Discover New Worlds with cpo Classics CD Catalogue New Releases

Discover New Worlds with cpo Classics CD Catalogue New Releases

Discover New Worlds with cpo Classics CD Catalogue New Releases


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<strong>Discover</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Worlds</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>cpo</strong><br />

<strong>Classics</strong> <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>Catalogue</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Releases</strong><br />


Burkhard Schmilgun

<strong>Discover</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Worlds</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>cpo</strong><br />

We’ve just celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary and after welcoming<br />

extraordinarily high praise from all sides we continue to look optimistically into<br />

the future <strong>with</strong> our now more than eighty new releases per year. <strong>cpo</strong> has won<br />

a worldwide listening audience <strong>with</strong> its uniquely broad and diverse repertoire<br />

ranging from Heinrich Schütz to Franz Lehár and from Josquin Desprez to<br />

Wolfgang Rihm. Our listeners know that this diversity is not random but instead<br />

represents a special selection bearing the producer’s personal signature.<br />

In the autumn of 2009 Burkhard Schmilgun received the Certificate of Honor of the<br />

Prize of the German Record Critics, whose jury members stated: »Among classical<br />

labels <strong>cpo</strong> is unrivaled when it comes to the proud claim of releasing one discovery<br />

after another from month to month. The man behind this program is Burkhard<br />

Schmilgun, who as producer and A & R director has been responsible since 1991<br />

not only for the selection of the label’s artists but also and above all for its repertoire.<br />

With his intuitive talent for locating gaps off the mainstream he not only has<br />

made a lasting contribution to the label’s catalogue but also has written a chapter<br />

of his own in reception history. It is owing to his engagement that so many a composer<br />

who has been forgotten or dismissed as a minor master has once again met<br />

<strong>with</strong> recognition and thanks to his persistence that during the past years trailblazing<br />

major editions such as those of the orchestral works of Erdmann, Hindemith, Korngold,<br />

Krenek, Pettersson, Toch, Weingartner, and Wellesz have been produced.«<br />

This praise offers us encouragement and shows us that we are on the right<br />

path – toward the goal of offering the many music lovers around the globe the<br />

opportunity to hear <strong>with</strong> their own ears just how much absolutely enthralling but<br />

unknown music there is besides Beethoven, Mozart & Co. while demonstrating<br />

that the verdict of music history has not always been just or justified. You<br />

are warmly invited to join us on this journey of adventure and discovery!<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Releases</strong> 2010–2012 ......... 5<br />

Alphabetical Back <strong>Catalogue</strong><br />

Abel, Carl Friedrich .................. 74<br />

Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel ....... 75<br />

Cage, John .............................. 83<br />

Davidoff, Carl .......................... 84<br />

Eberl, Anton ............................. 85<br />

Farrenc, Louise ......................... 86<br />

Gabrieli, Andrea ...................... 89<br />

Händel, Georg Friedrich ........... 92<br />

Ireland, John ............................ 96<br />

Josephus I. .............................. 96<br />

Kabalevsky, Dmitri..................... 96<br />

Lalo, Edouard .......................... 98<br />

Mahler-Werfel, Alma .............. 101<br />

Naumann, Johann Gottlieb ...... 104<br />

Offenbach, Jacques ................ 105<br />

Pachelbel, Johann .................. 105<br />

Radeck, Martin ...................... 108<br />

Saint-Saëns, Camille ............... 113<br />

Tajčević, Marko ..................... 121<br />

Veracini, Francesco Maria ...... 124<br />

Wagenaar, Johan .................. 126<br />

Ysaÿe, Eugène ....................... 129<br />

Zarebski, Juliusz ..................... 129<br />

Anthologies ............................ 129<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> special .............................. 131<br />

Organ Works of the<br />

North German Baroque ........ 132<br />

Christmas <strong>with</strong> <strong>cpo</strong> ................ 134<br />

Further Projects 2012/13 ...... 138<br />

Distributors ............................. 145<br />

The Team ................................ 147<br />


Neuland entdecken mit <strong>cpo</strong><br />

Das 25jährige Jubiläum liegt gerade hinter uns und nach außerordentlich viel Lob<br />

von allen Seiten blicken wir mit mittlerweile über 80 Neuheiten pro Jahr immer<br />

noch hoffnungsvoll in die Zukunft. <strong>cpo</strong> hat sich mit seiner wohl beispiellosen<br />

Repertoirevielfalt – von Heinrich Schütz bis Franz Lehár, von Josquin Desprez bis<br />

Wolfgang Rihm – einen weltweiten Kundenstamm erobert, der erkannt hat, dass<br />

diese Vielfalt nicht beliebig ist, sondern in persönlicher Handschrift durch den<br />

Produzenten das Besondere auswählt.<br />

So erhielt Burkhard Schmilgun im Herbst 2009 die Ehrenurkunde des Preises<br />

der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik mit folgender Begründung: »Kaum ein anderes<br />

Klassik-Label als <strong>cpo</strong> kann sich rühmen, Monat für Monat eine Entdeckung nach<br />

der anderen zu veröffentlichen. Dahinter steht Burkhard Schmilgun, der seit 1991<br />

als Produzent und Director A&R nicht nur für die Auswahl der Künstler, sondern<br />

vor allem auch für das Repertoire verantwortlich zeichnet. Mit seinem Gespür für<br />

Lücken abseits des Mainstreams hat er nicht nur den Katalog des Labels nachhaltig<br />

geprägt, sondern auch selbst ein Stück Rezeptionsgeschichte geschrieben.<br />

Seinem Engagement ist es zu verdanken, dass so mancher verschollene oder als<br />

Klein meister geschmähte Komponist überhaupt erst wieder zu Ehren gekommen<br />

ist, seiner Beharrlichkeit, dass in den letzten Jahren wegweisende Groß-Editionen<br />

entstehen konnten wie die der Orchesterwerke von Erdmann, Hindemith, Korngold,<br />

Krenek, Pettersson, Toch, Weingartner und Wellesz.«<br />

Dieses Lob ist uns Ansporn und zeigt uns, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind:<br />

Nämlich vielen Musikfreunden in der ganzen Welt hörend erlebbar zu machen,<br />

wie viel aufregend Unerhörtes es neben Beet hoven, Mozart & Co auch noch<br />

gibt, und das das Urteil der Musikgeschichte durchaus nicht immer gerecht und<br />

gerechtfertigt ist. Seien Sie herzlich zu dieser abenteuerlichen Entdeckungsfahrt<br />


<strong>New</strong> <strong>Releases</strong><br />

2010–2012<br />

Eugène d’Albert 1864–1932<br />

Symphony op. 4<br />

Seejungfräulein op. 15 for Soprano &<br />

Orchestra<br />

Anna Kasyan, Soprano<br />

Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester<br />

Hermann Bäumer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 264–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 3/2010: »Hermann<br />

Bäumer offers a carefully elaborated,<br />

musically most highly impressive interpretation.<br />

The outstanding recording technique<br />

not least contributes to the positive<br />

impression conveyed by this production.«<br />

George Antheil 1900–1959<br />

The Brothers (A One Act Opera)<br />

Rebecca Nelsen, Ray M. Wade Jr.,<br />

William Dazeley,<br />

E. Mark Murphy, Piotr Prochera<br />

Bochumer Symphoniker<br />

Steven Sloane<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 545–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011: »The<br />

important thing is that it grabbed me<br />

immediately and held my attention.<br />

Singing, orchestral playing, conducting,<br />

sound, and booklet are all first rate.«<br />


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 1714–1788<br />

Die Israeliten in der Wüste, Oratorio<br />

Gudrun Sidonie Otto, Nele Gramß,<br />

Hermann Oswald, Michael Schopper<br />

Salzburger Hofmusik<br />

Wolfgang Brunner<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 560–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

6<br />

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 1714–1788<br />

Hamburger Quartalsmusiken<br />

Les Amis de Philippe<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 594–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 10/09: »Les Amis de Philippe<br />

once more prove to be the perfect<br />

partners for the vocal ensemble; the structure<br />

always remains fully transparent and<br />

vivid, even amid the musical splendor of<br />

the choral music.«<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685–1750<br />

The Apocryphal Bach Masses II &<br />

Magnificat II<br />

Missa BWV Anh. 167<br />

Missa BWV Anh. 24<br />

Magnificat BWV Anh. 30<br />

Sanctus BWV 237, 239 & 240<br />

Cantata BWV 150<br />

Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam<br />

Solistenquartett der Musikhoch-<br />

schule Bremen<br />

Alsfelder Vokalensemble<br />

Hannoversche Hofkapelle<br />

Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 561–2 <strong>CD</strong>, 2009

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach 1710–1784<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

Friedhelm Flamme, Hillebrand-Orgel,<br />

Münsterkirche St. Alexandri zu Einbeck<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 527–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute.com 2/2011: »Each and<br />

every piece, superbly rendered by Friedhelm<br />

Flamme, is a rewarding listening<br />

experience. As already has quite often<br />

been the case, hearty thanks must be extended<br />

to the <strong>cpo</strong> label for unearthing this<br />

treasure from the ›realm of oblivion.‹ «<br />

Henk Badings 1907–1987<br />

Symphonies 3, 10 & 14<br />

Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 522–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 12/2010:<br />

»Any one drawn to high-voltage modernbut<br />

mainstream symphonic music would<br />

most likely find these symphonies well<br />

worth seeking out. I am grateful to <strong>cpo</strong> for<br />

rescuing them from undeserved neglect.«<br />

Nathanael Berg 1879–1957<br />

Symphony No. 3 »Forces«<br />

Reverenza<br />

Suite from »Hertiginnans friare«<br />

Norrköping Symphony Orchestra<br />

Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 325–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006<br />

American Record Guide 8/2010: »Rasilainen’s<br />

interpretations are as cogent as<br />

the nature of music will allow. Performances<br />

of all three works sound capable,<br />

<strong>with</strong> the recording quality ditto.«<br />


Fritz von Bose 1865–1945<br />

Piano Works<br />

Alexandra Oehler, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 201–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001<br />

klassik-heute.com 10/2011: »It is not<br />

only that the variations reveal of Bose’s<br />

compositional and creative skill <strong>with</strong>in<br />

the shortest space. They also attest to<br />

Alexandra Oehler’s pianistic mastery.<br />

Her playing, marvelously intuitive in its<br />

effect, mirrors the atmosphere and tone<br />

of this music replete <strong>with</strong> melancholy<br />

sorrow.«<br />

8<br />

Paul Ben-Haim 1897–1984<br />

Symphony No. 1<br />

Fanfare to Israel<br />

Symphonic Metamorphoses on Bach<br />

Chorale »Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt<br />

walten«<br />


Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 417–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 10/2011: »Israel<br />

Yinon is a persuasive advocate of Ben-<br />

Haim’s music. He has carefully prepared<br />

the works <strong>with</strong> the sovereign Hanover<br />

Radio Philharmonic and roused them to<br />

enthralling life.«<br />

John Blow 1649–1708<br />

Venus and Adonis;<br />

Welcome, ev’ry Guest<br />

(Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day);<br />

Ground in g minor for two violins and<br />

continuo;<br />

Chloe found Amyntas lying all in tears<br />

Amanda Forsythe, Tyler Duncan,<br />

Mireille Lebel, Jason McStoots,<br />

Zachary Wilder, Douglas Williams<br />

Boston Early Music Festival<br />

Vocal & Chamber Ensembles<br />

Paul O’Dette & Stephen Stubbs<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 614–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 10/2011: »This<br />

is a topnotch production, and I would<br />

not hesitate to recommend it for a first<br />

choice. A collector’s delight and a superior<br />

release in every way.«

Georg Böhm 1661–1733<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

(Organ Works of the North German<br />

Baroque Vol. 8)<br />

Friedhelm Flamme, Creutzburg-Orgel<br />

der Propsteikirche St. Cyriakus zu<br />

Duderstadt<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 501–2<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2009<br />

Johannes Brahms 1833–1897<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

Haydn Variations op. 56a<br />

Tragic Overture op. 81<br />

Academical Festival Overture op. 80<br />

Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra<br />

Andrew Manze<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 720–2<br />

3 SA<strong>CD</strong>s (Hybrid), DDD, 2010<br />

Johannes Brahms 1833–1897<br />

Piano Trios 1–4<br />

Eskar Trio<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 642–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik-heute.com 8/2011: »Spontaneous,<br />

vibrant musical eloquences is the<br />

result, and the listener cannot resist being<br />

drawn deeper and deeper into the<br />

mysteries of the music. An ensemble<br />

capable of playing the enormously demanding<br />

Brahms trio like this is a master<br />

of its musical trade.«<br />


Helen Buchholtz 1877–1953<br />

Piano Works<br />

Marco Kraus, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 635–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Pizzicato 6/2011: »The music surprises<br />

us <strong>with</strong> a very personal, introverted, and<br />

nuanced ensemble language revealing a<br />

genuine talent that went unnoticed all too<br />

long. Marco Kraus captures the charm of<br />

the music <strong>with</strong> great talent.«<br />

10<br />

Ferruccio Busoni 1866–1924<br />

Piano Works<br />

Hommages à Mozart, Bach & Chopin<br />

(Transcriptions and adaptations)<br />

Roland Pöntinen, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 427–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Anton Bruckner 1824–1896<br />

Symphonies Vol. 1:<br />

Symphonies 4 & 7<br />

Sinfonieorchester Basel<br />

Mario Venzago<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 615–2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

Neue Zürcher Zeitung 4.11.2011: »A<br />

Bruckner as thrilling as this has not been<br />

heard in long time.« Klassik-heute.com<br />

7/2011: »Both recordings have turned<br />

out so well that one delightedly anticipates<br />

the continuation.« Gramophone<br />

11/2011: »Individual performance!<br />

What I do like about Venzago’s Bruckner<br />

is its implied acknowledgement of<br />

nature, an almost Dvorakian sense of the<br />

outdoors. It’s definitely worth trying and<br />

the recorded sound has considerable<br />


Anton Bruckner 1824–1896<br />

Symphonies Vol. 2:<br />

Symphonies 0. & 1<br />

Tapiola Sinfonietta<br />

Mario Venzago<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 617–2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik-heute.com 1/2012: »Venzago’s<br />

novel, thoroughly independent Bruckner<br />

reading finds its fascinating and electrifying<br />

continuation in the zeroth and first<br />

symphonies. A Bruckner interpretation<br />

bringing to light what had been unheardof<br />

and had been left unheard.«<br />

Mario Venzago<br />


Georgy Catoire 1861–1926<br />

Works for Violin & Piano<br />

Sonata op. 15; Poème op. 20; Elégie op.<br />

26; Romanze op. 1 No. 4<br />

Laurent Albrecht Breuninger, Violin<br />

Anna Zassimova, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 378–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

FonoForum 5/2010: »Laurent Albrecht<br />

Breuninger and his finely attuned accompanist<br />

Anna Zassimova concentrate on<br />

elegance and the expressive richness of<br />

entertaining and rousing chamber music<br />

that is also related to Liszt’s cosmos.«<br />

12<br />

Marc-Antoine Charpentier 1643–1704<br />

Baroque Operas: Actéon; Orphée<br />

descendant aux Enfers; La Pierre<br />

Philosophale<br />

Aaron Sheehan, Teresa Wakim etc.<br />



Paul O’Dette & Stephen Stubbs<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 613–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 6/2011:<br />

»These BEMF performances are first-class<br />

and utterly enjoyable. Lovely sound. A<br />

very generous booklet is included, <strong>with</strong><br />

extensive and illuminating essays. In all,<br />

not to be missed!«<br />

Franz Danzi 1763–1826<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana<br />

Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 351–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007<br />

American Record Guide 6/2011: »Griffiths’<br />

conducting of the Danzi symphonies<br />

must go to the top of the list. They are<br />

skillfully played, well recorded, and gloriously<br />

annotated <strong>with</strong> 12 pages of English<br />

language notes.«

Carl Davidoff 1838–1889<br />

Cello Concertos 3 & 4<br />

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1840–1893<br />

Nocturne op. 19 No. 4; Pezzo Capriccioso<br />

op. 62 (Andante cantabile)<br />

Wen-Sinn Yang, Violoncello<br />

Shanghai Symphony Orchestra<br />

Terje Mikkelsen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 432–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Fanfare 12/2011: »This <strong>cpo</strong> release<br />

is an excellent recording, and one that<br />

may be strongly recommended to those<br />

<strong>with</strong> an appreciation for this type of repertoire.«<br />

Josquin Desprez 1440–1521<br />

Missa »Ave maris stella«<br />

Marian Motets: Virgo prudentissima;<br />

Virgo salutiferi; Alma redemptoris mater;<br />

Illibata Die viro nutrix; Salve regina<br />


Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 590–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Francesco Durante 1684–1755<br />

Neapolitan Music for Christmas Vol. 1<br />

Robert Mameli, Ursula Eittinger,<br />

Andreas Post, Stephan MacLeod<br />

Kölner Akademie<br />

Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 571–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

BBC Music Magazine 12/11: »A delightful<br />

relaxed and tuneful Nativity Cantata<br />

is the main item on this <strong>CD</strong>. Think Vivaldi<br />

<strong>with</strong>out the rhythmic hyperactivity.«<br />


Antonin Dvorák 1841–1904<br />

Concerto for Violoncello & Orchestra<br />

(Youth-Concerto)<br />

Waldesruhe op. 68 No. 5; Rondo op.<br />

94; Polonaise<br />

Ramon Jaffé, Violoncello<br />

Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie<br />

Daniel Raiskin<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 461–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

American Record Guide 10/2010: »I<br />

love this concerto, and I love what Jaffé<br />

does <strong>with</strong> it.« FonoForum 7/2010: »An<br />

instructive example of the early Dvorak.<br />

Ramon Jaffé is a delightfully engaged<br />

and passionately active advocate of this<br />

concerto.«<br />

14<br />

Johannes Eccard 1553–1611<br />

Sacred & Secular Works<br />

Opella Musica<br />

Ensemble NOEMA<br />

Gregor Meyer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 700–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011<br />

Thüringische Landeszeitung 5.11.2011:<br />

»This year the music world paid tribute<br />

to the Mühlhausen composer Johann<br />

Eccard on the occasion of the four hundredth<br />

anniversary of his death. Eccard<br />

had a not inconsiderable influence on the<br />

development of early sacred music. The<br />

music transports the listener to a past era<br />

and its spiritual spheres.«<br />

Anders Eliasson *1947<br />

Quo Vadis for Tenor, Choir & large<br />

Orchestra<br />

Michael Weinius, Tenor<br />

Swedish Radio Choir<br />

Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra<br />

Johannes Gustavsson<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 495–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 8/2011: »Anders Eliasson is<br />

a voice from Sweden audibly towering<br />

up in contemporary music’s diverse landscape.<br />

The interpretation is outstanding,<br />

the sound quality is excellent – what more<br />

could a listener want?«

Anton Eberl 1765–1807<br />

Piano Concertos opp. 32 & 40<br />

Paolo Giacometti & Riko Fukuda,<br />

fortepiano<br />

Die Kölner Akademie<br />

Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 354–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Michael Alexander<br />

Willens<br />


Georg Enescu 1881–1955<br />

The Piano Quartets<br />

Tammuz Piano Quartet<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 506–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011:<br />

»This heartbreakingly lovely music has<br />

never sounded better.« Spiegel-Kultur<br />

12/2010: »A dazzling recording by the<br />

Tammuz Piano Quartet, first founded in<br />

2007! With liveliness verging on improvisation<br />

the instrumentalists turn this music<br />

into an ideal conversation so fabulously<br />

rich in imagination that we lose our sense<br />

of time.«<br />

16<br />

August Enna 1859–1939<br />

Symphony No. 2;<br />

»Fairy Tale« (Symphonic Pictures);<br />

»Hans Christian Andersen« Overture<br />


Michael Hofstetter<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 035–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004/05<br />

klassik-heute.com 11/2010: »The abstract<br />

programmatic suite reveals plenty<br />

of romantic temperament and a high degree<br />

of orchestral fantasy, thus providing<br />

for suspenseful and richly varied music.<br />

The symphony is also a gripping and stirring<br />

composition.«<br />

Leo Fall 1873–1925<br />

Der fidele Bauer (Operetta in two acts)<br />

Rupert Bergmann, Robert Maszl,<br />

Franz Suhrada, Eugene Amesmann,<br />

Laura Scherwitzl, Thomas Zisterer,<br />

Romana Noack<br />

Chor des Lehár Festivals<br />

Franz Lehár-Orchester<br />

Vinzenz Praxmarer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 591–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik-heute.com 8/2011: »The performance<br />

of the work obtains its appeal<br />

above all from the electrifying leadership<br />

of the conductor Praxmarer. The orchestra<br />

sparkles <strong>with</strong> pep and verve, and<br />

there is hardly a dull moment.«

Georg Gebel d. J. 1709–1753<br />

Christmas Cantatas Vol. 1<br />

Verfolge mich, o Welt!<br />

Gott Lob! Mein Jesus macht mich rein<br />

Veronika Winter, Britta Schwarz,<br />

Andreas Post, Matthias Vieweg<br />

Les Amis de Philippe, Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 610–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011:<br />

»These performances are of the highest<br />

order and compare favorably <strong>with</strong> the<br />

finest European early music ensembles.«<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />


Georg Gebel d. J. 1709–1753<br />

Christmas Cantatas Vol. 2<br />

Mein Jesu A und O, der Anfang und<br />

das Ende<br />

Begebet eure Leiber zum Opfer<br />

Veronika Winter, Gesine Adler,<br />

Britta Schwarz, Andreas Post,<br />

Matthias Vieweg<br />

Les Amis de Philippe<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 611–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Early Music Review 12/2011: »These<br />

are substantial pieces. As one would<br />

expect for the celebration of <strong>New</strong> Year,<br />

Gebel requires trumpets, and he also employs<br />

a pair of flutes, which once again<br />

give the piece as modern feel. <strong>cpo</strong> has<br />

not disappointed this year.«<br />

18<br />

Ernst von Gemmingen 1759–1813<br />

Violin Concertos 1 & 2<br />

Johann Matthias Sperger · Sinfonia in F<br />

Kolja Lessing, Violin<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 454–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Lodovico Giustini 1685–1743<br />

Sonate da Cimbalo di piano e forte<br />

Florenz 1732 (Selection: Sonatas 1, 2,<br />

7, 8, 10 & 11)<br />

Wolfgang Brunner, Fortepiano (copy<br />

after Cristofori)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 207–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

FonoForum 11/2010: »Star of the<br />

Month! Both the instrument and the interpreter<br />

deserve the highest praise: Wolfgang<br />

Brunner very knowledgeably and<br />

finely lends each and every one of the<br />

twentyseven numbers a clear profile.«

Johann Gottlieb Graun 1702–1771<br />

Carl Heinrich Graun 1703/04–1759<br />

Concerti<br />

Cappella Academica Frankfurt<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 321–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

Early Music Review 6/2011: »As one<br />

would expect of a recording headlined<br />

by Michael Schneider, the performances<br />

are top notch – and clearly, he and his<br />

colleagues are producing a new generation<br />

of first rate early musicians.«<br />

Christoph Willibald Gluck 1714–1787<br />

Five Symphonies<br />

L’Orfeo Barockorchester<br />

Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 411–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011:<br />

»Michi Gaigg and her Orfeo Baroque<br />

Orchestra play the Symphonies brilliantly.<br />

They are well recorded and annotated.«<br />

Carl Andreas Goepfert 1768–1818<br />

Three Clarinet Concertos<br />

Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet<br />

Jenaer Philharmonie<br />

Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 407–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

FonoForum 8/2010: »Star of the Month!<br />

Dieter Klöcker dedicates himself to the<br />

pieces <strong>with</strong> his characteristic musical<br />

intensity, tonal nobility, and technical<br />

brilliance. The Jena Philharmonic under<br />

the sovereign conducting of Johannes<br />

Moesus proves to be an ideal orchestra<br />

for such an enterprise.«<br />


Charles Gounod 1818–1893<br />

La Nonne Sanglante (Opera in five acts)<br />

Marco Vassalli, Genadijus Bergorulko,<br />

Yoonki Baek etc.<br />

Chor und Herren-Extrachor des Theater<br />

Osnabrück<br />

Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester<br />

Hermann Bäumer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 388–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008<br />

Prize of the German Record Critics<br />

3/2010! klassik.com 6/2010: »A wonderful<br />

discovery! The interpreters offer<br />

impressive testimony demonstrating just<br />

how outstanding and innovative the<br />

achievements of a supposed provincial<br />

theater can be.«<br />

20<br />

Louis Théodore Gouvy 1819–1898<br />

Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2<br />

Deutsche Radio Philharmonie<br />

Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern<br />

Jacques Mercier<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 381–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Louis Théodore Gouvy 1819–1898<br />

Symphony No. 6<br />

Sinfonietta op. 80<br />

Deutsche Radio Philharmonie<br />

Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern<br />

Jacques Mercier<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 380–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik-heute.com 1/2010: »A musical<br />

lucky hand: the orchestra playing is flawless,<br />

and Mercier’s presentation is careful,<br />

finely felt, and of great persuasive<br />


Christoph Graupner 1683–1760<br />

Christmas Cantatas<br />

Frohlocke, werte Christenheit;<br />

Der Herr hat mich gehabt;<br />

Das Licht des Lebens scheint hell;<br />

Das Licht scheinet in der Finsternis;<br />

Von Gott will ich nicht lassen<br />

Veronika Winter, Franz Vitzthum,<br />

Jan Kobow, Markus Flaig<br />

Das Kleine Konzert<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 572–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Early Music Review 12/2010: »Hermann<br />

Max and his team are to be heartily<br />

congratulated on another exceedingly<br />

fine recording of some top-notch music.«<br />

Hermann Max<br />


Louis Théodore Gouvy 1819–1898<br />

Iphigénie en Tauride (Oratorio)<br />

Christine Maschler, Ekkehard Abele,<br />

Benjamin Hulett, Vinzenz Haab<br />

Kantorei Saarlouis<br />

La Grande Société Philharmonique<br />

Joachim Fontaine<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 504–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2006<br />

klassik.com 11/2010: »An interesting,<br />

musically very rewarding enrichment of<br />

the oratorio repertoire of the second half<br />

of the nineteenth century. The recording<br />

technique is delightfully transparent and<br />

optimally balanced; the booklet is a competent<br />

guide and contains all the necessary<br />

information.«<br />

22<br />

Paul Graener 1872–1944<br />

Orchestral Works I<br />

Comedietta<br />

Variationen über ein russisches Volkslied<br />

Musik am Abend<br />

Sinfonia breve<br />


Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 679–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Paul Graener 1872–1944<br />

Works for Piano Trio: Suite op. 19;<br />

Kammermusikdichtung op. 20;<br />

Piano Trio op. 61; Theodor-Storm-Musik<br />

op. 93<br />

Hyperion-Trio<br />

Albrecht Pöhl, Baritone<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 599–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

American Record Guide 10/2011: »I<br />

am thrilled that a world-class ensemble<br />

like the Hyperion Trio is recording and<br />

performing this important music. Their<br />

musicality is admirable.«

Agostino Guerrieri 1630–1684<br />

Sonate di Violino<br />

Parnassi musici<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 543–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Georg Friedrich Händel 1685–1759<br />

Concerti Grossi op. 3<br />

Concerto Copenhagen<br />

Lars Ulrik Mortensen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 488–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Georg Friedrich Händel 1685–1759<br />

Apollo e Dafne »La terra e liberata«<br />

HWV 122<br />

Concerto grosso op. 3/2 HWV 313;<br />

Overture HWV 336<br />

Suites HWV 352 & 354 »Die verwandelte<br />

Daphne«; Suite HWV 354<br />

»Der beglückte Florindo«; Chaconne<br />

from »Terpsichore« HWV 8b<br />

Andrea Lauren Brown, Dominik Wörner<br />

Cantus firmus consort<br />

Andrea Reize<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 228–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Der Sonntag (Mittellandzeitung) 23.10.<br />

2011: »A little baroque opera sensation!<br />

On this recording the cantus firmus<br />

consort impressively demonstrates its<br />

proficiency in the music of the eighteenth<br />

century.«<br />


Georg Friedrich Händel 1685–1759<br />

Cantatas: Ach, Herr, mich armen Sünder<br />

(author uncertain);<br />

Triumph, ihr Christen seid erfreut<br />

(author uncertain)<br />

Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow 1663–1712<br />

Easter Cantatas<br />

Gudrun Sidonie Otto, Margaret Hunter,<br />

Christoph Dittmar, Mirko Ludwig,<br />

Guillaume Olry<br />

Cantus Thuringia, Capella Thuringia<br />

Bernhard Klapprott<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 643–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011: »Here<br />

is a fascinating release. The Zachow<br />

works are most welcome. Klapprott leads<br />

from the organ <strong>with</strong> great sensitivity.«<br />

24<br />

Johann Adolf Hasse 1699–1783<br />

Sacred Works<br />

Barbara Christina Steude, Susanne<br />

Langner, Georg Poplutz, Matthias Lutze<br />

Sächsisches Vocalensemble<br />

Batzdorfer Hofkapelle<br />

Matthias Jung<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 462–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Sächsische Zeitung 18.8.2010: »Hasse’s<br />

compositions belong tot he most magnificent<br />

works of this epoch; the Vocalensemble<br />

and the Hofkapelle number<br />

among the best of their guild. Wonderful<br />

for kneeling!«<br />

Joseph Haydn 1732–1809<br />

Six Divertimenti Hob. IV:6–11 for Flute,<br />

Violin & Violoncello;<br />

Trio Hob. XI:82<br />

Ensemble Sans Souci Berlin<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 511–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

<strong>Classics</strong> Today 10/2010: »The music<br />

is light and delicious. The performances<br />

here are as lively as the music. The music<br />

deserves your attention, and the performances<br />

make it a very easy listen.«

Joseph Haydn 1732–1809<br />

Complete Piano Trios<br />

Trio 1790 (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 649–2 9 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995–2003<br />

Michael Haydn 1737–1806<br />

Symphonies P. 11, 15, 20, 24, 32, 33,<br />

44, 52, 82<br />

(Nos. 14, 17, 19, 24, 29, 33, 40 & 41);<br />

Symphony in F; 3 Marches P. 59, 62, 64<br />

Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss<br />

Johannes Goritzki<br />

Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 137–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994/03/04<br />

klassik-heute.com 1/2010: »Frank Beermann<br />

and Johannes Goritzki make for<br />

constant dazzle and shine in all the instrumental<br />

groups – so that one experiences<br />

genuine joy.«<br />

Victor Herbert 1859–1924<br />

Serenade for String Orchestra op. 12;<br />

Seven Pieces for Violoncello & String<br />

Orchestra;<br />

Three Pieces for String Orchestra;<br />

Maximilian Hornung, Violoncello<br />

Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester<br />

Pforzheim<br />

Sebastian Tewinkel<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 576–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09<br />

Pizzicato 10/2011: »How Lovely, Mr.<br />

Herbert! This <strong>CD</strong> is absolutely to be recommended<br />

to every fan of high quality<br />

music in a light style: the charm of all<br />

three compositions is irresistible.«<br />


Heinrich von<br />

Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Violin Concerto WoO 4;<br />

Odysseus, Symphony for Large<br />

Orchestra op. 16<br />

Ulf Wallin, Violin<br />

Deutsche Radio Philharmonie<br />

Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern<br />

Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 280–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007<br />

American Record Guide 10/2010: »The<br />

performances – Ulf Wallin’s especially –<br />

are exemplary.« Pizzicato 5/2010: »A<br />

very impressive case on behalf of a composer<br />

who today continues to live only in<br />

the shadow of the greats.«<br />

26<br />

Heinrich von<br />

Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

String Quintet op. 77<br />

String Quartet op. 18<br />

Minguet Quartett<br />

Peter Langgartner, Viola<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 083–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

FonoForum 3/2010: »Moving depth of<br />

expression! The members of the Minguet<br />

Quartet prove to be qualified and<br />

engaged advocates of this forgotten<br />

composer.«<br />

Heinrich von<br />

Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Complete Violin Sonatas 1–3<br />

Phantasy op. 15 for Violin & Piano<br />

Legends op. 62 for Viola & Piano<br />

Christian Altenburger, Violin & Viola<br />

Oliver Triendl, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 428–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008/09

Heinrich von<br />

Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Works for Mixed Choir a cappella:<br />

Sechs Lieder op. 10;<br />

Sechs Gesänge op. 57;<br />

Psalm 116 op. 34;<br />

Zum Erntedank op. 99, Teil V;<br />

Vier Choralmotetten op. 102<br />

Rheinische Kantorei<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 728–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

E. T. A. Hoffmann 1776–1822<br />

Liebe und Eifersucht (Singspiel in drei<br />

Akten AV 33)<br />

Robert Sellier, Christina Gerstberger,<br />

Florian Simson, Sybille Specht, Gary<br />

Martin, Thérèse Wincent, Sybilla Duffe,<br />

Stefan Sevenich<br />

Orchester der Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele<br />

(on period instruments)<br />

Michael Hofstetter<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 435–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>S, DDD, 2008<br />

American Record Guide 4/2011: »Were<br />

I hear Liebe und Eifersucht on the radio<br />

<strong>with</strong>out being identified it would drive<br />

me crazy trying to guess which obscure<br />

Mozart opera it was. Liebe – is that enjoyable.«<br />

Engelbert Humperdinck 1854–1921<br />

String Quartets · Piano Quintet<br />

Diogenes Quartett Andreas Kirpal<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 547–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />


Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

28<br />

Engelbert Humperdinck 1854–1921<br />

Dornröschen (A fairy tale opera)<br />

Brigitte Fassbaender, Christian Landshamer,<br />

Kristiane Kaiser, Tobias Haaks,<br />

Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks<br />

Münchner Rundfunkkorchester,<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 510–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008<br />

Gramophone 5/2011: »A beautifully<br />

performed version <strong>with</strong> fine singing.<br />

There’s irresistibly beautiful music in the<br />

festive and fairy chourses. The whole is<br />

magically orchestrated.«

John Ireland 1879–1962<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

Stefan Kagl, Organ, Herforder Münster<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 481–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 3/2010: »A pearl<br />

of English late romanticism. Marvelous<br />

music, virtuosically and knowledgeably<br />

interpreted; an all-around successful<br />

recording – most highly to be recommended.«<br />

Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda 1801–1866<br />

Symphonies No. 2 op. 17 & No. 4<br />

op. 60;<br />

Concert Overture No. 17 op. 242<br />

Kölner Akademie<br />

Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 469–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Early Music Review 2/2011: »Three<br />

very accomplished pieces of orchestral<br />

writing. I hope sincerely that Willens,<br />

the ever-impressive Kölner Akademie<br />

and <strong>cpo</strong> will continue to champion Kalliwoda’s<br />

output.«<br />

Reinhard Keiser 1674–1739<br />

Passion Music:<br />

Ich liege und schlafe ganz mit Frieden;<br />

Wir gingen alle in die Irre;<br />

Selige Erlösungs-Gedancken<br />

Eva Tenkanan, Dörthe Sandmann,<br />

Olivia Vermeulen, Knut Schoch,<br />

Julian Podger, Raimund Spogis,<br />

Matthias Jahrmärke<br />

Capella Orlandi Bremen<br />

Thomas Ihlenfeldt<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 999 821–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Toccata – Alte Musik Aktuell 4/2011:<br />

»This production is absolutely to be recommended,<br />

and it is to be hoped that<br />

other sacred works by Keiser will be<br />

recorded.«<br />


August Klughardt 1847–1902<br />

Violin Concerto op. 68<br />

Symphony No. 3 op. 37<br />

Mirjam Tschopp, Violin<br />

Anhaltische Philharmonie Dessau<br />

Golo Berg<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 465–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 9/2011: »Mirjam Tschopp<br />

fills the solo part <strong>with</strong> an entire cosmos<br />

of sound colors and moods. With the<br />

orchestra and conductor she presents an<br />

impressive case for a composer to whom<br />

one just cannot listen impartially.«<br />

30<br />

Charles Koechlin 1867–1950<br />

Organ Works<br />

Christian Schmitt, Neue Goll-Orgel<br />

2007/09, Marktkirche Hannover<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 512–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute.com 10/2011: »The new<br />

Goll organ offers all the necessary colors<br />

and the powerful sound for doing justice<br />

to the sophistication of this music and its<br />

bold harmonic experiments.«<br />

Erich Wolfgang Korngold 1897–1957<br />

Die stumme Serenade op. 36<br />

Sarah Wegener, Birger Radde etc.<br />

Young Opera Company<br />

Holst-Sinfonietta, Klaus Simon<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 485–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute.com 12/2011: »The music<br />

is catchy and richly varied. The duos of<br />

the buffo part have dancy swing and<br />

sound fresh and peppy. And the real<br />

punch of the score lies in the extraordinary<br />

instrumentation for a wind ensemble.«

Ernst Krenek 1900–1991<br />

Symphony No. 4 op. 113<br />

(World Premiere Recording);<br />

Concerto Grosso op 25,2<br />

Soloists »Concerto Grosso«: Volker<br />

Worlitzsch, Violin; Dimitar Penkov,<br />

Viola; Nikolai Schneider, Violoncello<br />


Alun Francis<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 210–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today.com 8/2011: »Alun Francis<br />

and the NDR Radiophilharmonie<br />

deliver top-notch performances of both<br />

works. <strong>cpo</strong>’s spacious recording offers<br />

plenty of detail and impact.«<br />

Rodolphe Kreutzer 1766–1831<br />

Violin Concertos 15, 18 & 19<br />

Laurent Albrecht Breuninger , Violin<br />

SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern<br />

Alun Francis<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 188–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005/06<br />

FonoForum 1/2011: »Breuninger does<br />

outstanding justice to the virtuoso demands.<br />

He brilliantly polishes his solos,<br />

practically <strong>with</strong> a Paganini’s bravura.<br />

Meritorious.«<br />

Johann Kuhnau 1660–1722<br />

Cantatas & Arias for Soprano<br />

Vincenzo Albrici 1631–1696<br />

Soprano Cantatas<br />

Concerto con voce<br />

Barbara Christina Steude, Soprano<br />

Jan Katzschke, Direction<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 531–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute 12/2010: »Jan Katzschke<br />

and Christina Steude present a delightful<br />

musical kaleidoscope of German<br />

sacred music around 1700 that is stylistically<br />

clean as well as compellingly<br />

performed.«<br />


Rued Langgaard 1893–1952<br />

Selected Organ Works<br />

Carl Nielsen 1865–1931<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

Friedhelm Flamme, Organ, Stiftskirche<br />

zu Bad Gandersheim<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 414–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-com 11/2010: »Friedhelm Flamme<br />

proves that he has a fine feel for the<br />

various color tones of these Danish organ<br />

pieces. He selects characteristic registrations<br />

in such a way that the pieces produce<br />

thrilling listening pleasure.«<br />

32<br />

Franz Lehár 1870–1948<br />

The Best of Lehár:<br />

Symphonic Works, Suites, Dances,<br />

Intermezzi,<br />

Overtures & Waltzes<br />


Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin<br />

Klauspeter Seibel, Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 639–2 4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1996–2002<br />

Pizzicato 1/2011: »An all-around successful<br />

production!«<br />

Franz Lehár 1870–1948<br />

Frasquita (Operetta in three acts)<br />

Rupert Bergmann, Laura Scherwitzl,<br />

Vincent Schirrmacher, Robert Maszl,<br />

Romana Noack, Thomas Zisterer<br />

Chor des Lehár Festivals<br />

Franz Lehár Orchester<br />

Vinzenz Praxmarer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 592–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

Pizzicato 11/2011: »The music has a<br />

brisk tempo and a sparkling melody. The<br />

conductor Praxmarer does everything<br />

to render audible this vitality as well. A<br />

serviceable recording of the Lehár operetta!«

Orlando di Lasso 1532–1594<br />

Prophetiae Sibyllarum<br />

(Christmas Motets)<br />


Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 468–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 2/2010: »A unique precious<br />

gem of music history and a production<br />

that also holds its own very well when<br />

compared <strong>with</strong> other recordings of the<br />

›Prophetiae Sibyllarum‹ in the repertoire.«<br />

Manfred Cordes<br />


Franz Lehár 1870–1948<br />

Der Zarewitsch (Operetta in three acts)<br />

Alexandra Reinprecht, Christina Landshamer,<br />

Matthias Klink, Andreas Winkler<br />

Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 523–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Live, 2009<br />

Orpheus 8/2010: »This is – and the conductor<br />

leaves not the least doubt about<br />

it – music from the pen of a genius.«<br />

34<br />

Franz Liszt 1811–1886<br />

Années de Pèlerinage II<br />

(Deuxième Année »Italie«)<br />

Late Piano Works<br />

Michael Korstick, Piano (Steinway D)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 585–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

FonoForum 3/2011:»Star of the Month!«<br />

Pizzicato 1/2011: »Supersonic Award!«<br />

MusicWeb 3/2011: »The sound on Korstick’s<br />

disc is vivid and the album notes<br />

are enlightening. This is an excellent release!<br />

A worthwhile acquisition. Korstick<br />

is consistently engaging in all pieces.«<br />

Franz Liszt 1811–1886<br />

Venezia e Napoli<br />

(Supplement aux Années de Pélerinage<br />

2d volume);<br />

Années de Pèlerinage III<br />

(Troisième Année)<br />

Michael Korstick, Piano (Steinway D)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 663–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Pizzicato 9/2011: »Supersonic Award!<br />

We are again and again surprised anew<br />

by the authority of the Korstick’s interpretations<br />

because he produces a maximum<br />

of genuine music <strong>with</strong>out excesses and<br />

<strong>with</strong>out show.«

Carl Loewe 1796–1869<br />

Lieder & Balladen (Complete Edition)<br />

Andreas Schmidt, Iris Vermillion, Roman<br />

Trekel, Gabriele Rossmanith, Edith<br />

Mathis, Kurt Moll, Christoph Prégardien,<br />

Ruth Ziesak, Monica Groop, Yvi Jänicke,<br />

Christian Elsner , Urszuly Kryger,<br />

Thomas Mohr, Julie Kaufmann, Jan<br />

Kobow, Ingeborg Danz, Robert Wörle,<br />

Morten E. Lassen Cord Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 355–2 21 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994–2003<br />

klassik.com 10/08: »A gigantic major<br />

project! The twenty-one <strong>CD</strong>s offer a genuine<br />

cosmos of ballads, atmospheric pictures,<br />

musical jokes, and moving songs.«<br />

Gian Francesco Malipiero 1882–1973<br />

Gabrieliana; Serenata for Fagotto;<br />

Madrigali (Intrpretazioni Synfoniche); 5<br />

Favole per voce e piccola orchestra; 7<br />

Canzonette Veneziane<br />

Damiana Pinti, Mezzo-Soprano;<br />

Paolo Carlini, Bassoon;<br />

Camerata Strumentale »Citta di Pràto«<br />

Marzio Conti<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 322–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003<br />

klassik-heute.com 3/2010: »The compositions<br />

presented here are well worth<br />

getting to know because in Marzio Conti<br />

and the very precise Camerata Strumentale<br />

Città di Prato they find engaged interpreters<br />

who combine formal transparency<br />

and musical eloquence.«<br />

Joseph Marx 1882–1964<br />

The Works for Piano Quartet<br />

Oliver Triendl, Piano; Daniel Gaede,<br />

Violin; Hariolf Schlichtig, Viola; Peter<br />

Bruns, Violoncello<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 279–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 7/2010: »Powerful music<br />

full of beauty. The engaged presentation<br />

by the musicians, who at the same time<br />

demonstrate carefulness and precision,<br />

leaves no doubt about the quality of the<br />

interpretation.«<br />


Joseph Marx 1882–1964<br />

Lieder from the Cycles »Italienisches<br />

Liederbuch« & »Verklärtes Jahr«<br />

Angelika Kirchschlager, Mezzo-soprano<br />

Anthony Spiri, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 466–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

FonoForum 1/2011: »Convincing case!<br />

Angelika Kirchschlager seeks and finds<br />

the yearning tone of romanticism <strong>with</strong><br />

fine intuition. For all its expressive richness<br />

the singing remains natural. Anthony<br />

Spiri is her adaptable interpreter.«<br />

36<br />

Eduard Marxsen 1806–1887<br />

Piano Works<br />

Anthony Spiri<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 319–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik-heute.com 1/2011: »The recording<br />

is further proof of the joy of discovery<br />

felt by an interpreter who in every way<br />

is curcumspect and unaveringly pursues<br />

his path.«<br />

Johann Mattheson 1681–1764<br />

Christmas Oratorio »Die heilsame<br />

Geburt«;<br />

Magnificat a due cori<br />

Nicki Kennedy, Anna Crookes,<br />

Ursula Eittinger, Andreas Post,<br />

Stephan MacLeoad etc.<br />

Kölner Akademie<br />

Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 274–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Early Music Review 12/2010: »The<br />

performances are enjoyable and they<br />

are surely worthy of revival, and this fine<br />

recording can only serve to enhance Mattheson’s<br />


Tilo Medek 1940–2006<br />

Cello Concerto;<br />

Eine Stele für Bernd Alois Zimmermann;<br />

Schattenspiele<br />

Guido Schiefen, Violoncello<br />

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 520–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006/09<br />

American Record Guide 10/2010:<br />

»Schiefen is a strong and romantic cellist<br />

and handles this piece <strong>with</strong> fine style.<br />

Thank you, <strong>cpo</strong>, for starting us off <strong>with</strong> a<br />

fine and well played and recorded collection.«<br />

Felix Mendelssohn<br />

Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

Concertos for Two Pianos & Orchestra<br />

Nos 1 & 2<br />

Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov<br />

(Aglika Genova & Liuben Dimitrov)<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 463–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 9/2010: »The recording by<br />

the Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov makes<br />

for outstanding repeated listening <strong>with</strong>out<br />

their interpretation ever losing ist expressive<br />

power and fascination. The <strong>CD</strong> is<br />

to be recommended most warmly to all<br />

Mendelssohn fans!«<br />

Felix Mendelssohn<br />

Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

Octet for Strings op. 20<br />

Sextet for Piano & Strings op. 110<br />

I Solisti Filarmonici Italiani<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 524–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011: »This<br />

Italian ensemble plays Mendelssohn as if<br />

he were an Italian composer, and I imagine<br />

that I Solisti Filarmonici Italiani’s collective<br />

Italian sense of the music has a lot<br />

to do <strong>with</strong> the charme of this recording.«<br />


Felix Mendelssohn<br />

Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

Piano Trios opp. 49 & 66<br />

ATOS Trio<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 505–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute.com 5/2011: »Here we<br />

have hearty, rousing music-making in<br />

the union of three personalities who are<br />

guided on course by the composer’s<br />

ideas – now light and airy, now streaming<br />

<strong>with</strong> delight.«<br />

38<br />

Felix Mendelssohn<br />

Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

String Quartets No. 2 op. 13 & No. 6<br />

op. 80<br />

Minguet Quartett<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 503–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Felix Mendelssohn<br />

Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

Lieder ohne Worte<br />

Variations sérieuses<br />

Michael Korstick, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 519–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010

Francesco Molino 1768–1836<br />

Chamber Works for Flute, Violin/Viola<br />

& Guitar<br />

Sérénade à trois<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 448–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Fanfare 10/2010: »Molino’s music and<br />

the vibrant performances on this wellrecorded<br />

disc made me smile. Inconsequential<br />

but radiant, this is background<br />

music of the highest order.«<br />

Bernhard Molique 1802–1869<br />

String Quartets No. 1 op. 16 & No. 2<br />

op. 17<br />

Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 336–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

Spiegel Kultur 4/2011: »Fresh themes,<br />

sovereign execution, and fine harmonic<br />

side-glances make Molique appear to<br />

be of the rank of Onslow or Burgmüller.<br />

The Mannheim Quartet now congenially<br />

brings to light these forgotten treasures.«<br />

Josef Myslivecek 1737–1781<br />

Complete Wind Octets & Quintets<br />

L’Orfeo Bläserensemble<br />

Carin van Heerden<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 377–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007<br />

Concerto 5/2011: »Marvelously dainty<br />

miniatures impressively formed by the<br />

musicians <strong>with</strong> a radiant tone, through<br />

to the humorous moods of the impish<br />

bassoon. These are genuine repertoire<br />

discoveries!«<br />


Oskar Nedbal 1874–1930<br />

Die Winzerbraut (Operetta in three acts)<br />

Wolfgang Müller-Lorenz, Martin<br />

C. Turba, Marcus Niedermeyr,<br />

Andreas Rainer, Bibiana Nwobilo,<br />

Mirjam Neururer, Susanne Kirnbauer,<br />

Alfred Berger<br />

Chor und Orchester des Musik<br />

Theater Schönbrunn<br />

Herbert Mogg<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 629–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

FonoForum 8/2011: »Although the operetta<br />

contains no arias, it does have a<br />

good many witty duets and ensembles.<br />

The performance under Herbert Mogg’s<br />

vibrant conducting offers appropriate<br />

casting in all the parts.«<br />

40<br />

Edmund Nick 1891–1974<br />

Leben in dieser Zeit (Lyrische Suite in<br />

drei Sätzen, Text von Erich Kästner)<br />

Edition RadioMusiken Vol. 1<br />

Elke Kottmair, Christian Grygas,<br />

Markus Günzel<br />

Chor und Orchester der<br />

Staatsoperette Dresden<br />

Ernst Theis<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 541–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 7/2010: »The team<br />

from the Dresden State Opera is to be<br />

credited <strong>with</strong> outstanding work in the reconstruction<br />

of the original version and<br />

in the execution of the revival. The conductor,<br />

chorus, and vocal soloists quite<br />

precisely capture the style of the music.«<br />

Carl Nielsen 1865–1931<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

Rued Langgaard 1893–1952<br />

Selected Organ Works<br />

Friedhelm Flamme, Organ, Stiftskirche<br />

zu Bad Gandersheim<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 414–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-com 11/2010: »Friedhelm Flamme<br />

proves that he has a fine feel for the<br />

various color tones of these Danish organ<br />

pieces. He selects characteristic registrations<br />

in such a way that the pieces produce<br />

thrilling listening pleasure.«

George Onslow 1784–1853<br />

Complete Piano Trios Vol. 3<br />

(Trios opp. 3,1; 3,3; 14,1; 14,2; 20; 26)<br />

Trio Cascades<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 232–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD,2004/05<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011: »This<br />

is a young German group that plays <strong>with</strong><br />

flair and panache. The notes are exceptionally<br />

good and the recordings first<br />

class.«<br />

Carl Orff / 1894–1982<br />

Claudio Monteverdi 1567–1643<br />

Orpheus (3 rd version, 1940);<br />

Klage der Ariadne for Mezzo-soprano &<br />

Orchestra (2 nd version, 1940)<br />

Janina Bächle, Michaela Selinger,<br />

Kay Stiefermann, Marcus Everding,<br />

Tareq Nazmi<br />

orpheus chor münchen<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 656–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik.com 7/2011: »Gripping, tonally<br />

discerning, emotional interpretation.<br />

Powerfully gripping in its dramatic quality,<br />

richly colored in the lyricism of the lament,<br />

and wonderfully lucid in the choral<br />

passages.«<br />

Carl Orff / 1894–1982<br />

William Shakespeare 1564–1616<br />

Ein Sommernachtstraum (Midsummer<br />

Night’s Dream)<br />

Play (»Schauspiel«) <strong>with</strong> music after the<br />

translation of A. W. Schlegel<br />

Andechser Orff-Akademie des<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchesters<br />

Christian von Gehren<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 657–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

SWR2 Musik 16.07.2011: »He was indeed<br />

a magical musician, this Carl Orff.<br />

For this reason he had such an affinity for<br />

Shakespeare’s magical comedy about<br />

the dark, unseen powers of human nature<br />

in play <strong>with</strong> Eros and Pan. Musically, an<br />

all-around convincing realization.«<br />


Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Tragic Overture; Nocturne;<br />

Heroic Overture; Katyn Epitaph;<br />

A Procession for Peace; Harmony<br />

Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra<br />

Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 497–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Pizzicato 5/2010: »Supersonic Award!<br />

If this level is maintained, a strong Panufnik<br />

complete recording is in the offing.«<br />

42<br />

Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Sinfonia Rustica (Symphony No. 1);<br />

Sinfonia Concertante for Flute, Harp<br />

& Strings (Symphony No. 4); Polonia;<br />

Lullaby<br />

Anna Sikorzak-Olek, Harp;<br />

Lukasz Dlugosz, Flute<br />

Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra<br />

Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 496–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

BBC Music Magazine 12/2010: »Outstanding<br />

Panufnik snapshot.« Pizzicato<br />

11/2010: »Supersonic Award! A topcarat<br />

program in gripping interpretations.«<br />

Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Sinfonia Mistica (Symphony No. 6);<br />

Autumn Music; Hommage à Chopin<br />

(Five Pieces for Flute & String Orchestra);<br />

Rhapsody<br />

Lukasz Dlugosz, Flute<br />

Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra<br />

Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 498–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today 3/2011: »As <strong>with</strong> previous<br />

releases in this series, the performances<br />

are uniformly excellent and<br />

extremely well recorded.« American<br />

Record Guide 12/2011: »You won’t be<br />

disappointed. I can’t wait till they record<br />

the Sinfonia Sacra.«

Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Sinfonie Elegiaca (Symphony No. 2)<br />

Sinfonia Sacra (Symphony No. 3)<br />

Symphony No. 10<br />

Konzerthausorchester Berlin<br />

Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 683–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today 10/2011: »As <strong>with</strong> the<br />

other discs in this series, the performances<br />

are very well played, 100 percent<br />

committed, and opulently engineered.<br />

Conductor Borowicz paces each piece<br />

excellently.«<br />

Lukasz Borowicz<br />


Dora Pejačević 1885–1923<br />

Symphony op. 41;<br />

Phantasie Concertante op. 48 for Piano<br />

& Orchestra<br />

Volker Banfield, Piano<br />

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz<br />

Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 418–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 5/2011: »The overall<br />

impression is a lasting one and of such a<br />

kind that one has no reservations about<br />

one’s wishes for other Pejačević creations<br />

as the continuation of this promising<br />

publication.«<br />

44<br />

Dora Pejačević 1885–1923<br />

Trio for Violin, Violoncello & Piano<br />

op. 29;<br />

Sonata for Violoncello & Piano op. 35<br />

Andrej Bielow, Violin<br />

Christian Poltéra, Violoncello<br />

Oliver Triendl, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 419–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik.com 8/2011: »Bielow, Poltéra,<br />

and Triendl are outstanding advocates<br />

on behalf of a composer from whom one<br />

may yet expect other musical gems.«<br />

Dora Pejačević 1885–1923<br />

Lieder<br />

Ingeborg Danz, Alto<br />

Cord Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 422–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007

Hans Pfitzner 1869–1949<br />

Orchestral Songs<br />

Hans Christoph Begemann<br />

Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie<br />

Otto Tausk<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 552–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Diapason d’Or 5/2011! Choc de Classica<br />

4/2011! Stereoplay 3/2011: »What<br />

multifaceted variety, what a supple and<br />

vivid, colorful and balanced artistry of<br />

instrumentation! Hans Christoph Begemann<br />

in open succession to Fischer-<br />

Dieskau, <strong>with</strong> clear pronunciation and<br />

pictorially melodramatic affect.«<br />

Ignaz Pleyel 1757–1831<br />

Piano Trios Ben 435, 441, 442 & 448<br />

Trio 1790 (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 544–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/08<br />

American Record Guide 10/2011: »Trio<br />

1790 is the foremost German organization<br />

of period instruments. They play very<br />

well. Good notes and splendid recording.«<br />

Soon available<br />

Michael Praetorius 1571–1621<br />

Ostermesse<br />


Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 999 953–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011<br />


Ludovit Rajter 1906–2000<br />

Orchestral Works:<br />

Divertimento for orchestra; Suite<br />

symphonique;<br />

Suite from the ballet »Poszonyi majalis«;<br />

Sinfonietta per grande orchestra;<br />

Impressioni rapsodiche<br />

Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 574–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

FonoForum 7/2011: »Whether the Divertimento<br />

or the Sinfonietta, everything<br />

in Rajter sounds fine, varied, and delicate.<br />

This may also be a factor of the orchestra’s<br />

wonderfully light performance<br />

style under David Porcelijn.«<br />

46<br />

Günter Raphael 1903–1960<br />

Symphonies 2–5<br />

Chorus Symphony »Von der großen<br />

Weisheit« after Laotse op. 81<br />

MDR Sinfonieorchester, Christoph<br />

Altstaedt;<br />

Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache;<br />

NDR Sinfonieorchester, Hans Schmidt-<br />

Isserstedt;<br />

Chor & Symphonieorchester des BR,<br />

Michael Gielen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 563–2<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD/DDD, 1950–2007<br />

Crescendo 7/2010: »Raphael was a<br />

gifted symphonic director and an excellent<br />

orchestrator. The recordings stand<br />

the test in audio respects. Authentic<br />

music by this great forgotten composer<br />

who now finally has the chance to be<br />

rediscovered.«<br />

Günter Raphael 1903–1960<br />

Violin Concerto No. 2 and other Works<br />

for Violin<br />

Christine Raphael, Violin<br />

Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie<br />

Jorge Rotter<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 564–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, AAD/DDD, 1979–92<br />

FonoForum 11/2010: »Since Christine<br />

Raphael interprets her father’s works<br />

<strong>with</strong> fine feeling, her recording may be<br />

termed an authentic legacy.«

Johann Valentin Rathgeber<br />

1682–1750<br />

Missa S.P. Benedicti in B (Sacred Works)<br />

Monteverdi Ensemble Würzburg<br />

Matthias Beckert<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 425–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Early Music Review 8/2010: »This is a<br />

marvellous <strong>CD</strong> and I hope it is very popular.<br />

I could happily listen to the hymns<br />

all evening.«<br />

Max Reger 1873–1916<br />

Violin Sonatas opp. 4 & 41<br />

Albumblatt · Romanze<br />

Ulf Wallin, Violin<br />

Roland Pöntinen, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 445–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Ottorino Respighi 1879–1936<br />

La Boutique Fantasque (Complete Ballet)<br />

Suite »Gli Uccelli«<br />

Orchestra Sinfonica del Teatro Massimo<br />

di Palermo<br />

Marzio Conti<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 295–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007<br />

Pizzicato 11/2010: »This is a highly atmospheric<br />

and equally entertaining program<br />

that Marzio Conti conducts, and<br />

he does so <strong>with</strong> inspiration in order to<br />

render audible the music’s charm.«<br />


Ferdinand Ries 1784–1837<br />

Overtures: »Die Braut von Messina« op.<br />

162, »Don Carlos« op. 94,<br />

Große Festouvertüre und Siegesmarsch<br />

op. 172, Ouverture bardique WoO 24,<br />

Ouverture dramatique »L’Apparition«<br />

WoO 61<br />

WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln<br />

Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 609–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD 2008/09<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011: »This<br />

is great stuff, and the performances are<br />

absolutely first-rate – sonics too. If you’re<br />

tired of the usual overtures, why not try<br />

Ries’s pieces?«<br />

48<br />

Pierre Rode 1774–1830<br />

24 Caprices en forme d’études<br />

Elizabeth Wallfisch, Violin<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 129–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004<br />

klassik-heute.com 4/2010: »Elizabeth<br />

Wallfisch approaches the caprices quite<br />

energetically and powerfully, always<br />

striving to avoid any hint of the mechanical<br />

etude style and employing dynamic<br />

contrasts to make the music speak.«<br />

Julius Röntgen 1855–1932<br />

Piano Concertos No. 2 op. 18 & No. 4<br />

in F major<br />

Matthias Kirschnereit, Piano<br />


David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 398–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today 11/2011: »Kirschnereit<br />

plays <strong>with</strong> a very attractive sensitivity to<br />

Röntgen’s colorful keyboard palette. The<br />

engineering is very good. Röntgen wrote<br />

a lot of music, and he hasn’t let us down<br />


Julius Röntgen 1855–1932<br />

Violin Concertos in A minor & in F sharp<br />

minor;<br />

Ballad for Violin & Orchestra<br />

Liza Ferschtman, Violin<br />

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz<br />

David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 437–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Gramophone 11/2011: »The performances<br />

under Porcelijn’s watchful direction<br />

are whole admirable; soloist Liza<br />

Ferschtman responds <strong>with</strong> both keen poetry<br />

and pinpoint-accuracy. Sound and<br />

Balance are also first-rate.«<br />

David Porcelijn<br />


Julius Röntgen 1855–1932<br />

Serenades 1 & 2 · Trio<br />

Linos Ensemble<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 127–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

50<br />

Johan Helmich Roman 1694–1758<br />

Drottningholmsmusiken »Music for a<br />

Royal Wedding«<br />

ENSEMBLE 1700 Lund<br />

(on period instruments)<br />

Göran Karlsson<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 589–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik.com 11/2010: »The ensemble’s<br />

rich orchestral sound means that the<br />

music intensifies to a magnificent finale<br />

worthy of a royal wedding.«<br />

Johann Christoph Rothe 1653–1700<br />

Matthew Passion 1697<br />

Hans Jörg Mammel, Wolf Matthias<br />

Friedrich, Gudrun Sidonie Otto,<br />

Margaret Hunter etc.<br />

Cantus Thuringia & Capella Thuringia<br />

Bernhard Klapprott<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 554–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Early Music Review 8/2010: »The performers<br />

approach the music on its own<br />

terms – the singing and playing are excellent,<br />

and I hope to hear more from this<br />

very fine ensemble.«

Antonio Rosetti 1750–1792<br />

Two Oboe Concertos<br />

(Murray C29/Kaul III:32<br />

& Murray C30/Kaul III:27);<br />

Two Symphonies<br />

(Murray A32/Kaul 1:10<br />

& Murray A16/Kaul I:7)<br />

Kurt Meier, Oboe<br />

Zürcher Kammerorchester<br />

Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 631–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Pizzicato 9/2011: »The present <strong>CD</strong> offers<br />

a fine glance at Rosetti’s balanced,<br />

classical formal language, which here<br />

is nimbly and discreetly presented <strong>with</strong><br />

plenty of elegance.«<br />

Johannes Moesus<br />


Aulis Sallinen *1935<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

+ Overtures & Concertos<br />

(Esa Tapani, Horn; Jan-Erik Gustafsson,<br />

Violoncello; Jaakko Kuusisto, Violin)<br />

Norrköping Symphony Orchestra<br />

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz<br />

Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 640–2 5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002–2007<br />

MusicWeb 11/2011: »Recording and<br />

production values throughout are excellent:<br />

open, vital and lively. Rasilainen<br />

and his orchestras and soloists appear<br />

confident and virtuosic.«<br />

52<br />

Alessandro Scarlatti 1660–1725<br />

Sacred Works<br />

Gemma Bertagnolli,<br />

Adriana Fernandez,<br />

Sara Mingardo, Martin Oro,<br />

Furio Zanasi etc.<br />


Marcello Di Lisa<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 476–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Gramophone 3/2011: »Small forces<br />

prove effective in sacred works by Scarlatti<br />

père.Highly recommended.«<br />

Gerhard Schjelderup 1859–1933<br />

Brand (Symphonic Drama)<br />

Symphony No. 2<br />

Trondheim Symphony Orchestra<br />

Eivind Aadland<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 348–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik-heute.com 6/2010: »Under Aadland’s<br />

conducting the orchestra from<br />

Trondheim sounds as if it had grown up<br />

<strong>with</strong> this rare music. We hope that this<br />

<strong>CD</strong> will not remain the only production<br />

of this kind.«

Heinrich Kaspar Schmid 1874–1953<br />

Chamber Works: Trio op. 114;<br />

Sonatas opp. 106 & 111;<br />

Allegretto op. 34,2; Capriccio op. 34,5<br />

Nicholas Rimmer, Piano;<br />

Johannes Zurl, Clarinet;<br />

Nils Mönkemeyer, Viola;<br />

Pirmin Grehl, Flute<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 391–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/08<br />

ensemble 9/2010: »Mönkemeyer has<br />

developed a significant viola voice. It<br />

is captivating to hear how generous the<br />

musicians are in granting time and space<br />

to the slow movement from the clarinet<br />

trio. On this <strong>CD</strong> chamber music is lived<br />

exemplarily.«<br />

Franz Schmidt 1874–1939<br />

Piano Concerto in E flat major for left<br />

hand;<br />

Concertante Variation on a Theme of<br />

Beethoven for<br />

Piano & Orchestra for left hand<br />

Markus Becker, Piano<br />


Eiji Oue<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 338–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik.com 7/2010: »Markus Becker<br />

proves to be a match for the extreme<br />

demands; together <strong>with</strong> the NDR Radio<br />

Philharmonic of Hanover he produces<br />

benchmark recordings of both works,<br />

elegantly, powerfully.«<br />

Artur Schnabel 1882–1951<br />

String Quartet No. 1 (1917);<br />

Notturno for Alto & Piano (1914)<br />

Pellegrini Quartett<br />

Noa Frenkel, Alto; Irmela Roelcke, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 622–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009/10<br />


Heinrich Schütz 1585–1672<br />

Musikalische Exequien SWV 279–281<br />

Bußpsalmen SWV 24, 25, 148, 200<br />

& 248<br />


Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 410–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 4/2010: »In Cordes<br />

and his ensemble Schütz finds interpreters<br />

who are most excellently called to<br />

illuminate all the aspects of this extraordinary<br />

work in all its beauty, intimacy,<br />

and grandeur.«<br />

54<br />

Georg Schumann 1866–1952<br />

Piano Trios No. 1 op. 25 & No. 2 op. 62<br />

Münchner Klaviertrio<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 712–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik-heute.com 12/2011: »The trios –<br />

interpreted through and through <strong>with</strong> refreshing<br />

engagement – in any case form<br />

a foundation on which to build further<br />

new discoveries.«<br />

Robert Schumann 1810–1856<br />

The Complete Symphonies 1–4<br />

After the »Urtext« of the new Schumann<br />

Symphony edition<br />

by Joachim Draheim (Breitkopf & Härtel)<br />

Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie<br />

Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 536–2<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2009/10<br />

Pizzicato 9/2010: »The outstanding<br />

trait of the recordings is certainly Frank<br />

Beermann’s temperament and vibrant<br />

conducting founded on a resilient sound<br />

flow; he once again proves to be a more<br />

than responsible and very charismatic<br />


Franz Schreker 1878–1934<br />

Der Schmied von Gent<br />

(Opera in three acts)<br />

Oliver Zwarg, Undine Dreißig<br />

Chor der Oper Chemnitz<br />

Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie<br />

Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 647–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

Frank Beermann<br />


Robert Schumann 1810–1856<br />

Complete Part Songs for Male Voices<br />

Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 521–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik-heute.com 9/2010: »The small<br />

but powerful male ensemble <strong>with</strong> its precisely<br />

led voices proves to be a perfect<br />

instrumentarium for these interesting,<br />

practically forgotten rarities.«<br />

56<br />

Robert Schumann 1810–1856<br />

Sammlung von Musik-Stücken alter<br />

und neuer Zeit, Beilagen zur Neuen<br />

Zeitschrift für Musik, Heft 1–6: Works by<br />

Felix, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Adolph<br />

Henselt, Louis Spohr, Ignaz Moscheles,<br />

Pauline Viadot-Garcia, Johann Sebastian<br />

Bach, Franz Schubert etc.<br />

Johanna Stojkovic, Miriam Sharoni,<br />

Veronika Winter, Jale Papila, Jan<br />

Kobow, Michael Connaire, Ralf Grobe,<br />

Andreas Pruys; Cord Garben, Piano;<br />

Klaus Sticken, Piano; Tilman Benfer, Organ;<br />

Hans-Wilhelm Kaufmann, Guitar;<br />

Alsfelder Vokalensemble, Wolfgang<br />

Helbich<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 595–2 3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009/10<br />

klassik.com 10/2010: »A carefully edited<br />

collection. The sensuous pleasure<br />

that comes from immersing oneself in the<br />

sound worlds of the early nineteenth century<br />

is enormous.«<br />

Adrien François Servais 1807–1866<br />

Works for Violoncello & Orchestra:<br />

Violoncello Concerto op. 5 »Souvenir<br />

de Spa« op. 2 (Fantasy); »Fantaisie et<br />

Variations brillantes sur la Valse de<br />

Schubert« op. 4; »Le Barbier de Séville«<br />

op. 9<br />

Wen-Sinn Yang, Violoncello<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Terje Mikkelsen<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 542–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Pizzicato 9/2011: »A hail to the cello!<br />

The works are performed <strong>with</strong> sparkle,<br />

charm, and sophisticated wit.«

Louis Spohr 1784–1859<br />

Symphonies Vol. 3 Symphonies No.<br />

1 op. 20 & No. 6 op. 116 »Historical<br />

Symphony«; Overture op. 12<br />


Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 179–2<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007/09<br />

FonoForum 10/2011: »Enthusiastic!<br />

This music is played <strong>with</strong> a lot of tempo,<br />

hearty articulation, and a pleasantly teaseled<br />

sound reminding one of the ›original<br />

performance party‹.«<br />

Howard Griffiths<br />


Christian Sinding 1856–1941<br />

The Works for Violin & Orchestra:<br />

Violin Concertos 1, 2 & 3; Legend op.<br />

46; Romance op. 100; Suite op. 10;<br />

»Abendstimmung« op. 120<br />

Andrej Bielow, Violin<br />


Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 114–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2004<br />

Pizzicato 9/2011: »Supersonic Award!<br />

The violinist has an outstanding command<br />

of technique, which makes listening<br />

to these concertos a genuine experience.«<br />

58<br />

Carl Stamitz 1745–1801<br />

Four Symphonies l’arte del mondo<br />

Werner Ehrhardt<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 526–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011: »All<br />

Symphonies are written <strong>with</strong> Stamitz’s<br />

customary grace and polish. The performances<br />

are lively and outstanding. Good<br />

notes.«<br />

Wilhelm Stenhammar 1871–1927<br />

String Quartets 3–6<br />

Oslo String Quartet<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 426–2<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2006/07<br />

klassik-heute.com 10/2011: »Fully valid,<br />

quality works. The Oslo String Quartet<br />

founded twenty years ago plays <strong>with</strong><br />

technical sovereignty, fine balance, and<br />

tonal beauty. An enrichment for every<br />

chamber music collection.«

Johann Strauss 1825–1899<br />

Der Carneval in Rom (Operetta in three<br />

acts)<br />

Isabella Ma-Zach, Jessica Glatte,<br />

Michael Heim, Manfred Equiluz,<br />

Marcus Günzel, Bernd Könnes<br />

Chor der Staatsoperette Dresden<br />

Orchester der Staatsoperette Dresden<br />

Ernst Theis<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 405–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011: »You<br />

will enjoy Carneval in Rom in this recording.<br />

Theis’s conducting (and his orchestra)<br />

is exemplary, and the rest of the cast<br />

is excellent. A synopsis is included, also<br />

excellent notes.«<br />

Josef Suk 1874–1935<br />

Piano Trio op. 2; 4 Pieces for Violin<br />

& Piano op. 17; Elegie op. 23; Piano<br />

Quartet op. 1<br />

ATOS Trio<br />

Christoph von der Nahmer, Viola<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 470–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Crescendo 4/2010: »A stellar hour for<br />

chamber music! The richness and magnificence<br />

of Suk’s music find their congenial<br />

match in the passionate, multifaceted<br />

playing of the Atos Trio.«<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Violin Concertos Vol. 3 Concertos TWV<br />

55:D14, 55:A7, 52:G1<br />

Elizabeth Wallfisch, Solo Violin &<br />

Direction<br />

The Wallfisch Band<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 473–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 8/2010: »The interpretations<br />

are so perfect and dynamic that no<br />

wishes are left unfulfilled.«<br />


Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Wind Concertos Vol. 5<br />

Concertos TWV 51:D1, 52:A1, 51:F1,<br />

52:Es1, 51:d2, 52:e2<br />

La Stagione Frankfurt<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 401–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Gramophone 5/2011: »Soft clarity makes<br />

for gentle enjoyment in concertos of<br />

lightness and variance. This is an agreeably<br />

cultured listen right through.«<br />

60<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Wind Concertos Vol. 6<br />

Concertos TWV 51:h1, 53:D1, 51:a1,<br />

53:C1, 51:D3, 52:B1, 52:F3<br />

Camerata Köln (TWV 51:D3)<br />

La Stagione Frankfurt<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 402–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/09<br />

klassik-heute.com 11/2011: »Here the<br />

broad and deserved endorsement of the<br />

artistic and musical result of the previous<br />

volumes can only be reiterated and reinforced.«<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Wind Concertos Vol. 7<br />

Concertos TWV 51:c2, 43:f2, 53:A1,<br />

52:F1, 43:d1, 51:D8<br />

La Stagione Frankfurt<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 999 907–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009/10

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Quatuors Parisiens Vols. 2 & 3<br />

John Holloway, Violin;<br />

Linde Brunmayr, Transverse flute;<br />

Lorenz Duftschmid, Viola da gamba;<br />

Ulrike Becker, Violoncello;<br />

Lars-Ulrik Mortensen, Harpsichord<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 376–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik.com 11/2011: »The second part<br />

of the Paris Quartets offers an ideal display<br />

of Telemann’s sparkling artistry.«<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Trios & Quartets<br />

Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 441–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006<br />

American Record Guide 8/2011:<br />

»Whether you listen casually or seriously,<br />

you will find this program thoroughly<br />

delightful.«<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Germanicus TVWV deest Libretto:<br />

Christine Dorothea Lach, Reconstructed:<br />

Michael Maul;<br />

Olivia Stahn, Elisabeth Scholl, Matthias<br />

Rexroth, Albrecht Sack,<br />

Henryk Böhm, Tobias Berndt, Friedrich<br />

Praetorius<br />

Sprecher/speaker: Dieter Bellmann<br />

Sächsisches Barockorchester<br />

Gotthold Schwarz<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 602–2 3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />


Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Ich hoffete auf Licht, TVWV 4:13 (Funeral<br />

Music for Emperor Kaiser Karl VII.,<br />

Hamburg 1745)<br />

Gabriele Hierdeis, Annegret Kleindopf,<br />

Dmitry Egorov, Ulrike Andersen,<br />

Georg Poplutz, Benjamin Kirchner,<br />

Nils Cooper, Stephan Schreckenberger<br />

La Stagione Frankfurt<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 603–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011: »The<br />

performance is exemplary, giving its all<br />

on behalf of this occasional piece. The<br />

eight singers are very able, and the orchestral<br />

playing is lively, all captured in<br />

extremely bright and vivid sound«<br />

62<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1738 TVWV 15:11<br />

Veronika Winter, Cornelia Samuelis,<br />

Jan Kobow,<br />

Immo Schröder, Ekkehard Abele,<br />

Gregor Finke<br />

Rheinische Kantorei, Das Kleine Konzert<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 386–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007<br />

Toccata – Alte Musik Aktuell 10/2011:<br />

»The absolutely consistent high quality<br />

and great originality of this work are<br />

captivating.«<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Lukas Passion 1748, TVWV 5:33<br />

Veronika Winter, Anne Bierwirth,<br />

Julian Podger, Clemens Heidrich,<br />

Matthias Vieweg<br />

Rheinische Kantorei, Das Kleine Konzert<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 601–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010<br />

FonoForum 7/2011: »As always, the<br />

Rheinische Kantorei’s trim musical rendering<br />

is convincing. The vocal soloists<br />

very precisely lend shape to the text and<br />

at the same time have the ability to interpret<br />

it affectively.«

Ernst Toch 1887–1964<br />

Die chinesische Flöte op. 29; Five Pieces<br />

op. 83; Egon und Emilie op. 4; Quartet<br />

op. 98<br />

Maria Karb & Britta Ströher, Soprano<br />

Mutare Ensemble<br />

Gerhard Müller-Hornbach<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 092–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999–2007<br />

FonoForum 7/2011: »With his Mutare-<br />

Ensemble playing on a remarkably high<br />

level Müller-Hornbach draws Ernst Toch’s<br />

early and late music closely together.«<br />

Giovanni Valentini 1582–1649<br />

Musiche Concertate 1619 (madrigals of<br />

the third book)<br />

La Capella Ducale<br />

Musica Fiata<br />

Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 533–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 9/2011: »The fine and the<br />

delicate doubtless in superabundant supply<br />

in Valentini’s music are successfully<br />

stressed. An extraordinarily interesting<br />

portrait of complex music. We hope that<br />

there will soon be a Valentini renaissance.«<br />

Johann Baptist Vanhal 1739–1813<br />

Symphony in C major (Bryan C9) Cello<br />

Concerto in C major (Weinmann IID:C1)<br />

Symphony in E minor (Bryan e 2)<br />

István Várdai, Violoncello<br />

Camerata Schweiz<br />

Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 612–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />


Hermann Wolfgang von<br />

Waltershausen 1882–1954<br />

Oberst Chabert (Opera in three acts)<br />

Bo Skovhus, Raymond Very,<br />

Manuela Uhl, Simon Pauly,<br />

Stephen Bronk, Paul Kaufmann<br />

Das Orchester der Deutschen<br />

Oper Berlin<br />

Jacques Lacombe<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 619–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Live, 2010<br />

Das Opernglas 5/2011: »Waltershausen’s<br />

drama about a man who is presumed<br />

to be dead but then returns from<br />

a war is an extremely fine work – dramatically<br />

as well as musically – and has<br />

what it takes for timelessness even <strong>with</strong> its<br />

stylistic traditionalism.«<br />

64<br />

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

String Quartets Vol. 4<br />

String Quartets 5, 9 & 14<br />

Quatuor Danel<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 394–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09<br />

FonoForum 11/2010: »At every moment<br />

one feels the absolute mastery <strong>with</strong> which<br />

the Quatuor Danel espouses this music.<br />

Each work receives a specific color that<br />

individualizes the music.«<br />

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

String Quartets Vol. 5<br />

String Quartets 2, 3 & 10;<br />

Capriccio op. 11; Aria op. 9<br />

Quatuor Danel<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 566–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007–09<br />

BBC Music Magazine 12/2011: »The<br />

Quatuor Danel is particularly eloquent,<br />

delivering powerfully impassioned playing.«

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

Piano Works: Children’s Notebook<br />

1–2 opp. 16, 19 & 23;<br />

Sonata No. 1 op. 5<br />

Elisaveta Blumina, Piano<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 517–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

Gramophone 5/2011: »Time for a reevaluation<br />

of the piano music of this rediscovered<br />

composer. Recording quality<br />

is bright <strong>with</strong>out being glassy. I would be<br />

more than happy if it proved to be the<br />

beginning of a cycle.«<br />

Felix Weingartner 1893–1942<br />

String Quartets No. 5 op. 81;<br />

String Quintet op. 40<br />

Sarastro Quartett<br />

Petra Vahle, Viola<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 252–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/08<br />

klassik.com 4/2011: »The musicians<br />

interpret this chamber music <strong>with</strong> a lot<br />

of verve, extreme precision, and stylistic<br />

mastery.«<br />

Felix Weingartner 1893–1942<br />

String Quartets No. 2 op. 26 & No. 4<br />

op. 62<br />

Sarastro Quartett<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 253–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008<br />

klassik-heute.com 11/2011: »As already<br />

in the two previous volumes in this series,<br />

one can only speak in superlatives about<br />

the presentation by the Sarastro Quartet.<br />

This is quartet playing on the highest<br />

level.«<br />


Julius Weismann 1879–1950<br />

String Quartets opp. 133 & 148,<br />

arr. for String orchestra<br />

Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester<br />

Pforzheim<br />

Georg Mais (Conductor & Arr.)<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 596–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 4/2011: »I<br />

don’t know these pieces in their original<br />

quartet form, but in Mais’s arrangements<br />

they’re very pleasing.«<br />

66<br />

Egon Wellesz 1885–1974<br />

Works for Chamber Orchestra<br />

Christine Whittlesey, Soprano;<br />

Adrian Eröd, Baritone;<br />

Josef Hell, Violin<br />

Ensemble Kontrapunkte<br />

Peter Keuschnig<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 575–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 4/2011: »Performances<br />

and sonics are very good, as<br />

are the detailed and informative notes.«<br />

Richard Wetz 1875–1935<br />

Ein Weihnachtsoratorium auf altdeutsche<br />

Gedichte op. 53 (Christmas<br />

Oratorio to Old German Poems)<br />

Marietta Zumbült, Máté Sólyom-Nagy<br />

Dombergchor Erfurt<br />

Philharmonischer Chor Erfurt<br />

Thüringisches Kammerorchester Weimar<br />

George Alexander Albrecht<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 638–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

BBC Music Magazine 12/2011:<br />

»George Alexander Albrecht directs a<br />

glowingly persuasive performance of a<br />

work which certainly merits hearing – it’s<br />

quite a discovery.«

Peter von Winter 1754–1825<br />

Sinfonie à grand Orchestre No. 1;<br />

Ouverture à grand Orchestre op. 24;<br />

Entr’Actes 3, 5 & 6;<br />

Sinfonia »Schweriner«<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 530–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today 10/2010: »These performances<br />

are excellent: exciting, gutsy,<br />

<strong>with</strong> plenty of trumpets and drums where<br />

called for, and a rich sonority that still<br />

never precludes the necessary clarity.«<br />

Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari 1876–1948<br />

Orchestral Works:<br />

Triptychon op. 19 (Trittico); Arabesken<br />

über eine Arie von Ettore tito op. 22<br />

(Arabeschi); Divertimento op. 20; Venezianische<br />

Suite op. 18 (Suite Veneziana)<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 567–2 SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008<br />

<strong>Classics</strong>Today 11/2011: »Ulf Schirmer<br />

and his Munich players deliver performances<br />

of much greater incisiveness and<br />

polish than their predecessors, and so if<br />

you’re curious about the composer’s nonoperatic-music,<br />

this very well recorded<br />

disc represents your best bet.«<br />

William Young c. 1610–1662<br />

»An Englishman Abroad«<br />

Works for Viola da Gamba Consort<br />

Hamburger Ratsmusik<br />

Simone Eckert<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 569–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011<br />


Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow 1663–1712<br />

Easter Cantatas<br />

Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben;<br />

Bei Gott ist mein Heil, meine Ehre<br />

Georg Friedrich Händel 1685–1759<br />

Cantatas<br />

Gudrun Sidonie Otto, Margaret Hunter,<br />

Christoph Dittmar, Mirko Ludwig, Guillaume<br />

Olry Cantus Thuringia, Capella<br />

Thuringia Bernhard Klapprott<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 643–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik.com 4/2011: »The recording<br />

captivates the listener <strong>with</strong> its refreshing<br />

simplicity and transparency. The singers<br />

and instrumentalists do not create the<br />

slightest impression that things might otherwise<br />

be possible.«<br />

68<br />

Isidora Zebeljan *1967<br />

Orchestral Works:<br />

The Horses of Saint Mark (Illumination<br />

for Orchestra); Rukoveti (Five Songs for<br />

Soprano & Orchestra); The Ministrel’s<br />

Dance for Chamber Orchestra; Seliste<br />

(Deserted Village), Elegy for Orchestra;<br />

Escenas picaras (Sinfonia in tre<br />

movimenti)<br />

Aile Asszonyi, Soprano; Zebeljan Ensemble;<br />

Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 670–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

American Record Guide 10/2011: »Remarkable<br />

program, excellent readings.«<br />

Carl Zeller 1842–1898<br />

Der Obersteiger (Operetta in three acts)<br />

Santiago Bürgi, Cornelia Zink,<br />

Wolfgang Müller-Lorenz, Donna Ellen,<br />

Bernhard Berchtold etc.<br />

Chor & Orchester des Musik<br />

Theater Schönbrunn<br />

Herbert Mogg<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 549–2 2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009<br />

Das Opernglas 6/2010: »Herbert<br />

Mogg’s superior achievement is outstanding,<br />

and he also perfectly masters<br />

the grand, through-composed finales.<br />

Those who are looking for lively and spirited<br />

operetta music will find all that they<br />

want here.«

Anthologies<br />

Italian Oboe Concertos<br />

Concertos by Giovanni Battista Sammartini,<br />

Vincenzo Bellini, Gioacchino Rossini,<br />

Gaetano Donizetti, Giuseppe Pilotti &<br />

Sante Aguilar<br />

Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto<br />

Diego Dini Ciacci, Oboe and Direction<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 715–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

The Virtuoso Recorder / Concertos<br />

of the German Baroque<br />

Concertos by Johann Friedrich Fasch<br />

(World Premiere Recording), Christoph<br />

Graupner, Matthäus Stulicke, Johann<br />

Christoph Schultze, Johann Adolf<br />

Scheibe & Johann Christian Schickhardt<br />

Cappella Academica Frankfurt<br />

Michael Schneider,<br />

Recorder & Direction<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 534–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 8/2010: »Schneider once<br />

again distinguishes himself as a soloist<br />

<strong>with</strong> remarkable capabilities and <strong>with</strong><br />

finely thought-out programmatic work.«<br />


Baroque Music from Ecuador<br />

Works by Anonymous, Joseph Hortuño,<br />

Gutierre Fernández Hidalgo, Manuel<br />

Blasco & Gonzalo Pillajo<br />

Ensemble Villancico<br />

Peter Pontvik<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 568–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

American Record Guide 12/2011: »This<br />

program includes a wonderful variety of<br />

music and the performances are outstanding,<br />

the musicians are top notch,<br />

and they sound like they’re having fun.«<br />

70<br />

Works for the Renaissance, arr.<br />

for Saxophon Quartett<br />

Works by Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina,<br />

Heinrich Isaak, Tilman Susato, Samuel<br />

Scheidt, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Orlando<br />

di Lasso, Giovanni Gabrieli, John Dowland,<br />

Francisco de la Torre, Josquin<br />

Desprez & Anonymous<br />

Berliner Saxophon Quartett<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 581–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 3/2011: »The impressive<br />

scores are recorded <strong>with</strong> fascinating<br />

tones and musical attention. When great<br />

masters meet exceptional musicians, a<br />

successful production must be the result.«<br />

Works for Viola da Gamba<br />

Consort<br />

By Anonymus, Johann Heinrich<br />

Schmelzer, Giovanni Legrenzi, Giovanni<br />

Valentini, Leopold I., Johann Jacob<br />

Froberger, Kaiser Ferdinand III.<br />

Klaus Mertens, Bass<br />

Hamburger Ratsmusik<br />

Simone Eckert<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 451–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

American Record Guide 12/2010: »I<br />

like the variety of this program as well<br />

as the performances. There is much here<br />

to appeal to people interested in music<br />


Baroque Bass Cantatas from<br />

Central Germany<br />

Cantatas from the Mügeln Archive by<br />

Emanuel Kegel, Christian Wolff, Johann<br />

Theodor Römhild, Johann Donati und<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann<br />

Klaus Mertens, Bass-Baritone<br />

Accademia Daniel<br />

Shalev Ad-El<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 298–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik-heute.com 3/2010: »This time<br />

too Klaus Mertens‘ flexibly led, tonally<br />

beautiful voice as well as his flawless<br />

textual articulation are fascinating. The<br />

ensemble offers multifaceted playing full<br />

of rich contrasts.«<br />

Klaus Mertens<br />


Aga Mikolaj sings Strauss &<br />

Mozart<br />

Richard Strauss 1864–1949<br />

Vier letzte Lieder; Ariadne auf<br />

Naxos »Es gibt ein Reich«; Capriccio<br />

(Schlussszene)<br />

Wolfgang Amadé Mozart 1756–1791<br />

Arias from Hochzeit des Figaro, Don<br />

Giovanni & Così fan tutte<br />

WDR Rundfunkorchester<br />

Karl Sollak<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 641–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

Opernwelt 7/2011: »Aga Mikolaj has<br />

one of today’s most beautiful voices in<br />

the Mozart and Strauss fields.«<br />

72<br />

A Concert for Arno Schmidt<br />

Works after texts of Arno Schmidt by<br />

Andrea Lorenzo Scartazzini, Michael<br />

Reudenbach, Robert HP Platz, Horst<br />

Lohse, Matthias Kaul, Thomas Desi, Eric<br />

Verbugt, Eckart Beinke<br />

Denis Lakey, Countertenor<br />

oh ton-ensemble<br />

Benjamin Lang<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 508–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007<br />

klassik.com 5/2011: »The sound quality<br />

is outstanding, the booklet is also very<br />

good, and the musicians competently<br />

and concisely go about their work.«<br />

Baroque Christmas in Hamburg<br />

Works by Hieronymus & Jacob<br />

Praetorius, Thomas Selle, Heinrich<br />

Scheidemann,<br />

Christoph Bernhard, Samuel Scheidt,<br />

Johann Philipp Förtsch,<br />

Matthias Weckmann & Christoph<br />

Bernhard<br />

Bremer Barock Consort<br />

Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 553–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009<br />

klassik.com 10/2010: »Manfred Cordes<br />

has designed a rewarding program. The<br />

music calls for fresh tonal delight and<br />

also demands organizational talent from<br />

those involved. The ensemble interpretation<br />

accomplishes this in the best sense.«

Historia de Compassione<br />

Gloriosissimae Virgin Mariae<br />

Marian Office, Hamburg, 15 th century<br />

amarcord<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 604–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010<br />

klassik.com 1/2011: »This new recording<br />

is something very special. It sets a<br />

clear accent in the pre-Reformation repertoire.<br />

Hamburg music of the fifteenth century<br />

is shown in an almost antiquarian but<br />

melismatically perfect harmoniousness of<br />

rare beauty.«<br />

Italian Love Cantatas<br />

Chamber Cantatas by Vivaldi, Scarlatti,<br />

Lotti & Agostino<br />

Silvia Vajente, Soprano<br />

Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 583–2 DDD, 2007/08<br />

Soprano Cantatas from the<br />

»Großfahner-Collection«<br />

Cantatas by Johann Heinrich Buttstett,<br />

Georg Friedrich Künstel, Johann<br />

Pachelbel, Georg Philipp Telemann &<br />

Johann Topf<br />

Maria Jonas, Soprano<br />

Chursächsische Capelle Leipzig<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> 777 546–2 <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003<br />

klassik-heute.com 12/2011: »A genuine<br />

treasure trove of sacred music from the<br />

high baroque. What fascinating music!<br />

Maria Jonas presents these works <strong>with</strong><br />

clear voice leading, light timbre, and<br />

precise articulation.«<br />


Alphabetical<br />

Back <strong>Catalogue</strong><br />

74<br />

Carl Friedrich Abel 1723–1787<br />

Symphonies op. 10 Nos 1–6 · La Stagione (on period instru-<br />

ments) / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 207–2<br />

Symphonies op. 17 Nos 1–6 · The Hanover Band (on period<br />

instruments) / Anthony Halstead<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 214–2<br />

4 Flute Concertos · Karl Kaiser / La Stagione (on period instru-<br />

ments) / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 208–2<br />

Piano Concertos op. 11, 1–6 · Sabine Bauer, Fortepiano &<br />

Harpsichord / La Stagione Frankfurt (on period instruments) /<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 892–2<br />

Chamber Music (Flute Sonatas in F & G / Pieces for Viola da<br />

Gamba solo / Trios for 2 Flutes & Bc in F & G / Sonata for<br />

Cello & Bc in A) · La Stagione (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 209–2<br />

Theodor W. Adorno 1903–1969<br />

Six Studies for String Quartet (1920) / Two Pieces for String<br />

Quartet op. 2 / String Quartet 1921 + Hanns Eisler: String<br />

Quartet 1938 op. 75 / Präludium & Fuge über B-A-C-H for<br />

String Trio op. 46 (1934) · Leipziger Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 341–2<br />

Necil Kazim Akses 1908–1999<br />

Violin Concerto (1969) · Cihat Askin, Violin / NDR RA-<br />

DIOPHILHARMONIE / Rengim Gökmen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 799–2

Eugène d’Albert 1864–1932<br />

Die Toten Augen (Drama in One Act <strong>with</strong> a Prelude and a<br />

Postlude) · Dagmar Schellenberger / Hartmut Welker / Norbert<br />

Orth, Margaret Chalker and others / Philharmonischer<br />

Chor Dresden / Dresdner Philharmonie / Ralf Weikert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Live, 1997 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 692–2<br />

Tomaso Albinoni 1671–1751<br />

Trio Sonatas op. 1 · Parnassi musici<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 770–2<br />

Franco Alfano 1876–1954<br />

Sinfonia Classica / Seconda Sinfonia · Brandenburgisches<br />

Staatsorchester Frankfurt / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 080–2<br />

George Antheil 1900–1959<br />

Symphony No 1 »Zingareska« / Symphony No 6 »after<br />

Delacroix« / Archipelago (Rhumba) · Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester<br />

Frankfurt / Hugh Wolff<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 604–2<br />

Symphony No 3 »American« / Tom Sawyer / Hot-Time<br />

Dance / McKonkey’s Ferry / Capital of the World · Radio-<br />

Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / Hugh Wolff<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 040–2<br />

Symphony 4 »1942« / Symphony No 5 »Joyous« / Decatur<br />

et Algiers · Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / Hugh Wolff<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 706–2<br />

Piano Concertos Nos 1 & 2 / A Jazz Symphony / Jazz Sonata<br />

· Markus Becker, Piano / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE /<br />

Eiji Oue<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 109–2<br />

Kurt Atterberg 1887–1974<br />

Complete Symphonies 1–9 / Älven (Symphonic Poem)<br />

· Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Ari Rasilainen<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1998–2003 _______________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 118–2<br />

Piano Concerto op. 37 / Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra<br />

op. 1 / Ballade and Passacaglia op. 38 · Love Derwinger,<br />

Piano / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 732–2<br />

Violin Concerto op. 7 / Concert Overture op. 4 / Värmland-<br />

srhapsody op. 36 · Ulf Wallin, Violin / Rundfunk-Sinfonieor-<br />

chester Berlin / Roger Epple<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 106–2<br />

Sinfonia for Strings op. 53 / Suite No 7 / Praeludium and<br />

Fugue / Adagio amoroso / Intermezzo · Camerata Nordi-<br />

ca / Ulf Wallin<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 156–2<br />

Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter 1665–1742<br />

Six Serenades from »Concors discordia« (Nuremberg 1695)<br />

· L’Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 457–2<br />

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 1714–1788<br />

Sinfonias Wq. 173–175, 178 & 180 · Les Amis de Philippe<br />

(on period instruments) / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995/96 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 418–2<br />

Harpsichord Concertos Wq. 30, 37, 38 (World premiere re-<br />

cordings) · Ludger Rémy / Les Amis de Philippe (on period<br />

instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 350–2<br />


Harpsichord Concertos Wq. 3, 32, 44, 45 · Ludger Rémy / Les<br />

Amis de Philippe (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 566–2<br />

6 Piano Trios<br />

Wq. 89 Nos 1, 5, 6 / Wq. 90 No 3 / Wq. 91 Nos 3 & 4 · Trio<br />

1790 (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 216–2<br />

Complete Trio Sonatas for Transverse Flute, Violin and Bass<br />

Wq 144–151 · Manfredo Zimmermann, Transverse Flute /<br />

Manfredo Kraemer, Violin / Ludger Rémy, Harpsichord /<br />

Monika Schwamberger, Violoncello<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 495–2<br />

Wind Chamber Music (Sonatas for Harpsichord and Flute H<br />

506 & 573 / Sonata for Oboe and B.c. H 549 / Duos for<br />

Two Clarinets H 636 / Pastorale for Oboe and Bassoon H<br />

deest / Six Sonatas for Fortepiano, Clarinet, and Bassoon H<br />

516–521 · Fiati con tasto (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 508–2<br />

Hamburgische Festmusiken (Cantatas for Inaugurations H<br />

821g, H 821m, H 834, H 835) · Himlische Cantorey / Les<br />

Amis de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 108–2<br />

Herrn Professor Gellerts Geistliche Oden und Lieder · Dorothee<br />

Mields, Soprano / Ludger Rémy, Fortepiano<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 061–2<br />

Johann Christian Bach 1735–1782<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1994/95/96/00 __________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 896–2<br />

76<br />

Complete Opera Overtures<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1994–2000 _______________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 963–2<br />

Complete Keyboard Concertos<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1994–1999 _______________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 930–2<br />

Complete Symphonies Concertantes<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1996–1999 _______________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 292–2<br />

Symphonies Concertantes Vol. 6<br />

(in C major for Soli Flute, Oboe, Violin, Violincello & Tutti<br />

Orchestra / in B flat major for Soli Oboe, Violin, Violoncello,<br />

Pianoforte & Tutti Orchestra / Piano Concerto in G for Solo<br />

Piano, 2 Violins & Violoncello · Cracknell / Hanson / Tar-<br />

ling / Byrt / Comberti / Brown / Ikeda / Robson / Hennessy /<br />

Montgomery / Edwards / The Hanover Band / Anthony Hal-<br />

stead<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 845–2<br />

Woodwind Concertos Vol. 1 (Oboe Concerto No 1 in F ma-<br />

jor / Flute Concerto in D major / Bassoon Concerto in E flat<br />

major · Anthony Robson / Rachel Brown / Jeremy Ward / The<br />

Hanover Band / Anthony Halstead<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 346–2<br />

Woodwind Concertos Vol. 2 (Oboe Concerto No 2 in F ma-<br />

jor / Flute Concerto in G major / Bassoon Concerto in B flat<br />

major) · Anthony Robson / Rachel Brown / Jeremy Ward /<br />

The Hanover Band (on period instruments) / Anthony Halstead<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 347–2<br />

Flute Quartets op. 19 · Camerata Köln (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 579–2<br />

Piano Trios op. 2 & op. 15 · Trio 1790 (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 254–2<br />

Sonatas for Piano Forte op. 16, 1–6 <strong>with</strong> an Accompaniment<br />

for Violin or German Flute · Salzburger Hofmusik (Wolfgang

Brunner, Piano Forte / Christine Busch, Violin / Karl Kaiser,<br />

Transverse Flute)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 494–2<br />

Sonatas for Piano Forte op. 17, 1–6 · Harald Hoeren, Piano<br />

Forte<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 788–2<br />

Sonata op. 15,5 for Two Pianos / Sonatas opp. 15,6, 18,5<br />

& 18,6 for Piano Four Hands + Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst<br />

Bach: Sonata for Piano Four Hands / Duet No 2 for Piano<br />

four Hands · Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 848–2<br />

Sacred Works (Salve Regina / Laudate pueri Dominum / Si<br />

nocte tenebrosa · Emma Kirkby / Markus Schäfer / L’Orfeo<br />

Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 718–2<br />

Gioas Rè di Giuda, Oratorio (1770) · Monika Frimmer / Ulrike<br />

Staude / Kai Wessel / Mechthild Georg / Markus Schäfer /<br />

Tom Sol / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Her-<br />

mann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 895–2<br />

La Clemenza di Scipione (Opera seria in three acts) · Linda<br />

Perillo / Christine Wolff / Jörg Waschinski / Markus Schäfer /<br />

Hans Jörg Mammel / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2000 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 791–2<br />

Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach 1732–1795<br />

Sonatas & Trios · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 087–2<br />

Cassandra (Dramatic Cantata for Alto, Strings, and B.c.)<br />

· Lena Susanne Norin, Alto / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann<br />

Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 593–2<br />

Johann Michael Bach 1745–1820<br />

Cantatas (Friedens-Cantata / Das Volk, so im Finstern wan-<br />

delt / Herr, wie sind deine Werke so groß und viel / Ma-<br />

che dich auf, werde licht / Wie lieblich sind auf den Bergen<br />

· Ingrid Schmithüsen / Howard Crook / Gotthold Schwarz /<br />

Klaus Mertens etc. / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 671–2<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685–1750<br />

Concertos for Harpsichord and Strings Vol. 1 (Concertos<br />

BWV 1052–1054) · Lars Ulrik Mortensen, Harpsichord & Di-<br />

rection / Concerto Copenhagen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 989–2<br />

Concertos for Harpsichord and Strings Vol. 2 (Concertos<br />

BWV 1055–1058) · Lars Ulrik Mortensen, Harpsichord & Di-<br />

rection / Concerto Copenhagen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 248–2<br />

The Art of the Fugue for Saxophone Quartet · Berlin Saxo-<br />

phone Quartet<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1990 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 058–2<br />

Trio Sonatas BWV 525 & 527, 1027–1029 · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 359–2<br />

The Complete Organ Works on Historical Instruments · Ger-<br />

hard Weinberger<br />

21 <strong>CD</strong>s in a boxed set, DDD, 1996–2008 ______________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 363–2<br />


Organ Works (Praeludium, Trio et Fuga in G BWV 541 &<br />

528 / 3, in C BWV 545 & 529 / 2 & in B BWV 545b; Praeludium<br />

et Fuga in e BWV 533a & in e BWV 535a; Fantasia<br />

et Fuga in c BWV 562 & 546 / 2; Choralbearbeitung An<br />

Wasserflüssen Babylon BWV 653b; Fuga in D BWV 532 a)<br />

· Gerhard Weinberger, Johann Georg Schröter Organ Wandersleben,<br />

St. Petri, built 1724; Franciscus Volckland / Ernst<br />

Siegfried Hesse Organ, Mühlberg (Thüringen), St. Lukas, built<br />

1729 / 1823<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 153–2<br />

Works of Doubtful Authenticity I (Fantasia in G BWV 571;<br />

Orgelchoräle aus der Berliner Sammelhandschrift Mus.<br />

ms.Bach P 383 & aus unterschiedlicher Überlieferung & aus<br />

der Sammelhandschrift Yale LM 4843 & aus der Rudorff-<br />

Sammlung; Fuga in F BWV Anhang II 42; Partita O Vater,<br />

allmächtiger Gott BWV 758, Kleines harmonisches Labyrinth<br />

BWV 591) · Gerhard Weinberger, Zacharias Hildebrandt<br />

Organ, Störmthal (Sachsen), Kreuzkirche, 1722–23, Johann<br />

Scheibe Organ, Zschortau (Sachsen), S. Nicolai, 1744–46<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 135–2<br />

Works of Doubtful Authenticity II (Toccata et Fuga in d BWV<br />

565; Orgelchoraele: BWV 762, Anhang II 55, II 59, II 67 &<br />

II 69; Fuga in C BWV Anhang II 90; Partita »Herr Christ, der<br />

einig Gottes Sohn« BWV Anhang II 77; Partita »Wenn wir in<br />

hoechsten Noeten sein« BWV Anhang II 78; Fantasia et Fuga<br />

in a BWV 561) · Gerhard Weinberger, Gottfried Silbermann<br />

Organ, Hofkirche Dresden, built 1750–55<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 186–2<br />

Works of Doubtful Authenticity III (Acht kleine Praeludien<br />

und Fugen BWV 553–560; Choralbearbeitung In dulci<br />

jubilo BWV 751; 5 Choraltrios aus der Sammlung Hahn;<br />

3 Orgelchoräle aus der Sammelhandschrift Yale LM 4843;<br />

2 Orgelchoräle aus der Sammlung Körner; Das alte Jahr<br />

78<br />

vergangen ist BWV deest / Choral BWV 288) · Gerhard<br />

Weinberger, Carl Christian Hofmann Organ, Marienkirche<br />

Mechterstaedt, built 1770; Georg Christoph Stertzing Organ,<br />

St. Petrikirche Büßleben, 1702<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 212–2<br />

Choralfantasie »Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält« BWV<br />

1128 (World First Recording) / Die Kunst der Fuge BWV<br />

1080 (spätere Fassung des Originaldruckes, Leipzig 1751)<br />

· Gerhard Weinberger / Beatrice-Maria Weinberger<br />

(Johannes Creutzburg Organ, Propsteikirche St. Cyriakus<br />

Duderstadt, 1733–35)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 403–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 · Veronika Winter / Wiebke<br />

Lehmkuhl / Jan Kobow / Markus Flaig / Rheinische Kantorei /<br />

Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2009 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 459–2<br />

57 Sacred Songs from Georg Christian Schemellis »Musicalisches<br />

Gesang-Buch«, Leipzig, 1736 · Barbara Schlick,<br />

Soprano / Klaus Mertens, Baritone / Bob van Asperen, Harpsichord<br />

/ Organ / Wouter Möller, Violoncello<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 407–2<br />

The Apocryphal Bach Cantatas I (BWV 217–222) · Johanna<br />

Koslowsky / Harry Geraerts / Phillip Langshaw / Kai Wessel<br />

/ Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Steintor Barock Bremen (on<br />

period instruments) / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1991 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 139–2<br />

The Apocryphal Bach Cantatas II (BWV 15, 141, 142 & 160)<br />

· Dorothee Mields / Henning Voss / Henning Kaiser / Ralf<br />

Grobe / I Febiarmonici / Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Wolfgang<br />

Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 985–2

The Apocryphal Bach Masses & Magnicicat (Missa BWV Anh.<br />

25 & Missa BWV Anh. 26 / Magnificat BWV Anh. 21) · Dorothee<br />

Mields / Henning Voss / Henning Kaiser / Ralf Grobe /<br />

I Febiarmonici / Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 834–2<br />

The Apocryphal Bach Motets (BWV Anh. 159–165) · Alsfelder<br />

Vokalensemble / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 235–2<br />

Apocryphal St. Luke Passion BWV 246, Anh. II 30 · Mona<br />

Spägele / Christiane Iven / Rufus Müller / Harry van Berne /<br />

Stephan Schreckenberger / Marcus Sandmann / Alsfelder Vokalensemble<br />

/ Barockorchester Bremen / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 293–2<br />

Johannes-Passion BWV 245 (Version 1851 by Robert<br />

Schumann) · Veronika Winter / Elisabeth Scholl / Gerhild<br />

Romberger / Jan Kobow / Ekkehard Abele / Clemens<br />

Heidrich / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann<br />

Max<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 091–2<br />

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach 1759–1845<br />

Sonatas & Trio <strong>with</strong> B.c. · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 086–2<br />

Complete Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Hillebrand-Orgel<br />

der Münsterkirche St. Alexandri zu Einbeck<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2009 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 527–2<br />

Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach 1759–1845<br />

Sonata for Piano Four Hands / Duet No 2 for Piano four<br />

Hands + Johann Christian Bach: Sonata op. 15,5 for<br />

Two Pianos / Sonatas opp. 15,6, 18,5 & 18,6 for Piano Four<br />

Hands · Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 848–2<br />

Cantatas & Sinfonias (Westphalens Freude, Kantate auf<br />

die Rückkunft des Königs / Vater Unser / Columbus oder<br />

Die Entdeckung von Amerika / Sinfonias in G & C · Ingrid<br />

Schmithüsen / Howard Crook / Gotthold Schwarz / Klaus<br />

Mertens u.a. / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert /<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 672–2<br />

Johann Georg Heinrich Backofen 1768–1830<br />

Concertos for Clarinet & Orchestra (Concertos opp. 3, 16 &<br />

24) · Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiser-<br />

slautern / Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 065–2<br />

Henk Badings 1907–1987<br />

Symphony No 2 (1932) / Symphony No 7 »Louisville- Sym-<br />

phony« (1954) / Symphony No 12 »Symphonische Klang-<br />

figuren« (1964) · Janácek Philharmonic Ostrava / David<br />

Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 272–2<br />

Symphonies 3, 10 & 14 · Janácek Philharmonic Ostrava /<br />

David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 522–2<br />

Jean Barraqué 1928–1973<br />

Œuvres completes · Stefan Litwin, Piano and other Soloists /<br />

Vokalensemble NOVA Wien, Colin Mason / Klangforum<br />

Wien / Sylvain Cambreling / Jürg Wyttenbach / Peter Rundel<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995–1997 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 569–2<br />


Franz Ignaz Beck 1734–1809<br />

Symphonies op. 3 Nos 1, 2 & 6 / Overture »La mort<br />

d’Orphée« · La Stagione Frankfurt (on period instruments) /<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 034–2<br />

Symphonies op. 3, 3–5 · La Stagione Frankfurt (on period instruments)<br />

/ Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 390–2<br />

Symphonies op. 4, 1–3 / Overture from »L’islee déserte« · La<br />

Stagione Frankfurt (on period instruments) / Michael Schneider<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 033–2<br />

Ludwig van Beethoven 1770–1827<br />

Chamber Music for Winds Vol. 1–4 · Consortium Classicum /<br />

Dieter Klöcker<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993/94 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 658–2<br />

Mödlinger Tänze and other Dances · L’Orfeo Barockorchester<br />

/ Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 117–2<br />

Beethoven renovated for 5 Saxophones (Symphony No 5 /<br />

Coriolan op. 61 / Variations on »Rule Britannia« WoO. 79 /<br />

Ode to Joy · Quintessence Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 861–2<br />

Sonata op. 106 »Hammerklavier Sonata« / Sonata op. 2 No<br />

3 · Markus Becker, Fortepiano (Steinway D)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 239–2<br />

Franz Benda 1709–1786<br />

Violin Sonatas · Anton Steck, Baroque Violin / Christian<br />

Rieger, Harpsichord<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 214–2<br />

80<br />

Georg Anton Benda 1722–1795<br />

Harpsichord Concertos · Sabine Bauer, Harpsichord / La Stagione<br />

Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 088–2<br />

Natanael Berg 1879–1957<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-<br />

Pfalz / Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 324–2<br />

Charles-Auguste de Bériot 1802–1870<br />

Violin Concertos 2, 4 & 7 · Laurent Albrecht Breuninger / Nordwestdeutsche<br />

Philharmonie / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 167–2<br />

Antonio Bertali 1605–1669<br />

Sonate Festive · Musica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 545–2<br />

Heinrich Ignaz Biber 1644–1704<br />

Violin Sonatas from the Kremsier Archive + Georg Muffat:<br />

Sonata in D · Anton Steck, Violin / Christian Rieger, Harpsichord<br />

& Organ / Lee Santana, Arciliuto & Chitarrone / Hille<br />

Perl, Viola da gamba<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 124–2<br />

Arminio · Barbara Schlick / Gotthold Schwarz / Gerd Türk /<br />

Xenia Meijer / Gerd Kenda / Salzburger Hofmusik (on period<br />

instruments) / Wolfgang Brunner<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 258–2<br />

Benjamin Bilse 1816–1902<br />

Waltzes, Marches & Polkas · WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln /<br />

Christian Simonis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 341–2

Hermann Bischoff 1868–1936<br />

Symphony No 1 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-<br />

Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 111–2<br />

Symphony No 2 / Introduktion & Rondo · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 206–2<br />

Luigi Boccherini 1743–1805<br />

28 Symphonies · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss / Johannes<br />

Goritzki<br />

8 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992/93 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 401–2<br />

Violoncello Concertos G 477 & G 479 / Symphony G 521 /<br />

Octet G 470 · Stuttgarter Kammerorchester / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 113–2<br />

Flute Quintets op. 55 · Michael Faust, Flute / Auryn Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 382–2<br />

String Quartets op. 2 Nos 1–6 · Sonare Quartet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 123–2<br />

String Quartets op. 32 Nos 4–6 · Nomos-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 202–2<br />

String Quartets op. 33 Nos 1–6 · The Revolutionary Drawing<br />

Room (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 206–2<br />

String Quartets op. 39 & op. 41 Nos 1–2 · The Revolutionary<br />

Drawing Room (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 205–2<br />

String Quartets op. 58 Nos 1–6 · The Revolutionary Drawing<br />

Room (on period instruments)<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 070–2<br />

Ernst Boehe 1880–1938<br />

Symphonic Poems Vol. 1 (Tragische Ouvertüre op. 10 / Aus<br />

Odysseus’ Fahrten op. 6, I–III) · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001/02 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 875–2<br />

Symphonic Poems Vol. 2 (Taormina, Symphonischer Epilog<br />

zu einer Tragödie op. 11 / Aus Odysseus’ Fahrten op. 6,<br />

IV) · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner<br />

Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 908–2<br />

Georg Böhm 1661–1733<br />

Four Cantatas (Das Himmelreich ist gleich einem Könige /<br />

Ach, Herr, komme hinab / Mein Freund ist mein Und ich<br />

bin sein / Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth<br />

· Irmela Brünger / Inga Schneider / Beat Duddec / Jörn Lindemann<br />

/ Markus Flaig / Capella Sancti Georgi / Musica Alta<br />

Ripa / Ralf Popken<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 143–2<br />

Hakon Børresen 1876–1954<br />

Symphony No 1 / Serenade for Horn, Strings, and Timpani /<br />

Nordic Folk Tunes · Xiao-Ming Han, Horn / Stephan Böhnlein,<br />

Timpani / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken / Ole<br />

Schmidt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 578–2<br />

Symphonies Nos 2 »Havet« (The Sea) & 3 · Rundfunk-Sinfonie-<br />

Orchester Frankfurt / Ole Schmidt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995/97 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 353–2<br />

Giovanni Bottesini 1821–1889<br />

Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra in F sharp minor<br />

/ Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra in B minor /<br />

Gran Duo Passione Amorosa for Two Double Basses and<br />


82<br />

Orchestra* · Boguslaw Furtok, Double Bass / *Johannes Stäh-<br />

le, Double Bass / Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / *Ulrich<br />

Edelmann / Stephan Tetzlaff<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD 1998/99 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 665–2<br />

Johannes Brahms 1833–1897<br />

Piano Quartet op. 25 in G minor arranged by Arnold Schön-<br />

berg for orchestra / Clarinet Sonata op. 120, arr. by Luciano<br />

Berio for orchestra · Karl Heinz Steffens, Clarinet / Staatsor-<br />

chester Rheinische Philharmonie / Daniel Raiskin<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 356–2<br />

Serenades 1 & 2 · Capella Augustina (on period instruments) /<br />

Andreas Spering<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 300–2<br />

Complete Organ Works · Anne Horsch, März-Organ (1887),<br />

St. Rupert, München<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005/07 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 384–2<br />

Lieder (Zigeunerlieder op. 103 / Fünf Lieder opp. 106 &<br />

107 / Vier ernste Gesänge op. 121) · Iris Vermillion, Mezzo-<br />

Soprano / Juliane Banse, Soprano / Andreas Schmidt, Bari-<br />

tone Helmut Deutsch, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996–99 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 840–2<br />

Walter Braunfels 1882–1954<br />

Phantastische Erscheinungen eines Themas von Hector Ber-<br />

lioz op. 25 / Serenade op. 20 · Radio-Symphonieorchester<br />

Wien · Dennis Russell Davies<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 882–2<br />

Max Bruch 1838–1920<br />

Schwedische Tänze op. 63 (Orchestersuiten 1 & 2) / Suite<br />

nach russischen Volksmelodien op. 79b / Serenade nach<br />

schwedischen Motiven op. posth. · SWR Rundfunkorchester<br />

Kaiserslautern / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003/04 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 385–2<br />

String Octet op. posth. / Quintet for piano and string quar-<br />

tet op. posth. / String Quintet op. posth. · Ulf Hoelscher ,<br />

Nachum Erlich, Ingo de Haas & Karl-Heintz Schultz, Violins /<br />

Jörg-Wolfgang Jahn & Madeleine Prager, Viola / Martin<br />

Ostertag, Violoncello / Wolfgang Güttler, Double-Bass / Jan<br />

Fountain, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 451–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 1 op. 9 & 2 op. 10 · Mannheimer Streich-<br />

quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/97 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 460–2<br />

Arminius, Oratorio op. 43 · Hans Christoph Begemann /<br />

Michael Smallwood / Ursula Eittinger / Ryoko Morooka, Or-<br />

gan / Rheinische Kantorei / Göttinger Symphonie Orchester /<br />

Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 453–2<br />

Das Lied von der Glocke op. 45 for Solists, Chorus & Orches-<br />

tra · Eleonore Marguerre / Annette Markert / Klaus Florian<br />

Vogt / Mario Hoff / Philharmonischer Chor Prag / Kühn’s<br />

Mixed Chorus / Staatskapelle Weimar / Jac van Steen<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2004/05 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 130–2<br />

Anton Bruckner 1824–1896<br />

Piano Works (Lancer-Quadrille / Steiermärker; Quadrille<br />

for four hands / Three Pieces for four hands / Piece in<br />

Es / Sonata Movement in g / Stille Betrachtung an einem

Herbstabend / Fantasie / Erinnerung) · Wolfgang Brunner /<br />

Michael Schopper, Piano Duets<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 256–2<br />

Ignaz Brüll 1846–1907<br />

Piano Works · Alexandra Oehler<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 446–2<br />

Gaetano Brunetti 1767–1798<br />

String Quartets · Schuppanzigh-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 780–2<br />

Nicolaus Bruhns 1665–1697<br />

Complete Organ Works + Georg Dietrich Leyding:<br />

Complete Organ Works (Organ Works oft he North German<br />

Baroque Vol. 1) · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ,<br />

1724, St.-Petri Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 123–2<br />

Ferruccio Busoni 1866–1924<br />

Orchestral Works (Lustspiel-Ouvertüreop. 38 / Tanzwalzerop.<br />

53 / Rondo Arlecchinesco op. 46 / Nocturne symphonique<br />

op. 43 / Berceuse élégiaque op. 42 / Gesang vom<br />

Reigen der Geister op. 47) · NDR-Sinfonieorchester / Werner<br />

Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 161–2<br />

Piano Concerto op. 39 · Volker Banfield / Bavarian Radio<br />

Symphony Orchestra and Chorus / Lutz Herbig<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1986 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 017–2<br />

Clarinet Chamber Music (Suite for Clarinet and String Quartet<br />

/ Character Pieces for Clarinet and Piano / Sonata in D<br />

major for Clarinet and Piano / Elegy for Clarinet and Piano,<br />

etc.) · Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 252–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 1 op. 19 & 2 op. 26 · Pellegrini-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 264–2<br />

Piano Works (Hommages à Mozart, Bach & Chopin) · Roland<br />

Pöntinen, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 427–2<br />

Dietrich Buxtehude 1637–1707<br />

Das Jüngste Gericht (Selection) · Ulrike Hofbauer / Monika<br />

Mauch / Margret Hunter / Harry van der Kamp / Henning<br />

Voss / Hans-Jörg Mammel / Olfa Tetampel / Jörg Jacobi /<br />

WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 197–2<br />

Eine Lübecker Abendmusik (BuxWV 13, 34, 110, 112, 72,<br />

36, 51) · La Capella Ducale, / Musica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 318–2<br />

John Cage 1912–1992<br />

Thirteen (Versions I & II) · Ensemble 13 / Manfred Reichert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 227–2<br />

Antonio Caldara 1671–1736<br />

Trio Sonatas / Cello Sonatas · Parnassi musici (on period<br />

instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 871–2<br />

Antonio Casimir Cartellieri 1772–1807<br />

3 Viennese Wind Divertimenti · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 140–2<br />

Alfredo Casella 1883–1947<br />

Sinfonia per orchestra op. 63 / Italia op. 11 · WDR Sinfonieorchester<br />

Köln / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 265–2<br />


Luigi Cherubini 1760–1842<br />

Symphony in D / Lodoïska, Overture / Il Giulio Sabino, Sinfonia<br />

· Zürcher Kammerorchester / Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 521–2<br />

Complete String Quartets · HAUSMUSIK London (on period<br />

instruments)<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1996 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 949–2<br />

Domenico Cimarosa 1749–1801<br />

Dixit Dominus · Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 988–2<br />

Johann Georg Conradi ca. 1645–1699<br />

ARIADNE (Opera in three acts, Die schöne und getreue Ariadne)<br />

· Karina Gauvin / James Taylor / Jan Kobow / Ellen<br />

Hargis etc. / BOSTON EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL Orchestra &<br />

Chorus / Paul O’Dette / Stephen Stubbs<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2004 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 073–2<br />

Carl Davidoff 1838–1889<br />

Cello Concertos 1 & 2 + Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Variations<br />

on a Rococo Theme · Wen-Sinn Yang, Violoncello /<br />

Latvian National Symphony Orchestra / Terje Mikkelsen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 263–2<br />

François Devienne 1759–1803<br />

Bassoon Concertos Nos 1, 2, 4, and B flat major · Eckart Hübner<br />

/ Slovak Chamber Orchestra / Bohdan Warchal<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 120–2<br />

Max Deutsch 1892–1982<br />

Der Schatz (A film Symphony in 5 acts) · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Frank Strobel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 925–2<br />

84<br />

Albert Dietrich 1829–1908<br />

Symphony op. 20 / Violin Concerto op. 30 / Introduction &<br />

Romance op. 27 for Horn & Orchestra · Elisabeth Kufferath,<br />

Violin / Marie Luise Neunecker, Horn / Oldenburgisches Sta-<br />

atsorchester / Alexander Rumpf<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, Live, DDD, 2007 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 314–2<br />

Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf 1739–1799<br />

String Quartets Nos 1, 3–5 · Franz Schubert Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1988 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 038–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 2 & 6 / String Quintets in C and G<br />

· Franz Schubert Quartett / Julius Berger, Violoncello<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 122–2<br />

Giob (Oratorio a sei voci in due Parti) · Markus Schäfer / Ro-<br />

melia Lichtenstein / Jörg Waschinski / Ekkehard Abele / Beat<br />

Duddeck / Linda Perillo / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2000 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 790–2<br />

Ernst von Dohnányi 1877–1960<br />

Violin Concerto No. 1 op. 27 / American Rhapsody · Ulf Wal-<br />

lin, Violin / Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 308–2<br />

Gaetano Donizetti 1797–1848<br />

String Quartets Nos 7–9 · The Revolutionary Drawing Room<br />

(on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 170–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 10–12 · The Revolutionary Drawing<br />

Room (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 279–2

String Quartets Nos 13–15 · The Revolutionary Drawing<br />

Room (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 280–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 16–18 · The Revolutionary Drawing<br />

Room (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 282–2<br />

Nico Dostal 1895–1918<br />

Dostal conducts Dostal (Fröhliches Spiel / Spanische Skizzen<br />

/ Wiener Erinnerungen / Blues-Fantasie / Ein Mond<br />

für Verliebte / In meinen Bergen) · Berliner Philharmoniker /<br />

Nico Dostal<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1979 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 811–2<br />

Felix Draeseke 1835–1913<br />

Symphony No 1 op. 12 / Symphony No 4 WoO 38 (Symphonia<br />

Comica) / Gudrun Overture · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Jörg-Peter Weigle<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 746–2<br />

Symphonia tragica op. 40 / Trauer-Marsch op. 79 · NDR<br />

RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Jörg-Peter Weigle<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 581–2<br />

Symphony No 2 op. 25 / Serenade op. 49 · NDR RADIOPHIL-<br />

HARMONIE / Jörg-Peter Weigle<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998/99 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 719–2<br />

Lieder · Ingeborg Danz, Alto / Roman Trekel, Baritone / Cord<br />

Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001/02 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 826–2<br />

Simon Le Duc 1742–1777<br />

Complete Symphonic Works · La Stagione Frankfurt / Michael<br />

Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 219–2<br />

Marcel Dupré 1886–1971<br />

Le Chemin de la Croix op. 29 / Gregorian Chants for Passion<br />

· Friedhelm Flamme, Mühleisen Organ, Stiftskirche Bad<br />

Gandersheim / Gregorianik-Schola Marienmünster / Hans<br />

Hermann Jansen<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 128–2<br />

Francesco Durante 1684–1755<br />

Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae · Frimmer / Bach / Joswig<br />

/ Kölner Kammerchor / Collegium Cartusianum / Peter<br />

Neumann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 325–2<br />

Maurice Duruflé 1902–1986<br />

Complete Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Mühleisen Organ<br />

(2000) Stiftskirche, Bad Gandersheim<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2003 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 042–2<br />

Jan Ladislav Dussek 1760–1812<br />

Piano Trios (Sonata op. 20 No 3 in F major / Sonata op. 24<br />

No 3 in B flat major / Three Sonatas <strong>with</strong> Scotch & German<br />

Airs for the Piano Forte, With Accompaniments for a Violin &<br />

Bass op. 31) · Trio 1790<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 583–2<br />

Piano Sonatas opp. 44, 61 & 64 · Markus Becker, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 020–2<br />

Piano Sonatas opp. 9, 1–3 & 77 · Markus Becker, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 323–2<br />

Anton Eberl 1765–1807<br />

Grand Quintetto op. 41 / Grand Trio op. 36 / Quintuor brillant<br />

op. 48 · Consortium Classicum / Thomas Duis, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 184–2<br />


Hanns Eisler 1898–1962<br />

Symphonies op. 29 & op. 69 / 8 Orchestral Pieces / Lustspiel<br />

Overture · Magdeburgische Philharmonie / Mathias Husmann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 071–2<br />

String Quartet 1938 op. 75 / Präludium & Fuge über B-A-C-<br />

H for String Trio op. 46 (1934) + Theodor W. Adorno:<br />

Six Studies for String Quartet (1920) / Two Pieces for String<br />

Quartet op. 2 / String Quartet 1921 · Leipziger Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 341–2<br />

Anders Eliasson *1947<br />

Concerto for Violin, Piano & Orchestra / Sinfonia per archi<br />

· Ulf Wallin, Violin / Roland Pöntinen, Piano / Swedish Radio<br />

Symphony Orchestra / Johannes Gustavsson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 334–2<br />

August Enna 1859–1939<br />

Symphony No. 2 in E major / »Hans Christian Andersen«,<br />

Overture / »Fairy-Tale«, Symphonic Pictures · NDR RA-<br />

DIOPHILHARMONIE / Michael Hofstetter<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 035–2<br />

The Little Match Girl (Opera) / The Shepherdess and the<br />

Chimney-Sweep, Ballet Pantomime · Henriette Bonde-Hansen,<br />

Soprano / Gitta-Maria Sjöberg, Soprano / Frits Helmuth,<br />

Narrator / Sokkelund Sangkor, Danmarks Radio Pigekor / The<br />

Danish Radio Sinfonietta / Roman Zeilinger<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 595–2<br />

Eduard Erdmann 1896–1958<br />

Symphony No 3 op. 19 / Capricci op. 21 · Brandenburgisches<br />

Staatsorchester Frankfurt / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 068–2<br />

86<br />

Symphony No 4 op. 20 / Monogramme op. 22 / Ständchen<br />

für ein kleines Orchester op. 16 · Brandenburgisches Staatsor-<br />

chester Frankfurt / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 175–2<br />

Philipp Heinrich Erlebach 1657–1714<br />

Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen (Cantatas) · Dorothee<br />

Mields / Margaret CA. Hunter / Alexander Schneider / An-<br />

dreas Post / Matthias Vieweg / Les Amis de Philippe / Ludger<br />

Rémy<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 346–2<br />

Joseph Eybler 1765–1846<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 / Overture · L’Orchestre de Chambre de<br />

Genève / Michael Hofstetter<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 104–2<br />

Requiem · Barbara Schlick / Isolde Assenheimer / Harry van<br />

Berne / Harry van der Kamp / Alsfelder Vokalensemble /<br />

Steintor Barock Bremen (on period instruments) / Wolfgang<br />

Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 234–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio »Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu Bethlehem«<br />

· Sabine Ritterbusch / Waltraud Hoffmann-Mucher / Harry<br />

van Berne / Jelle Draijer / Alsfelder Vokalensemble & Bremer<br />

Domchor / I Febiarmonici / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 667–2<br />

Louise Farrenc 1804–1875<br />

Symphonies Nos 1 & 3 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Jo-<br />

hannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 603–2

Symphony 2 / Overtures 1 & 2 · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001/03 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 820–2<br />

Piano Trios 1 op. 33 & 3 op. 44 / Sextet op. 40 · Linos En-<br />

semble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 256–2<br />

Piano Quintets op. 30 & op. 31 · Konstanze Eickhorst / Linos<br />

Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 194–2<br />

Piano Works (Air russe varié op. 17 / 9 Etudes from op.<br />

26 / Waltz op. 48 / Nocturne op. 49 / Variations op. 15<br />

· Konstanze Eickhorst, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 879–2<br />

Carl Fasch 1736–1800<br />

Psalm 119, Motet + Johann Friedrich Fasch: Cantatas<br />

(Du sollst Gott, deinen Herrn, lieben / Wir müssen alle offen-<br />

bar werden / Overture in B flat major) · Maria Zádori / Lena<br />

Susanne Norin / Hans Jörg Mammel / Klaus Mertens etc. /<br />

Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995/96/01 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 594–2<br />

Johann Friedrich Fasch 1688–1758<br />

Chamber Works · Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 204–2<br />

Dresden Overtures, Sinfonias & Concertos · Les Amis de<br />

Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 424–2<br />

Overture D minor / Concerto B major for Chalumeau and<br />

Strings / Cantatas (»Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt»,<br />

»Laetatus sum«, »Sanftes Brausen, süßes Sausen«) · Klaus<br />

Mertens / Deborah York / Accademia Daniel / Shalev Ad-El<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 674–2<br />

Overture G major / 5 Concertos · Sergio Azzolini, Bassoon /<br />

Hans-Peter Westermann / Alessandro Piqué, Oboe / La<br />

Stravaganza Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 015–2<br />

Gabriel Fauré 1845–1924<br />

Piano Quintets op. 89 in D minor and op. 115 in C minor<br />

· Peter Orth, Piano / Auryn Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 357–2<br />

Morton Feldman 1926–1987<br />

Flute and Orchestra / Cello and Orchestra / Oboe and Orchestra<br />

/ Piano and Orchestra · Ros<strong>with</strong>a Staege, Flute /<br />

Siegfried Palm, Violoncello / Armin Aussem, Oboe / Roger<br />

Woodward, Piano / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken<br />

/ Hans Zender<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD, 1975/77/78 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 483–2<br />

Durations I–V / Coptic Light · Ensemble Avantgarde /<br />

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin / Michael Morgan<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992/94 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 189–2<br />

For Samuel Beckett · Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin /<br />

Roland Kluttig<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 647–2<br />

Francesco Feo 1667–1740<br />

Missa / Confitebor a 5 · Anja Zügner / Dorothea Wagner /<br />

Dominika Hirschler / Tobias Hunger / Tobias Berndt / Sächsisches<br />

Vocalensemble / Batzdorfer Hofkapelle / Matthias<br />

Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 333–2<br />


Kaiser Ferdinand III. 1608–1657<br />

Hymnen (»Jesu Redemptor omnium«, »Deus Tuorum«,<br />

»Humanae Salutis«) / Works by Kaiser Josephus I., Kaiser<br />

Leopold I. & Johann Heinrich Schmelzer · Linda Perillo /<br />

Jörg Waschinski / David Cordier / Henning Voss / Achim<br />

Kleinlein / Ulf Bästlein / Marcos Fink / WIENER AKADEMIE /<br />

Martin Haselböck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 681–2<br />

Giuseppe Ferlendis 1755–1802<br />

Oboe Concertos · Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento / Diego<br />

Dini Ciacci, Oboe & Conductor<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 368–2<br />

Alfonso Ferrabosco I 1543–1588<br />

+ Alfonso Ferrabosco II: Consort Music · Rose Consort<br />

of Viols<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 859–2<br />

Alexander Ernst Fesca 1820–1849<br />

Septets Nos 1 op. 26 & 2 op. 28 · Linos Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 617–2<br />

Friedrich Ernst Fesca 1789–1826<br />

Symphony No 1 op. 6 / Overtures opp. 41 & 43 / Omar &<br />

Leila Overture · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 889–2<br />

Symphonies 2 & 3 / Cantemire, Overture · NDR RADIOPHIL-<br />

HARMONIE / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 869–2<br />

88<br />

Flute Quartets opp. 37, 38 & 40 · Linos Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 126–2<br />

Anton Fils 1733–1760<br />

Symphonies · L’Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 778–2<br />

Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer 1656–1746<br />

Le Journal du Printemps op. 1 / Suites 1–4 & 6–8 · L’Orfeo<br />

Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 150–2<br />

Josef Bohuslav Förster 1859–1951<br />

String Quartets 1–5 · The Stamic Quartet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 542–2<br />

Kaspar Förster 1617–1673<br />

Oratorios & Sonatas · La Capella Ducale / Musica Fiata /<br />

Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 584–2<br />

Johann Philipp Förtsch 1652–1732<br />

Dialogs, Psalms / Sacred Concertos · La Capella Ducale /<br />

Musica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, Live, DDD, 2007 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 369–2<br />

Jean Francaix 1912–1997<br />

L’Horloge de Flore / String Quartet / Quartet for English<br />

Horn, Violin, Viola & Violoncello / Trio for Oboe, Bassoon &<br />

Piano · Lajos Lencses, Oboe & English Horn / Südwestdeutsches<br />

Kammerorchester Pforzheim / Vladislav Czarnecki / Parisii-<br />

Quartett / Francaix Trio<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1983–2000 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 779–2<br />

Melchior Franck ca. 1573–1639<br />

Deutsche Bußpsalmen Nürnberg 1615 · WESER-RENAIS-<br />

SANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 181–2

Benjamin Frankel 1906–1973<br />

The Battle of the Bulge (Complete Film Music) · Queensland<br />

Symphony Orchestra / Queensland State and Municipal Choir<br />

(Choir Director: Kevin Power) / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998/99 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 696–2<br />

Complete Symphonies · Queensland Symphony Orchestra /<br />

Werner Andreas Albert<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993–1998 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 661–2<br />

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra op. 24 / In memory of the<br />

›six million‹ / Viola Concerto op. 45 / Serenata Concertante<br />

for Piano Trio and Orchestra op. 37 · Ulf Hoelscher, Violin /<br />

Brett Dean, Viola / Stephen Emmerson, Piano / Alan Smith,<br />

Violin / David Lale, Violoncello / Queensland Symphony Or-<br />

chestra / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/97 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 422–2<br />

Johann Jacob Froberger 1616–1667<br />

The Strasbourg Manuscript (Fourteen Suites) · Ludger Rémy,<br />

Harpsichord<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 750–2<br />

Robert Fuchs 1846–1927<br />

Piano Concerto op. 27 / Serenade No 5 op. 53 for smaller<br />

Orchestra in Honor of Johann Strauss · Franz Vorraber, Pia-<br />

no / Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 893–2<br />

Wilhelm Furtwängler 1886–1954<br />

Complete Violin Sonatas · Matthias Wollong, Violin / Birgitta<br />

Wollenweber, Piano<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2004 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 217–2<br />

Johann Joseph Fux 1660–1741<br />

Il Fonte della Salute (Oratorio) · Kumiko Koike / Linda<br />

Perillo / Ursula Fiedler / Henning Voss / Johannes Chum /<br />

Wolfgang Bankl / WIENER AKADEMIE / Martin Haselböck<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 680–2<br />

Missa Corporis Christi / Victimae Paschali (Sequence) / Plau-<br />

dite, sonat tuba (Solo Cantata) / Paries Quidem Filium (Mo-<br />

tet) · David Cordier / Drew Minter / Johannes Chum / Klaus<br />

Mertens / WIENER AKADEMIE / Martin Haselböck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 528–2<br />

Sacred Works · ARMONICO TRIBUTO AUSTRIA / Domkan-<br />

torei Graz / Grazer Choralschola / Lorenz Duftschmid<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 850–2<br />

Andrea Gabrieli 1510?–1586<br />

Madrigali e Canzoni · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen /<br />

Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 642–2<br />

Psalmi Davidici · CAPELLA DVCALE VENETIA / Livio Picotti<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 863–2<br />

Niels W. Gade 1817–1890<br />

Echoes from Ossian op. 1 / Hamlet op. 37, Concert Over-<br />

ture / A Summer’s Day in the Country op. 55 / Holbergiana<br />

op. 61 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz / Ole<br />

Schmidt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 362–2<br />

Novelletter opp. 53 & 58 + Asger Hamerik: Symphony<br />

No 6 »Spirituelle« · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss / Jo-<br />

hannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 516–2<br />


90<br />

Domenico Gallo 18th century<br />

12 Trio Sonatas. Originally attributed to Pergolesi · Parnassi<br />

musici (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 717–2<br />

Georg Gebel, d. J. 1709–1753<br />

Christmas Oratorio 1748 / <strong>New</strong> Year’s Oratorio 1748<br />

· Monika Mauch / Kai Wessel / Nico van der Meel / Pe-<br />

ter Kooij / Cantus Thuringia / Capella Thuringia / Bernhard<br />

Klapprott<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 993–2<br />

Johannes Passion (St. John Passion) · Dorothee Mields / Hen-<br />

ning Voss / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Sebastian Bluth /<br />

ensemble inCanto Weimar / Weimarer Barock-Ensemble /<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 894–2<br />

Christian Geist ca. 1650–1711<br />

Complete Organ Works / Organ Works by Andreas Kneller<br />

& Johann Adam Reincken (Organ Works oft he North Ger-<br />

man Baroque Vol. 3) · Friedhelm Flamme, Johann-Matthias-<br />

Hagelstein-Organ, Kirche St. Georg, Gartow, 1735–1740<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 246–2<br />

Francesco Geminiani 1687–1762<br />

Violin Sonatas op. 5 (Geminiani’s transcription of Cello So-<br />

natas op. 5) · Anton Steck, Violin / Christian Rieger, Harpsi-<br />

chord / Markus Möllenbeck, Violoncello<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 225–2<br />

Georg Gerson 1790–1825<br />

Symphony in B flat major + Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius<br />

Kunzen: Symphony in G minor · Concerto Copenhagen /<br />

Lars Ulrik Mortensen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 085–2<br />

Jan van Gilse 1881–1944<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 · Netherlands Symphony Orchestra David<br />

Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 349–2<br />

Christoph Willibald Gluck 1714–1787<br />

Five Symphonies · L’Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 411–2<br />

Hermann Goetz 1840–1876<br />

Complete Orchestral Works & Concertos<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992/93/94 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 939–2<br />

Symphony op. 9 / Violin Concerto op. 22 / Overture »Der<br />

Widerspenstigen Zähmung« · Gottfried Schneider / Radio-<br />

Philharmonie Hannover des NDR / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 076–2<br />

Piano Concertos Nos 1 & 2 · Volker Banfield, Piano / NDR<br />

RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 098–2<br />

Piano Chamber Music (Piano Trio op. 1 / Piano Quartet op.<br />

6 / Piano Quintet op. 16 / Sonata for Piano Duet op. 17 /<br />

Three easy Pieces for Violin and Piano op. 2 · Konno · Lands-<br />

verk · Akahoshi · Goebel Trio Berlin<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1990 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 086–2

Karl Goldmark 1830–1915<br />

Piano Quintets opp. 30 & 54 · Quatuor Sine Nomine / Oliver<br />

Triendl, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 277–2<br />

Jakov Gotovac 1895–1982<br />

Symphonic Poems (Symphonic Kolo op. 12 / The Ploughers<br />

op. 18 / Guslar the Fiddler / Song and Kolo from »Ero« /<br />

Song and Dance op. 16 + Marko Tajcevic: 7 Balkan Danc-<br />

es · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Moshe Atzmon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 724–2<br />

Théodore Gouvy 1819–1898<br />

Symphonies Nos. 3 & 5 · Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saar-<br />

brücken Kaiserslautern / Jacques Mercier<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 379–2<br />

Enrique Granados 1867–1916<br />

Chamber Music (Piano Trio / Intermezzo for Cello and Piano<br />

from Goyescas, Gaspar Cassado / Rondalla aragonesa for<br />

Cello and Piano from Danzas espanolas / Sonata for Vio-<br />

lin and Piano / Madrigal for Cello and Piano) · Piano Trio<br />

Salzburg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 365–2<br />

Carl Heinrich Graun ca. 1703–1759<br />

+ Johann Gottlieb Graun: Concertos · Capella Academ-<br />

ica Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 321–2<br />

+ Johann Gottlieb Graun: Trios for 2 Violins & Basso<br />

· Les Amis de Philippe<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 423–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio · Ingrid Schmithüsen / Lena Susanne Norin<br />

/ Markus Schäfer / Klaus Mertens / Rheinische Kantorei /<br />

Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 707–2<br />

Große Passion »Kommt her und schaut« Graun WV B:VII:5<br />

· Veronika Winter / Hilke Andersen / Markus Schäfer /<br />

Ekkehard Abele / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert /<br />

Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2008 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 452–2<br />

Te Deum · Monika Mauch / Elisabeth von Magnus / Bernhard<br />

Gärtner / Klaus Mertens / L’arpa festante / Basler Madrigalisten<br />

/ Fritz Näf<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 158–2<br />

Johann Gottlieb Graun 1702 / 3–1771<br />

Concertos (Sinfonia Grosso in D major / Violin Concerto in D<br />

minor / Violin Concerto in A major / Concerto per la Viola da<br />

Gamba in A major · Ilja Korol, Violin / Daniel Sepec, Violin /<br />

Vittorio Ghielmi, Viola da Gamba / WIENER AKADEMIE /<br />

Martin Haselböck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 887–2<br />

Christoph Graupner 1683–1760<br />

Two Overtures / Cantata »Es begab sich, daß Jesus in eine<br />

Stadt mit Namen Nain ging« · Barbara Schlick, Soprano /<br />

Hein Meens, Tenor / Stephen Varcoe, Bass / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/83 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 592–2<br />

Edvard Grieg 1843–1907<br />

String Quartets op. 27 in G minor & in F major · Auryn<br />

Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 729–2<br />


92<br />

Part Songs for Male Voices · Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 835–2<br />

Sofia Gubaidulina *1931<br />

Pro et Contra / Märchenbild / Concordanza · NDR RA-<br />

DIOPHILHARMONIE / Johannes Kalitzke / Bernhard Klee<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991–1993 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 164–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 1–3 / String Trio · The Danish Quartet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 064–2<br />

Georg Friedrich Händel 1685–1759<br />

Watermusic / Royal Fireworks · L’Arte dell’Arco / Federico<br />

Guglielmo<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 312–2<br />

Suites de Pieces pour le Clavecin 1720 · Ludger Rémy, Harpsichord<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001/02 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 940–2<br />

Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline / Caroline Te Deum<br />

· Mieke van der Sluis / Graham Pushee / Harry van Berne /<br />

Harry van der Kamp / Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Barockorchester<br />

Bremen / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 244–2<br />

Israel in Ägypten (Version 1833 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy)<br />

· Monika Frimmer / Veronika Winter / Heike Grötzinger<br />

/ Hans Jörg Mammel / Ekkehard Abele / Gregor Finke<br />

/ Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 222–2<br />

Almira (Opera HWV 1) · Monoyios / Rozario / Gerrard /<br />

Nasrawi / MacDougall / Fiori Musicali (on period instruments)<br />

/ Andrew Lawrence-King<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 275–2<br />

Imeneo (Opera HWV 41) · Ann Hallenberg / Johanna Stojkov-<br />

ic / Siri Karoline Thornhill / Kay Stiefermann / Lochy Chung /<br />

VokalEnsemble Köln / Capella Augustina / Andreas Spering<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 915–2<br />

Asger Hamerik 1843–1923<br />

Symphony No 6 »Spirituelle« + Niels W. Gade: Novel-<br />

letter opp. 53 & 58 · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss /<br />

Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 516–2<br />

Andreas Hammerschmidt 1611 / 12–1675<br />

Sacred Works from »Kirchen- und Tafelmusik« (1662) and<br />

»Motettae unius et duarum vocum« (1649) · WESER-RENAIS-<br />

SANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 846–2<br />

Nicolaus Hanff 1664–1684<br />

Complete Organ Works / Complete Organ Works by Martin<br />

Radeck, Arnold Matthias Brunckhorst, Steffens, Daniel Erich,<br />

and Christian Ritter · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-<br />

Organ (1721 / 22), St. Cosmas und St. Damian, Bockhorn<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 271–2<br />

Johann Ernst Hartmann 1726–1793<br />

Complete Symphonies 1–4 · Concerto Copenhagen / Lars<br />

Ulrik Mortensen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 060–2<br />

Karl Amadeus Hartmann 1905–1963<br />

String Quartets Nos 1 & 2 · Pellegrini-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 219–2

Nicolaus Hasse ca. 1604–1670<br />

Complete Organ Works + Franz Tunder: Complete Organ<br />

Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ (1724), St.-<br />

Petri-Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 370–2<br />

Hans Leo Hassler 1564–1612<br />

Cantate Domino / Motets & Organ Works · Martin Böcker,<br />

Organ / WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 723–2<br />

Josef Matthias Hauer 1883–1959<br />

Symphonic Works · Thomas Christian, Violin / Radio-Sym-<br />

phonieorchester Wien / Gottfried Rabl<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004/05 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 154–2<br />

Siegmund von Hausegger 1872–1948<br />

Natursymphonie · WDR Rundfunkchor Köln / WDR Sinfo-<br />

nieorchester Köln / Ari Rasilainen<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 237–2<br />

Joseph Haydn 1732–1809<br />

6 Divertimenti for Flute, Violin & Violoncello Hob. IV:6*–<br />

11* / Trio in D major for Flute, Violin & Violoncello Hob. XI<br />

Nr. 82 · Trio Sanssouci<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 511–2<br />

6 Notturni for »Lyre organizate« H2:Nos 25, 26, 29–32 for<br />

2 Violas, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, and Double Bass · Consortium<br />

Classicum / Dieter Klöcker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1974 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 741–2<br />

String Quartets op. 20 Sonnenquartette · Pellegrini Quartett<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, 2006 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 173–2<br />

Baryton Trios Hob. XI, Nos 5, 96, 97, 113 · Geringas Baryton<br />

Trio<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, <strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 094–2<br />

Piano Trios Hob. XV:21–23 · Trio 1790<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 731–2<br />

Piano Trios Hob. XV:f1, X:34–35, 38 & 40 · Trio 1790<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002/03 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 243–2<br />

Piano Trios Hob. XV:41, XV:37, XV:C1, XV:36, XV:1, XV:2<br />

· Trio 1790<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002/03 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 244–2<br />

String Quartets Hob. III Nos 44–49 x »Prussian Quartets«<br />

(op. 50, Nos- 1–6) · Nomos-Quartett<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992/93 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 218–2<br />

Michael Haydn 1737–1806<br />

20 symphonies · Slovak Chamber Orchestra / Bohdan Warchal<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1991/92 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 591–2<br />

Symphonies P. 1C, P. 14, P. 43 & P. deest · Deutsche Kammerakademie<br />

Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 380–2<br />

Symphonies P. 21, P. 22, P. 23 & P. 42 · Deutsche Kammerakademie<br />

Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 179–2<br />

Symphonies P. 26–P. 31 · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss<br />

/ Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 379–2<br />

Divertimenti P. 98, P. 99 & o.P. / Variations for Piano P.<br />

132 · Salzburger Hofmusik / Wolfgang Brunner (on period<br />

instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 230–2<br />


94<br />

Part Songs for Male Voices · Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 333–2<br />

Der Baßgeiger zu Wörgl (Singspiel and Overtures, Diver-<br />

timenti, Marches, Menuets) · Barbara Meszaros / Hans<br />

Christoph Begemann / Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss /<br />

Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 513–2<br />

Der Traum (A pantomime in two acts MH 84) · Georg<br />

Schuchter, Narrator / Christiane Boesiger, Soprano / Markus<br />

Forster, Altus / Robert Holl, Bass / Salzburger Hofmusik /<br />

Wolfgang Brunner<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 823–2<br />

Johann David Heinichen 1683–1729<br />

Concertos & Sonatas · Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 115–2<br />

Dresden Wind Concertos S. 212, 218, 222, 225, 237 & 238<br />

· Laurence Dean, Transverse Flute / Martin Stadler, Oboe /<br />

Hariett Herrle, Oboe / Thomas Albert, Violin / Fiori musicali –<br />

Barockorchester Bremen / Thomas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 637–2<br />

Heinrich von Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Frank<br />

Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 122–2<br />

Cello Sonatas 1–3 · Claudius Herrmann, Violoncello / Saiko<br />

Sasaki, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 625–2<br />

Piano Quartets op. 75 & op. 95 / String Trios op. 27 / 1 &<br />

27 / 2 / Legends op. 62 · Belcanto Strings / Andreas Frölich,<br />

Piano<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999/00 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 438–2<br />

Piano Quintet op. 17 / String Quartet op. 63 · Minguet Quartett<br />

/ Oliver Triendl, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005/08 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 082–2<br />

Piano Trios 1 op. 24 & 2 op. 36 · Atos Trio<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 335–2<br />

Quintet for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, and Piano op.<br />

43 in E-flat major / Trio for Oboe, Horn, and Piano · Oliver<br />

Triendl, Piano / Orsolino Quintett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 081–2<br />

Die Geburt Christi op. 90 · Ökumenischer Hochschulchor<br />

Würzburg / Herzogenberg Orchester Würzburg / Matthias<br />

Beckert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 211–2<br />

Missa op. 87 in E minor · Barbara Fleckenstein / Bärbel Müller<br />

/ Rodrigo Orrego / Frederick Martin / Bachchor Mainz /<br />

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz / Ralf Otto<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 372–2<br />

Hans–Joachim Hespos *1938<br />

Solo Works 69–96 (splash, duma, kitara, monske, leija, pico,<br />

cang, -Z …) · L’ART POUR L’ART<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 890–2<br />

Paul Hindemith 1895–1963<br />

Orchestral Works Vol. 1<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1987–1992 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 248–2<br />

Orchestral Works Vol. 2<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1989, 1992–95 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 783–2

Orchestral Works Vol. 3<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1987–1992 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 784–2<br />

Complete Cello Concertos · David Geringas, Violoncello /<br />

Queensland Symphony Orchestra / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 375–2<br />

Viola Concertos / Kammermusik Nr. 5 op. 36 / 4 / Konzertmusik<br />

op. 48 / Der Schwanendreher / Trauermusik · Brett<br />

Dean, Viola / Queensland Symphony Orchestra / Werner<br />

Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 492–2<br />

Music for Horn / Kleine Kammermusik op. 24,2 / Quartet<br />

for 4 Horns / 2 Sonatas for Horn and Piano · Hans Dullaert /<br />

Marja Bon / Netherlands Woodwind Quintet / Pavillon Quartet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 229–2<br />

Complete String Quartets 1–7 · The Danish Quartet<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 287–2<br />

String Trios 1 & 2 (1924 & 1933) · Deutsches Streichtrio<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994/95 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 283–2<br />

Piano Works (Tanzstücke op. 19 / In einer Nacht op. 15 / 3.<br />

Klaviersonate) · Christian Seibert, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 171–2<br />

E.T.A. Hoffmann 1776–1822<br />

Das Kreuz an der Ostsee (Overture to the 1st act) / Sinfonia<br />

between the 2nd and 3rd act / March of the Teutonic<br />

Knights / Arlequin AV 41, Music to the Ballet / Overtures<br />

to Der Trank der Unsterblichkeit AV 43 / Liebe und Eifersucht<br />

AV 33 · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss / Johannes<br />

Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 606–2<br />

Grand Piano Trio in E major / 6 Duettini italiani for Soprano,<br />

Tenor & Piano / Harp Quintet in C minor · Beethoven Trio<br />

Ravensburg / Dorothee Mields / Jan Kobow / Wolfgang Brunner<br />

/ Isabelle Moretti / Parisii-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995–2001 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 309–2<br />

Dirna (An Indian Melodrama) · Angelika Krautzberger / Martin<br />

Herrmann / Werner Klockow / Kammerchor Cantemus /<br />

Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 607–2<br />

Franz Hoffmeister 1754–1812<br />

Clarinet Quartets · Dieter Klöcker · Members of the Vlach<br />

Quartet Prague<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 812–2<br />

Wind Serenades Vol. 1 (Divertimento in B flat major / Parthias<br />

in d minor, B flat major, and E flat major) · Consortium<br />

Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 107–2<br />

Wind Serenades Vol. 2 (Parthias, Septets, in B flat major & 3<br />

Parthias in E flat major) · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 133–2<br />

Josef Holbrooke 1878–1958<br />

Symphonic Poems (Amontillado op. 123 / The Viking op.<br />

32 / Three Blind Mice op. 37,1 / Ulalume op. 35) · Brandenburgisches<br />

Staatsorchester Frankfurt / Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 442–2<br />

Ignaz Holzbauer 1711–1783<br />

Concerti for Transverse Flute & String Orchestra · Karl Kaiser,<br />

Flute & Direction / La Stagione Frankfurt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 358–2<br />


Five Symphonies · L’Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 585–2<br />

Günther von Schwarzburg · Robert Wörle / Michael Schopper<br />

/ Christoph Prégardien / Claron McFadden / La Stagione<br />

(on period instruments) / Michael Schneider<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 265–2<br />

Johann Nepomuk Hummel 1778–1837<br />

Der Durchzug durchs Rote Meer (Oratorio) · Simone Kermes /<br />

Veronika Winter / Hans Jörg Mammel / Ekkehard Abele /<br />

Wolf Matthias Friedrich / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 220–2<br />

Engelbert Humperdinck 1854–1921<br />

Dornröschen (Märchen in einem Vorspiel und drei Akten)<br />

· Brigitte Fassbaender / Christina Landshamer / Kristiane<br />

Kaiser / Tobias Haaks / Wolfgang Klose etc. / Chor des<br />

Bayerischen Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf<br />

Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, live, DDD, 2008 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 510–2<br />

John Ireland 1879–1962<br />

Complete Organ Works · Stefan Kagl, Organ (Herforder<br />

Münsterkirche)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 481–2<br />

Kaiser Josephus I. 1678–1711<br />

Cantata »Regina coeli« / Works by Kaiser Ferdinand III., Kaiser<br />

Leopold I. & Johann Heinrich Schmelzer · Linda Perillo /<br />

Jörg Waschinski / David Cordier / Henning Voss / Achim<br />

Kleinlein / Ulf Bästlein / Marcos Fink / WIENER AKADEMIE /<br />

Martin Haselböck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 681–2<br />

96<br />

Paul Juon 1872–1940<br />

Piano Quartet op. 50 / Rhapsody op. 37 · Oliver Triendl,<br />

Piano / Daniel Gaede, Violin / Hariolf Schlichtig, Viola / Peter<br />

Bruns, Violoncello<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 278–2<br />

Dmitri Kabalevsky 1904–1987<br />

Complete Symphonies · NDR Chor / The Choir of the Hungarian<br />

Radio / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Eiji Oue<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001/02 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 833–2<br />

Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda 1801–1866<br />

Symphonies 5 & 7 / Overture No 16 op. 238 · DAS NEUE<br />

ORCHESTER / Christoph Spering<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 139–2<br />

Emmerich Kálmán 1882–1953<br />

Der Zigeunerprimas (Operetta in three acts) · Edith Lienbacher<br />

/ Gabriele Rossmanith / Zoran Todorovich / Roberto<br />

Sacca / Kay Stiefermann / Wolfgang Bankl / Sunnyi Melles /<br />

Kinderchor der Bayerischen Staatsoper / Slowakischer Philharmonischer<br />

Chor / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Claus Peter<br />

Flor<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 058–2<br />

Giya Kancheli *1935<br />

Symphonies Nos 2 & 7 · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin /<br />

Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 263–2<br />

Reinhard Keiser 1674–1739<br />

Masaniello Furioso (Dramma musicale) · David Cordier /<br />

Wilfried Jochens / Harry van der Kamp / Barbara Schlick /<br />

Schopper / Fiori Musicali / Thomas Albert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1989 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 110–2

Friedrich Kiel 1821–1885<br />

Complete Piano Quartets 1–3 · Ulrike-Anima Mathé / Hariolf<br />

Schlichtig / Xenia Jankovic / Oliver Triendl<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 076–2<br />

Wilhelm Kienzl 1857–1941<br />

String Quartets 1–3 · Thomas Christian Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 805–2<br />

Otto Klemperer 1885–1973<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 / Merry Waltz / Marcia funèbre / Recol-<br />

lections / Scherzo · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-<br />

Pfalz / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 987–2<br />

Julius Klengel 1859–1933<br />

Cello Concertos Nos 1 & 4 / Double Cello Concerto op. 45<br />

· Xenia Jankovic & Christoph Richter, Violoncellos / NDR RA-<br />

DIOPHILHARMONIE / Bjarte Engeset<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 714–2<br />

Friedrich Klose 1862–1942<br />

Ilsebill, Das Märlein von dem Fischer und seine Frau (Dra-<br />

matic Symphony) · Norbert Schmittberg / Sabine Türner / Ja-<br />

roslaw Sielicki / Opernchor, Extrachor und Kinderchor Theater<br />

Aachen / Sinfonieorchester Aachen / Marcus Bosch<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2004 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 057–2<br />

Andreas Kneller 1649–1724<br />

Complete Organ Works / Organ Works by Christian Geist &<br />

Johann Adam Reincken · Friedhelm Flamme, Johann-Matthias-<br />

Hagelstein-Organ, Kirche St. Georg, Gartow, 1735–1740<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 246–2<br />

Hans Kößler 1853–1926<br />

String Quintet in D minor / String Sextet in F minor · Frank-<br />

furter Streichsextett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 269–2<br />

Erich Wolfgang Korngold 1897–1957<br />

Orchestral Works 1–4 · Steven de Groote, Piano / Julius<br />

Berger, Violoncello / Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie / Wer-<br />

ner Andreas Albert<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD/DDD, 1985–1991 ______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 150–2<br />

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Complete Film Music) · Ce-<br />

lina Lindsley / Michelle Breedt / Scot Weir / Michael Burt /<br />

Rundfunkchor Berlin / Sigurd Brauns / Deutsches Symphonie-<br />

Orchester Berlin / Gerd Albrecht<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 449–2<br />

String Quartets 1–3 / Piano Quintet op. 15 · Aron Quartett /<br />

Henri Sigfridsson, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 436–2<br />

Complete Works for Violin and Piano · Sonja van Beek, Vio-<br />

lin / Andreas Frölich, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 709–2<br />

Die Kathrin · Melanie Diener / David Rendall / Robert Hay-<br />

ward / Lillian Watson / Della Jones / BBC Singers / BBC<br />

Concert Orchestra / Martyn Brabbins<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 602–2<br />

Der Ring des Polykrates · Endrik Wottrich / Beate Bilandzija /<br />

Jürgen Sacher / Kirsten Blanck / Dietrich Henschel / Deutsches<br />

Symphonie-Orchester Berlin / Klauspeter Seibel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 402–2<br />


98<br />

Leopold Anton Kozeluch 1747–1818<br />

Trois Sonates pour le Clavecin ou Piano Forte avec accompa-<br />

gnement du Violon et Violoncelle (Sonatas P.IX: 15, 14 & 18)<br />

· Trio 1790 (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 311–2<br />

Joseph Martin Kraus 1756–1792<br />

Miserere / Requiem / Stella coeli · Annemei Blessing-Leyhau-<br />

sen / Paul Gerhard Adam / Carmen Schüller / Julian Prégar-<br />

dien / Ekkehard Abele / Deutscher Kammerchor / La Stagione<br />

Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 409–2<br />

Ernst Krenek 1900–1991<br />

Symphonies Nos 1 & 5 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE /<br />

Takao Ukigaya<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 359–2<br />

Symphony No 2 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Takao<br />

Ukigaya<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 255–2<br />

Symphony No 3 / Potpourri op. 54 · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Takao Ukigaya<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 236–2<br />

Symphony No 4 (World Premiere Recording) / Concerto<br />

grosso No. 2 op. 25 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE · Alun<br />

Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 210–2<br />

Rodolphe Kreutzer 1766–1831<br />

40 Etudes ou Caprices pour violon · Elizabeth Wallfisch<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 901–2<br />

Johann Philipp Krieger 1651–1735<br />

Secular Songs and Sacred Arias from »Neue musicalische<br />

Ergätzlichkeit« + Philipp Friedrich Buchner: Sonatas<br />

from »Plectrum Musicum« · Jan Kobow, Tenor / United Con-<br />

tinuo Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 433–2<br />

»XII Sonate à due Violini« 1688 (Trio Sonatas) · Parnassi<br />

musici<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 294–2<br />

Franz Krommer 1760–1831<br />

6 Clarinet Quartets · Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / Consortium<br />

Classicum<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 141–2<br />

Quartet for Bassoon and String Trio op. 46,1 in B flat major /<br />

Quartet for Bassoon and String Trio op. 46,2 in E flat major<br />

+ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonata for Bassoon &<br />

B.c. in B flat major KV232 · Eckart Hübner, Bassoon / Jo-<br />

hannes Lüthy, Viola / Steuart Eaton, Viola / Reinhard Latzko<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 297–2<br />

Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius Kunzen 1761–1817<br />

Symphony in G minor + Georg Gerson: Symphony in B<br />

flat major · Concerto Copenhagen / Lars Ulrik Mortensen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 085–2<br />

Edouard Lalo 1823–1892<br />

Symphony in G minor / Rapsodie / Scherzo / Divertisse-<br />

ments · Basler Sinfonie-Orchester / Giancarlo Andretta<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 296–2

Orlando di Lasso 1532–1594<br />

Eine Marienvesper · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred<br />

Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 182–2<br />

Lagrime di S. Pietro · CAPELLA DVCALE VENETIA / Livio<br />

Picotti<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 862–2<br />

Lieder / Chansons / Madrigals · Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 855–2<br />

Giovanni Legrenzi 1626–1690<br />

Sonate a due, e tre Opus 2 1655 (Trio Sonatas) · Parnassi<br />

musici (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 030–2<br />

Franz Lehár 1870–1948<br />

Overtures & Waltzes (Die lustige Witwe, Der Göttergatte,<br />

Clo-Clo, Altwiener Liebeswalzer, Wilde Rosen, Grützner-<br />

Walzer, Adria Walzer) · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin /<br />

Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000/02 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 891–2<br />

Suites, Dances, Intermezzi (Zigeunerfest, Fata Morgana, Korallenlippen<br />

etc.) · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Michail<br />

Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 761–2<br />

Symphonic Works (Fever / Tatjana Preludes / Il Guado /<br />

Violin Concertino / A Vision / Donau-Legenden) · Robert<br />

Gambill, Tenor / Latica Honda-Rosenberg, Violin / Volker<br />

Banfield, Piano / NDR RadioPhilharmonie / Klauspeter Seibel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 423–2<br />

Tatjana (Opera in three acts) · Dagmar Schellenberger /<br />

Herbert Lippert / Karsten Mewes etc. / Rundfunkchor Berlin /<br />

Sigurd Brauns / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Michail<br />

Jurowski<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 762–2<br />

Die Blaue Mazur (Operetta in two acts & Intermezzo) · Johanna<br />

Stojkovic / Julia Bauer / Johan Weigel / Jan Kobow /<br />

Hans Christoph Begemann / Kammerchor der Singakademie<br />

Frankfurt / Oder / Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt<br />

/ Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 331–2<br />

Eva (Operetta in two acts) · Morenike Fadayomi / Zora Antonic<br />

/ Reinhard Alessandri / Thomas Malik etc. / Chor des Lehár<br />

Festivals Bad Ischl / Franz Lehár-Orchester / Wolfgang Bozic<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2005 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 148–2<br />

Friederike (Singspiel in three acts) · Kristiane Kaiser / Sylvia<br />

Schwartz / Klaus Florian Vogt / Daniel Behle / Chor des<br />

Bayerischen Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf<br />

Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 330–2<br />

Frühling (Operetta in one act) / Elfentanz (Waltz) / Magyar<br />

ábránd (Hungarian Fantasy) · Stefanie Krahnenfeld / Alison<br />

Browner / Robert Wörle / Markus Köhler / Deutsche Kammerakademie<br />

Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 727–2<br />

Der Graf von Luxemburg (Operetta in three acts) · Bo<br />

Skovhus / Juliane Banse / Rainer Trost / Gabriela Bone etc. /<br />

Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien / Festival-Chor KlangBogen<br />

Wien / Alfred Eschwé<br />

DVD, Live, DDD, 2005 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 194–2<br />

Das Land des Lächelns (Romantic Operetta in three acts)<br />

· Camilla Nylund / Julia Bauer / Piotr Beczala / Alexander<br />

Kaimbacher / Alfred Berg / Theodor Weimer / Chor des<br />


Bayerischen Rundfunks / Michael Gläser / Münchner Rundfunkorchester<br />

/ Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2006 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 303–2<br />

Der Rastelbinder ( Operetta in two Acts With Prelude, 1902,<br />

Complete Recording <strong>with</strong> the Original Dialogues) · Fritz Muliar<br />

/ Elfie Hobarth / Helga Papouschek / Heinz Zednik /<br />

Adolf Dallapozza / Regie: Michael Fischer-Ledenice / ORF-<br />

Chor / Wiener Mozart Sängerknaben / ORF-Symphonieorchester<br />

/ Hans Graf<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1981 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 038–2<br />

Der Sterngucker (Operetta in three acts) · Lothar Odinius /<br />

Claudia Rohrbach / Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir / Robert Wörle<br />

/ Markus Köhler / Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss /<br />

Johannes Goritzki<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>S, Hybrid, DDD, 2001 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 872–2<br />

Wiener Frauen (Operetta in three acts, Highlights) / Overtures<br />

»Der Göttergatte« & »Wo die Lerche singt« · Anke<br />

Hoffmann / Anneli Pfeffer / Peter Minich / Thomas Dewald /<br />

Boris Leisenheimer / WDR Rundfunkorchester / WDR Rundfunkchor<br />

/ Helmuth Froschauer / Curt Cremer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 326–2<br />

Zigeunerliebe (Romantic Operetta in three acts, First Version<br />

1910) · Johanna Stojkovic / Dagmar Schellenberger / Zoran<br />

Todorovich / Bernhard Schneider etc. / Andrej Bielow, Solo<br />

Violin / NDR-Chor / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Frank<br />

Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 842–2<br />

Georg Dietrich Leyding 1664–1710<br />

Complete Organ Works + Nicolaus Bruhns: Complete Organ<br />

Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ, 1724,<br />

St.-Petri Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 123–2<br />

100<br />

György Ligeti *1923<br />

Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet / Ten Pieces for Wind Quintet<br />

+ György Kurtág: Wind Quintet op. 2 + Sándor Ver-<br />

ess: Sonata for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon / Diptych for<br />

Wind Quintet · Albert Schweitzer Quintett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994/95 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 315–2<br />

Franz Liszt 1811–1886<br />

Années de Pèlerinage I (Première Année »Suisse«) / Piano<br />

Sonata in B minor · Michael Korstick, Piano (Steinway D)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/08 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 478–2<br />

Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth (Oratorio) · Melanie<br />

Diener / Dagmar Pecková / Mario Hoff / Renatus Mézár /<br />

Alexander Günther / Chor des Ungarischen Rundfunks / Sta-<br />

atskapelle Weimar / Carl St. Clair<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2007 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 339–2<br />

Karol Lipinski 1790–1861<br />

Violin Concertos 2 (Concerto militaire), 3 & 4 · Albrecht Breun-<br />

inger, Violin / Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Wojciech<br />

Rajski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001/02 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 787–2<br />

Violin Concerto No 1 op. 14 / Rondo alla polacca op. 13 /<br />

Variations de Bravoure op. 22 · Albrecht Breuninger, Violin /<br />

Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Wojciech Rajski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001/02 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 912–2<br />

Anatlij Ljadow 1874–1935<br />

The Enchanted Lake op. 62 + Josef Suk: A Summer’s Tale<br />

op. 29 · Orchester der Komischen Oper Berlin / Kirill Petrenko<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, Live, 2004 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 174–2

M. Laura Lombardini Sirmen 1745–1818<br />

Quartetto No 2 in B flat major / Quartetto No 3 in G minor<br />

+ Emilie Mayer: String Quartet op. 14 in G minor<br />

+ Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel: String Quartet in E flat<br />

major · Erato Quartett Basel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 679–2<br />

Albert Lortzing 1801–1851<br />

Die Himmelfahrt Jesu (Oratorio) · Anneli Pfeffer / Hedwig<br />

Fassbänder / Christian Hilz / Kay Stiefermann / Bernhard<br />

Schneider / WDR Rundfunkchor Köln / WDR Rundfunkorchester<br />

Köln / Helmuth Froschauer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 837–2<br />

Antonio Lotti 1667–1740<br />

Vesper Psalms · Barbara Christina Steude / Annekathrin<br />

Laabs / David Erler / Tobias Berndt / Sächsisches Vocalensemble<br />

/ Batzdorfer Hofkapelle / Matthias Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 180–2<br />

Vincent Lübeck 1654–1740<br />

Complete Organ Works / including 3 Organ Works ascribed<br />

to the son Vincent Lübeck · Friedhelm Flamme, Christoph-Treutmann<br />

Organ, 1734–37, Stiftskirche St. Georg zu Grauhof bei<br />

Goslar<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 198–2<br />

Jean–Baptiste Lully 1632–1687<br />

Psyché (Tragédie en Musique) · Carolyn Sampson / Karina<br />


CHORUS / Paul O’Dette / Stephen Stubbs<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 367–2<br />

Thésée (Tragédie en Musique) · Howard Crook / Laura<br />

Pudwell / Ellen Hargis / Harry van der Kamp etc. / BOSTON<br />


O’Dette / Stephen Stubbs<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2006 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 240–2<br />

Alma Mahler-Werfel 1879–1964<br />

Complete Songs + Alexander von Zemlinsky: Songs<br />

op. 7 · Ruth Ziesak, Soprano / Iris Vermillion, Mezzo-soprano<br />

/ Christian Elsner, Tenor / Cord Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 455–2<br />

Gian Francesco Malipiero 1882–1973<br />

Piano Concertos 1–6 / Variazioni senza tema · Sandro Ivo<br />

Bartoli, Piano / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken /<br />

Michele Carulli<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Hybrid, 2005 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 287–2<br />

Francesco Manfredini 1684–1762<br />

12 Concerti op. 3 · Les Amis de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 638–2<br />

Bohuslav Martinu 1890–1959<br />

Concerto for two pianos + Alfred Schnittke: Concerto für<br />

Piano (four-hands) and Chamber Orchestra / »Hommage<br />

à Grieg« for Soloviolin (Kathrin Rabus) and Orchestra /<br />

»Polyphonischer Tango« for Chamber Ensemble · Klavierduo<br />

Genova & Dimitrov (Aglika Genova & Liuben Dimitrov) / NDR<br />


<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 804–2<br />

Joseph Marx 1882–1964<br />

Symphonic Works (Eine Frühlingsmusik / Idylle / Feste im<br />

Herbst) · Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien / Johannes Wildner<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 320–2<br />


Complete String Quartets · Thomas Christian Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 066–2<br />

Lieder · Angelika Kirchschlager, Mezzo-soprano / Anthony<br />

Spiri, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 466–2<br />

Eduard Marxsen 1806–1887<br />

Piano Works (Sonata op. 8 / Rondo brillant op. 9 / 3 Roman-<br />

zen op. 67 / Variationen op. 67, 1 & 2 / Lied ohne Worte op.<br />

37) · Anthony Spiri, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 319–2<br />

Johann Mattheson 1681–1764<br />

Das größte Kind (Christmas Oratorio) · Susanne Rydén / Nele<br />

Gramß / Anne Schmid / Melissa Hegney / Gerd Türk / Ulrich<br />

Cordes / Wolf Matthias Friedrich / Thilo Dahlmann / Kölner<br />

Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 455–2<br />

Der liebreiche und geduldige David (Oratorio, 1724) · Chris-<br />

tian Hilz / Nicki Kennedy / Ursula Eittinger / Raimonds<br />

Spogis / Max Ciolek / Chor der Kölner Akademie / Michael<br />

Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 360–2<br />

Emilie Mayer 1812–1847<br />

String Quartet op. 14 in G minor + Fanny Mendelssohn-<br />

Hensel: String Quartet in E flat major + M. Laura Lom-<br />

bardini Sirmen: Quartetto No 2 in B flat major / Quartetto<br />

No 3 in G minor · Erato Quartett Basel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 679–2<br />

102<br />

Tilo Medek 1940–2006<br />

Cello Concerto No. 1 (1978 / 82) / »Eine Stele für Bernd Alois<br />

Zimmermann« for Violoncello solo (1976) / »Schattenspiele«<br />

for Violoncello solo (1973) · Guido Schiefen, Violoncello /<br />

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 520–2<br />

Alessandro Melani 1639–1703<br />

L’Europa, Introduzione / Requiem / Beatus Vir; Magnificat<br />

· Veronika Winter / Cornelia Samuelis / Kai Wessel / Benoit<br />

Haller / Ekkehard Abele / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 408–2<br />

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809–1847<br />

String Quintets 1 op. 18 & 2 op. 87 · Mannheimer Streich-<br />

quartett / Jone Kaliunaite, Viola<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 389–2<br />

The Part Songs for Male Voices (6 Lieder op. 50 / 2 Chöre<br />

op. 115 / Ersatz für Unbestand op. ph. / 4 Lieder op. 75 /<br />

Nachtgesang op. ph. / 4 Lieder op. 120 / 5 Lieder) · Die<br />

Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 091–2<br />

Fanny Mendelssohn–Hensel 1805–1847<br />

String Quartet in E flat major + Emilie Mayer: String Quar-<br />

tet op. 14 in G minor + M. Laura Lombardini Sirmen:<br />

Quartetto No 2 in B flat major / Quartetto No 3 in G minor<br />

· Erato Quartett Basel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 679–2

Giacomo Meyerbeer 1791–1864<br />

Fackeltänze 1–4 / Fest-Ouverture im Marschstyl / Schiller-<br />

Marsch / Krönungsmarsch from »Le Prophète« · NDR RA-<br />

DIOPHILHARMONIE / Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 168–2<br />

»Struensee« (Complete Incidental Music) / »Les Patineurs«<br />

(Ballet Music) / »L’Africaine« (Prelude) · Chor des NDR /<br />

NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/97 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 336–2<br />

Wilhelm Middelschulte 1863–1943<br />

Organ Works (J.S. Bach-Goldberg Variations arranged for<br />

Organ) · Jürgen Sonnentheil, Gerald Woehl Organ, St. Petrus<br />

Canisius, Friedrichshafen<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2005 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 215–2<br />

Darius Milhaud 1892–1974<br />

Symphonies 1–12 · Radio-Sinfonieorchester Basel / Alun<br />

Francis<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992/93/95/97 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 656–2<br />

Complete Works for Piano & Orchestra · Michael Korstick,<br />

Piano / SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern / Aun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 162–2<br />

Bernhard Molique 1801–1869<br />

String Quartets op. 18 Nos 1 & 2 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 149–2<br />

String Quartets op. 18 Nos 3 & op. 28 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 276–2<br />

String Quartets op. 16 & op. 17 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 336–2<br />

Stanislaw Moniuszko 1819–1872<br />

Overtures (Halka / Hrabina / Verbum Nobile / Bajka-Win-<br />

ter’s Tale / Jawnuta / Flis / Paria · Filharmonia Pomorska<br />

Bydgoszcz / Robert Satanowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 113–2<br />

Halka (Opera in four acts) · Barbara Zagòrzanka / Andrzej<br />

Hiolski / Wiestaw Ochman / Jerzy Ostapuik / Orchestra<br />

and Chorus of the Polish National Opera Warsaw / Robert<br />

Satanowski<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1986 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 032–2<br />

Georg Matthias Monn 1717–1750<br />

Six Symphonies · L’Arpa Festante / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 273–2<br />

Concerti for Violoncello, Strings and B.c. in G minor / for<br />

Harpsichord, Strings and B.c. in D major / for Violin, Strings<br />

and B.c. in B flat major / for Harpsichord, Strings and B.c. in<br />

G minor · Rainer Zipperling / Sabine Bauer / Mary Utiger /<br />

La Stagione Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 391–2<br />

Peter Morhard †1685<br />

Complete Organ Works + Melchior Schildt: Complete<br />

Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Gerhard-von-Holy-Organ<br />

(1710 / 11) Barholomäuskirche zu Dornum<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 343–2<br />

Leopold Mozart 1719–1787<br />

Symphonies (Sinfonia da caccia / Rustic Wedding / Sinfonia<br />

burlesca / Neue Lambacher Sinfonie) · L’Orfeo Barockorches-<br />

ter / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 942–2<br />


Wolfgang Amadé Mozart 1756–1791<br />

Complete Piano Trios · Trio Stradivari (on period instruments)<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2005/06 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 273–2<br />

Concert Arias for Tenor (Arias KV 21, 36, 209, 210, 295,<br />

256, 420 & 431 / Sinfonia KV 16, Divertimento KV 138)<br />

· Christoph Prégardien, Tenor / L’Orfeo Barockorchester /<br />

Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 810–2<br />

Zaide KV 344 (German Singspiel in two acts, fragment) · Isa-<br />

bel Monar / Markus Schäfer / Markus Brutscher / Christian<br />

Hilz / WIENER AKADEMIE / Martin Haselböck<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2006 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 281–2<br />

Georg Muffat 1635–1704<br />

Suites and Concertos · ARMONICO TRIBUTO (on period in-<br />

struments) / Lorenz Duftschmid<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 635–2<br />

Josef Myslivecek 1737–1781<br />

Symphonies & Overtures · L’Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi<br />

Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 050–2<br />

Johann Gottlieb Naumann 1741–1801<br />

La Passione di Gesù Cristo (Azione sacra di Pietro Metasta-<br />

sio) · Giovanna Bragadin / Makoto Sakurada / Raffaele Gior-<br />

dani / Alfredo Grandini / Coro »La Stagione Armonica« /<br />

Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto / Sergio Balestracci<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 365–2<br />

Zeit und Ewigkeit (Cantata) / Heilig ist Gott der Herr / Psalm<br />

149 · Simone Kermes / Britta Schwarz / Marcus Ullmann /<br />

104<br />

Gotthold Schwarz / Körnerscher Sing-Verein Dresden / Dres-<br />

dner Instrumental-Concert / Peter Kopp<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 955–2<br />

Johann Baptist Georg Neruda ca. 1707–ca. 1780<br />

Trio Sonatas 2, 4, 5 & 6 / Concerto for Bassoon, 2 Violins,<br />

Viola & B.c. · Sergio Azzolini, Bassoon / Parnassi musici<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 383–2<br />

Otto Nicolai 1810–1849<br />

Il Templario (Opera in three acts) · Hans Christoph Bege-<br />

mann / Stanley Jackson / Tiina Penttinen / Kouta Räsänen /<br />

Judith Kuhn / Andreas Kindschuh / André Riemer / Chor<br />

der Oper Chemnitz / Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie / Frank<br />

Beermann<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2008 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 434–2<br />

Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor, (Opera in three acts) · Ju-<br />

liane Banse / Anna Korondi / Annette Markert / Ferdinand<br />

von Bothmer / Maximilian Schmitt / Markus Eiche / Alfred<br />

Reiter / Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfun-<br />

korchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 317–2<br />

Carl Nielsen 1865–1931<br />

Complete Piano Works · Christina Bjørkøe<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 413–2<br />

Ludolf Nielsen 1876–1939<br />

Symphony No. 2 op. 19 in E major / »Symphony of Joy« /<br />

Berceuse op. 9 / Lyrisk Nocturne op. 48 · Alejandro Rutkaus-<br />

kas, Violin / Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / Ole Schmidt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 356–2

Jacques Offenbach 1819–1880<br />

Works for Violoncello & Orchestra (Concerto militaire / Four<br />

Impressions / Concerto Rondo) · Guido Schiefen, Violoncello<br />

/ WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln / Helmuth Froschauer /<br />

David de Villiers / Gerard Oskamp<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994–96 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 069–2<br />

Georges Onslow 1784–1853<br />

Symphonies 1 & 3 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Johannes<br />

Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 747–2<br />

Symphonies 2 & 4 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Johannes<br />

Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 738–2<br />

Nonet op. 77 / Quintet op. 44 · Ma’alot Quintett / Mandelring<br />

Quartett / Wolfgang Güttler, Double Bass<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 151–2<br />

Piano Trios Vol. 1 (Trios opp. 14,2 & 27) · Trio Cascades<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004/05 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 230–2<br />

Piano Trios Vol. 2 (Trios opp. 83 & 3,2) · Trio Cascades<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 231–2<br />

Piano Trios Vol. 3 (Trios opp. 20, 3,1 & 14,1) · Trio Cascades<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 232–2<br />

Piano Trios Vol. 4 (Trios opp. 26, 14,3 & 3,3) · Trio Cascades<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 233–2<br />

String Quartets op. 9 Nos 1 & 2 / op. 47 · Mandelring Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 060–2<br />

String Quartets op. 4 No 1 / op. 10 No 1 / op. 46 No 3<br />

· Mandelring Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 329–2<br />

String Quartets op. 8 No 1 / op. 46 No 2 / op. 50<br />

Mandelring Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 793–2<br />

String Quartets op. 19 No 6 / op. 51 No 21 + Luigi Cheru-<br />

bini: String Quintet in E minor · Diogenes Quartett / Manuel<br />

van der Nahmer, 1st Violoncello<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 187–2<br />

Johann Pachelbel 1653–1706<br />

Easter Cantatas (Deus in adjutorum meum intende / Christ<br />

lag in Todesbanden / Lobet den Herrn / Christ ist erstanden /<br />

Jauchzet dem Herrn / Magnificat) · La Capella Ducale / Mu-<br />

sica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 916–2<br />

Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Tragic Overture / Nocturne / Heroic Overture / Catyn Epi-<br />

taph / A Procession for Peace / Harmony · Polish Radio /<br />

Symphony Orchestra / Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 497–2<br />

Dora Pejačević 1885–1923<br />

Piano Trio op. 29 / Sonata for Cello & Piano op. 35 · An-<br />

drej Bielow, Violin / Christian Poltéra, Violoncello / Oliver<br />

Triendl, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 419–2<br />

Ernst Pepping 1901–1981<br />

Complete Symphonies 1–3 / Piano Concerto · Volker Ban-<br />

field, Piano / Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie / Werner An-<br />

dreas Albert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992–1995 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 041–2<br />


Wilhelm Peterson–Berger 1867–1942<br />

Complete Symphonies, / Violin Concerto / Other Orchetral<br />

Works · Ulf Wallin, Violin / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken<br />

/ Michail Jurowski<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997–1999/05 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 160–2<br />

Allan Pettersson 1911–1980<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

12 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1984–2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 247–2<br />

Symphonies Nos 5 & 16 · John Edward Kelly, Saxophone /<br />

Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 284–2<br />

Symphony No 6 · Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin /<br />

Manfred Trojahn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 124–2<br />

Symphony No 8 · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Thomas<br />

Sanderling<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1988 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 085–2<br />

Symphony No 9 · Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin /<br />

Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 231–2<br />

Symphony No 12 »De Döda på torget« (Die Toten auf dem<br />

Marktplatz) · Swedish Radio Choir / Eric Ericson Chamber<br />

Choir / Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Manfred Honeck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 146–2<br />

Violin Concerto No 1 for Violin and String Quartet / Four<br />

Improvisations for Violin, Viola, and Cello / Fantasy for<br />

Viola / Fuga in E for Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon / Lamento<br />

for Piano · Ulf Hoelscher / Mandelring-Quartett / Albert Schweitzer<br />

Quintett / Volker Banfield, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 169–2<br />

106<br />

Violin Concerto No 2 (Revised version ) · Isabelle van Keulen,<br />

Violin / Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Thomas<br />

Dausgaard<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 199–2<br />

Concertos for String Orchestra Nos 1–3 · Deutsche Kammerakademie<br />

Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 225–2<br />

24 Lieder »Barfotasånger« (Barefoot Songs) / 6 Lieder (1935)<br />

· Monica Groop, Mezzo-soprano / Cord Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 499–2<br />

Hans Pfitzner 1869–1949<br />

Orchestral Works and Concertos<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD/DDD, 1982–1992 ______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 249–2<br />

Symphonies op. 44 & op. 46 / Solhaug-Vorspiele I–III · Bamberger<br />

Symphoniker / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1989/90 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 080–2<br />

Symphony op. 36a; Fantasie op. 56 / Elegie und Reigen op.<br />

45 · Bamberger Symphoniker / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990/91 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 136–2<br />

Cello Concertos in a (1888), in G op. 42 (1935) & in a op. 52<br />

(1943) · David Geringas / Bamberger Symphoniker / Werner<br />

Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 135–2<br />

Violin Concerto op. 34 / Duo for Violin and Orchestra op.<br />

43 / Scherzo for Orchestra (1887) · Saschko Gawriloff /<br />

Julius Berger / Bamberger Symphoniker / Werner Andreas<br />

Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1989/90 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 079–2<br />

Chamber Works<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993–2000 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 996–2

Quintet op. 23 / Sextet op. 55 · Ensemble Ulf Hoelscher<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 395–2<br />

Lieder (Complete Edition 1–5)<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1996–1998 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 789–2<br />

Das Dunkle Reich (Chorfantasie op. 38) / Der Blumen Rache<br />

(1888) / Fons salutifer op. 48 · Yvonne Wiedstruck / Yvi Jänicke<br />

/ Yaron Windmüller / Rundfunkchor Berlin / Rundfunk-<br />

Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Rolf Reuter<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 158–2<br />

Das Christelflein (Opera in two acts) · Marlis Peterson / Martina<br />

Rüping / Michael Volle / Friedemann Röhlig etc. / Tölzer<br />

Knabenchor / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Claus Peter Flor<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2004 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 155–2<br />

Johann Georg Pisendel 1687–1755<br />

Violin Sonatas (Sonata for Violin Solo in A minor / Violin<br />

Sonatas in D major, in E minor, in C minor & in G minor)<br />

· Anton Steck, Violin / Christian Rieger, Harpsichord<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 982–2<br />

Ignaz Pleyel 1757–1831<br />

Symphony op. 3,1 / 2ème Symphonie Concertante / 6ème<br />

Symphonie Périodique · Zürcher Kammerorchester / Howard<br />

Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 759–2<br />

Clarinet Concertos 1 & 2 / Sinfonia Concertante for Two Clarinets<br />

& Orchestra · Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / Sandra Arnold,<br />

Clarinet (Sinf. Conc.) / Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester<br />

Pforzheim / Sebastian Tewinkel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 241–2<br />

Piano Trios · Trio 1790<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 544–2<br />

String Quartets, Ben 337–339 (Prussia Quartets 7–9) · Pleyel<br />

Quartett Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 315–2<br />

Octet in C major / Trio op. 10 No 2 in D major / Trio concer-<br />

tant in E flat major · Consortium Classicum / Dieter Klöcker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1974 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 743–2<br />

Nicola Porpora 1686–1768<br />

Il Gedeone, Oratorio · Kai Wessel / Ulf Bästlein / Linda<br />

Perillo / Henning Voss / Jörg Waschinski / Johannes Chum /<br />

Vokalensemble Nova (Director: Colin Mason) / WIENER<br />

AKADEMIE / Martin Haselböck<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1998 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 615–2<br />

Hieronymus Praetorius 1560–1629<br />

San Marco in Hamburg (Motets) · WESER-RENAISSANCE<br />

Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 245–2<br />

Vesper on St. Michael’s Day · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bre-<br />

men / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 649–2<br />

Jacob Praetorius 1586–1651<br />

Motets and Organ Works · Harald Vogel, Organ / WESER-<br />

RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 215–2<br />

Johann Praetorius 1595–1660<br />

Selected Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Orgel der Peter-<br />

und Paul-Kirche, Klostergut Holthausen, bei Büren (Germany),<br />

1764<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 200 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 344–2<br />


Michael Praetorius 1571–1621<br />

Advent and Christmas Music · Bremer Barock Consort / Manfred<br />

Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 327–2<br />

Sergej Prokofiev 1891–1953<br />

Cinderella (Complete Ballet) · WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln /<br />

Michail Jurowski<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 610–2<br />

Le Pas d’Acier op. 41 (Complete Ballet) / L’enfant prodigue<br />

op. 46 (Complete Ballet) · WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln / Michail<br />

Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 974–2<br />

Chout op. 21 (Complete Ballet) · WDR Sinfonieorchester<br />

Köln / Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 975–2<br />

Sur le Borysthène op. 51 (Complete Ballet) / Leutnant Kijé<br />

op. 60 / Suite Semyon Kotko op. 81a / Suite from the Opera<br />

· WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln / Michail Jurowski<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1998 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 976–2<br />

Ballets, The Piano Transcriptions by the composer (L’enfant<br />

prodigue op. 46 / Sur le Borysthène p. 51) · Maria Ivanova,<br />

Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 093–2<br />

Martin Radeck ca. 1640–1684<br />

Complete Organ Works / Complete Organ Works by Arnold<br />

Matthias Brunckhorst, Johann Steffens, Daniel Erich, Christian<br />

Ritter, and Johann Nicolaus Hanff · Friedhelm Flamme,<br />

Christian-Vater-Organ (1721 / 22), St. Cosmas und St. Damian,<br />

Bockhorn<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 271–2<br />

108<br />

Joachim Raff 1822–1882<br />

Symphonies 8–11 »Four Seasons« · Philharmonia Hungari-<br />

ca / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992–1994 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 536–2<br />

Symphony No 7 op. 201 »In den Alpen« / Jubelouvertüre<br />

op. 103 · Philharmonia Hungarica / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991/92 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 289–2<br />

Piano Trios Nos 1 & 4 · Trio Opus 8<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 616–2<br />

Piano Trios Nos 2 & 3 · Trio Opus 8<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 800–2<br />

Works for Violin and Piano (Fourth Grand Sonata op. 129 /<br />

Fifth Grand Sonata op. 145 · Ingolf Turban, Violin / Jasche<br />

Nemtsov, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 006–2<br />

Ture Rangström 1884–1947<br />

Complete Symphonies<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 748–2<br />

Karol Rathaus 1895–1954<br />

Symphonies 2 op. 7 & 3 op. 50 · Brandenburgisches Staatsor-<br />

chester Frankfurt / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 031–2<br />

Valentin Rathgeber 1682–1750<br />

Ohrenvergnügendes und Gemüthergötzendes Tafel-Con-<br />

fect / Two Concertos · canto tanto / Das Neu-Eröffnete Or-<br />

chestre / Jürgen Sonnentheil<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 995–2

Sacred Works · Monteverdi-Ensemble Würzburg / Matthias<br />

Beckert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 425–2<br />

Max Reger 1873–1916<br />

Scherchen conducts Reger (Lustspielouvertüre op. 120 / Serenade<br />

G-Dur op. 95 / Romantische Suite op. 125 / An die<br />

Hoffnung op. 124 / Beethoven-Variationen op. 86 / Mozart-<br />

Variat. op. 132) · Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie / Hermann<br />

Scherchen<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD, mono, 60/62 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 143–2<br />

Concerto for Piano & Orchestra op. 114 + Johann Sebastian<br />

Bach/Ferruccio Busoni: Concerto for Piano &<br />

Strings after BWV 1052 · Michael Korstick, Piano / Münchner<br />

Rundfunkorchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/08 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 373–2<br />

Complete String Quartets 1–6 · Berner Streichquartett<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 069–2<br />

The Works for Violin and Piano (Sonata op. 122 / Suite op.<br />

103a) · Ulf Wallin, Violin / Roland Pöntinen, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 296–2<br />

15 Orchestral Songs by Schubert arranged by Reger (Der<br />

Erlkönig / Memnon / An den Mond / Gretchen am Spinnrad<br />

/ Prometheus etc) · Camilla Nylund, Soprano / Klaus<br />

Mertens, Baritone / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Werner<br />

Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 510–2<br />

Steve Reich *1937<br />

Sextet / Piano Phase / Eight Lines · The London Steve Reich<br />

Ensemble / Kevin Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 337–2<br />

Anton Reicha 1770–1836<br />

Music for Bassoon (2 Quintets for Bassoon and String Quar-<br />

tet / Sonata for Bassoon and Piano) · Eckart Hübner, Bas-<br />

soon / Nomos-Quartett / Inge-Susann Römhild, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 061–2<br />

Quintet in B flat major in one movement for Bassoon, 2 Vio-<br />

lins, Viola / Bass Octet op. 96 in E flat major for 2 Violins,<br />

Viola, Violoncello, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, and Dou-<br />

ble Bass ad libitum · Consortium Classicum / Dieter Klöcker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1974 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 742–2<br />

The Complete 28 Wind Quintets · Albert Schweitzer Quintett<br />

10 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1986–88 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 250–2<br />

Aribert Reimann *1936<br />

Complete Piano Works · Matthew Rubenstein, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 236–2<br />

Johann Adam Reincken 1643?–1722<br />

Complete Organ Works / Organ Works by Christian Geist &<br />

Andreas Kneller · Friedhelm Flamme, Johann-Matthias-Hagel-<br />

stein-Organ, Kirche St. Georg, Gartow, 1735–1740<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 246–2<br />

Carl Heinrich Reinecke 1824–1910<br />

Symphony No 1 op. 79 / Violin Concerto op. 141 / Vio-<br />

lin Romances opp. 93 & 155 · Ingolf Turban, Violin / Berner<br />

Symphonie-Orchester / Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 105–2<br />

Piano Concertos Nos 1–4 · Klaus Hellwig / Nordwestdeutsche<br />

Philharmonie / Alun Francis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993/94 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 239–2<br />


Piano Quartets opp. 34 & 272 / Piano Quintet op. 83 · Linos<br />

Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 618–2<br />

Carl Reinthaler 1822–1896<br />

Jephta und seine Tochter (Oratorio in Two Parts after the<br />

Old Testament) · Sabine Ritterbusch / Waltraud Hoffmann-<br />

Mucher / Jürgen Sacher / Richard Salter / Bremer Domchor /<br />

Kammer Sinfonie Bremen / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 938–2<br />

Ottorino Respighi 1879–1936<br />

La Boutique Fantasque, Ballet / Suite »Gli Uccelli« · Orchestra<br />

Sinfonica del Teatro Massimo di Palermo / Marzio Conti<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 295–2<br />

La Pentola Magica (Ballet) / La Sensitiva / Aretusa (Lyric Poems<br />

after Shelley) · Damiana Pinti, Mezzo-soprano / Orchestra<br />

Sinfonica del Teatro Massimo di Palermo / Marzio Conti<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2003 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 071–2<br />

Julius Reubke 1834–1858<br />

Complete Works for Piano & Organ · Paolo Marzocchi,<br />

Piano (Steinway) / Luca Scandali, Organ / Friedrich Ladegast<br />

(1868–71), Dom, Schwerin<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 467–2<br />

Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek 1860–1945<br />

Symphony No 1 »Tragic« / Vier Bet- und Bußgesänge · Marina<br />

Prudenskaya, Mezzo-soprano / Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester<br />

Frankfurt / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 223–2<br />

Symphony No 2 »Ironic« / Symphony No 5 »Dance Symphony«<br />

· Berner Symphonie-Orchester / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 056–2<br />

110<br />

Symphonische Variationen über Kol Nidrey / Eine Lustspiel-<br />

Ouvertüre / Thema und Variationen nach dem Gedicht<br />

»Tragische Geschichte« von Adalbert von Chamisso / 2 Bo-<br />

nustracks: Reznicek conducts Reznicek (1922) · WDR Sinfo-<br />

nieorchester Köln / Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 047–2<br />

Schlemihl (Symphonic Picture) / Raskolnikoff (Phantasy<br />

Overture) · WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln / Michail Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 795–2<br />

Der Sieger (Symphonic Poem) · Beate Köpp, Alto / WDR<br />

Rundfunkchor Köln / WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln / Michail<br />

Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 898–2<br />

Donna Diana (Opera in three acts) · Max Wittges / Manuela<br />

Uhl / Heike Wittlieb / Susanne Kreusch / Roman Sadnik /<br />

Hans-Jürgen Schöpflin / Matthias Klein / Simon Pauly / Anne-<br />

Carolyn Schlüter / Kiel Opera Chorus / Kiel Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra / Ulrich Windfuhr<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 991–2<br />

Ritter Blaubart (Opera in three acts, 1920) · David Pittman-<br />

Jennings / Arutjun Kotchinian / Robert Wörle / Celina Lind-<br />

sley / Andion Fernandez / Victor Sawaley / Rundfunk-Sinfo-<br />

nieorchester Berlin / Michail Jurowski<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 899–2<br />

Franz Xaver Richter 1709–1789<br />

Flute Concertos in D major & e minor / Oboe Concerto in e<br />

minor · Robert Dohn, Flute / Lajos Lencsés, Oboe / Slovak<br />

Chamber Orchestra / Bohdan Warchal<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991/93 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 117–2

Ferdinand Ries 1784–1837<br />

Complete Symphonies · Zürcher Kammerorchester / Howard<br />

Griffiths<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999–2002 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 216–2<br />

Symphonies 3 & 5 · Zürcher Kammerorchester / Howard<br />

Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 547–2<br />

Symphonies 4 & 6 · Zürcher Kammerorchester / Howard<br />

Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 836–2<br />

Concerto for Two Horns WoO 19 / Violin Concerto op. 24 /<br />

Overtures from »Die Räuberbraut« op. 156 and from »Die<br />

Hexe von Gyllensteen« op. 164 · Teunis van der Zwart,<br />

Horn / Erwin Wieringa, Horn / Anton Steck, Violin / Die Kölner<br />

Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 353–2<br />

Cello Sonata op. 21 in A major / Introduction and a Russian<br />

dance for the Piano Forte & Violoncello / Cello Sonata<br />

op. 125 in G minor / Romance in G major · Guido Larisch,<br />

Violoncello / Robert Hill, Fortepiano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 666–2<br />

Clarinet Chamber Music / Clarinet Trio op. 28 / Clarinet<br />

Sonatas opp. 29 & 169 · Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / Armin<br />

Fromm, Violoncello / Thomas Duis, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 036–2<br />

Piano Trios opp. 2 & 143 · Mendelssohn Trio Berlin<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 053–2<br />

Piano Quartets opp. 13 & 17 · Mendelssohn Trio Berlin /<br />

Daniel Raiskin, Viola<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 885–2<br />

Quintet op. 74 / Grand Sextuor op. 100 / Sextet op. 142<br />

· Ensemble Concertant Frankfurt<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 622–2<br />

Grand Septuor op. 25 / Grand Otetto op. 128 · Linos Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 937–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 1 (Quartets WoO 37 in C major & WoO<br />

10 in E flat major) · Schuppanzigh Quartett (on period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 014–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 2 (Quartets No. 2 op. 70 in G major<br />

& No. 20 WoO 48 in F minor) · Schuppanzigh Quartett (on<br />

period instruments)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 227–2<br />

Piano Works (Sonatas opp. 9 & 26 / Andantino from Sonatina<br />

op. 5,1 & op 5,2) · Alexandra Oehler, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 136–2<br />

Die Könige in Israel (Oratorio in Two Parts) · Nele Gramß /<br />

Gerhild Romberger / Markus Schäfer / Harry van der Kamp /<br />

Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 221–2<br />

Wolfgang Rihm *1952<br />

Die Eroberung von Mexico · Richard Salter / Renate Behle /<br />

Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg / Ingo Metzmacher<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1992 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 185–2<br />

Julius Röntgen 1855–1932<br />

Symphony No 3 / Suite Aus Jotunheim · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 119–2<br />


Symphonies 8 & 15 / Variationen über eine Norwegische<br />

Volksweise · Carmen Fuggiss, Soprano (Symph. 8) / NDR<br />

RADIOPHILHARMONIE / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 307–2<br />

Symphony No. 10-a in D »Walzersymphonie« (1930) / Sinfonietta<br />

humoristica / 3 Preludes & Fugues · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 308–2<br />

Symphony No. 18 in A / Ballade über eine norwegische<br />

Volksmelodie / Eeen liedje van de zee op. 45 / Zes Oud-<br />

Nederlandsche Dansen op. 46 · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 255–2<br />

Aus Goethe’s Faust for Orchestra, Organ, Chorus & Soloists<br />

· Machteld Baumans / Marcel Beekman / Andre Morsch /<br />

André Post / Mark Richardson / Dennis Wilgenhof / Koor van<br />

de Nationale Reisopera Enschede / Netherlands Symphony<br />

Orchestra / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 311–2<br />

Andreas Romberg 1767–1821<br />

Der Messias (Oratorio) · Markus Schäfer / Veronika Winter /<br />

Ekkehard Abele / Bernhard Scheffel / Immo Schröder / Rheinische<br />

Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 328–2<br />

Johann Heinrich Rolle 1716–1785<br />

Christmas Oratorio · Gundula Anders / Dorothee Mields /<br />

Britta Schwarz / Wilfried Jochens / Dirk Schmidt / Kammerchor<br />

Michaelstein / Helko Siede / Telemann-Kammerorchester<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 514–2<br />

112<br />

Antonio Rosetti ca. 1750–1792<br />

Symphonies in G major & B flat major / 2 Violin Concertos<br />

in D major & D minor · Anton Steck, Violin / Kurpfälzisches<br />

Kammerorchester / Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 028–2<br />

Wind Concertos · Lajos Lencsés, Oboe / Slovak Chamber Or-<br />

chestra / Bohdan Warchal / Dieter Klöcker, Clarinet / SWR-<br />

Sinfonieorchester Baden-Bade / Holger Schroeter-Seebeck /<br />

Klaus Wallendorf, Horn / Sarah Willis, Horn / bayerische<br />

kammerphilharmonie / Johannes Moesus / Eckart Hübner,<br />

Bassoon & Direction / Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990–2002 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 166–2<br />

4 Concertos for Bassoon and Orchestra (Murray C69, C73,<br />

C74, C75) · Eckart Hübner, Bassoon & Conductor / Deutsche<br />

Kammerakademie Neuss<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 936–2<br />

Concertos for Clarinet and Orchestra 1 & 2 in E flat major /<br />

Concerto for Two Horns and Orchestra in F major · Dieter<br />

Klöcker, Clarinet / Klaus Wallendorf, 1st Horn / Sarah Wil-<br />

lis, 2nd Horn / SWR-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und<br />

Freiburg / Holger Schröter-Seebeck<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 621–2<br />

3 Concertos for 2 Horns & Orchestra (Murray C56Q, C57, B<br />

27) / Notturno for 2 Flutes, 2 Horns & Strings · Klaus Wal-<br />

lendorf, 1st Horn / Sarah Willis, 2nd Horn / bayerische kam-<br />

merphilharmonie / Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 734–2<br />

Concerto for 2 Horns & Orchestra (Murray C61) / Concertos<br />

for Horn & Orchestra (Murray C48 & C50) / Andante from<br />

Concerto for 2 Horns & Orchestra (Murray C55Q) · Klaus

Wallendorf, Horn / Sarah Willis, Horn / Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester<br />

/ Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 288–2<br />

3 Oboe Concertos · Lajos Lencsés / Slovak Chamber Orchestra<br />

/ Bohdan Warchal<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 062–2<br />

String Quartets op. 6 Nos 1–6 · Arioso-Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 338–2<br />

Five Wind Partitas for 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 3 Horns,<br />

2 Bassoons, and Double Bass · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 961–2<br />

Sacred Works (Jesus in Gethsemane / Hallelujah / Salve Regina<br />

/ 4 Arias F86–F89) · Gabriele Hierdeis / Ruth Sandhof /<br />

Jan Kobow / Thomas E. Bauer / NDR Chor / Mecklenburgisches<br />

Barockorchester »Herzogliche HofKapelle« / Johannes<br />

Moesus<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2006 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 254–2<br />

Gioacchino Rossini 1792–1868<br />

Early Sinfonias & Overtures (Grand’ overtura obbl. a contrabasso<br />

/ Sinfonia al Conventello / Sinfonia di Bologna /<br />

Sinfonia di Odense / La Cambiale di Matrimonia / L’Inganno<br />

felice / L’Occasione fa il Ladro etc.) · Haydn Orchestra Bolzano<br />

/ Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 063–2<br />

Singphonic Rossini (Preghiera / Chant funèbre / La Notte di<br />

Santo Natale / Toast pour le nouvel an / Choeur de chasseurs<br />

democrats / I Gondolieri / L’invito / La Danza / Un<br />

sou Vocal arrangements of overtures: La Barbiere di Seviglia,<br />

Guillaume Tell, La Gazza Ladra) · Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 200–2<br />

Jean–Jacques Rousseau 1712–1778<br />

Le Devin du Village (Interméde en un acte) · Gabriela Bürgler<br />

/ Michael Feyfar / Dominik Wörner / cantus firmus kammerchor<br />

/ cantus firmus consort / Andreas Reize<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, Live, DDD, 2006 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 260–2<br />

Hans Rott 1858–1884<br />

Symphony in E major / Pastorales Vorspiel · Radio-Symphonieorchester<br />

Wien / Dennis Russell Davies<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 854–2<br />

Camille Saint-Saëns 1835–1921<br />

Works for Violin and Piano (Violin Sonatas 1 & 2 / Triptyque<br />

op. 136 / Elégie op. 160) · Ulf Wallin, Violin / Roland<br />

Pöntinen, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 946–2<br />

Aulis Sallinen *1935<br />

Symphony No 6 op. 65 »From a <strong>New</strong> Zealand Diary« /<br />

Cello Concerto op. 44 · Jan-Erik Gustafsson, Violoncello /<br />

Norrköping Symphony Orchestra / Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 971–2<br />

Chamber Works · Arto Noras, Violoncello / Mika Väyrynen,<br />

Accordeon / Virtuosi di Kuhmo / Ralf Gothóni, Piano & Conductor<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 147–2<br />

Ahmed Adnan Saygun 1907–1991<br />

Symphonies 1 op. 29 & 2 op. 30 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 819–2<br />

Symphonies 3 op. 39 & 5 op. 70 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Ari Rasilainen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 968–2<br />


Cello Concerto op. 74 / Viola Concerto op 59 · Tim Hugh,<br />

Violoncello / Mirjam Tschopp, Viola / Bilkent Symphony Orchestra<br />

/ Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 290–2<br />

Piano Concertos 1 & 2 · Gülsin Onay / Bilkent Symphony<br />

Orchestra / Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 289–2<br />

Complete String Quartets · Quatuor Danel<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003/04 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 923–2<br />

Alessandro Scarlatti 1660–1725<br />

Concerti e Sinfonie per Flauto · Martino Noferi, Recorder<br />

solo / Il Rossignolo / Ottaviano Tenerani<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 856–2<br />

7 Sonate per flauto, violini, viola e basso · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 619–2<br />

Sacred Works (Salve Regina / Nisi dominus / Benedicta et<br />

Venerabilis es) · Concerto de’ Cavallieri / Marcello Di Lisa<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 476–2<br />

Il Martirio di Santa Cecilia (Oratorio) · Nancy Argenta /<br />

Marinella Pennicchi / Bernhard Landauer / Marco Beasley / I<br />

BAROCCHISTI / Diego Fasolis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2000 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 258–2<br />

Giacinto Scelsi 1905–1988<br />

Chamber Works for Flute and Piano (Hyxos / PWYLL /<br />

Cinque Incantesimi / Rucke di guck / Quays / Quattro Illustrazioni<br />

/ Krishna e Radha* (original recording, 1986) · Carin<br />

Levine, Flutes / Kristi Becker, Piano / Peter Veale, Oboe / Edith<br />

Salmen, Percussion / *Giacinto Sceli, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1986/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 340–2<br />

114<br />

Clarinet Chamber Music (Tre Pezzi / KO-LHO / IXOR I–V /<br />

Maknongan / PREGHIERA PER UN OMBRA / Suite / KYA<br />

· David Smeyers, Clarinets / Susanne Mohr, Flute / ensemble<br />

avance / Zsolt Nagy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 266–2<br />

Christoph Schaffrath 1709–1763<br />

Six Sonatas · Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003/05/07 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 440–2<br />

Trios & Sonatas · Epoca Barocca<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 116–2<br />

Samuel Scheidt 1587–1654<br />

Vespermusiken / Sacred Concertos · La Capella Ducale /<br />

Musica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 145–2<br />

Johann Schelle 1648–1701<br />

Sacred Concertos & Cantatas · La Capella Ducale / Musica<br />

Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 841–2<br />

Johannes Schenck ca. 1656–1712<br />

Les Fantaisisies bisarres de la Goutte (Works for Viola da<br />

Gamba <strong>with</strong> and <strong>with</strong>out Accompaniment) · Lorenz Dufts-<br />

chmid, Viola da Gamba / Sophie Watillon, Viola da Gam-<br />

ba / Rolf Lislevand, Theorbe & Guitar / Wolfgang Zerer,<br />

Harpsichord & Organ positiv<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 682–2

Melchior Schildt 1592–1667<br />

Complete Organ Works + Peter Morhard: Complete<br />

Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Gerhard-von-Holy-Organ<br />

(1710 / 11) Barholomäuskirche zu Dornum<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 343–2<br />

Max von Schillings 1868–1933<br />

Das Hexenlied (Monodrama) / Symphonic Prologue op. 11 /<br />

Ein Zwiegespräch op. 8 / Dance of the Flowers · Sprecherin:<br />

Martha Mödl / Kölner Rundfunk-Orchester / Jan Stulen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 233–2<br />

Johann Heinrich Schmelzer 1623–1680<br />

Sonate e Balletti · Musica Fiata / Roland Wilson<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 878–2<br />

Heinrich Kaspar Schmid 1874–1953<br />

Chamber Music (Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano op. 114 /<br />

Sonata for Flute & Piano op. 106 / Sonata for Viola & Piano<br />

op. 111) · Nicholas Rimmer, Piano / Johannes Zurl, Clarinet /<br />

Nils Mönkemeyer, Viola / Pirmin Grehl, Flute<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 391–2<br />

Franz Schmidt 1874–1939<br />

Piano Concerto in E flat major, left hand / Konzertante<br />

Variationen über ein Thema von Beethoven, piano left hand<br />

· Markus Becker, Piano / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Eiji<br />

Oue<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 338–2<br />

Alfred Schnittke 1934–1998<br />

Music for the Movies (Suites: My Past and Thoughts, Agony,<br />

The End of St. Petersburg, The Master and Margarita) · Rundfunkchor<br />

Berlin / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Frank<br />

Strobel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/98/99 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 796–2<br />

Concerto für Piano (four-hands) and Chamber Orchestra /<br />

»Hommage à Grieg« for Soloviolin (Kathrin Rabus) and Orchestra<br />

/ »Polyphonischer Tango« for Chamber Ensemble<br />

+ Bohuslav Martinu: Concerto for two pianos · Piano<br />

Duo Genova & Dimitrov (Aglika Genova & Liuben Dimitrov) /<br />


<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 804–2<br />

Othmar Schoeck 1886–1957<br />

Horn Concerto op. 65 / Präludium op. 48 / Suite op. 59 / Interlude<br />

from »Don Ranudo« op. 27 · Bruno Schneider, Horn /<br />

Musikkollegium Winterthur / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 337–2<br />

Elegie op. 36 · Andreas Schmidt, Baritone / Musikkollegium<br />

Winterthur / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 472–2<br />

Arnold Schönberg 1874–1951<br />

Piano Quartet op. 25 in G minor by Johannes Brahms, arranged<br />

by Schönberg for orchestra / Clarinet Sonata op.<br />

120 by Johannes Brahms, arr. by Luciano Berio for orchestra<br />

· Karl Heinz Steffens, Clarinet / Staatsorchester Rheinische<br />

Philharmonie / Daniel Raiskin<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 356–2<br />

A Survivor from Warsaw; Fünf Orchesterstücke / Begleitmusik<br />

zu einer Lichtspielszene + Olivier Messiaen:<br />

»Poèmes pour Mi« for soprano and orchestra (2ème livre) /<br />


Hymne au Saint Sacrément · Roland Hermann, Speaker /<br />

Chor der Frankfurter Singakademie / Judith Beckmann, Sopra-<br />

no / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken / Hans Zender<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, 1977/78/81/83 _________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 481–2<br />

Von heute auf morgen op. 32 (Opera in one act) · Christine<br />

Whitlesey / Richard Salter / Claudia Barainsky / Ryszard<br />

Karczykowski / Annabella Hahn / Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester<br />

Frankfurt / Michael Gielen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 532–2<br />

Franz Schreker 1878–1934<br />

Christophorus oder »Die Vision einer Oper« (Opera in two<br />

acts) · Hans Georg Ahrens / Susanne Bernhard / Jörg Sa-<br />

browski / Robert Chafin / Roland Holz / Jennifer Arnold<br />

etc. / Kiel Opera Chorus / Kiel Philharmonic Orchestra /<br />

Ulrich Windfuhr<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002/03 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 903–2<br />

Flammen (Opera in one act) · Jörg Sabrowski / Manuela<br />

Uhl / Heike Wittlieb / Robert Chafin / Katharina Peetz /<br />

Hans Georg Ahrens / Kiel Opera Chorus / Kiel Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra / Ulrich Windfuhr<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 824–2<br />

Das Spielwerk und die Prinzessin (Opera in a prologue and<br />

two acts) · Thomas J. Mayer / Julia Henning / Hans-Jürgen<br />

Schöpflin / Matthias Klein / Anne-Carolyn Schlüter / Hans<br />

Georg Ahrens / Bernd Gebhardt etc. / Kiel Opera Chorus /<br />

Kiel Opera Children’s Chorus / Kiel Philharmonic Orchestra /<br />

Ulrich Windfuhr<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 958–2<br />

116<br />

Dmitri Shostakovich 1906–1975<br />

The Complete Œuvre for Piano Duo + Igor Stravinsky:<br />

Concerto per due pianoforte soli 1935 + Sergei Prokofiev:<br />

Schubert Waltzes, Suite + Grigorasch Dinicu: Hora<br />

staccato, arranged for two pianos by Pancho Vladigerov<br />

· Klavierduo Genova & Dimitrov (Aglika Genova & Liuben<br />

Dimitrov)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 599–2<br />

Franz Schubert 1797–1828<br />

Complete String Quartets · Auryn Quartett<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995/97 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 660–2<br />

Complete Part Songs for Male Voices 1–5 · Die Singphoniker<br />

5 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995/96/97 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 659–2<br />

15 Orchestral Songs arranged by Max Reger (Der Erlkönig /<br />

Memnon / An den Mond / Gretchen am Spinnrad / Prometheus<br />

etc.) · Camilla Nylund, Soprano / Klaus Mertens,<br />

Baritone / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Werner Andreas<br />

Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 510–2<br />

Winterreise D 911arranged for Tenor & String Quartet by<br />

Jens Josef · Christian Elsner, Tenor / Henschel Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 877–2<br />

Heinrich Schütz 1585–1672<br />

Historia der Auferstehung Jesu Christi SWV 50 / Surrexit<br />

pastor bonus SWV 469 / Ich bin die Auferstehung und das<br />

Leben SWV 324 / Weib, was weinest du SWV 443 / Feget<br />

den alten Sauerteig aus SWV 404 · WESER RENAISSANCE<br />

Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 027–2<br />

Cantiones Sacrae 1625 op. 4 (Complete 40 Motets SWV<br />

53–93) · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Mona Spägele /

Ralf Popken / Rogers Covey-Crump / John Potter / Peter<br />

Kooij / Thomas Ihlenfeldt / Manfred Cordes, Organ & Artistic<br />

Supervision<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 405–2<br />

Geistliche Chor-Music 1648 SWV 369–197 (Complete recording<br />

of the 29 motets) / 116. Psalm SWV 51 / Litania SWV<br />

458 · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 546–2<br />

Kleine geistliche Konzerte SWV 282–337 (Complete Recording)<br />

· WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 675–2<br />

Secular Works · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred<br />

Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 518–2<br />

Erwin Schulhoff 1894–1942<br />

Symphonies Nos 1–3 · Philharmonia Hungarica / George<br />

Alexander Albrecht<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993/94 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 251–2<br />

Robert Schumann 1810–1856<br />

Symphonies 1–4 (after the new edition) · Robert-Schumann-<br />

Philharmonie / Frank Beermann<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2009/10 ____________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 536–2<br />

Sonatas for Violin & Piano 1–3 · Isabelle Faust, Violin / Silke<br />

Avenhaus, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 597–2<br />

Piano Sonatas 1–3 · Volker Banfield<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 217–2<br />

The Part Songs for Male Voices opp. 33, 62, 65 & op. 137<br />

· Die Singphoniker<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 521–2<br />

Clara Schumann-Wieck 1819–1896<br />

Complete Piano Work · Jozef De Beenhouwer, Piano<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1990/91/00 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 758–2<br />

Piano Works (Soirée musicale op. 6 / Scherzi opp. 10 &<br />

14 / Pièces fugitives op. 15 / Romance op. 21,1 / Romance<br />

in B minor / Variations op. 20) · Konstanze Eickhorst, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1986 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 132–2<br />

Clara Schumann-Wieck 1819–1896<br />

Complete Songs · Gabriele Fontana / Konstanze Eickhorst<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 127–2<br />

Humphrey Searle 1915–1982<br />

Complete Symphonies · BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra /<br />

Alun Francis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995/97 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 131–2<br />

Thomas Selle 1599–1663<br />

Chorale Concertos / Concertos & Chorale Variations by Jo-<br />

hann Schop, Heinrich Scheidemann & John Dowland · Mon-<br />

ika Mauch / Stephanie Petitlaurent / Hamburger Ratsmusik /<br />

Simone Eckert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 362–2<br />

Historia, Sacred Concertos & Motets for Easter · WESER-<br />

RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 396–2<br />

Jean Sibelius 1865–1957<br />

Kullervo op. 7 (Symphonic poem) · Satu Vihavainen / Juha<br />

Uusitalo / KYL-male chorus / Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Ari Rasilainen<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 196–2<br />


Rudolph Simonsen 1889–1947<br />

Symphony 1 »Zion« / Symphony 2 »Hellas« / Overture in G<br />

minor · Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester / Israel Yinon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 229–2<br />

Christian Sinding 1856–1941<br />

Symphonies 1 & 2 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Thomas<br />

Dausgaard<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997/99 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 502–2<br />

Symphonies 3 & 4 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / David<br />

Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 596–2<br />

Johann Sobeck 1831–1914<br />

Three Wind Quintets for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon<br />

/ Quintets opp. 9, 11 & 14 · Albert Schweitzer Quintett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 203–2<br />

Antonio Soler 1729–1783<br />

Piano Works · Marie-Luise Hinrichs<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 200–2<br />

Carlo Soliva 1791–1853<br />

Giulia e Sesto Pompeo (Opera in two acts, 1818) · Francesca<br />

Pedaci / Elisabetta Scano / Carlo Vincenzo Allemano / Patricia<br />

Spence / Carlo Bosi / Donato di Stefano / Coro della<br />

Radio Svizzera / Orchestra della Svizzera italiana / Angelo<br />

Campori<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 825–2<br />

Luka Sorkocevic 1734–1789<br />

Complete Instrumental Works (Symphonies) · Salzburger Hofmusik<br />

/ Wolfgang Brunner<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999/00 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 678–2<br />

118<br />

Louis Spohr 1784–1859<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 1 (Symphonies 3 & 10 / Overture<br />

WoO 1) · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE / Howard Griffiths<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006/07 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 177–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 2 (Symphonies 2 & 8) / Concert<br />

Overture »Im ernsten Stil« op. 126 · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Howard Griffiths<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 178–2<br />

Overtures (Macbeth / Die Prüfung / Alruna / Faust / Jessonda<br />

/ Der Berggeist / Pietro von Abano / Der Alchymist)<br />

· Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Christian Fröhlich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 093–2<br />

Concertantes Nos 1 & 2 opp. 48 & 88 for Two Violins and Orchestra<br />

/ Grande Polonaise op. 40* / Potpourri op. 59 über<br />

irische Volksweisen* · *Ulf Hoelscher / Gunhild Hoelscher /<br />

Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Christian Fröhlich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 798–2<br />

Complete Violin Concertos 1–15 · Ulf Hoelscher / Rundfunk-<br />

Sinfonieorchester Berlin / Christian Fröhlich<br />

6 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1990/92/93/94/95 ___________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 657–2<br />

Violin Concerto WoO 9 in G major / Violin Concerto WoO<br />

10 in G minor / Concerto Movement WoO 16 in D major /<br />

Potpourri op. 23 in G major · Ulf Hoelscher / Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester<br />

Berlin / Christian Fröhlich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD 97/99 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 751–2<br />

Complete Piano Trios · Beethoven Trio Ravensburg<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 246–2<br />

Mass op. 54 / 3 Psalms op. 85 · Rundfunkchor Berlin / Michael<br />

Glaeser / Dietrich Knothe<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1991 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 149–2

Faust (1852 Covent Garden Version) · Diane Jennings / Clau-<br />

dia Taha / Michael Vier / Eelco von Jordis / Chor der Oper<br />

Bielefeld / Bielefelder Philharmoniker / Geoffrey Moull<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Live, 1993 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 247–2<br />

Carl Stamitz 1745–1801<br />

Symphonies for Wind Instruments (Parthia in B major / Par-<br />

thia in E flat major / Octets in B major Nos 1 & 2 / Octet in<br />

E flat major) · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1989 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 081–2<br />

Chamber Works (Quartets opp. 4,6 & 8,1 / Trios in G major<br />

and E flat major / Quintet op. 11,3) · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 737–2<br />

Johann Stamitz 1717–1757<br />

Missa solemnis in D major / Motetto de Venerabili Sacra-<br />

mento »O salutaris hostia« / Litaniæ Lauretanæ in C major<br />

· Monika Frimmer / Sylvia Schlüter / Harry van Berne / Tom<br />

Sol / Barockorchester Bremen / Alsfelder Vokalensemble /<br />

Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 471–2<br />

Johann Steffens 1560–1616<br />

Complete Organ Works / Complete Organ Works by Martin<br />

Radeck, Nicolaus Hanff, Arnold Matthias Brunckhorst, Daniel<br />

Erich, and Christian Ritter · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-<br />

Organ (1721 / 22), St. Cosmas und St. Damian, Bockhorn<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 271–2<br />

Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel 1690–1749<br />

Two Serenates (Alles, was sonst lieblich heißet / Seid<br />

willkommen, schöne Stunden) · Dorothee Mields / Elisabeth<br />

Graf / Knut Schoch / Ekkehard Abele / Telemannisches Col-<br />

legium Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2004 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 094–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio, Cantatas 1–5 · Britta Schwarz / Henning<br />

Voss / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Weimarer Barocken-<br />

semble / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 668–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio, Cantatas 6–10 · Britta Schwarz / Hen-<br />

ning Voss / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Weimarer Barock-<br />

ensemble / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 735–2<br />

»Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus«<br />

(Passion Oratorio after Barthold Heinrich Brockes, 1725)<br />

· Backes / Mields / Voss / Schoch / Post / Mertens / Mehltret-<br />

ter / Kammerchor Michaelstein / Telemann-Kammerorchester<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 560–2<br />

Cantatas for Pentecost 1737 / Cantata for Quasimodogeniti<br />

Sunday 1732 · Dorothee Mields, Soprano / Martin Wölfl,<br />

Altus / Jan Kobow, Tenor / Christian Immler, Bass / Tele-<br />

mannisches Collegium Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 876–2<br />

Bernardo Storace ca. 1637–ca. 1707<br />

Works for Harpsichord & Organ · Jörg Halubek<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 444–2<br />


Oscar Straus 1870–1954<br />

Die Perlen der Cleopatra (Operetta in three acts) · Morenike<br />

Fadaomi / Michael Zabanoff / Axel Mendrok / Volker Vo-<br />

gel / Gundula Peyerl / Robert Meyer / Franz Lehár-Orches-<br />

ter / Chor des Lehár Festival Bad Ischl / Herbert Mogg<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 20003 ______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 022–2<br />

Johann Strauß 1825–1899<br />

Der Carneval in Rom (Operetta in three acts) · Staatsoperette<br />

Dresden / Ernst Theis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2008 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 405–2<br />

Das Spitzentuch der Königin (Operetta in three acts) · Staat-<br />

soperette Dresden / Ernst Theis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2008 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 406–2<br />

Richard Strauss 1864–1949<br />

Die Liebe der Danae (Opera in 3 acts) · Franz Grundheber /<br />

Hans-Jürgen Schöpflin / Paul McNamara / Manuela Uhl /<br />

Cornelia Zach / Robert Chafin / Daniel Behle / Martin Fleit-<br />

mann / Simon Pauly / Hans Georg Ahrens / Susanne Bern-<br />

hard / Gro Bente Kjellevold / Katharina Peetz / Kiel Opera<br />

Chorus / Kiel Philharmonic Orchestra / Ulrich Windfuhr<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 967–2<br />

Josef Suk 1874–1935<br />

The Ripening op. 34 / Tale of a Winter’s Evening op. 9 · Or-<br />

chester der Komischen Oper Berlin / Kirill Petrenko<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, Live, 2006 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 364–2<br />

A Summer’s Tale op. 29 (Ein Sommermärchen) + Anatolij<br />

Ljadow: The Enchanted Lake op. 62 (Der verzauberte See)<br />

· Orchester der Komischen Oper Berlin / Kirill Petrenko<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, Live, 2004 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 174–2<br />

120<br />

Arthur Sullivan 1842–1900<br />

Symphony in E »Irish« / Imperial March / Ballet »Victoria<br />

and Merrie England« / Overture in C (In Memoriam) · BBC<br />

Concert Orchestra / Owain Arwel Hughes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 171–2<br />

The Rose of Persia (A Comic Opera in Two Acts) · Richard<br />

Morrison / Richard Stuart / Ivan Sharpe etc. / Southwark<br />

Voices (Andrew Stewart) / The Hanover Band / Tom Higgins<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 074–2<br />

Franz von Suppé 1819–1895<br />

Fatinitza (Operetta in three acts) · Stephanie Houtzeel / Ste-<br />

ven Scheschareg / Zora Antonic / Christian Bauer / Bernhard<br />

Adler etc. / Chor des Lehár Festivals Bad Ischl / Franz Lehár-<br />

Orchester / Vinzenz Praxmarer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 202–2<br />

Die schöne Galathée (Operetta in one act) · Andrea Bogner /<br />

Hans-Jürg Rickenbacher / Juliane Heyn / Michael Kupfer /<br />

Chor des Theaters der Stadt Koblenz / Bernhard Steiner / Sta-<br />

atsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie / Thomas Eitler<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 726–2<br />

Pique Dame (Operetta in one act) · Anjara Ingrid Bartz / Mo-<br />

jca Erdmann / Anneli Pfeffer / Thomas Dewald / Tom Erik<br />

Lie / WDR Rundfunkchor / WDR Rundfunkorchester / Michail<br />

Jurowski<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 480–2<br />

Atli Heimir Sveinsson *1938<br />

Piano Trios 1–3 · Hyperion-Trio<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 429–2

Johan Svendsen 1840–1911<br />

Symphonic Works · Latvian National Symphony Orchestra /<br />

Terje Mikkelsen<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997/98 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 372–2<br />

String Quartet op. 1 / String Quintet op. 5* · Oslo String<br />

Quartet / *Henning Kraggerud, Viola<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 858–2<br />

Marko Tajčević 1900–1984<br />

7 Balkan Dances + Jakov Gotovac: Symphonic Poems<br />

(Symphonic Kolo op. 12 / The Ploughers op. 18 / Guslar, the<br />

fiddler / Song and Kolo from »Ero« / Song and Dance op.<br />

16) · Radio Philharmonie Hannover des NDR / Moshe Atzmon<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 724–2<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Overture Suites · Carin van Heerden, Recorder, Oboe & Di-<br />

rection / L’Orfeo Barockorchester<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 218–2<br />

Six Orchestral Suites after »Die Kleine Kammermusik« 1716<br />

· La Stagione Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 994–2<br />

Complete Violin Concertos Vol. 1 (Concertos TWV 51:C2, D9,<br />

D10, E2, e3, F2 & G8) · Elisabeth Wallfisch, Violin / L’Orfeo<br />

Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 900–2<br />

Complete Violin Concertos Vol. 2 (Concertos TWV 51:C3,<br />

51:g1, 51:h2, 51:G7, 51:a2; 51:B1, 51:A4) · Elisabeth Wall-<br />

fisch, Violin & Direction / L’Orfeo Barockorchester<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 089–2<br />

Complete Wind Concertos Vol. 1 (Concertos TWV 52:D2,<br />

52:e1, 51:d1, 43:g3, 51:E1) · La Stagione Frankfurt / Michael<br />

Schneider / Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005/06 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 032–2<br />

Complete Wind Concertos Vol. 2 (Concertos TWV 51:C1,<br />

53:dq, 51:G1, 52:D1, 51:f1) · La Stagione Frankfurt / Mi-<br />

chael Schneider / Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005/06 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 267–2<br />

Complete Wind Concertos Vol. 3 (Concertos TWV 51:D4,<br />

51:c1, 42:F14, 51:G2, 51:D7, 53:G1) · La Stagione Frank-<br />

furt / Michael Schneider / Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005/06 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 268–2<br />

Complete Wind Concertos Vol. 4 (Concertos TWV 52:a2,<br />

51:D2, 51:A2, 53:h1, 51:e1) · La Stagione Frankfurt / Mi-<br />

chael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 400–2<br />

Concerts & Suites 1734 · Camerata Köln<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1999 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 690–2<br />

»Kleine Cammer-Music« (Six Partitas for violin, or transverse<br />

flute, or oboe and B.c.) · Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 497–2<br />

Quatuors Parisiens Vol. 1 (Concerto TWV 43:D1 / Quatuor<br />

TWV 43:a2 / Quatuor TWV 43:e1 / Sonata TWV 43:A1)<br />

· John Holoway, Violin / Linde Brunmayr, Transverse flute /<br />

Lorenz Duftschmid, Viola da gamba / Ulrike Becker, Violon-<br />

cello / Lars-Ulrik Mortensen, Harpsichord<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 375–2<br />

III Trietti metodichi e III Scherzi · Parnassi musici<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 301–2<br />


Trio Sonatas »VI Trio a Violini e Basso«TWV 42, 1–6 / Cham-<br />

ber Music <strong>with</strong> Bassoon (Quartet TWV 43; Sonaten TWV<br />

42:B5 & F1) · Parnassi musici<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 934–2<br />

Six Trios 1718 · CAMERATA KÖLN<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002/03 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 957–2<br />

Five Cantatas from »Fortsetzung des Harmonischen Gottesdi-<br />

enstes« (1731) · Ruth Ziesak, Soprano / Camerata Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 764–2<br />

Six Cantatas 1731 · Maria Jonas / Klaus Mertens / Les Amis<br />

de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 297–2<br />

Hamburger Admiralitätsmusik 1723 TWV 24:1 / Overture<br />

in C major »Hamburger Ebb’ und Fluth« TWV 55:C3 · van<br />

der Sluis / Pushee / Müller / Mertens / Thomas / Schop-<br />

per / Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Barockorchester Bremen /<br />

Wolfgang Helbich<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, Live, 1995 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 373–2<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1724 TVWV 15:2 (Oratorio and Serenata)<br />

· Magdalena Pdkoscielna / David Erler / Andreas Post / Mat-<br />

thias Vieweg / Ekkehard Abele / Telemannisches Collegium<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 176–2<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1730 TVWV 15:5 (only Oratorio) / Magni-<br />

ficat in C · Mieke van der Sluis / Graham Pushee / Wilfried<br />

Jochens / Philip Langshaw / Harry van der Kamp / Alsfelder<br />

Vokalensemble / Barockorchester Bremen (on period instru-<br />

ments) / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 109–2<br />

122<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1738 TVWV 15:11 (Oratorio and Serenata)<br />

· Veronika Winter / Cornelia Samuelis / Jan Kobow / Immo<br />

Schröder / Ekkehard Abele / Gregor Finke / Hermann Max<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 386–2<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1744 TVWV 15:15 (Oratorio and Serenata)<br />

· Dorothee Mields / Monika Mauch / Ulrike Hofbauer / Immo<br />

Schröder / Dominik Wörner / WESER-RENAISSANCE Bre-<br />

men / Manfred Cordes<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 390–2<br />

Kapitänsmusik 1755 TVWV 15:20 (Oratorio and Serenata)<br />

· Mechthild Bach / Silke Stapf / Mechthild Georg / Susanne<br />

Lena Norin / Gerd Türk / Jacob Winter / Michael Schop-<br />

per / Raimund Nolte / La Stagione (on period instruments) /<br />

Michael Schneider<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1993 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 211–2<br />

Der aus der Löwengrube errettete Daniel TVWV deest (Orato-<br />

rio) · Annmei Blessing-Leyhausen / Annegret Kleindopf / Lau-<br />

rie Reviol / Kai Wessel / Julian Prégardien / Jörn Lindemann /<br />

Ekkehard Abele / Stephan Schreckenberger / La Stagione<br />

Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 397–2<br />

Die Auferstehung (Oratorio, 1761) / De Danske, Norske<br />

og Tydske Undersaatters Glæde (Cantata 1757) · Dorothee<br />

Mields / Britta Schwarz / Andreas Post / Klaus Mertens /<br />

Magdeburger Kammerchor / Telemann-Kammerorchester Mi-<br />

chaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 634–2<br />

Late Church Music (Komm, Geist des Herrn TWV 1:999 /<br />

Kaum wag ich es TWV 1:992 / Er kam, lobsingt ihm TWV<br />

1:462) · Dorothee Mields / Elisabeth Graf / Knut Schoch /

Ekkehard Abele / Kammerchor Michaelstein / Telemannisches<br />

Collegium Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 064–2<br />

Passion Cantatas · Klaus Mertens, Bass-Baritone / Accademia<br />

Daniel / Shalev Ad-El<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006/07 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 299–2<br />

Cantatas (Drei sind, die da zeugen im Himmel TWV 1:377 /<br />

Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis TWV 1:843 / Wie liegt die Stadt<br />

so wüste TWV 1:1629 / Er kam, lobsingt ihm TWV 1:377)<br />

· Veronika Winter / Lena Susanne Norin / Jan Kobow /<br />

Ekkehard Abele / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert /<br />

Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997–2006 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 195–2<br />

Cantatas (Zerschmettert die Götzen TWV 2:7 / Meine Rede<br />

bleibt betrübt TWV 1:1099 / Dein Schaden ist verzweifelt<br />

böse TWV 1:1133) · Dorothee Mields / Klaus Mertens / Accademia<br />

Daniel / Shalev Ad-El<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 249–2<br />

Das befreite Israel TWV 6:5 (Oratorio, 1759) / Der Mai TWV<br />

20:40 / Overture in F minor TWV 55:f1 · Ingrid Schmithüsen /<br />

Claudia Schubert / Howard Crook / Klaus Mertens / Rheinische<br />

Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996/98 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 673–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio TWV 1:797 »Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu<br />

Bethlehem« / Christmas Cantata 1761 TWV 1:1334 / Christmas<br />

Cantata 1762 TWV 1:262 · Constanze Backes / Mechthild<br />

Georg / Andreas Post / Klaus Mertens / Kammerchor<br />

Michaelstein / Telemann-Kammerorchester Michaelstein /<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 419–2<br />

Christmas Cantatas (Saget der Tochter Zion TWV 1:1235 /<br />

Saget den verzagten Herzen TWV 1:1233 / Auf Zion! Und<br />

laß in geheiligten Hallen TWV 1:109 / Kündlich groß ist das<br />

gottselige Geheimnis TWV 1:1020) · Dorothee Mields / Britta<br />

Schwarz / Wilfried Jochens / Dirk Schmidt / Magdeburger<br />

Kammerchor (Lothar Hennig) / Telemann-Kammerorchester<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 515–2<br />

The Cornett Cantatas (Sehet an die Exempel der Alten TWV<br />

1:1259 / Erhöre mich,wenn ich rufe TWV 1:459 / Ich halte<br />

aber dafür TWV 1:840) · Mona Spägele / Henning Voss /<br />

Wilfried Jochens / Klaus Mertens / Bläserkollegium Leipzig /<br />

Telemann-Kammerorchester Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 542–2<br />

Funeral Music for Garlieb Sillem »Schwanengesang 1733« /<br />

Cantata »Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn« · Barbara<br />

Schlick / Mechthild Georg / Christoph Prégardien / Gotthold<br />

Schwarz / La Stagione (on period instruments) / Michael<br />

Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 212–2<br />

Betrachtung der 9. Stunde an dem Todestage Jesu (Passion<br />

Oratorio TWV 5:5) / Cantata »Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben<br />

wie Gras« TWV 4:18 / Cantata »Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte<br />

deines Hauses« TWV 2:2 · Mária Zádori / Kai Wessel / Da-<br />

vid Cordier / Harry van der Kamp / Wilfried Jochens / Hans-<br />

Georg Wimmer / Stephan Schreckenberger / Rheinische<br />

Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1990/93 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 500–2<br />

Der Messias TWV 6:5 / Partie TWV 44:42 / Sonata TWV<br />

44:11 / Concerto TWV 43:Es 1 · Veronika Winter / Marion<br />

Eckstein / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Telemannisches Col-<br />

legium Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 847–2<br />


Der Tod Jesu (Passion Oratorio TWV 5:6, 1755) · Dorothee<br />

Mields / Britta Schwarz / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Mag-<br />

deburger Kammerchor / Telemann-Kammerorchester Michael-<br />

stein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 720–2<br />

Der neumodische Liebhaber Damon oder Die Satyrn in Arka-<br />

dien TWV 21:8 · Mechthild Georg / Ann Monoyios / Camille<br />

van Lunen / Erik Biegel / Gotthold Schwarz / Michael Schop-<br />

per / Carl-Christof Gebhardt / Stefanie Smits / La Stagione<br />

Frankfurt / Michael Schneider<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1996 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 429–2<br />

Don Quichotte auf der Hochzeit des Comacho · Raimund<br />

Nolte / Michael Schopper / Silke Stapf / Mechthild Bach /<br />

Heike Hallaschka / Annette Kohler / Karl-Heinz Brandt / La<br />

Stagione (on period instruments) / Michael Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 210–2<br />

Johann Theile 1646–1724<br />

20 Secular Arias & Canzonettas 1667 · Schirin Partowi /<br />

Werner Buchin / Henning Kaiser / Matthias Vieweg / Les<br />

Amis de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 002–2<br />

Ludwig Thuille 1861–1907<br />

Symphony in F major / Piano Concerto in D major · Oliver<br />

Triendl, Piano / Haydn Orchestra / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 008–2<br />

Piano Quintets WoO & op. 20 · Oliver Triendl, Piano / Vogler<br />

Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 090–2<br />

124<br />

Ernst Toch 1887–1964<br />

Complete Symhonies 1–7 · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin<br />

/ Alun Francis<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1995–2002 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 191–2<br />

»Die chinesische Flöte« für Sopran & Kammerensemble / Five<br />

Pieces für Bläser und Percussion / Egon und Emilie nach Morgenstern<br />

für Koloratursopran, Sprecher und 7 Instrumente /<br />

Quartett op. 98 für Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott & Viola · Mutare<br />

Ensemble<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999, 2004/07 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 092–2<br />

Franz Tunder 1613 / 14–1667<br />

Concerti · Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann<br />

Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 943–2<br />

Complete Organ Works + Nicolaus Hasse: Complete<br />

Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ<br />

(1724), St.-Petri-Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 370–2<br />

Francesco Maria Veracini 1690–1768<br />

Violin Concerto in A; Overtures II & VI / Sonatas VI & VII<br />

· L’Arte dell’Arco (on period instruments) / Federico Guglielmo<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 302–2<br />

Heitor Villa–Lobos 1887–1959<br />

The Symphonies · Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des<br />

SWR / Carl St.Clair<br />

7 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997–2000 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 516–2<br />

Symphony No 2 »Ascencao« / <strong>New</strong> York Skyline Melody<br />

· Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR / Carl St.Clair<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998/00 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 785–2

Symphony No 10 »Sinfonia amerindia« (Sumé Pater Patrium,<br />

Oratorio for Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Chorus & Orchestra) · Lothar<br />

Odinius / Henryk Böhm / Jürgen Linn / Members of the<br />

Staatsopernchors Stuttgart / SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart /<br />

SWR Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart / Carl St.Clair<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 786–2<br />

Giovanni Battista Viotti 1755–1824<br />

Violin Concertos Nos 19 & 22 · Rainer Kussmaul / Deutsche<br />

Kammerakademie Neuss / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1995 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 324–2<br />

Antonio Vivaldi 1678–1741<br />

Quaderno Musicale di Anna Maria (Selection) (Six Violin<br />

Concertos for Anna Maria) · L’Arte dell’Arco (on period instruments)<br />

/ Federico Guglielmo, Solo Violin & Direction<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2002 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 078–2<br />

Le Quattro Stagioni (A Dresden Version <strong>with</strong> Winds)<br />

+ Giovanni Antonio Guido: Scherzi Armonici sopra le<br />

Quattro Stagioni dell’Anno · L’Arte dell’Arco (on period instruments)<br />

/ Federico Guglielmo, Solo Violin & Direction<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2001 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 037–2<br />

Complete Recorder Concertos · Cappella Academica, Frankfurt<br />

/ Michael Schneider, Recorder & Direction<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 304–2<br />

Trio Sonatas op.1 (Sonatas RV 43, 60, 70, 72 & 83) · SON-<br />

NERIE<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1997/98 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 511–2<br />

Arsilda Regina di Ponto RV 700 (Opera in three acts) · Cavalli<br />

/ Sciannimanico / Cecchi Fedi, Kennedy etc. / Coro da<br />

Camera Italiano / Modo Antiquo / Federico Maria Sardelli<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 740–2<br />

Orlando Furioso RV 728 (Opera in three acts) · Desler / Kennedy<br />

/ de Liso / Dordolo / Sciannimanico / Grégoire / Kronthaler<br />

/ Coro da Camera Italiano / Modo Antiquo / Federico<br />

Maria Sardelli<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2002 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 095–2<br />

Tito Manlio RV 738 (Opera in three acts) · Foresti / Scholl /<br />

Kennedy / Dominguez / Sciannimanico / Grégoire / Livermore<br />

/ Taddia / Modo Antiquo / Federico Maria Sardelli<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2003 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 096–2<br />

Pancho Vladigerov 1899–1978<br />

Vardar (Bulgarian Rhapsodie) op. 16 / Traumspielsuite /<br />

Bulgarian Dances op. 23 · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin /<br />

Horia Andreescu<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004/05 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 125–2<br />

Adam Valentin Volckmar 1770–1851<br />

Trios & Quartets · ARTE ENSEMBLE<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 460–2<br />

Robert Volkmann 1815–1883<br />

Complete Orchestral Works (Symphonies Nos 1 & 2 / Cello<br />

Concerto in A minor op. 33 / Overture »Richard III« / Overture<br />

in C major · Johannes Wohlmacher, Cello / Nordwestdeutsche<br />

Philharmonie / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1991–1993 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 151–2<br />

Serenades for Strings Nos 1–3 + Carl Reinecke: Serenade<br />

op. 242 · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss / Johannes<br />

Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 159–2<br />

Piano Trios op. 3 & op. 5 · Beethoven Trio Ravensburg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 128–2<br />


String Quartets Nos 1 & 4 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 115–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 2 & 5 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 167–2<br />

String Quartets Nos 3 & 6 · Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 237–2<br />

Johan Wagenaar 1862–1941<br />

Symphonic Poems (Overture »De getemde feeks« op. 25 /<br />

Levenszomer op. 21 / Saul en David op. 24 / Romantic Inter-<br />

mezzo op. 13 / Frithjofs Meerfahrt op. 5) · Nordwestdeutsche<br />

Philharmonie / Antony Hermus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 479–2<br />

Georg Christoph Wagenseil 1715–1777<br />

Sinfonias WV 351, 413, 418, 438 & 441 · L’Orfeo Barock-<br />

orchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 450–2<br />

Sinfonias WV 361, 374, 393, 398, 421, 432 · Stuttgarter<br />

Kammerorchester / Johannes Goritzki<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 112–2<br />

Siegfried Wagner 1869–1930<br />

Complete Orchestral Works · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Ham-<br />

burg / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

7 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1994–97 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 655–2<br />

Die heilige Linde (Opera in three acts) · Dagmar Schellen-<br />

berger / John Wegener / Roman Trekel / Katalin Halmai /<br />

Thorsten Scharnke / Volker Horn / Ksenija Lukic / Mechthild<br />

126<br />

Georg / Adam Kruzel / Hein Heidbüchel / WDR Rundfunk-<br />

chor Köln / WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln / Werner Andreas<br />

Albert<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 844–2<br />

Rainulf und Adelasia, (Opera in three acts) · Elisabeth-Maria<br />

Wachutka / Regina Klepper / Andrea Lang / Margarete<br />

Joswig / Hana Minutillo / Frank van Aken / Thomas W.<br />

Kuckler / Roman Trekel / Florian Prey / Franz Hawlata / Die<br />

Stuttgarter Choristen / Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-<br />

Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2003 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 017–2<br />

Sonnenflammen op. 8 (Opera in three acts) · Roman Trekel /<br />

Michaela Schuster / Richard Brunner / Jürgen Trekel / Nils<br />

Giesecke / Eva Bátori etc. / Chor & Orchester des Opernhaus-<br />

es Halle / Roger Epple<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2002 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 097–2<br />

Bruno Walter 1876–1962<br />

Symphony in D minor · NDR Sinfonieorchester / Leon Botstein<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 163–2<br />

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

String Quartets Vol. 1 (String Quartets 4 & 16) · Quatuor<br />

Danel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 313–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 2 (String Quartets 7, 11 & 13) · Quatuor<br />

Danel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 392–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 3 (String Quartets 6, 8 & 15) · Quatuor<br />

Danel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006/08 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 393–2

Works for Violin & Piano Vol. 1 (Sonatas No. 4 op. 39 & No.<br />

5 op. 53 / Three Pieces for Violin & Piano) · Stefan Kirpal,<br />

Violin / Andreas Kirpal, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 456–2<br />

Felix Weingartner 1863–1942<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 1 (König Lear, Symphonic Poem op.<br />

20 / Symphony No 1 op. 23) · Sinfonieorchester Basel /<br />

Marko Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2003 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 981–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 2 (Der Sturm, Overture & Suite /<br />

Serenade for String Orchestra / Symphony No 4 op. 61)<br />

· Sinfonieorchester Basel / Marko Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2003 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 098–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 3 (Symphony No 2 op. 29 / Das Ge-<br />

filde der Seligen op. 21, Symphonic Poem) · Sinfonieorchester<br />

Basel / Marko Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 099–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 4 (Symphony No 3 op. 49 / Lustige<br />

Ouvertüre op. 53) · Sinfonieorchester Basel / Marko Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 100–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 5 (Symphony No 5 op. 71 / Overture<br />

»Aus ernster Zeit« op. 71) · Sinfonieorchester Basel / Marko<br />

Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 101–2<br />

Symphonic Works Vol. 6 (Symphony No 6 op. 74 »La Tragi-<br />

ca« / Symphonic Poem »Frühling« op. 80) · Sinfonieorchester<br />

Basel / Marko Letonja<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 102–2<br />

Violin Concerto op. 52 + Franz Schubert: Symphony in<br />

E D 729, arr. by Felix Weingartner · Laurent Albrecht Breuninger<br />

/ SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 424–2<br />

Sextet op. 33 / Octet op. 73 · Ensemble Acht / Oliver Triendl,<br />

Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 049–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 1 (Quartets No 1 op. 24 & No 3 op. 34)<br />

· Sarastro Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 251–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 2 (Quartets No 5 op. 81 / String Quintet<br />

op. 40) · Sarastro Quartett / Petra Vahle, Viola<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/08 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 252–2<br />

Egon Wellesz 1885–1974<br />

Complete Symphonies 1–9 / Symphonischer Epilog · Radio-<br />

Symphonieorchester Wien / Gottfried Rabl<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2001–2004 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 183–2<br />

Richard Wetz 1875–1935<br />

Symphony No 1 · Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra / Roland<br />

Bader<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 272–2<br />

Symphony No 2 / Kleist Overture op. 16 · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 695–2<br />

Symphony No 3 / Gesang des Lebens · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie<br />

Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 818–2<br />

Violin Concerto op. 57 / Traumsommernacht op. 14 / Hyperion<br />

op. 32 · Ulf Wallin, Violin / Markus Köhler, Bariton /<br />


Kammerchor der Musikhochschule Augsburg / Deutsche Sta-<br />

atsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz / Werner Andreas Albert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 933–2<br />

Requiem in B minor · Marietta Zumbült / Mario Hoff / Dom-<br />

bergchor Erfurt / Philharmonischer Chor Weimar / Thürin-<br />

gisches Kammerorchester Weimar / George Alexander<br />

Albrecht<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, Live, DDD, 2003 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 152–2<br />

Hermann Hans Wetzler 1870–1943<br />

Symphonic Works (Visionen op. 23 / Assisi op. 13) · Robert-<br />

Schumann-Philharmonie / Frank Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 412–2<br />

Charles–Marie Widor 1844–1937<br />

Symphony for Organ & Orchestra op. 42 / Sinfonia Sacra<br />

for Organ & Orchestra op. 81 · Christian Schmitt, Organ /<br />

Bamberger Symphoniker / Stefan Solyom<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2008 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 443–2<br />

Johann Wilhelm Wilms 1772–1847<br />

Symphonies 1 & 4 / Overture in D · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE / Howard Griffiths<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004/05 _______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 209–2<br />

Dag Wirén 1905–1986<br />

Symphonies 2 & 3 / Concert Overtures 1 & 2 · Norrköping<br />

Symphony Orchestra / Thomas Dausgaard<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 677–2<br />

Symphonies Nos 4 & 5 / Ballet Suite op. 24a »Oscarsbalen«<br />

· Norrköping Symphony Orchestra / Thomas Dausgaard<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 563–2<br />

128<br />

Joseph Wölfl 1773–1812<br />

Piano Concertos opp. 20, 43 & 49 / Andante »The Calm«<br />

from the Piano Concerto op. 36 · Yorck Kronenberg, Piano /<br />

SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern / Johannes Moesus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006/07 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 374–2<br />

Hugo Wolf 1860–1903<br />

String Quartet / Intermezzo / Italienische Serenade · Auryn<br />

Quartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 529–2<br />

Ermanno Wolf–Ferrari 1876–1948<br />

Cello Concerto op. 31 in C major »Invocazione« / Sinfonia<br />

Brevis op. 28 in E flat major · Gustav Rivinius, Violoncello /<br />

Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 278–2<br />

Violin Concerto op. 26 in D major / Serenade for Strings in<br />

E flat major · Ulf Hoelscher, Violin / Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester<br />

Frankfurt / Alun Francis<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 271–2<br />

Complete Wind Concertos (Idillio-Concertino op. 15 / Suite-<br />

Concertino op. 16 / Concertino op. 34) · Diego Cini-Ciacci,<br />

Oboe & English Horn / Paolo Carlini, Bassoon / Orchestra di<br />

Padolva e del Veneto / Zsolt Hamar<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 157–2<br />

Paul Wranitzky 1756–1808<br />

Symphonies opp. 31 & 52 · NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE /<br />

Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 054–2

Eugène Ysaÿe 1858–1931<br />

Divertimento op. 24 / Les neiges d’antant op. 23 / Berceuse<br />

op. 20 / Chant d’hiver op. 15 / Poème elégiaque op. 12<br />

(arr. Jacques Ysaÿe) · Albrecht Breuninger, Violin / Nordwest-<br />

deutsche Philharmonie / Welisar Gentscheff<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 051–2<br />

Isang Yun 1917–1995<br />

Complete Symphonies / Exemplum in memoriam Kwangju<br />

»My Land, my People« · Salter / Filharmonia Pomorska Byd-<br />

goszcz / Ukigaya / Chorus and State Symphony Orchestra of<br />

the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea / Byung-Hwa Kim<br />

4 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1986–93 ______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 165–2<br />

Juliusz Zarebski 1854–1885<br />

Piano Works · Marian Mika, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2004 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 193–2<br />

Jan Dismas Zelenka 1679–1745<br />

Complete Orchestral Works · Das Neu-Eröffnete Orchestre (on<br />

period instruments) / Jürgen Sonnentheil<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 1996 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 897–2<br />

Alexander von Zemlinsky 1871–1942<br />

Songs op. 7 + Alma Mahler-Werfel: Complete Songs<br />

· Ruth Ziesak, Soprano / Iris Vermillion, Mezzo-soprano /<br />

Christian Elsner, Tenor / Cord Garben, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 455–2<br />

Hans Zender *1936<br />

Fünf Haiku (Lo-Shu IV) for flute and string orchestra / Zeit-<br />

ströme for orchestra + Giacinto Scelsi: Quattro pezzi per<br />

orchestra / Pranam for soprano, 12 instruments, and tape /<br />

Cantata after words by Meister Eckhart · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester<br />

Saarbrücken / Hans Zender<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, AAD, 1973/74/78/81/83 ______________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 485–2<br />

Carl Michael Ziehrer 1843–1922<br />

Die drei Wünsche (Operetta) · Volker Vogel / Donna Ellen /<br />

Vaerliy Serkin / Lorena Espina / Klemens Slowioczek / Anna<br />

Siminska / Michael Heim / Alfred Berger / Cornelia Zink /<br />

Chorsolisten des Musik Theater Schönbronn / Orchester des<br />

Musik Theater Schönbronn / Herbert Mogg<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2008 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 404–2<br />

Anthologies<br />

Symphonies Concertantes<br />

Symphonies Concertantes by Bernhard Henrik Crusell, Georg<br />

Abraham Schneider, Frank Danzi, Franz Anton Hoffmeister,<br />

August Ritter, Peter von Winter, Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, Leopold<br />

Kozeluch · Consortium Classicum (Soloists) / Dieter Klöcker /<br />

Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields / Iona Brown<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, ADD, 1976 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 009–2<br />

Hungarian Wind Quintets<br />

György Ligeti / Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet / Ten Pieces<br />

for Wind Quintet / György Kurtág / Wind Quintet op. 2 /<br />

Sándor Veress / Sonata for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon /<br />

Diptych for Wind Quintet · Albert Schweitzer Quintett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1994/95 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 315–2<br />

Klavierduo Genova & Dimitrov<br />

Dmitri Shostakovich: The Complete Œuvre for Piano Duo /<br />

Igor Stravinsky: Concerto per due pianoforte soli 1935 /<br />

Sergei Prokofiev: Schubert Waltzes, Suite / Grigorasch<br />


Dinicu: Hora staccato, arranged for two pianos by Pantscho<br />

Vladigerov<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 599–2<br />

Les maîtres de la vielle baroque<br />

Works for Hurdy–gurdy by Philippe Dugué, Charles Buterne,<br />

Jean-Baptiste Dupuits, Jaques Christophe Naudot, Ravet,<br />

Jean-Noël Marchand and Charles Bâton · Matthias Loibner<br />

& Riccardo Delfino, Hurdy-gurdy / Laurent Le Chenadec, Bassoon<br />

/ Thomas Wimmer, Viola da Gamba / Norbert Zeilberger,<br />

Harpsichord<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2001 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 864–2<br />

Organ Christmas<br />

Works by Georg Friedrich Händel, Giovanni Morandi, Julius<br />

Schneider, Charles-Marie Widor, Théodore Dubois,<br />

Franz Lehrndorfer, Ralf Bölting, Jefferson C. McConnaughey,<br />

Robert J. Powell & Charles E. Callahan · Beatrice-Maria<br />

Weinberger / Gerhard Weinberger (Orgel der Klosterkirche<br />

Roggenburg)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 487–2<br />

Follow Goethe<br />

Lieder after poems by Goethe (by Robert Schumann, Othmar<br />

Schoeck, Hans Pfitzner, Carl Loewe, Hugo Wolf, Ludwig van<br />

Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Edvard Grieg,<br />

Alphons Diepenbrock and Michael Gees) · Christoph Prégardien,<br />

Tenor / Michael Gees, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 685–2<br />

Machet die Tore weit<br />

Baroque Christmas Cantatas from Central Germany (Cantatas<br />

by Johann Schelle, Basilius Petritz, Philipp Heinrich Erlebach,<br />

Christian August Jacobi, Christian Liebe, and Johann<br />

Ernst Bessel · Birte Kulawik, Dorothea Wagner, David Erler,<br />

130<br />

Hans Jörg Mammel, Matthias Lutze) / Sächsisches Vocalensemble<br />

/ Batzdorfer Hofkapelle / Matthias Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 332–2<br />

Music of the Reformation<br />

Nu bitten wir den heiligen Geist, Ein feste Burg, Mitten wir im<br />

Leben sind, Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, Mit Fried und<br />

Freud in the arrangements by Martin Luther (1483–1546),<br />

Caspar Othmayr 1515–1553), and Johann Walter (1496–<br />

1570) · Himlische Cantorey<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003/05 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 275–2<br />

The Spirit of the Renaissance<br />

Works from Josquin des Prez to Hans Leo Haßler · WESER-<br />

RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1993 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 294–2<br />

Die Singphoniker<br />

Singphonic Comedians (Homage to the Comedian Harmonists.<br />

17 Singphonic updatings of hits of the twenties / Veronika<br />

der Lenz ist da / Wir sind von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe<br />

eingestellt / Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus etc.<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1992 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 201–2<br />

Just the Best – Nur das Beste (A Male Voice’s Musical Journey<br />

through the centuries from Renaissance to Pop)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, ADD, DDD, 1981–2006 _________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 291–2<br />

Singphonic Serenade (»Serenades« from Orlando di Lasso to<br />

John Lennon / Paul McCartney)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 470–2<br />

Festive Hanseatic Musc<br />

Works by Julius Johannes Weiland, Julius Ernst Rautenstein,<br />

Heinrich Albert, Andreas Hakenberger, Philipp Dulichius,<br />

Christoph Bernhard, Dietrich Becker, Matthias Weckmann,

Jacob Obrecht, Orlando di Lasso, Andries Pevernage, and<br />

Clemens non papa · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen, Manfred<br />

Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 782–2<br />

Weihnachten im Bremer Dom<br />

Bremen Christmas (Famous Christmas Songs: Still, still, still,<br />

Kindelein zart, Stille Nacht, Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier,<br />

In dulci jubilo, Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her, O Heiland,<br />

reiß die Himmel auf etc.) · Dorothee Mields / Waltraud<br />

Hoffmann-Mucher / Bremer Domchor / Kammer Sinfonie Bremen<br />

/ Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 238–2<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> special<br />

›Beethoven renovated‹<br />

Symphony No 5, Coriolan op. 61, Variations on »Rule Britannia«<br />

WoO. 79, Ode to Joy, Arrangements by Uli Lettermann<br />

· Quintessence Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 861–2<br />

›Essentials of Jazz‹<br />

Jazz <strong>Classics</strong> · Quintessence Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 760–2<br />

›Moving Mozart‹<br />

25 plus KV 138, Rondo alla turca a little bit blue, The Magic<br />

Sax KV 620, Dies Irae from Requiem KV 626, Figaros Scheidung<br />

KV 492 etc., Arrangements for five Saxophones by Uli<br />

Lettermann & Hartmut Salzmann · Quintessence Saxophone<br />

Quintet<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 134–2<br />

›Jazzentials of Bach‹<br />

Blue Bach, Schlafes Schwester, Great Bop-fugue, Bacchanalia,<br />

Präluditom etc, Quintessence and Bach, a short story full<br />

of passion · Quintessence Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1998 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 587–2<br />

Best of 10 Years Live<br />

Prelude, The Fifth, first set, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,<br />

La Fiesta, Jazzentials, Hallelujah, Ouverture »Coriolan«,<br />

Fudge, Fuge in g minor, Der Mond ist aufgegangen · Quintessence<br />

Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, Live, DDD, 2003 _______________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 990–2<br />

Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons<br />

+ The 5th season, composed by Uli Lettermann, Arrangements<br />

for five Saxophones · Quintessence Saxophone Quintet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 366–2<br />

<strong>cpo</strong>-ton<br />

Walter Kempowski liest Tadellöser & Wolff<br />

Die Aufnahme entstand an authentischem Ort, in Kempowskis<br />

Heim, Hause Kreienhoop, in Nartum<br />

13 <strong>CD</strong>s in einem Schuber, DDD, 2000 _________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 766–2<br />

Walter Kempowski liest Aus großer Zeit<br />

Die Aufnahme entstand an authentischem Ort, in Kempowskis<br />

Heim, Hause Kreienhoop, in Nartum<br />

13 <strong>CD</strong>s in einem Schuber, DDD, 2001 _________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 911–2<br />

Walter Kempowski liest Schöne Aussicht<br />

Die Aufnahme entstand an authentischem Ort, in Kempowskis<br />

Heim, Hause Kreienhoop, in Nartum<br />

15 <strong>CD</strong>s in einem Schuber , DDD, 2002 ________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 048–2<br />


Organ Works of the<br />

North German Baroque<br />

132<br />

Volume 1: Nicolaus Bruhns 1665–1697<br />

Complete Organ Works + Georg Dietrich Leyding:<br />

Complete Organ Works (Organ Works oft he North German<br />

Baroque Vol. 1) · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ,<br />

1724, St.-Petri Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 123–2<br />

Volume 2: Vincent Lübeck 1654–1740<br />

Complete Organ Works / including 3 Organ Works ascribed<br />

to the son Vincent Lübeck · Friedhelm Flamme, Christoph-Treut-<br />

mann Organ, 1734–37, Stiftskirche St. Georg zu Grauhof bei<br />

Goslar<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2005 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 198–2<br />

Volume 3: Johann Adam Reincken 1643?–1722<br />

Complete Organ Works / Organ Works by Christian Geist &<br />

Andreas Kneller · Friedhelm Flamme, Johann-Matthias-Hagel-<br />

stein-Organ, Kirche St. Georg, Gartow, 1735–1740<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2004 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 246–2<br />

Volume 4: Nicolaus Hanff 1664–1684<br />

Complete Organ Works / Complete Organ Works by Martin<br />

Radeck, Arnold Matthias Brunckhorst,Steffens, Daniel Erich,<br />

and Christian Ritter · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Or-<br />

gan (1721/22), St. Cosmas und St. Damian, Bockhorn<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 271–2<br />

Volume 5: Peter Morhard †1685<br />

Complete Organ Works + Melchior Schildt: Complete<br />

Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Gerhard-von-Holy-Organ<br />

(1710/11) Barholomäuskirche zu Dornum<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 343–2

Friedhelm<br />

Flamme<br />

Volume 6: Franz Tunder 1613 / 14–1667<br />

Complete Organ Works + Nicolaus Hasse: Complete<br />

Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Christian-Vater-Organ<br />

(1724), St.-Petri-Kirche, Melle (Germany)<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2006 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 370–2<br />

Volume 7: Johann Praetorius 1595–1660<br />

Selected Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Orgel der Peter-<br />

und Paul-Kirche, Klostergut Holthausen, bei Büren (Germany),<br />

1764<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 200 ___________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 344–2<br />

Volume 8: Georg Böhm 1661–1733<br />

Complete Organ Works · Friedhelm Flamme, Creutzburg-<br />

Orgel der Propsteikirche St. Cyriakus zu Duderstadt<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2009 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 501–2<br />

Soon available:<br />

Volume 9: Hieronymus Praetorius 1560–1629<br />

Complete Magnificat-Compositions and other Works for Organ<br />

· Friedhelm Flamme, Scherer-Orgel (1624), St. Stephanskirche<br />

zu Tangermünde<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 345–2<br />

Volume 10: Complete Organ Works<br />

By Georg Wilhelm Dietrich Saxer, Andreas Düben, Martin<br />

Düben, Gustav Düben, Gottlieb Nittauff, Ewald Hintz, Andreas<br />

Neunhaber & Johann Christian Schieferdecker · Friedhelm<br />

Flamme, Lorentz-Frietzsch-Orgel der St. Mariae Kirke zu<br />

Helsingør / Dänemark<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 502–2<br />


Christmas <strong>with</strong> <strong>cpo</strong><br />

A Special Pleasure<br />

134<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685–1750<br />

Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 · Veronika Winter / Wiebke<br />

Lehmkuhl / Jan Kobow / Markus Flaig / Rheinische Kantorei /<br />

Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2009 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 459–2<br />

Francesco Durante 1684–1755<br />

Neapolitan Music for Christmas Vol. 1 · Robert Mameli /<br />

Ursula Eittinger / Andreas Post / Stephan MacLeod / Kölner<br />

Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 571–2<br />

August Enna 1859–1939<br />

The Little Match Girl (Opera) / The Shepherdess and the<br />

Chimney-Sweep, Ballet Pantomime · Henriette Bonde-Han-<br />

sen, Soprano / Gitta-Maria Sjöberg, Soprano / Frits Helmuth,<br />

Narrator / Sokkelund Sangkor, Danmarks Radio Pigekor / The<br />

Danish Radio Sinfonietta / Roman Zeilinger<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 595–2<br />

Joseph Eybler 1765–1846<br />

Christmas Oratorio »Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu Bethlehem«<br />

· Sabine Ritterbusch / Waltraud Hoffmann-Mucher / Harry<br />

van Berne / Jelle Draijer / Alsfelder Vokalensemble & Bremer<br />

Domchor / I Febiarmonici / Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 667–2<br />

Georg Gebel, d.J. 1709–1753<br />

Christmas Oratorio 1748 / <strong>New</strong> Year’s Oratorio 1748<br />

· Monika Mauch / Kai Wessel / Nico van der Meel / Pe-<br />

ter Kooij / Cantus Thuringia / Capella Thuringia / Bernhard<br />

Klapprott<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2003 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 993–2

Christmas Cantatas Vol. 1 (Verfolge mich, o Welt! / Gott<br />

Lob! Mein Jesus macht mich rein) · Veronika Winter / Britta<br />

Schwarz / Andreas Post / Matthias Vieweg / Les Amis de<br />

Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 610–2<br />

Christmas Cantatas Vol. 2 (Mein Jesu A und O, der Anfang<br />

und das Ende / Begebet eure Leiber zum Opfer) · Veronika<br />

Winter / Gesine Adler / Britta Schwarz / Andreas Post / Matthias<br />

Vieweg / Les Amis de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 611–2<br />

Rheinische Kantorei<br />

Das Kleine Konzert<br />

Hermann Max<br />

Carl Heinrich Graun ca. 1703–1759<br />

Christmas Oratorio · Ingrid Schmithüsen / Lena Susanne Norin<br />

/ Markus Schäfer / Klaus Mertens / Rheinische Kantorei /<br />

Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 707–2<br />

Christoph Graupner 1683–1760<br />

Christmas Cantatas (Frohlocke, werte Christenheit / Der Herr<br />

hat mich gehabt / Das Licht des Lebens scheint hell / Das<br />

Licht scheinet in der Finsternis / Von Gott will ich nicht lassen)<br />


· Veronika Winter / Franz Vitzthum / Jan Kobow / Markus<br />

Flaig / Das Kleine Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 572–2<br />

Heinrich von Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Die Geburt Christi op. 90 · Ökumenischer Hochschulchor<br />

Würzburg / Herzogenberg Orchester Würzburg / Matthias<br />

Beckert<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2005 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 211–2<br />

Francesco Manfredini 1684–1762<br />

12 Concerti op. 3 · Les Amis de Philippe / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 638–2<br />

Johann Mattheson 1681–1764<br />

Das größte Kind (Christmas Oratorio) · Susanne Rydén / Nele<br />

Gramß / Anne Schmid / Melissa Hegney / Gerd Türk / Ulrich<br />

Cordes / Wolf Matthias Friedrich / Thilo Dahlmann / Kölner<br />

Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 455–2<br />

Johann Mattheson 1681–1764<br />

»Die heilsame Geburt« (Christmas Oratorio) / Magnificat a<br />

due cori · Nicki Kennedy / Anna Crookes / Ursula Eittinger /<br />

Andreas Post / Stephan MacLeoad etc. / Kölner Akademie /<br />

Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 274–2<br />

Orlando di Lasso 1532–1594<br />

Prophetiae Sibyllarum (Christmas Motets) · WESER-RENAIS-<br />

SANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 468–2<br />

136<br />

Hans Pfitzner 1869–1949<br />

Das Christelflein (Opera in two acts) · Marlis Peterson / Martina<br />

Rüping / Michael Volle / Friedemann Röhlig etc. / Tölzer<br />

Knabenchor / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Claus Peter Flor<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, Live, DDD, 2004 _____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 155–2<br />

Michael Praetorius 1571–1621<br />

Advent and Christmas Music · Bremer Barock Consort / Manfred<br />

Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 327–2<br />

Johann Heinrich Rolle 1716–1785<br />

Christmas Oratorio · Gundula Anders / Dorothee Mields /<br />

Britta Schwarz / Wilfried Jochens / Dirk Schmidt / Kammerchor<br />

Michaelstein / Helko Siede / Telemann-Kammerorchester<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 514–2<br />

Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel 1690–1749<br />

Christmas Oratorio, Cantatas 1–5 · Britta Schwarz / Henning<br />

Voss / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Weimarer Barockensemble<br />

/ Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1999 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 668–2<br />

Christmas Oratorio, Cantatas 6–10 · Britta Schwarz / Henning<br />

Voss / Jan Kobow / Klaus Mertens / Weimarer Barockensemble<br />

/ Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2000 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 735–2<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Christmas Oratorio TWV 1:797 »Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu<br />

Bethlehem« / Christmas Cantata 1761 TWV 1:1334 / Christmas<br />

Cantata 1762 TWV 1:262 · Constanze Backes / Mechthild<br />

Georg / Andreas Post / Klaus Mertens / Kammerchor

Michaelstein / Telemann-Kammerorchester Michaelstein /<br />

Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1996 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 419–2<br />

Christmas Cantatas (Saget der Tochter Zion TWV 1:1235 /<br />

Saget den verzagten Herzen TWV 1:1233 / Auf Zion! Und<br />

laß in geheiligten Hallen TWV 1:109 / Kündlich groß ist das<br />

gottselige Geheimnis TWV 1:1020) · Dorothee Mields / Britta<br />

Schwarz / Wilfried Jochens / Dirk Schmidt / Magdeburger<br />

Kammerchor (Lothar Hennig) / Telemann-Kammerorchester<br />

Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 515–2<br />

Richard Wetz 1875–1935<br />

Ein Weihnachtsoratorium auf alt-deutsche Gedichte op. 53<br />

(Christmas Oratorio to Old German Poems) · Marietta Zum-<br />

bült / Máté Sólyom-Nagy / Dombergchor Erfurt / Philharmon-<br />

ischer Chor Erfurt / Thüringisches Kammerorchester Weimar /<br />

George Alexander Albrecht<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 638–2<br />

Baroque Christmas in Hamburg<br />

Works by Hieronymus & Jacob Praetorius, Thomas Selle,<br />

Heinrich Scheidemann, Christoph Bernhard, Samuel Scheidt,<br />

Johann Philipp Förtsch, Matthias Weckmann & Christoph<br />

Bernhard · Bremer Barock Consort / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 553–2<br />

Machet die Tore weit<br />

Baroque Christmas Cantatas from Central Germany (Canta-<br />

tas by Johann Schelle, Basilius Petritz, Philipp Heinrich Erle-<br />

bach, Christian August Jacobi, Christian Liebe, and Johann<br />

Ernst Bessel · Birte Kulawik, Dorothea Wagner, David Erler,<br />

Hans Jörg Mammel, Matthias Lutze) / Sächsisches Vocalensemble<br />

/ Batzdorfer Hofkapelle / Matthias Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 332–2<br />

Organ Christmas<br />

Works by Georg Friedrich Händel, Giovanni Morandi, Julius<br />

Schneider, Charles-Marie Widor, Théodore Dubois,<br />

Franz Lehrndorfer, Ralf Bölting, Jefferson C. McConnaughey,<br />

Robert J. Powell & Charles E. Callahan · Beatrice-Maria<br />

Weinberger / Gerhard Weinberger (Orgel der Klosterkirche<br />

Roggenburg)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 487–2<br />

Weihnachten im Bremer Dom<br />

Bremen Christmas (Famous Christmas Songs: Still, still, still,<br />

Kindelein zart, Stille Nacht, Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier,<br />

In dulci jubilo, Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her, O Heiland,<br />

reiß die Himmel auf etc.) · Dorothee Mields / Waltraud<br />

Hoffmann-Mucher / Bremer Domchor / Kammer Sinfonie Bremen<br />

/ Wolfgang Helbich<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2006 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 238–2<br />


Further Projects<br />

2012/13 (Selection)<br />

138<br />

George Antheil 1900–1959<br />

Venus in Africa (Opera in 1 act) · Johanna Stojkovic / Claudia<br />

Barainsky / Miljenko Turk / Bochumer Symphoniker / Steven<br />

Sloane<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 450–2<br />

Anton Arensky 1861–1906<br />

Five Suites for two pianos · Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 651–2<br />

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685–1750<br />

Violin concertos BWV 1041 and 1042 * / Violin double Concerto<br />

BWV 1043 ** / Concerto in C-minor for oboe and violin<br />

BWV 1060R *** / Triple concerto in A-minor for flute, violin<br />

and harpsichord BWV 1044 **** / Concerto in C-minor for<br />

two harpsichords BWV 1060 / Concerto in C-Major for two<br />

harpsichords BWV 1061 / Concerto in C-minor for two harpsichords<br />

BWV 1062 · *** ****Manfredo Kraemer violin /<br />

*Fredrik From violin / **Peter Spissky / **Bjarte Eike violin /<br />

Antoine Torunczyk oboe / Katy Bircher flute / Trevor Pinnock<br />

harpsichord / Lars Ulrik Mortensen harpsichord and musical<br />

direction / Concerto Copenhagen<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, 2010/11 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 681–2<br />

Walter Braunfels 1882–1954<br />

Sinfonia concertante op. 68 (Concerto for Volin, Viola & 2<br />

Horns) / String Quintet op. 63 (version for orchestra) · Henry<br />

Raudales, Violin / Norbert Merkl, Viola / Karl Reitmayer &<br />

Marc Ostertag, Horn / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf<br />

Schirmer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007/09 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 579–2<br />

Anton Bruckner 1824–1896<br />

Symphony No. 2 · Northern Sinfonia / Mario Venzago<br />

<strong>CD</strong>,DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 691–2

Anton Bruckner 1824–1896<br />

Symphony No. 8 · Konzerthausorchester Berlin / Mario Venzago<br />

<strong>CD</strong>,DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 691–2<br />

Johannes Brahms 1833–1897<br />

Lieder (Deutsche Volkslieder H. 1–4) · Iris Vermillion, Mezzo-<br />

Soprano / Andreas Schmidt, Baritone / Helmut Deutsch, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 023–2<br />

Lieder (Deutsche Volkslieder H. 5 & 6 / Volks-Kinderlieder /<br />

Fünf Ophelia-Lieder / Das Regenlied / Mondnacht) · Iris Vermillion,<br />

Mezzo-Soprano / Juliane Banse, Soprano / Andreas<br />

Schmidt, Baritone / Helmut Deutsch, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 1997 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 537–2<br />

Antonio Casimir Cartellieri 1772–1807<br />

Complete Symphonies 1–4 · Evergreen Symphony Orchestra<br />

Taipei / Gernot Schmalfuss<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 657–2<br />

Charlie Chaplin 1889–1977<br />

Modern Times (Complete Film Music) · NDR RADIOPHILHAR-<br />

MONIE Hannover / Timothy Brock<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 286–2<br />

Josquin Desprez 1440–1521<br />

»De Profundis« / Psalmenvertonungen (Psalms) · WESER-<br />

RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 588–2<br />

Antonin Dvorak 1841–1904<br />

String Quartets Vol. 1 (Quartets op. 34, 47, 51 & 96, Zypressen)<br />

· Vogler Quartett<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 624–2<br />

Petr Eben 1929–2007<br />

Sacred Works for Choir · Sächsisches Vocalensemble / Mat-<br />

thias Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 627–2<br />

Anton Eberl 1765–1807<br />

Piano Works (Grande Sonate op. 27 / 12 Variationen über<br />

die Ariette »Freundin sanfter Herzenstriebe« / 10 Varia-<br />

tionen über »Zu Steffen sprach im Träume«) · Marie-Luise<br />

Hinrichs<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009/10 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 605–2<br />

Friedrich Ernst Fesca 1789–1826<br />

String Quartets Vol. 1 (Quartets 1–3, 7–9, 13 & 15) · Dio-<br />

genes Quartett<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2007/09/10 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 482–2<br />

String Quartets Vol. 2 (Quartets 4–6, 10–12, 14 & 16) · Ama-<br />

ryllis Quartett<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 483–2<br />

Niels W. Gade 1817–1890<br />

Piano Works (Sonata op. 28 & Aquarellen opp. 19 & 57)<br />

· Christina Bjørkøe<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 628–2<br />

Jan van Gilse 1881–1944<br />

Symphony No. 3 · Aile Asszonyi, Soprano / Netherlands<br />

Symphony Orchestra / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 518–2<br />

Symphony No. 4 · Netherlands Symphony Orchestra / David<br />

Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 689–2<br />


Johann Grabbe 1585–1655<br />

Complete Madrigals & Complete Instrumental Works · WES-<br />

ER-RENAISSANCE Bremen / Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 662–2<br />

Siegmund von Hausegger 1872–1948<br />

Barbarossa (Symphonic poem) / Hymnen an die Nacht (Song<br />

cycle for Baritone & Orchestra) · Hans Christoph Begemann,<br />

Baritone / Norrköping Symphony Orchestra / Antony Hermus<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 666–2<br />

Heinrich von Herzogenberg 1843–1900<br />

Lieder · Helene Lindqvist, Soprano / Philipp Vogler, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 _______________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 586<br />

Ferdinand Hiller 1811–1885<br />

Piano Works · Alexandra Oehler<br />

DDD, 2009 _______________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 584–2<br />

Ludvig Irgens-Jensen 1894–1969<br />

Symphony in d / Passacaglia / Rondo marziale · Trondheim<br />

Symphony Orchestra / Eivind Aadland<br />

DDD, 2007 _______________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 347–2<br />

Paul Juon 1872–1940<br />

Piano Sextet op. 22 / Piano Quintet op. 44 · Carmina Quartett<br />

/ Oliver Triendl, Piano / Thomas Grossenbacher, Violoncello<br />

(Sextet)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 507–2<br />

Dmitri Kabalevsky 1904–1987<br />

Cello Concertos opp 49 & 77 · Torleif Thedeen, Violoncello /<br />


<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 668–2<br />

140<br />

Piano Concertos 1–4 / Phantasy in f-minor / Rhapsody op.<br />

75 · Michael Korstick, Piano / NDR RADIOPHILHARMONIE /<br />

Alun Francis<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 658–2<br />

Edvin Kallstenius 1881–1967<br />

Symphony No. 1 op. 16 / Sinfonietta No. 2 op. 34 / Musica<br />

Sinfonica op. 42 · Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra / Frank<br />

Beermann<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 361–2<br />

Heinrich Kaminski 1886–1946<br />

»Werk für Streichorchester« (Orchestral version of the String<br />

Quintet f-sharp minor) · Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss /<br />

Lavard Skou-Larsen<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 578–2<br />

Reinhard Keiser 1674–1739<br />

Pomona (Operetta auf den Geburtstag Friedrich IV., König<br />

von Dänemark, Hamburg 1702) · Julian Podger / Dörthe<br />

Maria Sandmann / Knut Schoch / Olivia Vermeulen / Jan<br />

Kobow / Melanie Hirsch / Magdalene Harer / Raimonds<br />

Spogis / Jörg Gottschick / Capella Orlandi Bremen / Thomas<br />

Ihlenfeldt<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 659–2<br />

Gustave Kerker 1857–1923<br />

Burning to sing or singing to burn / Die oberen Zehntausend<br />

(Operetta) · Soloists Staatsoperette Dresden / Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 509–2<br />

Johann Kuhnau 1660–1722<br />

Seven Harpsichord Cantatas · Jan Katzschke, Harpsichord<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 532–2

Lars-Erik Larsson<br />

Orchestral Works Vol. 1 (Symphony No. 1 / En vintersaga<br />

op. 18 / Pastoral, Musik för orkester op. 40 / Lyrisk Fantasi<br />

op. 54 · Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra / Andrew Manze<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 671–2<br />

Franz Lehár 1870–1948<br />

Das Fürstenkind (Operetta in two acts) · Chen Reiss / Mary<br />

Mills / Matthias Klink / Ralf Simon / Chor des Bayerischen<br />

Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 680–2<br />

Der Göttergatte (Operetta in three acts, Historical Recording<br />

1945) · Liesl Andergast / Henny Herze / Anton Dermota /<br />

Franz Borsos / Fred Liewehr / Wiener Rundfunkorchester &<br />

Chor / Max Schönherr<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, AAD, 1945 ___________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 029–2<br />

Paganini (Operetta in three acts) · Zoran Todorovich / Kristiane<br />

Kaiser / Eva Liebau / Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks /<br />

Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 699–2<br />

Albert Lortzing 1801–1851<br />

Regina (Opera in three acts) · Johanna Stojkovic / Daniel<br />

Kirch / Ralf Simon / Peter Schöne / Solisten der Bayerischen<br />

Theaterakademie August Everding / Chor des Bayerischen<br />

Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2011 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 710–2<br />

Gottfried Hendrik Mann 1858–1904<br />

Clarinet Concerto / Violin Concerto / Feest Präludium for<br />

orchestra / Troisième Suite · Sebastian Manz, Clarinet /<br />

Hyeyoon Park, Violin / Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester /<br />

Hermann Bäumer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 620–2<br />

Moritz Landgraf von Hessen 1572–1632<br />

Sacred & Saecular Works · WESER-RENAISSANCE Bremen /<br />

Manfred Cordes<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 661–2<br />

Georg Muffat 1653–1704<br />

Harpsichord Concertos (Sonata pastorale a 3 / Concerto in<br />

Do per il clavicembalo con due violini e basso / Concerto<br />

in Fa per il clavicembalo con due violini e basso / Konzert<br />

in B-dur für Cembalo, Violine und Bass / Salve Regina à<br />

Canto et Altus solis, 2 Violinis, 1 Viola Alto obligatis, Organo<br />

et Violoncello) · Dörthe-Maria Sandmann, Soprano / Lydia<br />

Vierlinger, Mezzo-Soprano / WIENER AKADEMIE / Martin<br />

Haselböck, Harpsichord solo & Direction<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2002 & 2008 ____________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 886–2<br />

Sigismund von Neukomm 1778–1858<br />

Sinfonie Heroique op. 19 / Three Orchestral Phantasies · Die<br />

Kölner Akademie / Michael Alexander Willens<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 573–2<br />

Andrzej Panufnik 1914–1991<br />

Metasinfonia (No. 7) / Sinfonia Votiva (No. 8) / Concerto<br />

Festivo · Konzerthausorchester Berlin / Lukasz Borowicz<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 684–2<br />

Dora Pejačević 1885–1923<br />

The Violin Sonatas · Andrej Bielow, Violin / Oliver Triendl,<br />

Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 420–2<br />

Hans Pfitzner 1869–1949<br />

Die Rose vom Liebesgarten (Romantische Oper in zwei Akten,<br />

Vor- und Nachspiel) · Erin Caves / Kouta Räsänen / Astrid<br />

Weber / Jana Büchner / Tiina Penttinen / André Riemer /<br />


Chor der Oper Chemnitz / Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie /<br />

Frank Beermann<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 500–2<br />

André Danican Philidor 1726–1795<br />

L’art de la modulation (6 Sinfonias) · Camerata Köln (Trans-<br />

verseflute, Oboe; Violin, Violoncello, Harpsichord)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 439–2<br />

Ignaz Pleyel 1757–1831<br />

String Quartets, Ben 334–336 (Prussia Quartets 4–6) · Pleyel<br />

Quartett Köln<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 551–2<br />

Francis Poulenc 1899–1963<br />

Wind Sonatas / Wind Trio · Ensemble MidtVest (Denmark)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 711–2<br />

Hieronymus Praetorius 1560–1629<br />

Complete Magnificat-Compositions and other Works for Or-<br />

gan · Friedhelm Flamme, Scherer-Orgel (1624), St. Stephan-<br />

skirche zu Tangermünde<br />

2 SA<strong>CD</strong>s, Hybrid, DDD, 2007 ________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 345–2<br />

Joachim Raff 1822–1882<br />

Complete String Quartets Vol. 2 (Quartets 2 & 3)<br />

· Mannheimer Streichquartett<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2007 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 004–2<br />

Carl Reinthaler 1822–1896<br />

Lieder · Peter Schöne, Baritone / Günther Albers, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 570–2<br />

142<br />

Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (Opera in 4 acts) · Soloists The-<br />

ater Erfurt / Philharmonisches Orchester Erfurt / Opernchor<br />

des Theaters Erfurt / Samuel Bächli<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 474–2<br />

Ottorino Respighi 1879–1936<br />

Marie Victoire (Opera in 4 acts) · Takesha Meshé Kizart /<br />

Markus Brück / Chor und Orchester der Deutschen Oper Ber-<br />

lin / Michail Jurowski<br />

3 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2009 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 121–2<br />

Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek 1860–1945<br />

Benzin (Opera in two acts, 1929) · Soloists Opera Chemnitz /<br />

Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie / Frank Beermann<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 653–2<br />

Ferdinand Ries 1784–1837<br />

Der Sieg des Glaubens (Oratorio op. 157) · Libor / Lehm-<br />

kuhl / Schäfer / Flaig / Rheinische Kantorei / Das Kleine<br />

Konzert / Hermann Max<br />

SA<strong>CD</strong>, Hybrid, DDD, 2009 __________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 738–2<br />

Julius Röntgen 1855–1932<br />

Symphony »Rijck God, wie sal ic claghen« / Symphony über<br />

B.A.C.H / Symphony No. 5 »Schnitter Tod« · Consensus Vo-<br />

calis / Netherlands Symphony Orchestra / David Porcelijn<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 310–2<br />

Domenico Sarri 1677–1749<br />

Dixit Dominus / Missa · Sächsisches Vocalensemble / Batz-<br />

dorfer Hofkapelle / Matthias Jung<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 726–2

Artur Schnabel 1882–1951<br />

Piano Quintet / Three Piano Pieces op. 15 · Pellegrini Quar-<br />

tett / Irmela Roelcke, Piano<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 741–2<br />

Piano Sonata / Three Phantasy Pieces for Piano, Violin &<br />

Viola / Zehn Lieder op. 11 / Sieben Lieder op. 14 · Irmela<br />

Roelcke, Piano / Antonio Pellegrini, Violin / Fabiano Marano,<br />

Viola / Sibylle Kamphues, Alto<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 742–2<br />

Georg Schumann 1866–1952<br />

»Preis-Symphonie« / Serenade op. 34 · Münchner Rundfun-<br />

korchester / Christoph Gedschold<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 464–2<br />

Alexandre Tansman 1897–1986<br />

Pièce concertante for piano left hand & orchestra (World<br />

premiere recording) / Concertino for Piano & Orchestra /<br />

Élégie à la memoire de Darius Milhaud / Stèle in memoriam<br />

Igor Stravinsky · Christian Seibert, Piano / Brandenburgisches<br />

Staatsorchester Frankfurt / Howard Griffiths<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 449–2<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Violin Concertos Vol. 4 · Elisabeth Wallfisch, Violin / L’Orfeo<br />

Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 242–2<br />

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681–1767<br />

Wind Concertos Vol. 8 · La Stagione Frankfurt / Michael<br />

Schneider<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 999 951–2<br />

Carl Maria von Weber 1786–1826<br />

Silvana (Romantic Opera in three acts) · Michaela Kaune /<br />

Ines Krapp / Ferdinand von Bothmer / Simon Pauly / Chor<br />

des Bayerischen Rundfunks / Münchner Rundfunkorchester /<br />

Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2010 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 727–2<br />

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

String Quartets Vol. 6 (Quartets 2, 12 & 17) · Quatuor Danel<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2008/09 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 587–2<br />

Mieczyslaw Weinberg 1919–1996<br />

Sonata for Clarinet & Piano op. 28 / 12 Miniatures for Flute<br />

& Piano / Sonata for Bassoon solo / Trio for Flute, Viola &<br />

Harp · Elisaveta Blumina, Piano / Wenzel Fuchs, Clarinet /<br />

Mathias Baier, Bassoon / Henrik Wiese, Flute / Nimrod Guez,<br />

Viola / Uta Jungwirth, Harp<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009/10 ________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 630–2<br />

Christian Westerhoff 1763–1806<br />

Clarinet Concerto / Double Concerto for Clarinet & Bassoon /<br />

Sinfonia in Es · Sebastian Manz, Clarinet / Albrecht Holder,<br />

Bassoon / Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester / Hermann<br />

Bäumer<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 598–2<br />

Charles-Marie Widor 1844–1937<br />

Organ Symphonies Vol. 1 · Christian Schmitt, Cavaillé-Coll<br />

Orgel der Abbatiale Saint-Ouen, Rouen (France)<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 705–2<br />

Friedrich Witt 1770–1837<br />

Septet, / Quartets / Quintet · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 486–2<br />


Ermanno-Wolf-Ferrari 1876–1948<br />

Die neugierigen Frauen (Musikalische Komödie in drei Akten)<br />

· Viktorija Kaminskaite / Agnete Rasmussen / Violetta<br />

Radomirska / Kay Stiefermann / Detlef Roth / Hans Christoph<br />

Begemann / Münchner Rundfunkorchester / Ulf Schirmer<br />

2 <strong>CD</strong>s, DDD, 2011 _________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 739–2<br />

Anthologies<br />

Italian Serenades<br />

by Paisiello, Rossini, Mayr, Regini · Consortium Classicum<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 650–2<br />

Virtuoso Italian Recorder<br />

Italian Baroque Concertos by Giovanni Antonio Piani, Nicola<br />

Fiorenza, Francesco Mancini, Leonardo Vinci, Georg Friedrich<br />

Händel, Guiseppe Sammartini, Guiseppe Tartini, Adolf<br />

Hasse · Cappella Academica Frankfurt / Michael Schneider,<br />

Recorder & Direction<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2011 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 316–2<br />

»La bella Mandola«<br />

Compositions from the Firenze Squarcialupi Codex (Bibl.<br />

Laurenziana, Palatino 87) by Lorenzo da Firenze, Francesco<br />

Landini, Donato da Firenze, Vincenzo da Rimini, Giovanni da<br />

Cascia, Gherardello da Firenze, Andrea da Firenze, Giovanni<br />

da Cascia, Bartolino da Padova, Jacopo da Bologna, Niccolo<br />

da Perugia · Palatino 87<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2010 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 623–2<br />

Complete Organ Works<br />

By Georg Wilhelm Dietrich Saxer, Andreas Düben, Martin<br />

Düben, Gustav Düben, Gottlieb Nittauff, Ewald Hintz,<br />

Andreas Neunhaber & Johann Christian Schieferdecker<br />

144<br />

· Friedhelm Flamme, Lorentz-Frietzsch-Orgel der St. Mariae<br />

Kirke zu Helsingør / Dänemark<br />

<strong>CD</strong>, DDD, 2009 ____________________________________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 502–2<br />

<strong>cpo</strong>-ton<br />

Hildegard Kempowski liest Walter Kempowski<br />

Herzlich Willkommen<br />

11 <strong>CD</strong>s in einem Schuber, DDD, 2010/11 _____________ <strong>cpo</strong> 777 225–2

<strong>cpo</strong> Distributors<br />

<strong>cpo</strong> – classic produktion osnabrück<br />

Lübecker Straße 9<br />

D–49124 Georgsmarienhütte<br />


Phone: +49 5401 851-0<br />

Fax: +49 5401 851-116<br />

E-mail: <strong>cpo</strong>@jpc.de<br />

http://www.<strong>cpo</strong>.de<br />

Australia<br />

SELECT Audio-Visual Distribution, PO BOX 691,<br />

AU–Brookvale, NSW 2100<br />

Austria<br />

OTTO G. PREISER & CO. GmbH, Linzer Straße 297,<br />

A–1140 Wien<br />

Belgium<br />

CODA b. v. b. a., Larenstraat 58, B–3560 Lummen<br />

Brazil<br />

RKR, Rua Andrea Paulinetti 242, BR–04707-051 Sao Paulo<br />

Canada<br />

NAXOS OF AMERICA, 416 Mary Lindsey Polk Drive,<br />

USA–37067 Franklin, TN.<br />

Croatia<br />

DINATON Music & Media, Rabarova 19,<br />

HR–10000 Zagreb<br />

Czech Republik<br />


CZ–13000 Prag 3<br />

Denmark<br />

DANACORD, Nørregade 22, DK–1165 Copenhagen K<br />

Finland<br />

FUGA OY, Kaisaniemenkatu 7, FI–00100 Helsinki<br />

France<br />

CODAEX FRANCE, 42, rue Pierre Curie F–78670 Médan<br />

Germany<br />

JPC, Lübecker Straße 9, D–49124 Georgsmarienhütte<br />

(Mail Order Service to private customers only)<br />


Greece<br />

DISCO CENTER, 57 Akadimias Street, GR–10679 Athens<br />

Hong Kong<br />

NAXOS/HNH International Ltd., Level 11, Cyberport 1, 100<br />

Cyberport Road, Pok Fu Lam, HK–Hong Kong<br />

Hungary<br />

MEVex,General Trade and Service Ltd., Fóti út 56,<br />

H–1047 Budapest, Hungary<br />

Irland<br />

COSMIC SOUNDS Ltd., 1 A Farmhill Road, Goatstown,<br />

IRL–Dubin 14<br />

Italy<br />

SOUND AND MUSIC srl, via Mazzarosa, 105,<br />

I–55100 Lucca<br />

Japan<br />

NAXOS JAPAN, Inc. Kamiuma 1–32–12–4F Seatagaya–ku,<br />

JP–154–0011 Tokyo<br />

Korea<br />

C&L RECORDS, 5th Floor, Seoduck Bldg.,<br />

1515–8 Seocho Dong, Seocho gu, Seoul<br />

Netherlands<br />

ECONA, Kroonwerk 6, 4207 BH, NL–Gorinchem<br />

<strong>New</strong> Zealand<br />

ODE RECORDS, 67 Belleview Road, NZ–Mt. Eden, Auckland<br />

Norway<br />

CODA b. v. b. a., Larenstraat 58, B–3560 Lummen<br />

Poland<br />

CMD, ul. Swiatowida 5–7, PL–45-325 Opole<br />

146<br />

Portugal<br />

DIVERDI, Santisima Trinidad, 1, E–28010 Madrid<br />

Russia<br />

MUSIC Ltd. 32, Staraya Basmannaya Street,<br />

RU–105066 Moskau<br />

Slovenia<br />

HARTMANN d. o. o., Krpanova Ulica 22, SI–2000 Maribor<br />

Slovakia<br />

DIVYD s. r. u., Trstinska 11, SK–84106 Bratislava<br />

South Africa<br />

DYNAMITE MUSIC c. c., 17, Springbok Close,<br />

ZA–7405 Cape Town, Pinelands<br />

Spain<br />

DIVERDI, Santisima Trinidad, 1, E–28010 Madrid<br />

Sweden<br />

EUROTON MUSIK AB, Eva Bonniers Gata 10,<br />

S–12954 Hägersten<br />

Switzerland<br />

MUSICORA AG, Blegistrasse 11B, CH–6340 Baar<br />

Taiwan<br />

WIND SONG MUSIC, No. 1, Alley 3, Lane 45,<br />

Min-Shen West Road, TW–104 Taipei<br />

United Kingdom<br />

SELECT MUSIC Ltd., 3 Wells Place,<br />

GB–Redhill, Surrey, RH1 3SL<br />

United States<br />

NAXOS OF AMERICA, 416 Mary Lindsey Polk Drive,<br />

USA–37067 Franklin, TN.

The Team<br />

Burkhard Schmilgun Michael Rickert Gerhard Georg Ortmann<br />

Director Artists & Repertoire Export Manager Managing Director<br />

Lothar Bruweleit Caroline Ranke<br />

Design Product Manager<br />

Cover Painting (Title): Beate Kliche, »Feld bei Menslage« – Sommerbild aus dem Artland,<br />

(2010, Größe 60 x 80 cm, Acryl auf Leinwand), © VG-Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2012

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