Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Kindergarten

Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Kindergarten - Lifelong ...

Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Kindergarten - Lifelong ...


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Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

[Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

[Death life with God] [Saints]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 3; Ch. 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ] [Death<br />

of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Heaven] [Death:<br />

life with God] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Prayer for the dead] [Prayers; The Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 12; Ch. 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and<br />

colors] [Heaven] [Death: life with God] [Resurrection]<br />

[Saints] [Trinity] [Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Promise of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

C. 18; Ch. 4; Ch. 2; Ch. 3<br />

[Mary, Mother of God][Immaculate Conception] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [God the Father][God as friend]<br />

[God relationship with] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Light of<br />

Jesus]<br />

Ch. 5<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Adam and Eve] [God the<br />

Father][God as friend][God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Ash Wednesday]<br />

[Faith] [Conversion] [Prayer] [Obey God]<br />

[Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Obey God] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] [Liturgy of the<br />

Eucharist] Liturgy of the Word] [Holy Orders]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Communion]<br />

[Crucifix] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [Creation][Creator] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Baptism and Holy Spirit]<br />

[Communion] [Confirmation] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Eucharist] [Mass]

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