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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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STAFF<br />


WayMGreenwmSOll<br />


Oh Darn, My Kid's Gone Bad<br />

If you read much, you've been reading<br />

about the sorry stale 01 American<br />

ecucauco. There's less being written<br />

about why our educational system isn't<br />

working. bul since it's going to be diHicull<br />

10 fix it if we don', know why it's<br />

broken. perhaps we need 10 not just be<br />

aware 01 the problem, but to also lind<br />

out what went wrong .<br />

We know thaI amateur radiO is eecken,<br />

100. We also know when it broke<br />

and why. but ""'eOOn" krlO'o¥ how 10 file it<br />

because_'ind ourselves running inlo<br />

somealtha same problems as ""8 00in<br />

education,<br />

Amateur radio went along pretty well<br />

from 1946 until 1963. growing 81 11%<br />

per ~ar lor this 17-year period. Then.<br />

suddenly, il died. We're nOI talking<br />

about a gradual drop, we're talking a<br />

cataclysm-a drop in ham sales 0185%<br />

in one yearl A drop Irom an 11 %<br />

growth to ill 5% loss in one year! We're<br />

talking a loss 0185% of our ham dealers<br />

and mosl 01 our manufacturers<br />

within a lew months!<br />

While the " Incenlive Licensing" proposal<br />

by the ARRL nuked the hobby ,<br />

there were several other tecrore which<br />

tended to exacerbate Ihe situation.<br />

They couldn't have picked a worse<br />

lime in history to fll,lll what the ARRL<br />

directors considered was primarily a<br />

fll,lbliCity stunt to locus attention on the<br />

LeaglJe.<br />

Here__e. in the depths ol a sun<br />

spot low, so the bands _e in terrible<br />

shape. Hamming was at itSworst as lar<br />


as operator Iruslrations were ccnceened.<br />

This, in itsell, would tend to<br />

exaggerate any negatives, Ten was<br />

dead as a doornail. Twenty was closed<br />

at nighl, and stinky even during the<br />

besl 01 days. Eighty was awful, with the<br />

rormar ccer area contacts sometimes<br />

almosl impossible. ltjust wouldn'llake<br />

much to get a lot 01 hams to chuck it all<br />

in and selllheirrigs at a frustrating time<br />

like this.<br />

In addition 10 that, _<br />

had the FCC<br />

slarting to charge us lor certcenses. It<br />

wasn 't much, nowllere near what we<br />

were costing them, but many hams<br />

were able 10 blow this all oul 01 propertion.<br />

Evenlually the FCC got stopped<br />

by the courts and had to give back<br />

much 01 the money . But in the meantime,<br />

it was one more large straw on<br />

our backs. One more lruslralian.<br />

There's more. These were the '60s,<br />

complete with rebelling youngstersthe<br />

combined products 01 several major<br />

changes in our whole basic: culture.<br />

There was the incredible innuef"1C8 01<br />

Dr. SpodI, with his " let your kid do his<br />

own thing" approach tochilcl non-train,<br />

ing. There also was the impaC1 01 the<br />

two-worker lamily, where the mother<br />

was no longer at home to bring up Ihe<br />

children,<br />

There's more. Added to Or. Spack<br />

and the working mother , we also had<br />

me pernicious influence of TV-ool<br />

just on the kids, but also on the wtloIe<br />

lam ily. This was the IIrst generation 01<br />

kids whiCh grew up with the TV set on<br />

all day every oay at home. TV was the<br />


TEXAS<br />

USA<br />

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6 73AmateurRadio . June, 19B9<br />

Wayne Green W2NSOll<br />

baby Siller. and then Ihe chewing gum<br />

01 the mind. It kept the kids from doing<br />

their nomeworx. No problem, gel the<br />

schools 10 slop bothering us wit h<br />

homework .<br />

So into Ihis powoor keg the League<br />

dropped the Inc ent ive Licensing<br />

bomb. It turned whal was already a<br />

precarious situation into a disaster<br />

Irom which we have never recovered.<br />

Within a couple 01 years we lost not<br />

only our ham dealers and manutaC1ur.<br />

ers, but we also lost a large percentage<br />

01 our old-time ham clubs, and almost<br />

allot our school radio clubs .<br />

The school clubs were the worst loss<br />

01 all because that wiped out the in.<br />

rraslruclure which had been bringing<br />

us 80% 01 our new hams. By 1970.<br />

when the sun spots were peaking<br />

again. we were able 10 get back to a<br />

small growth. The enormous interest in<br />

FM and repeal8fS, plus a supply 01<br />

ITusttated CBers, also contributed to<br />

this slighl growth.<br />

So what's happened 10 amateur la·<br />

dio, other than the lnoentive Licensing<br />

catastrophe, has been symptomatic 01<br />

Ihe problems America has had with its<br />

kids and with education.<br />

Let' s look at this another way to undersland<br />

it better. I! you buy a dog and<br />

bring it into your home to live with you ,<br />

unless you take some time 10 train Ihat<br />

dog, you're going 10 have a pest who is<br />

chewing your slippers, barking at<br />

night, jumping on people, begg ing lor<br />

lood at the table and soon.<br />

Dogs eagerly take to train ing, II<br />

doesn't even lake very long, if you<br />

bother to learn how to do it. They ara<br />

happier and more comlortable when<br />

they are trained. They need to under,<br />

stand what' s expected 01 them and to<br />

know that they're loved. Dogs will do<br />

almosl anything lor Iova. Bul il you use<br />

punishment to try and train Ihem ,<br />

you'le 001 going 10 have a happy dog ,<br />

nor a trained one.<br />

Isn', it odd how parallel the training<br />

01 kids is to training dogs? You get out<br />

oIa dog what you put in. II you fll,lt in<br />

sometime and love you'n gel a hawy,<br />

wetl-behaved dog who will give love<br />

right back. II you put love inlo a kid<br />

you'll get the same , Is that a news<br />

Ilash?<br />

So how do mosl people train their<br />

kids? With gripes aboul their failures<br />

(punishment), with nagging, and with<br />

wilhholding love. Isn'l il absolulely<br />

amazing how badly this has worked<br />

out?<br />

Well, providing you , unlike your kids,<br />

e«rtlt'tuI!td en p. 90<br />


BryM Hastings NS1B<br />


Hc:lPe CUITie<<br />

............<br />


_ ......<br />

INTERN'"TIOtoIAi. EOlTOfl<br />

-,,-<br />



Marilyn Mman<br />


lnvid CO'*tllg WAt LBP<br />


... ,~. Bryce W88VGE<br />

L-. FIeIcher N6HYK<br />

.hm ar.y W1XU<br />

Chod....,... VP2UL<br />

Chud< Houghton WB6lGP<br />

Dr u.re~W.r.3AJR<br />

.t.ndy Mac:....oct... WASZlB<br />

&I Past"""" WA6ITF<br />

""~. Stone Wfl«JCD<br />

Arl,u Thompson W7XU<br />


1-1103-525-(201<br />

,-ece-eas-scea<br />


EdVerbin<br />


Jorn 8M KAlTGA<br />

..............<br />



INC.<br />


Tim Pelkey<br />

..........<br />

ClRCtJUllOfol DfFlECTOfl<br />


Steve JewMl KA1MPtll , Susan Alto.<br />

Linda 0.--, Ruth BenedIcI<br />


Richard C"rke. Manager<br />

Dale Williams<br />


Dan CfOleau<br />

Ed/torlel 0tflcH<br />

WOE.,.",.,<br />


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