Lean - Henry Ford Health System

Lean - Henry Ford Health System

Lean - Henry Ford Health System

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Introduction to the<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Creating a Deming-LEAN Culture<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Ford</strong> Motor Company's River Rouge Plant, 1931<br />

in <strong>Health</strong>care<br />

QuickTime and a<br />

decompressor<br />

are needed to see this picture.<br />

“Quality is doing it right when no one is looking."<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

Richard J. Zarbo, MD, DMD<br />

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong>, Detroit<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

What is it?<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

We<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Lean</strong>?<br />

did<br />

<strong>Lean</strong>!<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Lean</strong> =<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Deming<br />

(perfected by)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN<br />

Toyota’s Unique<br />

Mass Production Processes<br />

Decoding the DNA<br />

of the<br />

Toyota Production<br />

<strong>System</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

1978<br />

1991<br />

Steven J. Spear & H.<br />

Kent Bowen<br />

2003<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

1925 1982<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Basics of LEAN<br />

Basics of LEAN<br />

Specify Value Desired by Customer<br />

• Identify value stream & challenge all wasted steps<br />

• Manage towards perfection (zero defects)<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Reduce & Eliminate Waste, Continually<br />

• Overproduction<br />

• Time waiting<br />

• Transportation<br />

• Processing<br />

• Stock on hand<br />

• Movement<br />

• Defective products<br />

Process Focused<br />

Incremental Improvements<br />

Specific Ideals, Rules,<br />

Operational Principles<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Toyota<br />


Methods for<br />

Eliminating Waste<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Just-in-time production<br />

Leveled production, allocate work evenly<br />

throughout day<br />

Pull system, link each process to preceding &<br />

following<br />

Continuous flow processing, reduce batch sizes<br />

Eliminating inventories<br />

Multi-skilled operators<br />

Employees in charge of own jobs<br />

Employees design standardized work<br />

Continuous improvements (kaizen)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Why LEAN management?<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Identify & addresses system problems<br />

• Identify & resolve bottlenecks to throughput<br />

• Create a learning organization and culture<br />

• Develop people<br />

• Active participation of all staff<br />

• Create ownership for problem resolution<br />

• Continually improve quality, meet customer needs<br />

• Move incrementally to the ideal, continuously<br />

Zero Defect Tolerance<br />

Zero Defect Tolerance<br />

Zarbo RJ, D’Angelo R. Transforming to a quality culture: the<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>. Am J Clin Pathol.<br />

2006;126(suppl):S21-S29.<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“It’s the work,<br />

Not the man that manages.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

4 Rules of Work Design<br />

4 Rules of Work Design<br />

Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production<br />

<strong>System</strong>. Spear & Bowen<br />

Harvard Bus Rev Sept-Oct 1999<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />


• Specifications document all work processes to include<br />

content, sequence, timing, location & expected<br />

outcome (how do you do your work)<br />


• Connections with clear YES/NO signals directly link<br />

every customer & supplier (requests & responses)<br />


• Every product & service travels a predefined, single,<br />

simple & direct flow path (no looping or forking)<br />


• Workers at level where work is done, guided by a<br />

teacher, improve their own work, using data<br />



<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Tools to Improve Workflow<br />

LEAN Tools to Improve Workflow<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Standard work<br />

• Mistake proofing<br />

• Batch size reduction<br />

• Level load<br />

• Work simplification<br />

• Visual displays, controls & and color coding<br />

• Andon white boards<br />

• Kanban<br />

• Stop the line<br />

Liker: The Toyota Way, 2006<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Medical “Business” Processes<br />

Medical “Business” Processes<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Raw material<br />

Processing<br />

Technology<br />

Product<br />

Medicine/Surgery, Outpatient clinic, Lab, Radiology, Kitchen, etc<br />

Humans<br />

Generic Manufacturing Industry<br />


Processes<br />

•Evaluation<br />

•Admission<br />

•Assessment<br />

•Testing<br />

•Treatment<br />

•Discharge<br />

<strong>Health</strong> Outcomes<br />

•Productivity<br />

•Defects, Cost<br />

•Process stability<br />

•Employee satisfaction<br />

•Patient satisfaction<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Current Work Condition<br />

Current Work Condition<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Top down management- threatening<br />

No workflow leveling- uncoordinated batches<br />

Hiding defects- fear & blame<br />

Lack of of communication<br />

No worker empowerment to to fix<br />

Worker creativity in in bad system<br />

Defects … Defects…<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Original <strong>Ford</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Production<br />

<strong>System</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

standardization<br />

coordination<br />

waste<br />

cleanliness<br />

just-in-time inventory<br />

Pull production<br />

one at a time production<br />

empowered workforce<br />

timing<br />

1925<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

cycle time<br />

moving assembly line<br />

Foundations of LEAN 1986<br />

Quality focus<br />

Quality control<br />

measurement<br />

value of worker<br />

Continuous improvement<br />

Long term plan<br />

1986<br />

Kanban system<br />

continuous flow<br />

rapid changeover<br />

error proof machines<br />

1978<br />

1988<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Creating a Mass Production Culture<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“It’s the work, not the man, that manages “<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Mass Production - Continuous Operation<br />

Sat.<br />

night<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

3 ½<br />

days<br />

Wed.<br />

noon<br />

From: The <strong>Ford</strong> Industries. <strong>Ford</strong> Motor Co., 1925<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Mass Production<br />

Mass Production<br />

•Continuous<br />

Production<br />

•Conveyor belt<br />

assembly line<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

•Division of<br />

labor<br />

•Simple<br />

repetitive tasks<br />

•Integrated<br />

supply chain<br />

•Standardized<br />

parts<br />

•Reducing<br />

waste<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Our Roots: <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Hospital<br />

• Founded October 1, 1915<br />

By <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> as sole owner & president<br />

Wife, Clara’s honey-do list<br />

Employed staff model after dinner with Mayo brothers<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Standardization<br />

“It seems reasonable that a permanent staff<br />

be responsible for the work that goes on in the<br />

hospital. After all, I don’t ask every person who<br />

wants to build a car to come into my factory to build it.<br />

The <strong>Ford</strong> Motor Company is responsible for the car it makes.<br />

Why should not the hospital be responsible for the<br />

medical work that is done there?”<br />

– <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Production <strong>System</strong> Characteristics<br />

Triumph of the <strong>Lean</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>, Sloan Management Review 1988<br />

Trait Craftsmen Pure <strong>Ford</strong>ism Recent <strong>Ford</strong>ism TPS<br />

Work<br />

Standardization Low High, by managers High, by managers High, by teams<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Span of Control Wide Narrow Narrow Moderate<br />

Inventories Large Moderate Large Small<br />

Buffers Large Small Large Small<br />

Repair Areas Integral Small Large Very Small<br />

Teamwork Moderate Low Low High<br />

“Rather than continuing to refer to the different paradigms as recent <strong>Ford</strong>ism<br />

And TPS, I would like to introduce two new terms herebuffered<br />

and lean production systems.”<br />

- John Krafcik (1988)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN<br />


LEAN Training 2010<br />

It’s the Culture,<br />

Stupid!<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Total Quality Management<br />

Total Quality Management<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• We’ve been here before- circa 1989<br />

• “A culture, attitude & organization that<br />

strives to provide customers with products<br />

and services that satisfy needs”<br />

• Quality Improvement using PDCA<br />

Scientific basis: Plan, Do, Check, Act<br />

• Deming principles<br />

• Failed because we didn’t change our<br />

culture<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Leaders Transform Culture<br />

Leaders Transform Culture<br />

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast & process for lunch”<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Culture = How people have been conditioned to behave<br />

“The only things that evolve by themselves in an<br />

organization are disorder, friction, and malperformance.”<br />

-Peter Drucker<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Changing Culture<br />

It Starts & Ends with YOU<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Western management must take on leadership for change.”<br />

“Adopt the new culture”<br />

-W. Edwards Deming<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Deming Culture<br />

Deming’s Redefinition of Management<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“In companies that have embraced Deming’s vision,<br />

management’s job is to ‘work on the system’<br />

to achieve continual product and process improvement.<br />

The Deming-style manager must-<br />

‣ensure a system’s consistency and reliability, by bringing<br />

‣level of variation in its operations within predictable limits, then by<br />

‣enlisting the participation of every employee, and by<br />

‣giving subordinates the practical benefit of his experience<br />

and the help they need to chart improvement strategies.”<br />

(A. Gabor)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Production<br />

<strong>System</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Hub & Spoke Design - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

HF-MAC<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

HF-WBH<br />

24/7<br />

24/7<br />

HF-KG<br />

HF-WH<br />

24/7<br />

HFH<br />

HF-MWAR<br />

HF-COT<br />

Hospital<br />

24 Hr. Med Center<br />

Medical Clinic<br />

24/7<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Creating Culture<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Transforming to a Quality<br />

Culture<br />

The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Richard J Zarbo, MD, DMD, and Rita D’Angelo, MS, ASQ, CQE,<br />

SSBB<br />

American Journal of Clinical Pathology<br />

2006;126:Suppl S21-S29.<br />

BCBSM Foundation 2008 McDevitt Excellence in Research Award<br />

for Policy Research- the ‘<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>’<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Constancy of Purpose<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see<br />

when you take your eyes off your goal.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

The Business Case for Quality<br />

Customer Satisfaction<br />

Market Share<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Quality<br />

External<br />

Internal<br />

Productivity<br />

Prices<br />

Costs<br />

Profits<br />

Deming’s Quality Chain Reaction<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> LEAN Lab Progression<br />

FAIL<br />

LEAN Specialist, Coordinators<br />

Surgical Pathology<br />

2-day LEAN<br />

Training<br />

-Biobehavioral<br />

-HFH Surgery<br />

-HF Transplant<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

2004 2005<br />

2006 2007 2008<br />

Onsite Mandatory<br />

8 hr. Training<br />

Programs<br />

Cytology<br />

2009<br />

Clinical Pathology Core Labs<br />

Chemistry-Hematology-Coag-Urinalysis<br />

Microbiology<br />

Medical Centers<br />

5 Community<br />

Hospitals<br />

Outreach<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Problem Solving Culture<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

It takes systems to integrate <strong>System</strong>s<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

The Power of Integrated Teams<br />

Aligned Path of Work Flow<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“<strong>System</strong>s do not produce quality,<br />

people do.”<br />

-anonymous<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Lab <strong>Lean</strong> Journey 2004-2010<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Cultural change to an empowered workforce<br />

• Quality-focused Mission, Vision, Values, Org. Structure<br />

• Deming management & Toyota (LEAN) work rules<br />

• Visible, blameless identification of defects by workers<br />

• PDCA (A3) based solutions at the level of the worker<br />

• Fix defects in ‘real time’<br />

• Over 700 trained employees- all <strong>System</strong> lab sites<br />

• Quality coordinators, Defined Work Teams, Customer-<br />

Supplier meetings, Monthly ‘Share the Gain’ presentations<br />

• Expectation 1 improvement/ team / month<br />

• 100s of improvements made each year by autonomous<br />

work cells (536 done in 2009 at HFH alone)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Standardization<br />

-Work Rules-<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Today’s standardization, instead of<br />

being a barricade against improvement,<br />

is the necessary foundation on which<br />

tomorrow’s improvement will be based.”<br />

– <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

1. Activities<br />

2. Connections<br />

3. Pathways<br />

4. Method of Improvement<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Culture of Continual Improvement<br />


Methods for Eliminating Waste, Continually<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Process Defects & Waste- the Twin Problems<br />

• Continuous, Smooth Flow, Just-in-Time- the Work Redesign<br />

• Standard Work & the Customer-Supplier Loop- the Solution<br />

• Empowered Personnel, Correcting One’s Own Errors,<br />

Creating Standard Work- the Problem Solvers<br />

• Presentations- the Motivators<br />

• Meetings- the Leadership Reinforcer<br />

• Visual Cues, Easy to See Quality- the Helpers<br />

• Technology reinforcing work rules & standards- the Enablers<br />

• Teamwork-hundreds of process improvements- the Results<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Effective Reduction of Process Defects and<br />

Waste in Surgical Pathology<br />

Richard J Zarbo and Rita D’Angelo AJCP 2007;128:1015-1022.<br />

The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Measures of Process Defects and Waste<br />

in Surgical Pathology as a Basis for Quality<br />

Improvement Initiatives<br />

Rita D’Angelo and Richard J Zarbo AJCP 2007;128:423-429.<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“We do nothing at all in what is sometimes<br />

ambitiously called research, excepting as it<br />

relates to our single objective.”<br />

The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Reduction of Surgical Pathology In-Process<br />

Misidentification Defects by Bar Code Specified<br />

Work Process Standardization<br />

Richard J. Zarbo, J. Mark Tuthill, Rita D’Angelo, Ruan Varney,<br />

Beverly Mahar,Cheryl Neuman, and Adrian Ormsby<br />

AJCP 2009;131:468-477<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

LEAN Process Redesign Improves Service in<br />

the Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory<br />

Cankovic M, Varney R, Whitely L, Brown R, D'Angelo R,<br />

Chitale D, Zarbo RJ:<br />

J Mol Diagn 11:390–399, 2009.<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

As leader,<br />

I don’t have all the answers<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Doing your best is not good enough.<br />

You have to know what to do.<br />

Then do your best.”<br />

-W. E. Deming<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Rx<br />

FULL<br />

DEMING<br />


or<br />

Half-dose ?<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Why empower the worker?<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Executive Leader<br />

Supervisor/Manager<br />

Ultimate Solutions<br />

Depend on<br />

View<br />

of the<br />

Problems<br />

“There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems.” -<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

Line Worker<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Empowerment<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Most doctors prescribe pills,<br />

I prescribe empowerment”<br />

–Jay Parkinson, MD<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Lean</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Right<br />

Light<br />

Empowered Workers<br />

Transformed Culture<br />

Continuous bottom up<br />

Management Style<br />

Sporadic Kaizen Events<br />

Management Style<br />

Direct Top-down Projects<br />

Concepts & Tools<br />

Partial Adoption<br />

Passing Fad<br />

“Let’s Outlast This Thing”<br />


Degree of<br />

effort<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Redefine the Expectation of ‘Work”<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“It’s the work,<br />

Not the man that manages.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

The Engaged Worker<br />

The Engaged Worker<br />

Transform approach to work<br />

Not just showing up for work, but arriving to do the<br />

work better<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Culture<br />

Empowered workers who see their daily<br />

work in the context of-<br />

-Continually learning<br />

-Constantly communicating<br />

-Making effective process improvements<br />

-Designed and tested by scientific method<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Never Pass a Defect<br />

The ‘Mantra’<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Quality is doing it right when no one is looking."<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Worker Empowerment<br />

Worker Empowerment<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“The suggestions are supposed<br />

to go in the box.”<br />

“Has knowledge,<br />

skills, authority &<br />

desire to decide and<br />

act within<br />

prescribed limits.<br />

Takes responsibility<br />

for the consequences<br />

of their actions &<br />

for contribution to<br />

the success of the<br />

enterprise.”<br />

-JM Juran<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Teamwork<br />

“There are no big problems,<br />

there are just a lot of little problems.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Team<br />

LEAN Team<br />

“Creativity prospers best under particular conditions,<br />

especially where there is a flow of ideas between<br />

people who have different sorts of expertise.”<br />

-Ken Robinson<br />

LEAN = Team success<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Depend on the TEAM<br />

Admit you don’t have all the answers<br />

Mine the creativity of the group<br />

Dysfunctional Team?<br />

= LEAN failure<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Teamwork<br />

You may lead it……<br />

But it’s ALL about them<br />

“The day you become a leader,<br />

It becomes about them.”<br />

-Jack Welch<br />

Now empower them!<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

“Present” to “Future” Culture<br />

“Renters”<br />

“Owners”<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

-Develop a culture that leads, manages and drives<br />

patient safety & quality everyday<br />

-Engage entire workforce<br />

-Accountability for seeking ‘perfect’ work<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Expose Defects<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one<br />

thing necessary to a worthwhile<br />

achievement.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Blameless<br />

“Don’t find fault, find a remedy;<br />

anybody can complain.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

What is a defect?<br />

What is a defect?<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Poor quality of service or product that makes you:<br />

• Stop your work<br />

• Reject it<br />

• Return it to sender<br />

• Delay your work to fix it yourself<br />

• Not pleased, could be better<br />

Measures of Variation<br />

Error = hurts someone<br />

= WASTE<br />

= REWORK<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Customer Feedback Informing Improvements<br />

Feedback to Suppliers<br />

Customer Feedback<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Suppliers<br />

LEAN culture<br />

Your Processes<br />

In-process<br />

feedback<br />

LEAN culture<br />

Customers<br />

-Radicalogic, incidents<br />

-Customer satisfaction surveys<br />

-Customer complaints<br />

-Press-Ganey surveys<br />

-Focus groups<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Understanding<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

&<br />

Minimizing<br />


<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Data Collection<br />

Data Collection<br />

Dry-Erase<br />

Posters<br />

“Data is of course important in manufacturing,<br />

but I place the greatest emphasis on facts.”<br />

-Taiichi Ohno<br />

If you cant measure it…<br />

Surgical<br />

Number/ Part<br />

A, B, C, D<br />

Entered Part Type Correct Part Type Source of Incorrect Part<br />

Information<br />

White Boards<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Defect Board- Make Defects & Resolution Visible<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Histology Core lab<br />

• Lab meets weekly to<br />

review past week’s<br />

defects<br />

• Defects are posted on<br />

white board with<br />

resolution for all to see<br />

and learn from<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Minimizing Variation<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong> Methodology<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

1. Know performance expectations from your system of work<br />

2. Expect regularly collected measures of key work<br />

performance in each work cell, leader and worker driven<br />

3. Make performance deviations visible, blameless, daily<br />

4. Understand magnitude and causes of that variation<br />

5. Survey internal and external customers-suppliers for<br />

sources defects (dissatisfaction, patient safety concerns)<br />

6. Use whiteboards in workplace to identify daily defects<br />

1. Lack of, or deviation from standard work<br />

2. Lack of, or deviation from standard connection<br />

3. Lack of, or deviation from standard pathway<br />

4. 7 types of waste that can be redesigned OUT<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

As Leader,<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

this is your<br />

JOB #1<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Coming Full Circle<br />

1926 to Present<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

"Our system of management is not a system at all;<br />

it consists of planning the methods of doing the work<br />

as well as the work."<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Roles of the<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />





<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Leading<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

CHANGE<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Implementing Successful Change<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“The effort is usually a time consuming and highly complex 8-step process,<br />

never a 1-2-3, hit-and-run affair”<br />

1. Create a sense of urgency<br />

2. Put together a strong enough team to direct the process<br />

3. Create an appropriate vision<br />

4. Communicate that new vision broadly<br />

5. Empower employees to act on the vision<br />

6. Produce sufficient short-term results to give efforts<br />

credibility and dis-empower the cynics<br />

7. Build momentum and use that to tackle the tougher<br />

change problems<br />

8. Anchor the behavior in organizational culture<br />

“Managers who opportunistically skip steps<br />

or proceed in the wrong order rarely achieve their aspirations”<br />

On What Leaders Really Do -John Kotter<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Change<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Tried it before, didn’t work<br />

Your gonna do what?<br />

It’s about time<br />

Resistance<br />

Maybe this will work<br />

This isn’t so bad<br />

We should have done this<br />

a long time ago<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“Getting things done<br />

is not the same<br />

as making things happen.”<br />

-Gina Trapani<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Role of Management<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Set LEAN management expectation for all leaders<br />

• Set high performance expectation & continual change<br />

• Integrate people, process, tools, technology<br />

• Engage & empower your people to solve problems<br />

• Form core teams with strong leader and team members<br />

• Drive reduction in variability by standardizing the work<br />

• Visual management, posted daily metrics<br />

• Stabilize processes through waste reduction<br />

• Move to continuous flow, innovate ‘pull’, front loading<br />

• Continual push to reduce time waste<br />

• PDCA as operational engine of continual improvement<br />

• Sustain the cultural change of work<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

“Toyota’s success is the result of<br />

leadership and employee involvement.<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

To be functional leaders, senior staff at<br />

Toyota must believe, drive, understand,<br />

and live the same training philosophy and<br />

employee empowerment<br />

that in turn reinforces the culture<br />

established by the original company<br />

founders.”<br />

Zarbo RJ, D’Angelo R. Transforming to a quality culture: the<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>. Am J Clin Pathol.<br />

2006;126(suppl):S21-S29.<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Think This Through Before You Start<br />

Think This Through Before You Start<br />

“Western management must take on leadership for change.”<br />

“Adopt the new culture”<br />

-W. Edwards Deming<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

These key aspects defined by the leaders<br />

are core to ‘<strong>Lean</strong>’ Success<br />

• Leadership driven<br />

• Create organizational & value structure<br />

• Define roles of middle management and worker<br />

• Worker- value, respect, empower & protect<br />

• Align incentives<br />

• Recognize & reward<br />

• Educate & develop workforce & next leaders<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Commitment<br />

“Mere lip service or lukewarm support<br />

from top management is the “kiss of death”<br />

for any such program.”<br />

-Armand Feigenbaum<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Unwavering<br />

Enthusiastic<br />

Supportive<br />

Empowering<br />

Delegating<br />

Developing<br />

No place for<br />

micromanagement<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Physician Involvement<br />

Physician Involvement<br />

“Most doctors prescribe pills, I<br />

prescribe empowerment”<br />

–Jay Parkinson, MD<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“But I hafta generate RVUs now, not another quality project!”<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Employees Mirror Leader Behavior<br />

Employees Mirror Leader Behavior<br />


LEAN Training 2010<br />


=Team traits<br />

Enthusiastic<br />

Passionate<br />

Positive<br />

Authentic<br />

Integrity<br />

Respectful<br />

Thoughtful<br />

High energy<br />

Dependable<br />

Caring<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Road to DEMINGISM<br />

“When the best leader leads,<br />

the people say-<br />

‘We did it ourselves’.”<br />

–Lao Tzu<br />

Your talk as leader-<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Key opportunities to improve & develop a<br />

culture of efficient, safer work<br />

The ‘system” determines performance<br />

Teamwork is the cure<br />

Require & know your metrics in workplace<br />

Redesign work to minimize variation<br />

Use work rules & improvement tools<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“One that would have the fruit<br />

must climb the tree.”<br />

-Thomas Fuller<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Leader’s Role<br />

Management’s job is to ‘work on the<br />

system’ to achieve continual product<br />

and process improvement.<br />

-W E Deming<br />

• Develop and communicate<br />

Vision, Goals, Priorities, Resources<br />

Strategies for leaders, team members, ownership<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Facilitate<br />

Remover barriers and roadblocks<br />

Communications, connections outside department<br />

Accountability for progress<br />

Require follow up, monitoring, documentation of changes<br />

• Encourage<br />

Celebration and recognition of contributions<br />

• Spread enthusiasm<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Role of<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

the<br />

Team Leader<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Champions Along Path of Workflow<br />

Champions Along Path of Workflow<br />


Pre-Analytic<br />

Analytic<br />

Post-Analytic<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Pre-Treatment<br />

Humans<br />

Treatment<br />


Evaluation<br />

Admission<br />

Assessment<br />

Testing<br />

Treatment<br />

Discharge<br />

Post-Treatment<br />

<strong>Health</strong> Outcomes<br />

•Productivity<br />

•Defects, Cost<br />

•Process stability<br />

•Employee satisfaction<br />

•Patient satisfaction<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Surgical Pathology<br />

Path of Workflow<br />

Human Tissue<br />

Processing<br />

Technology<br />

Diagnostic Report<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Surgery<br />

Specimen<br />

delivery<br />

Paraffin<br />

embedding<br />



Specimen<br />

accession<br />

Slide<br />

cutting<br />

Gross<br />

dissection<br />

Slide<br />

staining<br />

Tissue fixation<br />

& processing<br />

Slide<br />

label &<br />

delivery<br />

Report<br />

generation<br />

& delivery<br />

Pathologist<br />

interpretation<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Define Your Work Cells & Teams<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

What is a work cell?<br />

Semi-autonomous & multi-skilled work teams<br />

contributing to a task, service or product that is<br />

used by or serves another group in the workplace<br />

Questions:<br />

Who does what for whom? (Customer-Supplier)<br />

‣Who passes you your work? (supplier)<br />

‣Who requests work from you? (customer)<br />

‣Are they inside or outside your dept.?<br />

(internal or external suppliers & customers)<br />

Train the team,<br />

not individuals,<br />

to work together<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Identify Team Leaders<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

‣By work cell<br />

‣By leadership role<br />

‣May side step with co-leader<br />

‣By ability<br />

‣By passion<br />

‣By vote of the work cell members<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Team Leader Role<br />


• Project identification, selection, prioritization<br />

• Focus on problems, process, not personalities<br />

• Adhere to work rules & principles, use tools<br />

• Team member selection<br />

• Project definition, study, measures<br />

• Customer-supplier connections<br />

• Reality test proposed interventions<br />

• Project tracking<br />

• Push for continual problem ID & ideas for change<br />

• Communication & recognition<br />

• Coach, develop and encourage team members<br />

• Deal with failures<br />

• Celebrate the team’s success<br />

KEY<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Lean</strong> Facilitator Role<br />

• Educate in appropriate use of LEAN rules & tools<br />

• Assist in study design & statistical data analysis<br />

• Assist in scheduling meetings<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Follow-up on team progress<br />

• Remove communication roadblocks<br />

• Facilitate cross-departmental meetings<br />

• Address resistance and blaming<br />

• Facilitate presentations & worker recognition<br />

• Facilitate group learning from failures<br />

• Spread knowledge of best practices as lessons learned<br />

• Maintain a positive attitude in confronting problems<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Team Members Role<br />

• Identify defects, daily, cluster around whiteboards<br />

• Form groups to share & brainstorm problems<br />

• Join teams to address interventions<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Assist in design of measurement tools<br />

• Collect data<br />

• Assist in root cause analysis<br />

• Communicate to other teams, customer-suppliers<br />

• Communicate to managers/leaders<br />

• Keep track of process improvements<br />

• Continually seek better ways of performing the work<br />

• Present results of successes<br />

• Learn from the failures<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>


LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Create a<br />


How is change authorized and made?<br />


LEAN Training 2010<br />

LEADER<br />

LEADER<br />

Champion Champion Champion Champion<br />

member member member Shared member<br />

member member member<br />

Team Customer-Supplier Interaction Team<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN<br />

Champions<br />


<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Hospital Campus<br />

LEAN Team Leaders & Champions<br />

Dr. Zarbo<br />

“<strong>System</strong>s do not produce quality,<br />

people do.”<br />

-anonymous<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Autopsy<br />

Vernette<br />

Histology<br />

Beverly<br />

Surgical Pathology<br />

Sandy<br />

Accessio<br />

n<br />

Cheryl<br />

N.<br />

Rebecca<br />

Pathologists<br />

Dr.<br />

Ormsby<br />

Gross Rm.<br />

Immunohisto<br />

Bev<br />

erly<br />

Cat<br />

hy<br />

Nelson<br />

Dr.<br />

Linde<br />

n<br />

Mon<br />

ica<br />

Dr. Raju Dr. Alassi Dr. Torres<br />

Cheryl C.<br />

Dr. Jones<br />

Secretaries<br />

Laure<br />

Dr.<br />

Ormsby<br />

Dr. Cankovic<br />

Joann<br />

Molecular<br />

Lisa<br />

Chem<br />

Er<br />

na<br />

Microbiology<br />

Dr. Samuel<br />

Dr. Chitale<br />

Cytology<br />

Dr. Tibbetts Rhonda<br />

Mary<br />

Toni<br />

Dawn<br />

Jerry<br />

Clinical Laboratories<br />

Dr.<br />

Carey<br />

Coag<br />

HFPS Quality<br />

Support Staff<br />

Deb<br />

S<br />

Deb C.<br />

UA<br />

Steph<br />

anie<br />

Ruan<br />

Anjna<br />

Rita<br />

Dr.<br />

Feldkamp<br />

Blood Bank<br />

Linda<br />

Ed P.<br />

Steve.<br />

HLA<br />

Sharon<br />

Core<br />

John Z.<br />

Jennifer<br />

Kare<br />

n.<br />

Deb<br />

Don<br />

LSS<br />

Ralph<br />

Will<br />

Eula<br />

Pathology Informatics<br />

Dr.<br />

Tuthill<br />

Barb<br />

Hematology<br />

Kedar<br />

Admin. Team Lead Support<br />

John W.<br />

Miche<br />

le<br />

Joy Ron Lisa Dave<br />

Spec. Hema<br />

Rita<br />

Ken<br />

Denise<br />

S.<br />

Cathy R.<br />

Carolyn U.<br />

Regional Medical Centers<br />

Dr. Meier Dr. Jones<br />

Judy S.<br />

Dr. Carey<br />

WBM<br />

Sally L. Val C.<br />

Columbus<br />

Olivia Kathy S.<br />

Tarek<br />

Outreach<br />

Dr. Assarian<br />

Residents<br />

Je<br />

nni<br />

Joy P<br />

Ann Beth Melissa Karen<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

HFPS Guiding Principles<br />

We will be “best in class”, striving for zero defects<br />

Continually perfect processes & patient safety<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Our people, partners & patients are most important-<br />

Treated w/ respect, understanding, & cooperation<br />

Adapt & innovate <strong>Lean</strong> principles to HFHS<br />

Empowered workers, continuously learning,<br />

making scientifically based improvements that<br />

standardize process & eliminate waste,<br />

moving daily & continuously toward the ‘ideal’<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Credo card<br />

Steps of Quality<br />

Motto<br />

Employee Promise<br />

Credo<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Steps of Quality<br />

Doing<br />

the RIGHT thing,<br />

the<br />

RIGHT way,<br />

at the<br />

RIGHT time<br />

“Our invariable reply to<br />

‘It cant be done’, is<br />

‘Go Do It’.<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

Continually<br />

striving for<br />


to be the<br />

“BEST in<br />

CLASS”<br />


in the world<br />

Together we will<br />

strive for<br />


by applying<br />

principles of<br />

mutual respect,<br />

integrity,<br />

understanding,<br />

cooperation and<br />

effective<br />

communication<br />

I am<br />


to work with my<br />

colleagues to make<br />

changes, based on<br />

HFPS principles, to<br />

make things right<br />

for ourselves, our<br />

clinician customers<br />

and our patients<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Organizational Structure<br />

Organizational Structure<br />

Senior Leadership<br />

Medical & Administrative<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />

Quality Improvement<br />

&<br />

Patient Safety<br />

Your Existing Leader<br />

Quality Facilitators<br />

Group Leaders<br />

Work Team Leaders<br />

Ad hoc Leaders<br />

Team Members<br />

Information Technology Support<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Inverted Pyramid<br />

Inverted Pyramid<br />

“Your success will be affected<br />

by the quality and quantity of<br />

new ideas you suggest.”<br />

-Brian Tracy<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Work Cell Team Members<br />

Work Cell Team Leaders<br />

Group Leaders<br />

Support Staff<br />

Informatics<br />


Cust-<br />

Suppl<br />

Meetings<br />

Quality<br />

Initiatives<br />

Quality<br />

Specialists<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Sustaining Cultural Transformation<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Create a structure in top management that will<br />

push every day on Deming’s 13 points. The<br />

transformation is everybody’s job!<br />

#14<br />

• People Focus<br />

Choose champions & teams well<br />

Passionate, committed<br />

Educate continually from defects, solutions<br />

Hear the voice of the worker<br />

• Meetings, driver of continual improvement<br />

Leaders must meet weekly with champions<br />

Champions must meet weekly with team members<br />

All teams must meet monthly to ‘Share the Gain”<br />

• Performance Evaluation<br />

• Recognition, not $<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Your Best Asset<br />

“Any company has to recognize that<br />

not only is the human capital of their<br />

employees a major asset, it is also a<br />

depreciating asset that needs<br />

continual investment. -Gary Becker<br />

Developing People<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“The <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production provides the fertile ground for<br />

self growth and breeds our next generation of leaders.”<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Empowered Teams - Recognition & Reward<br />

Spotlight Team of Month<br />

Spotlight Team of the Month<br />

• Monthly HFPS Group Meetings<br />

• Share successes/failures<br />

• Spark enthusiasm<br />

• Set continuous expectation<br />

• Develop staff<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

Cheryl Neuman, Maria Gainer, Barbara Dionsi, Connie Shepard<br />

and Cassandra Parham<br />

Successful Process Improvements March–May<br />

2006<br />

• 5 s in the Gross Room<br />

• Accession Leveling<br />

• Standardization of Outside<br />

• Printer at scanner<br />

• Cross Training to cover frozen room<br />

• Protocol Standardization<br />

• Standardization of specimen holding buckets<br />

• Standardization of flags in CoPath<br />

• Standardization Flag Reporting<br />

• Specimen flag training<br />

• Standardize placenta template<br />

• Standardization and redesign of rehab missing information labeling<br />

• Participation of MIS ID project<br />

• New container labeler in Gross Room<br />

• Standardization and revision of lab tags<br />

• Standardized work procedures<br />

• Standardization of scanning tags<br />

• Standardization of requisition form process<br />

“Share the Gain Meeting”<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong><br />


Meetings<br />

“The bitterness of poor quality<br />

lingers long after the sweetness of<br />

meeting schedules is forgotten”<br />

-Kathleen Byle<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“No, Thursday’s out.<br />

How about never—is never good for you?”<br />

Weekly<br />

-Division Leaders<br />

-Division Teams<br />

Ad hoc<br />

-Customer-Supplier<br />

Monthly<br />

-Process<br />

Improvements<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Align Incentives<br />

Align Incentives<br />

“Opportunity is missed by most<br />

people because it comes dressed<br />

in overalls and looks like work.”<br />

-Thomas Edison<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“You’ve got mail.”<br />

-Accountability<br />

-Performance<br />

evaluations<br />

-$$ incentives<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Measures of Success<br />

Measures of Success<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Productivity<br />

• Defects<br />

• Cost of production<br />

• Process stability<br />

• Employee morale & satisfaction<br />

• Customer satisfaction<br />

• Competency pass rate<br />

• Resistance level<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

WASTE<br />

Quality Comparison<br />

Surgical Pathology<br />

"It is not possible to repeat too<br />

often that waste is not something<br />

which comes after the fact”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

2006 2007 2008<br />

Total SP Cases 1690 1791 1000<br />

Cases with<br />

Defects<br />

472 223 24<br />

Total Defects 494 288 24<br />

Defective Case<br />

Frequency<br />

Defect reduction<br />

1 of 3 1 of 8 1 of 40<br />

27.9% 12.5% 2.5%<br />

50/day 30/day 5/day<br />

55% 91%<br />

Fix<br />

Realtime<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Reality Testing<br />

Reality Testing<br />

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin<br />

again, this time more intelligently.”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Juran Institute estimates that<br />

30% of direct healthcare outlays<br />

are due to poor process quality<br />

Midwest Business Group on <strong>Health</strong>, Juran Institute, & Severyn Group, Inc (2003)<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Training 2010<br />


Stations in the process<br />

POST-<br />



Amended<br />

Reports<br />

Immuno Sp.<br />

Stain<br />

Histo Slides<br />

Grossing<br />

Accessioning<br />

Spec.Receiving<br />

Power of People<br />

Recuts<br />

Rehab<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

Defect Comparison 2006 to 2007<br />

9<br />

13<br />

17<br />

24<br />

50<br />

96%<br />

61<br />

72<br />

85<br />

99<br />

123<br />

151<br />

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160<br />

Totals<br />

31%<br />

“My theory of waste goes<br />

back of the thing itself into<br />

the labour of producing it”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

42% Top 4 defects<br />

Lab made<br />

66 97%<br />

62%<br />

62%<br />

2007<br />

2006<br />

89%<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Waste, Rework, & Inefficiency<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

"It is not possible to repeat too often<br />

that waste is not something which<br />

comes after the fact”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

“My theory of waste goes back of the<br />

thing itself into the labour of<br />

producing it”<br />

-<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Accountability & Satisfaction<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“When the best leader leads, the people say-<br />

‘We did it ourselves’.”<br />

–Lao Tzu<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Employee Satisfaction<br />

Technical Staff<br />

Surgical Pathology<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

>15% = significant<br />

• <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>System</strong> Employee Surveys<br />

• Percent FAVORABLE by Surgical Pathology workers<br />

2003 2006<br />

• 64% 94% There is a strong emphasis on customer service<br />

• 71% 94% Customer problems get corrected quickly<br />

• 56% 91% Where I work, we are continually improving the<br />

quality of our products & services<br />

• 79% 91% My job makes good use of my skills and abilities<br />

• 65% 91% The people I work with cooperate to get the job done<br />

• -- 87% Management shows by their actions that patient<br />

safety is a top priority<br />

• 47% 84% Where I work, day to day decisions demonstrate that<br />

quality & improvement are top priorities<br />

• 27% 75% How do you rate your overall physical environment<br />


<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Mindset of<br />

Continual Improvement<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“We know from the changes that have already been brought<br />

about that far greater changes are to come,<br />

and that therefore<br />

we are not performing a single operation<br />

as well as it ought to be performed ”<br />

- <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Customer Satisfaction<br />

Customer Satisfaction<br />


LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Anatomic Pathology Clinician Customer Satisfaction Surveys<br />

2005 2007<br />

2009<br />

Percent Favorable Score<br />

86% 88% 90% Overall Satisfaction<br />

92% 94% 91% Tumor Board presentations<br />

91% 88% 97% Teaching conferences and courses<br />

90% 92% 92% Quality of professional interaction<br />

89% 89% 92% Diagnostic accuracy<br />

89% 90% 90% Pathologists responsiveness to problems<br />

89% 92% 89% Pathologists accessibility for frozen sections<br />

87% 89% 90% Courtesy of secretarial/technical staff<br />

84% 88% 89% Communication of relevant information<br />

81% 88% 91% Notification of significant abnormal results<br />

81% 86% 87% Clarity & format of paper & electronic reports<br />

78% 85% 84% Timeliness of reporting<br />

5 Excellent<br />

4 Good<br />

3 Average<br />

2 Below average<br />

1 Poor<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

LEAN Culture & Management<br />

GOALS<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Adopt Deming’s philosophy of work and leadership<br />

• Constancy of purpose- manage through focus on quality<br />

• Create a learning organization & culture<br />

• Develop people, active participation of all staff<br />

• Create ownership for problems and resolution<br />

• Operate according to defined structure, work rules, using<br />

manufacturing based tools, in empowered teams<br />

• Continually improve quality, meet, exceed customer needs<br />

• Move incrementally to the ideal, continuously<br />

Zero Defect Tolerance<br />


<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Sustainers of LEAN Cultural Change<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Departmental Key Strategy- LEAN Management implementation<br />

• Clear messages quality ‘constancy of purpose’<br />

• 8 hour mandatory LEAN training- all service-line workers<br />

• 2 day Intensive LEAN training- all leaders<br />

• On-line (<strong>Health</strong>stream) LEAN training refresher core courses<br />

• Intranet (<strong>Henry</strong>) quality tools for our own ‘workforce’<br />

• Intranet Lab Division-specific quality tools for our ‘customers’<br />

• Electronic document control of standard work procedures<br />

• Intranet, paperless access to policy, procedure, standard work<br />

• Visual workplace, daily metrics<br />

• Weekly meetings- leaders, then teams<br />

• Monthly presentations, enforcing, recognition, learnings<br />

• Embedded quality professionals supporting the ‘new work’<br />

• Supplier standardization-Electronic Lab User’s Guide for all<br />

‘customers’- intranet and internet access<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Reasons to LEAN your Work<br />

Reasons to LEAN your Work<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

• Eliminate wasted time, effort & materials<br />

• To provide customers what the customer<br />

wants, when they wants it<br />

• Reduce defects to theoretical minimum<br />

• Reduce cost while improving quality<br />

• Quality enhances patient safety<br />

• Job security<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Future<br />

"“Learning is not compulsory, neither is survival”<br />

-W. Edwards Deming<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

The<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

WAY<br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

Q & A<br />

LEAN Training 2010<br />

“We know from the changes that have already been brought<br />

about that far greater changes are to come, and that<br />

therefore we are not performing a single operation as well<br />

as it ought to be performed.”<br />

– <strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong><br />

<strong>Henry</strong> <strong>Ford</strong> Production <strong>System</strong>

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