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978-1-4244-2677-5/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE<br />

<strong>SECURE</strong> <strong>ATC</strong> <strong>SURVEILLANCE</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>MILITARY</strong> <strong>APPLICATIONS</strong><br />

This paper presents a system in concept development that<br />

combines the integrity of the civil Automatic Dependant<br />

Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) system for air-to-air<br />

conflict avoidance and air traffic management (ATM)<br />

surveillance with the military secure Mark XIIA Mode 5<br />

Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system as the data link.<br />

This new system, coined Military ADS-B (MADS-B),<br />

expands the traditional IFF surveillance data of range,<br />

azimuth, altitude, and identity (ID) to include each<br />

platform’s dynamic state of motion and status. This selfreporting<br />

system significantly improves positioning and<br />

status data between Tri-Service platforms and with Allies –<br />

who are also transitioning to the common Mode 5 system.<br />

Beyond MADS-B’s securing of ADS-B data, it enables<br />

overcoming other surveillance and navigation shortfalls<br />

through future software based message additions. The<br />

paper summarizes ADS-B operations, the conversion of<br />

data to the Mode 5 Level 2 formats, and examples of<br />

message extensions providing surveillance enhancements.<br />


The objective of the secure surveillance capability is to<br />

bring all the benefits of the civil air traffic management<br />

(ATM) Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast<br />

(ADS-B) system to the military Identification Friend or<br />

Foe (IFF) system. The proposed solution improves system<br />

integrity, enables common flight procedures, and increases<br />

link efficiency.<br />

Civilian air traffic control (<strong>ATC</strong>) and military IFF share<br />

dedicated communications channels, with an exclusive<br />

international frequency allocation of 1030 MHz for the<br />

interrogations (uplink) and 1090 MHz for the replies<br />

(downlink). They have evolved from radar beacon based<br />

question and answer systems. The initial civil component<br />

is known as the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System<br />

(<strong>ATC</strong>RBS). Legacy military IFF supplemented the<br />

<strong>ATC</strong>RBS modes with an unsecured Selective<br />

Identification Facility (SIF) for additional platform data in<br />

addition to a secure ID only mode. As civil air traffic<br />

density increased, an addressed interrogation mode, Mode<br />

S, was developed to obtain platform data and reduce<br />

system self-interference. It also introduced a self reporting<br />

acquisition mode to supplement the question and answer<br />

mode. Increasing traffic density continued to grow,<br />

challenging the paradigm of question and answer ATM<br />

Larry Kenney<br />

Joe Dietrich<br />

Jerry Woodall<br />

Raytheon Network Centric Systems<br />

Towson, MD<br />

1 of 6<br />

systems. ADS-B is the civil solution to the Mode S overinterrogation<br />

and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance<br />

System (TCAS) generated false replies unsynchronized to<br />

interrogator transmissions (fruit) that jeopardize <strong>ATC</strong><br />

integrity. ADS-B is the affordable solution to safely<br />

increase traffic density, ensure conflict avoidance with<br />

free-flight, and manage self-interference.<br />

IFF over-interrogation also generates excess fruit that not<br />

only jeopardizes IFF operational integrity, but also<br />

increases fratricide risk and produces surveillance gaps. A<br />

secure form of ADS-B that complements IFF and offers a<br />

common set of training, tactics, and procedures with<br />

seamless process for military aviators to transition from<br />

the peace-time civil airspace to the hostile battle space.<br />

With self-reporting reducing interrogation rates, the ADS-<br />

B can efficiently use the signal bandwidth at 1090 MHz to<br />

transmit an increased amount of information about the<br />

vehicle position, velocity, and status. A secure ADS-B like<br />

system of surveillance and air-to-air conflict avoidance can<br />

be can be the system that provides superior IFF<br />

performance into the next century, overcoming the<br />

operational utility shortfalls in the question and answer<br />

component of the IFF system.<br />


The ADS-B system is strongly positioned in universal<br />

situational awareness. It is based on the concept of aircraft<br />

self-reporting their geodetic location, both in the air and on<br />

the ground. It has been developed and peer reviewed<br />

internationally over the last 20 years. ADS-B builds on<br />

Mode S with requirements established by national<br />

authorities such as the FAA, RTCA, EUROCAE, and<br />

ICAO. RTCA/DO-260A [1] establishes the minimum<br />

operational standards (MOPS) for airborne equipment for<br />

ADS-B utilizing 1090 MHz Mode S Extended Squitter<br />

(1090ES).<br />

Since the goal is to routinely use the ADS-B self reports as<br />

a primary source of aircraft surveillance, the US and other<br />

nations plan to replace the majority of <strong>ATC</strong> interrogators<br />

with ADS-B ground receiving stations by ~2018. Some<br />

nations plan to bypass upgrades with Mode S interrogators<br />

and go directly from the <strong>ATC</strong>RBS to ADS-B as the<br />

designated surveillance upgrade for the future.

ADS-B will be required internationally for civil<br />

<strong>ATC</strong>/ATM. A clear case has been made for the installation<br />

of ADS-B in military platforms [2, 3]. However, ADS-B<br />

dictates that all surveillance be open, and therefore nonsecure.<br />

This is a recognized vulnerability, but civil<br />

authorities accept it in civil environments. Note that<br />

1090ES ADS-B messages are equally important military<br />

surveillance input.<br />

The open nature of the ADS-B data transmission is<br />

incompatible with IFF objectives in a hostile environment.<br />

It would be vulnerable to the classic IFF threats of<br />

spoofing and exploitation. Spoofers could attack the<br />

system by generating false reports containing contrived<br />

position data. Exploiters could listen to the ADS-B reports<br />

to easily track and then advantageously attack the<br />

vulnerable aircraft.<br />


The new Mark XIIA Mode 5 waveform for airborne<br />

Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) offers the first<br />

significant upgrade to airborne cooperative identification<br />

systems since the Mark XII Mode 4 development in the<br />

1960s. The US military is preparing to field this new<br />

international standard which features secure data<br />

transmission in addition to providing high assurance friend<br />

determination. Mode 5 uses minimum shift keying (MSK)<br />

modulation and spread spectrum techniques to realize a<br />

processing gain waveform. The waveform defined by<br />

STANAG 4193 [4] includes error control and methods for<br />

reducing self-interference. Security is provided by a Type<br />

1 algorithm embedded in a programmable crypto engine.<br />

IFF Mode 5 capabilities are defined for four levels. Levels<br />

1 and 2 are well defined and are supported by equipment<br />

being delivered now. Levels 3 and 4 have less definition<br />

and are intended for capability growth.<br />

Data from<br />

GNSS/GPS<br />

& Aircraft<br />

Military Aircraft Transponder<br />

ADS-B Class B<br />

Register Data<br />

Generation<br />

Added for ADS-B<br />

M5 Encryption<br />

& M5L2 MSK<br />

Waveform<br />

Mode S DF-17<br />

PPM Modulated<br />

Waveform<br />

Added for MADS-B<br />

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Mode 5 Level 1 (M5L1) is the synchronous question and<br />

answer mode. It offers significant improvements in secure<br />

friend determination over the legacy Mode 4, and includes<br />

a secure data transmission capability. With M5L1, an IFF<br />

interrogator can simultaneously determine friend status<br />

and securely query altitude, mission code, platform<br />

identification number (PIN), and national origin (NO).<br />

M5L1 introduces the lethal interrogation mode, where a<br />

reply is required from a transponder even when it is in<br />

standby mode.<br />

Mode 5 Level 2 (M5L2) is a new asynchronous mode for<br />

secure self reporting. Report formats include ADS-B like<br />

GPS data in 77 bit tactical data report messages. There are<br />

two squittering (self-reporting) rates, a long term low rate<br />

squitter, similar to the ADS-B squitters, and a short<br />

duration high rate squitter, which can be triggered by a<br />

scanning beam interrogator.<br />

<strong>MILITARY</strong> <strong>SECURE</strong> ADS-B<br />

For the military secure ABS-B (MADS-B), we recommend<br />

combining the tracking accuracy and integrity of ADS-B<br />

data with the security of the M5L2 waveform as the<br />

available, secure-interoperable military communications<br />

link. The ADS-B data would be reformatted into a subset<br />

of the 8 unused M5L2 formats. The original formats would<br />

be undisturbed. All of the M5L1 formats would also be<br />

retained for interoperability and lethal use.<br />

Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of a MADS-B<br />

capable transponder. The core 1090ES, Mode S Enhanced<br />

Surveillance, modes are current equipment capabilities<br />

realized in the pulse position modulation (PPM) and<br />

demodulation functions in the transponder transmitter and<br />

interrogator receiver.<br />

M5L2 MSK<br />

Demodulation &<br />

M5 Decryption<br />

Tracking & Status<br />

Data over Either Path<br />

Military Aircraft Class A Transponder<br />

or Ground/Surface Class C Receiver<br />

Mode S DF-17<br />

PPM Waveform<br />

Decoding<br />

Figure 1 MADS-B System Components<br />

ADS-B<br />

and<br />

MADS-B<br />

Target Data<br />

to Display<br />

ADS-B Class A<br />

Track & Display<br />


For ADS-B support, data is accepted from aircraft’s<br />

navigation and global navigation satellite system (GNSS)<br />

source, processed and loaded into the Comm-B Data<br />

Select (BDS) registers. In ADS-B operation, data from<br />

specified registers are sampled at random intervals<br />

(~2/second rate) and used to create the 112 bit downlink<br />

message. For military-secure MADS-B operation, the data<br />

in the 112 bit downlink message would be remapped into<br />

the 77 bit tactical data field payload of the M5L2 message.<br />

That M5L2 message would then be encrypted and<br />

modulated in the same manor as any other M5L2<br />

messages.<br />

On the receiving end, there is a MADS-B/ADS-B Class A<br />

track and report generator. It accepts data from either the<br />

demodulated 1090ES replies or the decrypted,<br />

demodulated, and reformatted data from selected M5L2<br />

messages. The track and report generator function is<br />

essentially independent of the source of the ADS-B data.<br />

With judicious re-formatting of the data from the normal<br />

1090ES payload to the M5L2 payload, MADS-B provides<br />

all of the advantages of the civil ADS-B operational use<br />

and integrity, while providing critical military grade<br />

security.<br />

MADS-B MODE 5 LEVEL 2 <strong>FOR</strong>MATS<br />

Mode 5 provides up to 16 level 2 message formats, 11 of<br />

which are assigned to standard Mode 5 interrogate-reply<br />

functions and 5 are proposed for assignment to MADS-B<br />

functions. The Mode 5 level 2 formats proposed for<br />

MADS-B are shown in Table 1.<br />

Table 1 Mode 5 Level 2 Message Formats 24 - 31<br />

Squitter Transmission<br />

Format Subformat<br />

Used for Report Type<br />

24 None Air Surveillance Airborne Position<br />

25 None Surface/Ground<br />

Surveillance<br />

Surface Position<br />

26 0 Air Surveillance Airborne<br />

Velocity*<br />

1 Platform Type Airborne<br />

& Status Capability**<br />

2 Surface<br />

Capability**<br />

3 Reserved for IFF & Military Status<br />

4-7 Unassigned MADS-B Subformats<br />

27-28 Reserved for MADS-B***<br />

* Required with Format 24.<br />

** Supplements Formats 24 and 25.<br />

*** Formats 29-31 reserved for standard M5L2 future use<br />

The airborne position and the airborne velocity report<br />

types are explored in detail below to show the reformatting<br />

of the ADS-B data into the M5L2 payload constraints.<br />

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Figure 2 illustrates the mapping of the 1090ES, downlink<br />

format (DF) 17 airborne position from the BDS register<br />

(0,5) into the MADS-B M5L2 format 24. Recall that the<br />

payload for the M5L2 is limited to 77 bits and that the long<br />

1090ES formats are 112 bits long.<br />

112 Bits<br />

Mode S DF=17<br />

Airborne Position (BDS 0,5)<br />

5<br />

3<br />

24<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

12<br />

1<br />

1<br />

17<br />

17<br />

24<br />

DF Code<br />

CA Status<br />

AA Mode S<br />

Address<br />

Type Code<br />

Surv Status<br />

Single Ant<br />

Altitude<br />

Time (T)<br />

CPR Format<br />

CPR<br />

Encoded<br />

Latitude<br />

CPR<br />

Encoded<br />

Longitude<br />

PI<br />

Parity<br />

Identity Code<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Identical<br />

6<br />

5<br />

14 - MIL PIN<br />

19 Address<br />

5 - Nat Origin<br />

4 Add’l Addr<br />

4 Type Code<br />

2 Surv Status<br />

12<br />

1 Time (T)<br />

1 CPR Format<br />

CPR<br />

17 Encoded<br />

Latitude<br />

17<br />

MADS-B<br />

Format 24<br />

Altitude<br />

CPR<br />

Encoded<br />

Longitude<br />

Figure 2 Airborne Position Report<br />

Header<br />

The most critical data which is the essence of the position<br />

report is identically formatted in the MADS-B position<br />

report. The 2 bit surveillance status field (Surv Status)<br />

signals emergency and identity pulse (IP) in four states.<br />

The 12 bit altitude is the GNSS height. The time flag field<br />

signals the synchronization method. The compact position<br />

report (CPR) format flag signals whether the odd or even<br />

CPR data is included in this report. The latitude and<br />

longitude data are CPR encoded.<br />

The Mode S DF and civil aviation (CA) status codes (1)<br />

are not mapped into the MADS-B report. The differences<br />

begin with (2) the 24 bit aircraft address (AA) field being<br />

dropped in favor of the 19 bits of the military platform<br />

identification number (PIN) and national origin (NO),<br />

along with (6) 4 additional bits reserved for military<br />

identifier expansion. The type code (3) is compacted from<br />

5 bits to 4 bits to report all accuracy and integrity levels of<br />

ADS-B airborne position except for one type code. The<br />

single antenna flag (4) is not mapped into the MADS-B<br />

report because military aircraft typically have dual<br />

antennas.<br />

77 Bit Tactical Data Payload

The parity identity code (PI) is dropped because the M5L2<br />

has a CRC integrity check on the data within the<br />

cryptography, and the waveform has Reed-Solomon error<br />

correction coding on the transmitted data.<br />

The surface position report is mapped similarly, with the<br />

movement, heading, and heading status fields being<br />

included in the identically mapped from the DBS register<br />

(0,6) to M5L2 format 25.<br />


MADS-B Airborne Velocity Format 26 Subformat 0<br />

information is contained in four different ADS-B velocity<br />

subtype messages. Except for modifications to the Type<br />

Code field, it is completely included in MADS-B Format<br />

26. ADS-B Subtypes 1 and 2 give velocity over ground<br />

for subsonic and supersonic velocities, respectively. Figure<br />

3 illustrates the mapping of the 1090ES, DF 17 airborne<br />

position from the BDS register (0,5) into the MADS-B<br />

M5L2 format 26 for supersonic platforms.<br />

112 Bits<br />

Mode S DF=17<br />

Airborne Velocity (BDS 0,9)<br />

Subtype 1 shown, also 2,3,4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

24<br />

AA Mode S<br />

Address<br />

5 Type Code<br />

3 Subtype<br />

1 Int Ch Flag<br />

1 IFR Flag<br />

13 NACv<br />

1 E/W Dir<br />

10 E/W Velocity<br />

1 N/S Dir<br />

10 N/S Velocity<br />

1 VR Source<br />

1 VR Sign<br />

9 Vert Rate<br />

2 Reserved<br />

1 Diff Baro Sign<br />

7 Geo Baro Diff<br />

24<br />

1<br />

DF Code<br />

CA Status<br />

PI<br />

Parity<br />

Identity Code<br />

Identical<br />

MADS-B<br />

5 Format 26<br />

3 Subformat<br />

14 - MIL PIN<br />

19 Address<br />

5 - Nat Origin<br />

4 Add’l Addr<br />

3 Subtype<br />

1 Int Ch Flag<br />

1 IFR Flag<br />

3 NACv<br />

1 E/W Dir<br />

10 E/W Velocity<br />

1 N/S Dir<br />

10 N/S Velocity<br />

1 VR Source<br />

1 VR Sign<br />

9 Vert Rate<br />

2 Reserved<br />

1 Diff Baro Sign<br />

7 Geo Baro Diff<br />

Figure 3 Airborne Velocity Report<br />

Header<br />

Similar to the airborne position report mapping, the DF<br />

code and CA status (1) are not included in the mapping.<br />

The convention of using the PIN and NO in place of the<br />

AA data are also consistent with the MADS-B position<br />

report. The subformat field uses 3 bits of the tactical data<br />

payload space. The critical 51 bits of ADS-B velocity data<br />

are mapped one for one into the MADS-B payload.<br />

77 Bit Tactical Data Payload<br />

4 of 6<br />

The subtype defines whether the velocity is available and<br />

whether it is in the normal or supersonic range. The intent<br />

change flag is growth function to signal a planned flight<br />

attitude change. The instrument flight rules (IFR) flag<br />

signals the air navigation capability of the platform. The<br />

navigation accuracy category for velocity (NACv) is a<br />

look-up table for different velocity sources. The East/West<br />

(E/W) and North/South (N/S) velocities and direction flags<br />

provides the amplitude and sign of the velocity vector<br />

components in those two dimensions. The vertical rate<br />

source indicates whether a GNSS or barometric source is<br />

being used. The vertical rate and its sign provide the<br />

component of the velocity vector in a third direction. The<br />

difference from barometric and its sign provide the index<br />

into a look-up table to determine the difference between<br />

GNSS and barometric altitude.<br />

These three formats, airborne position and velocity, and<br />

surface position constitute the core ADS-B position reports<br />

that are supplemented by several status messages that<br />

provide information on the type of aircraft, fixed obstacle,<br />

or airport surface vehicle whose position is being reported.<br />

Because these messages have certain redundant<br />

information and information that only applies to civil<br />

transport aircraft, not military tactical aircraft, the ADS-B<br />

status message data can be compressed into a single<br />

MADS-B message without the loss of essential safety and<br />

tracking information.<br />

These four message formats, three position-velocity and<br />

one status message, may be thought of as level one of<br />

MADS-B in that it provides a secure air-to-air conflict<br />

avoidance and airborne surveillance system that directly<br />

complements ADS-B and supports civil (ADS-B) and<br />

secure military (MADS-B) operations.

Traditional and<br />

M5L1 Q&A<br />

Provides Track History<br />

• Interrogator determines<br />

track from past & current<br />

position reports<br />

M5L2 with GPS<br />

Position Reports<br />

1 2 3<br />

Provides more Accurate<br />

Track History<br />

• Interrogator still tracks<br />

from history data<br />


Having the ADS-B velocity component advances the<br />

quality of situational awareness in the critical air-to-air<br />

case. Figure 4 illustrates the progression of track quality<br />

improvement as the IFF system evolves from traditional<br />

question and answer operation to a self reporting MADS-B<br />

paradigm.<br />

In the traditional Mode 5 Level 1 (1), a track history is<br />

accumulated from past position reports. Each position<br />

report is estimated by interrogating a target across a<br />

beamwidth and centroiding multiple replies. With the<br />

current Mode 5 Level 2 squittered position reports (2), an<br />

estimate of the target position is self reported and the<br />

tracker has a more accurate track history to extrapolate<br />

future positions. However, the MADS-B squittered reports<br />

(3) include both position and velocity measured by the<br />

reporting platform – minimizing the complexity and<br />

uncertainty in the receiver tracker.<br />

An additional level of total friend situational awareness is<br />

also enabled by the rich data content of the MADS-B<br />

status messages derived from the ADS-B catalog. The selfreporting<br />

form of surveillance building on ADS-B and<br />

Mode S information exchanges also provides a mechanism<br />

for communicating military-only messages that provide<br />

state and status information on the ADS-B/MADS-B<br />

communications channel at 1090 MHz and the<br />

interrogation channel used by civil Mode S and M5L1 at<br />

1030 MHz.<br />

Knowing and mapping the interference levels – power and<br />

message rate information – at the aircraft source can<br />

enable the surveillance network to identify sources of<br />

over-interrogation and jamming, and where and when<br />

Figure 4 Tracking Improvements with MADS-B<br />

5 of 6<br />

MADS-B Provides<br />

Position & Velocity<br />

Reports + Status Data<br />

Provides Accurate Predicted<br />

Track from Aircraft NAV<br />

System – Best data source!<br />

• Receiver tracker minimal!<br />

alternative methods of friend identification and ATM are<br />

required.<br />

In addition to creating a ‘network view’ of the ATM/IFF<br />

communications channels, there are additional<br />

opportunities to expand MADS-B capabilities to meet a<br />

number of unmet military surveillance and identification<br />

needs using the self-reporting method to minimize selfinterference<br />

and exploit the interoperability advantage<br />

offered within M5L2. These include providing greatly<br />

expanded information on the state and status of each<br />

friendly aircraft and its crew. This is a major leap from the<br />

pre-Mode 5 IFF ID where the result of an interrogation<br />

was simply whether you were a friend and your<br />

approximate location, to MADS-B with extensive<br />

information on aircraft and crew in real-time that would be<br />

universally available to US and Allied militaries.<br />


MADS-B is a robust, universal IFF upgrade that tracks the<br />

most significant civil <strong>ATC</strong> surveillance update in the last<br />

50 years. It provides a low-signal-density solution to the<br />

IFF problem of self-interference losses due to over<br />

interrogation. MADS-B provides for a transition to a<br />

network enabled IFF system to solve the most severe IFF<br />

operational problem of fratricide due to the IFF<br />

transponder being ‘turned off’ because of excessive<br />

interrogation. Performance and integrity are now<br />

monitored largely within the system. Use of the existing<br />

Mark XIIA Mode 5 Level 2 waveform and key ADS-B<br />

tracking system elements assures that MADS-B<br />

performance will remain current with any mandated civil<br />

ADS-B tracking updates without need for additional<br />

military interoperability coordination.


[1.] RTCA/DO-260A, Minimum Operational Performance<br />

Standards for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic<br />

Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic<br />

Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B), April 10, 2003<br />

[2.] Frain, S., Van Sickle, G., “CNS/ATM for Tactical<br />

Military Aircraft”, Digital Avionics Systems Conference,<br />

2003, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 4.D.1-1 – 4.D.1-9.<br />

[3.] Van Sickle, G. The Military Utility of ADS-B,<br />

presented at the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System<br />

(<strong>ATC</strong>RBS), Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Mark XIIA<br />

System (AIMS) Conference 2008, San Antonio, TX<br />

[4.] STANAG 4193, North Atlantic Treaty Organization<br />

(NATO) NATO Standardization Agency (NSA)<br />

Standardization Agreement (STANAG), Technical<br />

Characteristics of IFF Mk XA and Mk XII, Interrogators<br />

and Transponders - Part V: Technical Description of the<br />

Mk XIIA System, 2007<br />

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