Appeal of RPC Vote Decision Findings.pdf - Humboldt County

Appeal of RPC Vote Decision Findings.pdf - Humboldt County Appeal of RPC Vote Decision Findings.pdf - Humboldt County


0241-?010 00:43u Fro.frl30tll PtlllElS tnfP l+r I'CDCI MD'e\nAbs)'WU.SODlt t-lt4 P.004/018 xootatc"'myy"W,ffi PrSc 3 o aEp the decisioa of tle Ptming Comisioq apt to initiue rarosuioa Proc€tdfogt' Ile s.rim qf rhe CoIDV Oonnissioaas Drs now bee appcalod b Corlt thougb a Petitim fr JriEaitl Re?is, rftic& is Doldiig h ts Sirih Judcid Disdit Cotlt frr &e State of Ncaeda Based rlpou lhe schseb rpco} sa by ttc Cotst, lo docisioa lril be nn&real u the Petition fE tudldd Reviery uEul, d the eadic$ ll{ry 5"5, 2010' &i Court'she*iryibn \lrhile ftngo bclia'cr tLrr 6ac ir rc ncdt !o tbesc cbalmges, b [u b& d[ficult if oot inpwiblo for luago to Foc6d q'ie tle Proics uodsr te thtd 6rt tc cttP rvill bc rwdd- ltc dlrls .erir* fu Imie lsvc bcto fiEttc frcld by coluem oftc Cbioan of Ge cody comissi@ ic frc r'$lio naud ttd b wttld dc ev€ryeiog rniilia tb legal po?a to tlsetcs tbc Bqioct torm ptocceding, acfdibanding his cdis ryproval of fu uro&ncntto tte ordbmce tlt spscifcally sDowd fr &e hoiea r pocesd. Tbese unfomdeal s$s€ to itstsy ort iupodcfbe ?rDiccth\to Elso hudc|d ?i& ttr stale e€aftfog poce*r with tF Natsds Divisisq of Envhounrqal hotestioq Q$EP). lldcr{e losNl I6d uec'mtitkur* is arcquinanco ftrtb state panuil& Sat NAC 444J78(t Jurgp f,tnitsd rn 4plicdol &r t€ air pcrrit on Jroory 8, 2009 ud tbc agrlicdifr r*as al.&6ircd cs/uda? oo fcfrutry ?5,20CF, tln ltlay 2\2009' NDSP lsnled a &r& ah qualtry pernit sd c+rmed pblic couinantr oo iB iffit 6 icr&o m rir $atitt oge&dqg p€cnft for trc Plojecr. Io rcsponx to rI4 lolics, rbe H"lnbold Couqy Conoissionccs gutmificat a lffi u NDEF rcqtpsdng a public bcariag m 'ns air pc@it b bc bld ilr Wiogutcc+ N6rrda. IIDEF acomo.ldcd 6d rEqlusr ard bcld ayrblb hpx"g mte ahpcmft bWiocoucca oa AuguS 9' 2009. A gulober of tocal redilerns +eedd c tbt publirc b€ailg &d pmtesld Oe isrucce of tbe sir quatrty p6it rurumllly, tle Chairnao of the Cotdy Coruissimsd rycs€d crd rsged NDBP lst b irsre rbc 8ir Euliry panit As a resrlt drichecingNDEP bEqdrd to Fepda resD@scsF to prblic conmrots as part of its perdtrrriclwprocredi4F. NDEF is rcqsircd tl addrtso €vcry comn€oE Egardl€ss of 'fientr c nEI tey ae rdud to air qnality mocos, 11fu 1qs qignificrdlt delayed tbe sfo qudly peroit ufiich" as of fte dstB of tis letEt, brr Dst )'et bsa issuEd by NEEP. Iu ern, tLe pocrs alesibat h tbtu tffi has ddayed trrugp's ability to sdisfy &eccndi&ms offreCUP, T.hc local eolided cfforts to undemiro ths hoi€st hvc gwc so fu as to se* ft'deral iraErmtion inlo ulh is exchrsivcly e $ac rnd locat ruvicw poceu. Thcsc effirfs rrsultoat nt fu Dldodty leada of fu L&d StilF Sco& nrlnnitiry r lcnrcr lo Ge Goveclc of Nerrde reqrrslbg.thst ts NDP &ry pqnits for te Pmjcct This rrgresdeol€d uil inrynmpio arlion has EsulEd in a indeEtminite dqlsy i! tr! review proccrs ofJrugo's ryplicaiou bsftacNDEP' Not mly do 6ec aeior mftkty tq!€fi ttE 'uogo koie4 bd eey havc dtbyod &c stec peolttng procss snah ibd furgo mv reqdra an cftoodm of to CUP. Albough Jttugo coninues D hcve a

01.01-2010 0f ,4i{ Frm{l[0t!l RtltEll s MJOODIALDCARA}SWIIJCDIS I-$l P.001/0tr r4tl EurnbolihCordytudood Plt.uilgDsptltred Jurry 19r2010 PiCp 4 rfralogru sitL NDEP leglrdtug ftsth p*lt od rolid urutc pcrmit, it is cuedy mllo*a qrtcn rbe NDEP rwicw will be conpla{ No orbHrnbotd Ccnnty pcnniuro brs b€tn fgsccd b Edergp soih ffiRsivc drr.&c-fr*t rorufty of r golrcrly pcded ylrr1cn- No otbrr pcllfue brg lrd ihe Chdrn,a drbg Coucy Comitdoa g6[dy rttb tbd he inqdcil to deftet a poject C>ri Cortry had affrwedtbs groicc orl admizcd frc $fng ofttc ptoiect No orrha ptnircc hs bstr subjest to loc.I eoil ftdcral i&fetacc in tte fite eirr,ilo@egtal rwicw prwss. As a rcqlt of 6lgc ttttiviti€s, Juago hrs uow also irrnocd gigniOcac lcSA ed otbc arpcosas to Foucr its tigbas mde't thp poprtyissEd (IJP ild hcec filrl ehost tttcs ycars ago ltis siruation is sinply uryrcceUeoccil hNcva{t!. As thcsc sCaordfocy et ffi tbsillrsler Jnogo bas beaprarcatedfim trufy oirsiliry tb pe@ib it lgcdr !o sfi$ ts cotrditions of lhc CIJP md to cmrrce operation offre lugo ledf,l, fugo'e ioabiltty r sccurc &cse punlts vifiiniho ihec y:nrs sot fortb b 6c ClrP bes b€fo ousidc of Juugo'r cffiL Bcoaue of tbe uoural srutiny to afti& de hqicct is bng Fr$ecb4 JEge cortld rst havc corlllaced opraions uirlil fro lhee"yec time pedod itt ftEth in es CIJP. Al a rtnlt, ii g+:d cansa fu au ermsion oEtu CIJP. tl lighr of 6c slgoitrS liligcion i!. E@botiL ftuoqf seektng r*ocation ofile CUP ud thr uaccgtd$y as to whrrr tlo s8g pcstnitfug proccsr vill bo ccryleod, Juugo reqrcoca'hrt lic Planhg Coruoindm grd a fvey!trrdrnsiaq. Tbis hdtr b truarled to er4lersedr uy lctcr ,tarad larurty 5,2010, If you hsttc my quesdoor r nwd ry additioul inforuniol rqlaing o ilisrcquest, plcase f€el fto to.4!taclEla. r.!m b.closung co'ArgicE\uirt Sincercln {,hT^r"l^*rl Ioblf}enlovic,h Aioaocy forRecologY

0241-?010 00:43u Fro.frl30tll PtlllElS<br />

tnfP<br />

l+r<br />

I'CDCI MD'e\nAbs)'WU.SODlt<br />

t-lt4 P.004/018<br />

xootatc"'myy"W,ffi<br />

PrSc 3<br />

o aEp the decisioa <strong>of</strong> tle Ptming Comisioq apt to initiue rarosuioa Proc€tdfogt'<br />

Ile s.rim qf rhe CoIDV Oonnissioaas Drs now bee appcalod b Corlt thougb a<br />

Petitim fr JriEaitl Re?is, rftic& is Doldiig h ts Sirih Judcid Disdit Cotlt frr &e<br />

State <strong>of</strong> Ncaeda Based rlpou lhe schseb rpco} sa by ttc Cotst, lo docisioa lril be<br />

nn&real u the Petition fE tudldd Reviery uEul, d the eadic$ ll{ry 5"5, 2010' &i<br />

Court'she*iryibn<br />

\lrhile ftngo bclia'cr tLrr 6ac ir rc ncdt !o tbesc cbalmges, b [u b&<br />

d[ficult if oot inpwiblo for luago to Foc6d q'ie tle Proics uodsr te thtd 6rt tc<br />

cttP rvill bc rwdd- ltc dlrls .erir* fu Imie lsvc bcto fiEttc frcld by<br />

coluem <strong>of</strong>tc Cbioan <strong>of</strong> Ge cody comissi@ ic frc r'$lio naud ttd b wttld<br />

dc ev€ryeiog rniilia tb legal po?a to tlsetcs tbc Bqioct torm ptocceding,<br />

acfdibanding his cdis ryproval <strong>of</strong> fu uro&ncntto tte ordbmce tlt spscifcally<br />

sDowd fr &e hoiea r pocesd.<br />

Tbese unfomdeal s$s€ to itstsy ort iupodcfbe ?rDiccth\to Elso hudc|d ?i&<br />

ttr stale e€aftfog poce*r with tF Natsds Divisisq <strong>of</strong> Envhounrqal hotestioq<br />

Q$EP). lldcr{e losNl I6d uec'mtitkur* is arcquinanco ftrtb state panuil& Sat<br />

NAC 444J78(t Jurgp f,tnitsd rn 4plicdol &r t€ air pcrrit on Jroory 8, 2009<br />

ud tbc agrlicdifr r*as al.&6ircd cs/uda? oo fcfrutry ?5,20CF, tln ltlay 2\2009'<br />

NDSP lsnled a &r& ah qualtry pernit sd c+rmed pblic couinantr oo iB iffit 6<br />

icr&o m rir $atitt oge&dqg p€cnft for trc Plojecr. Io rcsponx to rI4 lolics, rbe<br />

H"lnbold Couqy Conoissionccs gutmificat a lffi u NDEF rcqtpsdng a public bcariag<br />

m 'ns air pc@it b bc bld ilr Wiogutcc+ N6rrda. IIDEF acomo.ldcd 6d rEqlusr<br />

ard bcld ayrblb hpx"g mte ahpcmft bWiocoucca oa AuguS 9' 2009.<br />

A gulober <strong>of</strong> tocal redilerns +eedd c tbt publirc b€ailg &d pmtesld Oe<br />

isrucce <strong>of</strong> tbe sir quatrty p6it rurumllly, tle Chairnao <strong>of</strong> the Cotdy<br />

Coruissimsd rycs€d crd rsged NDBP lst b irsre rbc 8ir Euliry panit As a resrlt<br />

drichecingNDEP bEqdrd to Fepda resD@scsF to prblic conmrots as part <strong>of</strong><br />

its perdtrrriclwprocredi4F. NDEF is rcqsircd tl addrtso €vcry comn€oE Egardl€ss<br />

<strong>of</strong> 'fientr c nEI tey ae rdud to air qnality mocos, 11fu 1qs qignificrdlt delayed<br />

tbe sfo qudly peroit ufiich" as <strong>of</strong> fte dstB <strong>of</strong> tis letEt, brr Dst )'et bsa issuEd by<br />

NEEP. Iu ern, tLe pocrs alesibat h tbtu tffi has ddayed trrugp's ability to sdisfy<br />

&eccndi&ms <strong>of</strong>freCUP,<br />

T.hc local eolided cfforts to undemiro ths hoi€st hvc gwc so fu as to se*<br />

ft'deral iraErmtion inlo ulh is exchrsivcly e $ac rnd locat ruvicw poceu. Thcsc<br />

effirfs rrsultoat nt fu Dldodty leada <strong>of</strong> fu L&d StilF Sco& nrlnnitiry r lcnrcr lo<br />

Ge Goveclc <strong>of</strong> Nerrde reqrrslbg.thst ts NDP &ry pqnits for te Pmjcct This<br />

rrgresdeol€d uil inrynmpio arlion has EsulEd in a indeEtminite dqlsy i! tr!<br />

review proccrs <strong>of</strong>Jrugo's ryplicaiou bsftacNDEP' Not mly do 6ec aeior mftkty<br />

tq!€fi ttE 'uogo koie4 bd eey havc dtbyod &c stec peolttng procss snah ibd<br />

furgo mv reqdra an cftoodm <strong>of</strong> to CUP. Albough Jttugo coninues D hcve a

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