Research - LABA - EPFL

Research - LABA - EPFL

Research - LABA - EPFL


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Reading list<br />

Histoire de l architecture moderne<br />

Learning from Las Vegas<br />

Delirious NY<br />

laba manifest - august 2012<br />

A<br />

Allen, Stan: Points and Lines: Diagrams and Projects for the City<br />

B<br />

Baccini, Peter / Oswald, Franz: Netzstadt – Einführung in das Stadtentwerfen<br />

Baccini, Peter, Oswald, Franz: Netzstadt – Transdisziplinare Methoden zum<br />

Umbau urbaner Systeme<br />

Bell, Daniel: The Coming of Post-Industrial Society<br />

Benevolo, Leonardo: Histoire de la Ville<br />

Brown, Denise / Venturi, Robert / Izenour, Stephen: Learning from Las Vegas<br />

Burdett, Richard: The Endless City<br />

C<br />

CIAM manifesto 1933<br />

Corboz, André: Le Territoire comme palimpeste et autres essais<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Flury, Aitoa: Cooperation: The Engineer and the Architect<br />

G<br />

H<br />

Hall, Peter: Cities of Tomorrow – Critical History of Planning in Theory and<br />

Practice in the 20th Century<br />

David Harvey: The condition of postmodernity<br />

Harvey, David: Spaces of Capital – Toward a Critical Geography<br />

Harvey, David: Cities of Hope<br />

Herzog and de Meuron: El Croquis<br />

Hobsbawn, Eric: The Age of Capital<br />

I<br />

J<br />

Jacob, Sam: Ceci n’est pas une pipe<br />

Jacobs, Jane: The Death and Life of Great American Cities<br />

Jameson, Frederic, Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism<br />

Jameson, Frederic / Meyoshi, Masao: The Cultures of Globalization<br />

K<br />

Kahn, Louis: Monograph<br />

Klitz, A. / O.Frey / W.Rosinak: ‘Stadt und Nachhaltigkeit’<br />

Koolhaas, Rem: S,M,L,XL<br />

Koolhaas, Rem: Delirious NY<br />

Koolhaas, Rem: Content<br />

Kunstler, James Howard: The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of<br />

America’s Man-Made Landscape<br />

L<br />

Lampugnani, Vittorio: Architektur und Städtebau des 20. Jahrhunderts<br />

Le Corbusier: Monograph<br />

Lefebvre, Henri: The Production of Space (orig. „La Production de<br />

l’Espace“ Paris, 1981)<br />


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