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Edition 2010/2011

Unternehmen Inhalt Company · Content<br />

Unternehmen · Company II<br />

Kooperationen · Cooperations IV<br />

Katalogleitfaden · Catalogue guide V<br />

Eigenfertigung · In-house production X<br />

Unser Portfolio · Our portfolio XIV<br />

Inhalt · Content 1 - 75<br />

Ref.-Nr. > <strong>febi</strong> Nr. ·<br />

Ref. number > <strong>febi</strong> number 76 - 85<br />

<strong>febi</strong> Nr. > Ref.-Nr. ·<br />

<strong>febi</strong> number > ref. number 86 - 95<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com Schutzgebühr · Protection Costs 2,55 €<br />


Lösungen „Made in Germany“<br />

– weltweit zu Hause<br />

Mit mehr als 20.000 verschiedenen Teilen im Sortiment<br />

bieten wir ein stetig wachsendes Komplettprogramm<br />

für die professionelle Fahrzeugreparatur aller<br />

gängigen Modelle.<br />

Kundeninteressen im Fokus<br />

Bei uns als starkem Partner von Handel und Werkstatt<br />

haben Qualitätssicherung und Service-Orientierung<br />

oberste Priorität. Daher finden Sie bei <strong>febi</strong> nur<br />

Produkte in geprüfter Erstausrüstungsqualität.<br />

Zukunft im Blick<br />

Als Lieferant und Hersteller nutzen wir unser langjähriges<br />

Know-how und modernste Fertigungstechnologien,<br />

um den steigenden Erwartungen<br />

des Marktes jederzeit zu entsprechen.<br />

Kontinuierlich investieren wir daher bei <strong>febi</strong> in den<br />

II<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Ausbau unserer Eigenfertigung, in Prüfeinrichtungen<br />

und Maschinenparks. Denn nur so können wir unserem<br />

Anspruch und den Erwartungen unserer Partner an<br />

eine überzeugende Qualitätssicherung gerecht werden.<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein Mehrwerte<br />

• Erstausrüstungsqualität<br />

• Lösungen „Made in Germany“<br />

• Herstellerkompetenz<br />

• Triple-Checking-System<br />

• Technologieführer<br />

• Lieferung „Just in time“ in 140 Länder<br />


Solutions „Made in Germany“<br />

– at home all over the world<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein is one of the world’s leading manufacturers<br />

and suppliers of passenger car and commercial<br />

vehicle spare parts in the independent aftermarket.<br />

With a product line of over 20,000 different parts,<br />

we offer a complete and constantly growing range<br />

of professional vehicle repair products for all current<br />

vehicle models.<br />

Focusing on our<br />

customers’ interests<br />

As a strong partner to the vehicle trade and workshops,<br />

our top priorities are quality assurance and service.<br />

This is why you will only find products of tested<br />

original equipment quality at <strong>febi</strong>.<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Unternehmen · Company<br />

Looking to the future<br />

As a supplier and manufacturer, we use the know-how<br />

we have acquired over many years and state-of-the-art<br />

manufacturing technologies in order to meet the<br />

growing expectations of the market at all times.<br />

For this reason we are continually investing in the<br />

expansion of our in-house production, testing<br />

equipment and machinery at <strong>febi</strong>. Only this way are<br />

we able to fulfil both our own requirements and our<br />

partners‘ expectations in terms of credible quality<br />

assurance.<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein added value<br />

• Original equipment quality<br />

• Solutions Made in Germany<br />

• Manufacturing expertise<br />

• Triple-checking system<br />

• Technology leader<br />

• Just in time delivery in 140 countries<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com III

Das A-Team<br />

– Automotive<br />

Aftermarket Alliance<br />

Drei Spezialisten – eine<br />

überzeugende Partnerschaft<br />

Seit 2009 ist <strong>febi</strong> bilstein Teil einer leistungsstarken<br />

Partnerschaft zwischen drei der führenden<br />

Automotive Suppliern. Gemeinsam bietet das A-Team<br />

lösungsorientierte Komplettpakete für Ausstattung<br />

und Service von freien Werkstätten. Ausgerichtet auf<br />

deren spezielle Bedürfnisse vereint das A-Team die drei<br />

Bereiche: Diagnose – Ersatzteile – Werkzeuge.<br />

AVL DiTEST – Der Diagnosespezialist setzt<br />

mit seinen Produktlösungen zur Kfz-Diagnose und<br />

-Messtechnik neue technologische Maßstäbe.<br />

GEDORE • KLANN – Der Werkzeugspezialist<br />

gehört zu den führenden Herstellern von Spezialwerkzeugen<br />

für die professionelle Fahrzeugreparatur.<br />

www.avlditest.de · www.<strong>febi</strong>.com · www.gedore.de · www.klann-online.de<br />

IV<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Kooperationen · Cooperations<br />

www.a-team-alliance.com<br />

The A-Team<br />

– Automotive<br />

Aftermarket Alliance<br />

Three experts – one winning<br />

partnership<br />

Since 2009, <strong>febi</strong> bilstein has been part of a powerful<br />

partnership of three of the leading automotive suppliers.<br />

Together, the A-Team offers complete solution-oriented<br />

equipment and service packages for independent<br />

workshops. Tailored to their specific needs, the A-Team<br />

combines the three areas of: diagnostics – spare parts –<br />

tools.<br />

AVL DiTEST – The diagnostics specialist is setting<br />

new technological standards with its product solutions<br />

for motor vehicle diagnostics and measuring technology.<br />

GEDORE • KLANN – The tool specialist is<br />

one of the leading manufacturers of special tools for<br />

professional vehicle repairs.<br />


D<br />

Katalogleitfaden · Catalogue guide · Manuel du catalogue<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Guía del catálogo · Guida cataloghi<br />

Benutzerhinweise:<br />

übersichtlich und einfach<br />

Im <strong>febi</strong> Katalog befinden sich folgende Angaben:<br />

1 Foto<br />

2 Referenznummer<br />

3 Verwendungsdetails<br />

4 <strong>febi</strong> Nr.<br />

F<br />

Information utilisateur:<br />

claire et simple<br />

Les indications suivantes se trouvent<br />

dans le catalogue <strong>febi</strong>:<br />

1 Photo<br />

2 N° de référence<br />

3 Applications détaillées<br />

4 N° <strong>febi</strong><br />

E<br />

Para el usuario:<br />

claro y simple<br />

En el catálogo <strong>febi</strong> se encuentran los siguientes datos:<br />

1 Foto<br />

2 Número de referencia<br />

3 Detalles de aplicación<br />

4 Nº de <strong>febi</strong><br />

I<br />

Indicazioni per l‘utente:<br />

chiare e semplici<br />

Nel catalogo <strong>febi</strong> vi sono i seguenti dati:<br />

1 Foto<br />

2 N. di riferimento<br />

3 Dettagli relativi all‘applicazione<br />

4 Nr. <strong>febi</strong><br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

Bild Vergleichs-Nr. Bezeichnung <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

23276<br />

906 200 24 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

23277<br />

906 200 26 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t. (mot.) OM 902, 904, 906, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

24936<br />

457 200 21 70 (mot.) OM 457, 460, 476<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30589<br />

460 200 07 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM460, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30590<br />

541 200 13 70 Axor Iran, Actros I, Axor I + II, Actros II + III, (mot.) 457, 541, 542<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30722<br />

457 200 31 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30868<br />

457 200 22 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Econic, LK, Unimog<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 476, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30946<br />

906 200 45 70 Accelo, Atego I + II, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Ecconic, LK, Linha Tradicional, Unimog,<br />

Vario, Zetros, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 925, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30947<br />

906 200 39 70 Atego I + II, Atego, 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, LK, (mot.) OM 902, 906, 925, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

30949<br />

457 200 30 70 Axor Iran, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

31071<br />

541 200 26 70 Actros I, Actros II +III, (mot.) 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Riemenspanner für Klimakompressor<br />

28185<br />

000 200 15 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor (iran), Axor I + II, Actros I, Actros II, Econic, Unimog<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 542, 906, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Rollenstößel<br />

24867<br />

541 050 07 22 (mot.) OM 457, OM 460, OM 501, OM 502<br />

Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind ausschließlich dem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zuzuführen.<br />

Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen.<br />

Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind ausschließlich dem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zuzuführen.<br />

Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen.<br />

Benz LKW 24867<br />

Rollenstößel<br />

Mercedes<br />

Benz LKW 28185<br />

Riemenspanner für Klimakompressor<br />

Mercedes<br />

Benz LKW 31071<br />

Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

Mercedes<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com V<br />

GB<br />

User notes:<br />

clear and simple<br />

The <strong>febi</strong> catalogue contains the following information:<br />

1 Photo<br />

2 Reference number<br />

3 Application details<br />

4 <strong>febi</strong> number<br />

541 050 07 22<br />

000 200 15 70<br />

541 200 26 70<br />

457 200 30 70<br />

Benz LKW 30949<br />

Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

Mercedes<br />

906 200 39 70<br />

Benz LKW 30947<br />

Riemenspanner für Keilrippenriemen<br />

Mercedes<br />

906 200 45 70<br />

(mot.) OM 457, OM 460, OM 501, OM 502<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor (iran), Axor I + II, Actros I, Actros II, Econic, Unimog<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 542, 906, 926<br />

Actros I, Actros II +III, (mot.) 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Axor Iran, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Atego I + II, Atego, 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, LK, (mot.) OM 902, 906, 925, 926<br />

Accelo, Atego I + II, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Ecconic, LK, Linha Tradicional, Unimog,<br />

Vario, Zetros, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 925, 926<br />

57<br />

57<br />


VI<br />

Umschlüsselungsliste<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. Katalogseite<br />

Umschlüsselungsliste<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. Katalogseite<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. Seite<br />

22896 <strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. 50 10 553 544 Seite<br />

69<br />

22896<br />

22897 22897<br />

50 10 553 544<br />

5 0035 5 0419 0035 0419<br />

69<br />

20<br />

20<br />

22898<br />

22898 22899<br />

0 9944 9176<br />

5 0406 0 5877 9944 9176<br />

20<br />

21<br />

20<br />

22972<br />

22899 22973<br />

5 0415 3873<br />

5 0410 5 6749 0406 5877<br />

20<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22974<br />

22972 22975<br />

5 0400 6261<br />

5 0404 5 6191 0415 3873<br />

21<br />

20<br />

20<br />

22976<br />

22973 23141<br />

655 410 00 22<br />

904 5 205 0410 04 06 6749<br />

44<br />

47<br />

20<br />

23157<br />

22974 23208<br />

904 200 11 22<br />

000 5 869 0400 40 21 6261<br />

65<br />

13<br />

21<br />

23208<br />

22975 23209<br />

000 869 40 21<br />

000 5 860 0404 47 26 6191<br />

59<br />

12<br />

20<br />

23209<br />

22976 23214<br />

000 860 47 26 59<br />

000 655 018 57 35 410 00 2250 44<br />

23261<br />

23141 23261<br />

457 200 10 70 14<br />

457 904 200 10 70 205 04 0663 47<br />

23263<br />

23157 23264<br />

457 200 16 70 56<br />

457 904 200 17 70 200 11 22 11<br />

65<br />

23264<br />

23208 23265<br />

457 200 17 70 56<br />

457 000 200 19 70 869 40 2156 13<br />

23266<br />

23208 23267<br />

541 200 15 70 56<br />

541 000 200 16 70 869 40 2156 59<br />

23268<br />

23209 23269<br />

541 202 02 19 63<br />

000 860 47 26 904 200 00 70 56<br />

12<br />

23270 23209 23271<br />

906 200 06 70 56<br />

000 860 47 26 906 200 12 70 55<br />

59<br />

23272 23214 23273<br />

23274 23261 23275<br />

23276 23261 23277<br />

23263 23337<br />

23357<br />

23264 23357<br />

23363<br />

23264 23365<br />

23367<br />

23265 23464<br />

23467<br />

23266 23471<br />

906 200 11 70 64<br />

000 018 57 35 906 200 13 70 56<br />

906 200 18 70 56<br />

457 200 10 70 906 200 23 70 56<br />

906 200 24 70 57<br />

457 200 10 70 906 200 26 70 57<br />

000 457 550 06 33 200 16 7064 442 200 07 73 7<br />

442 457 200 07 73 200 17 7043 50 10 412 956 70<br />

50 10 457 412 957 200 17 7069 50 10 553 993 70<br />

0 0444 457 8131200 19 7017 5 0038 2599 17<br />

942 541 326 00 50 200 15 7061 50<br />

14<br />

63<br />

56<br />

11<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

23475<br />

23267 23475<br />

396 326 00 81 13<br />

396 541 326 00 81 200 16 7061 56<br />

23483<br />

23268 23485<br />

970 320 01 44 40<br />

943 541 323 86 84 202 02 1936 63<br />

23499<br />

23269<br />

000 328 45 30 47<br />

904 200 00 70 56<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. Seite<br />

23503 000 350 24 05 53<br />

23543 000 550 11 33 14<br />

23546 0 0484 0434 17<br />

23547 5 0412 7558 17<br />

23557 20531967 74<br />

23597 542 140 00 63 55<br />

23607 1628 148 2<br />

23611 0 6132 0629 18<br />

23611 51.01804.7028 29<br />

23613 0 6132 0629 S1 18<br />

23613 51.01804.7028 S1 29<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 11<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 56<br />

23727 0 6131 8396 19<br />

23728 0 0477 0250 19<br />

23829 1608 402 1<br />

23829 0 4253 3410 17<br />

23830 0 4253 3783 17<br />

23832 0 4253 3785 17<br />

23833 0 4253 3841 17<br />

23836 1250 299 1<br />

23840 1321 936 2<br />

23840 0 9316 3617 19<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 13<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 61<br />

23946 441 130 00 08 66<br />

23947 541 130 00 08 66<br />

23948 541 130 01 08 66<br />

24067 5 0030 4249 21<br />

24068 1343 064 3<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 15<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 65<br />

24337 000 720 06 16 63<br />

24338 941 723 01 20 63<br />

24352 641 810 00 12 61<br />

24441 81.96210.0553 29<br />

24442 81.96210.6072 29<br />

24448 81.25509.0123 27<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 15<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 65<br />

24472 81.41715.6013 30<br />

24474 81.41715.6014 30<br />

24511 670 411 01 12 43<br />

24539 970 411 00 12 44<br />

24559 667 326 09 81 61<br />

24560 667 326 10 81 61<br />

24561 941 323 00 50 14<br />

24561 941 323 00 50 61<br />

Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind ausschließlich dem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zuzuführen.<br />

80<br />

Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen.<br />

23270 906 200 06 70 56<br />

23271 906 200 12 70 55<br />

23272 906 200 11 70 64<br />

23273 906 200 13 70 56<br />

80<br />

Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen.<br />

Gebrauch zuzuführen.<br />

Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind bestimmungsgemäßen dem ausschließlich 23274 906 200 18 70 56<br />

23275 906 200 23 70 56<br />

23499 000 328 45 30 47 24561 941 323 00 50 61<br />

23485 943 323 86 84 36 24561 941 323 00 50 14<br />

23483 970 320 01 44 40 24560 667 326 10 81 61<br />

23475 396 326 00 81 61 24559 667 326 09 81 61<br />

23475 396 326 00 81 13 24539 970 411 00 12 44<br />

24511 670 411 01 12 43<br />

23471 942 326 00 50 61<br />

2599 17 24474 81.41715.6014 30<br />

23467 5 0038<br />

23464 0 0444 8131 17 24472 81.41715.6013 30<br />

70<br />

65<br />

23367 24470 50 005 10 545 553 92 993 24<br />

10 545 92 24 15<br />

412 957 69<br />

23365 24470 50 005<br />

81.25509.0123 27<br />

23363 50 10 412 956 70 24448<br />

81.96210.6072 29<br />

07 73 43<br />

23357 442 200 24442<br />

81.96210.0553 29<br />

23357 442 200 07 73 7 24441<br />

12 61<br />

23337 000 550 06 33 64<br />

00 810 641 24352<br />

57<br />

70 26 200 906 23277 63<br />

20 01 723 941 24338<br />

23276 906 200 24 70 57<br />

23277 906 200 26 70 57<br />

23337 000 550 06 33 64<br />

23357 442 200 07 73 7<br />

23357 442 200 07 73 43<br />

23363 50 10 412 956 70<br />

23365 50 10 412 957 69<br />

23367 50 10 553 993 70<br />

23276 906 200 24 70 57 24337 000 720 06 16 63<br />

906 200 23 70 56 24253 541 130 27 19 65<br />

23275<br />

906 200 18 24253 541 130 27 19 15<br />

70 56<br />

23274<br />

13 70 200 906 23273 3<br />

064 1343 24068 56<br />

23464 0 0444 8131 17<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

D<br />

Ersatzteile finden:<br />

komfortabel und schnell<br />

• Sie kennen den Fahrzeugtyp und haben eine<br />

Referenznummer des Fahrzeugherstellers:<br />

Referenz-Nr. <strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Seitenzahl<br />

• Die Anordnung der Referenznummern entspricht der<br />

Sortierreihenfolge der Fahrzeughersteller.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Referenz-Nr. Seitenzahl<br />

• Diese Liste ist nach <strong>febi</strong>-Nr. aufsteigend sortiert.<br />

Hinweis: Eine Liste der Symbole und Abkürzungen<br />

mit Erklärungen in verschiedenen Sprachen finden<br />

Sie auf der Katalog-Umschlagseite.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-Nr. Vergleichs-Nr. Seite<br />

23503 000 350 24 05 53<br />

23543 000 550 11 33 14<br />

23546 0 0484 0434 17<br />

23547 5 0412 7558 17<br />

23557 20531967 74<br />

23597 542 140 00 63 55<br />

23607 1628 148 2<br />

23611 0 6132 0629 18<br />

23611 51.01804.7028 29<br />

23613 0 6132 0629 S1 18<br />

23613 51.01804.7028 S1 29<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 11<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 56<br />

23727 0 6131 8396 19<br />

23728 0 0477 0250 19<br />

23829 1608 402 1<br />

23829 0 4253 3410 17<br />

23830 0 4253 3783 17<br />

23832 0 4253 3785 17<br />

23833 0 4253 3841 17<br />

23836 1250 299 1<br />

23840 1321 936 2<br />

23840 0 9316 3617 19<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 13<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 61<br />

23946 441 130 00 08 66<br />

23947 541 130 00 08 66<br />

23948 541 130 01 08 66<br />

24067 5 0030 4249 21<br />

24068 1343 064 3<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 15<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 65<br />

24337 000 720 06 16 63<br />

24338 941 723 01 20 63<br />

24352 641 810 00 12 61<br />

24441 81.96210.0553 29<br />

24442 81.96210.6072 29<br />

24448 81.25509.0123 27<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 15<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 65<br />

24472 81.41715.6013 30<br />


GB<br />

Find every part:<br />

quick and convenient<br />

• You know the vehicle type and the vehicle<br />

manufacturer‘s reference number:<br />

Reference number <strong>febi</strong> number Page<br />

number<br />

• The positioning of the reference numbers<br />

corresponds to the vehicle manufacturers‘ sorting<br />

sequence.<br />

<strong>febi</strong> number Reference number Page<br />

number<br />

• This list is sorted by <strong>febi</strong> number in ascending order.<br />

Note: On the catalogue cover, you will find a list<br />

of symbols and abbreviations with explanations in<br />

different languages.<br />

E<br />

Katalogleitfaden · Catalogue guide · Manuel du catalogue<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Guía del catálogo · Guida cataloghi<br />

Búsqueda de cualquier<br />

recambio: rápida y<br />

cómoda<br />

• Sabe usted cuál es el tipo de vehículo y tiene un<br />

número de referencia del fabricante del vehículo:<br />

Nº de referencia Nº de <strong>febi</strong> Nº de página<br />

• La clasificación de los números de referencia<br />

corresponden al orden de clasificación de los<br />

fabricantes de vehículos.<br />

Nº de <strong>febi</strong> Nº de referencia Nº de página<br />

• En esta lista se indican las referencias de <strong>febi</strong> en<br />

orden ascendiente.<br />

Nota: En la cubierta del catálogo usted encuentra<br />

un listado de todos los símbolos y las abreviaciones<br />

respectivamente, en los diferentes idiomas.<br />

Trouvez vos pièces<br />

facilement et rapidement<br />

• Vous connaissez le type du véhicule et avez la<br />

référence de son constructeur:<br />

Référence N° <strong>febi</strong> Numéro de page<br />

• Le classement des références correspond à l’ordre<br />

de classement du constructeur de véhicules.<br />

N° <strong>febi</strong> Référence Numéro de page<br />

• Cette liste est triée par référence <strong>febi</strong>, en ordre<br />

croissant.<br />

Note: Sur la couverture du catalogue, vous trouverez<br />

la liste des symboles et des abréviations avec les<br />

explications dans différentes langues.<br />

Trovate comodamente<br />

e velocemente i pezzi<br />

di ricambio<br />

• Se si è a conoscenza del tipo di veicolo e inoltre in<br />

possesso di un numero di riferimento del costruttore<br />

del veicolo:<br />

Rif. comparativo Rif. <strong>febi</strong> Page N°<br />

La classificazione dei numeri di riferimento<br />

corrisponde alla sequenza utilizzata dai costruttori.<br />

Rif. <strong>febi</strong> Rif. comparativo Page N°<br />

• Questa lista è per riferimento <strong>febi</strong> in ordine crescente.<br />

Nota: Nell‘interno della copertina troverete una lista di<br />

simboli e abbreviazioni e relative spiegazioni in diverse<br />

lingue.<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com VII<br />

F<br />


Eigenfertigung – Die Lizenz<br />

für Spitzenprodukte<br />

„Made in Germany” ist für uns Anspruch und Qualitätszusage<br />

zugleich. Im Zuge der stetigen Sortimentserweiterung<br />

haben wir den Anteil der Eigenfertigungsteile<br />

an unserem Gesamtsortiment deutlich erhöht und<br />

kontinuierlich in die Modernisierung unseres Maschinenparks<br />

investiert.<br />

Bereits seit 1844 ist <strong>febi</strong> in der Metallverarbeitung<br />

aktiv und verfügt damit über ein hohes Maß an<br />

Erfahrung. Diese Kombination aus Know-how und<br />

Präzisionstechnik fließt in die Entwicklung jedes<br />

Serienteils und ermöglicht die Herstellung selbst<br />

anspruchsvollster Produkte.<br />

Wertschöpfung produzieren<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bietet Ihnen ein komplettes Bearbeitungsspektrum<br />

mit hoher Präzision als Dienstleistung „aus einer<br />

Hand” an. Die Fertigungsbereiche umfassen nahezu<br />

die vollständige Produktionskette: Von Werkzeugbau<br />

und Zerspanung über die Härterei bis hin zur<br />

VIII<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Qualitätssicherung mit eigenem Messraum. Die<br />

Einhaltung höchster Qualitätsstandards bei jedem<br />

Schritt ist für uns als Hersteller selbstverständlich.<br />

Herstellerkompetenz<br />

auf allen Ebenen<br />

Vertrauen Sie auf die Fertigungskompetenz aus<br />

dem Hause <strong>febi</strong> bilstein: Durch einen gezielten<br />

Wissens-Transfer vom Herstellungs- auf den<br />

Beschaffungsprozess legen wir auch bei der<br />

Produktion in unserem Auftrag die gleichen hohen<br />

Qualitätskriterien an wie bei der Eigenfertigung.<br />

Geprüfte <strong>febi</strong>-Qualität:<br />

• Made in Germany<br />

• Modernster Maschinenpark<br />

• Breites Bearbeitungsspektrum<br />

• Facharbeiterquote > 80%<br />

Passgenauigkeit und<br />

Präzision stehen bei <strong>febi</strong><br />

bilstein an erster Stelle.<br />

Fitting accuracy and<br />

precision is our priority.<br />


Committed to providing<br />

first class products.<br />

„Made in Germany“ for us means both high quality<br />

standards and commitment. As we have continuously<br />

developed our range, we have also considerably<br />

increased the proportion of in-house production<br />

parts and constantly invested in high-tech production<br />

technologies.<br />

<strong>febi</strong> has been machining metal parts since 1844<br />

and is therefore highly experienced in this area. This<br />

combination of knowhow and precision technology<br />

lends itself to the development of every massproduced<br />

product and enables the production of even the most<br />

demanding parts.<br />

Value Creation<br />

<strong>febi</strong> is a „one-stop-shop“ for a complete range of<br />

high-precision production services. Our production<br />

processes cover nearly the whole production<br />

spectrum: From tool-making and machining, to<br />

hardening and in-house quality assurance and testing.<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Eigenfertigung · In-house production<br />

As a manufacturer we recognise the need to maintain<br />

the highest quality standards at every step of the<br />

production process.<br />

Manufacturer competence<br />

at all levels<br />

You can put your trust in <strong>febi</strong> bilstein’s manufacturing<br />

competence: By transferring know-how from the<br />

manufacturing process to the purchasing process, we<br />

apply the same high quality criteria to both partner<br />

production and in-house production.<br />

Certified <strong>febi</strong>-quality:<br />

• Made in Germany<br />

• Cutting-edge machinery<br />

• Wide production range<br />

• 80% skilled worker quota<br />

Ein vielseitiger, moderner Maschinenpark<br />

ermöglicht <strong>febi</strong> bilstein die Herstellung anspruchsvoller<br />

Teile.<br />

Flexible, modern manufacturing equipment<br />

allows <strong>febi</strong> bilstein to produce demanding<br />

parts.<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com IX

Rundum versorgt<br />

mit Ölpumpen von<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein<br />

Alle von <strong>febi</strong> produzierten Ölpumpen zeichnen<br />

sich durch ein Höchstmaß an Qualität<br />

aus. Jedes einzelne Teil wird hochpräzise<br />

gefertigt und unterliegt einer strengen 100%<br />

Kontrolle. Damit erwerben Sie Spitzenprodukte<br />

in Erstausrüsterqualität.<br />

Auch in punkto Lieferbarkeit können Sie<br />

Höchstleistungen von uns erwarten. Jedes<br />

bestellte Ersatzteil kommt innerhalb kürzester<br />

Zeit in Ihre Werkstatt. Unser ausgefeiltes<br />

Logistikkonzept und unser hochmodernes,<br />

automatisches Lager garantieren eine schnelle<br />

Teileverfügbarkeit und kurze Standzeiten.<br />

Fertigung einer Ölpumpe · Production of an oil pump<br />

An der CNC-gesteuerten<br />

Drehmaschine „TWIN 42“<br />

werden Antriebswelle und<br />

Laufwelle gefertigt.<br />

At the CNC-controlled lathe,<br />

the oil pump drive shafts are<br />

manufactured.<br />

X<br />

Im zweiten Schritt folgt die<br />

Härtung der Antriebswellen.<br />

Next, the drive shafts<br />

are hardenend.<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Das Bearbeitungszentrum<br />

für Gehäuse und Deckel<br />

(HELLER MC 16).<br />

The machining centre<br />

for housing and cover<br />

(HELLER MC 16).<br />

Every need is catered<br />

for with <strong>febi</strong> bilstein<br />

oil pumps<br />

Every oil pump produced by <strong>febi</strong> is of outstanding<br />

quality. Manufactured to a level of<br />

high precision, each and every part is subject<br />

to rigorous testing. The end result is a first<br />

class OE quality product.<br />

Where availability is concerned, expect only<br />

the best service from us. Every single spare<br />

part is delivered to your workshop in a timely<br />

manner. Our finely tuned logistics and our<br />

modern, automatic warehouse guarantee<br />

quick availability and shorter<br />

repair times.<br />

In der Endmontage erfolgt<br />

der Zusammenbau von<br />

Gehäuse und Deckel.<br />

Assembling the housing and<br />

cover together.<br />

Am Ölpumpenprüfstand<br />

wird jedes Teil unter strengster<br />

Kontrolle geprüft.<br />

At the oil pump test rig each<br />

part is rigorously tested.<br />


Achsschenkelbolzensatz<br />

– made by <strong>febi</strong><br />

Achsbolzen, Buchsen und Lager sind sicherheitsrelevante<br />

Verschleißteile. Maßliche Abweichungen, zu geringe<br />

Härtungstiefen und mangelnde Qualität können u.a. zu<br />

Ausfällen der Lenkung und Beeinträchtigung der Bremswirkung<br />

führen. Dies kann folgenschwere Auswirkungen<br />

haben.<br />

z.B. <strong>febi</strong>-Nr. 06015<br />

Achsschenkelbolzensatz<br />

passend für EVOBUS und<br />

Mercedes-Benz LKW<br />

Unternehmen Company<br />

Eigenfertigung · In-house production<br />

King pins, bushes and bearings are safety critical wear<br />

parts. Incorrect dimensions, insufficient hardening and<br />

lack of quality can, amongst other reasons, cause failure<br />

in the steering system and will affect the braking ability.<br />

This can result in serious consequences.<br />

passgenau – sicher – langlebig · precise – safe – durable<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein bietet Ihnen die sichere Alternative: durch die<br />

maßgenaue Fertigung können Sie sich auf die Qualität von<br />

<strong>febi</strong> Achsschenkelbolzen verlassen.<br />

King Pin Sets<br />

– made by <strong>febi</strong><br />

e.g. <strong>febi</strong> no. 06015<br />

King Pin Set for EVOBUS and<br />

Mercedes-Benz trucks<br />

<strong>febi</strong> bilstein offers the safe alternative: precisely produced<br />

king pins of outstanding quality.<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com XI

Unternehmen Company<br />

Alle NKW-Kataloge All Commercial<br />

Vehicle Catalogues<br />

Auch diese Kataloge könnten Sie interessieren.<br />

Bitte notieren Sie sich die Katalognummer und<br />

bestellen Sie direkt unter www.<strong>febi</strong>.com<br />

XII<br />

You might find these catalogues of interest as well.<br />

Please note the catalogue number and order<br />

directly from www.<strong>febi</strong>.com<br />

Linienkataloge NKW · Line Catalogues for Commercial Vehicles<br />

90361 Bremsklotz / Bremsscheibe<br />

Brake Pad / Brake Disc<br />

90203 Elektrik<br />

Electrics<br />

90223 Fahrerhauskomponenten<br />

Cabin components<br />

90210 <strong>febi</strong>plus · D<br />

90211 <strong>febi</strong>plus · GB<br />

90204 Gasdruckfedern<br />

Gas Pressure Springs<br />

Buskataloge · Bus Catalogues<br />

PDF EvoBus<br />

PDF EvoBus Citaro<br />

PDF MAN Neoplan<br />

PDF Volvo/Scania Bus<br />

90158 Lenkung und Aufhängung<br />

Steering and Suspension<br />

90125 Radbefestigung<br />

Wheel Fastening<br />

90345 Riementriebkomponenten<br />

Belt Drive Components<br />

90207 Stabilisatorlager<br />

Stabilizer Mountings<br />

90220 Wasserpumpen<br />

Water Pumps<br />

90338 Zubehör für Druckluft, Elektrik<br />

Accessories for Compressed Air, Electrics<br />

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bus- und Achsenkataloge<br />

nicht in gedruckter Form vorliegen. Sie können sie<br />

direkt bei <strong>febi</strong> anfordern!<br />

Please note that the bus and axle catalogues are<br />

not available in printed form. You can request these<br />

directly from <strong>febi</strong>!<br />


Unternehmen Company<br />

Unser Portfolio · Our portfolio<br />

Typenkataloge NKW CD-ROM ·<br />

Type Catalogues for Commercial Vehicles CD-ROM<br />

90208 MAN TGA<br />

D, GB, F, I, E, RU, PL<br />

90160 MB Actros, Axor<br />

D, GB, F, I, E, RU, PL<br />

90209 MB LK-Atego<br />

D, GB, F, I, E, RU, PL<br />

90026 DAF · D, GB<br />

90360 DAF XF · D, GB<br />

90037 Iveco · D, GB<br />

90219 Iveco Stralis · D, GB<br />

90001 Kleintransporter / Vans · GB<br />

90002 Kleintransporter / Vans · E<br />

90039 MAN · D, GB<br />

90206 MAN TGA · D, GB<br />

90218 MAN TGS/TGX · D, GB<br />

90335 MB Actros, Axor · GB<br />

90157 MB L + LP Types,<br />

MK + SK Serie/Series,<br />

Actros + Atego · GB<br />

90779 Scania Serie/Series 4<br />

D, GB, F, I, E, RU, PL<br />

90202 Volvo FH 12/16<br />

D, GB, F, I, E, RU, PL<br />

Typenkataloge NKW · Type Catalogues for Commercial Vehicles<br />

90205 MB LK-Atego · D, GB<br />

90042 Renault · D, GB<br />

90045 Scania · D, GB<br />

90221 Scania P/G/R/T · D, GB<br />

90050 Volvo · D, GB<br />

90222 Volvo FH · D, GB<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com XIII

Unternehmen Company<br />

Alle PKW-Kataloge All Car Catalogues<br />

Auch diese Kataloge könnten Sie interessieren.<br />

Bitte notieren Sie sich die Katalognummer und<br />

bestellen Sie direkt unter www.<strong>febi</strong>.com<br />

Linienkataloge PKW · Line Catalogues for Cars<br />

90135 Achs- und Lenkmanschetten<br />

Axle and Steering Boots<br />

90159 Bremsklotz, Bremsscheibe<br />

Brake Pads, Brake Discs<br />

90161 Elektrik · Electrics<br />

90665 <strong>febi</strong>plus · D<br />

90300 Gasfedern und Dämpfer<br />

Gas Springs and Dampers<br />

90155 Gummimetallteile für Fahrwerke<br />

Rubber/Metal Parts for Suspension<br />

90313 Kardanwellenzubehör<br />

Propeller Shaft Accessories<br />

90151 Lenkung und Aufhängung<br />

Steering and Suspension<br />

XIV<br />

You might find these catalogues of interest as well.<br />

Please note the catalogue number and order<br />

directly from www.<strong>febi</strong>.com<br />

90154 Motor- und Getriebelager<br />

Engine and Transmission Mountings<br />

90890 ProKit · D<br />

90921 ProKit · GB<br />

90126 Radlager, Radnaben<br />

Wheel Bearings, Wheel Hubs<br />

90357 Riementriebkomponenten Benzinmotoren<br />

Belt Drive Components · Petrol Engines<br />

90358 Riementriebkomponenten Dieselmotoren<br />

Belt Drive Components Diesel Engines<br />

90341 Zylinderkopfkomponenten<br />

Cylinder Head Components<br />


Unternehmen Company<br />

Unser Portfolio · Our portfolio<br />

Typenkataloge PKW CD-ROM · Type Catalogues for Cars CD-ROM<br />

90348 CD-ROM Asiaten<br />

Asian Cars<br />

D, GB, E, I, F, NL, PL,<br />

RUS, GR, FI, SE, RS<br />

90083 Asiatische PKW<br />

90084 Asian Cars · GB<br />

90085 ааааааааа ааааааааааа · RUS<br />

90350 BMW Special Edition · GB<br />

90352 Citroën Special Edition · GB<br />

90217 Ford Special Edition · GB<br />

90336 Mercedes-Benz Special Edition Car/LCV · GB<br />

90212 Opel Special Edition · GB<br />

90351 Peugeot Special Edition · GB<br />

90164 Peugeot · F<br />

90165 Peugeot · E<br />

90353 Renault Special Edition · GB<br />

90343 CD-ROM SUV<br />

D, GB<br />

Typenkataloge PKW · Type Catalogues for Cars<br />

90199 Renault · F<br />

90356 Seat/Škoda Special Edition · GB<br />

90302 Volvo · D<br />

90303 Volvo · GB<br />

90355 VW Special Edition · GB<br />

www.<strong>febi</strong>.com XV

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Bergische Achsen grease for roller bearing<br />

28193<br />

02.1040.45.00<br />

DAF belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23607<br />

1628 148<br />

DAF belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30397<br />

1783 407<br />

DAF bolt for cab. suspension<br />

19137<br />

1304 569<br />

DAF cab support<br />

01161<br />

1254 641<br />

DAF cab support<br />

18725<br />

1290 794<br />

DAF cab support<br />

18726<br />

1290 795<br />

DAF cab support<br />

28697<br />

1396 202<br />

DAF charger intake hose<br />

29152<br />

1204 236<br />

CF 85, CF 85 IV, XF 95, YTZ 95<br />

75 CF, CF 75<br />

95 XF, 95 XF 530, F 95, XF 95<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, F 65, F 75, F 85, F 95<br />

F 95<br />

F 95<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, F 65, F 75, F 85<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CONSTRUCTOR, F 2100/2500/2800/2900/3200<br />

/3300/3600, F 75, F 80, F 85, F 95, ROADTRAIN, XF 95<br />

L 117, Ø 107<br />

DAF coolant temperature sensor<br />

30666<br />

1252 439<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, F 65, F 85, F 95, FT 95 500, XF 95<br />

DAF cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

11545<br />

1235 571<br />

85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 30, F 1900, F 3200, F 3600, F 75, F 85, F 95, TT 2100<br />

DAF cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23829<br />

1608 402<br />

CF 75<br />

DAF cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23836<br />

1250 299<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, F 1900, F 2100, F 2300, F 2700, F 65, F 75, F 85<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


2<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

DAF cylinder head screw<br />

18476<br />

1698 228<br />

DAF cylinder head screw<br />

18477<br />

1698 230<br />

DAF cylinder head screw kit<br />

27404<br />

1698 228 S1<br />

DAF deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30396<br />

1356 457<br />

DAF door handle<br />

29164<br />

1305 481<br />

DAF door handle<br />

29165<br />

1305 482<br />

DAF flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 32005<br />

1442 512<br />

DAF flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 32006<br />

1314 029<br />

DAF gearshift Knob left-hand drive<br />

29168<br />

1285 260<br />

DAF lamella valve for compressor<br />

31518<br />

1331 141<br />

DAF release bearing<br />

19136<br />

1261 652<br />

DAF rep. kit axle rod<br />

23840<br />

1321 936<br />

DAF rep. kit cap suspension<br />

28738<br />

1396 202 S1<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 75, CF 85, F 65, F 75, F 85, F 95, XF 95<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 75, CF 85, F 65, F 75, F 85, F 95, XF 95<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 75, CF 85, F 65, F 75, F 85, F 95, XF 95<br />

75 CF, CF 75<br />

95 XF, 95 XF 530, F 95, XF 95, XF 105, YTZ 95<br />

95 XF, 95 XF 530, F 95, XF 95, XF 105, YTZ 95<br />

85 CF, 95 XF, CF 85, CF 85 II, CF 85 IV, F 95, XF 95, Ø A 488<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, Ø A 488<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CF 75, CF 85, F 75, F85, F 95, XF 95, XF 105<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 75, CF 85, CF 85 II, CF 85 IV, F 75, F 95, XF 95, YTZ 95<br />

F 65, F 75, F85, F 95, 75 CF<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, CF 75, CF 75 IV, CF 85, CF 85 IV, F 75, F 85<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, F 65, F 75, F 85<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

DAF repair kit compressor<br />

14666<br />

1517 929<br />

DAF repair kit V-ribbed belt<br />

30418<br />

1398 637 S1<br />

DAF shaft seal for steering gear<br />

29874<br />

0066 322<br />

DAF shift cylinder valve for splitter gearing with central plug<br />

22399<br />

1457 276<br />

DAF shift cylinder valve for splitter gearing with threaded connection 22398<br />

1457 275<br />

DAF solenoid valve for gearbox oil cooler<br />

30909<br />

1734 012<br />

DAF stabilizer mount<br />

29645<br />

1323 838<br />

75 CF, CF 75<br />

95XF, DROPS, F95, LF55, LF55 IV, ROADTRAIN<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CF 65, CF 75, CF 85, CF 85 IV, F 75<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, F 75, F 95<br />

CF 75 II, CF 75 IV, CF 85 II, CF 85 IV, XF 95, XF 105<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CF 65/75/85, F 1700, F 1900, F 65,<br />

F 75, F85, F 95, XF 95, XF 105<br />

DAF stabilizer mount<br />

29646<br />

1732 886<br />

65/75/85 CF, 95 XF, CF 65/75/85, F 1700, F 1900, F 2500, F 65/75/85, XF 95<br />

DAF stabilizer mount<br />

29647<br />

1287 999<br />

75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 75, CF 85, F 75, F 85, F 95, XF 95, XF 105, YTZ 95<br />

DAF valve for seat adjustment with attachment kit<br />

30726<br />

1439 977<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, CF 65, CF 75, CF 85, XF 95, XF 105, YTZ 95<br />

DAF wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

24068<br />

1343 064<br />

65/75/85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CF 65, CF 65 II, CF 65 IV, CF 75, CF 75 IV,<br />

CF 85, CF 85 IV, F 65/75/85/95, XF 95, XF 105, YTZ 95<br />

DAF water pump with gasket<br />

31737<br />

1778 280<br />

CF 85 II, XF 95, XF 95 II, XF 105<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


4<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

DAF working cylinder for seat adjustment<br />

30702<br />

1331 730<br />

Druckluft diaphragme cylindre with mounting kit<br />

28624<br />

925 371 300 0<br />

Druckluft lamella valve for compressor<br />

31518<br />

411 151 500 2<br />

Druckluft rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

01368<br />

-<br />

Druckluft rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

02276<br />

-<br />

Druckluft rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09104<br />

-<br />

Druckluft rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09105<br />

-<br />

Druckluft rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09129<br />

-<br />

Druckluft repair kit compressor<br />

14666<br />

411 033 801 2<br />

Druckluft valve plate for brake compressor with seals<br />

02572<br />

-<br />

EVOBUS axle rod<br />

21338<br />

357 330 31 11<br />

65 CF, 75 CF, 85 CF, 95 XF, 95 XF 530, CF 65/75, F 65/75/85/95, XF 95/105, YTZ 95<br />

O 301, O 302, O 303, O 304, O 305, O 307, O 330, O 340, O 402, O 405 O 405,<br />

O 407, O 408<br />

EVOBUS axle rod<br />

21342<br />

357 330 36 11 O 305 G, O 307<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS axle rod<br />

21346<br />

600 330 01 11<br />

EVOBUS axle rod<br />

21348<br />

357 333 02 05<br />

EVOBUS bearing bush<br />

18385<br />

4.771.449.000<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner<br />

23631<br />

541 200 25 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for air-conditioner compressor<br />

28185<br />

000 200 15 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23264<br />

457 200 17 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

24936<br />

457 200 21 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30589<br />

460 200 07 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30722<br />

457 200 31 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30815<br />

906 200 43 70<br />

EVOBUS belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30868<br />

457 200 22 70<br />

EVOBUS belt Riemenspanner tensioner for für v - Keilrippenriemen<br />

ribbed belt<br />

30946<br />

906 200 45 70<br />

EVOBUS bushing for stabilizer<br />

24562<br />

941 323 01 50<br />

O 302 S, O 303, O 304, O 317, O 330, O 340<br />

O 405, O 345<br />

S 213/214/215<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 502, OM 906, 926<br />

(mot.) OM 457<br />

(mot.) M 447, OM 457, 460<br />

(mot.) OM 460, 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 904, 924, 926, M 906<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 926, M 906<br />

(mot.) M 447, OM 457, 904, 906, 924, 926, M 906<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

OHL 1621<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


6<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

26516<br />

002 094 57 82 (mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

L 210, Ø 115<br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

26814<br />

002 094 52 82 (mot.) OM 442<br />

L 240, Ø 100<br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

26815<br />

002 094 63 82 O 340, O 345 CONECTO, O 350 Tourismo, O 405/407/408, O 530 CITARO<br />

L 200, Ø 100<br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

31532<br />

002 094 69 82 Capa City, Conecto, Integro, O 304/340/345, O 404/405/407/408, O 530<br />

Citaro, Tourismo, Setra Serie S<br />

L 100, Ø 100<br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

31537<br />

001 501 79 82 Conecto, O 530 Citaro, Setra Serie S<br />

L 195, Ø 85<br />

EVOBUS charger intake hose<br />

31817<br />

003 094 08 82 Travego, Setra Serie S<br />

L 210, Ø 115<br />

EVOBUS connecting rod for stabilizer, with nuts<br />

30272<br />

628 320 10 89 O345 Conecto, O 530 Citaro<br />

EVOBUS connecting rod for stabilizer, with nuts<br />

30273<br />

628 320 11 89 O345 Conecto, O 530 Citaro<br />

EVOBUS connecting rod for stabilizer, with nuts<br />

30274<br />

628 320 12 89 Capa City, O345 Conecto, O530 Citaro, Setra Serie S<br />

EVOBUS connecting rod for stabilizer, with nuts<br />

30275<br />

628 320 13 89 Capa City, O345 Conecto, O530 Citaro, Setra Serie S<br />

EVOBUS control arm joint for gearshift linkage<br />

26614<br />

000 996 85 45 /getr.) BM 712, 715<br />

EVOBUS control arm mounting kit<br />

15518<br />

129-24.14.101-02<br />

S1<br />

S 210 - S 215<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS cylinder head for air compressor<br />

24253<br />

541 130 27 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head for air compressor, without lamella valve<br />

14667<br />

407 130 05 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head for air compressor, without lamella valve<br />

14668<br />

442 130 32 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head in horizontal position, on the brake compressor 21068<br />

541 131 12 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head in horizontal position, on the brake compressor 28472<br />

541 131 12 19 S1<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head in vertical position, on the brake compressor 21067<br />

541 131 11 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head in vertical position, on the brake compressor 28476<br />

541 131 11 19 S1<br />

EVOBUS cylinder head to air compressor<br />

21052<br />

000 130 31 19<br />

EVOBUS cylinder liner with rings<br />

19944<br />

442 130 00 08<br />

EVOBUS cylinder liner with rings<br />

19946<br />

402 130 06 08<br />

EVOBUS deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23261<br />

457 200 10 70<br />

EVOBUS deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23543<br />

000 550 11 33<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 441, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 327, 335, 355, 360<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 441, 442, 443, 447, 449<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 441, 442, 443, 447, 449<br />

(mot.) OM 457<br />

Touro, O 500<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


8<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

28244<br />

000 550 17 33<br />

EVOBUS deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30948<br />

906 200 44 70<br />

EVOBUS drag link With castle nuts and split-pins<br />

22647<br />

613 333 01 05<br />

EVOBUS fan blade<br />

26699<br />

003 205 01 06<br />

EVOBUS flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 24960<br />

457 030 06 05<br />

EVOBUS flywheel screw<br />

24612<br />

906 032 01 71<br />

EVOBUS fuel filter with water trap<br />

29454<br />

000 477 13 02<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring<br />

14733<br />

59-249-150 N<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

14731<br />

90-245-700 N<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

15100<br />

000 750 30 80<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24691<br />

629 750 12 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24692<br />

629 750 02 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24693<br />

629 750 03 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24694<br />

629 750 04 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24695<br />

629 750 05 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24697<br />

629 750 07 36<br />

(mot.) M 447, OM 457, 906, 926<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 904, 906, 924, 926, M 906<br />

O 350 Tourismo, O 404<br />

(mot.) O 53 Citaro, O 345 Conecto<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502, 904, 906, 924, 926, M 906<br />

O 303, O 405<br />

O 580 Travego, S 412, S415, S 417, S 419, MBUE 15<br />

Travego, O 580 Travego, S 411, S 415, S 416, S 417, S 431<br />

Travego, O 580 Travego, S 411/415 S 416, S 417, S 431<br />

S 431 DT<br />

Travego, O 580 Travego, S 411, S 415, S 416, S 417<br />

Travego, O 580 Travego, S 411, S 415, S 416, S 417<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

24699<br />

629 750 09 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

26351<br />

629 750 19 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

26352<br />

629 750 16 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

26354<br />

629 750 11 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

26357<br />

629 750 14 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for baggage-compartment lid<br />

26358<br />

629 750 20 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

14735<br />

306-689-410 N<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

26355<br />

629 750 22 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

26356<br />

002 980 15 64<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

29462<br />

001 980 19 64<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for hatchback<br />

18614<br />

000 980 70 64<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for hatchback<br />

18615<br />

000 980 69 64<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for maintenance valve<br />

26353<br />

629 750 15 36<br />

EVOBUS gas pressure spring for tailboard<br />

24698<br />

629 750 08 36<br />

EVOBUS gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30703<br />

541 010 03 21<br />

EVOBUS gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30704<br />

541 010 04 21<br />

O 580 Travego, S 412/415, S 415, S 417, S 419, MBUE 15<br />

Travego, S 415, 417, 416<br />

S 415, 417, 416, Travego<br />

S 415<br />

S 415<br />

S 415, S 416, S 417, Travego<br />

O 580 Travego, S 412, S 415, S 417, S 419, MBUE 15<br />

S 411, S 415, S 416, S 417, S 431<br />

O 580 Travego, S 412, S 415, S 416, S 417, S 419, MBUE 15/19, Tourismo<br />

O 530 Citaro N 3, Touro<br />

O 303<br />

O 303<br />

S 415, S 417, S 416, Travego<br />

O 580 Travego, S 411, S 415, S 416, S 417<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


10<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30705<br />

541 010 16 21<br />

EVOBUS gasket set for cylinder head air compressor<br />

28236<br />

000 130 76 15<br />

EVOBUS gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21054<br />

000 130 13 20 S1<br />

EVOBUS gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21057<br />

442 130 00 20 S1<br />

EVOBUS gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21058<br />

441 130 02 20 S2<br />

EVOBUS hazard warning flasher<br />

24470<br />

005 545 92 24<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 327, 335, 355, 360<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

O 530 Citaro, O 345 Conecto, Integro, Intouro, Setra Serie S, Travego, O 580<br />

Travego, Tourismo, Touro, Tourino, O 350 Tourismo, O 301, 302, 303, 304, 330,<br />

340, 404, 500, 814<br />

EVOBUS hydraulic pump for power steering<br />

05789<br />

002 460 76 80 (mot.) OM 352, 355, 360, 401, 402, 403, 407<br />

EVOBUS king pin set<br />

19173<br />

8.919.800.430.0 S 210 - S 228, S 250 S, S 313 - S 319, S 315, S 317, S 319, SG 219, SG 221,<br />

SG 321, O 520 CITO<br />

EVOBUS king pin set<br />

19174<br />

8.919.800.432.0 S 210 - S 228, S 250 S, S 313 - S 319, S 315, S 317, S 319,<br />

SG 219, SG 221, SG 321, O 520 CITO<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS lamella valve for compressor<br />

31518<br />

000 131 57 04 (mot.) OM 457, 460, OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

EVOBUS lever for tension roller<br />

23357<br />

442 200 07 73 (mot.) OM 401, 402, 441, 442<br />

EVOBUS non return valve for fuel line<br />

29670<br />

541 098 00 57 OM 457, 501, 502, O 400<br />

EVOBUS oil pump<br />

27821<br />

906 180 06 01 OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

EVOBUS oil separator with seal ring<br />

22681<br />

000 018 13 35 OM 447, BM 449<br />

EVOBUS power-steering pump for steering gear<br />

27170<br />

002 460 08 80 (mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

EVOBUS power-steering pump for steering gear<br />

27670<br />

002 460 39 80 (mot) OM 501, 502<br />

EVOBUS pressure control valve for fuel line<br />

29677<br />

541 070 06 46 (mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit engine brake<br />

22658<br />

541 140 01 63 (mot.) OM 457, 460, 501<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit flywheel<br />

31384<br />

025 997 50 47 S1 (mot.) OM 457, 460<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit guide link<br />

15517<br />

179-23.30.213-02<br />

S1<br />

S 213, S 214, S 215<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit guide link<br />

18393<br />

179-23.30.211-02 S S 213, S 214, S 215<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for air compressor<br />

31860<br />

541 130 08 20 (mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


12<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

01368<br />

402 130 02 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

02276<br />

442 130 07 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09104<br />

441 130 02 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09105<br />

441 130 02 20 S<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09129<br />

442 130 00 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21053<br />

000 130 13 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21056<br />

402 130 02 20 S1<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21069<br />

541 130 06 20<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21809<br />

541 130 06 20 S1<br />

(mot.) OM 327, 335, 355, 360<br />

(mot.)OM 401, 402, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442, 443, 447<br />

(mot.) OM 327, 335, 355, 360<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 421, 422, 423<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lever for tension roller<br />

26835<br />

442 200 07 73 S1<br />

EVOBUS rep. kit lever for tension roller<br />

26836<br />

442 200 07 73 S2<br />

EVOBUS repair kit brake caliper<br />

29413<br />

000 420 07 82<br />

EVOBUS repair kit compressor<br />

14666<br />

8.311.225.899.0<br />

EVOBUS rocker arm for exhaust valve<br />

27552<br />

541 050 08 34<br />

EVOBUS rocker arm intake<br />

27553<br />

541 050 09 33<br />

EVOBUS rocker arm bushing exhaust<br />

27963<br />

541 055 06 50<br />

EVOBUS rocker arm bushing intake<br />

27962<br />

541 055 07 50<br />

EVOBUS rocker arm shaft with securing screws<br />

29146<br />

541 050 12 36 S1<br />

EVOBUS roller tappet<br />

24867<br />

541 050 07 22<br />

EVOBUS shaft seal for crankshaft<br />

31497<br />

022 997 76 47<br />

EVOBUS shift cylinder valve for auxiliary drive<br />

29849<br />

970 260 04 57<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 441, 442<br />

(mot.) OM 401/402/441/442, O304, O 350 Tourismo, O 340<br />

O 530 Citaro, O 500<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 421, 422, 423<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, 926, M 906<br />

OM 1518, 1519, 1622, 1623, 1626<br />

EVOBUS shift cylinder valve for gearshift aid<br />

27581<br />

002 260 20 57 O 345, O 403, O 404, O 530, O 550 Integro, Touro, O 350 Tourismo, O 580<br />

Travego, O500, S 411, S 412 , S 415, S 416, S 417, S 419, S 431<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


14<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS shift cylinder valve for gearshift aid<br />

31752<br />

002 260 44 57<br />

EVOBUS shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

12777<br />

001 260 20 57<br />

EVOBUS solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

000 277 32 35<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

15514<br />

179-23.11.180-01<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

18983<br />

356 326 00 81<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

23475<br />

396 326 00 81<br />

O 500 Citaro, O 345 Conecto, O 350 Tourismo, O 500, O 580 Travego<br />

(getr.) BM 714<br />

O 303, O 530 Citaro, O 345 Conecto, O 400, O 404, O 405, O 407, O 408<br />

S 210 - S 215, S 213 - S 215, SG 219, SG 221<br />

O 404, O 350 Tourismo<br />

O 301, O 350, O 402, O 403, O 404, OH 1416/1417, OH 1622, 1625, 1627, 1628,<br />

1634, OH 1829, 1834<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

23937<br />

658 326 05 81 OH 1621, OH 1625, OH 1628, OH 1630, OH 1635, OH 1636, OH 1835 L/30<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

24561<br />

941 323 00 50 OHL 1621<br />

EVOBUS stabilizer mount<br />

24605<br />

001 988 24 10 O 530 Citaro, Setra Serie S, O 580 Travego<br />

EVOBUS tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

26247<br />

000 550 12 33 (mot.) OM 502<br />

EVOBUS tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

26256<br />

000 550 13 33 (mot.) OM 457<br />

EVOBUS triangular control arm with screws<br />

22624<br />

613 330 00 10 O 350 Tourismo, O 404<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

EVOBUS triangular control arm with screws<br />

22625<br />

613 330 01 10<br />

EVOBUS valve for splitter transmission<br />

21857<br />

002 997 59 36<br />

EVOBUS valve connection<br />

27959<br />

541 055 08 06<br />

EVOBUS valve plate for brake compressor with seals<br />

02572<br />

402 130 03 20<br />

EVOBUS wash water pump for screen and headlamp wiper systems 23209<br />

000 860 47 26<br />

EVOBUS wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

09299<br />

000 860 32 26<br />

EVOBUS wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

23208<br />

000 869 40 21 Touro<br />

EVOBUS wheel bolt<br />

14039<br />

356 401 00 71 O 404<br />

EVOBUS wheel bolt<br />

29418<br />

948 401 02 71 Setra Serie S, O 350 Tourismo<br />

EVOBUS wheel bolt<br />

29942<br />

381 401 06 71 O 530 Citaro, Integro, Intouro, Muttego, O 500, Setra Serie S, Touro, O 350<br />

Tourismo, O 580 Travego, Travego, O 305, O 345, O 405, 408, 407<br />

Irisbus solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

500650519<br />

O 350 Tourismo, O 404<br />

O 302, O 305<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 460, 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 421, 422, 423<br />

Integro, O 580 Travego, Setra Serie S<br />

O 303, O 530 Citaro, O 345 Conecto, O 550 Integro, Intouro, O 350 Tourismo,<br />

O 403, Tourino, Touro, O 580 Travego<br />

IVECO axle rod with sliding bearing<br />

28328<br />

0 4101 1006 Euro Trakker, Trakker E4<br />

IVECO axle rod with sliding bearing<br />

28459<br />

0 9847 2466 Euro Mover, Euro Tech<br />

IVECO axle rod with sliding bearing<br />

28460<br />

0 9847 2871 Euro Tech<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


16<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO back-up light switch<br />

18078<br />

0 4204 7142<br />

IVECO belt pulley for crankshaft<br />

30171<br />

5 0407 8435<br />

IVECO belt pulley for crankshaft<br />

30172<br />

5 0033 2296<br />

IVECO belt pulley for crankshaft<br />

30173<br />

5 0033 2830<br />

IVECO belt pulley for crankshaft<br />

30174<br />

5 0418 0619<br />

IVECO belt pulley for crankshaft<br />

30176<br />

5 0407 6697<br />

IVECO belt pulley with free wheel for generator<br />

30179<br />

5 0408 8796<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - belt<br />

30170<br />

5 0408 6948<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - belt<br />

30178<br />

5 0408 6751<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22896<br />

5 0033 2622<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22897<br />

5 0035 0419<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22898<br />

0 9944 9176<br />

Euro Trakker, Turbo Tech<br />

Daily<br />

Daily<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily I, Daily II<br />

Euro Trakker Cursor, Stralis<br />

Euro Trakker Cursor, Euro Tech Cursor, Stralis<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22972<br />

5 0415 3873<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22973<br />

5 0410 6749<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22975<br />

5 0404 6191<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30482<br />

5 0406 5874<br />

IVECO belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt with air-conditioner compressor 27361<br />

5 0407 2744<br />

IVECO cab support<br />

28001<br />

5 0033 1831<br />

Cityclass.25, Cityclass.29, Cityclass.35, Euroclass.35 Eurorider.31, Eurorider.35<br />

Cityclass, Euroclass, Eurorider<br />

Cityclass, Euroclass, Eurorider, Euro Tech Cursor, Euro Trakker Cursor, Stralis<br />

Euro Fire E4, Euro Cargo Tector, Euro Cargo<br />

Stralis, Trakker<br />

Euro Star Cursor, Euro Tech Cursor, Euro Tech, Euro Trakker Cursor, Euro<br />

Trakker<br />

IVECO chain tensioner for timing chain<br />

17667<br />

0 0485 9435 Daily, New Daily, Turbo Daily<br />

IVECO connecting rod bolt<br />

19611<br />

0 9846 0577 New Daily, Turbo Daily<br />

IVECO coolant temperature sensor<br />

23464<br />

0 0444 8131 Tector Restyling<br />

IVECO coolant temperature sensor<br />

23467<br />

5 0038 2599 Daily II, Eurotech Cursor, Eurostar Cursor, Eurotrak Cursor, Stralis<br />

IVECO coolant temperature sensor<br />

23546<br />

0 0484 0434 Turbozeta, Zeta<br />

IVECO coolant temperature sensor<br />

23547<br />

5 0412 7558 New Daily, Turbo Daily<br />

IVECO cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23829<br />

0 4253 3410 Euro Tech Cursor, Euro Trakker, Euro Trakker Cursor, Stralis<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


18<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23830<br />

0 4253 3783<br />

IVECO cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23832<br />

0 4253 3785<br />

IVECO cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

23833<br />

0 4253 3841<br />

IVECO deflection pulley for timing belt<br />

08685<br />

0 0474 0846 S1<br />

IVECO deflection pulley for timing belt<br />

11904<br />

0 9943 2547<br />

IVECO deflection pulley for timing belt<br />

30980<br />

5 0038 8688<br />

IVECO deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30168<br />

5 0400 0412<br />

IVECO deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt, with air conditioning<br />

28276<br />

5 0410 6751<br />

IVECO engine mount<br />

15570<br />

0 0858 8903<br />

IVECO engine mount<br />

15571<br />

0 0858 8904<br />

IVECO engine mount<br />

15572<br />

0 9380 3159<br />

IVECO engine mount<br />

15573<br />

0 9380 3160<br />

Euro Trakker, Euro Trakker Cursor, Tector, Tector Restyling, Stralis<br />

Euro Trakker, Euro Trakker Cursor, Stralis<br />

Tector, Tector Restyling<br />

Daily<br />

Daily, Daily Duty, New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Daily, Daily 2006<br />

Citelis, Cityclass, Crossway, Euroclass, Europolis, Eurorider<br />

Daily, Daily CNG, New Daily, Turbo Daily, Duty<br />

Daily, Daily CNG, New Daily, Turbo Daily, Duty<br />

Daily<br />

Daily<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO engine mount<br />

18526<br />

0 0479 2797<br />

IVECO filter for crankcase ventilation<br />

31217<br />

5 0420 9107<br />

IVECO ignition switch housing with key<br />

14814<br />

0 0483 6359<br />

IVECO king pin set double set<br />

18418<br />

0 0190 4696<br />

IVECO king pin set double set<br />

18419<br />

0 0190 4697 S1<br />

IVECO king pin set double set<br />

18420<br />

0 0190 4698 S1<br />

IVECO leaf-spring bearing for spring eye<br />

18202<br />

0 0816 0686<br />

IVECO leaf-spring bearing for spring eye<br />

28135<br />

0 0816 0687<br />

IVECO leaf-spring bearing for spring eye<br />

28136<br />

0 0816 2280<br />

H Belgium Army, Trakker, Euro Trakker<br />

IVECO multi v belt<br />

28955<br />

5 0403 2642 City Class, Euro Class, Euro Polis, Euro Rider<br />

IVECO oil filler cap<br />

12374<br />

0 0423 2606 Daily, Euro Cargo, Euro Fire, Turbo Zeta, Zeta<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

03221<br />

0 4254 8058<br />

AP 160, 370S25L, 370S30<br />

Citi Class, Euro Rider, Euro Tech, Stralis, Trakker<br />

New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96<br />

Euro Cargo<br />

Euro Cargo<br />

Euro Cargo, Euro Tech, Euro Trakker, Euro Mover, Euro Polis, Euro Star<br />

Euro Tech, Euro Star, Euro Trakker<br />

Euro Star, Euro Tech, Euro Tech Cursor, Euromover, Stralis, Euro Trakker,<br />

Trakker<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


20<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

17462<br />

0 0485 3298<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

17463<br />

0 0480 2609<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

17464<br />

0 0481 6961<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

17465<br />

5 0031 7093<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

17466<br />

0 6131 9221<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

23727<br />

0 6131 8396<br />

IVECO oil pump<br />

23728<br />

0 0477 0250<br />

IVECO oil separator with seal ring<br />

23613<br />

0 6132 0629 S1<br />

IVECO oil separator without gasket<br />

23611<br />

0 6132 0629<br />

IVECO preheating relay<br />

11086<br />

0 0599 0986<br />

IVECO preheating relay<br />

12746<br />

0 4642 8175<br />

IVECO rep. kit axle rod<br />

23840<br />

0 9316 3617<br />

Cityclass, Euro Cargo, Euro Fire, Euro Tech<br />

Euro Cargo, Euro Fire<br />

Euro Cargo, Turbo Zeta<br />

Euro Cargo, Euro Fire<br />

Cityclass, Euroclass, Eurorider, Euro Star, Euro Tech, Euro Trakker<br />

Cityclass, Euro Trakker<br />

Zeta<br />

Euro Trakker, My Way<br />

Euro Trakker, My Way<br />

Daily, Daily Duty<br />

New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily 96, Turbo Daily<br />

Euro Cargo, Euro Tech, Euro Trakker, Tector, Tector Restyling, Stralis, Trakker<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

05135<br />

0 0812 1938<br />

IVECO shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

14418<br />

0 0812 1938<br />

IVECO solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

0 4249 0983<br />

IVECO stabilizer mount<br />

15609<br />

0 0858 5819<br />

IVECO stabilizer mount<br />

15610<br />

0 0856 0291<br />

IVECO stabilizer mount bushing half<br />

28099<br />

0 4101 5581<br />

Euro Tech, Turbo Star, Turbo Tech<br />

Euro Tech, Turbo Star, Turbo Tech<br />

Daily, Daily CNG, New Daily, New Daily 99, Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96<br />

Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96, Turbo Zeta, Zeta<br />

Euromover, Euro Star Cursor, Euro Tech CNG, Euro Tech, Euro Tech Cursor,<br />

Euro Trakker Cursor, Tector Restyling<br />

IVECO steering-lock with key<br />

18414<br />

0 0896 6748 New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96, Turbo Zeta, Zeta<br />

IVECO steering-lock with key<br />

18415<br />

0 0483 7682 Euro Cargo, Euro Fire<br />

IVECO steering-lock with key<br />

18416<br />

0 0483 7683 Euro Tech, Euro Star, Euro Class, Euro Rider<br />

IVECO stop-lamp switch<br />

12229<br />

0 0434 5645 Daily, Turbo Daily, Zeta<br />

IVECO tension roller<br />

22899<br />

5 0406 5877 Euro Cargo Tector<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


22<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

IVECO tension roller<br />

22974<br />

5 0400 6261<br />

IVECO tension roller for timing belt<br />

08689<br />

0 0474 0847 S1<br />

IVECO tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

22895<br />

5 0406 5878<br />

IVECO tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

30167<br />

5 0039 3575<br />

IVECO thermoswitch for radiator<br />

11964<br />

0 8243 6410<br />

IVECO transmission mount (engine mounting, rear)<br />

15576<br />

0 0858 2425<br />

IVECO wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

24067<br />

5 0030 4249<br />

MAN back-up light switch<br />

18078<br />

81.25505.0461<br />

MAN belt pulley for v - belt<br />

18140<br />

51.26105.0185<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt drive<br />

27133<br />

51.95800.7435<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt drive<br />

27134<br />

51.95800.7437<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt with air-conditioner compressor 22881<br />

51.95800.7392<br />

Euro Tech Cursor, Euro Trakker Cursor, Stralis<br />

Daily<br />

Euro Cargo Tector<br />

Daily<br />

Daily, Daily Duty, New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily, Turbo Daily 96<br />

Daily, Daily CNG, New Daily, New Daily 96, Turbo Daily<br />

Stralis, Tector, Tector Restyling<br />

F 8, F 9, F 90, F 2000, ÖAF<br />

(mot.) D 0824, D 0826, D 0834, D 0836, D 2805, D 2866<br />

(mot.) D 0836, D 2866, D 2876, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN<br />


F 2000, ÖAF, KAT, TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt with air-conditioner compressor 27135<br />

51.95800.7459<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt with alternator<br />

22879<br />

51.95800.7391<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt, with air conditioning<br />

22859<br />

51.95800.7397<br />

MAN belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt, without air conditioning<br />

22852<br />

51.95800.7396<br />

MAN bolt for clutch release fork<br />

31868<br />

81.91001.0604<br />

MAN cab locking device with push switch<br />

29480<br />

81.61851.6023<br />

MAN cab locking device without push switch<br />

28686<br />

81.61851.6023 S1<br />

MAN cab support<br />

31790<br />

85.96210.0021<br />

MAN cam follower<br />

02179<br />

51.04301.0089<br />

MAN camshaft with injection timing gear<br />

01897<br />

51.04401.6271 (mot.) D2566, D 2866<br />

MAN charger intake hose<br />

30182<br />

81.96301.0900<br />

D 2066, D 2676, D 2868<br />

F 2000, KAT, ÖAF<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876, F 2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876, F 2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

Bus, F 90, F 2000, KAT, ÖAF, TGA<br />

F 90, F 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

F 90, F 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

TGA, TGM / TGL TGS / TGX<br />

(mot.) D 0224, D 0226, D 0824, D 0826<br />

F 90, F 2000, HOCL, KAT, M 90, ÖAF, TGA, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, SL,<br />

SÜ, TGS/TGX<br />

L 282, Ø I 90<br />

MAN charger intake hose<br />

30183<br />

51.96420.0121 HOCL, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, RH, ÜL<br />

L 160, Ø I 90<br />

MAN charger intake hose<br />

30184<br />

81.96320.0162 EL, HOCL, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, SG, SÜ<br />

L 130, Ø I 90<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


24<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN connecting rod bolt<br />

12430<br />

51.90490.0038<br />

MAN control device for cruise control<br />

18829<br />

81.25902.0378<br />

MAN cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

11544<br />

81.39126.6009<br />

MAN cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

11545<br />

81.39108.6048<br />

MAN cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

11546<br />

81.39126.6006<br />

MAN cylinder head for air compressor<br />

26024<br />

81.54301.0035<br />

MAN cylinder head screw<br />

05229<br />

51.90020.0381<br />

MAN cylinder head screw<br />

11258<br />

51.90490.0070<br />

MAN cylinder head screw<br />

11259<br />

51.90490.0071<br />

MAN cylinder head screw kit for single cylinder head<br />

11262<br />

51.90490.0070 S<br />

MAN cylinder head screw kit for single cylinder head<br />

11727<br />

51.90490.0024 S<br />

MAN cylinder liner with rings<br />

19944<br />

51.54105.6006<br />

MAN cylinder liner with rings<br />

19946<br />

51.54105.6008<br />

MAN deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

27169<br />

51.95800.6075<br />

(mot.) D0824, D0826<br />

F 2000, F 90, EL, FRH, L 2000, M 2000, M 90, ND, HOCL<br />

FOC, G 90, HOCL, L 2000<br />

F 2000, F 90, HOCL, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, ÖAF, RH<br />

F 8, F 90, KAT, M 90, ÖAF<br />

(mot.) D 0224, D 0226, D 0824, D 0826, D 0836<br />

(mot.) D 0824, D 0826, D 0834, D 0836<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876<br />

(mot.) D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865, D2866<br />

(mot.) D 0824, D 0826<br />

(mot.) D 0824, D 0826<br />

(mot.) D 0836, D 2866, D 2876, HOCL, KAT, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, SL, SÜ<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30389<br />

51.95800.6092<br />

MAN deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30855<br />

51.95800.6087<br />

MAN deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt with alternator<br />

22877<br />

51.95800.6035<br />

MAN door handle with closing cylinder + key<br />

29184<br />

81.97100.6099<br />

MAN drag link with castle nuts and split-pins<br />

31981<br />

81.46711.6712<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

10071<br />

81.96210.0439<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

10348<br />

81.96210.0440<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

15250<br />

81.96210.0441<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

22582<br />

81.96210.0406<br />


HOCL, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, RH<br />

F 2000, ÖAF, KAT<br />

F 90, F 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF<br />

EL, HOCL, ND, NG, NL, NM<br />

HOCL, NL, NG, EL, Lion‘s Classic, ND, SÜ<br />

EL, HOCL, NL, NG, ND, SÜ, Lion‘s Classic<br />

NL, NG, EL, ND, HOCL, Lion‘s Classic, SÜ<br />

Centroliner, EEL, EL, F 90, HOCL, Lions Regio, NG, NL, NUE, ÖAF, RH, Trendliner,<br />

UEL<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

22820<br />

81.96210.0366 (mot. ) D 2866<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

24441<br />

81.96210.0553 TGA, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN<br />

MAN engine mount<br />

24442<br />

81.96210.6072 KAT, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, TGA<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


26<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN engine mount for gas motor<br />

19700<br />

81.96210.0367<br />

MAN exhaust valve<br />

21936<br />

51.04101.0447<br />

MAN fan blade<br />

26092<br />

51.06601.0172<br />

MAN fan blade<br />

26206<br />

51.06601.0256<br />

MAN fan blade<br />

27521<br />

51.06601.0275<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

14563<br />

81.15210.0040<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

14564<br />

81.15210.0049<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

14566<br />

81.15210.0056<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

14567<br />

81.15210.0058<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

14569<br />

81.15210.0071<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

15767<br />

81.15210.0039 KAT<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

17041<br />

81.15210.0043 SG, SL, SR, SÜ<br />

MAN flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

17046<br />

81.15210.0077<br />

(mot.) 2866<br />

D 2565, D 2566, D 2530, D 2842, D 2866, E 2866, G 2866<br />

(mot.) D 2566, D 2865, D 2866<br />

(mot.) D 2865, D 2866, E 2866, D 2876<br />

D 2066, D 2866, D 2876, D 2676, D 2840<br />

F 9<br />

FOC, L 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF<br />

HOCL, L 2000, Lion‘s, M 2000, SG, SL, SÜ<br />

F 90, F 2000, FOC, KAT, L 2000, ÖAF<br />

F90, F 2000, HOCL, KAT, L 2000, Lion‘s, M 2000, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, ÖAF<br />

SL, SÜ<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 30658<br />

51.02301.5258<br />

MAN flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 30659<br />

51.02301.5259<br />

MAN fuel filter insert for fuel pre-filter with water separator<br />

27171<br />

81.12501.0030<br />

HOCL, KAT, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, TGA, TGS / TGX<br />


F 90, F 2000, HOCL, L 2000, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, ÖAF, SL, SÜ, TGA,<br />

TGS/TGX<br />

MAN fuel filter insert for fuel pre-filter with water separator<br />

28066<br />

85.12501.0003 Lion‘s, M 2000, NEOPLAN, NL, TGL, TGM, SG, SL, SÜ<br />

MAN fuel filter insert for fuel pre-filter with water separator<br />

28067<br />

85.12501.0002 Centroliner, EL, FOC, HOCL, L 2000, Lions City, Lions Classic, M 2000, NG, ND,<br />

NL, NM, RH, TGM, TGL, Tourliner Lions Coach, SL, SG, NUE<br />

MAN fuel filter insert for fuel pre-filter with water separator<br />

28068<br />

81.12503.0085 Centroliner, Cityliner, F 2000, HOCL, Lion‘s City, M 2000, NL, NM, ÖAF, SÜ, TGA,<br />

Starliner 2<br />

MAN fuel filter insert for fuel pre-filter with water separator<br />

29139<br />

81.12501.0030 S1 Bus, F 90, F 2000, L 2000, ÖAF, TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

MAN gas pressure spring<br />

24846<br />

81.74821.0107 F 90, F 2000, ÖAF<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for cabin<br />

24838<br />

81.62900.6179 TGA, TGS, TGX<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

24840<br />

81.74821.0063 HOCL, Lion‘s, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, RH, SR, ÜL<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for external water connection flap<br />

24844<br />

81.74821.0110 F 2000, F 90, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, ÖAF<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for front opening<br />

19709<br />

81.74821.0048 EL, F 90, Lion‘s, NG, NL, NM, SG, SL, SR, SÜ<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for front opening<br />

19710<br />

81.74821.0068 EL, NG, NL, NM<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


28<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN gas pressure spring for glove compartment<br />

19711<br />

81.74821.0065<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for tailboard<br />

19707<br />

81.74821.0041<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for tailboard<br />

19708<br />

81.74821.0039<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for tailboard and interior equipment<br />

19712<br />

81.74821.0104<br />

MAN gas pressure spring for ventilation grille<br />

24842<br />

81.74821.0084<br />

MAN gasket set for cylinder head<br />

21572<br />

51.00900.6570<br />

MAN gearshift knob<br />

31161<br />

81.97010.6010<br />

MAN gearshift knob<br />

31162<br />

81.32620.0043<br />

MAN gearshift knob electric<br />

31393<br />

81.32620.0049<br />

MAN gearshift lever valve<br />

02602<br />

81.32550.0003<br />

MAN hazard warning flasher<br />

18147<br />

81.25505.0760<br />

MAN hydraulic fluid for hydraulic central,power steer.+level controlsstem 06161<br />

09.11003.0427<br />

MAN hydraulic pump for cab tilting gear front<br />

27139<br />

81.41723.6114<br />

F 90, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, ND, NG, NL, NM, ÖAF, SG, SL, SR, SÜ, ÜL<br />

F 90, EL, Lion‘s, NG, NL, NM, SG, SL, SR, SÜ<br />

F90, F 2000, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, NM, SG, SL, SR, SÜ, TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

F 90, F 2000, Lion‘s, M 90, M 2000, NEOPLAN, NL<br />

HOCL, NL, NM, SG, SL, SÜ<br />

D 2565, D 2566<br />

F 90, F 2000, FOC, KAT, L 2000, M 2000, M 90, ÖAF<br />

TGA, TGS / TGX<br />

TGA, TGS / TGX<br />

F 90, F 2000, G 90, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF<br />

F 8 / F 9, G 90, ÖAF, L 2000<br />

TGA, TGM, TGX, TGS<br />

F 90, F 2000, L 2000, M 2000, ÖAF<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN hydraulic pump for power steering<br />

27817<br />

81.47101.6137<br />

(mot.) D 0826, D 0834, D 0836, D 2066, D 2840, D 2865, D 2866, E 2866,<br />

D 2876, E 2876<br />

MAN joint bearing for clutch release fork<br />

12260<br />

06.36950.0309 F 90, F 2000, L 2000, M 2000<br />

MAN lamella valve for compressor<br />

31518<br />

81.54122.6004 D 0826, D 0834, D 0836<br />

MAN leaf-spring bearing<br />

21512<br />

81.41320.0092 F 90, F 2000, KAT, M2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

MAN leaf-spring bearing<br />

21516<br />

81.41320.0065 F 8<br />

MAN locking device for cabin<br />

29374<br />

85.61851.6003 S1 TGA, TGL/TGM, TGS/TGX<br />

MAN oil pressure sensors<br />

18602<br />

81.27421.0109 (mot.) D 0824, D 0826, D 0834, D 0836, D 2066, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865,<br />

D 2866, D 2876<br />

MAN oil pump with drive wheel<br />

02447<br />

51.05100.6279 (mot.) D 2530, D 2840<br />

MAN oil pump with drive wheel<br />

07685<br />

51.05100.6133 (mot.) D 2538, D 2556, D 2565, D 2566, D 2865, D 2866<br />

MAN oil pump with drive wheel<br />

07987<br />

51.05100.6134 (mot.) D 0826, D 2556, D 2565, D 2566, D 2865, D 2866<br />

MAN oil pump without drive wheel<br />

07988<br />

51.05100.6135 (mot.) D 2556, D 2565, D 2566, D 2865, D 2866<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


30<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN oil separator with seal ring<br />

23613<br />

51.01804.7028 S1<br />

MAN oil separator without gasket<br />

23611<br />

51.01804.7028<br />

MAN pressure relief valve for oil pump<br />

17672<br />

51.05405.5013<br />

MAN propeller shaft center support<br />

12359<br />

81.39400.6089 G 90, L 2000<br />

MAN propeller shaft center support<br />

12360<br />

81.39410.6017 F 90, F 2000, FOC, HOCL, KAT, L 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, TGA, TGM/TGL,<br />

TGS/TGX<br />

MAN propeller shaft center support<br />

27261<br />

81.39410.6034<br />

MAN propeller shaft center support<br />

32256<br />

81.39410.6037<br />

(mot.) 2865, D 2866, D 2876, E 2866<br />

(mot. ) D2865, D2866, D2876, E 2866<br />

(mot.) D 2530, D 2538, D 2556, D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865,<br />

D 2866<br />

MAN release bearing<br />

19136<br />

81.30550.0078 SL, SÜ, ÜL<br />

MAN rep. kit axle rod<br />

17870<br />

81.43270.6079 F 90, F 2000, HOCL, ÖAF, TGA<br />

MAN rep. kit axle rod<br />

31802<br />

81.43220.6244 TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

MAN rep. kit axle rod<br />

31863<br />

81.43220.6204 HOCL, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, RH, SG, SÜ, ÜL<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN rep. kit cap suspension<br />

24472<br />

81.41715.6013<br />

MAN rep. kit cap suspension<br />

24474<br />

81.41715.6014<br />

MAN rep. kit cylinder head for brake compressor with seals<br />

26022<br />

81.54124.6017<br />

MAN rep. kit flywheel<br />

18861<br />

51.93410.0143 S1<br />

TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

(mot.) D 0224, D 0226, D 0824, D 0826, D 0836<br />

(mot.) D 2530, D 2538, D 2556, D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865,<br />

D 2866<br />

MAN rep. kit triangular control arm<br />

31848<br />

81.43270.6105 F 2000, ÖAF, TGA, TGM / TGL, TGS / TGX<br />

MAN repair kit compressor<br />

14666<br />

51.54114.6054 (mot.) D 2565, D 2566, D 2842, D 2865, D 2866, D 2846, D 2876<br />

MAN repair kit V-ribbed belt<br />

30201<br />

51.96820.0238 S1 F 2000, KAT, ÖAF, TGA, TGS/TGX<br />

MAN rocker arm shaft with mounting kit<br />

24673<br />

51.04202.5034 S1 (mot.) D 2530, D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865, D 2866, E 2866,<br />

D 2876, E 2876, G 2876<br />

MAN rotational-speed sensor<br />

24859<br />

51.27120.0014 (mot.) D 0834, D 0836, D 2840, D2842, D 2866, D 2876<br />

MAN rotational-speed sensor<br />

24860<br />

51.27120.0015 (mot.) D 0836, D 2866, D 2876<br />

MAN rubber buffer for engine mount<br />

31037<br />

81.96020.0402 F 2000, KAT, ÖAF<br />

MAN rubber buffer for engine mount<br />

31046<br />

81.96020.0384 HOCL, Lion‘s, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, NM, RH, SL, SÜ<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


32<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN rubber mount for radiator<br />

31145<br />

81.96210.0240<br />

MAN screw for brake disc<br />

32206<br />

06.01902.3413<br />

MAN sheathed cable for locker<br />

10688<br />

81.95501.6367<br />

MAN shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

05135<br />

81.52170.6095<br />

81.52170.6097<br />

MAN shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

06406<br />

81.52170.6128<br />

MAN shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

14418<br />

81.52170.6091<br />

MAN shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

17873<br />

81.52185.6048<br />

MAN shifting cylinder<br />

17869<br />

81.32735.6044<br />

MAN sliding plate<br />

17476<br />

81.43411.0005<br />

MAN sliding plate<br />

21510<br />

81.41405.0012<br />

MAN slow-acting relay for sustained-action brake system<br />

18827<br />

81.25902.0376<br />

F 8, F 2000, G 90, HOCL, M 90<br />

BUS, F 2000, L 2000, M 2000, TGA, TGM/TGL, TGS/TGX<br />

F 90, F 2000, FRH, Lions Classic, Lions Star/ Coach, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, SÜ<br />

Euro Tech, Turbo Star, Turbo Tech<br />

F 8, F 9, F 90, F 2000, HOCL, L 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, SR<br />

F 8 / F 9, F 90, ÖAF<br />

F 8 / F 9<br />

M 90, M 2000, L 2000<br />

F 90, F 2000, KAT, M 2000, ÖAF, TGA<br />

EL, F 90, F 2000, FRH, HOCL, L 2000, M 90, M 2000, RH, ND, NL / NUE<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

81.25902.0220<br />

MAN spring bearing for spring eye<br />

21511<br />

81.41350.0018<br />

MAN spring bearing for spring eye<br />

21515<br />

81.41350.0009<br />

MAN spring cushion for leaf spring<br />

27575<br />

81.96210.0554<br />

MAN spring cushion for leaf spring<br />

27576<br />

81.96210.0555<br />

MAN stabilizer mount at axle subframe<br />

22745<br />

81.96401.0152<br />

MAN steering-column stalk switch<br />

22312<br />

81.25509.0018<br />

MAN steering-column stalk switch<br />

24448<br />

81.25509.0123<br />

MAN tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

22851<br />

51.95800.7342<br />

MAN throttle control cable left-hand drive<br />

03364<br />

81.95501.6452<br />

MAN throttle control cable right - hand drive<br />

01889<br />

81.95501.6223<br />

O 303, O 345 Conecto, O 400, O 404, O 405, O 407, O 408, O 530 Citaro<br />

F 90, F 2000, KAT, ÖAF, TGA<br />

F 8<br />

F 2000, KAT, TGA, TGM/TGL, TGS/TGX<br />

F 2000, KAT, TGA, TGM/TGL, TGS/TGX<br />

F 90, F 2000, KAT, ÖAF, TGA<br />

EL, HOCL, NG, NL, SD, SG, SL, SÜ, ÜL<br />


(mot.) D 0824<br />

F 90, F 2000, KAT, ÖAF<br />

F 90, F 2000, ÖAF<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


34<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN tie rod with lock nut<br />

31982<br />

81.46711.6729<br />

MAN tilt cylinder for cabin<br />

31867<br />

81.41723.6099<br />

MAN triangular control arm<br />

30614<br />

81.43270.6117<br />

MAN valve cover gasket for valve cover<br />

28223<br />

51.03905.0161<br />

MAN valve cover gasket for valve cover<br />

28224<br />

51.03905.0157<br />

MAN valve plate for air compressor<br />

26023<br />

81.54124.6015<br />

MAN valve plate for brake compressor with seals<br />

02572<br />

81.54124.6006<br />

MAN visco clutch<br />

26205<br />

51.06630.0060<br />

MAN visco clutch<br />

31001<br />

51.06630.0068<br />

MAN wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

19070<br />

81.26485.6027<br />

MAN wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

19314<br />

81.26485.6008<br />

FOC, L 2000, M 2000<br />

F 2000, M 90, ÖAF<br />

F 2000, TGA, TGS / TGX<br />

(mot.) D 2866, D 2876<br />

BUS, F 2000, KAT, ÖAF, TGA<br />

(mot.) D 0224, D 0226, D 0824, D 0826, D 0836<br />

(mot.) D 2530, D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865, D 2866, D 2876<br />

(mot.) D 2865, D 2866, D 2876<br />

F 90, F 2000, FOC, KAT, ÖAF<br />

F 90, F 2000, KAT, L 2000, M 90, M 2000, ÖAF, Star<br />

EL, F 8, F 9, F 90, FRH, HOC, HOCL, L 2000, NG, NL, NM, NUE, ÖAF, RH, SL,<br />

SG, SR, U, UL, UNL, ÜL<br />

MAN wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

24768<br />

81.26485.6033 KAT, Lion‘s, NL, TGA, TGL/TGM, TGS/TGX<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

MAN wheel bearing for wheel hub<br />

27790<br />

81.93420.0337 L 2000, TGL / TGM<br />

MAN wheel bearing set<br />

27791<br />

81.93420.0349 CLA, F 2000, HOCL, L 2000, Lion‘s, M 2000, ND, NEOPLAN, NG, NL, NM, ÖAF,<br />


MAN windshield washer nozzle<br />

04370<br />

81.26482.0003 F 8 / F9, SL, SG, U, UL, UNL<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW air filter insert<br />

31548<br />

004 094 02 04 Actros I, II + III<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW antifreeze for radiator<br />

02374<br />

000 989 08 25<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW antifreeze for radiator<br />

05011<br />

000 989 08 25<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW automatic transmission fluid (ATF)<br />

14738<br />

001 989 22 03 Spezifikation MB 236.11<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW automatic transmission fluid (ATF)<br />

29738<br />

001 989 22 03<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW automatic transmission fluid (ATF) for autom.<br />

08971<br />

000 989 92 03 transmission,converter and hydraulic steerings<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21337<br />

659 350 35 06 MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


36<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21340<br />

659 350 27 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21341<br />

654 350 05 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21343<br />

948 350 25 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21344<br />

385 350 00 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

21349<br />

653 350 06 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

27954<br />

000 322 03 23<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod<br />

27955<br />

375 322 05 23<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW axle rod With castle nut and split-pin<br />

21345<br />

385 350 02 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner<br />

23271<br />

906 200 12 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner<br />

23631<br />

541 200 25 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for air-conditioner compressor<br />

28185<br />

000 200 15 70<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Actros I + II + III, Zetros<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I + II + III<br />

Axor I + II<br />

MK-SK<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

Actros I + II, Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor (Iran), Axor I + II, Econic, Unimog<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 542, 906, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

21027<br />

906 200 20 70 (mot.) OM 904, 906, 924<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22782<br />

906 200 22 70 (mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23263<br />

457 200 16 70 (mot.) OM 457, OM 460<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23264<br />

457 200 17 70 (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23265<br />

457 200 19 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23266<br />

541 200 15 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23267<br />

541 200 16 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23269<br />

904 200 00 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23270<br />

906 200 06 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23273<br />

906 200 13 70<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 458, 460<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 924<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 904, 906, 924, 926<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18t,<br />

(mot.) OM 902, 906, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23274<br />

906 200 18 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 906, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23275<br />

906 200 23 70 Atego I + II<br />

(mot.) OM 900, 904, 924<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23276<br />

906 200 24 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

23277<br />

906 200 26 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, (mot.) OM 902, 904, 906, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

24936<br />

457 200 21 70 (mot.) OM 457, 460, 476<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30589<br />

460 200 07 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM460, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30590<br />

541 200 13 70 Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Actros I + II + III, (mot.) 457, 541, 542<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


38<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30722<br />

457 200 31 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30868<br />

457 200 22 70<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Econic, LK, Unimog<br />

(mot.) OM 457, 476, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30946<br />

906 200 45 70 Accelo, Atego I + II, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, Econic, LK, Linha Tradicional, Unimog,<br />

Vario, Zetros, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 925, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30947<br />

906 200 39 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, LK, (mot.) OM 902, 906, 925, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

30949<br />

457 200 30 70 Axor Iran, Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

31071<br />

541 200 26 70 Actros I + II +III, (mot.) 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW bracket for axle rod<br />

31085<br />

948 423 05 33 Actros I + II + III<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW bracket for leaf spring<br />

21229<br />

395 325 11 09 L-Typ, MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW buffer for front spring<br />

14051<br />

385 320 00 77 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW buffer for front spring<br />

23485<br />

943 323 86 84 Atego I 18t, Axor (Iran), Axor I + II, Actros I + II + III<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW buffer for leaf spring<br />

31693<br />

970 325 00 44 Accelo, Atego I + II<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW bushing for stabilizer<br />

24562<br />

941 323 01 50<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cab support<br />

28669<br />

970 317 01 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cab support<br />

28674<br />

970 317 04 50<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cab support for stabilizer<br />

28410<br />

930 317 00 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cab support for stabilizer<br />

28667<br />

942 317 23 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

15815<br />

337 880 53 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

21179<br />

649 750 01 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

21187<br />

673 750 02 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

21213<br />

641 750 00 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

21215<br />

389 830 00 31<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II, Atego 18 t ->, Econic<br />

Atego I + II<br />

Atego I + II<br />

Atego I 18t, Axor I + II, Actros II + III<br />

Actros II + III<br />

L-Typ, LP<br />

MK-SK<br />

LK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


40<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cable for engine hood<br />

21217<br />

670 750 00 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cam follower<br />

26288<br />

906 054 10 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW camshaft<br />

12424<br />

366 050 03 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW camshaft with injection timing gear<br />

02239<br />

422 050 21 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW camshaft with injection timing gear<br />

02262<br />

422 050 22 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW camshaft with injection timing gear<br />

02502<br />

402 050 18 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW charger intake hose<br />

26516<br />

002 094 57 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW charger intake hose<br />

26814<br />

002 094 52 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW charger intake hose<br />

26815<br />

002 094 63 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW charger intake hose<br />

31532<br />

002 094 69 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW charger intake hose<br />

31537<br />

001 501 79 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW closing cylinder for ignition lock, with key<br />

22430<br />

381 460 00 04<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW closing cylinder with 2 keys<br />

24976<br />

670 760 02 05<br />

Vario<br />

Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 925, 926<br />

LK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I + II + III<br />

L 210 mm, Ø 115<br />

MK-SK<br />

L 240, Ø 100<br />

Axor I + II<br />

L 200, Ø 100<br />

Econic<br />

L 100, Ø 100<br />

Atego I + II, Axor (Iran), Axor I + II, Econic, Unimog<br />

L 195, Ø 85<br />

LK<br />

LK, MK, Atego, Axor, Actros I, Econic<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW clutch master cylinder<br />

12336<br />

001 295 60 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW clutch release fork<br />

22752<br />

655 250 15 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod bolt<br />

02319<br />

352 038 27 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod bolt<br />

02320<br />

352 038 22 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod bolt<br />

02323<br />

355 038 03 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod bolt<br />

09797<br />

906 038 01 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod bolt<br />

12771<br />

541 038 00 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW connecting rod nut<br />

05960<br />

352 038 05 72<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

14508<br />

385 410 02 31<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

18818<br />

942 410 01 31<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cross joint for propeller shaft<br />

18820<br />

656 410 01 31<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I<br />

L-LP<br />

L-LP<br />

L-LP<br />

Atego I + II / Atego 18t -><br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego<br />

(mot.) OM 312, OM 314, OM 327, OM 352, OM 362<br />

L-LP / MK-SK<br />

Atego I + II / Atego 18t -><br />

MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


42<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head for air compressor<br />

24253<br />

541 130 27 19<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head for air compressor, without lamella valve<br />

14667<br />

407 130 05 19<br />

Actros I + II + III, (mot.) OM 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

MK-SK, (mot.) OM 401, 402, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 429, 440, 441, 442, 443,<br />

446, 447, 462, 463, 466, 475, 476, 481, 482, 485, 489, 495, 496<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head for air compressor, without lamella valve<br />

14668<br />

442 130 32 19 MK-SK, (mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447,<br />

462<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head in horizontal position, on the brake compressor 21068<br />

541 131 12 19 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head in horizontal position, on the brake compressor 28472<br />

541 131 12 19 S1 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head in vertical position, on the brake compressor 21067<br />

541 131 11 19 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head in vertical position, on the brake compressor 28476<br />

541 131 11 19 S1 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head to air compressor<br />

21052<br />

000 130 31 19 (mot.) OM 327, OM 335, OM 355, OM 360<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder head with valve guides<br />

18845<br />

442 010 06 20 (mot.) OM 441, OM 442, OM 440, 445, 446<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder liner complete<br />

23946<br />

441 130 00 08 MK-SK, (mot.) OM 401, 402, 421, 422, 423, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447,<br />

462<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder liner complete<br />

23947<br />

541 130 00 08 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder liner complete<br />

23948<br />

541 130 01 08 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder liner with rings<br />

19944<br />

442 130 00 08<br />

MK-SK, (mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 429, 440, 441, 442,<br />

443, 445, 446, 447, 462, 463, 466, 475, 476, 481, 482, 485, 489<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW cylinder liner with rings<br />

19946<br />

402 130 06 08 MK-SK, ( mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 427, 429, 447, 481,<br />

492, 493, 495, 496<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

06371<br />

000 550 00 33 MK-SK, (mot.) OM 401, 402, 441, 442, 445, 446<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

11276<br />

000 202 09 19 PKW<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23261<br />

457 200 10 70 Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 458<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23268<br />

541 202 02 19 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23272<br />

906 200 11 70 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

23337<br />

000 550 06 33 Atego I + II, Atego 18t, ( mot.) OM 457, 904, 906, 907, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

28244<br />

000 550 17 33 Atego, Axor, Econic, Unimog, ( mot.) OM 457, 476, 902, 906, 909<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

30948<br />

906 200 44 70 Atego I + II, Axor Iran, Axor I + II, LK, Linha Tradicional, Unimog, Atego 18t,<br />

Econic, Vario, Zetros, (mot.) OM 457, 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW door arrester<br />

24337<br />

000 720 06 16 MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


44<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW door arrester<br />

24338<br />

941 723 01 20<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW door handle<br />

24886<br />

941 760 04 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW door handle with closing cylinder + key<br />

17254<br />

670 760 01 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine- / transmission mounting<br />

15486<br />

941 241 78 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

17895<br />

617 240 02 17<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24580<br />

941 241 81 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24581<br />

941 241 82 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24582<br />

941 241 87 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24586<br />

941 241 67 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24587<br />

941 241 85 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

24588<br />

941 241 86 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

26607<br />

655 241 06 13<br />

Actros I, Axor<br />

Actros I + II, Axor I + II<br />

LK<br />

Actros I + II<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros II + III<br />

Actros II + III<br />

Actros II + III, Axor<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Actros II + III<br />

Actros II + III<br />

MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

26608<br />

655 241 07 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

26612<br />

655 241 06 13 S1<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW engine mount<br />

27523<br />

652 241 02 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW exhaust valve<br />

19565<br />

541 050 02 27<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW exhaust valve<br />

19567<br />

442 050 02 27<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW exhaust valve<br />

19568<br />

366 050 06 27<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade<br />

18848<br />

002 205 93 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade<br />

18849<br />

002 205 70 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade<br />

23141<br />

904 205 04 06<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

(mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 401-404, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442, 443, 444, 447, 449<br />

(mot.) OM 352, OM 364, OM 366<br />

(mot.) OM 442, OM 447<br />

(mot.) OM 407<br />

(mot) OM 904, OM 924<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW Türgriff, rechts<br />

24885<br />

941 760 04 59<br />

Actros I + II, Axor I + II<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


46<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade<br />

26699<br />

003 205 01 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade<br />

28035<br />

541 205 00 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade with viscous clutch<br />

21047<br />

002 205 60 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fan blade with viscous clutch<br />

21049<br />

002 205 15 06<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

17597<br />

655 490 00 65<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

21834<br />

948 492 00 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

21835<br />

942 492 04 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

21836<br />

942 492 03 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

21837<br />

942 492 05 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

21838<br />

940 492 01 59<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flywheel<br />

29798<br />

906 030 20 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flywheel with ball race and flywheel ring gear<br />

17177<br />

447 030 18 05<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 402, OM 403, OM 421, OM 422<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443<br />

MK<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Axor I + II<br />

Atego I + II, LK, (mot.) 904, 907, 909<br />

(mot.) OM 447<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flywheel without ball race with starter-motor annular gear 24960<br />

457 030 06 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flywheel screw<br />

15753<br />

422 032 01 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW flywheel screw<br />

24612<br />

906 032 01 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW frame angle<br />

19454<br />

624 312 01 41<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW frame angle<br />

19815<br />

624 312 00 60<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW frame girder for axle location and suspension<br />

18912<br />

624 325 03 10<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fuel - level sensor<br />

17120<br />

008 542 80 17<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fuel - level sensor<br />

17121<br />

008 542 81 17<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fuel filter with water trap<br />

29454<br />

000 477 13 02<br />

(mot.) OM 457, OM 460<br />

(mot.) OM 407/423, OM 427, OM 442/443, OM 446/447, OM 457, OM 501/502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, OM 906, OM 924, OM 926<br />

L-Typ<br />

L-Typ, MK-SK<br />

L-Typ<br />

MK-SK<br />

LK, MK-SK<br />

Accelo, Actros I + II + III, Atego I + II, Atego 18t ->, Axor I + II, Econic, Linha<br />

Tradicional, MB 8000, Unimog<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW fuel filter with water trap<br />

30006<br />

000 477 17 02 Atego I 18t ->, Axor I + II, Actros II + III<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

09490<br />

000 980 90 64 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gas pressure spring for engine lid<br />

24705<br />

001 980 84 64 Actros I + II + III<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


48<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30703<br />

541 010 03 21<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30704<br />

541 010 04 21<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for cylinder head<br />

30705<br />

541 010 16 21<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for cylinder head air compressor<br />

28236<br />

000 130 76 15 (mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for planetary transmission<br />

26146<br />

942 350 38 35<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set for wheel hub<br />

02460<br />

383 350 00 68<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21054<br />

000 130 13 20 S1<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21057<br />

442 130 00 20 S1<br />

(mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

(axle) BM 740, BM 748, BM 749<br />

(axle) BM 744, 746<br />

(mot.) OM 327, OM 335, OM 355, OM 360<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 427, OM 441<br />

OM 442, OM 443, OM 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gasket set lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor 21058<br />

441 130 02 20 S2 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443,<br />

OM 447<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gear fork<br />

19436<br />

620 260 17 39<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gearshift Knob<br />

02587<br />

001 260 19 57<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gearshift Knob<br />

31235<br />

620 260 00 40 Actros I + II + III, Atego I + II, Atego 18t ->, Axor (Iran), Axor I + II, LK, MK-SK,<br />

MK/SK Turkey, MK/S, South Africa<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW gearshift lever valve<br />

02602<br />

001 260 63 57 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW grease for fuel injectors / glow plugs<br />

26712<br />

001 989 42 51<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hazard warning flasher<br />

24470<br />

005 545 92 24 L-Typ, LK, MK-SK, Unimog<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW heavy duty grease for central lubrication system<br />

03514<br />

001 989 08 51<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hub for fan drive<br />

32042<br />

541 035 02 14 Actros I + II + III<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic line for cab tilting gear front<br />

26007<br />

655 553 05 82 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic line for cab tilting gear front<br />

26008<br />

387 553 03 82 MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


50<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic line for cab tilting gear front<br />

26411<br />

380 553 00 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic line for cab tilting gear front<br />

26412<br />

387 553 01 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic pump for cab tilting gear front<br />

27211<br />

000 553 79 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW hydraulic pump for power steering<br />

05789<br />

002 460 76 80<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW ignition switch housing<br />

17891<br />

001 462 11 30 MB-Trac, MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW ignition switch housing<br />

17893<br />

001 462 20 30 LK, Unimog<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW intake valve<br />

19564<br />

541 050 02 26 (mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW intake valve<br />

19566<br />

442 050 05 26 (mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 441, 442, 443, 444,<br />

447, 449<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW intake valve<br />

19613<br />

366 050 12 26 (mot.) OM 352, OM 364, OM 366<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW joint bearing for gearshift lever<br />

24980<br />

001 981 79 31 (getr.) BM 710, BM 712, BM 715, BM 718<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW lamella valve for compressor<br />

31518<br />

000 131 57 04<br />

MK-SK<br />

LK, MK-SK<br />

LK, MK-SK<br />

(mot) OM 352, OM 355, OM 360, OM 362, OM 366, OM 401, OM 402, OM 403,<br />

OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 427, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443,<br />

OM 447<br />

Accleo, Atego I + II, Atego 18t ->, Axor I + II, Axor Iran, Econic, Linha Tradicional,<br />

LK, MBO 8000, Unimog, Zetros<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW leaf-spring bearing<br />

19450<br />

624 325 01 12 L -Typ, MK - SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW leaf-spring bearing<br />

29387<br />

383 325 01 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW lever for tension roller<br />

23357<br />

442 200 07 73<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW mirror bracket<br />

24352<br />

641 810 00 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW non return valve for fuel line<br />

29670<br />

541 098 00 57<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

18846<br />

355 180 11 65<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

18847<br />

355 180 12 65<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

21050<br />

001 188 31 01<br />

L - Typ, Linha Tradicional, LK (Sam / South Africa), MK / SK<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I + II + III, (mot.) OM 457, 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

(mot.) OM 355 Iran, OM 358<br />

(mot.) OM 355, OM 355 Iran, OM 364, OM 366<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, O 407, OM 407, OM 409, OM 421, OM 422,<br />

OM 423, OM 427, OM 429, OM 441, OM 447, OM 457<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

21577<br />

366 180 38 65 (mot.) OM 352, OM 362, OM 366<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

21581<br />

001 188 88 01 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil cooler<br />

21599<br />

002 188 18 01 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 441, OM 442<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

01962<br />

366 180 04 01 (mot.) OM 352, OM 362, OM 366<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

05298<br />

364 180 01 01 (mot.) OM 314, OM 352, OM 364, OM 366<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

05807<br />

352 180 63 01 (mot.) OM 314, 352<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

05808<br />

355 180 01 01 (mot.) OM 346, OM 355<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


52<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

08035<br />

360 180 24 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

08354<br />

345 180 74 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

08355<br />

355 180 10 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

11499<br />

366 180 03 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

19434<br />

541 180 02 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

19435<br />

542 200 07 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump<br />

27821<br />

906 180 06 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump with drive wheel<br />

02447<br />

423 180 05 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump with drive wheel<br />

07685<br />

403 180 17 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump with drive wheel<br />

07987<br />

403 180 27 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil pump without drive wheel<br />

07988<br />

403 180 28 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator with nut<br />

23214<br />

000 018 57 35<br />

(mot.) OM 360<br />

(mot.) OM 355<br />

(mot.) OM 355<br />

(mot.) OM 366<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 624, 926, M 906<br />

(mot.) OM 402, 403, 422, 423, 442<br />

(mot.) OM 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 427, 429, 441, 442, 447, 449<br />

(mot.) OM 407, 424, 427, 447, 449<br />

(mot.) OM 407, 427, 447, 457, M 447<br />

(mot.) OM 352, OM 364, OM 366, OM 357, M 447<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator with seal ring<br />

21075<br />

000 018 38 35 S1<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442,<br />

OM 443<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator with seal ring<br />

21076<br />

000 018 37 35 S1 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator with seal ring<br />

22681<br />

000 018 13 35 (mot.) OM 447, OM 449<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator without seal ring<br />

21063<br />

000 018 37 35 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW oil separator without seal ring<br />

21064<br />

000 018 38 35 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW overflow valve for injection pump<br />

08753<br />

000 074 05 15 (mot.) OM 314, OM 327, OM 346, OM 352, OM 355, OM 360, OM 362, OM 364,<br />

OM 366, OM 402, OM 403<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW overflow valve for injection pump<br />

15193<br />

000 074 76 84 (mot.) OM 355, 360, 364, 366, 401, 402, 403, 407, 421, 422, 423, 427, 441, 442,<br />

443, 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW pivot pin for belt tensioner<br />

29216<br />

541 202 01 20 Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW power-steering pump for steering gear<br />

27170<br />

002 460 08 80 Axor, (mot.) OM 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW power-steering pump for steering gear<br />

27670<br />

002 460 39 80 (mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW power-steering pump for steering gear<br />

28270<br />

002 460 88 80 Actros II, ( mot.) OM 541, 542<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


54<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW pressure control valve for fuel line<br />

29677<br />

541 070 06 46<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW pressure switch mechanical<br />

27244<br />

001 545 49 09<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft bearing<br />

24657<br />

654 410 00 22<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support<br />

24539<br />

970 411 00 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support<br />

26410<br />

000 410 10 10<br />

656 411 00 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support<br />

26764<br />

973 411 00 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support<br />

26765<br />

973 411 01 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support with ball bearing<br />

24511<br />

670 411 01 12<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW propeller shaft center support with ball bearing<br />

22976<br />

655 410 00 22<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW release lever kit<br />

22751<br />

655 254 02 06 S1<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, OM 906<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18 t ->, Axor I + II, L-Typ, MK-SK<br />

Atego I + II<br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego 18 t ->, Axor I + II, Econic<br />

Atego ->, Atego I + II, Axor I + II<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18 t ->, Axor I + II, Econic<br />

Vario<br />

Actros I, Axor I + II, Atego 18 t ->, Econic, MK-SK<br />

Actros I<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

19037<br />

000 350 21 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

19038<br />

000 330 14 11<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

21632<br />

000 350 10 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

21633<br />

000 350 01 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

23503<br />

000 350 24 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

28304<br />

000 350 27 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

28530<br />

000 350 48 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

29862<br />

000 350 37 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit axle rod<br />

29863<br />

000 350 36 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit engine brake<br />

22658<br />

541 140 01 63<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit engine brake<br />

23597<br />

542 140 00 63<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit flywheel<br />

31384<br />

025 997 50 47 S1<br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego I + II, Atego 18t ->, Axor I + II, Econic<br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego 18t - >, Axor I + II, Econic<br />

MK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Atego 18t - ><br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego I 18t ->, Axor I + II, Axor (Iran)<br />

Actros I + II + III, Atego I 18t ->, Axor I + II<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II, Axor Iran<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II, Axor Iran<br />

(mot.) OM 457, OM 460, OM 501<br />

(mot.) OM OM 502<br />

(mot.) OM 904, 906, 924, M 904<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


56<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for air compressor<br />

31860<br />

541 130 08 20<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

01368<br />

402 130 02 20<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

02276<br />

442 130 07 20<br />

(mot.) OM 501, 502<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 427, OM 441,<br />

OM 442, OM 443, OM 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09104<br />

441 130 02 20 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443,<br />

OM 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

09105<br />

441 130 02 20 S1 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441, OM 442, OM 443,<br />

OM 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21053<br />

000 130 13 20 (mot.) OM 327, OM 335, OM 355, OM 360<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21056<br />

402 130 02 20 S1 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21069<br />

541 130 06 20 (mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lamella valve for cylinder head air compressor<br />

21809<br />

541 130 06 20 S1 (mot.) OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lever for tension roller<br />

26835<br />

442 200 07 73 S1 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit lever for tension roller<br />

26836<br />

442 200 07 73 S2<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rep. kit window crank<br />

09578<br />

381 725 00 60 S<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW repair kit brake caliper<br />

29413<br />

000 420 07 82<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW repair kit compressor<br />

14666<br />

000 130 26 19<br />

(mot.) OM 401, OM 402<br />

L-Typ, LP, MB-Trac, MK-SK<br />

Atego 18 t - >, Axor I + II, Actros I + II + III, Econic, Linha Tradicional<br />

MK-SK, (mot.) 401, 402, 403, 407, 409, 421, 422, 423, 429, 481, 492, 493, 495<br />

496<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm for exhaust valve<br />

27552<br />

541 050 08 34 (mot.) OM 501/502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm intake<br />

27553<br />

541 050 09 33 (mot.) OM 501/502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm bushing exhaust<br />

27963<br />

541 055 06 50 (mot.) OM 501/502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm bushing intake<br />

27962<br />

541 055 07 50 (mot.) OM 501/502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm shaft with mounting kit<br />

24673<br />

403 050 14 36 (mot.) D 2530, D 2565, D 2566, D 2840, D 2842, D 2865, D 2866, E 2866,<br />

D 2876, E 2876, G 2876<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rocker arm shaft with securing screws<br />

29146<br />

541 050 12 36 S1 (mot.) OM 501/502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW roller tappet<br />

24867<br />

541 050 07 22 (mot.) OM 457, OM 460, OM 501, OM 502<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW rubber mount for stabilizer mount<br />

27528<br />

000 326 51 81 Actros I + II + III, Atego 18 t ->, Axor I + II<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


58<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW screw locking universal application<br />

26707<br />

-<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shaft seal for crankshaft<br />

31497<br />

022 997 76 47<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW sheathed cable for neutral position<br />

15955<br />

673 300 01 32 LK, O 301, O 402, O 814, O 817, O 1114, O 1117, O 1120<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for auxiliary drive<br />

24635<br />

945 260 00 57 (getr) BM 712, BM 715<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for auxiliary drive<br />

29849<br />

970 260 04 57 Actros I + II, Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor I + II, Axor Iran, Econic, Zetros<br />

(getr.) BM 712, 715<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for gearshift aid<br />

31752<br />

002 260 44 57 (getr.) BM 714<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

06406<br />

001 260 67 57 (getr.) BM 717<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

12777<br />

001 260 20 57 (getr.) BM 714<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

24667<br />

001 260 84 57 (getr.) BM 714, BM 715<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

000 277 32 35<br />

Accelo, Atego I + II, Atego 18t, Axor Iran, Econic, Linha Tradicional, LK, MBO<br />

8000, Unimog, (mot.) OM 900, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926, Vario, Zetros<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bearing for spring lug and frame<br />

23483<br />

970 320 01 44 Atego I + II<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

21164<br />

346 322 01 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

21165<br />

346 322 01 03<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

21227<br />

621 325 00 04<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

21228<br />

621 325 00 03<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

21230<br />

620 322 09 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring bracket<br />

31026<br />

655 322 06 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring mounting shoe<br />

19423<br />

659 325 00 19<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring mounting shoe<br />

19424<br />

659 325 01 19<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring plate for spring control arm, at rear axle support<br />

26539<br />

947 325 04 26<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring shaft bearing<br />

26946<br />

000 325 04 85<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW spring shaft bearing with spacer<br />

26948<br />

000 325 04 85 S1<br />

L-Typ<br />

L-Typ<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I + II + III<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


60<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

18983<br />

356 326 00 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

21762<br />

000 326 23 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

23471<br />

942 326 00 50<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

23475<br />

396 326 00 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

23937<br />

658 326 05 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24559<br />

667 326 09 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24560<br />

667 326 10 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24561<br />

941 323 00 50<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24869<br />

667 323 07 85<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24876<br />

670 323 01 85<br />

O 350 Tourismo, O 404<br />

MK-SK<br />

Atego I + II, Atego 18t<br />

Bus (OH) Bus Chassis, O 404, O 350 Tourismo, O 301, O 402<br />

MK-SK<br />

Vario<br />

Vario<br />

Atego 18t<br />

Vario<br />

Vario<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24878<br />

670 326 02 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

24879<br />

670 326 01 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26056<br />

667 326 13 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26058<br />

667 326 15 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26059<br />

667 326 14 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26088<br />

000 326 50 81<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26226<br />

970 323 14 85<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26228<br />

970 323 17 85<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW steering knuckle<br />

19100<br />

655 332 02 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW steering-column stalk switch<br />

19697<br />

357 540 95 45<br />

Vario<br />

Vario<br />

Vario, Sprinter<br />

Vario<br />

Vario<br />

Actros I + II, Atego II, Axor II, Axor<br />

Atego<br />

Actros I, Atego<br />

(axle) BM 733, BM 739<br />

(getr.) O 302 S, O 303, O 304, O 330, O 405, O 407, O 408<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


62<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stop - valve<br />

24634<br />

002 260 30 57<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW stretcher for frame<br />

19455<br />

395 312 01 24<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW suspension level valve for cabin<br />

23499<br />

000 328 45 30<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW switch for splitter transmission<br />

31761<br />

970 540 00 45<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW switch for splitter transmission<br />

31762<br />

941 540 05 45<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW temperature sensor in cylinder head<br />

01301<br />

004 545 55 24<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

11293<br />

000 550 04 33<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

26247<br />

000 550 12 33<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

26256<br />

000 550 13 33<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

28186<br />

541 200 14 70<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW throttle control cable<br />

14601<br />

352 300 14 07<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW throttle control cable<br />

14807<br />

318 300 00 07<br />

(getr.) BM 715<br />

L-Typ<br />

Actros I + II + III<br />

Atego I + II<br />

Atego I + II<br />

(mot.) OM 326, OM 327, OM 352, OM 353, OM 355, OM 360, OM 366, OM 403<br />

MK-SK, (mot.) OM 457, 458, 476, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 924, 926, 941<br />

Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 542<br />

Axor I + II, (mot.) OM 457, 476<br />

Actros I + II, Axor I + II, Axor (Iran), (mot.) 457, 541, 542<br />

L-Typ, LP<br />

Transporter T2, LP<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW throttle control cable<br />

21286<br />

309 300 09 07<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW throttle control cable for neutral position<br />

21827<br />

668 300 01 32<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW transmission mount<br />

24584<br />

941 241 89 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW transmission mount<br />

24585<br />

941 241 97 13<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW transmission mount (engine mounting, rear)<br />

08552<br />

616 240 06 18<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW transmission mount (engine mounting, rear)<br />

11685<br />

652 240 03 18<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW triangular control arm<br />

21347<br />

654 350 01 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW triangular control arm<br />

22350<br />

948 350 30 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW triangular control arm<br />

27956<br />

948 350 23 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW triangular control arm<br />

27957<br />

948 350 22 05<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve for differential lock<br />

21863<br />

001 997 61 36<br />

Transporter T2<br />

LK<br />

Actros II + III, Axor I + II<br />

Axor I + II, Actros II + III<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

Actros I + II + III, Axor I + II<br />

L-Typ, MK-SK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


64<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve for splitter transmission<br />

21862<br />

001 260 02 57<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve for splitter transmission<br />

27697<br />

002 260 61 57<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve adjusting screw for rocker arm<br />

01453<br />

312 055 03 21 LK, (mot.) OM 304, 306, 314, 340, 341, 343, 344, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 384,<br />

386, 390, 394, 396<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve adjusting screw with nut<br />

24675<br />

442 055 00 20 S1<br />

(getr.) BM 717, BM 719<br />

Actros I + II, Axor, (getr.) BM 715<br />

LK, (mot.) OM 304, 306, 314, 340, 341, 343, 344, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 384,<br />

386, 390, 394, 396<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve connection<br />

27959<br />

541 055 08 06 Actros I + II, (mot.) OM 457,458, 460, 521, 522, 541, 542, 941, 942<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW valve plate for brake compressor with seals<br />

02572<br />

402 130 03 20 (mot.) OM 401, OM 402, OM 403, OM 407, OM 421, OM 422, OM 423, OM 441,<br />

OM 442, OM 443, OM 447<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW ventilation valve<br />

21860<br />

000 420 27 55 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW vibration damper for gearshift linkage<br />

29936<br />

000 268 00 14 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW vibration damper for gearshift linkage<br />

29937<br />

000 268 02 14 MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW visco clutch for fan<br />

23157<br />

904 200 11 22 (mot.) OM 904<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wash water pump for screen and headlamp wiper systems 03940<br />

000 860 33 26 L-Typ, Unimog, Vario<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wash water pump for screen and headlamp wiper systems 23209<br />

000 860 47 26 Actros I + II, Atego, Axor<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

09299<br />

000 860 32 26<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

19314<br />

000 869 24 21<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

23208<br />

000 869 40 21<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW water pump with gaskets<br />

11487<br />

364 200 20 01<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wheel bolt<br />

29418<br />

948 401 02 71<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wheel bolt<br />

29942<br />

381 401 06 71<br />

LK, MK-SK, O 303<br />

MB-Trac, Unimog<br />

Actros I + II, Atego, Axor<br />

LK, (mot.) OM 304, 354, 364<br />

Actros I + II, Atego 18t - >, Axor I + II<br />

Actros I, Atego 18t ->, Axor I + II, L-Typ, Linha Tradicional, MB Trac, MK/SK,<br />

Unimog<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW wheel bolt<br />

32043<br />

970 401 00 71 Accelo, Actros II + III, Atego I + II, Axor I + II, Unimog<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window crank<br />

09488<br />

381 725 00 60 Transporter T2, L-Typ, LP, MB-Trac, MK-SK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window crank, brown<br />

17154<br />

673 760 00 02 LK<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window crank, black<br />

26843<br />

673 760 00 02 LK<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


66<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter<br />

09507<br />

381 725 00 02<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter<br />

09508<br />

381 725 01 02<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter<br />

14715<br />

641 720 02 46<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter<br />

14717<br />

641 720 03 46<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter electric<br />

26890<br />

000 725 00 02<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW window lifter electric<br />

26891<br />

000 725 01 02<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW working cylinder for injection pump<br />

01357<br />

000 072 18 12<br />

Neoplan flexible metal hose for exhaust pipe<br />

19326<br />

11006858<br />

Neoplan king pin set, standard<br />

19179<br />

0803.551.00<br />

Neoplan king pin set with bearing<br />

15338<br />

0821.358.29 S1<br />

Neoplan rep. kit flexible metal hose<br />

19327<br />

11006858 S<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW adjuster shim for cab. suspension<br />

27801<br />

50 10 316 016<br />

Transporter T2, L-Typ, LP, MB-Trac, MK-SK<br />

Transporter T2, L-Typ, LP, MB-Trac, MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

MK-SK<br />

Actros I<br />

Actros I<br />

(mot.) OM 364, OM 366<br />

Cityliner, Transliner, Starliner<br />

Cityliner, Transliner<br />

Bus<br />

Cityliner, Transliner, Starliner<br />


The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Renault (RVI) LKW bearing for spring cradle<br />

31000<br />

74 20 442 252<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

22896<br />

50 10 553 544<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt with alternator<br />

23365<br />

50 10 412 957<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW belt tensioner for v-ribbed belt, water pump, and generator 23363<br />

50 10 412 956<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW belt tensioner for v-ribbed belt, water pump, and generator 23367<br />

50 10 553 993<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW bushing for cab. suspension<br />

27137<br />

50 10 460 046<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW cab support<br />

27802<br />

50 10 269 380<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW cab support<br />

27803<br />

50 00 789 265<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW charger intake hose<br />

30196<br />

50 10 315 483<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW cylinder head screw<br />

27549<br />

50 00 694 358<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW cylinder head screw<br />

27551<br />

50 00 694 359<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW engine mount<br />

26970<br />

50 10 316 591<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW engine mount<br />

26971<br />

50 10 316 592<br />





MAGNUM<br />



KERAX, PREMIUM, R-Modell<br />


L 250, Ø 90<br />

PREMIUM, R-Modell, T-Modell<br />

PREMIUM, R-Modell, T-Modell<br />



The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


68<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan blade for fan drive<br />

31459<br />

50 01 864 386<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan blade with viscous clutch<br />

31460<br />

50 10 258 092<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan blade with viscous clutch<br />

31461<br />

50 10 514 057<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan blade without fan drive<br />

31462<br />

50 01 837 421<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan drive<br />

31457<br />

74 82 204 410<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW fan drive<br />

31458<br />

50 10 514 058<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW joint bearing for cab suspension<br />

26963<br />

50 10 316 015<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW leaf-spring bearing<br />

26915<br />

50 00 448 404<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW leaf-spring bearing<br />

26916<br />

50 00 448 405<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW mounting kit for stabilizer mount<br />

27258<br />

50 10 066 937 S<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW radiator cap for expansion tank<br />

27350<br />

50 10 213 367<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW rep. kit closing cylinder<br />

26878<br />

50 01 834 847<br />

C-Modell, R-Modell<br />

M/S-Modell, T-Modell, Mack<br />






M/S-Modell, MIDLINER, MIDLUM<br />

M/S-Modell, MIDLINER, MIDLUM<br />

PREMIUM, MAGNUM, G-Modell<br />



The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Renault (RVI) LKW rep. kit closing cylinder<br />

26879<br />

50 01 843 076<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW rep. kit closing cylinder<br />

27297<br />

50 01 855 397<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW rep. kit cylinder head for air compressor<br />

27879<br />

50 01 836 883<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW rep. kit cylinder head for air compressor<br />

27881<br />

50 01 867 708<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW shift cylinder valve for splitter transmission<br />

14418<br />

50 00 289 804<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW solenoid valve<br />

31753<br />

50 00 808 114<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW solenoid valve for auxiliary drive<br />

27357<br />

50 10 360 036<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW solenoid valve for gearshift aid<br />

27356<br />

50 10 360 034<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW spring bushing for spring mounting<br />

27850<br />

50 10 060 127<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

26893<br />

50 10 383 545<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27257<br />

50 10 066 937<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27429<br />

50 10 130 021<br />

MAGNUM<br />


PREMIUM, PUNCHER, R-Modell, G-Modell, KERAX<br />

PREMIUM, R-Modell<br />

C-Modell, G-Modell, R-Modell<br />





MAGNUM, G-Modell, PREMIUM<br />

MAGNUM, G-Modell, PREMIUM, R-Modell<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


70<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27430<br />

50 10 130 022<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27431<br />

50 10 060 356<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27452<br />

50 10 560 483<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27580<br />

50 10 239 135<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount<br />

27800<br />

00 00 714 088<br />




G-Modell, MAGNUM, P-Modell, PREMIUM<br />

C-Modell, G-Modell, KERAX, MAGNUM, MAXTER, P-Modell, R-Modell, S-Modell,<br />

T-Modell<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW stabilizer mount bushing half<br />

27256<br />

50 10 066 936 G-Modell, MAGNUM, P-Modell, PREMIUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW steering-lock with key<br />

26892<br />


Renault (RVI) LKW suspension level valve for cabin pneumatic suspension<br />

27369<br />

50 10 260 060 KERAX, PREMIUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW suspension level valve for cabin pneumatic suspension<br />

27370<br />

50 10 260 390 KERAX, PREMIUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW suspension level valve for cabin pneumatic suspension<br />

27877<br />

50 00 791 228 Serie G, Maxter, MAGNUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW temperature sensor for coolant<br />

28381<br />


Renault (RVI) LKW tension roller for v - ribbed belt<br />

27349<br />

50 10 477 345 KERAX, PREMIUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW valve for splitter transmission<br />

27040<br />

50 00 789 615 C-Modell, G-Modell, KERAX, MAXTER, MIDLUM, R-Modell, MAGNUM<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Renault (RVI) LKW valve for splitter transmission<br />

27878<br />

50 00 673 571<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

26756<br />

50 10 276 022<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

27225<br />

50 00 946 891<br />

C-Modell, G-Modell, KERAX, MAXTER, P-Modell, PREMIUM, R-Modell<br />


C-Modell, G-Modell, M/S-Modell, M-Modell, Maxter, MIDLINER, MAGNUM,<br />

R-Modell, S-Modell<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW wash water pump for screen washing system<br />

27351<br />

50 10 578 990 MAGNUM, PREMIUM<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW water pump with seal ring<br />

31568<br />

50 01 857 427 PREMIUM, KERAX<br />

Scania belt tensioner for v - ribbed belt<br />

18529<br />

1 859 656<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

Scania cab support<br />

29372<br />

1 394 544<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/R/T<br />

Scania deflection pulley for v - ribbed belt<br />

17322<br />

1 413 609<br />

serie 4 Truck<br />

Scania door handle<br />

05819<br />

1 306 976<br />

series 2 Truck, series 3 Truck<br />

Scania door handle<br />

05821<br />

1 306 975<br />

series 2 Truck, Serie 3 Truck<br />

Scania door handle<br />

24872<br />

1 544 330<br />

series 4 LKW, series P/G/R/T Truck<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


72<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Scania door handle<br />

24874<br />

1 544 331<br />

Scania door lock<br />

21983<br />

0 376 283<br />

Scania door lock<br />

21984<br />

0 376 284<br />

Scania door lock<br />

28523<br />

1 789 305<br />

Scania door lock<br />

28524<br />

1 789 306<br />

Scania engine mount<br />

28169<br />

1 496 749<br />

Scania engine mount<br />

28170<br />

1 469 277<br />

Scania fuel filter<br />

32003<br />

1 372 444<br />

Scania gearshift Knob<br />

31031<br />

1 485 717<br />

Scania gearshift Knob for manual transmission<br />

28520<br />

1 482 997<br />

Scania gearshift Knob for manual transmission<br />

31626<br />

1 919 065<br />

Scania gearshift Knob for manual transmission<br />

31763<br />

1 441 235<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T LKW<br />

series 3 Truck<br />

series 3 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck series G/R/T, series 4 Bus, Serie K/N Bus<br />

series 4 Truck, series G/R/T, series 4 Bus, series K/N Bus<br />

series 4 Truck, Bus, series 4 Bus<br />

series 4 Truck, series 3 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/GR/T Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/GR/T Truck<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Scania hazard warning flasher<br />

10419<br />

1 363 131<br />

Scania ignition switch<br />

28540<br />

1 425 019<br />

Scania rep. kit axle rod<br />

31802<br />

1 517 403<br />

Scania repair kit v-ribbed belt<br />

31623<br />

1 800 523 S1<br />

Scania repair kit v-ribbed belt<br />

31624<br />

1 888 465 S1<br />

Scania repair kit v-ribbed belt<br />

31727<br />

1 800 525 S1<br />

Scania rubber mount for cab. suspension<br />

29373<br />

1 372 432<br />

Scania solenoid valve for charge-air intercooler<br />

21636<br />

1 421 322<br />

Scania solenoid valve for compressed air system<br />

21704<br />

1 421 324<br />

Scania solenoid valve for compressed air system<br />

21705<br />

1 421 325<br />

Scania suspension level valve with mounting kit<br />

28578<br />

1 430 545 S1<br />

Scania switch for gearshift lever knob<br />

28627<br />

1 377 386<br />

Scania tightening clip<br />

31849<br />

0 335 119<br />

series 2 Truck, series 3 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series 4 Bus<br />

series 4 Bus, series F/K/N Bus, series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T Truck<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series G/R/T<br />

series 3 Truck, series 4 Truck<br />

series 3 Truck, series 4 Truck<br />

series 3 Truck, series 4 Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series G/R/T<br />

series 3 Truck, series 4 Truck, series K/N Bus<br />

series 3 Truck<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


74<br />

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Scania tilt cylinder for cabin<br />

31869<br />

1 549 738<br />

Scania valve stem seal<br />

31057<br />

1 328 563<br />

Scania wheel bearing<br />

18417<br />

1 724 482<br />

Scania wheel bearing<br />

29314<br />

1 365 570<br />

Scania window crank<br />

10447<br />

0 376 116<br />

Volvo LKW control arm mount<br />

27519<br />

70308561<br />

Volvo LKW door handle<br />

26942<br />

20398466<br />

Volvo LKW door handle<br />

26943<br />

20398467<br />

Volvo LKW king pin<br />

30592<br />

6794161<br />

Volvo LKW oil pump<br />

18794<br />

478649<br />

Volvo LKW shaft seal for flywheel<br />

21253<br />

2044697<br />

Volvo LKW shock absorber<br />

20050<br />

1136644<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T Truck<br />

series 4 Truck, series P/G/R/T Truck, series F/K/N Bus<br />

series 4 Truck<br />

series 3 Truck<br />

series 2 Truck, series 3 Truck<br />

B 6, B 7, B 9, B 10, B 12, Superolympian<br />

FM 7/9/10/12, FH 12/16, FH 12, NH 12, VHD, VN, VT<br />

FM 7/9/10/12, FH 12/16, FH 12, NH 12, VHD, VN, VT<br />

B 6, FE 6, FE 7, FL 6<br />

B 10 R, B 12, F 12, FL 10, FM 10, N 12, NL 10/12<br />

B 10, B 12, B 58, F 10, F 12, FL 10, FM 10, N 10, N 12, NL 10, NL 12, Olympian<br />

MK II, Superolympian<br />

B 10, B 10 R, B 12<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.

<strong>febi</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><br />

illustration ref. no. description <strong>febi</strong><br />

Volvo LKW suspension level valve for cabin<br />

23557<br />

20531967<br />

FM 7/9/10/12, FH 12/16, NH 12<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />


cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

01161 1254 641 1<br />

01301 004 545 55 24 62<br />

01357 000 072 18 12 66<br />

01368 - 4<br />

01368 402 130 02 20 12<br />

01368 402 130 02 20 56<br />

01453 312 055 03 21 64<br />

01750 901 242 14 13 63<br />

01889 81.95501.6223 33<br />

01897 51.04401.6271 23<br />

01962 366 180 04 01 51<br />

01964 111 038 00 71 41<br />

02179 51.04301.0089 23<br />

02239 422 050 21 01 40<br />

02262 422 050 22 01 40<br />

02276 - 4<br />

02276 442 130 07 20 12<br />

02276 442 130 07 20 56<br />

02319 352 038 27 71 41<br />

02320 352 038 22 71 41<br />

02323 355 038 03 71 41<br />

02374 000 989 08 25 35<br />

02447 51.05100.6279 29<br />

02447 423 180 05 01 52<br />

02460 383 350 00 68 48<br />

02502 402 050 18 01 40<br />

02572 - 4<br />

02572 402 130 03 20 15<br />

02572 81.54124.6006 34<br />

02572 402 130 03 20 64<br />

02587 001 260 19 57 49<br />

02602 81.32550.0003 28<br />

02602 001 260 63 57 49<br />

03221 0 4254 8058 19<br />

03364 81.95501.6452 33<br />

03514 001 989 08 51 49<br />

03940 000 860 33 26 64<br />

04370 81.26482.0003 35<br />

05011 000 989 08 25 35<br />

05135 0 0812 1938 21<br />

05135 81.52170.6095 32<br />

05229 51.90020.0381 24<br />

05298 364 180 01 01 51<br />

05789 002 460 76 80 10<br />

05789 002 460 76 80 50<br />

05807 352 180 63 01 51<br />

05808 355 180 01 01 51<br />

05819 1 306 976 71<br />

76<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

05821 1 306 975 71<br />

05960 352 038 05 72 41<br />

06161 09.11003.0427 28<br />

06371 000 550 00 33 43<br />

06406 81.52170.6128 32<br />

06406 001 260 67 57 58<br />

07685 51.05100.6133 29<br />

07685 403 180 17 01 52<br />

07838 631 545 07 09 62<br />

07987 51.05100.6134 29<br />

07987 403 180 27 01 52<br />

07988 51.05100.6135 29<br />

07988 403 180 28 01 52<br />

08035 360 180 24 01 52<br />

08354 345 180 74 01 52<br />

08355 355 180 10 01 52<br />

08552 616 240 06 18 63<br />

08685 0 0474 0846 S1 18<br />

08689 0 0474 0847 S1 22<br />

08753 000 074 05 15 53<br />

08971 000 989 92 03 35<br />

09104 - 4<br />

09104 441 130 02 20 12<br />

09104 441 130 02 20 56<br />

09105 - 4<br />

09105 441 130 02 20 S 12<br />

09105 441 130 02 20 S1 56<br />

09129 - 4<br />

09129 442 130 00 20 12<br />

09299 000 860 32 26 15<br />

09299 000 860 32 26 65<br />

09488 381 725 00 60 65<br />

09490 000 980 90 64 47<br />

09507 381 725 00 02 66<br />

09508 381 725 01 02 66<br />

09578 381 725 00 60 S 57<br />

09797 906 038 01 71 41<br />

10071 81.96210.0439 25<br />

10348 81.96210.0440 25<br />

10419 1 363 131 73<br />

10447 0 376 116 74<br />

10688 81.95501.6367 32<br />

11086 0 0599 0986 20<br />

11258 51.90490.0070 24<br />

11259 51.90490.0071 24<br />

11262 51.90490.0070 S 24<br />

11276 000 202 09 19 43<br />

11293 000 550 04 33 62

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

11487 364 200 20 01 65<br />

11499 366 180 03 01 52<br />

11544 81.39126.6009 24<br />

11545 1235 571 1<br />

11545 81.39108.6048 24<br />

11546 81.39126.6006 24<br />

11685 652 240 03 18 63<br />

11727 51.90490.0024 S 24<br />

11904 0 9943 2547 18<br />

11964 0 8243 6410 22<br />

12229 0 0434 5645 21<br />

12260 06.36950.0309 29<br />

12273 001 295 68 07 41<br />

12329 001 295 86 06 41<br />

12336 001 295 60 06 41<br />

12359 81.39400.6089 30<br />

12360 81.39410.6017 30<br />

12374 0 0423 2606 19<br />

12424 366 050 03 01 40<br />

12430 51.90490.0038 24<br />

12746 0 4642 8175 20<br />

12771 541 038 00 71 41<br />

12777 001 260 20 57 14<br />

12777 001 260 20 57 58<br />

14039 356 401 00 71 15<br />

14051 385 320 00 77 38<br />

14418 0 0812 1938 21<br />

14418 81.52170.6091 32<br />

14418 50 00 289 804 69<br />

14508 385 410 02 31 41<br />

14563 81.15210.0040 26<br />

14564 81.15210.0049 26<br />

14566 81.15210.0056 26<br />

14567 81.15210.0058 26<br />

14569 81.15210.0071 26<br />

14601 352 300 14 07 62<br />

14666 1517 929 2<br />

14666 1517 929 2<br />

14666 411 033 801 2 4<br />

14666 8.311.225.899.0 13<br />

14666 51.54114.6054 31<br />

14666 000 130 26 19 57<br />

14667 407 130 05 19 7<br />

14667 407 130 05 19 42<br />

14668 442 130 32 19 7<br />

14668 442 130 32 19 42<br />

14715 641 720 02 46 66<br />

14717 641 720 03 46 66<br />

cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

14731 90-245-700 N 8<br />

14733 59-249-150 N 8<br />

14735 306-689-410 N 9<br />

14738 001 989 22 03 35<br />

14807 318 300 00 07 62<br />

14814 0 0483 6359 19<br />

15100 000 750 30 80 8<br />

15100 000 750 30 80 47<br />

15193 000 074 76 84 53<br />

15250 81.96210.0441 25<br />

15338 0821.358.29 S1 66<br />

15486 941 241 78 13 44<br />

15514 179-23.11.180-01 14<br />

15517 179-23.30.213-02 S1 11<br />

15518 129-24.14.101-02 S1 6<br />

15570 0 0858 8903 18<br />

15571 0 0858 8904 18<br />

15572 0 9380 3159 18<br />

15573 0 9380 3160 18<br />

15576 0 0858 2425 22<br />

15609 0 0858 5819 21<br />

15610 0 0856 0291 21<br />

15753 422 032 01 71 47<br />

15767 81.15210.0039 26<br />

15815 337 880 53 59 39<br />

15879 003 205 13 06 45<br />

15955 673 300 01 32 58<br />

17041 81.15210.0043 26<br />

17046 81.15210.0077 26<br />

17120 008 542 80 17 47<br />

17121 008 542 81 17 47<br />

17154 673 760 00 02 65<br />

17177 447 030 18 05 46<br />

17254 670 760 01 59 44<br />

17322 1 413 609 71<br />

17462 0 0485 3298 20<br />

17463 0 0480 2609 20<br />

17464 0 0481 6961 20<br />

17465 5 0031 7093 20<br />

17466 0 6131 9221 20<br />

17476 81.43411.0005 32<br />

17597 655 490 00 65 46<br />

17667 0 0485 9435 17<br />

17672 51.05405.5013 30<br />

17869 81.32735.6044 32<br />

17870 81.43270.6079 30<br />

17873 81.52185.6048 32<br />

17891 001 462 11 30 50<br />


cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

17893 001 462 20 30 50<br />

17895 617 240 02 17 44<br />

18075 638 323 02 85 60<br />

18078 0 4204 7142 16<br />

18078 81.25505.0461 22<br />

18140 51.26105.0185 22<br />

18147 81.25505.0760 28<br />

18202 0 0816 0686 19<br />

18385 4.771.449.000 5<br />

18393 179-23.30.211-02 S 11<br />

18414 0 0896 6748 21<br />

18415 0 0483 7682 21<br />

18416 0 0483 7683 21<br />

18417 1 724 482 74<br />

18418 0 0190 4696 19<br />

18419 0 0190 4697 S1 19<br />

18420 0 0190 4698 S1 19<br />

18476 1698 228 2<br />

18477 1698 230 2<br />

18526 0 0479 2797 19<br />

18529 1 859 656 71<br />

18602 81.27421.0109 29<br />

18614 000 980 70 64 9<br />

18615 000 980 69 64 9<br />

18725 1290 794 1<br />

18726 1290 795 1<br />

18794 478649 74<br />

18818 942 410 01 31 41<br />

18820 656 410 01 31 41<br />

18827 81.25902.0376 32<br />

18829 81.25902.0378 24<br />

18845 442 010 06 20 42<br />

18846 355 180 11 65 51<br />

18847 355 180 12 65 51<br />

18848 002 205 93 06 45<br />

18849 002 205 70 06 45<br />

18861 51.93410.0143 S1 31<br />

18912 624 325 03 10 47<br />

18983 356 326 00 81 14<br />

18983 356 326 00 81 60<br />

19037 000 350 21 05 55<br />

19038 000 330 14 11 55<br />

19070 81.26485.6027 34<br />

19100 655 332 02 01 61<br />

19136 1261 652 2<br />

19136 81.30550.0078 30<br />

19137 1304 569 1<br />

19173 8.919.800.430.0 10<br />

78<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

19174 8.919.800.432.0 10<br />

19179 0803.551.00 66<br />

19314 81.26485.6008 34<br />

19314 000 869 24 21 65<br />

19326 11006858 66<br />

19327 11006858 S 66<br />

19423 659 325 00 19 59<br />

19424 659 325 01 19 59<br />

19434 541 180 02 01 52<br />

19435 542 200 07 01 52<br />

19436 620 260 17 39 49<br />

19450 624 325 01 12 50<br />

19454 624 312 01 41 47<br />

19455 395 312 01 24 62<br />

19564 541 050 02 26 50<br />

19565 541 050 02 27 45<br />

19566 442 050 05 26 50<br />

19567 442 050 02 27 45<br />

19568 366 050 06 27 45<br />

19611 0 9846 0577 17<br />

19613 366 050 12 26 50<br />

19697 357 540 95 45 61<br />

19700 81.96210.0367 26<br />

19707 81.74821.0041 28<br />

19708 81.74821.0039 28<br />

19709 81.74821.0048 27<br />

19710 81.74821.0068 27<br />

19711 81.74821.0065 28<br />

19712 81.74821.0104 28<br />

19815 624 312 00 60 47<br />

19944 442 130 00 08 7<br />

19944 51.54105.6006 24<br />

19944 442 130 00 08 43<br />

19946 402 130 06 08 7<br />

19946 51.54105.6008 24<br />

19946 402 130 06 08 43<br />

20050 1136644 74<br />

21027 906 200 20 70 36<br />

21047 002 205 60 06 46<br />

21049 002 205 15 06 46<br />

21050 001 188 31 01 51<br />

21052 000 130 31 19 7<br />

21052 000 130 31 19 42<br />

21053 000 130 13 20 12<br />

21053 000 130 13 20 56<br />

21054 000 130 13 20 S1 10<br />

21054 000 130 13 20 S1 48<br />

21056 402 130 02 20 S1 12

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

21056 402 130 02 20 S1 56<br />

21057 442 130 00 20 S1 10<br />

21057 442 130 00 20 S1 48<br />

21058 441 130 02 20 S2 10<br />

21058 441 130 02 20 S2 48<br />

21063 000 018 37 35 53<br />

21064 000 018 38 35 53<br />

21067 541 131 11 19 7<br />

21067 541 131 11 19 42<br />

21068 541 131 12 19 7<br />

21068 541 131 12 19 42<br />

21069 541 130 06 20 12<br />

21069 541 130 06 20 56<br />

21075 000 018 38 35 S1 53<br />

21076 000 018 37 35 S1 53<br />

21164 346 322 01 01 59<br />

21165 346 322 01 03 59<br />

21179 649 750 01 59 39<br />

21187 673 750 02 59 39<br />

21213 641 750 00 59 39<br />

21215 389 830 00 31 39<br />

21217 670 750 00 59 40<br />

21227 621 325 00 04 59<br />

21228 621 325 00 03 59<br />

21229 395 325 11 09 38<br />

21230 620 322 09 01 59<br />

21253 2044697 74<br />

21286 309 300 09 07 63<br />

21337 659 350 35 06 35<br />

21338 357 330 31 11 4<br />

21340 659 350 27 06 36<br />

21341 654 350 05 06 36<br />

21342 357 330 36 11 4<br />

21343 948 350 25 05 36<br />

21344 385 350 00 06 36<br />

21345 385 350 02 06 36<br />

21346 600 330 01 11 5<br />

21347 654 350 01 05 63<br />

21348 357 333 02 05 5<br />

21349 653 350 06 06 36<br />

21510 81.41405.0012 32<br />

21511 81.41350.0018 33<br />

21512 81.41320.0092 29<br />

21515 81.41350.0009 33<br />

21516 81.41320.0065 29<br />

21572 51.00900.6570 28<br />

21577 366 180 38 65 51<br />

21581 001 188 88 01 51<br />

cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

21599 002 188 18 01 51<br />

21632 000 350 10 13 55<br />

21633 000 350 01 13 55<br />

21636 1 421 322 73<br />

21704 1 421 324 73<br />

21705 1 421 325 73<br />

21762 000 326 23 81 60<br />

21809 541 130 06 20 S1 12<br />

21809 541 130 06 20 S1 56<br />

21827 668 300 01 32 63<br />

21834 948 492 00 59 46<br />

21835 942 492 04 59 46<br />

21836 942 492 03 59 46<br />

21837 942 492 05 59 46<br />

21838 940 492 01 59 46<br />

21857 002 997 59 36 15<br />

21860 000 420 27 55 64<br />

21861 002 429 21 44 64<br />

21862 001 260 02 57 64<br />

21863 001 997 61 36 63<br />

21936 51.04101.0447 26<br />

21983 0 376 283 72<br />

21984 0 376 284 72<br />

22312 81.25509.0018 33<br />

22350 948 350 30 05 63<br />

22398 1457 275 3<br />

22399 1457 276 3<br />

22430 381 460 00 04 40<br />

22453 542 200 19 01 65<br />

22582 81.96210.0406 25<br />

22624 613 330 00 10 14<br />

22625 613 330 01 10 15<br />

22647 613 333 01 05 8<br />

22658 541 140 01 63 11<br />

22658 541 140 01 63 55<br />

22681 000 018 13 35 11<br />

22681 000 018 13 35 53<br />

22745 81.96401.0152 33<br />

22751 655 254 02 06 S1 54<br />

22752 655 250 15 13 41<br />

22782 906 200 22 70 36<br />

22820 81.96210.0366 25<br />

22851 51.95800.7342 33<br />

22852 51.95800.7396 23<br />

22859 51.95800.7397 23<br />

22877 51.95800.6035 25<br />

22879 51.95800.7391 23<br />

22881 51.95800.7392 22<br />


cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

22895 5 0406 5878 22<br />

22896 5 0033 2622 16<br />

22896 50 10 553 544 67<br />

22897 5 0035 0419 16<br />

22898 0 9944 9176 16<br />

22899 5 0406 5877 21<br />

22972 5 0415 3873 17<br />

22973 5 0410 6749 17<br />

22974 5 0400 6261 22<br />

22975 5 0404 6191 17<br />

22976 655 410 00 22 54<br />

23141 904 205 04 06 45<br />

23157 904 200 11 22 64<br />

23208 000 869 40 21 15<br />

23208 000 869 40 21 65<br />

23209 000 860 47 26 15<br />

23209 000 860 47 26 64<br />

23214 000 018 57 35 52<br />

23261 457 200 10 70 7<br />

23261 457 200 10 70 43<br />

23263 457 200 16 70 36<br />

23264 457 200 17 70 5<br />

23264 457 200 17 70 36<br />

23265 457 200 19 70 37<br />

23266 541 200 15 70 37<br />

23267 541 200 16 70 37<br />

23268 541 202 02 19 43<br />

23269 904 200 00 70 37<br />

23270 906 200 06 70 37<br />

23271 906 200 12 70 36<br />

23272 906 200 11 70 43<br />

23273 906 200 13 70 37<br />

23274 906 200 18 70 37<br />

23275 906 200 23 70 37<br />

23276 906 200 24 70 37<br />

23277 906 200 26 70 37<br />

23337 000 550 06 33 43<br />

23357 442 200 07 73 11<br />

23357 442 200 07 73 51<br />

23363 50 10 412 956 67<br />

23365 50 10 412 957 67<br />

23367 50 10 553 993 67<br />

23464 0 0444 8131 17<br />

23467 5 0038 2599 17<br />

23471 942 326 00 50 60<br />

23475 396 326 00 81 14<br />

23475 396 326 00 81 60<br />

23483 970 320 01 44 58<br />

80<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

23485 943 323 86 84 38<br />

23499 000 328 45 30 62<br />

23503 000 350 24 05 55<br />

23543 000 550 11 33 7<br />

23546 0 0484 0434 17<br />

23547 5 0412 7558 17<br />

23557 20531967 75<br />

23597 542 140 00 63 55<br />

23607 1628 148 1<br />

23611 0 6132 0629 20<br />

23611 51.01804.7028 30<br />

23613 0 6132 0629 S1 20<br />

23613 51.01804.7028 S1 30<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 5<br />

23631 541 200 25 70 36<br />

23727 0 6131 8396 20<br />

23728 0 0477 0250 20<br />

23829 1608 402 1<br />

23829 0 4253 3410 17<br />

23830 0 4253 3783 18<br />

23832 0 4253 3785 18<br />

23833 0 4253 3841 18<br />

23836 1250 299 1<br />

23840 1321 936 2<br />

23840 0 9316 3617 20<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 14<br />

23937 658 326 05 81 60<br />

23946 441 130 00 08 42<br />

23947 541 130 00 08 42<br />

23948 541 130 01 08 42<br />

24067 5 0030 4249 22<br />

24068 1343 064 3<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 7<br />

24253 541 130 27 19 42<br />

24337 000 720 06 16 43<br />

24338 941 723 01 20 44<br />

24352 641 810 00 12 51<br />

24441 81.96210.0553 25<br />

24442 81.96210.6072 25<br />

24448 81.25509.0123 33<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 10<br />

24470 005 545 92 24 49<br />

24472 81.41715.6013 31<br />

24474 81.41715.6014 31<br />

24511 670 411 01 12 54<br />

24539 970 411 00 12 54<br />

24559 667 326 09 81 60<br />

24560 667 326 10 81 60

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

24561 941 323 00 50 14<br />

24561 941 323 00 50 60<br />

24562 941 323 01 50 5<br />

24562 941 323 01 50 39<br />

24580 941 241 81 13 44<br />

24581 941 241 82 13 44<br />

24582 941 241 87 13 44<br />

24584 941 241 89 13 63<br />

24585 941 241 97 13 63<br />

24586 941 241 67 13 44<br />

24587 941 241 85 13 44<br />

24588 941 241 86 13 44<br />

24605 001 988 24 10 14<br />

24612 906 032 01 71 8<br />

24612 906 032 01 71 47<br />

24634 002 260 30 57 62<br />

24635 945 260 00 57 58<br />

24657 654 410 00 22 54<br />

24667 001 260 84 57 58<br />

24673 51.04202.5034 S1 31<br />

24673 403 050 14 36 57<br />

24675 442 055 00 20 S1 64<br />

24691 629 750 12 36 8<br />

24692 629 750 02 36 8<br />

24693 629 750 03 36 8<br />

24694 629 750 04 36 8<br />

24695 629 750 05 36 8<br />

24697 629 750 07 36 8<br />

24698 629 750 08 36 9<br />

24699 629 750 09 36 9<br />

24705 001 980 84 64 47<br />

24768 81.26485.6033 34<br />

24838 81.62900.6179 27<br />

24840 81.74821.0063 27<br />

24842 81.74821.0084 28<br />

24844 81.74821.0110 27<br />

24846 81.74821.0107 27<br />

24859 51.27120.0014 31<br />

24860 51.27120.0015 31<br />

24867 541 050 07 22 13<br />

24867 541 050 07 22 57<br />

24869 667 323 07 85 60<br />

24872 1 544 330 71<br />

24874 1 544 331 72<br />

24876 670 323 01 85 60<br />

24878 670 326 02 81 61<br />

24879 670 326 01 81 61<br />

24886 941 760 04 59 44<br />

cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

24936 457 200 21 70 5<br />

24936 457 200 21 70 37<br />

24960 457 030 06 05 8<br />

24960 457 030 06 05 47<br />

24976 670 760 02 05 40<br />

24980 001 981 79 31 50<br />

26007 655 553 05 82 49<br />

26008 387 553 03 82 49<br />

26022 81.54124.6017 31<br />

26023 81.54124.6015 34<br />

26024 81.54301.0035 24<br />

26056 667 326 13 81 61<br />

26058 667 326 15 81 61<br />

26059 667 326 14 81 61<br />

26088 000 326 50 81 61<br />

26092 51.06601.0172 26<br />

26146 942 350 38 35 48<br />

26205 51.06630.0060 34<br />

26206 51.06601.0256 26<br />

26226 970 323 14 85 61<br />

26228 970 323 17 85 61<br />

26247 000 550 12 33 14<br />

26247 000 550 12 33 62<br />

26256 000 550 13 33 14<br />

26256 000 550 13 33 62<br />

26288 906 054 10 01 40<br />

26351 629 750 19 36 9<br />

26352 629 750 16 36 9<br />

26353 629 750 15 36 9<br />

26354 629 750 11 36 9<br />

26355 629 750 22 36 9<br />

26356 002 980 15 64 9<br />

26357 629 750 14 36 9<br />

26358 629 750 20 36 9<br />

26410 000 410 10 10 54<br />

26411 380 553 00 82 50<br />

26412 387 553 01 82 50<br />

26516 002 094 57 82 6<br />

26516 002 094 57 82 40<br />

26539 947 325 04 26 59<br />

26607 655 241 06 13 44<br />

26608 655 241 07 13 45<br />

26612 655 241 06 13 S1 45<br />

26614 000 996 85 45 6<br />

26699 003 205 01 06 8<br />

26699 003 205 01 06 46<br />

26707 - 58<br />

26712 001 989 42 51 49<br />


cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

26756 50 10 276 022 71<br />

26764 973 411 00 12 54<br />

26765 973 411 01 12 54<br />

26814 002 094 52 82 6<br />

26814 002 094 52 82 40<br />

26815 002 094 63 82 6<br />

26815 002 094 63 82 40<br />

26835 442 200 07 73 S1 13<br />

26835 442 200 07 73 S1 56<br />

26836 442 200 07 73 S2 13<br />

26836 442 200 07 73 S2 57<br />

26843 673 760 00 02 65<br />

26878 50 01 834 847 68<br />

26879 50 01 843 076 69<br />

26890 000 725 00 02 66<br />

26891 000 725 01 02 66<br />

26892 50 10 232 097 70<br />

26893 50 10 383 545 69<br />

26915 50 00 448 404 68<br />

26916 50 00 448 405 68<br />

26942 20398466 74<br />

26943 20398467 74<br />

26946 000 325 04 85 59<br />

26948 000 325 04 85 S1 59<br />

26963 50 10 316 015 68<br />

26970 50 10 316 591 67<br />

26971 50 10 316 592 67<br />

27040 50 00 789 615 70<br />

27133 51.95800.7435 22<br />

27134 51.95800.7437 22<br />

27135 51.95800.7459 23<br />

27137 50 10 460 046 67<br />

27139 81.41723.6114 28<br />

27169 51.95800.6075 24<br />

27170 002 460 08 80 11<br />

27170 002 460 08 80 53<br />

27171 81.12501.0030 27<br />

27211 000 553 79 01 50<br />

27225 50 00 946 891 71<br />

27244 001 545 49 09 54<br />

27256 50 10 066 936 70<br />

27257 50 10 066 937 69<br />

27258 50 10 066 937 S 68<br />

27261 81.39410.6034 30<br />

27297 50 01 855 397 69<br />

27349 50 10 477 345 70<br />

27350 50 10 213 367 68<br />

27351 50 10 578 990 71<br />

82<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

27356 50 10 360 034 69<br />

27357 50 10 360 036 69<br />

27361 5 0407 2744 17<br />

27369 50 10 260 060 70<br />

27370 50 10 260 390 70<br />

27404 1698 228 S1 2<br />

27429 50 10 130 021 69<br />

27430 50 10 130 022 70<br />

27431 50 10 060 356 70<br />

27452 50 10 560 483 70<br />

27519 70308561 74<br />

27521 51.06601.0275 26<br />

27523 652 241 02 13 45<br />

27528 000 326 51 81 57<br />

27549 50 00 694 358 67<br />

27551 50 00 694 359 67<br />

27552 541 050 08 34 13<br />

27552 541 050 08 34 57<br />

27553 541 050 09 33 13<br />

27553 541 050 09 33 57<br />

27575 81.96210.0554 33<br />

27576 81.96210.0555 33<br />

27580 50 10 239 135 70<br />

27581 002 260 20 57 13<br />

27670 002 460 39 80 11<br />

27670 002 460 39 80 53<br />

27697 002 260 61 57 64<br />

27790 81.93420.0337 35<br />

27791 81.93420.0349 35<br />

27800 00 00 714 088 70<br />

27801 50 10 316 016 66<br />

27802 50 10 269 380 67<br />

27803 50 00 789 265 67<br />

27817 81.47101.6137 29<br />

27821 906 180 06 01 11<br />

27821 906 180 06 01 52<br />

27850 50 10 060 127 69<br />

27877 50 00 791 228 70<br />

27878 50 00 673 571 71<br />

27879 50 01 836 883 69<br />

27881 50 01 867 708 69<br />

27954 000 322 03 23 36<br />

27955 375 322 05 23 36<br />

27956 948 350 23 05 63<br />

27957 948 350 22 05 63<br />

27959 541 055 08 06 15<br />

27959 541 055 08 06 64<br />

27962 541 055 07 50 13

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

27962 541 055 07 50 57<br />

27963 541 055 06 50 13<br />

27963 541 055 06 50 57<br />

28001 5 0033 1831 17<br />

28035 541 205 00 06 46<br />

28066 85.12501.0003 27<br />

28067 85.12501.0002 27<br />

28068 81.12503.0085 27<br />

28099 0 4101 5581 21<br />

28135 0 0816 0687 19<br />

28136 0 0816 2280 19<br />

28169 1 496 749 72<br />

28170 1 469 277 72<br />

28185 000 200 15 70 5<br />

28185 000 200 15 70 36<br />

28186 541 200 14 70 62<br />

28193 02.1040.45.00 1<br />

28223 51.03905.0161 34<br />

28224 51.03905.0157 34<br />

28236 000 130 76 15 10<br />

28236 000 130 76 15 48<br />

28244 000 550 17 33 8<br />

28244 000 550 17 33 43<br />

28270 002 460 88 80 53<br />

28276 5 0410 6751 18<br />

28304 000 350 27 05 55<br />

28328 0 4101 1006 15<br />

28381 74 20 513 340 70<br />

28410 930 317 00 12 39<br />

28459 0 9847 2466 15<br />

28460 0 9847 2871 15<br />

28472 541 131 12 19 S1 7<br />

28472 541 131 12 19 S1 42<br />

28476 541 131 11 19 S1 7<br />

28476 541 131 11 19 S1 42<br />

28520 1 482 997 72<br />

28523 1 789 305 72<br />

28524 1 789 306 72<br />

28530 000 350 48 05 55<br />

28540 1 425 019 73<br />

28578 1 430 545 S1 73<br />

28624 925 371 300 0 4<br />

28627 1 377 386 73<br />

28667 942 317 23 12 39<br />

28669 970 317 01 12 39<br />

28674 970 317 04 50 39<br />

28686 81.61851.6023 S1 23<br />

28697 1396 202 1<br />

cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

28738 1396 202 S1 2<br />

28955 5 0403 2642 19<br />

29139 81.12501.0030 S1 27<br />

29146 541 050 12 36 S1 13<br />

29146 541 050 12 36 S1 57<br />

29152 1204 236 1<br />

29164 1305 481 2<br />

29165 1305 482 2<br />

29168 1285 260 2<br />

29184 81.97100.6099 25<br />

29216 541 202 01 20 53<br />

29314 1 365 570 74<br />

29372 1 394 544 71<br />

29373 1 372 432 73<br />

29374 85.61851.6003 S1 29<br />

29387 383 325 01 12 51<br />

29413 000 420 07 82 13<br />

29413 000 420 07 82 57<br />

29418 948 401 02 71 15<br />

29418 948 401 02 71 65<br />

29454 000 477 13 02 8<br />

29454 000 477 13 02 47<br />

29462 001 980 19 64 9<br />

29480 81.61851.6023 23<br />

29645 1323 838 3<br />

29646 1732 886 3<br />

29647 1287 999 3<br />

29670 541 098 00 57 11<br />

29670 541 098 00 57 51<br />

29677 541 070 06 46 11<br />

29677 541 070 06 46 54<br />

29738 001 989 22 03 35<br />

29798 906 030 20 05 46<br />

29849 970 260 04 57 13<br />

29849 970 260 04 57 58<br />

29862 000 350 37 05 55<br />

29863 000 350 36 05 55<br />

29874 0066 322 3<br />

29936 000 268 00 14 64<br />

29937 000 268 02 14 64<br />

29942 381 401 06 71 15<br />

29942 381 401 06 71 65<br />

30006 000 477 17 02 47<br />

30167 5 0039 3575 22<br />

30168 5 0400 0412 18<br />

30170 5 0408 6948 16<br />

30171 5 0407 8435 16<br />

30172 5 0033 2296 16<br />


cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

30173 5 0033 2830 16<br />

30174 5 0418 0619 16<br />

30176 5 0407 6697 16<br />

30178 5 0408 6751 16<br />

30179 5 0408 8796 16<br />

30182 81.96301.0900 23<br />

30183 51.96420.0121 23<br />

30184 81.96320.0162 23<br />

30196 50 10 315 483 67<br />

30201 51.96820.0238 S1 31<br />

30272 628 320 10 89 6<br />

30273 628 320 11 89 6<br />

30274 628 320 12 89 6<br />

30275 628 320 13 89 6<br />

30389 51.95800.6092 25<br />

30396 1356 457 2<br />

30397 1783 407 1<br />

30418 1398 637 S1 3<br />

30482 5 0406 5874 17<br />

30589 460 200 07 70 5<br />

30589 460 200 07 70 37<br />

30590 541 200 13 70 37<br />

30592 6794161 74<br />

30614 81.43270.6117 34<br />

30658 51.02301.5258 27<br />

30659 51.02301.5259 27<br />

30666 1252 439 1<br />

30702 1331 730 4<br />

30703 541 010 03 21 9<br />

30703 541 010 03 21 48<br />

30704 541 010 04 21 9<br />

30704 541 010 04 21 48<br />

30705 541 010 16 21 10<br />

30705 541 010 16 21 48<br />

30722 457 200 31 70 5<br />

30722 457 200 31 70 38<br />

30726 1439 977 3<br />

30815 906 200 43 70 5<br />

30855 51.95800.6087 25<br />

30868 457 200 22 70 5<br />

30868 457 200 22 70 38<br />

30909 1734 012 3<br />

30946 906 200 45 70 5<br />

30946 906 200 45 70 38<br />

30947 906 200 39 70 38<br />

30948 906 200 44 70 8<br />

30948 906 200 44 70 43<br />

30949 457 200 30 70 38<br />

84<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

30980 5 0038 8688 18<br />

31000 74 20 442 252 67<br />

31001 51.06630.0068 34<br />

31026 655 322 06 01 59<br />

31031 1 485 717 72<br />

31037 81.96020.0402 31<br />

31046 81.96020.0384 31<br />

31057 1 328 563 74<br />

31071 541 200 26 70 38<br />

31085 948 423 05 33 38<br />

31145 81.96210.0240 32<br />

31161 81.97010.6010 28<br />

31162 81.32620.0043 28<br />

31217 5 0420 9107 19<br />

31235 620 260 00 40 49<br />

31384 025 997 50 47 S1 11<br />

31384 025 997 50 47 S1 55<br />

31393 81.32620.0049 28<br />

31457 74 82 204 410 68<br />

31458 50 10 514 058 68<br />

31459 50 01 864 386 68<br />

31460 50 10 258 092 68<br />

31461 50 10 514 057 68<br />

31462 50 01 837 421 68<br />

31497 022 997 76 47 13<br />

31497 022 997 76 47 58<br />

31518 1331 141 2<br />

31518 411 151 500 2 4<br />

31518 000 131 57 04 11<br />

31518 81.54122.6004 29<br />

31518 000 131 57 04 50<br />

31532 002 094 69 82 6<br />

31532 002 094 69 82 40<br />

31537 001 501 79 82 6<br />

31537 001 501 79 82 40<br />

31548 004 094 02 04 35<br />

31568 50 01 857 427 71<br />

31623 1 800 523 S1 73<br />

31624 1 888 465 S1 73<br />

31626 1 919 065 72<br />

31693 970 325 00 44 38<br />

31727 1 800 525 S1 73<br />

31737 1778 280 3<br />

31752 002 260 44 57 14<br />

31752 002 260 44 57 58<br />

31753 000 277 32 35 14<br />

31753 500650519 15<br />

31753 0 4249 0983 21

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

31753 81.25902.0220 33<br />

31753 000 277 32 35 58<br />

31753 50 00 808 114 69<br />

31761 970 540 00 45 62<br />

31762 941 540 05 45 62<br />

31763 1 441 235 72<br />

31790 85.96210.0021 23<br />

31802 81.43220.6244 30<br />

31802 1 517 403 73<br />

31817 003 094 08 82 6<br />

31848 81.43270.6105 31<br />

31849 0 335 119 73<br />

31860 541 130 08 20 11<br />

31860 541 130 08 20 56<br />

31863 81.43220.6204 30<br />

31867 81.41723.6099 34<br />

31868 81.91001.0604 23<br />

31869 1 549 738 74<br />

cross reference-list<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

<strong>febi</strong>-no. ref. no. page<br />

31981 81.46711.6712 25<br />

31982 81.46711.6729 34<br />

32003 1 372 444 72<br />

32005 1442 512 2<br />

32006 1314 029 2<br />

32042 541 035 02 14 49<br />

32043 970 401 00 71 65<br />

32206 06.01902.3413 32<br />

32256 81.39410.6037 30<br />


cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

Bergische Achsen<br />

02.1040.45.00 28193 1<br />

DAF<br />

0066 322 29874 3<br />

1204 236 29152 1<br />

1235 571 11545 1<br />

1250 299 23836 1<br />

1252 439 30666 1<br />

1254 641 01161 1<br />

1261 652 19136 2<br />

1285 260 29168 2<br />

1287 999 29647 3<br />

1290 794 18725 1<br />

1290 795 18726 1<br />

1304 569 19137 1<br />

1305 481 29164 2<br />

1305 482 29165 2<br />

1314 029 32006 2<br />

1321 936 23840 2<br />

1323 838 29645 3<br />

1331 141 31518 2<br />

1331 730 30702 4<br />

1343 064 24068 3<br />

1356 457 30396 2<br />

1396 202 28697 1<br />

1396 202 S1 28738 2<br />

1398 637 S1 30418 3<br />

1439 977 30726 3<br />

1442 512 32005 2<br />

1457 275 22398 3<br />

1457 276 22399 3<br />

1517 929 14666 2<br />

1517 929 14666 2<br />

1608 402 23829 1<br />

1628 148 23607 1<br />

1698 228 18476 2<br />

1698 228 S1 27404 2<br />

1698 230 18477 2<br />

1732 886 29646 3<br />

1734 012 30909 3<br />

1778 280 31737 3<br />

1783 407 30397 1<br />

Druckluft<br />

- 01368 4<br />

- 02276 4<br />

- 02572 4<br />

- 09104 4<br />

86<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

- 09105 4<br />

- 09129 4<br />

411 033 801 2 14666 4<br />

411 151 500 2 31518 4<br />

925 371 300 0 28624 4<br />

EVOBUS<br />

000 550 17 33 28244 8<br />

541 010 03 21 30703 9<br />

541 010 04 21 30704 9<br />

541 010 16 21 30705 10<br />

000 018 13 35 22681 11<br />

457 030 06 05 24960 8<br />

906 032 01 71 24612 8<br />

541 050 07 22 24867 13<br />

541 050 09 33 27553 13<br />

541 050 08 34 27552 13<br />

541 050 12 36 S1 29146 13<br />

541 055 08 06 27959 15<br />

541 055 06 50 27963 13<br />

541 055 07 50 27962 13<br />

541 070 06 46 29677 11<br />

002 094 52 82 26814 6<br />

002 094 57 82 26516 6<br />

002 094 63 82 26815 6<br />

002 094 69 82 31532 6<br />

003 094 08 82 31817 6<br />

541 098 00 57 29670 11<br />

129-24.14.101-02 S1 15518 6<br />

402 130 06 08 19946 7<br />

442 130 00 08 19944 7<br />

000 130 76 15 28236 10<br />

000 130 31 19 21052 7<br />

407 130 05 19 14667 7<br />

442 130 32 19 14668 7<br />

541 130 27 19 24253 7<br />

000 130 13 20 21053 12<br />

000 130 13 20 S1 21054 10<br />

402 130 02 20 01368 12<br />

402 130 02 20 S1 21056 12<br />

402 130 03 20 02572 15<br />

441 130 02 20 09104 12<br />

441 130 02 20 S 09105 12<br />

441 130 02 20 S2 21058 10<br />

442 130 00 20 09129 12<br />

442 130 00 20 S1 21057 10<br />

442 130 07 20 02276 12<br />

541 130 06 20 21069 12<br />

541 130 06 20 S1 21809 12

ef. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

541 130 08 20 31860 11<br />

000 131 57 04 31518 11<br />

541 131 11 19 21067 7<br />

541 131 11 19 S1 28476 7<br />

541 131 12 19 21068 7<br />

541 131 12 19 S1 28472 7<br />

541 140 01 63 22658 11<br />

179-23.11.180-01 15514 14<br />

179-23.30.211-02 S 18393 11<br />

179-23.30.213-02 S1 15517 11<br />

906 180 06 01 27821 11<br />

000 200 15 70 28185 5<br />

457 200 10 70 23261 7<br />

457 200 17 70 23264 5<br />

457 200 21 70 24936 5<br />

457 200 22 70 30868 5<br />

457 200 31 70 30722 5<br />

460 200 07 70 30589 5<br />

541 200 25 70 23631 5<br />

906 200 43 70 30815 5<br />

906 200 44 70 30948 8<br />

906 200 45 70 30946 5<br />

442 200 07 73 23357 11<br />

442 200 07 73 S1 26835 13<br />

442 200 07 73 S2 26836 13<br />

003 205 01 06 26699 8<br />

001 260 20 57 12777 14<br />

002 260 20 57 27581 13<br />

002 260 44 57 31752 14<br />

970 260 04 57 29849 13<br />

000 277 32 35 31753 14<br />

306-689-410 N 14735 9<br />

628 320 10 89 30272 6<br />

628 320 11 89 30273 6<br />

628 320 12 89 30274 6<br />

628 320 13 89 30275 6<br />

941 323 00 50 24561 14<br />

941 323 01 50 24562 5<br />

356 326 00 81 18983 14<br />

396 326 00 81 23475 14<br />

658 326 05 81 23937 14<br />

613 330 00 10 22624 14<br />

613 330 01 10 22625 15<br />

357 330 31 11 21338 4<br />

357 330 36 11 21342 4<br />

600 330 01 11 21346 5<br />

357 333 02 05 21348 5<br />

613 333 01 05 22647 8<br />

cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

356 401 00 71 14039 15<br />

381 401 06 71 29942 15<br />

948 401 02 71 29418 15<br />

000 420 07 82 29413 13<br />

002 460 08 80 27170 11<br />

002 460 39 80 27670 11<br />

002 460 76 80 05789 10<br />

000 477 13 02 29454 8<br />

4.771.449.000 18385 5<br />

001 501 79 82 31537 6<br />

005 545 92 24 24470 10<br />

000 550 11 33 23543 7<br />

000 550 12 33 26247 14<br />

000 550 13 33 26256 14<br />

59-249-150 N 14733 8<br />

629 750 02 36 24692 8<br />

629 750 03 36 24693 8<br />

629 750 04 36 24694 8<br />

629 750 05 36 24695 8<br />

629 750 07 36 24697 8<br />

629 750 08 36 24698 9<br />

629 750 09 36 24699 9<br />

629 750 11 36 26354 9<br />

629 750 12 36 24691 8<br />

629 750 14 36 26357 9<br />

629 750 15 36 26353 9<br />

629 750 16 36 26352 9<br />

629 750 19 36 26351 9<br />

629 750 20 36 26358 9<br />

629 750 22 36 26355 9<br />

000 750 30 80 15100 8<br />

8.311.225.899.0 14666 13<br />

000 860 32 26 09299 15<br />

000 860 47 26 23209 15<br />

000 869 40 21 23208 15<br />

8.919.800.430.0 19173 10<br />

8.919.800.432.0 19174 10<br />

90-245-700 N 14731 8<br />

000 980 69 64 18615 9<br />

000 980 70 64 18614 9<br />

001 980 19 64 29462 9<br />

002 980 15 64 26356 9<br />

001 988 24 10 24605 14<br />

000 996 85 45 26614 6<br />

002 997 59 36 21857 15<br />

022 997 76 47 31497 13<br />

025 997 50 47 S1 31384 11<br />

Irisbus<br />


cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

500650519 31753 15<br />

IVECO<br />

0 0190 4696 18418 19<br />

0 0190 4697 S1 18419 19<br />

0 0190 4698 S1 18420 19<br />

0 0423 2606 12374 19<br />

0 0434 5645 12229 21<br />

0 0444 8131 23464 17<br />

0 0474 0846 S1 08685 18<br />

0 0474 0847 S1 08689 22<br />

0 0477 0250 23728 20<br />

0 0479 2797 18526 19<br />

0 0480 2609 17463 20<br />

0 0481 6961 17464 20<br />

0 0483 6359 14814 19<br />

0 0483 7682 18415 21<br />

0 0483 7683 18416 21<br />

0 0484 0434 23546 17<br />

0 0485 3298 17462 20<br />

0 0485 9435 17667 17<br />

0 0599 0986 11086 20<br />

0 0812 1938 05135 21<br />

0 0812 1938 14418 21<br />

0 0816 0686 18202 19<br />

0 0816 0687 28135 19<br />

0 0816 2280 28136 19<br />

0 0856 0291 15610 21<br />

0 0858 2425 15576 22<br />

0 0858 5819 15609 21<br />

0 0858 8903 15570 18<br />

0 0858 8904 15571 18<br />

0 0896 6748 18414 21<br />

0 4101 1006 28328 15<br />

0 4101 5581 28099 21<br />

0 4204 7142 18078 16<br />

0 4249 0983 31753 21<br />

0 4253 3410 23829 17<br />

0 4253 3783 23830 18<br />

0 4253 3785 23832 18<br />

0 4253 3841 23833 18<br />

0 4254 8058 03221 19<br />

0 4642 8175 12746 20<br />

0 6131 8396 23727 20<br />

0 6131 9221 17466 20<br />

0 6132 0629 23611 20<br />

0 6132 0629 S1 23613 20<br />

0 8243 6410 11964 22<br />

0 9316 3617 23840 20<br />

88<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

0 9380 3159 15572 18<br />

0 9380 3160 15573 18<br />

0 9846 0577 19611 17<br />

0 9847 2466 28459 15<br />

0 9847 2871 28460 15<br />

0 9943 2547 11904 18<br />

0 9944 9176 22898 16<br />

5 0030 4249 24067 22<br />

5 0031 7093 17465 20<br />

5 0033 1831 28001 17<br />

5 0033 2296 30172 16<br />

5 0033 2622 22896 16<br />

5 0033 2830 30173 16<br />

5 0035 0419 22897 16<br />

5 0038 2599 23467 17<br />

5 0038 8688 30980 18<br />

5 0039 3575 30167 22<br />

5 0400 0412 30168 18<br />

5 0400 6261 22974 22<br />

5 0403 2642 28955 19<br />

5 0404 6191 22975 17<br />

5 0406 5874 30482 17<br />

5 0406 5877 22899 21<br />

5 0406 5878 22895 22<br />

5 0407 2744 27361 17<br />

5 0407 6697 30176 16<br />

5 0407 8435 30171 16<br />

5 0408 6751 30178 16<br />

5 0408 6948 30170 16<br />

5 0408 8796 30179 16<br />

5 0410 6749 22973 17<br />

5 0410 6751 28276 18<br />

5 0412 7558 23547 17<br />

5 0415 3873 22972 17<br />

5 0418 0619 30174 16<br />

5 0420 9107 31217 19<br />

MAN<br />

06.01902.3413 32206 32<br />

06.36950.0309 12260 29<br />

09.11003.0427 06161 28<br />

51.00900.6570 21572 28<br />

51.01804.7028 23611 30<br />

51.01804.7028 S1 23613 30<br />

51.02301.5258 30658 27<br />

51.02301.5259 30659 27<br />

51.03905.0157 28224 34<br />

51.03905.0161 28223 34<br />

51.04101.0447 21936 26

ef. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

51.04202.5034 S1 24673 31<br />

51.04301.0089 02179 23<br />

51.04401.6271 01897 23<br />

51.05100.6133 07685 29<br />

51.05100.6134 07987 29<br />

51.05100.6135 07988 29<br />

51.05100.6279 02447 29<br />

51.05405.5013 17672 30<br />

51.06601.0172 26092 26<br />

51.06601.0256 26206 26<br />

51.06601.0275 27521 26<br />

51.06630.0060 26205 34<br />

51.06630.0068 31001 34<br />

51.26105.0185 18140 22<br />

51.27120.0014 24859 31<br />

51.27120.0015 24860 31<br />

51.54105.6006 19944 24<br />

51.54105.6008 19946 24<br />

51.54114.6054 14666 31<br />

51.90020.0381 05229 24<br />

51.90490.0024 S 11727 24<br />

51.90490.0038 12430 24<br />

51.90490.0070 11258 24<br />

51.90490.0070 S 11262 24<br />

51.90490.0071 11259 24<br />

51.93410.0143 S1 18861 31<br />

51.95800.6035 22877 25<br />

51.95800.6075 27169 24<br />

51.95800.6087 30855 25<br />

51.95800.6092 30389 25<br />

51.95800.7342 22851 33<br />

51.95800.7391 22879 23<br />

51.95800.7392 22881 22<br />

51.95800.7396 22852 23<br />

51.95800.7397 22859 23<br />

51.95800.7435 27133 22<br />

51.95800.7437 27134 22<br />

51.95800.7459 27135 23<br />

51.96420.0121 30183 23<br />

51.96820.0238 S1 30201 31<br />

81.12501.0030 27171 27<br />

81.12501.0030 S1 29139 27<br />

81.12503.0085 28068 27<br />

81.15210.0039 15767 26<br />

81.15210.0040 14563 26<br />

81.15210.0043 17041 26<br />

81.15210.0049 14564 26<br />

81.15210.0056 14566 26<br />

cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

81.15210.0058 14567 26<br />

81.15210.0071 14569 26<br />

81.15210.0077 17046 26<br />

81.25505.0461 18078 22<br />

81.25505.0760 18147 28<br />

81.25509.0018 22312 33<br />

81.25509.0123 24448 33<br />

81.25902.0220 31753 33<br />

81.25902.0376 18827 32<br />

81.25902.0378 18829 24<br />

81.26482.0003 04370 35<br />

81.26485.6008 19314 34<br />

81.26485.6027 19070 34<br />

81.26485.6033 24768 34<br />

81.27421.0109 18602 29<br />

81.30550.0078 19136 30<br />

81.32550.0003 02602 28<br />

81.32620.0043 31162 28<br />

81.32620.0049 31393 28<br />

81.32735.6044 17869 32<br />

81.39108.6048 11545 24<br />

81.39126.6006 11546 24<br />

81.39126.6009 11544 24<br />

81.39400.6089 12359 30<br />

81.39410.6017 12360 30<br />

81.39410.6034 27261 30<br />

81.39410.6037 32256 30<br />

81.41320.0065 21516 29<br />

81.41320.0092 21512 29<br />

81.41350.0009 21515 33<br />

81.41350.0018 21511 33<br />

81.41405.0012 21510 32<br />

81.41715.6013 24472 31<br />

81.41715.6014 24474 31<br />

81.41723.6099 31867 34<br />

81.41723.6114 27139 28<br />

81.43220.6204 31863 30<br />

81.43220.6244 31802 30<br />

81.43270.6079 17870 30<br />

81.43270.6105 31848 31<br />

81.43270.6117 30614 34<br />

81.43411.0005 17476 32<br />

81.46711.6712 31981 25<br />

81.46711.6729 31982 34<br />

81.47101.6137 27817 29<br />

81.52170.6091 14418 32<br />

81.52170.6095 05135 32<br />

81.52170.6095 05135 32<br />


cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

81.52170.6097 05135 32<br />

81.52170.6097 05135 32<br />

81.52170.6128 06406 32<br />

81.52185.6048 17873 32<br />

81.54122.6004 31518 29<br />

81.54124.6006 02572 34<br />

81.54124.6015 26023 34<br />

81.54124.6017 26022 31<br />

81.54301.0035 26024 24<br />

81.61851.6023 29480 23<br />

81.61851.6023 S1 28686 23<br />

81.62900.6179 24838 27<br />

81.74821.0039 19708 28<br />

81.74821.0041 19707 28<br />

81.74821.0048 19709 27<br />

81.74821.0063 24840 27<br />

81.74821.0065 19711 28<br />

81.74821.0068 19710 27<br />

81.74821.0084 24842 28<br />

81.74821.0104 19712 28<br />

81.74821.0107 24846 27<br />

81.74821.0110 24844 27<br />

81.91001.0604 31868 23<br />

81.93420.0337 27790 35<br />

81.93420.0349 27791 35<br />

81.95501.6223 01889 33<br />

81.95501.6367 10688 32<br />

81.95501.6452 03364 33<br />

81.96020.0384 31046 31<br />

81.96020.0402 31037 31<br />

81.96210.0240 31145 32<br />

81.96210.0366 22820 25<br />

81.96210.0367 19700 26<br />

81.96210.0406 22582 25<br />

81.96210.0439 10071 25<br />

81.96210.0440 10348 25<br />

81.96210.0441 15250 25<br />

81.96210.0553 24441 25<br />

81.96210.0554 27575 33<br />

81.96210.0555 27576 33<br />

81.96210.6072 24442 25<br />

81.96301.0900 30182 23<br />

81.96320.0162 30184 23<br />

81.96401.0152 22745 33<br />

81.97010.6010 31161 28<br />

81.97100.6099 29184 25<br />

85.12501.0002 28067 27<br />

85.12501.0003 28066 27<br />

90<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

85.61851.6003 S1 29374 29<br />

85.96210.0021 31790 23<br />

Mercedes Benz LKW<br />

- 26707 58<br />

442 010 06 20 18845 42<br />

541 010 03 21 30703 48<br />

541 010 04 21 30704 48<br />

541 010 16 21 30705 48<br />

000 018 13 35 22681 53<br />

000 018 37 35 21063 53<br />

000 018 37 35 S1 21076 53<br />

000 018 38 35 21064 53<br />

000 018 38 35 S1 21075 53<br />

000 018 57 35 23214 52<br />

447 030 18 05 17177 46<br />

457 030 06 05 24960 47<br />

906 030 20 05 29798 46<br />

422 032 01 71 15753 47<br />

906 032 01 71 24612 47<br />

541 035 02 14 32042 49<br />

111 038 00 71 01964 41<br />

352 038 22 71 02320 41<br />

352 038 27 71 02319 41<br />

355 038 03 71 02323 41<br />

541 038 00 71 12771 41<br />

906 038 01 71 09797 41<br />

352 038 05 72 05960 41<br />

366 050 03 01 12424 40<br />

402 050 18 01 02502 40<br />

422 050 21 01 02239 40<br />

422 050 22 01 02262 40<br />

541 050 07 22 24867 57<br />

366 050 12 26 19613 50<br />

442 050 05 26 19566 50<br />

541 050 02 26 19564 50<br />

366 050 06 27 19568 45<br />

442 050 02 27 19567 45<br />

541 050 02 27 19565 45<br />

541 050 09 33 27553 57<br />

541 050 08 34 27552 57<br />

403 050 14 36 24673 57<br />

541 050 12 36 S1 29146 57<br />

906 054 10 01 26288 40<br />

541 055 08 06 27959 64<br />

442 055 00 20 S1 24675 64<br />

312 055 03 21 01453 64<br />

541 055 06 50 27963 57<br />

541 055 07 50 27962 57

ef. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

541 070 06 46 29677 54<br />

000 072 18 12 01357 66<br />

000 074 05 15 08753 53<br />

000 074 76 84 15193 53<br />

004 094 02 04 31548 35<br />

002 094 52 82 26814 40<br />

002 094 57 82 26516 40<br />

002 094 63 82 26815 40<br />

002 094 69 82 31532 40<br />

541 098 00 57 29670 51<br />

402 130 06 08 19946 43<br />

441 130 00 08 23946 42<br />

442 130 00 08 19944 43<br />

541 130 00 08 23947 42<br />

541 130 01 08 23948 42<br />

000 130 76 15 28236 48<br />

000 130 26 19 14666 57<br />

000 130 31 19 21052 42<br />

407 130 05 19 14667 42<br />

442 130 32 19 14668 42<br />

541 130 27 19 24253 42<br />

000 130 13 20 21053 56<br />

000 130 13 20 S1 21054 48<br />

402 130 02 20 01368 56<br />

402 130 02 20 S1 21056 56<br />

402 130 03 20 02572 64<br />

441 130 02 20 09104 56<br />

441 130 02 20 S1 09105 56<br />

441 130 02 20 S2 21058 48<br />

442 130 00 20 S1 21057 48<br />

442 130 07 20 02276 56<br />

541 130 06 20 21069 56<br />

541 130 06 20 S1 21809 56<br />

541 130 08 20 31860 56<br />

000 131 57 04 31518 50<br />

541 131 11 19 21067 42<br />

541 131 11 19 S1 28476 42<br />

541 131 12 19 21068 42<br />

541 131 12 19 S1 28472 42<br />

541 140 01 63 22658 55<br />

542 140 00 63 23597 55<br />

345 180 74 01 08354 52<br />

352 180 63 01 05807 51<br />

355 180 01 01 05808 51<br />

355 180 10 01 08355 52<br />

360 180 24 01 08035 52<br />

364 180 01 01 05298 51<br />

366 180 03 01 11499 52<br />

cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

366 180 04 01 01962 51<br />

403 180 17 01 07685 52<br />

403 180 27 01 07987 52<br />

403 180 28 01 07988 52<br />

423 180 05 01 02447 52<br />

541 180 02 01 19434 52<br />

906 180 06 01 27821 52<br />

355 180 11 65 18846 51<br />

355 180 12 65 18847 51<br />

366 180 38 65 21577 51<br />

001 188 31 01 21050 51<br />

001 188 88 01 21581 51<br />

002 188 18 01 21599 51<br />

364 200 20 01 11487 65<br />

542 200 07 01 19435 52<br />

542 200 19 01 22453 65<br />

904 200 11 22 23157 64<br />

000 200 15 70 28185 36<br />

457 200 10 70 23261 43<br />

457 200 16 70 23263 36<br />

457 200 17 70 23264 36<br />

457 200 19 70 23265 37<br />

457 200 22 70 30868 38<br />

457 200 30 70 30949 38<br />

457 200 31 70 30722 38<br />

460 200 07 70 30589 37<br />

541 200 13 70 30590 37<br />

541 200 14 70 28186 62<br />

541 200 15 70 23266 37<br />

541 200 16 70 23267 37<br />

541 200 25 70 23631 36<br />

541 200 26 70 31071 38<br />

904 200 00 70 23269 37<br />

906 200 06 70 23270 37<br />

906 200 11 70 23272 43<br />

906 200 12 70 23271 36<br />

906 200 13 70 23273 37<br />

906 200 18 70 23274 37<br />

906 200 20 70 21027 36<br />

906 200 22 70 22782 36<br />

906 200 23 70 23275 37<br />

906 200 24 70 23276 37<br />

906 200 26 70 23277 37<br />

906 200 39 70 30947 38<br />

906 200 44 70 30948 43<br />

906 200 45 70 30946 38<br />

442 200 07 73 23357 51<br />

442 200 07 73 S1 26835 56<br />


cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

442 200 07 73 S2 26836 57<br />

000 202 09 19 11276 43<br />

541 202 02 19 23268 43<br />

541 202 01 20 29216 53<br />

002 205 15 06 21049 46<br />

002 205 60 06 21047 46<br />

002 205 70 06 18849 45<br />

002 205 93 06 18848 45<br />

003 205 01 06 26699 46<br />

003 205 13 06 15879 45<br />

541 205 00 06 28035 46<br />

904 205 04 06 23141 45<br />

617 240 02 17 17895 44<br />

616 240 06 18 08552 63<br />

652 240 03 18 11685 63<br />

652 241 02 13 27523 45<br />

655 241 06 13 26607 44<br />

655 241 06 13 S1 26612 45<br />

655 241 07 13 26608 45<br />

941 241 67 13 24586 44<br />

941 241 78 13 15486 44<br />

941 241 81 13 24580 44<br />

941 241 82 13 24581 44<br />

941 241 85 13 24587 44<br />

941 241 86 13 24588 44<br />

941 241 87 13 24582 44<br />

941 241 89 13 24584 63<br />

941 241 97 13 24585 63<br />

901 242 14 13 01750 63<br />

655 250 15 13 22752 41<br />

655 254 02 06 S1 22751 54<br />

620 260 17 39 19436 49<br />

620 260 00 40 31235 49<br />

001 260 02 57 21862 64<br />

001 260 19 57 02587 49<br />

001 260 20 57 12777 58<br />

001 260 63 57 02602 49<br />

001 260 67 57 06406 58<br />

001 260 84 57 24667 58<br />

002 260 30 57 24634 62<br />

002 260 44 57 31752 58<br />

002 260 61 57 27697 64<br />

945 260 00 57 24635 58<br />

970 260 04 57 29849 58<br />

000 268 00 14 29936 64<br />

000 268 02 14 29937 64<br />

000 277 32 35 31753 58<br />

001 295 60 06 12336 41<br />

92<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

001 295 86 06 12329 41<br />

001 295 68 07 12273 41<br />

309 300 09 07 21286 63<br />

318 300 00 07 14807 62<br />

352 300 14 07 14601 62<br />

668 300 01 32 21827 63<br />

673 300 01 32 15955 58<br />

395 312 01 24 19455 62<br />

624 312 01 41 19454 47<br />

624 312 00 60 19815 47<br />

930 317 00 12 28410 39<br />

942 317 23 12 28667 39<br />

970 317 01 12 28669 39<br />

970 317 04 50 28674 39<br />

970 320 01 44 23483 58<br />

385 320 00 77 14051 38<br />

346 322 01 01 21164 59<br />

620 322 09 01 21230 59<br />

655 322 06 01 31026 59<br />

346 322 01 03 21165 59<br />

000 322 03 23 27954 36<br />

375 322 05 23 27955 36<br />

941 323 00 50 24561 60<br />

941 323 01 50 24562 39<br />

943 323 86 84 23485 38<br />

638 323 02 85 18075 60<br />

667 323 07 85 24869 60<br />

670 323 01 85 24876 60<br />

970 323 14 85 26226 61<br />

970 323 17 85 26228 61<br />

621 325 00 03 21228 59<br />

621 325 00 04 21227 59<br />

395 325 11 09 21229 38<br />

624 325 03 10 18912 47<br />

383 325 01 12 29387 51<br />

624 325 01 12 19450 50<br />

659 325 00 19 19423 59<br />

659 325 01 19 19424 59<br />

947 325 04 26 26539 59<br />

970 325 00 44 31693 38<br />

000 325 04 85 26946 59<br />

000 325 04 85 S1 26948 59<br />

942 326 00 50 23471 60<br />

000 326 23 81 21762 60<br />

000 326 50 81 26088 61<br />

000 326 51 81 27528 57<br />

356 326 00 81 18983 60<br />

396 326 00 81 23475 60

ef. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

658 326 05 81 23937 60<br />

667 326 09 81 24559 60<br />

667 326 10 81 24560 60<br />

667 326 13 81 26056 61<br />

667 326 14 81 26059 61<br />

667 326 15 81 26058 61<br />

670 326 01 81 24879 61<br />

670 326 02 81 24878 61<br />

000 328 45 30 23499 62<br />

000 330 14 11 19038 55<br />

655 332 02 01 19100 61<br />

000 350 21 05 19037 55<br />

000 350 24 05 23503 55<br />

000 350 27 05 28304 55<br />

000 350 36 05 29863 55<br />

000 350 37 05 29862 55<br />

000 350 48 05 28530 55<br />

654 350 01 05 21347 63<br />

948 350 22 05 27957 63<br />

948 350 23 05 27956 63<br />

948 350 25 05 21343 36<br />

948 350 30 05 22350 63<br />

385 350 00 06 21344 36<br />

385 350 02 06 21345 36<br />

653 350 06 06 21349 36<br />

654 350 05 06 21341 36<br />

659 350 27 06 21340 36<br />

659 350 35 06 21337 35<br />

000 350 01 13 21633 55<br />

000 350 10 13 21632 55<br />

942 350 38 35 26146 48<br />

383 350 00 68 02460 48<br />

381 401 06 71 29942 65<br />

948 401 02 71 29418 65<br />

970 401 00 71 32043 65<br />

000 410 10 10 26410 54<br />

654 410 00 22 24657 54<br />

655 410 00 22 22976 54<br />

385 410 02 31 14508 41<br />

656 410 01 31 18820 41<br />

942 410 01 31 18818 41<br />

656 411 00 12 26410 54<br />

656 411 00 12 26410 54<br />

670 411 01 12 24511 54<br />

970 411 00 12 24539 54<br />

973 411 00 12 26764 54<br />

973 411 01 12 26765 54<br />

000 420 27 55 21860 64<br />

cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

000 420 07 82 29413 57<br />

948 423 05 33 31085 38<br />

002 429 21 44 21861 64<br />

457 200 21 70 24936 37<br />

381 460 00 04 22430 40<br />

002 460 08 80 27170 53<br />

002 460 39 80 27670 53<br />

002 460 76 80 05789 50<br />

002 460 88 80 28270 53<br />

001 462 11 30 17891 50<br />

001 462 20 30 17893 50<br />

000 477 13 02 29454 47<br />

000 477 17 02 30006 47<br />

655 490 00 65 17597 46<br />

940 492 01 59 21838 46<br />

942 492 03 59 21836 46<br />

942 492 04 59 21835 46<br />

942 492 05 59 21837 46<br />

948 492 00 59 21834 46<br />

001 501 79 82 31537 40<br />

357 540 95 45 19697 61<br />

941 540 05 45 31762 62<br />

970 540 00 45 31761 62<br />

008 542 80 17 17120 47<br />

008 542 81 17 17121 47<br />

001 545 49 09 27244 54<br />

631 545 07 09 07838 62<br />

004 545 55 24 01301 62<br />

005 545 92 24 24470 49<br />

000 550 00 33 06371 43<br />

000 550 04 33 11293 62<br />

000 550 06 33 23337 43<br />

000 550 12 33 26247 62<br />

000 550 13 33 26256 62<br />

000 550 17 33 28244 43<br />

000 553 79 01 27211 50<br />

380 553 00 82 26411 50<br />

387 553 01 82 26412 50<br />

387 553 03 82 26008 49<br />

655 553 05 82 26007 49<br />

000 720 06 16 24337 43<br />

641 720 02 46 14715 66<br />

641 720 03 46 14717 66<br />

941 723 01 20 24338 44<br />

000 725 00 02 26890 66<br />

000 725 01 02 26891 66<br />

381 725 00 02 09507 66<br />

381 725 01 02 09508 66<br />


cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

381 725 00 60 09488 65<br />

381 725 00 60 S 09578 57<br />

641 750 00 59 21213 39<br />

649 750 01 59 21179 39<br />

670 750 00 59 21217 40<br />

673 750 02 59 21187 39<br />

000 750 30 80 15100 47<br />

673 760 00 02 17154 65<br />

673 760 00 02 26843 65<br />

670 760 02 05 24976 40<br />

670 760 01 59 17254 44<br />

941 760 04 59 24886 44<br />

641 810 00 12 24352 51<br />

389 830 00 31 21215 39<br />

000 860 32 26 09299 65<br />

000 860 33 26 03940 64<br />

000 860 47 26 23209 64<br />

000 869 24 21 19314 65<br />

000 869 40 21 23208 65<br />

337 880 53 59 15815 39<br />

000 980 90 64 09490 47<br />

001 980 84 64 24705 47<br />

001 981 79 31 24980 50<br />

000 989 92 03 08971 35<br />

001 989 22 03 14738 35<br />

001 989 22 03 29738 35<br />

000 989 08 25 02374 35<br />

000 989 08 25 05011 35<br />

001 989 08 51 03514 49<br />

001 989 42 51 26712 49<br />

001 997 61 36 21863 63<br />

022 997 76 47 31497 58<br />

025 997 50 47 S1 31384 55<br />

Neoplan<br />

0803.551.00 19179 66<br />

0821.358.29 S1 15338 66<br />

11006858 19326 66<br />

11006858 S 19327 66<br />

Renault (RVI) LKW<br />

00 00 714 088 27800 70<br />

50 00 289 804 14418 69<br />

50 00 448 404 26915 68<br />

50 00 448 405 26916 68<br />

50 00 673 571 27878 71<br />

50 00 694 358 27549 67<br />

50 00 694 359 27551 67<br />

50 00 789 265 27803 67<br />

94<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

50 00 789 615 27040 70<br />

50 00 791 228 27877 70<br />

50 00 808 114 31753 69<br />

50 00 946 891 27225 71<br />

50 01 834 847 26878 68<br />

50 01 836 883 27879 69<br />

50 01 837 421 31462 68<br />

50 01 843 076 26879 69<br />

50 01 855 397 27297 69<br />

50 01 857 427 31568 71<br />

50 01 864 386 31459 68<br />

50 01 867 708 27881 69<br />

50 10 060 127 27850 69<br />

50 10 060 356 27431 70<br />

50 10 066 936 27256 70<br />

50 10 066 937 27257 69<br />

50 10 066 937 S 27258 68<br />

50 10 130 021 27429 69<br />

50 10 130 022 27430 70<br />

50 10 213 367 27350 68<br />

50 10 232 097 26892 70<br />

50 10 239 135 27580 70<br />

50 10 258 092 31460 68<br />

50 10 260 060 27369 70<br />

50 10 260 390 27370 70<br />

50 10 269 380 27802 67<br />

50 10 276 022 26756 71<br />

50 10 315 483 30196 67<br />

50 10 316 015 26963 68<br />

50 10 316 016 27801 66<br />

50 10 316 591 26970 67<br />

50 10 316 592 26971 67<br />

50 10 360 034 27356 69<br />

50 10 360 036 27357 69<br />

50 10 383 545 26893 69<br />

50 10 412 956 23363 67<br />

50 10 412 957 23365 67<br />

50 10 460 046 27137 67<br />

50 10 477 345 27349 70<br />

50 10 514 057 31461 68<br />

50 10 514 058 31458 68<br />

50 10 553 544 22896 67<br />

50 10 553 993 23367 67<br />

50 10 560 483 27452 70<br />

50 10 578 990 27351 71<br />

74 20 442 252 31000 67<br />

74 20 513 340 28381 70<br />

74 82 204 410 31457 68

ef. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

Scania<br />

0 335 119 31849 73<br />

0 376 116 10447 74<br />

0 376 283 21983 72<br />

0 376 284 21984 72<br />

1 306 975 05821 71<br />

1 306 976 05819 71<br />

1 328 563 31057 74<br />

1 363 131 10419 73<br />

1 365 570 29314 74<br />

1 372 432 29373 73<br />

1 372 444 32003 72<br />

1 377 386 28627 73<br />

1 394 544 29372 71<br />

1 413 609 17322 71<br />

1 421 322 21636 73<br />

1 421 324 21704 73<br />

1 421 325 21705 73<br />

1 425 019 28540 73<br />

1 430 545 S1 28578 73<br />

1 441 235 31763 72<br />

1 469 277 28170 72<br />

1 482 997 28520 72<br />

1 485 717 31031 72<br />

1 496 749 28169 72<br />

1 517 403 31802 73<br />

1 544 330 24872 71<br />

cross reference-list<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. catalog page<br />

The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use.<br />

The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.<br />

ref. no. <strong>febi</strong>-no. page<br />

1 544 331 24874 72<br />

1 549 738 31869 74<br />

1 724 482 18417 74<br />

1 789 305 28523 72<br />

1 789 306 28524 72<br />

1 800 523 S1 31623 73<br />

1 800 525 S1 31727 73<br />

1 859 656 18529 71<br />

1 888 465 S1 31624 73<br />

1 919 065 31626 72<br />

Volvo LKW<br />

1136644 20050 74<br />

20398466 26942 74<br />

20398467 26943 74<br />

2044697 21253 74<br />

20531967 23557 75<br />

478649 18794 74<br />

6794161 30592 74<br />

70308561 27519 74<br />


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