The Meme Machine



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This suggests that coevolution and memetic driving cannot occur with only<br />

vertical transmission of memes. So we should note at this point that all the<br />

examples I have given of memetic driving involve at least some element of<br />

horizontal transmission. I suggested, for example, that people imitate the best<br />

imitators. This entails horizontal or oblique transmission, as does the creation of<br />

language, since you cannot easily have a language community in which people<br />

speak only to their parents and children.<br />

Where memes are transmitted horizontally they can travel quite<br />

independently of the genes. An idea may be passed from one person to another,<br />

and then another, within one generation. Also memes may spread when they are<br />

useful, neutral or even positively harmful; such as an untrue explanation, an<br />

addictive habit, or a piece of malicious gossip. Only when horizontal<br />

transmission becomes common can the memes really be said to be independent<br />

of the genes.<br />

Modern industrialised life is a world of horizontal transmission. We still<br />

learn our mother-tongue from our mothers, and many of our habits and ideals<br />

too. People are still overwhelmingly more likely to follow the religion of their<br />

parents than any other religion, and even to vote the same way as their parents<br />

did. However, our parents have less and less sway as we get older and we now<br />

go on learning more or less throughout our lives. Our main sources of<br />

information are sources that did not exist in our long evolutionary past: schools,<br />

radio, television, newspapers, books and magazines, and lots and lots of friends<br />

and acquaintances widely spread around the city, the country, and even the<br />

world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more ways there are for memes to spread, and the faster they can go, the<br />

less they are constrained by the needs of the genes. What determines the success<br />

of a meme in a traditional hunter-gatherer society, or even a simple farming<br />

society, is quite different from what determines its success in a modern<br />

industrialised society. In the former, life changes slowly, transmission is largely<br />

‘vertical, and a meme is most likely to succeed if it benefits (or at least appears<br />

to benefit) the health, longevity, and reproductive success of its carrier. In the<br />

latter, a meme is most likely to succeed if it can get quickly and efficiently from<br />

host to host, and never mind how well each host does in terms of either its own<br />

survival or its reproductive success – as long as there are more hosts around to<br />

infect. We now live in this latter kind of society and the memes have utterly<br />

changed – and continue to change – the way we live.<br />

We can now return to the subject of sex and sex memes. For the sake of<br />

simplicity I am going to divide societies into just two types, realising that there<br />

are lots of gradations in between and few are purely one or the other. <strong>The</strong>se are<br />

Societies in which memes are largely transmitted vertically and thus track the

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