REVIA Magazine Issue #11

Polish American Magazine

Polish American Magazine


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a s k a n i t a<br />

Dear Anita,<br />

I have been married for 4 years but together with my significant other for 6 years. I<br />

would say my husband and I have an array of issues but, overall, what has really been<br />

a big issue for me is us not being kind and respectful to one another. I feel as though my<br />

husband can be the sweetest person for a couple of days and then he can be so angry<br />

and mean the next. It's like a different person and it makes me not want to be with him,<br />

sexually or physically. On his angry days, he says things that hit below the belt/hurtful<br />

things and we are arguing and bickering constantly which leads to him isolating himself<br />

from me and the kids. His excuse is that he doesn't want to argue. I have constantly<br />

told him how it makes me feel and he says he will change, but he goes back to the same<br />

behavior. The crazy part is after going through all these instances he wonders why I'm<br />

not intimate and don't want to be close to him. It makes me feel like he doesn't love me<br />

and doesn't care how I feel; this has been going on for some time and I really want to<br />

go to counseling. But because we have been once before, which didn't help, he feels we<br />

shouldn't go. I really don't know what to do now because now I think I could care less<br />

if we don't make it. He is not physically abusive but I feel like him being mean is really<br />

detrimental and has really pushed me away. I really don't know what to do.<br />

-SB<br />

two oF my Passions in liFe are<br />

helPing PeoPle with their loVe<br />

life and Writing. With my advice<br />

Column, “asK anita, ”i get to<br />

Combine the two! as a dating<br />

& relationshiP eXPert, i’m on a<br />

mission to ProVe that haPPy and<br />

satisFying relationshiPs are<br />

possible. i’m a licensed marriage<br />

& Family theraPist and hold a<br />

master’s in marital & Family<br />

theraPy From the uniVersity oF<br />

san diego. i founded relationship<br />

reality 312, inc., and i Work With<br />

Clients both internationally<br />

and in my ChiCago downtown<br />

office. any Questions you have<br />

about dating, relationshiPs<br />

and marriage, Please email me<br />

direCtly at<br />

anita@relationshipreality312.com.<br />

i looK Forward to hearing From<br />

you!<br />

Dear SB,<br />

I’m sorry that you have to go through this<br />

in your marriage. Not knowing if you’re<br />

going to get your “sweet” husband or the<br />

“angry” one can take its toll on anyone,<br />

and sounds like it already has for you.<br />

You are right to want to stop this<br />

behavior. With his mean and below the<br />

belt comments, your husband is showing<br />

contempt toward you. This contemptuous<br />

behavior must absolutely stop because it<br />

is one of the best predictors of divorce,<br />

meaning that most couples end up<br />

divorcing when this behavior exists in<br />

a marriage. Contempt does many of<br />

the things you’ve mentioned above:<br />

pushes a partner away, erodes positive<br />

feelings, leads to fights or isolation, and<br />

blocks desire for physical and emotional<br />

intimacy. It is toxic for the both of you.<br />

You’ve told him how his behavior makes<br />

you feel and he claims he’ll change, but<br />

he doesn’t. Your husband needs to see his<br />

own responsibility in your marriage and<br />

must be willing to do something about<br />

it, otherwise your marriage won’t get<br />

any better. Insight alone isn’t enough to<br />

change behaviors. It sounds like he can’t<br />

change on his own, and needs to seek<br />

professional help. It’s understandable<br />

that your husband doesn’t want to go<br />

to counseling again, but one experience<br />

shouldn’t make him feel that it won’t ever<br />

work. Sometimes it takes a few therapists<br />

to find a good fit. Ask if he would be<br />

willing to research a few with you, and<br />

“shop around” for a therapist suitable for<br />

the both of you.<br />

If he’s still not willing to go, consider<br />

going by yourself. You can still help your<br />

marriage by seeing a therapist alone. A<br />

professional can help you work on it by<br />

focusing on things such as boundaries and<br />

your part in the interactions with your<br />

husband. Maybe you’re doing something<br />

and you’re not even aware of its impact on<br />

him. One frequent thing I work on with<br />

my clients is how they bring things up to<br />

their partner. The start of a conversation<br />

is so powerful that it actually indicates<br />

how the rest of the interaction will go. I<br />

want to be clear that I am not saying you<br />

are the cause of your husband’s angry<br />

moods, but, that in a relationship, people<br />

directly and indirectly influence each<br />

other. And with the help of an expert, at<br />

least you’ll be able to say that you have<br />

tried all you could.<br />

There’s a reason why women initiate twothirds<br />

of divorces in the United States.<br />

When a wife emotionally disconnects from<br />

her husband, it’s much more difficult to<br />

get her to reinvest in the marriage. You<br />

seem set on this hopeless path when you<br />

say you could care less if your marriage<br />

doesn’t make it. If he won’t go with you,<br />

give solo counseling a try. And if you<br />

still don’t see positive changes, you may<br />

have to give your husband an ultimatum<br />

– either he goes with you to marriage<br />

counseling or divorce will become an<br />

option for you. That may show him that<br />

these problems are serious and that you<br />

need to be taken seriously. The status<br />

quo will only lead to more physical and<br />

emotional disconnection.<br />

Dear Anita,<br />

What should I do about men who only want late-night booty calls?<br />

-Leslie<br />

Dear Leslie,<br />

Ignore them. Unless you only want booty, and not a relationship.<br />

<strong>#11</strong>, 2015 reviamagazine.com revia 33

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