patent assets in more than 100 countries.<br />

We have built up the technology capabilities in the company<br />

through a network of global technology centres with a technical<br />

community of nearly 30,000 people of which around 10% are<br />

directly involved in R&D and demonstration projects.<br />


$ million<br />

1,500<br />

1,200<br />

900<br />

600<br />

300<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008<br />

<strong>Shell</strong><br />

Total<br />

BP<br />

ExxonMobil<br />

Chevron<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Laboratory, Bangalore, India<br />

12 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> is a pioneer of deep-water oil and gas field development.<br />

We are recognised as a world leader, achieving production at record<br />

depths and developing innovative production platforms and<br />

undersea completion systems. Over the last decade, we have<br />

produced more oil and gas from deep-water fields than any other<br />

international oil company.<br />

As we explore and produce in ever-increasing water and reservoir<br />

depths, so the technical challenges increase. We must apply<br />

outstanding technical capabilities and innovative approaches.<br />

Near-freezing temperatures on the seabed cause oil to congeal and<br />

gas to form ice-like hydrates. Pressure at these depths is so great<br />

that technicians must use remotely operated vehicles. Waves and<br />

currents cause massive stress on equipment. Reservoirs are more<br />

dispersed or difficult to produce. We develop and use many<br />

technologies to meet these challenges.<br />

Radical new platform designs are required, such as NaKika in the<br />

US Gulf of Mexico. <strong>Shell</strong> designed, built and installed this<br />

platform. It taps six independent fields simultaneously that are<br />

connected via underwater pipes to the host platform. By<br />

developing such a large cluster of dispersed fields, we can unlock<br />

smaller fields that are uneconomic to tap individually.<br />

Our most recent projects such as Perdido in the US Gulf of Mexico<br />

and BC-10 offshore Brazil are pushing boundaries in deep-water<br />

technology. Low reservoir pressures in these fields make it difficult<br />

to bring the hydrocarbons to the surface. New technologies make<br />

these fields economically viable by enabling production from these<br />

difficult reservoirs; technology also enables the development of<br />

smaller, more cost-effective platforms. The Perdido system consists<br />

of direct vertical access, “wet tree” wells and remote subsea tiebacks<br />

that allow 35 wells to connect to a spar – a cylinder-shaped<br />

platform that floats vertically and can drill, produce, operate and<br />

maintain many more wells than traditional systems. Undersea<br />

separation and boosting systems and large electrical submersible<br />

pumps enable us to separate liquids (oil and water) and gas at the<br />

sea floor and then produce them to the surface. The systems need<br />

less maintenance and allow higher production rates than<br />

conventional methods.<br />

Our flagship Smart Fields® project, Champion West in Brunei


When an oil field reaches the end of its economic life, up to twothirds<br />

of the oil may be left in the ground. It is estimated that<br />

improving recovery by just 1% could add three years-worth of<br />

world oil production at the current rate.<br />

A focus of <strong>Shell</strong> technology is enhanced oil recovery (EOR).<br />

Injecting gas, chemicals or steam into reservoirs reduces the<br />

viscosity of oil to ease its flow, or reduces the surface tension<br />

allowing to extract from the rock pores.<br />

Natural gas, nitrogen, or CO2 can be injected to displace additional<br />

oil into a production well. We pioneered CO2 injection in the USA<br />

in the 1970s and gained in depth operational experience running<br />

the largest CO2 EOR project in the Permian Basin, West Texas in<br />

the 1980s and 1990s. Injection of chemicals can improve the<br />

efficiency of waterfloods. When water is pumped into a reservoir to<br />

push out the oil polymers increase the sweep efficiency and<br />

surfactants can lower the surface tension of oil within a reservoir to<br />

enhance recovery. Steam injection raises reservoir temperatures,<br />

again reducing oil viscosity. <strong>Shell</strong> started trials of this thermal<br />

process at Belridge in California in the 1960s through the Aera<br />

joint venture (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 51.8%) and since then we have<br />

produced more than a billion barrels of oil there. In some parts of<br />

the field the recovery factor was increased to more than 80%.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> continues to pioneer new approaches to EOR. With<br />

Petroleum Development Oman we are working on a number of<br />

EOR projects using steam (Qarn Alam), chemical (Marmul) and<br />

gas (Harweel) injection. We are also researching methods to<br />

capture CO2 from man-made sources such as power plants and use<br />

it for EOR. Today, 2% of <strong>Shell</strong>’s production results from EOR<br />

and we plan to increase this volume to 10% over the next decade.<br />


Hydrocarbon explorers today often work in more difficult, remote<br />

and challenging environments than in the past. New hydrocarbon<br />

resources are often deeper, more dispersed, and sometimes<br />

impossible to find with traditional exploration techniques. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

uses technologies across many disciplines and combines geology,<br />

remote sensing, electromagnetic measurements and seismic<br />

technology to reduce risk and improve the success rate.<br />

Seismic surveying – underground imaging using reflected sound<br />

waves – is still one of our most common and powerful exploration<br />

tools. We now use sophisticated software combined with massive<br />

computing power to create high-resolution 3D images. Geoscientists<br />

turn these images into detailed geological models of rock layers and<br />

potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. We have developed advanced<br />

fast-seismic processing software that filter out distortions caused by<br />

underground obstacles such as layers of salt and volcanic rock.<br />

Seismic data at sea is usually gathered by a single boat that both<br />

sends and receives the seismic signals. When basalt rock or salt is<br />

present under the seabed, however, the signals become distorted<br />

and it is hard to interpret what lies below. By splitting the process<br />

and dividing the signal sender and the signal receiver between two<br />

boats, <strong>Shell</strong> has been able to shoot seismic at an angle, getting<br />

beneath those problematic structures. This technique, called wide<br />

azimuth seismic, helped <strong>Shell</strong> select and win exploration rights for<br />

Gulf of Mexico blocks in 2008 and 2009.<br />

Geoscientists can view the seismic data simultaneously using <strong>Shell</strong>’s<br />

12 connected virtual reality centres around the world. They can<br />

manipulate 3D images to interpret the data and make virtual maps<br />

of potential exploration targets, which allows faster and more<br />

accurate decision making about where to drill wells and the best<br />

way to develop a reservoir.<br />

Another technology we have used with success is Controlled Source<br />

Electromagnetics (CSEM). A powerful electromagnetic source is<br />

towed near the seabed and returning signals are recorded by<br />

receivers on the seabed. The process can sometimes detect<br />

distortions in the formation beneath the seabed caused by changes<br />

in electrical properties such as the presence of hydrocarbons. The<br />

CSEM may provide information that the seismic surveys cannot,<br />

making it a valuable supplement to traditional exploration<br />

techniques. <strong>Shell</strong> performed the oil industry’s first 3D CSEM<br />

survey in 2006 in Malaysia.<br />

Our approach of integrating technologies to optimise our<br />

exploration programme has enhanced our success rate in recent<br />

years – in deep-water Malaysia and Nigeria we made 19 discoveries<br />

from 25 deep-water wells drilled between 2001 and 2007.<br />


Oil and gas fields are complex. To achieve the most efficient<br />

production we need to understand conditions such as the pressure,<br />

temperature and fluid flow in the wells and across the whole field.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Smart Fields® technology combines digital information<br />

technology with the latest drilling, well completion, reservoir<br />

characterisation and monitoring techniques to give us both detailed<br />

knowledge and continuous control. We are aiming to increase the<br />

total volume of oil recovered from reservoirs by using the Smart<br />

Fields® technologies by 5–10%. Smart tools such as downhole<br />

pressure gauges, inflow control valves, distributed pressure and<br />

temperature monitoring, 4D seismic and field-wide compaction<br />

monitoring, allow our experts to integrate the information and<br />

optimise production continuously.<br />

Champion West, offshore Brunei, is one of our flagship Smart<br />

Fields® projects. The field was discovered in 1975, but its complex<br />

web of thin and scattered reservoirs made it too expensive to<br />

develop. Smart Fields® techniques allowed the drilling of “snake<br />

wells” that move vertically and horizontally up to 8 km through the<br />

formation, penetrate several hydrocarbon reservoirs and have<br />

multiple completions that measure and control flow from the<br />

separate sections. Sensors with fibre-optic cables relay digital<br />

information about temperature, pressure and other field parameters<br />

to control centres on land. Engineers can monitor production in<br />

real time, spot problems immediately and take action – for<br />

example, by activating inflow control valves electronically to<br />

mitigate water or gas break throughs to increase production. Smart<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 13

REVIEW OF THE <strong>YEAR</strong><br />

Fields® technology and new drilling and completion techniques<br />

have turned Champion West into one of the world’s most<br />

advanced oil and gas fields, at peak contributing 50,000 b/d of<br />

production to Brunei <strong>Shell</strong> Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%).<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> had six Smart Fields® in operation at the end of 2008<br />

including Champion West, Ormen Lange in Norway, Groningen<br />

in the Netherlands and Bonga in Nigeria. Additionally 15 fields are<br />

under development to be “smart” and around 25 in development<br />

have Smart Fields® components. In total more than 50 such<br />

projects are planned.<br />


“Tight gas” is where natural gas is trapped in reservoirs with very little<br />

natural fractures and cracks through which the gas can flow (low<br />

permeability) and little space between the rock grains (low porosity).<br />

In the tighter reservoirs, engineers have to create artificial fractures to<br />

allow the gas to flow, and use cost efficient drilling techniques like rigs<br />

on skids or “horizontal drilling”, to increase recovery.<br />

Tight gas production is challenging, but of increasing importance.<br />

Tight gas and other unconventional gas developments such as<br />

coalbed methane account for about a third of total North American<br />

gas production today and are expected to increase in the future.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has decades of tight gas production experience in areas such as<br />

Canada, the USA, Oman and the southern North Sea. Increased<br />

demand and technical advancements have created new<br />

opportunities to develop increasingly “tighter” gas reservoirs,<br />

especially in North America and Asia where the largest resources<br />

are located. <strong>Shell</strong> has acquired substantial interests in both areas,<br />

increasing our gas production steadily over the past five years.<br />

Tight gas development requires suites of technologies to locate the<br />

most suitable rock formations and to drill and produce the fields<br />

cost effectively, often at great depths.<br />

To identify the most promising spots we combine proprietary tools<br />

and techniques with third-party technologies. The application of<br />

the most suitable tools including micro-seismic imaging, rock<br />

property analysis and geomechanical stress pattern detection allows<br />

us to develop a complete picture of the underground formation,<br />

select where to drill and decide how to complete the wells.<br />

Other innovations such as changing fracturing fluids in Canada<br />

and drilling multiple wells from a single location in the USA help<br />

us to extract further value from these growth assets and at the same<br />

time reduce our environmental footprint.<br />

For example in China, together with our partner PetroChina in the<br />

Changbei tight gas project, we decided to drill dual lateral<br />

horizontal wells, which can deliver up to 10 times the rates of<br />

production of conventionally fractured vertical wells, and we have<br />

reduced drilling times by 40%.<br />

14 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


We aim to establish a leading ability in carbon dioxide capture and<br />

storage and we continue to research and develop technologies that<br />

increase efficiency and reduce emissions in our production of oil<br />

and gas. In 2008, we joined several demonstration projects to help<br />

develop carbon capture and storage technologies and made progress<br />

with our own planned projects. We are also involved in more than<br />

20 research projects with universities.<br />

Carbon capture and storage involves capturing CO2 from large<br />

stationary sources such as power plants and refineries and storing it<br />

safely underground. Potential storage sites include depleted oil and<br />

gas reservoirs, vast underground saltwater deposits known as saline<br />

aquifers, and coal beds too difficult to mine.<br />

In Canada we are taking part in the Weyburn-midale CO2<br />

monitoring and storage project, and carrying out appraisal work<br />

on our Quest project, to help manage CO2 from the Scotford<br />

Upgrader. If it goes ahead, Quest would capture and store one<br />

million tonnes of CO2 per year from the Scotford Upgrader and<br />

the Scotford Upgrader expansion, now under construction.<br />

In Germany the first CO2 was injected at the CO2SINK project,<br />

in which <strong>Shell</strong> is a partner. This is the first European scientific<br />

project to demonstrate onshore CO2 storage in a saline aquifer.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is studying a project for the capture and storage of pure CO2<br />

produced as waste at the <strong>Shell</strong> Pernis refinery in the Netherlands.<br />

The CO2 could be stored in two depleted gas fields in Barendrecht<br />

after being piped 17 km from Pernis.<br />

Quest<br />

Westcarb<br />

Mongstad<br />

Weyburn-<br />

CO2SINK<br />

midale Barendrecht<br />

CO2 storage demonstration/research projects<br />

Carbon capture and storage projects under development,<br />

industrial scale (>100,000 tpa)<br />

Gorgon<br />




Increasing numbers of road vehicles and tighter regulations on<br />

emissions have created a demand for cleaner burning transport<br />

fuels. <strong>Shell</strong> GTL technology produces a cleaner burning liquid fuel<br />

derived from natural gas and will help meet this demand. GTL<br />

products are colourless, odourless, biodegradable and virtually<br />

sulphur-free. Used alone or as a blend with diesel, GTL Fuel<br />

produces significantly lower local vehicle emissions than those from<br />

conventional diesel.<br />

Premium diesel containing GTL Fuel is already available to motorists<br />

as <strong>Shell</strong> V-Power Diesel in 11 countries. In 2006 an Audi became<br />

the first diesel-powered car to win the challenging Le Mans 24 hours<br />

race fuelled on a special race version of <strong>Shell</strong> V-Power Diesel with<br />

GTL Fuel. The car won again in 2007 and 2008. GTL Fuel, as pure,<br />

has also been tested in bus and taxi fleets in heavily congested cities<br />

where local air quality benefits could have strong impact.<br />

Importantly, there are several other products from the GTL<br />

process, including oils for lubricants, naphtha and normal paraffin.<br />

GTL products are made by partially oxidizing natural gas at high<br />

temperature and pressure to convert it to synthesis gas, a mixture of<br />

hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and chemically converting it<br />

through the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been at the forefront of GTL technology and production<br />

for over 30 years. Laboratory developments led to our first<br />

commercial GTL plant at Bintulu, Malaysia, in 1993. We are now<br />

building the world’s largest GTL plant, Pearl GTL in Qatar.<br />

Construction will be completed around the end of 2010. At peak it<br />

will produce 140,000 barrels of GTL products a day and 120,000<br />

boe/d of natural gas liquids and ethane.<br />


Efficient vehicle lubrication can improve fuel economy and reduce<br />

exhaust emissions. Our latest lubricant for heavy-duty transport<br />

vehicles, <strong>Shell</strong> Rimula R6 LME has been designed to help fleet<br />

operators reduce their costs and emissions. In developing this<br />

GTL car, Singapore<br />

product, our technology challenge was to formulate a thin, lowviscosity<br />

oil that reduces engine friction but has the same protective<br />

benefits of more viscous oil, which produces a thicker protective film<br />

on engine parts.<br />

Our solution was to use synthetic base oils that are more resistant to<br />

thinning at high temperatures and to add anti-wear boosters that<br />

help to reduce friction. We also formulated R6 LME with lower<br />

levels of sulphur, phosphorous and sulphated ash, which prolongs<br />

the effectiveness of exhaust systems’ catalysts and filters. Because the<br />

catalysts and filters work better, the engine is more efficient leading<br />

to lower emissions, reduced costs and lower maintenance.<br />

In combination with fuel-economy gearbox and axle oils, <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Rimula R6 LME can help reduce the fuel consumption of heavyduty<br />

trucks by up to 5%. Independent testing has shown that<br />

changing to <strong>Shell</strong> Rimula R6 LME alone can provide up to 1.1%<br />

fuel savings compared to a 10W-40 oil.<br />

The <strong>Shell</strong> lubricants portfolio also includes products such as <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Helix Ultra low viscosity motor oils and <strong>Shell</strong> Omala HD gearbox<br />

oils designed to increase energy efficiency for the car driver and<br />

industrial operator.<br />

OMEGA<br />

The new <strong>Shell</strong> OMEGA (Only Mono-Ethylene Glycol Advanced)<br />

production process offers a number of significant benefits in the<br />

conversion of ethylene to mono-ethylene glycol (MEG). We will<br />

use this technology at the new <strong>Shell</strong> Eastern Petrochemicals<br />

Complex – one of the world’s largest plants of its kind. It will also<br />

be licensed to other chemicals producers.<br />

MEG is a vital ingredient for polyester fibres and film, polyethylene<br />

terephthalate (PET) resins and engine coolants. <strong>Shell</strong> is one of the<br />

world’s leading MEG producers. Many plants use <strong>Shell</strong>’s<br />

conventional EO/MEG MASTER process technology, which is part<br />

catalytic and part thermal. OMEGA is an entirely catalytic process.<br />

We have redesigned the technology to combine two complementary<br />

and highly selective processes, and make it work at world-scale<br />

capacity. We have achieved by far the lowest consumption of<br />

ethylene per tonne of MEG so far in the industry and reduced capital<br />

costs for a new plant by about 10% compared to one of the same<br />

MEG capacity employing <strong>Shell</strong>’s MASTER process.<br />

Additional benefits include lower water and steam consumption,<br />

lower waste water production and almost no by-product yields of<br />

heavier glycols.<br />

By using <strong>Shell</strong> OMEGA technology, our plant in Singapore will be<br />

able to improve commercial MEG yields by as much as 10%<br />

compared to conventional MEG technology, virtually eliminating<br />

all by-products.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 15



Revenue<br />

16 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production 20,841 14,963 16,750 22,865 17,690<br />

Gas & Power 24,576 15,982 16,035 14,014 9,886<br />

Oil Sands 558 1,069 1,159 1,105 710<br />

Oil Products 368,853 282,665 248,581 237,210 210,424<br />

Chemicals 43,494 41,046 36,306 31,018 26,877<br />

Corporate 39 57 14 519 799<br />

Total revenue [A] 458,361 355,782 318,845 306,731 266,386<br />

Cost of sales 395,639 296,697 262,989 252,622 223,259<br />

Gross profit 62,722 59,085 55,856 54,109 43,127<br />

Selling, distribution and administrative expenses 17,028 16,621 16,616 15,482 15,098<br />

Exploration 2,049 1,712 1,562 1,286 1,809<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 7,446 8,234 6,671 7,123 5,015<br />

Interest and other income 910 2,698 1,428 1,171 1,483<br />

Interest expense 1,181 1,108 1,149 1,068 1,059<br />

Income before taxation 50,820 50,576 44,628 44,567 31,659<br />

Taxation 24,344 18,650 18,317 17,999 12,168<br />

Income from continuing operations 26,476 31,926 26,311 26,568 19,491<br />

Income from discontinued operations – – – (307) (234)<br />

Income for the period 26,476 31,926 26,311 26,261 19,257<br />

Income attributable to minority interest 199 595 869 950 717<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 26,277 31,331 25,442 25,311 18,540<br />

Research and development expenditure included in cost of sales 1,266 1,201 885 588 553<br />

Depreciation is included in the following [B]:<br />

Cost of sales 12,082 11,898 11,275 10,384 10,569<br />

Selling, distribution and administrative expenses 1,167 1,189 1,176 1,472 1,593<br />

Exploration 407 93 164 125 683<br />

Total 13,656 13,180 12,615 11,981 12,845<br />

[A] Total revenue is stated after deducting sales taxes, excise duties and similar levies of $94,118 million in 2008, $78,680 million in 2007, $70,929 million in 2006, $72,277 million in 2005 and<br />

$72,370 million in 2004.<br />

[B] Depreciation comprises depreciation, depletion and amortisation.<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Basic earnings per share 4.27 5.00 3.97 3.79 2.74<br />

From continuing operations 4.27 5.00 3.97 3.84 2.77<br />

From discontinued operations – – – (0.05) (0.03)<br />

Diluted earnings per share 4.26 4.99 3.95 3.78 2.74<br />

From continuing operations 4.26 4.99 3.95 3.83 2.77<br />

From discontinued operations – – – (0.05) (0.03)<br />

Basic weighted average number of A and B shares (number of shares, millions) 6,159.1 6,263.8 6,413.4 6,674.2 6,770.5<br />

Diluted weighted average number of class A and B shares (number of shares, millions) 6,171.5 6,283.8 6,440.0 6,694.4 6,776.4


Dec 31, 2008 Dec 31, 2007 Dec 31, 2006 Dec 31, 2005 Dec 31, 2004<br />

ASSETS<br />

Non-current assets<br />

Intangible assets 5,021 5,366 4,808 4,350 4,528<br />

Property, plant and equipment 112,038 101,521 [B] 100,988 87,558 87,918<br />

Exploration & Production 61,508 53,952 57,671 47,982 47,793<br />

Gas & Power 10,932 7,913 8,855 7,256 6,336<br />

Oil Sands 7,862 6,629 4,009 3,293 3,095<br />

Oil Products 22,840 24,771 23,375 22,263 23,622<br />

Chemicals 8,036 7,174 6,196 5,945 6,348<br />

Corporate 860 1,082 882 819 724<br />

Investments:<br />

equity-accounted investments 28,327 29,153 [B] 20,740 16,905 19,190<br />

financial assets 4,065 3,461 4,493 3,672 2,700<br />

Deferred tax 3,418 3,253 2,968 2,562 2,789<br />

Pre-paid pension costs 6,198 5,559 3,926 2,486 2,479<br />

Other 6,764 5,760 5,468 4,091 5,793<br />

165,831 154,073 143,391 121,624 125,397<br />

Current assets<br />

Inventories 19,342 31,503 23,215 19,776 15,375<br />

Accounts receivable 82,040 74,238 59,668 66,386 37,473<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 15,188 9,656 9,002 11,730 9,201<br />

116,570 115,397 91,885 97,892 62,049<br />

Total assets 282,401 269,470 235,276 219,516 187,446<br />


Non-current liabilities<br />

Debt 13,772 12,363 9,713 7,578 8,858<br />

Deferred tax 12,518 13,039 13,094 10,763 12,930<br />

Retirement benefit obligations 5,469 6,165 6,096 5,807 6,795<br />

Other provisions 12,570 13,658 10,355 7,385 6,828<br />

Other 3,677 3,893 4,325 5,095 5,800<br />

48,006 49,118 43,583 36,628 41,211<br />

Current liabilities<br />

Debt 9,497 5,736 6,060 5,338 5,734<br />

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 85,091 75,697 62,556 69,013 37,909<br />

Taxes payable 8,107 9,733 6,021 8,782 9,058<br />

Retirement benefit obligations 383 426 319 282 339<br />

Other provisions 2,451 2,792 1,792 1,549 1,812<br />

105,529 94,384 76,748 84,964 54,852<br />

Total liabilities 153,535 143,502 120,331 121,592 96,063<br />

EQUITY<br />

Ordinary share capital 527 536 545 571 584<br />

Preference share capital – – – – 20<br />

Treasury shares (1,867) (2,392) (3,316) (3,809) (4,187)<br />

Other reserves 3,178 14,148 8,820 3,584 8,865<br />

Retained earnings 125,447 111,668 [B] 99,677 90,578 80,788<br />

Equity attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 127,285 123,960 105,726 90,924 86,070<br />

Minority interest 1,581 2,008 [B] 9,219 7,000 5,313<br />

Total equity 128,866 125,968 114,945 97,924 91,383<br />

Total liabilities and equity 282,401 269,470 235,276 219,516 187,446<br />

Capital employed [A] 152,135 144,067 130,718 110,840 105,975<br />

[A] Capital employed is total equity plus current and non-current debt.<br />

[B] In March 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired the minority interests in <strong>Shell</strong> Canada for a cash consideration of $7.1 billion. This was reflected as a decrease in minority interest and in retained earnings of<br />

$1,639 million and $5,445 million respectively. In April 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> sold half of its interest in Sakhalin II, reducing its interest from 55% to 27.5%, for a sales price of $4.1 billion. As a result<br />

of this transaction, Sakhalin II has been accounted for as an associated company rather than as a subsidiary with effect from April 2007. The main impact on the Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

was a decrease of $15.7 billion in property, plant and equipment and $6.7 billion in minority interest, and an increase in investments: equity-accounted investments of $3.7 billion.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 17



Cash flow from operating activities:<br />

18 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Income for the period 26,476 31,926 26,311 26,261 19,257<br />

Adjustment for:<br />

Current taxation 24,452 20,076 17,338 19,435 13,081<br />

Interest (income)/expense 1,039 550 716 632 803<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 13,656 13,180 12,615 11,981 12,845<br />

(Gains)/losses on sale of assets (4,071) (3,349) (571) (1,313) (3,087)<br />

Decrease/(increase) in net working capital 7,935 (6,206) (4,052) (5,664) (4,062)<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments (7,446) (8,234) (6,671) (7,123) (5,015)<br />

Dividends received from equity-accounted investments 9,325 6,955 5,488 6,709 4,190<br />

Deferred taxation and other provisions (1,030) (773) 1,833 (1,515) (1,007)<br />

Other (549) (801) (266) (47) 292<br />

Net cash from operating activities (pre-tax) 69,787 53,324 52,741 49,356 37,297<br />

Taxation paid (25,869) (18,863) (21,045) (19,243) (10,760)<br />

Net cash from operating activities 43,918 34,461 31,696 30,113 26,537<br />

Cash flow from investing activities:<br />

Capital expenditure (35,065) (24,576) (22,922) (15,904) (13,566)<br />

Investments in equity-accounted investments (1,885) (1,852) (851) (705) (1,058)<br />

Proceeds from sale of assets 4,737 8,566 [B] 1,611 2,310 5,142<br />

Proceeds from sale of equity-accounted investments 2,062 1,012 282 4,313 1,316<br />

Proceeds from sale of/(additions to) financial assets 224 1,055 22 362 1,739<br />

Interest received 1,012 1,225 997 863 463<br />

Net cash used in investing activities (28,915) (14,570) (20,861) (8,761) (5,964)<br />

Cash flow from financing activities:<br />

Net increase/(decrease) in debt with maturity period within three months 4,161 (455) 75 (956) 8<br />

Other debt:<br />

New borrowings 3,555 4,565 4,263 2,130 2,121<br />

Repayments (2,890) (2,796) (2,232) (2,656) (6,380)<br />

Interest paid (1,371) (1,235) (1,296) (1,124) (962)<br />

Change in minority interest 40 (6,757) [B] 1,434 1,143 812<br />

Dividends paid to:<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders (9,516) (9,001) (8,142) (10,556) (7,391)<br />

Minority interest (325) (203) (289) (293) (264)<br />

Net issue/(repurchase) of shares (3,573) (4,387) (8,047) (4,988) (777)<br />

Payments to former Royal Dutch plc shareholders – – – (1,651) –<br />

Treasury shares: net sales/(purchases) and dividends received 525 876 493 378 (759)<br />

Net cash used in financing activities (9,394) (19,393) (13,741) (18,573) (13,592)<br />

Currency translation differences relating to cash and cash equivalents (77) 156 178 (250) 113<br />

Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 5,532 654 (2,728) 2,529 7,094<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 9,656 9,002 11,730 9,201 2,107<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 15,188 9,656 9,002 11,730 9,201<br />

[A] This statement reflects cash flows arising from the activities of <strong>Shell</strong> companies as measured in their own currencies, translated into dollars at quarterly average rates of exchange. Accordingly,<br />

cash flows recorded exclude both the currency translation differences which arise as a result of translating the assets and liabilities of non-dollar <strong>Shell</strong> companies to dollars at year-end rates of<br />

exchange (except for those arising on cash and cash equivalents) and non-cash investing and financing activities.<br />

[B] In March 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired the minority interests in <strong>Shell</strong> Canada for a cash consideration of $7.1 billion. This was reflected as a decrease in minority interest and in retained earnings of<br />

$1,639 million and $5,445 million respectively. In April 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> sold half of its interest in Sakhalin II, reducing its interest from 55% to 27.5%, for a sales price of $4.1 billion. As a result<br />

of this transaction, Sakhalin II has been accounted for as an associated company rather than as a subsidiary with effect from April 2007. The main impact on the Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

was a decrease of $15.7 billion in property, plant and equipment and $6.7 billion in minority interest, and an increase in investments: equity accounted investments of $3.7 billion.


Exploration & Production<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Segment earnings 20,235 14,686 14,544 13,577 9,522<br />

Including:<br />

Exploration 2,049 1,712 1,562 1,286 1,809<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 8,929 9,338 8,672 7,973 6,861<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 4,970 3,583 3,075 4,112 2,463<br />

Net cash from operating activities 31,649 24,348 21,956 19,802 15,982<br />

Less: Net working capital movements [B] 2,390 1,238 (1,089) 544 (672)<br />

Net cash from operating activities excluding net working capital movements<br />

and taxation paid/accrued 29,259 23,110 23,045 19,258 16,654<br />

Capital employed 55,274 47,682 50,405 39,826 37,755<br />

Gas & Power<br />

Segment earnings 5,328 2,781 2,633 1,378 1,774<br />

Including:<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 397 315 284 372 928<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 2,541 1,852 1,509 1,007 1,142<br />

Net cash from operating activities 5,445 1,408 2,219 417 1,701<br />

Less: Net working capital movements [B] 774 (514) (278) (1,202) 100<br />

Net cash from operating activities excluding net working capital movements<br />

and taxation paid/accrued 4,671 1,922 2,497 1,619 1,601<br />

Capital employed 22,497 19,383 17,909 14,291 12,197<br />

Oil Sands<br />

Segment earnings 941 582 651 661 301<br />

Including:<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 173 166 172 179 154<br />

Net cash from operating activities 1,590 1,520 1,274 670 445<br />

Less: Net working capital movements [B] 60 720 387 (568) (279)<br />

Net cash from operating activities excluding net working capital movements<br />

and taxation paid/accrued 1,530 800 887 1,238 724<br />

Capital employed 6,200 4,603 3,048 2,810 2,523<br />

Oil Products<br />

Segment CCS earnings<br />

Including:<br />

5,155 6,951 7,027 7,532 6,592<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 2,686 2,440 2,580 2,622 3,357<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 598 1,723 1,585 1,426 1,061<br />

Net cash from operating activities 6,803 3,682 3,594 10,138 6,304<br />

Less: Net working capital movements [B]<br />

Net cash from operating activities excluding net working capital movements<br />

5,446 (6,834) (3,938) (2,264) (3,535)<br />

and taxation paid/accrued 1,357 10,516 7,532 12,402 9,839<br />

Capital employed 44,171 54,515 42,245 34,262 33,637<br />

Chemicals<br />

Segment CCS earnings 156 1,682 1,095 782 1,148 [C]<br />

Including:<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 888 666 668 599 695<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 247 694 494 423 437<br />

Net cash from operating activities 1,801 1,873 1,853 2,352 1,391<br />

Less: Net working capital movements [B]<br />

Net cash from operating activities excluding net working capital movements<br />

1,421 (796) 316 144 (783)<br />

and taxation paid/accrued 380 2,669 1,537 2,208 2,174<br />

Capital employed 9,904 10,571 8,468 8,522 10,925<br />

[A] Corporate segment information has not been included. Refer to the Earnings by business segment section on page 20 for additional information. The above data does not consider<br />

minority interest impacts on the segments.<br />

[B] Excluding working capital movements related to taxation.<br />

[C] Chemicals are reported on CCS basis from 2005.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 19



20 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007<br />

World World<br />

outside outside<br />

USA USA Total USA USA Total<br />

Exploration & Production 14,854 5,381 20,235 10,954 3,732 14,686<br />

Gas & Power 5,114 214 5,328 2,315 466 2,781<br />

Oil Sands 941 941 582 582<br />

Oil Products 1,919 (1,473) 446 7,668 2,771 10,439<br />

Chemicals 593 (998) (405) 1,836 215 2,051<br />

Total operating segments 26,545 30,539<br />

Corporate (69) 1,387<br />

Income from continuing operations 26,476 31,926<br />

Income from discontinued operations, net of tax – –<br />

Income for the period 26,476 31,926<br />

Income attributable to minority interest 199 595<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 26,277 31,331<br />


Exploration & Production<br />

2008 2007<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year<br />

World outside USA 3,540 3,952 3,885 3,477 14,854 2,541 2,183 2,467 3,763 10,954<br />

USA 1,603 1,929 1,616 233 5,381 852 916 860 1,104 3,732<br />

Gas & Power<br />

World outside USA 933 788 2,437 956 5,114 682 494 500 639 2,315<br />

USA 15 (163) 337 25 214 121 285 68 (8) 466<br />

Oil Sands<br />

World outside USA 249 351 371 (30) 941 115 202 183 82 582<br />

Oil Products<br />

World outside USA 1,818 3,454 535 (3,888) 1,919 1,316 2,541 1,690 2,121 7,668<br />

USA 549 1,085 (579) (2,528) (1,473) 486 1,387 463 435 2,771<br />

Chemicals<br />

World outside USA 387 250 196 (240) 593 498 526 373 439 1,836<br />

USA (39) (93) (275) (591) (998) 29 100 24 62 215<br />

Total operating segments 9,055 11,553 8,523 (2,586) 26,545 6,640 8,634 6,628 8,637 30,539<br />

Corporate<br />

Interest income/(expense) 110 81 178 (41) 328 583 158 122 12 875<br />

Currency exchange gains/(losses) (62) 27 (264) (351) (650) 46 20 57 82 205<br />

Other – including taxation 98 93 43 19 253 172 (1) 234 (98) 307<br />

Income from continuing operations 9,201 11,754 8,480 (2,959) 26,476 7,441 8,811 7,041 8,633 31,926<br />

Income from discontinued<br />

operations, net of tax – – – – – – – – – –<br />

Income for the period 9,201 11,754 8,480 (2,959) 26,476 7,441 8,811 7,041 8,633 31,926<br />

Income attributable to<br />

minority interests 118 198 32 (149) 199 160 144 125 166 595<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 9,083 11,556 8,448 (2,810) 26,277 7,281 8,667 6,916 8,467 31,331


2006 2005 2004<br />

World World World<br />

outside outside outside<br />

USA USA Total USA USA Total USA USA Total<br />

Exploration & Production 10,815 3,729 14,544 9,880 3,697 13,577 6,210 3,312 9,522<br />

Gas & Power 2,345 288 2,633 1,345 33 1,378 1,960 (186) 1,774<br />

Oil Sands 651 651 661 661 301 301<br />

Oil Products 5,284 1,841 7,125 7,726 2,256 9,982 5,677 1,920 7,597<br />

Chemicals 1,064 – 1,064 1,239 59 1,298 1,222 125 1,347<br />

Total operating segments 26,017 26,896 20,541<br />

Corporate 294 (328) (1,050)<br />

Income from continuing operations 26,311 26,568 19,491<br />

Income from discontinued operations, net of tax – (307) (234)<br />

Income for the period 26,311 26,261 19,257<br />

Income attributable to minority interest 869 950 717<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 25,442 25,311 18,540<br />


Exploration & Production<br />

2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year<br />

World outside USA 2,720 2,837 2,425 2,833 10,815 1,920 1,429 3,872 2,659 9,880 1,891 1,093 1,418 1,808 6,210<br />

USA 948 985 1,093 703 3,729 945 1,101 926 725 3,697 752 687 787 1,086 3,312<br />

Gas & Power<br />

World outside USA 714 461 588 582 2,345 503 63 420 359 1,345 433 377 328 822 1,960<br />

USA 46 52 193 (3) 288 (39) (57) 63 66 33 83 (34) 3 (238) (186)<br />

Oil Sands<br />

World outside USA 75 177 225 174 651 90 215 179 177 661 64 75 138 24 301<br />

Oil Products<br />

World outside USA 1,588 1,925 1,070 701 5,284 2,306 2,034 2,377 1,009 7,726 1,192 1,319 1,952 1,214 5,677<br />

USA 515 1,092 144 90 1,841 745 630 1,063 (182) 2,256 381 475 605 459 1,920<br />

Chemicals<br />

World outside USA 205 345 304 210 1,064 494 221 384 140 1,239 200 280 400 342 1,222<br />

USA (22) 101 (53) (26) – 169 38 30 (178) 59 (9) 64 140 (70) 125<br />

Total operating segments 6,789 7,975 5,989 5,264 26,017 7,133 5,674 9,314 4,775 26,896 4,987 4,336 5,771 5,447 20,541<br />

Corporate<br />

Interest income/(expense) – 38 37 1 76 (70) (74) 71 51 (22) (174) (196) (143) (231) (744)<br />

Currency exchange gains/(losses) 112 (73) (19) 93 113 (40) (6) 126 (145) (65) (7) (2) 35 42 68<br />

Other – including taxation 115 (413) 248 155 105 (3) (133) (27) (78) (241) 20 (111) (65) (218) (374)<br />

Income from continuing operations 7,016 7,527 6,255 5,513 26,311 7,020 5,461 9,484 4,603 26,568 4,826 4,027 5,598 5,040 19,491<br />

Income from discontinued<br />

operations, net of tax – – – – – (214) – (93) – (307) 20 22 23 (299) (234)<br />

Income for the period 7,016 7,527 6,255 5,513 26,311 6,806 5,461 9,391 4,603 26,261 4,846 4,049 5,621 4,741 19,257<br />

Income attributable to<br />

minority interests 123 203 313 230 869 131 225 359 235 950 145 153 249 170 717<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 6,893 7,324 5,942 5,283 25,442 6,675 5,236 9,032 4,368 25,311 4,701 3,896 5,372 4,571 18,540<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 21



Exploration & Production<br />

22 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year<br />

World outside USA 3,540 3,952 3,885 3,477 14,854 2,541 2,183 2,467 3,763 10,954<br />

USA 1,603 1,929 1,616 233 5,381 852 916 860 1,104 3,732<br />

Gas & Power<br />

World outside USA 933 788 2,437 956 5,114 682 494 500 639 2,315<br />

USA 15 (163) 337 25 214 121 285 68 (8) 466<br />

Oil Sands 249 351 371 (30) 941 115 202 183 82 582<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis)<br />

World outside USA 978 765 2,307 1,375 5,425 1,158 1,827 1,316 789 5,090<br />

USA 216 310 (3) (793) (270) 330 1,109 335 87 1,861<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis)<br />

World outside USA 304 112 253 115 784 469 454 368 370 1,661<br />

USA (103) (254) (137) (134) (628) 11 40 (8) (22) 21<br />

Total operating segments 7,735 7,790 11,066 5,224 31,815 6,279 7,510 6,089 6,804 26,682<br />

Corporate<br />

Interest and investment<br />

income/(expense) 110 81 178 (41) 328 583 158 122 12 875<br />

Currency exchange gains/(losses) (62) 27 (264) (351) (650) 46 20 57 82 205<br />

Other – including taxation 98 93 43 19 253 172 (1) 234 (98) 307<br />

Income from discontinued<br />

operations, net of tax – – – – – – – – – –<br />

Minority interest (105) (89) (120) (66) (380) (148) (131) (110) (116) (505)<br />

CCS earnings 7,776 7,902 10,903 4,785 31,366 6,932 7,556 6,392 6,684 27,564<br />

Estimated CCS adjustment for<br />

Oil Products and Chemicals 1,307 3,654 (2,455) (7,595) (5,089) 349 1,111 524 1,783 3,767<br />

Income attributable to<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 9,083 11,556 8,448 (2,810) 26,277 7,281 8,667 6,916 8,467 31,331<br />


2008 2007<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year<br />

Exploration & Production (66) 98 575 1,303 1,910 104 153 130 715 1,102<br />

Gas & Power (11) – 1,368 (55) 1,302 39 247 (4) (7) 275<br />

Oil Sands – – 25 – 25 – – – 94 94<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis) – 181 77 (233) 25 (176) 205 121 177 327<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis) – (206) 18 (22) (210) – – 18 (46) (28)<br />

Corporate – – – (96) (96) 404 55 – 30 489<br />

Minority interest – – – – – – – – – –<br />

CCS earnings impact (77) 73 2,063 897 2,956 371 660 265 963 2,259


Exploration & Production<br />

2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year<br />

World outside USA 2,720 2,837 2,425 2,833 10,815 1,920 1,429 3,872 2,659 9,880 1,891 1,093 1,418 1,808 6,210<br />

USA 948 985 1,093 703 3,729 945 1,101 926 725 3,697 752 687 787 1,086 3,312<br />

Gas & Power<br />

World outside USA 714 461 588 582 2,345 503 63 420 359 1,345 433 377 328 822 1,960<br />

USA 46 52 193 (3) 288 (39) (57) 63 66 33 83 (34) 3 (238) (186)<br />

Oil Sands 75 177 225 174 651 90 215 179 177 661 64 75 138 24 301<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis)<br />

World outside USA 1,071 1,332 1,665 1,254 5,322 1,475 1,500 1,229 1,583 5,787 968 1,099 1,176 1,683 4,926<br />

USA 262 733 495 215 1,705 405 528 497 315 1,745 215 447 349 655 1,666<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis) [A]<br />

World outside USA 173 309 348 233 1,063 463 237 320 155 1,175 200 280 400 342 1,222<br />

USA (34) 39 (13) 40 32 105 43 (87) (147) (86) (9) 64 140 (70) 125<br />

Total operating segments 5,975 6,925 7,019 6,031 25,950 5,867 5,059 7,419 5,892 24,237 4,597 4,088 4,739 6,112 19,536<br />

Corporate<br />

Interest and investment<br />

income/(expense) – 38 37 1 76 (70) (74) 71 51 (22) (174) (196) (143) (231) (744)<br />

Currency exchange gains/(losses) 112 (73) (19) 93 113 (40) (6) 126 (145) (65) (7) (2) 35 42 68<br />

Other – including taxation 115 (413) 248 155 105 (3) (133) (27) (78) (241) 20 (111) (65) (218) (374)<br />

Income from discontinued<br />

operations, net of tax – – – – – (214) – (93) – (307) 20 22 23 (299) (234)<br />

Minority interest (114) (163) (337) (265) (879) (85) (199) (308) (279) (871) (125) (139) (207) (186) (657)<br />

CCS earnings [A] 6,088 6,314 6,948 6,015 25,365 5,455 4,647 7,188 5,441 22,731 4,331 3,662 4,382 5,220 17,595<br />

Estimated CCS adjustment for<br />

Oil Products and Chemicals [A] 805 1,010 (1,006) (732) 77 1,220 589 1,844 (1,073) 2,580 370 234 990 (649) 945<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders 6,893 7,324 5,942 5,283 25,442 6,675 5,236 9,032 4,368 25,311 4,701 3,896 5,372 4,571 18,540<br />

[A] Chemicals are reported on CCS basis from 2005.<br />


2006 2005 2004 [A]<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Year<br />

Exploration & Production 113 184 (163) 387 521 (41) (214) 1,765 152 1,662<br />

Gas & Power – – – – – 48 (226) 94 – (84)<br />

Oil Sands – 120 – – 120 – 65 – – 65<br />

Oil Products (CCS basis) – (65) – 103 38 427 – – – 427<br />

Chemicals (CCS basis) – (30) – (83) (113) (217) (80) (184) (84) (565)<br />

Corporate – (400) 86 108 (206) – (90) (60) 2 (148)<br />

Minority interest – (41) – – (41) – – (46) (36) (82)<br />

CCS earnings impact 113 (232) (77) 515 319 217 (545) 1,569 34 1,275<br />

[A] Identified items are reported from 2005.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 23


CAPITAL INVESTMENT $ million<br />

24 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Capital expenditure<br />

Exploration & Production Europe 2,713 2,631 2,563 1,820 1,591<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 6,530 6,363 7,230 6,654 5,420<br />

USA 5,099 3,403 2,006 1,225 1,061<br />

Other Americas 7,590 1,326 3,974 885 487<br />

21,932 13,723 15,773 10,584 8,559<br />

Gas & Power Europe 73 50 49 105 15<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 3,819 2,886 1,706 1,477 1,147<br />

USA 10 15 83 4 35<br />

Other Americas – – 171 (13) 173<br />

3,902 2,951 2,009 1,573 1,370<br />

Oil Sands Other Americas 3,124 1,931 865 274 140<br />

Oil Products Europe 1,779 1,549 1,426 1,107 1,279<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 1,277 1,091 1,028 717 597<br />

USA 379 530 419 449 498<br />

Other Americas 393 501 490 537 387<br />

3,828 3,671 3,363 2,810 2,761<br />

Chemicals Europe 259 271 310 102 185<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 1,578 782 118 16 8<br />

USA 187 347 302 217 282<br />

Other Americas 61 15 91 52 54<br />

2,085 1,415 821 387 529<br />

Corporate<br />

Exploration expense [A]<br />

241 414 265 288 207<br />

Europe 230 218 233 171 96<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 491 292 290 195 233<br />

USA 498 469 300 260 221<br />

Other Americas 228 136 126 189 101<br />

1,447 1,115 949 815 651<br />

Total capital expenditure and exploration expense<br />

New equity investments in equity-accounted investments<br />

36,559 25,220 24,045 16,731 14,217<br />

Europe 198 218 397 63 36<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 857 1,103 100 288 385<br />

USA 86 65 61 17 251<br />

Other Americas 153 86 40 22 9<br />

New loans to equity-accounted investments<br />

1,294 1,472 598 390 681<br />

Europe (2) 1 40 28 21<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 585 368 203 299 325<br />

USA – 1 1 (22) 20<br />

Other Americas 8 10 9 10 11<br />

591 380 253 315 377<br />

Total capital investments 38,444 27,072 24,896 17,436 15,275<br />

Comprising Europe 5,128 5,166 5,151 3,620 3,387<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 15,167 12,903 10,692 9,657 8,129<br />

USA 6,591 4,997 3,288 2,204 2,396<br />

Other Americas 11,558 4,006 5,765 1,955 1,363<br />

38,444 27,072 24,896 17,436 15,275<br />

Comprising Exploration & Production 24,718 15,919 17,079 11,772 9,568<br />

Gas & Power 4,346 3,532 2,351 1,656 1,652<br />

Oil Sands 3,124 1,931 865 274 140<br />

Oil Products 3,917 3,856 3,457 2,844 2,823<br />

Chemicals 2,097 1,419 877 599 868<br />

Corporate 242 415 267 291 224<br />

38,444 27,072 24,896 17,436 15,275<br />

[A] Excluding depreciation and release of currency translation difference.


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Return on average capital employed<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders adjusted for interest expense,<br />

less tax for the period, as % of the <strong>Shell</strong> share of average capital employed 18.3 23.7 22.3 24.8 19.6<br />

Return on sales<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders plus minority interest<br />

as % of sales proceeds (including sales taxes, etc.) 4.8 7.3 6.8 6.9 5.7<br />

Return on equity<br />

Income attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders as % of average net assets<br />

(i.e. equity attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders and minority interest) 20.6 26.0 23.9 26.7 22.0<br />

Current ratio<br />

Current assets: current liabilities 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1<br />

Long-term debt ratio<br />

Non-current debt as % of capital employed less current debt 9.7 8.9 7.8 7.2 8.8<br />

Total debt ratio<br />

Non-current debt plus current debt as % of capital employed 15.3 12.6 12.1 11.7 13.8<br />

Balance sheet gearing ratio at December 31<br />

Net debt as percentage of total capital 5.9 6.3 5.6 1.2 5.6<br />


Average for period<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Year Year Year<br />

Pounds sterling 0.5057 0.5079 0.5288 0.6369 0.5452 0.5117 0.5035 0.4952 0.4887 0.4997 0.54 0.55 0.55<br />

Euro 0.6686 0.6400 0.6650 0.7600 0.6836 0.7630 0.7419 0.7282 0.6908 0.7309 0.80 0.81 0.81<br />

Swiss franc 1.0710 1.0308 1.0710 1.1588 1.0832 1.2334 1.2224 1.1995 1.1466 1.2002 1.25 1.25 1.24<br />

Canadian dollar 1.0035 1.0099 1.0405 1.2095 1.0665 1.1721 1.0981 1.0470 0.9801 1.0740 1.13 1.21 1.30<br />

Japanese yen 105 104 107 96 103 119 121 118 113 118 116 110 108<br />

End-period<br />

Pounds sterling 0.5034 0.5014 0.5541 0.6918 0.5112 0.4996 0.4942 0.5009 0.51 0.58 0.52<br />

Euro 0.6331 0.6329 0.6961 0.7097 0.7509 0.7437 0.7058 0.6798 0.76 0.84 0.73<br />

Swiss franc 0.9934 1.0164 1.0978 1.0558 1.2199 1.2315 1.1713 1.1268 1.22 1.31 1.13<br />

Canadian dollar 1.0215 1.0075 1.0484 1.2135 1.1533 1.0574 1.0000 0.9804 1.16 1.16 1.20<br />

Japanese yen 99 105 105 90 118 123 115 112 119 117 103<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 25


FIXED ASSETS [A] (At December 31) $ million<br />

26 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production Europe 16,139 19,933 18,307 15,984 20,448<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 29,210 27,004 31,273 26,136 21,274<br />

USA 12,748 9,208 8,044 7,580 7,745<br />

Other Americas 15,997 9,471 7,424 3,955 3,881<br />

74,094 65,616 65,048 53,655 53,348<br />

Gas & Power Europe 572 401 890 449 344<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 16,705 12,687 10,884 8,244 6,527<br />

USA 1,937 1,983 2,811 2,698 3,237<br />

Other Americas 619 905 879 736 1,357<br />

19,833 15,976 15,464 12,127 11,465<br />

Oil Sands Other Americas 7,862 6,629 4,010 3,294 3,096<br />

Oil Products Europe 11,606 13,003 11,451 9,752 11,339<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 8,183 8,549 7,007 6,448 6,516<br />

USA 11,395 12,865 12,697 12,402 12,242<br />

Other Americas 3,787 4,467 3,779 3,801 3,726<br />

34,971 38,884 34,934 32,403 33,823<br />

Chemicals Europe 2,384 2,875 2,578 2,091 4,332<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 4,801 3,456 2,566 2,472 2,128<br />

USA 3,002 3,232 3,243 3,496 3,626<br />

Other Americas 299 395 450 441 472<br />

10,486 9,958 8,837 8,500 10,558<br />

Corporate 2,205 2,438 2,736 2,506 2,046<br />

Total 149,451 139,501 131,029 112,485 114,336<br />

[A] Comprises intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments.<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production Europe 3,102 3,312 3,254 3,777 3,425<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 3,114 3,411 2,739 1,915 1,934<br />

USA 2,166 2,183 1,813 1,596 1,595<br />

Other Americas 954 526 1,030 810 590<br />

9,336 9,432 8,836 8,098 7,544<br />

Gas & Power Europe 12 8 27 56 19<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 255 180 166 173 120<br />

USA 107 104 73 127 672<br />

Other Americas 23 23 18 16 117<br />

397 315 284 372 928<br />

Oil Sands Other Americas 173 166 172 179 154<br />

Oil Products Europe 1,065 1,081 1,075 1,065 1,588<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 561 569 536 576 628<br />

USA 727 473 596 625 686<br />

Other Americas 333 317 373 356 455<br />

2,686 2,440 2,580 2,622 3,357<br />

Chemicals Europe 228 263 221 220 212<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 61 60 62 63 63<br />

USA 440 291 315 278 391<br />

Other Americas 159 52 70 38 29<br />

888 666 668 599 695<br />

Corporate 176 161 75 111 167<br />

Total 13,656 13,180 12,615 11,981 12,845

CAPITAL EMPLOYED [A] (At December 31) $ million<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production World outside USA 46,050 41,481 44,636 34,462 32,317<br />

USA 9,224 6,201 5,769 5,364 5,438<br />

55,274 47,682 50,405 39,826 37,755<br />

Gas & Power World outside USA 18,530 16,169 13,822 9,887 8,446<br />

USA 3,967 3,214 4,087 4,404 3,751<br />

22,497 19,383 17,909 14,291 12,197<br />

Oil Sands World outside USA 6,200 4,603 3,048 2,810 2,523<br />

Oil Products World outside USA 33,824 41,354 30,735 23,962 23,174<br />

USA 10,347 13,161 11,511 10,300 10,463<br />

44,171 54,515 42,246 34,262 33,637<br />

Chemicals World outside USA 7,442 7,490 5,813 5,445 7,738<br />

USA 2,462 3,081 2,655 3,077 3,187<br />

9,904 10,571 8,468 8,522 10,925<br />

Corporate 14,089 7,313 8,642 11,129 8,938<br />

Total 152,135 144,067 130,718 110,840 105,975<br />

[A] Consists of total equity, current debt and non-current debt.<br />

TAXATION $ million<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production 24,541 15,372 16,817 14,523 9,769<br />

Other segments (197) 3,278 1,500 3,476 2,399<br />

Total 24,344 18,650 18,317 17,999 12,168<br />

As percentage of income before taxation 48% 37% 41% 40% 38%<br />

The charge for <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries comprises:<br />

Current taxation 24,452 20,076 17,338 19,435 13,081<br />

Deferred taxation (108) (1,426) 979 (1,436) (913)<br />

Total 24,344 18,650 18,317 17,999 12,168<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 27



EARNINGS $ million<br />

28 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Interest income/(expense) 328 875 76 (22) (744)<br />

Currency exchange gains/(losses) (650) 205 113 (65) 68<br />

Other – including taxation 253 307 105 (241) (374)<br />

Segment earnings/(losses) from continuing operations (69) 1,387 294 (328) (1,050)<br />

Income/(loss) from discontinued operations – – – – (35)<br />

Segment earnings (69) 1,387 294 (328) (1,085)


<strong>Shell</strong> employs 102,000 people in more than 100 countries and<br />

territories worldwide. Our people are central to the delivery of the<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> business strategy of More Upstream, Profitable Downstream.<br />

In 2008, our people strategy continued to focus mainly on<br />

recruiting, developing skills and improving employee performance.<br />

During 2008 we continued to invest in the development of our<br />

staff. Our approach to learning focused on deepening professional<br />

skills, particularly in technical disciplines. Many activities also<br />

focused on improving health and safety performance. We<br />

continued to strengthen skills and leadership capabilities of our<br />

staff throughout <strong>Shell</strong>.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s ability to compete effectively and to become a preferred<br />

partner for governments is influenced by the quality of our staff<br />

EMPLOYEES BY SEGMENT (average numbers) thousands<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production 18 18 18 17 15<br />

Gas & Power 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Oil Sands 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Oil Products 58 63 67 71 78<br />

Chemicals 6 6 6 8 8<br />

Corporate [A] 16 13 13 9 8<br />

Total 102 104 108 109 113<br />

[A] Corporate includes employees working in shared service centres.<br />


(average numbers) thousands<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

The Netherlands 9 10 10 10 10<br />

UK 8 8 8 7 8<br />

Other 15 17 19 22 25<br />

Europe 32 35 37 39 43<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 34 33 35 33 30<br />

USA 23 24 24 24 26<br />

Other Americas 13 12 12 13 14<br />

Total 102 104 108 109 113<br />

and our capacity to deliver high-quality services and technology<br />

in order to develop complex world-class projects. Recruiting,<br />

developing and deploying skilled people therefore remains essential<br />

to our business and remains one of our strengths. In 2008, we<br />

recruited more than 5,500 people worldwide from more than 90<br />

countries. These comprised 1,050 graduates and 4,500 experienced<br />

professionals with more than half (57%) of all recruits coming<br />

from technical disciplines.<br />

We believe our ability to compete effectively in the global<br />

marketplace is affected by our ability to attract and retain diverse<br />

staff that reflect the countries where we operate, and the suppliers<br />

and customers with whom we do business. The integration of<br />

diversity and inclusion (D&I) into <strong>Shell</strong>’s operations and culture is<br />

therefore essential to our success.<br />

EMPLOYEES BY COUNTRY (average numbers) thousands<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Argentina 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Australia 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Brazil 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Canada 6 6 5 5 4<br />

China/Hong Kong 4 4 3 2 1<br />

France 2 3 4 4 4<br />

Germany 5 6 6 6 7<br />

India 1 1 [A] [A] [A]<br />

Malaysia 7 7 6 5 4<br />

Morocco 1 1 1 1 1<br />

The Netherlands 9 10 10 10 10<br />

Nigeria 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Norway 1 1 1 1 2<br />

Philippines 3 1 1 1 1<br />

Poland 1 1 1 1 3<br />

Qatar 1 [A] [A] [A] [A]<br />

Russia [A] 1 3 2 2<br />

Singapore 3 2 2 2 2<br />

South Africa 2 1 2 2 2<br />

Thailand 1 2 3 4 4<br />

UK 8 8 8 7 8<br />

USA 23 24 23 24 26<br />

88 89 89 87 91<br />

As percentage of total 86% 85% 82% 80% 81%<br />

Total 102 104 108 109 113<br />

[A] Fewer than 500 employees.<br />

EMPLOYEE COSTS $ million<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Remuneration 10,581 10,021 8,827 8,286 8,037<br />

Social law taxes 890 854 712 681 691<br />

Retirement benefits (302) 98 743 768 782<br />

Share-based compensation 241 589 462 376 285<br />

Total 11,410 11,562 10,744 10,111 9,795<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 29


In this publication Upstream includes Exploration & Production, Gas & Power and Oil Sands.<br />

Offshore platform E11, Malaysia<br />

30 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008


• Production of 3.2 million boe/d;<br />

• Added 1.2 billion boe of proved reserves. Made 11 notable<br />

discoveries and secured additional exploration rights in<br />

Australia, Canada, Colombia, Libya, Sweden and the USA;<br />

• LNG sales volume of 13.1 million tonnes;<br />

• Delivered first production from a number of new 2008 projects,<br />

which in Q4 contributed some 80,000 boe/d of new volume;<br />

• Start-up of North West Shelf LNG Train 5 in Australia and<br />

Sakhalin II project in Russia increasing <strong>Shell</strong>’s global LNG<br />

production capacity to 18.5 mtpa;<br />


Segment earnings ($ million)<br />

• Two LNG trains under construction in Qatar and Australia;<br />

progress was made on major new LNG projects such as<br />

Gorgon in Australia;<br />

• New flagship upstream projects such as Perdido in the Gulf of<br />

Mexico, BC-10 in Brazil, AOSP 1 in Canada, Gumust-Kakap<br />

in Malaysia, Qatar Pearl GTL and Qatargas 4 progressed well;<br />

• Acquisition of Duvernay Oil Corp. and acreage<br />

in North America;<br />

• Completed divestments in Australia, Bolivia, Canada,<br />

Germany, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the UK and the USA.<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Exploration & Production 20,235 14,686 14,544 13,577 9,522<br />

Gas & Power 5,328 2,781 2,633 1,378 1,774<br />

Oil Sands 941 582 651 661 301<br />

Total Upstream earnings ($ million) 26,504 18,049 17,828 15,616 11,597<br />

Upstream net cash from operating activities [A] ($ million) 35,460 25,832 26,429 22,115 18,978<br />

Crude oil production (thousand b/d) 1,693 1,818 1,948 1,998 2,173<br />

Natural gas production available for sale (million scf/d) 8,569 8,214 8,368 8,263 8,808<br />

Mined Oil Sands production (thousand b/d) 78 81 82 95 80<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) [B] 3,248 3,315 3,473 3,518 3,772<br />

Equity LNG sales volume (million tonnes) 13.1 13.2 12.1 10.7 10.2<br />

Oil Sands sales volumes (thousand b/d) 114 125 133 143 127<br />

Oil Sands upgrader availability (%) 93 89 95 94 92<br />

Upstream capital investment ($ million) 32,188 21,382 20,295 13,702 11,360<br />

Upstream capital employed ($ million) 83,971 71,668 71,362 56,927 52,475<br />

Upstream employees (thousands) 22 22 22 21 19<br />

[A] Excludes working capital movements.<br />

[B] 5,800 million cubic feet of natural gas is equal to one million boe.<br />

EARNINGS [A]<br />

$ billion<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

Exploration & Production<br />

Gas & Power<br />

Oil Sands<br />

[A] Excluding identified items.<br />


million boe/d million tonnes<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

Oil and bitumen<br />

Gas<br />

Equity LNG sales (million tonnes)<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 31



<strong>Shell</strong>’s exploration strategy is designed to replace production and<br />

to build a strong new development portfolio for future growth. We<br />

focus on major geological basins with known hydrocarbons. We have<br />

had success accessing highly attractive acreage and built a worldclass<br />

portfolio of new opportunities in the most attractive basins<br />

around the world. We are focused on keeping our cost structure low<br />

and competitive. Our application of technology, unique geological<br />

knowledge, integrated gas positions, and early access to acreage help<br />

deliver success for us.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has shown strong exploration performance over the past eight<br />

years, with average additions of resources of over 1 billion boe <strong>Shell</strong><br />

share each year. In 2008 our exploration success rate was around<br />

60%, adding 1.2 billion boe in resources from drilling and further<br />

volumes from associated appraisal and development activities.<br />

During the year we participated in 45 successful exploration and<br />

appraisal wells and made discoveries in all our operating regions.<br />

Notable discoveries in 2008 included tight gas in Alberta and<br />

Louisiana, gas in Western Australia and oil in Kazakhstan and<br />

Nigeria. Our exploration finding cost averages $2–3/boe over three<br />

years, a competitive rate.<br />


Discoveries are brought on-stream as quickly as possible – in 2008<br />

some 75,000 boe/d were produced from discoveries less than five<br />

years old. In many cases we use ready-built infrastructure, allowing<br />

us to bring about half our near-field exploration wells on-stream<br />

within a year of discovery.<br />

In 2008 we drilled 17 successful wells near existing fields. Three<br />

examples – Brunei (MLJ2-06), the US Gulf of Mexico (Mars-A8)<br />

and the Netherlands (L09-FA-103) together already contribute<br />

about 8,000 boe/d production.<br />


billion boe %<br />

2.0<br />

100<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

.5<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008<br />

Oil<br />

Gas<br />

Success rate (%)<br />

32 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

75<br />

50<br />

25<br />


% exploration resources additions<br />

100<br />

75<br />

50<br />

25<br />

OECD<br />

Non-OECD<br />


Since 2004 <strong>Shell</strong> has acquired exploration rights to over<br />

350,000 km 2 of acreage. In that time our focus has shifted towards<br />

the OECD and areas with political stability and benefits from price<br />

upside. Approximately 75% of our 2008 discovery volumes were<br />

within the OECD compared to 20% in 2004.<br />

In 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired exploration rights to some 40,000 km 2 of<br />

new acreage mainly from exploration licences in Australia, Canada,<br />

Colombia, Libya, Sweden and the USA (Alaska, Gulf of Mexico<br />

and onshore Louisiana). In late 2008 we added further new acreage<br />

in Brazil, Italy and Guyana for which agreements were finalised in<br />

early 2009.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has now built a very strong position in under-explored<br />

acreage and we expect that in 2009 we will concentrate on drilling,<br />

with lower spending expected on new acreage.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> uses appropriate technologies at different stages of evaluation.<br />

We integrate our own technologies with the best from the external<br />

market to reduce risk in our portfolio of potential developments.<br />

We use these technologies to create value from assessing the scale,<br />

risk, and resource potential of the geological basin to that of the<br />

reservoir. In addition, we use technology to optimise the costs<br />

and development scenarios required to bring the discoveries<br />

into production.<br />

As an example, <strong>Shell</strong> has invested over $100 million in highperformance<br />

computer software that allows us to apply proprietary<br />

seismic processing techniques. We combine this with technology<br />

that places seismic sensors directly on the seabed and allows us<br />

to better see exploration prospects beneath complex features like<br />

salt bodies deep below the seabed. We have been working on subsalt<br />

and deep complex imaging in the Gulf of Mexico, the North<br />

Sea, and in Brazil. Fully integrating technology in our exploration<br />

programme enables us to identify the most attractive opportunities,<br />

manage risk and uncertainty, improve our success rate, and lower<br />

our unit finding costs.<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



In February 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired and now operates three licences<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 100%) WA-384-P, WA-385-P, WA-394-P in the<br />

South Exmouth basin, offshore north-west Australia.<br />

CANADA<br />

In 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired Duvernay Oil Corp, with its significant<br />

tight gas acreage, and has added further tight gas acreage in the<br />

Montney/Groundbirch areas and Alberta Deep basins – all<br />

totalling some 2,400 km 2 . In less than six months we have<br />

increased production in the area by over 15% to 28,500 boe/d.<br />


In Colombia, <strong>Shell</strong> and our partner were awarded technical<br />

evaluation agreements on two blocks in the Llanos Basin with<br />

a combined gross area of 17,250 km 2 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%). The<br />

commitment is for seismic and 12 wells and builds on our 2007<br />

farm-in to the Cano Sur block.<br />

LIBYA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been awarded two blocks (1 and 3) in exploration Area 89<br />

on the southern flank of the Sirte Basin, with a total area of 1,790 km 2 .<br />

This acreage is adjacent to our current exploration licence area.<br />

SWEDEN<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> was awarded two onshore exploration licences covering a total<br />

of 2,600 km 2 in the Skåne region. These are for an initial period of<br />

three years during which we will assess the viability of the area for<br />

shale gas production.<br />

Chukchi<br />

Beaufort<br />

North American Gas<br />

2004 – March 2009 acreage additions<br />

2008 discoveries<br />

Focus basin<br />

Colombia<br />

Haynesville<br />

Gulf of Mexico<br />

Guyana<br />

Orphan<br />

Brazil<br />

Atlantic Margin<br />

Nigeria<br />

North Africa Philippines<br />

Gabon<br />

Sweden<br />

Germany<br />

Italy<br />

USA – ALASKA<br />

In February 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> was awarded 275 blocks in the Chukchi<br />

Sea, offshore Alaska, covering 6,336 km 2 . It contains gas resources<br />

found by <strong>Shell</strong> in the 1980s, and we will look at this area again.<br />


In 2008 we added eight blocks in the central and eastern Gulf of<br />

Mexico through Lease Sales 206 and 224, and 15 blocks in the<br />

western Gulf of Mexico through Lease Sale 207.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> acquired additional tight gas leases in the Haynesville area in<br />

northern Louisiana. With our partner, at the end of February 2009<br />

we held acreage of about 1,400 km 2 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%), and had<br />

eight rigs operating in the area. Ten wells have been tested and<br />

have early gas production with encouraging initial rates.<br />

BRAzIL<br />

In December 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> was the highest bidder on all five blocks<br />

(SF-T-80, SF-T-81, SF-T-82, SF-T-83 and SF-T-93) in ANP Bid<br />

Round 10 in the onshore São Francisco basin, totalling 11,000 km 2 .<br />

Transaction is expected to be completed in first half of 2009.<br />

GUYANA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> acquired an interest (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 25%) in the Stabroek<br />

deep-water exploration licence and petroleum agreement offshore<br />

Guyana, covering 47,000 km². The transaction was approved in<br />

February 2009.<br />

ITALY<br />

In late 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> acquired equity interests (<strong>Shell</strong> interest from<br />

55% to 70%) in six blocks located in the Sicily channel, offshore<br />

Italy (GR17-NP, GR18-NP, GR19-NP GR20-NP, GR21-NP,<br />

GR22-NP). We will assume operatorship for the drilling phase.<br />

Final agreements were signed in January 2009.<br />

Ukraine<br />

Syria<br />

Caspian<br />

China<br />

Malaysia<br />

NW Shelf<br />

Australia<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 33



<strong>Shell</strong> expects LNG demand to continue to grow in the mid- to<br />

long-term with growth in all major markets. By some estimates<br />

it will almost triple, from 170 mtpa in 2007 to around 460 mtpa<br />

in 2020 meeting a fifth of global gas needs.<br />

We helped pioneer the LNG sector, providing the technology for<br />

the world’s first commercial liquefaction plant at Arzew, Algeria,<br />

in 1964. Our expertise in LNG is based on 45 years of<br />

technological innovations and experience gained as technical<br />

advisor to operations supplying nearly 40% of global LNG.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> LNG plants – all joint ventures with partners – have average<br />

CO2 emissions per tonne of LNG that are lower than the industry<br />

average. Some of our LNG projects have the lowest CO2 emissions<br />

in the industry. Qalhat LNG and Oman LNG have the best<br />

performance in tropical conditions and Sakhalin II has been<br />

designed to have good performance in cold climates.<br />

With partners <strong>Shell</strong> is involved in LNG production in Australia,<br />

Brunei, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman and from March 2009 in<br />

Russia, with total design capacity of 18.5 mtpa.<br />

LNG – operation<br />

LNG – construction<br />

Regas – operation<br />

Regas – construction<br />

Elba Island<br />

34 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

We deliver LNG on long-term contracts to markets in Asia-Pacific,<br />

Europe and North America. The United Arab Emirates will be<br />

added when Qatargas 4 is on-stream around the end of the<br />

decade. Globally, 17 countries imported LNG in 2007, and there<br />

could be as many as 30 by 2012, which represents an almost 75%<br />

increase over five years.<br />

Two new LNG trains under construction – Qatargas 4 (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 30%) and Pluto (Woodside) in Australia (<strong>Shell</strong> indirect<br />

interest 31%) will bring the <strong>Shell</strong>-share capacity to 22.2 mtpa early<br />

next decade. More future capacity could come from projects under<br />

evaluation and development in Australia, Nigeria and Libya. From<br />

2004 to 2010, our equity LNG capacity is expected to have doubled.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has equity interest in two regasification terminals in India<br />

and Mexico, and has capacity rights in six more in North America<br />

and Spain (combined <strong>Shell</strong> capacity rights 15 mtpa). The Elba<br />

Island terminal expansion in the USA will add 4.2 mtpa capacity.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is the most experienced and has the largest LNG portfolio<br />

of any of the international oil companies, with 2008 equity sales<br />

of 13.1 million tonnes, 18.5 mtpa in operation and 3.7 mtpa<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> share under construction. With our current portfolio<br />

and future choices we are well positioned to capture demand<br />

growth opportunities.<br />

QG-4<br />

Pluto (Woodside)


mtpa, year-end capacity<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

<strong>Shell</strong><br />

2008<br />

2014<br />

Exxon-<br />

Mobil<br />

BP Total BG Chevron<br />

Projects in operation or under construction<br />


mtpa, year-end capacity<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

2008 2009<br />

NWS<br />

Brunei<br />

Malaysia<br />

Nigeria<br />

Oman<br />

Sakhalin II<br />


2010–11<br />

Qatargas 4<br />

Pluto (Woodside)<br />

USA<br />

Europe<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />


Major economies will continue to use coal as a source of energy for<br />

decades to come. It is cheap and abundant, but when burnt for<br />

power generation it produces twice as much CO2 as natural gas.<br />

As environmental stresses grow, cleaner ways of producing<br />

electricity from coal will be increasingly needed. Currently the<br />

cleanest way to harness the energy potential of coal is to gasify it.<br />

This process produces 10–15% less CO2 than more conventional<br />

coal-fired power generation.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> uses its proprietary <strong>Shell</strong> Coal Gasification Process (SCGP)<br />

to convert coal into synthesis gas (syngas) – a mixture of hydrogen<br />

and carbon monoxide that burns as cleanly as natural gas. Syngas<br />

has a direct market value as it can be used to produce a wide range<br />

of high-value products such as electricity, fertilisers, transport fuels<br />

and chemicals.<br />

Our experience in coal gasification dates back to the 1970s, when<br />

the first SCGP pilot plant was commissioned. The <strong>Shell</strong>-designed<br />

full-scale Nuon power plant Buggenum in the Netherlands has<br />

operated since 1993, achieving high efficiency, availability and<br />

reliability and excellent environmental performance. It uses syngas<br />

from coal gasification in a combined cycle plant to generate<br />

electricity.<br />

We license our gasification technology to third parties. By the<br />

end of 2008, we had sold 26 licences worldwide, including 19<br />

in China, of which 12 were in operation.<br />

The first <strong>Shell</strong> joint venture coal gasification plant started<br />

operations in Yueyang, China, in December 2006 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest<br />

50%). It has achieved a number of operational successes, including<br />

record continuous runs at average availability of 91% in 2008.<br />

Our joint venture and coal gasification plant in Dongting, China<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 35



<strong>Shell</strong> needs to replace its oil, gas and minable oil sands reserves<br />

to maintain or increase its production levels and thereby earnings<br />

and net cash flow from operating activities. We seek to offset<br />

declines from production and increase our reserves, although these<br />

efforts are subject to a variety of risks. These may be geological<br />

uncertainties, conditions of frontier exploration, operational<br />

interruptions or the availability of skills, necessary technology and<br />

engineering resources, as well as project delays and potential cost<br />

overruns. Fiscal, regulatory, political and oil and gas price changes<br />

are also influencing factors.<br />

At the end of 2008, the net proved oil and gas and proven minable<br />

oil sands reserves attributable to <strong>Shell</strong> shareholders amounted to<br />

11.9 billion boe, maintaining the 2007 and 2006 levels. Reserves<br />

life was approximately 10 years. The main reserves additions in<br />

the past three years were in the USA, Canada, Australia, Qatar,<br />

Norway, Nigeria and Kazakhstan. Reserves additions excluding<br />

acquisitions and divestments and including year-end price effects<br />

in the period 2006–2008 amounted to some 4.4 billion boe, an<br />

average of 120% of production, with 97% achieved in 2008.<br />

In addition to proved reserves, our resource portfolio also contains<br />

several large fields under development and nearing start-up where<br />

SEC compliant proved reserves figures cannot yet be booked.<br />

Examples include Perdido in the US Gulf of Mexico and BC-10<br />

offshore Brazil.<br />

Canada<br />

USA<br />

Norway<br />

Major reserves additions 2006–2008<br />

Nigeria<br />

Pearl<br />

36 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Qatargas 4<br />

Australia<br />

NET RESERVES [A] billion boe<br />

2008 2007 2006<br />

Reserves additions 1.1 1.5 2.0<br />

Production 1.2 1.2 1.3<br />

Net reserves [A] 11.9 11.9 11.9<br />

[A] Reserves attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders.<br />


Production is an indicator of operational performance, in terms<br />

of reliability of existing assets and on-time delivery of new wells<br />

and projects. Longer term, a key strategic goal is the superior cash<br />

generation through accessing and unlocking new reserves and<br />

growing production while sustaining strong cash performance<br />

on a per barrel basis. <strong>Shell</strong> investment decision-making focuses<br />

on generating shareholder value through the most economically<br />

attractive projects rather than focusing on specific reserve or<br />

volume targets.<br />

Full year 2008 oil and gas production was 3,248 thousand boe/d.<br />

Excluding the impact of divestments, PSC pricing effects, OPEC<br />

quota restrictions and hurricanes, this was in line with the 2007<br />

production of 3,315 thousand boe/d.<br />

Our average portfolio decline rate has been about 5% annually.<br />

Mature assets can decline at 15% or more, so replacing their<br />

production is a significant challenge for the industry. <strong>Shell</strong> has a<br />

portfolio of projects which can drive production growth early in<br />

the next decade, to 2012. Many of these new projects are long-life<br />

assets that can run for decades, with low decline rates. Additionally<br />

we have built up a further set of project options, which could<br />

support growth to 2020. We have a capacity of over one million<br />

boe/d under construction and a further one million boe/d in<br />


EUROPE<br />


• <strong>Shell</strong>’s European production amounted to 1 million boe/d,<br />

which is around 31% of our total 2008 production;<br />

• Our Exploration & Production (EP) subsidiaries in the<br />

region generated earnings after tax of $4.8 billion, 31% of<br />

total EP earnings from subsidiaries;<br />

• We are participating in the development of three key projects:<br />

Corrib in Ireland, Gjoa in Norway and Schoonebeek in the<br />

Netherlands.<br />

2008 % of total<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) 1,009 31%<br />

Oil and NGL production (thousand b/d) 375 21%<br />

Natural gas production (million scf/d) 3,679 43%<br />

Gross developed and undeveloped acreage<br />

(thousand acres) 18,570 7%<br />

Net proved reserves (million boe) 3,203 27%<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> holds a non-operating 46% interest in a producing<br />

concession that was granted in 1962 and will expire in 2042. We<br />

also hold interests in four other non-operated exploration licences.<br />

The Halfdan IV Project that extends the development of the<br />

Halfdan Field was started in early 2008 and is expected to come<br />

on-stream during 2011. New processing facilities will accelerate<br />

and increase hydrocarbon recovery and maximise production from<br />

new wells. The expected incremental peak production from this<br />

field is 23,000 boe/d (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 46%).<br />

In 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> participated in a BO-3 exploration discovery; and<br />

we saw first production from the Valdemar Bo and Halfdan North<br />

East Phase 3 projects.<br />

Construction of the Bellanaboy Bridge Terminal in Corrib, Ireland<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has held an interest in BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH (BEB)<br />

since 1969 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%). BEB, Germany’s largest gas<br />

producer, is involved in some 30 concessions. We sold our interests<br />

in BEB’s gas transportation business in 2008.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> is the operator for the Corrib Gas Project currently under<br />

development (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 45%). Five offshore wells are ready for<br />

production, and construction of the onshore gas terminal is twothirds<br />

complete. A modified route for the onshore pipeline was<br />

identified in April 2008 following the public consultation process.<br />

Further technical information and environmental data will be<br />

submitted in 2009. All the gas will be supplied to the Irish market.<br />

At peak production Corrib is expected to supply up to 60% of the<br />

country’s gas needs.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has further exploration interests in six licences offshore<br />

Ireland, of which four are operated.<br />

ITALY<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has interests in the onshore Val d’Agri field in the Basilicata<br />

region that has been in production since 1996 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest<br />

39.23%), and in the Tempa Rossa field (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 25%),<br />

currently under development. <strong>Shell</strong> also has 100% interests in<br />

nearby exploration prospects. In late 2008 we agreed to acquire<br />

equity interests in six blocks in the Sicily channel, offshore Italy.<br />

Final agreements were signed in January 2009.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 37



<strong>Shell</strong> in the Netherlands operates via our shareholding in<br />

Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. (NAM, <strong>Shell</strong> interest<br />

50%). NAM is the largest hydrocarbon producer in the<br />

Netherlands.<br />

About 50% of NAM’s gas production is from the giant onshore<br />

Groningen gas field (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 30%). The field was discovered<br />

in 1959 and has played a crucial role in supplying gas to the<br />

Netherlands and other European countries since 1965.<br />

The field balances production from small fields and provides<br />

supplies to meet swings in demand using underground gas storage<br />

facilities. It has a production capacity of up to 2.8 million boe/d.<br />

The Groningen field operates with 100% reliability and has so far<br />

supplied gas within the contract requirement of less than one-hour<br />

downtime every 20 years.<br />

In 2009 a 15-year technology-modernisation programme is due<br />

to be finalised, allowing the Groningen field to operate for at least<br />

another 40 years.<br />

In 2008 NAM started the redevelopment of the Schoonebeek<br />

oil field (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 30%). Drilling started in February 2009.<br />

During the project, NAM will drill 73 advanced technology wells<br />

at 18 production sites.<br />

NAM made three offshore exploration discoveries in 2008. It also<br />

divested a number of North Sea fields.<br />

Eemskanaal compressor, Groningen, the Netherlands<br />

38 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

NORWAY<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been active in Norway since the late 1960s and is now<br />

the operator of the Draugen oil field, the Ormen Lange gas field<br />

and a partner in 22 production licences on the Norwegian shelf.<br />

We are the operator in nine of these.<br />

The Ormen Lange project (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 17%) started production<br />

in September 2007, with <strong>Shell</strong> becoming the operator in<br />

December 2007. This complex deep-water gas development in<br />

harsh offshore conditions requires innovative undersea production<br />

technology. Ormen Lange is Norway’s second biggest gas field and<br />

is located 120 km offshore in water depth of 800 to 1,100 m. 120<br />

km-long undersea pipelines transport gas to the Nyhamna Plant,<br />

from where the world’s longest undersea gas pipeline, Langeled,<br />

takes it 1,200 km to Easington in the UK.<br />

Ormen Lange has demonstrated excellent operational performance<br />

since start-up, with six wells producing by the end of 2008. At<br />

its peak the field will produce around 2,500 million scf of gas a<br />

day, equivalent to up to 20% of the UK’s gas needs. Phase 2 will<br />

consist of up to 16 additional wells, two more undersea templates<br />

and an undersea compression unit.<br />

The <strong>Shell</strong>-operated Draugen field has been producing for 15 years<br />

and it is expected to continue for a further 15 years, allowing<br />

some 70% of the field’s reserves to be recovered. <strong>Shell</strong> was also<br />

the operator of the development phase of the Troll Field and is an<br />

active partner in the Statfjord and Valhall fields.<br />

Ormen Lange, Norway

SWEDEN<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> was awarded an exploration licence in southern Sweden in<br />

2008 over a 2,600 km 2 area. The three-year permit covers seismic<br />

and core hole drilling. The objective is to recover shale gas in a<br />

deeper area of a play that was previously mined for oil shale.<br />

UK<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is one of the largest integrated oil and gas companies in the<br />

UK with production in 2008 of 271,000 boe/d, over 8% of our<br />

total production.<br />

In 1964, <strong>Shell</strong> entered into a joint venture to explore for oil and<br />

gas on the UK continental shelf (UKCS). The venture (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 50%) was awarded 75 licence blocks. The first production<br />

of gas came from the Leman field in 1968, and the first oil from<br />

the Auk field in 1975. The giant Brent oilfield was discovered<br />

in 1971.<br />

Currently <strong>Shell</strong> operates many fields in the UKCS on behalf<br />

of the joint venture. The UKCS is a mature area and growth is<br />

challenging. However, in 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> brought four new fields<br />

A<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Italy<br />

Ukraine<br />



ITALY<br />

ITALY<br />

ROME<br />

ROME<br />



3.1A: Italy<br />

3.1A: Italy<br />





0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

NAPLES<br />

NAPLES<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Tempa Rossa<br />

Tempa Rossa<br />






Val d' Agri<br />

Val d' Agri<br />







on-stream – Caravel, Curlew C, Shamrock and Starling. The<br />

Shamrock and Caravel fields use the innovative <strong>Shell</strong> monotower<br />

design that allows us to develop fields that were not previously<br />

economically viable. The unmanned low-cost platforms are<br />

powered by wind and solar energy and have zero emissions.<br />

As part of a 2008 portfolio review we have sold our interests in<br />

the South Cormorant, Cormorant North, Tern, Eider, Kestrel<br />

and Pelican fields, non-operated interests in the Hudson field,<br />

and further interests in the Brent System and the Sullom Voe<br />

Terminal, as well as the Dunlin Cluster (comprising the Dunlin,<br />

Dunlin South West, Osprey and Merlin fields). This has reduced<br />

our production by some 23,000 boe/d.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also has non-operating interests in the West Shetlands area<br />

including the Schiehallion, Clair and Loyal fields.<br />


In 2006, <strong>Shell</strong> became a partner in eight exploration licences in<br />

the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin in central-eastern Ukraine. Seismic<br />

acquisition started in 2008.<br />

B<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

3.3A:<br />

3.3A:<br />

Ukraine<br />

Ukraine<br />

" Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />

Dnieper-Donetsk<br />

Dnieper-Donetsk<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

RUSSIA<br />

RUSSIA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 39<br />

Min<br />

Lice<br />

Oil<br />



C<br />

"<br />

"<br />



Corrib<br />

Corrib<br />

C<br />

C<br />

" Bellanaboy Bridge<br />

" Bellanaboy Bridge<br />



North West Europe<br />

Loyal<br />

Schiehallion<br />

Loyal<br />

Schiehallion<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

40 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

3.2B:<br />

3.2B:<br />

North<br />

North<br />

West<br />

West<br />

Europe<br />

Europe<br />

"<br />

Ormen Lange<br />

"<br />

Ormen Lange<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Penguin<br />

Statfjord<br />

Brent<br />

"<br />

" Gjoa<br />

"<br />

NORWAY<br />

" "<br />

Kvitebjorn<br />

"<br />

Clair<br />

" "<br />

Troll<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sullom Voe<br />

"<br />

Beryl<br />

Kingfisher<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sleipner<br />

Forties<br />

Nelson<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Gannet<br />

Goldeneye<br />

"<br />

Merganser<br />

"<br />

Pierce<br />

Shearwater<br />

"<br />

St. Fergus "<br />

Starling<br />

"<br />

Valhall<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

Guillemot " " " "<br />

Harald<br />

" "<br />

Bittern<br />

Valdemar<br />

Curlew<br />

BO-3<br />

Roar<br />

"<br />

Tyra DENMARK<br />

"<br />

Gorm<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Halfdan<br />

Nybro<br />

" " Skjold<br />

Dan<br />

Caravel<br />

Carrack<br />

L09-FA-103<br />

Galleon<br />

L09<br />

L09-FB-102<br />

Barque<br />

"<br />

K15<br />

Harkema<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Groningen<br />

" " " "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Norg<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

" " "<br />

"" "<br />

""<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bacton "<br />

Den Helder " " "<br />

" " " "<br />

"<br />

" "" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" ""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />


Callantsoog<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

K17A " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Leman<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

IJmuiden<br />

Shamrock<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " Schoonebeek<br />

Hoek V Holland "<br />

""<br />

" "<br />


"<br />

Maasvlakte "<br />


"<br />

" ""<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Penguin<br />

Statfjord<br />

Brent<br />

"<br />

" Gjoa<br />

"<br />

NORWAY<br />

" "<br />

Kvitebjorn<br />

"<br />

Clair<br />

" "<br />

Troll<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sullom Voe<br />

Beryl<br />

Kingfisher<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sleipner<br />

Forties<br />

Nelson<br />

Gannet<br />

Goldeneye<br />

"<br />

Merganser<br />

"<br />

Pierce<br />

Shearwater<br />

"<br />

St. Fergus "<br />

Starling<br />

"<br />

Valhall<br />

"<br />

Guillemot "<br />

" "<br />

" " "<br />

Harald<br />

Bittern<br />

Valdemar<br />

Curlew<br />

BO-3<br />

Roar<br />

"<br />

Tyra DENMARK<br />

"<br />

Gorm<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Halfdan<br />

Nybro<br />

" " Skjold<br />

Dan<br />

Caravel<br />

Carrack<br />

L09-FA-103<br />

Galleon<br />

L09<br />

L09-FB-102<br />

Barque<br />

K15<br />

Harkema<br />

Groningen<br />

Norg<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bacton "<br />

Den Helder<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />


Callantsoog<br />

"<br />

"<br />

K17A<br />

"<br />

Leman<br />

"<br />

"<br />

IJmuiden<br />

Shamrock<br />

Schoonebeek<br />

Hoek V Holland "<br />

""<br />


Maasvlakte "<br />


FRANCE<br />

FRANCE<br />

Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />



Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Draugen<br />

Draugen<br />

" Nyhamna<br />

" Nyhamna<br />



Hemmelte/Kneheim/Vahren<br />

Hemmelte/Kneheim/Vahren<br />

Klostar/Kirchseelte/Ortholz<br />

Klostar/Kirchseelte/Ortholz<br />

Boetersen<br />

Ostervesede<br />

Boetersen<br />

Ostervesede<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

SWEDEN<br />

SWEDEN<br />

Colonussankan<br />

Colonussankan<br />

Hollvikengriften<br />

Hollvikengriften<br />

Minable Oil Sands leases SCAN<br />

Licence concession mines- Alberta<br />

Oil Sands leases - JV owners<br />

Oil Sands areas Alberta



• <strong>Shell</strong>’s production in the Americas amounted to 0.7 million<br />

boe/d, which is around 22% of our total 2008 production;<br />

• Our Exploration & Production (EP) subsidiaries in the<br />

region generated earnings after tax of $4.7 billion, 31% of<br />

total EP earnings from subsidiaries;<br />

• We are participating in the development of four key projects<br />

in the Americas region: BC-10 in Brazil, Pinedale growth and<br />

Perdido in the USA and Expansion 1 of the Athabasca Oil<br />

Sands Project in Canada.<br />


2008 % of total<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) 699 22%<br />

Oil and NGL production (thousand b/d) 353 20%<br />

Natural gas production (million scf/d) 1,557 18%<br />

Oil sands production (thousand b/d) 78 4%<br />

Gross developed and undeveloped acreage<br />

(thousand acres) 40,566 15%<br />

Net proved and proven reserves (million boe) 2,343 20%<br />

CANADA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> started operations in Canada in 1911 and is now one of the<br />

largest integrated petroleum companies in the country.<br />

In 2008, the <strong>Shell</strong> unconventional gas operations in Alberta<br />

and British Columbia proceeded with land acquisition, drilling<br />

and new infrastructure. <strong>Shell</strong> acquired Duvernay Oil Corp.,<br />

which, together with other lease acquisitions in the Montney<br />

region, added some 2,400 km 2 to our tight gas landholdings.<br />

The estimated <strong>Shell</strong> share of resources from these holdings is<br />

some1 billion boe.<br />

We are also designing a coal-bed methane well test programme in a<br />

concession of some 3,200 km 2 in British Columbia.<br />

The Muskeg River mine at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, Canada<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> holds a 31.3% interest in the Sable Offshore Energy Project<br />

offshore eastern Canada and is a partner in a deep-water Orphan<br />

Basin exploration venture (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 20%). We have a 100%<br />

interest in the Niglintgak gas field and are a joint venture partner<br />

of the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project that includes a 1,200 km<br />

pipeline to transport onshore natural gas reserves in the<br />

Mackenzie Delta to North American markets.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is the largest offshore leaseholder off the west coast, although<br />

the acreage remains under government moratorium.<br />

Canada’s oil sands contain more than 170 billion barrels of<br />

recoverable oil resources, a volume second only in size to Saudi<br />

Arabia. Only 2% of these resources have been developed to<br />

date. <strong>Shell</strong> has operations in each of Alberta’s three main oil<br />

sands deposits.<br />

The Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) mines bitumen – a<br />

thick, heavy oil – in northern Alberta. The current bitumen<br />

production capacity is 155,000 b/d (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 60%). The<br />

bitumen is piped to our Scotford Upgrader near Edmonton,<br />

where it is turned into synthetic crude. Today the AOSP supplies<br />

about 10% of Canada’s oil demand. An expansion of AOSP now<br />

in progress will add about 100,000 barrels of daily production<br />

capacity (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 60%).<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is exploring the feasibility of CO2 capture and storage<br />

at the Scotford Upgrader, where captured CO2 could then be<br />

transported by pipeline for underground storage.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s in situ operations near Peace River and Cold Lake use<br />

wells to extract bitumen that is too deep for surface mining. Both<br />

cold production and steam-assisted thermal recovery are used to<br />

produce this heavy oil.<br />

Additional heavy oil resources and advanced recovery technologies<br />

are under evaluation on about 1,200 km 2 in the Grosmont oil<br />

sands area.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 41


USA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been active in the USA since 1912 and is now a major<br />

oil and gas producer in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and of onshore<br />

tight gas. We are also involved in exploration.<br />

In 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> acquired significant exploration interests in the<br />

Chukchi Sea, offshore Alaska and also won leases in GoM,<br />

onshore New Mexico and Louisiana.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is using technology and efficient multi-rig drilling methods<br />

to develop tight gas resources in low-permeability reservoirs in<br />

South Texas and at Pinedale, Wyoming. Drilling and completing<br />

several wells simultaneously reduces costs. In late 2008, year<br />

round drilling operations in Pinedale were approved following<br />

a new environmental plan developed by <strong>Shell</strong>. Improvements to<br />

technology and techniques in the past 15 years have helped us<br />

reduce our well delivery cost by 40%.<br />

During 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> also increased its acreage position in the<br />

Haynesville shale gas play of north-west Louisiana. Four drilling<br />

rigs were in operation at the end of 2008 with 10 wells producing<br />

gas with encouraging initial flow rates.<br />

In California, <strong>Shell</strong> has equity in the Aera operation (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 51.8%) that operates some 15,000 wells producing<br />

about 170,000 boe/d of heavy oil and gas, and accounting for<br />

around 30% of the state’s production.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> continued research into the development of oil shale<br />

resources in the Piceance Basin of north-west Colorado, and holds<br />

three federal leases for future oil shale activities.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also holds LNG import capacity rights of 4.6 mtpa at<br />

regasification terminals in Maryland and Elba Island in Georgia. In<br />

2008 construction continued on the expansion of the Elba Island<br />

terminal where <strong>Shell</strong> will have 4.2 mtpa of the capacity rights.<br />

The Perdido spar, US Gulf of Mexico<br />

42 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Gulf of Mexico<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been operating in the GoM for five decades. Our<br />

operations there now provide some 70% of the <strong>Shell</strong> US oil and<br />

gas production. We hold some 440 offshore leases and operate five<br />

deep-water tension leg platforms along with a dozen other platforms<br />

producing over 300,000 boe/d. Key producing fields are Auger,<br />

Mars, Ram Powell, Ursa, Princess, Brutus, NaKika and Deimos.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>, with our partners, made significant progress in 2008 on the<br />

Perdido project (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 35.4%) in the south-west GoM. The<br />

floating spar was installed in 2,440 m water depth in August and we<br />

set a world depth record for an undersea well completion of 2,850 m<br />

at the satellite Silvertip Field. Drilling and production platforms<br />

were placed on the spar in March 2009. The first production is<br />

expected in early 2010, with a projected peak production of<br />

130,000 boe/d.<br />

A waterflood enhanced oil recovery project at the Ursa and Princess<br />

fields started in 2008. It is expected to extend field life by 10 years<br />

and add 30,000 boe/d of production. A new Mars A8 discovery<br />

went into production within a few months from drilling through<br />

the existing Mars platform.<br />

In 2008 we added 23 blocks in the Gulf of Mexico through Lease<br />

Sales 206, 207 and 224, and an additional 39 blocks in Lease Sale<br />

208 held in March 2009.

A<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Coalinga<br />

Coalinga<br />

San Ardo<br />

San Ardo<br />

"<br />

"<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

C<br />

A<br />

La Copita<br />

La Copita<br />

Rincon N.<br />

Rincon N.<br />

Amore<br />

Amore<br />

B<br />

C<br />

MEXICO<br />

MEXICO<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" """ ""<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" """ ""<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

1.1A:<br />

1.1A:<br />

California<br />

California<br />

" Lost Hills<br />

" Lost Hills<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Belridge<br />

Belridge<br />

Cymric<br />

Cymric<br />

McKittrick<br />

McKittrick<br />

Midway Sunset<br />

Midway Sunset<br />

Lyda<br />

Lyda<br />

McAllen Ranch<br />

McAllen Ranch<br />

Santa Fe Ranch<br />

Santa Fe Ranch<br />

Schmidt<br />

Schmidt<br />

Cadre<br />

Cadre<br />

Santellana<br />

Santellana<br />

Javelina<br />

Javelina<br />

0 50 100 150 200 250 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 250 km<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

California<br />

Washington, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado<br />

South Texas and Gulf of Mexico<br />

McAllen<br />

McAllen<br />

Pharr<br />

Pharr<br />

Belle Ferguson<br />

Belle Ferguson<br />

McAllen S.<br />

McAllen S.<br />

"<br />

"<br />



Texas<br />

Texas<br />

Ventura<br />

Ventura<br />

"<br />

"<br />



California<br />

California<br />



Brea-<br />

Brea- Olinda<br />

Olinda "<br />

Huntington "<br />

Huntington Beach<br />

Beach<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bolan-1<br />

Bolan-1<br />

Goben-1<br />

Goben-1<br />

Messenger-1<br />

Messenger-1<br />

Murray 31-1<br />

Murray 31-1<br />

Louisiana<br />

Louisiana<br />

1.1B: 1.1B: Washington,Wyoming, " Wells - 2008 discoveries Utah, Utah, from and and <strong>Shell</strong> Colorado<br />

interest (sea)<br />

B<br />

Washington<br />

Washington<br />

California<br />

California<br />

Oregon<br />

Oregon<br />

Nevada<br />

Nevada<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

1.1C: Gulf of Mexico<br />

Idaho<br />

Idaho<br />

Waterton<br />

" Waterton<br />

"<br />



Utah<br />

Utah<br />

CANADA<br />

CANADA<br />

Montana<br />

Montana<br />

CODY<br />

CODY<br />

Pinedale<br />

" Pinedale<br />

"<br />



Wyoming<br />

Wyoming<br />

Colorado<br />

Colorado<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />


" Picaroon<br />

Alex<br />

"<br />

Port Arthur<br />

Elmer<br />

Enchilada<br />

Salsa<br />

Conger<br />

Antiqua<br />

"<br />

Boomvang Auger<br />

Oregano<br />

Macaroni<br />

Perdido<br />



WD 143<br />

SS 76<br />

EI 163 "<br />

Mars Cognac<br />

"<br />

Deimos<br />

Europa "<br />

Cougar<br />

Hickory King<br />

SS 356<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Boxer<br />

Angus<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Bullwinkle<br />

Popeye<br />

Manatee<br />

Brutus<br />

"<br />

Troika<br />

Front Runner<br />

" Habanero<br />

"<br />

Glider<br />

Llano<br />

Serrano<br />

Holstein<br />

Friesian<br />

Caesar<br />

Stones<br />

" Tonga<br />

" Fairway<br />

Ram-Powell<br />

Tahoe<br />

Marlin<br />

Kepler (Nakika)<br />

Ariel (Nakika)<br />

NaKika<br />

" Herschel<br />

"<br />

" " "" Fourier<br />

Coulomb (Nakika)<br />

Mensa<br />

East Anstey (Nakika)<br />

Princess<br />

Ursa<br />

Crosby<br />

Mars A8<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />


Picaroon<br />

Alex<br />

Port Arthur<br />

Elmer<br />

Enchilada<br />

Salsa<br />

Conger<br />

Antiqua<br />

"<br />

Boomvang Auger<br />

Oregano<br />

Macaroni<br />

Perdido<br />



WD 143<br />

SS 76<br />

EI 163 "<br />

Mars Cognac<br />

"<br />

Deimos<br />

Europa "<br />

Cougar<br />

Hickory King<br />

SS 356<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Boxer<br />

Angus<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Bullwinkle<br />

Popeye<br />

Manatee<br />

Brutus<br />

"<br />

Troika<br />

Front Runner<br />

Habanero<br />

"<br />

Glider<br />

Llano<br />

Serrano<br />

Holstein<br />

Friesian<br />

Caesar<br />

Stones<br />

" Tonga<br />

Fairway<br />

Ram-Powell<br />

Tahoe<br />

Marlin<br />

Kepler (Nakika)<br />

Ariel (Nakika)<br />

NaKika<br />

" Herschel<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"" Fourier<br />

Coulomb (Nakika)<br />

Mensa<br />

East Anstey (Nakika)<br />

Princess<br />

Ursa<br />

Crosby<br />

Mars A8<br />



Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

Mississippi<br />

Mississippi<br />

core exploration activities<br />

Alabama<br />

Alabama<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

Florida<br />

Florida<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 43<br />

Min<br />

Lice<br />

Oil<br />



D<br />

RUSSIA<br />

AP-08 AP-08<br />

AP-09 AP-09<br />



00 250 250 500 500km km<br />

F<br />

D<br />

F<br />

E<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Alaska<br />

Nova Scotia<br />

Alberta and British Columbia<br />

1.2D: MacKenzie, Alaska<br />

Alaska<br />


KODIAK<br />

44 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


OCS-Y OCS-Y<br />

NR05 NR05<br />


NR07 NR07<br />

" "<br />

MD-2 MD-2<br />

Kaktovik<br />


0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

Klappan<br />

Klappan<br />

Area<br />

Area<br />

DAWSON<br />

British<br />

British<br />

Columbia<br />

Columbia<br />

Inuvik Inuvik<br />

" "<br />


CANADA<br />

"<br />

E<br />

"<br />

"<br />



4-10<br />

4-10 "<br />

"<br />

"<br />



6-35<br />

6-35<br />



" "<br />

" "<br />

CANADA<br />

CANADA<br />

0 50<br />

50<br />

100<br />

100<br />

150<br />

150<br />

200<br />

200<br />

km<br />

km<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" " " "<br />

Clearwater<br />

Clearwater"<br />

" " Tay River<br />

" Tay River<br />

Limestone<br />

Limestone "<br />

" Caroline<br />

" Caroline<br />

" "<br />

Panther<br />

Caroline<br />

" "<br />

Panther<br />

Caroline<br />

" "<br />

" " Burnt Timber<br />

Burnt Timber<br />

" Jumping Pound<br />

" Jumping Pound<br />



1.2E: <strong>Shell</strong> interest 1.2E: Nova (sea) Nova Scotia<br />

Nova<br />

Nova<br />

Scotia<br />

Scotia<br />

Sable<br />

Sable<br />

Island<br />

Island<br />



Peace<br />

Peace<br />

River<br />

River<br />

II<br />

II<br />

Namur<br />

Namur<br />

GB<br />

GB<br />

11-19<br />

11-19<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

GB<br />

GB<br />

A13-01<br />

A13-01 "<br />

"<br />

Ells<br />

Ells<br />

River<br />

River<br />

"<br />

" GB<br />

GB<br />

A06-03<br />

A06-03<br />

Peace River<br />

Peace River "<br />

" Jackpine<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Jackpine<br />

GB<br />

GB<br />

11-05<br />

11-05<br />

" Cliffdale<br />

Grosmont<br />

Cliffdale<br />

Grosmont Muskeg River Mine<br />

Muskeg River Mine<br />

"<br />

Peace<br />

Peace Seal " Seal<br />

" "<br />

Mine<br />

River<br />

River<br />

I " " Chipmunk<br />

Mine<br />

" Chipmunk Woodenhouse<br />

Peace River<br />

Woodenhouse<br />

GRANDE PRAIRIE Peace River<br />


Carmon Creek<br />


Carmon Creek<br />

Groundbirch<br />

Groundbirch<br />

(Montney)<br />

(Montney)<br />

Bullmoose<br />

Bullmoose<br />

UNITED<br />

UNITED<br />

STATES<br />

STATES<br />

Legend<br />

1.2: Canada<br />

Grande<br />

Grande<br />

Prairie<br />

Prairie<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

"<br />

Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />

CANADA<br />

CANADA<br />

Alberta<br />

Alberta<br />

Deep<br />

Deep<br />

Basin<br />

Basin<br />

"<br />

" MARSH<br />

MARSH<br />

3-21<br />

3-21<br />

Scotford Refinery<br />

Scotford Refinery<br />

Upgrader & Chemical plant<br />

Upgrader & Chemical plant "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Alberta<br />

Alberta<br />

Waterton<br />

Waterton<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />



Athabasca<br />

Athabasca<br />

Minable Oil Sands leases SCAN<br />

Licence concession mines- Alberta<br />

Oil Sands leases - JV owners<br />

Oil Sands areas Alberta<br />

Orion<br />

Orion<br />

Cold<br />

Cold<br />

Lake<br />

Lake<br />

Saskatchewan<br />



BRAzIL<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Brazil’s portfolio includes operatorship of oil and gas<br />

production in the offshore Bijupirá and Salema fields (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 80%), interests in two <strong>Shell</strong> operated offshore development<br />

blocks and interests in seven deep-water exploration blocks in the<br />

Campos, Santos and Espirito Santo basins. <strong>Shell</strong> operates two of<br />

these blocks and holds interests ranging from 17.5% to 100%.<br />

Progress continued on the <strong>Shell</strong>-operated BC-10 deep-water<br />

project in the Campos Basin. In the first phase, nine production<br />

wells and one gas injector will be tied back to the floating<br />

production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) “Espirito Santo”<br />

in about 1,780 m water depth. First oil production is expected by<br />

the end of 2009.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also operates two heavy oil fields in block BS-4 where<br />

potential development concepts are being assessed, and participated<br />

in an exploration well on the BMS-8 block in the same area. The<br />

results are under evaluation.<br />

In December 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> was awarded five onshore blocks<br />

comprising over 11,000 km 2 in the São Francisco basin.<br />

G<br />

PANAMA<br />

H<br />

Colombia and Venezuela<br />

Brazil and Argentina<br />

2A: Colombia and Venezuela<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

G<br />

H<br />

G H<br />

BOGOTA<br />

"<br />


Cano Sur (A)<br />

Urdaneta Oeste<br />

Llanos Este<br />

Cano Sur (C)<br />


Cano Sur (B)<br />

Urdaneta West<br />



In mid 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> won two preferred blocks (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%)<br />

totalling over 17,000 km 2 in the Llanos Este heavy oil bid round.<br />

We are also 50% joint venture partner in the Caño Sur block in<br />

the Llanos Basin.<br />

MEXICO<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has 3.3 mtpa capacity rights and a 50% equity stake in the<br />

LNG regasification terminal at Altamira, on Mexico’s Gulf Coast.<br />

In 2008, construction of the Costa Azul LNG import terminal in<br />

Baja California on Mexico’s west coast was completed. <strong>Shell</strong> holds<br />

capacity rights there of 3.8 mtpa.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has a joint venture partnership with Petróleos de Venezuela<br />

(PDVSA) to develop and produce the Urdaneta West field in Lake<br />

Maracaibo (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 40%).<br />



"<br />

""<br />

" Macueta<br />

Nautilus<br />

Argonauta (BC-10)<br />

Ostra (BC-10)<br />

Abalone (BC-10)<br />

Cerro Tuyunti<br />

"<br />

" San Pedrito<br />





"<br />

Merluza<br />

"" "<br />

Salema<br />

" Bijupira<br />

""<br />

BS-4<br />

Oliva<br />

" Macueta<br />

Nautilus<br />

Argonauta (BC-10)<br />

Ostra (BC-10)<br />

Abalone (BC-10)<br />

Cerro Tuyunti<br />

" San Pedrito<br />





"<br />

Merluza<br />

"" "<br />

Salema<br />

" Bijupira<br />

BS-4<br />

Oliva<br />

BUENOS<br />

BUENOS<br />

AIRES<br />

AIRES<br />


" Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

2B: Brazil core exploration and Argentina<br />

activities<br />



0 275 275 550 550 825 825 1,100 1,100km km<br />

Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 45<br />

Min<br />

Lice<br />

Oil<br />



AFRICA<br />


• <strong>Shell</strong>’s African production amounted to 0.4 million boe/d,<br />

which is around 12% of our total 2008 production;<br />

• Our Exploration & Production (EP) subsidiaries in the<br />

region generated earnings after tax of $2.9 billion, 19% of<br />

total EP earnings from subsidiaries;<br />

• We are participating in the development of three key<br />

projects in Nigeria: Gbaran Ubie, Bonga North West and<br />

Forcados Yokri.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> holds a production-sharing contract in the Zerafa permit<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 60%). Exploration and appraisal drilling continued<br />

there in 2008 in partnership with Sonatrach. The first phase of the<br />

PSC ended and a two-year second phase was started in September<br />

2008. We relinquished the Reggane Djebel Hirane permit in<br />

2008.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has interests in the Lokele and Rio del Rey assets in<br />

Cameroon. Production in 2008 was 13,000 b/d of oil. We also<br />

have an interest in the Dissoni exploration licence area, where a<br />

commercial discovery was made in 2006.<br />

46 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 % of total<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) 404 12%<br />

Oil and NGL production (thousand b/d) 309 17%<br />

Natural gas production (million scf/d) 552 6%<br />

Gross developed and undeveloped acreage<br />

(thousand acres) 26,216 9%<br />

Net proved reserves (million boe) 866 7%<br />

GABON<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> discovered oil in the Gamba area of Gabon in the early<br />

1960s. Today we have interests in nine onshore mining<br />

concessions and exploitation permits and operate six of them.<br />

Gabon is the second-largest oil producer for <strong>Shell</strong> in Africa with<br />

30,000 b/d produced in 2008. Some 66% of <strong>Shell</strong>’s production in<br />

Gabon is from the Rabi (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 42.5%), Toucan (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 44.25%), and Gamba fields (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 100%).<br />

An exploitation licence is being finalised for the Koula and<br />

Damier fields in the Awoun permit. The three non-<strong>Shell</strong>-operated<br />

concessions (Avocette, Coucal and Atora) expire between 2010<br />

and 2021.<br />

We also hold the Igoumou Marin permit in ultra-deep water and<br />

two exploration and production-sharing contracts, BC9 and<br />

BCD10, offshore Gabon.<br />

LIBYA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> and the Libyan National Oil Corporation signed an LNG<br />

development agreement in May 2005. This was for the<br />

rejuvenation and upgrade of the existing LNG plant at Marsa Al<br />

Brega and the exploration and development of five areas located in<br />

the onshore Sirte Basin. Seismic data acquisition and analysis are<br />

complete and exploration drilling started in 2008. Options to<br />

expand Marsa Al Brega and build a new LNG plant are features of<br />

the development agreement.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also won the exploration concession Area 89 in December<br />

2007 and the agreement was signed in 2008.<br />

Juliet Platform, Cameroon The Afam Gas and Power project, Nigeria


<strong>Shell</strong> is the largest international company and the oldest energy<br />

company in Nigeria. We have a long-term, continuing<br />

commitment to the country, its people and the economy. In 2008,<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> produced an average of 361,000 boe/d in Nigeria.<br />

Offshore<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has interests in 12 deep and shallow water fields. The main<br />

offshore activities are carried out by <strong>Shell</strong> Nigeria Exploration and<br />

Production Company (SNEPCo, <strong>Shell</strong> interest 100%), which has<br />

interests in five deep-water blocks.<br />

SNEPCo operates Bonga, Nigeria’s first deep-water field, 120 km<br />

offshore with a production capacity of 225,000 barrels of oil and<br />

150 million scf of gas per day. Production started in November<br />

2005 and by the end of 2008 had exceeded 200 million barrels of<br />

oil. Nigeria’s first time-lapse (4D) seismic survey acquired by<br />

SNEPCo in 2008 will maximise oil recovery. Bonga North West<br />

and other nearby fields are scheduled to start up during the next<br />

decade.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> made further discoveries in deep-water Nigeria in 2008. We<br />

hold interests in seven other offshore blocks, mainly through SPDC.<br />

Onshore Niger Delta<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Petroleum Development Company (SPDC, <strong>Shell</strong> interest<br />

30%) operates Nigeria’s largest oil and gas joint venture producing<br />

in the Niger Delta.<br />

During 2008 SPDC continued major development projects such<br />

as the Afam Gas and Power project. Commissioning of this project<br />

started in October 2008 and when fully operational in 2009 will<br />

increase Nigeria’s power supply by about 20% and domestic gas<br />

supply by 20%. SPDC currently produces about two-thirds of the<br />

country’s total domestic gas.<br />

Bonny Island NLNG, the first LNG plant in Nigeria<br />

The Gbaran-Ubie integrated oil and gas project is a project in<br />

development in Bayelsa State. When fully operational it is<br />

expected to produce more than one bcf/d of gas and 70,000 b/d of<br />

oil. SPDC will drill more than 30 new wells and build a central<br />

processing facility with gas delivery to power plants and Nigeria<br />

LNG (NLNG).<br />

In 2008, SPDC started commissioning the fully automated Bonny<br />

crude oil terminal upgrade that doubles capacity to 1.25 million<br />

b/d, improves safety and reduces operating costs.<br />

Security continues to be a challenge for SPDC with further attacks<br />

in 2008 in the eastern Niger Delta, although we made good<br />

progress in restoring production in the western Delta. Funding<br />

problems are being addressed with bridging loans to cover historical<br />

under funding and modified carry agreements for future projects<br />

signed with Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).<br />

Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG)<br />

Nigeria’s first LNG plant in Bonny Island started operations<br />

in 1999. NLNG (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 25.6%) capacity is now over<br />

21.6 mtpa LNG and 5 mtpa of natural gas liquids, with SPDC<br />

its largest gas supplier and <strong>Shell</strong> the largest LNG purchaser.<br />

West Africa Gas Pipeline Project<br />

The 680 km pipeline from Nigeria across Benin and Togo to<br />

Ghana is under construction and is planned to supply first gas to<br />

customers from 2009 (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 18%).<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 47


B<br />

C<br />

A<br />

A<br />

B<br />

D<br />

LAGOS<br />

LAGOS<br />

SAO TOME<br />

SAO TOME<br />

AND<br />

AND<br />



Tsiengui<br />

Tsiengui PORT GENTIL<br />


Koula<br />

"<br />

Koula<br />

Damier<br />

Avocette<br />

Damier<br />

Avocette<br />

M'Boukou<br />

M'Boukou<br />

Coucal<br />

Coucal<br />

Toucan<br />

Toucan<br />

Rabi<br />

Rabi<br />

Igoumou Marin<br />

Igoumou Marin<br />

BC 9<br />

BC 9<br />

BCD 10<br />

BCD 10<br />

Atora<br />

Atora<br />

Totou<br />

Totou<br />

Gamba-Ivinga<br />

Gamba-Ivinga<br />

0 100 200 300 km<br />

0 100 200 300 km<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Nigeria and Cameroon<br />

Gabon<br />

Algeria and Tunisia<br />

Libya<br />



Escravos<br />

OML 133<br />

(SBM 3)<br />

" Erha-N<br />

OML 133 " Erha-N<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bosi Erha<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bosi Erha Forcados-Yakri<br />

Forcados-Yakri<br />

" Bobo<br />

" Bonga NW<br />

" Bobo<br />

" Bonga NW<br />

"<br />

OPL 322 Bonga<br />

OML 118<br />

"<br />

OPL 322 Bonga<br />

OML 118 " Bonga-SW<br />

" Bonga-SW<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

4A: Gabon<br />



GUINEA<br />

GUINEA<br />



" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />



GABON<br />

GABON<br />



48 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Ngolo<br />

Ngolo<br />

Doro<br />

Doro<br />



4B:<br />

4B:<br />

Nigeria<br />

Nigeria<br />

and<br />

and<br />

Cameroon<br />

Cameroon<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

OML 135<br />

OML 135<br />

Zabazaba "<br />

Zabazaba " OPL 245 Etan "<br />

OPL 245 Etan<br />





OF CONGO<br />

OF CONGO<br />

ANGOLA<br />

ANGOLA<br />

CONGO<br />

CONGO<br />



"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" Oben<br />

" " Gbetiokun<br />

" Oben<br />

" " Gbetiokun "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

Escravos "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Biseni - Samabri<br />

(SBM 3) "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Biseni - Samabri<br />

"<br />

" " WARRI "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " WARRI<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Assa<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

Assa<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" Zarama<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" Odidi<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Zarama<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Odidi<br />

Utorogu<br />

Ubie<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Utorogu "<br />

" " "<br />

Ubie<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Forcados "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Forcados " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " " "<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Afam<br />

OML 79<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Afam<br />

OML 79<br />

EJA<br />

Gbaran<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

EJA"<br />

Gbaran "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " " "<br />

"<br />

" " " "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " " " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" Nun River<br />

Soku<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" Nun River<br />

Soku<br />


"<br />

" "<br />

Kolo Creek<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" PORT "<br />

"<br />

" HARCOURT<br />

"<br />

" " OML 11<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Kolo Creek<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" OML 11<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" Santa Barbara " "<br />

" "<br />

" Santa Barbara<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bonny<br />

Nembe Creek " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Bonny "<br />

Nembe Creek " " "<br />

" Export " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " Cawthorne<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Export<br />

Cawthorne "<br />

Channel<br />

"<br />

Kalaekule<br />

H A Channel<br />

"<br />

Kalaekule<br />

H A"<br />

OPL 285<br />

OML 72<br />

OPL 286<br />

"<br />

OPL 285<br />

OML 72<br />

OPL 286<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Brass<br />

"<br />

" OPL 284<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Brass J K J W<br />

(SBM)<br />

OPL 284<br />

J K J W<br />

(SBM) OPL 238<br />

OPL 238<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bolia<br />

Bolia<br />

OML 13<br />

OML 13<br />



C-18<br />

C-18<br />

Rio del Rey<br />

"<br />

Rio del Rey Dissoni<br />

Lokele " Dissoni<br />

Lokele " C-32<br />

" C-32<br />

MALABO<br />

MALABO<br />







DOUALA<br />


C<br />


D<br />









MALI<br />

MALI<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

SPAIN<br />

SPAIN<br />

LIBYA<br />

LIBYA<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

4C: Algeria and Tunisia<br />



Zerafa "<br />

Zerafa<br />



Djebel Samani-1<br />

4D: Libya<br />

Ras Lanuf<br />

Ras Lanuf<br />

"<br />

"<br />

NC212<br />

NC212<br />

Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

"<br />

Brega<br />

Brega<br />

Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Zueitina<br />

Zueitina<br />

NC 213<br />

NC 213<br />



"<br />

"<br />

Area 89<br />

NC 211A<br />

Area 89<br />

NC 211A<br />

NC 211C<br />

NC 211C<br />

TUNIS<br />

TUNIS<br />

Metouia<br />

Metouia<br />

NC215<br />

NC215<br />

NC 214 (S-20)<br />

NC 214 (S-20)<br />

NC211B<br />

NC211B<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

Mellitah TRIPOLI<br />

Mellitah " TRIPOLI<br />

"<br />

ITALY<br />

ITALY<br />

LIBYA<br />

LIBYA<br />

MALTA<br />

MALTA<br />

Minable Oil Sands leases S<br />

Licence concession mines- A<br />

Oil Sands leases - JV owne<br />

Oil Sands areas Alberta<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 49




• <strong>Shell</strong>’s production in the Middle East, Russia, CIS region<br />

amounted to 0.5 million boe/d, which is around 15% of our<br />

total 2008 production;<br />

• Our Exploration & Production (EP) subsidiaries in the<br />

region generated earnings after tax of $1.2 billion, 8% of total<br />

EP earnings from subsidiaries;<br />

• We are participating in the development of five key projects in<br />

the region: Harweel and Qarn Alam in Oman, Pearl GTL and<br />

Qatargas 4 LNG in Qatar, and Kashagan in Kazakhstan.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has been involved in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi since 1939.<br />

Today we hold a share in the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore<br />

Oil Operations (ADCO, <strong>Shell</strong> concessionary share 9.5%, licence<br />

expiry in 2014). This share added 146,000 b/d of oil to our<br />

production in 2008.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also has a shareholding in Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited<br />

(GASCO, <strong>Shell</strong> interest 15%). GASCO extracts propane and<br />

butane and heavier liquid hydrocarbons for export sales.<br />

50 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 % of total<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) 491 15%<br />

Oil and NGL production (thousand b/d) 450 25%<br />

Natural gas production (million scf/d) 237 3%<br />

Gross developed and undeveloped acreage<br />

(thousand acres) 96,558 34%<br />

Net proved reserves (million boe) 3,898 33%<br />

Harweel enhanced oil recovery, Oman<br />

EGYPT<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been operating in Egypt since 1911. We now participate<br />

in three onshore and two offshore exploration concessions in<br />

North East Mediterranean (NEMED) and the north-west<br />

Damietta region and have interests in four development leases in<br />

the Western Desert. Production in 2008 was 34,000 boe/d mainly<br />

from the Obaiyed, Badr El Din and north-east Abu El Gharadiq<br />

(NEAG) fields.<br />

New oil fields were discovered in 2008 in the eastern part of the<br />

NEAG lease and were quickly brought on-stream. Other<br />

discoveries were made at the Badr El Din lease.<br />

In 2008 we sold 10% interest in the North West Demiatta<br />

Extension concession.<br />

OMAN<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been involved in operations in Oman since 1937. We<br />

hold a 34% interest in Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), the<br />

operator of an oil concession covering more than 100,000 km 2 .<br />

PDO has developed more than 120 oil and gas fields and drilled<br />

more than 3,700 oil and gas wells. It produces about 80% of<br />

Oman’s oil and most of its natural gas. In 2008 <strong>Shell</strong>’s share of oil<br />

production in Oman was 192,000 b/d.<br />

PDO has a number of pilot and commercial-scale projects that use<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> technologies to enhance oil recovery (EOR). At Harweel, the<br />

first miscible gas-flood project in the global <strong>Shell</strong> portfolio aims to<br />

increase recovery up to fourfold to an expected peak production of<br />

44,000 boe/d. Qarn Alam, one of the world’s largest steam<br />

injection projects in a fractured carbonate reservoir, is expected to<br />

reach peak production of 44,000 boe/d. Marmul uses polymer<br />

injection to increase the ultimate recovery from an existing field.<br />

In November 2006, a regional EOR research and development<br />

hub was established in Oman.

<strong>Shell</strong> participates in the development of the Mukhaizna oil field<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 17%) where horizontal steam flooding will be<br />

applied on a large scale. This field is expected to significantly<br />

contribute to the country’s oil production capacity.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also has a 30% interest in Oman LNG (capacity 7.1 mtpa)<br />

that supplies Far East markets under long-term contracts and an<br />

indirect interest of 11% in Qalhat LNG (capacity 3.7 mtpa).<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> holds an interest in the Bhit and Badhra development and<br />

production leases. We also hold a share of a deep-water block<br />

offshore Pakistan (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 25%). In 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> and other<br />

participants advised the government of their intent to relinquish<br />

their interest in the block. Completion of the relinquishment<br />

process is expected in 2009.<br />

QATAR<br />

Following approval from Qatar Petroleum, <strong>Shell</strong> made the final<br />

investment decision on the integrated Pearl GTL project in 2006<br />

and began construction later that year. <strong>Shell</strong> provides 100% of<br />

project funding under our development and production-sharing<br />

agreement with the government of the State of Qatar. The fully<br />

integrated project includes upstream production of some 320,000<br />

boe/d of gas from Qatar’s North Field; transport and processing of<br />

the gas to produce around 120,000 boe/d of natural gas liquids,<br />

and the construction of the world’s largest onshore GTL complex<br />

to convert the remaining gas into 140,000 b/d of clean liquid<br />

hydrocarbon products.<br />

Construction of the Pearl GTL project in Qatar<br />

Construction of the Qatargas 4 LNG Project (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 30%,<br />

Qatar Petroleum 70%) continues following the final investment<br />

decision of December 2005. The project comprises the integrated<br />

development of upstream gas production facilities to produce some<br />

1.4 bcf/d of natural gas from Qatar’s North Field, a single LNG<br />

train yielding around 7.8 mtpa, and shipping of the LNG to<br />

markets in North America, China and Dubai. The upstream<br />

platforms and infrastructure consists of three unmanned<br />

platforms, up to 33 wells and two undersea pipelines.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> is a partner in the South Rub Al-Khali Company Limited<br />

(SRAK) joint venture (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%). SRAK has interests in<br />

two areas covering 210,000 km 2 in the Empty Quarter of Saudi<br />

Arabia and is continuing to evaluate the area.<br />

SYRIA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> holds interests ranging from 62.5% to 66.67% in three<br />

PSCs that were extended by 10 years in 2008. They now expire<br />

between 2018 and 2024. <strong>Shell</strong>’s production amounted to some<br />

23,000 boe/d in 2008.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is also a party to a gas-utilisation agreement for the<br />

collection, processing and sharing of natural gas from<br />

designated fields for use in Syrian power generation and other<br />

industrial processes.<br />

In February 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> entered into two PSCs for Blocks 13 and<br />

15 in the south of Syria and completed seismic data acquisition in<br />

August 2008.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 51



<strong>Shell</strong> has been doing business in the Caspian region for more than<br />

100 years. Today we are one of the largest foreign investors in<br />

Kazakhstan.<br />

The giant offshore Kashagan field (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 16.81%) is one of<br />

the largest oil discoveries made in the past 30 years.<br />

This shallow-water field covers an area of approximately 3,400 km 2 .<br />

Phased development of the field will lead to peak production<br />

averaging 300,000 boe/d from Phase 1, increasing to 450,000 boe/d<br />

with Phase 2. <strong>Shell</strong> will play a leading role in future in both the<br />

production operations and Phase 2 offshore field development.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> and partners are also further appraising oil and gas<br />

discoveries made in previous years at Kalamkas, Aktote, Kairan<br />

and Kashagan South West.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is also a 55% partner in the Pearls production-sharing<br />

agreement that covers an area of some 1,000 km 2 in a water depth<br />

of nine metres in the North Caspian Sea. After completing a<br />

successful production test in 2008 a second oil discovery was<br />

confirmed with the Auezov-1 exploration well. The Auezov<br />

structure is located some 15 km from the Khazar structure, where<br />

a discovery was made in November 2007.<br />

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 5.5%) exports<br />

production from West Kazakhstan to the Black Sea. The pipeline,<br />

1,510 km long over difficult terrain, has been operational since<br />

October 2001.<br />

Sakhalin II project, Russia<br />

52 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

RUSSIA<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is one of the largest foreign investors in Russia. <strong>Shell</strong>’s<br />

activities range from exploration, production and transport of oil<br />

and gas to the marketing of oil products, and the construction and<br />

operation of retail networks.<br />

Sakhalin II (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 27.5%) is one of the world’s largest<br />

integrated oil and gas export projects, and a significant<br />

engineering achievement in remote and extreme sub-Arctic<br />

conditions. The project was fully completed in early 2009 and<br />

included the construction and installation of two new offshore<br />

platforms, together with 300 km of offshore pipelines and the<br />

connection of the original phase 1 Molikpaq platform to the new<br />

infrastructure. An onshore processing facility was built to take gas<br />

and crude oil from the fields and prepare it for transportation.<br />

Two 800 km onshore pipelines were built to connect the onshore<br />

processing facility with Russia’s first LNG plant. Crude oil and<br />

LNG offloading terminals were constructed at Prigorodnoye<br />

port in South Sakhalin. At peak, these will load approximately<br />

160 LNG carriers and 100 oil tankers a year.

Year-round exports of oil became possible after commissioning of<br />

the pipeline system began in December 2008. Before then exports<br />

were limited to about six months of the ice-free season. The first<br />

LNG from Russia was exported in March 2009. Peak production<br />

from the Sakhalin II project will be some 395,000 boe/d of oil<br />

and gas and 9.6 mtpa of LNG from two production trains. This<br />

highly automated facility will continue to be operated by only<br />

300 people.<br />

The LNG plant output was contracted under long-term<br />

agreements before the end of construction. Approximately 65% of<br />

all Sakhalin LNG will be exported to buyers in Japan, with the<br />

rest going to South Korea and North America.<br />

The project led to significant improvements of the island<br />

infrastructure, including roads, rail, bridges, sea and airports and<br />

health facilities. Any environmental impact during construction<br />

was short-lived and localised, and we took steps to remedy it.<br />

In December 2008, Sakhalin won the Environmental Project of<br />

the Year award from the Russian Natural Resources Ministry.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s work to protect the western grey whale population was<br />

recognised in the Environmental Efficiency of Economics category<br />

of the awards.<br />

First LNG exported from the Sakhalin II project in Russia<br />

Salym Petroleum Development (SPD, <strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%) in<br />

Western Siberia is jointly developing three Salym oil fields with a<br />

licence area of over 2,100 km 2 . Full-scale production began in<br />

November 2005, and in January 2009 it reached a level of<br />

150,000 b/d. The main development comprises 213 production<br />

wells, 144 water injection wells, and eight source water wells.<br />

One hundred and six wells were drilled in 2008 (100 in 2007).<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s advanced technology combined with Russian rigs and<br />

experience has reduced average drilling time per well to 11–12<br />

days from the previous 33. A record for SPD of less than seven<br />

days has been achieved. <strong>Shell</strong> Smart Wells technology has been<br />

applied for the first time in Russia on three wells in the Valdelyp<br />

Field. They allow us to monitor, allocate and manage production<br />

from several different reservoirs. That way we can make<br />

predictions about future oil recovery, as well as how to best<br />

manage the field, which would otherwise mean drilling a separate<br />

well into each reservoir.<br />

Central processing facility, West Salym field, Russia<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 53


D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

A<br />

IRAQ<br />

IRAQ<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

KUWAIT<br />

KUWAIT<br />

Block 9 Block 8<br />

Block 9 Block 8<br />



Rub Al-Khali<br />

Rub Al-Khali<br />

Block 7<br />

Block 7<br />

Nowrooz<br />

Nowrooz<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman<br />

Pakistan<br />

Syria<br />

Egypt<br />

54 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Soroosh<br />

Soroosh<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Block 6<br />

Block 6<br />

YEMEN<br />

YEMEN<br />

IRAN<br />

IRAN<br />

"<br />

"<br />

South Pars<br />

South Pars<br />

Qatargas 4<br />

"<br />

" Qatargas 0 4 50 100 150 200 km<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />


"<br />

" Pearl GTL<br />


" Pearl GTL<br />

"<br />

Ras Laffan<br />

Ras Laffan<br />

QATAR<br />

QATAR<br />

Block 5<br />

Block 5<br />

5A: Gulf States<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Ruwais<br />

Ruwais<br />

Bida Al Qemzan<br />

Bida Al Qemzan<br />





"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

"" "<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

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" "<br />

" ""<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

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"<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />


SUHAR<br />

"<br />

" Al Dabb'iya<br />

"<br />

Bab " Rumaitha<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" Sahil<br />

" Bu Hasa "<br />

"<br />

Ufuq<br />

" Huwaila " Asab<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Lekhwair<br />

" Shah<br />

"<br />

" Malaan West-2<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Qusahwira<br />

Taliah North-1 Natih<br />

"<br />

" Kidan North - Arab Fahud<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Yibal<br />

Al Huwaisah<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" Kidan South - Arab<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Musallim "<br />

Mabrouk<br />

"<br />

Barik "<br />

"<br />

Zauliyah<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Wafra<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" " " Mukhaizna<br />

Budour NE<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

Birba<br />

Nimr<br />

Thayfut<br />

"<br />

Qaharir<br />

Simsim<br />

" Amin<br />

Rabab SE-2<br />

Amal<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

Marmul<br />

"<br />

Qata<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

"" "<br />

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"<br />

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"<br />

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" ""<br />

"<br />

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"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />


SUHAR<br />

" Al Dabb'iya<br />

Bab " Rumaitha<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sahil<br />

Bu Hasa "<br />

"<br />

Ufuq<br />

Huwaila Asab<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Lekhwair<br />

Shah<br />

"<br />

Malaan West-2<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Qusahwira<br />

Taliah North-1 Natih<br />

"<br />

Kidan North - Arab Fahud<br />

"<br />

Yibal<br />

Al Huwaisah<br />

Kidan South - Arab<br />

"<br />

Musallim "<br />

Mabrouk<br />

Barik "<br />

Zauliyah<br />

Wafra<br />

" Mukhaizna<br />

Budour NE<br />

Birba<br />

Nimr<br />

Thayfut<br />

"<br />

Qaharir<br />

Simsim<br />

" Amin<br />

Rabab SE-2<br />

Amal<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

Marmul<br />

"<br />

Qata<br />

Ghafeer<br />

Ghafeer<br />

B<br />


RAYSUT<br />

RAYSUT<br />


0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

7.1 C: Pakistan<br />

"<br />


Bhit<br />

Rahab<br />

Rahab<br />

Harweel<br />

Harweel<br />

Dhahaban<br />

Dhahaban<br />

"<br />

Badhra<br />

7.1 C: Pakistan<br />

"<br />

Bhit<br />

"<br />

Badhra<br />


OMAN<br />

OMAN<br />

Burhaan<br />

Burhaan<br />

Qarn Alam<br />

Qarn Alam<br />

Saih Rawl<br />

Saih Rawl<br />


MUSCAT<br />

MUSCAT<br />

SUR<br />

SUR<br />

INDIA<br />


C<br />

BLOCK<br />

BLOCK<br />

XV<br />

XV<br />

JORDAN<br />

JORDAN<br />

SYRIA<br />

SYRIA<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

D<br />

LIBYA<br />

LIBYA<br />

Obaiyed<br />

Obaiyed<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

Sitra<br />

Sitra<br />

Sitra West<br />

Sitra West<br />

MATRUH<br />

MATRUH<br />

Bed 16-05<br />

Bed 16-05<br />

Al<br />

Al<br />

Kharrata<br />

Kharrata<br />

Ash<br />

Ash<br />

Shola<br />

Shola<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " " "<br />

" ""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

" "" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

EGYPT<br />

EGYPT<br />

5B: Syria<br />

"<br />

El<br />

El<br />

Isba<br />

Isba<br />

An<br />

An<br />

Nishan<br />

Nishan<br />

Thayyem-M<br />

Thayyem-M<br />

Thayyem-R<br />

Thayyem-R<br />

BLOCK<br />

BLOCK<br />

XIII<br />

XIII<br />

(Amouria)<br />

(Amouria)<br />

5C: Egypt<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Omar<br />

Omar<br />

North<br />

North<br />

Omar<br />

Omar<br />

Omar<br />

Omar<br />

North<br />

North<br />

East<br />

East<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Sijan<br />

Sijan<br />

"<br />

Jarnof<br />

Jarnof<br />

Saban<br />

Saban<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />



Al<br />

Al<br />

Ishara<br />

Ishara<br />

East<br />

East<br />

Tayyani<br />

Tayyani<br />

East<br />

East<br />

Jido<br />

Jido<br />

Kg 45 1<br />

Kg 45 1<br />



"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

La 52 1<br />

La 52 1<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Mubarak East 2<br />

Mubarak East 2<br />

NEAG C6-1<br />

Bed1 C5-1<br />

NEAG C6-1<br />

Bed1 C5-1<br />

NEAG C5-1<br />

NEAG C5-1<br />

Badr El Din<br />

Badr El Din<br />

Abu El Gharadiq<br />

Abu El Gharadiq<br />

Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

IRAQ<br />

IRAQ<br />

Ghawari<br />

Ghawari<br />

Yimken<br />

Yimken<br />

Shahel<br />

Shahel<br />

Jazieh<br />

Jazieh<br />

NE Med. Sea Deep Water-W<br />

NE Med. Sea Deep Water-W<br />

NW Damietta Block 2<br />

NW Damietta Block 2<br />

NW Damietta Block 1<br />

NW Damietta Block 1<br />

TANTA<br />

TANTA<br />



Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />

CAIRO<br />

CAIRO<br />

Rasein<br />

Rasein<br />

Azraq<br />

Azraq<br />

Mqaat<br />

Mqaat<br />

Maleh<br />

Maleh<br />

Tanak<br />

Tanak<br />

North<br />

North<br />

Tanak<br />

Tanak<br />

Galban<br />

Galban<br />

Abou<br />

Abou<br />

Hardan<br />

Hardan<br />

Shdeha<br />

Shdeha<br />

Sarhit<br />

Sarhit<br />

El<br />

El<br />

Ward<br />

Ward<br />

North<br />

North<br />

El<br />

El<br />

Ahmar<br />

Ahmar<br />



SUEZ<br />

SUEZ<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

NE Med. Sea<br />

NE Med. Sea<br />

Deep Water-E<br />

Deep Water-E<br />

Minable Oil Sands leases SCA<br />

Licence concession mines- Albe<br />

Oil Sands leases - JV owners<br />

Oil Sands areas Alberta<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 55


E<br />

E<br />

F<br />



0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

G<br />

G<br />

RUSSIA<br />

RUSSIA<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />



Russia – Salym<br />

Russia – Sakhalin<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

6A: Russia - Salym<br />

RUSSIA<br />

RUSSIA<br />



West Salym<br />

West Salym"<br />

" " Vadelyp<br />

" " Vadelyp<br />

Upper Salym"<br />

Upper Salym<br />



0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

6C: Caspian<br />



"<br />

" "<br />

Kalamkas More<br />

"<br />

Pearls "<br />

Khazar<br />

Auezov-1<br />

"<br />

Kalamkas More<br />

Pearls<br />

Khazar<br />

Auezov-1<br />



56 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />



Kashagan SW Kashagan<br />

Kashagan SW Kashagan<br />



Inam<br />

" "<br />

" " "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Arman<br />

Arman<br />

F<br />

RUSSIA<br />

RUSSIA<br />

Legend<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

Kairan<br />

Kairan<br />

Aktote<br />

Aktote<br />



" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

" Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

6B: Russia - Sakhalin<br />

core exploration activities<br />

Onshore<br />

Onshore<br />

Processing<br />

Processing<br />

Facility<br />

Facility<br />

(OPF)<br />

(OPF)<br />



OKHA<br />

OKHA<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

Sakhalin<br />

Sakhalin<br />

Piltun/Astokhskoye<br />

Piltun/Astokhskoye<br />

Lunskoye<br />

Lunskoye<br />



LNG Plant " Oil Export Terminal<br />

LNG Plant Oil Export Terminal<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

Minable Oil Sands leases SCAN<br />

Licence concession mines- Alberta<br />

Oil Sands leases - JV owners<br />

Oil Sands areas Alberta



• <strong>Shell</strong>’s production in Asia-Pacific amounted to 0.6 million<br />

boe/d, which is around 20% of our total 2008 production;<br />

• Our Exploration & Production (EP) subsidiaries in the<br />

region generated earnings after tax of $1.7 billion, 11% of<br />

total EP earnings from subsidiaries;<br />

• We are participating in the development of three key projects<br />

in the region: Pluto LNG T1 (Woodside) and North Rankin B<br />

in Australia and Gumusut-Kakap in Malaysia.<br />

2008 % of total<br />

Total production (thousand boe/d) 645 20%<br />

Oil and NGL production (thousand b/d) 206 12%<br />

Natural gas production (million scf/d) 2,544 30%<br />

Gross developed and undeveloped acreage<br />

(thousand acres) 99,194 35%<br />

Net proved reserves (million boe) 1,590 13%<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> started its operations in Australia in 1901. Since 2005, we<br />

have participated in 29 exploration and appraisal wells. We have<br />

direct, and indirect interests through a 34.27% shareholding in<br />

Woodside Petroleum Ltd. The 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> share of production<br />

from Australia was 153,000 boe/d.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has interests in offshore licences in the North West Shelf<br />

(NWS) and Greater Gorgon areas of the Carnarvon Basin as well<br />

as in the Browse Basin and Timor Sea area. The NWS Venture<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 22.4%) is a major Australian development for which<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> provides technical leadership and support. Gas and<br />

condensate are now produced from the North Rankin A,<br />

Goodwyn, Perseus, and from October 2008, the Angel facilities.<br />

This is piped to the expanded NWS onshore gas processing facility<br />

and LNG plant on the Burrup Peninsula. With Train 5 brought<br />

on-stream in September 2008, the plant now has a total capacity<br />

of 16.3 mtpa.<br />


mtpa<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

NWS T1–5<br />

Pluto T1<br />

(Woodside)<br />

Gorgon T1–3<br />

Prelude<br />

Others<br />

2008–09 2010–11 ~2020<br />

On-stream<br />

Options<br />

Construction<br />

[A] Direct and indirect positions via Woodside Petroleum Ltd.<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 34.27%)<br />

In March 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> and partners took the final investment<br />

decision on the new North Rankin B low-pressure gas platform.<br />

This will be linked to the existing North Rankin A platform and<br />

is designed to recover remaining low-pressure gas from the North<br />

Rankin fields.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has a 31% indirect interest in Woodside’s Pluto LNG Project<br />

currently under construction.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is also a participant in the Gorgon joint venture (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 25%) covering the offshore Gorgon, Io and Jansz gas fields<br />

in the Carnarvon Basin, and has 33% interest in the nearby<br />

WA-16-R permit, where a discovery was made with the Iago-2 well.<br />

We have exploration interests in the Browse Basin, where work is<br />

continuing on the Prelude development (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 100%) that<br />

could be a candidate for the world’s first application of floating<br />

LNG. It offers the potential to access stranded gas in a range of<br />

remote and difficult locations. We have gas rights in the nearby<br />

Crux field (AC/P23) and in the Libra-1 gas discovery in 2008 the<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>-operated AC/P41 block (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 80%).<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is a partner in the Browse joint venture (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 15.9%)<br />

covering Torosa, Brecknock, and Calliance gas fields. In 2008<br />

successful gas appraisals were made at Torosa and Calliance.<br />

Partners continued evaluation of two potential locations for the<br />

LNG processing facilities – either the existing Karratha LNG<br />

plant or a new Kimberley LNG hub site.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> holds further interests in the large Sunrise and Evans Shoal gas<br />

fields in the Timor Sea (<strong>Shell</strong> interests 38% and 25% respectively).<br />

Partners are progressing a detailed commercial and technical<br />

evaluation of two development concepts for Greater Sunrise gas.<br />

In early 2008 we acquired three exploration permits offshore<br />

north-west Australia. In September 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> signed an<br />

agreement to acquire a 30% stake in the Queensland coalbed<br />

methane acreage of Arrow Energy Ltd and a 10% stake in Arrow<br />

International plc Ltd. This was finalised in February 2009.<br />


million km 2 number of wells<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08<br />

120<br />

km2 Number of wells drilled (cumulative)<br />

[A] Direct and indirect positions via Woodside Petroleum Ltd.<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 34.27%)<br />

90<br />

60<br />

30<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 57


BRUNEI<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has been operating in Brunei since 1913. The first<br />

commercial oilfield, Seria, was discovered in 1929. <strong>Shell</strong> is now a<br />

partner with the Brunei government in the Brunei <strong>Shell</strong> Petroleum<br />

Company Sendirian Berhad (BSP, <strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%).<br />

BSP holds long-term oil and gas concession rights onshore and<br />

offshore Brunei and sells most of its natural gas production to<br />

Brunei LNG (BLNG, <strong>Shell</strong> interest 25%). BLNG was the first<br />

LNG plant in the Asia-Pacific region and now has a total capacity<br />

of 7.8 mtpa. It sells most of the LNG on long-term contracts to<br />

buyers in Japan and Korea.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> share production in Brunei in 2008 amounted to<br />

176,000 boe/d, with the main producing fields being Champion,<br />

Ampa, Iron Duke and Fairley.<br />

Development projects including Mampak Block 4 and Bugan<br />

Phase 2 are scheduled to come on-stream in 2009–2010. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Smart Fields® technologies mean these new platforms will be<br />

unmanned and controllable remotely from the main production<br />

hub at Champion 7.<br />

In 2008 BSP took the final investment decision to proceed with<br />

the Seria North Flank project and through the use of<br />

breakthrough “fishhook wells” technology, where an offshore field<br />

is developed from land, delivered first production in the same year.<br />

We continued to evaluate and appraise the Bubut and Danau<br />

offshore formations.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has a share in the Block B Joint Venture concession (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 35%). Gas is produced here from the Maharaja Lela Field.<br />

The deep-water MLJ2-06 discovery was made in 2008. We also<br />

have a 54% operating interest in exploration Block A.<br />

CHINA<br />

The first <strong>Shell</strong> production in China was from the Xijiang offshore<br />

fields (<strong>Shell</strong> interest from 24.5% to 47.8%) in 1964. <strong>Shell</strong> started<br />

development of the onshore Changbei tight gas field in 2005<br />

(<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%, operator). Efficient development of the project<br />

required drilling of dual lateral horizontal wells, which can deliver<br />

up to 10 times the rates of production of conventionally fractured<br />

vertical wells. Commercial production started in 2007.<br />

Other <strong>Shell</strong> interests in China include the North Shilou coalbed<br />

methane project (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 55%) and the Yueyang coal<br />

gasification plant, a 50% joint venture. <strong>Shell</strong> had sold 19 licences<br />

for coal gasification in China up to the end of 2008.<br />

58 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has operated in Malaysia since 1910. We continue to be an<br />

industry leader in the region, notably in the use of Smart Fields®<br />

technology that can optimise and increase production.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> holds 18 PSCs with the national oil company PETRONAS.<br />

We operate 13 gas fields in Sarawak with a <strong>Shell</strong> interest of<br />

between 37.5% and 50%. Most of the gas is supplied to the<br />

Malaysia LNG Dua and Tiga plants at Bintulu, Sarawak (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 15%), with total capacity of 14.6 mtpa, for delivery to Far<br />

East markets.<br />

In 2008, we delivered first production from the E11 Hub Stage 2,<br />

G7, M3 South and Saderi projects. When completed, the E11<br />

Complex will provide centralised gas production for the<br />

surrounding fields through a single integrated hub.<br />

We have a 40% interest in the Baram Delta PSC, a 50% interest<br />

in the development of the SK-308 fields and exploration interests<br />

in block SK-307 and in the deep-water block SK-E.<br />

In Sabah, <strong>Shell</strong> operates four producing fields offshore and has<br />

interests in PSCs for the exploration and development of a further<br />

five offshore blocks. Development drilling of the deep-water<br />

Gumusut-Kakap project (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 33%) that has an expected<br />

peak production of 135,000 boe/d started in January 2008.<br />

Since 1993 we have also operated the world’s first commercial<br />

GTL plant of its type at Bintulu (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 72%). This<br />

14,700 b/d capacity plant converts 3 mscm of natural gas per<br />

day into transport fuels and other high-quality products.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> has been an upstream operator in New Zealand since 1955.<br />

We currently have an 83.75% interest in production of the<br />

offshore Maui gas field, a 50% interest in the onshore Kapuni gas<br />

field and a 48% interest in the Pohokura gas field. The produced<br />

gas is sold domestically, mainly under long-term contracts.<br />

The Pohokura field, discovered in 2000, is the country’s largest gas<br />

resource. Production started from onshore wells in August 2006<br />

and from offshore ones in March 2007. Development work was<br />

completed in 2008. Peak production is expected to be 40,000 boe/d.<br />

The field is operated remotely, saving cost and improving safety. An<br />

appraisal extension to our licence that was awarded in 2007 will<br />

allow for future development using existing infrastructure allowing<br />

us to maximise the resources from the field.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> also has interests in other exploration licence areas in the<br />

Taranaki Basin.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> holds a 45% interest in the deep-water PSC for block SC-38.<br />

This includes a production licence for the Malampaya and San<br />

Martin fields. Gas and condensate production from the offshore<br />

Malampaya field started in October 2001. <strong>Shell</strong> is also the<br />

operator of and holds a 55% interest in block SC-60.

A<br />

Goodwyn<br />

Goodwyn<br />

Goodwyn South<br />

Goodwyn<br />

Dockrell<br />

South<br />

Dockrell<br />

Echo/Yodel<br />

Echo/Yodel<br />

Dixon<br />

Dixon<br />

Wilcox<br />

Wilcox Iago<br />

Iago<br />

Pluto<br />

Geryon<br />

Pluto<br />

Geryon<br />

Eurytion<br />

Eurytion<br />

Chandon<br />

Chandon<br />

Thebe "<br />

Thebe "<br />

Eendracht " "<br />

Eendracht<br />

Jansz<br />

" "<br />

Scarborough Jansz<br />

Scarborough Maenad<br />

Maenad<br />

Orthrus<br />

Orthrus<br />

Clio<br />

Clio<br />

Gorgon<br />

Gorgon<br />



0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

"<br />

""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Pueblo<br />

" Iago-2 Lady Nora<br />


""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" " Pueblo<br />

Iago-2 Lady Nora<br />



Perseus<br />

Perseus<br />

Gaea<br />

Gaea<br />

North Rankin<br />

North<br />

Persephone<br />

Rankin<br />

Persephone<br />

Egret<br />

Egret<br />

Hermes<br />

Hermes<br />

Lambert-8B<br />

Lambert-8B<br />

Cossack<br />

Cossack<br />

Angel<br />

Angel<br />

Wanaea<br />

Wanaea<br />

Tidepole<br />

Tidepole<br />

7.3: Arrow<br />

7.3G: 7.3G: Australia Australia<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Torosa<br />

Torosa<br />

Brecknock<br />

Brecknock<br />

Calliance<br />

Calliance<br />

BROOME<br />

BROOME<br />



"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Libra-1<br />

Libra-1 "<br />

"<br />

WA-371-P<br />

WA-371-P<br />

Crux<br />

Crux<br />

Echuca Shoals<br />

Echuca<br />

Prelude<br />

Shoals<br />

Prelude<br />

DERBY<br />

DERBY<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />




Pohokura<br />

"<br />




"<br />

" Kapuni<br />

Maui<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />


" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Kogan NorthDaandine<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Tipton West<br />

"<br />


""<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" Goodwyn<br />

Goodwyn South<br />

Dockrell<br />

Perseus<br />

Gaea<br />

North Rankin<br />

Echo/Yodel<br />

Persephone<br />

Dixon<br />

Egret<br />

DERBY<br />

Wilcox<br />

Iago<br />

Pluto<br />

Geryon<br />

Eurytion<br />

Chandon<br />

Hermes<br />

Lambert-8B<br />

Cossack<br />

Angel<br />

Wanaea<br />

Tidepole<br />

BROOME<br />

Thebe<br />

Eendracht<br />

Scarborough<br />

"<br />

Jansz<br />

" " Pueblo<br />

Maenad<br />

Iago-2 Lady Nora<br />


Orthrus<br />

Clio<br />

Gorgon<br />


0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 km<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

West Australia<br />

East Australia<br />

New Zealand<br />


7.3G: Australia<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

C<br />

"<br />

Torosa<br />

Brecknock<br />

Calliance<br />

WA-371-P<br />


Libra-1<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Legend<br />

Greater Sunrise<br />

Greater Sunrise<br />

Evans Shoal<br />

Evans Shoal<br />

"<br />

"<br />

7.3H: New Zealand 7.3H: New Zealand<br />

Crux<br />

Echuca Shoals<br />

Prelude<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

"<br />

Wells - 2008 discoveries from<br />

core exploration activities<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 59<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Greater Sunrise<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />

"<br />

Evans Shoal<br />

Pohokura<br />


"<br />

"<br />

Kapuni<br />

Min<br />

Lice<br />

Oil<br />



D<br />

D<br />

E<br />

G<br />

F H<br />



XI'AN<br />

XI'AN<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 km<br />

E<br />

CHINA<br />

CHINA<br />



0 10 20 30 40 50 km<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 km<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

China – onshore<br />

China – offshore<br />

West Malaysia<br />

Philippines<br />

Brunei and East Malaysia<br />

Xijiang<br />

Xijiang<br />

24-1&3<br />

24-1&3<br />

Field<br />

Field<br />

Xijiang<br />

Xijiang<br />

30-2<br />

30-2<br />

Field<br />

Field<br />

60 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

"<br />

"<br />

7.1 B: China - offshore<br />

Changbei<br />

Changbei<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

7.1<br />

7.1<br />

A:<br />

A:<br />

China<br />

China<br />

- onshore<br />

onshore<br />

North Shilou<br />

North Shilou<br />

CHINA<br />

CHINA<br />

BEJING<br />

BEJING<br />



F<br />

IPOH<br />

IPOH<br />



0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

0 25 50 75 100 km<br />

H<br />

Saderi<br />

Saderi<br />

M1<br />

M1 Jintan<br />

Serai<br />

Jintan<br />

Serai<br />

M3<br />

M3<br />

7.2D: West Malaysia<br />

TUMPAT<br />

TUMPAT<br />



"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Bijan"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" F14<br />

G7<br />

"<br />

F23 " " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

F28 F6<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

E6 "<br />

"<br />

E8<br />

"<br />

Bijan<br />

"<br />

" F14<br />

G7<br />

"<br />

F23<br />

F28 F6<br />

"<br />

E6 "<br />

E8<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Bunga Kamelia<br />

Bunga Kamelia<br />

Bunga Zetung<br />

Bunga Zetung<br />



"<br />

"<br />

BINTULU Bintulu<br />


"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

DUNGUN<br />

DUNGUN<br />

" Bunga Dahlia Channel<br />

" Bunga Dahlia Channel<br />

Bumi South<br />

Bumi South<br />

Kertih<br />

Kertih<br />

Petai<br />

Petai<br />

Bunga Kesumba<br />

Bunga Kesumba<br />

Bunga Anggerik<br />

Bunga Anggerik<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Gumusut - Kakap"<br />

"<br />

Fairley Gumusut - Kakap"<br />

"<br />

South West Fairley Ampa<br />

Kinabalu<br />

South<br />

Fairley<br />

West<br />

Baram<br />

Ampa<br />

Kinabalu<br />

Fairley Baram Baram Magpie<br />

Baronia<br />

Baram Magpie<br />

Baronia<br />

D12<br />

D12<br />

Beryl<br />

Cili Padi<br />

Beryl<br />

B11 B12<br />

Cili Padi B11"<br />

" B12<br />

" "<br />

Selasih Betty<br />

Selasih Bokor Betty<br />

Bokor<br />

F13E<br />

F13E<br />

E11<br />

E11<br />

Shallow Clastic<br />

Shallow Clastic<br />

Seria<br />

Seria<br />

Rasau<br />

Rasau Laila<br />

Laila<br />

Bintulu<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

7.2F:<br />

7.2F:<br />

Brunei<br />

Brunei<br />

and<br />

and<br />

East<br />

East<br />

Malaysia<br />

Malaysia<br />

Pisagan<br />

Pisagan<br />

Ubah "<br />

Ubah "<br />

Malikai<br />

Malikai<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Maharaja Lela MLJ2-06<br />

Champion<br />

ML-4 " Labuan<br />

Mampak " Bugan<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Iron Duke<br />

"<br />


"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

BLNG<br />

"<br />

" Miri<br />

BRUNEI<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

""<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" " "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Maharaja Lela MLJ2-06<br />

Champion<br />

ML-4<br />

Labuan<br />

Mampak<br />

Bugan<br />

Iron Duke<br />


BLNG<br />

Miri<br />

BRUNEI<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Selangkir<br />

Selangkir<br />

G<br />

Barton<br />

South Furious Barton<br />

South Furious<br />

Kebabangan<br />

Kebabangan<br />

San Martin<br />

San Martin "<br />

"<br />

SC 38<br />

Malampaya<br />

SC 38<br />

Malampaya<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil projects<br />

7.2E: Philippines<br />

" Wells Philippines<br />

- 2008 discoveries from<br />

"<br />

"<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

0 50 100 150 200 km<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Saint Joseph<br />

Saint Joseph<br />







Legend<br />

" Terminal<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> gas projects<br />

" <strong>Shell</strong> oil & gas projects<br />

core exploration activities<br />

SC 60<br />

SC 60<br />

ND6<br />

ND6<br />



ND7<br />

ND7<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> gas pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> oil pipeline<br />

Industry pipeline<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (land)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest (sea)<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 61<br />

Min<br />

Lice<br />

Oil<br />




OIL AND GAS ACREAGE [A][B][C] (At December 31) thousand acres<br />

62 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007<br />

Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped<br />

Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net<br />

Europe 9,646 2,785 8,924 3,038 10,253 2,894 10,384 3,007<br />

Africa [D] 6,857 2,166 19,359 14,409 7,160 2,317 26,910 18,407<br />

Asia-Pacific 6,277 2,586 92,917 29,695 7,578 3,265 96,078 27,556<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 27,578 9,642 68,980 36,048 27,520 9,614 74,666 31,176<br />

USA 1,009 593 6,238 4,973 1,067 620 4,825 3,542<br />

Other Americas 1,140 760 32,179 21,423 917 598 31,795 21,077<br />

Total 52,507 18,532 228,597 109,586 54,495 19,308 244,658 104,765<br />

NUMBER OF PRODUCTIVE WELLS [A][B] (At December 31)<br />

2008 2007<br />

Oil Gas Oil Gas<br />

Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net<br />

Europe 1,569 422 1,323 440 1,638 427 1,334 452<br />

Africa [D] 1,136 397 40 13 1,006 356 35 11<br />

Asia-Pacific 1,121 521 509 152 1,096 517 286 117<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 4,991 1,549 49 39 4,609 1,414 44 38<br />

USA 15,505 7,828 1,412 1,037 15,493 7,825 1,040 765<br />

Other Americas 497 394 900 670 427 332 351 268<br />

Total 24,819 11,111 4,233 2,351 24,269 10,871 3,090 1,651<br />


Exploratory<br />

2008 2007<br />

Productive Dry Productive Dry<br />

Europe 9 3 10 1<br />

Africa [D] 4 1 3 1<br />

Asia-Pacific 12 3 5 11<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 30 6 47 9<br />

USA 13 4 23 3<br />

Other Americas 44 47 48 11<br />

Total 112 64 136 36<br />

Development<br />

Europe 7 1 18 1<br />

Africa [D] 14 1 19 –<br />

Asia-Pacific 32 – 32 1<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 184 1 159 1<br />

USA 475 1 475 2<br />

Other Americas 61 – 44 –<br />

Total 773 4 747 5<br />

[A] Including equity-accounted investments.<br />

[B] The term “gross” relates to the total activity in which <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries and equity-accounted investments have an interest, and the term “net” relates to the sum of the fractional interests owned<br />

by <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries plus the <strong>Shell</strong> share of equity-accounted investments’ fractional interest.<br />

[C] One thousand acres equals approximately 4 km 2 .<br />

[D] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[E] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.

OIL AND GAS ACREAGE [A][B][C] (At December 31) thousand acres<br />

2006 2005 2004<br />

Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped Developed Undeveloped<br />

Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net<br />

Europe 9,850 3,225 12,860 4,025 9,852 3,110 14,507 4,415 8,449 3,200 14,024 4,904<br />

Africa [D] 7,159 2,318 24,396 15,351 7,175 2,382 27,206 14,806 6,597 2,058 15,584 8,398<br />

Asia-Pacific 7,228 3,277 125,421 34,290 7,292 3,313 123,829 34,455 7,032 3,266 104,443 28,504<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 32,238 10,284 66,579 30,321 32,125 10,302 66,839 30,467 34,815 11,169 65,352 30,766<br />

USA 1,234 665 3,962 3,280 1,250 563 4,359 3,069 961 531 3,998 2,864<br />

Other Americas 945 569 30,413 20,328 872 551 30,097 20,314 855 529 27,236 20,421<br />

Total 58,654 20,338 263,631 107,595 58,566 20,221 266,837 107,526 58,709 20,753 230,637 95,857<br />

NUMBER OF PRODUCTIVE WELLS [A][B] (At December 31)<br />

2006 2005 2004<br />

Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas<br />

Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net<br />

Europe 1,647 475 1,487 461 1,762 491 1,355 448 1,786 478 1,445 491<br />

Africa [D] 945 333 40 13 1,234 413 36 12 1,215 396 36 12<br />

Asia-Pacific 1,095 520 259 109 1,076 480 264 100 1,191 551 230 88<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 4,333 1,364 50 44 4,128 1,279 45 40 3,795 1,198 47 40<br />

USA 15,977 8,077 1,069 830 16,159 8,270 873 636 16,131 8,163 719 520<br />

Other Americas 355 264 326 250 122 117 303 284 117 112 284 270<br />

Total 24,352 11,033 3,231 1,707 24,481 11,050 2,876 1,520 24,235 10,898 2,761 1,421<br />


Exploratory<br />

2006 2005 2004<br />

Productive Dry Productive Dry Productive Dry<br />

Europe 7 7 5 3 6 2<br />

Africa [D] 7 1 9 1 3 1<br />

Asia-Pacific 8 4 6 3 5 5<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 18 7 5 3 7 2<br />

USA 30 3 9 3 2 3<br />

Other Americas 22 3 3 4 1 2<br />

Total 92 25 37 17 24 15<br />

Development<br />

Europe 32 1 25 – 27 –<br />

Africa [D] 15 – 13 – 11 –<br />

Asia-Pacific 27 – 20 1 22 1<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [E] 155 2 173 4 150 6<br />

USA 478 – 446 – 504 1<br />

Other Americas 76 2 26 – 10 1<br />

Total 783 5 703 5 724 9<br />

[A] Including equity-accounted investments.<br />

[B] The term “gross” relates to the total activity in which <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries and equity-accounted investments have an interest, and the term “net” relates to the sum of the fractional interests owned<br />

by <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries plus the <strong>Shell</strong> share of equity-accounted investments’ fractional interest.<br />

[C] One thousand acres equals approximately 4 km 2 .<br />

[D] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[E] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 63




64 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007<br />

Middle Middle<br />

East, East,<br />

Asia- Russia, Other Asia- Russia, Other<br />

Europe Africa [B] Pacific CIS [C] USA Americas Total Europe Africa [B] Pacific CIS [C] USA Americas Total<br />

Revenue:<br />

Third parties 6,210 2,634 2,871 1,533 5,219 1,610 20,077 3,750 675 2,297 1,324 3,099 1,513 12,658<br />

Inter-segment 13,771 8,429 2,635 11,806 5,235 1,944 43,820 11,654 8,955 2,022 8,427 5,765 1,522 38,345<br />

Total 19,981 11,063 5,506 13,339 10,454 3,554 63,897 15,404 9,630 4,319 9,751 8,864 3,035 51,003<br />

Production costs<br />

(excluding royalty payments) 2,383 1,121 687 888 1,395 912 7,386 2,433 1,240 628 888 1,316 813 7,318<br />

Royalty payments 501 881 875 22 – 89 2,368 401 829 498 10 – 66 1,804<br />

Exploration expense 414 256 185 133 680 327 1,995 178 254 259 156 675 300 1,822<br />

Depreciation, depletion<br />

and amortisation 3,102 1,474 1,173 467 2,166 954 9,336 3,311 1,945 1,014 452 2,183 527 9,432<br />

Other income/(costs) (440) (23) (124) (1,972) (76) (371) (3,006) 107 (1,668) 103 (1,544) (398) (752) (4,152)<br />

Earnings before tax 13,141 7,308 2,462 9,857 6,137 901 39,806 9,188 3,694 2,023 6,701 4,292 577 26,475<br />

Taxation 8,391 4,405 792 8,611 2,044 298 24,541 4,961 2,283 619 6,069 1,488 (48) 15,372<br />

Earnings after taxation 4,750 2,903 1,670 1,246 4,093 603 15,265 4,227 1,411 1,404 632 2,804 625 11,103<br />

Revenue 77.51 74.91 37.32 132.93 77.04 61.97 75.50 57.91 60.95 29.68 96.38 56.25 53.53 57.64<br />

Production costs<br />

(excluding royalty payments) 9.24 7.61 4.69 8.84 10.28 15.93 8.73 9.14 7.85 4.32 8.78 8.35 14.35 8.27<br />

Royalty payments 1.95 5.95 5.91 0.22 – 1.53 2.80 1.51 5.25 3.42 0.10 – 1.15 2.04<br />

Exploration expense 1.61 1.73 1.25 1.33 5.01 5.70 2.36 0.67 1.61 1.78 1.54 4.28 5.29 2.06<br />

Depreciation 12.03 9.98 7.95 4.65 15.96 16.66 11.03 12.45 12.31 6.97 4.47 13.85 9.30 10.66<br />

Other income/(costs) (1.71) (0.16) (0.83) (19.65) (0.56) (6.49) (3.55) 0.40 (10.56) 0.71 (15.26) (2.53) (13.26) (4.69)<br />

Earnings before tax 50.97 49.48 16.69 98.24 45.23 15.66 47.03 34.54 23.38 13.90 66.24 27.24 10.18 29.92<br />

Taxation 32.55 29.83 5.38 85.82 15.06 5.16 28.99 18.65 14.45 4.25 59.99 9.44 (0.85) 17.37<br />

Earnings after taxation 18.42 19.65 11.31 12.42 30.17 10.50 18.04 15.89 8.93 9.65 6.25 17.79 11.02 12.55<br />


$/boe<br />

2004<br />

Middle<br />

East,<br />

Asia- Russia, Other<br />

Europe Africa [B] Pacific CIS [C] USA Americas Total<br />

Revenue:<br />

Third parties 3,440 (187) 891 1,916 2,063 1,277 9,400<br />

Inter-segment 7,117 5,616 1,517 4,616 4,754 1,187 24,807<br />

Total 10,557 5,429 2,408 6,532 6,817 2,464 34,207<br />

Production costs (excluding royalty payments) 1,625 549 392 705 767 452 4,490<br />

Royalty payments 174 999 131 645 – 58 2,007<br />

Exploration expense 145 157 122 115 352 211 1,102<br />

Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 3,501 699 550 822 1,625 600 7,797<br />

Other income/(costs) (1,201) 198 480 (808) (319) (333) (1,983)<br />

Earnings before tax 3,911 3,223 1,693 3,437 3,754 810 16,828<br />

Taxation 2,686 2,448 336 2,810 1,302 187 9,769<br />

Earnings after taxation 1,225 775 1,357 627 2,452 623 7,059<br />

Revenue 31.14 31.94 18.11 29.56 37.25 34.70 30.62<br />

Production costs (excluding royalty payments) 4.79 3.23 2.95 3.18 4.19 6.37 4.02<br />

Royalty payments 0.52 5.88 0.98 2.93 0.00 0.81 1.80<br />

Exploration expense 0.43 0.92 0.92 0.52 1.92 2.97 0.99<br />

Depreciation 10.33 4.11 4.14 3.72 8.88 8.45 6.98<br />

Other income/(costs) (3.54) 1.15 3.61 (3.66) (1.74) (4.69) (1.78)<br />

Earnings before tax 11.53 18.95 12.73 15.55 20.52 11.41 15.05<br />

Taxation 7.92 14.40 2.53 12.71 7.11 2.63 8.75<br />

Earnings after taxation 3.61 4.55 10.20 2.84 13.41 8.78 6.30<br />

[A] The share of profit of equity-accounted investments is not included in the earnings data.<br />

Certain purchases of traded product are netted into revenue.<br />

[B] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[C] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.<br />



2006 2005<br />

Middle Middle<br />

East, East,<br />

Asia- Russia, Other Asia- Russia, Other<br />

Europe Africa [B] Pacific CIS [C] USA Americas Total Europe Africa [B] Pacific CIS [C] USA Americas Total<br />

5,937 389 2,204 2,352 2,339 1,567 14,788 3,399 (314) 1,288 2,255 2,850 1,458 10,936<br />

11,287 7,393 1,606 7,764 6,266 1,388 35,704 9,869 7,503 1,608 6,193 5,050 1,356 31,579<br />

17,224 7,782 3,810 10,116 8,605 2,955 50,492 13,268 7,189 2,896 8,448 7,900 2,814 42,515<br />

2,291 853 494 960 1,270 707 6,575 1,968 661 411 819 1,040 509 5,408<br />

345 744 354 58 – 67 1,568 277 1,310 249 52 – 53 1,941<br />

214 269 165 100 471 179 1,398 213 193 55 73 378 246 1,158<br />

3,498 1,508 797 505 1,823 1,034 9,165 3,888 844 679 521 1,629 820 8,381<br />

(781) (187) (17) (1,372) (649) (494) (3,500) (413) 84 257 (765) (346) (456) (1,639)<br />

10,095 4,221 1,983 7,121 4,392 474 28,286 6,509 4,265 1,759 6,218 4,507 730 23,988<br />

6,381 2,170 740 5,857 1,538 131 16,817 3,767 3,526 475 4,986 1,533 236 14,523<br />

3,714 2,051 1,243 1,264 2,854 343 11,469 2,742 739 1,284 1,232 2,974 494 9,465<br />

56.83 51.07 25.84 82.51 54.75 46.14 53.34 40.68 44.93 20.73 63.98 49.94 46.64 43.54<br />

7.56 5.62 3.34 7.82 8.08 11.03 6.95 6.04 4.13 2.95 6.21 6.57 8.44 5.54<br />

1.14 4.86 2.41 0.48 0.00 1.05 1.65 0.84 8.19 1.78 0.39 0.00 0.88 1.99<br />

0.71 1.77 1.12 0.82 3.00 2.79 1.48 0.65 1.21 0.39 0.55 2.39 4.08 1.19<br />

11.54 9.90 5.41 4.12 11.60 16.14 9.68 11.92 5.27 4.86 3.95 10.30 13.59 8.58<br />

(2.58) (1.23) (0.12) (11.19) (4.13) (7.71) (3.70) (1.27) 0.52 1.84 (5.79) (2.19) (7.56) (1.68)<br />

33.30 27.69 13.44 58.08 27.94 7.42 29.88 19.96 26.65 12.59 47.09 28.49 12.09 24.56<br />

21.05 14.24 5.02 47.77 9.79 2.05 17.76 11.55 22.04 3.40 37.76 9.69 3.91 14.87<br />

12.25 13.45 8.42 10.31 18.15 5.37 12.12 8.41 4.61 9.19 9.33 18.80 8.18 9.69<br />

[A] The share of profit of equity-accounted investments is not included in the earnings data. Certain purchases of traded product are netted into revenue.<br />

[B] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[C] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.<br />


$/boe<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Earnings before tax 43.77 23.88 25.86 28.99 14.07<br />

Taxation 10.91 (4.19) (4.11) (9.92) (3.79)<br />

Earnings after taxation 32.86 19.69 21.75 19.07 10.28<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Mining and upgrader cash operating cost [A] 38.15 28.92 29.65 18.29 17.97<br />

DD&A costs 5.68 4.42 5.13 4.83 4.43<br />

Total unit costs 43.83 33.34 34.78 23.12 22.40<br />

[A] Unit cash operating cost defined as: operating, selling and general expenses plus cash costs items included in cost of goods sold excluding pre-development and centrally allocated costs divided by<br />

synthetic crude sales volumes excluding blend stock.<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Earnings before taxation 9,122 6,512 5,883 7,860 4,745<br />

Taxation 4,152 2,929 2,808 3,748 2,282<br />

Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 4,970 3,583 3,075 4,112 2,463<br />

[A] Excludes certain financing costs and related tax effects.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 65




These tables present the total net proved crude oil and gas reserves for <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries and the <strong>Shell</strong> share of equity-accounted<br />

investments, the total net proven minable oil sands reserves for <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries, and then eliminates the portion of reserves that is<br />

attributable to the equity held by those with a minority interest in our subsidiaries. The result is the total net proved crude oil and gas and<br />

net proven minable oil sands reserves attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders. These figures also include year-end price effects.<br />



66 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 491 641 723 871 971<br />

Africa [A] 584 555 762 864 1,122<br />

Asia-Pacific 293 347 339 414 520<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [B] 1,399 1,390 1,351 1,362 1,146<br />

USA 588 672 710 841 850<br />

Other Americas 80 158 150 127 132<br />

Total including year-end price effects 3,435 3,763 4,035 4,479 4,741<br />


AND EQUITY-ACCOUNTED INVESTMENTS [C][D] (At December 31) thousand million scf<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 15,732 16,481 16,853 17,722 18,477<br />

Africa [A] 1,633 1,593 2,089 2,173 2,532<br />

Asia-Pacific 7,526 7,270 7,628 8,291 9,510<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [B] 14,491 11,788 10,450 4,180 3,376<br />

USA 2,402 2,480 2,634 2,698 2,840<br />

Other Americas 1,534 1,257 1,082 1,196 1,271<br />

Total including year-end price effects 43,318 40,869 40,736 36,260 38,006<br />

NET PROVEN MINABLE OIL SANDS RESERVES (At December 31) million barrels<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Total including year-end price effects 997 1,111 884 582 480<br />

TOTAL NET PROVED AND PROVEN RESERVES [D][E] (At December 31) million boe<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 3,203 3,482 3,629 3,926 4,156<br />

Africa [A] 866 829 1,122 1,239 1,559<br />

Asia-Pacific 1,590 1,601 1,654 1,845 2,159<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS [B] 3,898 3,423 3,153 2,081 1,728<br />

USA 1,002 1,100 1,164 1,306 1,340<br />

Other Americas 1,341 1,485 1,220 915 831<br />

Total net proved crude oil and gas and net proven minable oil<br />

sands reserves attributable to Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc shareholders<br />

including year-end price effects 11,900 11,920 11,942 11,312 11,773<br />

Year-end price effects 19 (183) (59) (60)<br />

[A] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[B] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.<br />

[C] These quantities have not been adjusted to standard heat content.<br />

[D] Does not include produced gas for own consumption or incidental flaring.<br />

[E] For this purpose, natural gas has been converted to barrels of oil equivalent using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel.


These tables present <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries’ estimated changes in net proved reserves of crude oil and gas during the year, their share of the<br />

net proved reserves of equity-accounted investments during the year and in the net proven minable oil sands reserves during the year.<br />

These figures include the portion of reserves that is attributable to the equity held by those with a minority interest in our subsidiaries.<br />



2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Revisions and reclassifications 242 164 (55) 92 (195)<br />

Improved recovery 54 59 27 6 50<br />

Extensions and discoveries 51 225 250 380 110<br />

Purchases of minerals in place 4 – 89 14 –<br />

Sales of minerals in place (65) (206) (39) (15) (95)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects 286 242 272 477 (130)<br />

Production (619) (663) (711) (729) (795)<br />


EQUITY-ACCOUNTED INVESTMENTS [A][C] (At December 31) thousand million scf<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Revisions and reclassifications 4,184 1,388 (156) (612) (113)<br />

Improved recovery – 1 – 2 58<br />

Extensions and discoveries 968 3,636 7,651 2,577 2,970<br />

Purchases of minerals in place 448 1 115 135 9<br />

Sales of minerals in place (19) (5,275) (29) (21) (708)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects 5,581 (249) 7,581 2,081 2,216<br />

Production (3,137) (2,998) (3,055) (3,032) (3,208)<br />

MINABLE OIL SANDS (At December 31) million barrels<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Revisions and reclassifications (85) 6 (19) 166 72<br />

Extensions and discoveries – – 437 – –<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects (85) 6 418 166 72<br />

Production (29) (29) (30) (35) (29)<br />

TOTAL PROVED AND PROVEN RESERVES CHANGES [B][C] (At December 31) million boe<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Revisions and reclassifications 878 409 (101) 153 (143)<br />

Improved recovery 54 59 27 6 61<br />

Extensions and discoveries 219 853 2,006 825 621<br />

Purchases of minerals in place 81 – 109 37 2<br />

Sales of minerals in place (68) (1,115) (44) (19) (217)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects 1,164 206 1,997 1,002 324<br />

Year-end price effects 19 (183) (59) (60)<br />

Total additions excluding year-end price effects 1,145 389 2,056 1,062 324<br />

Production (1,189) (1,210) (1,268) (1,287) (1,377)<br />

[A] These quantities have not been adjusted to standard heat content.<br />

[B] For this purpose, natural gas has been converted to boe using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel.<br />

[C] Does not include produced gas for own consumption or incidental flaring.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 67




68 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Middle East, Other<br />

Europe Africa [A] Asia-Pacific Russia, CIS [B] USA Americas Total<br />

Revisions and reclassifications (1) 107 16 164 8 (52) 242<br />

Improved recovery – 31 – 23 – – 54<br />

Extensions and discoveries 9 4 7 23 8 – 51<br />

Purchases of minerals in place – – – – – 4 4<br />

Sales of minerals in place (21) (4) (3) (36) (1) – (65)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects (13) 138 20 174 15 (48) 286<br />

Production (137) (113) (75) (165) (99) (30) (619)<br />


Middle East, Other<br />

Europe Africa [A] Asia-Pacific Russia, CIS [B] USA Americas Total<br />

Revisions and reclassifications 500 113 929 2,461 179 2 4,184<br />

Improved recovery – – – – – – –<br />

Extensions and discoveries 110 129 213 329 135 52 968<br />

Purchases of minerals in place – – 40 – – 408 448<br />

Sales of minerals in place (12) – – – (7) – (19)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects 598 242 1,182 2,790 307 462 5,581<br />

Production (1,347) (202) (931) (87) (385) (185) (3,137)<br />

MINABLE OIL SANDS million barrels<br />

Middle East, Other<br />

Europe Africa [A] Asia-Pacific Russia, CIS [B] USA Americas Total<br />

Revisions and reclassifications (85) (85)<br />

Extensions and discoveries – –<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects (85) (85)<br />

Production (29) (29)<br />


Middle East, Other<br />

Europe Africa [A] Asia-Pacific Russia, CIS [B] USA Americas Total<br />

Revisions and reclassifications 85 127 176 589 38 (137) 878<br />

Improved recovery – 31 – 23 – – 54<br />

Extensions and discoveries 28 27 44 79 31 10 219<br />

Purchases of minerals in place – – 7 – – 74 81<br />

Sales of minerals in place (23) (4) (3) (36) (2) – (68)<br />

Total additions including year-end price effects 90 181 224 655 67 (53) 1,164<br />

Year-end price effect 19<br />

Production (369) (148) (236) (180) (165) (91) (1,189)<br />

Reserves replacement ratio excluding acquisitions and divestments and year-end price effects 95%<br />

Reserves replacement ratio excluding acquisitions and divestments, including year-end price effects 97%<br />

Reserves replacement ratio including acquisitions and divestments and year-end price effects 98%<br />

[A] Excludes Egypt.<br />

[B] Includes Caspian region, Egypt and Sakhalin.<br />

[C] These quantities have not been adjusted to standard heat content.<br />

[D] Does not include produced gas for own consumption or incidental flaring.<br />

[E] For this purpose, natural gas has been converted to boe using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel.



AND OIL SANDS PRODUCTION [A] thousand b/d<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe<br />

UK 154 183 223 250 275<br />

Denmark 114 126 134 143 142<br />

Norway 67 69 85 107 129<br />

Italy 32 35 44 30 21<br />

The Netherlands 5 6 6 7 8<br />

Germany 3 4 4 4 5<br />

Others – – [B] – [B] – [B] – [B]<br />

Total Europe 375 423 496 541 580<br />

Africa<br />

Nigeria 266 287 293 324 349<br />

Gabon 30 31 32 36 35<br />

Cameroon 13 14 14 13 15<br />

Total Africa 309 332 339 373 399<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />

Brunei 81 92 104 95 98<br />

Australia 56 58 57 53 60<br />

Malaysia 38 42 42 41 47<br />

China 14 17 20 20 20<br />

New Zealand 12 13 14 15 15<br />

Others 5 5 5 4 3<br />

Total Asia-Pacific 206 227 242 228 243<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS<br />

Oman 192 191 202 214 246<br />

Abu Dhabi 146 146 147 134 133<br />

Russia 70 51 52 35 32<br />

Syria 22 24 30 36 35<br />

Egypt 9 10 11 14 10<br />

Others 11 11 13 10 15<br />

Total Middle East, Russia, CIS 450 433 455 443 471<br />

USA 272 324 322 333 375<br />

Other Americas<br />

Canada 46 47 38 39 40<br />

Brazil 23 22 25 26 43<br />

Venezuela 11 9 31 14 22<br />

Others 1 1 – [B] 1 – [B]<br />

Total Other Americas 81 79 94 80 105<br />

Total 1,693 1,818 1,948 1,998 2,173<br />

Oil sands [C] 78 81 82 95 80<br />

Grand total 1,771 1,899 2,030 2,093 2,253<br />

million tonnes/year<br />

Metric equivalent [D] 85 91 97 100 109<br />

[A] Of <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries, plus share of equity-accounted investments, and including natural gas<br />

liquids (share of equity-accounted investments is assumed to be equivalent to <strong>Shell</strong> interest).<br />

In those countries where PSCs operate, the figures shown represent the entitlements of the<br />

subsidiaries concerned under those contracts.<br />

[B] Fewer than 500 barrels per day.<br />

[C] Production after royalties (net).<br />

[D] Excludes bitumen oil sands production.<br />


AVAILABLE FOR SALE [A][B] million scf/d<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 [C] 2004 [C]<br />

Europe<br />

The Netherlands 1,741 1,518 1,525 1,562 1,667<br />

UK 678 663 775 925 984<br />

Germany 333 390 421 428 411<br />

Denmark 406 369 416 410 383<br />

Norway 492 357 325 298 260<br />

Italy 29 34 38 25 16<br />

Others – 19 23 11 18<br />

Total Europe 3,679 3,350 3,523 3,659 3,739<br />

Africa<br />

Nigeria 552 584 455 377 375<br />

Total Africa 552 584 455 377 375<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />

Malaysia 874 865 956 858 739<br />

Brunei 550 553 574 544 554<br />

Australia 560 542 529 525 436<br />

New Zealand 216 230 241 234 258<br />

China 231 106 36 – –<br />

Others 113 109 85 89 72<br />

Total Asia-Pacific 2,544 2,405 2,421 2,250 2,059<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS<br />

Egypt 145 167 201 238 211<br />

Pakistan 86 76 79 75 73<br />

Syria 6 7 11 15 9<br />

Oman – – – – 471<br />

Total Middle East, Russia, CIS 237 250 291 328 764<br />

USA 1,053 1,130 1,163 1,150 1,332<br />

Other Americas<br />

Canada 406 402 425 413 449<br />

Brazil 33 35 41 43 48<br />

Others 65 58 49 43 42<br />

Total Other Americas 504 495 515 499 539<br />

Total natural gas production 8,569 8,214 8,368 8,263 8,808<br />

[A] By country of origin from gas produced by <strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries and equity-accounted<br />

investments (<strong>Shell</strong> share). In those countries where PSCs operate, the figures shown represent<br />

the entitlements of the subsidiaries concerned under those contracts.<br />

[B] Does not include produced gas for own consumption or incidental flaring.<br />

[C] 2004 production for the Troll field, Norway was presented on an entitlement basis, whilst<br />

reserves data for this field were presented on the basis of actual production. The total<br />

difference in 2004 production between the two methodologies was approximately 45 million<br />

standard cubic feet per day. Production data was aligned at the end of Q1 of 2005.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 69


TOTAL PRODUCTION [A] thousand boe/d<br />

Europe<br />

70 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

UK 271 297 356 410 445<br />

The Netherlands 305 268 269 276 295<br />

Denmark 184 190 206 214 208<br />

Norway 152 131 141 158 174<br />

Germany 60 71 77 78 75<br />

Italy 37 41 51 34 24<br />

Others – 3 4 2 3<br />

Total Europe 1,009 1,001 1,104 1,172 1,224<br />

Africa<br />

Nigeria 361 388 371 389 414<br />

Gabon 30 31 32 36 35<br />

Cameroon 13 14 14 13 15<br />

Total Africa 404 433 417 438 464<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />

Malaysia 189 191 206 189 175<br />

Brunei 176 187 203 189 193<br />

Australia 153 151 148 144 135<br />

New Zealand 49 53 56 55 60<br />

China 54 35 26 20 20<br />

Others 24 24 20 19 15<br />

Total Asia-Pacific 645 641 659 616 598<br />

Middle East, Russia, CIS<br />

Oman 192 191 201 214 327<br />

Abu Dhabi 146 146 147 134 133<br />

Russia 70 51 52 35 32<br />

Egypt 34 39 46 55 46<br />

Syria 23 25 32 39 37<br />

Pakistan 15 13 14 13 13<br />

Others 11 11 13 10 15<br />

Total Middle East, Russia, CIS 491 476 505 500 603<br />

USA 453 519 523 531 605<br />

Other Americas<br />

Canada 116 116 111 110 117<br />

Brazil 29 28 32 34 51<br />

Venezuela 11 9 31 14 22<br />

Others 12 11 8 8 7<br />

Total Other Americas 168 164 183 166 198<br />

Total 3,170 3,234 3,391 3,423 3,692<br />

Oil sands [B] 78 81 82 95 80<br />

Grand total 3,248 3,315 3,473 3,518 3,772<br />

million tonnes/year<br />

Metric equivalent [C] 158 162 170 171 185<br />

[A] 5,800 million scf of natural gas is equal to one million boe.<br />

[B] Production after royalties (net).<br />

[C] Excludes bitumen oil sands production.<br />

MINED OIL SANDS PRODUCTION [A] thousand b/d<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

AOSP (gross) 76 85 83 96 81<br />

AOSP (net of royalties) [B] 78 81 82 95 80<br />

[A] Volumes represent <strong>Shell</strong> share of production (60%).<br />

[B] In 2008, net production exceeded gross production due to a refund of royalties paid in 2007.<br />

The Alberta Government in 2008 approved the inclusion of additional eligible costs to the<br />

project and extended the project post-payout timeframe into 2008. Accordingly, the royalty<br />

rate for 2007 reverted back to 1% of gross revenue from 25% of net revenue resulting in a<br />

refund of royalties previously paid at the higher rate. The royalty refund was then converted to<br />

a barrel equivalent increasing annual production after royalties by 3,000 b/d.



Project name Location <strong>Shell</strong> capacity rights (mtpa) Capacity right period Status Start-up date<br />

Huelva Huelva, Spain 0.2 [A] 2001–2009 In operation 1988<br />

Cartagena Cartagena, Spain 0.0 [A] 2002–2034 [B] In operation 1989<br />

Barcelona Barcelona, Spain 0.9 [A] 2005–2020 In operation 1969<br />

Hazira Gujarat, India 2.2 from 2005 In operation 2005<br />

Altamira Altamira, Mexico 3.3 from 2006 In operation 2006<br />

Cove Point Lusby, MD, USA 1.8 2003–2023 In operation 2003<br />

Costa Azul Baja California, Mexico 3.8 2008–2028 In operation 2008<br />

Elba Island [C] Elba Island, GA, USA 2.8 2006–2036 In operation 2006<br />

Elba Expansion Elba Island, GA, USA 4.2 2010–2035 In construction 2010<br />

[A] Capacity rights as at end 2007, which will change over capacity right period.<br />

[B] No capacity right in 2008. Capacity starts in January 2010.<br />

[C] Capacity leased to third party until 2010.<br />

LNG GAS CARRIERS [A] (At December 31)<br />

SHELL SHARE OF LNG SALES VOLUME million tonnes<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Australia 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.0<br />

Brunei 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.8<br />

Malaysia 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9<br />

Nigeria 4.2 4.2 3.3 2.3 2.4<br />

Oman 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1<br />

Total 13.1 13.2 12.1 10.7 10.2<br />


LIQUE<strong>FACT</strong>ION PLANT CAPACITY (At December 31, 2008)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest, 100% capacity<br />

Location direct and indirect (%) (mtpa) [A]<br />

Australia North West Shelf Karratha 22 16.3<br />

Brunei LNG Lumut 25 7.8<br />

Malaysia LNG (Dua and Tiga) Bintulu 15 14.6 [B]<br />

Nigeria LNG Bonny 26 21.6<br />

Oman LNG Sur 30 7.1<br />

Oman (Qalhat) Sur 11 3.7<br />

[A] As reported by the joint venture partner.<br />

[B] Our interests in Dua and Tiga plants are due to expire in 2015 and 2023 respectively.<br />

number of ships thousand mscm<br />

Contract 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Owned/demise-hire (LNG) 5 6 [B] 6 6 6 657 797 797 797 797<br />

Time-charter (LNG) [C] 4 5 4 1 1 566 849 573 145 145<br />

Total 9 11 10 7 7 1,233 1,646 1,370 942 942<br />

[A] Excludes LNG ships owned or chartered by LNG joint ventures.<br />

[B] One of these ships with a capacity of 139,000 mscm was sold in 2008.<br />

[C] Three of these ships were on flexible charter based on market demand.<br />

CAPACITY UNDER CONSTRUCTION (At December 31, 2008)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest, 100% capacity<br />

Location direct and indirect (%) (mtpa) [A]<br />

Sakhalin II Train 1 and 2 Sakhalin Island 27.5 9.6<br />

Qatargas 4 Ras Laffan 30 7.8<br />

Australia Pluto I Karratha 31 [B] 4.3<br />

[A] As reported by the operator.<br />

[B] Based on 90% Woodside shareholding in the Pluto I plant.<br />

GTL PLANTS (At December 31, 2008)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest 100% capacity<br />

Location (%) (b/d) Status<br />

Malaysia Bintulu 72 14,700 In operation<br />

Pearl Train 1 Qatar 100 70,000 In construction<br />

Pearl Train 2 Qatar 100 70,000 In construction<br />

COAL GASIFICATION ASSETS (At December 31, 2008)<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> interest 100% capacity<br />

Location (%) (tonnes/day)<br />

China Yueyang 50 2,000<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 71


In this publication Downstream includes Oil Products and Chemicals.<br />

Retail site in Houston, USA<br />

72 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008


• Refinery availability of 91% and chemical plant availability<br />

of 94%;<br />

• Disposal completed of two French refineries and the Berrel’Etang<br />

refining and petrochemicals plant in France;<br />

• Construction progress on the 325,000 b/d expansion of the<br />

Motiva Port Arthur refinery in the USA (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%);<br />


CCS earnings ($ million)<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Oil Products 5,155 6,951 7,027 7,532 6,592<br />

Chemicals 156 1,682 1,095 782 1,148<br />

Total 5,311 8,633 8,122 8,314 7,740<br />

Estimated CCS adjustment ($ million)<br />

Oil Products 4,709 (3,488) (98) (2,450) (1,005)<br />

Chemicals 561 (369) 31 (209) [B]<br />

Total 5,270 (3,857) (67) (2,659) (1,005)<br />

Segment earnings ($ million)<br />

Oil Products 446 10,439 7,125 9,982 7,597<br />

Chemicals (405) 2,051 1,064 991 1,148<br />

Total 41 12,490 8,189 10,973 8,745<br />

Downstream net cash from operating activities [A] ($ million) 1,737 13,185 9,048 14,601 11,993<br />

Total Oil products sales (thousand b/d) 6,568 6,625 6,485 7,057 7,600<br />

Chemicals sales volumes (thousand tonnes) 20,327 22,555 23,137 22,826 24,160<br />

Refinery intake (thousand b/d) 3,388 3,779 3,862 3,981 4,162<br />

Oil products refinery availability (%) 91 91 92 92 84<br />

Chemicals manufacturing plant availability (%) 94 93 90 93 92<br />

Downstream capital investment ($ million) 6,014 5,275 4,334 3,443 3,691<br />

Downstream capital employed ($ million) 54,075 65,086 50,714 42,784 44,562<br />

Downstream employees (thousands) 64 69 73 79 86<br />

[A] Excludes working capital movements.<br />

[B] Chemicals are reported on CCS basis from 2005.<br />


$ billion<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

Oil Products<br />

Chemicals<br />

[A] Excluding identified items.<br />


% volume<br />

100<br />

95<br />

90<br />

85<br />

Refinery availability<br />

Chemical plant availability<br />

Oil Products sales (million b/d)<br />

Chemical sales (million tonnes)<br />

• Construction of the new world-scale ethylene cracker and<br />

mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) plant in Singapore (<strong>Shell</strong><br />

interest 100%).<br />

Q4 07 Q1 08 Q2 08 Q3 08 Q4 08<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 73



<strong>Shell</strong>’s downstream business has a world-class manufacturing<br />

organisation with interests in more than 40 refineries worldwide<br />

and the capacity to process some four million barrels of crude oil<br />

a day. Our portfolio is global, with around 40% of our refining<br />

capacity in Europe and Africa, 30% in the Americas and 30%<br />

in Asia-Pacific. Our refineries make a wide range of products<br />

including petrol, diesel, heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel,<br />

lubricants and bitumen. Our Supply and Distribution network<br />

then delivers these products to our Retail, Lubricants and<br />

Business to Business (B2B) businesses.<br />

As is the case with all of <strong>Shell</strong>’s businesses, safety is our top<br />

priority. In 2008, we continued to strengthen our safety culture<br />

and further improved personal and process safety performance in<br />

Manufacturing. We also have sustainable development programmes<br />

tailored to our sites that help us act as a good neighbour.<br />


thousand b/d Nelson Index<br />

160<br />

120<br />

80<br />

40<br />

2002<br />

Average refinery size<br />

Refinery complexity<br />

Refinery portfolio<br />

≥ 100,000 b/d<br />

< 100,000 b/d<br />

2005 2008<br />

10.0<br />

7.5<br />

5.0<br />

2.5<br />

74 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Energy efficiency improvements at our chemicals plants and<br />

refineries have contributed to a reduction in our greenhouse gas<br />

emissions over time. Achieving greater efficiency and reliability<br />

will help us deliver more profitability. Our refineries achieved<br />

availability of 91% in 2008, with a five-year average of 90%.<br />

A key part of our strategy is to divest non-core assets while<br />

investing in high-growth markets, especially in the East. This<br />

enables us to create a refining and chemicals portfolio that is<br />

better focused on larger, integrated refining and chemicals sites,<br />

and is more able to respond to tighter fuel specifications and<br />

growth opportunities. We will continue to review our portfolio<br />

against market conditions.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>, as part of the joint venture Motiva Enterprises (<strong>Shell</strong> interest<br />

50%), announced in September 2007 the expansion of production<br />

capacity at the Port Arthur Refinery in Texas by 325,000 barrels of<br />

crude oil a day. This will create one of the largest refineries in the<br />

world with a total capacity of some 600,000 barrels of crude oil a<br />

day. The expanded Port Arthur refinery will be capable of handling<br />

most grades of crude oil, even the lowest quality. The expansion<br />

includes 725 new pumps, 19 compressors, 514 heat exchangers and<br />

54 tanks. New technology will lower most types of emissions from<br />

the refinery on a per-barrel basis.



Supply and Distribution delivers feedstocks to <strong>Shell</strong> refineries and<br />

chemical plants and delivers finished products to our downstream<br />

marketing businesses and customers.<br />

We have some 300 distribution facilities and more than 3,000<br />

storage tanks in around 70 countries. We move products through<br />

Europe and the USA through 9,000 km of pipeline. Our global<br />

fleet of around 7,000 <strong>Shell</strong>-owned or contracted trucks travels over<br />

1.7 million km every day and makes a delivery somewhere in the<br />

world every seven seconds.<br />

A large refinery can use up to 30 different crudes and 25 different<br />

distillation and refining processes, and produces up to 100<br />

different products. Refinery planning and scheduling processes<br />

and applications have been implemented in 16 <strong>Shell</strong> refineries<br />

and demand management processes and applications in many<br />

supply regions. The benefits include better assessment of the value<br />

of crude oils, maximisation of refinery margins through better<br />

alignment of plans and schedules, and better terminal transport<br />

planning and demand forecasting.<br />

Distribution has also systematically reduced the cost and time<br />

involved in deliveries. This includes the use of fuel-saving driving<br />

techniques, making the best use of the times we have vehicles<br />

available, larger drops and additional deliveries on what would have<br />

been an empty journey.<br />

LPG filling plant, Singapore<br />

Sulphur storage facility, Bukom refinery, Singapore<br />


<strong>Shell</strong>’s Business to Business (B2B) is part of our downstream<br />

business. It is made up of six lines of businesses selling fuels,<br />

speciality products and services to a broad range of business<br />

customers: Aviation, Bitumen, Commercial Fuels, LPG, Marine<br />

and Sulphur.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Aviation markets aviation fuels and lubricants, and refuels<br />

aircraft at airports. It supplies 880 airports across some 70<br />

countries, refuelling a plane somewhere every 12 seconds. In 2008,<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> was awarded the Armbrust Award for the World’s Best Jet<br />

Fuel Marketer for the second year running and for the third time<br />

in the last four years.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Marine Products provides fuels, lubricants and related<br />

technical services to the shipping industry through a network<br />

of more than 700 ports in more than 60 countries. It supplies<br />

about 4,000 customers involved in a broad range of shipping<br />

operations, including ocean-going tankers, container ships, dry<br />

bulk commodity carriers, cruise-liners, ferries, fishing boats,<br />

specialised offshore exploration and production vessels, dredgers<br />

and salvage vessels.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Gas (LPG) provides liquefied petroleum gas and related<br />

services to domestic, commercial and industrial customers for<br />

activities as diverse as transport, cooking, heating, and lighting<br />

applications. With around 3,500 distributors and 100,000<br />

points of sale located in 32 countries, we supply around<br />

30 million customers.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Commercial Fuels provides high-quality transport, industrial<br />

and heating fuels and related services to more than 250,000<br />

customers in 55 countries. Commercial Fuels markets 20% of all<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> fuel sold in the world. Our Commercial Road Transport<br />

business supplies road haulage and bus companies worldwide<br />

through a global network of sites and offers payment through<br />

<strong>Shell</strong>’s card system. At the end of 2008 more than 500,000 <strong>Shell</strong><br />

fuel cards were in operation.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Bitumen supplies around 15,000 tonnes of bitumen<br />

products every day to more than 1,600 customers worldwide –<br />

the equivalent of resurfacing one km of road every three minutes.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Bitumen continues to grow in key markets, mostly in<br />

the paving solutions and airport sectors. We’re also developing<br />

innovative products like <strong>Shell</strong>’s Warm Asphalt Mix and<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Floraphalte, which both can be mixed and laid at lower<br />

temperatures to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions. In January<br />

2008 we launched <strong>Shell</strong>’s asphalt business in China, which has one<br />

of the fastest growing road networks in the world.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Sulphur Solutions develops innovative uses for sulphur, a<br />

natural by-product of oil and gas processing. So far these include<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Thiopave, a paving solution that can prolong road life;<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Thiocrete, a highly durable, fast-setting concrete; and <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Thiogro, a new family of fertilisers to enhance crop yields in<br />

sulphur-deficient soils.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 75


RETAIL<br />

Our branded fuel retail network is the world’s largest, with around<br />

45,000 service stations in more than 90 countries. Every day, we<br />

sell 350 million litres of fuel to around 10 million customers. The<br />

2008 global customer tracker survey ranked <strong>Shell</strong> number one as<br />

the preferred brand of service station.<br />

Our experience in fuel development over more than 100 years<br />

underpins our position today as a leading provider of innovative<br />

fuels. Differentiated fuels with special formulations designed to<br />

clean engines and improve performance are available in more<br />

than 60 countries under the <strong>Shell</strong> V-Power brand and our Fuel<br />

Economy formula for petrol and diesel is now available in 21<br />

countries. <strong>Shell</strong>’s Fuel Save programme also provides driving<br />

techniques and car care tips to help drivers get the most out of the<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> fuel they buy.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has close technical partnerships with Scuderia Ferrari, Audi<br />

Sport and Ducati Corse. In June 2008, a race version of <strong>Shell</strong><br />

V-Power Diesel with GTL Fuel powered an Audi R10 TDI<br />

to victory for the third year running in the 24 Hours Le Mans<br />

race. <strong>Shell</strong> fuel has also helped Ferrari to achieve 150 victories<br />

on Formula One tracks including 10 World Constructors’<br />

Championship titles. These relationships enable our scientists and<br />


%<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Competitors (Majors)<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />


volumes [A]<br />

Source: Global Brand Tracker, Q4 2008.<br />

98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08<br />

[A] Average daily sales.<br />

76 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

Countries with<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> retail<br />

branded presence<br />

engineers to develop advanced fuel processes and formulas and<br />

transfer what we learn on the racetrack to road fuels for the benefit<br />

of our customers.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> actively pursues opportunities in developing markets in<br />

Asia, while strengthening our presence in Europe and the USA.<br />

Our joint venture with Turcas, for example, has more than<br />

1,200 branded <strong>Shell</strong> retail sites in Turkey. In Malaysia in 2007 we<br />

acquired 44 ProJET-branded retail service stations and rebranded<br />

them to <strong>Shell</strong>. In China’s Jiangsu province, our joint venture with<br />

Sinopec manages over 400 sites, of which half are dual-branded.<br />

Separately, we now operate over 160 fully <strong>Shell</strong>-branded sites in<br />

Tianjin, Beijing, Guangdong, Chengdu and Chongqing. We are<br />

the only international oil company to get a licence to set up a<br />

network of retail stations in India, and now have 45 there. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

and OJSC Alliance group established a joint venture to operate a<br />

network of around 150 <strong>Shell</strong>-branded retail sites in Ukraine. In<br />

Russia, we have more than 60.<br />

In 2007 we signed an agreement to rebrand 266 retail sites in<br />

Scandinavia. In 2008 we signed an agreement to operate at least<br />

120 co-branded retail stations throughout Switzerland with<br />

Migrol AG.


Lubricants is part of <strong>Shell</strong>’s downstream business and sells more<br />

branded lubricants than any other manufacturer. It is also the<br />

largest supplier of lubricants overall (branded and non-branded)<br />

with 13% of the global finished lubricants market in volume terms<br />

(source: Kline & Company, 2008).<br />

Our lubricant products, including <strong>Shell</strong> Helix, <strong>Shell</strong> Rimula and<br />

Pennzoil, are available in more than 120 countries and are used<br />

in passenger cars, trucks and coaches, as well as in manufacturing,<br />

mining, power generation, agriculture and construction. We are<br />

the leading lubricants supplier by volume in the USA, the world’s<br />

largest lubricants market, and the leading international lubricants<br />

supplier in China, the world’s second largest and fastest-growing<br />

lubricants market.<br />

Through the Jiffy Lube® franchised service centres, <strong>Shell</strong> provides<br />

preventative maintenance services and oil changes to some<br />

25 million customers in North America.<br />

We provide lubricants to Formula One team Ferrari, the Ducati<br />

motorcycling team, Audi at Le Mans and Richard Childress<br />

Racing, a leading player on the US NASCAR circuit. Through<br />

these relationships we transfer learning from the Formula One pit<br />

lane to our customers’ motor oils to help improve the performance<br />

of ordinary cars and motorcycles.<br />


%<br />

15<br />

12<br />

9<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006<br />

<strong>Shell</strong><br />

ExxonMobil<br />

BP<br />

2007<br />

Lube oil blending plants<br />

Base oil manufacturing plants<br />

We invest significantly in technology and work closely with our<br />

customers to develop innovative and more efficient lubricants.<br />

In 2008 we launched our most advanced heavy-duty engine oil,<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Rimula R6 LME, to help bus and truck operators improve<br />

their fuel efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. In<br />

combination with fuel economy gearbox and axle oils, <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Rimula R6 LME can help improve the fuel economy of heavy-duty<br />

trucks by up to 5%.<br />

For industrial customers we launched <strong>Shell</strong> Tellus EE in 2008 – oil<br />

designed to increase the energy efficiency of hydraulic machinery.<br />

Its patented additives reduce friction, so hydraulic systems can<br />

move with less resistance and hence reduce energy loss. In customer<br />

trials, machinery using <strong>Shell</strong> Tellus EE used up to 8% less energy<br />

than those using conventional mineral oils.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Lubricants continues to expand in the East. In 2009 we are<br />

planning to bring on-stream our sixth lubricants blending plant<br />

in China. This world-scale blending plant will initially have a<br />

production capacity of 200 million litres a year, with the potential<br />

to increase to 400 million litres, making it one of the top three<br />

blending plants in the worldwide <strong>Shell</strong> Lubricants network.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 77



Chemicals is part of <strong>Shell</strong>’s downstream business, and produces<br />

and sells petrochemicals to 1,600 major industrial customers<br />

worldwide. <strong>Shell</strong>’s range of petrochemicals includes base chemicals<br />

such as ethylene, propylene and aromatics and intermediate<br />

chemicals such as styrene monomer, propylene oxide, solvents,<br />

detergent alcohols and ethylene oxide. These products are used to<br />

make everyday items such as plastics, detergents, textiles, medical<br />

equipment and computers. We produce additives for fuel and<br />

lubricants and catalysts for refinery and petrochemical markets. We<br />

sold more than 20 million tonnes of bulk petrochemicals in 2008.<br />

Our Chemicals strategy remains focused on our portfolio of<br />

crackers and selected first-line derivatives, which supply bulk<br />

petrochemicals to large industrial customers. We aim to strengthen<br />

our asset base in the Americas and Europe through operational<br />

excellence and highly targeted investments, and to achieve<br />

profitable growth in Asia-Pacific and in the Middle East.<br />

In Singapore we are completing a major new petrochemical facility<br />

that creates value through improved integration of <strong>Shell</strong>’s refining<br />

and chemicals assets. The <strong>Shell</strong> Eastern Petrochemicals Complex<br />

(SEPC) is our largest chemicals investment to date, and will help<br />

meet long-term demand growth in the East. We started construction<br />

in 2006 and expect to start operations around the end of the decade.<br />

The project includes modifications and additions to the <strong>Shell</strong> Bukom<br />

refinery, a new world-scale 800,000 tonnes-a-year ethylene cracker,<br />

a 750,000 tonnes-a-year MEG plant and a 155,000 tonnes-a-year<br />

butadiene extraction plant. Using advanced OMEGA technologies<br />

created by <strong>Shell</strong>, the new plant will improve commercial MEG yields<br />

by up to 10%, use less water during manufacturing and virtually<br />

eliminate all by-products.<br />


Refinery<br />

Base<br />

Chemicals<br />

Lower<br />

olefins<br />

Aromatics<br />

[A] Majority through joint ventures.<br />

78 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

First-line derivatives Polyolefins/<br />

polymers<br />

Solvents/<br />

Phenol<br />

EO/G<br />

SM/PO [A]<br />

PDO<br />

HODer<br />

[A]<br />

PTT<br />

Polypropylene<br />

Polyethylene<br />

Also in Asia-Pacific the Nanhai joint venture petrochemicals<br />

complex in south-east China (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%) is the world’s<br />

largest Sino-foreign joint venture and produces 2.3 million tonnes<br />

of chemicals a year for the domestic Chinese market. The use of<br />

advanced technologies to improve the environmental performance<br />

of operations at Nanhai earned <strong>Shell</strong> and our joint venture partner<br />

CNOOC an award for commitment to sustainable development.<br />

We will continue to focus on synergies between Chemicals, Oil<br />

Products and our upstream businesses to increase the supply of the<br />

best-available feedstock for the cracker process. Over many decades<br />

we have developed the proprietary technology, processes and<br />

catalysts that enable <strong>Shell</strong> to enjoy a powerful competitive edge in<br />

our core petrochemical markets.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> petrochemical alcohols enable the development of more<br />

concentrated and lower-temperature household washing<br />

detergents. Washing laundry at colder temperatures saves energy<br />

for the consumer. Compared to traditional powders, these more<br />

concentrated, compact laundry detergents reduce packaging,<br />

transport costs and shelf space, as well as the detergent used<br />

per wash.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> catalysts have also steadily improved the production of<br />

ethylene oxide, an important building block for synthetic fabric,<br />

plastic bottles and anti-freeze. Today, up to 90% of ethylene is<br />

converted into ethylene oxide when it is combined with oxygen<br />

at high temperature, compared to about 80% with the earlier<br />

generation of catalysts. More efficient ethylene oxide production<br />

lowers CO2 emissions and saves the industry hundreds of millions<br />

of dollars.<br />

Chemicals plant, Nanhai, China


<strong>Shell</strong> Trading comprises a network of autonomous companies that<br />

belong to a global organisation. This gives us the skills to capitalise<br />

on the trading opportunities inherent in our international asset<br />

and market position. Our companies share knowledge and best<br />

practice, use common systems and controls, and manage the risks<br />

associated with international trading in a competitive environment.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Trading supports the <strong>Shell</strong> businesses, in particular Oil<br />

Products, Gas & Power and Chemicals, by trading natural gas,<br />

electrical power, crude oil, refined products, chemical feedstocks<br />

and environmental products. We also manage a shipping fleet of<br />

more than 50 LNG and LPG carriers and oil tankers.<br />

We sell crude oil to a wide range of customers within and outside<br />

the <strong>Shell</strong> group, and are active in most of the major crude oil<br />

markets. Our global trading network of crude buyers gives us<br />

a 24-hour market presence. <strong>Shell</strong> trades natural gas and power<br />

around the world. Our 50 years’ experience in the natural gas<br />

industry makes us one of the world’s most experienced marketers.<br />

Our supply portfolio includes the largest equity share of liquefied<br />

natural gas (LNG) of any international company.<br />


Upstream<br />

Crude<br />

logistics<br />

Refining<br />

and<br />

chemicals<br />


Products<br />

primary<br />

distribution<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Trading companies operate around the world, with the main<br />

trading and marketing locations including Houston, London,<br />

Dubai, Rotterdam and Singapore. <strong>Shell</strong> Energy Europe BV<br />

manages <strong>Shell</strong>’s gas, power and carbon dioxide trading throughout<br />

Europe and serves more than 7,000 European customers. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

Energy North America (USA) markets the <strong>Shell</strong> North American<br />

natural gas production and benefits from access to power<br />

generation and gas storage assets. It employs more than 700 energy<br />

professionals and serves public and private utilities, commercial and<br />

industrial companies, energy buyers and producers.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is one of the largest and most experienced energy marketers<br />

in the world. We can identify and meet a customer’s needs quickly.<br />

This and our high equity share of LNG gives us an unrivalled<br />

global position amongst private energy companies.<br />

Secondary<br />

Terminals Customers<br />

distribution<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 79




80 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Average worldwide 91 91 92 92 84<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Total 94.05 71.83 60.46 48.24 37.22<br />

OPERABLE CRUDE OIL DISTILLATION CAPACITY [B] thousand b/calendar day [C][G]<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 1,601 1,815 1,823 1,822 1,835<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 923 953 927 899 1,050<br />

USA 803 835 893 893 964<br />

Other Americas 351 350 348 350 350<br />

Total 3,678 3,953 3,991 3,964 4,199<br />

CRUDE OIL PROCESSED [D] thousand b/d [C]<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 1,394 1,644 1,641 1,701 1,688<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 683 765 751 802 943<br />

USA 751 789 874 855 951<br />

Other Americas 294 299 303 315 319<br />

Total 3,122 3,497 3,569 3,673 3,901<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> share of equity-accounted investments 372 392 417 455 451<br />

REFINERY PROCESSING INTAKE [E] thousand b/d [C]<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Crude oil 3,123 3,496 3,617 3,722 3,946<br />

Feedstocks 265 283 245 259 216<br />

3,388 3,779 3,862 3,981 4,162<br />

Europe 1,481 1,731 1,732 1,804 1,770<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 729 811 808 849 962<br />

USA 826 879 956 953 1,055<br />

Other Americas 352 358 366 375 375<br />

Total 3,388 3,779 3,862 3,981 4,162<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Metric equivalent 167 185 189 195 204<br />

REFINERY PROCESSING OUTTURN [F] thousand b/d [C]<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Gasolines 1,229 1,363 1,444 1,492 1,542<br />

Kerosines 375 366 368 382 424<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 1,145 1,190 1,215 1,256 1,297<br />

Fuel oil 315 348 346 391 414<br />

Other products 471 593 597 567 557<br />

Total 3,535 3,860 3,970 4,088 4,234<br />

[A] Includes upstream margin on crude supplied by <strong>Shell</strong> and equity-accounted investment exploration and production companies.<br />

[B] <strong>Shell</strong> average operating capacity for the year and excluding mothballed capacity.<br />

[C] One barrel per day is equivalent to approximately 50 tonnes a year, depending on the specific gravity of the crude oil.<br />

[D] Including natural gas liquids; includes processing for others and excludes processing by others.<br />

[E] Including crude oil and natural gas liquids plus feedstocks processed in crude oil distillation units and in secondary conversion units.<br />

[F] Excluding “own use” and products acquired for blending purposes.<br />

[G] Calendar day capacity is the maximum sustainable capacity minus capacity loss due to normal unit down time.


(At December 31, 2008) thousand b/calendar day<br />

Refinery Asset class <strong>Shell</strong> Atmospheric Thermal cracking/ Catalytic Capacity 100%<br />

location interest (%) [B] distillation visbreaking/coking cracking hydrocracking<br />

Europe<br />

Czech Republic Kralupy 16 59 22<br />

Litvinov 16 101 14 30<br />

Denmark Fredericia 100 68 40<br />

Germany Harburg 100 107 14 15<br />

Heide 100 83 14 16<br />

Miro 32 310 65 89<br />

Schwedt 38 220 47 50<br />

Rheinland 100 327 57 79<br />

The Netherlands Pernis 90 404 45 47 81<br />

Norway Mongstad 21 203 23 55<br />

Sweden Gothenburg 100 80 31<br />

Turkey Batman 1 20<br />

Izmir 1 212 17 14 16<br />

Izmit 1 208 13 21<br />

Kirikale 1 104 13<br />

UK Eastham 50 20<br />

Stanlow 100 272 69<br />

Asia-Pacific<br />

Australia Clyde 100 79 35<br />

Geelong 100 118 38<br />

Japan Mizue (Toa) 18 60 22 38<br />

Ohgimachi (Showa) 35 110<br />

Yamaguchi 13 110 25<br />

Yokkaichi 26 193 55<br />

Malaysia Port Dickson 51 109 39<br />

New Zealand Whangarei 17 98 28<br />

Pakistan Karachi 30 43<br />

Philippines Tabangao 67 93 30<br />

Singapore Pulau Bukom 100 462 63 34 30<br />

Middle East<br />

Saudi Arabia Al Jubail 50 287 85 45<br />

Africa<br />

Kenya Mombasa 17 90<br />

South Africa Durban 38 165 25 34<br />

USA<br />

California Martinez 100 145 45 65 37<br />

Louisiana Convent 50 227 80 45<br />

Norco 50 229 21 103 30<br />

Texas Deer Park 50 312 82 63 54<br />

Port Arthur 50 275 50 81<br />

Washington Puget Sound 100 136 23 52<br />

Other Americas<br />

Argentina Buenos Aires 100 100 18 20<br />

Canada<br />

Alberta Scotford 100 60 62<br />

Ontario Sarnia 100 71 5 19 8<br />

Quebec Montreal East 100 121 15 27 14<br />

El Salvador Acajutla 35 20<br />

[A] Excludes mothballed capacity.<br />

[B] Percentage rounded to nearest whole percentage point where appropriate.<br />

Integrated refinery and chemical complex<br />

Cogeneration capacity<br />

Refineries with some chemical production<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 81



OIL SALES [A]<br />

Product volumes thousand b/d<br />

82 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe<br />

Gasolines 408 501 563 569 576<br />

Kerosines 224 205 207 223 220<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 855 834 859 920 934<br />

Fuel oil 193 178 153 196 179<br />

Other products 151 168 191 185 203<br />

Total 1,831 1,886 1,973 2,093 2,112<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania [B][C]<br />

Gasolines 361 368 356 318 337<br />

Kerosines 167 168 167 174 168<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 456 455 450 470 511<br />

Fuel oil 121 141 140 151 168<br />

Other products 152 151 114 119 136<br />

Total 1,257 1,283 1,227 1,232 1,320<br />

USA [D]<br />

Gasolines 801 851 845 1,068 1,372<br />

Kerosines 175 166 168 236 258<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 248 257 232 368 430<br />

Fuel oil 45 39 51 107 209<br />

Other products 133 174 175 234 247<br />

Total 1,402 1,487 1,471 2,013 2,516<br />

Other Americas<br />

Gasolines 270 260 247 263 293<br />

Kerosines 76 71 71 74 73<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 242 242 237 251 249<br />

Fuel oil 58 63 65 77 85<br />

Other products 73 36 37 43 44<br />

Total 719 672 657 708 744<br />

Export sales [E]<br />

Gasolines 211 198 195 186 182<br />

Kerosines 150 146 136 104 114<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 453 507 328 287 274<br />

Fuel oil 325 283 338 313 208<br />

Other products 220 163 160 121 130<br />

Total 1,359 1,297 1,157 1,011 908<br />

Total product sales [D]<br />

Gasolines 2,051 2,178 2,206 2,404 2,760<br />

Kerosines 792 756 749 811 833<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 2,254 2,295 2,106 2,296 2,398<br />

Fuel oil 742 704 747 844 849<br />

Other products 729 692 677 702 760<br />

Total 6,568 6,625 6,485 7,057 7,600<br />

[A] Sales figures exclude deliveries to other companies under reciprocal purchase and sale<br />

arrangements which are in the nature of exchanges. Sales of condensate and natural gas<br />

liquids are included.<br />

[B] Since 1966, a <strong>Shell</strong> entity has a 25% interest in Pars Oil Company, a joint venture that<br />

blends and markets lubricants. Pars Oil Company owns 51% in Pars and <strong>Shell</strong> Company<br />

(PASH), which markets and distributes <strong>Shell</strong> branded lubricants in Iran. A <strong>Shell</strong> entity also<br />

has a 49% interest in PASH.<br />

[C] <strong>Shell</strong> operates in Sudan through The <strong>Shell</strong> Company of the Sudan Limited (<strong>Shell</strong> Sudan),<br />

which is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>. <strong>Shell</strong> Sudan’s activities<br />

consist of the sale of fuels and lubricants to retail and commercial customers. <strong>Shell</strong> Sudan also<br />

sold aviation fuels prior to the disposition of this activity in 2005. <strong>Shell</strong> does not hold any oil<br />

or gas reserves in Sudan. As of December 2008 <strong>Shell</strong> no longer has operations in Sudan.<br />

[D] Certain contracts are held for trading purposes and reported net rather than gross with<br />

effect from Q3 2005. The effect in 2008 is a reduction in oil product sales of approximately<br />

698,000 b/d, 844,000 b/d in 2007 and 844,000 b/d in 2006.<br />

[E] Export sales as a percentage of total oil sales amount to 20.7% in 2008, 19.6% in 2007,<br />

17.8% in 2006, 14.3% in 2005 and 11.9% in 2004.<br />

OIL SALES [A]<br />

By geographical area thousand b/d<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe<br />

Germany 696 667 732 771 772<br />

UK and Republic of Ireland 286 250 252 323 311<br />

France 150 266 280 268 275<br />

The Netherlands 185 187 183 199 191<br />

Others 514 516 526 532 563<br />

Total 1,831 1,886 1,973 2,093 2,112<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania<br />

Australia 235 242 221 222 215<br />

Others 1,022 1,041 1,006 1,010 1,105<br />

Total 1,257 1,283 1,227 1,232 1,320<br />

USA 1,402 1,487 1,471 2,013 2,516<br />

Other Americas<br />

Canada 317 288 288 300 287<br />

Brazil 218 197 180 179 170<br />

Others 184 187 189 229 287<br />

Total 719 672 657 708 744<br />

Export sales 1,359 1,297 1,157 1,011 908<br />

Total oil products 6,568 6,625 6,485 7,057 7,600<br />

[A] Certain contracts are held for trading purposes and reported net rather than gross. The<br />

effect in 2008 is a reduction in oil product sales of approximately 698,000 b/d, 805,000 b/d<br />

in 2007 and 844,000 b/d in 2006.<br />



2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Gasolines 31.2 32.9 34.0 34.1 36.3<br />

Kerosines 12.1 11.4 11.6 11.5 10.9<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 34.3 34.7 32.5 32.5 31.6<br />

Fuel oil 11.3 10.6 11.5 12.0 11.2<br />

Other products 11.1 10.4 10.4 9.9 10.0<br />

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0<br />

BRANDED RETAIL SITES number of sites at year-end<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 11,605 11,575 11,455 11,180 10,625<br />

Middle East, Asia-Pacific 10,115 10,040 10,075 9,970 10,425<br />

Africa 2,385 2,430 2,450 2,415 2,510<br />

USA 14,300 14,370 14,080 15,400 16,185<br />

Other Americas 6,200 6,745 6,665 6,800 7,180<br />

Total 44,605 45,160 44,725 45,765 46,925


REVENUE $ million<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

By product<br />

Gasolines 86,125 75,387 65,910 62,189 55,594<br />

Kerosines 37,961 26,060 23,485 21,775 16,308<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 108,905 80,458 68,899 63,357 48,304<br />

Fuel oil 20,800 14,972 13,948 13,218 9,688<br />

Other products 29,115 23,160 20,182 17,505 15,279<br />

Total 282,906 220,037 192,424 178,044 145,173<br />

By geographical area [A]<br />

Europe 85,417 65,697 60,755 55,968 44,010<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 56,576 43,986 37,869 31,705 25,725<br />

USA 57,981 49,598 44,370 49,574 46,500<br />

Other Americas 30,990 23,679 21,465 19,957 15,116<br />

Export sales [A] 51,942 37,077 27,965 20,840 13,822<br />

Total 282,906 220,037 192,424 178,044 145,173<br />

[A] By country of destination, except where the ultimate destination is not known at the time of<br />

sale, in which case the sales are shown as export sales.<br />

OIL TANKERS [A] (At December 31)<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

By product<br />

Gasolines 114.68 94.81 81.85 70.88 55.03<br />

Kerosines 130.90 94.44 85.97 73.52 53.52<br />

Gas/Diesel oils 132.01 96.04 89.61 75.61 55.04<br />

Fuel oil 76.47 58.29 51.20 42.91 31.17<br />

Other products 109.04 91.51 81.64 68.29 54.95<br />

Total oil products 117.68 90.97 81.30 69.12 52.19<br />

By geographical area<br />

Europe 127.49 95.42 84.36 73.21 56.93<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 122.99 93.91 84.55 70.52 53.30<br />

USA 113.02 91.35 82.65 67.48 50.48<br />

Other Americas 117.83 96.60 89.47 77.28 55.51<br />

Export sales 104.30 78.25 66.25 56.48 41.57<br />

Total oil products 117.68 90.97 81.30 69.12 52.19<br />

number of ships million deadweight tonnes<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Owned/demise-hired<br />

VLCCs (very large crude carriers ≥ 160,000 dwt) – – – 4 5 – – – 1.2 1.5<br />

Large range (45,000 – 160,000 dwt) 7 8 11 13 11 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.7<br />

Medium range (25,000 – 45,000 dwt) 5 5 5 5 5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2<br />

General purpose (10,000 – 25,000 dwt)/Specialist 4 4 5 5 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1<br />

Total 16 17 21 27 23 0.9 1.0 1.2 2.3 2.5<br />

Time-chartered [B][C]<br />

VLCCs (very large crude carriers ≥ 160,000 dwt) [D] 8 7 7 1 1 2.4 2.1 2.1 0.3 0.3<br />

Large range (45,000 – 160,000 dwt) 32 31 22 18 19 2.5 2.6 1.9 1.6 1.7<br />

Medium range (25,000 – 45,000 dwt) 13 14 14 14 8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3<br />

General purpose (10,000 – 25,000 dwt)/Specialist 26 25 24 13 12 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2<br />

Total 79 77 67 46 40 5.8 5.6 4.9 2.7 2.5<br />

Total oil tankers 95 94 88 73 63 6.7 6.6 6.1 5.0 5.0<br />

Owned/demise-hired under construction or on order – 1 1 1 3 – 0.1 – 0.1 0.3<br />

LPG GAS CARRIERS [A][E] (At December 31)<br />

number of ships thousand cubic metres<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Owned/demise-hired (LPG) – – – – 1 – – – – 60<br />

Time-chartered (LPG) 5 3 2 2 2 399 212 166 136 136<br />

Total gas carriers 5 3 2 2 3 399 212 166 136 196<br />

[A] Oil tankers, ocean going articulated tug barges and gas carriers of 10,000 dwt and above which are owned/chartered by subsidiaries where the equity shareholding is at least 50%.<br />

[B] Time-chartered oil tankers include consecutive voyage charters.<br />

[C] Contracts of affreightment are not included.<br />

[D] Four of the time-chartered VLCCs are directly manned and managed by subsidiaries.<br />

[E] LNG shipping is covered under Gas & Power data on page 71.<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 83




84 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Average worldwide 94 93 90 93 92<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Base chemicals 11,573 12,968 14,146 13,710 14,184<br />

First-line derivatives 8,746 9,577 8,964 8,891 9,499<br />

Other 8 10 27 225 477<br />

Total 20,327 22,555 23,137 22,826 24,160<br />

SALES VOLUMES BY REGION [A] thousand tonnes<br />

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 8,472 8,908 9,361 10,018 10,159<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 4,924 5,466 5,673 5,252 5,526<br />

USA 6,362 7,469 7,464 6,893 7,819<br />

Other Americas 569 712 639 663 656<br />

Total 20,327 22,555 23,137 22,826 24,160<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Europe 11,494 10,492 9,642 8,981 7,873<br />

Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 5,711 5,979 5,538 4,640 4,530<br />

USA 8,243 7,948 7,669 6,564 6,159<br />

Other Americas 877 919 758 735 616<br />

Total chemical products revenue 26,325 25,338 23,607 20,920 19,178<br />

Non-chemical products 4,476 4,648 4,124 2,998 2,311<br />

Total 30,801 29,986 27,731 23,918 21,489<br />


2008 2007 2006 2005 2004<br />

Nominal capacity (thousand tonnes/year) 5,827 6,216 6,178 6,414 6,701<br />

Utilisation 87% 90% 86% 86% 87%<br />

[A] Excluding volumes sold by equity-accounted investments, chemical feedstock trading and by-products.<br />

[B] Excluding revenue from equity-accounted investments, chemical feedstock trading and intersegment revenue.<br />

[C] <strong>Shell</strong> and equity-accounted investments.<br />

[D] Data includes our share of capacity entitlement (offtake rights) that may be different from nominal equity interest. With effect from 2008 we have excluded from our ethylene capacity, certain<br />

US units which have been taken offline for a long-term or indefinite period.<br />


Product group Some typical end uses<br />

Base chemicals: ethylene, propylene and aromatics Feedstock for petrochemical derivatives typically used for: polyethylene film for packaging, carrier bags,<br />

polypropylene for moulded plastic buckets, food containers, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for drainpipes<br />

Ethylene oxide/glycols (EO/G) Brake fluids, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics, polyester, packaging, antifreeze<br />

Higher olefins and derivatives (HODer) Sunscreen, shower gel, automobile interiors, wire insulation, detergents<br />

Propane diol/polytrimethylene terephthalate (PDO/PTT) Carpets, textiles, engineering thermoplastics, fibres<br />

Styrene monomer/propylene oxide (SM/PO) Waterproof leisure wear, artificial sports tracks, foam mattresses, CD cases, insulation<br />

Solvents/phenol Pharmaceuticals, perfumes, paints, kitchen and bathroom cleaners

MANU<strong>FACT</strong>URING LOCATIONS<br />


(At December 31, 2008) thousand tpa<br />

Location Plant Ethylene Styrene monomer Ethylene Glycols Heavy Olefins Additional Products<br />

Europe The Netherlands Moerdijk 900 750 170 A, I<br />

UK Stanlow 330 A, I, O<br />

Mossmorran 410<br />

Germany Rheinland 470 A<br />

Heide 100 A<br />

USA Louisiana Geismar 375 920 A, I<br />

Norco 1,452 A<br />

Texas Deer Park 1,179 A, I<br />

Other Americas Canada Scotford 450 450 A, I<br />

Middle East Saudi Arabia Al Jubail 366 400 A, O<br />

Asia-Pacific Singapore Jurong Island 550 660 91 A, I, O, P<br />

Japan Yamaguchi 11 A<br />

China Nanhai 400 275 160 A, I, P<br />

Total 5,827 2,535 1,246 1,261<br />

[A] Includes joint-venture plants, with the exception of the Infineum additives joint ventures.<br />


Location Plant Products<br />

Europe UK Wilton I<br />

Germany Harburg I<br />

Schwedt A<br />

Karlsruhe A<br />

The Netherlands Pernis A, I, O<br />

USA Washington Puget Sound O<br />

Alabama Mobile A<br />

Texas Port Arthur A<br />

California Martinez O<br />

Other Americas Argentina Buenos Aires I<br />

Canada Montreal I<br />

Sarnia A, I<br />

Asia-Pacific Australia Geelong A, I<br />

Japan Kawasaki A, I<br />

Yokkaichi A<br />

Malaysia Bintulu I<br />

Port Dickson A<br />

Philippines Tabangao I<br />

Singapore Pulau Bukom A, I<br />

New Zealand Gracefield I<br />

Africa South Africa Durban I, O<br />

A Aromatics/Lower Olefins<br />

I Intermediates<br />

P Polyethylene, Polypropylene<br />

O Other<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 85


Ethanol storage tank at the Motiva Sewaren terminal, USA<br />

86 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008


<strong>Shell</strong> is one of the world’s largest distributors of first-generation<br />

transport biofuels, selling over six billion litres in 2008 and<br />

spending several billion dollars purchasing biofuels to blend with<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> fuels. We are an active participant in developing strong<br />

industry standards – with groups such as the Roundtable for<br />

Sustainable Biofuels.<br />

Biofuels for transport are usually made from biomass. The most<br />

widespread sources of this are sugar cane, corn or wheat that<br />

produce ethanol. A second type, known as fatty acid methyl ester,<br />

is made from rapeseed, palm oil or soya beans. Standard vehicle<br />

engines can only use fuel with a blend of about 5-10% ethanol or<br />

FAME. The organic raw material used for biofuels has recently<br />

absorbed CO2. Some next-generation biofuels can reduce life-cycle<br />

CO2 emissions by up to 90% compared to fossil fuels.<br />

One constraint of first-generation biofuels is that they can<br />

compete with food crops for available land. In the long-term,<br />

new feedstocks, processes and fuels will need to be developed to<br />

satisfy increasing demand. Our biofuels research and technology<br />

specialists work in centres in India, the Netherlands, the UK and<br />

the USA. We have partnerships with private technology firms and<br />

research agreements with leading academic institutions.<br />

In 2002, <strong>Shell</strong> invested in Iogen Corporation in Canada, and we<br />

increased our stake in the company to 50% in 2008. Together<br />

we are developing the technology to produce cellulose ethanol<br />

from straw using enzymes. This next-generation biofuel can be<br />

used as a blend in today’s vehicles. The world’s first commercial<br />

demonstration plant opened in Ottawa in 2004 and we are<br />

assessing the feasibility of a full-scale commercial plant.<br />


Cooperation<br />

agreement<br />

on enzyme<br />

technology<br />


JV with HR<br />

Biopetroleum<br />

on marine<br />

algae<br />

First generation distribution<br />

Technology partnerships<br />

Next generation pilot<br />

Next generation feedstock<br />

IOGEN<br />

Cellulosic<br />

ethanol from<br />

wheat straw<br />

VIRENT<br />

Cooperation<br />

agreement<br />

on catalyst<br />

technology<br />

Since 2005, <strong>Shell</strong> has been working with CHOREN Industries<br />

in Germany to create liquid transport fuel from woodchips.<br />

CHOREN gasifies the biomass, using the <strong>Shell</strong> Middle Distillates<br />

Synthesis process. This biofuel can be blended with diesel and used<br />

in unmodified diesel engines, offering substantially reduced local<br />

emissions. The world’s first commercial demonstration plant using<br />

this process is scheduled to open in Freiberg in 2009.<br />

Since 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> has partnered with US company Codexis to<br />

develop new super enzymes to convert biomass to fuel. Research<br />

will focus on adapting enzymes to improve the conversion of a<br />

range of raw materials into high-performance fuels. It will help<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> in our exploration of a number of non-food bio materials,<br />

new conversion processes and alternative fuel products.<br />

Also in 2007, <strong>Shell</strong> formed joint venture company Cellana,<br />

which operates a pilot facility in Hawaii to grow marine algae and<br />

produce vegetable oil for conversion into biodiesel. Algae hold<br />

great promise because they grow very rapidly, are rich in vegetable<br />

oil and can be cultivated in ponds of seawater, minimising the use<br />

of fertile land and fresh water.<br />

Since March 2008, <strong>Shell</strong> has partnered with Virent Energy Systems<br />

in the USA on a research project to convert plant sugars directly<br />

into petrol and diesel, rather than ethanol. The collaboration could<br />

herald the availability in the future of biofuels that can be blended<br />

in higher proportions in standard petrol engines.<br />


High quality<br />

synthetic biofuel (BLT)<br />

from wood residue<br />


• Research teams in<br />

UK, USA, Netherlands<br />

and India<br />

• Agreements with<br />

academic institutions<br />

in Brazil, China, USA<br />

and UK<br />

• Purchase, store, blend,<br />

trade and distribute biofuels<br />

• World’s largest distributor:<br />

6 billion litres in 2008<br />

• Building capacity<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 87


WIND<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> is involved in 11 wind projects in Europe and North America<br />

with a total capacity of around 1,100 MW (<strong>Shell</strong> share<br />

550 MW). Almost 900 MW of the total current capacity are in<br />

the USA.<br />

The 264 MW Mount Storm wind project in the USA began<br />

operations in 2008. During its first two years of operation<br />

(2007–2008) the 108 MW Egmond aan Zee offshore windfarm<br />

off the coast of the Netherlands (<strong>Shell</strong> interest 50%) delivered<br />

enough power for about 100,000 households.<br />


MW, <strong>Shell</strong> share<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

2005<br />

USA<br />

Other<br />

2006 2007 2008<br />

Mount Storm wind project, USA<br />

88 <strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008

COnTaCT<br />

InfORmaTIOn<br />


Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Centre<br />

London SE1 7NA<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Registered in England and Wales<br />

Company number 4366849<br />

Registered with the Dutch Trade<br />

Register under number 34179503<br />


Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

Carel van Bylandtlaan 30<br />

2596 HR The Hague<br />

The Netherlands<br />


Equiniti<br />

Aspect House<br />

Spencer Road<br />

Lancing<br />

West Sussex BN99 6DA<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Freephone 0800 169 1679<br />

(UK only)<br />

Tel +44 (0)121 415 7073<br />

Fax +44 (0)190 383 3168<br />

www.shareview.co.uk for online<br />

information about your holding.<br />

Shareholder reference number will<br />

be required – shown on your share<br />

certificates, tax vouchers or your<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Nominee Statement.<br />

ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION This publication contains<br />

forward-looking statements concerning the financial condition,<br />

results of operations and businesses of Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>. All<br />

statements other than statements of historical fact are, or may<br />

be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. Forward-looking<br />

statements are statements of future expectations that are based<br />

on management’s current expectations and assumptions and<br />

involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that<br />

could cause actual results, performance or events to differ<br />

materially from those expressed or implied in these statements.<br />

Forward-looking statements include, among other things,<br />

statements concerning the potential exposure of <strong>Shell</strong> to market<br />

risks and statements expressing management’s expectations,<br />

beliefs, estimates, forecasts, projections and assumptions. These<br />

forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms<br />

and phrases such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”, “estimate”,<br />

“expect”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “objectives”, “outlook”,<br />

“probably”, “project”, “will”, “seek”, “target”, “risks”, “goals”,<br />

“should” and similar terms and phrases. Also included as<br />

forward-looking statements in this publication is our disclosure<br />

of reserves, proved oil and gas reserves, proven mining reserves,<br />

resources, and all future estimates of refining capacity, oil and<br />

gas production, capital investment and expenditure, cash from<br />

operations, dividends, share buybacks and investments. There<br />

are a number of factors that could affect the future operations<br />

of <strong>Shell</strong> and could cause those results to differ materially from<br />

those expressed in the forward-looking statements included<br />

in this Report, including (without limitation): (a) price<br />

fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas; (b) changes in demand<br />

for <strong>Shell</strong>’s products; (c) currency fluctuations; (d) drilling and<br />

production results; (e) reserve estimates; (f) loss of market share<br />

and industry competition; (g) environmental and physical<br />

risks; (h) risks associated with the identification of suitable<br />

potential acquisition properties and targets, and successful<br />

negotiation and completion of such transactions; (i) the risk of<br />

doing business in developing countries and countries subject<br />

to international sanctions; (j) legislative, fiscal and regulatory<br />

developments including potential litigation and regulatory<br />

effects arising from recategorisation of reserves; (k) economic<br />

and financial market conditions in various countries and<br />

regions; (l) political risks, including the risks of expropriation<br />

and renegotiation of the terms of contracts with governmental<br />

entities, delays or advancements in the approval of projects and<br />

delays in the reimbursement for shared costs; and (m) changes<br />

in trading conditions. All forward-looking statements contained<br />



The Bank of New York Mellon<br />

BNY Mellon Shareowner Services<br />

PO Box 358516<br />

Pittsburgh, PA 15252–8516<br />

USA<br />

Tel +1 888 737 2377 (USA only)<br />

Tel +1 201 680 6825 (international)<br />

E-mail shrrelations@bnymellon.com<br />

www.bnymellon.com/shareowner<br />


BNP Paribas Securities Services<br />

Block C, Western House<br />

Lynchwood Business Park<br />

Peterborough PE2 6BP<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tel 0845 358 1102 (UK only)<br />

in this publication are expressly qualified in their entirety by the<br />

cautionary statements contained or referred to in this section.<br />

Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking<br />

statements. Additional factors that may affect future results<br />

are contained in Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>’s 20-F for the year ended<br />

December 31, 2008 (available at www.shell.com/investor and<br />

www.sec.gov). These factors also should be considered by the<br />

reader. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the<br />

date of this publication, April 22, 2009. Neither Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> nor any of its subsidiaries undertake any obligation to<br />

publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement as a<br />

result of new information, future events or other information.<br />

In light of these risks, results could differ materially from those<br />

stated, implied or inferred from the forward-looking statements<br />

contained in this publication.<br />

Please refer to the Annual Report and Form 20-F for the year<br />

ended 31 December 2008 for a description of certain important<br />

factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect the businesses of<br />

the <strong>Shell</strong> group.<br />

This publication has not been subject to audit.<br />

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission<br />

(SEC) permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with<br />

the SEC, to disclose only proved reserves that a company has<br />

demonstrated by actual production or conclusive formation<br />

tests to be economically and legally producible under existing<br />

economic and operating conditions. We use certain terms in<br />

this publication that SEC’s guidelines strictly prohibit us from<br />

including in filings with the SE C. U.S. Investors are urged to<br />

consider closely the disclosure in our Form 20-F, File No 001-<br />

32575, available on the SEC website www.sec.gov. You can also<br />

obtain these forms from the SE C by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.<br />

The companies in which Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc directly and<br />

indirectly owns investments are separate entities. In this<br />

publication “<strong>Shell</strong>” and “Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>” are sometimes<br />

used for convenience where references are made to Royal Dutch<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> and its subsidiaries in general. Likewise, the words “we”,<br />

“us” and “our” are also used to refer to subsidiaries in general<br />

or to those who work for them. These expressions are also used<br />

where no useful purpose is served by identifying the particular<br />

company or companies. “Subsidiaries”, “<strong>Shell</strong> subsidiaries” and<br />

“<strong>Shell</strong> companies” as used in this Report refer to companies<br />

over which Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>, either directly or indirectly,<br />

has control through a majority of the voting rights or the right<br />


For shareholder information,<br />

visit www.shell.com/shareholder<br />

Enquiries from retail shareholders<br />

may be addressed to:<br />

Shareholder Relations<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

Carel van Bylandtlaan 30<br />

2596 HR The Hague<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Tel +31 (0)70 377 1365/4088<br />

Fax +31 (0)70 377 3953<br />

E-mail royaldutchshell.shareholders<br />

@shell.com<br />

or<br />

Shareholder Relations<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Centre<br />

London SE1 7NA<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tel +44 (0)20 7934 3363<br />

Fax +44 (0)20 7934 7515<br />

E-mail royaldutchshell.shareholders<br />

@shell.com<br />

For any other retail shareholder<br />

enquiries please write to:<br />

Company Secretary<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

Carel van Bylandtlaan 30<br />

2596 HR The Hague<br />

The Netherlands<br />

to exercise control or to obtain the majority of the benefits<br />

and be exposed to the majority of the risks. The Consolidated<br />

Financial Statements consolidate the financial statements of the<br />

Parent Company and all subsidiaries. The companies in which<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has significant influence but not control are referred to as<br />

“associated companies” or “associates” and companies in which<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> has joint control are referred to as “jointly controlled<br />

entities”. Joint ventures are comprised of jointly controlled<br />

entities and jointly controlled assets. In this publication,<br />

associates and jointly controlled entities are also referred to as<br />

“equity-accounted investments”.<br />

The term “<strong>Shell</strong> interest” is used for convenience to indicate<br />

the direct and/or indirect (for example, through our 34%<br />

shareholding in Woodside Petroleum Ltd.) ownership interest<br />

held by <strong>Shell</strong> in a venture, partnership or company, after<br />

exclusion of all third-party interests.<br />

The term “reserves” in this publication means SEC proved oil<br />

and gas reserves and SEC proven mining reserves.<br />

The term “resources” in this publication includes quantities of<br />

oil and gas not yet classified as SEC proved oil and gas reserves<br />

or SEC proven mining reserves. Resources are consistent with<br />

the Society of Petroleum Engineers 2P and 2C definitions and<br />

includes Oil Sands.<br />

The Financial Statements contained in this publication<br />

have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the<br />

Companies Act 1985, Article 4 of the International Accounting<br />

Standards (IAS) Regulation and with both International<br />

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the<br />

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and IFRS<br />

as adopted by the European Union. IFRS as defined above<br />

includes International Financial Reporting Interpretations<br />

Committee (IFRIC) interpretations.<br />

To facilitate a better understanding of underlying business<br />

performance, the financial results are also presented on an<br />

estimated current cost of supplies (CCS) basis as applied for<br />

the Oil Products and Chemicals segment earnings. Earnings<br />

on an estimated current cost of supplies basis provides useful<br />

information concerning the effect of changes in the cost of<br />

supplies on Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong>’s results of operations and is<br />

a measure to manage the performance of the Oil Products<br />

and Chemicals segments but is not a measure of financial<br />

performance under IFRS.<br />


For investor relations information,<br />

visit www.shell.com/investor<br />

Enquiries from institutional<br />

shareholders may be directed to:<br />

Investor Relations<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

PO Box 162<br />

2501 AN The Hague<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Tel +31 (0)70 377 4540<br />

Tel +44 (0)20 7934 3856<br />

E-mail ir-europe@shell.com<br />

or<br />

Investor Relations<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Oil Company<br />

630 Fifth Avenue Suite 3166<br />

New York, NY 10111<br />

USA<br />

Tel +1 212 218 3113<br />

Fax +1 212 218 3114<br />

E-mail ir-newyork@shell.com<br />

Except as otherwise noted, the figures shown in this Report are<br />

stated in US dollars. As used herein all references to “dollars” or<br />

“$” are to the US currency.<br />

Internal segment reporting is on a global basis. For the<br />

main segments an analysis of certain data is provided in this<br />

publication between the USA and the world outside the USA.<br />

Assets and liabilities of non-US dollar subsidiaries are translated<br />

to US dollars at year-end rates of exchange, whilst their<br />

statements of income and cash flows are translated at quarterly<br />

average rates. Translation differences arising on consolidation<br />

are taken directly to a currency translation differences account<br />

within equity. Upon divestment or liquidation of an entity,<br />

cumulative currency translation differences related to that entity<br />

are taken to income.<br />

The maps in this publication are intended only to give<br />

an impression of the magnitude of <strong>Shell</strong>’s Exploration &<br />

Production and Oil Sands activities in certain parts of the world.<br />

The maps are not comprehensive and show primarily major<br />

projects and assets mentioned in this publication. The maps<br />

must not be considered authoritative, particularly in respect of<br />

delimitation of national, concession or other boundaries, nor<br />

in respect of the representation of pipeline routes and landfalls,<br />

field sizes or positions. The maps mainly describe the situation<br />

as at December 31, 2008.<br />

This publication contains references to <strong>Shell</strong>’s website.<br />

These references are for the reader’s convenience only. <strong>Shell</strong><br />

is not incorporating by reference any information posted on<br />

www.shell.com.<br />

Designed by Flag<br />

Printed by Taylor Bloxham<br />

under ISO 14001<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Financial and Operational Information 2004–2008 89

oyal dutch shell p l c<br />

annual report and form 20-f for the year ended decemBer 31, 2008<br />



<strong>DELIVERY</strong> & <strong>GROWTH</strong><br />

REPORT<br />

Annual Report and Form 20-F for the<br />

year ended December 31, 2008<br />

A comprehensive operational and<br />

financial overview of <strong>Shell</strong>.<br />

royal dutch shell p l c sustainaBility report 2008<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> Sustainability Report 2008<br />

Report on progress in contributing to<br />

sustainable development.<br />


www.shell.com/annualreport<br />

The online reports have interactive<br />

tools to generate charts and to<br />

download pdfs by chapter.<br />

Financial tables can be downloaded<br />

as Excel files.<br />

royal dutch shell p l c annual reVieW and summary financial statements 2008<br />

<strong>DELIVERY</strong> & <strong>GROWTH</strong><br />

REVIEW<br />

Annual Review and Summary Financial<br />

Statements 2008<br />

A summarised operational and financial<br />

overview of <strong>Shell</strong>.<br />

Jaaroverzicht en verkorte jaarrekening<br />

2008<br />

Dutch language version.<br />

royal dutch shell p l c sustainaBility reVieW 2008<br />



<strong>Shell</strong> Sustainability Review 2008<br />

A summarised report on progress in<br />

contributing to sustainable development.<br />

Royal Dutch <strong>Shell</strong> plc<br />

c/o Bankside<br />

Tel +44 (0)1635 232 700<br />

E-mail bbs@shellbankside.co.uk<br />

royal dutch shell p l c financial and operational information 2004–2008<br />

<strong>DELIVERY</strong> & <strong>GROWTH</strong><br />

<strong>FIVE</strong>-<strong>YEAR</strong> <strong>FACT</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong><br />

Financial and Operational Information<br />

2004–2008<br />

Five years’ detailed financial and<br />

operational information, including maps.<br />


<strong>Shell</strong> Technology Report<br />

An overview of 27 advanced technologies.<br />

www.shell.com/technology<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> General Business Principles<br />

Fundamental principles that govern how<br />

each <strong>Shell</strong> company conducts its affairs.<br />

www.shell.com/sgbp<br />

<strong>Shell</strong> Code of Conduct<br />

Standards of behaviour expected<br />

from employees.<br />

www.shell.com/codeofconduct<br />

Annual Report/20-F Service for<br />

US residents – Tel +1 888 400 7789

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