Catholic Outlook September 2015

Catholic Outlook September 2015

Catholic Outlook September 2015


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Fatherhood: A journey that changes you forever<br />

By Ben Smith, Director of the Family & Life Office<br />

I<br />

hope all fathers enjoy the presents and affection they<br />

receive on Father’s Day on 6 <strong>September</strong>. The wonderful<br />

hand-made cards that I get from my children are<br />

special and make me reflect on how fatherhood has<br />

changed me over the past 10 years. I believe these changes<br />

have been at an emotional, a physiological and a spiritual<br />

level. This process has been aided by the paternity leave<br />

that has allowed me to spend at least three weeks at home<br />

after the birth of each of my five children.<br />

Emotionally, I am more vulnerable now that I have<br />

children and I have developed the capacity to shed a tear<br />

or two, especially when I am away from home and missing<br />

my family. This tendency is new and I think it has resulted<br />

from the emotional bonds that I have developed with my<br />

wife and children.<br />

At a physiological level, I can recall how in the lead-up<br />

to the birth of a new child, I experienced a vagueness that<br />

meant that I became a little forgetful. I think it could be a<br />

form of baby brain syndrome.<br />

But isn’t this syndrome something that only pregnant<br />

women experience? My scientifically trained mind<br />

ignored this experience as I thought it was a figment of<br />

my imagination.<br />

But that all changed when I discovered the results of<br />

some recent research studies on this topic. Firstly, in 2011,<br />

US researchers from Northwestern University found that<br />

fathers experienced a reduction in testosterone after their<br />

baby was born.<br />

Another group of US researchers from the University<br />

of Michigan in 2014 found that these changes in<br />

testosterone also occured in fathers before their child was<br />

born.<br />

The researchers believe that the reduction in<br />

testosterone may reduce the level of aggression in males<br />

Proud father Joseph Younes cradles his firstborn son, Charlie.<br />

and make them more committed to helping nurture their<br />

child. Now there is an explanation for my prenatal baby<br />

brain!<br />

But other researchers have discovered changes in the<br />

levels of other hormones. A study published in 2010 by<br />

Israeli researchers from Bar-Ilan University found that<br />

fathers experienced an increase in bonding hormones<br />

such as oxytocin and prolactin.<br />

The size and duration of these hormonal changes is<br />

impacted by the level of involvement that fathers have in<br />

caring for their newborn child.<br />

This new area of research is bound to reveal a range of<br />

amazing discoveries and enhance our understanding of<br />


the biological basis of fatherhood and its importance in<br />

the upbringing of children.<br />

At a spiritual level, fatherhood has taught me to be a<br />

lot less selfish. I no longer get to watch much sport on the<br />

television and it doesn’t really bother me too much.<br />

I regularly have an interrupted sleep but I am happy to<br />

tuck my kids back into bed and I love saying a little prayer<br />

with them to settle them down. This level of self-sacrifice<br />

would have seemed impossible before I became a father.<br />

Being a father has developed my spirituality as I now<br />

see myself as the spiritual leader of my family. I have<br />

grown as a person to be able to be a strong leader to my<br />

five strong-willed children. I have had to reflect on the<br />

example I give my children in matters big and small. A<br />

father’s behaviour has a big impact on their children.<br />

Pope Francis spoke about the importance of fathers<br />

in his general audience on 4 February this year. He spoke<br />

about the need for a father to “be close to his children as<br />

they grow: when they play and when they strive, when they<br />

are carefree and when they are distressed, when they are<br />

talkative and when they are silent, when they are daring<br />

and when they are afraid, when they take a wrong step and<br />

when they find their path again; a father who is always<br />

present.” He also pointed out that “a good father knows<br />

how to wait and knows how to forgive from the depths of his<br />

heart.”<br />

The change that men undergo when they become<br />

fathers prepares them to play an indispensable role in<br />

their family. Good fathers find time to be present to their<br />

children. When fathers let their work take priority over<br />

their family, their wife and children can suffer.<br />

St Joseph is a great model for fathers. While he was a<br />

man of few words his example spoke volumes to his foster<br />

son, Jesus, the Word of God.<br />

www.parra.catholic.org.au @parracatholic facebook.com/parracatholic<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | SEPTEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 7

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