
Volume 8, Number 2 - National Association for Interpretation Volume 8, Number 2 - National Association for Interpretation
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V I S I T O R S T U D I E S , E V A L U A T I O N & R E S E A R C H BIBLIOGRAPHIES Anglemyer, Mary, Comp.; Eleanor R.Seagraves Comp. The Natural Environment: An Annotated Bibliography on Attitudes and Values. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984. Elliott, Pamela, and Ross J. Loomis. Bibliography of Museum Behavior Papers. Washington, D.C.: Office of Museum Programs, Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Wells, Marcella, Amy Adams, and Brett Wright. Evaluating Interpretation: An Annotated Bibliography. Manassas, VA: Center for Recreation Resources Policy, George Mason University, 1995. BOOKS Ajzen, I., and M. Fishbein. Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1980. Anderson, S. B. Nose Prints on the Glass: Or How Do We Evaluate Museum Programs?. Washington, D.C.: In E. Larragee, ed. Museum and Education. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. Burde, John H., John D. Peine, James R. Renfro, and Kevin A. Curran. Communicating with Park Visitors: Some Successes and Failures at Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fort Collins, CO: National Association for Interpretation, 1988. Cacioppo, J.T., S.G. Harkins, and R.E. Petty. The Nature of Attitudes and Cognitive Responses and their Relationship to Behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Cognitive Responses in Persuasion: Lawrence Erlbaum Association, 1981. Cherem, Gabriel J. Interpretive Research and the Need to Show Cost Effectiveness. Alberta, Canada: Alberta Provincial Parks, 1977. Cherem, Gabriel J. Interpretive Research—The Canadian Scene. Alberta, Canada: Alberta Provincial Parks, 1977. Dutcher, R.L., and B.G. Asmuss. Visitor Response to the Nature Centre in Prince Albert National Park. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1970. 129


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