provocări la adresa securităţii şi strategiei la începutul secolului xxi

provocări la adresa securităţii şi strategiei la începutul secolului xxi


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due share in the world-wide scientific research and technology progress.<br />

This task includes training of highly qualified specialists in response to<br />

Poland’s defence and security requirements.<br />

The National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland is the<br />

basis for other subsequent strategies and documents in areas of fundamental<br />

importance to the security of the State. However, because of the fact that we<br />

live in the dynamically changing world, these documents will have to be<br />

modified according to the evolving determinants of the Polish national<br />

security environment. Therefore, their implementation will be a subject to a<br />

regular review in accordance with the constitutional tasks of the proper State<br />

authorities.<br />

While concluding this part, I want to stress, though the Security<br />

Strategy of the Republic of Poland is the primary document addressing<br />

issues of national security, we should also bear in mind the NATO and EU<br />

documents on security and defence, including NATO Strategic Concept,<br />

MC 400/2, NATO Ministerial Guidance, NATO Strategic Vision, national<br />

and alliance defence planning documents, but also decisions and<br />

conclusions of the NATO Prague Summit and last but not least, European<br />

Union Security Strategy.<br />

Military Strategy of the Republic of Poland<br />

Of importance is also the second document – the Military Strategy.<br />

After almost a year of deliberations this document was signed by the<br />

President on October 22 nd , 2004. Later on this document was distributed to<br />

all respective institutions and cells of the Ministry of Defence, as well as to<br />

any other departments and institutions dealing with the issues of national<br />

defence.<br />

The following assumptions were made prior to the developing the<br />

Military Strategy. Firstly - it was to be an executive document to the<br />

Security Strategy, directly addressing issues related to the armed forces.<br />

Secondly - it was to be in compliance with national, NATO and European<br />

security structures documents. Thirdly - classified version of the Strategy<br />

was to be addressed to the organs of public administration dealing with<br />

planning process and defence tasks as well as a reference material for<br />

commanders and staff officers. Fourthly - it was to be developed in the<br />

course of discussions and negotiations with other institutions dealing with<br />

defence related issues (National Security Bureau, Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Ministry of<br />

Defence, National Defence University).<br />

57<br />

It is for the first time that the Military Strategy of the Republic of<br />

Poland was drawn up. Considering its content one can say that the document<br />

is like a constitution of the Armed Forces. It looks into the future defining<br />

the missions and tasks for the Armed Forces and indicating general trends,<br />

directions and priorities in their development prescribing the expected level<br />

of operational capabilities 7 . The necessity to develop the Military Strategy<br />

was recognized and triggered in 2001 by significant changes in security<br />

environment of Poland – just to mention our involvement in NATO 8 . On the<br />

other hand it is also the need to systemize military issues in the context of<br />

national security – especially in its national and Euro-Atlantic dimension.<br />

On the other hand it is the need to translate the content of the Security<br />

Strategy of the Republic of Poland in area of place and role of the Polish<br />

Armed Forces in the national security framework or being more specific to<br />

prescribe its missions and tasks in the national defence system.<br />

It is valid to say that the Military Strategy of the Republic of<br />

Poland is a response to the new threats and challenges encountered in the<br />

modern world. It becomes apparent that the centre of gravity in security<br />

environment is shifting from classical threats such as large-scale<br />

aggression/invasion towards more diverse, less visible and less predictable<br />

threats originating from non-state transnational entities. The key global<br />

threats and challenges include tensions and instabilities resulting from<br />

international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,<br />

behaviour of authoritarian states and state failure 9 .<br />

Nevertheless, the security of Poland is funded not only on the<br />

membership in the EU and NATO, but also in the UN and other<br />

international organizations, just to mention the Organization for Security<br />

and Co-operation in Europe. Also, meaningful contributor to our security<br />

are our bilateral relations with the US. As you are aware, both the policy<br />

making and defence system are responsible for preventing and protecting<br />

against any threats of military and political nature. As it is stated in the<br />

Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland the National Defence System is<br />

responsible for threat assessment, management of defence preparation in the<br />

peacetime, responding to existing threats, defence of the national territory,<br />

compliance with the Article 5 collective defence commitments.<br />

Content and structure of the Military Strategy were determined by<br />

its position in respect to other doctrinal and planning documents. The<br />

Military Strategy constitutes a core document for developing other military,<br />

7 www.kprm.gov.pl/1937_11694.htm and PPT presentation by the General Staff of The Polish<br />

Armed Forces<br />

8 http://www.wp.mil.pl.<br />

9 www.gazetaprawna.pl/depesze/depesza.html?id=eGP20040623131441824.<br />


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