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<strong>Accn</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>Title</strong> <strong>Author</strong> P. <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Publisher</strong> <strong>Place</strong><br />

44836 Social reform among the Parsis Bulsara, Jal F. 1968 Delhi School of Social<br />

Work<br />

Delhi<br />

15346 Social reform annual Shede, S.K./s 1965 s.n. s.l.<br />

16868 Social reform Annual 1962: social and national integration Sheode, S.K., ed./s 1962 Bombay Social Reform<br />

Association<br />

Bombay<br />

34019 Social reform annual: jubilee number, March 1965 Sheode, S.K./s 1965 S.K. Shoede Bombay<br />

34629 Social reform or social revolution? Ramasami, Periyar E.V. 1965 Viduthali Publications Madras<br />

9845 Social reformers: Adam Smith to John Dewey Wagner, Donald O., ed./s 1962 Macmillan Company New York<br />

9493 Social renaissance in India Vayas, K.C. 1957 Vora Bombay<br />

36304 Social research and social policy Freeman, Howard E. 1970 Prentice-Hall New Jersey<br />

48222 Social research in East Pakistan Bessaignet, Pierre/s 1964 Asiatic Society Dacca<br />

10217 Social responsibilities of Business 1966 Manaktalas Bombay<br />

30898 Social responsibilities of business: report of the study group<br />

of the Calcutta seminar<br />

Mukharji, P.B. 1969 Oxford Publishing Calcutta<br />

10039 Social responsibilities of trade unions India International Centre 1966 India International<br />

Centre<br />

New Delhi<br />

31543 Social responsibility of the press Gerald, J. Edward 1966 East West Center Press Honolulu<br />

1269 Social revolution in a Kerala village: a study in culture change Aiyappan, A. 1965 Asia Publishing House Bombay<br />

37688 Social role of business Bajaj, Ramakrishan 1970 Maharashtra Chamber<br />

of Commerceq<br />

26684 Social science activities of some Eastern European United Nations Education, 1964 United Nations<br />

Scientific and Cultural<br />

Education, Scientific<br />

Bombay<br />

academies of sciences<br />

Organisati<br />

and Cultural Organisati<br />

10933 Social science and political theory Runciman, W.G. 1963 Cambridge University<br />

Press<br />

Cambridge<br />

28602 Social science and social purpose Simey, T.S. 1968 Constable London<br />

33447 Social science research and libraries Girja Kumar/s 1960 Asia Publishing House Bombay<br />

38936 Social sciences and planning in India Mukerjee, Radhakamal/s 1970 Asia Publishing House Bombay<br />

48756 Social sciences in India, retrospective and prospective: a Indian Council of Social<br />

Science Research, New<br />

1973 Indian Council of Social New Delhi<br />

report<br />

Delhi<br />

Science Research<br />

48757 Social sciences in India, retrospective and prospective: a Indian Council of Social<br />

Science Research, New<br />

1973 Indian Council of Social New Delhi<br />

report<br />

Delhi<br />

Science Research<br />

42719 Social sciences in the USSR USSR Academy of sciences 1965 Mouton Paris<br />

42879 Social sciences, problems and orientations : selected studies 1968 Mouton The Hague<br />

30317 Social scientists and international affairs: a case for a Crawford, Elisabeth T., ed./s 1969 John Wiley and Sons. New York<br />

sociology of social science<br />

Inc.<br />

3450 Social security India. Publication Division 1966 Publication Division New Delhi<br />

376 Social security in India Srivastava, P.C. 1964 Lokbharti Publications Allahabad<br />

37019 Social Security in India a review The Employers Fedration of 1970 The Employers Bombay<br />

India<br />

Fedration of India<br />

1429 Social security in India and Britain Choudhuri, Sunil Rai 1961 World Press Calcutta<br />

42705 Social security system of India Hassan, N 1972 S. Chand New Delhi<br />

44793 Social service department in a hospital: its organization and Banerjee, G.R. 1950 Bureau of Research Bombay<br />

functions<br />

and Publications<br />

4537 Social service in India: an introduction to some social and Blunt, Edward 1938 His Majesty's Stationery London<br />

economic problems of the Indian people<br />

Office<br />

1995 Social significance of the cooperative movement Coady, M.M. 1950 Cooperative League of<br />

the U.S.A.<br />

New York<br />

42850 Social status of <strong>No</strong>rth Indian women: 1526-1707 A.D. Mukherjee, Ila 1972 Shiva Lal Agarwala Agra<br />

30544 Social stratification Jackson, J.A./s 1968 Cambridge University<br />

Press<br />

Cambridge<br />

47189 Social stratification Jackson, J.A./s 1968 Cambridge University<br />

Press<br />

Cambridge<br />

48744 Social structure & culture change in a Bhill village Doshi, J.K. 1974 New Heights Delhi<br />

19506 Social structure of a planned city Chandigarh D'Souza, Victor S. 1968 Orient Longmans Bombay<br />

32123 Social structure of a planned city Chandigarh D'Souza, Victor S. 1968 Orient Longmans Bombay<br />

48662 Social structure of India Sinha, Ajit Kumar 1974 Sinha Publishing House Calcutta<br />

16097 Social survey of Kolhapur city Sovani, N.V. 1948 Gokhle Institute of<br />

16166 Social survey of Kolhapur city Sovani, N.V. 1948<br />

Politics and Economics<br />

Gokhle Institute of Poona<br />

16301 Social survey of Kolhapur city Sovani, N.V. 1948<br />

Politics and Economics<br />

Gokhle Institute of Poona<br />

37038 Social system Parsons, Talcott 1951<br />

Politics and Economics<br />

Routledge & Kegan<br />

Paul<br />

London<br />

29206 Social tensions in India Ghurye, G.S. 1968 Popular Prakashan Bombay<br />

30345 Social theories of Talcott Parsons: a critical examination Black, Max/s 1961 Prentice Hall New Jersey<br />

14350 Social theory and economic change Argyle, Michael 1967 Tavistock Pubications London<br />

Paris<br />


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