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73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

73 Amateur Radio - Free and Open Source Software

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In our continuing effort to present the best in amateur<br />

radio features and columns , we recognize the<br />

need to go directly to the source-you, the reader.<br />

Articles and columns are assigned feed back<br />

numbers, which appear on each article/column and<br />

are also listed here. Th ese numbers corres pond to<br />

those on the feedback card opposite this page. On<br />

the card, please check the box which honestly<br />

represents yo ur opinion of each article or col umn.<br />

Do we realty read the feedback cards? You bet!<br />

The res ults are tabulated each month, and the editors<br />

take a good, hard look at what you do and don't<br />

like. To show ou r apprec iation , we draw one feedback<br />

card each month and award the lucky winner a<br />

free one-year subscription (or extension) to 73 .<br />

To save on postage, why not fill out the Product<br />

Report card and the Feedback card and put them in<br />

an envelope? Toss in a damning or praising letter to<br />

the editor while yo u're at it. You can also enter you r<br />

aSL in our~ contest. All for the low,<br />

low price of 25 cents!<br />

Feedback#<br />

TlII e<br />

I Welcome Newcomers<br />

2 Never Say Die<br />

3QRX<br />

4 Spread-Spectrum<br />

5 Review: Yacsu FT-411<br />

6 Home-b rew;<br />

QRP CW Transceiver<br />

7 Home-brew:<br />

G31GU Tran sceiver<br />

8 Review: Ranger AR-3500<br />

9 Net/ROM-Nord Link<br />

Question<br />

10 Review: Pon asol Butane<br />

Solde ring Pencil<br />

II Home-brew:<br />

220 MHz PA, Pan II<br />

12 Review: MFJ Differential<br />

" T " Tuner<br />

I3 Home-brew:<br />

Q RP SW R Bridge<br />

15 Home-brew:<br />

Six Meter Q RP Station<br />

16 Ham Help<br />

Feedback#<br />

Title<br />

17 Review: Antennas West Solar<br />

Power Supply<br />

18 Decod ing OSCAR Telemetry,<br />

Pan II<br />

19 Circuits<br />

20 Home-bre w: CW Transceiver<br />

for 20 Meters<br />

21 Above and Beyond<br />

22 Index 6/89<br />

23 RTIY Loop<br />

24 Ask Kaboom<br />

'5QRP<br />

26 New Products<br />

27 Ad Index<br />

28 Looking West<br />

29 Rev iew: Wilson I{)(X) Mobile<br />

A ntenna<br />

30 Letters<br />

31 73 International<br />

32 OX<br />

33 Special Events<br />

34 Deale r Di rectory<br />

35 Barter 'n' Buy<br />

36 Propagation<br />

2000 Channels<br />

SMHzto ISOOMHz<br />

F<br />

M U<br />

UN<br />

L C<br />

TT<br />

I I<br />

o<br />

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E<br />

To,.1 P"o@ f,@,ghnd<br />

• BUll! ,n RS 232 compU ler Ln'er!ace<br />

"25 Day SaHsfacnon Gua,,'nle " . Full Refund L( no'<br />

Salls1,ed<br />

' SOl e W .."H x 5'r W x ]·;;"D. WI. 2 1b 10 0z<br />

' Sup pile d w,lh AC & DC powe l cords TeIescQP'c<br />

antenna<br />

A~ I!!:<br />

---,~,.--<br />


10707 E. l 116th 51. lndpla., IN 46256<br />

.. ToUrree 800-44S·7717 rn<br />

VISa and MasterCar o<br />

(COD slIghtly h Lghe,)<br />

ln IndIana 317-849-2570Collect FAX (317) 849-87g4<br />


PC/XT/AT PS/ 2 & CC»4PATIBlES<br />

omn oro "'se s ",10 ~ : ompu ~ I ' - ron so:~<br />

I ~ both °lO'llging JllliI 0 T ~m;"ol p'l"l rQm I No Q1h er SQU"w e needed I Wl t e rl~m wi!h ~on l ' oo it s ~1JoI . and A!J P ~- 23 1<br />

I\l' ~r ks wiI ~ 0 lIoust o n~/Ol fundion ~ ~ H all and eosy coo!rol 01 Term;"al thib ond ()olo (ntry_<br />

I teetest ijode and oulo siring 'eplocffllenl I [,I r ffll e ~ fosl Voice Ol Dig il DI mlOe e-.ch~ n ~ es.<br />

I l,ull)01atit DlJp ehed"'g I SeOrt" / pMl bv CoM. Coonlry, "ell, 0Sl. ;"fo. ek. 10Sl. Iabt'l p'nl ng<br />

I Leis roo nJO other l>f\l

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