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Explanatory Notes<br />

1. The original Italian edition “Le virtù del Servo di Dio Giovanni Battista<br />

Scalabrini”, pro manuscriptu, has been printed sometime before the Beatification of John<br />

Baptist Scalabrini (no precise date is given). The beatification took place on the 9 th of<br />

November 1997. For this reason, throughout the original Italian manuscript and also<br />

throughout this English translation, John Baptist Scalabrini is being referred to as<br />

"Servant of God" and not as "Blessed".<br />

2. The translation from the original Italian into English has been done by Fr. Martino<br />

Bortolazzo, c.s., a few years ago. He has kindly given us permission to make necessary<br />

improvements and to print it. To him our sincere thanks. Our thanks also to Ms. Azucena<br />

Lee who painstakingly proof-read the manuscript.<br />

3. Following the original Italian edition, the whole book consists of small units<br />

indicated by continuous numbers, from 1 to 150. Likewise, the numbering of the<br />

footnotes in this English printing is continuous, from 1 to 245. In the original Italian<br />

edition, instead, the numbering is not continuous and restarts a few times.<br />

4. This printing of the Virtues of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, in English, comes<br />

out during the 25 th anniversary of the presence of the Scalabrinian Missionaries (men) in<br />

Asia (1982-2007). It is thus affectionately dedicated to all the Scalabrinian Missionaries,<br />

priests, brothers, seminarians, in Asia, with heartfelt gratitude toward the whole<br />

Scalabrinian Province of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini that, from Australia, has been<br />

supporting the expansion of Scalabrini’s vision and initiative to Asia (Philippines,<br />

Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam).<br />

Fr. Joseph Visentin, c.s.<br />

Scalabrini Theological House of Studies<br />

New Manila, Quezon City - Philippines<br />

Manila, January 1, 2007.<br />

Note, added by Fr. Joseph Visentin and taken from the website of the Scalabrinian Congregation:<br /><br />

“The cause of Scalabrini’s beatification was introduced by Bishop Menzani at<br />

Piacenza in June 1936. On March 16, 1987, Pope John Paul II promulgated a decree<br />

recognizing that "J.B. Scalabrini exercised the Christian and other related virtues<br />

to a heroic degree", and declared him Venerable. Scalabrini’s impressive pastoral<br />

and moral record as Bishop of Piacenza, as Founder and as “prophet of the times to<br />

come” (G. Toniolo) was formally recognized when Pope John Paul II beatified him<br />

in St. Peter’s Square on November 9, 1997. His cause of canonization is under<br />

consideration by the Vatican.”<br />


CONGREGATION FOR <strong>THE</strong> CAUSES <strong>OF</strong> SAINTS<br />

P. N. 312<br />

CAUSE<br />

FOR <strong>THE</strong> CANONIZATION<br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>SERVANT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOD</strong><br />

<strong>JOHN</strong> <strong>BAPTIST</strong> <strong>SCALABRINI</strong><br />

BISHOP <strong>OF</strong> PIACENZA<br />


<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> MISSIONARY BRO<strong>THE</strong>RS AND SISTERS<br />

<strong>OF</strong> ST. CHARLES BORROMEO<br />

(July 8, 1839 – June 1, 1905)<br />

__________________________________________________<br />


ON <strong>THE</strong> <strong>VIRTUES</strong><br />



Explanatory notes 2<br />

Information on the question (Informatio super dubio) 6<br />

I. Historical Notes on the Cause 8<br />

II. Content of the Informatio and criteria adopted in preparing it 12<br />

III. An overall view of Bishop Scalabrini's times 15<br />

IV. A chronological summary of the life of the Servant of God 26<br />

V. Heroic practice of the virtues in general 51<br />

a) Depositions at the diocesan process 51<br />

b) Depositions at the process about his fame of sanctity 54<br />

c) Hopes for his beatification 57<br />

d) Testimonies given by personalities not interviewed at the process 58<br />

VI. Heroic Practice of the Theological Virtues 63<br />

1. Faith: a) Personal faith of the Servant of God 63<br />

b) Defense and propagation of the faith 79<br />

c) The Apostle of Catechism 80<br />

d) Opposition to the enemies of the faith 82<br />

e) His two trips to the Americas<br />

and his Action for Migrants 82<br />

f) The Apostle of the Deaf-mutes 84<br />

g) Devotion to the Eucharist 85<br />

h) Devotion to the Blessed Mother 87<br />

i) Devotion to the Saints 89<br />

2. Hope: a) Persevering trust in God 91<br />

b) Holy boldness 92<br />

c) Trust that did not stray into presumption 92<br />

d) Hope rewarded by Divine Providence 93<br />

e) Hope in the Imminence of Death 94<br />

3. Charity: a) Love of God: 95<br />

1) Hatred of sin 95<br />

2) Striving for perfection 96<br />

3) Prayer 97<br />

4) Imitation of Christ Crucified 99<br />

b) Love for one's neighbor 100<br />

c) Forgiveness 103<br />

VII. Practice of cardinal virtues and connected virtues 105<br />

1. Prudence: a) Before taking important decisions<br />

he prayed and sought advice 105<br />

b) He consulted the Holy See 106<br />

c) Prudence in government 108<br />

d) His severe measures approved by the Holy See 111<br />

e) Prudent Friendship with Bishop BonomelIi 112<br />

2. Justice: a) Divine worship 113<br />

b) Justice with his domestics 115<br />


c) The question of favoritism 116<br />

d) Disciplinary sanctions against certain individuals 116<br />

t) Just Administration 117<br />

3. Fortitude: 119<br />

a) Funeral of Victor Emanuel II 120<br />

b) Undue intrusions and detractions<br />

to the detriment of Bishops 120<br />

c) Against Heresies, Sects, Schism 127<br />

d) Relations with civil authorities 130<br />

e) The Founding of the Works for the Emigrants 133<br />

4. Temperance: a) Abstinence, Sobriety, Forbearance 136<br />

b) Meekness 137<br />

c) Poverty 138<br />

d) Humility 140<br />

e) Chastity 143<br />

5. Obedience: 146<br />

a) Rosminianism 147<br />

b) Liberalism 150<br />

c) Political elections and love for his Country 153<br />

d) His relations with the "Opera dei Congressi"<br />

(Catholic Movement) 154<br />

e) Divine authority of the Bishops 156<br />

f) Criticism in regard to the Pope 159<br />

g) Criticism of the Roman Curia 162<br />

h) Criticism of Pius X 164<br />

i) The judgment of Paul VI<br />

and of the Theological Censors 166<br />

l) His obedience to the Church confirms his practice<br />

of the theological virtues 167<br />

Conclusion 173<br />


CAUSE <strong>OF</strong> CANONISATION<br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>SERVANT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOD</strong><br />

<strong>JOHN</strong> <strong>BAPTIST</strong> <strong>SCALABRINI</strong><br />

BISHOP <strong>OF</strong> PIACENZA<br />

AND FOUNDER <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> MISSIONARY BRO<strong>THE</strong>RS AND<br />


<strong>OF</strong> SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO<br />

compiled by Mario Francesconi, c.s., 1985<br />

translated into English by Martino Bortolazzo, c.s.<br />

and encoded by Joseph Visentin, c.s.<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

INFORMATION ON <strong>THE</strong> QUESTION<br />

WHE<strong>THE</strong>R <strong>THE</strong>RE BE EVIDENT PRO<strong>OF</strong> <strong>OF</strong> HEROICITY in the practice of the<br />

Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity for God and Man, and also of the Cardinal Virtues of<br />

Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, and of those deriving thereof, in view of the<br />

end intended here.<br />

1. - <strong>THE</strong> <strong>SERVANT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOD</strong> <strong>JOHN</strong> <strong>BAPTIST</strong> <strong>SCALABRINI</strong>, on whose behalf<br />

this INFORMATION is here given, was born at Fino Mornasco, Como, on July 8, 1839,<br />

and consecrated Bishop of Piacenza on January 30, 1876, where he died on June 1, 1905.<br />

He is best known as "The Apostle to the Migrants" (Pius XII), for whom he founded<br />

two Religious Congregations which are still flourishing, The Missionary Fathers and the<br />

Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles. Pius XII fittingly defined him as an "Apostolic Man<br />

highly deserving of Church and Country." (Exul Familia). But he has many other titles<br />

that call for our attention. First of all, he was an innovator in the field of the apostolic<br />

care for souls, giving first priority to evangelization through catechesis. Already singled<br />

out as the "Apostle of Catechism" by Pius IX, he is looked upon as a pioneer of the<br />

modern catechetical movement.<br />

Urged on by his pastoral zeal, he tackled all the ideological and social problems of<br />

his time with a spirit of conciliation, waging a continuous struggle to remove all obstacles<br />

to the re-christianization of the Italian people and to bridge the gap between the Church<br />

and Modern Society, while making special efforts to heal the "calamitous breach"<br />

between Italy and the Holy See. His stand was not always properly appreciated, but Saint<br />


Pius X saw in him "the learned, meek, and strong Bishop, who even in the face of harsh<br />

opposition has always upheld and loved the truth, and made it love; nor did he abandon<br />

it because of either threats or flattery."<br />

Benedict XV thought of him as of a "Bishop beyond compare", testifying to his own<br />

"unbroken admiration for his exceptional virtues, above all for the one that was his<br />

foremost, charity." Pius XI was pleased to bear witness "not only to the episcopal and<br />

pastoral spirit of the saintly Bishop, but to his truly apostolic and missionary zeal, as<br />

well", when he approved in 1936 the opening of the Diocesan ordinary Process of<br />

Scalabrini’s Beatification "with an extraordinary and wholehearted blessing."<br />

The farther away one moves from a tall mountain, the better can he appreciate its<br />

height. Bishop Scalabrini is indeed one of those men who in the process of time not only<br />

revealed himself ever more distinctly as a gifted organizer and forerunner, but also as an<br />

exemplary Bishop because of the purity of intention and of the uniqueness of the moving<br />

force of all his activities: zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, nourished<br />

by an undaunted love for Christ, the Church, and his fellow man, and sustained by an<br />

uncommon exercise of all Christian virtues, so that we dare believe he may be publicly<br />

and solemnly held up as an example for the men of the Church of our day.<br />


I<br />

Historical Notes on the Cause<br />

2. - The intention to open the ordinary Process for the Beatification of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini was first made public by Bishop Ersilio Menzani, second successor of the<br />

Servant of God, on November 14, 1935. With a Decree from the Piacenza Diocese<br />

Chancery office of May 5, 1936, Father Francis Prevedello, C.S, was named the<br />

Postulator. The Diocesan tribunal was constituted on the 20th of June, and the first of the<br />

185 sessions of the Process on the Fame of Sanctity, Virtues, and Miracles, that were to<br />

continue through February 29, 1940, was celebrated on June 30, 1936.<br />

The first session dealt with the Preliminary Question prescribed by Canon 2049, and<br />

it was proven that there was no fraud, deceit, nor guilty negligence in the fact that the<br />

cause had been started a year later than the 30 years required by Canon Law. The reasons<br />

for this delay given then were precisely defined by the Patron of the Cause in his<br />

Responses to the objections of the General Promoter of the Faith 1 . The delay must be<br />

especially attributed to the crisis suffered after the death of the Founder by the<br />

Scalabrinian Congregation postulating the Cause: a crisis that finally resolved in 1934<br />

with the reinstatement of the religious vows in accordance with the Charism of the<br />

Founder. To revive the congregation, a comprehensive biography was solicited, which<br />

was actually published in the same year, 1934, by Msgr. Francis Gregori, and helped<br />

strengthen a desire, generally experienced since after the death of the Servant of God, to<br />

know better his works and virtues.<br />

Besides the "Informative Process" of Piacenza, three "Rogatorial Processes" were<br />

also held: two of them in Como from November 23 to December 10 1937, and on May 4,<br />

1940; and the third one at Camerino, on September 26, 1939.<br />

Of the 57 witnesses questioned, 39 were called in by the Postulator, 15 were<br />

summoned ex officio, and 3 were co-witnesses, namely they each testified together with<br />

another at the same session. Except for some extremely rare exceptions, their reliability is<br />

proven by the Responsio Patroni quoted above 2 .All of them were eyewitnesses, although<br />

obviously, for the early life of the Servant of God, only a few could be de visu, a situation<br />

which was compensated, however, by the many who testified de auditu a videntibus,<br />

having gained sure knowledge of those years from Bishop Scalabrini himself or from<br />

those who had known him closely. No doubt can be raised concerning the reliability of<br />

the witnesses (one excepted) in regard to the latter part of his life, which includes<br />

practically the whole of his thirty years as Bishop. Supported by a most ample<br />

documentation, as a whole, the various depositions give us a thorough picture of the life,<br />

activities, and virtues of the Servant of God. The "Articolario" (a comprehensive report<br />

in brief paragraphs), and the "Interrogatoria" (Questions) were so formulated as to<br />

provide the witnesses with the opportunity to look into all the aspects of the life, action,<br />

1<br />

Placentina Beatificationis et Canonizationis Servi Dei Joannis Baptistae Scalabrini Positio super<br />

Causae lntroductione, Responsio Patroni ad Animadversiones Promotoris Generalis Fidei, pp.3-5.<br />

2 Ibid., pp. 5-12.<br />


and thought of the Servant of God that had been the object of criticism or objection: all of<br />

them drew exhaustive responses.<br />

The Process of his Writings (scrutiny) was conducted in 1938, and that of the Non<br />

Cultu in 1939. In March 1940, Bishop Menzani handed the "Acts of the Process" to the<br />

Sacred Congregation of Rites that declared it open with Decree of March 30, 1940 by<br />

Card. Carlo Salotti upon request of the then Postulator Father Giovanni Sofia, C.S. 3 The<br />

Servant of God Card. Raffaele Carlo Rossi was named "Ponente" (mentor) of the Cause,<br />

to be succeeded after his death by Card. Adeodato G. Piazza.<br />

The two theologians charged with the examination of his writings, "Censors", each<br />

one respectively on July 30 and October 24, 1941, submitted their ample positive<br />

approval; but it was made public only on the 9th of September, 1970. Why this delay? On<br />

April 29, 1942, the Sacred Congregation of Rites had applied for the "nihil obstat" from<br />

the Sacred Congregation for the Faith, that gave its answer only 18 years later with an<br />

obstat 4 .All this took place even though Card. R. C. Rossi had taken pains for a thorough<br />

examination, the results of which were favorable. One can compare it in the Acts with the<br />

"Vote" of the Consultor in charge as authenticated by the Chancellor Msgr. O. Cocchetti<br />

on April 5, 1954:<br />

The study of so many documents of the greatest importance have created in me the conviction<br />

that such accusations and denunciations are due only to false assumptions of which even some of the<br />

most worthy personalities were at times the victims, but more often to party passion, and to personal<br />

resentment and grudge. As seen in the light of the most authoritative documents, of which indeed no<br />

one can say to be a scarcity, the facts rule out all blemishes and all shadows of doubt. The figure of<br />

the Servant of God shines in the full splendor of an unspotted purity, and of a zeal tempered by<br />

patience, prudence, and a charity superior to all evidence: so that I do not think we should hesitate to<br />

consider Bishop Scalabrini as a truly saintly, watchful, and upright shepherd." 5<br />

Denunciations and accusations existed indeed at the Sacred Congregations of the<br />

Council and of the Doctrine of Faith as also in the Secret Archives of the Secretariat of<br />

State. From confidential hints of Pope John XXIII to Bishop Menzani of Piacenza and to<br />

the Superiors General of the Scalabrinian Congregation, it was possible to gather that the<br />

reasons for the obstat of the Holy Office had to be found in the stand taken by the Servant<br />

of God in regard to the non expedit and the Conciliation; in his relationship with Bishop<br />

Bonomelli; and in some expressions contained in Scalabrini’s confidential<br />

correspondence with Bonomelli and regarded as of little respect for Pope Leo XIII and<br />

the Roman Curia.<br />

3. - To the end of sifting the soundness or less of such accusations, a new biography 6<br />

was written, for which use was made of new documentations, above all of the depositions<br />

of the "Ordinary Process" - something that had not been possible for the biographer<br />

3<br />

Prot: N. 44/4/490.<br />

4 Prot. N. 44/4/490<br />

5 N.N., Denunzie presso la S.C del Santo Uffizio, ecc. Authenticated Copy (Archivio Generale<br />

Scalabriniano, 3060)<br />

6 M.Caliaro-M.Francesconi. L'Apostolo degli Emigranti Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, Milano 1968.<br />

English Translation: M. Caliaro - M. Francesconi, John Baptist Scalabrini, Apostle to Emigrants, New<br />

York, 1977.<br />


Gregori, personally too involved, besides, in the polemics of his day - and of the findings<br />

of the vast historical investigations initiated on that period in the forties.<br />

On the basis of that publication, a petition was presented in 1969 by the new<br />

Postulator Bishop Caliaro of Sabina and Porto Mirteto to His Holiness Pope Paul VI, that<br />

he might be pleased to have the question discussed again ex noviter adiunctis (on the<br />

light of the new findings) by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. As a<br />

result, the Sacred Congregation of Rites (for the Canonization of Saints) informed on<br />

August 29, 1969, that the procedatur (the go-ahead) had been granted.<br />

Consequently to that decision, the responses on his writings of the Theologian<br />

Censors were printed, and on February12, 1972’ the same Sacred Congregation issued<br />

the Rescript: nihil obstat quominus ad ulteriora procedatur. (there is no obstacle to go<br />

ahead through the next steps).<br />

On February 10,1973, the lawyers Giulio and Enrico Dante presented the Positio<br />

super Causae Introductione (Paper on the Introduction of the Cause), which included the<br />

Summarium super dubio an signanda sit commissio Introductionis Causae (A summary<br />

on whether a commission should be formed for the introduction of the cause), already<br />

printed in March 1943. On March 4, the Informatio was published with a selection of the<br />

most significant amongst the 81 Litterae Postulatoriae (Letters asking for the<br />

introduction of the Cause) till then received.<br />

On March 19, 1977, the Most Rev. General Promoter of the Faith, Father Gaetano<br />

Stano, presented the Animadversiones super dubio an eius causa introducenda sit<br />

(Objections on the opportunity to introduce his Cause), which were resolved by Lawyer<br />

Giulio Dante with his Responsio Patroni (Rebuttal of the Patron) on the 26th of July,<br />

1979.<br />

On March 3, 1982, the Consultor in charge produced the favorable vote for the<br />

introduction of the cause. At the "Congresso Ordinario" (Ordinary Meeting) of April 5,<br />

1982, the Sacred Congregation for the Cause of Saints expressed the opinion that, should<br />

the Holy Father approve of it for the purpose so intended, a dispensation be granted from<br />

conducting the Apostolic Process on the virtues in particular of the Servant of God here<br />

spoken of. The intended purpose is that: "Instead of the Apostolic Process on his virtues<br />

in particular, a Position on his virtues be prepared, containing: 1) the summary of the<br />

depositions already entered in the Acts; 2) the Documents critically collected and to be<br />

collected". 7<br />

At the same Congresso Ordinario of April 5, 1982, upon request of the present<br />

Postulator, Father Mario Francesconi, C.S., the Most Eminent Cardinal Prefect posed the<br />

question: "Whether the Cause of the Servant of God John Baptist Scalabrini should be<br />

introduced. The Prelate Officials and the others with power to vote, together with the<br />

same Cardinal Prefect, having thoroughly examined all things, answered giving an<br />

affirmative response to the question, provided the Holy Father should be pleased to<br />

approve it. A report of all these matters was presented to the Supreme Pontiff John Paul<br />

II on May 11, 1982, who ratified and confirmed the response of the sacred Congregation,<br />

that is: that the Cause of the servant of God John Baptist Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza<br />

and Founder of the Missionaries of Saint Charles for Migrants, be introduced.”<br />

7 Prot. 312-19/982.<br />


On the same day, His Holiness John Paul II ratified and confirmed the response of<br />

the Congregation for the Causes of Saints by which a dispensation was granted from the<br />

Apostolic Process on his virtues and from the Process on a steady fame of sanctity. 8<br />

8<br />

Prot. N. 312-19/982.<br />


Contents of the Informatio<br />

and the criteria adopted in preparing it<br />

4. - After a brief historical panorama of the religious, cultural, philosophical, and<br />

political milieu in which the Servant of God lived and worked, having made a general<br />

exposition on the widespread conviction of the heroicity of his virtues, we shall examine<br />

one by one, his theological and cardinal virtues and those thereof, bringing forth the<br />

arguments that testify their practice in an uncommon way and degree.<br />

The evidence is eminently deduced from the depositions of the Ordinary Process.<br />

One should notice, however, that the way the "Articolario" and the "Interrogatorii" were<br />

formulated is by episodes and frequently reflects an apologetic intention. Those questions<br />

and inquiries are conducted in better detail on points that take their cue from the criticism<br />

and accusations directed at the Servant of God. The resultant picture dispels the clouds,<br />

but does not let the splendor shine through as it should. In any case, it was not construed<br />

on a preconceived thesis, such as the extolling of his sanctity at all costs. Its merit, in our<br />

opinion, is found in not having neglected any research on the objections to the fame of<br />

his sanctity: reason why there is no cause for doubt for accepting it "with the benefit of<br />

inventory".<br />

On the other hand, we repeat, such procedure did not give complete opportunity to<br />

the witnesses to elucidate with due amplitude the positive practice of all single virtues.<br />

Some questions implied too many points and the questions were posed in an incomplete<br />

way. In regard to the virtue of faith in particular, for example, three questions dealing<br />

with it are expressed as follows:<br />

"28°. As to the virtue of Faith are you in a position to say whether and by what means the Servant of<br />

God championed and defended it as Rector of the Seminary of Como, Pastor-of Saint Bartholomew at<br />

Como, and later on, as Bishop of Piacenza? How did he earn the glorious title of "Apostle of Catechism"<br />

from Pope Pius IX?<br />

"29°. Was the propagation of the Faith the only reason for his trips to the Americas? Did he suffer<br />

oppositions, physical pains, before, during, and after his two trips precisely because of the Faith? How did<br />

he take them? In case, whom did he expect his reward from?<br />

30°. Let the witness tell us whether he has knowledge that the faith of the Servant of God had burning<br />

manifestations, 'that is, special and extraordinary', in regard to his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the<br />

Saints, and in particular to the Most Holy Mary? 9<br />

II<br />

9 Copia publica Transumpti Processus Ordinaria Auctoritate constructi in Curia Ecclesiastica Placentina<br />

super fama sanctitatis, virtutum, et miraculorum Servi Dei Joannis Baptistae Scalabrini, Episcopi<br />

PIacentini, Fundatoris Piae Societatis Missonariorum a Sancto Carolo pro Italis emigratis - Sac. Adv.<br />

Joannes Calvi, S.R.C. Notarius et Cancellarius -vol.I a fol. 1 ad fol. 489 - vol. II a fol. 490 ad fol. 967 -<br />

Anno 1941, f. 943.<br />

This act will be quoted with the abbreviation "Processo c. p.", distinguishing it from the "Summarium",<br />

printed in 1943, and inserted in the Positio super Causae Introductione, respondent to the Copia Publica,<br />

but, as said before, incomplete. We keep at our disposal a copy printed in cyclostyle of the entire Copia<br />

Publica, with the omission of only the bureaucratic acts, edited by the Postulator with the title: Copia<br />

integrale delle deposizioni dei Testi ai processo ordinario informativo per la Causa di Beatificazione del<br />

Servo di Dio Giovanni Battista Scalabrini Vescovo di Piacenza, pro mns. Roma 1982.<br />


Such methodological approach omits the specific questions on faith in itself: instead<br />

of inquiring on the cause, they limited themselves to describe some of the effects and<br />

manifestations. True as it may be that one can also very well deduce the degree of faith<br />

from the external signs and manifestations, still the witnesses were not offered the<br />

opportunity of telling us in a profound and direct manner their deposition on "the life of<br />

faith" of the Servant of God, and on the eminent importance that his interior motivation<br />

exercised in his spirit to urge him to carry out those works that were not anything else but<br />

the result of a deeply lived faith much more than of an active zeal.<br />

Another gap of the "Summarium" printed in 1943 is found in the scarcity of<br />

documentations, reduced to a few pages titled Documenta Vitae Spiritualis 10 , and in the<br />

incompleteness pointed out by the Censors: "as properly noted, as many as 27 depositions<br />

have been omitted, some of them rather extensive and important for their content 11 . The<br />

Censors themselves are of the opinion that such gaps had been corrected with the<br />

biography by M. Caliaro-Mario Francesconi, but they express also the idea that "said<br />

biography, though endowed with undeniable qualities of objectivity and of historical and<br />

descriptive detail; does not sufficiently testify to the sanctity of the Servant of God.” 12<br />

5. - To obviate these shortcomings we have employed two criteria suggested by the<br />

mens mentioned before by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, giving first a<br />

Summary or an Information from the Depositions already entered in the Acts, not from<br />

the Summary attached to the Position, but from the complete Public Copy of the<br />

Documentation of the Process conducted by the Authority of the Ordinary, authenticated<br />

in 1941 by Msgr. Giovanni Calvi, Notary and Chancellor of the same Congregation for<br />

the Causes of Saints. 13<br />

Then, as source of evidence we produce the most recent Biography written by the<br />

Postulator Father Mario Francesconi. Though in the manner of a Biography, it responds<br />

actually to the second criterion indicated by the Sacred Congregation: "documents<br />

critically collected and to be collected" 14 It is, in fact, the fruit of the most complete<br />

research possible of all the documents we could find, and of a critical evaluation of them<br />

in the light of the most recent criteria adopted generally by Catholic historians, and<br />

especially by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints itself.<br />

Another way of presenting the documentation could have been that of publishing the<br />

writings of Bishop Scalabrini: but one would have to deal with fourteen thick volumes,<br />

and nobody knows how much of them would serve the purpose intended, also because of<br />

the style used in his days. On the other hand, all this would have called for the<br />

publication of all the documentation to the contrary ("ex adverso, from the other side"),<br />

or concerning the matters in question, anyway. The biographic method, instead, has<br />

allowed sorting out all the really important things -pertaining to the purpose, so that we<br />

10 Positio super Causae Introductione. Summarium, pp. 878-889.<br />

11 Ibid., Animadversiones. p. II. N. 24<br />

12 Ibid., p. 13,N. 27<br />

13 We will quote the depositions reporting the name of the Witness, adding: Processo c. p., and the number<br />

of the page, together with the paragraph of the Summarium in all cases in which it has made them public.<br />

14 M. Francesconi, Giovanni Battista Scalabrini Vescovo di Piacenza e degli emigrati, Roma 1985. This<br />

Biography will be quoted with the only word: Biography. As yet, this Biography has not been translated<br />

into English.<br />


dare hope it can withstand all criticism as to objectivity, while supplying’ at the same<br />

time’ all the indispensable data for a sure judgment on the personality of the Servant of<br />

God, together with this Informatio.<br />

We deemed it necessary, therefore, to support the depositions of the ordinary Process<br />

with the documentation of his Biography, presenting, for practical reasons, two distinct<br />

publications: 1) his Biography may well constitute, in our opinion, the Position on his<br />

Life and Virtues; 2) this Informatio supplies the evidence of his virtues in particular,<br />

providing an answer to the question on whether there be proof that he practiced in a<br />

heroic degree the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity for God and men, and the cardinal<br />

virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and the others deriving thereof, leaving obviously<br />

the theological judgment on the matter to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of<br />

Saints.<br />


III<br />

An overall view of Bishop Scalabrini's times<br />

6. - The life span of the Servant of God extends throughout the pontificate of Pius<br />

IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X, that is, during one of the hardest periods in the evolving history<br />

of the Church, with the added burden coinciding with the course of development of the<br />

conflict between the Holy See and the Italian State. The trouble took roots in the<br />

illuminism and liberalism of the French Revolution. In the face of liberalism, except for<br />

the condemnation of obvious heresies, Catholics did not present a united front. "Liberty,<br />

Fraternity, Equality" were said to be words in line with the Gospel, but highly distorted<br />

by ideological and political passions. Some Catholics, the so-called "Intransigents",<br />

considering only the evils brought on the Church by liberalism, condemned it as a whole,<br />

principles and all: There were others instead, known as "Transigents", who sought to<br />

distinguish between its positive and negative aspects. Both currents, however, had to<br />

cope with the coming into being of the modern State, which was centralizing and<br />

jurisdiction minded; with the onset of freedom of initiative and commerce; and with the<br />

birth of the industrial revolution, which, by the creation of capitalism, reinstated a<br />

privileged and arbitrary class seemingly done away by the Revolution, thus provoking the<br />

Marxist reaction with all the philosophical ideologies related to it.<br />

Out of the uncontrolled spreading of equality and liberty, there developed the<br />

individualism proper to the nineteenth century, the accumulation of riches in the hands of<br />

a few, pauperism, and laicism. Within a context like this, quite different from that of our<br />

day, one should not wonder that freedom of worship and speech would be used against<br />

Catholicism and the Church. The State, proclaiming itself "morally competent" and<br />

supported by rationalism and positivism, bore down heavily on the Church with its civil<br />

laws. The Church lost a great part of its properties and temporal power, but not many saw<br />

in this the opportunity for a deeper spiritual growth.<br />

With the Quanta Cura and the Syllabus of 1864, Pius IX condemned the separation<br />

between Church and State. The State retorted not only by the abolition of the Church's<br />

privileges, but after declaring itself superior to all ethics, it began to meddle in the life of<br />

the Church, multiplying the laws hostile to her, protecting any freedom that did not<br />

present a threat to the State, pretending to monopolize the social life, subtracting from the<br />

hands of the Church all institutions of charity lawfully entrusted to her by the will of the<br />

faithful. The lay education took the place of the religious one, which was then confined to<br />

the churches and families. All Church properties were confiscated, many religious<br />

communities were suppressed, and various bishops and priests imprisoned. The evil<br />

effects of all this were many and serious: the lack of restraint of the press, introduction of<br />

civil marriage, provocatory anticlericalism, intimidation of many of the faithful who were<br />

not well rooted in the faith, the poverty of the clergy in some areas. But some positive<br />

results were not lacking, though not perceived at the time: the eradication of selfinterested<br />

vocations, greater detachment from worldly power, a more trustful recourse to<br />

the efficacy of grace and of the apostolate. These positive effects, however, did not result<br />

in a restructuring of the pastoral care to counteract the new forms of anti-religious<br />

expansion, and too much time was wasted in the defense of ancient privileges and rights.<br />

7. - In Italy, laicization was closely interwoven with the "Roman Question" which<br />

provoked, on one hand, the absolute intransigence of Pius IX, and on the other hand, the<br />


multiplication of subversive and anti-clerical laws against Catholics, the "enemies of the<br />

country". Thus, the gap between the Church and the modern world kept widening. New<br />

discoveries supplied new pretexts for rationalism, while the Church looked with<br />

suspicion at the progress of sciences and entrenched herself in fruitless prohibitions. The<br />

apostasy of the intellectual upper middle classes of the "Risorgimento" was joined by the<br />

apostasy of the proletariat, deluded about the "Risorgimento", distrustful of the Church<br />

which had already been an ally of the management, and allured by socialism.<br />

Deprived of human means, the Church began to strike back by reviving her trust in<br />

the supernatural ones and in identifying herself with the suffering Christ, but for a good<br />

part of the nineteenth century, she did not adapt her structures and activities to the new<br />

historical and social reality, remaining on the defensive until the death of Pius IX. The<br />

Church tightly rallied around the Pope. Ultramontanism, going beyond Gallicanism,<br />

paved the way to "the movement towards Rome", to the Roman centralization, to a wider<br />

uniformity of discipline, to the flourishing of the greatest variety of religious<br />

congregations, to a deeper piety (even pietism and devotionism), to the preeminence<br />

missionary action, of the schools and of the press, and finally, to the promotion of the<br />

laity.<br />

The new life of the lay associations and the birth of the "Congressi Cattolici"<br />

("Catholic Rallies") fostered the formation of Catholic parties in a number of European<br />

countries, with representatives in the various parliaments. In Italy, born under the<br />

ambiguous star of the "Roman Question" and of the consequent intransigence against the<br />

State, the "Opera dei Congressi" was committed, especially in the beginning, not so much<br />

to the social problems of the changing world of the workers, but rather, to the political,<br />

though theoretical, defense of the "rights" of the Pope, which had been usurped by the<br />

unification of Italy and the occupation of Rome. This element, identified with the loss of<br />

the temporal power, provoked a disgraceful confusion between religion and politics,<br />

because of the intransigence of the two parties in conflict. Easy was the temptation to<br />

impute all evils to liberalism, and more so for the reason that the unification of Italy had<br />

in no way bettered the conditions of the people. This is why many Catholics grew<br />

nostalgic for the "ancient regime", thus falling prey to a grave historical error. More<br />

realistically instead, others sought to sort out "the wheat from the weeds", truth from<br />

error. There developed amongst Catholics, therefore, two currents: on the one hand the<br />

"intransigents" refused any compromise with "the modern world", fruit of the Revolution;<br />

on the other, the properly so called "transigents", or better called "liberal Catholics",<br />

sought a conciliation with liberalism.<br />

To the "intransigents", modern freedom was one thing with liberalism, that is, with<br />

sin and a betrayal of the faith. A corollary of this kind, however, could not always hide<br />

motivations of a lower nature, such as the fear of losing ancient privileges, the power<br />

sense of the "beati possidentes" (blessed landlords), and the "tranquility of order", which<br />

did not always responded to the demands of justice. It did not hide, above all, the utopian<br />

dream for the solution to all problems by means of Revelation and divine intervention,<br />

thus excluding from the history of salvation the contingent situations of the times. Many<br />

were imbued with a Manichean spirit that led them simply to consider as evil whatever<br />

did not derive from the faith and the Church, often and readily confusing the religious<br />

element with the political one, and so denying it even the autonomy which was on the<br />

other hand taught by Catholic doctrine.<br />


The radical Intransigents, whom Bishop Scalabrini identified as a "party", wanted in<br />

fact to dictate a policy proper of a party in the name of religion: a party that felt offended<br />

if referred to as conservative, while opposing the equality and the promotion of the lower<br />

classes, the spreading of education, and democracy, at least in the years when the Servant<br />

of God fought it so fiercely. It cannot be denied the merit, on the other hand, of having<br />

waged a concerted campaign against the errors of liberalism that had made human reason<br />

its only criterion of truth, ignored any supernatural order, proclaimed atheism and<br />

systematic indifferentism, advocated freedom for the State and the citizen, but denied it<br />

for the Church and the Christian.<br />

The struggle of the intransigents in defense of Christian structures of society, against<br />

the rampant laicization, was certainly aimed in their intention at the protection of the<br />

lower classes, subtracted from the beneficent influence of the Church and neglected by<br />

the State. But the tactics employed were questionable and anti-historical. To the<br />

intransigents, the only form of Christian society, symbolized in the Christianitas of the<br />

Middle Ages, was often identified, in fact, with that of the Ancient Regime: the Catholic<br />

Faith had to be the only foundation of the State; the political and civil rights were<br />

subordinated to the faith and to the religious practice and were entrusted to an authority<br />

directly invested from above, that must be obeyed, in the alliance between church and<br />

State.<br />

8. - Ideological conflicts between Gallicanism and Ultramontanism in France, and<br />

between Thomism and Rosminianism in Italy made things still worse. In France, the<br />

leaders of intransigence were Joseph De Maistre, who hailed the Pope as the source of<br />

any good-progress in society; Felicité De Lamennais, a traditionalist turned Catholic<br />

liberal; Louis Veulliot, director of the "L'Univers", who led to the extreme the Manichean<br />

distinction between good people (anti-liberals) and bad people (liberals), thus giving start<br />

to that kind of witch hunting which had, in Italy, David Albertario, director of the<br />

"Osservatore Cattolico", as its most famous representative.<br />

Deeply wounded by the merciless and unfair campaigns against the pope conducted<br />

especially by the liberal press, Pius IX and Leo XIII saw in journalists such as these the<br />

fierce defenders of the "usurped" rights and the direct opponents of the anticlerical press.<br />

And so, they always supported them in public, even though they could not always<br />

approve, especially in private, their questionable ways of journalism and personal attacks,<br />

too often disloyal, against persons of great respect, bishops included, even passing<br />

judgment on their intentions. It looked as though the Church was directed in those years<br />

more by these obnoxious polemists rather than by a solid theology and an enlightened<br />

and positive program of pastoral care. The complaint of Bishop Scalabrini does not seem<br />

unjustified that the Church was governed by the press rather than by both the Pope, who<br />

was far from being suspected to compromise with such unchristian methods of combat,<br />

and by the Bishops, whose action was often made the object of criticism and also of<br />

contempt. Even in the exercise of their episcopal office, the Bishops were subjected to<br />

every least suspicion that they lacked blind adherence to what they, the journalists,<br />

defined arbitrarily the intention and the desire of the Pope. The only result of all this<br />

criticism could only be a deadening immobility or an inextricable confusion; or still, in a<br />

more general way, a curtailment of the legitimate autonomy of the local churches.<br />

We want to point out that these remarks are aimed at the extreme wing of the<br />

intransigents, at the journalists of the "Osservatore Cattolico" and of similar publications,<br />

at the centralizing leaders of the "Opera dei Congressi" (Catholic Movement), such as<br />


Father Sandri, Father Zocchi, Sacchetti, Paganuzzi, Giacomo Radini Tedeschi, Venturoli,<br />

etc., who took it upon themselves even the right to give directives to the bishops on<br />

political issues, that in reality were matters of conscience: so much so that Bishop<br />

Scalabrini used to call them "Bishops in top-hats".<br />

In reality, the intransigent group was made up of many branches; of many men,<br />

rather. Under the slogan "With the Pope and for the Pope", there gathered also people<br />

who knew how to combine an undaunted obedience to the Pontiff with an open mind<br />

toward certain aspects of modem aspirations, and men who vehemently criticized the<br />

principles of liberalism, but for a purpose free of any underlying motives. They intended<br />

in fact to keep from deception the souls that are tempted not to evaluate the real dangers<br />

of liberalism and inclined to be hesitant not just in the realm of facts but also in the realm<br />

of principles. Even though the opposition to the liberal State was dictated especially by<br />

motives of defense against the "usurpers", many went to the heart of the matter and<br />

fought the erroneous and harmful principles, which they distinguished from the legitimate<br />

aspirations of the new world of freedom. Many were those, above all, who took serious<br />

pains to stem the unchristianizing of the people by means of Catholic associations, the<br />

open profession of the faith, the social works of charity and cooperation, the scientific<br />

study of the causes of the crisis. Be it enough to mention Toniolo, Rezzara, Medolago<br />

Albani, Grosoli, Tovini, Montini, and under certain aspects, Cornoldi himself, though<br />

immovably fixed in his anti-rosminianism.<br />

9. - On the other side we find the "Catholic Liberals", that is, personally sincere<br />

Catholics who openly sought an accord between the traditional faith and the "immortal<br />

principles" of 1789.To them the absolute state was gone and buried, the future belonged<br />

to the kingdom of liberty, equality, fraternity, and democracy. In the new irreversible<br />

times, the mission of the Church had to turn to the re-christianization of society<br />

temporarily deviated by the new ways, seeking an accord between the immutable<br />

religious principles and the practical demands born of the new historical and political<br />

situations. In his book the "Cinque Piaghe" (Five Wounds), Rosmini (who cannot be<br />

numbered amongst the "Liberal Catholics", no matter if they considered him their source<br />

of inspiration) had demonstrated how damaging the church dependence on the ancient<br />

regimes had been for itself and for this reason, he opposed all privileges and alliance<br />

between the throne and the altar, Church and State. National movements were legitimate<br />

because they responded to the Christian and human demands of liberty and justice. The<br />

two societies, religious and civil, had to remain distinct, each having its own fields of<br />

action, its own ends and means to pursue them. Instead of concerning itself with<br />

privileges and powers that had little to do with the Gospel, the Church had to busy herself<br />

entirely about her spiritual mission, return to her original poverty, relinquish compulsive<br />

measures and the temporal power, and resume her charismatic aspect as the mystical<br />

Body of Christ.<br />

Liberal Catholics, however, went far beyond the limits and began tampering with<br />

Catholic principles. In affirming freedom, they disregarded the negative results of an<br />

uncontrolled liberty; in defending one's conscience as the supreme rule, they neglected<br />

the binding force of an objective superior norm; in advocating the lay nature of the State,<br />

they supported a policy free of any religious concern and obedience to God. The calls for<br />

reforms in the Church often reflected Jansenistic and Gallican tendencies. In the face of<br />

such deviations, the Church did not even admit the most moderate positions such as<br />

would have helped prevent unorthodox stands and concrete disobedience, and convinced<br />


herself that any reform and concession would weaken authority and open the way for the<br />

"revolution".<br />

The liberal Catholic theories of the French were condemned by Gregory XVI with<br />

the Mirari Vos. Condemned in particular were: separation of Church and State; absolute<br />

freedom of conscience; freedom of the press that caused real great havoc in the mass of<br />

traditional Catholics who were caught unaware and without the support of an effective<br />

catechesis. In Italy, the fundamental problem tormenting Catholics was the conciliation<br />

between freedom and national independence, on the one hand, and the freedom and<br />

independence of the Pope on the other, because only by depriving the Pope of his<br />

temporal power was it possible to reach national independence. Liberal Catholics<br />

pretended to solve the problem by confining religion to an individual question of one's<br />

conscience with no relation with political matters and by demanding the renunciation of<br />

the temporal power. To this end, nine thousand priests signed in 1862 the Passaglia<br />

address, the most notorious demonstration of the "patriotic clergy" that had taken part in<br />

the "holy battles" of the "Quarantotto" (1848, First War of Italian Independence).<br />

The group of Catholic Liberals deserves some credit. It insisted on the need of a<br />

conciliation between the Church and the modem world, of a clearer distinction between<br />

church and society, of a pastoral formation of conscience and of public opinion. But it<br />

steadily wavered in practice between a pure instrumental concept of liberty in defense of<br />

the rights of the Church and the acceptance of freedom as an absolute value of the human<br />

person to be defended also against the claims of the ethic and lay State, to which too<br />

many concessions were being made. Besides, it did not understand the seriousness of the<br />

social problems, being contented as it was with a vague form of paternalism.<br />

From what we just said of the "Catholic liberals", it is evident that they did not<br />

understand the so called "transigents" and the Rosminians. We do not know whether,<br />

consciously or unconsciously, the great fault of the liberal extremists was to confuse the<br />

transigents with the Catholic liberals. According to Albertario, Rosminianism constituted<br />

the philosophical basis for Catholic liberalism. This final judgment of his is nothing else<br />

but one example of the polemically twisted interpretations of this journalist, who lumped<br />

together whatever he liked. According to him and his associates, those who gave signs of<br />

inclination to become "transigents" had to be put to scorn as "softies", "conciliators" of<br />

things incompatible, "lovers" of sinners rather than of the "purist" ones, outright<br />

"hybrids", that is, singled out and suspected as traitors of the Popes and of orthodoxy, and<br />

accused of bargaining with error and with the enemies of the Church. Likewise, similarly<br />

considered were those who were beginning in practice to adapt the pastoral action to the<br />

new realities, to the historical and political demands of the people; beginning to accept<br />

the irreversibility of certain historical events, though condemning their causes and<br />

affirming the need for due reparation but concerned above all to imbue them with the<br />

ever beneficial Christian yeast; beginning to solve the "Roman Question" by means of a<br />

modus vivendi that would secure all the inalienable rights of the Pope without forcing the<br />

impossible task of calling into question the de facto state of Italian unification; in one<br />

word, all those who worked towards a dialogue between the Holy See and the Italian<br />

State, and more so, between the Church and the people, in order to have freely a proper<br />

pastoral action.<br />

10. - We must say it again, the conflicts gained a bitter tone in Italy with the onset of<br />

the Roman Question. Pius IX, after having been deluded by the events of 1848, 1849, and<br />

1860, seemed to take refuge in the apocalyptic expectation of a divine intervention by<br />


which God, the Vindicator, would do away with sinners, that is, the liberals. In1860 he<br />

excommunicated the invaders of the Papal States. France defended Rome for political<br />

reasons until the Prussian war of 1870, and on the 20th of September of that very year the<br />

"excommunicated ones" occupied Rome. In 1871, the Italian government sought to close<br />

the "breach" of Port Pia with the law of the "guarantigie" (guarantees), a unilateral act<br />

that accorded the Pope, implicitly looked upon as an Italian citizen, the honors of a<br />

sovereign, but no effective freedom, and conditioned the carrying out of purely<br />

ecclesiastical provisions to the approval of the King by the exequatur. The Pontiff<br />

retorted politically with the proclamation of the non expedit (it is not convenient),<br />

demanding Catholics not to take active part in the political life of the Kingdom.<br />

Pius IX continued to reclaim the temporal power, first of all because he did not trust<br />

the guarantees granted by a liberal State, which was becoming more and more fiercely<br />

laicized. The patriots of the "Risorgimento" demanded the renunciation of all kinds of<br />

temporal power as incompatible with Italian sovereignty, and refused in principle any<br />

concordatory regime. Pius IX spent the last years retreating ever more into an attitude of<br />

intransigence and condemning all forms of liberalism.<br />

The problem of survival and reintegration of the temporal power conditioned the<br />

whole life of the Italian Church during the second half of the nineteenth century. There<br />

was the meddling of French, German and Austrian Catholics, invited in by the Pope for<br />

political support; but many Italian intransigents were calling for an intervention of<br />

foreign armies. The stiffening of both sides added new fuel to anticlericalism; supported<br />

by masonry, then enjoying its golden age. The historical "stockade" between Guelphs<br />

(supporters of the Pope) and Ghibellines (supporters of the civil rulers) deepened. By<br />

now, anything Catholic was looked upon as anti-Italian, while, on the other side,<br />

whatever was stemming out of the lay field was simply considered as evil or at least<br />

dangerous. The exploited conflicts between faith and reason, revelation and science, civil<br />

progress and obscurantism of the Church, Religion and Country, were heightened on<br />

purpose. The religion of the people paid the price of it all. They became easy prey to the<br />

axiom that it was not possible to be good Catholics and good Italians at the same time.<br />

Those liberal Catholics, who considered themselves Catholics though not totally<br />

subjects of the Pope, wanted to prevent it. But it was not even easy for them to<br />

distinguish between religious obedience and civil allegiance. Intransigents were more<br />

outstanding than the transigents in defending the need for an effective safeguarding of the<br />

independence of the Pope and in making it clear that it was due to him not because of a<br />

condescending grant of a jurisdictionally minded state but by virtue of its very mission.<br />

The transigents, however, were no less firm on this point, if not on all of them, thus<br />

opening the way towards the final solution of the "Roman Question".<br />

Meanwhile, by the persistence of endless and bitter polemics, the conflict of<br />

conscience about one's allegiance to country and religion grew more acute. Pushing aside<br />

all other considerations of lesser import, those Catholics became most concerned over<br />

this situation who, though operating in different currents, distinguished themselves not<br />

only for their obedience to the Pope and opposition to liberalism, but also for their only<br />

intention of "saving souls" as well. Real wrong was done to these Catholics when they<br />

were given other qualifications. In our opinion, the true and only criterion for<br />

distinguishing them from one another must be sought in the diversity of the means used<br />

in responding to this apostolic and pastoral concern of theirs.<br />


Those Catholics were "intransigent" in the worst sense of the word who, no matter<br />

how well intentioned they might have been, while defending the rights of the Church,<br />

neglected the interior religious spirit of the people, confusing religion and politics. Those<br />

Catholics were "transigents" in the worst sense of the word, who, with the intent of<br />

eliminating the conflict that disturbed the consciences, pretended that the Pope should<br />

renounce such inalienable rights as his independence from any civil authority and the<br />

freedom to communicate with the whole people of God. Those Catholics were instead in<br />

the right position, who sought such a solution to the Roman Question that, while keeping<br />

intact the rights born of the papal primacy of jurisdiction and magisterium, might do<br />

away with the obstacles to a pastoral action which had become by then critically urgent,<br />

as all the Church documents of the time testify in principle. Many of these Catholics had<br />

the courage to deplore also the evils present inside the community of the Italian Church:<br />

immobility, inaction, fatalism, idle complaints, verbiage, pointless controversy,<br />

inconsequential concerns, and above all, lack of unity, charity, and truthfulness.<br />

11. - To this last group of Catholics belonged men that the traditional<br />

historiographers divided under the two labels of "intransigents" and "transigents". But<br />

they were actually all intransigents in questions of doctrine and of absolute obedience to<br />

the Pope as well as in the work of the Christian rebuilding of society. They differed,<br />

instead, as said before, in the choice of means. People singled out as "intransigents" were<br />

of the opinion that "intransigence", in vindicating the rights of the Holy See, was the<br />

mark and the surety for an uncompromising fidelity to the Pope and the Church. The socalled<br />

"transigents", on the other hand, thought that they had to take into consideration<br />

the reality of the situation, though not without condemnation of its causes, and so operate<br />

within an irreversible historical state of things. A the same time they excluded all<br />

contamination and compromise on principles; employed all energies in restoring a<br />

Christian image in a society deformed by rationalism and laicism; operated within society<br />

with the active participation of Catholics in the enacting of laws and in the political life of<br />

Italy, then controlled by masonry; and above all, created a modus vivendi that might<br />

remove all obstacles to the pastoral care and religious instruction of the people: in other<br />

words, while arriving at the reconciliation between Church and State, that in the plans of<br />

God were not meant for the destruction of each other, this last group is ceasing by now to<br />

be unjustly labeled as "transigents" by historians, who are now adopting the more or less<br />

precise terms of "conciliatorists", "conciliationists", "clerical moderates", or, of late,<br />

"clerical constitutionals".<br />

Among them we find Cardinals Franchi, Nina, Moretti, Mauri, Bausa, Capecelatro,<br />

Battaglini, Svampa, the two Vannutelli, Jacobini, Alimonda, Cavagnis, Schiaffino. We<br />

find Bishops like Bonomelli (with some intemperance and indeed with some streaks of<br />

real transigence or compromise), Guindani, Reggio, Sanfelice, Foschi of Perugia,<br />

Calabiana, Bersani Dossena, Bandi, Gastaldi, Riccardi; Blessed Contardo Ferrini and the<br />

Servant of God Agostino Chieppi; etc.<br />

Unfortunately, even these authentic "pastors" of souls, and occasionally the<br />

moderately intransigents themselves, were fiercely attacked by the "purists" or "ultra"<br />

intransigents, more "papal" than the Pope himself, with the disastrous result of a division<br />

of the Catholic ranks in a moment in which unity was mostly needed, and, as Bishop<br />

Scalabrini used to say, "when greatest was the need for the charity of a Samaritan who<br />

would pour on the wounds wine and oil, rather than vinegar". The radical intransigents<br />

enclosed the Church within a ghetto of defense and pressured the Holy See into an action<br />

more political than pastoral, and so they left a free hand to the liberals for an undisturbed<br />


pursuit of their goals in the legislative, cultural, and educational fields, thus giving a free<br />

course to a laical and anticlerical indoctrination, whose consequences are still<br />

experienced today.<br />

The Syllabus of Pius IX had condemned en masse the basic tenets of modern society<br />

and declared false the statement that "the Roman pontiff can and must accept progress,<br />

liberalism, and modern civilization". Pope Leo XIII said that "the Church does not forbid<br />

that the public authority may tolerate something not in conformity with truth and justice<br />

in order to achieve a greater good or avoid a worse evil" 15 . We quote this statement to<br />

prove that Leo XIII arrived at accepting the distinction between "thesis" and<br />

"'hypothesis" (P. Curci), between the historical-philosophical context that had proclaimed<br />

the "modern" liberties and the very substance itself of the same. We quote it because the<br />

so called "transigents" like Bishop Scalabrini were inspired by no other principle. They<br />

saw in the encyclicals of the early years of Leo XIII, Diuturnum illud, lmmortale Dei and<br />

Libertas, a certain evolution not only as to their practical application (hypothesis), but<br />

also in regard to the principles themselves (thesis). Leo XIII was thus giving the mark of<br />

approval to the progress of science and technology, to elective political systems, and to<br />

democracy. Times were moving little by little towards the distinction between a<br />

liberalism accepted as the only principle of life and a liberalism accepted as a form of<br />

government based on personal liberty and democracy. The distinction was reached<br />

between philosophy and politics, even if one should not underestimate the influence<br />

exercised toward this evolution by the concrete terror of the totalitarian State, before<br />

which liberalism itself decided to curtail its extremist wings and to seek the support of<br />

Catholics.<br />

12. - During the early years of the Pontificate of Leo XIII, and precisely as a reaction<br />

to his peaceful proposals, anticlericalism had reached the highest peaks of aggression: the<br />

20 th of September 1870 celebrations, the shameful attack on the dead body of Pius IX; the<br />

monument to Giordano Bruno, a monk condemned for heresy. Masonry took up a<br />

decisive role of control over the policy of the government. The effort of laicization tried<br />

to neutralize all pastoral action. Worried over such desecrating and culturally vile<br />

outbursts, Leo XIII stiffened in his determination to have back at least the city of Rome.<br />

The non expedit became a matter of principle, an ideal protest against the policy of the<br />

accomplished facts, a concern for maintaining the integrity of the Catholic movement. On<br />

the other hand, turning away from the "theory of the catastrophe" by which God would<br />

remove the impious usurpers, Catholics rallied together in associations, not just<br />

devotional ones, on a national scale. The "Opera dei Congressi" gave greater consistence<br />

to the social action on behalf of the "real country", forgotten and deceived by the "legal<br />

country", and prepared a generation of Catholics no longer submissive to the State and to<br />

a liberalistic culture, out of which the "Popular Party" would be born later on.<br />

As said before, it is true, however, that in the first years of his Pontificate, Leo XIII<br />

was far from being determined to maintain the non expedit. Proof of this is found in<br />

certain discreet approaches' in the attempt to give life to a conservative party in the<br />

Campello residence in 1879; in the repeated consultations held privately with some of the<br />

most influential Catholic exponents, like Luigi Galimberti, Father Liberatore, Scalabrini,<br />

and Bonomelli. Besides, it can be indirectly seen in the concordatory policy and in the<br />

arbitration diplomacy the Pope conducted with other States which were no less<br />

anticlerical than Italy. The staunchest "intransigents" became frightened at such "liberal"<br />

15 Leo XIII. Encyclical Libertas, 1888.<br />


overtures of Pope Pecci, and one gets the impression that certain segments of the Roman<br />

Curia and of the press strongly pledged themselves not to let him deviate from the course<br />

followed by Pius IX in his latter years. But the conciliatorists did not remain idle either.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini supplies a typical example of this.<br />

"In 1885, an anonymous small book was published titled "lntransigenti e Transigenti",<br />

substantially the work of Leo XIII, but made public in its final form by Bishop Scalabrini of Piacenza.<br />

The "L'Osservatore Cattolico" violently attacked it, but Rome did not lift a finger, and Scalabrini,<br />

perceiving the wish of the Pope and to avoid greater evils, kept quiet. The Pope was making use of his<br />

most loyal ones to test public opinion, but leaving them to themselves should the move fail. This<br />

episode shows, besides, what a great influence the "ultras" exercised in determining Vatican policy. 16<br />

Leo XIII attempted his last approach with the allocution of May 23, 1887, expressing<br />

hopes for the end of the "calamitous conflict". The Secretariat of State, however, was<br />

quick in clarifying that there was no intention of surrendering Rome. The Italian Prime<br />

Minister Crispi declared he had no need of conciliation. Masonry blocked all approaches.<br />

Anticlericalism became increasingly vulgar and aggressive. Pope Leo XIII never actually<br />

accepted a renunciation to the whole city of Rome. Italian politics, on the other hand,<br />

never admitted a territorial sovereignty of the Pope, were it even of the size of the<br />

republic of San Marino. Outwardly at least, all these events were signs of uncertainties<br />

and contradictory positions. One must take account of such a confused situation and of<br />

the respective din raised by the leaders and the supporters of the opposed fields in order<br />

to get an idea of the enormous confusion that disturbed well-meaning people who were<br />

interested only in "the glory of God and the salvation of souls".<br />

Strange as it may seem, only one reason, actually foreign to all these polemics,<br />

contributed in bringing together intransigents, moderate clericals, and moderate liberals:<br />

opposition to the common enemy of Marxism. Following the suppression of "Comitati<br />

Cattolici" (Catholic Associations) in1898, Albertario, Meda, Mauri, and others, began to<br />

already prospect the hypothesis of an electoral alliance with the moderate liberals, thus<br />

moving significantly closer to the ideas of Scalabrini. In 1904, Pius X, once a staunch<br />

supporter of the most intransigent current, allowed Catholics in Bergamo to run for<br />

parliament, multiplying later on such exceptions to the non expedit. We cannot say,<br />

however, that the Popular Party was born out of this anti-socialist coalition deplored by<br />

Murri and Sturzo. It had its source, rather, in the intransigent and anti-liberal current at<br />

the time when it became clear that a political party could not be a confessional party; an<br />

aspect on which Bishop Scalabrini would have been in perfect accord. There is no need to<br />

recall that the Conciliation was achieved in1929 in the terms foreseen by the Servant of<br />

God.<br />

13. - One may ask what reasons, objective and external to his personal character<br />

openly favorable to the conciliation, could have led the Servant of God to side with the<br />

clerical constitutionalists, or better, to become a conciliatorist.<br />

The Biography describes 17 the cultural and political environment, inspired by the<br />

pragmatism and good common sense in which he received his formation in Como, rather<br />

than by any political or philosophical set of ideas. It tells us, besides, that the only note<br />

that distinguishes him in his initiatives, supported by his organizational genius, was the<br />

priestly spirit of a minister of God and of the Church, interested only in the coming of the<br />

Kingdom, and therefore concerned over the unchristianization of the people, made<br />

16 G. Martina, La Chiesa nell'età del totalitarismo, Brescia 11979, pp. 12-13.<br />

17 Cfr. Biography, pp. 47-52. 80-84.<br />


quicker, in his view, by the "calamitous conflict", also because this conflict fostered the<br />

free spreading of liberalism, indifferentism, and practical atheism.<br />

His preeminent pastoral action, that is, his efforts in forming "one flock under one<br />

Shepherd", courageously urged him to seek unity, beginning with unity in doctrine and<br />

charity, of the various currents of his clergy; unity of priestly teachings and of Christian<br />

education through the catechetical reform; and thus arriving at the promotion of unity<br />

between clergy and people, between diocese and diocese, and between local Churches<br />

and the Church Universa1 18 .<br />

His spirit of mediation and conciliation was unfortunately publicized as liberalistic<br />

and tainted with Rosminianism, only because of party passions represented by a meager<br />

group of ultra-intransigents of Piacenza, which found a complacent resounding box in the<br />

most intransigent and aggressive press, which was, in turn, repudiated by a number of the<br />

intransigent bishops of Northern Italy (Lombardy and Veneto) alarmed by malicious<br />

insinuations that turned even the legitimate and most just acts of government into<br />

deviations from right doctrine and discipline 19 . His thought, instead, was "in perfect<br />

conformity" with the ideas of Pope Leo XIII precisely in matters of the polemics 20 , until<br />

the change of course that the Pope adopted in 1887. Since that change of course, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini made a sacrifice of his own convictions, even of his good episcopal name in<br />

order to obey 21 .<br />

On the other hand, within the complexity of the thought, stands, and activities of the<br />

Servant of God, the Biography emphasizes the arguments which prove that, beyond all<br />

secondary political questions that he wanted altogether distinct from the great ones purely<br />

religious and pastoral, he cannot be numbered in any way amongst the "transigents",<br />

who, to a greater or lesser degree, compromised with liberalism. On the contrary, because<br />

of his Catholic social action, his orthodoxy in studies and doctrine, his search for unity in<br />

charity and truth, he could rightly define himself "not only intransigent, but most<br />

intransigent", so much so that one would do him much injustice to even confuse him,<br />

without the due distinctions, with Bishop Bonomelli, the closest friend of his hopes and<br />

battles 22 .<br />

18 Cfr. Biography. pp. 85-86.336-337.380,585-586.593-603,611-612, 678-680, 703-704, 788-793, 865-903,<br />

1181-1184, 1220-1225, 1237.<br />

19 Cfr. Biography, pp. 491-570. 719-737. The whole polemic between Scalabrini and the "L' Osservatore<br />

Cattolico" was occasioned by the removal of Canon Savino Rocca from Rector of the "Urban Seminary" of<br />

Piacenza made by the Bishop because of disciplinary and administrative reasons, not because of his stand<br />

against the philosophy of Rosmini.<br />

20 Cfr. Biography. pp. 579-586. Leo XIII explicitly told the Servant of God that freedom of opinion was to<br />

be allowed in matters not yet condemned by the Church, especially in "philosophical questions" He insisted<br />

on charity in the disputes and on unity when it was the question of action. In his early years, in fact, he gave<br />

various indications of hope for a "modus vivendi" with the Italian State.<br />

21 Cfr. Biography. pp. 666-676. The Servant of God more than once, as we will see, refrained from the<br />

public defense of himself, even when faced with the slanderous accusations of the "intransigent" press, in<br />

obedience to the will, and only to the wishes, at times, of Leo XIII who ordered him on various occasions<br />

to keep quiet so as not to sharpen the disputes, or even to defend himself.<br />

22<br />

Cfr. Biography. pp. 738-786. Chapter XIV is entirely devoted to the relations between Scalabrini and<br />

Bonomelli. The Servant of God never approved of the bold ideas of his Confrere of Cremona, especially on<br />

the "Roman Question" and on the relations with the Italian State and with the House of Savoy.<br />


IV<br />


<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> LIFE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>SERVANT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>GOD</strong><br />

14. - Birth, early years, and studies (1839-1857). John Baptist Scalabrini was born in<br />

Fino Mornasco, Como, on July 8, 1839, the third child of Aloysius and Colomba<br />

Trombetta, and was baptized on the same day in the parish Church of Fino. He received<br />

the sacrament of Confirmation at the hands of Bishop Carlo Romano on September 8,<br />

1840, in the same church. He was formed by his "saintly mother" to a deep faith,<br />

devotion to the Eucharist, Christ crucified, the Sorrowful Mother and the Saints, and to<br />

charity for the poor. Upon completing his elementary courses in Fino, he attended high<br />

school and two years of college at the Liceo Volta in Como, covering nine kilometers<br />

back and forth on foot every week. Walking along with his fellow students and the<br />

workers that followed the same road, he used to explain to them the catechism and to<br />

repeat to them the religious instructions received in class, while sharing with the poorer<br />

ones his lunch and the little money he had. At the Liceo Volta, he achieved the highest<br />

marks and prizes every year, and gave clear signs of a vocation to the priesthood,<br />

especially in his dedication to prayer and the apostolate. 23<br />

15. - The Seminary (1857-1863). In the fall of 1857 Scalabrini entered the Minor<br />

Seminary of Como for philosophy. In1859 he transferred to the Major Seminary for his<br />

four-years of theology; during the first year he was also a "censor" (prefect of discipline)<br />

at the Gallio College, a Catholic boarding school, where he had the Blessed Aloysius<br />

Guanella as a student. Also in his philosophy and theology years, he always came out<br />

first. He never let himself be distracted by patriotic ferments or become involved in the<br />

disputes between professors and students, who were not immune to the ideological<br />

effects of the Italian "Risorgimento" (Movement for the Unification of Italy into one<br />

Nation).<br />

He excelled, instead, in his studies, especially in Dogmatic, Patristic, and Catechesis,<br />

besides his interest in science and foreign languages, and in the fraternal help he accorded<br />

to his less gifted fellow students. He received the sacred tonsure on June 1, 1860, the first<br />

two Minor Orders on December 21, 1860, the second two on May 24, 1861, the<br />

Subdeaconate on June 14, 1862 at Bergamo, the Diaconate on September 12, 1862,<br />

probably in Milan. 24<br />

16. - Early Years in the Priesthood (1863-1868). He was ordained a priest by Bishop<br />

Joseph Marzorati of Como on May 30, 1863. Determined to follow the missionary<br />

vocation, he applied for the Institute of the Foreign Missions of Milan (PIME), but after<br />

having already received the consent and blessing of his mother, the Bishop stopped him<br />

saying: "Your Indies are in Italy". Bishop Marzorati had decided in fact to entrust into his<br />

hands the task of the formation of his seminarians and named him professor and Vice-<br />

Rector of the Minor Seminary. He brought a new breath of life both into the teaching<br />

23 Cfr. Biography. pp. 29-45.<br />

24<br />

Cfr. Biography. pp. 46 -47. 52 -55.<br />


methods and the opening to modem culture, instructing the students to think more by<br />

themselves rather than simply memorize. Disregarding the dangers of the contagion, in<br />

1867 he assisted the people afflicted with cholera in the community of Portichetto, a<br />

hamlet in the township of Fino Mornasco. 25<br />

17. - Rector of the Seminary of Saint Abbondio (1868-1870). On October 6, 1868, he<br />

was appointed Rector of the Minor Seminary. He reorganized the courses, teaching how<br />

to discern truth from error with love for progress; he trained the seminarians more by<br />

love than by discipline; formed the future priests in the apostolic spirit such as would<br />

help them to face with courage and determination the impact of a world set on a rapid<br />

course toward secularization and laicism. His friendship with Bishop Bonomelli marks its<br />

beginnings in 1868, an exemplary friendship that was to last all life. He was a disciple<br />

and collaborator of Canon Serafino Balestra, inventor of the purely phonic method,<br />

learning the art of teaching the deaf-mutes how to talk and making himself understood by<br />

them. Some of his colleagues, who were older and of a conservative and intransigent<br />

bend, did not approve of the new course of the young rector, and accused him of<br />

ambition. The Bishop broke off the danger of discord and made him pastor. 26<br />

18. - Pastor of Saint Bartholomew in Como (1870-1875). On July 17, 1870 he was<br />

appointed Pastor of Saint Bartholomew, a parish of 6000 souls in the industrial district of<br />

Como. He immediately devoted himself to preaching, the care of youth, and to the<br />

visitation of the sick, soon winning the hearts of his parishioners whose collaboration he<br />

could count later on in reforming the parish, considered the most difficult one in the<br />

whole diocese because it was the most exposed to the dangers of socialism.<br />

In the summer he was in church at three in the morning to administer the sacraments<br />

to the textile workers. He founded the first mutual society and used to seek out the<br />

employers and solicit from them the "pezze" (rolls of cloth) for work in the homes. He<br />

secured help for the unemployed. But his prime concern was directed to the young: he<br />

founded the first youth center for boys, gave life to the first kindergarten where he<br />

experimented his catechetical method and for which he wrote Little Catechism for<br />

Kindergartens, the first of its kind. The Bishop charged him with the task of preparing a<br />

project of reform for the Schools of Christian Doctrine of the Diocese, named him a prosynodal<br />

examiner, and chose him to be a member of various pastoral and apostolic<br />

commissions. He spread devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows and promoted the Catholic<br />

associations.<br />

In 1872, he gave eleven lectures on the Vatican Ecumenical Council I (Conferenze<br />

sul Concilio Vaticano I) in the Cathedral of Como, thus calling attention on the<br />

soundness and equilibrium of his doctrine in times that were still experiencing the effects<br />

of the disputes over the infallibility of the Pope. Printed in 1873, and reprinted in a<br />

reduced form by the will of Saint John Bosco, the Conferenze made him known beyond<br />

the boundaries of his diocese as a man of "a sure Roman line" and of a "zealous pastoral<br />

spirit": the qualities Pius IX required in the appointing new Bishops. 27<br />

25 Biography, pp. 56-61.<br />

26 Biography, pp. 62-67.<br />

27 Biography, pp. 68-69.<br />


19. - His first year as a Bishop (1876). In spite of his young age, Pius IX named him<br />

Bishop of Piacenza about the middle of December 1875, and officially invested him at<br />

the secret consistory of January 18, 1876. On January 30, 1876, the Servant of God was<br />

consecrated Bishop by Card. Alessandro Franchi in the chapel of the "Collegio Urbano di<br />

Propaganda Fide" in "Piazza di Spagna", Rome.<br />

In order to be able to preside the celebrations proclaimed by his predecessor Bishop<br />

Antonio Ranza for the sixth centennial of the death of Pope Blessed Gregory X, a native<br />

of Piacenza, he made his entrance into his diocese which was on February 13, 1876,<br />

ahead of time.<br />

His first acts concerned the good harmony of the clergy, the visitation of Catholic<br />

schools and charitable institutions of the city, the Thomistic reform of church studies<br />

(preceding by three years the reform enacted by the encyclical Aeterni Patris), the<br />

thorough reorganization of catechesis, the revival of priestly discipline and spiritual life<br />

(spiritual exercises and the gatherings for the study of cases of conscience), the<br />

proclamation and opening of the pastoral visitation.<br />

All these initiatives that reflect the great lines of Bishop Scalabrini's episcopate of<br />

thirty years carry the date of 1876, and reveal from the very beginning a precise pastoral<br />

strategy for the spiritual revival of the diocese, in imitation of the model he had picked<br />

for himself, Saint Charles Borromeo. They are rooted in the essential points of priestly<br />

holiness and of a catechesis meant as formation of the people in the faith. They show, at<br />

the same time, his energy, constancy, and total commitment to the spiritual welfare of the<br />

faithful with the active involvement of all the clergy. 28<br />

By the summer of 1876 the new structuring of catechesis in the form of a school with<br />

four different classes, one of them for adults, was already functioning throughout the<br />

whole diocese. It had thousands of teachers and was supported by the founding of the<br />

first Italian catechetical review, "II Catechista Cattolico". All the necessary structural<br />

organisms were active, though only on an experimental basis in some places. 29<br />

20. - First pastoral visitation and first synod (1887-1879). He began the first pastoral<br />

visitation on December 8, 1876, with the Cathedral, and brought it to its conclusion on<br />

August 28, 1880. In spite of all inconveniences, he visited in person all of his 364<br />

parishes, including the 200 parishes that could not be reached except on horseback or<br />

riding a mule, and not infrequently, only on foot. Many of them had never seen a bishop,<br />

not even during the tenure of Blessed Paolo Burali, a contemporary and imitator of Saint<br />

Charles.<br />

The Servant of God gladly shared in the poverty of his priests and people, visited the<br />

sick and prisoners, preached the Word of God five or six times a day, examined the<br />

students of all the classes of catechism. He used to spend endless hours in confessional<br />

till late at night, took notes and issued instructions even on smallest matters, consecrated<br />

churches, blessed cemeteries and bells, administered confirmation, and comforted or<br />

encouraged priests. He gave credit for the fruits of the pastoral visitations, however, to<br />

the work of the "missionaries" who prepared the people beforehand with the preaching of<br />

one or two week missions, thus leading almost all the faithful to the reception of the<br />

28 Biography, pp. 90-176.<br />

29 Biography, pp. 203-227.<br />


Sacraments. His visitations were indeed "pastoral", not just canonical inspections or<br />

administrative controls on the part of the diocesan government, as was done before. 30<br />

He was not finished yet with the first visitation than he decided to codify his findings<br />

into a diocesan synod, which was actually held in the days 2-4 of September, 1879. No<br />

synod had been celebrated in the past 156 years! That extraordinary gathering of 400<br />

priests marked also the beginning of the new and vigorous life brought to the Diocese. It<br />

was rightly said that "he made the clergy to his own likeness". Considering the<br />

temperament of the people of Piacenza, rather calm and resistant to change, the new fire<br />

of the clergy must be numbered amongst the most successful achievements of the young<br />

Bishop, who did not leave" anyone in peace", but gave first of all the example and sought<br />

to instill in others his love for souls. The first objective of the synod was the preservation<br />

of the faith by means of a systematic and constant catechesis, sound and frequent<br />

preaching, availability for the needs of the faithful, and the catholic associations. The<br />

government was decentralized by giving back due importance to the deans and by setting<br />

up an organized structure as to make the bishop virtually present in every place at every<br />

moment of the life of the diocese. 31<br />

In 1877-1878, the Servant of God was the chief collaborator and executor of the<br />

project for the reopening of the "Seminario Lombardo dei Santi Ambrogio e Carlo" in<br />

Rome, intended as a means to strengthen the clergy of Northern Italy in doctrinal unity,<br />

which then was in crisis because of the philosophic polemics underlying the pains of the<br />

Church in her search for new ways of her presence in the so called "modern world". 32<br />

21. - Endearment of the people (1879-1880). By the newness of the pastoral<br />

visitation and the apostolic zeal with which he conducted it, the Bishop soon endeared the<br />

people of the parishes in the plains and on the mountains. This task was more difficult in<br />

the city because its citizens were more involved in politics and the masons sought all<br />

means to obstruct the action of the Bishop, whom they looked upon as the enemy number<br />

one of their organization. On April 24, 1877, the Servant of God was granted the<br />

exequatur (the approval by the Italian government), and it seemed as though officially the<br />

liberals had nothing left to say against him. But on January 17, 1878, a group of ruffians<br />

attacked the coach of the Bishop and rudely threatened him for obeying the orders of the<br />

Holy See prohibiting the solemn funeral Mass on occasion of the death of King Victor<br />

Emmanuel II. Pius IX, who already on June 7, 1877, had honored him with the title of<br />

"Apostle of Catechism", rewarded him with the gift of a precious chalice, probably the<br />

last gift of the old Pontiff, who died on the following day. The firmness and patience of<br />

the Bishop soon brought peace to the people. 33<br />

But he completely gained the hearts of all in the winter of 1879-1880, when a famine<br />

brought hunger to many people of Piacenza. The Bishop deprived himself of everything,<br />

sold the carriage and the horses he made use of in his pastoral visitation, he even pawned<br />

the chalice the Pope had given him, and also gave up his personal garments in order to<br />

feed thousands of citizens through the distribution of 3000 warm meals every day. 34<br />

30 Biography, pp. 258-280.<br />

31 Cfr. Biography, pp. 292-295.<br />

32 Cfr. Biography. pp. 167-176.<br />

33 Cfr. Biography, pp. 108-116, 621-629.<br />

34 Cfr. Biography, pp. 433-439.<br />


In November 1879, he gave life to the "Istituto Sordomute" 35 (Institute for the Deaf-<br />

Mutes) and in June 1880 he decided to complete the work of corporal and spiritual<br />

charity for the integral promotion of his people by giving new vigor to their devotion<br />

toward the "fathers in the faith" of the diocese of Piacenza by means of the solemn<br />

verification and reposition of the relics of the Patron Saints Antonino and Vittore. 36<br />

22: - Harmony amongst the Clergy (1881-1883). It was not that easy to gain the<br />

hearts of all his priests, who for many years had been divided between thomists and<br />

rosminians, intransigents and transigents, alumni of the Seminario Urbano (the diocesan<br />

Seminary located in the city) and those of the Collegio Alberoni (located in the country at<br />

San Lazzaro, a small suburb of Piacenza). The Servant of God adopted tactics of wise<br />

moderation with which he sought to contain the doctrinal disputes within correct limits<br />

and to prepare all of them to accept the decisions of the Pope. But there still remained a<br />

small group of diehard intransigents who succeeded in stirring up trouble.<br />

In August 1881, Scalabrini forcibly removes from the direction of the Seminario<br />

Urbano Canon Savino Rocca, because unable to maintain discipline and to administer the<br />

finances properly. The removal was vehemently denounced by the "Osservatore<br />

Cattolico" of Milan as an attempt at doing away with thomism and introducing<br />

rosminianism, that is liberal catholicism, into the diocese. Ill-informed by the canon and<br />

by some of his fanatic supporters, the daily went so far as to incite the seminarians to<br />

disobey the bishop under the motive of obedience to the Pope. The Bishop could not<br />

allow such meddling in the government of the diocese, together with accusations of<br />

liberalism and rosminianism against a great portion of his clergy. First amongst the<br />

Italian bishops who were generally paralyzed by the climate of psychological<br />

intimidation created by the extreme wing of the intransigent press, he dared publish a<br />

solemn protest in defense of his episcopal ministry and the honor of his priests.<br />

The ultra-intransigent daily kept insulting clergy and bishop, so that Scalabrini felt<br />

compelled to seek justice from the Holy See; but the Holy See was contented at first with<br />

half-measures, because it did not want to deprive itself of the fiercest defender of the<br />

temporal power and of the most resolute opponent of liberalism, often only imaginary.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini sought to show the pope the other side of the coin too: the style, not a<br />

bit Gospel inspired, of the publicized defense of the Church, the scandal of irreverent and<br />

resentful polemics, the dissensions of the clergy, and the suspicion aroused without much<br />

scruple about the bishop's observance of the directives of the Pope. He sought to sensitize<br />

the Pope about the damage that would derive from the crumbling of the principle of<br />

authority of the bishops: a priest that had not received any official status from the<br />

hierarchy pretended to pass judgment on the bishops and to direct the conscience of<br />

priests. He considered it his right and duty, by virtue of the principle of collegiality, to<br />

speak his mind openly to the Pope, though always in private, until the latter decided to set<br />

up a commission of cardinals with the task of putting an end to the dispute. The Holy See<br />

acknowledged the right of the Bishop and ordered Albertario to issue a public retraction<br />

and disavowal of what he had written against Bishops Scalabrini and Bonomelli (June 17,<br />

1883). 37<br />

35 Cfr. Biography, pp. 467-482.<br />

36 Cfr. Biography, pp. 394-40 I.<br />

37 Cfr. Biography, pp. 491-570.<br />


23. - Stricken by illness and attacked by anticlericals (1884). His sorrow for the<br />

dissensions of clergy and Catholics, the sadness over aimless polemics, the toils of the<br />

second pastoral visitation he had started on April 16, 1884, the struggle against a<br />

corrupting atheism that brazenly attempted to come into the open (condemnation on<br />

March 19, 1882 of the atheistic newspaper "Il Penitente"); and then his frequent<br />

pilgrimages to the shrines of Our Lady, the excessive "abuse of the vocal cords" because<br />

of incessant preaching, the organizing of the charitable and social institutions of the<br />

diocese, the unrelenting action in support of catechesis; in a word, an activity that, judged<br />

as incredible by all, took its toll over a physical constitution that was never too strong.<br />

In June 1884, colics and exhaustion threatened the life of the Servant of God. While<br />

recuperating at a slow pace, by the end of summer, masonry, or anticlericalism, for that<br />

matter, unleashed a furious scandal mongering campaign in the press, accusing the<br />

administrator of the diocese of embezzlement and abuses of all kinds. The evident<br />

attempt of destroyng the Bishop did not achieve anything else but to arouse the indignant<br />

reaction of clergy and people. The Bishop gratefully thanked God and the priests,<br />

because the false accusations did not effect anything else but the strengthening of unity<br />

amongst souls, and, as customary with him in similar circumstances, they offered him the<br />

occasion to grant forgiveness. 38<br />

Accusations of imprudent transactions in administration had also some bearing after<br />

his death, but none could be proven, and the Holy See declared the recourses of his<br />

successor Bishop Pellizzari to be groundless. Besides, the poverty in which he lived and<br />

died, in spite of all the monies the benefactors had passing through his hands, and the<br />

innumerable works that showed what they were invested in, supplied the most convincing<br />

proof that no material interest ever entered the heart of the Bishop with "holes in his<br />

pockets", as he himself used to say. 39<br />

24. -.Scalabrini 's Intervention in the Case of Card. Pitra (1885). Urged by Pope Leo<br />

XIII during the first decade of his pontificate, the Servant of God concerned himself with<br />

the studying of ways that could help untie the intricate knot of the Roman Question. In<br />

1882 he secured private authorization from the Sacred Penitentiary to grant exceptions to<br />

the non expedit in view of avoiding greater evils. Men of the government, like Agostino<br />

De Pretis, made use of his services of mediation, but the intransigents tenaciously insisted<br />

on abstention from the polls. Card. Pitra assumed the position of being their spokesman<br />

in defense of the "ultra-intransigents" Veuillot, Albertario, Nocedal, deploring the<br />

slackening of the totally intransigent stand of Pius IX. Leo XIII reacted with a letter to<br />

Card. Guibert, Archbishop of Paris, rebuking whoever pretended to place himself in<br />

contradiction with the actual directive of the Pope. The "ultras" gave their full support to<br />

the intervention of Card. Pitra with an anonymous booklet, accusing Pope Leo XIII in<br />

fact of philo-liberal tendencies.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini saw in this the danger of divisions and petitioned the Holy See to<br />

dispel the danger immediately. The Secretary of State Card. Lodovico Jacobini not only<br />

endorsed the idea, but even supplied an extended outline, which Bishop Scalabrini<br />

developed into a Pastoral Letter, that he published after Pope Leo XIII had approved the<br />

38 Cfr. Biography, pp. 425-431.<br />

39 Cfr. Biography, pp. 431-432.<br />


manuscript and subsequently declared "perfectly in conformity with his views". Among<br />

other things, Scalabrini proved wrong the accusations of unorthodox doctrine leveled at<br />

the rosminians who held opinions still left free for discussion by the Church, while at the<br />

same time promising Bishop Scalabrini to stand ready to submit to the decisions of the<br />

Pope. Once again, he pleaded for charity -his motive at the base of this intervention - and<br />

for the honesty with which the discussions had to be carried on before the Pope should<br />

say the last word; and he insisted on the respect of the "hierarchical principle"- another<br />

basic reason of his - which included obedience both to Pope and Bishops in communion<br />

with him. To pretend to anticipate papal censures, to go over the Bishops' authority, to<br />

force on the part of "private" people a certain course to the directives of the Pope, all this,<br />

for the Servant of God, was just a "new form of liberalism". 40<br />

25. -.The Publication of "Intransigenti e Transigenti" (1885). On the same questions,<br />

but particularly on the need of adopting a more "transigent" attitude concerning the<br />

possibility of coming to terms "with the modern world" on a practical level, the Servant<br />

of God anonymously published in December 1885 a booklet titled: Intransigenti e<br />

Transigenti. Considerazioni di un Vescovo Italiano.<br />

His intention was to help prevent a situation of radicalism and extremism in the<br />

struggle against the liberal State (not against liberalism), by softening the prohibition to<br />

go to the polls, allowing the Bishops a certain degree of autonomy that would give them<br />

greater freedom for pastoral action, keeping the Pope above all parties, leaving in his<br />

hands alone the task of directing consciences, and distinguishing the religious action from<br />

the political one.<br />

Such was the course of action being followed, though very cautiously, by Pope Leo<br />

XIII, who therefore could not be included - said the booklet - amongst the "intransigents".<br />

It was absolutely necessary to put an immediate end to enervating polemics and go back<br />

to work for the rechristianization of society, under the leadership of the hierarchical<br />

authority, finally eliminating the scandal of sowing discord and dispersion within the<br />

Church by setting pope against pope, bishop against bishop, and bishops against the pope.<br />

"L' Osservatore Cattolico" called the author of this booklet "irreverent, disobedient,<br />

insolent, sectarian, slanderous, cynical, fanatic, charlatan, sacrilegious, delirious, clericoliberal,<br />

Jansenistic". Such was the daily vocabulary of Albertario: but in this case it had a<br />

particular meaning. The ponderous weight of criticism and insults coming from someone<br />

who was proclaiming himself "wholeheartedly with the Pope and for the Pope" struck in<br />

fact the Pope himself. The publication was actually more the work of Leo XIII than of<br />

Bishop Scalabrini. Leo XIII declared himself, privately of course, the author and inspirer<br />

of this booklet. He handed its outline to the Bishop of Piacenza, and twice he examined<br />

the manuscript" approving every line of it". 41 The Bishop had been charged only with the<br />

task of writing it out and publishing it.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini ascribed to the letter on the case of Card. Pitra and to his book<br />

Intransigenti e Transigenti the whole violent campaign unleashed against him and Bishop<br />

Bonomelli by the "L'Osservatore Cattolico", that went so far as to accuse him of<br />

participation in the political elections of 1887. Astounded at the intense reaction of<br />

intransigents, the Pope withdrew behind the scenes, avoiding any public move in support<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini, trying, perhaps to reward him secretly with the offer of the<br />

40 Cfr. Biography, pp. 579-586.<br />

41 Cfr. Biography, p. 590.<br />


Nunciature of Paris or even of the dignity of a Cardinal, and with other personal marks of<br />

benevolence. But the Bishop, when he found himself standing publicly accused of<br />

disobedience to the Pope, in order to prevent scandals thought it his duty to defend<br />

himself and wrote a Pastoral Letter of justification. By a most delicate act of respect he<br />

submitted it to the judgment of the Pope. Leo XIII sent it back to him with the request not<br />

to publish it, and Bishop Scalabrini obeyed: "He indeed asked of me a heroic sacrifice,<br />

which I accepted, I confess it, only for the love of God" 42 ."Somebody has to pay the<br />

price; and should I be the one, sit nomen Domini benedictum (let the name of the Lord be<br />

blessed). 43<br />

The episode of the booklet Intransigenti e Transigenti has a fundamental bearing on<br />

judging the obedience of the Servant of God, not only to the commands of the Pope but<br />

also to his desires as well. Only the fact that Bishop Bonomelli did not carry out the order<br />

of his friend to burn the letter right away that revealed to him the origin of the book, and<br />

a letter of Bishop Scalabrini to Pius X who wanted to be informed of the incident, do not<br />

allow us today to entertain any doubt on the greatness of Scalabrini's obedience to the<br />

Pope and on the reciprocal trust of the two personalities. On one side, we witness the<br />

unselfishness with which the Servant of God lent himself, serving as a testing pawn for a<br />

political move of Leo XIII; on the other hand, we realize the absolute trust the Pope had<br />

in the secrecy and discretion of the Bishop; we can finally size up the spirit of faith and<br />

sacrifice with which the Servant of God served the Supreme Pontiff, disregarding his<br />

personal interest and even the defense of his honor that he might save that of the Pope. 44<br />

26. -.The Political Elections of 1886. In view of the political elections of 1886, the<br />

Servant of God foresaw that the same hypothesis he had presented to the Sacred<br />

Penitentiary in 1882 was to be a reality. Two groups were running for election in the<br />

electoral college of Piacenza, the constitutional monarchists who were Catholic or<br />

declared to respect religion, and the radical progressives, notorious and anticlerical<br />

masons with an explicitly anti-religious platform. For greater reassurance, the Bishop<br />

petitioned anew the Secretariat of State for instructions. He was answered that he could<br />

follow those he had received in 1882. Without prejudice to the general law of the non<br />

expedit, in order to prevent greater evils and allow entry into the parliament hall of men<br />

who would not oppose, at least, the Church, one could privately tell to the electors who<br />

should ask the Church authorities for an opinion, that in such case, taking part in the<br />

elections was not in itself illicit. It is well to recall here that as yet the non expedit (it is<br />

not convenient) was not a non licet (it is not allowed). That is the way the servant of God<br />

acted.<br />

The victory of moderate representatives on May 23rd aroused the wrath of the<br />

progressive and radical democrats who blamed their defeat on the support given by the<br />

Bishop to Catholic electors on the basis of utterly invented documents from the Holy See.<br />

Also those Catholic intransigents took to the progressivist bate, who had considered it<br />

their duty to remain loyal to the non expedit, together with the vicar general himself, who<br />

even reported his own bishop to the Holy Office. The Holy See expressed its disapproval<br />

especially by bestowing a pontifical decoration on the leader of the intransigent wing,<br />

Carlo Radini-Tedeschi. The Opera dei Congressi (Catholic Movement) and the<br />

42 Cfr. Biography, p. 616.<br />

43 Cfr. Biography, p. 588.<br />

44<br />

Cfr. Biography, pp. 557-620.<br />


intransigent press underlined its meaning as an explicit condemnation of the bishop,<br />

concluding, among other things, that the Pope was not bound to act through the bishops.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini justified himself before the Holy Office by supplying the<br />

documents that served as norm of his action and lamented that contrary to the<br />

dispositions of the Holy See a decoration had been bestowed without asking for the<br />

testimonial letters of the Bishop. The Holy Office was not satisfied: unable to belie the<br />

official and general directives, it denied the existence of the responses obtained by<br />

Scalabrini altogether with the mental restriction that they had not been given officially<br />

and that the case was different from the one dealt with in1882. It did not therefore allow<br />

the Bishop to publicly defend himself against this new accusation of disobedience,<br />

though forbidding the "L' Osservatore Cattolico", at the same time, to insist in the<br />

polemics. A few days afterwards, on July 30, 1886, the Holy Office declared that the non<br />

expedit prohibitionem importat (implies a prohibition), and from then on the Servant of<br />

God contented himself with paving the way for the conciliation on his favored "ground of<br />

the facts" by devoting his attention to the problem of Italian migrants on behalf of both<br />

Religion and Country. 45<br />

All this did not keep him from continuing to speak frankly to the Pope, convinced as<br />

he was that only by the entry of Catholics into parliament would it be possible to prevent<br />

or to put the breaks, at least, to anticlerical laws, and so to secure the preliminary<br />

conditions for preparing the Conciliation in a roundabout way. With his filial frankness<br />

which he knew not to displease Leo XIII, the Servant of God dared going as far as to<br />

remind him that he would have to render to God an account for the "army of souls" which<br />

were being lost because of the "calamitous conflict", the confusion of "tongues", the<br />

subversion of the hierarchical order, and because of the interference of lay and private<br />

people, who pretended to impose on the Church a policy of recrimination rather than one<br />

of forgiveness and reconciliation. Though all the trimmings of his diplomacy, Leo XIII<br />

blessed him. 46<br />

27. - The Founding of the Missionaries for Migrants (1887). Together with Father<br />

Francesco Zaboglio, his former student and a parish priest in Valtellina, the Servant of<br />

God began, in the summer of 1886, to concern himself in a concrete manner on how to<br />

find a remedy for the material and spiritual evils caused by the mass migration of Italians<br />

exposed to the danger of losing their faith and religious piety. During his first pastoral<br />

visitation, he had ascertained that 28,000 of the 250,000 Catholics of the Diocese of<br />

Piacenza had migrated, and the flow of Italian emigration kept growing ever more so as<br />

to reach hundreds of thousands every year. Among all the migrants of the world, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini sorrowfully saw the Italians as the "pariahs" of emigration, because, having<br />

been recruited by means of deceitful promises by "emigration's agents", they left for a<br />

chancy future, without any protection from the government, isolated in countries of<br />

which they ignored language and culture, exposed to exploitation by the "brokers of<br />

human flesh", abandoned or neglected even by the Church. 47<br />

On January 11, 1887, he made a proposal to the Holy See for the founding of an<br />

association of priests for migrants, and on February 16 he presented a detailed project of<br />

45 Cfr. Biography, pp. 646-671.<br />

46 Cfr. Biography, pp. 671-676.<br />

47 Cfr. Biography, pp. 913-979.<br />


action. Leo XIII, with the Brief Libenter Agnovimus of the 15 th of November, approved<br />

the founding of the Missionaries for Migrants. On November 28, 1887, before the urn<br />

containing the relics of Saint Antonino, the Servant of God founded the "Congregation of<br />

the Missionaries for Italian Emigrants, especially in the Americas", with two<br />

missionaries, Fathers Giuseppe Molinari and Domenico Mantese, soon joined by other<br />

priests and "brothers catechists". The first profession of the vows was celebrated in the<br />

same basilica of Saint Antonino on July 12, 1888, together with the giving of the crucifix<br />

and the departure of the missionaries, who were to be known as the "Missionaries of<br />

Saint Charles" since 1892.<br />

A small group of these missionaries left for New York and Boston in the United-<br />

States; another small group for the Brazilian States of Parana and Espiritu Santo. On<br />

September 19, 1888, the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith approved<br />

the first "Rules" that contemplated a Society with life in common and five-year vows. On<br />

December 8, 1894, Bishop Scalabrini introduced the perpetual vows 48<br />

The main scope of the new Congregation was "to maintain alive the Catholic faith in<br />

the hearts of emigrants", but another one was added to it: to seek, as far as possible, also<br />

their "moral, civil, and economic welfare".<br />

To better insure the integral salvation and promotion of migrants, the Servant of God<br />

also founded in 1889 a Lay Association of Patronage (named Saint Raphael's Society,<br />

afterwards) to work alongside with the religious Congregation to provide for the legal,<br />

sanitary, cultural, and financial protection of migrants from the moment of embarkation<br />

to that of their landing. The pastoral method "invented" by Bishop Scalabrini was as<br />

simple as it was innovating: faith is like a delicate plant risking withering or dying if<br />

uprooted. To save it, one should surround it with the same humus it grew with, in that<br />

measure and length of time which are required for acclimation to the new environment,<br />

and so to prevent the traumas of rejection and isolation. To this end, the Missionaries had<br />

to become "migrants with the migrants" in order to reproduce around the Italians who<br />

transferred to America the traditional environment in which their faith had grown<br />

together with their culture.<br />

In order to sensitize public opinion of both the Church and the State, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini published a few books, and in the years 1891-1892 he gave lectures in various<br />

cities throughout Italy to stir up people from inertia, to arouse the interest of priests and<br />

laymen in the Congregation of Missionaries and in the Society of Saint Raphael, and to<br />

open the eyes of the government and the ruling classes on the drama unfolding in the face<br />

of an almost total indifference. 49<br />

28. - Founding of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles (1895). In 1889, with the<br />

support of Pope Leo XIII, the Servant of God succeeded in convincing Saint Frances<br />

Xavier Cabrini to establish her missions in New York rather than in the Orient. On March<br />

19, 1889, in the town of Codogno, Lombardy, he gave the missionary Cross to the Saint<br />

and her six companions, who began their mission among the poor emigrants of Little<br />

Italy in the borough of Manhattan in the Scalabrinian parish of Saint Joachim. Financial<br />

problems soon marred the apostolic collaboration between Scalabrinians and the<br />

Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. They were compelled to abandon the catechism<br />

48 Cfr. Biography, pp. 980-1013.<br />

49 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1108-1158.<br />


school for Italian girls, bought out the Columbus Hospital founded by Father Felice<br />

Morelli, and continued to operate it on their own. Bishop Scalabrini had hoped perhaps to<br />

turn, in part at least, the Congregation of the energetic Mother Cabrini into a female<br />

Institute for migrants; but he did not reckon he had to deal with a Saint who intended to<br />

act in total independence. Yet the need for Sisters who would complement the work of<br />

the priests was becoming more urgent every day. 50<br />

By the end of 1894, a priest from Lucca, Tuscany, Father Giuseppe Marchetti, who<br />

had joined the Scalabrinian Congregation as an "external missionary" (aggregated), that<br />

is, as a sea chaplain on ships carrying emigrants, promised a young mother dying on<br />

board that he would take care of her orphaned daughter. The priest immediately decided<br />

to found an orphanage in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for Italian children losing their parents on<br />

their way across the Ocean or in the coffee "fazendas" (coffee plantations): After the<br />

construction of the "Orfanatrofio Cristoforo Colombo", he went to Italy looking for the<br />

Sisters needed to staff it and assist the orphans, and presented his mother, his sister<br />

Assunta, and two other girls from Lucca to Bishop Scalabrini. On October 25, 1895, in<br />

the chapel of his residence, the Bishop received the religious profession of Father<br />

Marchetti and the private vows of the four new missionary Sisters, gave them the<br />

crucifix, and sent them off with the promise to send other Sisters to help them. A<br />

Congregation was thus born of Sisters that were to be known later on as the Missionary<br />

Sisters of Saint Charles. 51<br />

In 1899, the Servant of God admitted other candidates, in greater part Sister Apostles<br />

of The Sacred Heart, founded by Mother Clelia Merloni at Viareggio and on the verge of<br />

failure. With them he gave life to a Novitiate at Piacenza and at Castelnuovo Fogliani,<br />

with the intention of merging together in one congregation the Sisters of Sao Paulo, all<br />

those where to embrace the mission for migrants, and the Sisters who, though not<br />

desiring to leave for the missions, still wanted to continue working for the spreading of<br />

the devotion to the Sacred Heart in the original charism of Mother Merloni. On June 10<br />

1900, he approved the new Congregation thus constituted with the title of Missionary<br />

Sister Apostles of the Sacred Heart; on June 12 he received the first profession of those<br />

who had completed their novitiate at Castelnuovo Fogliani, and on August 10 he sent the<br />

first six of them to help the Sisters that had been working at the orphanage of Sao Paulo<br />

from its beginnings. But the two groups did not merge, because each one wanted to<br />

remain loyal to the charism of their founding. After the death of the Servant of God, they<br />

separated in 1907 and so remained two distinct congregations: the Missionary Sisters of<br />

Saint Charles (Scalabrinians) and the Sisters Apostle of the Sacred Heart.<br />

The Scalabrinian Missionary Sisters, with Mother Assunta Marchetti, a sister of<br />

Father Joseph Marchetti, who died at age 27 in assisting the sick with typhus, developed<br />

only in Brazil until 1936 when they expanded to Italy, and then continued to spread in<br />

Europe, the United States of America, and other Nations. 52<br />

29. - The Society of Saint Raphael. The lay association of patronage for migrants was<br />

founded on April 12 1889 by the Servant of God, with the help of Marquis Giovanni<br />

B.Volpe Landi, who was its actual president, and with the advisory support of Prof.<br />

50 Cfr. Biography pp. 961-974, 1128-1133.<br />

51 Cfr. Biography. pp. 1067-1073.<br />

52 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1074-1107.<br />


Giuseppe Toniolo, who wrote its statutes. It had the task of taking custody of the<br />

migrants from the moment of their departure, directing them to safe ports, protecting<br />

them from the abuses of "migration agents" and other exploiters at the ports of<br />

embarkation and debarkation, insuring a decent trip, protecting them from sickness,<br />

subtracting them from the "boss system" that squeezed up to 90% of the salary out of<br />

their pockets, watching over the observance of farming contracts, supervising morals,<br />

insuring a direct or indirect religious assistance, and supporting financially the<br />

institutions of the missionaries. Not all of these goals were achieved for lack of personnel<br />

and means, but also because of the exasperating individualism of Italian Catholics and on<br />

account of the suspicions of the "Opera dei Congressi" that was not pleased with the idea<br />

of the Servant of God to enroll in the service of the migrants' cause all people of good<br />

will, no matter what was their political affiliation. Only two of the 19 committees born of<br />

Scalabrini's lectures held in 1891-1892 did truly operate in line with the scope intended<br />

by the founder: the committees of Genoa and New York. In Genoa, with the support of<br />

Police Inspector "Commendatore" Malnate, Father Pietro Maldotti daringly succeeded in<br />

subtracting departing migrants from the clutches of exploiters and in assuring the<br />

presence of a priest in many ships. In New York, Father Bandini founded a small center<br />

to shelter those who could not leave immediately for their final destination, set up an<br />

employment office, helped the new arrivals to reach relatives and fellow townsmen, and<br />

guarded children and girls from corruption and prostitution.<br />

One of the greatest achievements of Bishop Scalabrini, through the decisive work of<br />

the Saint Raphael's Society, was the enactment of the law of 1901, the first one to have as<br />

its aim the true social and legal protection of migrants, embracing in great part the<br />

reasons for doing away with the evils of the agents of emigration and their deputies,<br />

enforcing the observance of contracts, assuring free board at the port of embarkation,<br />

ensuring good sanitary conditions during the trip, the safeguarding of the remittances of<br />

migrants; in a word, demanding conditions more respondent to the dignity of the human<br />

person and to justice. 53<br />

30. - The First National Catechetical Congress (1889). Bishop Scalabrini is mainly<br />

known for his institutions on behalf of migrants; yet he lamented not being able to devote<br />

to them the time and care he wanted, because he considered it his primary and preeminent<br />

duty to attend to the Diocese of Piacenza, which he loved with a love that Cardinal John<br />

Baptist Nasalli Rocca, Archbishop of Bologna, from Piacenza himself, did not hesitate to<br />

define heroic. He made Piacenza the city of Catechesis, as Leo XIII expressed it. Having<br />

taken into account that his most essential work was the meticulous catechesis of the entire<br />

diocese by means of the Schools of Christian Doctrine, we may say that his most<br />

remarkable act was the National Catechetical Congress, the first of its kind in the history<br />

of the Church. It was celebrated at Piacenza on the days 24-26 of September 1889, with<br />

A1fonso Capecelatro as its honorary president, while Scalabrini served as its actual<br />

chairman. Eleven Bishops were in attendance, while many others sent representatives;<br />

totaling four hundred participants in all. The main topic of discussion was the question of<br />

one only common catechism, an idea supported especially, beside Bishop Scalabrini, by<br />

His Excellency Joseph Sarto, then Bishop of Mantua. Then followed the discussions on<br />

the catechization of adults, young-workers, young ladies, First Communion children, the<br />

organization of the Congregations of Christian Doctrine, the review "Il Catechista<br />

53 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1108-1158.<br />


Cattolico", made national, the institution of a faculty of Catechesis in seminaries (to our<br />

knowledge, the faculty of Piacenza was the first one in Italy), and compiling of a manual<br />

of catechesis.<br />

The Congress brought forth a revival of interest in the Italian Church for its chief<br />

problem and marked the beginnings of a vast movement, especially in regard to the<br />

teaching of catechism in public schools. A "Comitato Permanente" (Standing Committee)<br />

was formed with the task of making things ready for the Second National Congress. The<br />

Servant of God died while preparing it for the month of September 1905. It was actually<br />

celebrated in 1910.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini also reformed the Catechism of the diocese of Piacenza, compiled<br />

the "Piccolo Catechismo"'(Catechism for Children) adopted by the Bishops of Emilia in<br />

1899, and revised the "Catechismo Grande" (Catechism for Adults), also adopted by the<br />

Emilian Region in 1900. He translated from Greek part of the Catechesis of Saint Cyril of<br />

Jerusalem, instituted in 1890 the School of Religion for young students. He himself<br />

lectured to students of the secondary schools whom he assembled in the episcopal palace.<br />

With the tenacity of one deeply convinced that catechesis was a means of the greatest<br />

importance for renewing the pastoral care to fit the times, he obtained, with the<br />

cooperation of the clergy, of the religious, and of 5000 lay catechists, the ideal<br />

achievement of catechesis: to make parents the first catechists of their children. 54<br />

31. - Charity and Charitable Works. The Servant of God used to say that one cannot<br />

impart the food of the spirit, that is, the catechism, to those who lack the food of the<br />

body, and that, in order to transmit the word of God, one has to communicate first the<br />

word of man. He devoted himself, therefore, to all the works of corporal and spiritual<br />

mercy, some of which are well worth all our attention.<br />

Using up what he owned and employing the donations of benefactors that began<br />

multiplying when it became clear he did not keep anything for himself by devolving them<br />

all to charity, he literally saved scores of families from starvation and dire poverty, by<br />

means of monthly subsidy, with special and delicate regard for the impoverished families<br />

of the nobility and of prominent people, helping them in secret to spare them any<br />

humiliation.<br />

He gave financial support to works of assistance and to various societies of<br />

cooperation between workers and traders; helped poor students; made it possible, wholly<br />

or in part, for numerous seminarians to meet the expenses of their training; he was<br />

prodigal with the sick and prisoners; he saved from despair families and people deep in<br />

debt; he undertook the restoration of the Cathedral also to provide jobs for the<br />

unemployed, often paid the pawnshops for mortgaged goods. Millions passed through his<br />

hands, but he was always without a thing; neither did he take pains to setup a fund for<br />

charity, so that when the administrator of the "Mensa Vescovile" (Bishop's household)<br />

who told him he would die on a bed of straw, he answered that no one should wonder if a<br />

Bishop died on straw if Christ wanted to be born on it. 55<br />

He had great compassion for the deaf-mutes, whom he began to love in Como. In his<br />

first pastoral visitation, he compiled a statistic and found 200 of them in the whole<br />

54 Cfr. Biography, pp. 228-256.<br />

55 Cfr. Biography, pp. 444-461.<br />


diocese. He soon founded in 1879 the "Istituto Sordomute", which he entrusted to the<br />

"Daughters of Saint Ann", not just to give them a home, but to instruct them how to of<br />

talk with the sound method, in view of making them independent and self sufficient in<br />

providing for themselves. 56<br />

He organized collections to help the farmers hit by the land slides of Tollara in 1895<br />

and of Villanova of Bettola in 1904.He also sent aid outside his diocese to victims of<br />

floods in the Veneto and Polesine in1882, of an earthquake at Casamicciola in1883, of a<br />

cloudburst in the region of Campidano in1889, to families stricken by the explosion of<br />

the arms depot at Pontremoli in1884. He made collections for the liberation of the<br />

prisoners in Mahdi in1883 and of the slaves in the missions of Card. Lavigerie. He gave<br />

help to those who had offended him, to the children of his offenders, to the journalists<br />

who had attacked him in the press. He supported the Conference of Saint Vincent de<br />

Paul, the "Istituto Scrofolosi" (scrofula, a sickness affecting the lymph nodes of the neck)<br />

founded by Msgr. Pinazzi, religious institutes, homes for the chronically ill, orphanages. 57<br />

Two were the secrets of so many charitable deeds: an unlimited trust in divine<br />

Providence, that came to his help in forms, at times, considered miraculous; and an<br />

extreme personal poverty. The members of his household had to lock his wardrobe and to<br />

force him, on occasion, to surrender his billfold. He tore up or turned down last wills,<br />

even some considerable ones, not to harm the relatives of the people who had made those<br />

wills, preferring to depend on free donations. In his last will he could state: "I came poor<br />

to Piacenza, and poor I depart for the other world." Obviously, he could not forget his<br />

priests, some of them on the point of starvation because of the subversive laws of the<br />

Liberal State. 58<br />

32. - The "Opera dei Congressi" (Catholic Movement) and social action. Bishop<br />

Scalabrini inaugurated the "Opera dei Congressi" in Piacenza in 1881with a certain<br />

degree of distrust because he suspected it of being too involved in politics, of interfering<br />

in the work of bishops and clergy, and of being rich more in programs than in deeds. At<br />

first he limited himself to the task of preventing work on Sunday and of the bad press. He<br />

"reestablished" it in 1885 with the official constitution of the Diocesan Committee under<br />

the chairmanship of Count Carlo Radini Tedeschi, and provided that any parish of some<br />

importance had its parish Committee.<br />

But the life of the "Opera" was not an easy one. Be it enough to recall the elections<br />

of 1886, when the Committee broke up in two: Radini Tedeschi championed abstention,<br />

while Marquis G: B. Volpe Landi, the number two in the Committee, took part in the<br />

elections. The worst difficulty, however, seemed to come from the indifference of the<br />

parish priests who did not believe too much in the effectiveness of the parish committees.<br />

In 1892, the Bishop protested against accusations of inertia leveled at his clergy, but he<br />

made them understand, at the same time, that he wanted obedience to the Pope. The knot<br />

of discord was loosened with the acceptance on the part of the lay leaders of the principle<br />

of" absolute and unconditional obedience" to the bishops.<br />

56 Cfr. Biography, pp. 467-484.<br />

57 Cfr. Biography. pp. 439-444.<br />

58 Cfr. Biography, pp. 461-467.<br />


There followed a period of relative inactivity, fostered by the antagonism and distrust<br />

towards the Bishop on the part of Carlo Radini Tedeschi and of his son Giacomo, the<br />

future Bishop of Bergamo, and by the fact that the Servant of God wanted that the parish<br />

committees should be the offshoots of the social works, not vice versa. He accorded his<br />

preference, in fact, to mutual societies, consumers' and producers' cooperatives, workers'<br />

unions, rural credit banks, and to farmers unions. When these were well-established and<br />

consolidated, it was only natural for him that they would be changed into committees of<br />

the "Opera dei Congressi" because this way he could remove from their start any political<br />

intransigent stance, which was disliked by both Bishop and clergy; It was in fact the<br />

clergy who constituted in practice the soul of the social works and saw in the Bishop, not<br />

in the lay people, the natural leader of their activities.<br />

This matter was made clear especially at a meeting held in Bedonia in 1896 with<br />

Father Luigi Cerutti, founder of the Rural Credit Unions, a strong supporter of the<br />

centralizing Paganuzzi. Then he straightened things out with Carlo Radini Tedeschi, who<br />

had finally learned the lesson that he could not do anything without the approval of the<br />

Bishop. Only then did the Servant of God give free way to the founding of the<br />

committees in all parishes, making it even a duty of conscience for the parish priests. The<br />

fruits may be measured by the official statistics of 1897, which showed Piacenza in<br />

second place in Italy with 227 parish committees and 6164 members, six branches for the<br />

young with 460 associates, 8 rural credit banks, 11 workers' mutual societies attached to<br />

the "Opera dei Congressi" and 7 independent ones (a sign of the freedom and autonomy<br />

the Bishop reserved to himself and wanted respected), the "Circolo Casella" of Catholic<br />

Youth, and the Society of Saint Raphael.<br />

Even though we take into consideration that numbers, in some cases, referred to<br />

committees that remained only on paper, Carlo Radini Tedeschi himself reported the<br />

existence of 170 of these parish committees in active function; a success he credited to<br />

the Bishop, even if personally not quite convinced about the qualification of "Catholic" to<br />

"every initiative" of Catholics. He accepted the denomination of "Catholic" in the case of<br />

the "Banca Sant'Antonino", founded on June 20, 1986, only because its president made it<br />

an indispensable condition. It was a question, in a word, of his usual will not to confuse<br />

terms and realities: Catholicism, religion, welfare, politics, even if solidarity and<br />

Christian charity were in fact their common inspiration and goal. 59<br />

33. - The Events of 1898 and Socialism. The revolutionary uprisings of May 1898<br />

resulted into three deaths in Piacenza. For these uprisings, the government accused of<br />

subversive activities both socialists and intransigent Catholics, so as to send to prison the<br />

socialist leaders together with Father Albertario and, at the same time, to shut down the<br />

socialist circles and the Committees of the "Opera dei Congressi. The Bishop intervened<br />

with a wise action towards a moderation of the spirits, attributing to each his own. He<br />

suspended publication of the Catholic paper, the "L'Amico del Popolo" that had cost him<br />

so many sacrifices. This he did in order to make reconciliation easier and to prevent the<br />

closing of the Diocesan Committee of Piacenza. Once again, he showed his ability as a<br />

mediator by volunteering his services to the Italian government for the restoration of the<br />

Committees and for the freeing of Albertario from prison, thus openly revealing himself<br />

above all party divisions and personal vindications. The Servant of God became the most<br />

effective middleman between Paganuzzi and Interior Minister Pelloux to secure the<br />

59 Cfr. Biography, pp. 787-826.<br />


elease and reopening of the Committees. As to Father Albertario, he succeeded, at least,<br />

in obtaining permission for him to say Mass during his stay in prison, happy to do him a<br />

favor that might be a concrete sign of the forgiveness accorded him in 1894, viewing in<br />

the journalist not an old adversary but rather a friend, who had offended him by<br />

mistake. 60<br />

The Servant of God took the occasion of the uprisings of 1898 for writing the widely<br />

circulated book, II Socialismo e l'Azione del Clero (Socialism and Action of the Clergy)<br />

(1899). In his view, the rebellion had been occasioned by the rise of the price of bread<br />

and by the poverty of the people, but the roots of which had to be found in anarchy, such<br />

as was advocated not by socialism in itself, but by the "fever" of socialism, that is, by the<br />

movement that was aimed at gaining power for the creation of a new absolutism. The<br />

ideological thrust of anarchy also included also rebellion against God, mingled with<br />

principles of social justice, like the defense of the rights of workers, first of which was<br />

the right to work; sharing the profits; education; medical care; social security. The clergy,<br />

said Bishop Scalabrini, should refrain from looking into the source of the proclamation of<br />

these rights, but only into their justice, and had to intervene because the "workers'<br />

movement" was not limited to economic questions, but was also becoming a moral,<br />

political, and religious question, involving essential tenets of faith and Christian morals.<br />

To Marxist Socialism, we must counteract - he added - a "Christian" socialism (more<br />

prudently he called it "Christian Sociology") which at the same time should remedy the<br />

problems of workers through a just economic legislation, the intervention of the State,<br />

and the revival of the religious spirit in employers and employees, that is, by the<br />

restoration of criteria of justice, equity, and Christian solidarity with the intervention of<br />

the Church. Priests should be the first to set the example. They should be prepared for the<br />

new task by a reorganization of studies (he had set up courses of agriculture in his<br />

seminary) without prejudice to anything good that may emerge from among the people,<br />

were it even proposed by the socialists. Above all, a "regeneration" of individuals,<br />

employers and workers, had to be worked out in a common effort for solidarity, with<br />

exclusion of the class warfare. Bishop Scalabrini did not go far beyond the teachings of<br />

the "Rerum Novarum", thus remaining within the mould of Catholic conservatives, while<br />

opposing, at the same time, the inert conservative attitude of the liberals, "Catholic"<br />

liberals included. 61<br />

34. - Schism of Miraglia (1895-1900). In 1885, the Servant of God forced the<br />

"Conferenze Protestanti" of the Methodist Church to close down; had closely watched the<br />

infiltrations of masonry and secret sects; and had relentlessly worked for the unity of all<br />

his flock in the faith. But suddenly in 1895, a few steps from the cathedral, there broke<br />

out a scandalous division, which was the most excruciating tribulation for one who had<br />

unity and harmony as the primary objective of his apostolate.<br />

Paul Miraglia Gullotti, a Sicilian priest, was unlawfully called in by the parish priest<br />

of Saint Savino to preach during the month of May. Upon receiving anonymous letters<br />

criticizing the eccentricity of his preaching, Fr. Miraglia blamed the priests for these<br />

letters, and after proclaiming himself a new Savonarola, he began to thunder against the<br />

"hypocrisy" and the abuses of the new "Pharisees", that is, the clergy. The Bishop sought<br />

to soothe down the sudden reaction of the people; but a group of the clergy, offended by<br />

the insults of Miraglia, unknowingly to the Bishop, publicly counterattacked him, thus<br />

60 Cfr. Biography, pp. 826-844.<br />

61 Cfr. Biography, pp. 793-804.<br />


giving him the pretext for filing a civil suit for slander. Even though Miraglia was<br />

excommunicated by the Bishop for refusing to retract the charges filed in the civil court,<br />

he established his residence in Piacenza after winning his case, as a point of honor. He<br />

gave life to a polemical weekly, the "Gerolamo Savonarola", to wage war on the<br />

"plagues" of the clergy especially their "Jesuitism" (equivocation), to distinguish between<br />

the Church and the Curia, to proclaim reconciliation between Church and State by<br />

depriving the Church, practically, of all her rights. Father Miraglia did not pay heed to the<br />

admonitions from Rome. He found public authorities on his side, happy to see the unity<br />

of "clericals" in danger. He resisted with insolent boldness all attempts of the Bishop to<br />

approach him and on January 30, 1896, he opened, independently of the Church<br />

authorities, the "oratorio San Paolo" (a church) on Via Trebiola. A few hundred people, a<br />

few thousand in some occasions, followed him, attracted by the magnetism and<br />

demagoguery of the preacher who promised justice and freedom for all and the reform of<br />

the Church. He declared his "Oratory" exempt from Church's jurisdiction in order to<br />

avoid the taxes on cults. He also daringly resisted the wave of indignation aroused by a<br />

moral scandal he had become guilty of in regard to a young countess. He introduced the<br />

public worship to Savonarola, and began to stir up the people against civil authorities<br />

when they had decided at last to close down the "Oratory". He reopened it as a private<br />

circle and joined the sect of Old Catholics; thus formally embracing schism. On<br />

May1900, he staged the sacrilegious farce of his episcopal consecration. The Holy Office<br />

declared him "excommunicatus vitandus" (deprived him of all rights and privileges). On<br />

June 23, 1900, in order to escape a three year sentence he had earned for slander, he fled<br />

abroad.<br />

The loyal followers of Miraglia were about 400; but for the human and religious<br />

sensibility of the Servant of God, the five year period of the schism was his Calvary. He<br />

suffered physically from it, contracting a weakness of heart that was to be the remote<br />

cause of his death, but it so perfected, at the same time, his spirit of faith and sacrifice, his<br />

patience and devotion to the cross as to be able to confess himself having acquired the<br />

calm, the deep interior peace, and even the "joy" proper to one sharing the passion of the<br />

Redeemer. He multiplied his hours in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, his<br />

penitential works, his dedication to the care of souls, the intensity of his apostolic action<br />

in the defense of the faith of the people, his love for Christ and the exercise of Christian<br />

forgiveness, so as to make it possible for us to state, judging at least from the human<br />

point of view, that during those five years, he reached the summit of saintliness for his<br />

conformity to the Crucified Christ and union with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. 62<br />

35. - The Synod on the Eucharist (1899). Devotion to the Eucharist was the highlight<br />

of the prayer life of the Servant of God. As he considered it the "heart" of the Church, so<br />

he sought in it his own "divinization" which was the aim of his ascesis. Extraordinarily<br />

devoted to our Lady and the Saints, he instructed the people to accord absolute<br />

preeminence to the Mass, Holy Communion, and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed<br />

Sacrament.<br />

He thought out all possible means for an appropriate preparation of children for First<br />

Communion; recommended its frequent, even daily, reception; spread the practice of the<br />

Forty Hours; and at the beginning of the new century, he organized the perpetual<br />

adoration, so that at no hour of the day, nor in any place in the diocese should there be a<br />

lack of a group of the faithful in adoration. He was able to obtain the same from his<br />

62 Cfr. Biography, pp. 866-912.<br />


priests in regard to nocturnal adoration. He revived the Confraternities of the Blessed<br />

Sacrament. He also renewed the external signs of the Eucharistic devotion by<br />

consecrating 200 churches, ordering that the altars of the Blessed Sacrament be made of<br />

marble; the chalices at least of gilded silver; the vestments decorous. He resumed the<br />

practice of the Eucharistic procession of Corpus Christi and of the monthly parish<br />

procession, in spite of the difficulties created by the Government.<br />

The outstanding mark of his devotion to the Eucharist was his third Synod,<br />

celebrated on the 26-30 of August, 1899, and dedicated, seemingly in an unprecedented<br />

manner, entirely to the Eucharist. The Synod, wholly written personally by the Servant of<br />

God, rather than a code of the minutest dispositions that do not neglect any detail, is all a<br />

hymn of "gladness", an earnest appeal to the substance of Christian piety, an extension of<br />

the devotion to the Eucharist to all aspects of the lives of priests and lay people, and an<br />

example, at the same time, of the energy and enthusiasm with which the Servant of God,<br />

in his deep faith, knew how to lead clergy and people to achieve maximum results. "As to<br />

whatever refers to the Eucharist do not ever let the stupid phrase 'this is impossible' out of<br />

your mouth. The impossible has no place on this level except for those who shun<br />

abnegation and sacrifice.” 63<br />

We must recall also the institution of the "Opera dei Tabemacoli"; the founding of<br />

the "Suore Sacramentine Sordomute" (Deaf-mute Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament),<br />

aggregates of the Sisters of Saint Ann; his support given to various initiatives of his<br />

priests, such as the "Pages of the Blessed Sacrament", the "Association of the Guards of<br />

Honor" , the "League for the Sunday Mass".<br />

The strongest impulse to the Eucharistic devotion came from his example. The<br />

warmth with which he spoke of the Eucharist to the faithful and the ardor with which he<br />

celebrated Mass deeply impressed the people. Many witnesses testified that in those<br />

moments also the body of the Bishop appeared transfigured. Faithful to at least his daily<br />

visit to the Sacrament, he devoted to the adoration of the Eucharist, often prostrate to the<br />

ground, innumerable hours, day and night.<br />

On declaring open his sixth Pastoral Visitation, he asked the parish priests the last<br />

comfort of personally distributing Holy Communion to all and each member of his flock.<br />

He spent the whole night in adoration in his private chapel before the operation that<br />

brought him to his death. He personally gave instructions for his solemn reception of the<br />

Holy Viaticum. He wanted to be buried close to the altar of the Sacrament, and disposed,<br />

by a tender mark of piety, that all things needed for the celebration be placed in his burial<br />

coffin, in the hope that he be granted the privilege of saying one last Mass in the day of<br />

final resurrection. 64<br />

36. - Restoration of the Cathedral (1894-1902). We already spoke of the<br />

extraordinary number of churches he consecrated, especially in the course of his five<br />

pastoral visitations. Many of them had been restored, beautified, or newly built at his<br />

urgings. All the rest were minutely inspected to make sure that no church should be there<br />

which, as for order and "sparkling cleanliness" at least, did not show even visibly the<br />

presence of his divine Majesty. He gave new impetus to the liturgical feast of the<br />

63 Cfr. Biography. p. 366.<br />

64 Cfr. Biography, pp. 296-297, 311-313, 352-370.<br />


dedication of the cathedral and to the ancient practice of spending the night preceding the<br />

consecration of a church in prayer before the relics of the Saints.<br />

With the Pastoral Letter of February 9, 1894, he made known his intention of starting<br />

and bringing to completion the venture, considered colossal by all, of restoring to its<br />

original beauty the roman-lombardic cathedral of the XII century. No difficulty could<br />

deter him. The works cost him 400 thousand liras of that time. An enormous strain for a<br />

rather poor and poorly enthusiastic diocese. But he succeeded by means of an efficient<br />

organization, ingenious ways, and above all, by means of his personal contribution,<br />

which amounted to almost one fourth of the total, that is, to more than 94 thousand liras.<br />

The inauguration of the restoration, which was made to coincide with his 25 th anniversary<br />

as Bishop, took place on the 16 th of June, 1901.<br />

Following 25 years of exhausting procedures with the military and civil bureaucracy,<br />

he restored to liturgical use the renaissance church of Holy Sepulcher, whose origins<br />

trace back to the tenth century; he bought back and opened for worship the huge church<br />

of Saint Peter, built by the Jesuits in the XVI century; gave his full support for the<br />

restoration works of the basilica of Saint Savino, rare example of tenth century<br />

architecture, and that of the medieval churches of saint Francis, Saint Brigid, and Saint<br />

Euphemia. 65<br />

Another enterprise, thought unfeasible by his contemporaries, was the reduction of<br />

the urban parishes down from 31 to 14, in a city of a little over 30 thousand people. The<br />

purposes of this reduction of parishes were a more rational distribution of parishioners,<br />

who needed to look upon their churches as their home and the communal center of their<br />

faith; the elimination of the disgraceful sight of unseemly small churches in very poor<br />

conditions and already abandoned by the people; and a more functional service of the<br />

priests. This act of his lacked neither opposition from civil authorities nor criticism on the<br />

part of the clergy. But all agreed, in the end, on the good results of the operation, and<br />

Pope Leo XIII himself asked him for a copy of the project to see what he could do to<br />

carry out a similar plan for the city of Perugia. 66<br />

He devoted his third pastoral visitation (1888-1891) especially to the reordering of<br />

legates (wills for masses), pious foundations, bonds, so as to bring the blessings of<br />

perfect normalcy in regard to both justice for the intentions of benefactors and the<br />

meticulosity of the government's Fund for Worship. 67 The second Synod (May 2-4, 1893)<br />

gave the last touch to the reorganization of the diocesan administration, decreeing also<br />

the reciprocal checking up of the books between neighboring deaneries, now better<br />

distributed and increased in number. 68<br />

37. - Jubilees of Episcopal Consecration and First Trip to America (1901). On<br />

January 30, 1901, the 25 th Anniversary of his Consecration as a Bishop, the Servant of<br />

God received a congratulatory Brief from Pope Leo XIII. The celebrations, however,<br />

were moved to the month of June. The event was observed with solemnity and<br />

extraordinary attendance that amazed the people from other dioceses. Evidently, the<br />

people of Piacenza wanted to reward their Bishop for his zeal, charity, and the brilliance<br />

of his initiatives, but above all, for the bond of love that was binding by then the shepherd<br />

to his flock. All knew, for instance, that in February 1901, the Servant of God had<br />

65 Cfr. Biography, pp. 402-418.<br />

66 Cfr. Biography. pp. 421-425.<br />

67 Cfr. Biography, pp. 283-286, 430-431.<br />

68 Cfr. Biography, pp. 322-323, 329.<br />


declined promotion to the Archbishopric of Ravenna, traditionally implying elevation to<br />

the Cardinalate, not only out of humility but also in order not to leave a diocese he had<br />

learned to love too much.<br />

On the 17 th of June, he celebrated the Pontifical Mass, surrounded by Card. Svampa,<br />

Archbishop of Bologna, and 13 other Bishops, who would have been more numerous,<br />

had not the date been postponed. Card. Andrew Ferrari of Milan, for instance, could pay<br />

him a visit of only a few hours. All civil and military authorities were present: an actual<br />

sign of the conciliation the Bishop had achieved in Piacenza by his charity, moderation,<br />

and prestige. An exposition of sacred art was set up, uncovering the hidden treasures of<br />

the artistic wealth of the diocese. It helped give rise to the idea of founding a "Civic<br />

Museum'" of which the Bishop was acclaimed president. A dinner was served for two<br />

hundred poor old people. The Bishop paid the pawnshop for mortgages worth less than<br />

one lira. All the money he received as gifts was passed on to the poor and prisoners. 69<br />

After the celebrations, the Servant of God left for his visit to the missionaries and the<br />

emigrants in the United States of America, a visit much desired since 1893, but<br />

discouraged by the Holy See for fear of hurting the feelings of the American bishops who<br />

received him instead with open arms. During the three months and ten days of his stay in<br />

America, he gave 340 speeches, confirmed thousands of people, traveled thousands of<br />

miles by day and night, sleeping on trains, changing bed, food, and climate mostly every<br />

day, but ever happy and in good health. His presence lifted the morale of Italians. The<br />

Bishops and the press saw in him a true apostle, a saintly man, all zeal for the salvation of<br />

souls.<br />

He urged his missionaries to carry on their difficult mission with trust and fidelity,<br />

preserving, at the same time, the spiritual heritage of Italians, while guiding them towards<br />

their loyal integration into the American Church and society in a happy blend of the<br />

positive values of both sides: an idea he wanted to impress not only on the people, but<br />

also on the minds of civil authorities at his meeting with President Theodore Roosevelt,<br />

and of the bishops, especially of the most influential ones like Card. Gibbons, archbishop<br />

of Baltimore and Primate, Archbishop Corrigan of New York, and Archbishop Ireland of<br />

Saint Paul. In New York he called together some sixty Italian priests, some of them<br />

completely off the right track, and preached to them a retreat. He advocated the need for<br />

doing away with regionalism and parochialism that disperse Italian forces, and for<br />

making church and school, the two hinges of Catholic education, the supporting center of<br />

the communities of emigrants.<br />

On November 4 th the Bishop was back in Piacenza, and during the celebration<br />

welcoming his return, he inaugurated the new pulpit and the newly remodeled organ of<br />

the cathedral. 70 Afterwards, he plunged immediately back into the work of the fifth<br />

pastoral visitation. On August 6, 1902, he wrote to Bishop Bonomelli:<br />

"This is the 123 rd parish I am visiting this year, but I want to make up for time lost the past year,<br />

Thanks to God, my health is ever excellent. They tell me I am getting younger: yes, the youth of the<br />

flower that springs up beautiful and full of life in the morning, and then withers away, all done with, at<br />

night. But it matters very little, provided we reach the point of our eternal destiny."<br />

And on October 4 th , 1903:<br />

69 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1232-1245.<br />

70 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1159-1167.<br />


"There were all kinds of hardships, which I paid for with three or four days of rest, and then I<br />

resumed the pace. I do not know how to slow down, and yet I will have to do so. The years climb, 64,<br />

the burden grows heavier, but the needs are increasingly more urgent, the socialist tide is mounting, and<br />

all things convince me for a work superior to my physical and moral frailties; and so forward "in the<br />

name of the Lord" until I can." 71<br />

38. - Trip to Brazil (1904). Between the end of 1903 and the beginning of 1904<br />

rumors spread around that Pius X would name him his successor as Patriarch of Venice.<br />

Among the reasons he brought forth for declining the promotion, Bishop Scalabrini<br />

pointed out his advanced age. His brother Angelo, general inspector of Italian schools<br />

abroad, showed him the contradiction: he felt too old for the Patriarchate but not for a trip<br />

in which he would have met hardships of all kinds, especially the torture of long<br />

horseback rides, turned by then into a real martyrdom on account of a hydrocele he had<br />

actually contracted on a horse ride ten years earlier, and ever kept secret because of his<br />

extreme sense of modesty. But the Servant of God made out his last will and then left on<br />

June 17, 1904, after receiving the most ample blessings and faculties from Pius X, who,<br />

as gathered from certain sources, had decided to create him a Cardinal on his return from<br />

America.<br />

During the month he spent in Sao Paulo he sought to give a better setup to the<br />

missions, and from Bishop de Camargo Barros, he secured permission for his<br />

missionaries to extend in a more orderly way their action of assistance to the workers of<br />

the plantations throughout his immense diocese, and to those who had settled all around<br />

the city. He also made an agreement for the founding of a school for the deaf-mute. Then<br />

he visited the Italian communities in the area of Curitiba, pledging to open a mission also<br />

among the "Indios" of Parana; and in September, he embarked on the exhausting<br />

visitation of Italians in the high plateau of Rio Grande do Sul. He had to face up to hardly<br />

imaginable hardships, compensated, on the other hand, by triumphant welcomes and by<br />

manifestations of faith, such as had been long forgotten in Italy. He confirmed 4951<br />

people in one day, 40 thousand in the whole trip. He preached in Italian, French,<br />

Portuguese, with no pause or rest, but without any apparent harm to his health: something<br />

he ascribed to the daily blessing promised him by the Pope and received every day on his<br />

knees. After a brief stopover in Buenos Aires for a visit to his brother Professor Peter<br />

Scalabrini whom he had not seen in 36 years, he made his way back to Piacenza on<br />

December 6, 1904, just in time to celebrate the 50 th Anniversary of the proclamation of<br />

the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. On that day, some 30 thousand people<br />

received Holy Communion in Piacenza only. 72<br />

In the following months, there emerged, little by little, the evil results of the<br />

extraordinary exploit. He survived it, in fact, only six months: "The general opinion is" -<br />

writes one of the missionaries that accompanied him through Rio Grande do SuI, - "that<br />

he himself has much contributed with the hardships of that trip to this most sorrowful<br />

tragedy. I cannot say it for sure, but should it be really so, we would have one more<br />

reason to hail him as the Apostle and Martyr for Migrants.” 73<br />

39. - Seasonal Migrants and Catholic Migrants in General (1904). On July 4, 1903,<br />

the Servant of God launched the idea of assisting some 170 thousand seasonal workers,<br />

mostly women and children, who sought to make a little money every year in the<br />

plantations of Piedmont and Lombardy by transplanting and weeding rice. Subject to<br />

71 Cfr. Biography, p. 288.<br />

72 Cfr. Biography, pp. 382. 1167-1176.<br />

73 Cfr. Biography, p, 1176.<br />


malaria and other sicknesses, lodged in stables in indecorous promiscuity, with schedules<br />

of 14 or 15 working hours a day, ill-fed and poorly paid, they were exposed to the most<br />

serious dangers for both body and soul.<br />

In agreement with the Bishops of Bobbio, Tortona, Guastalla, Pontremoli, Modena<br />

(dioceses of departure), and of Lodi, Pavia, Milan, Vercelli, Vigevano, and Turin<br />

(dioceses of arrival), at the meeting of November 16, 1903 in the episcopal residence of<br />

Piacenza, the Bishop decided to establish the "Opera pro Mondariso", dependent on the<br />

"Opera dei Congressi", for the protection of the material and moral interests of these<br />

seasonal migrants. Diocesan and inter-parochial employment offices would draw up<br />

collective working contracts and see to it that they be observed, such as could secure the<br />

respect for "their conscience and faith, their health and financial interests.” 74 Under the<br />

direction of lawyer Baroni, of Lodi, the organization succeeded also in securing<br />

important improvements to the bill presented by the Ministry of Agriculture and by the<br />

Labor Council, that for a period of some fifty years lightened the fate of those workers<br />

who were until then cynically exploited by the employers. 75<br />

While in Brazil on July 22, 1904, Bishop Scalabrini sent Pius X the proposal to<br />

directly involve the Holy See in the problem of Catholic migrants of all nationalities with<br />

the institution on their behalf of an organism similar to the Congregation for the<br />

Propagation of the Faith. This he did after having found out from experience that because<br />

of emigration, the Church was losing a number of members far superior to that of<br />

unbelievers converted through the massive and heroic work of the missionary<br />

organizations. Pius X solicited him to draw up a project, which Bishop Scalabrini<br />

presented to the Secretary of State on May 5, 1905, 25 days before his untimely death. In<br />

the mind of the Servant of God, the phenomenon of emigration was a universal one; a<br />

problem, therefore, of the whole Church and of the Holy See, that for its central and<br />

supra-national nature could be the only institution in a position to coordinate the effort of<br />

all. Such efforts could be in the form of involving the local Churches of departure and<br />

arrival; with the help of experts, studying seriously the causes and remedies; solving<br />

eventual conflicts of jurisdiction; and upon request of local bishops, sending priests,<br />

appropriately prepared for the task, to places of greater need. Doing so will contribute in<br />

making true, through emigration, painful and yet providential, "the great promise of the<br />

Gospel: one fold and one shepherd". 76<br />

Saint Pius X did not allow the proposals of the Servant of God to go unheeded. In<br />

1912, he entrusted the coordination of the pastoral care for migrants to the Consistorial<br />

Congregation, with the creation of a special office of emigration that was progressively<br />

transformed into the present Pontifical Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and<br />

People on the Move (Pontifical Commission for Migration and Tourism) instituted by<br />

Pope Paul VI with the Motu Proprio Apostolicae Caritatis of March 19, 1970. The two<br />

pontifical documents, Exul Familia of 1952, and Pastoralis Migratorum Cura of 1969,<br />

may be considered as the solemn stamp of approval of the Church on the project of the<br />

"specific" pastoral care for migrants the Servant of God had thought of and championed<br />

in the midst of so many misunderstandings and contradictions, and that is now a part of<br />

74 Cfr. Biography. p. 850.<br />

75 Cfr. Biography, pp. 844-852.<br />

76 Cfr. Biography. pp. 974-979.<br />


the heritage of the pastoral solicitude of the Church for this ever wider and demanding<br />

sector of the people of God. 77<br />

40. - Death (1905). To those who congratulated him for the then sure promotion to<br />

the See of Venice and to the Cardinalate, the Servant of God used to answer that the only<br />

thing he was waiting and preparing for ever more intensely for many years was his death.<br />

On May 5, 1905, he announced his intention of beginning the sixth pastoral visitation<br />

on the 11 th of June, in the hope of being able to exclaim with the Apostle at the end: "I<br />

made myself the slave of all that I might gain all to Christ.” 78 In the meantime he<br />

concluded on the 21 st of May the fifth pastoral visitation at Borghetto, a town not far<br />

from Piacenza, where he was taken ill by a sudden fainting spell. Upon his return to the<br />

city, the doctor realized for the first time the gravity of his condition. The members of his<br />

family and household and the doctors had a hard time convincing him to undergo<br />

surgery. On the 27 th of May, he went to confession, spent the night in adoration, and on<br />

May 28 th, he was operated on. The operation seemed successful, but his weak heart,<br />

affected by the moral sufferings endured during the schism of Miraglia and by the<br />

hardships suffered in Brazil and in the last pastoral visitations, did not allow him to<br />

overcome the unexpected crisis that followed, due probably to an overdose of<br />

chloroform.<br />

On May 31, after asking the forgiveness of everyone, he asked to receive the Holy<br />

Viaticum in a solemn form. Upon receiving it, he seemed to regain strength so as to have<br />

his doctor exclaim it was a miracle. After this apparent improvement, he asked for the<br />

Anointing of the Sick, sorting out himself the vessel of the Holy oil, as he had noticed the<br />

worry in his attendants. He bade farewell to the professors and clerics of the seminary,<br />

his missionaries, his priests, whom he kept calling in his agony. As the last hour was<br />

approaching, he kept reciting short invocations and repeating: "God's will be done." After<br />

a brief agony, he expired at 5:50, the dawn of June 1, 1905, the feast of the Ascension.<br />

The Pope cried on hearing the sad news. Many of the clergy and people exclaimed:<br />

"We have lost a saint". An immense crowd took part in the funeral rites held on the fourth<br />

and fifth of June. An even greater throng attended the solemn honors given his body on<br />

April 18, 1909, when it was transferred to the cathedral. The future Benedict IV, who as<br />

Archbishop of Bologna was presiding the rites, remarked: "Saint Peter's in Rome would<br />

not be big enough for the love of Piacenza." His body is resting by the altar of the<br />

Blessed Sacrament, under the monument soon decreed as a steady object of veneration<br />

and prayer by the citizens of Piacenza and his successor Bishop G. M. Pellizzari and<br />

lovingly cared for by the clergy of the Cathedral and by the Missionary Fathers and<br />

Sisters of Saint Charles. 79<br />

On the 50 th anniversary of his death, Card. Adeodato G. Piazza, Sponsor of his Cause<br />

of Beatification, said in the Cathedral of Piacenza:<br />

"He ended his earthly life at age 66, on Ascension Day, as though taking part in the divine<br />

triumph: We are trustingly waiting for another feast of the Ascension, when Jesus will call his "Pontiff"<br />

and minister to share his glory in this very Church, his mystical Body, to which he devoted all of<br />

himself in the apostolic and missionary ministry, till the supreme holocaust.” 80<br />

77 Cfr. Biography, p. 975.<br />

78 . Cfr. Biography, p. 289.<br />

79 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1245-1265.<br />

80<br />

G. Piazza, II Buon Pastore fra it suo popolo, in II Servo di Dio Mons. G:B. Scalabrini nella 1uce delle<br />

celebrazioni del 50° della sua morte, Roma 1957, p, 139.<br />


V<br />

HEROIC PRACTICE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>VIRTUES</strong>,<br />


41. - a) Depositions at the Diocesan Process.<br />

Witnesses at the Diocesan Process were asked a precise question on the heroicity of<br />

the virtues of Bishop Scalabrini, soliciting also their definition of it:<br />

"Let the witness tell us whether he knows, and how, that the Servant of God has practiced the<br />

virtues in a heroic degree, all or only some of them; then have him asked whether he knows what heroic<br />

virtue is". 81<br />

Forty of the 57 witnesses answered that the Servant of God exercised the virtues, all<br />

or some, in a heroic degree. Eleven were not questioned on this point because they were<br />

called in to give witness only on particular facts; the remaining six did not specifically<br />

speak of heroic virtues.<br />

Most definitions of heroicity of virtue conform with the famed definition of Benedict<br />

XV: "Sanctity consists precisely only in one's conformity to the will of God, expressed in<br />

the steady and faithful fulfillment of the duties of one's state in life.” 82 The majority of<br />

the Witnesses, however, underlined the aspect of the exceptional and extraordinary<br />

degree of his virtues, especially because of the gravity of the sacrifices he sustained in the<br />

exact performance of his duties. Some of them distinguished between extraordinary or<br />

"uncommon" virtue and the common virtue exercised with exactness and perseverance.<br />

Twenty-four witnesses answered that the Bishop exercised all the theological and<br />

cardinal virtues, or simply "the virtue", in the sense intended by Benedict XV. Among<br />

them were those who best knew the bishop and for the longest period of time. First of all,<br />

Canon Camillo Mangot, who served as secretary of Bishop Scalabrini during his more<br />

than 29 years in the episcopate, said:<br />

“Since his early years, I had a great esteem and affection for his person, esteem and affection<br />

which grew more and more every day to the point that, when he died, I had the conviction that a saint<br />

had died. And this is so true that I recommended myself and still do, to him in all needs of mine and I<br />

am convinced that I have received special graces and that I was saved from many dangers in my life.” 83<br />

"From the very first moment I came to know the Servant of God, I always had the impression,<br />

made ever stronger by my long stay at his side, that all through his episcopate his life was one of great<br />

virtue, especially of piety, purity, charity, and zeal. Such impression kept growing in me, and now I can<br />

testify, as indeed I do, calling on God as my witness, that even in all the given circumstances of the<br />

times, people and events of his day, his life was truly heroic; an authentically holy life worthy of a<br />

bishop.” 84<br />

Knight Comm. Carlo Spallazzi, who was his domestic for the last eight years of<br />

episcopate and thus lived in close association with the Servant of God, had this to say:<br />

81 Processo c. p., Interrogatorio 27°, ff. 942-943.<br />

82 Cfr. "Acta Apostolicae Sedis", 1920, p, 173.<br />

83 C. Mangot, Processo c: p. II 23-24. par. 3.<br />

84 Idem, f. 57. Summarium, par. 67.<br />


"I can say that the Servant of God has practiced the Christian virtues, that is, the theological<br />

virtues of faith, hope, and charity; the cardinal virtues and those deriving thereof, humility, obedience,<br />

poverty, and chastity, in an extraordinary degree. I can say that only those who had the good luck to<br />

witness him in his private life, as I had in my position as his personal domestic, can know to what<br />

degree of evangelic perfection he exercised the Christian virtues. I would have never believed it!” 85<br />

Mops. Ludovico Mondini, a Domestic Prelate of His Holiness, who served the<br />

Bishop as Master of Ceremonies for over ten years and was always at his side during his<br />

pastoral visitations, stated:<br />

“Because of my long association with the Servant of God, I can testify that he has constantly<br />

exercised the virtues spoken of in the question, often in an extraordinary degree, and sometimes also in<br />

a heroic manner. In general, I can say that I have never noticed in him anything that was in<br />

contradiction with said virtues, in spite of his highly sensitive temperament [...]. To me, heroic virtue<br />

means a virtue superior to the ordinary one both because of the extraordinary act performed and of the<br />

constancy in the fulfillment of one's duties. In line with this definition, I can state, as one who had been<br />

an eye witness for the last eleven years of his life, that the Servant of God has practiced virtue, as I said<br />

before, in a heroic degree.” 86<br />

The Servant of God Monsignor Francesco Torta came to know Scalabrini since his<br />

young age, since his years in the seminary, and especially since 1888, when the Bishop<br />

began to appoint him to positions of responsibility in journalism and education of youth.<br />

He testified:<br />

“To me, heroic virtue means virtue exercised even in spite of extraordinary difficulties, and<br />

continued to be exercised today, tomorrow, always. We can state that the Servant of God has habitually<br />

done so, especially in regard to faith, zeal for the salvation of souls, and charity.” 87<br />

Msgr. Ettore Morisi assures us that he had a vivid memory of the episcopate of<br />

Bishop Scalabrini from the time he, Morisi, was ten years old, from 1887, till Scalabrini<br />

died. He said:<br />

“To me, heroic virtue means a virtue which is practiced in an extraordinary degree, that is, a virtue<br />

which is superior to the common virtue and requires serious effort and sacrifice. Or also heroic virtue<br />

means the common virtue exercised with such diligence and constancy as to show a person constantly<br />

acting on the supernatural level. I am convinced that Bishop Scalabrini has practiced heroic virtue in<br />

both meanings. Above all, he practiced in an extraordinary degree the virtues of faith, hope, and charity;<br />

and in the second meaning he practiced many others, because Bishop Scalabrini was a man devoted to<br />

duty, so much so that I am happy to say again that I witnessed the Bishop at all moments, both in his<br />

private life and in the exercise of his sacred ministry.” 88<br />

Monsignors Francesco Gregori and Faustino Lotteri were also very close to the<br />

Bishop. Monsignor Gregori had this to say:<br />

“Having known closely and with special frequency the Servant of God, I can testify that he has<br />

constantly practiced virtue in a heroic degree on both aspects, because of the admirable fulfillment of<br />

his duties and of the truly extraordinary sacrifices.” 89<br />

Monsignor Faustino Lotteri said:<br />

“I am convinced that Bishop Scalabrini has practiced virtue in a heroic degree, especially faith,<br />

charity, poverty, and purity. By heroic virtue I mean virtue in a sublime degree, practiced even at the<br />

cost of great and constant sacrifices.” 90<br />

85 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 69. Summarium, par. 91.<br />

86 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 111, Summarium, par. 164<br />

87 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 345. Summarium, par. 412.<br />

88 E. Morisi, Ibid., ff. 450-451. Summarium, par. 476-177.<br />

89 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 559. Summarium, par. 618.<br />

90 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 706. Summarium, par, 804<br />


Canon Luigi Cornaggia Medici of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome, who had<br />

a relationship of “confidentiality” quite unique at times 91 with the Bishop of Piacenza,<br />

concludes his deposition:<br />

“By my comprehensive knowledge of the Servant of God, and especially on the basis of some<br />

virtues I touched as it were with my hands, I can state that I could no longer explain the behavior of<br />

Bishop Scalabrini, had he not practiced all virtues in a heroic degree.” 92<br />

We could quote and repeat similar declarations of the following witnesses: Bishop<br />

Massimo Rinaldi of Rieti (pages 676-677); priests, like E. Preti (p.243), A. Carini (pp.<br />

426-429), A. Scarani (p. 407), P Scarani (p. 464), G. Polledri (pp. 588-589), F. Calzinari<br />

(p. 628), A. Ranza (p. 647), L. Tammi (p. 835);and also Cardinal G. B. Nasalli Rocca (p.<br />

635); laymen, like A. Bracchi (p. 470), D. Mazzadi (p. 513), L. Cella (p. 613), L. Bertola<br />

(p. 720),and A. Buzzetti (p.763).<br />

Other witnesses limited themselves to stating his heroic practice of some virtues in<br />

particular: “obedience and devotion to the Holy See; devotion to the Blessed Sacrament<br />

and to the Blessed Mother; above to his neighbor” 93 , patience and meekness<br />

during the schism of Miraglia 94 ; fortitude and zeal in facing the "exceptional hardships"<br />

of his pastoral visitations and trips to the Americas 95 and in his obedience to the orders of<br />

Pius IX concerning the funeral of King Victor Emmanuel II 96 ;his generosity in depriving<br />

himself of everything to feed the hungry; piety and zeal for the glory of God and the<br />

salvation of souls. 97<br />

The great majority of them declared that his heroic exercise of charity was<br />

outstanding. Blessed Luigi Orione, though not having had a close association with Bishop<br />

Scalabrini, testified:<br />

“I am not in a position to say whether the Servant of God has practiced all virtues in a heroic<br />

degree. His charity in taking care of Italian migrants was certainly heroic.” 98<br />

Three witnesses responded simply and explicitly: "I do not know": his sister Luisa,<br />

who answered only in monosyllables because she was losing her strength; and two others<br />

who saw Bishop Scalabrini only on rare occasions. There was instead one, Msgr.<br />

Amedeo Ghizzoni, a very critical character, who, though closely associated with the<br />

Servant of God, responded with a certain coldness, typical of his:<br />

“By heroic virtue I mean the exact and constant fulfillment of one's duties for the love of God.<br />

Generally, however, according to general opinion, it is required that heroic virtue has some<br />

manifestations out of the ordinary. Now I am faced with the question concerning the heroicity of the<br />

virtues of the Servant of God since I first heard that the Cause for his Beatification was to be<br />

introduced. Even today, on reflection, I do not find the elements for a positive or a negative answer.”<br />

At that, the judge questioned the witness this way: "By the knowledge you have gained of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini, do you think that the Servant of God has constantly exercised the virtues in the first sense<br />

expressed by you?”<br />

91 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 727. Summarium, par. 827<br />

92 Idem, f. 731. Summarium, par. 835<br />

93 G. Dodici, Ibid., ff. 166-167<br />

94 Cfr. E. Martini, Ibid., f. 197<br />

95 Cfr. A. De Martini, Ibid., f. 268. Summarium, par. 289. G. Radini Tedeschi, f. 371. C. Douglas Scotti, f.<br />

325. E. Ottolenghi, f. 689.<br />

96 Cfr.A. Carini, f. 428.Summarium, par. 973. L. Tammi, f. 834, etc.<br />

97 Cfr. G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 529. Summarium, par.561. C. Tomedi, f. 850. Summarium, par. 998. G. Gelfi, f.<br />

865. Summarium, par. 1016; etc.<br />

98 L. Orione, Ibid., F. 822. Summarium, par. 953.<br />


The witness answered, “Yes.” 99<br />

Msgr. Ghizzoni himself declared that he desired the Beatification of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini. 100 Convinced of the opportunity of his Beatification, Cardinal G. B. Nasalli<br />

Rocca made it a point to state:<br />

“He enjoyed the fame of a man of holy life, but because of his easy and normal manners by which<br />

he avoided all manifestations of outer austerities that impress the masses, he did not engender the idea<br />

of a sanctity for the altars in the sense commonly understood by the people. Exactly as we read of many<br />

other saints who knew how to hide their interior holiness.” 101<br />

42. - b) Depositions at the Process about his Fame of Sanctity.<br />

This statement, shared by other witnesses, helps us understand the real meaning of<br />

the answers to Question N. 57:<br />

“Is the witness in a position to tell us whether the Servant of God was endowed with supernatural<br />

gifts, in particular, the gift of prophecy? What did his contemporaries think of him? Is it true that he<br />

enjoyed fame of sanctity even before he died?” 102<br />

In answering, many witnesses rightly added the word "extraordinary" to the phrase<br />

"supernatural gifts".<br />

The response of Father G. Cardinali, rector of the seminary, can be said thus typical:<br />

“If extraordinary supernatural gifts mean the heroic practice of the virtues, I have already<br />

answered that Bishop Scalabrini did so. If they mean, on the other hand, the "gratis dati" (gratuitous)<br />

charisms, such as prophecy, I have no elements for telling whether the Servant of God had them.” 103<br />

Almost all witnesses, in fact, declared that they had no knowledge of supernatural<br />

gifts. A few speak of a certain gift of prophecy for the fact that he foretold that Card.<br />

Joseph Sarto would become Pope; that the young man Father Francesco Sidoli would be<br />

a bishop. 104 He predicted the imminent death of canon Casella 105 ; he told the grandfather<br />

of Msgr. Caccialanza that he would pass the age of ninety, as indeed happened 106 ; and<br />

other things of this kind. Three witnesses speak of special gifts of healing, as we shall see<br />

later. 107 Msgr. Torta considered a prophecy the prediction made by Bishop Scalabrini at<br />

the inauguration of the shrine of the “Madonna della Bomba”: “that the miracles of<br />

Providence would multiply around that chapel. And be it known that no sign was there of<br />

the works that were to begin there ten years later.” 108 Probably because of personal<br />

experiences, Msgr. Cornaggia Medici stated: “I believe, not without foundation, that the<br />

Servant of God had certain supernatural gifts, including the reading of hearts and a<br />

certain prophecy.” 109<br />

99 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 770. Summarium, par. 902<br />

100 Idem, f. 762. Summarium. par. 889.<br />

101 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 757. Summarium, par. 884.<br />

102 Idem, f. 949<br />

103 G. Cardinali. Ibid., f. 312. Summarium, par. 382.<br />

104 Cfr. C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 5.4. Summarium, par. 62.<br />

105 Cfr. E. Martini, Ibid., f. 208.<br />

106 Cfr. E. Caccialanza, Ibid.. if. 231-232.<br />

107 C. Spallazzi. Ibid., f. 90. Summarium, par, 132: “An Emilio Tizzi, of Piacenza [...] whom the doctor<br />

found sick with appendicitis, had to be urgently hospitalized for an operation. He asked me to lend him the<br />

pectoral cross of Bishop Scalabrini; and he recommended himself to the Servant of God. The following<br />

morning Doctor Callisto Fornero declared that there was no longer need for an operation. He was perfectly<br />

cured, in fact, and he credits his cure to the Servant of God.” E. Galimberti reports another case, which will<br />

be detailed when dealing with the humility of the Servant of God. (Cfr. N° 117).<br />

108 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 360. Summarium, par. 445.<br />

109 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid.. ff. 738-739. Summarium, par. 848.<br />


As to fame of sanctity during life, the witnesses can be placed into two groups: 24<br />

state as certain that he enjoyed fame of sanctity, while 11 state the opposite. A few of<br />

these 11, however, speak of it in a general way, saying that "many" or "some" people<br />

held him to be a saint; only a few deem it to be an unquestionable fact. As a whole, the<br />

depositions reflect the perplexity of judgment of his contemporaries on a man who was<br />

considered "transigent" and was made to pass for a "liberal Catholic", but who on the<br />

other hand elicited the general admiration for his life and works. We believe that Blessed<br />

Luigi Orione had the clear intuition of this circumstantial conditioning:<br />

“By his contemporaries he was considered as one of the most eminent Bishops for his faith, zeal,<br />

and doctrine. He left behind an extraordinary heritage: he might have been judged in different ways, but<br />

he could gain also the respect of those who dissented from him. More than once I happened to think<br />

that, had he lived in the early centuries of the Church, he would have honored it with his doctrine and<br />

even with his martyrdom. I repeat that the personality of Bishop Scalabrini not only won him esteem,<br />

but veneration as well. And considering the times he lived in, this is indeed remarkable.” 110<br />

The same Blessed Orione added that the fame of his sanctity was still alive in<br />

America and Italy, where “the shadow of liberalism that had been projected onto him by<br />

political passions has progressively waned away.” 111 Such was Blessed Orione's answer<br />

to Question 59:<br />

"Is the witness in a position to say whether the fame of sanctity of the Servant of God is still alive,<br />

and whether it is proven by graces and special favors obtained from God through his intercession?” 112<br />

Two witnesses answered no: G. Cardinali 113 and G. Dodici 114 pointing out only the<br />

fact that right after his death “many people touched his body or only the casket with a<br />

variety of things, like rosaries, crucifixes, handkerchiefs, to keep them afterwards with<br />

devotion.” 115 Almost all others, instead, testified to the actual existence of the fame of<br />

sanctity; in fact, many of them stated that it kept growing more and more (Mangot,<br />

Spallazzi, Mondini, Tammi, Gregori, Squeri, Bianchi, Galimberti, G. B. Nasalli Rocca,<br />

Lotteri, Cornaggia Medici, Puppo). Father Calzinari made the following observation:<br />

“The memory of Bishop Scalabrini has survived in excellent esteem, and with the passing of years<br />

it increased very much, very much indeed. As for myself, I repeat that I hold him as a real saint; and I<br />

know that I am not alone in this, and that his beatification and glorification is hoped for by many<br />

people. I am also in a position to state that there are pious souls who pray to him.” 116<br />

A fact, this last part, that is underlined, by a number of witnesses. Father Carini adds:<br />

“It is a fact that the moral figure of Bishop Scalabrini has greatly grown also as a man of<br />

exceptional virtue.” 117<br />

It is worth our attention to point out the importance that three men of God like<br />

Blessed Luigi Orione, the Servant of God Msgr. Francesco Torta, and Bishop Massimo<br />

Rinaldi of Rieti, who died in the odor of sanctity, give to the friendship between Blessed<br />

Guanella and Bishop Scalabrini:<br />

“I know that the Servant of God knew Father Luigi Guanella very well, and that Guanella revealed<br />

having a very high esteem of Bishop Scalabrini, even though he had lost on his part some of the<br />

110 L. Orione, Ibid., ff. 823-824. Summarium, par. 957.<br />

111 Idem, f. 824. Summarium. par. 958.<br />

112 Ibid., f. 950.<br />

113 Cfr. G. Cardinali, Ibid.. f. 313. Summarium, par. 382.<br />

114 Cfr. G. Dodici. Ibid., f. 179.<br />

115 Ibid.<br />

116 F. Calzinari. Ibid., ff. 638-639. Summarium, par. 727.<br />

117 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 438.<br />


optimism in the political and religious field that animated the Servant of God, because of the great<br />

sorrows he had been subjected to by a few political authorities. Father Guanella always spoke very well<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini and had a special affection for him.” 118<br />

“The Servant of God spoke to me with great admiration of Bishop Scalabrini, saying time and<br />

again that he was a great soul, and that I was a lucky man for being his beloved disciple.” 119<br />

"He had a lasting friendship with Father Luigi Guanella, who spoke of him to me with admiration,<br />

reminding me several times that he had been his fellow student, and that he thought of him as a true<br />

Servant of God. After the death of Bishop Scalabrini, he told me more than once that he held him to be<br />

a saint.” 120<br />

As to special graces obtained by the intercession of the Servant of God after his<br />

death, many witnesses affirmed to be sure of them. Msgr. Mangot states in a general way<br />

that “by the intercession of the Servant of God the Lord granted graces to some people”,<br />

whose name, however, he could not recall. About himself, instead, he affirmed he was<br />

asking daily for the assistance of the Servant of God, ascribing to it the grace of being<br />

saved from harm in two falls off the train and in three more off dangerous heights. 121<br />

Msgr. Gregori states that a young parishioner of his, so seriously stricken with<br />

pneumonia that the doctor “had given up all hope” to save him, got well at the close of a<br />

triduum of prayers made by him and his sister. 122 The Scalabrinian Sister Carmela<br />

Tomedi reports:<br />

“A number of people have made recourse to him and have obtained graces. Among others, I can<br />

report this: One of our sisters, Sister Fulgenzia, had been sick five months with an internal ailment for<br />

which the doctors judged a serious operation of doubtful results to be indispensable. We made a novena<br />

together to the Blessed Trinity through the intercession of Bishop Scalabrini. At the close of the novena<br />

the sick sister felt better. But we wanted to have her visited by the doctor, who, on being totally<br />

surprised, exclaimed 'What did you do? The Sister does not need an operation any more! She is still<br />

enjoying perfect health.” 123<br />

Carlo Polledri, decorator of the cathedral of Piacenza, tells of his fall off a stepladder,<br />

from a height of 45 feet:<br />

“All of a sudden I found myself on the ground, grasping the lowest end of the ladder, about one<br />

and a half yard away from the tomb of the Servant of God [...]. A group of people gathered around, and<br />

when they saw me unhurt, except for one or two abrasions at the legs, they cried out at a miracle,<br />

ascribing it to Bishop Scalabrini. I am convinced that my safety was in fact miraculous; and I myself am<br />

not against ascribing it to the intercession of the Servant of God.” 124<br />

118 L. Orione, Ibid., f. 820. Summarium, par. 951.<br />

119 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 336. Summarium, par. 395.<br />

120 M. Rinaldi, Ibid., ff.676. 680-681. Summarium, par. 771 and 783.We have proof of the veneration of<br />

Blessed Luigi Guanella for the Servant of God in the fact that he had his nephew, Canon Lorenzo<br />

Sterlocchi, write a short life of Bishop Scalabrini Cenni Biografici, published in 1912, and re-edited in<br />

1913: “Canon Luigi Guanella [...] knew Scalabrini in the Diocesan Seminary of Como, and was always a<br />

great admirer of his for his great and charitable works [... [. He wants to make his life known not only to the<br />

honor of the Diocese of Como, that boasts giving birth to that great One, but of all Italy as well, and to the<br />

disappointment of those who look upon the clergy as an egotistic lot with no concern for the needy.” (T.<br />

Sterlocchi, Cenni Biografici di Monsignor Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. Vescovo di Piacenza, Como 1912,<br />

p. 5).<br />

121 Cfr. C. Mangot, Processo c. p., f. 55. Summarium, par. 66.<br />

122 Cfr. F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 579: Summarium, par. 660.<br />

123 C. Tomedi, Ibid., f. 850. Summarium, pa. 1000.<br />

124 C. Polledri, Ibid., f. 793. Summarium, par. 928. Cfr. also E. Caccialanza, f. 151; A. De Martini, f. 279; F.<br />

Torta, f. 361; G. B. Nasalli Rocca, f. 778; L. Gorlin, f. 858. The "Scalabrinian General Archive" has<br />

custody of a good number of letters testifying to special graces attributed to the Servant of God. Some of<br />

them seem to indicate all the conditions of a true and real miracle, but not supported by critical and medical<br />

testimonies.<br />


43. - c) Wishes for his Beatification.<br />

Out of 57 witnesses, 44 explicitly declared that they wished the Beatification of<br />

Bishop Scalabrini. Among them we recall first of all Blessed Luigi Orione, who<br />

expressed himself as follows:<br />

“When word came to me that the Cause for his Beatification was to be introduced, if others were<br />

caught by surprise, I did not wonder at all, and I gladly declare that I desire his Beatification, because he<br />

would continue to do in death what he has been doing in life, that is, to edify, to show his flaming<br />

apostolic zeal, to remind us that even in the most trying moments there ever burns in the heart of the<br />

priest an ardent love for one's country, and to honor the Catholic Episcopate.” 125<br />

The Servant of God Francesco Torta states:<br />

"I gladly state that I have always cherished a special admiration and affection for the Servant of<br />

God, having ever thought of him as a holy man because of his extraordinary faith and charity. Besides,<br />

I desire his Beatification because of the great love I have for him and because I hold him worthy to be<br />

glorified.” 126<br />

The saintly Bishop Rinaldi thought of him as "worthy of the honors of the altars,<br />

because he would bring honor to his Congregation and to mankind, as he is a man known<br />

all over the world because of the great charitable and social works he has<br />

accomplished.” 127 Cardinal G. B. Nasalli Rocca declared: “I have a special affection for<br />

Bishop Scalabrini, and I desire his Beatification because I have known his truly<br />

exceptional virtues. 128 Even Count Giuseppe Radini Tedeschi, son of Carlo and brother of<br />

Bishop Giacomo, both tough opponents of the "political" opinion of Bishop Scalabrini,<br />

stated:<br />

“I have always had high esteem and great affection for the Servant of God; I desire in earnest his<br />

Beatification because of the holy memory he left of himself on account of his exceptional virtues and<br />

extraordinary activities; and also because his dream for the Conciliation (between Church and State in<br />

Italy) has come true through the Concordat; something he was much criticized for in his time.” 129<br />

Of all those who had been questioned on this point, only two did not express<br />

themselves, though holding him as a saint. 130 Ten witnesses were not asked about this.<br />

Seventeen witnesses confessed their devotion to Bishop Scalabrini; others admitted it<br />

implicitly when they said that they had recourse to him in order to obtain graces. Almost<br />

all of them stated their admiration for the virtuous life of the Bishop. One must add that<br />

19 witnesses explicitly spoke of the exceptional effort the Bishop exercised in the pursuit<br />

of his personal perfection, besides seeking the sanctification of the clergy and the people,<br />

as we will have the opportunity to point out.<br />

44. - d) Testimonies given by personalities not at the process.<br />

We do not deem it out of place to report here some judgments and testimonies not<br />

recorded in the Acts of the Process or in the Postulatory Letters. They derive their<br />

importance from the kind of the people who gave them and they confirmed the fame of<br />

sanctity of the Servant of God in life and after death.<br />

125 L. Orione, Ibid., f. 820. Summarium. par. 950<br />

126 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 335. Summarium, par. 394.<br />

127 M. Rinaldi, Ibid., ff. 675-676. Summarium, par. 770.<br />

128 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 743. Summarium, par. 853.<br />

129 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid.. f. 364. Summarium, par. 451.<br />

130 Cfr. A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 643; F. Cantaluppi, Ibid., f. 925.<br />


First of all, we report the documents issued by the two Popes who knew Bishop<br />

Scalabrini more closely even before their elevation to the Papal throne. On the occasion<br />

of the inauguration of a monument of the Servant of God in his former parish church of<br />

Saint Bartholomew, in Como, in 1913, Saint Pius X gives this clear description of him:<br />

“I wholeheartedly take part in the commemoration the good people of Como are holding of the<br />

exemplary Shepherd who cared for the Christian education of his parishioners especially through the<br />

teaching of catechism; of the learned, meek, strong Bishop, who, even in the midst of fierce trials, has<br />

ever defended and loved truth, and made it love; nor did he abandon it because of either threats or<br />

flattery; of the courageous Apostle, who has sacrificed everything to keep the faith alive in the hearts of<br />

our poor migrant brothers of the Americas through the mission of zealous priests, animated by his spirit;<br />

and I pray that the memory of the Pastor, the Bishop, and the Apostle Bishop Scalabrini may ever<br />

remain in benediction, and that his example may give rise to holy imitators.” 131<br />

Benedict IV, on the tenth anniversary of the death of the Servant of God, honored<br />

with a handwritten message the memory of the Bishop with whom he had frequent<br />

contacts while serving as Substitute of the Secretariat of State:<br />

“On the tenth anniversary of the death of Bishop Scalabrini, We, who as Archbishop of Bologna<br />

have presided on April 16, 1909 over the translocation of his mortal remains to the cathedral of<br />

Piacenza and were a personal witness to the deep loving memory the citizens of all classes had for the<br />

incomparable Bishop, add with all our heart the testimony of our loving remembrance to the grateful<br />

commemoration of his sons and beneficiaries.<br />

In calling to mind, after ten years of my unbroken admiration for his exceptional virtues, above all<br />

and foremost, his charity, which so inflamed his heart as to lead him to find too limiting the boundaries<br />

of his vast diocese and urged him to seek another flock in the distant Italian migrants, We express our<br />

benevolence to the priests, who, in imitation of his zeal, are carrying on his all deserving enterprise,<br />

thus saving or rescuing for the Religion of their forefathers the souls of our exiled brethren and<br />

spreading everywhere the voice, the teachings, the concern of the lamented Shepherd.<br />

We invoke the richness of God's grace on the distinguished Missionaries of Saint Charles, so that<br />

after the example of Bishop Scalabrini, their Founder, they may love the poor emigrants and follow<br />

them no less selflessly than the Good Shepherd; and I pray God to render fruitful the heritage of the<br />

unforgettable Bishop and to increase the zeal of his disciples. On all of them, on all those who lend<br />

support to their work, and on the periodical accurately illustrating their missions, we impart with<br />

fraternal love our Apostolic Benediction.” 132<br />

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini had great faith in the prayers of Bishop Scalabrini,<br />

which she was asking for in all her letters. In fact, she nourished a “most vivid sense of<br />

esteem for the virtues and beautiful gifts that adorned your noble and good heart.” 133 She<br />

admired “your noble and holy desires, that urge you to seek with all your heart, with all<br />

the fire of your great soul, ever new ways for spreading the Kingdom of Christ, 134 and<br />

“the serene and vigorous strength you draw from the Heart of Jesus, the unalterable<br />

tranquility you show even in the most difficult occurrences, all proper of one who finds<br />

only in God the secret for the most noble and arduous virtues, a life all spent in the<br />

perfect sacrifice of oneself in promoting the greatest glory of God.” 135 In congratulating<br />

him on his Episcopal jubilee, the Saint wrote:<br />

“Years and years passed by in the exercise of the virtues, in the fulfillment of your high duties, in<br />

the steady imitation of the Model of all shepherds… For a long time now I have been cherishing a deep<br />

veneration for your Excellency; and steadily growing with the passing years, the desire also increases of<br />

131 Brief of Pius X, October 18, 1913. Summarium, par, 1053.<br />

132 Letter of Benedict XV, June 16, 1915. Summarium, par, 1052.<br />

133 Letter of F. S. Cabrini to G. B. Scalabrini, New York, June 16, 1899. (Archivio Vescovile, Piacenza).<br />

134 Idem, Roma, December 20. 1890 (Ibid.).<br />

135 Idem, Codogno, December 22. 1899 (Ibid.).<br />


seeing Your Excellency walk still a long Way on your chosen path, spreading along your steps the scent<br />

of good works and the holy light of your shiny examples.” 136<br />

Blessed Andrea Cardinal Ferrari, Archbishop of Milan, a one time militant<br />

intransigent, thought of Bishop Scalabrini as:<br />

“A good Father, a loving Shepherd, a most radiant and gentle figure of a man of God, aflame with<br />

apostolic zeal [...], a man of deep religion, exemplary piety, unquestionable attachment to the See of<br />

Peter; a man of patient and beneficent charity, one who does not seek his own self, a man who is all<br />

faith and hope, all-forbearing; a man to whom the words 'vir misericors, cuius pietates non defecerunt'<br />

(a merciful man whose works of charity never ceased) are well-applied either in Piacenza or in other<br />

parts of Italy, of Europe, or of the New World… fama magnus, re maior (great by fame but greater by<br />

deeds).” 137<br />

The Servant of God Father Giovanni Calabria held him as "a great saint and<br />

Apostle", and implored God for the glorification of "his heroic Servant" 138 . From his<br />

biography, we gather that other Servants of God, such as Agostino Chieppi, Giuseppe<br />

Toniolo, Tommaso Reggio, Leone Dehon, Daniele Comboni, had a special veneration for<br />

the Bishop of Piacenza. The most prudent Servant of God Card. Raffaello Rossi thus<br />

exhorted the Scalabrinian missionaries:<br />

“Should the grave and solemn judgment of the Church have already declared Bishop Scalabrini<br />

'Blessed', I would not hesitate to place in his mouth directed to you the following exhortation of Saint<br />

Paul to the Philippians (3, 17) 'Be imitators of me' [...]. But what is there to forbid you, outside of the<br />

official field, to refer it to him and seek to imitate him? [...]. Could you not and should you not follow in<br />

his footsteps? Could you not and should you not be, like him, men of deep faith, fervent in charity,<br />

relentless in zeal, ready to any sacrifice? Could you not and should you not become and remain brothers<br />

to the migrants as he was their father? No doubt, you could and you should do it; you can and you must.<br />

And then, without any doubt, in the Name of and with the help of the Lord: 'Imitatores eius estote'! (Be<br />

his imitators!)” 139<br />

Leaving aside those who limited themselves in praising the remarkable merits of his<br />

apostolic activities, many other personalities of the time perceived in the Servant of God<br />

the characteristic notes of sanctity. Card. Agostino Richelmy, Archbishop of Turin,<br />

commemorated his figure this way:<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini was certainly gifted with a brilliant mind. The Lord had poured on him with<br />

precious profusion the most chosen gifts which he knew how to make the most of with study, work, and<br />

noble forbearance of the most trying hardships. But I think that his highest merit must be found in his<br />

generous heart. His whole being may be summed up in the words of the Apostle: "Charitas Christi<br />

urget nos" (The love of Christ impels us) (2 Cor.5, 14). This can be very well said by someone who had<br />

the good fortune of knowing his most inner aspirations, of constantly admiring the works of his<br />

episcopate, and of being a help to him in his institutions on behalf of the poor emigrants. His charity<br />

knew no bounds; and the unrelenting enemy of holy love, namely selfishness, sought in vain to<br />

extinguish the flame of his zeal. Dead to himself, he lived the true life of a disciple of Christ; a gentle<br />

and heavenly light surrounds his name on earth; and I think that his spirit must be sought among the<br />

heroes of the Catholic apostolate, among the very martyrs of charity.” 140<br />

136 Idem, Codogno, December 22, 1899 (Ibid.).<br />

137 A.Ferrari, in"A Mons.Giovanni Battista Scalabrini nel 40° di sua elevazione episcopale."1876-1916.<br />

Supplemento al "Nuovo Giornale" of Piacenza, August 16, 1916.<br />

138 Letter of G. Calabria to F. Milini, Verona, August 15, 1954, in "II Servo di Dio Giovanni Battista<br />

Scalabrini nella luce delle celebrazioni del 50° della sua morte", Rome 1957, p. 38<br />

139 R.C. Rossi, "A tutti i Missionari Scalabriniani", 'Le Missioni Scalabriniane', September 1939, pp. 130-<br />

131.<br />

140 A. Richelmy, Torino October 28, 1912, in "Nel XXV Anniversario dell' Istituto dei Missionari di San<br />

Carlo per gli Italiani emigrati, fondato da Mgr. G. B. Scalabrini", Rome 1912, pp. xv-xvi.<br />


Card. Vincenzo Moretti, Archbishop of Ravenna, described him as “the Bishop<br />

indeed made according to the heart of God” 141 .Cardinal Antonio Agliardi wrote him:<br />

“I am a long time admirer of your Excellency, an admirer of your wisdom and doctrine, of your<br />

untiring zeal, of your relentless energy, and of what is defined in the holy scriptures as "latitudinem<br />

cordis sicut arenam quae est in littore maris His tutoribus et actoribus egit Ecclesia" (a heart as wide as<br />

the sand that is along the shores of the sea... The Church needs such supporters and operators).” 142<br />

Card. Agostino Riboldi asked him: “As you help me how to be a bishop by your<br />

examples, so also help me with your prayers and advice.” 143 Another Archbishop of<br />

Ravenna, Pasquale Morganti, testified:<br />

“I experienced many a time his big heart, his gentle, almost scrupulous piety, his simplicity of<br />

manners, with which he seemed he wanted to hide his high worth, and his energy and fortitude in<br />

exacting the fulfillment of duties with no human respect for anyone.” 144<br />

The Bishop of Bobbio, G. B. Porrati, said:<br />

“I was much edified to hear that in the midst of the afflictions of the body, and more so of the<br />

spirit, with which Your Excellency gave proof of exceptional virtue, you are also comforted at the<br />

thought of being found worthy to 'aliquid pati pro nomine Jesu'” (to suffer a little for the name of<br />

Jesus). 145<br />

Invited to Piacenza, Archbishop Antonio Briganti answered he would “hasten to<br />

embrace a Prelate according to the heart of God, for whom I have always cherished a<br />

very special veneration, esteem, and affection” 146 .Msgr. Belasio saw in Bishop Scalabrini<br />

the "new Saint Charles" 147 .Msgr. Giuseppe Alessi states: “He was to me a revelation of<br />

the kind of bishop I have always dreamed of.” 148 He nourished in his heart "true<br />

veneration" for him. 149 Bishop Lucien Lacroix of Tarentaise considered the death of the<br />

Servant of God a "great loss also for the Church". The same Lacroix told Bishop<br />

Scalabrini one day: “Here is a bishop with whom I would like to make an eight day<br />

retreat to learn in full my job as a bishop.” 150<br />

Bishop Giacomo Radini Tedeschi, of Bergamo, long past after the polemics that had<br />

him fiercely opposed to the Bishop of Piacenza, recalled “the most venerable and<br />

unforgettable Bishop, from whom I have received all the Sacred orders, together with the<br />

urgings and examples of untiring zeal and of eminent episcopal virtues” 151 .While reading<br />

in tears the Pastoral Letter for Lent 1881, the Vicar General of Poggio Mirteto was asking<br />

himself: "What kind of heart is the heart of Bishop Scalabrini, I asked myself. He<br />

sounded more like a Seraph than a man to me, for the love and ardor for his flock.” 152<br />

141 61 Letter of V. Moretti to G. B. Scalabrini, Rome, June 20, 1880 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3020/3).<br />

142 Letterof A. Agliardi to G. B. Scalabrini, Perugia, December 29, 1893 (Ibid., 3020/3).<br />

143 Letter of A. Riboldi to G. B. Scalabrini, Pavia, October 26, 1978 (Ibid., 3034/3).<br />

144 P. Morganti, in "Nel XXV Anniversario, etc.", cit., p, XX.<br />

145 Letter of G. B.Porrati to G. B. Scalabrini, Bobbio, June 6, 1896 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3021/4).<br />

146 Letterof A. Briganti to G. B. Scalabrini, Perugia, September 2, 1889 (Ibid., 3028/6).<br />

147 Letter of A. Belasio to the Bishop of Vigevano, Piacenza, January 20, 1883 (Ibid., 3022/13).<br />

148 Letter of G. Alessi to G. B. Scalabrini, Bassano Veneto, April 15, 1888 (Ibid., 3022/12).<br />

149 Idem, Padova, December 2I. 1890 (Ibid., 3022/12).<br />

150 70 Letter of L. Lacroix to G. B. Scalabrini, Moutiers. March 25. 1904 (Ibid., 3021/R).<br />

151 G. Radini Tedeschi. in "II Monitore Ecclesiastico di Piacenza" June 30, 1905, p, 152.<br />

152 Letter of E. Pucilli to G. B. Scalabrini, Poggio Mirteto. January 25, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3022/1).<br />


Bishop Bonomelli confirms that his friend "had only one passion, which fully absorbed<br />

all others: to save souls and through them give glory to God.” 153<br />

Father Aurelio Stocchi professed his “reverent devotion to those supremely divine<br />

virtues, that come from above and are found together with a keen intelligence and a noble<br />

heart, that form the genuine citizen, the zealous priest, the enlightened and holy<br />

Bishop.” 154 Msgr. Francesco Sidoli, the future Archbishop of Genoa, made the following<br />

remark in regard to Msgr. Luigi Cornaggia Medici:<br />

“I think that Father Luigi venerates Your Excellency as a canonized saint. It is a miracle if he has<br />

not yet prostrated himself before your picture to say a few 'Our Fathers'. He thinks that all the graces<br />

theologians define as 'gratis datae' (free gifts), such as 'sermo sapientiae, gratia sanitatus, operatio<br />

virtutum, prophetiae donum, discretio spirituum (gifts of tongues, healing the sick, working wonders,<br />

the gift of prophecy, discernment of spirits) etc. are at the disposal of Your Lordship to use at your<br />

discretion. It is enough: he told me certain happenings that made me also suspect it may indeed be<br />

so.” 155<br />

Marchioness Luisa Visconti-Venosta Alfieri recalled: “If he is not a saint, I do not<br />

know who else is: I happened to have recourse to him more than once.” 156 Father<br />

Domenico Venzano thought of him as a “true defender of the Catholic faith, a true Martyr<br />

of the Church.” 157<br />

The testimonies from sources other than those of the process could be multiplied,<br />

especially of more recent years, when those murky waters stirred up by party passions<br />

have finally subsided that had prevented to see clearly into depths of the soul of the<br />

Servant of God. Together with the "Lettere Postulatorie" (petitions for his Beatification)<br />

and the depositions at the Process, they offer us a significant description that testifies the<br />

existence of a "constans et communis fama et persuasio de sancta Servi Dei in terris<br />

conversatione" (constant and common fame and conviction of the earthly saintly life of<br />

the Servant of God). The foundation for this conviction will appear much more clearly<br />

from the study of his individual virtues, in which his heroicity shines forth from the facts<br />

and concrete details, in a more convincing way than in any general statement.<br />

153 73 G. Bonomelli, in "Nel XXV Anniversario ", cit.. p. XXI.<br />

154 Letter of A. Stocchi to G. B. Scalabrini. Bergamo, May 21, 1901 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3041/1).<br />

155 Letter of F. Sidoli to G. B. Scalabrini, Piacenza, September 23, 190I (Ibid., 3021/6).<br />

156 Letter of L. Visconti-Venosta Alfieri to C. Mangot, Rome December 22, 1910 (Ibid.., 3025/32).<br />

157 Letter of D. Venzano to G. B. Scalabrini, Teglia, September 3, 1892 (Ibid., 3022/7).<br />


VI<br />

<strong>THE</strong> HEROIC PRACTICE<br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>THE</strong>OLOGICAL <strong>VIRTUES</strong><br />

1. FAITH<br />

a) Personal Faith of the Servant of God<br />

45. - Besides the general statement of the great majority of the Witnesses saying that<br />

the Servant of God exercised in a heroic degree a “most vivid” faith 158 , “a faith<br />

exceptionally filled with good works;” 159 “a faith far superior to the ordinary” 160 , “a<br />

deeply rooted faith,” 161 together with the virtues of Hope and Charity, as a whole they are<br />

quick in proving it with the facts, following the indications provided for them by the<br />

questions. A few of them, however, abide in the discussion of the faith in itself, of his life<br />

of faith, as he saw it:<br />

“Iustus ex fide vivit. He believes and his mind is enraptured in understanding and contemplating<br />

the truths he believes better than if he saw them with his corporal eyes. He hopes, but his hopes are<br />

concrete, substantial, real, so that all his affections are tenaciously rooted in them with all possible<br />

energy. He loves, and his heart is all a flame that destroys all doubt, it is a flame of fire that ascends to<br />

heaven. He almost does not feel any more the weight of earth; he perceives only his God, speaks and<br />

works only with his God, and for his God he suffers, fights, and dies.” 162<br />

Lived in the light of such principles, the intensity of the supernatural life of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini is testified with admiration by one who knew him closely:<br />

“The faith of the Servant of God was most vivid, and I have never known anyone who showed a<br />

more ardent faith than his.” 163<br />

“He was possessed by the sense of the divine to guide him all the time.” 164<br />

“He was a man of extraordinary faith: he had the faith of the Saints.” 165<br />

“He was a man of so great a faith that he was seen always united with God.” 166<br />

“He was a man of great faith: I remember hearing these words from his mouth (which must be<br />

understood in their true sense): ‘Nothing is there more natural than the supernatural.’ The whole<br />

episcopal life of the Servant of God was always animated by the most ardent and vivid faith.” 167<br />

“Any time I had the good luck of listening to the Servant of God in his sermons,<br />

exhortations, and conversations, I was always deeply impressed by his clear, pleasing,<br />

158 C. Mangot, Processo c. p., f. 34, Summarium. par. 24.<br />

159 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid., f. 370.<br />

160 C. Douglas Scotti, Ibid., f. 322<br />

161 F. Gregori, Ibid.. f. 558. Summarium, par. 616.<br />

162 G. B. Scalabrini, “Lettera Pastorale di Mons. Vescovo di Piacenza per la Santa Quaresima del 1884”,<br />

Piacenza 1884, pp. 12-13.<br />

163 L. Mondini, Processo c. p., f, 114. Summarium, par, 168.<br />

164 7 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 731. Summarium, par. 835.<br />

165 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 833. Summarium, par. 971.<br />

166 I. Puppo, Ibid. f. 870. Summarium, par. 1023.<br />

167 G. Dodici, Ibid. ff. 163 and 168.<br />


moving, and endearing words, but above all by the feeling that his soul was inflamed and<br />

inspired by a most vivid faith.” 168<br />

These depositions ascribe to the Servant of God the possession of this virtue as<br />

already habitual and undisturbed in an eminent degree, so much so as to create some<br />

'forma mentis', a second nature, the virtuous habit made natural. But they are still of a<br />

generic nature. We feel the need, therefore, to tarry a little longer than on other points of<br />

the practice of this virtue, so fundamental in itself and in the life of the Servant of God. In<br />

the study of it, in fact, one can get the impression that the magnificence and brilliance of<br />

his initiatives and the singular place he occupies in the history of the Italian Church at the<br />

close of the past century because of his particular vision of the problems of his time, may<br />

create the risk of limiting our view to the many works, the farsightedness, the tireless and<br />

manifold activity of a man under many aspects a harbinger of the times to come, and of<br />

neglecting the "soul of the apostolate" which still remains the only means for an<br />

exhaustive explanation of all his choices of action and of all his apostolic and social<br />

achievements.<br />

46. - Bishop Scalabrini is known as the Apostle of Catechism, of migrants, of the<br />

deaf-mutes; as the promoter of a new relationship between Church and State, animated by<br />

a spirit of reconciliation between faith and reason, religion and country, the God of the<br />

Fathers and modern man; as the Bishop of an "incredible" activity, reaching out to fields<br />

that stand beyond the ordinary limits of the episcopal action, as regards his times, at least.<br />

But he was all this only and because he was a man of faith. This is what he himself was<br />

saying of the Saints:<br />

“Whoever has faith and lives by faith, not only does he love God, but he is also moved to make<br />

others love Him too, because love does not resign itself to remain indifferent. Hence, that ardor of the<br />

Saints for sacrificing all things in order to save souls. Hence, those wonders of charity and zeal we read<br />

about in their biographies that are the source of so much admiration. The zeal for the glory of God<br />

consumed them, nor did it let them stop an instant. Anyone who is not inflamed with this heavenly fire,<br />

no, cannot be called a true Christian, a true Catholic.” 169<br />

It is not out of place here to recall a few of his principles and considerations on faith,<br />

as we will find them applied in his life:<br />

“Faith is a gift of God, indeed the first and foremost of all gifts [...J. It is the beginning and<br />

foundation of man's salvation, the hinge and the root of all holiness [...J. It is the root of all virtues,<br />

mother of hope, light for the mind, shield for the heart, indeed the very heart of the spiritual life [...]. A<br />

life of faith is the only life proper of the Christian [...]. There is no genuinely noble or worthwhile<br />

resolution that is not inspired by faith, nor any magnanimous and generous enterprise that is not<br />

supported and carried through by faith [...]. It is the foundation of Christian virtues; and so on this<br />

foundation one must raise his building. There exists an intimate relationship between faith and good<br />

works. Faith is necessary to good works, and good works are necessary to faith. Works make faith the<br />

source of salvation, and faith make the works worthy of merit. Without good works faith is<br />

unproductive, without faith good works are ineffective. The stronger the faith, the more copious the<br />

good works, and vice-versa, plenty of. good works increase the vitality of faith.” 170<br />

We refer ourselves to these teachings of the Servant of God, actually because his life<br />

stands as a proof that they were nothing else but the reflection of a living faith, indeed, of<br />

168 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 451. Summarium, par. 479.<br />

169 G. B. Scalabrini, Lettera Pastorale [...]ai Maestri e alle Maestre delle Scuole Catechistiche, Piacenza<br />

1877, p, 14.<br />

170 Idem, Lettera Pastorale ... per la Santa Quaresima dei 1884, Piacenza 1884, pp. 6, 8, 12, 14,26.<br />


the "liveliness of his faith"; that is, of the joy, the enthusiasm, and the richness of good<br />

works of his "life of faith".<br />

47. - In the early years of his life one already finds the workings of faith. The<br />

examples of his "saintly" mother, the "principles taught us by our mother", and embodied<br />

in the "Piccolo Catechismo per gli Asili d' Infanzia" 171 (Little Catechism for<br />

Kindergartens), the devotion to the Crucifix, the Blessed Mother, and the Saints, learned<br />

on the knees of his mother 172 , the holy fear of God instilled with his mother's milk 173 ,<br />

mark his first steps in the life of a Christian: “celestial modesty, candor of innocence and<br />

piety, that in his boyish form was made a part of his play.” 174 He prolonged his prayer till<br />

late at night; as a student in high school, he taught catechism to his companions and<br />

spoke of religion to the workers. 175 “His teenage years already bespoke the life of an<br />

apostle.” 176<br />

The only remaining writing of his adolescence is a poem in praise of the saintly life<br />

of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. 177 At school, he shows a “great interest” in religion 178 ,the<br />

subject in which he is classified as “far superior” 179 .During his seminary years, “in that<br />

life of recollection, all fervor and most endearing piety, the sense and love for the divine<br />

things became second nature with him.” 180<br />

Soon after ordination, all afire with zeal for spreading the Kingdom, he decides to be<br />

a missionary and applies for the “Istituto Missioni Estere di Milano” 181 .Prevented by his<br />

Bishop, he obeys the voice of God who, through his superiors, calls him to the formation<br />

of future priests. He is concerned that they grow in absolute purity of doctrine, though<br />

opening their minds to modern thought and to love of progress. He fought the false<br />

principles of rationalism; “admitted, instead, the progress of true science, and explained it<br />

in harmony with faith and religious sentiment for the most noble end to which they had to<br />

be directed.” 182<br />

Unfortunately, Angelo and Pietro, brothers of the Servant of God, were allured into<br />

rationalism by their professor Ausonio Franchi. He suffered bitterly because of it:<br />

“He has suffered very much all his life because of his two brothers who neglected the practice of<br />

their religion. He never ceased to remind them of their duties, admonishing them in all ways: it was, in<br />

fact, a source of great suffering for him.” 183<br />

Of his brother Angelo he could exclaim: “Only God knows how much I cried over<br />

him before the Lord.” 184 And this is what he wrote to Pietro, who had migrated to<br />

Argentina:<br />

171 Cfr. Biography, p. 75.<br />

172 Cfr. Biography, pp. 39-40.<br />

173 Cfr. Biography, p. 40.<br />

174 G. Cattaneo, In memoria di Mons.. G. B. Scalabrini, "L'Emigrato Italiano in America", September 15,<br />

1914, p. 4.<br />

175 Cfr. Biography, pp. 39-41.<br />

176 G. Cattaneo, op. cit., p.5.<br />

177 Cfr. Biography, pp. 44-45.<br />

178 21 Cfr. Biography, p. 42.<br />

179 Cfr. Biography, pp. 42 and 46.<br />

180 G. Cattaneo, op. cit., p. 5.<br />

181 Cfr. Biography, pp. 56-59.<br />

182 G. Cattaneo, op. cit., p. 9. Cfr. Biography, p. 63.<br />

183 A. Bianchi. Processo c. p.. f. 657. Summarium. par. 735.<br />

184 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Simeoni, Piacenza, January 14, 1889 (Archivio Propaganda Fide,<br />

Collegi..., Piacenza, f. 1150<br />


“You tell me you that you are tending to rationalism and that you are losing your faith. It is not<br />

possible! The human being is naturally Christian; a little meditation and prayer will lead you back to the<br />

right path. As for myself, I will tire God that he may not allow that this great calamity should ever<br />

happen to you.” 185<br />

The prayers of the Servant of God were not in vain. Angelo died a Christian death.<br />

Near the end of the Bishop's life, Pietro, too, gave clear indications of his return to the<br />

faith. 186<br />

48. - When he was a parish priest of Saint Bartholomew in Como, “he did not want<br />

to be nothing else but a servant of God, determined to give all of himself to all people in<br />

order to gain everyone for Christ.” 187 “Tireless preacher of the Word of God with his<br />

sermons on the Gospels and with his Catechesis, to young and adults” 188 , he opened the<br />

first youth center for boys and the first kindergarten for the main purpose of catechizing<br />

and educating in the faith the new generations. 189 Consequently, “there radiated all<br />

around a new ferment of life, a great and genuinely religious revival.” 190 “In the summer<br />

he was in church at three in the morning ready to assist his parishioners, celebrate Mass,<br />

hear confessions and give Holy Communion.” 191<br />

When just a little older than thirty, he is given charge by his bishop of the<br />

reorganization of catechesis in the diocese of Como. 192 The zeal of the young parish<br />

priest for catechesis is one of the most concrete proofs of his life of faith. He was<br />

convinced that in order “to bring the new generations back to the faith”, it was “necessary<br />

that each parish priest become an Apostle, resolved not to live to himself, but solely to<br />

God, the Church, and for souls.” 193 While at work on his first publication on catechesis,<br />

he wrote to his brother Pietro:<br />

“I occupy the little time I have free from the cares of this parish, that counts over six thousand<br />

souls, writing a little work on catechesis, about which the Vatican Council also held a discussion, and I<br />

hope to do some good by it. I take little comfort, dear brother, in the glory of this world; it is just smoke<br />

that soon disappears. I seek only the glory of God and the salvation of souls, mine first of all. I am not<br />

old, yet, if I did not have on my shoulders the heavy financial responsibilities you know, I would devote<br />

myself entirely to prayer, even in a monastery, in order to implore the mercy of God on me and on my<br />

dearly beloved ones. But the Lord has provided otherwise; his name be blessed!” 194<br />

“I am at work”, he added “on a little book while another is being printed at Turin.<br />

Study is my joy, after the gift of faith and an unshakable trust in the Lord, who does not<br />

abandon anyone who puts his faith in Him.” 195 He is referring to the second edition,<br />

printed in Turin with the support of Saint John Bosco, of the eleven "Conferenze sul<br />

Concilio Vaticano" (Conferences on the Vatican Council) he had given in 1872 in the<br />

Cathedral of Como, moved by the desire “to enlighten the minds on essential truths and<br />

185 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to his brother Pietro, Como, May 4, 1874 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3000/1). Cfr. Biography, pp.32-36.<br />

186 Cfr. Biografy, pp. 32-36<br />

187 G. Cattaneo, op, cit., pp. 8-9.<br />

188 Letter of S. Piccinilli to F. Gregori, Como, s. d. (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3000/2).<br />

189 Cfr. Biography, pp:72-73.<br />

190 G. Cattaneo, op, cit., p. 9.<br />

191 L. Mondini, Processo c, p.. f. 98. Summarium, par, 143.<br />

192 Cfr. Biography, p. 75.<br />

193 G. B. Scalabrini, Lettera Pastorale al Clero e Popolo della Città e Diocesi di Piacenza sull'insegnamento<br />

del Catechismo, Piacenza 1876, pp. 17-18.<br />

194 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to his brother Pietro, Como, May 4, 1874 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3000/1).<br />

195 Idem, June 5 , 1874 (Ibid.).<br />


on defined doctrines of the Catholic Faith” opposed by the “Old Catholics”, and<br />

endangered by “Catholic liberals.” The work is all devoted to the conciliation between<br />

faith and reason, as opposed to “the exaggerated timidity of some righteous ones, who<br />

would have more benefited by study and a stronger faith than by lamentations.” 196<br />

For the first time we find expressed in the Conferenze what the Servant of God<br />

defined as the most cherished desire of his life: that there be “one fold under one<br />

shepherd.” 197 The gathering of all the dispersed children into the House of the Father will<br />

be the constant aspiration of his life, the most earnest concern of his mind, the purpose of<br />

all his battles. No option, no stand, no activity will be alien to this aspiration of his: let<br />

the Kingdom come; let it come concretely, by the gathering of all men into one fold<br />

under one shepherd, the Roman Pontiff. And this is not just for what concerns only<br />

strictly sacred and ministerial matters but the social ones as well, not excluding those that<br />

could be viewed as political. It is the essential key to the understanding of the life of the<br />

Servant of God, as the motivation that guides him is essential. From the second edition of<br />

his Conferenze “he hopes to achieve a little good for the salvation of souls and for the<br />

glory of God, the only purpose of my studies and of my toil,” 198<br />

49. - He was named Bishop of Piacenza in spite of his young age of 36, because a<br />

"priest of excellent conduct, exemplary life, most attached to the Catholic Faith, which he<br />

defended in words and with publications.” 199 .Immediately after his consecration, he<br />

kneels before the tomb of Saint Peter to implore “the grace to sacrifice all things for the<br />

good of the flock entrusted to me; and my conscience assures me of not having spared<br />

myself, of having done whatever my weakness allowed me,” 200 thus keeping faith to the<br />

resolution he made when he entered the diocese, of making himself “everything to all in<br />

order to gain all to Christ.” 201<br />

What meaning did he intend to give to the usual expression of Saint Paul?<br />

“To sacrifice oneself in all ways in order to establish the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in souls; to risk,<br />

if necessary, one's very life for the salvation of his beloved flock; to place oneself, as it were, on his<br />

knees before the world to implore its consent to do it some good; such is the spirit, the nature, the only<br />

ambition of a Bishop. Whatever authority, talent, health, strength is in him, everything he employs for<br />

this most noble purpose,” 202<br />

“The salvation of souls? It is our life, our only reason for living, and our whole existence must be<br />

a steady search for souls. We must not eat, drink, sleep, speak, or even recreate, for no other reason but<br />

to do good for souls, without ever ceasing, ever, ever.” 203<br />

The resolution to devote himself totally to the “salvation of soul”, and, more<br />

concretely, to growth in faith is proven by his early episcopal acts: the most orthodox<br />

safeguarding of the faith of the priests through the reform of the ecclesiastical studies<br />

(three years before the publication of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris), the strengthening of<br />

196 G. B. Scalabrini, “Il Concilio Vaticano I”, Como 1873, p. XII.<br />

197 Ibid., p. 241.<br />

198 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to his brother Pietro, Como, s. d. (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3000/1).<br />

199 "Testimoniale"of P. Carsana, Como, December 10, 1875 (Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Processus<br />

Datariae 238, N.25, f.475).<br />

200 G. B. Scalabrini, "Discorso ne120° anniversario della consacrazione episcopale (Scalabrinian General<br />

Archive, 3018/13).<br />

201 Idem,”PrimaLetteraPastorale”, January 30, 1876, p.5.<br />

202 Idem, Discorso recitato a Cremona per if giubileo episcopale di Mons. Geremia Bonomelli, Cremona<br />

1896, p, 14. Idem, Discorso recitato a Cremona per if giubileo episcopale di Mons. Geremia Bonomelli,<br />

Cremona 1896, p, 14.<br />

203 46 L. Cornaggia Medici, Un profilo di Mons. Scalabrini; Vescovo di Piacenza, Roma 1930, p. 5.<br />


priestly spiritual life and discipline, the enactment of the great catechetical reform for<br />

instructing and educating in the faith the whole Christian people, the personal and<br />

detailed pastoral visitation of the vast and difficult diocese: all this in the first year of his<br />

episcopal service (1876).<br />

Moreover, his most solemn episcopal magisterium or teaching, that of the Lenten<br />

Pastoral Letters, follows the path of Faith: La Chiesa e la società presente (1877) (The<br />

Church and Society), Gesù, capo invisibile della Chiesa (1878) (Jesus, the Invisible Head<br />

of the Church), Sulla Religione e la Società (1879) (Religion and Society), Sulla<br />

Religione e la famiglia (1880) (Religion and Family), Sulla Religione e l'individuo<br />

(Religion and the individual) (1881), Sull'indifferenza in materia di religione (1882)<br />

(Indifference in Religion), Sulla vita cristiana (1883) (Christian Living), La fede (1884)<br />

(On faith), La ragionevolezza della fede (1885) (Faith and Reason). We must add the<br />

ordinary teaching or magisterium of the spoken Word, to which he devoted himself so<br />

much as to contract a sickness for "too much vociferation" (shouting). During his pastoral<br />

visitations he used to preach five, even six times daily. 204<br />

All witnesses are in agreement in judging his preaching as not quite respondent to<br />

the criterion of the empty rhetoric of his time, all intended to arouse feelings. Right<br />

because of this it was criticized at times; but it was meant to explain and break down for<br />

the simplest people the revealed Word, reserving for later the moving of feelings, also<br />

thought necessary. 205 He committed himself to teaching religion every week to students<br />

of high school, college, and technical institutes 206 ; he set up the first faculty of catechesis<br />

of Italian seminaries.<br />

50. - “To guard the rich deposit of faith”, the “I kept the faith” was on the top of all<br />

his initiatives. The mandate 'euntes docete' (go and teach) was expressly placed as a<br />

premise to the most characteristic apostolic endeavors of the Servant of God: catechism,<br />

emigrants, and deaf-mutes. 207 Faith opens the series of the synodal legislation:<br />

“Faith! Behold the precious deposit from which, by the grace of God who can safeguard it till the<br />

final day, I deem it necessary to begin all talks, above all, to show our solicitude for the flock entrusted<br />

to us.” 208<br />

He had very much on his mind the sacramental life, the most comprehensive possible<br />

but only as the end result of evangelization: all of his episcopal action was marked by the<br />

pre-eminence accorded to the formation in the faith in preference to the sacramental life,<br />

for which he wanted a preparation modeled after the catechesis of the Fathers of the<br />

Church. 209 The sign of the education to the faith and in the faith is found in the restoration<br />

of divine worship, the liturgical reform, the sanctification of Sundays and days of<br />

obligation, the splendor of religious festivities, participation of the people in the liturgy,<br />

and the restoration of buildings devoted to worship. 210<br />

204 Cfr. Biography, pp. 264-265.<br />

205 "He understood the real ailment of our people. People, he said, do not need to be sentimentalized; they<br />

need instruction'" (G. Bevilacqua, unpublished lecture held in Piacenza in 1955)<br />

206 Cfr. Biography, pp. 252-254<br />

207 Cfr. Biography, pp. 474, 480-481.<br />

208 G. B. Scalabrini, Synodus Dioecesana [...] primo habita [...j anno MDCCCLXXIX, Piacenza 1880, p. 2.<br />

209 Cfr. Biography, pp. 218-220.<br />

210 Cfr. Biography, pp. 315-321, 352-367, 379-401,402-417, etc.<br />


We will have occasion later on to return to these points. We are concerned here with<br />

pointing out that his whole activity for the defense and propagation of the faith by means<br />

of manifold pastoral and social enterprises was but the logical and necessary result of the<br />

ardent faith that animated him, manifested especially when we was faced with obstacles<br />

to the coming of the Kingdom and the salvation of souls, even if these obstacles were<br />

originating from those who had the duty to proclaim that the Church has no other "right"<br />

above that of "evangelizing". He often had to fight against the common trend and face<br />

grave oppositions and even suspicions; but he did this only because he wanted to<br />

maintain the absolutely primary role of the Church, the role of "evengelizer", the duty to<br />

engage in "evangelical politics" rather than "human politics".<br />

51. - Rarely does the Servant of God speak of his own personal faith in an open and<br />

direct way; but we find the fruits of it in every page of his life, beginning with the<br />

personal programming of his life as a bishop, as is seen in many expressions of his<br />

spiritual "resolutions":<br />

“The dignity of a Bishop is divine - Deus honor omnium dignitatum (God, honor of all dignities) -<br />

and so it must be in a very special way of the episcopal dignity. I must make myself worthy of it by<br />

elevating myself, purifying myself, and deifying my soul” 211<br />

"A Bishop must be moved in all things by the Holy Spirit.” 212<br />

"I will often renew the intention to do everything for the glory of God.” 213<br />

The word “deifying oneself” recurs often in his writings, that is, the resolution of<br />

becoming “another Christ” not only by virtue of the sacramental nature of the life of a<br />

Christian and of a priest, but in the ordinary daily running of thoughts, affections,<br />

decisions and actions.<br />

“A coin must carry the imprint of its Sovereign, otherwise it would be worthless and could not<br />

have course in commerce; so likewise, the works of a Christian must show the imprint of Jesus Christ,<br />

otherwise they could not gain entrance into Heaven, as nothing can please the Eternal Father if it does<br />

not present the likeness to his Son and does not possess in some way his character.” 214<br />

“All our thoughts, all our words, all our actions, all our desires, all our dispositions, and all our<br />

sufferings, must be as brushstrokes aimed at forming and expressing in us some traits of the life of Jesus<br />

Christ so as to make us, as it were, as many copies of Him.” 215<br />

It seems to us that the ideal of his life of faith, of his “deifying”, was his will to lend<br />

himself to the plan of Christ, who wants to continue visibly and concretely his<br />

incarnation in man, especially by the progressive assimilation of Holy Communion in the<br />

Eucharist:<br />

“While in the Incarnation the Word of God was personally united with the human nature, in Holy<br />

Communion he becomes more intimately united with our personality. This way he “deifies”" our<br />

nature, christianizes, I would say, our individual being, and his union with us has its emblem in the<br />

union that changes the food into the substance of the body it nourishes. All those, therefore, - a holy<br />

Doctor of the Church wrote - who receive Holy Communion have Jesus in their mind, heart, chest, eyes,<br />

and tongue. This Savior of ours rectifies, purifies, and vivifies everything. He loves with the heart,<br />

understands with the mind, gives strength to the body, sees with the eyes, speaks with the tongue, and<br />

moves every power. He works all in all, and they do not live any more to themselves but it is the Word<br />

of God that lives in them.” 216<br />

211 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 325.<br />

212 Ibid., p. 326.<br />

213 Ibid., p. 327.<br />

214 Idem, Lettera Pastorale [...] per la Santa Quaresima del 1878, Piacenza 1878, p. 29.<br />

215 Idem, Lettera Pastorale [...] per la Santa Quaresima del 1883, p. 10.<br />

216 Idem, La devozione al Ss. Sacramento, Piacenza 1902, pp. 22-23.<br />


“His spirit grows, it extends in us, and rules as a vivifying ardor; it straightens all things, inflames<br />

all things, it sanctifies all things, it “deifies” all things. He loves in our heart, thinks in our mind, speaks<br />

in our tongue, and works in our hands. Our strength is spent for him, our studies are done for his glory,<br />

our duties are carried out with the help of his grace, our sufferings are accepted for love of him, our<br />

amusements and our very food are taken to please him.” 217<br />

Such was the goal the Servant of God, endeavoring to arrive at: to be an instrument<br />

of the incarnation of Christ, or better, an extension of his incarnation, so that the Lord<br />

might still be able to speak to men through him, listen to them, gaze on them, have them<br />

experience the warmth of a human heart in a form we could define ontological. In its<br />

ascetical form, besides, it was the "imitation of Christ" extended to all aspects of one's<br />

life:<br />

“Let our manner of conversation be that of Christ, let our gait be that of Christ, our looking with<br />

our eyes be that of Christ, our meekness in manners be that of Christ. Jesus as our mirror, Jesus as our<br />

model, Jesus as our seal. Let him pronounce judgments, let him trace the way, make the decisions; let<br />

him rule, direct, and be the Master of our lives.” 218<br />

That Christ was the beginning and the end of all his works not only in an intimate<br />

way but in the harsh reality of life as well, we can clearly discern the evidence of it in the<br />

"passion" he had for the souls redeemed by the blood of the Lord, for the Church, and for<br />

the "interests of Jesus Christ"<br />

52. - These are the motives that led him to evade a conformism that, as he saw it,<br />

mortified the life of the Italian Church of his time (with due exceptions), to create new<br />

forms of apostolate, to break away from an environment that too often sought security in<br />

clinging to traditions of the past, thus letting itself to be intimidated by the changing<br />

times, quickly rejected as "revolution". These are the motives that urged him to seek for<br />

the Church full involvement in the problems of his time; in the reality of contemporary<br />

life (instead of taking refuge in the "pyramids of antiquity"); into the new culture, that, if<br />

not taken back into the hands of the Church, will fatally swerve men away from the faith<br />

by hiding its ideological, rationalistic, and atheistic goals under the pretext of love of<br />

country, progress, and political gain.<br />

The Servant of God was not an easy bishop even for the pope, especially Leo XIII,<br />

on one hand, very open in theory to the modern world, but on the other hand perplexed in<br />

practice when faced with the evolution of the "reality of things" in Italy. Bishop<br />

Scalabrini did not inconvenience the pope because of ostentation. He was much aware, in<br />

fact, of sacrificing all his personal interests. Neither did he do so in a spirit of<br />

contestation, because he opened his mind in clear terms only to the Pope "in camera<br />

charitatis" (in secret) and ever ready to obey. He did it only because of that "tormenting<br />

thirst" for souls that was literally causing him the loss of health. The echo of such agony<br />

of his is frequently recurring in his correspondence with the Holy See and in his<br />

confidential letters to Bishop Bonomelli. While a more complete documentation of these<br />

letters may be found in his Biography, we quote here a few passages in order to point out<br />

what was the spirit, the sentiment, the intention, that guided him to oppose so vigorously<br />

the positions then supported by the extreme wing of the intransigents, which seemed to<br />

him contrary to faith, hope, and charity, though so much in favor of the "external" rights<br />

of the Church.<br />

217 Idem, Lettera Pastorale [...] per la Santa Quaresima del 1878, Piacenza 1878, p. 28.<br />

218 Ibid., pp. 33-34.<br />


“In this sad state of things I pray every day to God that he may grant me and all my confreres<br />

calm, patience, tranquillity, and trust in the help of the Lord, without whom there is enough to lose<br />

our head.” 219<br />

“The miserable state of our dioceses because of troublemakers and scandalous polemics<br />

represents the most serious sorrow of my life, and it grieves me so as to cause me the loss of health<br />

[...]. We have to counteract their insane attempts keeping the calm, the purity of intention, seeking<br />

the glory of God, of the Church, and the salvation of souls.” 220<br />

“Holy Father! You know the frank sincerity of my heart, you know the great sacrifices I<br />

sustained for the glory of God and to show myself for what I feel I really am: all for you and for<br />

your cause, which is that of God.” 221<br />

“Do not be surprised, Holy Father, if I speak of revolution and of revolutionary moves brought<br />

into the Church of God. I have volumes of proofs which I intend to make public in due time, deeply<br />

convinced of defending and giving support not to my personal cause, but the cause of an intimidated<br />

episcopate, of a disarrayed Church; of a betrayed Religion [...]. I am attached by God's grace to no<br />

one but to Him alone, to you his Vicar, and to his Church. This is why I experience deep sorrow for<br />

her sufferings [...]. I trust you will understand and will listen to me. But should God deprive me also<br />

of this consolation, nevertheless my deep veneration and filial affection I cherish for your Sacred<br />

Person and the Holy See will never fade away. I would still enjoy the comfort of having never<br />

hidden the truth from anyone, of having fought the good fight and kept the faith, in hope for the<br />

crown He, the just Judge, will award to me on the last day.” 222<br />

He was asking the Holy Father for a word of support in his effort in the defense of<br />

"the honor of the episcopacy" and of its "sacred Ministry." “He did not deem it<br />

opportune, till now at least, to accord it to me: I adore in humble submission the designs<br />

of God and shall continue on per infamiam et bonam famam (in blame or praise) in caring<br />

for the salvation of my soul and of the souls of the flock entrusted to me.” 223<br />

"If after this gigantic effort to have reduced to their right proportions the religious, political, and<br />

philosophical questions, since it is of all these questions I will speak to the Holy Father, nothing should<br />

come of it, and this is quite probable, then while crying over the evils of the Church, I will devote myself<br />

totally to prayer and to the exercise of the holy ministry. 224<br />

53. - At a time when his "gigantic effort" made to contribute to the reinstating of the<br />

hierarchical order seemed to no avail and there was the impression that the temporal<br />

power was the only concern, Bishop Scalabrini was tempted of skepticism: in fact, his<br />

trust in men decreased, but his faith in God kept increasing steadily:<br />

“I am almost skeptical, of course salva fide (except for the faith), faith which by God's grace is<br />

shining brightly more than ever and vividly delights my spirit so often saddened at the sight of so much<br />

iniquity.” 225<br />

When advising Bishop Bonomelli to defend the honor of his episcopal dignity<br />

against insinuations of disobedience and of unorthodox doctrines, the Servant of God<br />

always appealed to faith:<br />

219 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Camerlata, September 1, 1881(Archivio Bonomelli,<br />

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan).<br />

220 Idem, September 22, 1881 (Ibid.).<br />

221 Idem to Leo XIII, Piacenza. September 26, 1881 (Ibid.).<br />

222 Idem, November 19, 1881 (Ibid.)<br />

223 Idem to G. Boccali, Piacenza. November 29, 1881 (Ibid.).<br />

224 Idem to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, September l9. 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

225 Idem, November 25, 1882 (Ibid.)<br />


“Go and get the last word at the feet of the Blessed Sacrament; put your declaration before the<br />

Tabernacle; and then take a resolute decision. I am of the opinion that you should do it; it would serve<br />

well the interests of the Church.” 226<br />

“Let us not lose heart, dear friend; calm, fortitude, prayer, our gaze on Jesus Christ, let us trust<br />

only in Him.” 227<br />

“What shall we do, then? Should we let ourselves be demolished? It would mean little for our<br />

persons, for mine at least, thoroughly insignificant; but what about the souls? and the Church? and the<br />

interests of Jesus Christ?” 228<br />

But it was necessary “to be patient and to hope only in the help of God”. The<br />

delusion in realizing that there were many human shortcomings in the Church did not<br />

dishearten him:<br />

“The experience of this world, dear brother, gave me second thoughts on many things and I regret<br />

the days when my soul, all zeal, saw the Church all perfect and whatever belongs to it all rosy. But there<br />

came the changes, and they too have their reasons! They detach me ever more from the things of this<br />

world and make me incline to that certain program of mine I proposed to you some time back.” 229<br />

The same must be said of the struggle he carried on for the participation of Catholics<br />

in the public and political life of the nation, for the only purpose of preventing an<br />

anticlerical legislation and of preparing the end of the "calamitous conflict" that<br />

contributed to the rapid process of unchristianization of the Italian people. To him divine<br />

law was above the non expedit. 230 The salvation of souls had to be the first concern; yet,<br />

he obeyed because he believed in God and in the Church assisted by the Holy Spirit. 231<br />

Faced with the open marks of his obedience, the Holy See reminded him of the praises he<br />

had been given before by the Pope; but Bishop Scalabrini retorted that it was not his<br />

person he was concerned about; he was only worried for souls and for the Church, that<br />

were being hurt by its refusal to dialogue with the State. 232 If men did not support him, he<br />

had no doubt in the help of God:<br />

“Lucky me, however, that, when men fail, I can count on God; he has assisted me far beyond any<br />

merit of mine, making me experience the truth of that golden rule: 'Bonum est quod patiamur<br />

quandoque, etc.” 233 (It is good that we suffer some time, etc.)<br />

54. - It seems to us that in the midst of all the battles fought by the Servant of God in<br />

order to subdue the myopic intransigence that obstructed the progress and the renewal of<br />

the Church in its pastoral and evangelical care of souls, his faith appears clearly from<br />

three sources: faith in the Pope, to whose last word he yielded with ready and perfect<br />

submission; faith in the Church, indefectible because of the promise of Christ; faith in<br />

divine Providence, that guides his Church along mysterious ways, often<br />

incomprehensible to man's mind.<br />

“Holy Father, say the word, and it will be our pride to obey you; lead us, and we will be your<br />

docile followers; teach us, and your teachings will be the constant norm of our conduct, well aware that<br />

226 Idem, January 25. 1883 (Ibid.)<br />

227 Idem, February 1, 1883 (Ibid.)<br />

228 Idem, March 2, 1883 (Ibid.).<br />

229 Idem, May 23. 1883 (Ibid.) This program is the one he mentions in the letter quoted at the close of N°.<br />

138.<br />

230 Cf. Biography, p. 642.<br />

231 See later on N. 148.<br />

232 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Jacobini, Piacenza, July 16, 1886 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3020/1).<br />

233 Idem to L. Galimberti, s. d. (Ibid., 3044/1).<br />


only you have words of eternal life, that he is against Jesus who is not with you; that our eternal<br />

salvation depends on our unity with you.” 234<br />

“I am ready, and always will be, not only at your commands, but at your desires as well, so that if<br />

you think I should keep silent, in obedience to you I will retreat with all calm and tranquillity into<br />

complete silence, leaving everything in the hands of God and of you who act in his place.” 235<br />

He had full trust in the Church, not in the archeological Church, nor in the Church<br />

dreamed up by reformists, but in the living Church of his day:<br />

“We love the living and actual Church of our day, that speaks through the mouth of her Head and<br />

of its Bishops; that lives and suffers for us; that prays and hopes with us. Let us love her, O beloved<br />

ones, as the object most loved after Jesus Christ; let us love her as our family, as our most beautiful and<br />

loving mother; let us love her as the one who best reflects in herself the infinite beauty and goodness of<br />

the God who is all our Love. Let us entrust ourselves into the arms of this mother of ours. 'My mother<br />

said so', exclaims the child, and on her word he goes secure on his way. Each of us must do the same;<br />

'The Church said so, and that is enough for me'.” 236<br />

To Bishop Bonomelli who was agonizing between the temptation of retiring to a<br />

monastery and that of turning into a new Savonarola he suggested instead to entrust<br />

himself completely into the hands of the Lord:<br />

“To become monks? To become a Savonarola? The first would be alright for one who has the<br />

vocation for it, and glorious the latter for one who finds himself at par to it; but it will be better,<br />

perhaps, to do nothing with both, but to busy ourselves with the greatest dedication possible in<br />

promoting the glory of God and the salvation of souls, sure that si scimus tacere et pati videbimus<br />

auxilium Domini (let us hold our tongues and suffer, and we shall experience the help of the Lord). Let<br />

us work, in the meantime, let us pray and hope for better times.” 237<br />

“We must fix our gaze to Heaven, suffer, and keep silent. Si tu scis tacere et pati, statim et procul<br />

dubio videbis super te auxilium Domini (if you keep silent and suffer, you will certainly and without doubt<br />

experience in yourself the help of the Lord)” 238 .<br />

God is faithful and watches over his Church; we have to place our trust in Him:<br />

“Now that not even the most sounding trumpets are loud enough to wake sleepers up from their<br />

slumber and to demolish the last illusions, let us allow Him to do the rest. Let us keep going in<br />

tranquillity and concern ourselves about saving the greatest number of souls we can.” 239<br />

The Servant of God gives us almost the impression of resigning himself to the fate<br />

and of shutting himself up in some kind of indifference: but such attitude was utterly<br />

alien to his temperament. It is a question, instead, of a tenacious will that believes also in<br />

spe contra spem (hope against all hope):<br />

“But another fever remained there in me, and it is that of witnessing how many and many more<br />

people are abandoning the Church because of those who should study all ways, instead, to draw them to<br />

her. You know what a tormenting fever this is.” 240<br />

With the frankness that only a man guided by faith can have, he even dared to warn<br />

the Pope, sure that Leo XIII knew the rectitude and purity of his action and the intensity<br />

of the zeal for the cause of God and of the Church that inflamed his heart:<br />

“I even told him that he will soon have to stand before God to render an account of the many souls<br />

that are getting lost and of the untold sufferings fallen on the Bishops, who do not enjoy any more the<br />

234 G. B. Scalabrini, Notificazione per l'elezione di Pio X, August 4, 1903, Piacenza 1903, p. 6.<br />

235 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo X1I1, Piacenza, November 19, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.)<br />

236 G. B. Scalabrini, La Chiesa Cattolica, Piacenza 1888 , pp. 35 -36.<br />

237 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, July 10, 1893(ArchivioBonomelli, cit.)<br />

238 Idem, Rompeggio, May 6. 1891 (Ibid)<br />

239 Idem, Piacenza, May 1889 (Ibid.).<br />

240 Idem, August 16, 1887 (Ibid.)<br />


freedom of speech or action, because disturbed by the intrusions of the laity supported and rewarded by<br />

those who should hold it in check; but most of all by the usual pharisaic party, tolerated, and worse,<br />

supported in the act of disarraying the hierarchical order instituted by Christ.” 241<br />

Though with much human suffering, still he was ready to be deprived even of any<br />

word of comfort from the Pope whom he intensely loved:<br />

“Lucky me, Holy Father, that my faith stands on much deeper foundation than human wisdom. I<br />

must then place my cause in the hands of the Lord. He, the just Judge, will know how to defend the<br />

honor desecrated or allowed to be desecrated, of a Bishop as the undersigned, who in all his acts did<br />

nothing else but to obey those who had the right to give orders.” 242<br />

We believe that in all these questions the Servant of God, through hopes and<br />

delusions, reached the highest peak of a complete abandonment in Divine Providence, not<br />

with quietism or inaction, but with the active loyalty to his vocation, when he could say:<br />

“I believe that a great wisdom is contained in the following statement: remain in<br />

perfect tranquillity about whatever happens by divine disposition not only in your regard<br />

but also in regard to the Church, while working for her in fulfillment of your divine<br />

vocation.” 243<br />

55. - Faith in the Pope, the Church, and in the Divine Providence that rules the<br />

Church and his men according to mysterious but saving designs, constantly animates the<br />

positions of the Servant of God, who thus writes to a Cardinal, also saddened by certain<br />

situations of his day:<br />

“Divine Providence leads Your Eminence along uncommon, if not incredible, ways; and this is a<br />

source of joy for his true friends and also for you. Reason and faith teach us what we experience in our<br />

inner spirit, that whatever happens is willed or permitted by God, Infinite Love. Sometimes through the<br />

designs of the cross, though not deserved, He wants to humiliate, but not confuse, his servants, who in<br />

turn must reflect with joy on the divine designs, love them, always thank him for them, and be filled<br />

with gladness in all trials. Tribulations, though only interior, engender a beneficial distaste for the<br />

present life, gradually detach us from whatever is mortal, and afford us the inestimable grace of helping<br />

us to realize the nullity of greatness in the midst of it; no grace is greater than this. But the wisdom of<br />

God, Your Eminence, has indeed planned things with strength and gentleness; and if he gives us<br />

sometimes a chalice of sorrows to drink, he offers us afterwards also the drink of the most pleasant joys:<br />

it is a mysteriously alternating chalice, and blessed is he who knows how to bring it to his lips with<br />

unshakable fidelity, thus uniting himself closely to God. Patience with prayer is the most effective<br />

means we are in need of.” 244<br />

By the end of 1886, the crucial year of Bishop Scalabrini's relationship with Leo<br />

XIII, because of the groundless accusation of disobedience to the non expedit, the Servant<br />

of God sought to comfort the Pope with a similar consideration:<br />

“Nine years of being in jail have brought you many troubles, most Holy Father. In his divine<br />

Providence, God does not abandon you or any of his chosen ones in the power of continual sadness nor<br />

of steady joys: he has blended joys and sufferings together and interwoven your pontificate with<br />

difficulties and successes in an admirable variety; still, we are not granted as yet to witness a clear<br />

triumph of the Apostolic See, such as all were expecting. [...]. I hope without any doubt, as I can foresee<br />

from the surest signs that it will soon come. The Church has been purified by the penance of the Holy<br />

Jubilee, the obstacle of sin have been being removed through the diffused preaching of the Word of<br />

God, conducted in this diocese of mine especially by the Missionaries of Saint Vincent de Paul; solemn<br />

supplications have been offered with high expectations in this city of Piacenza under the leadership of<br />

their Shepherd; pious witnessing have been given and prayers have been raised by the faithful all over<br />

241 Idem, s. d. (Ibid.)<br />

242 Idem to Leo XIII, s. d. (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3019/2)<br />

243 Idem to G. Bonomelli, s. d. (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

244 Idem to a Cardinal, s. d. (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3020/5)<br />


the world for the freedom of Holy Mother the Church and for the exaltation of the Apostolic See! What<br />

else can we then expect but what took place in the early times of the Church? In those days, Peter also<br />

was detained in prison, but the Church prayed fervently to God on his behalf; suddenly an Angel of the<br />

Lord stood nearby.., and the chains dropped from Peter's wrists.” 245<br />

If some letters of his seem to exceed in frankness, and therefore to be of little respect<br />

to the majesty of the Supreme Pontiff, to us, instead, they appear to honor both the writer,<br />

for his love of truth, and Leo XIII who had all the proofs of the filial sincerity of one who<br />

knew how to sacrifice himself for the welfare of the Church:<br />

“Holy Father, you know the frank sincerity of my heart, you know the great sacrifices I sustained<br />

to give glory of God and to show myself for what I really feel I am, all for you and for your cause,<br />

which is that of God [...]. With your powerful intellect and with a heart modeled after that of Jesus<br />

Christ, whose Vicar you are, You cannot be displeased with the truth, You cannot lack the desire that it<br />

be made known to you, as the Saints desired. I am more than certain, therefore, Most Holy Father, that<br />

you will deign to forgive the frankness of this letter of mine, only prompted by the most heartfelt love I<br />

cherish for your august Person and the most vivid desire of the glory of your immortal Pontificate.” 246<br />

As we had occasion to point out a number of times before, the same ardor of faith<br />

and the same mark of a heart constantly turned to God and entrusted in divine Providence<br />

are found also in the letters to his friend Bishop Bonomelli, often following his<br />

confidential lamentations on the state of the Church, thus showing that the "glory of God<br />

and the salvation of souls" were always the concern and main motive that characterized<br />

his love for the Church and the Pope all his life:<br />

“Truth, justice, the welfare of souls, above all; this is your ambition and mine. Let us not lose<br />

heart, dear friend: calm, fortitude, and prayer; be our gaze fixed on Jesus Christ, and let us place our<br />

trust in him alone.” 247<br />

“Let us get down to work, then; let us busy ourselves with purity of intention with the defense not<br />

so much of our persons as of the glory of God rather and of his Church.” 248<br />

We have pointed out a number of times the sufferings the Servant of God faced or<br />

freely and courageously accepted for the purification, the renewal, and the unity of the<br />

Church. This was his cross as a Bishop:<br />

“You speak of crosses; O my God! It is our lot, and the Church asks us to carry it of gold on our<br />

chest; often, however, it turns into a rusty iron that tears our souls to pieces. Oh how many a time I<br />

press it against my heart and lifting my eyes to Heaven I repeat with an ardent desire to be heard: Fac<br />

me cruce inebriari (let me rejoice in the cross). Let us pray to God to be holy: let us be two holy<br />

bishops; you are already, and I hope to become one, with God's help and the constant assistance of your<br />

prayers.” 249<br />

By irony of events, his most excruciating suffering befell him in his very home: the<br />

valiant promoter and defender of unity in the Church saw it broken up in his very Church<br />

of Piacenza. His health was shaken, but not his faith:<br />

“I realize that he rules me with a providential plan full of mysteries, and I feel disposed, I seem to<br />

feel so at least, to repeat in any event: Ita, Pater, quoniam sic fuit placitum ante Te (Thus, O Father,<br />

245 Idem to Leo XIII, Christmas 1886(Ibid, 3019/2 Translated from the Latin). The Pope answered him with<br />

a "Brief' praising the Bishop for his "remarkable love" toward the person of the Pontiff, and he thanked him<br />

for "relieving and comforting his heart afflicted by sorrow", stating that the news about the lectures and<br />

prayers of the people of Piacenza had brought him "not a small consolation". (Brief of Leo XIII to G. B.<br />

Scalabrini, January 10, 1887, Ibid)<br />

246 Idem, to Leo XIII, Piacenza, September 26, 1881 (Ibid).<br />

247 Idem to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, February 1, 1883 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

248 Idem, s. d. (March 1883) (Ibid.).<br />

249 Idem, Piacenza, September 17, 1883 (Ibid.).<br />


ecause so it pleased you). Fervent as you are, obtain for me the grace of a perfect conformity with the<br />

will of God.” 250<br />

By the end of his life, he sensed the first signs of the crisis of modernism: he saw in<br />

it at first a positive aspect and judged it with the eyes of-faith:<br />

“I do not quite share all your fears in regard the debated questions on the Bible. Christ is the one<br />

who rules the Church that always profits by the intellectual efforts of her children. To make sure, there<br />

is need of great wisdom so that nobody under any pretext may attempt at the Holy Ark. But this Holy<br />

Ark will not disappear!” 251<br />

56. - Besides the internal questions of the Church, Bishop Scalabrini saw the hand of<br />

God also in the great historical and social events of his day, which he steadily and<br />

attentively read with the eyes of faith. In this light, he read the great discoveries and<br />

inventions, and in particular, the problem of emigration:<br />

“In the order of nature as in that of grace, everything is guided by the hand of God,<br />

and the will of God is sometimes manifested by certain small circumstances that elude at<br />

the moment the human eye, but that shine in due time with sufficient light for a keen<br />

observer.” 252<br />

“Love very much God and the Church, souls and what is good, and avoid abiding in<br />

questions which are too obscure for our weak intellect, but are just the same always in<br />

accordance with the adorable designs of Heaven.” 253<br />

Many discussions, in great part inconclusive, were carried on one hand about the<br />

possibility of removing the conflict, provoked by rationalism and the terror of the<br />

“revolution”, between science and faith, reason and revelation, progress and<br />

conservatism, religion and country. Bishop Scalabrini on the other hand, as though by<br />

instinct of faith, we would say, sees these terms as compatible with one another, because<br />

everything depends on God, the Creator of all things and Lord of all history. Even in the<br />

most disconcerting and painful events, he sees providential facts guided by Divine<br />

Providence, independently of the contingent and even sinful intentions of man, towards<br />

the fulfillment of the plan of salvation that wants all men as children of God, directed to<br />

the same destiny, in their concrete day in history.<br />

In the thought of the Servant of God, emigration is a natural law, and therefore a<br />

permanent phenomenon: these two facts already reveal the plan of God:<br />

“The seeds fly on the wings of the wind; plants migrate from continent to continent, carried by the<br />

currents of the ocean; birds and animals, and, most of all, men, migrate, together or individually, but<br />

ever as instruments in the hands of Divine Providence that presides over men's destiny and leads them<br />

also through dramatic events to his goal, which is perfection of man on earth and the glory of God in<br />

Heaven. We are told so by Divine Revelation, history, and modern biology; and only in these three<br />

sources will we be able to find the laws ruling the migratory phenomenon.” 254<br />

He adds that emigration also admirably helps in spreading the knowledge of God and<br />

of Jesus Christ everywhere, just as "the Roman Empire had become the instrument in<br />

God's hands for an easier and faster propagation of Christianity".<br />

250 Idem, Pomaro, November 9, 1895 (Ibid.).<br />

251 Idem, Piacenza. February16. 1904 (Ibid.)<br />

252 G. B. Scalabrini, “Speech for the inauguration of the Church of our Lady of Mount Carmel in Piacenza”<br />

(Scalabrinian General Archive, 3018/8).<br />

253 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Cornaggia Medici. s. d. (Archivio del Capitolo Liberiano, Rome).<br />

254 G. B. Scalabrini, L'emigrazione degli operai italiani, Ferrara 1899.<br />


Bishop Scalabrini was not a sociologist by profession, but he seriously studied<br />

human sciences and the statistics that could provide him with the data he needed to<br />

analyze the migratory phenomenon. The characteristic, however, that singled him out<br />

among many scholars and politicians who had taken an interest in the phenomenon, was<br />

the interpretation of the data in the light of faith. In the evolution of human mobility he<br />

saw the power of Christ at work in the individual and collective history of man, and as in<br />

all human events he realized the responsibility of man called to cooperate in the<br />

fulfillment of God's plan. He saw that emigration will open the way for the unification of<br />

humanity, provided that the plan of God be not thwarted by "inertia and ignorance of the<br />

ways of the Lord, by resting on one's laurels, by repression of holy aspirations, by the<br />

unfortunate barriers created by personal and national egotism and provided that the value<br />

and dignity of migrants will be respected. “Emigration will then become the stop-over<br />

that precedes the "union in God through Christ of all men of good will” and that will lead<br />

“little by little to the supreme end set down by Divine Providence for humanity [...]: the<br />

union of souls in God through Jesus Christ and his visible representative, the Roman<br />

Pontiff.” 255<br />

If emigration is a part of the plan of God, it cannot be but a plan of total liberation, of<br />

integral salvation of man. The Servant of God concludes that our cooperation in divine<br />

plan must respond to the totality of the will of God: “the perfection of man on earth and<br />

the glory of God in Heaven”. This leads him to the creation of a series of initiatives that<br />

may meet all the needs of the migrating person. He creates an Association of Patronage,<br />

with tasks proper of lay people, but with the primary end of “cooperating in keeping alive<br />

the Catholic faith in the heart of Italian emigrants.” 256 Above all, he founds a<br />

Congregation of men, to which he will add another one of women, two apostolic<br />

congregations of religious entirely consecrated to the glory of God and the salvation of<br />

souls. These two congregations also will have the task “of caring, as far as possible, for<br />

their moral, civil, and economic welfare", but primarily that "of keeping alive the<br />

Catholic faith in the hearts of our migrating fellow countrymen” 257 And "as a laborer for<br />

the Gospel, the Missionary must remember his duty to spread the good scent of Jesus<br />

Christ by his holy life, and to preach the Gospel more by his example than by word of<br />

mouth.” 258<br />

In other words, the religious for migrants, by pledging themselves with the<br />

consecration of the perpetual vows (the Holy See was not of the same opinion, because it<br />

looked upon emigration as a passing phenomenon), must go to migrants as Christ came to<br />

the rescue of man: they had to be migrants with migrants, poor with the poor, "laborers of<br />

the Gospel" in order to "evangelize the children of misery and labor [...], who, in forced<br />

isolation, are losing the faith of their fathers, and together with faith are losing all<br />

sentiments of a christian and civil formation.” 259 They must be missionaries who “aim at<br />

forming all peoples into one nation, all families into one family” 260 “espoused to the<br />

poverty of Christ" and "to the cross of our Savior.” 261 In other words, they themselves<br />

also had to become - in line with the fundamental “mysticism” of the Founder - those<br />

255 Idem, "Speech to the Catholic Club of New York", October 15, 1901 (Cfr. Biography, p. 943)<br />

256 Statuto dell'Associazione di Patronato San Raffaele, Piacenza 1894.<br />

257 Regola della Congregazione dei Missionari di San Carlo per gli italiani emigrati, Piacenza 1895, p. 4).<br />

258 Ibid., pp. 72-73.<br />

259 G. B. Scalabrini, L'emigrazione italiana in America, Piacenza 1887, p. 50.<br />

260 Idem, L'Italia all’estero, Torino 1899, p, 18.<br />

261 Cfr. Biography, p, 1024.<br />


who continue the incarnation of Christ among men, and consequently, they had to live<br />

and work in faith and in close union with Christ living in them and in the migrants.<br />

“What is needed for the branch to produce fruits? That it remains attached to the vine. Now, the<br />

vine is Christ, and you, my beloved ones, are the branches. Ego sum vitis, vos palmites. He said it<br />

himself. As long as you shall remain in Him you will, then, feel full of superhuman energy, and the<br />

fruits you shall derive thereof will be abundant and lasting. Detached from Him, you would be like a<br />

body without a soul, lacking all good deeds, fit for nothing else but to be cast into the fire: sine me nihil<br />

potestis facere (without me you can do nothing).” 262<br />

The missionaries have to be “the humble instruments of Christ.” 263 These<br />

exhortations and considerations reveal the viewpoint of pure faith that animated the<br />

Servant of God in facing a problem involving many earthly, social, economic, and legal<br />

aspects which were, in his thought, only the various facets of one face, the face of Christ<br />

present “here and now”, in suffering humanity and in the troubled history of men,<br />

especially of the most abandoned, the poor, the excluded, in both the moral and material<br />

sense. The work, therefore, that made him famous the most was a work of faith, animated<br />

by the "same sentiments that were in Christ Jesus.”<br />

A like "reading in faith" has him pronounce prophetic words that may seem utopian<br />

or romantic dreams, while they imply instead faith in the Church, founded “to gather in<br />

unity the dispersed children of God” through the actual evolving of history and society:<br />

“While the world is all excited, enthralled at its own progress; while man takes pride in his conquests<br />

over matter and lords it over nature, dissecting the earth, curbing lightnings, interweaving oceans by the<br />

cutting of isthmuses, reducing distances; while nations fall, rise, and revive, and races intermingle, expand,<br />

and integrate; all through the hub hub of such gigantic enterprises, and not without them, a greater and<br />

more sublime work is being carried out here on earth: the unity in God of all men of good will. The<br />

servants of God, who unwittingly work toward the achievement of His plans, are innumerable at all times,<br />

but in the historic ages of great social changes, they are more than one can imagine or think possible. In<br />

fact, and fix it well on your mind, the ultimate end set for humanity by divine Providence is not domination<br />

over matter through a more or less progressive science, nor is it the forming of nations that produce power<br />

of arms, riches, and science, no: but the union of souls in God through Jesus Christ and his visible<br />

Representative.” 264<br />

Faith “is the root of all virtues”, “the heart, in fact, of the spiritual life.” 265 We will<br />

then find the exercise of this virtue in many other facets and aspects of the life of the<br />

Servant of God, in his zeal for the defense and the propagation of the faith, in his<br />

apostolate of catechesis, in the motive of his trips to the Americas, in his devotion to the<br />

Eucharist, the Blessed Mother, and the Saints, as described by the Witnesses in answer to<br />

Questions 28, 29, and 30 of the Process. 266 We will also find in a heroic degree the<br />

exercise of hope and trust in Divine Providence, and more so in his exercise of charity.<br />

We will discuss these two virtues, hope and charity, in greater detail later on. Concerning<br />

charity we will single out two aspects which we could have pointed out also when<br />

dealing with faith: prayer and the pursuit of personal sanctification, that are the result of<br />

both the love for God and faith by which the just live.<br />

b) Defense and propagation of the faith.<br />

262 G. B. Scalabrini, Ai Missionari per gli Italiani nelle Americhe, Piacenza 1892 , pp. 4-5.<br />

263 Ibid.<br />

264 Idem, "Speech for the 8th Centennial of the First Crusade'" (Scalabrinian General Archive, 30 I 8/26).<br />

265 Idem, Lettera Pastorale [...] per la Santa Quaresima del 1884, Piacenza 1884, p. 8.<br />

266 Cfr. Processo c. p., f. 943.<br />


57. - Only one Witness recalls the years as rector of the Seminary of Saint Abbondio,<br />

specifying that the Servant of God “championed the faith not only with his periodic<br />

conferences to the students, but also with a religion text that was ever in use in the<br />

Seminary, though never printed.” 267 Somewhat more numerous are the depositions<br />

concerning his five years and a half as pastor of Saint Bartholomew in Como. Emphasis<br />

is being placed on “his preaching the Gospel and the Christian doctrine. Parishioners used<br />

to crowd the church to hear his sermons, attracted by his easy and inspired words.” 268<br />

Mention is made of his first catechetical publication: “when still a pastor, he printed a<br />

small catechism for kindergartens. 269 But attention is given, above all, to his Conferenze<br />

Sul Concilio Vaticano (Lectures on Vatican Council I):<br />

“He gave some ten lectures in the cathedral of Como on the Session of Vatican Council dealing<br />

particularly with the infallibility of the Pope. And from the public response coming then from the word<br />

of mouth and from letters of praise sent to the Servant of God [...], I am in a position to state that it<br />

clearly appears he had brought the question before an audience, in good part hostile, to the satisfaction<br />

of loyal Catholics and with profit for all. And this is so true, that the clergy of Como wanted them<br />

printed also in a cheap edition for easy diffusion.” 270<br />

Depositions become numerous for the period of his episcopate, characterized by an<br />

intense activity aimed at keeping and strengthening the deposit of faith:<br />

“All his life as a Bishop was spent in spreading and defending our holy faith.” 271<br />

“He did not spare sacrifices in promoting, defending, and in keeping it undefiled, as is proven by<br />

the works he did.” 272<br />

“He spent all his energies in preserving it intact and undefiled, as he was saying, in his flock.” 273<br />

“His whole episcopate, besides, can be called a steady defense and an unrelenting apostolate of<br />

faith. All his prodigious activity took its moves from the principle he used to keep repeating: ‘Let us<br />

save souls, and let all the rest go as it may.’ 274<br />

c) The Apostle of Catechism.<br />

58. - Besides his proclamation of the Word, particular emphasis is given to his<br />

catechetical activities, for which he was defined, at the start of his episcopate, as the<br />

"Apostle of Catechism" by Pius IX:<br />

“He was a man who lived by faith and sought to instill it in the souls entrusted to him and to defend it<br />

against all attacks, as it is proven during the schism of Miraglia. He was the real restorer of the teaching of<br />

Catechism with his pastoral letters, with the first Congresso Catechistico Italiano (Catechetical Italian<br />

Congress) and with the review Il Catechista Cattolico (The Catholic Catechist).” 275<br />

“In strengthening the faith in his diocese, the Servant of God found his best means in promoting<br />

religious instruction in all ways, giving wise directives to the clergy for the constant preaching of the<br />

267 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 664. Summarium, par. 749<br />

268 S. Piccinelli, Ibid., f. 923.<br />

269 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 664. Summarium, par. 749.<br />

270 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 559. Summarium, par. 619<br />

271 E. Martini, Ibid., f. 197.<br />

272 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 112. Summarium, par, 164.<br />

273 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 345. Summarium, par. 4 12<br />

274 G. Cardinali, Ibid., ii. 296-297. Summarium, par. 344.<br />

275 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 167. The whole Chapter IV deals with the catechetical work of the servant of God.<br />


Gospel and for the catechesis to the people on Sundays, and doing away with existing abuses. On his part,<br />

he generously devoted himself to preaching at all times and everywhere.” 276<br />

“He championed and defended faith with apostolic fortitude, and justly without any doubt, he<br />

merited the title of Apostle of Catechism. He certainly must be credited for the organization of the<br />

parish schools of Christian doctrine.” 277<br />

“His catechetical activity had a widespread repercussion, and its good results are still experienced<br />

today, in this diocese especially.” 278<br />

“He was one of the first bishops to promote and support catechism with untiring<br />

zeal” 279 ,”revealing himself a peerless expert in the field, ahead of his time with the founding of the<br />

'Catechista Cattolico' and the celebration of the 'Congresso Catechetico’.” 280<br />

Convinced that religious instruction is “the great means for Christian education” and<br />

“therefore the need of our times” 281 with the rechristianization of the people in mind, he<br />

resolved to make the School of Christian Doctrine a school of faith and life, giving again,<br />

to evangelization, primacy over all other pastoral cares, after the example of the<br />

"Catechesis of the early Church":<br />

“It was not considered just simple school of Religion, but as a family in which souls were reared<br />

for God, the Church, and Heaven [...]. The spirit of the listeners was getting used there to Christian<br />

thinking, the mind was trained to understand and judge things no more according to the light of pagan<br />

learning, but in the light of faith of the Gospel. In all charity, the catechists sought to form in those<br />

souls, still infants in the faith, the spirit of Jesus Christ, better yet, Jesus Christ himself: Donec formetur<br />

Christus in vobis (until Christ be formed in you).” 282<br />

It was not just a question of didactic and organizational ingenuity: be it enough to<br />

consider that also in this field, he was guided by faith in Christ. We must “give back to<br />

the world the faith, the kind of love, the heavenly hopes that Jesus Christ brought to the<br />

world, of which Catechism is the foundation.” 283 One needs only to recall the instructions<br />

he gave to form in those souls, still infants in the faith, the spirit of Jesus Christ, or rather,<br />

Jesus Christ himself.” 284<br />

“You will never be worthy of your ministry if you do not love Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ,<br />

those young sheep of his mystical flock.” 285 “Piety must be the essential character of the Catechist.” 286<br />

“If it is to bring forth abundant fruits, teaching must be imparted with singular piety, because not he<br />

who plants, nor he who waters, but God gives the needed growth.” 287 “The Teacher of Catechism must<br />

have no other model than the One who has catechized the whole world.” 288<br />

276 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 589.<br />

277 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. ff. 747-748, Summarium, par. 865.<br />

278 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 451. Summarium, par. 477.<br />

279 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 589.<br />

280 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 220.<br />

281 B. Scalabrini, Educazione cristiana, Piacenza 1889, p. 37.<br />

282 Idem, Il Catechismo Cattolico. Considerazioni. Piacenza 1877, pp. 10-11. “He had the supernatural<br />

intuition of re-establishing christian education on its religious priority. He proclaimed the primacy of<br />

catechism as the basis for religious education. Catechism could not just represent a notional and instructive<br />

value, but had to be given also a fundamental role in education, by which religion must become a way of<br />

life. In this sense Bishop Scalabrini can be considered a pioneer of modern catechesis; but he is also a<br />

revivalist of ancient catechesis that used to be a school of truth and life, of prayer and practice, of grace and<br />

worthy deeds”. (S. Riva, Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini pioniere della catechesi moderna, 'Rivista del<br />

Catechismo', 1956, p. 69..).<br />

283 G. B. Scalabrini, Educazione Cristiana, Piacenza, l889, p.21.<br />

284 Idem, Il Catechismo Cattolico. Considerazioni, Piacenza, 1877, p, 11.<br />

285 Ibid., pp. 98-99<br />

286 Ibid., p. 84.<br />

287 Ibid., p. 93.<br />

288 Ibid., p. 95.<br />


d) Opposition to the enemies of the Faith.<br />

59. - The Servant of God was deeply aware of his responsibility to keep the deposit<br />

of faith faithfully safe, which was the task of the bishop:<br />

“In the spiritual kingdom, he is the sentry of God [...]. He has charge to give an answer to the<br />

mysterious question that reaches his ear every morning from the heights of eternity: Sentinel, what did<br />

you discover-in the darkness of-night? Custos, quid de nocte? The darkness of night, - Saint Augustine<br />

explains - are the errors, prejudice, and all those obstacles that prevent God from entering souls;<br />

numerous and powerful obstacles, that multiply and change form according to the various phases<br />

assumed by individuals, families, nations…” 289<br />

“He was remarkable, particularly in preventing the infiltration of Protestants, who, around the year<br />

1892, began doing all possibilities to make proselytes in the city. I remember him thundering twice<br />

from the pulpit, not to say that all his preaching sprang up from the zeal that devoured him for the<br />

propagation and defense of the faith.” 290<br />

“The Servant of God defended the faith with great zeal, particularly in the period of Miraglia, and<br />

sought to strengthen it amongst his people with his instructions.” 291 “He showed himself greatly<br />

courageous during the period of Miraglia.” 292 “I remember [...] here in Piacenza, how sad and sorrowful<br />

he was at the time of the schism of Miraglia, and that he had us all pray […] to propitiate God that faith<br />

might not fade away in many families, on which that poor priest had unfortunately an influence.” 293<br />

e) His Two Trips to the Americas and His Action for Migrants.<br />

60. - There were people, journalists especially, who ascribed the interest and the<br />

action of the Servant of God on behalf of migrants to certain ostentation or to his<br />

ambition to succeed Calabiana in the chair of the Archdiocese of Milan. 294 For this<br />

reason, the Promoter of the Faith of the Diocesan Process posed the as to “whether the<br />

motive of his two trips to the Americas was only the propagation of the faith”, and<br />

whether “he suffered oppositions, physical and moral hardships, before, during, and after<br />

his two trips right for the faith.” 295 The Witnesses answered:<br />

“The motive of the two trips that the Servant of God undertook to the Americas could not be but<br />

the preservation of the Faith in his diocesan and Italian fellow emigrants in America [...].He bore many<br />

contradictions and had to suffer many physical and moral hardships before, during, and after his trips.<br />

All acts I would not hesitate to define as heroic, especially because of their continuity [...]. His sickness,<br />

in fact, that would bring him to his death, suffered a premature turn for the worse [...]. I have him<br />

present before my eyes with an emaciated face, in a state of exhaustion, but with a countenance that<br />

conferred on him an aureole of sanctity and greatness.” 296<br />

289 Idem, Discorso […] per if giubileo episcopale di Mons. Geremia Bonomelli, Cremona 1896, pp. 9-10.<br />

290 A. De Martini, Processo c. p., f. 268. Summarium, par. 290. The Servant of God quickly succeeded in<br />

frustrating the attempt at establishing an Evangelist Methodist Church in Piacenza (Cfr: Biography, pp.<br />

866-869).<br />

291 F. Cattivelli, Ibid., f. 386.<br />

292 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 589.<br />

293 C. Douglas Scotti, Ibid.. f. 325. -The “schism” caused by the Sicilian priest Paolo Miraglia Gullotti<br />

troubled the Church at Piacenza in 1895-1900; this was the most trying and meritorious period of the life of<br />

the Servant of God (Cfr. Biography, pp. 872-905).<br />

294 Cfr. Biography, p. 1131.<br />

295 Cfr. processo c, p., Interrogatorio 29°, 943.<br />

296 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., ff. 220-221.<br />


“I am convinced that Bishop Scalabrini had decided to take his two trips to America for the<br />

purpose of visiting his missionaries and for reviving in person the religious piety in the emigrants. I do<br />

not know whether he suffered oppositions. I noticed with my own eyes, however, his wasting away that<br />

engendered in me and in others a most painful impression when we went to meet him in Rome on his<br />

return from the second trip: he was emaciated, gaunt, but serene and at ease.” 297<br />

“The Servant of God made the two trips to the Americas in order to defend and keep alive the faith<br />

in emigrants, and to see for himself the works of the priests he had sent. He had many contradictions<br />

and sufferings, moral sufferings during his first trip, and physical sufferings during the second one,<br />

from which he returned more run down in health.” 298<br />

The fact, underlined by many Witnesses, that the two visits to the emigrants and his<br />

missionaries in America shortened his life because of the physical hardships he had<br />

encountered for the faith, is to these Witnesses a mark of a faith highly superior to the<br />

common degree, by which he had “the Vision” of the need and importance of keeping<br />

alive and promoting the faith that expanded far beyond the limits of his diocese: “he<br />

strove to do this also abroad, as it is proven by the institution of his Missionaries.” 299<br />

Such “vision” was uncommon, as Blessed Luigi Orione observes:<br />

“In regard to the trips of the Servant of God to the Americas I can say this: Bishop Scalabrini bore<br />

the great sacrifices deriving from them for the main purpose of preserving the faith in the Italian<br />

emigrants in the present and for the future at a time when nobody had thought of it.” 300<br />

No other motive but his zeal for the faith guided him in this enterprise he undertook<br />

at an age and in a state of health and in prohibitive traveling conditions.<br />

“Certainly the motive of his two trips to the Americas was the safekeeping of the faith in<br />

emigrants: something he had very much at heart: and I know that he had to undergo many hardships,<br />

especially in his second trip, which he took in already pitiful conditions of health, as I had the<br />

opportunity to verify when I saw him in Rome in those days. For sure, he did not expect any reward<br />

from men. This is proven by the fact that he did not accept the usual offerings that are given on<br />

occasion of confirmations or other rites. I know that the American bishops were quite edified and<br />

pleased with it.” 301<br />

“The purpose of the Servant of God's trips to the Americas was certainly that of providing in<br />

person his missionaries with the most effective means of keeping the faith alive in emigrants and to<br />

foster in them piety and love for their distant homeland. And from what I heard, he did all this in the<br />

midst of extraordinary physical sufferings and with untiring zeal, especially in his second trip that cost<br />

him his life. On his return, he well showed how he had readily suffered, expecting his reward only from<br />

the Lord.” 302<br />

61. - The Witnesses at the Process could not have full knowledge of the innumerable<br />

difficulties the Servant of God had to bear in founding and supporting the apostolic<br />

institution destined to keeping safe the faith of emigrants. Only the reading of the four<br />

chapters (XVII-XX) of his Biography, illustrating the history of the foundation of the<br />

Missionary Religious Congregations for Migrants and of the Society of Saint Raphael,<br />

can give one an idea of the fortitude, the constancy, and the spirit of faith with which the<br />

Servant of God intervened, “as the Bishop beyond compare” (Benedict XV), for the<br />

defense and the preservation of the faith, also outside his diocese, in millions and millions<br />

of emigrants, who, because of the very fact of emigration, were running the risk of-losing<br />

the most precious gift of their lives. The problem was deeply felt by the bishops of the<br />

297 140 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 664. Summarium, par. 750.<br />

298 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 345. Summarium, par. 413.<br />

299 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid., f. 371.<br />

300 L. Orione, Ibid., f. 822. Summarium, par. 954.<br />

301 B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid., f. 748. Summarium, par. 866.<br />

302 G. Calzinari, Ibid., f. 629. Summarium, par. 709.<br />


United States, but they proposed remedies that were not fit for the particular character of<br />

Italian emigration. The Bishops of other nations, in general, did not concern themselves<br />

very much about this new challenge for the faith of Catholics, and at the same time this<br />

challenge for the Church, which could have obtained a propagation of the faith even more<br />

effective than the propagation of the missions among the infidels, had there been a well<br />

directed assistance to Catholic emigrants from the beginning. As far as we know, the<br />

Servant of God was the only one to have this vision of faith and trust. In general, the<br />

perception was lacking that the future of Catholicism of many Christian nations depended<br />

on the ever greater movement of poor people, Catholic especially, that was rapidly<br />

assuming the tragic, though providential, proportions of a Biblical exodus. Society and<br />

the men of the Church as well, seemed generally blind, deaf, and mute, in the face of this<br />

grand “sign of the times.” All credit must be given to the ardent and patient zeal for the<br />

faith of the Servant of God who sensitized Church and society to this drama of<br />

incalculable consequence and made the Church realize the urgent need for a pastoral<br />

action fit for the new phenomenon, of a “specific” pastoral action for migrants, that might<br />

transform a calamity into a providential, though sorrowful, instrument for the coming of<br />

the kingdom; a calamity such as was in prospect, or in the making already, with the loss<br />

of the faith on the part of millions of Catholics.<br />

He was given credit for this, as we have pointed out before, by Saint Pius X 303 ,and<br />

Benedict XV 304 .With the Apostolic Constitution Exul Familia, Pius XII solemnly<br />

sanctioned this very “specific pastoral care” for migrants, explicitly mentioning the name<br />

of the Bishop that had been its main author:<br />

“Consequently, that apostolic man, whom we have proclaimed as most deserving of the Church<br />

and of his country, with the cooperation of zealous priests and bishops, has founded an Institute of<br />

Priests [...]. And so the family was formed of the Missionaries of Saint Charles for Italian migrants, of<br />

which the Servant of God is the acknowledged Founder.” 305<br />

f) Apostle to the Deaf-mutes.<br />

62. - The same motive urged him to devote his spiritual and material cares to the<br />

deaf-mutes:<br />

“If the deaf-mute without instruction is viewed by all as a reasoning being that does not reason, an<br />

orphan isolated in the family, a loner in the midst of men, a savage in the civil society; for the Church of<br />

God, to us, he is, above all, a soul deprived of the bread of life, an infidel as to actual faith, an<br />

individual ignorant of all revealed truths.” 306<br />

“He is exposed to steady illusions, deprived of all consolations, destined to live an earthly exile<br />

without direction, without hope, without love [...]. But worse of all, my dearly beloved, without<br />

religious instruction the deaf-mute is ever exposed to a real danger of eternal damnation.” 307<br />

It is quite interesting to note the analogy that the Servant of God has drawn between<br />

the migrant and the deaf-mute, “a stranger in his own family, to his own country, to<br />

303 Cfr. Breve of Pius X, October 18, 1913. Summarium, par. 1053.<br />

304 Cfr. Letter of Benedict XV, June 30, 1915. Summarium, par. 1052.<br />

305 Pius XII, Constitutio Apostolica de Spirituali Emigrantium Cura (Exul Familia), 'Acta Apostolicae<br />

Sedis', XXXXIV, 1952, pp. 146 147<br />

306 G. B. Scalabrini, Intorno all'lstruzione dei Sordomuti. Piacenza 1880, p. 8. - Concerning the work of the<br />

Servant of God on behalf of the deaf-mute, Cfr. Biography, pp. 467 484.<br />

307 Ibid. , pp. 11-12.<br />


Religion”, subject to that “dismal tedium that weighs heavy on his soul like the eternity<br />

of a pain”, because “no moral life is possible for the individual, as for a nation, without<br />

the gift of speech.” The mission for the deaf-mutes, like that for migrants, is the<br />

equivalent to the mission for the infidels:<br />

“So much is being done for the infidels, but no thought is unfortunately given to the infidels<br />

among us, as indeed are the poor deaf-mute boys and girls who have no instructions.” 308<br />

To sum it up, the principle that always moves the Servant of God is the saying of<br />

Saint Paul: fides ex auditu (faith comes through hearing). Hence, his concern for<br />

establishing a language of communication through which the Word of God could reach<br />

all men (catechesis), migrants (reestablishing communication with society and with the<br />

receiving Church), deaf-mutes (creating communication with the community of men), so<br />

that all the children of God could benefit of the normal means of salvation Divine<br />

Providence has placed at our disposal.<br />

g) Devotion to the Eucharist.<br />

63. - Question 30 asked whether the heroic faith of the Servant of God could be<br />

proven by “fervent manifestations, that is, special and extraordinary, concerning his<br />

devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, to the Saints, and in particular, to the Blessed<br />

Mother.” 309 A few Witnesses tarry in describing the personal devotion of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini; others point out the initiatives he undertook to promote devotion to the<br />

Eucharist among the people. From the former ones, we gather those depositions which<br />

are most detailed:<br />

“The manifestations of faith of the Servant of God that impressed me the most were those in<br />

regard to the celebration of the Mass, in which there transpired from his voice, recollection, and<br />

ceremonies a spirit enraptured in the contemplation of the divine mystery. His long private thanksgiving<br />

after the liturgical one was a source of much edification. The same must be said of his frequent visits<br />

made during the day to the Blessed Sacrament where he was usually seen devoutly reciting the<br />

Breviary.” 310<br />

“The faith of the Servant of God had surely extraordinary manifestations in his piety towards the<br />

Sacrament of the Eucharist, to which he was most devoted. On arrival to a Parish church, he<br />

immediately paid a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Usually, after celebrating his own Mass, he attended<br />

a second one. No matter how many the religious functions of the day, he never departed without<br />

adoring first Jesus in the Sacrament. On arriving at the Dean's church again he visited the Eucharist. He<br />

did the same in the morning before setting out anew [...]. I deem it opportune to tell an impression I<br />

always had whenever I assisted him in the celebration of Mass. I had the impression as if a warm<br />

current were emitted from his person; something that surprised me and more, considering the fact that I<br />

am not easy prey to illusions.” 311<br />

“The faith of the Servant of God was shown especially in his devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist.<br />

Always devout throughout the whole Mass, he was visibly transformed at the consecration, so as to<br />

impress me who had not made yet any particular study of ascetic and mystic theology.” 312<br />

308 Idem, "Speech for the Annual Recital of the Deaf-mute". June 10, 1897 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3018/17 ).<br />

309 Cfr. Processo c, p., f. 953.<br />

310 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 221. - Pages 352-370 of the Biography deal with the Eucharistic devotion of the<br />

Servant of God.<br />

311 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 229. Summarium, par. 347.<br />

312 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., ff. 733-734. Summarium, par.838.<br />


“This faith was manifested in an extraordinary way in his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. He<br />

spent long hours in his Presence, putting to good use a small window looking into the cathedral from his<br />

episcopal residence, by the altar of the Madonna del Popolo (Our Lady of the People). He aroused<br />

enthusiasm indeed when he spoke, in public or in private, of the Eucharist to the people gathered before<br />

the Blessed Sacrament; so much so that he gave the impression he was seeing the Lord with his<br />

corporal eyes.” 313<br />

"The Servant of God had a very great devotion for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He used to<br />

spend long hours kneeling by a balcony of his residence which opened towards the Blessed Sacrament<br />

in the Cathedral. On various occasions I heard his domestics respectfully urging him to sit at least; but<br />

he answered not to be disturbed.” 314<br />

“The faith of the Servant of God had special and extraordinary manifestations in his most intense<br />

devotion to Jesus in the Sacrament. He was spending a long time every day before the Tabernacle,<br />

during the daylight, and more so in the dead of night, as I had often the opportunity to witness, in<br />

person.” 315<br />

“A thousand times and again, I myself caught him in prayer prostrate on his knees on the floor<br />

before the Blessed Sacrament.” 316<br />

Furthermore, a number of witnesses added that he had the custom of placing his most<br />

difficult problems and decisions in direct contact with the Blessed Sacrament: “When he<br />

had a hard and difficult problem on hand, he used to place the document under the<br />

corporal in hope to be enlightened.” 317 We mentioned already his desire to be buried near<br />

the altar of the Blessed Sacrament at whose feet he had his tomb made ready, and his<br />

dream to be granted the opportunity to say one last Mass before the last judgment.<br />

64. - A faith so vivid and a love so ardent could not help spill over into his pastoral<br />

activity.<br />

“Certainly, the faith of the Servant of God shone in a particular way in the Eucharistic initiatives<br />

he promoted, such as the revival of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, the perpetual adoration<br />

in turn throughout the diocese with the provision that during the exposition, preaching should be on the<br />

Eucharist, the celebration of the Eucharistic Synod that represented the last testimony of his faith and<br />

love for Jesus in the Sacrament.” 318<br />

“If devotion to the Blessed Sacrament has been so widely revived in the diocese, particular credit<br />

must be given to the Servant of God, who made use of all possible means in order to teach and instill it<br />

in the people.” 319<br />

“It is my conviction that the most remarkable sign of the devotion of the Servant of God for the Holy<br />

Eucharist was the convocation of a synod all devoted to the Blessed Sacrament; besides his personal daily<br />

practices and his preaching by which he urged the people to the frequent reception of the sacraments.” 320<br />

“I point out, in particular, the care with which (and he used to talk with satisfaction to me about it) he<br />

wanted the perpetual adoration to be conducted in turn all over his diocese. Ahead of his times, he<br />

zealously prepared the Eucharistic Synod in all its details, enacting precise provisions, presently found<br />

enacted in Canon Law, in Eucharistic Congresses, and in the instructions of the Congregation for the<br />

Sacraments.” 321<br />

313 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 114. Summarium, par. 168.<br />

314 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 346. Summarium, par. 414.<br />

315 F. Gregori., Ibid., f. 561. Summarium, par. 622.<br />

316 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 69. Summarium, 92.<br />

317 A. Bianchi, Ibid., ff. 664-665. Summarium, par. 751.<br />

318 L. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 707. Summarium, par. 806.<br />

319 A. Ranza, Ibid., ff. 647-648.<br />

320 A. Carisni, Ibid., ff. 429-430.<br />

321 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 748, Summarium, par. 867.<br />


“He introduced the practice of the Forty Hours, wherever there was none, and ordered it in such a way<br />

as to have solemn exposition every day in some church of the diocese.” 322<br />

A few other initiatives are mentioned, like the institution of the Opera dei<br />

Tabernacoli (Work of the Tabernacles) for poor churches; 323 the establishment in<br />

Piacenza of a group of the Daughters of Saint Joseph of Blessed Murialdo to provide altar<br />

bread and wine for the diocese 324 ; the founding of some kind of Third Order of the<br />

Daughters of Saint Ann, formed by the Deaf-mute Sacramentine Sisters. 325<br />

h) Devotion to the Blessed Mother.<br />

65. - “The Servant of God indeed had a Marian soul; he had an exceptional devotion<br />

to the Mother of God, and he promoted ordinary and extraordinary celebrations in her<br />

honor.” 326 This is how a Witness sums up the devotion of Bishop Scalabrini to Mary,<br />

both on the personal and on the apostolic level, as acknowledged by all.<br />

“He was most devout to the Blessed Mother; he spoke of her as one who is inspired" 327 "he spoke<br />

of her with such love as an angel seraph would; and he took advantage of all occasions to spread<br />

devotion to her.” 328<br />

“He had a filial and admirable devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin. I only would like to mention<br />

the solemn crowning of our Madonna di San Marco, for which he donated the precious crowns mounted<br />

with the jewels of his mother. I was present at the sacred rite, very impressive because of the presence<br />

of many bishops and of an immense crowd from the whole valley which he addressed outdoors. On that<br />

occasion he raised such a beautiful hymn of praise to her that he seemed to me inspired by an angel.” 329<br />

“With pleasure I recall another sermon he preached in the Cathedral in honor of the Immaculate on<br />

his second return from America. I was sitting next to Father Trussardi, a Jesuit. At the conclusion of his<br />

homily, the religious burst out exclaiming: ‘Only an Angel can speak like this!’” 330<br />

“To give you some idea of his devotion to the Blessed Mother, be it enough to mention that when<br />

in 1894 he came to bless the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the 'Bomba' by the park and to crown the<br />

devout image, he spoke no less than seven times on Mary Most Holy. I still have vivid on my mind the<br />

grandiose celebrations held in the Cathedral in honor of the Madonna del Popolo (the Blessed Mother<br />

of the People) following the theft of the two golden crowns. On that occasion we were given the chance<br />

to admire his zeal and unutterable enthusiasm for the glory of the Most Blessed Virgin.” 331<br />

The most loved privileges in Bishop Scalabrini's devotion to Mary were the Divine<br />

Maternity and the Immaculate Conception, perhaps because the proclamation of this<br />

dogma had taken place when he was eleven years old and gave him the impression of an<br />

extraordinary event in the history of the Church. Later on, he added the privilege of the<br />

Assumption, when he was made Bishop of Piacenza, where Mary Assumed into Heaven<br />

is the Titular of the Cathedral and the Patroness of the city. He celebrated with particular<br />

322 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 299. Summarium, par. 347.<br />

323 A. De Martini, Ibid., f. 269. Summarium, par. 292.<br />

324 C. Spallazzi. Ibid., ff. 75-76.<br />

325 G. Squeri, Ibid., ff. 530. Summarium, par. 564. - These are the 'Suore Terziarie Sacramentine' aggregates<br />

of the Daughters of Saint Ann (Cfr. Biography. pp. 473-474).<br />

326 A. De Martini, Ibid., f. 269. Summarium, par. 293. - Concerning the devotion of the Servant of God to<br />

our Lady Cfr. Biography, pp. 379-394.<br />

327 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 837.<br />

328 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 70.7. Summarium, par. 807<br />

329 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 530. Summarium, par. 5M.<br />

330 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 300. Summarium, par. 349.<br />

331 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 346. Summarium, par. 415.<br />


solemnity the 25 th and 50 th anniversaries of the definition of the Immaculate Conception.<br />

The most outstanding mark of the ardor he could instill in the people when urging them<br />

to be devout to Our Lady is shown in the 30,000 communions distributed only in the city<br />

of Piacenza on December 8, 1904 332 .Another 20,000 people had received Holy<br />

Communion on the 10 th of January 1893 , for the crowning of the Madonna del Popolo. 333<br />

The Servant of God, in fact, could not accept a devotion to Mary separated from devotion<br />

to the Eucharist, as he could not think of it as unrelated to the Church: “two most noble<br />

kinds of love with which our hearts are on fire, love for the Church and love for Mary,<br />

will blend in one. 334<br />

66. - These are a few of the facts that authorize us to place Bishop Scalabrini's<br />

devotion to Mary amongst the clearest marks of his faith:<br />

“Beyond all doubt, God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Church, the Roman Pontiff, are all<br />

links of a mysterious chain that binds time to eternity. Woe, two times woe to any of one who breaks<br />

lose only one of these three links.” 335<br />

He was educated to devotion to Mary by his mother. 336 Since he was a boy, he had<br />

recited every day the “Angelus and the Rosary”, “noble marks of Catholic piety.” 337<br />

During the month of October, he used to say it in the cathedral together with his people,<br />

and he extended the practice to the whole diocese. 338 Every morning, he renewed his<br />

consecration to the Blessed Mother, 339 and in his retreats, he kept on confirming his<br />

resolve of total abandonment to the Blessed Virgin, to whom he used to say he “owed<br />

everything”:<br />

“Great and true devotion to my dear and most sweet Mother Mary. Ora pro me peccatore, nunc et<br />

in hora mortis meae. Amen.” 340 “Greater care in my devotion to the Blessed Mother: prostrate myself at<br />

her feet, in her motherly arms, every day!” 341 “Persevering and tender devotion to the Blessed Mother:<br />

she is my Mother, and she will obtain all things for me if I will show myself her sincere and true<br />

servant.” 342<br />

One can state that he wrote no letter to the rector of the Seminary of Bedonia,<br />

attached to the Minor Basilica of our Lady of Saint Mark or Consolation, without asking<br />

to pray for him:<br />

“A visit to our more than beloved Mother... all for me, who am most in need. Tell her to teach me<br />

the love of God, the love for the cross, a holy surrender to God's will, death to the world, death to my<br />

heart, to all things. How happy would I be, should you obtain this grace for me!” 343<br />

For the crowning of the Madonna di San Marco in 1889, he ordered "a big<br />

celebration that may please above, 344 preceded by a long and intense spiritual preparation<br />

of the people, so that their piety might be rooted in the “conversion of the heart” (just as<br />

332 Cfr. Biography, p. 382.<br />

333 Cfr. Biography, P. 385.<br />

334 G. B. Scalabrini, "Homily for the Assumption, 1882" (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3017/1).<br />

335 Idem, "Homily for Pentecost, 1900" (Ibid., 3016/6). 179) Cfr. Biography, p. 39.<br />

336 Cfr. Biography, p. 39<br />

337 G. B. Scalabrini, Comunicazione dell'Enciclica Supremi Apostolatus, Piacenza 1883, p. 7.<br />

338 Cfr. Biography, p. 393.<br />

339 Cfr. F. Gregori, Processo c, p., f. 561. Summarium, Par.623.<br />

340 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 324.<br />

341 Ibid., p. 330.<br />

342 Ibid., p. 331<br />

343 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to N. Bruni, Piacenza, September 13, 1892 (Archivio Seminario Bedonia).<br />

344 Idem, November 27, 1888 (Ibid.).<br />


he did for any other great religious celebration). We point out the truly filial loving<br />

gesture mentioned by a Witness: he wanted the jewels, once owned by his earthly mother,<br />

mounted on the crowns together with the other precious stones. 345<br />

i) Devotion to the Saints<br />

67. - According to the Witnesses at the Diocesan Process, the Saints for whom<br />

Bishop Scalabrini had a special devotion, besides Saint Joseph, were the two bishops he<br />

had chosen as models of his episcopate, Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Francis de<br />

Sales, and the Saints of “Piacenza”, who were the “fathers in the faith” of his diocese.<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini also had a great devotion for Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Francis de<br />

Sales, whose lives he constantly read in order to follow their examples and set them before others,<br />

especially the Clergy. Likewise, for Saint Antonino and his holy predecessors. He expressed this<br />

devotion by reviving it in the Diocese, also for the other Saints of Piacenza with the verification of their<br />

relics, the reform and updating of the breviary and their liturgical feasts, and often with very solemn<br />

celebrations.” 346<br />

“He did whatever could be done in order to improve the devotion especially to the Saints of<br />

Piacenza.” 347<br />

“He showed a very special devotion for the Saints of Piacenza by completing the verification of<br />

their relics; so much so that I heard it said by the less pious ones: ‘Our Bishop does not leave in peace<br />

anyone, not even the Saints.’” 348<br />

“One of the credits of the Servant of God was the revival of devotion to the Titular Saints of the<br />

Parishes, whose feasts he wanted celebrated with great solemnity.” 349<br />

We can also easily discover the roots of this singular devotion of his to the Saints in<br />

the faith and in his love for the faith: as he used to tell his flock, the Servant of God<br />

considered them their most deserving benefactors, because with their martyrdom or with<br />

their preaching and example they had given the people of Piacenza the greatest gift of all;<br />

they were “their fathers in the faith.”:<br />

“I gave then more serious thought to the need, indeed previously realized, that we have, that is,<br />

that the Saints who are more familiar to us, moved by our particular devotion and veneration, may<br />

obtain, for me and my beloved children, fortitude in the faith, so necessary in our day for Christians to<br />

win. It is my earnest desire, therefore, to arouse in my flock the sentiments of devotion for said Saints<br />

which nourished the faith and Christian life of our forefathers. In considering how I could best achieve<br />

this purpose, I thought there was still one thing I should do to inflame my children with the devotion<br />

toward our generous Patron Saints and Fathers: to make known their deeds, their burial places, their<br />

relics, and to promote devotion in them through opportune and learned studies that may accurately and<br />

wisely illustrate the monuments and documents concerning them, thus to present them for meditation;<br />

to return afterwards the bones of Saint Antonino and Saint Victor back in urns in such a way as to make<br />

it possible to expose them in public, before the eyes of the people, and for the veneration by the people<br />

on certain festivities, or in impending and dangerous calamities.” 350<br />

345 Cfr. Biography, p. 387.<br />

346 F. Gregori, Processo c. p., ff. 561-562. Summarium, par.624.<br />

347 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 300. Summarium, par. 350<br />

348 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 837. Summarium, par. 977<br />

349 G. Polledri, Ibid. f. 590.<br />

350 G. B. Scalabrini, Relatio Status Ecclesiae Placentinae (second report on the Diocese for the visit ad<br />

limina), December II, 1879 (Archivio Vescovile of Piacenza). Concerning the devotion of the Servant of<br />

God to the Saints, Cfr. Biography, pp. 394-401.<br />


A similar consideration is found in his view of the Pastoral care of migrants: popular<br />

religiosity had to be kept alive, because it is one of the supporting pillars of the faith.<br />

When speaking of emigration, in fact, the Servant of God always goes back to the"<br />

ancestral faith", the "faith of the fathers", that must be safeguarded as the most precious<br />

heritage of the spiritual and cultural patrimony of peoples and individuals: indeed the<br />

Saints venerated in their towns of origin are the living and concrete symbols of a faith<br />

handed down from generation to generation.<br />


2. HOPE<br />

68. - The Witnesses saw the extraordinary degree of the hope of the Servant of God<br />

especially in his submissiveness and constancy in the midst of oppositions and sufferings<br />

he encountered especially at the time of the "schism" of Miraglia; in the trust with which<br />

he undertook his daring enterprises, without straying into presumption; in certain special<br />

signs by which Divine Providence rewarded his trust; and in the serenity with which he<br />

accepted death.<br />

a) Persevering Trust in God<br />

69. - Witness L. Bertola draws a good portrait of the context in which Bishop<br />

Scalabrini exercised the theological virtue of hope: “The episcopate of Bishop Scalabrini<br />

was dreadful; if he did not get discouraged, therefore, and if he courageously kept<br />

carrying on his ministry, one must admit that he was supported by the highest trust in<br />

God.” 351 “The impression one received in approaching the Servant of God was one of a person trustingly<br />

abandoned in God and ever disposed to face any contradiction.” 352<br />

“He was gifted with an unshakable temperament that did not allow any discouragement or<br />

weakening, ever sustained by trust in God.” 353<br />

“He was animated at all times by an all-embracing and deep hope in God. In the face of the most<br />

trying difficulties and responsibilities he might be taken by surprise, but he never became upset, and I<br />

have never seen him lose his serenity. He used to say that when one works for the Lord, his help cannot<br />

be lacking.” 354<br />

“His hope has always been most steadfast. When finding opposition he was used to say: ‘This is a<br />

good omen: the devil does not want this work: this presupposes that it is wanted by God! So, let us go<br />

ahead with it.’” 355<br />

“Concerning the heroic hope of the Servant of God, after good reflection and deliberation he used<br />

to say: ‘What will be, will be; we must go ahead, because God wills it!’ And so he was saying even in<br />

the midst of the struggles and oppositions that never lacked in the long course of his Episcopal ministry.<br />

More than that, he took being opposed by men as the characteristic note of any work of God.” 356<br />

As said before, many Witnesses made particular reference to the great tribulation of<br />

the years 1895-1900, when the Servant of God had to climb the calvary of his life<br />

because of the schismatic little church set up by Father Paul Miraglia:<br />

“Being fully aware of his spirit constantly conformed to the will of God, I have no reason to doubt<br />

that Bishop Scalabrini let himself be discouraged by the oppositions he faced in his pastoral ministry.<br />

Even during the period of Miraglia, though one could see him suffering physically, he was constantly<br />

solicitous in the fulfillment of all his duties, without untimely recriminations.” 357<br />

“Even in times of greatest suffering, and in particular during the dark period of Miraglia, if I saw<br />

him in sorrow, I never heard him utter words of distress, discouragement, or distrust.” 358<br />

351 L. Bertola, Processo, c. p.. f. 721.<br />

352 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 837. Summarium, par. 978.<br />

353 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid.. f. 372.<br />

354 G. Polledri, Ibid., ff. 590-591.<br />

355 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 45. Summarium, par. 44.<br />

356 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 168.<br />

357 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 707.<br />

358 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 749. Summarium, par. 808.<br />


We had more than one occasion to call to mind all the tribulations the Servant of<br />

God had to face because of his voluntary commitment to promoting the pastoral updating<br />

of the Church, even when he was in disagreement with a certain section of Italian<br />

Catholics,. The extraordinary degree of his trust in God and in the Church herself can be<br />

measured by the bitterness and duration of such struggles.<br />

“In the midst of the oppositions, difficulties, and sufferings that marked his Episcopate, the<br />

Servant of God always held a spirit of perfect abandonment and trust in God. This is seen also in the<br />

letters he wrote in sad circumstances which he always concluded with expressions that showed his<br />

complete conformity with the will of God and his unlimited trust in his help.” 359<br />

He had resolved, in fact: “I have to place an inexhaustible, immutable trust in the<br />

goodness of God in all things till the end.” 360<br />

b) Holy Boldness<br />

70. - “In all his undertakings, he had full trust in God. Without such unbreakable<br />

hope, he would have never been able to accomplish so many admirable apostolic<br />

works.” 361 “Nothing made him back off from his courageous initiatives.” 362<br />

“One must admit that Bishop Scalabrini was animated by an extraordinary hope in God, because<br />

we can well state that without human resources and only with trust in God, he undertook so many works<br />

of great importance, particularly the Institute for Deaf-mute Girls and the Congregation of the<br />

Missionaries for Emigrants in America.” 363<br />

“He was a man filled with the most vivid hope in God concerning the means required in order to<br />

complete the works he planned to do: grandiose works, indeed, and daring for his day. Such<br />

abandonment in God never failed him.” 364<br />

“Concerning his hope I can say this, that he told me a few times: ‘I undertake a work, then I place<br />

it in the hands of God; from then on I let him worry about it.” 365<br />

“One can state that Bishop Scalabrini has hoped against all hope. Always conscious of his<br />

responsibilities, I repeat that he never wavered, always abandoning himself in the hands of God.” 366 "He<br />

was very much aware of his responsibility, but he lived, at the same time, perfectly abandoned in the<br />

hands of Divine Providence.” 367<br />

c) Trust that did not stray into presumption<br />

71. - One Witness sums up this particular aspect of his practice of the virtue of hope,<br />

stating that the Servant of God “possessed the virtue of hope in a superior degree, heroic,<br />

359 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 562. Summarium, par. 868.<br />

360 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, par. 325.<br />

361 G. Squeri, Processo c, p., f. 530. Summarium, par. 564.<br />

362 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 300. Summarium, par. 351.<br />

363 A. Scarani, Ibid., ff. 408-409.<br />

364 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 223.<br />

365 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid.. f. 734. Summarium, par. 839.<br />

366 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 430.<br />

367 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 347. Summarium, par. 416.<br />


in fact. Bu he never neglected using the human means proportionate to his initiatives and<br />

undertakings.” 368<br />

“The Servant of God was daring in his initiatives, but he did not neglect any human means in<br />

order to achieve his goals. He made the rounds with lectures, circular letters, personal visits, as was<br />

especially the case when he decided to found and support his Institute for Emigrants. There was no<br />

room for presumption in him. Besides, he instilled in others such complete trust in Divine Providence;<br />

he was frequently heard to repeat that one must not desist from doing good works for fear of not being<br />

able to meet the expenses, on condition that he be prudent and thrifty.” 369<br />

“He was a man of great views and talents, but his characteristic was to begin and to place all trust<br />

in God: far, then, he was from being presumptuous. At the same time, he devoted to his initiatives and<br />

undertakings all his splendid energies and the prestige he made prudent use of.” 370<br />

“He possessed a bold hope by which he undertook his works with determination; but he knew also<br />

how to foster good relations with people of means, disposed to do charitable deeds. To reach his goals,<br />

he never neglected the human means.” 371<br />

“He was not the man to wait for Divine Providence to step in through the window, but in all his<br />

undertakings he did all in his power to bring them to completion.” 372<br />

d) A Hope rewarded by Divine Providence<br />

72. - While Monsignor Mondini states in a general way that “in all circumstances the<br />

Servant of God saw his hope rewarded with extraordinary and truly providential help,<br />

often arriving at the moment of the greatest need,” 373 ,other Witnesses mention specific<br />

facts:<br />

“He told me a number of times how Divine Providence had come quite unexpectedly to help take<br />

care of urgent needs. By the way, I recall how, on reminding him respectfully one day of his pledge to<br />

pay 17,000 liras for the expenses of the restoration of the church of Saint Peter, he threw at me, who<br />

had just entered his office, a checkbook of the Cassa di Risparmio (Savings Bank), without moving<br />

from his desk, and exclaimed: ‘The Good Lord has provided, take that dirty stuff.’ The book was worth<br />

30,000 Liras.” 374<br />

“One day, when in dire need of a conspicuous sum for an urgent payment, he received it at the<br />

opportune time in a parcel from a person totally unknown until then.” 375<br />

"One day in 1903, if I remember well, while in his office, we happened to turn our conversation on<br />

Divine Providence, his favorite subject, with a spirit open to the most vivid gratitude. He told me how<br />

only a few days earlier, he had the visit of a rich person, whose name he did not say, who had come in<br />

from Genoa. At the conclusion of their audience, he had given him an envelope. No sooner was he<br />

gone, than the Servant of God hurried to open it with the intuition that something providential must<br />

have been in there. And he found before his very eyes, in fact, the sum he needed for an urgent<br />

payment.” 376<br />

“I know at least of two occasions in which the Servant of God, after praying to God and placing in<br />

him all trust, had received several sums of money he needed for certain urgent payments. The first time<br />

I heard from others that a wholly unknown gentleman offered him an envelope with the sum he needed.<br />

368 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 485.<br />

369 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 30I. Summarium, par. 352-353.<br />

370 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 453. Summarium, par. 482.<br />

371 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 271. Summarium, par. 294.<br />

372 P. Agazzi, Ibid., f. 500. Summarium, par. 518.<br />

373 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 1.17. Summarium, par, 172.<br />

374 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 347. Summarium, par. 417.<br />

375 C. Mangot, Ibid., ff. 45-46. Summarium, par. 45.<br />

376 E. Morisi, Ibid., ff. 452-453. Summarium, par. 481.<br />


The second time (and this I saw it with my own eyes) at a moment of great need, a purse was conveyed<br />

to him through me that contained a handsome sum of golden pieces, donated by an unknown person<br />

who chose to remain so.” 377<br />

True, these are indeed extraordinary happenings, but more exceptional still is<br />

perhaps the fact that for the many forms of his charitable action, he always succeeded in<br />

finding the means to support his works and initiatives, though having to live, as it were,<br />

by the day, often with no prospective for the morrow:<br />

“The late Sister Candida Quadrani, Superior of the Istituto Sordomute, founded by the Servant of<br />

God, kept on telling me that when she had no money, she used to have recourse to the Bishop who<br />

consoled her exhorting her to place her trust in God saying: ‘Keep your peace, the help of God will not<br />

be late in coming.’ In fact, we never lacked the help of God: because by the end of each month, she was<br />

always solvent. And so it was for a period of over thirty years.” 378<br />

e) Hope in the Imminence of Death<br />

73. - “Bishop Scalabrini showed his hope in a most edifying manner, when he faced<br />

death with such serenity as to want to make sure himself that the vessel used for his<br />

Anointing of the Sick was indeed that of the oil for the Sick, exclaiming: ‘You are so<br />

upset that you may mistake it.’ He accompanied the prayer proper of the last rites with<br />

the marks of a most profound piety.” 379<br />

Monsignor Caccialanza recalls the remembrance of his father who was present at the<br />

death of the Servant of God: “On various occasions he told us how serene was Bishop<br />

Scalabrini in the face of death: so much so as to be himself the one to console the<br />

members of his family, urging them to conform to the will of God.” 380 “All [...] were<br />

repeating to me that he had died peacefully like a saint, showing a most firm hope in his<br />

eternal reward. I was not surprised at this, because especially in his last weeks, as he told<br />

me that he was experiencing the weight of his work, he was comforted at the thought that,<br />

having shed “rivers of sweat” for the Lord, he felt sure, after a little scorching perhaps, to<br />

go to Heaven.” 381<br />

His sister Louise, present at the passing of the Servant of God, recalls “His eyes<br />

shone of an uncommon light. He said, ‘I am ready, let us go’, and so he expired.” 382<br />

377 C. Spallazzi. Ibid., ff. 76-77. Summarium, par, 104.<br />

378 E. Martini, Ibid., f. 200.<br />

379 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 563. Summarium, par. 627.<br />

380 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 224.<br />

381 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 118-119. Summarium, par. 104.<br />

382 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., ff. 118-119. Summarium, par. 104<br />


3. CHARITY<br />

a) Love for God<br />

1) Hatred of Sin<br />

74. - In accord with the suggestion of Question 35, the Witnesses derive the heroicity<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini's love for God, above all, from his hatred against sin and from his<br />

striving for perfection, while neglecting, or just mentioning, other aspects, like his<br />

devotion to the Eucharist, already dealt with when speaking of his faith.<br />

“That the Servant of God was constantly aflame with an extraordinary love for God, it transpired<br />

not only from all his external acts of worship, but in all expressions of his life, so much so that whoever<br />

had the good luck, as I did, to get in touch with him, perceived that his thought was fixed in God and<br />

could hardly listen to any of his conversation, whatever its subject, in which his ardent love of God did<br />

not come to the surface, with much edification of all, often directly leading the less practicing to<br />

salutary decisions [...]. In regard to his implacable hatred of sin, I am in a position to state that he had a<br />

most delicate conscience, that made him choose his confessor amongst the priests closest to his<br />

residence to have him on hand, as he felt the need to go often to confession, as indeed he did, not<br />

shunning even young priests or those of his own household. By the way, I remember how he used to say<br />

that a Bishop, who under the weight of so many responsibilities has many occasions for faults, has often<br />

the need to purify his soul.” 383<br />

“I am convinced that the Servant of God hated sin, mortal sin above all. What I can state for sure<br />

are his delicate conscience and his ardent love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He went to<br />

confession very often. For sure, every week to his ordinary confessor, and many a time earlier than a<br />

week to his secretary.” 384<br />

“I can testify that the Servant of God had an implacable hatred against mortal sin, and I heard him<br />

say a thousand times: ‘Death rather than staining myself with a mortal sin, because the Bishop must be<br />

a confessor by his teachings, a martyr through sacrifice, and a virgin in purity.” 385<br />

“The Servant of God loved the Lord to a most intense degree. He hated mortal sin with an<br />

implacable hatred and avoided also venial sin. I came to this conclusion based on his edifying life and<br />

on his preaching that resulted most effectively when speaking of this subject.” 386<br />

“From the conversation, and more so from the preaching of the Servant of God, one could well<br />

conclude that he had it on his program to avoid not just mortal sin, but venial sin as well. He was<br />

recommending this with such an intense and convincing concern to impress people most effectively. All<br />

this was well understood by us, seminarians, whom he urged with a most endearing touch to avoid the<br />

least faults.” 387<br />

“As far as I know from the occasions I had to observe him, I have never noticed anything in the<br />

actions of the Servant of God that could be considered a serious sin or even a deliberate venial sin.” 388<br />

“The life of the Servant of God was such as to have anyone think that he avoided indeed also<br />

venial sin: his demeanor was edifying at all times.” 389<br />

383 L. Mondini, Processo c. p., f. 121. Summarium, par. 179, 181.<br />

384 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 83. Summarium, par, 113. -He had provided that his priests should present the<br />

deans the certificate of their weekly confession. He gave the example by giving his regularly to the Vicar<br />

General. (Cfr. Biography, pp. 130-131,313-314).<br />

385 Summarium, par. 628.<br />

386 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 169.<br />

387 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 453. Summarium, par. 483. Cfr. E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 224.<br />

388 F. Lotteri, Ibid., 708. Summarium, par. 809.<br />

389 A. Buzzetti, Ibid., ff. 784-785<br />


“His outstanding piety, his demeanor, ever reserved and most delicate, sufficiently showed that the<br />

Servant of God was always vigilant about himself, shunning even the slightest faults.” 390<br />

“From the high standards of life of the Servant of God, one could well perceive his horror not only<br />

for mortal sin, but for venial sin as well, which also he avoided, as it was clearly apparent also in his<br />

conversation and in the exact fulfillment of his least duties.” 391<br />

2) Striving for Perfection<br />

75. - “In regard to his love for God, I can state that his conversation was always edifying, and<br />

whatever the subject, he directed it to God, on the supernatural level, with ease: evident proof that his<br />

soul was ever united with God.” 392<br />

“I always had the impression that Bishop Scalabrini was leading the life of a saint: but in<br />

preference over my impression, I would like to report that this was also the conviction of his Vice-<br />

Secretary, Father Francis Sidoli, who subsequently became Archbishop of Genoa where he died. Not<br />

just on one occasion did he speak to me of the Servant of God with such admiration as to depict him as<br />

a man of a most saintly life and sublime perfection.” 393<br />

Striving for perfection and holiness was a constant concern, or rather commitment,<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini. We can verify it in the "resolutions" he was making at the close of<br />

his annual retreats and monthly days of recollection:<br />

“The dignity of the Bishop is divine - Deus, honor omnium dignitatum (God, source of all<br />

dignities); it must be so in a very special way of the Episcopal dignity. I must make myself worthy of it<br />

by elevating myself, purifying myself, deifying my soul. ‘Episcopus est homo Dei et post Deum<br />

terrenus Deus’ (the Bishop is a man of God and after God, a God on earth). I must be grave,<br />

irreproachable, modest, steadfast, gentle and strong, magnanimous, and noble in all things.” 394<br />

“In all his actions, a bishop must be moved by the Holy Spirit, who is the moving force of the<br />

most holy humanity of Jesus Christ. He must bear violence on himself in order to become a saint [...]. I<br />

must elevate myself, purify myself, deify my soul. ‘Tantum proficies quantum tibi vim intuleris’ (you<br />

will improve in proportion with your effort).” 395<br />

390 A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 649.<br />

391 G. Squeri, Ibid., ff. 530-531, Summarium, par. 565. -In his "resolutions", the Servant of God often<br />

renews the most resolute purpose to avoid sin: “I will often meditate that the sin of a bishop is that mystery<br />

of iniquity for which there is no expiating victim! Something to make one's blood run cold! O my God,<br />

mercy! (G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi" Summarium, p. 333). From what we gather in the few personal notes<br />

that were left to us (notes written during his meditations between January 26 and February 15, 1893.<br />

Scalabrinian General Archive, 3027/1), sensuality was to him his "capital defect", against which he uses<br />

expressions of the deepest disgust: "cursed beast", "smelly carcass", "ugly beast", "repulsive animal", "dirty<br />

ugly mug". We shall see at N° 118, when dealing with his chastity, how Bishop Scalabrini gives even the<br />

impression of being scrupulous, in a certain sense.<br />

392 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 749. Summarium, par. 869.<br />

393 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 271. Summarium, par. 295.<br />

394 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 325. More than once we find, in the letters of the Servant<br />

of God to Bonomelli, the manifestation of his desire to become a saint. On the occasion of a sickness he<br />

wrote: “What am I to do? one must adore the designs of God and compensate for lack of physical strength<br />

with sanctity; and I have so little of it!” In a period of moral trials, he expressed the same will: “As to<br />

myself: I am resolved to concern myself only about my diocese, my missions, and my friends. These are<br />

decreasing by the day; neither do I care to increase their number! Oh, could I only become a saint! to be a<br />

saint! This is the whole man!” (Letters of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, September 10, 1884<br />

and January 24, 1897, Archivio Bonomelli. Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan).<br />

395 Ibid., p. 326.<br />


“Remember that a Bishop must be a virgin, a confessor, a martyr. A Virgin for the purity of his<br />

life; a confessor for his patience; a martyr for his zeal and charity. Formidable role, necessary<br />

sufferings, powerful graces.” 396<br />

“Wake up, correct yourself, ennoble yourself before God with a holy, hard-working, humble, and<br />

chaste life: this is my aspiration.” 397<br />

One can see it also in his fidelity to confession, made even more than once a week,<br />

as we heard it said above:<br />

“Confession! But well made, well made, for Heaven's sake! I must have another confessor. The<br />

present one is a holy man, I believe it, but he does not correct me. I shall choose another!” 398<br />

He fostered the same fidelity to the annual retreat and the monthly day of<br />

recollection, to which he bound himself with a vow:<br />

“A day of recollection on the second Sunday of each month: two meditations on the<br />

Last Things and two spiritual readings. I shall spend the rest of the day, possibly in<br />

prayer, as though I were to die that same night. Do it - do it well - with diligence. It spells<br />

my salvation!” 399<br />

“I bind myself with a vow, and sub gravi (under pain of mortal sin), for a year,<br />

beginning with September next.” 400<br />

3) Prayer<br />

76. - He bound himself with a vow also to his daily meditation:<br />

“Under the motherly protection of Mary, Most Holy Immaculate, I resolve to bind myself with<br />

vow sub gravi to devote a half-hour, or 20 minutes, at least, to meditation, preferably before Mass: on<br />

days of pastoral visitation, travels, or great celebrations, with pontifical mass or homily, no less than 15<br />

minutes.” 401<br />

“I must prolong my meditation. The author I just read tells me that one hour of meditation is not<br />

too much for a Bishop. Get up early on time in the morning in penance for your sins and do it.” 402<br />

“Never ascend the altar without the needed preparation: half-an-hour meditation, first, and then<br />

some reflection directly toward a devout preparation; afterwards, the thanksgiving, always, always [...].<br />

I renew the obligation of meditation; I should make one hour, and still it would not be enough for a<br />

Bishop! Oh, what beautiful things I heard said about it! ... ‘Whoever leaves out his meditation is lacking<br />

either in faith or in brains!...’ Before Mass I shall retire to the Chapel and I will always make my<br />

meditation, especially if I will be granted the privilege of the Most Blessed Sacrament.” 403<br />

The Servant of God was a man of prayer:<br />

“He was a man of much piety and prayer. He strove for perfection, therefore, and set the example<br />

for all who looked up to him.” 404 “He was a man of moving piety.” 405<br />

396 Ibid., p. 324.<br />

397 Ibid., p. 329.<br />

398 Ibid., p. 323.<br />

399 Ibid., p. 323.<br />

400 Ibid., p. 329.<br />

401 Ibid., p. 328<br />

402 Ibid., p. 330<br />

403 Ibid., p. 330.<br />

404 G. Dodici, Processo c, p., f, 163.<br />

405 C. Douglas Scotti, Ibid., f. 321.<br />


“One had only to see him in prayer; all in admirable composure, during the day and also far into<br />

the night.” 406<br />

“He filled the day with acts of priestly piety.” 407<br />

“I have the Servant of God present on my mind, especially when he prayed, because he transpired<br />

such recollection and faith as would engender in me, still a boy, admiration and envy.” 408<br />

“He always lived in the presence of God and of himself.” 409<br />

“He was most exact in his practices of piety, which he did not neglect even in days of great work<br />

and heavy toils. He sought to retire to a secluded comer, as happened one day at Cogno San Savino,<br />

where I found him hiding in sacristy, where he had locked himself up for his meditation, while<br />

preparations were in progress for the celebration.” 410<br />

Besides the meditation, the practices of piety he had committed himself to every day<br />

were:<br />

“2°-Daily spiritual reading. 3° -Visit to the Blessed Sacrament, at least one a day.4° -The Rosary.<br />

5° -The Angelus, morning, noon, and night. 6° -Morning prayers and examination of conscience at<br />

night, and at noon after the Angelus. 7° -Renewing the right intention to do all things for the glory of<br />

God before the most important actions, as before the audiences, etc.” 411<br />

This schedule included also the distribution of the recitation of the Holy Office,<br />

during which a few Witnesses had the opportunity to admire his devotion and calm, as he<br />

had resolved:<br />

“Say the office in the best way possible, applying it every day to some particular need. Each night,<br />

I will examine how I said it. Each month, a meditation on the digne, attente, devote (worthily,<br />

attentively, devoutly).” 412<br />

“On days that I have a little time to spare, I will devote it to the study of the psalms most in use; I<br />

will jot down in handy pieces of paper, to keep in the breviary, their meaning, inspiration, prophetic<br />

purpose, etc. I shall begin with the hours. ... Every day one psalm! How many blessings will I call on<br />

me and on my diocese from Heaven, if I recite the office like a saint!” 413<br />

Besides his fidelity to the practices of piety, we have heard how the Witnesses<br />

extolled his spirit of prayer, shown above all in his ardent devotion to the Eucharist with<br />

the fervent celebration of the divine mysteries and the prolonged hours in adoration<br />

before the Blessed Sacrament, and in his extraordinary devotion to Mary and the Saints.<br />

4) Imitation of Christ Crucified<br />

77. - Another characteristic aspect of the spirituality of the Servant of God is found<br />

in his imitation of Christ; in particular, in his conformity with Christ crucified.<br />

The priority he gave to prayer in his life and action, in the sanctification of himself<br />

and of the People of God, was all rooted in the meditation of the Word Incarnate, and<br />

consequently, in his contemplative and loving union with Christ. 414 In practice:<br />

406 A. Bracchi, Ibid., ff. 469-470.<br />

407 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 344. Summarium, par. 409.<br />

408 A. De Martini, Ibid., f. 266. Summarium, par. 284.<br />

409 L. Celia, Ibid., f. 612. Summarium, par. 682.<br />

410 E. Preti, Ibid., f. 242. Summarium, par. 255.<br />

411 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 323.<br />

412 Ibid., p. 324.<br />

413 Ibid., pp. 332-333.<br />

414 Cfr. Biography, pp. 342-347.<br />


“All our thoughts, all our words, all our actions, all our desires, all our dispositions, all our<br />

sufferings, must be like brush strokes intended to form, little by little, the life of Christ in us, so as to<br />

produce, as it were, a likeness of him. All this [...] will come to pass when we look upon all things the<br />

way Jesus Christ does; when we love what he loves, and the way he does; when we foster in our hearts<br />

the same sentiments, the same dispositions he has in his Heart.” 415<br />

He sought to live in a particular way what he used to define “the philosophy of the<br />

Cross”:<br />

“Always consider crosses, tribulations, humiliations, and contempt as precious means of<br />

sanctification. Do not complain, do not grieve, and do not get discouraged: offer up all things in union<br />

with the sorrows of Jesus Christ: Fac me cruce inebriari.” 416<br />

"The cross is the only instrument of salvation in the stormy shipwreck of life. Suffer, mortify<br />

yourself, keep humble, and accept humiliations: this is your Cross: qui tenuerit eam beatus (blessed is<br />

he who holds on to it). Never let it go: absit gloriari nisi in cruce Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (May I<br />

never boast of anything but the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.) It is the only wisdom. A Bishop wears a<br />

cross without the image of our dear Jesus: Why? Because we must love the cross even without the<br />

consolation of his visible presence: we must love it for what it is: fac me cruce inebriari. The<br />

consolations of Jesus will follow later. I am in a state of acquired perfection; behold the tree of life:<br />

never let go of it. You will be blessed in life, in death, in eternity.” 417<br />

“Fac me cruce inebriari! God trains me by means of tribulations, humiliations, pains, annoyances<br />

of the ministry and audiences: he keeps us, enlightens us, and raises us to greatness: love the crosses,<br />

therefore; love the cross. Love it: unite it with the suffering of Jesus Christ: press the pectoral cross<br />

against your heart and repeat: fac me cruce inebriari.” 418<br />

“God has been good to me, exceptionally so! How many extraordinary graces for my<br />

sanctification; how many crosses! The crosses were inseparable from the plans of God .They were<br />

never lacking. Bless the Lord! Te Deum laudamus! I sang it a few minutes ago in the cathedral. Thanks<br />

be to God; take heart; forward in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 419<br />

We find the same expressions in his correspondence:<br />

“If you only knew how heavy this cross is..:. How true it is that a Bishop is a sign to be<br />

contradicted. The life of a bishop is indeed the life of a martyr.” 420<br />

“As for myself, by God's grace, I keep in perfect tranquillity of spirit and I know that saying a May<br />

God be blessed in time of sorrow - as my Saint Francis de Sales used to say, - has greater value than a<br />

saying a whole rosary in prosperity. I accept all oppositions from the hand of God, by whom they are<br />

permitted and ordained and I strive to do so with love. Are they not small precious stones of the Cross<br />

of Jesus Christ?” 421<br />

“The Lord willed that to visit me this year with all kinds of tribulations, but I do not believe I ever<br />

lost my resignation and tranquillity. I kept always present in my mind the saying omne gaudium<br />

existimate cum in tribulationes varias incideritis (consider it a great joy when you face hardships of<br />

various kinds), and I even found joy in it. Oh! the sublime philosophy these words contain: true love for<br />

the Cross!” 422<br />

“I bless God in all things and I experience a vivid joy in enduring with resignation all the sorrows<br />

and trials he sends me. I accept these setbacks from the hands of God, by whom they are permitted or<br />

ordained for our good, and I believe that in so doing I will be of some good use for souls. On my part, I<br />

415 G. B. Scalabrini, Lettera Pastorale [..] per la Santa Quaresima del 1883, Piacenza 1883, p. 10.<br />

416 Idem, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 328.<br />

417 Idem, Note delle Meditazioni (Scalabrinian Gen. Archive, 3027/1).<br />

418 Idem, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 324.<br />

419 Ibid., p. 325.<br />

420 A. Bronchi, Processo c, p., f. 660. Summarium, par. 743.<br />

421 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to a certain Provincial Superior, s. d. (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3022/11).<br />

422 Idem to L. Cornaggia Medici, Piacenza, May 12, 1896 (Archivio del Capitolo Liberiano, Rome).<br />


do not wish but the glory of God and the greatest good of souls, should it be even at the cost of the most<br />

excruciating pains. Ita, Pater, quoniam sic fuit placitum ante te.” 423<br />

To that acceptance of the crosses befalling him from external circumstances, he<br />

added voluntary acts of penance, of which we will speak in another page, together with a<br />

stricter exercise of temperance and with the practices of mortification suggested by-the<br />

traditional teachings of ascetic theology:<br />

“When Cardinal Agliardi visited me, my brother told him: ‘The Bishop, a man of<br />

even character after all, for some time now has given himself to an excessive asceticism.’<br />

And the Cardinal to him: ‘Well, well! I too had a suspicion that the Bishop was that kind<br />

of person, etc. I sadly smiled thinking to myself-that had the Lord not accorded me the<br />

grace of some degree of asceticism in tempore opportuno (at the proper time) I wonder<br />

how I would have fared. And so I have suffered in the midst of trials of all kinds, and,<br />

because of the well known reasons, I still suffer, though not as much, doing whatever I<br />

can and leaving in the hands of God the final result of matters [...]. Oh, would I only<br />

become a saint! To become a saint. Hoc est omnis homo (this is the whole man).” 424<br />

b) Love for one's neighbor<br />

78. - The best known work proving the charity of the Servant of God for his neighbor<br />

is represented by the series of institutions and initiatives undertaken for the spiritual,<br />

social, and material welfare of the “poor emigrants”, as it is shown in Chapters XVII-XX<br />

of his Biography and in the testimonies reported before. Benedict XV admired “his<br />

exceptional virtues, above all the one that was his foremost: charity, which so inflamed<br />

him as to make the limits of his vast diocese appear too narrow to him, urging him to<br />

seek another flock in the distant emigrants.” 425 Blessed Card. Andrea Ferrari extols his<br />

charity and mercy extended to all Italy and to the new world. 426 Card. Richelmy numbers<br />

him “amongst the heroes of Catholic Apostolate, among the martyrs of charity<br />

themselves.” 427<br />

Question 36 searched above all into the years of his youth; but, because of the distant<br />

separation in time, only a few could report some episode, like his sister Luisa, who stated<br />

in a halting manner: “He used to give everything away in charity” 428 and his nephew<br />

Father Alfonso Bianchi, who, referring back to memories of another sister, Maddalena,<br />

recalled the generosity of the young student distributing in charity the little extra money<br />

his parents gave him. 429 Monsignor Mangot reports having heard from professor Canon<br />

Serafino Balestra, a colleague of Bishop Scalabrini at the Seminary of Saint Abbondio,<br />

“that when still a young boy, he bought lunch out of his own pocket for the poor among<br />

his classmates, and when as a seminarian, he made novenas to obtain better aptitude to<br />

learn for some of his companions.” 430<br />

423 Idem, Letter s. d.<br />

424 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, January 24, 1897 (Archivio Bonomelli, quoted).<br />

425 Letter of Benedict XV, June 30, 1915. Summarium, par, 1052.<br />

426 A. Ferrari, “Il Nuovo Giornale”, August 16,1916 (cfrN° 44).<br />

427 A. Richelmy. "L'Emigrato Italiano.", November-December 1912; p. 8 (cfr, above N° 44).<br />

428 L. Scalabrini, Processo c. p., f. 919.<br />

429 Cfr. A. Bianchi, Ibid., ff. 665-666. Summarium, par. 755.<br />

430 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 46. Summarium, par. 47.<br />


His solicitude and disregard of danger in assisting people stricken with cholera in the<br />

town of Portichetto, Como, when he was a young priest, during the epidemic of 1867,<br />

gained him some renown. 431<br />

79. - About his life as a Bishop, all Witnesses recall, as people who had seen it with<br />

their own eyes or had heard it from all the survivors, “the famous” episode of the truly<br />

heroic charity of the Servant of God during the winter of 1879, when he provided relief to<br />

the poor who crowded around his residence” 432 : “a most edifying gesture” 433 “of heroic<br />

generosity” 434 that “created a sensation” 435 “to the extraordinary edification of the whole<br />

diocese.” 436<br />

“Since my earliest years as an adolescent, I had heard his heroic charity extolled by all, so much so<br />

that word passed from mouth to mouth among the people that Bishop Scalabrini had deprived himself<br />

of everything to help the poor, selling even his horses and pawning the golden chalice he had received<br />

as a gift from Pius IX. And that is not all: I can add, as his domestics said, that on that sad period he had<br />

generously given out his personal clothing. However, I myself have been an eye witness in other<br />

subsequent needs, when, already at his service, we had to lock up the wardrobe because he was giving<br />

away everything to charity.” 437<br />

“He had reached a point - his domestic Spallazzi says – when he did not have even what was<br />

needed. It is so true that his domestics, myself included, were forced to hide his clothing and linens,<br />

personal and otherwise.” 438<br />

The episode of winter 1879-1880 was not an isolated instance. “All human miseries<br />

moved his great heart. On occasion of misfortune of any kind he was always the first to<br />

offer comfort and help.” 439<br />

“He was always present in any public misfortune: the Servant of God gave and had people give.” 440<br />

“The exercise of a generous charity towards all people in need and sorrow has been the characteristic<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini's Episcopate.” 441<br />

“I never heard anyone being refused help who had recourse to Bishop Scalabrini. 442<br />

“When he was able, he gave always and to all.” 443<br />

“He gave all he had, especially by means of his warm meal kitchens (a new idea for those days) where<br />

he distributed hot soups by the thousands.” 444<br />

“As to his love for his neighbor I must say that it was truly unlimited; 445 “he was a man of exceptional<br />

generosity, 446 “of boundless charity.” 447<br />

“He gave the poor precedence over any work he was to undertake.” 448<br />

431 Cfr. Biography, pp. 60-61.<br />

432 E. Morisi, Processo, c. p.. f. 454. Summarium, par. 484. Biography, pp. 433-439.<br />

433 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 531. Summarium, par. 531.<br />

434 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 432.<br />

435 L. Bertola, Ibid., f. 72l.<br />

436 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 169.<br />

437 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 122-123. Summarium, par. 183-184.<br />

438 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 84. Summarium, par.117.<br />

439 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 126. Summarium, par. 189. Cfr. Biography, pp. 439-444.<br />

440 A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 649.<br />

441 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 433. Cfr. Biography, pp. 444-46l.<br />

442 F. Calzinari, Ibid., f. 632. Summarium, par. 714.<br />

443 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 531. Summarium, par. 566.<br />

444 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 592.<br />

445 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 38. Summarium, par. 30.<br />

446 C. Douglas Scotti, Ibid., f. 320.<br />

447 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 345. Summarium, par. 410.<br />

448 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 39. Summarium, Par. 32.<br />


80. - Certain groups drew their special attention to him. For girl deaf-mutes, he<br />

founded the “Scalabrini Institute”, still in flourishing existence. 449 He had an “all special<br />

charity” for the “impoverished” families of the nobility. 450 “Another extraordinary act of<br />

charity was his periodic and secret subsidy that he used to send to the local Istituto delle<br />

Scrofolose (Institute for scrofulous women) whenever in difficulty. 451 He had great<br />

compassion for prisoners: “he took direct care of all and each of them, visiting them<br />

personally in their cells in the most pitiful cases, and providing help in kind and<br />

money.” 452<br />

“He showed his generosity especially with the poor seminarians. In the 12 years I<br />

served as director of the ‘Oratorio’ (youth center) founded by him at San Giovanni's, of<br />

the 16 seminarians recommended to him, he subsidized 14 of them, not to say that he<br />

supported them altogether. 453 “He has helped and made possible the entry and training for<br />

the Priesthood of many of the poor classes.” 454<br />

By the end of his life he could finally give way to an initiative he had been pushing a<br />

long time: the religious and social assistance to the seasonal rice-pickers:<br />

“He raised his voice from the pulpit and with his writings against the inhumane way they were<br />

treated, with very great danger of corruption, of women especially. Those poor people were lodged, in<br />

fact, in precarious places, without any supervision. To this end, he constituted a ‘Committee’ that<br />

helped obviate these evils in an effective manner, not only by dealing with employers but with the<br />

Labor Ministry as well. 455<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini was the inspirer of the work of assistance to the rice-pickers, then without any<br />

help or support.” 456<br />

Since the time he was parish priest, he was solicitous in carrying out the work of<br />

mercy of the visitation of the sick. He did it almost every day. 457 He continued it, as best<br />

as he could, also during his episcopate. “He did not just go, he flew to visit the sick, as<br />

well as to administer Confirmation, so that sick babies might not die without this<br />

sacrament.” 458 “He was doing the same during the pastoral visitation of the parishes. 459<br />

“Whenever requested, the Servant of God visited the sick regardless of their social<br />

status, 460 “rich or poor though they were, bringing a word of comfort, and often the help<br />

of his great charity.” 461<br />

c) Forgiveness<br />

81. - Witnesses are unanimous in crediting the Servant of God for his extraordinary<br />

ease to evangelical forgiveness:<br />

449 Concerning the founding of the Institute for the Deaf-mute Cfr. Biography, pp. 467-482.<br />

450 E. Morisi, Processo c. p.. f. 455. Summarium, par. 487. Cfr. Biography, pp. 446-449.<br />

451 C. Spallazzi. Ibid., f. 83. Summarium, par, 116. - The Servant of God supported the Institute founded by<br />

his chancellor Msgr. G. Pinazzi, Cfr. Biography pp. 458-461.<br />

452 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 124. Summarium, par. 187. Cfr. Biography, pp. 454 -456.<br />

453 F. Torta, Ibid., if. 346-349. Summarium, par. 422. Cfr. Biography, p. 163.<br />

454 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 455. Summarium, par. 487.<br />

455 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 126. Summarium, par. 189. Concerning the founding of the "opera Mondariso". Cfr.<br />

Biography, pp. 848-852.<br />

456 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 272. Summarium, par. 297.<br />

457 Cfr. Biography, pp. 75-76.<br />

458 L. Tammi, Processo, c. p.. ff. 838-839. Summarium, par. 981.<br />

459 Cfr. A. DeMartini, Ibid., ff. 272-273. Summarium, 298.<br />

460 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 565. Summarium, par. 634.<br />

461 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 455. Summarium, par. 488.<br />


“Bishop Scalabrini was never the man to hold a grudge against anyone of his adversaries or<br />

opponents. On the contrary, he easily forgave them, and had often marks of special kindness for them,<br />

so much so as to regard them as favorite friends.” 462<br />

“The Servant of God had the very edifying habit of showing special signs of kindness to those<br />

who after offending him gave evidence of regret and asked for forgiveness.” 463<br />

“One of the characteristics of his charity was that of doing good to his offenders; he did all he<br />

could to show himself particularly benevolent to them. 464<br />

Several of them testify to the immediate forgiveness he accorded in word and deed to<br />

all those who had insulted him on the occasion of the funeral of King Victor Emanuel II:<br />

he was “full of charity with those who caused him tremendous havoc when he was met<br />

on re-entering the city by a riotous mob, one night, because he had refused to celebrate<br />

the funeral of Victor Emanuel II.” 465<br />

The episode most remembered by all was the forgiveness granted Father Davide<br />

Albertario, following the fiery polemics that had so saddened the early years of the<br />

episcopate of Bishop Scalabrini, who had indeed defended his dignity as a bishop with<br />

energy, but ever keeping his spirit open to forgiveness:<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini had a good heart, and therefore, though so sensitive and reactive to offenses, he<br />

always forgave: and I was an eye witness myself to the marks of benevolence he showed to those who<br />

caused him great sorrows. And so he did with Father Davide Albertario, whom, in spite of the<br />

preceding sad polemics, he invited to give lectures in his diocese.” 466<br />

“I must say - Card. G. B. Nasalli Rocca points out - that I have never heard him say any bitter<br />

word against this priest writer. 467<br />

We do not tarry on the relations of the Servant of God with Albertario, thoroughly<br />

studied in his Biography; 468 nor on the forgiveness accorded with evangelic generosity to<br />

Father Luigi Mizzi and Mr. John Asaro, involved in the scandal of Miraglia; 469 and to the<br />

two Canons who had caused him his greatest tribulations amongst the clergy of Piacenza:<br />

Savino Rocca and G. B. Rossi. 470<br />

We can add the paternal goodness he showed the priests who had failed in their<br />

duties:<br />

“If an observation should be made, it is that he was too generous with his heart. 471<br />

“He had great mercy for the poor priests who had debased their dignity and he assisted them<br />

spiritually, doing what he could to regularize their position.” 472<br />

“And when I confidentially manifested a certain degree of surprise, he answered that we must be<br />

very charitable with these unfortunate priests and that in any case he had consulted the Sacred<br />

Congregation. 473<br />

462 Ibid.<br />

463 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 565. Summarium, par. 634.<br />

464 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 532. Summarium, par. 567.<br />

465 A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 410. Concerning the funeral of Victor Emmanuel II, Cfr. Biography, pp. 624-629.<br />

466 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 486.<br />

467 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 750. Summarium, par. 870.<br />

468 Cfr. Biography, pp. 491-570, 603-615, 669-671, 683-684.<br />

469 Ibid., pp. 452, 488-489, 900.<br />

470 Canon Savino Rocca, and to a lesser measure, Canon G. B. Rossi, were amongst the priests of Piacenza<br />

who in the name of Thomism and of intransigence, caused the Servant of God much suffering. Their<br />

history is reported in chapters X-XIII of his Biography.<br />

471 A. Ghizzoni, Processo c. p., f. 773. Summarium, par. 909.<br />

472 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 593. Cfr. Biography, pp. 487-490.<br />

473 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 750. Summarium, par. 871.<br />



VII<br />

PRACTICE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> CARDINAL <strong>VIRTUES</strong><br />

AND CONNECTED <strong>VIRTUES</strong><br />

1. PRUDENCE<br />

a) Before taking important decisions he prayed and sought advice<br />

82. - The Servant of God “has shown extraordinary prudence in all his positions”,<br />

Archpriest Giovanni Squeri states 474 ; and the Rector of the Seminary Giuseppe Cardinali<br />

testifies: “I know that the Servant of God was so prudent that other people went<br />

frequently to him for advice.” 475 It was not only a question of a natural gift. Bishop<br />

Scalabrini had recourse to the gift of counsel and asked for enlightenment in prayer and<br />

sought advice from persons well known for their wisdom and expertise.<br />

“I know that the Servant of God prayed, and much, before making any delicate and important<br />

decision, and urged others to do the same.” 476<br />

“When it was a matter of importance, he used to place the written documents concerning that<br />

matter under the crucifix or under the corporal.” 477<br />

“He never decided on important matters without consulting the persons whom he knew wise; and I<br />

was often asked to summon such persons to him. He consulted very frequently his confessor and prayed<br />

for spiritual light not only in an ordinary way, but through prolonged prayer in adoration before the<br />

Blessed Sacrament.” 478<br />

“Of my own personal knowledge, I state that the Servant of God, in his most difficult times, used<br />

to ask for advice, and put the advice received to good use, considering it worth applying.” 479<br />

“He meditated long and asked people of wisdom and experience for advice before deciding on<br />

important matters.” 480<br />

“I find proof of the prudence of the Servant of God in the fact that he surrounded himself with<br />

people of eminent virtue and knowledge, some of whom were raised to the dignity of Bishop.” 481<br />

A certain reservation is expressed by Monsignor Amedeo Ghizzoni:<br />

“In his desire to do good, at times he let his heart take over [...]. As to his counselors, I think that<br />

his secretary has acted this part too much. I know, however, that in certain cases he deliberately acted<br />

without him knowing it.” 482<br />

Concerning his secretary Monsignor Mangot, the Servant of God Monsignor<br />

Francesco Torta has a different opinion:<br />

474 G. Squeri, Processo c. p., f. 532. Summarium, par. 568.<br />

475 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 305. Summarium, par. 364.<br />

476 F. Torta, Ibid.. f. 350. Summarium, par. 427.<br />

477 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 85. Summarium, par. 120.<br />

478 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 132. Summarium, par. 201.<br />

479 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 593.<br />

480 G. B Nasalli Rocca, Ibid., f. 751. Summarium, par. 872.<br />

481 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 433.<br />

482 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 773. Summarium, par. 911.<br />


“It was said that he sought the advice of very prudent persons, whom I knew myself. No matter<br />

what may be rumored to the contrary, he did not abide by the opinions of his secretary.” 483<br />

In his Biography, the matter is explicitly treated. 484 The result of it is that Monsignor<br />

Mangot had some influence in presenting people for some appointments, but never was<br />

there any injustice done or any harm brought on the diocese. “I do not look at the color,<br />

but at the worth”, he used to repeat even to Monsignor Mangot, and he did not hesitate to<br />

revoke acts of his secretary when he did not find them just or justifiable. As to let “his<br />

heart take over”, Ghizzoni refers to Bishop Scalabrini's relations with Mother Clelia<br />

Merloni. These relations are also explained in his Biography. 485 In reality, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini had to be very patient with the Foundress of the Apostle Sisters of the Sacred<br />

Heart, only to safeguard the institution of the female Congregation for migrants. He gave<br />

in on matters of secondary importance, but held fast to the substance.<br />

b) He consulted the Holy See<br />

83. - Question 52 in the Questionnaire is restrictive, 486 in the sense that it refers in<br />

particular to the episode of the Funeral of Victor Emanuel II, when the Bishop at first<br />

refused to celebrate it, in obedience to the orders from the Holy See, thus unwittingly<br />

provoking a riot of unruly liberals; but which later on, upon receiving new instructions<br />

from Rome, he performed. 487<br />

His domestic C. Spallazzi wisely points out:<br />

“The Servant of God absolutely avoided speaking to the domestics of things concerning the<br />

government of the Diocese or the acts of his ministry.” 488<br />

One perceives the echo of such prudent reserve, which the Bishop kept also with<br />

other people, in the responses of nearly all Witnesses, who cannot tell precisely how<br />

often Bishop Scalabrini had recourse to Rome. Only Cardinal G. B. Nasalli Rocca, who<br />

resided in Rome, was able to testify:<br />

“He had recourse to the Holy See for advice. He came often to Rome, remaining there for a while<br />

for the purpose of asking instructions of his superiors.” 489 Monsignor Ghizzoni adds: “For tranquillity<br />

of his own conscience and of the conscience of the people, he certainly kept himself in official contact<br />

with the Holy See. He must have had, besides, a most frequent private correspondence with Cardinals<br />

and prelates of the Roman Curia.” 490 His biographer Msgr. Francesco Gregori, who had in his hands all<br />

these documents, confirms: “From the writings he has left behind, it clearly appears that he had<br />

recourse to Rome for instructions.” 491<br />

Other witnesses infer his prudence from his obedience:<br />

“I cannot say how often the Servant of God had recourse to the Holy See for advice; but I can state<br />

that he was so obedient to its instructions and directives. Not only did he accept and observe them<br />

483 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 350. Summarium, par. 427.<br />

484 Cfr. Biography, pp. 338-339.<br />

485 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1074-1093.<br />

486 Cfr. Processo, c. p., ff. 946-947.<br />

487 Cfr. Biography, pp. 624-629.<br />

488 C. Spallazzi, Processo, c. p.. f. 85. Summarium, par. 121.<br />

489 B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 751. Summarium, par. 872.<br />

490 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 773. Summarium, Par. 911.<br />

491 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 570. Summarium, Par. 641.<br />


himself, but he commanded them to be kept by others as well, even when his internal convictions were<br />

at variance with them. He -used to exclaim: ‘It is the will of the Pope, that's enough.’” 492<br />

“I do not know with what frequency the Servant of God had recourse to the Holy See for which he<br />

had the highest respect. And so, he unconditionally submitted to it all his projects before carrying them<br />

out.” 493<br />

“That the Servant of God was in all things and for all things obedient to orders and directives from<br />

Rome, one can well affirm so with certitude, and nobody has ever been able to find him at variance with<br />

what the Holy See commanded.” 494<br />

In conclusion, concerning his way of acting on the occasion of the funeral of the<br />

king, all Witnesses who had knowledge of the facts state that far from being imprudent,<br />

the Bishop showed himself really heroic in waiting orders from Rome and so in being<br />

ready to suffer the consequences:<br />

“In his pastoral letter dealing with the matter, he openly declares that as a Bishop he had to obey<br />

the Pope before all else. As a result of his delay, he had to bear scorn and hostile demonstrations, as all<br />

well know.” 495<br />

F. Lotteri exaggerates when he speaks of “insults and threats that could have been<br />

fatal, while waiting for instructions from Rome.” 496<br />

In any case, the Bishop showed himself ready to take any consequence:<br />

“Faced with the disorders and the threats of the mob that pretended to celebrate the<br />

funeral, no matter what, on the death of Victor Emanuel II, he kept saying: ‘Let them say<br />

or do what they want. I have no instruction from Rome, I do not move a finger, I do not<br />

do a thing.” 497<br />

After all, that it was not a question of imprudence but of an act of uncommon virtue<br />

is proven by the fact that Pius IX decided to reward him with a precious golden chalice,<br />

which was probably the last gift of his life? 498<br />

84. - Concerning the prudence of the Servant of God in seeking advice from the Holy<br />

See we have many other proofs: all those instances when he petitioned the opinion of the<br />

Pope before defending himself in public of the accusations of liberalism and<br />

"transigence" that were leveled at him publicly by the "intransigent" press, 499 before<br />

publishing his writings, like his Pastoral Letter on the “Pitra's Case” 500 and his<br />

492 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 132. Summarium, par. 202.<br />

493 G. Dodici, Ibid., f, 173.<br />

494 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 532. Summarium, par. 569. -Obedience or respect to the Holy See were not in<br />

question when he employed Father Cesare Antonietti as a "copyist" of the chancery office after being<br />

removed from parish priest by order from Rome. The Bishop intended only to provide a livelihood for one<br />

of his priests. Cfr. Position super Causae Introductione, Responsio Patroni, p. 142.<br />

495 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 570. Summarium, par. 641. In the letter he wrote on that occasion to Pius IX he<br />

recalls that the “furious storm” was raised only because of his obedience: “But the Lord gave me strength!<br />

Neither heavy insults at my person, nor threats at my life, repeated demonstrations, tears of my trusted<br />

ones, nor the threatening insistence of civil authorities, could bend me! To them I answered that I stood<br />

ready to die rather than to fail in my duty.” (Vatican's Secret Archives, Secretariat of State, R. 165/1878,<br />

Proto 27632. Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Pius IX, Piacenza, January 29, 1878).<br />

496 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 709.<br />

497 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 352. Summarium, Par. 428.<br />

498 Cfr. Biography, p. 627.<br />

499 Cfr. Biography, pp. 615-618. Cfr. also the "Informatio” at the beginning of this book NN. 97-100, and<br />

125-128.<br />

500 Cfr. Biography, pp. 579-586.<br />


publication Intransigenti e Transigenti; 501 before giving indications in regard to the<br />

political elections of 1886 502 :all circumstances that, as though by irony of fate, brought<br />

down on him the most serious accusations of imprudence, and worse yet, of<br />

disobedience, even to the extreme of an accusation to the Holy office. 503 Yet, in all of<br />

these instances, the Bishop had closely contacted the Holy See before acting. His Pastoral<br />

Letter on Cardinal Pitra was nothing else but a restatement of notes sent him for this<br />

purpose by the Secretary of State. The booklet Intransigenti e Transigenti could very well<br />

be defined by Bishop Scalabrini as “dictated by the Pope”. For the elections of 1886, he<br />

did nothing else but to follow to the letter the responses he had expressly solicited from<br />

the Holy See. This way, his renouncing to publicly defend himself, suggested but not<br />

commanded by the Leo XIII, could in truth be called a “heroic” act by he Servant of God<br />

himself. 504<br />

But we will talk more opportunely of this when dealing with his heroic practice of<br />

obedience.<br />

c) Prudence in Government<br />

85. - Was Bishop Scalabrini "a born leader"? Was he able to smooth out and prevent<br />

divisions amongst his people or his clergy? Had he not imprudently provoked dissensions<br />

with his clergy and with public authorities? Question 43 solicited an answer to these<br />

queries. 505<br />

One of the people who best knew the conditions of the diocese of Piacenza offered<br />

the following answer:<br />

“It was the general opinion that the Servant of God was a man of government. He came to a<br />

diocese not all that easy because of the various trends then existing in different fields: in politics,<br />

transigents and intransigents; in philosophy, Thomists and Rosminians or other schools and, due to<br />

local circumstances, members of different religious Institutes. Indeed he met with a hard situation of<br />

government. He conducted himself quite well, putting to good use whatever good he discovered in<br />

people and frankly disapproving what he found to be beyond bounds or erroneous. To be sure, he could<br />

not please everybody. But his rectitude was acknowledged by all, and by the end of his life, partly<br />

because some of the most rigid and active opponents had died and partly because of his work and<br />

prestige, he had reaped a consoling unity of the spirits, especially amongst the clergy. The oppositions<br />

he faced must be attributed to and interpreted in the light of the conditions of the times which were<br />

dominated by the sects and by some rebellious and impossible character, not to lack of tact or untimely<br />

zeal. On the contrary, I must say that when somebody went to him, should that person even be an<br />

opponent, he had the particular gift of attracting him to himself; as indeed happened with well known<br />

people, like Lawyer Tassi, Dr. Marchesi, and Mayor Manfredi. I remember that when he died an article<br />

was published in an anti-clerical newspaper saying that the publishers of that paper had been always<br />

opposed to him because he was fatal for them, as he knew how to draw people to his side and put them<br />

on the right track.” 506<br />

The Servant of God Monsignor Francesco Torta observes:<br />

501 Cfr. Biography, pp. 587-603: The publication is there reported in its entirety.<br />

502 Cfr. Biography, pp. 649-652, 663-666.<br />

503 Cfr. Biography, pp. 662-666.<br />

504 Cfr. Biography, p. 616.<br />

505 Cfr. Processo c. p., f. 947.<br />

506 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. ii. 751-752. Summarium, Par. 873-874.<br />


“It was even said that Bishop Scalabrini was born to rule for his rare prudence and conciliatory<br />

tact that won the hearts. He was a born diplomat and it was almost an exclusive charism of his to<br />

smooth out disputes and prevent divisions. Several times I heard people say, even some opponents of<br />

the Servant of God: ‘What can one do? With that man one cannot but say yes’. Disputes and opposing<br />

currents were not lacking during the episcopate of Scalabrini, but one can truly say that he always<br />

succeeded in solving them by his fatherly, though firm and resolute, way.” 507<br />

The Witnesses at the diocesan process that are most authoritative because of their<br />

direct knowledge of facts and situations all agree with Monsignor Torta:<br />

“It was his main concern to do all he could to keep the peace, advising, on all occasions to smooth<br />

out difficulties, as he always did himself. It was a marvelous art, which brought much good to all, ever<br />

knowing how to gain them to himself by his fatherly manners. When he could not grant what was being<br />

asked, he so sweetened the bitter pill with those courteous and amiable words and manners of his that<br />

the individual returned home just as happy. The same used to happen with the people. No one can deny<br />

the existence of disagreements or disputes with the local institutions and with the public authorities<br />

themselves: but I am convinced that it was never his fault.” 508<br />

“He had a generally peaceful government and he had an exceptional gift for ironing out the<br />

difficulties that might give rise to disputes with the authorities.” 509<br />

“That he was gifted with a rare prudence is proven by the fact that he succeeded in smoothing out<br />

many difficult situations and in preventing or mitigating divisions among his people and clergy.” 510<br />

“This much is certain, that his Episcopate was filled with noble acts of government and with a<br />

great sense of equilibrium; so that he succeeded in preventing divisions among his people, whom he<br />

always deeply loved, being himself loved in return. With his constant equity he much mitigated the<br />

various currents of his clergy, thus creating, as it were, a new era. Even with the public authorities he<br />

succeeded in getting along most of the times better than it could be expected. 511<br />

"He governed the diocese with rare prudence and succeeded in bringing peace between families,<br />

as I came to know myself.” 512<br />

“He was indeed a man of rare prudence in the government of the diocese. He was gifted with a<br />

special intuition in knowing people, and had a prompt and sure capacity for decision, together with a<br />

noble tact, in the affairs and matters of the diocese.” 513<br />

507 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 352. Summarium, par. 429. -Monsignor Torta speaks twice of the "shrewdness" of the<br />

Servant of God (Ibid., ff. 337 and 434. Summarium, par. 396 and 434), but it appears clear from the<br />

context that he means "tact" in the first instance, and “wisdom” or “prudence”, in the second. (Cfr. Positio<br />

super Causae Introductione, Responsio Patroni, pp. 122-123).<br />

508 G. Cardinali, Ibid.. ff. 305-306, Summarium, par. 366.<br />

509 A. Carini, Ibid.. f. 434.<br />

510 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 594.<br />

511 E. Morisi, Ibid., ff. 457-458. Summarium, par. 491.<br />

512 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 487.<br />

513 G. Squeri, Ibid., ff. 532-533. Summarium, par. 569. -There is no indication that the Servant of God had<br />

any “particular intuition” for accepting the proposal of Monsignor Sante Masnini de Cornati, a priest from<br />

Casale Monferrato and a fellow student of Scalabrini in Como, to open with his own funds an Ecclesiastic<br />

Boarding School for poor aspirants to the priesthood. The Bishop accepted it because he had not yet<br />

succeeded by then (1882) in healing the finances of the "Seminario Urbano", which he had found in such a<br />

disastrous financial state as it would endanger its very existence. Unfortunately, he had soon to realize that<br />

with all his good intentions the Monsignor was not the man to conduct a small seminary. He asked<br />

Monsignor Torta and Father Henry Preti to investigate. On receiving their report, he did not hesitate "one<br />

moment" before taking the needed provisions. (F. Torta, Ibid., ff. 352-353. Summarium, par. 430). - The<br />

story of the Masnini Boarding School is reported in pp. 156-160 of his Biography. It is proper to point out<br />

on the matter, that within a few years Bishop Scalabrini was able to pay off the whole debt of the seminary,<br />

contributing also 25 thousand liras out of his own patrimony; thus insuring the survival of the institute. On<br />

the other hand, the Administration Board had to count the pennies; and this explains the complaints about<br />

food of the first three or four years, and the ineptitude of some teachers of the younger classes. (Cfr. Positio<br />

super Causae Introductione, Responsio Patroni, pp. 116-119; Biography, pp. 153154, and 165-167).<br />


86. - Monsignor Tammi thus sums up the situation of the diocese at the close of the<br />

episcopate of the Servant of God: “From the state in which Bishop Scalabrini left the<br />

diocese after 30 years as its bishop, it is clear that he was indeed a man of government.<br />

He was very able and had a fine touch. In return, his Clergy respected and loved him.<br />

Only a few eccentric priests were dissatisfied with him. He managed quite well also with<br />

the public authorities. I heard it said by many that even these anticlerical exponents were<br />

fascinated by his charm.” 514<br />

He worked especially for the unity of the clergy; something that could not be<br />

achieved without an exceptional gift of prudence, given the circumstances of the long<br />

existing division between the priests of the 'Seminario Urbano' and those trained at the<br />

'Collegio Alberoni':<br />

“The Servant of God has always worked to insure and safeguard peace and harmony<br />

among his Clergy, scrupulously observing distributive justice in his appointments to the<br />

various tasks and offices, with no partiality. He gladly took any occasion to bring<br />

together the different parties, to destroy all prejudice and rivalry, unfortunately long<br />

extant in the Diocese.” 515<br />

Card. Nasalli Rocca saw in his prudence in government, inspired by charity and by<br />

his love for a diocese and a clergy not easy to rule, a mark of the heroicity of the virtues<br />

of Bishop Scalabrini:<br />

“In all his thirty years as a Bishop, he had a constant and undying love for his diocese, his clergy,<br />

and his people. He always spoke well of them, as I had occasion, especially in Rome, to listen to him in<br />

his conversation with prelates and high officials of the Church, never complaining about the<br />

oppositions, difficulties, and misunderstandings he encountered because of his work and initiatives.<br />

And I consider all this heroic indeed, if one thinks of the length of time that may engender a certain<br />

sense of sluggishness and of his Lombard temperament so rich in initiatives and activity.” 516<br />

d) His severe measures were approved by the Holy See<br />

87. - Monsignor Mondini explains that the Bishop "used the most generous<br />

forbearance and charity with all. If he had recourse at times to strong coercive measures,<br />

he was forced to them by his duty.” 517 Canon Mangot recalls that “any time he or others<br />

had recourse to the Holy See, the latter always took sides with the Servant of God.” 518<br />

“When it was a question of whether he should take severe measures, he went very slowly and he<br />

did not adopt them unless absolutely necessary.” 519<br />

“When forced to take severe measures against someone, he had recourse to prayer and sought<br />

advice.” 520<br />

“He acted with prudence and he did not easily believe the accusations that were being made.” 521<br />

514 L. Tammi, Ibid., ff. 839-840. Summarium, par. 983.<br />

515 L. Mondini, Ibid., f., 133. Summarium, par. 203.<br />

516 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. ff. 757-758. Summarium, par. 885.<br />

517 L. Mondini, Ibid., f, 133. Summarium, par. 204.<br />

518 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 49. Summarium, par. 53.<br />

519 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 434.<br />

520 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 50. Summarium, par. 53.<br />

521 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 87. Summarium, par. 122.<br />


“In the Servant of God the heart took first place, and he suffered when he had to take severe<br />

measures.” 522<br />

“Even when the Servant of God was forced to take severe measures against someone he did not<br />

shun that habitual fatherly touch of his which endeared the spirits and bent the wills, the least compliant<br />

as well.” 523<br />

“Mindful of the Gospel, Bishop Scalabrini used to admonish paternally first, with<br />

severity the second time, and occasionally he had to take also severe measures.” 524<br />

“As to his prudence in taking severe measures, I know of one incident. A priest of<br />

Piacenza had been accused of very serious offenses and proceedings had to be started<br />

against him. The Bishop was urged from many sides to pronounce the sentence. Bishop<br />

Scalabrini answered: ‘I feel I cannot do it now. Let me say still another Mass.’ After<br />

celebrating it, he said: "Nothing doing: that priest is innocent.” And so it was. The facts<br />

proved the innocence of that priest.” 525<br />

“There was need to remove the parish priest of Mortizza, the parish where I had my<br />

properties. Bishop Scalabrini called me in and upon revealing to me the sad decision he<br />

was about to make, he broke down in tears. Then he pleaded with me that I also might go<br />

with another priest, his delegate, to solicit that parish priest's resignation. He did so<br />

because, due to the influence I had on that parish priest, he hoped the mission would have<br />

better success. And so it happened. I know also that the Servant of God had committed<br />

himself to take care of him if he renounced. A short while afterwards, in fact, he sent him<br />

subsidies in money.” 526<br />

“When forced to take serious measures, the Servant of God has always been prudent;<br />

and his conduct is even more admirable, if one considers that in things of little<br />

importance he tended to be somewhat impulsive.” 527<br />

The result of all his recourses to the Holy See which always approved the way of<br />

acting of the Servant of God is a sound proof that he never lacked prudence: “I was an<br />

eye witness when Bishop Scalabrini had to take severe measures in regard to some<br />

priests, but I can assure you that he was absolutely right. They deserved such disciplinary<br />

provisions, and more serious still perhaps.” 528 But we enter at this point the field of<br />

justice that was called into question by the recourses brought to the Holy See against the<br />

Bishop: we will have to talk about this subject later on at the proper place. The second<br />

part of Question 44 dealt with recourses to higher authorities against disciplinary<br />

provisions, or acts of pastoral government, or political stands, of the Servant of God. No<br />

Witness seems to know of any recourse concerning the last point. Very few know of<br />

recourses of priests in regard to the first. Most of them recall, in particular, Canons<br />

Savino Rocca and G. B. Rossi. Someone mentions other cases. When speaking of justice,<br />

we will have occasion to go back to such recourses; and when dealing with obedience, we<br />

will point out precisely what were actually his “political” stands. It will be enough, for<br />

the time being, to recall the prudence he had before starting proceedings against Canon<br />

522 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 840.<br />

523 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 226.<br />

524 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 306. Summarium, par. 367.<br />

525 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 736. Summarium, par. 842.<br />

526 A. Buzzetti, Ibid., f. 786.<br />

527 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 774. Summarium, par. 913.<br />

528 D. Mazzadi, Ibid., f. 517. Summarium, par. 542.<br />


Rocca 529 and the schismatic priest Father Miraglia: 530 cases for which the Bishop<br />

employed all possible and conceivable prudence in order to prevent scandals, bearing in<br />

silence and praying in tears before the Eucharistic Christ, before proceeding to<br />

disciplinary measures, when it would have been imprudent to delay them further.<br />

e) Prudent Friendship with Bishop Bonomelli.<br />

88. - The whole Chapter XIV of his Biography discusses the friendship between<br />

Scalabrini and Bonomelli. In that chapter are also reported the main depositions of the<br />

Diocesan Process. 531 We believe that this documented report of the real facts will help<br />

dissipate a misconception common to various authors and personalities, who did not take<br />

pains to distinguish a friendship from what some consider complicity or connivance with<br />

certain questionable and discussed positions of the Bishop of Cremona. We could add<br />

many more documents to this end.<br />

“There is no doubt about it: Bishop Scalabrini stood by the side of Bishop Bonomelli to help him<br />

reflect and be moderate.” 532<br />

“I am convinced that the prudence of the Servant of God shines most of all in his friendship with<br />

Bishop Bonomelli of Cremona. In fact, far from any involvement of responsibility with him, he has<br />

certainly sought with all his heart, instead, to detain him from more serious deviations and<br />

misfortunes.” 533<br />

“With his gift of prudence and of good timing he always sought to restrain and hold his confrere in<br />

the right balance.” 534<br />

“In his contacts with his colleague Bishop Bonomelli, the Servant of God has always been prudent<br />

and careful, and from what I know, he never was involved in any responsibility for the acts done by<br />

Bonomelli and condemned by the Holy See.” 535<br />

“From what I know, Bishop Scalabrini was a real friend to Bishop Bonomelli, a friend who takes<br />

upon himself the sorrows of his friend; defends him in public and in private, even before the Supreme<br />

Authority of the Pope; advises him with wisdom and prudence.” 536<br />

2. JUSTICE<br />

a) Divine Worship.<br />

529 Canon Rocca was removed from being Rector of the "Seminario Urbano" and a good number of years<br />

later, deprived of the theological prebend (Cfr. Biography, pp. 495-499, 719-736, Cfr. NN. 92 and 113).<br />

530 Father Miraglia was suspended a divinis at first, then he was excommunicated, and finally he was<br />

declared excommunicated vitando by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office (Cfr. Biography, pp. 872-<br />

905).<br />

531 Cfr. Biography, pp. 738-786.<br />

532 L. Tammi, Processo c. p.. f. 840. Summarium, par. 983.<br />

533 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 458 Summarium, par. 491.<br />

534 G. Squeri, Ibid.. f. 533. Summarium, par. 570.<br />

535 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 173.<br />

536 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid.. f. 736. Summarium, par. 843.<br />


89. - “Concerning his heroic exercise of the virtue of justice”, Question 46 requests<br />

first of all depositions on the zeal of the Servant of God for the divine worship. In our<br />

opinion, the most striking and singular manifestations of his zeal are:<br />

1) The third diocesan synod, all devoted to the Eucharist and written in his own<br />

hand, “the testimonial of his faith and love for Jesus in the Sacrament” 537 , and defined by<br />

a bishop “the love poem of Bishop Scalabrini” 538 “perfect also on the liturgical level; 539<br />

2) His zeal for the house of the Lord. The main monument to this zeal is the restored<br />

cathedral of Piacenza. “Our Cathedral restored to its original form represents his<br />

monument” 540 , “prevailing over those who opposed him for fear of a too risky<br />

undertaking”; 541 “a titanic enterprise” 542 to which “he devoted himself body and soul<br />

bringing it to completion free of debts.” 543 To this, we must add the restoration of the<br />

churches of Saint Savino, Saint Eufemia, Saint Brigida, San Sepolcro, for which he<br />

offered his maximum support, the return to worship of churches formerly confiscated by<br />

the government, the closing down of other churches not worthy to operate, the reduction<br />

in number of the city parishes, and the consecration of over 200 new or restored<br />

churches:<br />

“The Servant of God looked after the decorum of the churches in an extraordinary way, and<br />

promoted quite opportunely artistic restorations and arrangements.” 544 “When visiting a parish he<br />

sought information on the condition of the church, suggesting reforms and reconstructions,” 545<br />

"insisting as a minimum indispensable that the altar on which the Blessed Sacrament is kept, be of<br />

marble.” 546<br />

3) His steady and persistent effort for keeping holy the Lord's Day. On this topic he<br />

wrote the Pastoral Letters of Lent 1903 and 1904, and promoted various initiatives, also<br />

social in character, in order to insure that workers and farmers could rest on Sundays and<br />

Feast days. 547<br />

The Witnesses tarry on other, but also meaningful, details:<br />

“The Servant of God has constantly rendered due worship to the Lord, scrupulously keeping<br />

himself, and having others keep, the laws and ceremonies of the Church. By his demeanor he merited<br />

the admiration of the faithful. As Master of Ceremonies to the Bishop, I have been an eyewitness to all<br />

this.” 548<br />

537 F. Lotteri, Processo c. p., f. 707. Summarium, par. 806.<br />

538 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 561. Summarium, par. 622.<br />

539 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 836. Summarium, par. 976. - concerning the 3rd synod, Cfr. Biography; pp. 364-366.<br />

540 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 701. Summarium, par. 796.<br />

541 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 425.<br />

542 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 481.<br />

543 G. Dodici, Ibid., ff. 158-159.<br />

544 L. Bertola, Ibid., f. 719. -Amongst his "very opportune provisions", one must number the reduction of<br />

the city parishes from 31 (for a city of 30 thousand people) to 14, which was carried out with the approval<br />

of the Holy See and with the praise of Leo XIII, for a more rational distribution of parishioners and a better<br />

decorum of services. In endeavors such as this one, criticism was to be expected on the part of some priests<br />

who were being affected in their interests and personal views; but nobody could say that the Servant of God<br />

sinned against justice or anyone's rights. (Cfr. Biography, pp. 421-425; Positio super Introductione Causae,<br />

Responsio Patroni, pp. 113 and 116-117).<br />

545 A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 644.<br />

546 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 264. Summarium, par. 282. - Concerning the action of the Servant of God in<br />

regard to the dignity of the House of the Lord, Cfr. Chapter VIII of his Biography.<br />

547 Cfr. Biography, pp. 312-313, 790, 802-803, 846.<br />

548 L. Mondini, Processo c. p., f. 136. Summarium, par. 208.<br />


“He has always sought to render to God his due honor, keeping himself and having others<br />

scrupulously keep the sacred rites and ceremonies. I remember well how he was the first to set the<br />

example of this respect by showing gravity and recollection during the ceremonies, ever avoiding<br />

haste.” 549<br />

“He was precise and most obedient to all the liturgical rules. He did not want lengthy ways, but he<br />

expected that the ceremonies be conducted with precision. More than once I heard him raise his voice at<br />

someone not too careful in the celebration of the holy mysteries.” 550<br />

“He was particular about anything that concerned the honor and the glory of God. He was<br />

extremely zealous not only about what concerns the spiritual life, but he scrupulously observed also the<br />

sacred ceremonies and the dignity of the rites; neither was he contented with keeping them himself; he<br />

always wanted it so of all his priests.” 551<br />

“One of the characteristics of the Episcopate of Bishop Scalabrini has been the revival of external<br />

and public worship with celebrations, centennials, crownings of images, consecration of churches,<br />

verification of the relics of saints, revision of the diocesan breviary, three synods, and many other<br />

initiatives.” 552<br />

“He revived in an extraordinary measure the splendor of worship, promoting. frequent and solemn<br />

celebrations and encouraging the clergy to make the House of the Lord more decorous. He consecrated<br />

a great number of churches.” 553<br />

"He called for and willingly took part in celebrations of thanksgiving, propitiation, and reparation,<br />

which he wanted the most solemn possible.” 554<br />

“He was also a precursor in the reform of sacred music, both vocal and instrumental.” 555<br />

“He was among the first to introduce the reform of liturgical music, even before the Decrees of<br />

Pius X.” 556<br />

“The Servant of God called me into the city to implement the reform he had been dreaming of, I<br />

repeat, years before the famous ‘Motu Proprio’, that is, in 1893 [...]. And he sent me to the Benedictine<br />

Fathers of Torrechiara of Parma for further training.” 557<br />

“When, in fact, the reform came, he formed a suitable commission, naming as its chairman<br />

Monsignor Guarnieri of Cremona who later became Bishop of Bagnoreggio, in order to carry out the<br />

instructions from Rome in the most effective way possible.” 558<br />

b) Justice with his Domestics<br />

90. - “He was prompt and precise in fulfilling his obligations contracted with his<br />

domestics and he paid them always on time.” 559 “The conduct of the Servant of God with<br />

his domestics was fraternal. He promptly paid the salaries agreed upon and gained the<br />

respect of his domestics.” 560 Such was the testimony of the two Witnesses most directly<br />

549 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 174.<br />

550 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 356. Summarium, par. 435.<br />

551 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 306. Summarium, par. 369.<br />

552 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 710. Summarium, par. 814.<br />

553 F. Calzinari, Ibid., f. 635. Summarium, par. 720.<br />

554 L. Mondini, Ibid., f, 136. Summarium, par. 209.<br />

555 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 572. Summarium, par. 646.<br />

556 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid., f. 753. Summarium, par. 877.<br />

557 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 174.<br />

558 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 458. Summarium, par. 492.<br />

559 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 50. Summarium, par. 55.<br />

560 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 87. Summarium, par. 124.<br />


in the know, the secretary and the butler. Monsignor Caccialanza, whose parents served<br />

at the Bishop's residence until he died, confirms:<br />

“The conduct of the Servant of God with his domestics was always correct, dignified and affable. My<br />

parents told me so a hundred times. He was equally precise in meeting his contracted obligations.” 561<br />

His sister Luisa Scalabrini testifies that “he always treated his domestics with utmost<br />

kindness, 562 so as “to be loved very much by them,” in return. 563 “All of them were happy<br />

with him, and showed him deep attachment.” 564<br />

“I never heard any complaint; on the contrary, I was told by someone of them high praises about<br />

his master. Concerning his domestics and others he was in touch with, I remember that, because of a<br />

sense of justice or charity, the Servant of God said a Mass each month for them.” 565<br />

c) The Question of Favoritism<br />

91. - We made mention of it before when we referred to the accusations brought<br />

against him by someone in regard to the bestowal of offices and benefices, for which the<br />

interference of the Secretary of the Servant of God was blamed. 566 Monsignor Gregori,<br />

who had sure knowledge of the workings of the diocesan Curia, grants that Monsignor<br />

Mangot was “rather intruding”, but he insists that Scalabrini was not “the man to let<br />

himself be influenced”. True, he sought to please his secretary because of friendship and<br />

trust, “but with no prejudice to justice or to the rights of all.” 567 The fact is that “Bishop<br />

Scalabrini was extremely just in his government and in assigning each to the office and<br />

task best fit for him. It was his constant concern to provide for the needs of the position<br />

first, and then for those of the person.” 568<br />

“I can testify that I had the proof that he was the one who decided the assignment of his priests,<br />

having taken into account the talents, the merits and even the special needs of the individual priest, as<br />

well as the needs of the parishes and of the various offices.” 569<br />

“In regard to appointments to office and to marks of honor, I am convinced that he proceeded in<br />

all justice, and that he had on his mind to provide for the position first and then for the person. If he<br />

seemed occasionally to provide first for the individual and then for the position, he did so for special<br />

reasons and with no injustice to anyone. To this I add that he obtained honors for persons not quite so<br />

compliant to him, like Monsignor Giovanni Battista Rossi, who was created Archdeacon and Domestic<br />

Prelate; and canon Casella, who was made a Monsignor.” 570<br />

“More than once I heard the Servant of God exclaiming that in appointing to offices and tasks one<br />

must not play favorites, but look instead for the man best fit for the post or task under consideration:<br />

and I have no proof for saying that he may have infringed on the rights of worthier candidates.” 571<br />

561 B. Caccialanza, Ibid., f 227.<br />

562 L. Scalabrini, Ibid., f. 919.<br />

563 A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 651.<br />

564 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 572. Summarium, par. 647.<br />

565 P. Scarani, Ibid., ff. 412-413. - Concerning some secondary and unproven remarks on presumed<br />

injustice of the Servant of God in regard to his domestics, Cfr. Positio super Causae Introductione,<br />

Responsio Patroni, pp. 134-137.<br />

566 Cfr. above, N° 82.<br />

567 F. Gregori, Processo c. p., f. 573. Summarium, par. 648.<br />

568 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 535. Summarium, par. 571.<br />

569 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 596.<br />

570 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 753. Summarium, par. 878.<br />

571 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 357. Summarium, par. 436.<br />


d) Disciplinary sanctions against certain individuals<br />

92. - The most notorious case is represented by the dismissal of Canon Savino Rocca<br />

from the office of rector of the ‘Seminario Urbano’ and his suspension from the<br />

“Theological Lectures”. The Biography treats with ample documentation all the disputes<br />

between Bishop Scalabrini and Canon Rocca, who had recourse to the Holy See. It would<br />

be enough to recall that the latter has fully admitted the Bishop's rights ordering Canon<br />

Rocca to obey, retract and disapprove whatever he had said or insinuated against his<br />

superior. The Witnesses also are all in agreement in acknowledging the just motives of<br />

the Servant of God:<br />

“Canon Dr. Savino Rocca was giving an erroneous slant to formation [...].In closing the classes he<br />

used to make too transparent allusions against those he thought to be his enemies, beginning with the<br />

Bishop.” 572<br />

"I remembered what Canon Rocca said and did against the person of the Bishop, criticizing and<br />

discrediting him in front of us, seminarians, and accusing him of liberalism with such a seducing and<br />

insinuating art as to mislead us (so that we believed more to the words of Canon Rocca than to those of<br />

the Bishop). I realized then how just and opportune was the provision of the Servant of God. I had the<br />

proof of his great courage in taking a decision thought heroic by all.” 573<br />

“Intransigent Canon Rocca often could not restrain himself, in the face of the positions taken by<br />

Bishop Scalabrini. He thought him to be a liberal, and he had gotten to the point where he kept<br />

systematically talking badly of him to the clergy that visited the seminary. Such behavior was creating<br />

quite a difficult and dangerous situation. The Servant of God tolerated for a long time such state of<br />

things, but was forced finally to intervene by removing Canon Rocca from being Rector.” 574<br />

“As to the dismissal from the ‘theological prebend’, it all began with a theological lecture in which<br />

Canon Rocca spoke at length against the Bishop and the Canons, to the scandal of the people present.<br />

For this reason, the Servant of God suspended him from preaching and hearing confessions. I believe<br />

that Canon Rocca had recourse to the Holy See against this measure; hence a legal suit ensued by<br />

which, after some years and various complications, he was declared deprived of the “theological<br />

prebend”.” 575<br />

The suspension from preaching for a few days of Canon G. B. Rossi caused quite a<br />

stir. He was a friend of Canon Rocca and “had opposed the Bishop for a long time.” 576<br />

“It soon became known that Canon G. B. Rossi had uttered expressions of criticism and opposition<br />

to some acts of the Bishop while preaching one day in the church of Saint Eustachio. The Servant of<br />

God deemed it proper to suspend him for a few days. I was always of the conviction that Bishop<br />

Scalabrini did it out of his sense of duty, to safeguard his prestige, to refrain him from continuing on<br />

that tune,” 577 “because of the moral harm deriving from this to discipline, especially in the Seminary, to<br />

set an example for all the clergy, and to insure the prestige of authority.” 578<br />

“The behavior of Canon Rossi was blameworthy and caused scandal. The Bishop saw the need for<br />

reminding Canon Rossi of his duty to observe church discipline [...]. I point out that, being after all a<br />

man of good will, Canon Rossi repented of his wrong doing and asked pardon of the Bishop, who<br />

572 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 833. Summarium, par. 970.<br />

573 G. Dodici, Ibid., f, 161.<br />

574 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 342. Summarium, par. 407.<br />

575 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 557. Summarium, par. 613.<br />

576 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 704. Summarium, par. 801.<br />

577 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 427.<br />

578 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 704. Summarium, par. 801.<br />


fatherly absolved him, holding him afterwards as one of his most beloved and distinguished priests, and<br />

making use of his services.” 579<br />

And so it was for other personal cases, like those of Lawyer Giuseppe Calda and<br />

Fathers Carlo Tizzoni and Francesco Cavanna. No doubt can be raised as to either the<br />

justice or right intention of the Bishop. 580<br />

e) Just Administration<br />

93. - His Biography recalls the scandalous campaign of the anticlerical press in1884<br />

about the administration of Church properties, and the unanimous protest of the clergy<br />

that rewarded the Bishop with a unanimous demonstration of loyalty. 581<br />

Some rumors began circulating after the death of the Servant of God:<br />

“Talk was going around when he died, that the Servant of God had left some unsolved financial<br />

obligations: but then it was found out that they had been taken care of.” 582<br />

“Rumors were going around after the death of the Servant of God that he had left many debts, but<br />

then it became known that everything had been taken care of by means of the insurance he had bought<br />

on his life.” 583<br />

“To my knowledge, before he died, the Servant of God had some outstanding debts, but he had<br />

also the funds to honor his obligations.” 584<br />

“I can say that at the time of his death the Servant of God had some pending obligations; so also, I<br />

know that in order to normalize the situation he made use of his life insurance and of the money<br />

received from the sale of some furniture. In regard to any doubt as to the financial situation left by the<br />

Bishop, I can state that Canon Saletti, administrator of the ‘Opere Pie’ (charitable institutions of the<br />

diocese) has told me that Pope Pius X, of holy memory, had called him personally to Rome, and after<br />

studying the economic situation, had declared that everything was in good order.” 585<br />

Monsignor Amleto Ghizzoni admits “that the accounts of the Curia treasury were not<br />

up to date”, but he was convinced “that Bishop Scalabrini felt sure he could honor his<br />

obligations, especially through donations made to him in the future, which he could use<br />

with freedom. However, as far as I know, he incurred these debts of his own initiative. I<br />

have reasons to retain that his initiative was prompted by his heart always concerned<br />

about providing for the needs and urgencies of the moment.” 586 We know now with<br />

greater precision how the accounts could actually be straightened up, above all through<br />

the dispositions he had made in detail in his last will. This will in fact contemplate the use<br />

both of his life insurance policy, which had been provided by his brother Angelo; and of<br />

the benefice of Montebolzone, entrusted to Canon Saletti for that purpose. 587<br />

579 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 109-110. Summarium, Par. 159-160<br />

580 Cfr. Biography, pp. 339-340, 126-127, 138.<br />

581 Cfr. Biography, pp. 425-431.<br />

582 L. Tammi, Processo c. p., ff. 840-841. Summarium, par. 984.<br />

583 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 491.<br />

584 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 357. Summarium, par. 438.<br />

585 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., ff. 227-228.<br />

586 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., ff. 775-776. Summarium, par. 917.<br />

587 Cfr. Biography, pp. 431-432.<br />


94. - The Witnesses of the ordinary Diocesan Process were asked, as a proof of the<br />

justice and equity of the Servant of God, whether he had declined a rich last will because<br />

the brothers of the testator would have been left in poverty. Only three Witnesses knew of<br />

it of their own personal knowledge or for hearing of it from people who knew the facts:<br />

“I came to know from Bishop Scalabrini himself that he did not want to accept a<br />

certain heredity because the relatives of the testator would otherwise remain poor.” 588<br />

“I do not remember the exact instance when the Servant of God tore apart a last will;<br />

but I know, however, that on a certain occasion when it was question of a will made out<br />

to him, he said the relatives had not to be neglected because they were in real need. I<br />

myself know all this because I was present when these things were being said.” 589<br />

“I heard it said a number of times that once the Servant of God tore up a will which<br />

named him as heir, because the brothers of the testator would have been left in misery. I<br />

can say, however, that Bishop Scalabrini refused, in spite of the insistence of Countess<br />

Anguissola of Grazzano, the rich heredity which that noble lady wanted to leave to him.<br />

The reason was his concern that it might have created a bad impression in the diocese.” 590<br />

His secretary was the most explicit: “I remember the fact, and it is true, that he tore<br />

to pieces a will that had named him the heir of a fat sum, in order not to deprive of the<br />

heredity the relatives who were living in misery.” 591<br />

3. FORTITUDE<br />

95. - Also in regard to the practice of the virtue of fortitude, the Witnesses give<br />

rather concise answers, following the indications supplied by Question 53.This question<br />

called their attention to some circumstances: “Funeral Mass for Victor Emanuel II;<br />

intervention against those who had no respect for Bishops and interfered in his pastoral<br />

ministry; his action against the 'green serpent' of masonry; above all, his struggle against<br />

the arrogance and the encroachments of civil authorities to the detriment of the faith,<br />

good morals, and Religion.” 592<br />

Let us say immediately that the Servant of God had other occasions to show his<br />

fortitude, beginning with his voluntary assistance to the cholera stricken people of<br />

Porticheto, near Como, in 1867, carried on with risk for his life; 593 his courage in giving<br />

his Lectures on the Ecumenical Vatican Council I, in 1872, before a partly hostile<br />

audience at a time of fears and waverings 594 ;and finally, the extraordinary undertaking of<br />

his second trip to America in full awareness of the extreme physical hardships he would<br />

have to undergo, which he actually sustained with his whole heart, thus hastening his<br />

death. 595 Cardinal Capecelatro defined him “A Bishop, exceptional for his Christian<br />

courage.” 596<br />

588 L. Cornaggia Medici, Processo c. p., f. 737. Summarium. par.843<br />

589 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 137. Summarium, par. 211.<br />

590 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 357. Summarium, par. 437.<br />

591 C. Mangot, Ibid., ii. 50-51. Summarium, par. 55. Biography, pp. 464-466.<br />

592 Processo c. p., ff. 948-949.<br />

593 Cfr. Biography, pp. 60-61.<br />

594 Cfr. Biography, pp. 80-86.<br />

595 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1174-1176, 1346, 1247.<br />

596 “I will point out here one only merit of his, which is generally very rare in our day. He loved very much<br />

to tell everybody the truth with apostolic frankness even when harsh; and he did it with much charity and<br />


Pius X also praised the fortitude shown by the Servant of God in his love for truth<br />

and in his work for emigrants, when he spoke of the “learned, meek, and strong Bishop,<br />

who, even in the face of harsh opposition, always upheld and loved truth and made it<br />

love; nor did he abandon it because of either threats or flattery; the courageous Apostle,<br />

who sacrificed all things in order to keep alive the faith of our brother emigrants in<br />

America by the mission of zealous priests imbued with his spirit.” 597 His friend<br />

Bonomelli, his closest friend at all times, could well testify his intrepidity. 598<br />

a) Funeral of Victor Emanuel II<br />

96. - We have spoken already of the prudence shown by the Servant of God on the<br />

occasion of the funeral of Victor Emanuel II. From the viewpoint of fortitude, testimonies<br />

specify:<br />

“I remember the time when on the occasion of the funeral of Victor Emanuel II a<br />

delegation of citizens had gone to the township of Sant'Antonio to meet Bishop<br />

Scalabrini and convince him not to re-enter the city where a hostile demonstration was in<br />

the making against him. Though so saddened at the news, the Servant of God did not<br />

loose his composure and decided to continue on his way saying that he had great faith in<br />

the good heart of the citizens of Piacenza.” 599<br />

“He gave sure evidence of exceptional fortitude on the occasion of the death of Victor Emanuel II,<br />

by not giving in to the imposition of those who wanted that a solemn funeral Mass should be celebrated,<br />

thus exposing himself to the well known attack on his residence on the part of the mob. He celebrated it<br />

only when he was authorized to do so by the Holy See.” 600<br />

Monsignor Mondini testifies hearing from the Bishop himself a rather odd detail:<br />

“The Holy See had sent out instructions to avoid celebrating possibly the funeral Mass, and in the<br />

document addressed to Scalabrini it asked him to forward it to the neighboring bishops. Getting wind<br />

that something was brewing in Piacenza and in the cities nearby and foreseeing trouble ahead for the<br />

bishops who should refuse to celebrate it, the Servant of God refrained from conveying such<br />

instructions to them, but he stuck by them scrupulously.” 601<br />

From the complete description of the episode we have gathered that the Servant of<br />

God repeatedly stated on that occasion that he was ready to die rather than disobey the<br />

Holy See. 602<br />

courtesy, so that most people did not resent it. He ruled his diocese, where he suffered many sorrows, with<br />

great charity, but also with the fortitude that derives from Christian courage that does good with God in<br />

mind and has no fear. Besides, he took also many trips filled with dangers, which he disregarded. To some<br />

churchmen who had come to visit him in my episcopal residence one day, and spoke about the dangers of a<br />

trip he was about to undertake and which I do not recall, he said: ‘Do you believe it makes any difference<br />

for one who has a clear conscience to die eaten by a whale or quietly in his home? In announcing Jesus<br />

Christ Crucified to the whole world did the Apostles let themselves be overcome by fear?’ (Testimony of<br />

Card. A. Capecelatro, Capua December 4, 1912. Scalabrinian General Archive, 3020).<br />

597 Brief of Pius X, October 18. 1913. Summarium, par. 1053.<br />

598 “I never saw him back off any sacrifice when it was question of duty and of the good of souls. He<br />

suffered, and I felt small, nothing rather, before him.” (G. Bonomelli. in ‘Numero Unico’ Il Monumento<br />

ricordo a Mons. Scalabrini, Como September 11, 1913).<br />

599 F. Cattivelli, Processo c. p.. f. 393.<br />

600 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 437.<br />

601 L. Mondini, Ibid., f, 128. Summarium, par, 194.<br />

602 Cfr. Biography, pp. 624-628.<br />


) Undue Intrusions and Detractions to the Detriment of Bishops<br />

97. - At this point we make reference to the fortitude with which the Servant of God<br />

resisted his internal opponents, that is, those Catholics, who, though well intentioned,<br />

were hindering his episcopal ministry, making use at times of methods and means<br />

contrary not only to Christian charity, but to truth itself and to the respect for the<br />

hierarchical principle. Their most fiery representative was Father Davide Albertario,<br />

director of the “L'Osservatore Cattolico” of Milan. To him we must add Fathers Carlo<br />

Bonaccina and Enrico Massara, of the same newspaper, and their main “correspondent”<br />

from Piacenza, Canon Savino Rocca.<br />

The relations of Bishop Scalabrini with them and other “intransigent” extremists<br />

seem to be made clear to us in his Biography which devotes five chapters (X-XIV) to<br />

those disputes. As to the legal proceedings in court, we have to revert to Question 19, for<br />

his relations with Father Albertario; to Question 22, for the “Rocca's” case; and to<br />

Question 24, in regard to Canon Giovanni Battista Rossi.<br />

Witness Monsignor Gregori sums up the history of the relations with Father<br />

Albertario this way:<br />

“The relations between the Servant of God and Father Albertario, initiated about 1880, were good<br />

at first. It was in 1882 [sic] when a certain tension began because of some intrusions the ‘L'Osservatore<br />

Cattolico’ had made in regard to the diocese. It was due in particular to two articles, one against the<br />

review ‘Divus Thomas’, and the other against the Secretary of the Bishop, Monsignor Mangot. But<br />

what brought the dispute out into the open was the removal of Canon Savino Rocca from being Rector<br />

of the Seminary. Canon Rocca was the correspondent from Piacenza of the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’<br />

and was thought of as the main exponent of the “intransigents” in the city. The fight was planned so as<br />

to make it appear as though Canon Rocca was removed because he was anti-rosminian, an altogether<br />

false accusation because Bishop Scalabrini was never a Rosminian ; on the contrary, as I said before, he<br />

was a pioneer of Thomism. As a consequence of the articles published in continuity against him, the<br />

Servant of God had recourse to the Holy See. After various vicissitudes, Pope Leo XIII devolved the<br />

decision to a committee of Cardinals that ordered Father Albertario to retract whatever he had written<br />

against the Servant of God.” 603<br />

Monsignor Mondini states about Albertario:<br />

“I can say that he was an implacable enemy of Bishop Scalabrini: he defamed him in a most<br />

serious way, especially in the pages of his newspaper, the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’, not just once, but<br />

for several years. Later on, having changed his ways, he was reconciled with the Bishop.” 604<br />

And Father Pietro Scarani:<br />

“The dispute with Father Davide Albertario was awful: Bishop Scalabrini suffered very much.<br />

This priest, thought to be a journalist, was imprudent and pretended to dictate to the Bishops. For good<br />

reasons, therefore, he did not allow the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ to be read in the Diocese. But then,<br />

having Albertario mended his ways, the Servant of God forgave him and gave him signs of great<br />

benevolence.” 605<br />

The Servant of God Monsignor Francesco Torta testified:<br />

603 F. Gregori, Processo c. p., ff.. 551-552. Summarium, par. 606-607. The date must be corrected from<br />

1882 to 1881.<br />

604 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 102-103. Summarium, par. 152.<br />

605 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 481.<br />


“The relations between the Servant of God and the journalist Father Davide Albertario were tense<br />

for quite a number of years, because Albertario was bringing steady insinuations on Bishop Scalabrini's<br />

government of the diocese. At first the Bishop did not pay attention to the offenses and accusations<br />

leveled at him and sought, instead, to minimize them, feeling sorry for the journalist. But then he<br />

considered it his duty to intervene because of the evils resulting, especially among the clergy. The<br />

accusation of liberal, in fact, in the sense intended by Albertario, that is, that he was opposed to the<br />

Holy See in the political question, as I said before, was altogether without foundation.” 606<br />

Monsignor Amedeo Ghizzoni points out that if Albertario was an intransigent,<br />

Bishop Scalabrini was even more so when it was the question of loyalty to truth. The<br />

Witness recalls the time in1897, when Albertario, upon invitation of Bishop Scalabrini,<br />

spoke at a regional meeting of the Opera dei Congressi (Work of the Congresses, a lay<br />

Catholic movement) held in Piacenza:<br />

“With moving words he made reference to his relations with Scalabrini, honoring the Bishop's<br />

criterion that in announcing the truth one must be intransigent. Bishop Scalabrini, with no less touching<br />

expressions, stated that when dealing with the truth it is not enough to be intransigent, but most<br />

intransigent, though always with charity. 607<br />

98. - The heart of the matter must be sought right here. His Biography shows that<br />

Albertario, in the name of a truth he identified with his fight against liberalism, attacked<br />

violently, too often with subtle insinuations, malign interpretations, and not too rare<br />

bloody slanders, Bishop Scalabrini and his acts in the government of the diocese. He<br />

arrived at the point of stirring up the clergy and the seminarians against their Bishop, who<br />

was being accused without any real foundation of favoring rosminianism and liberalism,<br />

and therefore of disobedience to the Pope, while accusing the clergy of Piacenza for<br />

Jansenism or Jansenistic tendencies. Father Albertario was pursuing “his” truth, and<br />

Bishop Scalabrini acknowledged even too generously his good faith as long as it was<br />

possible, but the Servant of God loved “the truth”: “not his own comforts or his own<br />

interests or his personal miserly satisfactions, but the truth, only the truth was his rule,<br />

and he sacrifices everything rather than betray it.” 608 “For this truth one must strenuously<br />

fight till the point of agony and death.” 609 “Being silent out of human respect when it is a<br />

question of truth? I would seem to betray the Word of God!” 610<br />

At the same time and with the same intensity he loved charity, soul of the Church<br />

and of her unity. This is why he reprimanded “intransigent” journalists for ‘that open<br />

neglect of the most amiable virtues of the Christian faith, and that near derision of those<br />

who recommend these virtues as the most precious and beloved of all.” 611 “The Church” -<br />

he added –“our disconsolate Mother, has often cause for sorrow over those of her sons<br />

who oppress her and rend her bosom [...]. A marvelous bond joins all her members, and<br />

such bond is charity: woe to anyone that breaks it.” 612<br />

Concerning the other foundation of Church unity, that is, the respect for the<br />

hierarchical principle, we will amply treat it when we deal with the obedience of the<br />

Servant of God.<br />

606 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 341. Summarium, par. 404.<br />

607 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 766. Summarium, par. 896.<br />

608 G. B. Scalabrini, Discorso [...] per it giubileo episcopale di Mons. Geremia Bonomelli, Cremona 1896,<br />

pp. 10-11.<br />

609 Idem, Lettera Pastorale pel solenne riconoscimento delle Reliquie dei Ss. Antonino e Vittore, Piacenza<br />

1880, p. 29.<br />

610 Cfr. L. Cornaggia Medici. Un profilo di Mons. Scalabrini, Roma 1930, p, 19.<br />

611 G. B. Scalabrini, Cattolici di nome e cattolici di fatto, Piacenza 1887 , p. 19.<br />

612 Ibid., p. 24.<br />


It was on the base of these principles that he, the first amongst Italian bishops, had<br />

the courage of making public a solemn protest against the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’:<br />

“No doubt, Bishop Scalabrini was gifted with a strong and intrepid spirit, as was seen especially<br />

when he was made the target of abusive insinuations which were aimed indirectly also at the whole of<br />

the clergy. He published his most bold protest against the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ of Milan, dated on<br />

October 3, 1881, in the diocesan newspaper ‘La Verità’, protest expressed in eight points, each<br />

beginning with a solemn ‘We protest’” 613<br />

“Well known are the examples of fortitude of Bishop Scalabrini in the defense of his rights as a<br />

Bishop and of the rights of his confreres, liable to the judgment of no one, except to that of Holy See.<br />

He defended the rights of the Church against her enemies with fortitude, but in all charity. To me, it was<br />

a mark of the singular fortitude of Bishop Scalabrini to have always made clearly known his thought on<br />

matters left to free discussion by the Church, against the “intransigent” current of his time, even to the<br />

Supreme Pontiff, with disregard for the many sorrows his conduct would have caused him on the part of<br />

said current.” 614<br />

Shortly before this public protest, he had written to Bishop Bonomelli:<br />

“And now, dear friend, we are united as one target for the arrows of these poor blind people, but<br />

we have to oppose their insane attempts, keeping our peace and rectitude of intentions, while seeking<br />

only the glory of God and the Church, and the salvation of souls.” 615<br />

We know already what he had written to Leo XIII:<br />

“Holy Father; you know the frank sincerity of my heart, you know the great sacrifices I sustained<br />

for the glory of God and to show myself for what I feel I really am: all for you and for your cause,<br />

which is that of God. Prostrate, therefore, at your feet, only one favor do I ask of you: call to order that<br />

troublesome extra-hierarchical element, especially of journalists (headed by the ‘L'Osservatore<br />

Cattolico’), who, while feigning devotion to the successor of Peter, a devotion they do not have, use it<br />

as a shield for giving vent to partisan passions and as a protection for private interests; offend the divine<br />

authority of the bishops; disgrace the Church and discredit her before the people of good repute by their<br />

fierce and scandalous polemics. Thus they tear apart that admirable unity among the Shepherds that has<br />

been until now one of her most shining glories and turn Catholicism into a handful of fanatics.” 616<br />

The protest of 1881 was written after the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ had incited the<br />

seminarians of Piacenza to disobey the bishop in the name of a pretended obedience to<br />

the Pope at an occasion that had nothing to do with obedience; 617 it was a protest, then,<br />

against the offenses given to the Bishops, and therefore to the Pope himself with whom<br />

the episcopate is united; a protest against the insults on the clergy of Piacenza; against<br />

undue intrusions in the government of his diocese; against the distortion of the facts; and<br />

against the insubordination advocated by this “liberalism of a new coinage”.<br />

Albertario had the audacity of defining this protest as: “vile slanders which, you, the<br />

Bishop of Piacenza, fling at us through mere infernal hatred against the ‘L'Osservatore’<br />

and its writers.” 618 Since Father Albertario was convinced that a man like the Servant of<br />

God was acting “because of mere infernal hatred”, Scalabrini had no choice but to have<br />

recourse to the judgment of the Holy See, that called the newspaper of Milan to order, but<br />

with no success. The Bishop of Piacenza, then, petitioned Leo XIII for a public<br />

reparation, declaring, in any case:<br />

613 P. Lotteri processo c. p. ff.712-713. Summarium, par. 817.<br />

614 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid.. ff. 737-738. Summarium, par. 845.<br />

615 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Camerlata, September 22, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli,<br />

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan).<br />

616 Idem to Leo XIII, Piacenza. September 26, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3042).<br />

617 Cfr. Biography, pp. 500-501.<br />

618 Letter of D. Albertario to G. B. Scalabrini, Filighera, October 7, 1881. (Archivio Segreto Vaticano,<br />

Segreteria di Stato, Leone XIII, Miscellanea, D.O. Albertario, 111, A).<br />


“I am and will be ready not only to follow your commands but your desires as well; so that if you<br />

deem it that I should keep quiet, in compliance with Your desire I shall withdraw, calm and peaceful,<br />

into deep silence, leaving all things in the hands of God and of You, who are his Vicar.” 619<br />

Such readiness in complying with the wishes of the Pope is one of the most<br />

convincing demonstrations that the fortitude of the Servant of God was indeed a virtue<br />

practiced in an uncommon degree.<br />

99. - As the intransigent newspaper, in spite of the repeated admonitions from the<br />

Holy See, continued to attack the Bishops, especially of Piacenza and Cremona, the<br />

Servant of God reminded the Pope of the real reasons of his protest and of his request:<br />

“The dispirited silence of the whole Episcopate, terrified or mystified in the face of the persistent<br />

attacks of a press feigning deep veneration for it and above all for the Holy See, was being judged by<br />

the most sensible and well meaning people as a sign of weakness and connivance in the disorders that<br />

derived of it. It was necessary that somebody should raise his voice and the circumstances provided that<br />

I be the one.” 620<br />

At last, Leo XIII intervened with the letter Cognita Nobis of January 25, 1882:<br />

“Above all, let the Catholic press hold as holy the name of the Bishops”; but the Holy See<br />

nullified, at the same time, the result the Apostolic Letter was meant to produce. For this<br />

reason, Bishop Scalabrini together with Bishop Bonomelli had to insist with singular<br />

tenacity and fortitude in order to secure from Leo XIII an act of justice, not because of his<br />

person, “utterly insignificant”, but because of the authority, prestige, and honor of a<br />

Bishop, and above all, because of the credibility of his pastoral ministry and of his<br />

insistent exhortation to obedience he was inculcating on the clergy and the people of his<br />

diocese. “I know I am a Bishop and such I shall be regardless of all odds.” 621 “Must and<br />

can a Bishop keep silent, thus allowing his ministry to be belittled in the face of his sons,<br />

the prestige of his dignity to be abated, nowadays more necessary than ever before?” 622<br />

“A Bishop is not the master of his good name as a private person could be!” 623 “Woe to<br />

religion” -a doctor of the Church would exclaim –“if the Bishops were forced to keep<br />

silent.” 624<br />

The good results of the intrepid fortitude of Bishop Scalabrini were soon<br />

experienced: On the 17 th of June, 1883, Father Albertario had to make public an<br />

unconditional recantation through a form dictated by a committee of Cardinals in which<br />

he admitted having exercised “an undue and subversive intrusion in the diocesan<br />

administration” of the two dioceses of Piacenza and Cremona. 625 A sentence this clear<br />

from the Holy See confirms that the fortitude of the Servant of God responded to the<br />

demands of truth and justice, not to obstinacy or desire for power.<br />

100. - Unfortunately, the attacks of the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ did not end here.<br />

We have already mentioned the episodes of 1885, on the occasion of the publication of<br />

619 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leone XIII, Piacenza, November 19, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />

620 Idem to G. Boccali, Piacenza, November 29, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

621 Idem to Bonomelli, Piacenza, March 2, 1883 (Ibid.). Concerning the episode of the Cognita Nobis, Cfr.<br />

N° 137.<br />

622 Idem to L. Jacobini, Piacenza, March 15, 1883 (Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 1.c., III, B ).<br />

623 Idem to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, June, 10, 1892 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

624 Idem to L. Jacobini, Piacenza, April 8, 1883 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3042/2).<br />

625 Letter of D. Albertario to G. B. Scalabrini, Napoli, June 17, 1883 (Ibid.).<br />


his Pastoral Letter on the Pitra's case 626 and of the booklet Intransigenti e Transigenti; the<br />

episode of 1886, for the political elections 627 ; and of 1892-1893, when the Holy See,<br />

consequently to the persistent accusations of the intransigents, thought to take Bonomelli<br />

out of the Diocese of Cremona. 628<br />

We could also recall the polemic born of his Pastoral Letter Cattolici di Nome e<br />

Cattolici di Fatto (Catholics by name and Catholics by action) of 1887 629 .In all these<br />

circumstances, however, rather than fortitude itself, we must admire that particular aspect<br />

of fortitude with patience, already spoken of, shown in the absolute silence observed by<br />

the Servant of God when there was danger for the prestige of the Supreme Pontiff; in<br />

bearing without discouragement or sadness the offenses aimed at his person; in the<br />

magnanimity of his forgiveness, constantly offered and generously granted to those who<br />

had offended him in matters most dear to his heart.<br />

101. - One question, however, becomes inevitable at this point, especially if one<br />

considers that a great proportion of the Italian bishops was so tolerant of Albertario, or<br />

even defended and supported him more or less warm-heartedly: was not the Servant of<br />

God too hard, perhaps, on the journalist whom Pius IX had defined the champion of<br />

Catholic journalism, so as to fail in charity? One may highly wonder at a definition he<br />

gave of Father Albertario in a letter to the Cardinal Secretary of State shortly before the<br />

Committee of Cardinals, headed by Cardinal Jacobini himself, were to condemn that<br />

priest to retract:<br />

“Most Eminent Cardinal, am I in error? Be pleased to tell the Holy Father to correct me, and he<br />

will have in me, as ever, a submissive, a most obedient son, in all things. But if I am found on the side<br />

of truth, of justice, of righteousness, how can a Bishop, though the least and most undeserving of all<br />

Bishops, be allowed to be publicly dragged to the tribunal of a priest who does not offer but the<br />

appearance and the habit of one.” 630<br />

This most severe evaluation on the priestly life of Albertario is based above all on<br />

the open, voluntary, and repeated transgressions of the Christian virtues, especially of<br />

charity and truthfulness, amply documented in said letter to Cardinal Jacobini. Besides,<br />

one cannot ignore the fact that Albertario was then involved in two trials: one, for<br />

breaking, as they said, the Eucharistic fast in public; the other, for the accusation of very<br />

serious immorality with the female domestic of a parish priest of the diocese of Cremona,<br />

immorality of which he then blamed the parish priest, who in despair, killed himself. We<br />

do not know how convinced Bishop Scalabrini was of the guilt of Albertario, especially<br />

at the moment when he wrote this letter when the trials were still in progress. The fact is<br />

that Archbishop Calabiana of Milan had suspended the journalist from preaching in his<br />

diocese, and the Holy See itself had ordered in 1882 that he be sent away from the<br />

626 Cfr. Biography, pp. 579-589. Cardinal Pitra had published an ultra-intransigent booklet, censured by the<br />

Holy See but supported by Italian “intransigents”. Against it, Bishop Scalabrini wrote in 1885 a Pastoral<br />

letter On the booklet: La Lettera dell' Card. Pitra ...<br />

627 As we said before, Bishop Scalabrini defended the thought of the "clerico-costituzionali" in his<br />

publication Intransigenti e Transigenti of 1885; inspired by Leo XIII (Cfr. Biography, pp. 587-591). In the<br />

elections of 1886, he privately allowed Catholics to go to the polls in accord with the particular instructions<br />

he had received from the Holy See. (Cfr. Biography, pp. 650-652).<br />

628 In the years 1892-1893, the Holy See had practically decided to remove Bonomelli from his Diocese of<br />

Cremona, at least for a time, entrusting him with a diplomatic post in Latin America; but afterwards it<br />

changed its mind, also because of the influence of the servant of God (Cfr. Biography, pp. 768-773).<br />

629 Cfr. Biography, pp. 683-685.<br />

630 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Jacobini, Piacenza, April 8 1883 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3042/2).<br />


direction of the newspaper and only in 1885 allowed him to return to Milan. Bishop<br />

Bonomelli, on his part, was more than convinced of the validity of the accusation brought<br />

on the journalist, and certainly Bishop Scalabrini was not sure of his innocence. All these<br />

circumstances concur in explaining the severity of his evaluation. What his real spirit<br />

was, aside from a resented outburst at a moment when the Holy See, with the excuse of<br />

the trials in progress, seemed not to give heed to the reasons of the Bishop, as it had to do<br />

a little later, is shown by the promptness and amplitude of forgiveness he accorded the<br />

fiery journalist:<br />

“He allowed a confrere of his in the Episcopate to convey the following message to the one that<br />

had fought him: Bishop Scalabrini has forgotten everything because he has never hated anyone. He<br />

embraces and gives the kiss of peace not to opponents, but to brothers, who have offended him by<br />

mistake.” 631<br />

Father Albertario himself “openly admitted being ill served (and he could well say<br />

deceived) by his correspondents from here (Piacenza)” 632 When he was invited in1897 to<br />

speak at a meeting in the residence of Bishop Scalabrini, he said:<br />

“Some of you may wonder at seeing me here in this episcopal residence, at seeing<br />

that I am able to speak in this place; well, then, my justification is only one, the big<br />

heart of Bishop Scalabrini.” 633<br />

Well founded is, therefore, the deposition of Monsignor Luigi Cornaggia Medici:<br />

“As to the well known dispute with the journalist Father Davide Albertario I can state, of my own<br />

personal knowledge, that the Servant of God did not allow himself to be guided by sentiments of<br />

resentment, but exclusively by the sense of duty which urged him to sustain and defend his authority as<br />

a Bishop and the authority of other confreres who were being made the object together with him of<br />

abuse by a journalist who had no mandate in the Church, and who instead had been repeatedly<br />

admonished on the matter by the Holy See. Consequently, the well known acts taken in writing by the<br />

Servant of God may and must be looked upon as acts carried out in full awareness and inspired by his<br />

high responsibility as a Bishop and also by his intention to prevent that there be introduced into the<br />

Church what he opportunely called ‘a liberalism of a new coinage’” 634<br />

“In regard to Father Albertario, he forgave generously, giving him marks of exquisite charity,<br />

especially by doing whatever he could to have the priest allowed to say Mass when in prison.” 635<br />

Concerning Canon Savino Rocca, a friend of Albertario and a correspondent of<br />

‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ and of other intransigent newspapers, and concerning Canon<br />

Giovanni Battista Rossi, a supporter of Rocca and more than once at odds with the will of<br />

the Bishop, we have already spoken, underlining that the Witnesses at the Process did not<br />

hesitate to define as “heroic” the strong, but forgiving, stand of the Servant of God in<br />

their regard. 636<br />

c) Against Heresies, Sects, Schism.<br />

631 Cfr. Biography, p. 835.<br />

632 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to A. DiPietro, Piacenza, July 5, 1895 (Archivio Segreto Vaticano, S. C.<br />

Concilii Positiones Secretae, litt. P., III, 49).<br />

633 G. Ferrerio, in In memoria di Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. Note Biografiche e commemorative,<br />

Piacenza 1905, pp. 24-25.<br />

634 L. Cornaggia Medici, Processo c. p., ff. 729-730. Summarium, par. 842.<br />

635 Idem, f. 735. Summarium. par. 840.<br />

636 Cfr. above N. 92.<br />


102. - “Had he not been possessed of a genuinely apostolic and heroic fortitude, the<br />

Servant of God” - Monsignor Luigi Ranza testifies –“would not have been able to<br />

transform the environment and make the influence of the Church felt also in the midst of<br />

his opponents; thus he succeeded by prolonged struggles in prevailing over slanderers,<br />

masons, and over all those who hindered his pastoral ministry.” 637<br />

As mentioned before, Bishop Scalabrini employed strong measures at the first<br />

appearance of Protestantism in his diocese in1885, crushing from its very beginning the<br />

infiltration of the Methodist Evangelical Church with an insistent counteroffensive of<br />

admonitions and exhortations. 638 But the most violent attacks against religion came from<br />

masonry that held a more or less overt control over a great portion of the local press and<br />

of the civil authorities of the state and the province. The Lodge of Piacenza declared<br />

Scalabrini as the “most powerful enemy of our society in Northern Italy [...]. The lodge<br />

of Piacenza, once so flourishing, can be considered all done with because of his schemes.<br />

We must oppose by all means the doings of that formidable enemy and demolish him in<br />

our Masonic sense of the word.” 639 “No threats ever made him back out from the<br />

fulfillment of his duty. I remember that once he received a letter stamped with a black<br />

hand with the words: ‘Five more days’. He did not make anything of it; in fact, he<br />

continued with greater vigor his fight against the enemies of the faith.” 640 “He never<br />

retreated in the face of the arrogance and abuses of masonry, whose spokesman (the ‘Il<br />

Piccolo’, a daily) did not spare him insults and indignities.” 641 We recall, among other<br />

things, the promptness and energy with which he took care from the very beginning of<br />

the atheistic newspaper ‘Il Penitente’ 642 and of a ‘lay Sunday youth center’ of Masonic<br />

inspiration. 643<br />

He showed an intrepid zeal for persons affiliated to masonry, even at the beginning<br />

of his first year as a Bishop when he “called to penance the Grand orient Count Daniele<br />

Nicelli, who lived afterwards and died like a saint.” 644<br />

“In the years 1890-1895, there lived on Via Diritta (the present Via XX Settembre) a poor bedridden<br />

man, who though being at the throws of death did not want to admit any priest; in fact, to anyone<br />

who should speak to him about it, he showed the gun he had in the drawer of his side desk and<br />

answered he would shatter the brains of the priest that should dare to approach him. Hearing about it,<br />

the Servant of God said: I will go. Which he did indeed. Such was the salutary impression he made on<br />

the poor unfortunate man by his brotherly heroic act, that, deeply moved to tears, he returned to<br />

God.” 645<br />

We will hear the depositions that disprove the absurd accusation brought on him,<br />

especially by canon Rocca, who qualified the Servant of God as a liberal because he kept<br />

in touch with “great sinners and masons” 646 "moved by a higher principle, which was that<br />

of gaining their souls, something he succeeded in obtaining a number of times. 647<br />

637 A. Ranza, Processo c. p., f. 652.<br />

638 Cfr. Biography, pp. 866-869.<br />

639 Cfr. Biography, p. 906.<br />

640 C. Mangot, Processo c. p., f. 826. Summarium, par. 70.<br />

641 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 598.<br />

642 Cfr. Biography, p. 308.<br />

643 Cfr. Biography, p. 852.<br />

644 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to A. DiPietro, cit. in Note 41.<br />

645 L. Mondini, Processo c. p., f. 127. Summarium, par, 192.<br />

646 See below NN. 124-125.<br />

647 F. Gregori, Processo c. p.. f. 575. Summarium, par. 652.<br />


103. - The most sorrowful attempt at the heart of the Servant of God, apostle of unity<br />

in faith and charity, was the schism of Miraglia in the years 1895-1900, caused by the<br />

Sicilian Priest Paolo Miraglia Gullotti, who opened at a short distance from the cathedral<br />

‘an Italian International Autonomous Church’, attached to the Congress of Old Catholics<br />

of Vienna. 648 The Bishop made use, at first, of all the means suggested by charity,<br />

patience, and prudence.<br />

“He did not neglect any available means in order to lead the unfortunate one back on the right<br />

track.” 649<br />

“He did all in his power to call him back to his senses. He had him invited to the episcopal palace,<br />

but Miraglia refused to go. He had recourse to private and public prayers. He organized missions and<br />

rites of reparation.” 650<br />

“He sent afterwards, in succession, Fathers Agostino Moglia, Bartholomew Ricci, and Monsignor<br />

Pietro Piacenza, to offer him pardon on the part of the Bishop.” 651<br />

“He did all he could to put an end to the scandal.” 652 “If the scandal was not immediately<br />

suppressed by the zeal of the Bishop, it was certainly for reasons of prudence, so that greater evils<br />

might be prevented, given the sad and excessive commotion of the moment.” 653<br />

In fact, not only the anticlerical press fanned the flames, but after a while the civil<br />

authorities as well cooperated in fostering them.<br />

“I was then employed at the Prefecture (Seat of Government of the Province) and I remember that<br />

the Bishop had begun procedures on several occasions to have the unfortunate priest sent away from the<br />

city. But having to deal with people of no religion, these enjoyed the show and fostered discord<br />

amongst well-meaning people.” 654<br />

“They always defended themselves by saying that it was impossible to intervene because there<br />

were no laws concerning this.” 655 “During this whole period, Bishop Scalabrini bore the slanders and<br />

insults aimed at his clergy with patience and magnanimity that is unique in the world.” 656<br />

“He showed himself very forbearing, but he never neglected to intervene with energy, as we all<br />

know. But Miraglia enjoyed protection from someone of high position.” 657<br />

“Realizing the negative results of his paternal approaches, the Servant of God<br />

informed the Holy See about what was going on in Piacenza. After this, he made use of<br />

the church censures against him.” 658<br />

He excommunicated, in fact, Miraglia, when the latter refused to withdraw the legal<br />

action he had started at the civil court against priests who had publicly defended<br />

themselves against the accusations of the ‘new Savonarola’; he condemned the weekly<br />

‘Gerolamo Savonarola’; and petitioned the Holy See for strong measures; but the latter<br />

did not deem it opportune to demand a retraction. All this took place in the early months<br />

of the Miraglian movement. 659 A few months later, the Holy Office inflicted the<br />

excommunication, but this took place only on June 13, 1900, after the ‘farce’ of his<br />

648 Cfr. Biography, pp. 872-905.<br />

649 Cfr. F. Lotteri, Processo. c. p., f. 702. Summarium, par, 799.<br />

650 E. Martini, Ibid., ff. 193-194.<br />

651 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 553. Summarium, par. 609.<br />

652 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 767. Summarium, par. 898.<br />

653 G. Squeri, Ibid., ff. 526-527. Summarium, par. 558.<br />

654 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid.. f. 368.<br />

655 E. Martini, Ibid., f, 194.<br />

656 E. Ottolenghi, Ibid., f. 689.<br />

657 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 746.<br />

658 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 107. Summarium, par, 156.<br />

659 Cfr. Biography, pp. 875-889.<br />


episcopal consecration. The Holy See declared him excomunicatus vitandus<br />

(excommunicated to be avoided). Ten days later, Miraglia had to escape to Switzerland in<br />

order to elude the various sentences pronounced by the civil courts for defamation of<br />

priests. 660<br />

After a time, during which the Bishop had tried to come to an understanding with the<br />

civil authorities in order to have Miraglia leave the city through persuasion, the Servant<br />

of God showed all his energy also with the public authorities.<br />

“When Miraglia showed himself openly for what he really was and rebelled against the orders of<br />

the Bishop giving start to a schism, the Servant of God rose to resist him with the full strength of his<br />

zeal, having recourse also to the civil authorities.” 661<br />

When the city council dismissed the appeal of the parish priests against the funerals<br />

conducted by the schismatic priest, Bishop Scalabrini turned to the Attorney General<br />

(minister of ‘Grazia e Giustizia’), and obtained finally from the Prefect the decree<br />

ordering the closing down of the church of Miraglia, and from the Military Authorities<br />

the prohibition for soldiers to attend it. He had recourse, besides, to Ministers Zanardelli<br />

and Visconti-Venosta to have the appeals of Miraglia against the decisions of the Prefect<br />

rejected. 662 But not before he had to reprehend the Prefect for his “truly inexplicable<br />

behavior” and to threaten him “to make known to the public” the repeated protests he had<br />

presented to the provincial and central governments. 663<br />

104. - The Christian fortitude of the Servant of God, however, is especially and<br />

extraordinarily manifested in his inexhaustible patience and resignation:<br />

“I can state of my own personal knowledge that the Servant of God suffered very much, and more<br />

than once I found him in a pitiful state.” 664<br />

“One could see it from his impressive wasting away; he had become a wreck.” 665<br />

Twice, in fact, he fell into a state of physical exhaustion. “Dr. Luigi Marchesi,<br />

Scalabrini's and our family doctor, more than once told us that the scandal of Miraglia<br />

marked the beginning of his heart's sickness,” 666 which was the prime cause of his<br />

untimely death. But he reached, at the same time, the peak of conformity with the will of<br />

God and with the cross of Christ:<br />

“That unfortunate priest is weaving a true crown of thorns for me, with the audacity of a<br />

downright sectarian, but I have to tell you that, so far at least, the Lord has given me so much strength<br />

as almost not to let me feel the painful and steady sting. I realize that he rules me with a Providence<br />

filled with mystery, and I feel, at least I seem to feel, disposed in any event to repeat: Ita, Pater,<br />

quoniam sic fuit placitum ante Te (Yes, Father, because it so pleased you).” 667<br />

“The Lord flogs me indeed, and he has a thousand reasons. He accords me, on the other hand, a<br />

mysterious calm and tranquillity. Calicem quem dedit mihi Pater non bibam illum?" (Am I not to drink<br />

the cup the Father has given me?).” 668<br />

660 Cfr. Biography, pp. 889-900.<br />

661 L. Bertola, Processo c. p., f. 719.<br />

662 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 555. Summarium, par. 611.<br />

663 Cfr. Biography, pp. 894-895.<br />

664 F. Torta, Processo c. p., f. 341. Summarium, par. 406.<br />

665 L. Cella, Ibid., f. 612. Summarium, par. 406.<br />

666 Ibid.<br />

667 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Pomaro, November 9, 1895 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

668 Idem, Piacenza, February 21, 1896 (Ibid.).<br />


“Always look upon crosses, tribulations, humiliations, and contempt, as upon precious means for<br />

my sanctification. Do not complain, do not grieve, and do not get discouraged: offer everything up in<br />

union with the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Fac me cruce inebriari! (make me rejoice in the cross, or<br />

make me intoxicated with the cross).” 669<br />

“The Lord has chosen to visit me this year with all kinds of tribulations, but it seems to me that I<br />

have never lost my peace and tranquillity. I constantly kept on my mind the omne gaudium existimate<br />

cum in tribulationes varias incideritis (hold it as a great joy when you suffer a variety of tribulations),<br />

and I even experienced joy in them. Oh! the sublime philosophy enclosed in these words: true love for<br />

the cross!” 670<br />

Monsignor Mondini points out for us the source of such fortitude:<br />

“A number of times I found him crying prostrate face down to the floor, before the Blessed<br />

Sacrament to implore the mercy of God on that poor unfortunate one and for the salvation of the souls<br />

entrusted to him. In no case have I ever noticed any word or moods of anxiety on his part that might<br />

show impatience, resentment, or irritation against that unfortunate apostate. In fact, should anyone of<br />

his household come out with utterances hostile to Miraglia, he used to remind him of the duties of<br />

Christian charity.” 671<br />

d) Relations with Civil Authorities<br />

105. - To a general question on the relations of the Servant of God with Public<br />

Authorities (Question 15), the Witnesses at the ordinary Process give a variety of<br />

answers. They differ between those given by lay people who speak of excellent relations<br />

and of a constant good will shown by the civil authorities, and those of the laity and the<br />

clergy who, much better in the know of the daily reality of the life of the diocese, say all<br />

to the contrary. Architect Ettore Martini, who had an active part in the political life of the<br />

city and the province, simply states that the Servant of God “certainly did not count” in<br />

his pastoral ministry “on the favor of civil authorities from whom he never had any<br />

support.” 672 Count Giuseppe Radini Tedeschi, a functionary of the Prefecture, confirms<br />

that “he could not always depend on the support of civil authorities.” 673 Monsignor<br />

Dodici specifies that “at first the civil authorities admired the talents of the Bishop; but<br />

they soon showed themselves hostile to him.” 674 Various Witnesses distinguish different<br />

periods: in his episcopal ministry Bishop Scalabrini did not “always have the favor of the<br />

civil authorities who showed themselves from time to time contrary to him on purpose,<br />

especially when they were tied up with the masons;” 675 and so he worked “sometimes in<br />

accord with, but more frequently in opposition to, the civil authorities.” 676<br />

When testifying on the prudence of the Servant of God (Question 43),the Witnesses<br />

agree in denying that the disputes were attributable to lack of tact or wisdom on the part<br />

of the Bishop; on the contrary most of the times, “with his diplomatic talent he knew how<br />

to be in good relations with the public authorities and he prevailed by his ways and know<br />

how.” 677 But he could join prudence with fortitude whenever needed.<br />

669 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 328.<br />

670 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Cornaggia Medici, Piacenza, May, 12, 1896. (Archivio del Capitolo<br />

Liberiano, Rome).<br />

671 L. Mondini, Processo, c. p., f. 107. Summarium, par. 157.<br />

672 E. Martini, Ibid., f. 186.<br />

673 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid., f. 366.<br />

674 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 156.<br />

675 E. Morisi, Ibid., ff. 442-443. Summarium, par. 465.<br />

676 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 548. Summarium, par. 597.<br />

677 L. Tammi, Ibid., ff. 830-831. Summarium, par. 965.<br />


“He gave evidence of extraordinary courage [...] in all circumstances when faith, morals,<br />

discipline, and the good order of the diocese were at stake.” 678<br />

“He boldly raised his voice against all abuses endangering faith or morals without flinching,<br />

should they even come from the civil authorities.” 679<br />

“The stormy span of his Episcopate, the political struggle tinted with Masonic influence, the<br />

taking turns of the parties in opposing religion, and the dignified and intrepid conduct of the Servant of<br />

God in the midst of all this, so as to merit also the admiration of his enemies, speak much of all the<br />

fortitude of his spirit.” 680<br />

“Concerning the virtue of fortitude, the Servant of God was ever courageous in defending the<br />

rights of God and of the Church. I have no knowledge of any weakening that may have restrained him<br />

from fulfilling what he thought to be his duty, not even in slightest matters.” 681<br />

Some Witnesses report particular episodes to prove his fortitude:<br />

“He has always showed the fortitude needed to resist abuses, the arrogance, and encroachments of<br />

the public authorities, as it is proven by the blessing of the church of Holy Sepulcher which he restored<br />

and reopened for worship, in spite of threats and oppositions from city hall.” 682<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini manifested heroic fortitude at all times in his life: he won through resignation<br />

and intrepidity all battles he had to wage against a Masonic and anticlerical political system, opponents<br />

of the faith, his personal enemies, all abuses and intrusions of public authorities at the expense of<br />

religion and morals. On this point, I remember a very sad period of the Seminary of Bedonia, that the<br />

Anticlericals wanted to turn into a brothel (precise words of one of their main exponents).The town<br />

government was dominated by people engaged in open war against the Seminary, which they even<br />

wanted to leave without water, nor did they bother to move elsewhere the cemetery which was close by,<br />

a continuous danger for public hygiene. As a way out and to the wrath of the liberals, Bishop Scalabrini<br />

insisted, something that had never happened before, that the parish priests should be members of the<br />

town council [...]. This way a new cemetery was built on a distant site, no word was ever made<br />

concerning drinking water, and the Seminary was left in peace thereafter.” 683<br />

“When it was a question of defending the rights of God and of the Church, the Servant of God did<br />

not give in to anyone, raising his voice even to civil authorities: as it happened once with Minister<br />

Costa, whom he reprimanded for presenting in Parliament a bill contrary to the rights of the Church<br />

[...]. I am happy to recall, besides, his strong stand, as a newly appointed Bishop, against the Masons<br />

who sought to preclude the granting of the exequatur by the central government, while patiently lodging<br />

in a private house in the early days of his stay in Piacenza [...]. So also, when attempts were being made<br />

to have the law on divorce passed, not only did the Servant of God carry out the instructions of the Holy<br />

See to the Bishops by means of conferences and signed letters of protest, but he himself went personally<br />

to Rome and spoke with fire and apostolic firmness to certain proponents of the law.” 684<br />

“He strongly advocated religious instruction in the schools, and prevented that divorce might<br />

destroy the family, doing whatever he could with all his heart to make sure that the unjust law be<br />

rejected by the people of Piacenza, as they actually did.” 685<br />

“He showed his fortitude also in eradicating public disorders such as immoral shows and dances,<br />

adopting strong provisions on occasions of this kind.” 686<br />

678 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 713. Summarium, par. 817.<br />

679 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 311. Summarium, par. 378.<br />

680 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 266. Summarium, par. 286.<br />

681 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid., f. 755. Summarium, par. 881.<br />

682 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 89. Summarium, par, 129.<br />

683 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 537. Summarium, par. 577-588.<br />

684 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 141-142. Summarium, par. 220-221.<br />

685 E. Morisi, Ibid., ff. 460-461. Summarium, par. 497.<br />

686 A. Buzzetti, Ibid., f. 787. The reason for which the Servant of God refused to accept a greeting card<br />

from Mayor Arrigoni must be viewed in the light of his energy in suppressing public immoral balls. (Cfr.<br />

A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 415). The Mayor of Piacenza, in fact, had authorized shortly before a public ball for the<br />

solemnity of the Assumption the Patroness of the City. (Cfr. Positio super Causae Introductione,<br />

Responsio, p. 114).<br />


He succeeded also in preventing the construction of a crematory. 687<br />

106. - We must not forget the protest which he, whom some considered a ‘liberal’<br />

and a ‘conciliatorist’ in the worst sense of the word, constantly and publicly raised<br />

against the great usurpation of the century, the ‘robbery’ of the rights of the Pope, and<br />

against the ‘misdeeds’ of the liberals:<br />

“We all see the miserable state of the government to which the sectarian parties have reduced our<br />

beloved Italy! We are witnesses every day to ugly deeds, corruption, and scandals of all kinds. How<br />

many robberies! How many wounds! How many ruins! It is up to you, priests and lay people, to stop,<br />

by all honest means, the process of demolition; up to you, to raise the destiny of this poor country of<br />

ours!” 688<br />

“There is not one Bishop who does not deplore wholeheartedly the unbearable conditions inflicted<br />

on the August Head of 300 million Catholics, and who does not unite with all the others in raising<br />

renewed protests against the old and new attacks; there is no Bishop who does not proclaim with him:<br />

that it is impossible for Italy to prosper until provisions are not taken, as every right reason demands, to<br />

insure the dignity of the Roman See, the freedom and the independence of the Roman Pontiff.” 689<br />

“In the face of the ill government administered by those who usurped the privilege of saying that<br />

they love it, one would indeed need quite a high amount of effrontery to call enemies ourselves who<br />

have opposed all vexations, abuses, iniquities, robberies, and crimes, through which the country was led<br />

to the present misery.” 690<br />

e) The Founding of the Works for Emigrants<br />

107. - Question 54 is formulated as follows:<br />

“Did the founding and the government of the Congregation of the Missionaries for<br />

Emigrants undergo such difficulties in its beginning as to totally engage the fortitude of<br />

spirit of the Servant of God so that it might not become a victim of shipwreck?” 691<br />

The great majority of the Witnesses confess not having any knowledge of such<br />

difficulties or oppositions. Some give general answers:<br />

“The founding and the consolidation of the Congregation of the Missionaries for Emigrants<br />

certainly faced enormous difficulties in all respects; only the great fortitude of spirit of the Servant of<br />

God could give firm life to this providential enterprise.” 692<br />

“The founding of his Missionaries cost him immense sacrifices and brought also many sufferings<br />

to Bishop Scalabrini because of heavy expenses and oppositions; but he gave evidence, at all times, of a<br />

very strong spirit.” 693<br />

Some depositions are more precise and point out the real difficulties the Servant of<br />

God had to face in founding and consolidating the Congregation of the Missionaries of<br />

Saint Charles for Emigrants. They are all summed up by Monsignor Ranza:<br />

687 Cfr. A. Carini, Ibid., f. 437.<br />

688 G. B. Scalabrini, Lettera Pastorale [...] per la Quaresima dell'anno 1893, Piacenza 1893, P. 23.<br />

689 Idem, Cattolici di nome e cattolici di fatto, Piacenza 1887, p. 23.<br />

690 Idem, Discorso del Santo Padre. Unione, azione, preghiera, Piacenza 1890, pp. 8-9.<br />

691 Processo c. p. f. 949.<br />

692 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 598.<br />

693 L. Cella, Ibid., f. 619. Summarium, par. 693.<br />


“I am in a position to testify that the Servant of God had to struggle on three fronts in founding the<br />

Congregation of the Missionaries: financial difficulties, lack or poor quality of personnel, and finally,<br />

incomprehension on the part of many. Bishop Scalabrini never retreated because of these difficulties,<br />

but with full trust in God he persevered in his enterprise and had full success.” 694<br />

Monsignor Gregori distinguishes between internal and external difficulties:<br />

“The fierce opposition against it [the Congregation for Emigrants] came from a certain press, used<br />

to give evil interpretations to all his enterprises. The fact is that these external difficulties, and more so<br />

the commitments and the responsibilities he was taking upon himself, were such as to demand a truly<br />

extraordinary and genuinely supernatural fortitude. He met with many serious difficulties also in the<br />

government of the Institute because of the random group of priests at his disposal. All this shows his<br />

naturally intrepid temperament, but he would have to give in, eventually, had he not drawn an<br />

extraordinary supernatural energy from his unshakable faith and charity.” 695<br />

Father Alfonso Bianchi confirms:<br />

“The founding and the government of the Congregation of the Missionaries have cost my uncle<br />

from the very beginning great sacrifices because of difficulties of all kinds he met on all sides,<br />

especially in not being understood, except by very few. Had he not been animated by the spirit of faith<br />

and by an extraordinary fortitude, his institution might have well gone shipwreck.” 696<br />

Monsignor Torta, instead, and with reason, places the stress on the “delusions about<br />

some elements he had accepted who did not respond to his holy intentions. I am<br />

convinced that this, more than anything else, has helped him exercise the virtues of<br />

patience and fortitude in a heroic degree.” 697<br />

108. - When the Witnesses speak of misunderstandings and of the opposition of a<br />

certain press, they do not refer so much to the anticlerical press and government, which<br />

indeed fought the institute of Bishop Scalabrini as ‘anti-Italian’ because it is ‘religious’,<br />

as to the press and environment of the ‘intransigents’. These judged ‘a priori’ any<br />

initiative of Bishop Scalabrini as ‘liberal’, and more so in this case. In his writings and in<br />

his lectures on the Italian Emigration, the Servant of God proclaimed the indissolubility<br />

of the dual concept of ‘Religion and Country’, and he hoped, for the good of the Italian<br />

emigrants, in the Conciliation of Church and State, inadmissible to the ‘pure<br />

intransigents’. 698 But we know that on the occasion of his lecture in Rome in 1891, the<br />

Bishop gave advanced notice to the Pope that he would touch on these two sensitive<br />

subjects, and Leo XIII answered: “Yes, Yes” - the Pope interrupted –“everywhere, but<br />

especially here in Rome, this must be said.” 699<br />

When he gave a lecture in Milan, the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ reproached him for<br />

his relations with the Associazione Nazionale (National Association) for the support of<br />

the Italian Catholic missionaries, of Florence, headed by exponents of “the old and<br />

authentic liberalism,” 700 ; but it had accused earlier already the Bishop of sending his<br />

brother Angelo, a liberal, to America, in order to study the religious conditions of<br />

emigrants. Bishop Scalabrini had to defend himself strongly before the Sacred<br />

694 A. Ranza, Ibid., f. 652.<br />

695 F. Gregori, Ibid., ff. 576-577. Summarium, par. 653.<br />

696 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 669. Summarium, par. 762.<br />

697 F. Torta, Ibid.. f. 359. Summarium, par. 441.<br />

698 Cfr. Biography, pp. 688-689, 957-958. More precisely, ‘intransigents’ considered the conciliation<br />

impossible not in -theory, but with a State that had taken away the temporal power from the Pope: either<br />

the State made restitution of what it had unjustly acquired, the city of Rome at least, or a wholly new<br />

‘catholic’ State had to be created.<br />

699 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, March 12, 1891 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

700 Cfr. Biography, pp. 113 1-1132.<br />


Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, not only denying the news, but by pointing<br />

out that when his brother had been drafted as a candidate for a seat in parliament, he told<br />

him that if he only made himself available for the candidacy, he would not let him inside<br />

the house any more: and Angelo “declined at once the mandate, though with great<br />

sacrifice.” 701 Giuseppe Toniolo himself, who thought of the Servant of God as an<br />

instrument of the providential designs of God precisely for his work on behalf of<br />

emigrants and ideally supported him with enthusiasm, was refrained in practice for fear<br />

of not being considered a ‘pure Catholic’ 702 by the Opera dei Congressi, with which he<br />

found himself in accord only in 1899, after Bishop Scalabrini had worked with all his<br />

strength for the reconstitution of the Committees suppressed by the reaction of the<br />

government against the revolutionary riots of 1898. 703<br />

109. - On the part of the Holy See and of Leo XIII in particular, the Servant of God<br />

had generally their support and encouragement. Only, he would have liked a more<br />

marked decisiveness in making the Italian and American Bishops understand the need for<br />

their effective intervention in the solution of the problem by the promotion or permission<br />

at least, of a pastoral care fitting the nature of this phenomenon. 704 To this end, he<br />

insisted with particular determination to secure from Leo XIII the publication of the<br />

Apostolic Letter Quam Aerumnosa, 705 and from the Sacred Congregation for the<br />

Propagation of the Faith the Circular Letters which were repeatedly promised to the<br />

Italian Bishops, inviting them to disregard a certain ‘stinginess’ in granting him good<br />

priests for the missions; 706 and the letters to the American Bishops inviting them to grant<br />

permission for establishing national parishes or the separation of emigrants from the<br />

jurisdiction of the local parish priests, who also exploited economically the poor<br />

emigrants. 707 In fact, after some uncertainties, the Holy See adopted the provisions called<br />

for by the Servant of God. Pius X, especially, approved his ideas, and invited him to<br />

prepare a draft for the establishment of a Roman Congregation or at least of a central<br />

Commission pro Emigratis Catholicis (for Catholic Emigrants). 708<br />

The Bishop of Piacenza protested before the Holy See because in permitting some of<br />

their priests to enter the Scalabrinian Congregation, the Italian Bishops gave the<br />

impression of gladly taking the opportunity to get rid of unwanted priests. 709 This was<br />

one of the reasons why Bishop Scalabrini had to face the serious difficulty of conducting<br />

the religious assistance of emigrants with elements not always fit for the task, as we have<br />

heard from some Witnesses. He sought, time and again, to provide especially for the<br />

formation of the missionaries, asking, without results, for the cooperation of the<br />

Jesuits, 710 and then deciding to introduce the perpetual vows and to establish in Piacenza<br />

an Apostolic School (minor seminary), where the future missionaries might be fittingly<br />

701 Cfr. Biography, p. 35.<br />

702 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1120-1222.<br />

703 Cfr. Biography, pp. 835-840, 1124.<br />

704 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1033-1035.<br />

705 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1026-1028. The draft of the Apostolic Letter Quam Aerumnosa was prepared by the<br />

Servant-of God.<br />

706 Cfr. Biography, p. 1034.<br />

707 Cfr. Biography, pp. 968-969.<br />

708 Biography, pp. 975-978.<br />

709 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1033-1035.<br />

710 Biography, pp. 1012-1013.<br />


formed for the difficult mission since their adolescence. 711 But precisely in that<br />

foundation he had to face the financial difficulties and had to despoil himself of<br />

everything and even sell, for the second time, his horses and coach. 712<br />

110. - In the complexity of so many difficulties, we discover a particular aspect of<br />

the fortitude of the Servant of God: ‘his forbearing patience’ and constancy by which he<br />

did not let himself to be discouraged by difficulties in general, and in particular by the<br />

tardiness with which his ideas on the pastoral care for migrants were accepted. These<br />

ideas in the long run had their most authoritative endorsement in the Apostolic<br />

Constitutions Exul Familia of Pius XII (1952), and Pastoralis Migratorum Cura of Paul<br />

VI (1969), and in the present teachings of John Paul II. In 1898, Bishop Scalabrini had<br />

predicted:<br />

“The progress of ideas is exasperatingly slow, especially when they interfere with interests and<br />

passions, but it is constant when the ideas in question are correct and truly useful. Let us insist, then,<br />

because all slow things reach their goal, provided fatigue does not have the better of him who has made<br />

himself their promoter.” 713<br />

His forbearance and constancy were supported by a complete abandonment in the<br />

hands of the Lord:<br />

“Will the Institute live? Will it not? It will stand till God wills it [...]. To entrust ourselves to Him<br />

in all simplicity gives greater security to our Institute than the search for any guarantee of moral,<br />

economic and stable conditions.” 714<br />


a) Abstinence, Sobriety, Forbearance<br />

111. - Almost all the Witnesses underline with superlatives the temperance of the<br />

Servant of God; many prove it with details and anecdotes, some times small, but<br />

meaningful.<br />

“He was very moderate, and he was said to be a man of great mortification.” 715<br />

“He was very strict in observing abstinence and fast, and he never transgressed in the use of<br />

alcoholic beverages. He traveled second class. He did not smoke, but he snuffed common tobacco.” 716<br />

“He strictly observed the prescribed fast and abstinence, and I know that he did more than that.<br />

His domestic, Catherine, told me that on a Good Friday he ate just one slice of polenta.” 717<br />

“When someone complained that strict meatless fast was the cause of trouble, he used to say: ‘If<br />

oil hurts, just skip the meal.’ Something he did himself, being contented with some chocolate drink<br />

even when there was more than one day in a row of strict fasting. When it was the question of others,<br />

711 Cfr. Biography, pp. 1008-1009, 1030.<br />

712 Cfr. Biography, p. 438.<br />

713 G. B. Scalabrini, L'Italia all'estero, Torino 1899, p.12.<br />

714 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to A. Valdameri, July 1891. (Scalabrinian General Archive).<br />

715 F. Torta, Processo, c. p., f. 358. Summarium, par. 439.<br />

716 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 536. Summarium, par. 575.<br />

717 F. Gregori, Ibid., ff. 573-574. Summarium, par. 649.<br />


however, if they had sufficient reasons to be dispensed, he was not difficult in granting<br />

dispensations.” 718<br />

“He knew how to mortify himself in food and drink; and on this point I can state that on occasion<br />

of the Pastoral visitation and of celebrations of feasts for Patron Saints, he gave orders to the parish<br />

priests not to prepare more than two courses, thus eliminating an abuse disapproved by all; 719 “it would<br />

not be any surprise today, but it was so then, when I knew of cases in which even as many as fifteen<br />

courses were served.” 720<br />

“I sat at table several times with the Servant of God and I always wondered at his temperance.” 721<br />

“He was extremely temperate in drink and moderate in allowing himself the necessary rest.” “He<br />

was extremely frugal; he slept only a few hours.” 722 “I have always seen him rise early in the morning:<br />

even when, during the pastoral visitation, he had been up late to attend to confessions.” 723<br />

112. - He had occasion to show his temperance and his loving forbearance<br />

especially during the pastoral visitations and in his trip to Brazil. At times “he was<br />

contented with one dish, with fruits and cheese” 724<br />

“He never complained about food, sleeping accommodations, or any other discomfort.” 725<br />

“He never complained about the way he was treated during the pastoral visitations, especially in<br />

the poor priest’s houses in the mountains; on the contrary, he told me and the others of his retinue not to<br />

talk in case the hygiene was unsatisfactory.” 726<br />

“He told stories, at times, of his mishaps and of the times when he could not sleep nights; but<br />

without ever saying names and without complaints,” 727 as when he was given a bed “in a small room<br />

that had evidently served as a chicken coop before.” 728<br />

“I have heard him complain instead that the parish priests were doing too much for him.” 729<br />

“I was present once when he was visiting our town. It was summer: he had arrived over fatigued<br />

and all worn-out, finding nothing ready; hardly could there be found some soup at the tavern. Well, I<br />

heard the priests who were with him complain about it; but Bishop Scalabrini repeatedly told them that<br />

there was no cause for wonder and that he felt sorry for the poor parish priest caught unprepared.” 730<br />

Bishop Massimo Rinaldi says of his trip to Brazil:<br />

“Concerning the virtue of temperance I can assure you that during his stay at my mission he<br />

practiced it admirably. Our table, in fact, was very frugal, and preparations for it were very quick,<br />

because he insisted that I remain close to him on hand, rather than be busy in the kitchen. So also, he<br />

had very little sleep on that day, hardly what was needed, because he had a very busy day.” 731<br />

Sister Lucia Gorlin, the cook of the Christopher Columbus Institute, in Sao Paulo,<br />

Brazil, during the month of Bishop Scalabrini's stay, testifies:<br />

718 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 140. Summarium, par. 215.<br />

719 G. Dodici, Ibid., ff. 164-165.<br />

720 A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 414.<br />

721 P. Scarani, Ibid., ff. 491-492.<br />

722 L. Scalabrini, Ibid., f. 919.<br />

723 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 597.<br />

724 D. Mazzadi, Ibid., f. 518. Summarium, par. 544.<br />

725 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 597.<br />

726 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 88. Summarium, par. 128.<br />

727 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 310. Summarium, par. 376.<br />

728 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 597.<br />

729 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 141. Summarium, par. 219.<br />

730 A. Bracchi, Ibid.. ff. 474-475.<br />

731 M. Rinaldi, Ibid., f. 678. Summarium, par. 776.<br />


“When he arrived, the Benedictine Abbot Miguel Cruz (Kruze) insisted to have him as his guest:<br />

but he said: ‘under a hut, but with my sons’. I was cooking for him, and I know how frugal he was in<br />

eating. When the priests tried to have him drink some sparkling wine, he only tasted it. He was serene<br />

and courageous even when faced with extraordinary sacrifices. Only those who have knowledge of that<br />

region can appreciate the hardships of the travels of the Servant of God who had great difficulty with<br />

riding horses because of a certain condition. When he could not take it any more, they had him climb up<br />

into an improvised cart dragged by two or three horses; and so imagine, if you can, the sufferings of the<br />

Servant of God, considering, besides, the winter season and the steady rains.” 732<br />

b) Meekness<br />

113. - “His demeanor was friendly and accessible to all, far from pride” 733<br />

“Though ever grave, his demeanor was not haughty at all; on the contrary, his ways were very<br />

gentle.” 734 “His manners were extremely gentle.” 735<br />

“He cut an imposing figure, but his ways were very kind with everyone.” 736 “He was very<br />

dignified, but very affable to approach.” 737<br />

“When he happened to meet the apostate Miraglia on the streets, the latter assumed a challenging<br />

attitude as soon as he saw him. The Servant of God did not take him to the test: he kept silent hiding his<br />

sorrow within his heart. In all these incidents, one could see that he suffered much interiorly, to such an<br />

extent as to feel it also physically with an impressive loss of weight. But I have never seen him losing<br />

his temper: he has always kept his peace, and never said a word of complaint.” 738<br />

“[In New York] in the midst of so much feasting, a rascal cast a potato at Bishop Scalabrini [...]:<br />

rather than showing resentment, he turned to give him a blessing. The incident caused a stir amongst the<br />

crowd that wanted to teach that scoundrel a lesson, but the Servant of God quickly intervened and did<br />

not allow any punishment.” 739<br />

His loving and Christian forbearance was manifested also in relation to Canon<br />

Rocca:<br />

“He always spoke with esteem of him, never saying any unkind word. This engendered much<br />

admiration in me!” 740<br />

Canon Rocca was the only one perhaps not to accept the reconciliation offered<br />

him on several occasions by the Bishop. But even in this case, the Servant of God<br />

chose to look at it from the bright side:<br />

“The word was that the Bishop was not admitted by Canon Rocca because his presence might<br />

have greatly disturbed him by refreshing the memory of a too sorrowful past. Such was also the<br />

understanding of the Servant of God.” 741<br />

By the concordant depositions of the Witnesses and of his contemporaries, any<br />

time he had to apply hard measures or inflict severe admonitions, he was animated by<br />

his concern for preventing the spread of the Miraglia schism:<br />

732 L. Gorlin, Ibid., ff. 855-856. Summarium, par. 1005.<br />

733 A. DeMartini, Ibid., f. 267. Summarium, par. 286.<br />

734 E. Preti, Ibid.. f. 243. Summarium, par. 256.<br />

735 A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 406.<br />

736 P. Scarani, Ibid., f 409.<br />

737 G. Polledri, Ibid., f. 499.<br />

738 C. Spallazzi, Ibid., f. 71. Summarium, par. 93.<br />

739 D. Mazzadi, Ibid., ii. 513-514. Summarium, par. 538.<br />

740 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. f. 747. Summarium, par. 862.<br />

741 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 32. Summarium, par. 20.<br />


“Certain reprimands may have seemed too harsh to someone! Please, forgive me; but believe me,<br />

if I detest evil, I have no shadow of resentment against anyone; I love you, and precisely because I love<br />

you, I become indignant at anyone who causes scandal and seeks to betray you. I embrace all of you in<br />

Jesus Christ; I would want you all in my heart; I would readily lay down my life and be a cast-out for<br />

each one of you, should this lead you to salvation. No, no one is either friend or enemy to me, because<br />

all of you are the children of my family.” 742<br />

c) Poverty<br />

114. - “He practiced poverty to such a degree as to deprive himself of everything.” 743 “He was<br />

poor, because He gave all things to charity.” 744 “He had no attachment to money whatsoever; in fact, he<br />

was giving away all he had of it.” 745 “He was often in the red, but he was serene and happy just the<br />

same.” 746<br />

“I heard people say that when his domestic confidentially complained to him one day because he<br />

gave away also his personal linen reminding him he would end up dying on a bed of straw, he<br />

answered: ‘Would it be strange perhaps, should a Bishop die on a bed of straw, while our Lord was<br />

born on it and then died on the Cross?” 747<br />

"Once, during the Pastoral Visitation, in order to show us how much he loved this virtue, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini told an episode of Saint Charles. Upon hearing of the death of a priest who was said to have<br />

died in the odor of sanctity, the Saint, having meanwhile heard that he had left a large sum of money to<br />

his nephews and nieces, cast the hat of that priest given him almost as a relic into the fire saying, ‘Then<br />

he was not a Saint.’” 748<br />

He dispelled the temptation of accumulating money even for charitable causes.<br />

We have mentioned already his refusal of the last will of Marchioness Fany Visconti<br />

Anguissola, preferring, instead, to receive “some help with no obligation” in support<br />

of his works of mercy, “rather than to become the owner of a rich property.” 749 The<br />

same spirit of poverty together with full trust in God is seen in another episode:<br />

“One day he told me that during his meditation he had discovered that the devil was tempting him<br />

to make use of an account of three thousand liras, the earnings of his ‘mensa vescovile’ (the Bishop's<br />

benefice) as a first deposit of a fund to be gradually increased. To uproot all danger, he called me in,<br />

explained the reason, gave me the said account book, and ordered me to bring it right away to the<br />

Institute for the Deaf-mutes.” 750<br />

Several Witnesses recall out that enormous sums of money flowed through his<br />

hands, nevertheless he could write in his last will: “I came to Piacenza a poor man and<br />

I leave this world as a poor man. The little that really belongs to me will be enough to<br />

pay my bills and the expenses of my funeral, which I wish to be a most modest<br />

one.” 751<br />

742 G. B. Scalabrini, Unione colla chiesa. obbedienza ai legittimi Pastori, Piacenza 1896, p. 42.<br />

743 G. Squeri, Processo c. p.. f. 529. Summarium, par. 560.<br />

744 G. Dodici, Ibid., f. 165.<br />

745 D. Mazzadi, Ibid., f. 512. Summarium, par. 535.<br />

746 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 296. Summarium, par. 342.<br />

747 C. Tomedi, Ibid., f. 849. Summarium, par. 997.<br />

748 L. Celia, Ibid., f. 613. Summarium, par. 683.<br />

749 Cfr. Biography, pp. 465-466. The inheritance of Marchioness Visconti Anguissola amounted to<br />

about one million liras of that day.<br />

750 L. Mondini, Processo c. p., f. 117. Summarium, par. 575.<br />

751 G. B. Scalabrini, Unpublished autographic last will (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3001/2). - In NN.<br />

71-72 we spoke about the trust the Servant of God had in Divine Providence, which never failed him,<br />

also because he never neglected any means or effort to secure the financial support needed to carry out<br />


On this score also the Servant of God kept the happy medium:<br />

“He dressed with decorum as befits the dignity of a Bishop. By the way, he told me once having<br />

recommended to Bishop Villa of Parma, a man all charity and neglectful of himself, to avoid going<br />

around so unkempt, saying: 'Dress a little neater, won't you?’ 752 "He dressed neatly. Underneath,<br />

however, he was wearing mended garments.” 753 “In public he dressed with much decorum, while quite<br />

casual at home; so I was told by his Master of Ceremonies Father Carlo Molinari, who said also that he<br />

had a high regard for his Bishop who was seeking to imitate Saint Charles.” 754<br />

“He never used silk garments. He did not bother about what was to be served at table. He had no<br />

furniture and no tapestry of great value, no luxury of any kind,” 755 “only using what belonged to the title<br />

of the bishopric.” 756 “On great occasions, he made use of silverware; but they were donated.” 757<br />

d) Humility<br />

115. - One more proof of the Servant of God's adherence to the axiom ‘in medio<br />

stat virtus’ (virtue is in the happy medium) is seen in his practice of humility:<br />

“He had a high regard for the dignity of a Bishop, and so he conducted himself in conformity with<br />

it. Far from being haughty he had humble manners with all, a reflection of his interior life.” 758<br />

“His demeanor fitted his dignity. He was humble, but without ostentation.” 759<br />

“I was a frequent witness of the humility of the Servant of God, especially when dealing with the<br />

humble and simple people as though he were the least of all.” 760<br />

“I have seen the Servant of God always so humble that one never felt uneasy in his presence,<br />

though ever so dignified.” 761<br />

“He never shunned people of humble estate; in fact, one could briefly describe this aspect of his<br />

virtue by saying that he stopped the poor while he let the others stop him, unless it was question of<br />

souls, because then he was the first to go to all.” 762<br />

“If he had some partiality, this was for the poor.” 763<br />

“From what I have seen of him, his preference was for the unfortunate, the poor, and for people of<br />

humble estate.” 764<br />

“He conversed equally and with fatherly simplicity with noble and common people, according his<br />

preference to the unfortunate.” 765<br />

his works. Both the criticism leveled at him by the anticlerical press (Cfr. Biography, pp. 425-43 I) and<br />

the criticism raised after his death proved unfounded. He left some outstanding obligations; but he set<br />

aside in his will the funds to pay for them; and the Holy See refused any claims in this regard. (Cfr.<br />

Biography, p. 431; Positio super Causae Introductione. Responsio Patroni, pp. 127-132).<br />

752 G. Squeri, Processo, c. p., f. 536. Summarium, par. 575.<br />

753 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 841. Summarium, par. 986.<br />

754 A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 415. par. 515.<br />

755 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 53. Summarium, par. 59.<br />

756 L. Mondini, Ibid., f, 141. Summarium, par. 219.<br />

757 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 358: Summarium, par. 440. Concerning, some marginal remarks made about the<br />

poverty of the. Servant of God, Cfr. Positio super Causae Introductione. Responsio Patroni, pp. 137-<br />

139.<br />

758 F. Gregori, Ibid., 11. 558--559. Summarium, par. 616.<br />

759 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid., f. 370.<br />

760 C. Tomedi, Ibid., f:849. Summarium, par. 996.<br />

761 P. Scarani, Ibid., f. 492.<br />

762 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 738. Summarium, par. 846.<br />

763 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 538. Summarium, par. 579.<br />

764 M. Rinaldi, Ibid., f. 679. Summarium, par.779.<br />


“I still see him coming from his residence to the Seminary surrounded by the common people,<br />

addressing each of them with a smile or a good word.” 766 “He never disdained serving the poor on<br />

occasion of some meal, like the one he used to give them on Holy Thursday after the washing of the<br />

feet.” 767<br />

“He was always very humble. He loathed honors and praise. He always considered himself a poor<br />

sinner. When rumors spread about that he was to be promoted Archbishop of Genoa or Patriarch of<br />

Venice, he was very annoyed and disturbed.” 768<br />

This testimony can be confirmed by that of his closest friend, Bishop<br />

Bonomelli. 769<br />

116. - When rumors began spreading that he was to be promoted Archbishop of<br />

Ravenna, and therefore a Cardinal, his response was:<br />

“To live; to become a saint; and it would be about time! to die in Piacenza: such is my resolve,<br />

which I renew every year in my Annual Retreat. And God always listens to promises of this kind!” 770<br />

In fact this is what we find amongst his ‘resolutions’:<br />

“Immediately cast off any ambitious idea for changes of position: sincerely rejoice at the<br />

promotion of others; be busy in propitiating God in my place, where I must become a saint and die.” 771<br />

“Have no. concern any longer about things that happen about myself. Become a saint as Bishop of<br />

Piacenza. The rest is -to me as though it did not exist.” 772<br />

When word was going around about his promotion to Ravenna in 1901, to the<br />

Rector of the ‘Seminario Urbano’ he made a statement, which he repeated several<br />

times, especially in 1904, when he declined the offer for Patriarch of Venice: “One<br />

must not concern himself about putting on scarlet robes, but about going to the<br />

cemetery.” 773 “Why a cardinal! I am thinking of death!” 774 “Why a purple robe? Not a<br />

chance! I must get. ready for death.” 775 “My purple robe shall be the funeral pall.” 776<br />

Monsignor Gregori testifies:<br />

“For all the times I was with him, and they were very many, I never heard him talk or boast about<br />

himself. On the contrary, it was a habit with him to remind us that we cannot do anything of our own,<br />

and that the more we succeed in things, the greater also is the reason for realizing that nothing is there<br />

of ours. I was given to know that he was in line for the Nunciature of Paris, that he had been offered the<br />

Archbishopric of Ravenna and the Patriarchate of Venice. There was talk, as I said before, about being<br />

765 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 462. Summarium, par. 498.<br />

766 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 312. Summarium, par. 380.<br />

767 A. Scarani, Ibid., f. 416.<br />

768 Mangot, Ibid., f. 41. Summarium, par. 34.<br />

769 “I never knew a man so indifferent, so alien to honors, as Bishop Scalabrini. The talents, doctrine,<br />

extraordinary activities, practical touch, accomplishments, and the sublimes virtues he was gifted with,<br />

destined him for the highest honors in the Church. There was not a single time when he ever said a<br />

word or did a thing that might ease the way to achieve those honors. On the contrary, he often acted and<br />

spoke to show that he did not desire them; and given the occasion, he actually declined them." (Letter of<br />

G. Bonomelli to D. Vicentini, May 12, 1906, Scalabrinian General Archive, 3021/1).<br />

770 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, March 3, 1901. (Archivio Bonomelli,<br />

Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan).<br />

771 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 328.<br />

772 Ibid., p. 330.<br />

773 G. Cardinali, Processo c. p.. f. 311. Summarium, par. 380.<br />

774 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 670. Summarium, par. 764.<br />

775 L. Cella, Ibid., f. 620. Summarium, par. 694.<br />

776 G. Cattaneo, Ibid., f. 917.<br />


made a cardinal; but the Servant of God (he confided it to me) had it as his program of life that he had<br />

to become a saint as Bishop of Piacenza, emphasizing: ‘Is it not already too much being the Bishop of<br />

Piacenza?’” 777<br />

To Bishop Bonomelli he wrote that he had declined the Patriarchate of Venice:<br />

“I do not go, but I remain in Piacenza. I need to prepare myself to die; for the rest I am totally<br />

indifferent. This too is a grace of God, and may I profit by it. I too have a strong desire to see you, but<br />

the disagreeable and annoying din worthy of a madhouse (a veritable persecution) carried on around me<br />

at this moment, does not allow me to come to Cremona.” 778<br />

When he was notified that Pius X had accepted his renunciation and after Bishop<br />

Bonomelli had declared to him: “In the midst of such a fever for vanities and<br />

ambitions, you have given a striking example of evangelic spirit”, he answered: “Yes,<br />

my crisis is happily over [...]. Besides, should this new martyrdom that the press put<br />

me through produce the marvelous result you speak of, thanks be to God!” 779<br />

117. - “The Servant of God could not have of himself but a humble opinion. In fact, I never heard<br />

him say one word that might turn to his praise. He had very many contacts and friendships with many<br />

noted church and lay people, but he never took advantage of them for his advancement.” 780 “The refrain<br />

with him was: one must always distrust himself.” 781 “The humility of the Servant of God transpired<br />

from his conversation: he never said a word that might elicit praises on the part of his listeners.” 782<br />

The liberal journalist E. Galimberti proves the humility of the Bishop by reporting<br />

the following episode:<br />

“To have an idea of the esteem enjoyed by the Bishop and of the opinion he had of himself, I am<br />

happy to report an episode of the last years of his life about which I wrote an article for the ‘II<br />

Progresso’. A lady of the people had been six months ill in bed, unable to move. She insisted with her<br />

husband to secure a visit of Bishop Scalabrini, entertaining great hopes for good results. The Bishop<br />

heard of it, and upon request of her husband, he went to see her. Once at her bedside, the Servant of<br />

God invited her to try and move her legs. She kept answering: ‘I cannot.’ But on insistence from the<br />

Bishop, she indeed began moving them, and in a few minutes she was up and around. At such<br />

happening, both wife and husband began shouting: ‘A miracle, a miracle!’ But Bishop Scalabrini kept<br />

repeating: ‘No, no, it is not a miracle, because only the Saints perform them, and I am not one of them.<br />

It may well be a case of hysterics. (He said this, perhaps, to prevent that news of it be spread around to<br />

his credit.) This certainly bespeaks of his humility.” 783<br />

He was accustomed in fact to hide whatever turned to his praise, like the letters of<br />

thanks he received from the people he was helping. 784 He even tried to hide his own<br />

humility:<br />

“I was always of the conviction that the Servant of God possessed humility in a<br />

heroic degree, and that his easy ways and neglect for certain small things represented a<br />

means for hiding his virtue.” 785<br />

777 F. Gregori, Ibid.. f. 577. Summarium, par. 654.<br />

778 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, January 17, 1904 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

779 Idem, February 16, 1904 (Ibid.).<br />

780 G.B: Nasalli Rocca, Processo c. p., f. 755. Summarium, par. 882.<br />

781 F. Torta, Ibid.. f. 359. Summarium, par. 442.<br />

782 A. Carini, Ibid., ff. 437-438.<br />

783 B. Galimberti, Ibid., f. 606.<br />

784 Cfr. Biography, p. 451.<br />

785 F. Calzinari, Processo c. p., f. 637. Summarium, par. 723.<br />


e) Chastity<br />

118. - The Servant of God loved purity of a jealous love: in fact, one might be<br />

tempted to define it "scrupulous", if some expressions of his resolutions did not reveal<br />

what a sensitive temperament and kinds of temptations he had to deal with:<br />

“Promptness in casting off all impure thoughts; without it, one will perish, will perish. Strict<br />

custody of the eyes! What is of no impact to others may be fatal to me.” 786<br />

“A thousand times death, rather than stain the dignity of the priestly character with a carnal sin.” 787<br />

“Sacramental confession! But well received, for Heaven's sake! I choose Friday in memory of the<br />

passion and death of Jesus Christ. I will go to confession, however, as soon as I perceive the sting of<br />

temptation; immediately, right from its onset; or when I might have imprudently exposed myself to any<br />

danger! Prostrate yourself before God, weep over your misery, and go to confession.” 788<br />

“Potius mori quam foedari (death rather than any stain)... Strict custody of the eyes... Promptness<br />

in casting off with contempt all temptations! Every day, a prayer within the Mass, and a Virgo, Virginis<br />

Filius, Rex et Caput Virginum (Virgin, son of a Virgin, King and Head of Virgins) to Christ after it, that<br />

he may strengthen me, protect me, defend me…” 789<br />

“To purify myself at all costs, with the help of God, from my capital defect, O my Jesus. To cast<br />

off with total promptness any thought that may hurt me. Prudent custody of the eyes! I entrust this<br />

resolution of mine in the hands of Jesus Christ himself and I shall commit myself to him every day.” 790<br />

“I must bravely fight then that cursed one who disturbs all my existing days.” 791<br />

The brutal force of his temptations explains the extraordinary measures he<br />

employed to defend himself from the danger he had singled out as the most immediate<br />

and foremost one, impending on his determination to be a Bishop ‘virgin, confessor,<br />

and martyr’. Virgin for purity of life: woe ‘si iniqua gerit in terra sanctorum; non<br />

videbit gloriam Domini’ (should I commit iniquity in the land of the saints; I will not<br />

see the glory of the Lord). 792<br />

Monsignor Ghizzoni states decisively:<br />

“Concerning chastity, I state that the Servant of God has practiced it with exemplary and<br />

extraordinary perfection.” 793<br />

Monsignor Cornaggia Medici recalls: "He told me that we must apply the bit to<br />

this body of ours, and give it some good lashes now and then;” 794 something he did<br />

indeed, as is shown by his disciplines (instruments of penance) with evident signs of<br />

their use, now kept in the Scalabrinian Museum of the Mother house of the<br />

Missionaries of Saint Charles, in Piacenza, and by the use of a ‘cilicium’, confirmed<br />

by his closest people, like his sister Luisa, his waiter Spallazzi, and his secretary<br />

Monsignor Mangot: “For the custody of his purity he used to wear a cilicium (a<br />

786 G. B. Scalabrini, "Propositi", Summarium, p. 323.<br />

787 Ibid., p. 326.<br />

788 Ibid., p. 327.<br />

789 Ibid., p. 328.<br />

790 Ibid., p. 330.<br />

791 Ibid., p. 330.<br />

792 Ibid., p. 326.<br />

793 A. Ghizzoni, Processo c. p., f. 777. Summarium, par. 920.<br />

794 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 738. Summarium, par. 847.<br />


pointed steel chain), discovered by his waiter when he noticed that his personal<br />

undergarment were stained with blood.” 795<br />

He was extremely correct of manners, especially with women. Not even his<br />

enemies ever maligned him on this point. In fact, it is of special significance that with<br />

all the scandal raising campaigns aimed at the Bishop by the anticlericals, none ever<br />

dared to attack him on this matter.<br />

“He was extremely delicate, besides, about all things that concern chastity, and always on guard to<br />

the point of scrupulosity. He avoided talking to women as much as possible, and when he had to do so,<br />

he kept open the door of his office and expedited matters.” 796<br />

“In the early years of his episcopate he used to hear the confessions of women. But when he<br />

perceived that certain members of the opposite sex were attracted by his handsome and pleasant looks,<br />

he began to confess only men.” 797 “He used to quote Saint Augustine concerning the caution in dealing<br />

with women, even those of one's own family.” 798<br />

“At a diplomatic luncheon in Paris, at the moment when the invited guests were being announced,<br />

etiquette required that each of them, ecclesiastics included, should lend his arm to the lady assigned<br />

him, but the Servant of God, with a gentle gesture, kept his arm down, made a little bow, and nodded<br />

her to enter. The lady understood and proceeded alone.” 799<br />

“I find myself in a position to report what our Doctor Luigi Marchesi (the personal doctor of the<br />

Bishop), then a non-practicing Catholic, used to tell us at home: ‘Bishop Scalabrini is a dream of an<br />

extraordinary purity; he is an Angel.” He repeated it a number of times, and then concluded: “If he is<br />

not in Heaven, no one else is!” 800 "The same Doctor Marchesi told us one day that Bishop Scalabrini<br />

came out with this expression in regard to dealing with women: ‘Dear Doctor, we must meet women<br />

with a brand in hands, like Saint Thomas’. But because this seemed too much to the Doctor, he insisted:<br />

‘Indeed so, with a brand!’ 801<br />

“He was extraordinarily pure in word; by his ever dignified and recollected demeanor he did not<br />

allow for the slightest doubt on this point.” 802<br />

“I can assure you and state that he was extremely reserved. I never heard in his conversation,<br />

which was always jovial, any word that might even in the slightest offend in this matter.” 803<br />

“I can testify that the Servant of God was extremely delicate in regard to the beautiful virtue. He<br />

promptly intervened whenever the conversation gave signs of degenerating or only hinting at anything<br />

contrary to this virtue.” 804<br />

“His frequent, enthusiastic, and gentle talks about this virtue showed what esteem he had for<br />

purity, which he never ceased to recommend to the young, urging them to follow the example of Saint<br />

Aloysius Gonzaga.” 805<br />

119. - Many Witnesses point out as proof of his heroic purity ‘his extreme<br />

modesty’ that ‘was the cause of his death.’ 806 The incident which caused his sickness<br />

took place in May 1894, 11 years before his death:<br />

795 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 42. Summarium, par. 38.<br />

796 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 41. Summarium, par. 37.<br />

797 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 538. Summarium, par. 580. There are also witnesses, however, who say that on<br />

the occasion of pastoral visitations the Servant of God heard the confessions of women, as well.<br />

798 L. Mondini, Ibid., f, 145. Summarium, par. 225.<br />

799 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff., 152-153. Summarium, par. 236.<br />

800 L. Cella, Ibid., f. 613. Summarium, par. 684.<br />

801 L. Cella, Ibid., f.,620. Summarium, par. 695.<br />

802 A. Carini, Ibid., f. 438.<br />

803 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Ibid.. ff. 756-757. Summarium, par.883.<br />

804 E. Caccialanza, Ibid., f. 231.<br />

805 E. Morisi, Ibid., f. 463. Summarium, par. 499.<br />


“I remember also the incident that happened to him at Bardi on the occasion of the fourth pastoral<br />

visitation, which marked the beginning of the serious sickness that brought him to his tomb. The horse<br />

reared up and in an effort to avoid a fall the Bishop hurt himself, and I noticed it because I heard<br />

something like a groan from him. But he always kept secret the hurt, for his sense of modesty. This was<br />

the cause of a hydrocele (a collection of watery fluid around the testicle) that kept getting worse,<br />

causing him who knows what pains for several years.” 807<br />

We have to consider, in fact, that the fourth visitation lasted until 1898, followed<br />

by the fifth, which kept him busy, at intervals, from 1900 till 1905, with his trip to<br />

Brazil in between, when he had to travel often long hours on horseback. 808 A member<br />

of his retinue, Father Domenico Vicentini, the future Superior General of the<br />

Scalabrinians, “saw in this one more reason for hailing Bishop Scalabrini as the<br />

Apostle and Martyr of Emigrants.” 809<br />

“In the opinion of his doctors, if he had taken care of it on time, he would have been cured<br />

probably, but he abhorred, because of purity, to be visited by doctors; and so he chose to fall victim to<br />

his modesty.” 810 “I was told by his family Doctor Marchesi, and by his domestics as well, that the<br />

Servant of God did not want to be operated because of his great modesty, and that he submitted to the<br />

operation only when he was ordered to do so as his duty in conscience.” 811 His sister Luisa “spoke of<br />

his absolute refusal to let himself be operated upon, and it was she and the doctors who persuaded him<br />

to submit to the operation that was to be fatal.” 812 “He did not want to be visited by doctors because of<br />

his modesty.” 813<br />

120. - Did the Servant of God keep faithful to the ‘happy medium’ also in this<br />

occasion? Did he not exceed this time? From the peek-hole by which he let us look<br />

into the secrecy of his ‘resolutions’ mentioned before, we feel entitled to answer with<br />

Saint Thomas Aquinas:<br />

“The medium and the excess of acts and passions are judged in the light of the various<br />

circumstances. And so nothing-is there to prevent that what is excess in a virtue because of one<br />

circumstance may otherwise be medium because of other circumstances, in line with right reason.<br />

According to right reason, virtues such as these tend to conform to this procedure, that is: where is it to<br />

be exercised? when? what for?” 814<br />

‘Other moral virtues concern the internal passions. What is right in them cannot be constituted in<br />

the same way, for the reason that men react differently to passions. It is necessary, therefore, to<br />

establish the criterion of right reason from the viewpoint of men, as the ones who are affected by the<br />

passions.” 815<br />

Since ‘what is nothing for others’ could become ‘fatal’ for Bishop Scalabrini, to<br />

have chosen extreme measures in defense of his virtue because he held it necessary on<br />

account of his own personal circumstances, this for us proves the extraordinary degree<br />

of his virtue, brought indeed to an ‘extreme’ that was within the ‘right reason’ of a<br />

man who wanted to become a saint at all costs: and sanctity - he used to say - is ‘purity<br />

consecrated to God in immolation’:<br />

806 F. Calzinari, Ibid., f. 638. Summarium, par. 725.<br />

807 L. Mondini, Ibid., ff. 145-146. Summarium, par. 227.<br />

808 Cfr. Biography, p, 1174.<br />

809 D. Vicentini, L'Apostolo degli Italiani Emigrati in America, Piacenza 1909, p. 57.<br />

810 C. Mangot, Processo c. p.. f. 42. Summarium, par. 37.<br />

811 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 360. Summarium, par. 444.<br />

812 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 670. Summarium, par. 765.<br />

813 L. Scalabrini, Ibid., f. 920.<br />

814 Summa Theologica, IIa lIae, a. I, ad 2.<br />

815 Ibid., a. 2.<br />


“Purity consecrated to God: that is, a purity that is practiced in worship to God.<br />

Sanctity, together with purity of mind, demands, therefore, a constant immolation.<br />

Holy is in fact what is being burned on the altar for the worship of God.” 816<br />

5. OBEDIENCE<br />

121. - Bishop Scalabrini was made the target of the more or less overt attacks by<br />

the liberal, Masonic, and progressive press, and by the exponents of its respective<br />

parties, who ill interpreted even the intentions of the Bishop, or often brutally assailed<br />

him, especially the liberals for political reasons and the masons for religious motives.<br />

Nothing to wonder about, considering the conditions of that period, marked by a fierce<br />

anticlericalism. But more or less disguised accusations of disobedience or of a scarce<br />

conformity to the directives of the Pope and the Holy See were aimed at him also by<br />

Catholic groups and newspapers. For a better understanding of the situation, we must<br />

report some depositions of the Process:<br />

“I had always the impression that Bishop Scalabrini had found a diocese in order as far as<br />

morality, but not as far as discipline. I have known many lay people and some priests, who were<br />

certainly good, but lacking in discipline. No wonder, then, if the new Bishop, who had as his program<br />

from the beginning to put the diocese back in order, was met with criticism and disapproval, being there<br />

two currents often resulting to extremes: hence the intransigence of some, and the transigence of others.<br />

The wide and far sighted Bishop, careful to be just and at the same time obedient to the directives of<br />

Rome, inclined to the moderate line. Evil spirits, and some people in good faith, were not lacking,<br />

therefore, who gave sinister interpretations to the provisions of the Servant of God, and opposed him;<br />

but they were wrong. The same I state in regard to certain press.” 817<br />

“All through the occupancy of Bishop Scalabrini, there were two currents of thought in Piacenza<br />

also among the clergy: the so called intransigents and the transigents, in their various shades. The<br />

intransigents have always been against the Bishop ‘a priori’, and some of them went so far as to make<br />

use of the Masonic press and of all other means to present the good intentions of the Bishop in the<br />

wrong light. The transigents were generally with him; the liberals, as a whole, did not give him much<br />

trouble. Here is how it can be explained. Bishop Scalabrini was a man of great and generous ideas. He<br />

was absolutely and always with the Pope and for the Pope, and, as he used to say, he would have his<br />

head cut off twenty times for him. Strong on this position, he could say that the intransigents certainly<br />

were not with the Pope. This favorably impressed also the liberals, who admired him very much,<br />

besides, for his sincere love for his country. This much I can state, because I have lived all through<br />

these events, in the capacity as editor for several years of our newspaper: ‘L'Amico del Popolo’” 818<br />

Architect Ettore Martini, a leader in the Catholic Movement, clarifies other<br />

aspects of such criticism:<br />

“Certainly there was no lack of critics who doubted the stand of the Servant of God and<br />

misinterpreted his intentions. The pretext was found in the polemics between the followers of the<br />

philosophy either of Saint Thomas or of Rosmini. In reality, the cause was political. Some Catholics<br />

criticized the Bishop accusing him of liberalism: the Catholic press found fault with the Bishop because<br />

he was thought to support the moderate political party rather than the progressive one. But behind the<br />

scenes of it all there were the workings of masons. They were of a particular breed here in Piacenza:<br />

they had their own political and economic interests in mind; and this is so true, that their most important<br />

leaders reconciled themselves with the Church before they died. All such criticism was unfounded and<br />

soon proven wrong by the facts, because the philosophy supported by the Servant of God was that of<br />

816 G. B. Scalabrini, Oratio quam in secunda Synodi sessione habuit, Synodus Dioecesana Placentina<br />

Secunda, Piacenza 1893, p.<br />

817 G. Cardinali, Processo c. p., ff. 285-286. Summarium, par. 321-322.<br />

818 F. Torta, Ibid., ff. 339-340. Summarium, par. 339-341.<br />


Saint Thomas. Besides, he has never advocated liberal theories, nor did he support any political<br />

party.” 819<br />

Count Giuseppe Radini Tedeschi, a son of Carlo, fierce opponent of the so called<br />

"transigence", and a brother of Bishop Giacomo of Bergamo, adds another particular<br />

aspect one must keep in mind:<br />

“From what my late father and I could understand, though extremely compliant with the directives<br />

from the Holy See, Bishop Scalabrini gave us the impression that his personal idea was in favor of<br />

going to the polls; but he never took any positive stand, and neither did he support the leaders who were<br />

in favor of abstention from the polls.” 820<br />

All these depositions, though in an approximate and incomplete way, due to the<br />

lack of knowledge of all the documents that came to light only many years after the<br />

death of Scalabrini, are nonetheless enough to show us for what reasons the Servant of<br />

God was accused or suspected of disobedience or negligence to the directives from the<br />

Vatican. Criticism and insinuations concerned substantially the following points,<br />

which form the object of Questions 16, 18, 19, and 40 of the ordinary Process: 1)<br />

Rosminianism; 2) Liberalism, in practice, at least; 3) Coldness in regard to the Opera<br />

dei Congressi (Catholic Movement), that was abstentionist; 4) Disobedience to the non<br />

expedit.<br />

In our opinion, all such points have been clarified in his new Biography,<br />

especially in Chapters X, XI, XII, XIII, XV, and XXI. One must keep them in mind,<br />

precisely because they offer an indispensable documentation to know and understand<br />

the real stand of the Servant of God in regard to his obedience to and respect for<br />

Superiors. We will refer, therefore, to them any time we find it necessary to clarify<br />

and complete the depositions of the Witnesses.<br />

a) Rosminianism<br />

122. - It was not a question only of academic disputes: the word "Rosminian" did<br />

not mean just a follower of Rosmini; it had become a synonym for ‘liberal’; or even<br />

for ‘Jansenist’ or ‘semi-Jansenist’. To accuse one of ‘Rosminianism’ did not mean<br />

only to declare him guilty of disobedience to the Encyclical Aeterni Patri, or to the<br />

Decree Post Obitum, but also of disobedience to the Pope, of unorthodoxy, of<br />

betraying the Church, of offending the rights of the Supreme Pontiff. And now let us<br />

see for what motives, and above all with what reliability Bishop Scalabrini was<br />

thought of being a ‘Rosminian’.<br />

The facts reported by the Witnesses, and confirmed by the documents, prove,<br />

before anything else, the unsoundness of the accusation of doctrinal Rosminianism.<br />

“He recommended the study of the philosophy and theology of Saint Thomas even before it was<br />

commanded by the Holy See.” 821<br />

“He gave a Thomistic orientation to philosophy and theology even prescribing the texts, and he<br />

recommended the teachers to consult the sources of the Summa of the Angelic Doctor. All this before<br />

the publication of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris.” 822 He anticipated the directives of Leo XIII.” 823<br />

819 E. Martini, Ibid., ff. 190 -191.<br />

820 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid., f. 366.<br />

821 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 28. Summarium, par. II.<br />

822 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 54E. Summarium, par. 598.<br />


Actually, Bishop Scalabrini's decree on the reform of church studies, according to<br />

the Thomistic system together with the indication of the authors to adopt, carries the<br />

date of the 18 th of October 1876: thus anticipating the Encyclical Aeterni Patris by<br />

three years. 824 Monsignor Torta and other witnesses recall the founding of the review<br />

‘Divus Thomas’, the first Italian review on Thomism. This, too, anticipated the<br />

Encyclical, having its first issue printed before. Credit for its publication was due, in<br />

great part, to Bishop Scalabrini. 825<br />

The Rector of the ‘Seminario Urbano’ points out that both seminaries of the city<br />

and Bedonia “had been following the scholastic system for a long time”, while the<br />

‘Collegio 'Alberoni’ was oriented on the philosophy of Gioberti, first, and then on that<br />

of Rosmini, until the publication of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris. The wisdom of the<br />

Servant of God contributed in making sure that all three Church Institutions obeyed<br />

wholeheartedly the enlightened decisions from Rome. This task was easier on him<br />

because also amongst the Vincentians there were distinguished minds and learned<br />

professors who sincerely loved Thomism.” 826 Bishop Scalabrini's watchful eye on the<br />

philosophical orientation of the ‘Collegio Alberoni’ had also begun to act on it before<br />

the publication of the Encyclical of Leo XIII:<br />

“I remember that when he visited us, students of philosophy, at the College, for the first time<br />

(November 1877), he took time to speak about the system of Aquinas, praising it as one fit to solve all<br />

metaphysical problems.” 827<br />

Cardinal Nasalli Rocca, a family friend of Canon Savino Rocca, who had been<br />

removed from being Rector of the ‘Seminario Urbano’ because in the opinion of the<br />

‘intransigents’ he was a ‘thomist’ and ‘antirosminian,’ 828 remarks that the Bishop<br />

“gave a good orientation to the study of philosophy and theology by entrusting the<br />

teaching of these subjects to Professor Rossignoli, a pure Thomist, Monsignor Vinati,<br />

and Monsignor Dalle Piane, most reliable for their doctrine. I well remember how he<br />

insisted that the directives of Leo XIII contained in the Encyclical Aeterni Patris be<br />

faithfully implemented.” 829 The Servant of God Monsignor Torta recalls the instance<br />

of the Decree Post Obitum:<br />

“When the forty propositions of Rosmini were condemned, Bishop Scalabrini immediately called<br />

in a few exponents of the Clergy, followers of the ideas of the "Roveretano" (the man from Rovereto,<br />

that is, Rosmini), inviting them to accept without any reservation the decisions of Rome and<br />

exclaiming: ‘The Pope has spoken: all disputes must cease among you [...]. He summoned, at the same<br />

time, Canon Francesco Rossignoli, professor of philosophy (I was then a student of philosophy) and<br />

charged him with the task of a thorough confutation of said propositions; and I remember that this<br />

professor of ours devoted six months to the fulfillment of such a serious and delicate duty.” 830<br />

Quite interesting is the statement of Witness Buzzetti:<br />

“Concerning the orientation given to the study of philosophy, I remember that the Servant of God<br />

held in deep esteem my great uncle Father Vincenzo Buzzetti, who had been a Professor of Philosophy<br />

in the Seminary and was a forerunner of the Thomistic reform of philosophy.” 831<br />

823 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 763. Summarium, par. 890.<br />

824 Cfr. Biography, pp. 144-146.<br />

825 Cfr. Biography, pp. 146-148.<br />

826 G. Cardinali, Processo c. p.. f. 285. Summarium, par. 319.<br />

827 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 700. Summarium, par. 793.<br />

828 Cfr. Biography, pp. 494-501.<br />

829 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Processo c. p, ii. 743-744. Summarium, par. 855.<br />

830 F. Torta, Ibid., ff. 337-338. Summarium, par. 398.<br />

831 A. Buzzetti, Ibid., f. 781.<br />


123. - Lastly, two Witnesses do not omit to underline the virtue of moderation that<br />

characterized the Servant of God also in this field:<br />

“He always conformed in full to the instructions of the Holy See, without being harsh by<br />

temperament against Rosminianism, like certain intransigents.” 832<br />

“He ordered the teaching of the philosophy and theology of Saint Thomas, without pretending,<br />

however, that the teachers renounce the systems in which they had their formation in so far as they were<br />

not condemned.” 833<br />

Before the Decree Post Obitum, he was expressly authorized by Leo XIII to adopt<br />

such stand of moderation in regard to the followers of Rosmini. 834 Other proofs of the<br />

respect of the Servant of God toward the directives of the Holy See in matters of<br />

doctrine and philosophy can be found in his efforts toward securing the prompt<br />

submission of all the priests of his diocese 835 and of the priest-scientist Antonio<br />

Stoppani, 836 as all of them did in fact; and in being given by the Holy See the task of<br />

trying to prevent the publication of the periodic ‘Rosmini’ and then to stop that of ‘Il<br />

Nuovo Rosmini’ 837 But on top of all this, he had been publicly absolved from the<br />

accusation and suspicion of pro-Rosminianism by the most fierce and authoritative<br />

anti-Rosminian of that day, Father Giovanni Maria Cornoldi, S.J. 838<br />

b) Liberalism<br />

124. - Cardinal Nasalli Rocca explains right away the reason why Bishop<br />

Scalabrini was accused or suspected of liberalism:<br />

“The reasons why he was accused of liberalism were two. The first, that he was openly in favor of<br />

the Conciliation of Italy with the Holy See by the solution of the Roman Question. The second, that he<br />

was convinced, as he so many times told me, that abstention from the polls was damaging the religious<br />

interests of the nation. ‘How can .we pretend - he used to exclaim - to have good laws if we do not elect<br />

to Parliament honest representatives!’ And he added: ‘If we go on with this legislation so hostile to the<br />

Church, we will be lucky if we should be left in the long run with something good to re-build on’. As to<br />

the way of solving the Roman Question, he fully left it up to the judgment of the Holy See. As to the<br />

second question, he himself obeyed, and had others obey as far as possible, the directives of Rome,<br />

asking for authorization on special cases.” 839<br />

Blessed Luigi Orione pinpoints the apostolic moving force of the convictions of<br />

Bishop Scalabrini:<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini was one of those men who enter the opposing field giving in, saving the<br />

substance, as much as possible, in order to attract souls to do all the good they could. My favorite<br />

saying in this regard is: ‘Let us move along with their ideas to come back with ours.’ He was a person<br />

that never neglected any occasion to offer himself as a bridge to the holy end of conciliating and uniting<br />

832 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 525. Summarium, par. 554.<br />

833 G. Radini Tedeschi, Ibid.. f. 366.<br />

834 Cfr. Biography, pp. 704-705.<br />

835 Cfr. Biography, pp. 700-702.<br />

836 Cfr. Biography, pp. 705-707.<br />

837 Cfr. Biography, pp. 708-709.<br />

838 Cfr. Biography, pp. 574-575.<br />

839 G. B. Nasalli Rocca, Processo c. p., ff. 745-746. Summarium, par. 859-860.<br />


as best as possible the Children of the Common Father. Leaving aside the dross, he aimed at the<br />

substance of the matter, always seeking to deaden the passions afflicting his day.” 840<br />

Such was also the interpretation of Blessed Guanella, as Father Alfonso Bianchi<br />

states:<br />

“On this point I report what the Servant of God Luigi Guanella told me one day. Speaking to me<br />

of my uncle, he exclaimed: ‘Listen! The Church is like an army: some pertain to the vanguard, others to<br />

the center, the rest to the rearguard. Well then, Bishop Scalabrini belongs to the vanguard, but always<br />

with the Pope.” 841<br />

Monsignor Mondini points out the only concern that worried Bishop Scalabrini in<br />

the face of the accusations of liberalism:<br />

“The accusation of liberalism had no foundation whatsoever. He was so respectful of the Supreme<br />

Pontiff of the Church that he conformed at all times to his directives and desires even in the least or<br />

non-binding matters. Faced with the accusations of liberalism, sure as he was in his own conscience, he<br />

did not lose his peace, but he worried about the thought of appearing before his flock as a disobedient<br />

son of the Holy Father, not so much because it was a personal offense, but rather because it might cause<br />

scandal among the faithful.” 842<br />

125. - The accusations of doctrinal or practical liberalism has been confuted by all<br />

the Witnesses who knew the question and the real relations between him and Father<br />

Davide Albertario, the main and his most persistent accuser:<br />

“In his newspaper, Davide Albertario accused Bishop Scalabrini of liberalism and of being in<br />

favor of conciliation, a word that was taken in that day to mean subordinating the interests of the<br />

Church to those of the State. As I see it, such accusations had no foundation if the word liberal is given<br />

a political meaning, and if conciliation implies what was said before. He was extremely respectful of<br />

the Holy See. He wanted the greatest good for it. Far from favoring the liberals, the persecutors of the<br />

Church, he defended her rights.” 843<br />

“He was a man of great vision. He always desired that the religious and civil power be at peace<br />

with one another; but I have never noticed a spoken or written word of his that might express any<br />

liberalistic tendency in the sense described before. In fact, he was always very concerned that the rights<br />

and the interests of the Church were safeguarded.” 844<br />

One point of accusation regarded the Bishop's relations with some liberals. But<br />

the Witness himself observes: “If the Servant of God kept in touch with some leaders<br />

of liberalism, like Luzzatti, Manfredi, and Sacchi, one must not conclude that he<br />

shared their ideas at all, but rather that he tried to prevent them from causing harm and<br />

to derive from them some good for the diocese.” 845 His secretary adds:<br />

“If he kept in touch with irreligious people and with masons, he did it to enlighten them and to call<br />

them back on the right track. He used to say that the Lord had came not for the righteous ones, but for<br />

sinners; as he always concluded what he usually called his ‘predichina’ (little sermon).” 846<br />

There was no other question, therefore, than that zeal for souls of his that made<br />

him overcome any obstacle deriving from formality, ill-understood prudence, and fear<br />

of unjust accusations:<br />

840 L. Orione, Ibid., f. 821. Summarium, par. 952.<br />

841 A. Bianchi, Ibid., f. 661. Summarium, par. 746.<br />

842 L. Mondini, Ibid., f. 103. Summarium, par. 153.<br />

843 G. Dodici, Ibid., f, 159.<br />

844 A. Carini, Ibid., ff. 425-426.<br />

845 A. Carini, Ibid., f.. 426.<br />

846 C. Mangot, Ibid., f. 30. Summarium, par. 15.<br />


“The Servant of God did not complain for this accusation, saying as usual: ‘We must save souls at<br />

all costs.’” 847<br />

“Let us save souls, and let all the rest go.” 848<br />

“If he contacted great sinners and masons, the common understanding was that he did it in order to<br />

convert them, as was often the case. I clearly remember hearing a number of times that Bishop<br />

Scalabrini used to say: ‘I would ride on the back of the devil, if I were sure that he might carry me to<br />

save a soul!’ This reminds me that he was of the same mind as Saint John Bosco, whom I had the good<br />

luck to know in person.” 849<br />

"I know that Bishop Scalabrini did not disdain to be friendly with people of this kind. I know also<br />

that they courteously responded to his noble approaches. But Bishop Scalabrini was prompted to do so,<br />

moved by a higher motive, which was that of reaching their souls; something he succeeded in more than<br />

one occasion, as all know [...]. With my own eyes I saw the documents of membership in the masonry<br />

he had taken from them after their conversion, as also the threatening messages sent him by masons.<br />

This stands to show that the Servant of God was the target of their hatred, because they considered him<br />

a very frightful and dangerous enemy of their sect.” 850<br />

126. - We know, on the other hand, that the accusations of liberalism, proven by<br />

such facts as his desire for the Conciliation, his hope for the removal of the non<br />

expedit, and his relations with liberals and masons, were made to circulate by a<br />

restricted group headed by canon Rocca. This was also the group that kept informed,<br />

in good or bad faith, both Albertario and two or three ‘intransigent’ bishops, who<br />

made then in turn a deafening noise in the ‘Osservatore Cattolico’, the Albertario, and<br />

at the Vatican, the bishops. 851<br />

“Confronted by the accusations of liberalism, the Servant of God limited himself to plead for the<br />

judgment of the Holy See, declining even to defend himself any further when his love for the Church<br />

and for his Country demanded it.” 852<br />

To renounce his own public defense in compliance with the will, or even with the<br />

simple desire of the Pope, also when his honor as a Bishop was at stake, seems to us<br />

one of the clearest proofs of the perfect and extraordinary obedience of the Servant of<br />

at God to the Pope.<br />

One time he asked Leo XIII to be allowed to defend himself publicly from the<br />

unjustified attacks of the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ with letter of November 19, 1881,<br />

which he concluded with the resolve to keep his peace, should the Holy Father desire<br />

so. 853 He pleaded ‘candidly with the supreme kindness of the Holy Father for a word<br />

of comfort. He did not deem it opportune to accord it to me; I adore with submission<br />

the judgments of God, and I shall carry on, through good and ill fame, trying to secure<br />

the salvation of my soul and of the flock entrusted to me.” 854 Another time he wrote a<br />

brief Pastoral Letter to refute the slanders printed by that intransigent newspaper after<br />

publication of his booklet ‘Intransigenti e Transigenti’:<br />

847 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 288. Summarium, par. 327.<br />

848 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 297. Summarium, par. 344.<br />

849 F. Calzinari, Ibid.. f. 630. Summarium, par. 712.<br />

850 F. Gregori, Ibid.. f. 575. Summarium, par. 652.<br />

851 Cfr. Biography, pp. 661-662. 712-114.<br />

852 F. Gregori, Processo c. p.. f. 552, Summarium, par. 607.<br />

853 Cfr. Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII. Piacenza, November 19, 1881 (Scalabrinian General<br />

Archive, 3042/2).<br />

854 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Boccali, Piacenza, November 29, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli, Biblioteca<br />

Ambrosiana, Milan).<br />


“I had in mind to defend myself, and so I wrote the short Pastoral Letter herein<br />

enclosed. I sent it to the Holy Father. From the marks in red, you can see that he gave<br />

it to be examined I do not know by whom, and then he sent it back with request not to<br />

publish it. He demanded a heroic sacrifice indeed, which I accepted - I must confess -<br />

only for the love of God.” 855<br />

On that same occasion, the Bishop asked the Pope to come out into the open and<br />

declare who was the author of the booklet. Leo XIII had someone answer him that he<br />

could do so, but not before considering first the unpleasant consequences he would<br />

suffer because of it. The Bishop kept his peace. 856 A third time, the Servant of God<br />

asked for permission to defend himself in public, when he was accused in 1886 of<br />

disobeying the non expedit. Leo XIII did not grant it, and the Bishop obeyed:<br />

“I had even prepared a Pastoral Letter in which I spoke of the political elections, made public all<br />

the responses received from Rome and boldly touched on the urgent questions that disturb the<br />

conscience of many; but the Holy Father, to whom I sent it, asked me not to publish it, because it might<br />

give way to misunderstandings. I obeyed.” 857<br />

Cardinal Giulio Bevilacqua rightly observed that the ‘silences’ of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini were even of greater significance than his words. 858<br />

c) Political Elections and Love for his Country<br />

127. - “The liberalism of Bishop Scalabrini was an intense thirst for souls, and, saving the<br />

supreme interests of the Church, he would have wanted all obstacles removed that were a hindrance to<br />

their eternal salvation.” 859<br />

“The Servant of God certainly loved his country with a holy love. He showed sorrow for the<br />

consciences in trouble and hoped for the Conciliation between Church and State; but he never criticized<br />

the directives of the Holy See. In fact, he wanted them respected and obeyed.” 860<br />

“But this was also true, in those days, that whoever loved his country seemed as<br />

though he failed in regard to the rights of the Church and of religion.” 861 Bishop<br />

Scalabrini was convinced that the temporal power was necessary to safeguard the<br />

rights of the Church and of religion, but he did not think that in order to assure its<br />

independence, there should be a return to the old Pontifical State or a restitution of the<br />

whole city of Rome, as the ‘intransigents’ sustained.<br />

“In his opinion, the Pope should have been contented with as much a temporal territory as was<br />

necessary for the independence and freedom of the Church. To accomplish this, Catholics needed to<br />

participate in the political life of the Nation. To him, no Conciliation was possible until a consistent<br />

group of Catholic representatives was not seated in Parliament. For this reason, saving always his<br />

855 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to P.M. Schiaffino, January 21, 1887 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3020/4).<br />

856 Cfr. Biography. p. 616.<br />

857 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, s. d. (early 1887?) (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

858 “In hard times he suffered for the Church, and for such a Church! Right because he had turned to the<br />

essentials of the Church he learned so well when to talk and when to keep quiet. And his silence was more<br />

meaningful and more instructive than his words. After speaking to the Church as a loyal son, he submitted<br />

in silence to obedience, of which he was a real champion.” (G. Bevilacqua, “Mons. Scalabrini, Difensore<br />

dei diritti della Chiesa e delle Anime”. A lecture held on June 2, 1955 in Piacenza. Inedited Scalabrinian<br />

General Archive).<br />

859 G. Cardinali. Processo c. p., f. 304. Summarium, par. 363.<br />

860 E. Martini, Ibid., ff. 202-203.<br />

861 L. Tammi, Ibid., f. 839. Summarium, par. 982.<br />


obedience to the Holy See, he inclined towards the abolition of the non expedit, to the end of bringing<br />

into Parliament strict Catholic elements, in prudent alliance with sympathizing parties, thus isolating the<br />

extremist ones. This is why Bishop Scalabrini was accused of liberalism. In my opinion, he was not a<br />

liberal, and his love for his country was not out of line. I emphatically repeat, besides, that in<br />

expounding his ideas, he stated that the last word belonged to the Pope and that all had to conform to<br />

his directives: a principle of discipline to which he kept constant faith.” 862<br />

Referring to his frequent conversations with Bishop Scalabrini on the subject,<br />

Monsignor Cornaggia Medici confirms:<br />

“As to the question of the non expedit, he considered opportune the participation of candidates at<br />

the polls, in order to christianize Italy and to arrive at a dignified solution of the Roman Question.<br />

Following special faculties obtained from the Holy See, he had very prudently allowed in particular<br />

cases people to go to the polls. Yet, when Rome expressed a different position, he strictly followed it, in<br />

spite of his personal convictions, adding: ‘We, the Clergy, are like an army; woe to us, should discipline<br />

weaken! The Commander-in-chief gives the order; we must obey.” 863<br />

Monsignor Torta laconically sums up the depositions of all Witnesses:<br />

“Bishop Scalabrini had a strong and sincere love for his country, and together with all good people<br />

he hoped for the Conciliation of Italy with the Holy See. There was in him, therefore, no trace of<br />

liberalism, but only a Christian and well-ordered love for his country, without mystification,<br />

exaggeration, or untimely stands.” 864<br />

128. - We must add, first of all, that he never spoke or wrote in public about the<br />

question of the non expedit except to remind people of the directives of the Holy See.<br />

He spoke, instead, and wrote much about it, confidentially, to his friends and above<br />

all, he never kept his opinion from the Pope, showing himself also on this point to be<br />

extremely honest and loyal. This is clearly seen in his letters to Leo XIII published in<br />

his biography, and in those to Bishop Bonomelli, where he reported the results of his<br />

audiences with the Pope. Significant is the fact that Leo XIII, until 1885 at least, asked<br />

the opinion of the Bishop of Piacenza 865 on the non expedit, and that he asked him to<br />

probe the mood of public opinion with the booklet ‘Intransigenti e Transigenti’,<br />

written by the Pope himself rather than by the Bishop. 866 But we are deeply interested<br />

in confirming the statement of many Witnesses that in particular cases the Servant of<br />

God asked permission or the go ahead of the Holy See before taking any stand that<br />

might not be in tune with the directives of the Pope. In particular, this was the case of<br />

the political elections of 1886, for which he followed to the letter the instructions<br />

obtained from Rome in 1882 and explicitly renewed in 1886: 867 and so, he had no<br />

difficulty in proving, with documents in hand, when he was reported to the Holy<br />

office, that he had ‘absolutely followed the norms set down by the Holy See in regard<br />

to political elections’, as he declared to the Secretary of State. 868<br />

d) His Relations with the "Opera dei Congressi" (the Catholic Movement)<br />

862 F. Gregori, Ibid., ff. 567-568. Summarium, par. 636-638.<br />

863 L. Cornaggia Medici, Ibid., f. 730. Summarium, par. 834.<br />

864 F. Torta, Ibid., f. 350. Summarium, par. 426.<br />

865 Cfr. Biography, pp. 632-634.<br />

866 Cfr. Biography, pp. 587-591.<br />

867 Cfr. Biography, pp. 634. 651-652.<br />

868 Letter of G. B, Scalabrini to L. Jacobini, Piacenza, July 16, 1886 (Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Segreteria<br />

di Stato, Leone XIII, Miscellanea, D.D. Albertario. IX, A.).<br />


129. - The Servant of God was blamed for a certain coldness towards the Opera<br />

dei Congressi; and someone has seen in this coldness a sign of scarce compliance with<br />

the will of Leo XIII, who blessed and supported the complex variety of initiatives of<br />

the laity which was known as the Movimento Cattolico or Opera dei Congressi. We<br />

have to keep in mind one distinction, without which one cannot understand exactly the<br />

relations of the Bishop of Piacenza with the Opera dei Congressi, or rather with its<br />

leaders: that is, the distinction between the religious and social action promoted by the<br />

Opera and its Statutes, and the stand taken by its leaders in the strictly political field,<br />

that is, in regard to the solution of the Roman Question and to the relations with the<br />

Italian State. We know the thought of Bishop Scalabrini on the political problems, a<br />

thought different from that of the Pope, but wholly submissive to his decisions.<br />

In any case, it was a question of conscience, because it implied obedience or less,<br />

if not to a precise prohibition (until 1886, when the non expedit was declared to mean<br />

non licet, that is, ‘it is not allowed’), to a directive of the Holy See. Since it was a<br />

question of conscience, Bishop Scalabrini deemed it his duty simply to follow the<br />

instructions he purposely asked Rome for, as we said before, and not to the directives<br />

of laymen who had no hierarchical status. He wrote, in fact, to Cardinal Secretary of<br />

State on July 16, 1886:<br />

“The Permanent Committee of the Opera dei Congressi with headquarters in Bologna was not, is<br />

not, and never will be, the norm of my conduct, as should apparently have been on the occasion of the<br />

political elections. To pretend that a Bishop should depend on the direction of consciences on a group<br />

of laymen; that he conform exactly to them (under risk of finding himself denounced as a rebel) and to<br />

accept from them the orders of the Holy See, besides being improper and unbecoming, does not seem to<br />

me even in accord with the divinely established order of the Catholic Hierarchy. I am convinced,<br />

Eminent Cardinal, that several bishops discern in such undue interference the seed of dreadful<br />

consequences for the Church.” 869<br />

To this norm of conduct he conformed also in regard to lay transigents, as in the<br />

case of the Opera Bonomelli (The Institute for Emigrants in Europe, of Bishop<br />

Bonomelli):<br />

“Neither do I disdain the cooperation of the laity, but in strictly religious matters, I am not fond of<br />

them as leaders, because very seldom do they keep themselves free of second intentions, political<br />

especially. Was not there much grumbling about the ‘bishops in top-hats’?” 870<br />

Bishop Scalabrini did not tolerate the confusion of religious matters with political<br />

ones. This was the reason of his reservations in regard to the leaders of the Opera dei<br />

Congressi, especially during the tenure of Paganuzzi. 871 We must admit an exception<br />

for the political field, that is, the participation in the administrative elections,<br />

supported and promoted by the Bishop of Piacenza according to the directives of the<br />

Opera dei Congressi, because it was explicitly approved and encouraged by the Holy<br />

See. 872<br />

130. - Quite different must be our view in regard to the social question for which<br />

the Catholic Action was organized: 873<br />

869 Ibid.<br />

870 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Tollara, April 24, 1900 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

871 Cfr. Biography, pp. 638-646.<br />

872 Cfr. Biography, p. 602.<br />

873 Chapter IV of his Biography deals with the activities of the servant of God in the field of Catholic<br />

Action.<br />


“The Servant of God devoted himself to the promotion of Catholic Action with the zeal proper of<br />

a holy Bishop. He encouraged the founding of the Parish Committees and other activities of Catholic<br />

Action, moved by his strong sense of duty of obedience to the orders of the Holy See. He used to<br />

exclaim: 'The Pope wills it, and that is enough.” 874<br />

“He encouraged and insisted that the Parish Committees be established in every parish, and he did<br />

all possible to make the Diocesan Committee function to the ful1.” 875<br />

“He worked with all his strength in promoting the works of what was then the equivalent of<br />

today's Catholic Action, and precisely: the Parish Committees, the workers' unions, the periodical<br />

conventions of the Catholic works of the diocese, the Catholic press, represented for a certain period of<br />

time by a daily newspaper.” 876<br />

“In compliance with the directives of the Holy See, he gave a strong impulse to Catholic Action<br />

according to the forms of his day, and instilled much enthusiasm for it in the whole diocese. Catholic<br />

Action was not well organized then as it is today, but he succeeded in uniting the various good elements<br />

for the success of the Catholic cause and in providing them the needed independence in the exercise of<br />

their rights, consisting then especially in the participation in the administrative elections [...]. Bishop<br />

Scalabrini insured the financial autonomy of Catholics in Piacenza by the founding of a bank.” 877<br />

Chapter IV of his Biography shows that the statements of Witnesses A.<br />

Ghizzoni 878 and F. Gregori, that the diocese of Piacenza was in the vanguard, were not<br />

an exaggeration. In addition, that Chapter testifies the great solicitude of Bishop<br />

Scalabrini in reviving the Committees of the Opera dei Congressi suppressed in 1898:<br />

“He did his utmost for the annulment of the decree of the government, and he contributed<br />

effectively to this annulment, as it is clear from his correspondence with the Minister of the Interior, Di<br />

Rudini, and with the national leaders of Catholic Action: all documents I consulted myself.” 879<br />

We can not overlook however a detail that we consider proof of both his<br />

obedience and prudence:<br />

“Ever respectful of the provisions of Rome, he insisted on and supported the Parish Committees.<br />

This is so true that I heard him making the following statement: ‘I cannot understand how a parish<br />

priest can say Mass and not have his Parish Committee’ ” 880<br />

“He always conformed to the directives coming from Rome, even when certain institutions of<br />

economic nature were not perhaps in accord with his views, because, farsighted as he was, he<br />

understood that the Clergy, in the actual practice, would not fared well. I heard him myself saying<br />

confidentially and with a certain smile: ‘Nowadays, we cannot take one step forward without Catholic<br />

butter and pickles.’ ” 881<br />

Aside from the fact that certain ‘contaminations’ of the sacred with the profane<br />

seemed to him not much in conformity with the pure concept he had of ‘catholic’, he<br />

‘sensed the possible advantages’ of certain works and initiatives, “but he had to realize<br />

in practice that they were scanty, due especially to the elements he could count on.” 882<br />

“I am convinced, however, that he had not full trust in the efficacy of Catholic Action<br />

as it was understood then.” 883<br />

874 L. Mondini, Processo c. p.. f. 102. Summarium, par, 150.<br />

875 G. Dodici, Ibid.. f, 158.<br />

876 E. Morisi, Ibid., ii. 443-444. Summarium, par. 468.<br />

877 G. Cardinali, Ibid., f. 287. Summarium, par. 323.<br />

878 Cfr. A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 765. Summarium, par. 895.<br />

879 F. Gregori, Ibid., f. 551. Summarium, par. 604.<br />

880 F. Lotteri, Ibid., f. 701. Summarium, par. 796.<br />

881 G. Squeri, Ibid., f. 526. Summarium, par. 556.<br />

882 F. Torta, Ibid.. f. 340. Summarium, par. 402.<br />

883 A. Ghizzoni, Ibid., f. 765. Summarium, par. 895.<br />


e) “The Divine Authority” of the Bishops<br />

131. - We find constant proof, we may say, of the obedience and devotion of the<br />

Servant of God to the Supreme Pontiff in the facts reported and explained in almost all<br />

the chapters of his Biography, but in Chapter XII especially: "Bishop Scalabrini and<br />

his three Popes." In it, his relations with Pope Leo XIII are particularly analyzed and<br />

certain expressions are recalled that could not sound quite conforming to a perfect<br />

obedience and to a true filial respect, were they taken out of context. It is a question of<br />

expressions, not of facts, about which no doubt should subsist any longer. The fact is<br />

that Bishop Scalabrini always obeyed, and he obeyed with constancy and perfection so<br />

clearly extraordinary for the reason that he was sustained by a steady and willing<br />

renunciation of his own personal convictions, but more so also because of the zeal and<br />

enthusiasm with which he seconded both in his conduct and in the government of his<br />

diocese not only the commands, but even the desires of the Pope; as is underlined by<br />

almost all the Witnesses of the Diocesan Process.<br />

There remain to explain in their true meaning, certain expressions, beginning with<br />

the vigorous statement on the ‘divine’ authority of the Episcopacy, repeated especially<br />

during the polemics with the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ in 1881-1884.<br />

“The more I think about it, the more I deem it necessary that the Episcopate should state in public<br />

and with courage its own offended divine authority and rise in its own defense with forceful deeds.” 884<br />

“The Bishops should rise on their own and find in their divine authority the strength to impose on<br />

their enemies and demand of them the respect due to them.” 885<br />

132. - These and like expressions could appear to stand in contradiction with the<br />

total submission to the supreme authority of the Pope; but they were, instead, in<br />

perfect harmony with the teachings of Leo XIII, who demanded, in theory at least, the<br />

greatest respect for bishops, especially on the part of the Catholic press, and did not<br />

tolerate any lay intrusion in the government of the dioceses, as he had solemnly<br />

proclaimed in his Apostolic Letter Cognita nobis. 886 The whole reason of contention<br />

consisted right in this: and it is in the light of this fact that the words must be viewed.<br />

In fact, the Servant of God does not do anything but to react, in his own right, against<br />

the breaking of charity, the foremost virtue of Christians and soul of the Church, and<br />

against undue interference in the government of his diocese. The intransigents<br />

fomented discord and suspicion, while the journalists like Albertario pretended to<br />

impose their ideas which they falsely claimed to be those of the Pope, in an attempt to<br />

influence priests, seminarians, and lay people, and thus subtract them from the<br />

authority of those bishops who did not agree with them on questions of politics or<br />

philosophy, as is clearly proven in the case of Canon Rocca. 887<br />

Already in 1881, the Servant of God told “clearly, with too much frankness,<br />

perhaps” to Leo XIII that it became already “impossible to govern the diocese, if that<br />

insolent party [...] were not restrained which made itself untouchable, even by bishops,<br />

by boasting attachment to the Pope” 888 and by insinuating that pure disciplinary<br />

884 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, October 25, 1881(Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

885 Idem, September 19, 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

886 Cfr. Biography, pp. 531-532.<br />

887 Cfr: Biography, pp. 495-515.<br />

888 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII, Piacenza, September 26, 1881 Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />


provisions and acts of diocesan government were inspired by the liberal, and therefore<br />

anti-papal, spirit of the Bishop. Rome was not responding to the heartrending<br />

entreaties of the Servant of God prompted only by an effort to strengthen unity in the<br />

charity of Christ among the clergy of his diocese. The Bishop of Piacenza understood<br />

and knew that the Holy See did not want to disavow the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’,<br />

because it was considered the strongest supporter of the ‘rights’ of the Church; this is<br />

why he said: “I believe that we must rise on our own”, to prevent a “most serious<br />

offense against the bishops” and a “great scandal among the faithful”. “It is useless to<br />

expect from Rome a strong action as it is needed in this case. They tell us their usual<br />

“utantur iure suo” (let them make use of their right). Let us use it, then; yes, with<br />

dignity and calm, but with force and courage.” 889<br />

Such force and courage were not dictated by human motives, because the Servant<br />

of God was very much aware of risking honorific promotions and personal<br />

gratifications 890 ,but he intended only to defend “not his personal cause, but the cause<br />

of an intimidated Episcopate, of a Church in disarray, of a betrayed Religion,” 891 the<br />

cause of the Church and of souls. Let us hear once more his motivations:<br />

“What shall we do, then? Should we let ourselves be demolished? Our persons do<br />

not matter much, mine at least, so insignificant; but what about the souls? and the<br />

Church? and the interests of Jesus Christ? O my God! How far can one go? On my<br />

part, I believe that we must defend ourselves against these machinations by showing<br />

moderation worth a bishop in every act, by firmness in words, though with mercy in<br />

our hearts; we must defend ourselves also in public, but without accusing anybody, as<br />

far as possible.” 892<br />

Souls, the Church, the interests of Jesus Christ: these the moving forces of a stand<br />

that was certainly not a conformist one, if compared with that of the majority of the<br />

Italian bishops of his day, but that, no doubt, conformed to the real inner will of the<br />

pope, as manifested in all the public teachings of Leo XIII.<br />

133. - But Leo XIII wanted also the restitution of the Pontifical State, or at least of<br />

Rome. Theoretically and juridically he had all the rights, and Bishop Scalabrini<br />

acknowledged them in public and in private: but precisely for the salvation of souls,<br />

for the evangelization of Italy, that under the political pretext was being systematically<br />

secularized by liberals, anti-clericals, and masons, he hoped that such political pretext<br />

were taken out of the way. The first step had to be taken by the Italian government, the<br />

guilty party, but the Pope should have made it easier, - he thought - by renouncing the<br />

city of Rome, which he would have to regain otherwise only through the intervention<br />

of foreign powers, and by being contented “with that much of ‘temporal power’ that<br />

would guarantee his independence, his sovereignty, and above all, his absolute<br />

freedom of government and of teaching authority or ‘magisterium’ over the universal<br />

Church, just as Pius IX at a certain period would have been contented with. Leo XIII<br />

did not want to renounce, till his death, his ‘right’ to the city of Rome. This was the<br />

main reason why he accorded his support to the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’, to the most<br />

889 Letter ofG. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, October 14, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

890 Cfr. Biography, pp. 553, 1225-1226.<br />

891 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII, Piacenza, November 19. 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />

892 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, March 2, 1883 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />


intransigent leaders of the Opera dei Congressi, and to the ineffective political action<br />

of the anti-conciliarists. This is why he was excessively indulgent, in practice, with the<br />

extreme positions – ‘sacrilegious’ at times, as Scalabrini used to say – of the<br />

intransigent press. Through all this he discerned the insecurity, indecision, and even<br />

the incoherent acts of the Pope and of the Holy See.<br />

In particular, the Servant of God found Leo XIII incoherent when in sustaining<br />

publicly the authority of Bishops and the respect due to them, he supported at the same<br />

time, also in public, the slanderers of the bishops. To him, “it was the greatest mystery<br />

to see a Pope who knows how to say and write so many beautiful things about<br />

obedience and respect to the bishops, while he gives his favor at the same time to<br />

certain individuals who were the persecutors and the perennial slanderers of the<br />

bishops.” 893 He found it incoherent to be condemning on one hand, finally, Father<br />

Albertario to a formal recantation, and allowing him on the other hand to take his<br />

revenge, afterwards, by resuming to threaten the Bishops of Piacenza and Cremona:<br />

“They bear, or they want to bear down on us intending to do so on the one who<br />

imposed the retraction.” 894 He found it incoherent to be soliciting petitions to the<br />

Italian Parliament while not allowing, at the same time, Catholics to be a part of it. 895<br />

He considered incoherent the will of Leo XIII, centralizing all power to himself, while<br />

granting some kind of "exemption" from the Bishops to the leaders of the Opera dei<br />

Congressi.<br />

In his view, all this represented a “revolution in the Church”, because it was an<br />

attempt at the “hierarchical principle”:<br />

“Let the faithful close in around their parish priest, who must be in communion<br />

with his Bishop; let the parish priest and the faithful be one with their Bishop, who is<br />

in communion with the Supreme Pontiff, the cornerstone on which the Christian<br />

community is founded. Such is the hierarchical mission established by Jesus Christ on<br />

earth. Whoever dares break or disturb it in any way, obsequium praestat diabulo (pays<br />

a service to the devil), as Saint Ignatius the Martyr would forcefully tell us.” 896<br />

f) Criticism in regard to the Pope<br />

134. - The incoherence the Servant of God most deplored was the compromise<br />

between “human politics” and the “principles of the Gospel”, that is, the principles of<br />

charity and unity, including institutional unity, which are at the roots of the ecclesial<br />

community:<br />

“Every government, Church government included, that does not stand on the great<br />

principles of the Gospel, but rests on and is supported by human politics, cannot be but<br />

a government of clumsy expedients, of equivocal and passing splendor, offering a sad<br />

spectacle of constant and inexplicable contradictions, a government that will be sternly<br />

judged by God and men.” 897<br />

893 Idem, Piacenza. February 22, 1884 (Ibid.).<br />

894 Idem, Piacenza, May 10. 1884 (Ibid.).<br />

895 Cfr. Biography, pp. 666-687.<br />

896 G. B. Scalabrini, Pel suo ritorno a Roma, Piacenza 1882, p. 23.<br />

897 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, December 13. 1882 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />


His criticism was not directly aimed at the Pope, but at those “most audacious and<br />

cunning” men who had “learned how to secure their own impunity by crying out loud<br />

against authors and persons whom they think to be held suspect by the Supreme<br />

Pontiff;” 898 an impunity which they obtained through personalities who informed Leo<br />

XIII with partiality. To such schemers the servant of God refers when he condemns “a<br />

party all taken up in human politics that, for some time now, dominates the external<br />

premises of Holy Church.” 899 Indirectly, his criticism touched the Pope, who should<br />

have intervened with greater energy to put a stop to the “Byzantine system”, the<br />

“Babel”, the “confusion of languages”, the “up-and-down games” that seemed to<br />

dominate the external premises of the Church. Let one read about the support given by<br />

cardinals and prelates of the Curia to the most intransigent leaders of the Opera dei<br />

Congressi and to the most extreme of the journalists, who styled themselves as the<br />

only authentic spokesmen of the will of the Pope, even in regard to the bishops.<br />

Bishop Scalabrini had the extraordinary courage to write and speak with extreme<br />

frankness to the Pope, giving an example, unique rather than rare in those days, of that<br />

Evangelic correction which characterized saints like Saint Paul (at the Council of<br />

Jerusalem), Saint Pier Damiani, Saint Bernard, Saint Catherine of Siena. We recall on<br />

this point his appeal to the judgment of God, which he dared address to Leo XIII in the<br />

course of a private audience, for the loss of “an army of souls” and for “the sufferings<br />

borne on the Bishops by the usual pharisaic party, tolerated, supported, and favored<br />

while in the very act of disarraying the hierarchical order instituted by Jesus Christ.” 900<br />

135. - The Bishop was telling these strong expressions directly to the Pope in<br />

private. Leo XIII gave signs that he did not dislike the secret and private frankness of<br />

the Bishop of Piacenza, so much so that in the reports of his audiences with the Pope<br />

to Bishop Bonomelli, Scalabrini always underlines the “extreme benevolence” shown<br />

him by the Pope. This fact, quite significant in itself already, seems to us of even<br />

greater significance if we consider the reasons for such benevolence: the Supreme<br />

Pontiff well understood that verba veritatis (words of truth) of the Bishop were<br />

dictated only by a most pure love for the Church and by an ardent zeal for souls. Only<br />

once, in a private letter to Bishop Bonomelli who shared with him the “tormenting<br />

thirst” born at the “sight of the many and many who stray from the Church because of<br />

those that should do their most instead to lead them in, 901 does Bishop criticize directly<br />

the person of the Pope, though not without defending his intentions. It is the boldest<br />

letter of his correspondence Scalabrini-Bonomelli, in which the Bishop of Piacenza<br />

explains his long silence toward his Confrere of Cremona:<br />

“One chooses to be silent in order not to upset one another. What can we do? It is always the same<br />

tune off key. The times in which there reigned decrepit Popes were always fatal. It is the natural order<br />

of things. I believe ours to be the worst of all! The Pope has certainly the right intentions, but convinced<br />

as he is to be able to hold the situation under control all by himself, it is impossible that he may<br />

perceive, even remotely, the real state of things.” 902<br />

136. - Leo XIII was then 83 years old, but he was not decrepit. He only had the<br />

attitude, proper of old people, of being convinced and having the will, if not the<br />

898 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Boccali, Piacenza, November 29, 1881 (Ibid.).<br />

899 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli. Piacenza, September 19, 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

900 Idem, January 1887 (Ibid).<br />

901 Idem, August l6, 1887 (Ibid).<br />

902 Idem, July 10, 1893 (Ibid).<br />


stubbornness, to control the situation all alone, contradicting himself however by<br />

accepting the information coming only from one side. We must point out that on that<br />

occasion a violent campaign was being waged, which was being triggered by<br />

‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ and appropriated by the most fierce anticlerical press against<br />

Bishop Bonomelli, accused of being the shepherd who slaughtered the sheep because<br />

he did not dare to face the wolves. Meanwhile, Leo XIII gave the impression of<br />

allowing himself to become involved in these polemics by entertaining the intention of<br />

removing Bishop Bonomelli from the government of his diocese. Why did not the<br />

Pope hear the other side? The two Bishops wondered! Bishop Scalabrini was by then<br />

the only remaining voice of the other side. To him Bishop Bonomelli wrote:<br />

“Is not there anyone who would inform those in high places? Had I any weight in there, I would<br />

do it myself. You, yourself, or through someone else, see to it that information be given to whom it may<br />

concern. Oh! If only the Holy Father knew what is going on! Accusations of liberal, of rosminian: all<br />

pretexts! Couldn't you have them know something? Listening only to one side is fatal for Rome. The<br />

Supreme Authority's credibility is at stake here!” 903<br />

After so many useless or almost useless efforts to have the Pope know “the real<br />

state of things” in the dioceses of Northern Italy, one perceives in the Servant of God a<br />

tinge of skepticism but just a purely human temptation quickly conquered by the<br />

victory of faith:<br />

“I am nearly a skeptic, except for the faith, of course, which, by God's grace, shines ever brighter<br />

in me and vividly gladdens my spirit, often disturbed by the sight of so much wickedness.” 904<br />

We seem to discern here, in fact, the ‘third degree’ of humility of Saint Ignatius in<br />

this constant surrender of his to the Will of God, also in the face of the evils that<br />

tormented the Church he loved as the most loving of all mothers:<br />

“I will remain in perfect peace concerning all that happens by divine disposition not only in regard<br />

to me, but also to the Church, working for her as my divine call demands.”<br />

He had resolved also to be the proverbial rag thrown up in the air, so that the<br />

mysterious plans of God for the Church might be fulfilled. 905<br />

g) Criticism of the Roman Curia<br />

137. - Other letters of Bishop Scalabrini have expressions of criticism against the<br />

“policies all too human, ruling for some time now the external premises of the<br />

Church”, from which the Holy Father is explicitly excluded:<br />

“When men behave in all things according to the rules of human politics, and not in line with that<br />

of the Gospel; when they affirm and then deny, do and then undo, all with the same ease; when they<br />

praise and blame all in the same breath; when they give greater credit to the seditious clamors of private<br />

people of loose morals rather than to the most solemn declarations of Bishops animated only by the<br />

desire for good; when they consider even the most official acts of the Bishops as playthings of<br />

thoughtless children; what isn't possible any more, most dear Monsignor! But we must be comforted at<br />

the thought that we have in Leo XIII the Pope who will certainly know how to defend his prestige and<br />

903 Letter of G. Bonomelli to G. B. Scalabrini, Cremona, August 10, 1893 (Scalabrinian General Archive<br />

3021/1).<br />

904 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, November 25, 1862 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

905 Idem, s. d. (January 1886) (Ibid.), see above N. 25.<br />


our authority; who will surely not allow that his wise public or private provisions on this matter be<br />

nullified in practice.” 906<br />

As told in his Biography concerning the disputes with Albertario, to which the<br />

above letter refers, the Servant of God had to witness so many changes of direction,<br />

even sudden and unexpected, to find it hard to put together what the Pope said and<br />

assured him of, with what was said or written by other high prelates of the Vatican.<br />

More so when it was a question of the official acts of Leo XIII that were contradicted<br />

by official or officious documents of dignitaries of the Roman Curia. This happened,<br />

for instance, with the Apostolic Letter Cognita Nobis, which openly deplored the<br />

conduct of the ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’. Three days earlier, the Secretary of State had<br />

informed the said newspaper about this letter and encouraged it to continue the fight.<br />

The ‘L'Osservatore Cattolico’ had the audacity, besides, to publish the letter. The<br />

complaint of the Servant of God seems quite justified to us:<br />

“Did you see the letter of His Eminence Cardinal Jacobini to the ‘L'Osservatore’ and the<br />

considerations of the press about it? A veritable confusion of Babel; who can understand it? They make<br />

use, down there, of awkward expedients that afflict the souls seriously committed to the cause of the<br />

Church.” 907<br />

Another expression of criticism must be viewed in the same context:<br />

“The promises made to you in Rome were explicit: our ideas are too clear, so clear, in fact, that it<br />

seems impossible that they should not be implemented. Let us not fool ourselves; it is a question of<br />

politics, and what is white today turns black tomorrow. It represents quite a temptation for honest souls;<br />

there is need of much prayer.” 908<br />

138. - We find another instance of ‘criticism’ against this kind of politicking in<br />

the assuring word, on one side, of Cardinal Jacobini that he had charged Patriarch<br />

Ballerini to apply “a kind of preventive censure” to the articles of the ‘L'Osservatore<br />

Cattolico’, and, on the other side, in the immediate denial of the Patriarch Ballerini:<br />

“Patriarch Ballerini informs me that it is not true that he has a kind of preventive<br />

censure; yet, this is what has been said and written to you and me. Were we hooked by<br />

some kind of sweet bait just to keep us quiet?” 909<br />

As for the ‘L' Osservatore Cattolico’, we must point out that indeed the Holy See<br />

was sending it constant and even harsh warnings, but always in secret, while in public,<br />

it was generous with praises and subsidies, which were immediately publicized with<br />

the consent of the Holy See. At the same time, the same Holy See was forbidding the<br />

bishops to defend themselves in public against its public and defaming accusations<br />

and never saying anything publicly in support of the persecuted bishops. 910 There is no<br />

reason, then, why one should wonder at the complaints of Bishop Scalabrini:<br />

“One has indeed the impression of a puppets' show. But the worse of it is that we are made to play<br />

the part of the puppets! Unfortunately, Rome is not the land of coherence; and this explains it all, a<br />

courageous Prelate wrote to me in this regard.”<br />

And then, trying to excuse as much as possible, he added:<br />

906 Idem, February 1, 1883 (Ibid.).<br />

907 Idem, February 14, 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

908 Idem, June 14, 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

909 Idem. February 3, 1883 (Ibid.).<br />

910 Cfr. Biography, p. 1204.<br />


“This system has also its good points, because certain decisions taken ab irato (in a moment of<br />

anger) are liable to change when the situation is calm and the light of reason is shining.” 911<br />

This observation does not seem to us a malicious insinuation about certain<br />

methods at all; but a sincere effort rather to discern in those methods a positive side,<br />

acknowledging that often the Roman Curia knew how to retract in some way and to<br />

give each his due.<br />

The best known facts that gave occasions to some unfavorable comments that<br />

seem disrespectful of the Holy See are represented by the publication of the pamphlet<br />

Intransigenti e Transigenti, in 1885, and the political elections of 1886. The first fact<br />

still stands to us as one of the most manifest proofs of the obedience of the Servant of<br />

God who lent himself as a proving ground for a proposal of Leo XIII, and then<br />

allowed himself to be punished in silence not only by his ‘enemies’ but also by the one<br />

who had ordered him to do battle. 912 The second fact, the political elections of 1886,<br />

proves how right the Bishop was in deploring certain inconsistencies of finding<br />

himself in need of defending himself before the Holy office for actions expressly<br />

permitted by the Holy Father. 913<br />

The Servant of God repeatedly found himself in like needs of defending himself<br />

from insinuations, and not rarely, from lies and slanders, so that it even appears more<br />

admirable the efforts of the servant of God in obeying the right and at the same time<br />

duty of a bishop to tell the Pope verba veritatis (words of truth) - as he often said - and<br />

his resignation in seeing unrealized a dream dictated only by his love for souls, for the<br />

Church, and for the person of the Supreme Pontiff himself:<br />

“I bring along two thick volumes of documents, a veritable arsenal of powerful weapons; but if<br />

after such gigantic effort to have the religious, political, and philosophical matters fall back into place, -<br />

I intend in fact to get real busy about all of them with the Holy Father – nothing should come of it, as it<br />

is quite probable, then, while crying over the evils of the Church, I shall devote myself totally to prayer<br />

and to the exercise of the sacred ministry, and I will try to do by myself what I will deem opportune for<br />

the good of souls, with nothing else in mind but to prepare for death and courageously fighting the<br />

known enemies of peace, charity, and religion.” 914<br />

h) Criticism of St. Pius X<br />

139. - The only voice of the Diocesan Process that calls into question the respect<br />

of the Servant of God for the Pope is that of the Salesian Father Valentino Nalio, who,<br />

on the other hand, is the only Witness on whose reliability the Promoter of the Faith<br />

has some reservation:<br />

“Something must be pointed out, perhaps, concerning Father Valentino Nalio, a religious of the<br />

Pius Society of Saint Frances De Sales, whom the Tribunal summoned ex officio, because he had some<br />

reservations in regard to the fame of sanctity of the Servant of God. But from some letters of his<br />

Superior we gather that he was a peculiar character, though so very observant, on the other hand, of the<br />

religious discipline.” 915<br />

911 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, September 18, 1890 (Archivio Bonomelli, quoted).<br />

912 Cfr. Biography, p. 602.<br />

913 Cfr. Biography, pp. 663-668.<br />

914 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, September 19, 1882 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

915 Letter of R. Scala to the General Promoter of the Faith, Piacenza, February 29, 1940 (Processo c. p., f.<br />

4).<br />


This Witness testified:<br />

“I say first that I always had a high respect for Bishop Scalabrini [...]. I do not remember the<br />

occasion of our encounter. I have clear on my mind, though, that during our conversation Bishop<br />

Scalabrini had some expressions not too respectful, if not critical, of the holy memory of Pius X.”<br />

Then, in the name of the Promoter of the Faith himself, the Judge again<br />

questioned the Witness this way:<br />

“Being this a matter of such great and delicate importance, specify whether the remarks of the<br />

Servant of God referred to the government of the Church in strictly religious matters, or in social and<br />

political matters.”<br />

The Witness answered:<br />

“I remember that Bishop Scalabrini was speaking with reference to the social and political<br />

questions debated in those days and to the stand taken by the new Pope.” 916<br />

We believe that these expressions, taken from a conversation of Bishop Scalabrini<br />

with Father Nalio and some other Salesians in Buenos Aires in November 1904,<br />

should be compared with those contained in his letters to Bishop Bonomelli, with<br />

whom the Servant of God had no secrets. We limit ourselves to those that deal with<br />

social and political questions. Immediately after the election of Pius X, Bishop<br />

Scalabrini writes:<br />

“Of the new Pope I have great hopes for spiritual matters, but things will remain more or less the<br />

same politically.” 917<br />

The Servant of God had hopes that Cardinal Agliardi might be appointed<br />

Secretary of State. Instead:<br />

“The Holy Father wants, so it seems, to do by himself whatever he can. In my opinion, he is afraid<br />

to be prompted by the authority of someone else; and I believe this to be the reason for the appointment<br />

of Cardinal Merry del Val to Secretary of State. Certainly he will not lack sorrows and delusions; but he<br />

is in control of the situation, trustful in the help of God. He will carry out great reforms, if courage does<br />

not fail him. I hope for great things, though we may expect the situation to remain in general about the<br />

same.” 918<br />

140. - There appears from the context a certain delusion for the continuance of the<br />

non expedit, while the Bishop would have expected from the new Pope a ‘political<br />

action’ other than that of Leo XIII. He spoke to him about it in his first audience, in<br />

November1903:<br />

“Among many other things, I touched on the present situation and I spoke with all frankness.<br />

From his answers I became more convinced that Pius X is and wants to be, above all, a Pope of the<br />

spirit; that he will deal in politics in so much as it is needed to safeguard the rights of the Holy See; that<br />

he will not cause the Government any trouble. Oh! Were there in the Government men of talent and<br />

character! I am convinced that much could be accomplished. As to the elections, no change for the time<br />

being, but I have the impression that some innovation will come.” 919<br />

Shortly before his trip to South America, some newspapers published the<br />

sensational news that Bonomelli and Scalabrini would be removed from the direction<br />

of the institutions for emigrants they had founded. The Servant of God commented:<br />

916 V. Nalio, Processo c. p.. f. 804.<br />

917 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, August II, 1903 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

918 Idem, February 16, 1904 (Ibid.).<br />

919 Idem, s. d. (November 1903) (Ibid.).<br />


“Now we are back on the old track, and we were made to know it in an almost<br />

tragic way. Everything is possible, and we have to be ready for anything.” 920<br />

Soon after, Bishop Scalabrini left for Brazil with the fear that the ‘Opera<br />

Bonomelli’, if not his Congregation, might be decreed to be a part of the Second<br />

Group of the Opera dei Congressi, which would have meant, according to Bishop<br />

Bonomelli, destroying it. Before leaving, however, he promised to speak to the Pope<br />

“high and loud, and let us hope for the best.” 921<br />

It seems to us, therefore, that the reservations expressed by Bishop Scalabrini in<br />

Buenos Aires concerned only these two points: the continuation of abstention (from<br />

the polls) and the centralizing policy of the Opera dei Congressi. On his return from<br />

America, instead, he was greeted with two pleasant surprises. First of all, in July 1904,<br />

Cardinal Merry del Val had declared it was better not to accomplish an initiative at all,<br />

rather than to accomplish it independently or against the will of the Bishop. 922 Then,<br />

exactly on the first days of November, the very days when Bishop Scalabrini was in<br />

Buenos Aires, Pius X had granted the Catholics of Bergamo permission to go to the<br />

polls for the general political elections of 1904, thus paving the way for the gradual<br />

abolition of the non expedit.<br />

And so, right after his return to Piacenza, Bishop Scalabrini could write to his<br />

colleague of Cremona:<br />

“With the Pope it does not just go well, it goes perfectly well! It is all a different world. God give<br />

him strength!” 923<br />

i) The Judgment of Paul VI and of the Theological Censors<br />

141. - We seem to be justified in our objective conclusion that all his appraisals<br />

and critical expressions regarding the Pope and the Holy See were limited to some<br />

aspects of the ‘political’ action of the Vatican on social and political problems of a<br />

practical and actual nature, and precisely, those questions that were to be solved<br />

afterward by the Popes, beginning with Pius X, in the terms hoped for by the Servant<br />

of God: that is, first, as a preparation, the participation of Catholics in the political life<br />

of the Italian State; and then as a logical result, the Conciliation between Italy and the<br />

Holy See.<br />

In this sense, Paul VI interpreted him, when, speaking to a group of Scalabrinians<br />

present at the general audience of October 16, 1968, he said:<br />

“Dear Confreres, you offer us a good opportunity to render honor to the memory of your<br />

Founder…famous. Famous for some of his positions, which we can say anticipated the events of the<br />

history of Catholics in Italy. He had particular views of his own, then much discussed, but farsighted,<br />

about the position of the Papacy in the Italian State, and about the participation, then prohibited, of<br />

Catholics in the public life of the nation. He never approved of the formula then holding sway “neither<br />

920 Idem, Piacenza, May 24. 1904 (Ibid.).<br />

921 Idem, June 7. 1904 (Ibid.).<br />

922 Cfr. Biography, p. 863.<br />

923 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, December 21. 1904 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />


elect nor electors”; isn't that true? This caused him great oppositions, but also the merit of having the<br />

intuition of what had to be the position of Catholics in this country.” 924<br />

142. - We report, finally, the judgment of the two Theologians who censored the<br />

writings of the Servant of God. The first says:<br />

“The questions of his day, especially the participation of Catholics in the elections and the<br />

Conciliation of the Apostolic See with the Italian government, about which the Servant of God<br />

criticized the course of action of the Holy See, were only political in nature. Together with other<br />

Bishops especially of Northern Italy, the Servant of God was experiencing in his own diocese the great<br />

evils threatening the Church and the harm brought on souls by the fact that dishonest candidates were<br />

permitted to take power in the government. On the other hand, great was also the desire of all, of the<br />

Roman Pontiff first, to reach a conciliation without prejudice to the rights of the Church. No wonder<br />

then, if the Servant of God worked with all his strength to obtain it, though always with due respect and<br />

submission, “because” - he wrote to the Supreme Pontiff – “with you, Holy Father, we ardently desire<br />

to see the harmful dispute come to a solution, especially for the good of souls.” The words and phrases<br />

that seemed harsh and somewhat disrespectful, were always aimed at the errors and never to the<br />

offenders, as it is proven by his ready forgiveness in a holy embrace given to the repentants, whom he<br />

favored with marks of generous benevolence. As very soft clouds do not tarnish the serenity of the<br />

heavens, so also such small imperfections do not touch in the least the holy life of the Servant of<br />

God.” 925<br />

The other Censor states:<br />

“In his letters to Bishop Bonomelli, the Servant of God allows himself some judgments not very<br />

respectful about the Holy See. He deemed the Holy See not sufficiently solicitous in condemning<br />

Catholic writers and newspapers that with the pretext of defending the rights of. the Church violently<br />

attacked Bishops and Clergy, first among them Bonomelli and Scalabrini, who were looked upon as<br />

‘liberals’ and in favor of the Conciliation. I would say that it was the insults of Albertario and of his<br />

newspaper that justified and explained in some way the indignation of Scalabrini in his letters to<br />

Bonomelli [...]. Yes, they are somewhat spirited in tone and they reveal all the bitterness of his soul for<br />

the unjust and unjustified polemics of the press in his regard; but they are also replenished with sound<br />

advice and exhortations to accept at all times whatever comes from God's hands in perfect submission<br />

to his divine will. As years go by, one perceives in them that his soul rises, becomes more spiritual,<br />

understands and evaluates the human vicissitudes in better perspective. On the other hand, he is also a<br />

Bishop, he writes to another Bishop, his letters are private ones, unknown, therefore, to the public,<br />

while the insults and slanders are made common knowledge in all newspapers. There is quite a<br />

difference between the two sides! In his Pastoral Letter of 1887, he depicts well this kind of journalists,<br />

who are overzealous at the expense of one's neighbor. He writes about… the practice of placing in one<br />

bunch, together with the enemies of religion, persons who are highly esteemed in all respects, and of<br />

accusing them rather frequently of doubtful or suspected Catholic faith because of a different opinion<br />

they may have in purely political matters or in questions still left to the free discussion of scholars by<br />

the wise moderation of the Holy See. His love for the Church and his devotion and submission to the<br />

Holy See cannot be put in doubt. We find proof of it in his splendid Pastoral Letters in which he instills<br />

in his people the love for the Pope; explains, promulgates and comments to the faithful all his<br />

"Encyclicals" and writings. He has the Pope in his heart.” 926<br />

l) His obedience to the Church confirms his Practice of the Theological Virtues<br />

924 From a tape-recorder registration, more extensive than the official text published by the ‘L'Osservatore<br />

Romano’.<br />

925 Positio super Causae Introductione, 5. Positio super scriptis, pp. 14-15.<br />

926 Ibid. , pp. 18-20.<br />


143. - It seems to us that another characteristic of Bishop Scalabrini is, together<br />

with his love for truth and unity, the coherence between his love for the Church and<br />

his devotion to the Pope.<br />

“You (the Church) are the light of nations, our freedom, our salvation, our peace, our joy, till the<br />

extreme ends of the world! One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church; hail! May my right arm<br />

wither away, my tongue cling to my palate, should I not have you in my memory and in my thoughts,<br />

should you cease to be the object of my toils and concerns till the last of my days.” 927<br />

This is just one of many of his declarations of love for the Church we read in the<br />

writings of the Servant of God: a love rooted in his “believing in the Church” and in<br />

his full trust in the Holy Spirit, that vivifies and assists her with an unfailing promise.<br />

Now we would like to tell in what concrete way Bishop Scalabrini showed his love for<br />

the Church, precisely in those aspects that, to a superficial observer, could appear<br />

contradiction to his affirmations especially in his positions, stands, and expressions<br />

which may seem to place him in opposition to the majority of the official and<br />

unofficial Italian Catholicism, and even to some practical directives of the Holy See in<br />

regard to ‘politics’, the Roman Question, the non expedit, liberalism, and<br />

Rosminianism.<br />

A first observation: this love of his is not toward a theological abstraction or a<br />

romantic concept, but toward the Church of today, for Christ of today, in their<br />

concrete and existential reality:<br />

“Let us love; oh yes, let us love this mother of ours! Let us not forget that whoever does not love<br />

the Church is outside the confines of the love of Jesus Christ, and therefore outside the only love that<br />

ennobles us, raises us, and helps us to love whatever is worth loving in this world. Let us love the<br />

Church living and present in our day, that speaks to us through the mouth of her august Head and the<br />

Bishops; that lives and suffers for us; that prays and hopes with and for us.” 928<br />

The last sentence underlines one of the motives that placed him in opposition to<br />

the current of the strict intransigents, who appeared supported by the people of the<br />

Vatican. These people were confused and concerned over the loss of the temporal<br />

power, and therefore inclined towards the restoration of the old order, and slow, if not<br />

unwilling, to resign themselves to the new reality in which the Church actually was<br />

and had to operate in Italy. Leo XIII himself, as Bishop Scalabrini repeated a number<br />

of times to Bonomelli, accepted in theory the evolution of the political situations in<br />

general, and both in his teachings and diplomacy sought to re-establish the bonds of<br />

the Church with the contemporary world. In practice, however, when it was a question<br />

of Italy of the ‘risorgimento’, ideologically liberal and politically anticlerical, he made<br />

it his main the restoration of his ‘juridical rights’.<br />

In this respect, we must say that Bishop Scalabrini acted in line with the<br />

indications of the Encyclicals of the pope. In regard, instead, to the stand of Leo XIII<br />

with Italy, he went against the tide. Only faith, hope, and love toward the Church of<br />

God gave him the strength to choose the most difficult and risky course.<br />

144. - He opposed the ‘intransigents’, and was almost the only one who dared, as<br />

seen above, to protest in public when they interfered with the government of his<br />

diocese and of consciences:<br />

927 G. B. Scalabrini, Homily for the Epiphany, 1895.<br />

928 Idem, La Chiesa Cattolica, Piacenza 1888. p. 35.<br />


“To advise silence in this case [...] would be the same as to confess that one does not care whether<br />

the authority of a Bishop is made mud; it would mean to give credit to the rumors in progress that one is<br />

afraid of the underworld government of certain shrewd individuals or that one is helpless in controlling<br />

them. Woe! a Doctor of the Church would exclaim, woe to religion, when Bishops are forced to keep<br />

silent.” 929<br />

This was actually what the ultra-intransigents wanted: together with the officials<br />

of the Opera dei Congressi, they had in fact formed a political party, whose leadership<br />

had to be obeyed without a chirp by all Bishops, under threat of being insolently<br />

accused in public of liberalism, Rosminianism, schismatic tendencies, and<br />

disobedience to the Pope. One cannot deny that abstention from the polls and the<br />

refusal of any form of Conciliation were in fact political choices; so was also the<br />

intent, more or less open, to perpetuate the dispute with the State, though granting that<br />

this meant, for some of them, arriving at the creation of a Catholic state. In the mind of<br />

the Servant of God, there should have been no political parties in the Church; one<br />

should not obey ‘human politics’, but only the politics of the Gospel. Otherwise,<br />

confusion and abuses would be inevitable, as it would actually be the case of a<br />

political party that should pretend to be obeyed by the Bishops, to the point of<br />

undermining their authority, prestige, and often, even their freedom in the government<br />

of the diocese. On the other hand, he thought, the political choice of the ‘intransigents’<br />

jeopardized the true interests and rights of the Church, that is, ‘the salvation of souls’,<br />

that could not be achieved except through charity and a perfect unity of action. ‘The<br />

salvation of souls’ was indeed the main tormenting desire of the Servant of God:<br />

“And so faith weakens more and more; charity grows lukewarm; and hatred rises<br />

in the heart of the laity against the Bishops. The results cannot help but to be fatal, and<br />

God knows for how long we will have to endure!” 930<br />

145. - Unfortunately, he was indeed an easy prophet! In fact, the estrangement of<br />

the laity and people from the Church, made worse in those days, finds one of its<br />

causes in the aloofness promoted by the ‘intransigents’ between Catholics and those<br />

who actually, though unjustly, held power and took advantage of their unchallenged<br />

position in parliament and in the centers of formation of public opinion to work openly<br />

and audaciously on their own for the laicization of the masses, but without having then<br />

the strength and the authority to counteract the laicization carried on by Marxism and<br />

anarchism. Bishop Scalabrini could not understand how, in the world, could such<br />

situation not be perceived and given importance by those who were devoting all their<br />

energies in fighting the State, in the vain hope of a miraculous inversion of the history<br />

in the making:<br />

“Unfortunately, things are bad, really bad! All see it, but no one provides a remedy! There is no<br />

hope now except in God. At this point, when not even the most sounding voices are apt to wake up<br />

those who sleep and bring about the fall of the last delusions, let us leave it up to Him! In the meantime,<br />

let us carry on in peace, busy saving as many souls as possible. We will not lack the love of good<br />

people and the reward of God.” 931<br />

In a certain sense, he was going ahead in peace, while resisting a system he<br />

deemed harmful to the genuine interests and rights of the Church; but in truth he was<br />

929 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Iacobini, Piacenza, April 8, 1663 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />

930 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Piacenza, November 1, 1686 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

931 Idem, May 1889 (Ibid.).<br />


not so much at peace because of another reason. We heard him say that he was<br />

consumed by a ‘tormenting fever’ “at the sight of so many souls straying from the<br />

Church because of the doings of those who should have done all they could to<br />

welcome them back in,” 932 and instead they kept them away by their intolerance and<br />

party discords:<br />

“The Church is threatened by a serious misfortune! The intolerant parties of<br />

extremists constitute its most painful wound! I pray every day and impose certain<br />

practices on myself, to implore God to give rise to another Saint Frances de Sales, who<br />

may put an end to this ill-fated philosophical dispute, as he finally solved the hotly<br />

debated question of the de auxiliis.” 933<br />

Under the pretext of opposition to Rosminianism and liberalism, which were one<br />

and the same thing for the ‘intransigents’, and under the banner of the ‘rights’ of the<br />

Pope, some people disregarded the ‘hierarchical Principle’, of which the Servant of<br />

God was a strong defender:<br />

“The parties that choose this or that pretext in order to gradually overpower the Bishop and take<br />

upon themselves the direction of public opinion, are becoming every day more and more daring, to the<br />

point of making the Bishops sometimes unable to exercise their sacred ministry.” 934<br />

For this reason, he pleaded with Leo XIII to call to order ‘that murky extrahierarchical<br />

element’ of journalists who made their pretended devotion to the Pope ‘a<br />

shield for giving vent to party passions and to the protection of private interests’, to<br />

the detriment of the Bishops, the disrepute of the Church, and the scandal of the lay<br />

people, thus reducing Catholicism ‘to a bunch of fanatics.’ 935<br />

146. - The straying beyond the limits of what the Servant of God defined as the<br />

‘extra-hierarchical element’ at the helm in the Church of Italy was to him, an attempt<br />

at bringing the ‘revolution into the Church’. It conveyed to the Pope ‘insinuations and<br />

claims [...], thus incapacitating the Bishops, who could make public the reasons of<br />

their acts against certain individuals who shrewdly insured their immunity behind the<br />

shield of Thomism,” 936 thus, causing a state of intimidation and paralysis that will be<br />

repeated during the period of modernism:<br />

“When Catholics and priests, I say so with immense sorrow, raise up in the<br />

Church the banner of revolution and under pleasant appearances pervert the Christian<br />

sense of the young clergy and of the people, Bishops cannot keep silent, and neither<br />

will I.” 937<br />

This is why, after a long and patient seven-year silence, he decided not to hold<br />

back anything from the Pope and the Holy See, not even the truths that might turn<br />

unpleasant to the policy of the Vatican. He was fully aware that he would be met with<br />

932 Idem, Piacenza, August 16, 1887 (Ibid.).<br />

933 Idem, March 28, 1882 (Ibid.).<br />

934 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII, Piacenza, September 26, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2)<br />

935 Ibid.<br />

936 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Boccali, Piacenza, November 29, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />

937 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII, Piacenza, November 19, 1881 (Scalabrinian General Archive,<br />

3042/2).<br />


oppositions, suspicions, and vexations, but he was always heedless of himself because<br />

he was firmly set on the cause of the Church, which is that of God:<br />

“God, whom I serve and before whom we are all shortly to appear, is my witness, that I do not<br />

know parties and that I do not take sides with any of them. By his grace, I am attached only to Him, to<br />

You, who are his Vicar, and to the Holy Church. It is because of this that I deeply live her sorrows, and<br />

that, after much meditation and prayer, I have decided to face the arrogant party that attempts,<br />

nowadays, to prevail over us and is the source of so many spiritual ruins.” 938<br />

“We must oppose, he tells Bonomelli, their insane attempts, with calm and purity of intentions,<br />

seeking only the glory of God and of the Church, and the salvation of souls.” 939<br />

147. - One aspect that most worried and disturbed him was the disregard for the<br />

supreme law of the Gospel, charity, and the consequent constant tampering with unity,<br />

one of the most indispensable conditions for carrying out the saving mission of the<br />

Church. “Because of their actions, our forces have been divided and paralyzed;<br />

because of them, the seeds of distrust and discord have been sown within our<br />

ranks.” 940 Many passages of Scalabrini's writings deplore with heartbreaking<br />

expressions the discord sown in the Catholic field by ‘extremists’. In this respect also,<br />

he is the one who was really in tune with the constant warnings of Leo XIII:<br />

“Unity! Such is, Venerable Brothers and Beloved Sons and Daughters, the last exhortation made<br />

to me in most heartfelt terms by the Holy Father and this is also the exhortation I address to you in his<br />

name with all the ardor of my heart: Unity! Unity of hearts, minds, and action! In days such as these, we<br />

will stand only if we remain closely united together. Let there be no personal opinion we should not be<br />

willing to sacrifice in order to preserve unity, that unity which alone is the secret of success!” 941<br />

He had given the example by renouncing to lend public support to the need for the<br />

participation of Catholics in the political life of the nation, even if convinced that<br />

abstention from the polls meant the continuation and worsening of the breach between<br />

Church and State and the cause of “a most serious damage to consciences and to the<br />

very authority of the Church.” 942 As he faced the progressive decrease of the Christian<br />

practice and the scandal of discord and disunity which were caused by the polemics he<br />

rightly considered only pretexts, and since the real aim of the battles waged by<br />

"intransigent extremists" was the imposition of a political platform by means often<br />

contrary to the most elementary rules of truth and charity, the Servant of God would<br />

have deemed it a crime to renounce his responsibilities as a shepherd, and an<br />

interested cowardice to hide from the Pope his sorrow as a Bishop all committed to<br />

zeal for souls and to the cause of the Church and of the Vicar of Christ.<br />

148. - One cannot doubt the good intentions of the Servant of God, who was<br />

perfectly aware of ruining his career and of remaining exposed to untold sorrows,<br />

which would undermine his health. Contrary to all appearances, the stand chosen by<br />

Bishop Scalabrini before the Italian Bishops and the Italian press is a proof of an<br />

evangelic frankness and apostolic courage, rooted in such faith and love for the<br />

Church, the like of which cannot be found too often in the history of his day. We do<br />

not think him to be lacking in modesty in a letter he writes to the Cardinal Secretary of<br />

Site who was seeking to stall him off with sweet words and unkept promises:<br />

938 Ibid.<br />

939 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to G. Bonomelli, Camerlata, September 22, 1881 (Archivio Bonomelli, cit.).<br />

940 G.B. Scalabrini, Intransigenti e Transigenti, Bologna 1885, p. 29.<br />

941 Idem, Pel suo ritorno da Roma, Piacenza 1862. p. 10.<br />

942 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to Leo XIII, August 1862 (Scalabrinian General Archive, 3019/2).<br />


“It is not the most miserable self I seek; God is my witness! I know I am toiling for a much higher<br />

purpose, for quite a more noble and holy goal! The triumph of justice and truth, the very honor of the<br />

Holy See, the salvation of souls: these I have at heart! Were it not so, why should I suffer so much at<br />

the sight of the present evils? I suffer at seeing the Church subservient to a party that highly disgraces it.<br />

I suffer at the sight of so many tormented consciences and humiliated noble minds. I suffer in seeing a<br />

breach continue that causes so much havoc to Religion. And I am confident hat the good Lord will give<br />

me the credit if I have contributed, though in a small measure, to bring it to an end.” 943<br />

149. - Obviously, in order to be able to affirm what we said, we have to keep in<br />

mind the limits within which was contained the dispute with the so-called<br />

‘intransigents’: (a) ‘the political question’, that is the opportunity or less of the non<br />

expedit and not the cover ups of that very question, which were the anti-rosminianism<br />

and anti-liberalism. The most intransigent newspapers themselves later on had to<br />

admit that they had been misinformed when they accused the Bishop of Piacenza of<br />

Rosminianism and liberalism. (b) the undue intrusions of Albertario, Bonacina, and<br />

others, in the internal affairs and discipline of his diocese. It is good to recall here that<br />

the Holy See itself demanded of Albertario a public recantation, acknowledging as<br />

“unfortunately founded on sound reasons” the claims of Bishop Scalabrini. (c) The<br />

climate of intimidation created among the Italian Bishops, especially of Northern Italy.<br />

In many cases and respects it prevented, in fact, the urgent renewal of the pastoral<br />

ministry and restrained, if not blocked, the initiatives for updating culture and<br />

methodology to fit the times, thus repeating, as usual, the error of arriving too late at<br />

the great appointments of history. (d) The attempt at creating enmity between one's<br />

love for Religion and one's love for Country, two sentiments innate in man, and<br />

therefore dutifully compatible with one another.<br />

Outside of these confines, within which the Servant of God showed himself much<br />

more obedient to the Church than those who claimed to be the only obedient, the only<br />

loyal, the only ‘pure’ ones, the Servant of God was in perfect accord with the true and<br />

original basic principles of the Catholic movement and with the men who rightly and<br />

correctly lived them. Be it enough to recall his friendship with Toniolo, Medolago-<br />

Albani, Grosoli, Montini, Olivi, and many other exponents of the current that is<br />

usually regarded as ‘intransigent’. Neither may we forget the trust he always accorded<br />

to two ‘intransigents’ at home as Count Carlo Radini Tedeschi and his son, Bishop<br />

Giacomo, in spite of the sometimes heated dislike they nurtured against the Bishop;<br />

the forgiveness he granted Albertario, not without publicly crediting him for the merits<br />

he actually deserved in the defense of the purity of faith; his generous cooperation<br />

with ‘tough’ Paganuzzi in the revival of the Committees of the Opera dei Congressi<br />

after their suppression by the Government in 1898.<br />

In conclusion, we cannot accuse the Servant of God of opposition to the<br />

intransigents as a whole, nor to the Opera dei Congressi as such, and much less to the<br />

Catholic Movement. He opposed only certain exponents: precisely those most<br />

insensible to the demands of an authentic and evangelic love for the Church; the actual<br />

enemies of the three realities indissoluble to the Bishop of Piacenza - truth, charity,<br />

943 Letter of G. B. Scalabrini to L. Jacobini. Piacenza. June 11, 1886 (Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Segreteria<br />

di Stato, Leone XIII, Miscellanea. D.O. Albertario. IX. A.).<br />


and unity; those who identified the Church with themselves, quite differently from the<br />

Bishop of Piacenza who identified himself, instead, with the Church. 944<br />

No more doubt should, therefore, be entertained concerning the loyalty and the<br />

‘extraordinary’ obedience of the Servant of God to the Supreme Pontiff, that was part<br />

of the demands of his three ‘loves’:<br />

“May they say of each of us one day, what the divine poet said of himself: Pius in Christum, pius<br />

in Ecclesiam, pius in Pastorem: he loved Jesus Christ, he loved the Church, he loved the Pope! My<br />

beloved ones, let these be our supreme loves, our strength: our consolation, the glory of our whole<br />

life.” 945<br />

Conclusion<br />

150. - Based on what we said all along to prove the heroic exercise of the virtues<br />

by the Servant of God John Baptist Scalabrini, and based on the ever increasing fame<br />

of sanctity surrounding the figure of the Bishop of Piacenza, Founder of the<br />

Missionary Fathers and the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles, we humbly and<br />

trustingly submit the final judgment to this Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the<br />

Saints.<br />

Rome, October 8, 1985<br />

Fr. Mario Francesconi, C.S.<br />

Postulator<br />

Fr. Valentino Macca, O.C.D.<br />

Relator<br />

944 Cfr. G. B. Scalabrini. Cattolici di nome e cattolici di fatto, Piacenza 1887. p. 17. where he deplores “that<br />

identifying, as it were, themselves with the Holy See. proclaiming themselves the only devoted sons of it,<br />

its only loyal spokesmen”.<br />

945 Idem. L'Enciclica 'Sapientiae Christianae’. Piacenza 1890. p. 5.<br />


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