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<strong>Accn</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>Title</strong> <strong>Author</strong> P. <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Publisher</strong> <strong>Place</strong><br />

95594 Socio-psychological correlates of adoption behaviour: a<br />

Bhargava, Mahesh 1986 National Psychological<br />

Kacheri Ghat<br />

mathodological study in family planning<br />

Corporation<br />

84116 Socio-religious outlook of Abul Fazl Azra Alavi 1983 Indarah-I Adabiyat-I Delhi<br />

61453 Sociocultural change since 1950 Das, Man Singh/s 1978 Vikas Publishing House New Delhi<br />

54649 Socioeconomic adjustments of tribals: case study of Tripura Misra, Bani Prasanna 1976 Peoples Publishing New Delhi<br />

Jhumias<br />

House<br />

68262 Sociolinguistic attitudes in India: a historical reconstruction Deshpande, Madhav M. 1979 Karoma <strong>Publisher</strong>s Ann Arbor<br />

86671 Sociolinguistics of society Fasold, Ralph 1934 Basil Blackwell Oxford<br />

73873 Sociolinguistics study of the origin, development and Amrit Rai 1981 s.n. s.l.<br />

65073 Sociological analysis of the working of small farmers Khan, Mumtaz Ali 1978 Indian Institute of Simla<br />

development agency<br />

Advanced Study<br />

54205 Sociological approach to Indian education Mathur, S.S. 1976 Vinod Pustak Mandir Agra<br />

96801 Sociological dimensions of Gram Raj Tak, B.L. 1973 Vimal Prakashan Ghaziabad<br />

80034 Sociological domain: Durkheimians and the founding of<br />

French sociology<br />

Besnard, Philppe/s 1983 University Press Cambridge<br />

54343 Sociological imagination Mills, C. Wright 1959 Oxford University Press New York<br />

73189 Sociological imagination Mills, C.Wright 1959 Penguin Book London<br />

72980 Sociological impressionism: a reassessment of Georg<br />

Simmel's social theory<br />

Frisby, David 1981 Heinemann London<br />

91996 Sociological interpretations of education Blackledge, David 1985 Croom Helm London<br />

74825 Sociological journeys Bell, Danniel 1980 Heineman London<br />

51456 Sociological perspectives in Indian education Saxena, Shakuntala 1975 Ashajanak Publications New Delhi<br />

75481 Sociological perspectives of land reforms Lal, Sheo Kumar/s 1982 Agricole Publishing<br />

Academy<br />

New Delhi<br />

91406 Sociological perspective in education: a reader Shukla, Surshchandra/s 1985 Chanakya Publications Delhi<br />

75832 Sociological theory in use Menzies, Ken 1982 Routledge & Kegan<br />

Paul<br />

London<br />

90696 Sociological theory of law Luhmann, Niklas 1985 Routledge & Kegan<br />

Paul<br />

London<br />

95963 Sociological theory in transition Wardell, Mark L./s 1986 Allen & Unwin London<br />

87041 Sociology 84/85 Finsterbush, Kurt, ed./s 1984 The Dushkin Publishing Guilford<br />

Group<br />

98908 Sociology: a guide to problems and literature Bottomor, T.B. 1962 Blackie New Delhi<br />

69488 Sociology and history Burke, Peter 1980 George Allen and Unwin London<br />

67350 Sociology and politics of development: a theoretical study Varma, Baidya Nath 1980 Routledge and Regan<br />

Paul<br />

London<br />

64122 Sociology and socialism in contemporary China Wong, Siu-Lun 1979 Routledge & Kegan<br />

Paul<br />

London<br />

83796 Sociology and socialism Bottomore, Tom 1984 Harvester Press London<br />

88690 Sociology and social anthropology in Asia and the pacific 1985 Wiley Eastern Paris<br />

89794 Sociology and society in contempory China, 1979-1983 Chu, DAvid S.K. 1984 Chinese Sociology and<br />

Anthropology<br />

New York<br />

67964 Sociology as social criticism Bottomore, T.B. 1975 George Allen and Unwin London<br />

64101 Sociology class conciousness and contradictions Albert, J. Szymanski 1979 D. Van <strong>No</strong>strand New York<br />

83948 Sociology, ethnomethodology and experience, a<br />

Rogers, Mary F. 1983 Cambridge University London<br />

phenomenological critique<br />

Press<br />

99990 Sociology: from crisis to science ? Himmelstrand, Ulf/s 1986 Sage Publications New Delhi<br />

99991 Sociology: from crisis to science ? Himmelstrand, Ulf/s 1986 Sage Publications New Delhi<br />

90428 Sociology game: an introduction to sociological reasoning Anderson, R.F./s 1985 Longman London<br />

90320 Sociology in India: a perspective from sociology of<br />

knowledge<br />

Sharma, Surendra 1985 Rawat Publications Jaipur<br />

77537 Sociology in India: retrospect and prospect Nayar, P.K.B./s 1982 B.R. Publishing Delhi<br />

61222 Sociology in theory and practice Adiseshiah 1974 Shanti <strong>Publisher</strong>s New Delhi<br />

76700 Sociology meets history Tilly, Charles 1981 Academic Press New York<br />

61592 Sociology of a growing town Sarikwal, R.C. 1978 Ajanta Publications New Delhi<br />

78818 Sociology of academics in India and abroad Hiremath, S.G. 1983 Sundeep Prakashan Delhi<br />

66432 Sociology of an Indian hospital ward Kirkpatrick, Joanna 1979 Firma KLM Calcutta<br />

72358 Sociology of Bengal politics and other essays Shamsuddin, Abu Jafar 1973 Bangla Accademy Dacca<br />

73593 Sociology of contemporary cultural change Martin, Bernice 1981 Basil Blackwell Oxford<br />

66535 Sociology of depressed groups Abbasayulu, Y.B. 1979 Centre for Harijan<br />

Studies<br />

Hyderabad<br />

62996 Sociology of developing societies Hoogvelt, Ankie M.M. 1976 Macmillan London<br />

92487 Sociology of development: concepts, theories and issues Pandey, Rajendra 1985 Mittal Publication Delhi<br />

88689 Sociology of deviance Singh, R.G. 1985 Jainsons Publications New Delhi<br />

86001 Sociology of educational development Shah, Beena 1984 Gyanodaya Prakashan Nainital<br />

62304 Sociology of fertility: determinants of fertlility differentials in<br />

South India<br />

Mahadevan, K. 1979 Sterling <strong>Publisher</strong>s New Delhi<br />

60843 Sociology of freedom Krishna Chaitanya 1978 Manohar Publications New Delhi

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