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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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a large digital component. There are many.<br />

ma ny software p rograms on d isk a nd<br />

ca nridge for your ham shack. The future o f<br />

ham radio is ve ry much tied to the future of<br />

co mputing. A great deal of the stuff that's<br />

produced is public domain software, but<br />

much of it, especially the more user-friendly<br />

software. is comme rcially developed. If the<br />

developers see that they cannot trust the ham<br />

rad io community. they may deal themsel ves<br />

OUI of ou r market. This , in addition to<br />

amateu r radio 's trad ition of ethics and selfpolicing<br />

.<br />

Interview \,"ilh UF2AU<br />

The first step is to determine whether or not<br />

the Th eN el chip was developed by independent<br />

developme nt or by reverse-engineering.<br />

In a telephone inte rv iew, G iese staled that<br />

he felt forced to ma ke a clone version of<br />

Net/RO M because no source code was supplied<br />

with the product, and there were some<br />

bugs in the first version. Using an analogy ,<br />

Hans explained: " You have a radio which<br />

has spurious emissions. It came without a<br />

circuit diagram. You make such a d iag ram.<br />

and say this is it. this is how 10 re pa ir the<br />

radio."<br />

Hans appeared to waffle o n the question of<br />

whether or not he d isassembled the Net/ RO M<br />

chip. AI first he denied having copied Ron's<br />

program by loo king at the ROM with a disassembler.<br />

one of the tools of software programme<br />

rs. " We did a new source code in C<br />

and made it available : it was not di sassembly<br />

.· · Later in our inte rv iew. however, Hans<br />

said. " I disassembled some part of it." When<br />

I repealed that 10 him for clarification, he<br />

considered for a long moment, and then reiterated<br />

that disassembly was nol part of the<br />

process. This am biguity may or may not be<br />

due to Ihe language difference.<br />

After 1comment ed on the e xtreme sim ilarity<br />

of the two ROMs. Giese continued, " If<br />

he 's (Ron Raikes) go ing to cha rge sixty-five<br />

bucks for a ROM , he has to live w ith be ing<br />

cloned. Let's no! call it revenge. Let's say<br />

that , am an angry consumer, Normally . we<br />

would have made The Net d ifferently. but for<br />

Ron 's high -nosed attitude."<br />

Raikes' " high-nosed attitude. " accord ing<br />

to Giese. is his refusal to release the source<br />

code for Net/ROM when it was first marketed<br />

. Yet. bear in mind that it's unusal for a<br />

company to release the source code for o ne of<br />

the ir copywriter products , for the obvious<br />

reason that it leaves the product open for<br />

bootlegging.<br />

Government. Business Stance<br />

I spoke to Ralph Haller, the FCC's Chiefof<br />

Rules and Regulations. He was aware of the<br />

controversy, but maintained that the FCC is<br />

unable to act without a court ruling . I the n<br />

turned 10 the Tucson Amateur Packet Rad io<br />

(TA PR) organization for guidance. The<br />

present head o f TAPR. And rew Freeborn<br />

NOCCZ . said, - r encourage the FCC to resolve<br />

it. Th e only way we as an o rganizat io n<br />

ca n co me out and say an ything would be<br />

because of a lawsuit . " They will not investi ­<br />

gate because they will not pull thei r own<br />

programmers from development work on<br />

other projects. Andy ex plained that TA PR is<br />

not a big organizat ion. but just a handful of<br />

people employed full-time in developme nt.<br />

Who Can Act?<br />

Clearly , investigation had to go on at the<br />

ind ividual level , and it has. In January 1989,<br />

Thomas Allen WA6IGY. an experienced C<br />

progra mmer, compared copies of the Net/<br />

ROM and 1l1cNet source code. Allen ootained<br />

the Net/RO M source code from Ron<br />

Raikes . and a copy o f me TheNel source<br />

code. He created a cross- reference table of<br />

rout ine names and file names in each program<br />

listing . He then compared the two source<br />

codes with the following results , qu oted with<br />

his permission:<br />

"There are 234 Net/ ROM routines in v ersion<br />

1.3. Of. ..232 routines in Net/ROM. all<br />

are du plicated in TheNet with ide ntical numbers<br />

and typeso f passed parameters. In every<br />

TheNet C fun ction, an identica l number and<br />

type of auto variable are allocated in the stack<br />

in the same order as they are in the correspond<br />

ing Net/ROM routine. " After many<br />

suc h ex amples. Tom repon ed : " It is my<br />

conclusion . . . that TheNet is not an origina l<br />

development. bUI rather a d irect copy of Net/<br />

ROM ... ..<br />

Some people have questioned w herhcr o r<br />

nOI the source code Ron has been handing out<br />

to people is the real source code. This was<br />

easy enough to verify, which Eric williams<br />

WD6CMU did. Eric keyed in the Nel/ROM<br />

source code obtained from Raikes and suecessfully<br />

compiled it imo a Version 1.3 chip.<br />

F urther Investlganon<br />

I then called on IWO independem computer<br />

consultants. e xpe rts in the C language . to<br />

verify or dispute Tom' s cla ims. Each co nsultant<br />

was sent both TheNet and Net/ROM<br />

source code and a copy of Torn Allen ' s report.<br />

Neither is a ha m radio operator.<br />

Both indepe ndently arrived at the same<br />

conclusion: Tom Allen's report is correct in<br />

derail and in its conclusion.<br />

O ne of the consulta nts, Jerry whimel l<br />

(President of BC Software), said: " The rea ­<br />

sons I agree wit h Tom are that if you look at<br />

bot h sources with an eye toward what kind of<br />

code a compiler would ge ne rate, you would<br />

have to co nclude they arc the same . . .. If<br />

they were developed separately, even from<br />

the same de finition , I would expect to sec a 101<br />

more d ifferences than I do." The source<br />

codes varied only by some variable names.<br />

The othe r consultant, Phil Reed. an internal<br />

compute r consulta nt for Clark Equipment<br />

, stated: " ...It is impo ssible for me to<br />

be lie ve that two people could come up with<br />

th e same rouunes t h rough this m uch<br />

sluff ..; "<br />

What To I>o?<br />

Amateur rad io is self-policing: that 's always<br />

been our c redo and to our credit. In the<br />

absence of an ex pe nsive lawsuit, it must be up<br />

to each indi vidual ham to examine the cvidonee<br />

and to dra w thei r own co ncl usio ns.<br />

We spo ke to one ham. T add T orborg<br />

KA 2DEW. who ru ns abou t<br />

100 The Net<br />

nodes in the New England reg ion . He told us<br />

he would soon be in contact with Raikes . If<br />

Ron ca n sho w him proof that the primed<br />

source code from Software 2lXJO, which appea<br />

rs identica l to TheNet's alleged copy, ac ­<br />

tually prod uces a production Net/ROM ch ip,<br />

he wi ll pull down all ofhi s Thejcet nodes . He<br />

may or may 001 bring them up as Net/RO Ms.<br />

There are many alternatives . This is the son<br />

of action that all affected ha ms should be<br />

considering.<br />

There will probably not be a formal court<br />

case because o f the vast expense of suc h an<br />

undertaking. In this case. the ham radio community<br />

itself must serve as its own court. Are<br />

we up to abiding by ou r own verdict? m<br />

Bits of Background<br />

There are three essential hardware ingredients<br />

10 a packet stalion-a transceiver,<br />

a microcomputer, and a data controller<br />

thai inte rfaces (i.e. patches logethe r) the<br />

first two. Data controllers are responsible<br />

for converting the information that flows<br />

between the micro and the rig to forms<br />

each ca n accept. A telephone modem<br />

serves essennauy the same function as a<br />

data controller. Data controuers require<br />

some inte lligence to perform their functions,<br />

and so are computers in their own<br />

right. Data controllers dedicated to modulating/de<br />

modulating just packet radio data<br />

are most often called Te rmina l Node Contro<br />

lle rs (TNCs) .<br />

like all c o m p ute rs, TNCs require<br />

" soflware"--one or more computer programs-to<br />

know what to "do." These are<br />

instruction that a re stored on a "chip" (IC).<br />

Since these programs are vital 10 Ihe TNC<br />

opera tion, and typically ne ver need altera<br />

tion, they are sto red on a Read Only<br />

Memory (ROM) Chip. A ROM chip is an IC<br />

from which you ca n " read" (draw from) the<br />

information stored within, but to which you<br />

ca nnot easily " write " (add/alte r mtormalion).<br />

One of the many unique functions of<br />

packet radio is its ability for different packet<br />

stations to time-share a frequency. It can<br />

do this successfully because a packet radio<br />

syste m monitors a channel and transmits<br />

on ly when it senses a clea r channel.<br />

Packet stations that act as relays for packet<br />

signals are called digipeaters (digis) .<br />

They act like re peate rs , except that they<br />

operate 00 on ly one channel (simplex).<br />

When a packet to be relayed arrives at the<br />

digipeater, the digi stores tne packet into a<br />

buffe r and keeps il there until the digi<br />

doesn't detect a ny activity on the channe l.<br />

At that point, it tra os mits the packet<br />

This is a neat concept in itself, for you<br />

co uld theoretica lly send a packet anywhere,<br />

provided there are digis en route. A<br />

packeteer, however, slill had to know the<br />

route and specify all the intermediate digi<br />

addresses in their correct order when<br />

sending a packet to a destinalion address.<br />

This can be very cumbersome for long.<br />

ha ul transmiss ions . Fortunately, much of<br />

the routing has been automated through<br />

systems such a s Net/ROM. which you ca n<br />

read about further in the article ....<br />

... de NS18<br />

73 Amateur Radio • June , 1989 35

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