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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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•<br />

Designation<br />

MicroSal-A<br />

MiCroSat·B<br />

MicroSat.c<br />

MiCroSal-O<br />

Designation<br />

MiCro$at-A<br />

MiCroSat-B<br />

MicroSat.c<br />

MiCroSat·D<br />

Name<br />

PACSAT<br />

DOVE<br />

NUSAT<br />

LUSAT<br />

Downlink<br />

437.050<br />

145.973<br />

437.1 00<br />

437.150<br />

"Owner"<br />

AMSAT-NA<br />

BRAMSAT (Brazil)<br />

Weber State Univ<br />

AMSAT·LU<br />

have a !>eparate AF output socket on the rear<br />

panel that bypasses the volu me control. To<br />

transmit on the uplinks , you need a 2 meter<br />

F M transmitter.<br />

FO-1 2 is very strong, so you can use a<br />

vertical coll inear antenna at close range .<br />

Many o pe rators fa vor beam a nte nnas.<br />

though , and they will have more than enough<br />

gain for practical purposes. Steering in azimuth<br />

is then essential, and elevation highly<br />

desirable, if you want to be able to observe all<br />

passes .<br />

An AX .25 Terminal Node Controller<br />

(TNC) is essential for use with a suitable<br />

VO U or computer terminal just as for terrestrial<br />

packet. You can process telemetry data<br />

by hand or by a simple program on the co m­<br />

puter. It is not possible to display the raw data<br />

direct ly from the modem on a VOU or 1200<br />

baud terminal, as it is in AX .25 packet<br />

formal.<br />

Reading: The FO-JZ Handbook. contains<br />

full descriptions of the satellite and its systems,<br />

as well as essential details of telemetry<br />

decodi ng .<br />

Fuji-OSCA R-!2 Technical Handbook ,<br />

AMSAT·UK, London, EI2 SEQ , England,<br />

64 page s (obtain from AM SAT· UK , 4<br />

pounds airmail, AMSAT-VK. or Project<br />

OSCA R).<br />

Miller J .R . , G3RUH, " A Packet Radio<br />

PSK Modem for JAS-I /FO-12 ," Ham Radio<br />

. February 1987. pp . 8- 22.<br />

Mlcrcsats<br />

General: Four small Microsats. conceived<br />

by AMSAT North America, are presently<br />

under co nstruction and testing. Launch is<br />

scheduled for the second half of 1989, along<br />

with UoSAT-O (and. of cou rse, the primary<br />

commercial mission SPOT·2). See Table I<br />

for a summary of their main features . Their<br />

orbits will be circular, much like UoSAT·<br />

2 ' s, and pola r with a 99-minute period and<br />

appearances around 10:30 a.m. and 10:30<br />

p.m. local time. They will be stabilized,<br />

Earth-pointing , with strong signals, hopefu l­<br />

ly requi ring only omnidirectional antennas.<br />

At the time of writing this article (February<br />

1989). details of the telemetry da ta and packet<br />

BBS access have not been finalized , but we<br />

expect them to be quite straightforward.<br />

Associated Equipment: Since communication<br />

with Microsats A/C/O will be identical<br />

to communication with FO-12 , simply refer<br />

to the FO-12 section of this article for details<br />

ofthe equipment you need.<br />

Reading: The Mic rosats are new, and the<br />

60 73Amateur Radio · June, 1989<br />

Uplinks MHz<br />

145.900192019401960<br />

145.8401860/8801900<br />

Tablt' !.<br />

8J 1JAS >BF.ACX~<br />

Mission<br />

Packel Radio BBS (PACSAT)<br />

voce synthesis experiment<br />

CCO TV Camera Experiment<br />

Packet Radio BBS (PACSAT)<br />

Signallng Format<br />

AX.251200bpsasFG-12<br />

BFM Voice<br />

AX.25 1200 bps as FG-12<br />

AX.251200 bps as FG-12<br />

co ncept is evolving fast. The paper by Tom<br />

Clark sketches the program from its conception<br />

to today. and explains the designs in a<br />

very readable and entertaining style.<br />

Clark T. , W3IWI . " AMSAT's Mic rosat /<br />

PACSAT Program," Proceedings ofthe 7th<br />

ARRL Computer Networking Conference,<br />

October 1988, pp. 41-47 .<br />

JohnsonL.V . , WA7GXO, "Microsat Pro­<br />

[ect-e-Flight CPU Hardware," Proceedings<br />

of the 7th ARRL Computer Networking Conference,<br />

October 1988 , pp. 104-106.<br />

Price H ., NK6K , a nd MeGwie r R .,<br />

N4HY. " PACSAT Software," Proceedings<br />

ofthe 7th ARRL Compiaer Networking Conference<br />

, October 1988, pp. 145-149.<br />

UoSAT-O<br />

General: UoSAT-O is scheduled fo r<br />

launch on Ariane in the second half of 1989,<br />

with 4 AMSAT Microsats and the primary<br />

commercial mission, SPOT-2.<br />

T he orbit will be circular. much like<br />

UoSAT-2' s, polar with a 99-minute period<br />

and appeara nces around 10:30 a. m. and<br />

10:30 p.m. , local time, with strong signals.<br />

Hopefully, it will require only omnidirectional<br />

antennas .<br />

The downlink frequency will be around<br />

437 MH z FM, and user uplink around 145<br />

MHz FM. UoSAT- O will use a 9600 bits/s<br />

data rate in both directions with AX.25 packet<br />

radio formal.<br />

As above, details of the telemetry and<br />

packet BBS access have not been finalized<br />

yet , but we expect them to be straightforwa<br />

rd . As the number ofe xperienced users<br />

:<br />

JAS- 1 RA 88/03/ 19 07, 11,58<br />

275 546 684 690 743 876 887 861 002 349<br />

644 001 519 532 538 546 548 538 686 00 1<br />

710 7 12 690 746 738 674 921 144 000 000<br />

010 101 100 000 100 000 001 101 111 000<br />

8Jl~JAS )BEAC(lN ( lJI C> :<br />

aAS ~ 1 NO 88/03/19 07: 12 :00<br />

Mailbox availabl ~ .<br />

Soft.ca re loaded at 88/03/17 05:25:00<br />

Mode ,JD 'l'ransmit.ter- wi ll be tcggIed ON/OFF<br />

e ve ry t.co hours using this e pcch .<br />

Figure ! . FO-!2 telemetry in "unconnected " Ax'25 packet frames<br />

as theyappear on your terminal. The telemetrycontains 4Onumbt'rs<br />

which you can decode into voltages, currt'nts, temperatures, status<br />

points. etc.<br />

grow. we foresee more automated co mmunication.<br />

Telemetry Forman Uplink and downlink<br />

will use 9600 bits/s direct FSK. That is, " I"<br />

will ca use an increase in carrier frequency.<br />

and " 0 " a decrease.<br />

Precisely controlled shap ing of the bit transitions<br />

will be essential to constrain the data's<br />

audio spectrum to under 7 kHz, and to ensure<br />

rel ia bl e communication th rough conventional<br />

FM radios with a 20-25 kHz radio<br />

channel.<br />

The data will also need to be ra ndomized<br />

(scrambled) before transmission, and unscrambled<br />

again after reception. This is to<br />

ensure that no long runs of all " Is" or all<br />

" Os " are transmitted , which would be<br />

especially erro r-prone in this modulation<br />

arrangement.<br />

Because the audio bandwidth is somewhat<br />

wider than the normal voice. signals must go<br />

directly from the receiver's FM discriminator<br />

to the transmitter's varactor frequency<br />

modulator.<br />

Telemetry Demodulation: The G3R UH<br />

9600 Baud Packet Radio Modem was introduced<br />

in mid-1988. and by February 1989<br />

some 500 modems were in worldwide circulation<br />

for high speed terrestrial packet radio<br />

links.<br />

UoSAT· O has an identical modem des ign<br />

onboard. The modem provides all the mod u­<br />

lation and demodulation circuits required for<br />

UoS AT-O. It 's designed for use with a Terminal<br />

Node Controller (TNC). typified by<br />

the TNC-2, TNC-2oo, TNC-220. Tiny-2.<br />

PK·80, PK·87, PK· 88. etc. It's a high performance<br />

, full-duplex modem that works with<br />

most voiceband NBFM radios. assuming only<br />

minor mod ifications.<br />

A key feature is digital generation of the<br />

transmit audio waveform. Precise shaping<br />

compensates for the amplitude and phase response<br />

of the receiver. This results in a<br />

"matched filter" system. which means that<br />

the received audio offered to the data detector<br />

has the optimum characte ristic (eye) for minimum<br />

errors. It also allows very tight control<br />

of the transmit audio bandwidth.<br />

Decoder Specifications:<br />

Modulation-FM. Audio applied direct to<br />

TX varactor . ± 3<br />

kHz deviation gives<br />

RF spectrum 20 kHz<br />

wide ( -60 dB). Fits<br />

st a nd a rd chan nel<br />

easily.<br />

TX Modulator- Eightbit<br />

l o n g di g ital<br />

F.I.R. transversal<br />

filter in EPROM for<br />

transmit waveform<br />

genera tion (l 2·bit<br />

o p t io n a l) . Gives<br />

"brick-wall "<br />

audio<br />

spectrum. Typically<br />

- 6 dB at 4800 Hz,<br />

- 50 dB at 7500 Hz.<br />

Allows com pe nsation<br />

for distant reo.<br />

cetver (the channel)<br />

to ac hieve perfect

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