NAVAIR INSTRUCTION 4120.11 From: Commander, Naval Air ...

NAVAIR INSTRUCTION 4120.11 From: Commander, Naval Air ...

NAVAIR INSTRUCTION 4120.11 From: Commander, Naval Air ...

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<strong>NAVAIR</strong>INST <strong>4120.11</strong><br />

7.3 . Margins. Margins should be required for all text panes to<br />

prevent information from being obscured by borders or<br />

information in adjacent panes.<br />

7.4 . Justification. Left justification should be used for all<br />

lines of text displayed as sentences or paragraphs.<br />

7.5 . Word wrapping. Lines of text should wrap, so that no line<br />

extends beyond the limits of the pane or right margin, including<br />

when resized. Lines should be broken only between individual<br />

words or within a word when that word is explicitly hyphenated.<br />

If resized text exceeds the text pane area, vertical scrolling<br />

should be used.<br />

7.6 . Hyphenation. Hyphenation should not be used to display<br />

normally non-hyphenated words on successive lines.<br />

7.7 . Tables. Tabular information should be displayed as cells of<br />

textual information or a graphic. When tables contain textual<br />

elements, those elements should conform to the requirements<br />

herein, for textual information. Graphical elements within a<br />

table should conform to the requirements herein, for graphic<br />

material.<br />

7.7.1 . Display of tables. Tables should be displayed in a leftto-right,<br />

top-to-bottom array of cells. Tables should have<br />

column headers and, if applicable, row headers.<br />

7.7.2 . Justification. Lists of alphabetic data should be<br />

vertically aligned with left justification. Numerical data<br />

should be justified with respect to a fixed decimal point. In<br />

cases where there is no decimal point, the numerical data should<br />

be right justified.<br />

7.7.3 . Column spacing. Consistent column spacing should be<br />

maintained within a table. When more than one column of data is<br />

displayed, sufficient space should be provided to clearly<br />

distinguish the data.<br />

7.7.4 . Row spacing. For dense tables with more than ten rows, a<br />

grouping feature (i.e., a solid or blank line) may be inserted<br />

after every fifth row.<br />

7.8 . Graphics. The IETM should display graphics in a data pane<br />

as follows.<br />

7.8.1 . Display of graphic overlays. Encoded graphics should be<br />

displayed along with any associated callout overlays designed to<br />

indicate the specific components of the graphic.<br />

7.8.2 . Types of graphics. Two types of graphics should be<br />

displayed: static and interactive. Static graphics should be<br />

29 Enclosure (4)

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