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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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Bilt Pasternak WA61TF<br />

28197RobinAve.<br />

Saugus CA 91350<br />

Barry Goldwater<br />

Says YES to No-Codel<br />

" I'll make a prophesy, and I<br />

won't be alive to ever see it come<br />

true . If we continue to require a<br />

knowledge of code for an lama.<br />

teur) license, people are going<br />

to just plain die! I'm BO, and I know<br />

I'm I'lO! going to be around here<br />

forever, and when I'm gone, that 's<br />

one less guy who knows the code,<br />

so what's the difference. I don't<br />

want to see amateur radio die out<br />

because, as I have said, 98% of<br />

all of the improvements made in<br />

radio have come out of an amateur's<br />

shack. I want to see that<br />

encouraged. I think we can swell<br />

our ranks by at least 200,000 if we<br />

just auow young would-be amateurs<br />

to come in as licensed amateurs<br />

withOut having gone through<br />

the process of learning Morse<br />

Code!"<br />

With these words, former US<br />

Senator Barry M . Goldwater<br />

K7UGA threw his hat into the ameteur<br />

radio political arena on the<br />

side of those who favor expansion<br />

of the amateur service through the<br />

introduction of a cede-tree entry<br />

level amateur license. Senator<br />

Goldwater made those comments<br />

in a videotaped interview record<br />

at his Scottsdale, Arizona, ranch<br />

on Saturday. February 25, to<br />

newsman Roy Neal K6DUE, producer<br />

Frosty Oden N6ENV, and<br />

Newsline Radio's Bill Pasternak<br />

WA6ITF.<br />

Needed: New Blood<br />

During the same s e ssio n,<br />

K7UGA said that he did not think<br />

that the amateur community could<br />

hold onto the majority of the spectrum<br />

it has, particularly at VHF<br />

and UHF, without substantial<br />

growth . "Can they Ithe amateurs)<br />

hold onto it with the numbers they<br />

now have? It's very doubtlul. Can<br />

you hOld onto them with a couple<br />

hundred thousand young erneteurs?<br />

Yes!"<br />

K7UGA went on to give his view<br />

that experimentation and building<br />

in amateur radio may be<br />

a dead issue with many ol today's<br />

hams, but it can be revived by<br />

gelling younger people interested<br />

in the service: .. . . . We have got<br />

to get some new blood . We have<br />

to get th e new ones who will<br />

sit down with a screwdriver and<br />

soldering iron and a manual, and<br />

build s omet hin g . When they<br />

(younger hamsj hear 01 so me<br />

new method 01 communications,<br />

they [will] sound like they know<br />

something about it ... You ask the<br />

average ham our age-or my age,<br />

because I'm a hell of a lot older<br />

then you-to describe some 01<br />

these new signals, and they can't<br />

do it."<br />

Partly Politics<br />

Senator Goldwater says that<br />

the Amer ican Rad io Re lay<br />

League, publications, and industry<br />

, must take an active roll in leading<br />

amateur radio to new times<br />

throu gh a no-code amateur license:<br />

" . . . you first have to get<br />

the ARRL behind it. You have to<br />

get these magazine eoncrs-wrc I<br />

think are inclining that way. And<br />

(talking to the amateur radio industry)<br />

you have got to remember<br />

one thing, il you have more amateurs,<br />

you are going to sell more<br />

equipment.<br />

" You have the same problem in<br />

anything that touches on polio<br />

tics...The easiest way (to grow)<br />

is to convince the American Radio<br />

Relay League that , opposition or<br />

no opposition, if they want to increase<br />

the amateur ranks, they<br />

have to do away with the number<br />

one objection-code."<br />

Pass<br />

it Along<br />

The complete program was uplinked<br />

to the WESTSTAR 5 Communications<br />

satellite (122.5 Degrees<br />

West) on Sunday ahernoon,<br />

March 12 at 3 PM Eastern/Noon<br />

Pacific. It appeared on transponder<br />

1D (1 Direct-Horizontal Polarization).<br />

Amateurs with satellite<br />

receivers and VCRs who recorded<br />

the program are encouraged to replay<br />

it at their regular club meetings,<br />

and use it to help formulate<br />

the ir opinion on these issues. As<br />

no music was on the presentation,<br />

it's suitable for live or delayed retransmission<br />

on ATV systems.<br />

You can also replay the audio on<br />

your local repeater. Newsline<br />

Radio and the BEAR Information<br />

Service provided the audio<br />

portion of the Goldwater conlerence<br />

by dial-in telephone aher it<br />

aired. III<br />

Barry Goldwater K7UGA, an elder statesman of amateur radio and<br />

veteran CWop, during his statement ofsupport fora ro-coae entry-level<br />

license.<br />


73AmateurRadio • June,1989 81

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