-- o ICOM

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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VISO<br />


SUPER <strong>ICOM</strong><br />

. , i ll ll ll~ 1M.<br />

149 Palmer Road . Soulhbury. CT 06488<br />

(800) 634·8132 In CT (203) 264·3985<br />

----<br />

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SUPfR <strong>ICOM</strong> IP-7S, 13.2 volts. SU PER YAESU FNB-4SH, 12 volts.<br />

900ma , double the capacity 01 the toooma , dOUtlle tile capacity III ItIe<br />

lcom 8P-7, 5w OUtput.<br />

Yaesu FHB·" , !i watt output. Rapid<br />

SUPER <strong>ICOM</strong> BP-SS , 96 volts. tharoe only, $7 1,00<br />

12OOma. 50% more caj)aCity rrenthe SUPf:R YAESU FNB·3S, 96 volts .<br />

lcom 8P·8 . 12OOma. trtple the capacity 01 tile<br />

Ilolll are rapid base ch.aroe only. or<br />

Yaesu FHB·J, 3 5 wart output. Rapid<br />

sIiOe in . a. cllarQef. " inches or watl cl\arge S60 00<br />

higll 6P·7S or BP.SS $6900. Both are perfect lor the 03. 09 and<br />

SUPER KENWOOD m ser~ radIOS and are" inches<br />

high<br />

SUPER KENWOOD PB-25S /PB-Z6S. Inserts lor:<br />

8.4 volts. 900~ . double the capaa· "_...,, "" _<br />

ty at 1M PM!5fPB-26lor the 25001 _ '''- . . cu<br />

260013500/3600. Cl\aroe willi eittMtr Exac1 replaCemenl FNB-2 NiCad pack Ic:om aP-3<br />

the sl.1ndarQ wall cl\aroer or drop in lor Yaesu FT·404 Af207R/208RJ708R Icom 8P-515OO1III1<br />

c,,,,rgef. •• 3"-" Inc,,,,,, IQ - $6500 _ . 52100 !com Icom 8P·115OOmal<br />

8p.8<br />

Mel S4 00 SluPP"'lI & J\andl''''l /of Ii

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