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• Towards a non-toxic society<br />

• Improved health and hygiene<br />

• Saving on human resources<br />

• Saving on financial resources<br />

• Increasing Sweden’s competitiveness<br />

Disse overordnede ambisjonene ble fulgt av hva som<br />

ble oppfattet som nødvendige krav for et bærekraftig<br />

(hållbart) urbant VA-system:<br />

• High functional security<br />

• Adaptable to local conditions<br />

• Easy to undertstand and thus promote responsible<br />

behaviour for the users<br />

Disse målene ble lagt av programstyret og forskergruppen<br />

i fellesskap ved igangsetting av programmet<br />

og ble ansett som passende for å utvikle bærekraftige<br />

VA-systemer. Etter at fase 1 av programmet<br />

var gjennomført, ble imidlertid målene ansett for å<br />

være for uklare for å løse identifiserbare utfordringer<br />

som dagens VA-systemene står overfor. Derfor identifiserte<br />

man noen mer spesifikke spørsmål ved inngangen<br />

til fase 2 av programmet (i juli 2002):<br />

• How should the urban water and wastewater systems<br />

be designed and operated in the future Sweden?<br />

• Will the sustainable water and wastewater systems of<br />

the future be an improved version of as it exists today,<br />

or will there be some radical changes?<br />

Den internasjonale evalueringskomiteen som evaluerte<br />

Urban Water etter at det var avsluttet, uttalte:<br />

The Panel regards both the questions and also the<br />

Urban Water Research Programme that aims to answer<br />

them, as highly relevant. There is an interest, not only in<br />

Sweden, but all over the world in the design and evaluation<br />

of more sustainable water systems. Similar research<br />

programmes are taking place in other countries and at<br />

the EU level, but we believe the Swedish programme<br />

was, at the time of its inception, the most ambitious.<br />

The Panel is of the opinion that the Urban Water<br />

Programme fits very well with the policies of MISTRA.<br />

The Urban Water Programme was both timely and<br />

appropriate in the context of the challenges facing the<br />

water sector at the time of the programme’s birth. The<br />

overall methodology was also relevant in the context<br />

of the goals of the programme and the timing of the<br />

programme. The knowledge and experience acquired<br />

through the programme could increase Sweden’s competitiveness<br />

provided the interest and resources are there<br />

to utilise and market this competence.<br />

Det innebærer at innretningen på Urban Water var<br />

god og ambisjonene var riktige både når man ser<br />

det i nasjonalt og internasjonalt perspektiv. Det kan<br />

imidlertid være interessant å se nærmere på noen<br />

av de konklusjoner og anbefalinger som den internasjonale<br />

evalueringsgruppen kom med. Her skal vi<br />

kun trekke fram følgende momenter:<br />

Creating strong research environments, linked<br />

into national and international networks<br />

The Urban Water Programme has generated a strong<br />

research environment amongst Swedish universities and<br />

exhibits some fine examples of national and international<br />

networking. Existing links have been exploited and<br />

strengthened, and new links (although few in number)<br />

have been forged. At the national level there has been<br />

collaboration on projects and PhD theses which have<br />

hopefully generated lasting professional relationships.<br />

In international terms, a limited number particularly<br />

impressive and fertile collaborations have been conducted.<br />

However, despite their quality, these are isolated<br />

highlights in what was, overall, a disappointing level of<br />

international collaboration (and indeed a disappointing<br />

level of international comparison).<br />

Dette er et signal om at Urban Water var for lite<br />

internasjonalt orientert, og dette synes også å kunne<br />

sies om svensk VA-FoU i sin alminnelighet. Dette<br />

inntrykket blir forsterket av et brev fra prof. em.<br />

Gustav Olsson til den svenske nasjonalkomiteen for<br />

IWA. Det er for eksempel overraskende liten deltagelse<br />

av svenske forskergrupper i EU-prosjektene.<br />

Promoting the recruitment,<br />

training and mobility of researchers<br />

The research school initiated as part of the programme<br />

has achieved much in training the PhD-researchers<br />

within a common framework. Students reported general<br />

satisfaction with the experiences of the various<br />

activities. Overall, the PhD students have been well<br />

supported (both financially and intellectually) and this<br />

is considered by the panel to be a major factor in the<br />

very high submission (and successful defence) rate of<br />

PhD theses. Supervisors across the programme should<br />

be proud of their achievement in this respect.<br />

Dette innebærer altså at Urban Water har bidratt<br />

vesentlig til forskerrekruttering i Sverie og at landet<br />

skulle være godt rustet til å møte de FoU-utfordringer<br />

som ligger foran.<br />

I alt 15 personer gjennomførte sin doktorgrad<br />

innenfor Urban Water, noe som er et meget imponerende<br />

antall. Studerer vi nærmere hvilken jobb<br />


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