CURRICULUM VITAE Svetlana Suveica, Ph.D. Personal Information ...

CURRICULUM VITAE Svetlana Suveica, Ph.D. Personal Information ...

CURRICULUM VITAE Svetlana Suveica, Ph.D. Personal Information ...


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<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong><br />

<strong>Svetlana</strong> <strong>Suveica</strong>, <strong>Ph</strong>.D.<br />

<strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Information</strong><br />

Date of Birth 14.03.1971<br />

Place of Birht Gaspar, Edinet district, Republic of Moldova<br />

Citizenship Republic of Moldova/Romania<br />

Family Status Married, two children<br />

Position Humboldt senior research fellow, Georg Forster Programme (December<br />

2012-May 2014), Institut fuer Ost-und Suedosteuropaforschung,<br />

Regensburg<br />

CAREER<br />

09/2008 – present<br />

(on leave) Associate Professor, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy, Moldova<br />

State University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

09/2004 – present<br />

(on leave) Senior lecturer, Associate professor, MA program in American studies,<br />

American Studies Center - Department of Political and Administrative<br />

Sciences, Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

09/2000-06/2001 Visiting lecturer, Department of Political and Administrative Sciences,<br />

MA program in International Relations, University of Banat, Timisoara,<br />

Romania<br />

09/2000-06/2001 Senior lecturer (part-time), Department of History and International<br />

Relations, Free Independent University of Moldova (ULIM), Chisinau,<br />

Moldova<br />

12/1999- 10/2008 Senior lecturer, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy, Moldova State<br />

University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

09/1997-11/1999 Lecturer, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy, Moldova State<br />

University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova<br />

11/1996-08/1997 Assistant-lecturer, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy, Moldova<br />

State University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

01-11/1993 Research assistant (part-time), Scientific Lab “Bessarabia in<br />

International Relations”, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy,<br />

Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

01-06/1992 History teacher (part-time), Secondary school nr. 19, Chisinau,<br />


Moldova<br />

Additional Professional Experience<br />

05/2012 External evaluator for Caucasus region, Carnegie Research Fellowship<br />

Program, Carnegie Corporation of New York, USA<br />

12/2004-10/2006 Adviser in Protocol and Media, Minister of Justice’s Office, Ministry of<br />

Justice, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau<br />

05/2005-09/2006 Interpreter/translator (English-Romanian-Russian), follow-up meetings<br />

on Moldovan legislation, Council of Europe, Strasbourg – Ministry of<br />

Justice, Chisinau<br />

09/1998-01/2002 Translator (English-Russian-Romanian), Notary office<br />

Mocanu&Zgardan, Chisinau, Moldova<br />


03/1999 <strong>Ph</strong>.D in History, “Al.I. Cuza University”, Iasi, Romania<br />

Topic of <strong>Ph</strong>D thesis: “Bessarabia within the Greater Romania in the<br />

immediate period after the 1918 union”<br />

11/1993-10/1996 Graduate <strong>Ph</strong>.D. studies, “Al. I. Cuza” University Iasi, Romania.<br />

06/1993 Bachelor (Honor) degree in History and History education<br />

Topic of BA thesis: “<strong>Personal</strong>ity and historical process: Mihai Viteazul<br />

in European consciousness”<br />

09/1988-06/1993 Undergraduate Studies, Department of History, Moldova State<br />

University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

06/1988 Graduation from Secondary school nr.2 Edinet, Moldova. Golden<br />

medal of merit<br />

Additional Educational Experience<br />

8-14/01/2012 „Social Engineering and Affirmative Action: Policies and Practices in<br />

20th Century Eastern Europe”, Regional Seminar for Excellence in<br />

Teaching, ReSET-OSI Program, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

1-8/08/2012 “Downward Social Mobility and Strategies of Resistance and<br />

Accommodation in Eastern Europe under Nazi and Communist Rule”,<br />

Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching ReSET-OSI Program,<br />

Chisinau, Moldova<br />

1-8/-8/2011 “Social Mobility and Modernization in Eastern Europe in XX<br />

Century”, HESP Regional seminar for excellence in teaching ReSET<br />


Program-OSI, Chisinau<br />

10/2009-06/2010 Workshops on History education (monthly), Stanford History<br />

Education Group (SHEG), Stanford University, California USA<br />

9-13/03/2009 “Teaching Comparative History in Eastern Europe: Theory, Methods<br />

and Case Studies Comparative History”, Workshop on course design,<br />

CRC-CEU, Budapest, Hungary<br />

05-06/2009 “Empowering Educators: English through Economic, Social, Political<br />

and Cultural Studies”, Summer School, American Studies Center<br />

(ASC) Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

09- 10/2004 “World Politics”, Graduat course in International and European<br />

Studies, Birkbeck University of London, UK<br />

02/1999 Higher education training, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania,<br />

supported by HESP, Soros Foundation Moldova<br />

07-08/1999 “Global Governance and Human Security”, Summer school, CEU,<br />

Budapest, Hungary<br />

Language Skills<br />

Romanian (native)<br />

Russian (fluent)<br />

English (fluent) (C1 certificate, The London Skills Institute, UK)<br />

French (good) (B2, School of Foreing Languages for Adults, Chisinau,<br />

Moldova)<br />

German (moderate) (B2, on-going course, University of Regensburg)<br />


12/2012-05/2014 Humboldt research fellowship, Georg Forster program for senior<br />

researchers, Institute for East and Southeast European Studies,<br />

Regensburg, Germany<br />

Research topic: “Ambivalent reconfigurations of the post-imperial<br />

space: Transnational design for post-World War One Bessarabia”<br />

http://www.ios-regensburg.de/forschung/verflechtungen-undinterdependenzen/ursachen-und-wirkungen-von-migration-imvergleich/ambivalent-reconfigurations.html<br />

10/2009-06/2010 Fulbright senior research fellowship, Stanford University-CREEES,<br />

California USA, sponsored by US Department of State<br />

Research topic: “The Bessarabian Question at the Paris Peace<br />

Conference: The Krupenski Case”<br />


10/2009-06/2010 Guest fellow, Stanford History Education Group (SHEG), Stanford<br />

University, California, USA<br />

04-05/2007 Mobility research fellowship, European University in Sankt-Petersburg,<br />

sponsored by OSI-HESP, Budapest Hungary<br />

09-10/2001 Junior research fellowship, IRES Department, CEU, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />

01-02/2000 Research grant at OSA, Budapest, sponsored by OSA, Hungary<br />


Individual<br />

07/2-13-02/2014 U.S. Embassy in Moldova Alumni small grant for the research project<br />

“The Attitude of Moldovan Youth toward Religion and Human Rights”<br />

11/2011 U.S. Embassy in Moldova Alumni small grant for the participation in<br />

ASSEES annual convention “Authorities”, Washington D.C.<br />

(November 17-20 2011)<br />

05/2011 U.S. Embassy in Moldova Alumni small grant for the participation in<br />

conference “The German Fulbright Alumni Association at 25:<br />

Shaping a Changing World’, Berlin, Germany (6-7/05/2011)<br />

10/2010 U.S. Embassy in Moldova Alumni small grant for the participation in<br />

ISSOTL conference "Global Theories and Local Practices:<br />

Institutional, Disciplinary & Cultural Variations" (Liverpool, 19-22<br />

October 2010)<br />

09/2008-09/2009 SOTL research grant “Teaching, Learning and Thinking Comparatively<br />

in the History Classroom. (Anti-communist Resistance in Romania and<br />

Moldovan S.S.R., 1944-1989)”, CEU-CRC and OSI-HESP, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />

02/2002-08/2003 Research grant to the UK National Archives, Kew, supported by JSC<br />

“Promtehgas” Moldova<br />

09/1999-06/2000 HESP grant “Student Research Lab in Comparative History”,<br />

Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy, Moldova State University,<br />

supported by Soros Foundation Moldova<br />

12/1995-01/1996 Research grant at the National Historical Archives of Romania,<br />

Bucharest, sponsored by HESP, Soros Foundation Moldova<br />

02-03/1996 Research grant at The National Archives of Romania, Cluj branch,<br />

sponsored by HESP, Soros Foundation Moldova<br />

Joint<br />

09/2011-06/2013 ‘Inititative and Constraint in the Mapping of Evolving European Borders<br />


(ICMEEB)’, Jean Monnet Programme Joint grant, K1 activity (200599-<br />

LLP-1-2011-1-RO-AJM-RE), supported by Education, Audiovisual and<br />

Culture Executive Agency of EU, cordinated by Oradea University,<br />

Romania. Participant<br />

http://borders.cvce.eu/blog/-/blogs/the-jean-monnet-action-project-<br />

initiative-and-constraint-in-the-mapping-of-evolving-european-borders-<br />

%3A-a-startup?_33_redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fborders.cvce.eu%2Fblog%3Fp_p_id<br />

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02-10/2012 „Erzwungene Lebenswege: Deportation und Auswanderung nach dem<br />

Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Moldauischen Sowjetrepublik (1945-1965)“,<br />

GWE Programm , EWZ Stiftung, coordinated by Moldova Institut<br />

Leipzig. Participant<br />

http://www.geschichtswerkstatt-europa.org/projektdetails/items/erzwungene_Lebenswege.html<br />

01/2011-present “Valorification of documentary heritage of the Republic of Moldova”,<br />

supported by the Academy of Science of Moldova, Chisinau. Project<br />

participant<br />

02/2010-02/2011 „Nation, Identität, Rechtsstaat in der Republik Moldova. Historische,<br />

politisch-soziale Begriffe. Lexikon”, sponsored by BMBF Cermany and<br />

the Academy of Science of Moldova, Chisinau. Project participant<br />

http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~mil/de/projekt-NationIdentitaet.html<br />

07/2006-12/2007 “Individual and Corporation within the Public Space in Belarus-Moldova-<br />

Ukraine” (joint), CASE Minsk, sponsored by Carnegie Corporation in<br />

New York. Project participant<br />

Management of University& Departmental Grants<br />

05-12/2013 “Research Capacity Building in University”, Joint project of Moldova<br />

State University Chisinau and European University of Humanities<br />

Vilnius, Leadership for Higher Education Reform Programme<br />

(LEADHER), supported by International Associations of Universities<br />

(IAU). Project coordinator for MSU<br />

10/2006-10/2009 “Comparative History Project”, Department of History and <strong>Ph</strong>ilosophy,<br />

Moldova State University, supported by HESP-CRC/OSI, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />



Guest Lectures<br />

23/10/2013 “Back to the Empire?! Alternative visions of belonging in the post-World<br />

War One Bessarabia”, Oberseminar zur Geschichte Suedosteuropas,<br />

Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Germany<br />

02/05/2013 “For the Holy and Just Cause!””, Centre for Southeast European Studies,<br />

University of Graz, Austria<br />

30/08/2012 “Von der Zwischenkriegszeit zur Wende. Parallelen in den historischen<br />

Ereignissen Moldovas und Rumäniens”, Internationale Sommerschule<br />

“Moldova und Südosteuropa. Historische, politische und kulturelle<br />

Gemeinsamkeiten und Gegensätze”, MIL – DAAD, Chisinau<br />

12/10/2011 “Bessarabians and Russian Émigrés to Paris, 1919-1920”, National<br />

Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest, Romania<br />

12/04/2010 “Political Discourse and Historiography Debates: the<br />

Bessarabian/Moldovan Case”, East Central European Center, Columbia<br />

University, New York, USA<br />

22/01/2010 “Political Discourse, Historiography Debates and Archival Documents:<br />

the Bessarabian/Moldovan Case”, CREEES, Stanford University, California,<br />

USA<br />

Contributions to Conferences & Workshops (since 2007)<br />

20-22/09/2013 “Continuity and/or Change?! A.N. Krupenskij and the ‘Russian project’ for<br />

Bessarabia”, conference “Historical Turning Points and Biographical<br />

Experience: Eastern Europe after the Collapse of Empires (1917-1921)”,<br />

Institut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen in Nordosteuropa e. V.<br />

(IKGN e.V.) an der Universität Hamburg - Nordost-Institut, Lueneburg,<br />

Germany - contributor<br />

11-13/09/2013 “Reviving Greater Russia, Reconfiguring Regional Borders? A “Russian<br />

Project” for post-World War One Bessarabia”, conference<br />

“Untergangsszenarien und Zukunftvisionen in den Imperien des Oestlichen<br />

Europa (1830-1920)”, Herder-Institut fuer historische<br />

Ostmitteleuropaforschung, Marburg, Germany - contributor<br />

21-22/06/2013 “Alternative Vision of Belonging in the post-World War One Bessarabia”,<br />

Black Sea Link Symposium “Agents or Objects? Rethinking some Chapters<br />

of the History of the Black Sea Region (1812-2012)”, New Europe College,<br />

Bucharest, Romania - contributor<br />

10/06/2013 “Entering the EU through the back door"?! Debates on Romanian citizenship<br />


for Moldovans”, dissemination workshop of the research project ‘Inititative<br />

and Constraint in the Mapping of Evolving European Borders (ICMEEB)’,<br />

Jean Monnet Programme Joint grant, K1 activity (200599-LLP-1-2011-1-RO-<br />

AJM-RE), supported by EACE-EU, Chisinau, Moldova – organizer, panel<br />

moderator and contributor<br />

09-12/12/2012 “Human rights and religion in Moldova”, conference “Religion and Human<br />

Rights in Europe 2.0 (RHR)”, Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany –<br />

contributor<br />

07/12/2012 “Entering the EU through the back door"?! Debates on Romanian citizenship<br />

for Moldovans”, conference „Rumänien zwischen Einheitsvorstellung und<br />

Vielfalt“, Universitaet Regensburg – IOS Regensburg, Germany - contributor<br />

12-13/09/2012 “Debates on Romanian Citizenship for Moldovans”, “Sprachkonflikt und der<br />

Streit um die mehrfache Staatsbürgerschaft in der Republik Moldau”,<br />

Moldova Institut Leipzig (MIL) – DAAD, Chisinau, Moldova – contributor<br />

22/032012 “Creating a Global Classroom, Acknowledging Social Issues: a<br />

Moldovan-American Experience”. Conference “Distance Learning,<br />

American Models of teaching in Law Schools”, Moldova State<br />

University, Chisinau, Moldova - contributor<br />

18/02/2012 “Creating a Global Classroom: Providing Collaborative Research<br />

Opportunities for U.S. and Moldovan Students”, APSA Teaching and<br />

Learning Conference, Washington D.C., (with J. Scourfield McLauchlan) –<br />

contributor via Skype<br />

10/02/2012 “The Transnational Construction of Borders after World War One: the Case<br />

of Bessarabia”, Forschungskolloqvium “Neue Perspektiven in der Suedostund<br />

Osteuropaeischen Geschichte”, Universitaet Regensburg – IOS,<br />

Regensburg, Germany - contributor<br />

01/12/2011 “The Moldovans – A Nation?!” Inaugural conference, launching of the<br />

European Association of US Alumni (ENAM), Rome – opening round table<br />

contributor<br />

19/11/2011 “Fighting for the “Russian Bessarabia”: Backstage Diplomacy and<br />

Propaganda during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920”, ASEEES<br />

annual convention “Authorities”, Washington D.C., USA – contributor<br />

05/09/2011 “On double citizenship of Moldovans”, workshop ‘Nationale Minderheiten<br />

und Menschenrechte im Kontext der europäischen Integration in der Republik<br />

Moldova’, DAAD and Universität Leipzig - Chisinau, Moldova - contributor<br />

08-09/04/2011 “Bessarabia in the first Interwar Decade: Modernization by Means of<br />

Reforms” and “From MSSR to Moldova”, Doctoral workshop ‘The<br />


comparative perspective on Bessarabia and Lithuania’, Vienna Doctoral<br />

College for ‘European Historical Dictatorship and Transformation Research’,<br />

University of Vienna, April 6-8 2011 – contributor and expert<br />

06-07/05/2011 “History education: the Moldovan case” and “Democracy in Moldova”,<br />

international conference ‘The German Fulbright Alumni Association at<br />

25: Shaping a Changing World’, Berlin, Germany –round table<br />

moderator, closing table panellist, and contributor<br />

11/12/2010 “Go SOTL! A Manifesto for researching teaching and learning”,<br />

conference ‘Strengthening Democracy through Civic Engagement’,<br />

American Studies Center - IREX Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova –<br />

organizer and contributor<br />

02/12/2010 “The concept of property rights in Bessarabia and Moldova”, workshop<br />

‘The History of Social-Political Concepts’, Moldova-Institut Leipzig,<br />

Germany - contributor<br />

20/10/2010 “Thinking Comparatively in Moldovan History Classroom”, ISSOTL<br />

annual convention‘Global Theories and Local Practices: Institutional,<br />

Disciplinary and Cultural Variations’, Liverpool, UK – contributor<br />

24/09/2010 “British and American Archives for the study of Bessarabien History”,<br />

round table “Access to the archives of Republic of Moldova: Realities<br />

and Prospects”, Moldova State University – National Archives of<br />

Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova - contributor<br />

09/10/2010 “Union of Bessarabia with Romania and Bessarabian landowners: the<br />

Sinadino case”, international conference ‘Romanian Space between<br />

Imperial Frontiers’, Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova -<br />

contributor<br />

18-19/09/2010 “Russian Political Conference and Bessarabian issue, 1919”, conference<br />

‘Foreign and Romanian diplomats in Romanian History’, Institute of<br />

History, The Academy of Science of Romania, Iasi, Romania -<br />

contributor<br />

22/04/2010 “Teaching comparatively in Moldovan history classroom”, Stanford<br />

History Education Group (SHEG), Stanford University, California USA -<br />

contributor<br />

01/11/2009 “Encouraging Students to Study Comparatively: American Images about<br />

the USSR and Soviet Images about the USA during the Cold War Era”,<br />

international conference “Ten Years with America: “Sailing Unchartered<br />

Waters”, International Conference, 10 th Anniversary of the American<br />

Studies Centre of Moldova 1998-2008, Chisinau, Moldova – contributor<br />


09/12/2008 “Politics and Historiogrpahy in Moldavian SSR”, “Historiography and<br />

Politics in Western and Eastern Parts of Romanian Space”, conference<br />

within CEU-HESP Comparative History Project, Moldova State<br />

University, Chisinau, Moldova – organizer and contributor<br />

06/01/2007 “Encouraging Students to Study Comparatively at Moldova State<br />

University”, “Comparative History: Theory and Practice”, workshop<br />

within CEU-HESP Comparative History Project, coordinated by<br />

Department of History, CEU, Budapest, sponsored by HESP-OSI,<br />

Budapest Hungary - organizer and contributor<br />

Organization of Conferences & Workshops<br />

05-08/09/2012 “History and Historians in Republic of Moldova”, round table with the<br />

participation of Acad.Oliver Jens Schmidt, Austrian Academy of Science<br />

09/12/2008 “Historiography and Politics in Western and Eastern Parts of Romanian<br />

Space”, conference within CEU-HESP Comparative History Project,<br />

supported by CEU, Budapest, sponsored by HESP-OSI, Budapest,<br />

Hungary<br />

06/01/2007 “Comparative History: Theory and Practice”, workshop within CEU-<br />

HESP Comparative History Project, coordinated by Department of<br />

History, CEU, Budapest, sponsored by HESP-OSI, Budapest, Hungary<br />


Professional<br />

11/2013 – present Member of Moldova Institut Leipzig<br />

03/2013 - present Regional director for Russia and Eastern Europe, The International<br />

Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History<br />

(HistorySOTL). http://www.indiana.edu/~histsotl/blog/<br />

12/2012 - present Board member, The National Association for Young Historians of<br />

Moldova – ANTIM. http://antim.md/en/antim/echipa-antim<br />

09/2008 - present Member of Specialized Scientific Seminar for <strong>Ph</strong>D studies in Romanian<br />

History at Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova<br />

09/1993 - present Member of the Historians’ Association of Moldova<br />

Editorial<br />

01/2012- present Advisory Committee, Eurolimes. Journal of the Institute of the<br />

Euroregional Studies, “Jean Monnet” European Center of Excellence<br />

Oradea - Debrecen<br />


NGO<br />

06/2011-06/2013 President, Creative Development Association – US Alumni association<br />

of Moldova<br />

06/2010 - present Member of Creative Development Association – US alumni of Moldova<br />

http://usalumni.md/<br />

AWARDS<br />

10/2006 Medal “Moldova State University” for professional achievements<br />

Participation in Radio/TV Programs (recent)<br />

22/09/2013 Interview for Bavarian TV, documentary film on 60 th anniversary of<br />

Humboldt Foundation<br />

24/06/2012 RePublica program, Publika TV, Moldova<br />

28/06/2012 Moldova in direct program, Moldova 1<br />

05/09/2012 Interview for Radio 1 Vienna, Austria<br />


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