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<strong>Accn</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>Title</strong> <strong>Author</strong> P. <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Publisher</strong> <strong>Place</strong><br />

110341 Self - direction and political legitimacy: Rousseau and Herder Barnard, F.M. 1988 Claredon Press London<br />

106838 Self - help: with illustrations of conduct and perseverance Smiles, Samuel 1936 John Murray London<br />

146196 Self and its other: philosophical essays Mohanty, J.N. 2000 Oxford University Press New Delhi<br />

116643 Self and its states: a state of consciousness doctrine in Fort, Andrew O. 1990 Motilal Banarsidass Delhi<br />

Advaita Vedanta<br />

<strong>Publisher</strong>s<br />

145883 Self and society Branaman, Ann/s 2001 Blackwell <strong>Publisher</strong>s London<br />

147338 Self and sovereignty: individual and community in South<br />

Asian Islam since 1850<br />

Jalal, Ayesha 2000 Routledge London<br />

140321 Self as image in Asian theory and practice Ames, Roger T./s 1998 State University of New Albany<br />

York Press<br />

137060 Self as person in Asian theory and practice Kasulis, Thomas P./s 1994 Satguru Publication New Delhi<br />

131542 Self consciousness: an alternative anthroplogy of identity Cohen, Anthony P 1994 Routledge London<br />

109128 Self determination and the African American people Froman, James R. 1981 Open Hand Publishing Seattle<br />

110263 Self employment schemes in urban and semi urban areas:<br />

organisation and management<br />

Rao, P. Arjun 1989 Mittal Publications Delhi<br />

132835 Self employment to education unemployed Chandakavate, Mallikarjun<br />

S.<br />

1995 Pointer <strong>Publisher</strong>s Jaipur<br />

123119 Self in Indian philosophy Sinha, K.P. 1991 Punthi Pustak Calcutta<br />

121533 Self in social theory: a psychoanalytic account of its Alford, C.Fred 1991 Yale Haven London<br />

128838<br />

construction in Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawls and Rousseau<br />

Self realisation and Sikh faith Puri, Gopal Singh 1994 Falcon Books New Delhi<br />

132215 Self realization in Kashmir Shaivism: the oral teachings of Hughes, John 1994 State University of New Albany<br />

Swami Lakshmanjoo<br />

York Press<br />

122469 Self rule and changing rural leadership: a study of<br />

Jahagirdar, M.P. 1992 Reliance Publishing New Delhi<br />

Panchayati Raj system<br />

House<br />

104265 Self, the individual, and the community: liberalism in the<br />

political thought of F.A. Hayek and Sidney and Beatrice<br />

Webb<br />

Crowley, Brian Lee 1987 Clarendon Press Oxford<br />

106326 Self, the individual, and the community: liberalism in the<br />

political thought of F.A. Hayek and Sidney and beatrice<br />

Webb<br />

Crowley, Brian Lee 1987 Clarendon Press Oxford<br />

119809 Self-culture: the problem of self-discovery and self-realization Taimni, I.K. 1980 Theosophical<br />

Adyar<br />

in the light of occultism<br />

Publishing House<br />

135613 Self-determinatiion: International perspectives Clark, Donald, ed./s 1996 Macmillan Press Houndmills<br />

121574 Self-employment pattern of scheduled castes: with special Thakur, Devendra 1992 Deep & Deep<br />

New Delhi<br />

reference to basic leather workers (Harijans)<br />

Publications<br />

108146 Self-employment programme in India Pande, P.N. 1988 Ashish Publishing<br />

House<br />

New Delhi<br />

115545 Self-images, identity and nationality Chatterji, P.C., ed./s 1989 Indian Institute of<br />

Advanced Study<br />

Shimla<br />

117789 Self-images, identity and nationality Chatterji, P.C., ed./s 1989 Alleid <strong>Publisher</strong>s New Delhi<br />

148375 Selfish altruist: relief work in famine and war Vaux, Tony 2001 Earthscan Publications London<br />

107438 Self-organizing universe: scientific and human implications of Jantsch, Erich<br />

the emerging paradigm of evolution<br />

1984 Pergamon Press Oxford<br />

101417 Self-purification: Dashavaikalika Sutra Arya Shayambhava 1983 Concord Grove Press London<br />

119810 Self-realization through love: Narada bhakti-sutra with text in Taimni, I.K. 1981 Theosophical<br />

Adyar<br />

Sanskrit, transliteration in Roman, translation in English and<br />

Publishing House<br />

122160 Self-reported anti-social behaviour in college youth: a<br />

psychological study<br />

Prasad, Muneshwar 1980 Janaki Patna<br />

142176 Selling globalization: the myth of the global economy Vesth, Michael 1998 Lynne Rienner<br />

<strong>Publisher</strong>s<br />

London<br />

110314 Semi primitive economy of an Indian village: a study of<br />

lungdai in north east india<br />

Upadhyaya, K.K. 1989 Mittal Publications Delhi<br />

110016 Seminar Food for India's Millions 1964 Examiner Press Bombay<br />

109436 Seminar on aspects of structural changes in the colonial <strong>Nehru</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong> Museum 1989 <strong>Nehru</strong> Museum and New Delhi<br />

Indian economy: March 3-6, 1989<br />

and Library<br />

Library<br />

109437 Seminar on aspects of structural changes in the colonial <strong>Nehru</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong> Museum 1989 <strong>Nehru</strong> Museum and New Delhi<br />

Indian economy: March 3-6, 1989<br />

and Library<br />

Library<br />

106349 Seminar on Electoral Reforms: record of deliberations Seminar on Electrol Reforms 1986 Rajaji International<br />

Institute of Pupblic<br />

Affairs and Admini<br />

New Delhi<br />

110072 Seminar on Gandhian Economics [papers] Seminar on Gandhian 1969 Association of Company [Bombay]<br />

Secretaries, executives<br />

Economics<br />

& advisors<br />

104870 Seminar on problems and strategies of development in the Centre for Himalayan 1988 University Of <strong>No</strong>rth Darjeeling<br />

Eastern Himalayas<br />

Studies<br />

Bengal<br />

116539 Seminar on rural development for weaker sections 1974 Indian Society of Bombay<br />

106303 Seminar on South Indian economy c1914 - c1945 Centre for Developement<br />

Studies<br />

106304 Seminar on South Indian economy c1914 - c1945 Centre for Developement<br />

Studies<br />

Agricultural Economics<br />

1988 Centre for Development Trivandrum<br />

Studies<br />

1988 Centre for Development Trivandrum<br />


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