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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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continued from p. 76<br />

AU of us have at least slig htly<br />

different perspectives on these<br />

things.<br />

If you're worki ng on a homebrew<br />

project and can't seem to<br />

get it to operate quite right. drop<br />

a line 10 the author . There may<br />

be a spider or two that got into<br />

the article . II you do write, please,<br />

by all mean s. send an SASE<br />

for your reply. I know from firsthand<br />

experienc e met those<br />

who send an SAS E will get a reply<br />

quicker than those who don't.<br />

In your home-brew project, again,<br />

look everything over closely.<br />

Be espe cially picky about the<br />

proper pin outs of tran sistors,<br />

res, and other act ive devices.<br />

Next. check for the prope r polarity<br />

of the electrolytic capacitors.<br />

Those critters just don't work it<br />

they're installed backwards. l ook<br />

over the values of the resistors.<br />

It's so easy 10 transpose a 1kO<br />

resistor lor a 10kO resistor at 2<br />

o'clock in the morning,<br />

To Tweak or Not To Tweak<br />

II yo u' re working on a commercial<br />

product , whatever you<br />

do, don't get out the diddle sticks<br />

and start messing with Ihe alignment!<br />

I've never seen a piece<br />

of equipment stop working because<br />

the alignment went bad ,<br />

unless someone diddled with<br />

it first . Don't diddle unless you<br />

really know what you ' re doing.<br />

There is one exception­<br />

Heathkit gear. If you can't seem<br />

to get one working as it should,<br />

then do an alignment. Most<br />

Heathkits c an be aligned with<br />

" .. most<br />

failures occur because<br />

ofheat. "<br />

simple lools, sometimes using<br />

nothing but the radio itself. You<br />

can sometimes pinpoint trouble<br />

by going through the alignment<br />

on Heath gear. Finding a stage<br />

that will not peak up as it should<br />

will give you a starting point<br />

for more serious troubleshooting.<br />

But again, don't diddle with the<br />

alig nment of non-Heath g ear.<br />

We'll look at some more troubleshooting<br />

guides later on this<br />

year.<br />

Ten-Tee Mod<br />

I want to thank all 01 those who<br />

sent me information on converting<br />

the Ten-Tee Century 21 lor tz vctt<br />

operation. For all those who wrote<br />

in to me, thanks! For the rest of the<br />

gang, here is the modilication lor<br />

12 volt operation.<br />

First, you'll need a magnetic circuit<br />

breaker lor the 21. This is Ten­<br />

Tee part number 1170. Since the<br />

protective circuitry lor the PA transistors<br />

in the Century 21 is included<br />

in the internal power supply,<br />

you must use the circuit breaker<br />

when runn ing the21 from tzvcns.<br />

After you obtain the magnetic<br />

breaker, apply 12 volts to the 21<br />

via one of the AUX 12 VDC phono<br />

jacks on the rear apron 01 the Century<br />

21.<br />

Doing trns. however, makes<br />

th e Iront panel wattmeter inactive<br />

(while on external 12 volts<br />

only). To adjust fo r full power,<br />

turn up the drive until the breaker<br />

trips, reduce the drive a tad, and<br />

reset the circuit breaker. You're<br />

au set to fly this month for Fietd<br />

Day!<br />

Speaking of Field Day, I sure<br />

hope that you guys send in some<br />

photos this year. It's been slim input<br />

from the QAP operators on the<br />

subjeet of Field Day. Sure could<br />

use some good photos. If you like<br />

what you see, then by all means<br />

drop a line to the editors.<br />

For those of you who just can't<br />

get enough solder smoke in your<br />

face, I've got some modificatiOns<br />

to the Two-Fer. These modifications<br />

are by Don Garrett<br />

WA9TGT. The mods make lor better<br />

output filtering, full QSK, automatic<br />

antenna switch ing, high<br />

SWA protection, and power output<br />

adjustment. The t z vott line on<br />

the oscillator has been moved to<br />

the colleetor of 04.<br />

This keys the oscillator alOng<br />

with the PA and buffer amplifier.<br />

Since there is not enough room<br />

this month for the mods, those<br />

wishing to get a copy should send<br />

me an SASE. I'll send you out two<br />

da ta sheets for the modifications.<br />

No SASE, no data!<br />

Don't forget Field Day this<br />

month. Watch for openings on ten<br />

meters. Should prove to be a lot of<br />

tun! fJJ<br />


Number 27 on your FeedDack eaf'd<br />

A.S." page A.S ." pege<br />

279 Ace Communications. CA 45 • Brian Beezley K6STI 82<br />

355 Ace Communications, IN , . , 17 156 Buckmaster Publishing . . . 19'<br />

1 Advanced Computer 7 Buckmaster Publishing . . . 68'<br />

Control .. . . . " ,..... ", ... 37 365 Buckmaster Publishing . . 45'<br />

65 Advanced Electronic • Burghardt Amateur Radio . , 19<br />

Applications , 96- • Butternut Electronics 45<br />

88Aerospace Consulting , . . 69 356C & SSales Inc 31<br />

• Amateur Electronics<br />

157 Cleveland Institute of<br />

Supply 57' Electronics . . . . 47<br />

• American Heart Associalion .. 69 • COMB Direct Marketing 37<br />

314 Ameritron . 32 343 Commpute Corp 68<br />

• Ampire. IfIC. . .. 47 99 Communication<br />

89 Antennas West . . 33 Concepts. Inc 59<br />

304 Antennas west 31 121 Communications<br />

5 Antennas Wesl 68 Electronics 52<br />

302 Antennas West 19 10 Communications<br />

90 Antennas West 93 Specialists 2 -<br />

107 Antennas West 47 12Connect Systems . . . . . . 1<br />

236 Antennas West 17 306 Creative Control Products . 82<br />

303 Antennas West 73 147 Data Com Intemahonal 71<br />

82Antenne_ ..•. 19 15 00ppler Syslems 37<br />

27 1Antique RadIO Classified 59 11 2E.H. Yost . 31<br />

• ARRL 93 371 Eightland Data 33<br />

338 Ashton lTC , 17 · Electron Processing . . . . . . .. 43-<br />

• Associated RadIO . .. 79 8 ElktroniCS . . .. .. 73<br />

16 Astron Corporatl()fl . . . 48 • Engmeenng Consulting 59<br />

• Avcom ol VA 43 324 Epsilon Co 31<br />

243 AXM IfIC.. , . , ..... ... 59 372 G & G Electronics . . 69<br />

158 Azimuth Comm. ••....• 75 373 Gap Antenna Products 81<br />

· B & K Computer 33 339GGTE 31 '<br />


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