Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Kindergarten

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Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Kindergarten - Lifelong ...


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<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Sunday</strong> <strong>Visitor</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Division</strong> <strong>Kindergarten</strong><br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Advent: 10-11; 179 [Church year: 7-23; 179] [Reading I:<br />

creation: 31-36; 60-68] [Coming of Jesus: 10-13] [The<br />

Lord’s Prayer: 182] [Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180,<br />

199]<br />

Advent: 10-11; 179 [Church year: 7-23; 179] [Reading I:<br />

creation: 31-36; 60-68] [John the Baptist: 140; 146; 152]<br />

[baptism: 141-146] [forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

[The Lord’s Prayer: 182] [Heaven 157-162]<br />

Advent: 10-11; 179 [John the Baptist: 140; 146; 152]<br />

[prayer: 54-55; 170-171; 179-187; 195; 58] [Coming of<br />

Jesus: 10-13] [Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90;<br />

113-118; 121; 172]<br />

Advent: 10-11; 179 [Coming of Jesus: 10-13] Mary: 8-9;<br />

12; 70-72; 74; 80; 194; 198;184] [prayer: 54-55; 170-174<br />

179-187; 195; 58]<br />

[Christmas: 12-13; 70-71] [Angels:188; 198]

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Christmas: 12-13, 70; 71 [love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Mary: 8-9; 12; 70-72; 74; 80; 194; 198;184] [Joseph: 70-<br />

72; 74; 80] [faith: 2; 51; 56] [Son of God: 69-74; 100;<br />

192]<br />

Christmas: 12-13, 70; 71; [Three kings 193] [Son of God:<br />

69-74; 100; 192] [Discipleship: 81-85] [Light of God:<br />

165; 167] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Promise of<br />

God: 65] [Reading II: Saying Yes to God: 200] [Sign of<br />

the Cross: 4-5; 7; 57; 180] [God as Father: 191; 47-52;<br />

76; 100; 181] Glory to the Father: 181<br />

Christmas: 12-13, 70; 71; Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15]<br />

[Church year: 7-23; 179] [Baptism: 141-146] [Opt. B,<br />

Reading 2: Eucharist: 147-152; 190] [Son of God: 69-74;<br />

100; 192] [Light of God: 165; 167] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-<br />

13; 70; 71]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15] [Church year: 7-23; 179]<br />

[Baptism: 141-146] [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94;<br />

96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197] [Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102;<br />

191] Glory to the Father: 181<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Church year: 7-23; 179];<br />

[choices: 119-124] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

[Heaven 157-162]<br />

Promise of God: 65] [Creation: 31-36; 60-68]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70;<br />

71] [Jesus as healer: 78] [signs: 128; 135-140; 143] Sign<br />

of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Jesus as healer: 78] [Paul’s<br />

message: 109-112] [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54;<br />

94; 138-140; 172] Lord’s Prayer: 182<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Jesus as healer: 78] [Choices:<br />

119-124] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190] [Imitate<br />

Jesus: 192] [Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172] [Helping others: 69; 103-108]

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49;<br />

52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172] [Promise of God: 65] [Jesus<br />

Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-<br />

130; 190]<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49;<br />

52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172] [Imitating Jesus: 192] [Jesus<br />

Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Paul’s message: 109-112]<br />

[Meal Blessings: 186-187]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Church year: 7-23; 179]<br />

[Noah: 65-68; rainbow: 65; 196] [water: 141-143]<br />

[Baptism: 141-146] [Choices: 119-124] [Promise of God:<br />

65]<br />

[Obey God: 115; 121; 195]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

[Prayer: 54-55; 179-187; 170-174; 195; 58] [Conversion:<br />

73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94; 138-140; 172;<br />

200; 54; 195<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172] [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140;<br />

172] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Faith: 2; 51; 56]<br />

[Prayer: 54-55; 179-187; 170-174; 195; 58] [Conversion:<br />

73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94; 138-140; 172;<br />

200; 54; 195<br />

[Obey God: 115; 121; 195]<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Commandments: 121; 122; 124] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151] [Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Obey God: 115; 121; 195] [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Moses: 118; 124; 130] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130;<br />

190] [Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172]<br />

[water: 141-143] [Saying Yes to God: 200] [Followers of<br />

Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107;<br />

108; 164; 197] [Signs: 128; 135-140; 143]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94;<br />

138-140; 172] [Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Serving<br />

others: 69; 103-108; 59; ] [Signs: 128; 135-140; 143]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47;<br />

49; 52; 94; 138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Obey God: 115;<br />

121; 195]<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Serving others: 69; 103-108; 59; ] [Signs:<br />

128; 135-140; 143] [Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism:<br />

141-146; Eucharist: 147-152; 190] [Glory to the Father:<br />

181] [Heaven 157-162] [Promise of God: 65]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Obey God: 115; 121; 195]

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.0<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Jesus death: 177-178] [Jesus Christ: 192;<br />

10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Faith: 2; 51; 56] [Imitating Christ: 192] [Conversion: 73;<br />

117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94; 138-140; 172; 200;<br />

54; 195]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151] [Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151] [Love: 38; 193; 87-90]<br />

[Prayer: 54-55; 179-187; 170-174; 195; 58]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; [Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191] [Jesus Christ:<br />

192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Heaven 157-162] [Jesus death: 177-<br />

178]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152] [God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136] [Son of God: 69-74; 100;<br />

192] [Heaven 157-162] [Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152] [Jesus as Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136] [Son<br />

of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49;<br />

52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172] [Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172] [Church<br />

189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146] [Helping<br />

others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Love of God: 37-42; 47;<br />

49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172] [Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172] [Holy<br />

Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191] [Sacraments of Initiation:<br />

Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist: 147-152] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192]<br />

[Glory to the Father: 181] [God the Father: 47-52; 76;<br />

100; 181] [Heaven 157-162] [Church 189; 91-96; 92-96;<br />

99; 104; 136; 144; 146] [Sacraments of Initiation:

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that evn the<br />

Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist: 147-152]<br />

Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192]<br />

[Glory to the Father: 181] [God the Father: 47-52; 76;<br />

100; 181] [Heaven 157-162] [Glory to the Father: 181]<br />

[Love of family: 48; 53; 54] [Love for others: 76; 87-90;<br />

113-118; 121; 172]<br />

Pentecost: 22-23; Easter: 18; 20-21; 175-178; [Holy<br />

Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178] [Son of God: 69-74; 100;<br />

192] [Church year: 7-23; 179] [Church 189; 91-96; 92-96;<br />

99; 104; 136; 144; 146] [Serving others: 69; 103-108; 59]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Trinity: 100; 103; 197; 56]<br />

[Baptism: 141-146] [Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191]<br />

[Trinity: 100; 103; 197; 56]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Sacraments of Initiation:<br />

Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist: 147-152; 190]<br />

[Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155] [Moses: 118; 124; 130]<br />

[Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149] [Blessing food: 137; 138;<br />

186; 187] [Thanksgiving: 29; 35; 54; 63; 92; 123; 139;<br />

170; 187; 189] Praise of God: 73; 117; 145; 161; 169-<br />

174] [Meal Blessings: 186-187]<br />

[Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Church year: 7-23; 179]<br />

[Moses: 118; 124; 130]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Church year: 7-23; 179]<br />

[Creation: 31-36; 60-68] [Heaven 157-162] [Choices:<br />

119-124] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Faith: 2; 51; 56]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [beliefs: 51; 56] [Church<br />

189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70;<br />

71] [Jesus as Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136] [Sign of the<br />

Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199] [Son of God: 69-74; 100;<br />

192] [Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Signs: 128; 135-140;<br />


wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without s shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Paul’s message: 109-112]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94;<br />

96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197] [Serving others: 103-108; 59;<br />

76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ] [Jesus as healer: 78]<br />

[Signs: 128; 135-140; 143] [Lord’s Prayer: 182]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Paul’s message: 109-112]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94;<br />

96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197] [Saints: 164; 165; 168; 197]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Discipleship: 81-85] [Saying<br />

Yes to God: 200]<br />

[Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172 ] [Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Discipleship: 81-85] [Saying<br />

Yes to God: 200]<br />

[Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172 ] [Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[peace: 110] [Jesus as Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Sacraments of Initiation:<br />

Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist: 147-152; 190] [Bread: 147;<br />

148; 150; 153; 155] [Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149]<br />

[Blessing food: 137; 138; 186; 187] [Thanksgiving: 29;<br />

35; 54; 63; 92; 123; 139; 170; 187; 189] Praise of God:<br />

73; 117; 145; 161; 169-174] [Meal Blessings: 186-187]<br />

[Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Glory to the Father: 181]<br />

[God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181] [Heaven 157-162]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94;<br />

96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153;<br />

155] [Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149] [Blessing food: 137;<br />

138; 186; 187] [Thanksgiving: 29; 35; 54; 63; 92; 123;<br />

139; 170; 187; 189] Praise of God: 73; 117; 145; 161;<br />

169-174] [Meal Blessings: 186-187] [Last Supper 148;<br />

149; 153-156]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190]<br />

[Imitate Jesus: 192] [Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96;<br />

99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Followers of Jesus: 81-86;<br />

94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155] [Moses:<br />

118; 124; 130]<br />

[Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149] [Blessing food: 137; 138;<br />

186; 187] [Thanksgiving: 29; 35; 54; 63; 92; 123; 139;<br />

170; 187; 189] Praise of God: 73; 117; 145; 161; 169-<br />

174] [Meal Blessings: 186-187]<br />

[Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156] [Paul’s message: 109-<br />


21 tst <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 tst <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Followers of Jesus: 81-86;<br />

94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [Discipleship: 81-85] [Glory to the Father:<br />

181] [God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181] [Heaven 157-<br />

162]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Commandments: 121; 122; 124]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Discipleship: 81-85] [Word<br />

of God: 63; 151] [Saying Yes to God: 200]<br />

[Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172 ] [Obey God: 115; 121; 195]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Love: 38; 193; 87-90]<br />

[Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172]<br />

[Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172]<br />

[Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Faith: 2; 51; 56] [Jesus<br />

Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer: 182] [Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96;<br />

99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197] [Saying<br />

Yes to God: 200] [Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90;<br />

113-118; 121; 172 ]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [peace: 110] [Jesus Christ:<br />

192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Jesus death: 177-178] [Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96;<br />

99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197] [Saying<br />

Yes to God: 200] [Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90;<br />

113-118; 121; 172 ] [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54;<br />

94; 138-140; 172] [Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172] [Helping<br />

others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Choices: 119-124] [Church<br />

189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146] [Saints: 164;<br />

165; 168; 197] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70;<br />

71] [Jesus death: 177-178] [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[Love: 38; 193; 87-90] [Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52;<br />

54; 94; 138-140; 172] [Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Commandments: 121; 122; 124]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Discipleship: 81-85] [Word<br />

of God: 63; 151] [Saying Yes to God: 200] [Serving<br />

others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ]

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.) [Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Jesus death: 177-178]<br />

[Promise of God: 65] [Resurrection: 20-21; 178] [Serving<br />

others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70;<br />

71] [Jesus death: 177-178] [Promise of God: 65]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178] [Serving others: 103-108; 59;<br />

76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Commandments: 121; 122; 124]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Discipleship: 81-85] [Word<br />

of God: 63; 151] [Saying Yes to God: 200]<br />

[Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121;<br />

172 ] [Obey God: 115; 121; 195] [Love: 38; 193; 87-90]<br />

[Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172]<br />

[Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

[Love: 38; 193; 87-90]<br />

[Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172]<br />

[Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172] [Serving<br />

others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ]<br />

Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15; [Angels:188; 198] [Glory to<br />

the Father: 181] [God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181]<br />

[Heaven 157-162] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Jesus death: 177-178] [Jesus death: 177-178] Praise of<br />

God: 73; 117; 145; 161; 169-174]<br />

[Prayer: 54-55; 179-187; 170-174; 195; 58]<br />

[Promise of God: 65]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Ordinary time; [Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-<br />

146; Eucharist: 147-152; 190] [Signs: 128; 135-140; 143]<br />

[Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192]<br />

[Heaven 157-162] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Jesus death: 177-178] [Jesus death: 177-178] Praise of<br />

God: 73; 117; 145; 161; 169-174] [Prayer: 54-55; 179-<br />

187; 170-174; 195; 58] [Promise of God: 65]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

[Mary: 8-9; 12; 70-72; 74; 80; 194; 198;184] Birth of<br />

Jesus: 12-13; 71-71; [Glory to the Father: 181]<br />

[God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181]<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25) Christmas: 12-13; 70-71; Birth of Jesus: 12-13; 71-71;

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Light of God: 165; 167]<br />

Christmas: 12-13; 70-71;[Mary: 8-9; 12; 70-72; 74; 80;<br />

194; 198;184] Birth of Jesus: 12-13; 71-71; [Glory to the<br />

Father: 181]<br />

[God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181] [Jesus Christ: 192;<br />

10-13; 70; 71]<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

Lent: 16-17; [Commandments: 121; 122; 124] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151] [Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Obey God: 115; 121; 195] [Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Moses: 118; 124; 130] [Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130;<br />

190] [Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172]<br />

[water: 141-143] [Saying Yes to God: 200] [Followers of<br />

Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107;<br />

108; 164; 197] [Signs: 128; 135-140; 143]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

Triduum: 18-19; [Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156]<br />

[Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149] [Baptism: 141-146]<br />

[Moses: 118; 124; 130] [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155]<br />

[Blessing food: 137; 138; 186; 187] [Serving others: 69;<br />

103-108; 59; ]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Jesus death: 177-178]<br />

[Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199] [Son of God: 69-<br />

74; 100; 192]<br />

Triduum: 18-19; [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Jesus<br />

death: 177-178] [Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192]<br />

Triduum: 18-19; [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71] [Jesus<br />

death: 177-178] [Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192] [Moses: 118; 124; 130]<br />

Noah: 65-68; rainbow: 65; 196] [Creation: 31-36; 60-68]<br />

[Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155] [Blessing food: 137;<br />

138; 186; 187]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[Light of God: 165; 167]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer: 182] [Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist:<br />

147-152; 190] [Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178] [Word of God: 63; 151]<br />

[water: 141-143]<br />

[Mary: 8-9; 12; 70-72; 74; 80; 194; 198;184] [Word of<br />

God: 63; 151] [Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Commandments: 121; 122; 124]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94;<br />

138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195] [Discipleship: 81-85]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 200] [Saints: 164; 165; 168; 197]

Doctrinal Issues:<br />

[Angels:188; 198]<br />

[Baptism: 141-146]<br />

[Bible: 78; 111; 149; 188]<br />

[Bread: 147; 148; 150; 153; 155]<br />

[Blessing food: 137; 138; 186; 187]<br />

[Choices: 119-124]<br />

[Church 189; 91-96; 92-96; 99; 104; 136; 144; 146]<br />

[Church year: 7-23; 179]<br />

[Christmas: 12-13; 70-71]<br />

[Commandments: 121; 122; 124]<br />

[Conversion: 73; 117; 145; 161; 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 94; 138-140; 172; 200; 54; 195]<br />

[Creation: 31-36; 60-68]<br />

[Creed: 56; ]<br />

[Discipleship: 81-85]<br />

[Eucharist: 147-152; 190; 149]<br />

[Faith: 2; 51; 56]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 81-86; 94; 96; 99; 107-108; 164; 94; 96; 99; 107; 108; 164; 197]<br />

[Forgiveness: 111, 117, 125-130; 190]<br />

[Glory to the Father: 181]<br />

[God the Father: 47-52; 76; 100; 181]<br />

[Heaven 157-162]<br />

[Helping others: 69; 103-108]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 22-23; 97-102; 191]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 192; 10-13; 70; 71]<br />

[Jesus death: 177-178]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 75-80; 121; 127; 136]<br />

[John the Baptist: 140; 146; 152]<br />

[Joseph: 70-72; 74; 80]<br />

[Serving others: 69; 103-108; 59; ]<br />

[Last Supper 148; 149; 153-156]<br />

[Light of God: 165; 167]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer: 182]<br />

[Love: 38; 193; 87-90]<br />

[Love of God: 37-42; 47; 49; 52; 54; 94; 138-140; 172]<br />

[Love of family: 48; 53; 54]<br />

[Love for others: 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172]<br />

[Mary: 8-9; 12; 70-72; 74; 80; 194; 198;184]<br />

[Meal Blessings: 186-187]<br />

[Moses: 118; 124; 130]<br />

Noah: 65-68; rainbow: 65; 196]<br />

[Obey God: 115; 121; 195]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15]<br />

[Paul’s message: 109-112]<br />

Praise of God: 73; 117; 145; 161; 169-174]<br />

[Prayer: 54-55; 179-187; 170-174; 195; 58]<br />

[Promise of God: 65]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21; 178]<br />

[Saints: 164; 165; 168; 197]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism: 141-146; Eucharist: 147-152; 190]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 200]<br />

[Serving others: 103-108; 59; 76; 87-90; 113-118; 121; 172 ]<br />

[Signs: 128; 135-140; 143]<br />

[Sign of the Cross: 4, 5, 7, 57, 180, 199]<br />

[Son of God: 69-74; 100; 192]<br />

[Thanksgiving: 29; 35; 54; 63; 92; 123; 139; 170; 187; 189]<br />

[Trinity: 100; 103; 197; 56]<br />

[Word of God: 63; 151]<br />

[water: 141-143]

1 st Grade School<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

numbers.<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Creation]<br />

[Creator] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Faith and Action #2]<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 10; Ch. 16<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Creation] [Creator] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Choices] [Saying “sorry”.]<br />

[Faith and Action #7]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 15; Ch. 14<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Good News sharing] [Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Prayer of Praise] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Faith and Action #1]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 9; Ch. 13<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Jesus as Savior] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Mary,<br />

Mother of God]<br />

Ch. 10. Ch. 12

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Family]<br />

[Love of family] [Holy Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

Faith in Action # 5]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 7<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Holy Family]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Son of God] [Light of Jesus] [Good<br />

News sharing] [God as Father] [God as friend]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 4; Ch. 11<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and<br />

colors] [Son of God] [God the Father] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism][Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Faith and<br />

Action #3] [Prayer of Blessing]<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 16; Ch. 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Son of God] [Word of God]<br />

[Saying “yes” to God] [God the Father] [Conversion]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Baptism and Holy<br />

Spirit]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 2; Ch. 3<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Forgive]<br />

[Free will] [Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Heaven]<br />

[Good News sharing: 198-199][Saying “sorry”] [Faith in<br />

Action #6] [Prayer for Help]<br />

Ch. 15; Ch. 14;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus as Son] [Jesus as Healer] [Sacraments of<br />

Healing] [Prayers: Sign of the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for<br />

Healing]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 17; Ch.13<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as healer]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing] [Helping Others]<br />

[Catholic…Crucifix, Holy Water and candles] [Prayer]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 17; Ch. 16

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Helping others] [Followers of Jesus] [Jesus<br />

as healer] [Commandment: the Great] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 17; Ch. 1;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgive] [Prayer for<br />

Help] [Free will] [Sin] [Promise of God] [Saying “sorry’]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Son of God] [Prayer] [Service]<br />

[Helping others] [Love for others] [Good news sharing]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Faith in Action #4] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Noah] [Baptism]<br />

[Water] [Baptism] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God]<br />

[Trinity] [Choices] [Conversion] [Obey God]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 13; Ch. 15<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Faith] [Creation]<br />

[Creator] [God as Father] [Conversion] [Prayer] [Obey<br />

God] [Service] [Sin] [Love of God] [Obey God] [Grace]<br />

[Saying “Yes to God”] [Saying, “I’m Sorry”] [Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #5] [Prayers: Glory be…]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 7; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Word of God]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament][Prayer: Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Commandments] [Death of Jesus] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of<br />

Thanks] [Son of God]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer] [Creed]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Sin] [Love] [Good news<br />

sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of blessing]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 14; Ch. 8; Ch. 4;<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Word of God]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Gospels] [Commandments] [Choices] [Free will] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [God as Father] [Prayer for help]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [Grace] [Grace:<br />

172] [Sin] [Jesus as healer] [Conversion] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God] [Prayer of Blessing]

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 17; Ch. 18<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]<br />

[Heaven] [Word of God] [Commandments] [Promise of<br />

God] [Conversion] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of<br />

saying “Yes] [Following Jesus] [Service]<br />

[Catholic articles…Crucifix] [Prayer for peace, justice<br />

and love] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

A: [Death: life with God] [Death of Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [[Prayer for the<br />

Dead] [Catholic articles…Crucifix]<br />

[Creed] [Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 18; Ch. 12<br />

[Lent] [Catholic… articles: Crucifix] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical<br />

seasons and colors]<br />

Ch. 16<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Bread and Wine] Body of Christ] Blood of<br />

Christ] [Communion] [Mass] [Prayer of Thanks] [Easter<br />

symbols] [Faith and Action #7]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Death of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Commandments/Great] [Peace] [Love of God]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer of thanks] [Easter symbols]<br />

Ch. 13; Ch. 16; Ch. 11<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [death of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Liturgy of the word] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Easter symbols] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Faith in<br />

Action #1]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 17; Ch. 4<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter [Easter season] [Good Shepherd] [Death of Jesus]

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Good Shepherd] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Easter symbols] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

[Church] [People of God]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 16<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God]<br />

[Love of family] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church] [Easter symbols] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God”]<br />

Ch. 8; Ch. 21; Ch. 11;<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Creator]<br />

[Church][Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

[Faith in Action #1] [Easter Symbols]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Prayers: Glory to the Father] [God<br />

the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Baptism and Holy Spirit]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Church] Easter symbols] [Faith in<br />

Action:#5] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

Ch. 18; Ch. 16<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]<br />

[God the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Prayer of praise] [Prayer:<br />

Lord’s Prayer] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Ch. 13, Ch. 21<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Mary’s “yes]<br />

[Peace] [Holy Spirit] [Holy Trinity] [Church] [People of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Ch. 11; Ch. 21; Ch. 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayers: Sign of the Cross] [Creed] [Holy Spirit] [Prayer<br />

of Praise 68] [Creator] [Creation]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Mass]

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

[Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Communion] [Bread and Wine] [Body and Blood of<br />

Jesus] [Faith in Action #3][Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Creation] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer of Praise] [Prayer of Thanks]<br />

Ch. 12; Ch. 10; Ch. 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [Sin] [Heaven] [Death-lie with God] [Obey<br />

God] [Saying Yes to God] [Family of Jesus] [Followers<br />

of Jesus] [Prayer for Help] [Faith in Action #6]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 20; Ch. 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Saying Yes to Jesus] [Love of God]<br />

Love of others] [Prayer of Saying “yes”]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus’ promise] [Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Creation] [Creator] [Prayer of Praise] [Creation]<br />

Creator] [Catholic devotions prayers, devotions and<br />

articles]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 3 Ch. 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments of Healing] [Helping<br />

others] [Jesus as healer] [Death, life with God] [Prayer for<br />

the Dead] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 9; Ch. 1.<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Service]<br />

[Mary’s Yes] [Service] [Justice] [Love for others] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

Ch. 12; Ch. 10; Ch. 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Sacraments of Service and<br />

Vocation] [Holy Orders] [Discipleship] [Followers of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God][Mission] [Service]<br />

[Service] [Love for others] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without s shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

Ch. 13; Ch. 21; Ch. 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Good Shepherd][Peace] [Followers of<br />

Jesus] [Saying Yes to God] [Discipleship] [Love of God]<br />

[God as friend] [Creator] [Prayer: for Asking] [Kingdom<br />

of God]<br />

[[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Thanking God] [Praise of God]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][liturgy<br />

of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Prayers: Grace before and after meals]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed] [Prayer]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] Body<br />

and Blood] [Bread and Wine] [God as friend] [Love of<br />

God] [Grace before and after meals: 231] [Prayer of<br />

Praise] [Catholic prayers, devotions, articles]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Ch. 9; Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [Creator] [God as Father] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Bible] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices] [Prayer for<br />

peace, justice and love]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Ch. 8; ; Ch. 10; Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Gospels] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Service] [Church] [People of<br />

God] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Ch. 6; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Service] [helping Others] [Commandments]<br />

[Conversion] [Obey God] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

[Mary’s Yes]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Ch. 6; Ch. 8; Ch. 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgive] Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Saying “sorry] [Commandment/Great] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Love of family, God and others]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 8; Ch. 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Servant]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] [Jesus as healer]<br />

[Faith] [Creed] [Helping others] [Service]<br />

[Prayer: Sign of the Cross] [Trinity]<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 6, ch. 7<br />

Ordinary Time] [Peace] [Love] [Love of God] [Love of<br />

family] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher] [Death of<br />

Jesus] [Service] [Jesus as servant] [Justice]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 20; Ch. 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Saying Sorry] [Good News sharing] [Conversion]<br />

[Prayer for Help]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of others]<br />

[Service] {Prayer of Praise]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 17 Ch. 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Service] [Commandments] [Conversion] [Obey<br />

God] [Prayer] [Helping others] [Love of others]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 13; ch. 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Promise<br />

of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Helping Others]<br />

[Love of God][Love of family] [Love for others]<br />

[Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Ch, 8; Ch. 6; Ch. 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Faith]<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as<br />

healer] [Sacraments] [Oil] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy<br />

Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Prayers<br />

for Healing]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 16<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Gospels] [Love of God][Love of family] [Love for<br />

others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

[Saints] [Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy<br />

Orders]<br />

Ch. 20; ch. 2; ch. 3<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love of God][Love of family] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Servant] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

[Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

[Death life with God] [Saints]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 3; Ch. 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ] [Death<br />

of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Heaven] [Death:<br />

life with God] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Prayer for the dead] [Prayers; The Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 12; Ch. 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and<br />

colors] [Heaven] [Death: life with God] [Resurrection]<br />

[Saints] [Trinity] [Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Promise of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

C. 18; Ch. 4; Ch. 2; Ch. 3<br />

[Mary, Mother of God][Immaculate Conception] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [God the Father][God as friend]<br />

[God relationship with] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Light of<br />

Jesus]<br />

Ch. 5<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Adam and Eve] [God the<br />

Father][God as friend][God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Ash Wednesday]<br />

[Faith] [Conversion] [Prayer] [Obey God]<br />

[Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Obey God] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] [Liturgy of the<br />

Eucharist] Liturgy of the Word] [Holy Orders]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Communion]<br />

[Crucifix] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [Creation][Creator] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Baptism and Holy Spirit]<br />

[Communion] [Confirmation] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Eucharist] [Mass]

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God the Father][God as<br />

friend][God relationship with []birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Scripture] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament]<br />

Ch. 12<br />

[Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Love of family] [Love for others] [Love Jesus teaching]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 12<br />

[check index for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 10-11; 294, 302]<br />

[Adam and Eve: 26, 48, 206]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 219, 220, 285]<br />

[Apostles: 64]<br />

[Ash Wednesday: 16]<br />

[Baptism: 219, 220, 221, 226, 227, 232, 279, 284, 302]<br />

[Baptism and the Holy Spirit: 226, 227]<br />

[Bible: 26, 27, 90, 120, 154, 242, 264, 276-277, 291, 302]<br />

[Bible—parts of…85-86, 276]<br />

[Bible reading during Mass: 182, 220]<br />

[Blessing: 232, 292, 293]<br />

[Blood of Christ: 243, 286, 292]<br />

[Body of Christ: 243, 286, 292]<br />

[Bread and Wine: 220, 223, 243, 243, 244<br />

[signs and celebrations: 219, 220]<br />

[candles: 228, 229, 233, 289 ]<br />

Catholic Prayers, devotions and articles…<br />

Altar, Tabernacle, Vestments 286-287<br />

Bible, Scripture, Gospels 276-277<br />

Crucifix, Holy Water, Candles 288-289<br />

Marian devotions 296-297<br />

Rosary 281<br />

Vestments 287<br />

[Choices: 179-183, 188, 190, 193, 194, 206]<br />

[Church 137, 142, 279, 302, 235-237]<br />

[Christmas: 12-13, 294]<br />

[Commandments: 48-49, 303]<br />

[Commandments/Great: 111, 112, 116, 298-299, 304]<br />

[Commandments/Ten: 181, 182, 184, 188, 298, 307]<br />

[Communion: 243, 2440245, 292, 304]]<br />

[Confirmation: 219, 220, 221, 284]<br />

[Conversion: 111, 112, 116, 181, 184, 182-183, 30,32, 37, 42, 68, 133-138, 140, 142, 280]<br />

[Creation: 47, 303]<br />

[Creation of World: 25-27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 44, 46, 47, 54, 65]<br />

[Creator: 25-27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 44, 278, 303]<br />

[Creed: 278-283]<br />

[Cross, 214]<br />

[Death: life with God: 251-256, 260]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 20, 208, 209, 214, 252]<br />

[Discipleship: 132-133, 173, 213, 233]<br />

[Easter: 20-21, 209, 289, 295, 303]<br />

[Easter symbols: see water, oil, garment, bread, wine, people of God/Church, cross, crucifix, (bible 276, 277)<br />

[Eucharist: 219, 220, 221, 245, 284, 248]<br />

[Faith: 100-101, 106, 109, 303]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation: 55-57<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person: 91-93]<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person: 127-129<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers: 163-165<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: 199-201<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation: 235-237<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, 271-273<br />

[Family: 71-76, 303]<br />

[Family of Jesus: 74-75, 76, 80, 282, 305]<br />

[Family love: 71-73, 111, 216-217]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 172-173, 227, 253, 255, 260, 283, 303]<br />

[Forgive: 16, 189-193, 196, 198, 277]<br />

[Free will: 182, 304]<br />

[Garment, 228-229-233]<br />

[God as Father: 64, 65, 119, 304]<br />

[God as Creator: 25-27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 44, 278, 303]<br />

[God as friend: 28, 64, 118, 190, 206]<br />

[God as Son: 64, 65, 66, 70, 80, 208, 214, 278, 307]<br />

[God’s gifts: 30, 35-40, 44, 45-50, 54, 55-57, 181]

[Good News sharing: 210-211]<br />

[Good Shepherd: 84-85]<br />

[Gospels: 276-277, 291]<br />

[Grace: 226, 227, 301, 304]<br />

[Happiness: 253-255, 260, 262, 264]<br />

[Healing: 97-102, 104, 106]<br />

[Heaven 253-256, 260, 304]<br />

[Helping others: 62-63, 169-174, 178]<br />

[Holy Family: 74-75, 76, 80, 282, 305]<br />

[Holy Orders: 219, 220, 221, 285]<br />

[Holy People: 153-158, 160, 162, 281]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 22-23, 66, 70, 120, 144-145, 146-148, 150, 152, 158, 305, 194]<br />

[Holy Spirit and God’s love: 217, 278, 279]<br />

[Holy Spirit guides: 143-146, 304]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 18, 295]<br />

[Holy Trinity: 65-66, 68, 70, 254, 278]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 65, 305, 84-85, 137, 208]<br />

[Jesus’ death: 20, 208, 209, 214, 252]<br />

[Jesus’ promise: 146, 218, 224, 252]<br />

[Jesus as healer: 97, 100-102]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 10, 205-207, 208-209, 214, 278, 307]<br />

[Jesus as Servant: 170-171, 174, 178]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 80, 208, 214, 278, 307]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 110-111, 170-174, 137, 178, 199, 265]<br />

[John the Baptist: 80]<br />

[Joseph: 74, 80. 282. 305]<br />

[Justice: 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 270]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 136-137, 142, 261-266, 270, 283, 305]<br />

[Last Supper 244-245, 306]<br />

[Lent: 16-17, 295, 306]<br />

[Light: 228, 229, 233, 289]<br />

[Light of Jesus: 12-13]<br />

[Liturgy:289-297]<br />

[liturgy of Eucharist:292]<br />

[Liturgy of Word: 291]<br />

[Liturgical seasons and colors: 6-7, 294-295]<br />

[Love: 109, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271]<br />

[Love of God: 26, 28, 44, 61, 64, 66, 74, 75, 83, 90, 98, 99, 100, 102, 206, 215-221, 224, 230, 234, 277, 278]<br />

[Love of family: 71-73, 111, 216-217]<br />

[Love for others: 110, 170-174]<br />

[Love Jesus teaching: 110-111, 170-174, 178]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-9, 74, 80, 156, 224, 258, 280-281, 282, 306]<br />

[Marian celebrations: 296-297]<br />

[Mary’s yes: 138]<br />

[Mass: 241-243, 244-246, 248, 250, 306, 292, 291, 290-293, ]<br />

[Matrimony: 219, 220, 221, 285]<br />

[Mission: 279]<br />

[Morality: 298-299]<br />

[Noah: 134-135]<br />

[New Testament: 85, 86, 134, 277, 291, 306]<br />

[Obey God: 182, 183, 190]<br />

[Oil: 220, 222, 228, 229]<br />

[Old Testament: 85, 86, 134, 277, 291, 306]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 219, 220, 221, 285]<br />

[Parables: 82-85, 90, 277, 306]<br />

[Paschal Candle: 289]<br />

[Peace: 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, 292, 307]<br />

[Pentecost: 22-23, 279]<br />

[People of God: 153-158, 160, 162]<br />

[Praise to God: 30, 32, 37, 42, 68, 117, 215, 248, 307]<br />

[Prayer: 117-118, 119-122, 126, 300-301, 307]<br />

Prayers…<br />

Glory to the Father 301<br />

Grace before and after meals 301<br />

Hail Mary 300

Lord’s Prayer 300, 121, 122<br />

Prayer for Healing 104<br />

Prayer for Help: 196<br />

Prayer for the Dead, 258<br />

Prayer for peace, justice and love 268<br />

Prayer of Asking: 150, 186<br />

Prayer of Blessing 232<br />

Prayer of Praise 32, 42, 68, 212, 248<br />

Prayer of Saints 160<br />

Prayer of Saying “Yes”.<br />

Prayer of Thanks 52, 88, 124, 222<br />

Praying with God’s Word 78, 114, 176<br />

Sign of the Cross 300<br />

[Promise of God: 134-135]<br />

[Promise of Jesus: 146, 218, 224, 252]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21, 219, 220, 221, 285]<br />

[Sacraments: 218-219, 220-221, 224, 307]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 219, 284]<br />

[Sacraments of Healing: 219, 284]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service: 219, 220, 221, 285]<br />

[Saints: 154-155, 156-158, 160, 162, 307]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 8, 133-138, 140, 142, 280]<br />

[Saying Sorry: 189-193, 196, 198]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 170-171, 172-174, 178, 307]<br />

[Sin: 190-191, 193, 206, 208, 307]<br />

[Stewardship: 41-46]<br />

[Sign of the Cross: 230]<br />

[Son of God: 54, 55, 56, 62-63, 158, 208, 237]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 181, 182, 184, 188, 298, 307]<br />

[Thanking God: 49, 52, 119, 124, 245]<br />

[Thanking Jesus: 88, 222]<br />

[Triduum, 18-19, 295]<br />

[Trinity: 65-66, 68, 70, 254, 278]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 10-11]<br />

[Word of God: 78, 114]<br />

[Water: 220, 222, 223, 225, 228, 229, 233, 234]

1 st GRADE Parish<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for the page numbers<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Creation]<br />

[Creator] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 10; Ch. 16 Ch. 21; Ch. 10; Ch. 16<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Creation] [Creator] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Choices] [Saying “sorry”.]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 15; Ch. 14<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Good News sharing] [Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Prayer of Praise] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus Christ]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 9; Ch. 13<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [John the<br />

Baptist] [Jesus as Savior] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Mary,<br />

Mother of God]<br />

Ch. 10. Ch. 12

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Family]<br />

[Love of family] [Holy Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 7<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Holy Family]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Son of God] [Light] [Good News<br />

sharing] [God as Father] [God as friend]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 4; Ch. 11<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and<br />

colors] [Son of God] [God the Father] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism][Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Prayer of<br />

Blessing]<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 16; Ch. 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Son of God] [Word of God]<br />

[Saying “yes” to God] [God the Father] [Conversion]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Baptism and Holy<br />

Spirit]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 2; Ch. 3<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Forgive]<br />

[Free will] [Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Heaven]<br />

[Good News sharing][Saying “sorry”] [Prayer for Help]<br />

Ch. 15; Ch. 14;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus as Son] [Jesus as Healer] [Sacraments of<br />

Healing] [Prayers: Sign of the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for<br />

Healing]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 17; Ch.13<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as healer]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing] [Helping Others]<br />

[Catholic…Crucifix, Holy Water and candles] [Prayer]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 17; Ch. 16

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Helping others] [Followers of Jesus] [Jesus<br />

as healer] [Commandment: the Great]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 17; Ch. 1<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgive] [Prayer for<br />

Help] [Free will] [Sin] [Promise of God] [Saying “sorry’]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Son of God] [Prayer] [Service]<br />

[Helping others] [Love for others] [Good news sharing]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Noah] [Baptism]<br />

[Water] [Baptism] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God]<br />

[Trinity] [Choices] [Conversion] [Obey God]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer for Help]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 13; Ch. 15<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Faith] [Creation]<br />

[Creator] [God as Father] [Conversion] [Prayer] [Obey<br />

God] [Service] [Sin] [Love of God] [Obey God] [Grace]<br />

[Saying “Yes to God”] [Saying, “I’m Sorry”] [Sin]<br />

[Prayers: Glory be…]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 7; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Word of God]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament][Prayer: Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Commandments] [Death of Jesus] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of<br />

Thanks] [Son of God]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer] [Creed]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Sin] [Love] [Good news<br />

sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of blessing]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 14; Ch. 8; Ch. 4;<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Word of God]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Gospels] [Commandments] [Choices] [Free will] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [God as Father] [Prayer for help]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [Grace] [Grace:<br />

172] [Sin] [Jesus as healer] [Conversion] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God] [Prayer of Blessing]

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 17; Ch. 18<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]<br />

[Heaven] [Word of God] [Commandments] [Promise of<br />

God] [Conversion] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of<br />

saying “Yes] [Following Jesus] [Service]<br />

[Catholic articles…Crucifix] [Prayer for peace, justice<br />

and love]<br />

A: [Death: life with God] [Death of Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [[Prayer for the<br />

Dead] [Catholic articles…Crucifix]<br />

[Creed] [Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 18; Ch. 12<br />

Lent] [Catholic… articles: Crucifix] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical<br />

seasons and colors]<br />

Ch. 16<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.0<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Bread and Wine] Body of Christ] Blood of<br />

Christ] [Communion] [Mass] [Prayer of Thanks] [Easter<br />

symbols]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Death of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Commandments/Great] [Peace] [Love of God]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer of thanks] [Easter symbols]<br />

Ch. 13; Ch. 16; Ch. 11<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [death of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Liturgy of the word] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Easter symbols] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 17; Ch. 4<br />

[Easter season] [Good Shepherd] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Saying Yes to God] [Jesus as Savior]

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

[Easter symbols] [Prayer of Praise] [Church] [People of<br />

God]<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 16<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God]<br />

[Love of family] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church] [Easter symbols] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God”]<br />

Ch. 8; Ch. 21; Ch. 11;<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Creator]<br />

[Church][Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

[Easter Symbols]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Ch. 1; Ch. 8; Ch. 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Prayers: Glory to the Father] [God<br />

the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Baptism and Holy Spirit]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Church] Easter symbols] [Faith in<br />

Action:#5] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

Ch. 18; Ch. 16<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]<br />

[God the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Prayer of praise] [Prayer:<br />

Lord’s Prayer] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Ch. 13, Ch. 21<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Mary’s “yes]<br />

[Peace] [Holy Spirit] [Holy Trinity] [Church] [People of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayers: Sign of the Cross] [Creed] [Holy Spirit] [Prayer<br />

of Praise 68] [Creator] [Creation]<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Communion] [Bread and Wine] [Body and Blood of<br />

Jesus] [Prayer of Praise]

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

[[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Creation] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer of Praise] [Prayer of Thanks]<br />

Ch. 12; Ch. 10; Ch. 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [Sin] [Heaven] [Death-lie with God] [Obey<br />

God] [Saying Yes to God] [Family of Jesus] [Followers<br />

of Jesus] [Prayer for Help]<br />

Ch. 10; Ch. 20; Ch. 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Saying Yes to Jesus] [Love of God]<br />

Love of others] [Prayer of Saying “yes”]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus’ promise] [Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Creation] [Creator] [Prayer of Praise] [Creation]<br />

Creator] [Catholic devotions prayers, devotions and<br />

articles]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 3 Ch. 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments of Healing] [Helping<br />

others] [Jesus as healer] [Death, life with God] [Prayer for<br />

the Dead] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 9; Ch. 1.<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Service]<br />

[Mary’s Yes] [Service] [Justice] [Love for others] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

Ch. 12; Ch. 10; Ch. 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Sacraments of Service and<br />

Vocation] [Holy Orders] [Discipleship] [Followers of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God][Mission] [Service]<br />

[Service] [Love for others] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Ch. 13; Ch. 21; Ch. 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Good Shepherd][Peace] [Followers of<br />

Jesus] [Saying Yes to God] [Discipleship] [Love of God]<br />

[God as friend] [Creator] [Prayer: for Asking] [Kingdom<br />

of God]

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without s shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Thanking God] [Praise of God]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][liturgy<br />

of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Prayers: Grace before and after meals]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed] [Prayer]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] Body<br />

and Blood] [Bread and Wine] [God as friend] [Love of<br />

God] [Grace before and after meals] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

[Catholic prayers, devotions, articles]<br />

Ch. 9; Ch. 19; Ch. 17;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [Creator] [God as Father] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Bible] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices] [Prayer for<br />

peace, justice and love]<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 tst <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

Ch. 8; Ch. 10; Ch. 19; Ch. 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Gospels] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Service] [Church] [People of<br />

God] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

Ch. 6; Ch. 8; Ch. 9<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Service] [helping Others] [Commandments]<br />

[Conversion] [Obey God] [Praying with God’s Word]<br />

[Mary’s Yes]<br />

Ch. 6; Ch. 8; Ch. 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgive] Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Saying “sorry] [Commandment/Great] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Love of family, God and others]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 8; Ch. 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Servant]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] [Jesus as healer]<br />

[Faith] [Creed] [Helping others] [Service]<br />

[Prayer: Sign of the Cross] [Trinity]

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

Ch. 4; Ch. 6, Ch. 7<br />

Ordinary Time] [Peace] [Love] [Love of God] [Love of<br />

family] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher] [Death of<br />

Jesus] [Service] [Jesus as servant] [Justice]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Ch. 16; Ch. 20; Ch. 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Saying Sorry] [Good News sharing] [Conversion]<br />

[Prayer for Help]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15; Ch. 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of others]<br />

[Service] {Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 17 Ch. 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Service] [Commandments] [Conversion] [Obey<br />

God] [Prayer] [Helping others] [Love of others]<br />

Ch. 21; Ch. 13; Ch. 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Promise<br />

of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Helping Others]<br />

[Love of God][Love of family] [Love for others]<br />

[Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

Ch, 8; Ch. 6; Ch. 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Faith]<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as<br />

healer] [Sacraments] [Oil] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy<br />

Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Prayers<br />

for Healing]<br />

Ch. 7; Ch. 16<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Gospels] [Love of God][Love of family] [Love for<br />

others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

[Saints] [Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy<br />

Orders]<br />

Ch. 20; ch. 2; ch. 3<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love of God][Love of family] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Servant] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

[Death life with God] [Saints]<br />

Ch. 2; Ch. 3; Ch. 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ] [Death<br />

of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Heaven] [Death:<br />

life with God] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as Savior]

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

[Prayer for the dead] [Prayers; The Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 12; Ch. 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons and<br />

colors] [Heaven] [Death: life with God] [Resurrection]<br />

[Saints] [Trinity] [Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Promise of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God] [Prayer for the dead]<br />

C. 18; Ch. 4; Ch. 2; Ch. 3<br />

[Mary, Mother of God][Immaculate Conception] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [God the Father][God as friend]<br />

[God relationship with] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Ch. 5<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Adam and Eve] [God the<br />

Father][God as friend][God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Ch. 5; Ch. 12<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons and colors] [Ash Wednesday]<br />

[Faith] [Conversion] [Prayer] [Obey God]<br />

[Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Obey God] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

Ch. 14; Ch. 15<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] [Liturgy of the<br />

Eucharist] Liturgy of the Word] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [God the Father]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Communion]<br />

[Crucifix] [Sign of the Cross] [Jesus as Savior] [God the<br />

Father]<br />

Triduum] [Easter season] [Creation][Creator] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Baptism and Holy Spirit]<br />

[Communion] [Confirmation] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Jesus as Savior] [God<br />

the Father]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God the Father][God as<br />

friend][God relationship with []birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Scripture] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament]<br />

Ch. 12

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Love of family] [Love for others] [Love Jesus teaching]<br />

Ch. 20; Ch. 12<br />

[check index for individual saints]

Doctrinal Issues:<br />

[Advent: 10-11; 223, 232]<br />

[Adam and Eve: 26, 44-45, 156]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 167, 215]<br />

[Apostles: 54]<br />

[Ash Wednesday: 16]<br />

[Baptism: 167; 171-176, 173, 209, 214, 232]<br />

[Baptism and Holy Spirit: 173]<br />

[Bible: 26, 27; 35; 70,71, 96, 120, 200, 206-207, 232]<br />

[Bible reading during Mass: 182, 220]<br />

[Blessing: 176, 222]<br />

[Bread: 184, 185, 205,<br />

Catholic devotions and articles…<br />

Altar, Tabernacle, Vestments 216-217<br />

Bible, Scripture, Gospels 206-207<br />

Crucifix, Holy Water, Candles 218-219]<br />

Marian devotions 210-211, 226-227,<br />

Rosary 211<br />

Vestments 287<br />

[candles: 216, 174, 175, 177]<br />

[Choices: 137-142, 146, 149, 156]<br />

[Church 107, 209, 233]<br />

[Christmas: 12-13, 223]<br />

[Commandments: 44-45, 233, 139-140, 228, 237]<br />

[Commandments Ten: 139-140, 228, 237]<br />

[Commandment, Great: 89, 134, 228-229, 234]<br />

[Communion: 183-185, 222, 234]<br />

[Confirmation: 167,214]<br />

[Conversion: 80-81, 87, 233, 26, 28, 51, 62, 63, 69, 78, 79, 80, 139, 156, 163-166, 207, 208, 208]<br />

[Creation: 43, 233, 25-27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 41, 42,]<br />

[Creator: 25-27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 208, 233]<br />

[Creed: 208-211]<br />

[cross: 162]<br />

[Crucifix: 216]<br />

[Death: life with God: 189-194]<br />

[Discipleship: 132-133, 173, 213, 233]<br />

[Easter season: 20-21, 159, 224-225, 233]<br />

Easter symbols [see light/candle, water, oil, garment, cross/crucifix, people of God/Church, bread and wine, bible/New<br />

Testament/ Old Testament]<br />

[Eucharist: 167, 185, 214, 218, 233, 183-185]<br />

[Faith: 80-81. 87, 233]<br />

[Faith, hope and love, 86]<br />

[Family: 59-61, 233, 89, 164-165, 97]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 132-133, 173, 213, 233]<br />

[Forgive: 145-150, 149, 207, 234]<br />

[Forgiveness: seeking 147-149]<br />

[Free will: 140, 234]<br />

[Garment, 174, 177]<br />

[God the Father: 54, 55, 95, 234]<br />

[God as friend: 28, 54, 94, 146, 156]<br />

[God’s gifts: 33-38, 41-46, 139]<br />

[God relationship with: 93-98]<br />

[Good News sharing: 198-199]<br />

[Good Shepherd: 70-71]<br />

[Gospels: 207, 220]<br />

[Grace before and after meals: 231]<br />

[Grace: 172]<br />

[Great Commandment: 89, 134, 228-229, 234]<br />

[Healing: Sacraments: 167, 215]<br />

[Heaven 191-194]<br />

[Helping others: 52-53, 129-134]<br />

[Holy Family: 62-63, 212, 235]<br />

Holy Orders: 167, 215<br />

[Holy Spirit: 22-23; 96, 113, 235, 200, 173, 208, 209, 111-114, 115]

[Holy Thursday: 225]<br />

[Holy Trinity: 54-55, 56, 192, 208-209, 235]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 55, 233, 235, 155-160, 157, 208]<br />

[Jesus’ death: 20, 158, 159, 190, 225]<br />

[Jesus invites—come and join me: 106]<br />

[Jesus’ promise: 114, 166, 190]<br />

[Jesus as healer: 80, 81, 82, 84]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 10, 155-160, 157, 208, 237]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 67-72, 70-71, 88-89, 130-133, 201, 207, 236]<br />

[John the Baptist: 66]<br />

[Joseph: 212, 235]<br />

[Justice: 198, 199, 200, 201, 235]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 106-107, 197-202, 213, 236]<br />

[Last Supper 184-185, 236]<br />

[Lent: 16-17, 224, 236]<br />

[Light: 219,<br />

[Liturgy: 212-227]<br />

[liturgy of Eucharist: 222]<br />

[Liturgy of Word: 220-221]<br />

[Liturgical seasons and colors: 223-225]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer: 97, 230]<br />

[Love: 88, 199, 200]<br />

[Love of God: 26, 28, 51, 54, 62, 63, 69, 78-80, 139, 156, 163-166, 207, 208, 209]<br />

[Love of family: 59-61, 89, 164-165]<br />

[Love for others: 88, 129-134]<br />

[Love Jesus teaching: 88-89]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-9, 122, 170, 194, 210-211, 212, 236, 230-231, 226-227]<br />

[Mass: 181-186, 183, 236, 220-222]<br />

[Matrimony: 167, 215]<br />

[Noah: 104-105]<br />

[New Testament: 71, 206, 207, 220, 236]<br />

[Obey God: 140-141, 146]<br />

[Oil: 174, 177]<br />

[Old Testament: 71, 104, 206, 220, 236]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-9; 14-15, 224]<br />

[Paschal Candle: 218]<br />

[Peace: 198, 200, 201, 237]<br />

[Pentecost: 22-23, 209]<br />

[Praise to God: 35, 237, 30, 34, 38, 56, 93, 163, 186,<br />

[Praise to Jesus: 35, 237, 160]<br />

[Prayer: 93-98, 95, 23-232, 237]<br />

Prayers…<br />

Glory to the Father 231<br />

Grace before and after meals 231<br />

Hail Mary 230<br />

Lord’s Prayer 97, 230<br />

Prayer for Healing 82<br />

Prayer for Help: 150<br />

Prayer for the Dead, 194<br />

Prayer for peace, justice and love 202<br />

Prayer of Asking: 116, 142, 202<br />

Prayer of Blessing 176<br />

Prayer of Praise 30, 38, 56, 150, 160, 186<br />

Prayer of Saints 124<br />

Prayer of Saying “Yes”108.<br />

Prayer of Thanks 46, 72, 98, 168<br />

Praying with God’s Word 64, 90, 134<br />

Sign of the Cross 230<br />

[Promise of God: 104-105, 191]<br />

[Promise of Jesus: 114, 166, 190]<br />

[Resurrection: 20-21, 158, 159, 225, 237]<br />

[Sacraments: 163, 166-167, 168, 237]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 167, 214]<br />

[Sacraments of Healing: 167, 215 healing of sick: 77-82]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service:

[Saints: 120-123]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 8, 103-108, 210]<br />

[Saying Sorry: 145, 147, 151]<br />

[Scripture: 206-207]<br />

[Service: 129-134, 200, 204, 237]<br />

[Serving others: 129-134]<br />

[Sin: 140, 141, 143, 145, 146-153, 237]<br />

[Stewardship: 41-46]<br />

[Sign of the Cross: 230]<br />

[Son of God: 54, 55, 56, 62-63, 158, 208, 237]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 139-140, 228, 237]<br />

[Thanking God: 45-46, 95, 98]<br />

[Triduum, 18-19, 225]<br />

[Trinity: 54-55, 56, 192, 208-209, 235]<br />

[Vestments: 219, colors: 223-225]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 10-11]<br />

[Word of God: 63; 151]<br />

[water: 171, 174, 175, 178, 218]

2 nd GRADE SCHOOL<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

numbers.<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Faith<br />

and Action 1] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service]<br />

[Morality] [Angels]<br />

[Objects in Church]<br />

Chapters: 1; 5; 3<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Angels]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Choices] [Saying “sorry”.] [Act of Contrition]<br />

[Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal sin][Original sin]<br />

[Venial sin] [Prayer: Guardian Angel] [Morality]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

Chapters: 8; 9; 11<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Angels] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Choices]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Prayer: Guardian Angel]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Saying Yes to God] [Angels] [Prayer: Guardian<br />

Angel] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service]<br />

Chapters: 7; 4; 21;

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love of family] [Holy<br />

Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

Faith in Action [Jesus in the<br />

Temple] [Prayer: Guardian Angel]<br />

[Prayer: Jesus Prayer]<br />

Chapter: 5<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Family] [Saying<br />

Yes to God] [Jesus as Son] [Good News sharing] [God as<br />

Father] [God as friend] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Faith]<br />

Chapter: 4; 14<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] [God the Father]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism][Faith and Action #3]<br />

[Prayer of Blessing]<br />

Chapter: 5; 10<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Apostles] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Jesus as Son] [Gospels] [Word of God] [Saying<br />

“yes” to God] [God the Father] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Disciples]<br />

Followers of Jesus] [Objects in Church]<br />

Chapter: 12; 3; 5;<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Trust in God]<br />

[Heaven] [Good News sharing: 198-199] [Act of<br />

Contrition] [Conscience] [Contrition] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Faith in Action 2] [Beatitudes] [Prayer for Help]<br />

Chapter: 11; 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Sacraments of Healing] [Prayers: Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Good News sharing] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing]<br />

[Mercy] [sacramentals]<br />

Chapter: 13; 5; 10

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Mercy] [Sacrifice/Paschal Mystery] [Prayer]<br />

[Morality]<br />

Chapters: 4; 13; 21;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Followers of Jesus] [Commandment: the<br />

Great] [Jesus Prayer] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Prayer<br />

for Help] [Sin] [Promise of God] [Saying “sorry’] [Act<br />

of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Commandments/Great]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation] [Objects in Church]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

Chapters: 9; 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] [Fasting] [God the<br />

Father]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Faith in Action #4] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 3<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Noah] [Baptism] [Water]<br />

[Baptism] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God] [Trinity]<br />

[Choices] [Obey God] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer]<br />

[Fasting] [Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in<br />

Action #7] [Service] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer for Help] [Act<br />

of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Creation] [God as<br />

Father] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting] [Option<br />

for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in Action #7] [Service]<br />

[Obey God] [Sin] [Love of God] [Obey God] [Grace]<br />

[Morality] [Saying “Yes to God”] [Saying, “I’m Sorry”]<br />

[Sin] [Act of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Penance] Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Prayer: Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Death of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of Thanks]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting]<br />

[Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in Action #7]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer] [Creed] [sacramentals]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Sacraments][Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [water] [Faith] [Service] [Sin] [Love] [Good

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

news sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of blessing]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Chapters: 12; 18; 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament, [Gospels]<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior] [God as<br />

Father] [Prayer for help]<br />

[Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting] [Option for the<br />

Poor and Vulnerable Faith in Action #7]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Sacraments][Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Grace] [Grace: 172] [Sin] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God] [Prayer of Blessing]<br />

[Act of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Morality]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 10<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer]<br />

[Fasting] [Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in<br />

Action #7] [Heaven] [Word of God] [Commandments]<br />

[Promise of God] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of<br />

saying “Yes] [Following Jesus] [Service] [Prayer for<br />

peace, justice and love] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Creed] [Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Chapters: 13; 20; 21<br />

[Lent] [Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Triduum] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Liturgical seasons] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Cross]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Bread and Wine] Body of Christ] Blood of<br />

Christ] [Communion] [Mass] [Prayer of Thanks] [Faith and<br />

Action #7] [Sacrifice of Jesus/ Paschal Mystery] [Trust in God]<br />

[Easter Symbols 1 ]<br />

Chapters: 18, 16; 19<br />

1 While the symbols are not directly mentioned in this resource, catechesis on the Triduum and Easter<br />

season should include mention of the primary symbols that form our Catholic identity and that are<br />

primarily renewed at each Easter Vigil: People of God, Cross, Word, Water, Oil, Garment, Oil, Laying on<br />

the Hands, Bread and Wine].

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer of thanks] [Jesus as Son] [Apostles<br />

Creed] [neighbor, good]<br />

Chapters: 21; 10; 4<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Word of God] [Holy Spirit] [Eucharist] [Liturgy<br />

of the word] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] [Old Testament] [Commandments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

Chapters: 2; 3; 5<br />

[Easter season] [Good Shepherd] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Good Shepherd] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer of Praise] [Church] [Sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

Chapter: 2<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God]<br />

[Love of family] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church] [Saying “Yes to God”] [Sacrifice<br />

of Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Objects in Church]<br />

[Faith in Action: #6]<br />

Chapter 14<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church] [Trinity]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Praying with God’s Word] [Love of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Chapters: 6; 10<br />

[Easter season] [Ascension] [Apostles] [Apostles Creed]<br />

[Holy Orders] [Sacraments of Vocation and<br />

Service][Prayers: Glory to the Father] [God the Father]<br />

[Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Prayer of Praise] [Church]<br />

Easter symbols] [Faith in Action:#5] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Sacrifice<br />

of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

Chapters: 14; 10; 12<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter [Easter season] [Apostles] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

[God the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Prayer of praise] [Prayer:<br />

Lord’s Prayer] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery]<br />

Chapters: 15<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Mary’s “yes] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Holy Trinity] [Church] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Apostles] [Apostles Creed] [sacramentals]<br />

Chapters: 6, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Prayers:<br />

Sign of the Cross] [Creed] [Holy Spirit] [Prayer of Praise<br />

68] [Creation] [Baptism] [Family of God] [Objects in<br />

Church]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Chapters: 14; 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Communion] [Bread and Wine] [Body and Blood of<br />

Jesus] [Faith in Action #3][Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Commandments/Ten] [Prayer of<br />

Praise] [Prayer of Thanks] [Jesus Prayer] [Objects in<br />

Church]<br />

Chapters: 17, 18, 19,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Adam and Eve]<br />

[Original Sin][Sin] [Heaven] [Obey God] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Family of Jesus] [Followers of Jesus] [Prayer for<br />

Help] [Faith in Action #6] [Promise of Jesus]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Saying Yes to Jesus] [Love of God] Love of<br />

others] [Prayer of Saying “yes”] [Mustard Seed]<br />

[sacramentals]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Chapters: 4; 3; 7

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without s shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus’ promise] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Creation] [Parables] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] []<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Faith in Action #4]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 1<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Trust in God] [Sacraments of Healing]<br />

[Prayer for help] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Heaven]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Chapters: 9; 1<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Service]<br />

[Service] [Justice] [Love for others] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Praying with God’s Word] [Bible] [Old Testament]<br />

[New Testament]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

Chapters: 3; 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Apostles Creed] [Sacraments<br />

of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders] [Discipleship]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God][Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Prayer for<br />

peace, justice and love]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Chapters: 20; 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Good Shepherd] [Followers of Jesus]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Discipleship] [Good Shepherd]<br />

[Love of God] [Prayer: for Asking] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Eucharist] [Thanking God] [Praise of<br />

God] [Baptism][Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Body and Blood] [Bread] [Neighbor,<br />

good] [sacramentals]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed] [Prayer]<br />

[God as Father] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [Love of God] [Grace before and after<br />

meals] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Chapters: 16, 18, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [God as Father] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Prayer: Glory be to the Father]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18, 16

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Eucharist] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament] [Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of<br />

Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices] [Prayer<br />

for peace, justice and love] [Word of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Gospels] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Service] [Church] [Praying<br />

with God’s Word]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Chapters: 3, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Service] [Commandments/Great] [Commandments/Ten]<br />

[Obey God] [Praying with God’s Word] [Objects in<br />

Church] [Morality]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Chapters: 7, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Saying “sorry] [Commandment/Great] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Good neighbor] [Morality]<br />

[Trust in God]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Servant]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] Jesus as Son]<br />

[Faith] [Creed] [Service]<br />

[Prayer: Sign of the Cross] [Trinity] [sacramentals]<br />

Chapters: 2, 4, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love of God] [Love of family]<br />

[Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Service] [Jesus as servant] [Helping Others] [Sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Chapters 12, 15, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Act of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Chapters: 11, 8, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of others]<br />

[Service] {Prayer of Praise]<br />

Faith in Action #6

let no one separate.) Chapters: 10, 13<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Morality]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Service] [Commandments/Great]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Obey God] [Prayer] [Love of<br />

others]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

Chapters: 20, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Promise<br />

of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love of God][Love<br />

of family] [Love for others] [Commandments/Great]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Chapters: 7, 20, 13<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Faith]<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Trust in<br />

God] [Sacraments] [Oil] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy<br />

Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Prayers<br />

for Healing]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Chapters: 13, 15, 2<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Gospels] [Love of God][Love of family] [Love for<br />

others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Saints] [Angels]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Good Neighbor]<br />

Chapters: 7, 15<br />

Ordinary Time [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love] [Love of<br />

God][Love of family] [Love for others] [Heaven] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Chapters: 15, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Angels] [Prayer to Guardian Angel]<br />

[kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Liturgical seasons] [Heaven] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Jesus Prayer] [Prayers; The Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[sacramentals]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Ch. 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity] [Promise of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

C. 21, 5,<br />

[Mary, Mother of God][Immaculate Conception] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [God the Father][God as friend] [original Sin]<br />

[birth of Jesus see Christmas] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God]<br />

Chapter: 21<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Good News<br />

sharing] [Sacrifice of Jesus]

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus) Chapter: 5<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of [Jesus Christ] [Mary, Mother of God] [Adam and Eve]<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

[original sin][God the Father][God as friend] [birth of<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Jesus: see Christmas] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ch. 5<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting] [Option for the<br />

Poor and Vulnerable Faith in Action #7]<br />

] [Obey God] [Service][Serving others] [Love] [Love of<br />

God] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Original Sin]<br />

[Conscience] [Act of Contrition]<br />

Chapters: 8, 9, 7<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Sacrifice of Jesus] [Last Supper]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Liturgy of the<br />

Word] [Holy Orders]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus] [Communion] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Easter season] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Promise of God] [Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Faith]<br />

[Trust in God] [Communion] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Easter Symbols: see fn.<br />

#1]<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God the Father][God as<br />

friend][God relationship with []birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Scripture] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament]<br />

Chapter 21<br />

[Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Love of family] [Love for others] [Love<br />

Jesus teaching]<br />

Chapters: 21; 7<br />

[check index for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Absolution: 163, 312]<br />

[Act of Contrition: 164, 309]<br />

[Advent: 12-15,170, 304, 312]<br />

[Adam and Eve: 52-53]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 152, 154]<br />

[Apostles: 96, 173,, 222, 258, 268, 294]<br />

[Apostles Creed: 294, 310]<br />

[Angels: 16, 19, 88, 89, 241]<br />

[Ascension: 295]<br />

[Assembly: 223, 226, 312]<br />

[Baptism: 91, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 19 0, 197, 312]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus: 91]<br />

[Beatitudes: 307]<br />

[Bible: 62-65, 233, 292-293, 314]<br />

[Bible reading during Mass: 65, 233]<br />

[Blessed Sacrament: 262]<br />

[Blessing: 23]<br />

[Blood of Christ: 244, -236, 259-261, 301]<br />

[Body of Christ: 244, -236, 259-261, 301]<br />

[Bread and Wine: 244, 246, 259, 260]<br />

[Choices: 56, 123-128]<br />

[Church: 101, 312, 295, 269-269, 272, 276, 295, 314]<br />

[Church objects: 298-299]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19, 171, 295]<br />

[Commandments/Great: 115, 306, 313<br />

[Commandments/Ten: 114-115, 122, 306, 315]<br />

[Communion: 244-245, 250,251, 259, 260-262, 266, 280-281, 287, 300,301, 313<br />

[Confirmation: 152, 153, 154]<br />

[Conscience: 126-127, 312]<br />

[Contrition: 161, 163, 309, 312]<br />

[Creation: 42, 43-48, 312, 71-73]<br />

[Creed: 235, 294, 312]<br />

[Cross, 28-31, 307]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 8, 30-31, 172, 178, 243]<br />

[Disciples: 100-102, 150, 197, 204, 287, 312]<br />

[Easter: 32-35, 171, 173, 295, 305, 312]<br />

[Eucharist: 152-154, 222, 226, 266, 280, 286, 299, 312]<br />

[Eucharistic Prayer: 245-246, 312]<br />

[Examination of Conscience: 161, 297]<br />

[Faith: 187, 232, 246, 313]]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation:71-73<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person: 107-109]<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person:[143-146]<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers:[179-181]<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: [215-217]<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation: [251-253]<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, [287-289]<br />

[Family: 215-217]<br />

[Fasting: 266]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 100-102, 150, 197, 204, 287, 312]<br />

[Forgiveness: 8, 12, 125, 127, 134-140, 142, 159-166, 224, 281, 296]<br />

[God as Creator: 41-48]<br />

[God as Father: 77-84, 313]<br />

[God as healer: 20-23]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: 97-104, 313]<br />

[God as Son: 45, 87-94, 99, 313]<br />

[Good News 35, 36, 64, 195-201,215,234,268-272,292]<br />

[Good Shepherd: 55, 58]<br />

[Good Samaritan: 116-117118,201, 236]<br />

[Gospels: 65,234,292-293, 298]<br />

[Gospels, Book of: 298]<br />

[Grace: 151, 311, 313]]

[Healing: 20-23]<br />

[Heaven 278, 280-281, 286, 295, 313]<br />

[Helping others: 62-63, 169-174, 178]<br />

[Holy Family: 90-91, 313]<br />

[Holy Orders: 152, 154, 296]<br />

[Holy Saturday: 172]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 91, 97-1034, 313, 39, 101, 36-39, 100, 173]]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 172]<br />

[Holy Trinity: 98-99, 106, 313]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 44, 54, 55, 58,, 44, 45, 90]<br />

[Jesus’ death: 8, 30-31, 172, 178, 243]<br />

[Jesus’ promise: 98,100-101, 196]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 16, 24, 54-55, 88, 89]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 45,, 87-94, 99, 315]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 64, 79, 92,115,116-118,134-135,232,236]<br />

[Jesus in the Temple: 90]<br />

[John the Baptist: 91]<br />

[Joseph: 44, 89, 179, 252]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 188-189, 190, 194, 278-279, 280, 286, 313]<br />

[Last Supper 245, 260. 313]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 172, 305, 313]<br />

[Liturgy:170-171, 313]<br />

[liturgy of Eucharist:244, 245, 250, 251, 259, 300, 313]<br />

[Liturgy of Word: 233-234, 238, 240, 300,313]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 6-7, 169-174, 304-305]<br />

[Love of God: 15,62-63,64, 66, 79-82,127,134-135, 272,296]<br />

[Love of family: 71-73, 111, 216-217]<br />

[Love for others: 115-118, 307]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11,44, 50,88-89,179, 252, 282, 295, 303]<br />

[Mass: 222, 223, 230, 314]<br />

[Matrimony: 152, 154, 296]<br />

[Mercy: 8, 11, 12, 133-136, 137-140, 224, 296, 314]<br />

[Mission: 268-269, 272, 276, 295, 314]<br />

[missionaries: 269, -271, 314]<br />

[Morality:306-307]<br />

[Mortal sin: 127, 314]<br />

[Mustard Seed: 232]<br />

[neighbor, good: 116-118]<br />

[Noah: 62, 63]<br />

[New Testament: 65, 233, 292-293, 314]<br />

[Obey God: 52-53]<br />

[Old Testament: 63, 233,292, 314]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 20, 23, 171, 305]<br />

[Original sin: 53, 314]<br />

[Parables: 232, 233, 236,293, 314]<br />

[Penance: 163, 314]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39,173, 314]]<br />

[Prayer: 80-81, 205-212, 302,, 308-311,314]<br />

Prayers…<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 309]<br />

Act of Contrition 309]<br />

Apostles Creed 310<br />

Glory to the Father 209, 309<br />

Hail Mary 10, 50, 209, 282, 308<br />

Jesus Prayer 308<br />

Lord’s Prayer 34, 58, 207, 212, 259, 308, 313<br />

Praise for Creator: 43<br />

Prayer of blessing for Creation: 48<br />

Prayer of Praise: 59, 94<br />

Prayer for help: 84<br />

Prayer for Mercy: 140<br />

Prayer Guardian Angel<br />

Prayer to the holy Spirit: 104<br />

Prayer of Asking: 130<br />

Praying with God’s Word 69, 120

[Promise of God: 54, 62]<br />

[Promise of Jesus: 146, 218, 224, 252]<br />

[Reconciliation: Sacrament: 154, 162-163, 281, 296, 297, 314]<br />

[Resurrection: 32-35, 173, 178, 243, 305, 314]<br />

[sacramentals: 209, 302, 314]<br />

[Sacraments: 151-154, 296-297, 314]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation:153, 296, 299, 314]<br />

[Sacraments of Healing:296]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service: 296]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]: 28, 31, 241-248, 315]<br />

[Saints: 78-79, 286, 315]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 26]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 8, 281-282, 287]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 268-269, 272, 276, 295, 314]<br />

[Sin: 44-45, 126, 160,315,]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 114-115,122,306, 315]<br />

[Thanking God: 42,244]<br />

[Triduum, 28-31,305, 315]<br />

[Trinity: 98-99,106, 313]<br />

[Trust: 81, 82, 315]<br />

[Venial sin] 127, 315]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 12-15]<br />

[Word of God: 61-68,120, 231-238,264,284]<br />

[Worship 221-226]

2 nd GRADE PARISH<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer] [Faith<br />

and Action 1] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Angels]<br />

[Objects in Church]<br />

Chapters: 1; 5; 3<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Angels]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Choices] [Saying “sorry”.] [Act of Contrition]<br />

[Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal sin][Original sin]<br />

[Venial sin] [Prayer: Guardian Angel]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation] [Morality<br />

Chapters: 8; 9; 11<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Angels] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Choices]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Prayer: Guardian Angel]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Saying Yes to God] [Angels] [Prayer: Guardian<br />

Angel] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service]<br />

Chapters: 7; 4; 21;

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Holy Family] [Love for<br />

others] [Faith] Faith in Action<br />

[Jesus in the Temple] [Prayer:<br />

Guardian Angel] [Prayer: Jesus<br />

Prayer]<br />

Chapter: 5<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Family] [Saying<br />

Yes to God] [Jesus as Son] [Good News sharing] [God as<br />

Father] [God as friend] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Faith]<br />

Chapter: 4; 14<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] [God the Father]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

Chapter: 5; 10<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Apostles] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Jesus as Son] [Gospels] [Word of God] [Saying<br />

“yes” to God] [God the Father] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Disciples]<br />

Followers of Jesus] [Objects in Church]<br />

Chapter: 12; 3; 5;<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Trust in God]<br />

[Heaven] [Good News sharing: 198-199] [Act of<br />

Contrition] [Conscience] [Contrition] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Prayer for Help] [sacramentals]<br />

Chapter: 11; 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Sacraments of Healing] [Prayers: Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Good News sharing] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing]<br />

[Mercy]<br />

Chapter: 13; 5; 10<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Mercy] [Sacrifice/Paschal Mystery] [Prayer]

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Love for others] [Morality]<br />

Chapters: 4; 13; 21;<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Followers of Jesus] [Commandment: the<br />

Great] [Jesus Prayer] [Love for others] [Morality]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Prayer<br />

for Help] [Sin] [Promise of God] [Saying “sorry’] [Act<br />

of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Commandments/Great]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation] [Objects in Church]<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

Chapters: 9; 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] [Fasting] [God the<br />

Father] [Morality] [sacramentals]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 3<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Noah] [Baptism] [Water]<br />

[Baptism] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God] [Trinity]<br />

[Choices] [Obey God] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer]<br />

[Fasting] [Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in<br />

Action #7] [Service] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer for Help] [Act<br />

of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Creation] [God as<br />

Father] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting] [Option<br />

for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith in Action #7] [Service]<br />

[Obey God] [Sin] [Love of God] [Obey God] [Grace]<br />

[Saying “Yes to God”] [Saying, “I’m Sorry”] [Sin] [Act<br />

of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Penance] Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Prayer: Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Death of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of Thanks]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer] [Creed]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Sacraments][Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [water] [Faith] [Service] [Sin] [Love] [Good<br />

news sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of blessing]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

Chapters: 12; 18; 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament, [Gospels]<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior] [God as<br />

Father] [Prayer for help] [sacramentals]<br />

[Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting] [Love for others]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Sacraments][Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Grace] [Grace: 172] [Sin] [Saying “Yes to<br />

God] [Prayer of Blessing]<br />

[Act of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 7; 8; 10<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer]<br />

[Fasting] [Love for others]<br />

[Heaven] [Word of God] [Commandments] [Promise of<br />

God] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Prayer of saying “Yes]<br />

[Following Jesus] [Service] [Prayer for peace, justice and<br />

love]<br />

A: [Signing of the Senses] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Creed] [Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Chapters: 13; 20; 21<br />

[Lent] [Death of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Triduum] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Liturgical seasons] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Cross]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Bread and Wine] Body of Christ] Blood of<br />

Christ] [Communion] [Mass] [Prayer of Thanks] [Faith and<br />

Action #7] [Sacrifice of Jesus/ Paschal Mystery] [Trust in God]<br />

[sacramentals]<br />

[Easter Symbols 2 ]<br />

Chapters: 18, 16; 19<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

2 While the symbols are not directly mentioned in this resource, catechesis on the Triduum and Easter<br />

season should include mention of the primary symbols that form our Catholic identity and that are<br />

primarily renewed at each Easter Vigil: People of God, Cross, Word, Water, Oil, Garment, Oil, Laying on<br />

the Hands, Bread and Wine].

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

[Baptism] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer of thanks] [Jesus as Son] [Apostles<br />

Creed] [neighbor, good] [Love for others]<br />

Chapters: 21; 10; 4<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Word of God] [Holy Spirit] [Eucharist] [Liturgy<br />

of the word] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] [Old Testament] [Commandments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Prayers: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

Chapters: 2; 3; 5<br />

[Easter season] [Good Shepherd] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Good Shepherd] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer of Praise] [Church] [Sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

Chapter: 2<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love of God]<br />

[Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Church]<br />

[Saying “Yes to God”] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Objects in Church] [Love for others]<br />

[sacramentals]<br />

[Morality]<br />

Chapter 14<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church] [Trinity]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Praying with God’s Word] [Love of God]<br />

Chapters: 6; 10<br />

[Easter season] [Ascension] [Apostles] [Apostles Creed]<br />

[Holy Orders] [Sacraments of Vocation and<br />

Service][Prayers: Glory to the Father] [God the Father]<br />

[Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Baptism and Holy Spirit] [Prayer of Praise] [Church]<br />

Easter symbols] [Faith in Action:#5] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Sacrifice<br />

of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

Chapters: 14; 10; 12<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter [Easter season] [Apostles] [Prayers: Glory to the Father]

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

[God the Father] [God as friend] [Grace] [Resurrection]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Prayer] [Prayer of praise] [Prayer:<br />

Lord’s Prayer] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery]<br />

Chapters: 15<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Mary’s “yes] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Holy Trinity] [Church] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Apostles] [Apostles Creed]<br />

Chapters: 6, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Prayers:<br />

Sign of the Cross] [Creed] [Holy Spirit] [Prayer of Praise<br />

68] [Creation] [Baptism] [Family of God] [Objects in<br />

Church]<br />

Chapters: 14; 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Communion] [Bread and Wine] [Body and Blood of<br />

Jesus] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Commandments/Ten] [Prayer of<br />

Praise] [Prayer of Thanks] [Jesus Prayer] [Objects in<br />

Church]<br />

Chapters: 17, 18, 19,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Adam and Eve]<br />

[Original Sin][Sin] [Heaven] [Obey God] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Family of Jesus] [Followers of Jesus] [Prayer for<br />

Help] [Promise of Jesus]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Saying Yes to Jesus] [Love of God] Love of<br />

others] [Prayer of Saying “yes”] [Mustard Seed]<br />

[sacramentals]<br />

Chapters: 4; 3; 7

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus’ promise] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Creation] [Parables] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] []<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 5; 2; 1<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Trust in God] [Sacraments of Healing]<br />

[Prayer for help] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Heaven]<br />

Chapters: 9; 1<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Service]<br />

[Service] [Justice] [Love for others] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Praying with God’s Word] [Bible] [Old Testament]<br />

[New Testament]<br />

Chapters: 3; 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Apostles Creed] [Sacraments<br />

of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders] [Discipleship]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God][Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Prayer for<br />

peace, justice and love] [Love for others]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without s shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

Chapters: 20; 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Good Shepherd] [Followers of Jesus]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Discipleship] [Good Shepherd]<br />

[Love of God] [Prayer: for Asking] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[[sacramentals]<br />

Chapters: 2; 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Eucharist] [Thanking God] [Praise of<br />

God] [Baptism][Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Body and Blood] [Bread] [Neighbor,<br />

good] [Love for others]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed] [Prayer]<br />

[God as Father] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of Word]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Communion] Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [Love of God] [Grace before and after<br />

meals] [Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 16, 18, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy][Liturgy of Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy of Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Bread and Wine] [God as Father] [Trinity]<br />

[Prayer of Praise] [Prayer: Glory be to the Father]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18, 16

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Eucharist] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament] [Liturgy][liturgy of Eucharist] [Liturgy of<br />

Word] [Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices] [Prayer<br />

for peace, justice and love] [Word of God]<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Gospels] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Service] [Church] [Praying<br />

with God’s Word]<br />

Chapters: 3, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

[Service] [Commandments/Great] [Commandments/Ten]<br />

[Obey God] [Praying with God’s Word] [Objects in<br />

Church] [Love for others] [Morality]<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

Chapters: 7, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Saying “sorry] [Commandment/Great] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Good neighbor] [Trust in God]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Servant]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] Jesus as Son]<br />

[Faith] [Creed] [Service] [sacramentals]<br />

[Prayer: Sign of the Cross] [Trinity]<br />

Chapters: 2, 4, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love of God] [Love for others]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Death of Jesus] [Service] [Jesus as<br />

servant] [Helping Others] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Morality]<br />

[Prayer for peace, justice and love]<br />

Chapters 12, 15, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Good News sharing] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Act of Contrition] [Conscience] [Morality] [Mortal<br />

sin][Original sin] [Venial sin]<br />

[Penance] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 11, 8, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of others]<br />

[Service] {Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 10, 13<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Saying Yes to<br />

God] [Service] [Commandments/Great] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Obey God] [Prayer] [Love of others]<br />

[Morality]<br />

Chapters: 20, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Promise<br />

of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love of God]<br />

[Love for others] [Commandments/Great] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher]<br />

[Prayer of Praise]<br />

Chapters: 7, 20, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Faith]<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Trust in<br />

God] [Sacraments] [Oil] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy<br />

Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Prayers<br />

for Healing] [sacramentals]<br />

Chapters: 13, 15, 2<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Gospels] [Love of God] [Love for others] [Heaven]<br />

[Commandments] [Saints] [Angels]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Good Neighbor]<br />

Chapters: 7, 15<br />

Ordinary Time [Sacrifice of Jesus] [Love for others]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Jesus Christ] [Death of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Morality]<br />

Chapters: 15, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Angels] [Prayer to Guardian Angel]<br />

[kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Liturgical seasons] [Heaven] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Jesus Prayer] [Prayers; The Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Chapter: 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity] [Promise of<br />

God] [Kingdom of God]<br />

Chapters: 21, 5,<br />

[Mary, Mother of God][Immaculate Conception] [Adam<br />

and Eve] [God the Father][God as friend] [original Sin]<br />

[birth of Jesus see Christmas] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God]<br />

Chapter: 21<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Good News<br />

sharing] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

Chapter: 5<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Mary, Mother of God] [Adam and Eve]<br />

[original sin][God the Father][God as friend] [birth of<br />

Jesus: see Christmas] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus) Ch. 5<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Lenten Disciplines--[Prayer] [Fasting]<br />

[Obey God] [Service][Serving others] [Love] [Love of<br />

God] [Obey God] [Grace] [Sin] [Original Sin]<br />

[Conscience] [Act of Contrition]<br />

Chapters: 8, 9, 7<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Sacrifice of Jesus] [Last Supper]<br />

[Service][Helping others] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Communion] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Liturgy of the<br />

Word] [Holy Orders]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus] [Communion] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Triduum] [Cross] [Easter season] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Death of Jesus] [Sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Promise of God] [Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Faith]<br />

[Trust in God] [Communion] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Easter Symbols: see fn.<br />

#1]<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God the Father][God as<br />

friend][God relationship with []birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Saying Yes to God] [Scripture] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament]<br />

Chapter 21<br />

[Saints] [Saying Yes to God] [Love] [Love of God]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Love for others] [Love Jesus teaching]<br />

Chapters: 21; 7<br />

[check index for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Absolution: 131, 242]<br />

[Act of Contrition: 239]<br />

[Advent: 12-15,136, 234, 242]<br />

[Adam and Eve: 50-51]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 122]<br />

[Apostles: 139, 172, 198, 206]<br />

[Apostles Creed: 224, 240, 242]<br />

[Angels: 16, 19, 76, 77, 178, 241]<br />

[Ascension: 225]<br />

[Baptism: 79, 121-123, 242]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus: 79]<br />

[Beatitudes: 237]<br />

[Bible: 58, 59-64, 242, 222-223]<br />

[Bible reading during Mass: 61, 181]<br />

[Blessing: 23]<br />

[Blood of Christ: 190, 191, 199, 200-201, 231, 243]<br />

[Body of Christ: 190, 191, 199, 200-201,225, 231, 243]<br />

[Bread and Wine: 190, 191, 199, 200]<br />

[Choices: 101-108]<br />

[Church: 242, 86-87, 149, 152, 225, 206-207, 212, 225]<br />

[Church objects: 228-229]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19, 137, 225]<br />

[Commandments/Great: 95, 236, 243]<br />

[Commandments/Ten: 94-95, 100, 236, 245]<br />

[Communion: 200-201, 204, 216, 230, 231, 243]<br />

[Confirmation: 122, 123]<br />

[Conscience: 104, 105, 129, 227, 242]<br />

[Contrition: 129, 239, 242]<br />

[Creation: 41-42, 43-48, 242]<br />

[Creed: 183, 224, 240, 242]<br />

[Cross, 28-31, 237]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 8, 30-31, 138, 142, 189]<br />

[Disciples:86, 87, 120, 155, 160, 242]<br />

[Easter: 32-35, 137, 139, 225, 235, 242]<br />

[Eucharist:122, 123, 172, 178, 204, 216, 220, 229, 243]<br />

[Eucharistic Prayer: 191, 243]<br />

[Examination of Conscience: 129, 227]<br />

[Faith: 147, 239]<br />

[Family: 215-217]<br />

[Fasting: 204]<br />

[Followers of Jesus: 154, 156-157, 206]<br />

[Forgiveness: 8, 12, 103, 105, 110-116, 127-134, 174, 226]<br />

[God as Creator: 41-48]<br />

[God as Father: 67-74, 243]<br />

[God as healer: 20-23]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: 83-90]<br />

[God as Son: 45, 75-82, 245]<br />

[Good News 35, 36, 60, 153-160, 182, 205-212, 225]<br />

[Good Shepherd: 53, 54]<br />

[Gospels: 182, 222-223, 228]<br />

[Grace: 121, 241, 243]<br />

[Healing: 20-23]<br />

[Heaven 216, 217, 220, 225, 243]<br />

[Helping others: 96, 97, 152, 206]<br />

[Holy Family: 78, 79, 243]<br />

[Holy Orders: 122, 226]<br />

[Holy Saturday: 138]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 83-90, 36-39, 243, 86-87, 90, 104, 139, 155]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 138]<br />

[Holy Trinity:84-85, 90, 243]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 243, 78, 82, 146-147, 44, 52]

[Jesus’ death: 8, 30-31, 138, 142, 189]<br />

[Jesus’ promise: 84, 86, 87, 154]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 16, 24, 52, 53, 76-77, 245]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 45, 75-82, 245]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 60, 69, 95, 96-97, 110-111, 180, 223, 244]<br />

[Jesus in the Temple: 78]<br />

[John the Baptist: 79]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 148-149, 152, 2140215, 243]<br />

[Last Supper 200, 244]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 138, 235, 244]<br />

[Liturgy: 136, 137]<br />

[liturgy of Eucharist:190, 191, 194, 230, 244]<br />

[Liturgy of Word: 181, 182, 184, 186, 230, 244]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 135-142, 234-235, 242]<br />

[Love of God:15, 27, 58-59, 68-71, 74, 105, 110-111, 226]<br />

[Love for others: 95-100, 237]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11,44, 76-77, 225, 233]<br />

[Mass: 172, 173, 178, 244]<br />

[Matrimony: 122, 226]<br />

[Mercy: 8, 109-112, 113-116, 174, 226, 244]<br />

[Mission: 206, 207, 212, 225, 244]<br />

[missionaries: 207, 208-209, 244]<br />

[Morality] : 236-237]<br />

[Mortal sin: 105, 235]<br />

[Mustard Seed: 180]<br />

[neighbor, good: 96-97]<br />

[New Testament: 59, 181, 222-223, 242, 244]<br />

[Obey God: 50-51]<br />

[Old Testament: 59, 181, 222, 242, 244]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 137, 235]<br />

[Original sin: 51, 244]<br />

[Parables: 180, 181, 223, 244]<br />

[Penance: 130-131, 244]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39,139, 244]<br />

[Prayer: 71, 161-168, 232, 238-241, 245]<br />

Prayers…<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 239<br />

Act of Contrition 239<br />

Apostles Creed 240<br />

Glory to the Father 239<br />

Hail Mary 238<br />

Jesus Prayer 238<br />

Lord’s Prayer 34,38, 54, 163, 166, 199, 238, 244<br />

Praise for the Creator: 43<br />

Prayer of Blessing: 46, 210<br />

Prayer of Praise: 54, 80, 140, 176<br />

Prayer for forgiveness: 132<br />

Prayer for healing: 21<br />

Prayer for help: 72<br />

Prayer for Mercy: 114<br />

Prayer Guardian Angel 241<br />

Prayer for the Holy Spirit: 88<br />

Prayer of Asking: 72, 106<br />

Prayer of Thanksgiving: 158<br />

Praying with God’s Word: 62, 98, 184, 202, 218<br />

[Promise of God: 49, 52]<br />

[Promise of Jesus: 84, 86, 87, 154]<br />

[Reconciliation: Sacrament: 122, 130-131, 226, 227, 245]<br />

[Resurrection: 32-35, 139, 142, 189, 235, 245]<br />

[sacramentals] : 165, 232, 245]<br />

[Sacraments: 121-126, 130, 131, 226-227, 245]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation:122, 123, 226, 229, 245]<br />

[Sacraments of Healing: 226-227]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service: 226]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]: 28, 31, 187-194, 245]

[Saints: 68, 69, 220, 245]<br />

[Saying Yes to God: 8, 217]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 26]<br />

[Service: 95-100, 206, 207, 212, 225, 237, 244]<br />

[Sin: 44, 45, 104, 128, 245]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 94-95, 100, 236, 245]<br />

[Triduum, 28-31, 235, 245]<br />

[Trinity: 84-85, 90, 243]<br />

[Trust: 70, 71]<br />

[Venial sin] 105, 245]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 12]<br />

[Word of God: 75-64, 98, 179-186, 230, 244]<br />

[Worship 171-178]

3 rd GRADE SCHOOL<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [communion of<br />

saints][Virtues]<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 1, 7, 8<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Choices] [Morality] [Reconciliation] [Sin]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Justice]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 16, 15<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 6, 7<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 2, 7,

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

[Virtues] [Service] Sacrament of<br />

Service and Vocation] [objects]<br />

[Virtues] Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapter 3<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Light] [Trinity]<br />

Chapters: 14, 4, 7<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Baptismal promises] [Faith and<br />

Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Catholic Church] [Jesus as Son] [Word of God]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Disciples]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 11, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Virtues] [Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Heaven]<br />

[Hell] [Purgatory] [Good News sharing] [Morality]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Reconciliation] [Faith in Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Sacraments of Healing] [God as Creator] [Sign<br />

of the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Jesus as<br />

Healer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 4, 17<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Anointing of sick] [Jesus as Healer]

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Sacrifice] [Justice][Kingdom of God]<br />

[Prayer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 14,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Anointing of<br />

sick] [Commandment: the Great] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Promise of God] [Morality] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 17, 8<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] ][communion of saints]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Body and Blood of Christ] [Faith in Action<br />

#4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 9, 2<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Baptism] [Water] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Promise of God] [Trinity] [Choices] [Service]<br />

[Grace] [Sin] [Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 16<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Savior] [Faith]<br />

[Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace] [Justice]<br />

[Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Sacrifice of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 8, 2<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer] [Creed] [Signing<br />

of the senses]

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service] [Sin] [Love] [Good news sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Prayer of blessing] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Peace and justice]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Chapters: 13, 8, 14<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Signing of the senses]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [Grace]<br />

[Signing of the senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Reconciliation] [Conscience]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 15<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Heaven] [Word of God]<br />

[Commandments] [Promise of God] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

[Following Jesus] [Service] [death] [Peace and justice]<br />

[Signing of the senses] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

A: [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Creed] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 14, 12<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus][cross]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 19<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy] [Mass] [Faith and Action #7] [Holy<br />

Communion] [Body and Blood of Christ]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 5<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Son]

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 9, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Mass] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Easter<br />

Symbols]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 19<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Church/people of God]<br />

[death] [Easter symbols] [Body<br />

and Blood]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

Chapters: 21, 7, 8<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church/people of God] [communion of<br />

saints] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 9, 11<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/people of God]<br />

[Community] [Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 13, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace]<br />

[Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in<br />


ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 20<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Easter Symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 4, 19<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Holy<br />

Trinity] [Community] [Church/people of God]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 14, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Creed]<br />

[Holy Spirit] [Creation] [Community]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Mass] [Liturgy]<br />

[Eucharist] [body and Blood] [Holy Communion] [Faith<br />

in Action #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Commandments]

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 10, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Sin] [Heaven]<br />

[Hell/ Purgatory] [Sacrifice of Jesus/ Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Good News sharing] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 13, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 8, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments of Healing] [Death]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Jesus<br />

as Healer] [Paschal Mystery] [Helping others]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 21, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love for others] [Good News sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 14, 10<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Saints]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Peace and<br />

justice]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Discipleship] [Kingdom of God] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 19, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Holy<br />

Communion [Mass] [Body and Blood] [Justice]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 6, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Trinity] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14, 12

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Bible] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices]<br />

[Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 15, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Service] [Church/people of God] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 7, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Commandments Ten] [Kingdom<br />

of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Creed] [Service]<br />

Trinity] [Apostles] [Church leaders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

Chapters: 4, 12, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Prayer] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[communion of saints] [peace and justice]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 13, 15<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Good News

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

sharing] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for Help] [Purgatory]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 9, 3,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love for<br />

others] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[communion of saints] [heaven]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Faith]<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy Orders]<br />

Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 3<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts]<br />

[Catholic Church] [Objects in Church] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14, 2<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 3, 9,<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[sacrifice of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [communion of saints] [death]<br />

]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Promise of God] [Kingdom of<br />

God]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 21, 1<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters:19, 1<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 8<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Love] [Grace]<br />

[Sin] [Conscience] [Mission]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters:15, 11, 12<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Communion] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Chapters: 16, 5<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 8

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [Creation] [Faith] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Easter Symbols]<br />

Chapters: 1, 16, 5, 2<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

Chapters: 2, 1<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love for others] [communion of saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 11<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 303 ]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 234-236, 302]<br />

[Apostles: 53-54, 152-153, 162, 171, 269-270, 296]<br />

[Apostles Creed: 81, 310]<br />

[Baptism: 31, 32, 35, 136, 222-226, 245, 271, 302]<br />

[Baptismal [promises: 31]<br />

[Bible: 53, 115, 292-294, 312]<br />

[Body and Blood: 91]<br />

[Catholic Church: 160-164, 178]<br />

[Choices: 124-125, 206-211, 210]<br />

[Chrism: 222, 225<br />

[Church/people of God: 54-55, 56, 65, 82, 115, 135, 138, 170-173, 208-209, 258-262, 268-271, 208-209, 295, 312]<br />

[Church leaders: 149-154, 296]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19]<br />

[Commandments: 304]<br />

Great: 304<br />

Ten: 304<br />

Precepts 208<br />

[Communion of saints: 163, 295, 312]<br />

[Community: 45, 54-56, 90, 160-161, 251-252, 295, 313]<br />

[Confirmation:224-226, 245, 302]<br />

[Conversion: 206-209, 222, 223, 258]<br />

[Conscience: 208-211, 306]<br />

[Creation: 42-46, 71-72, 281]<br />

[Creed: 81, 295-300, 310, 313]<br />

[Cross, 27]<br />

[Death: 278-279, 282, 282, 298-299]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 125]<br />

[Disciples: 36, 269]<br />

[Easter: 32-35, 91, 303]<br />

[Easter Symbols: see water, chrism, Body and Blood, cross, Bible, Community]<br />

[Eucharist: 90-91, 127, 224-225, 300-301, 302]<br />

[Examination of conscience: 307]<br />

[Faith: 82, 163, 198-200, 307, 313]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation: [55]<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person: 107]<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person:[143]<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers:[179]<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: [215]<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation: [251]<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, [251]<br />

[Family:62-66, 66, 251-252]<br />

[Family history: 258]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 53-54, 56, 135-137, 197, 260-261, 269, 312<br />

[Forgiveness: 186-187, 209-210]<br />

[God as Son: 297]<br />

[God as Creator: 44-45]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Good News sharing: 36, 114-117, 170-173, 272]<br />

[Grace: 208-209, 224]<br />

[Healing: 232,-235, 236, 302, 315]<br />

[Heaven: 280, 298, 313]<br />

[Hell: 280-281]<br />

[Helping others: 53, 62-63, 128, 169-174, 178, 240, 271]<br />

[Holy Communion: 91, 222-223, 226, 300-301<br />

[Holy Orders: 244-245, 302, 313]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 36-39, 162, 297, 54, 163, 208, 79-81, 310, 135, 224-225]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 28]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 114-116, 232-233, 279, 79-81, 12, 15, 307]<br />

[Jesus as Healer: 232]

[Jesus as Savior: 28-35, 126-127, 135, 279, 125]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 297]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 36, 54, 79, 98-99, 117, 118, 188-189,197<br />

[John the Baptist: 12, 64]<br />

[justice: 271, 313, 108, 138, 144, 180, 252, 276]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 36, 115, 117, 270-271, 280, 287-288, 294, 298]]<br />

[Last Supper 244-245, 306]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 303]<br />

[Light: 12, 15, 195-197]<br />

[Liturgy: 90, 300-303, 313]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 6-7, 303]<br />

[Love: 198, 199, 271, 313]<br />

[Love for others: 62, 63, 170-174, 178, 188, 189]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 63-64, 163, 299]<br />

[Mass: 16, 88, 90-91,, 92, 115-116, 127, 300-301]<br />

[Matrimony: 242-246, 302, 313]<br />

[Mission: 170-171, 172-173, 230, 268, 269, 295, 314]<br />

[missionaries: 20, 23, 172-173, 276, 314]<br />

[Morality: 304-307]<br />

[New Testament: 115, 292-294]<br />

[Objects in Church-303]<br />

[Old Testament: 186-187, 292]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 20-23, 303]<br />

[Parables: 118, 293, 314]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 127, 123-129, 315]<br />

[Peace and Justice: 39, 215-216, 271, 314, 264, 271]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39,<br />

[Prayer: 65, 92, 98-99, 100-102, 200, 314<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Contrition 310<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 309<br />

Apostles Creed 310<br />

Blessing for Child’s Birthday 310<br />

Holy Spirit prayer 310<br />

Hail Mary<br />

Glory to the Father<br />

Grace before meals 309<br />

Lord’s Prayer 308<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Prayer for Faith 264<br />

Prayer for Forgiveness 212<br />

Prayer for healing 238<br />

Prayer for Peace 274 [Make me an instrument of your peace]<br />

Prayer for the Kingdom of God 284<br />

Prayer of Thanks for Ministry of ordained and married 248<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit 37-38<br />

Prayer to Mary: 9, 10<br />

Prayers of Asking<br />

To understand God’s word 120<br />

For God’s help to help others 140<br />

For help to follow Paul’s example 176<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

For help in praising God 104<br />

To the Spirit [Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts…] 166<br />

To grow in virtues 202<br />

Prayers of Praise<br />

For Jesus 17-18<br />

For creation 48<br />

To God [Gloria from Mass] 94<br />

For Jesus’ sacrifice 130<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For calling us as Church 58<br />

For families 68<br />

Praying With God’s Word [baptism focus] 228

Praying With God’s Word [sharing the word focus] 21-22<br />

[Purgatory: 162, 280, 298, 314]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 209, 234-236, 302, 314]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 66, 92]<br />

[Resurrection: 28, 32-35, 126, 127, 279, 314]<br />

[Sacraments: 90, 127, 153, 163, 208, 224-225, 314]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 217-221, 302]<br />

[Sacraments of Healing: 232-235, 302]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service: 242-246, 302]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery: 123-129, 315]<br />

[Saints: 8, 163-164, 261]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 56, 238, 136, 138, 152-158, 244, 245, 246]<br />

[Sign of Peace: 190]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 5]<br />

[Sin: 45, 206-210, 234, 234-235, 236]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 304]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]<br />

[Trinity: 44, 65, 78-81, 79, 225, 297, 313, 315]<br />

[Virtues: 198-199, 200, 307, 315]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 12-15]<br />

[Water: 35, 32, 225, 228]<br />

[Word of God: 78, 114]<br />

[Worship, 90, 91]

3 rd GRADE PARISH<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [communion of<br />

saints][Virtues]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 1, 7, 8<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Prayers: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Choices] [Morality] [Reconciliation] [Sin]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Justice]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 16, 15<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 6, 7<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 2, 7,

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

[Virtues] [Service] Sacrament of<br />

Service and Vocation] [objects]<br />

[Virtues] Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapter 3<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Light] [Trinity]<br />

Chapters: 14, 4, 7<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Baptismal promises]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Catholic Church] [Jesus as Son] [Word of God]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Disciples]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 11, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Virtues] [Promise of God] [Promise of Jesus] [Heaven]<br />

[Hell] [Purgatory] [Good News sharing] [Morality]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Sacraments of Healing] [God as Creator] [Sign<br />

of the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Jesus as<br />

Healer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 4, 17<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Anointing of sick] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Sacrifice] [Justice][Kingdom of God]

ecome all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Prayer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 14,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Anointing of<br />

sick] [Commandment: the Great]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Healing] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Promise of God] [Morality] [Reconciliation]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 17, 8<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] ][communion of saints]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Body and Blood of Christ]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 9, 2<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Baptism] [Water] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Promise of God] [Trinity] [Choices] [Service]<br />

[Grace] [Sin] [Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 16<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Savior] [Faith]<br />

[Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace] [Justice]<br />

[Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Sacrifice of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 8, 2<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer] [Creed] [Signing<br />

of the senses]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service] [Sin] [Love] [Good news sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Prayer of blessing] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Peace and justice]<br />

Chapters: 13, 8, 14

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Signing of the senses]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments of Initiation] [Grace]<br />

[Signing of the senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Reconciliation] [Conscience]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 15<br />

[Lent] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Heaven] [Word of God]<br />

[Commandments] [Promise of God] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

[Following Jesus] [Service] [death] [Peace and justice]<br />

[Signing of the senses]<br />

A: [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Creed] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 14, 12<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus][cross]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 19<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Eucharist]<br />

[Liturgy] [Mass] [Holy Communion] [Body and Blood of<br />

Christ]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 5<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 9, 4<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter [Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [sacrifice of Jesus]

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Mass] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery] [Easter<br />

Symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 19<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Church/people of God]<br />

[death] [Easter symbols] [Body<br />

and Blood]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Chapters: 21, 7, 8<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church/people of God] [communion of<br />

saints] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 9, 11<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/people of God]<br />

[Community] [Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 13, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace]<br />

[Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 20

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Body and Blood of Christ<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Body and Blood]<br />

[Easter Symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 4, 19<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Holy<br />

Trinity] [Community] [Church/people of God]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 14, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Creed]<br />

[Holy Spirit] [Creation] [Community]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Mass] [Liturgy]<br />

[Eucharist] [body and Blood] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Commandments]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 10, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Sin] [Heaven]<br />

[Hell/ Purgatory] [Sacrifice of Jesus/ Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Conscience]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Good News sharing] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 13, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 8, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments of Healing] [Death]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Jesus<br />

as Healer] [Paschal Mystery] [Helping others]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 21, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love for others] [Good News sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 14, 10<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Saints]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Peace and<br />

justice]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Discipleship] [Kingdom of God] [Jesus as Savior]

emnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

Jesus as Teacher]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 19, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Holy<br />

Communion [Mass] [Body and Blood] [Justice]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Creed]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 6, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Trinity] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Bible] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Mass] [[Morality] [Choices]<br />

[Conscience]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

Chapters: 5, 15, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Service] [Church/people of God] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 7, 9<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time [Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

and Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] Jesus as Healer] [Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Commandments Ten] [Kingdom<br />

of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Creed] [Service]<br />

Trinity] [Apostles] [Church leaders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 12, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Prayer] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[communion of saints] [peace and justice]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 13, 15<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Saints] [Good News<br />

sharing] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for Help] [Purgatory]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 11<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of<br />

Jesus] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Old<br />

Testament] [Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 9, 3,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love for<br />

others] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[communion of saints] [heaven]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Faith]

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

[Promise of God and Jesus] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Healing] [Holy Orders]<br />

Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 3<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[Liturgy of the Word] [New Testament] Old Testament]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts]<br />

[Catholic Church] [Objects in Church] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14, 2<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 3, 9,<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[sacrifice of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [communion of saints] [death]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Promise of God] [Kingdom of<br />

God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 21, 1<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters:19, 1<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 8<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Love] [Grace]<br />

[Sin] [Conscience] [Mission]

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters:15, 11, 12<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Communion] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

Chapters: 16, 5<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 8<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [Creation] [Faith] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Easter Symbols]<br />

Chapters: 1, 16, 5, 2<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

Chapters: 2, 1<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love for others] [communion of saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 11<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 233 ]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 182-183, 232, 242]<br />

[Apostles: 51-52, 122-1123, 130, 137, 207-208, 227, 242]<br />

[Apostles Creed: 71, 242]<br />

[Baptism: 31, 32, 35, 1112, 172-175, 191, 209, 232<br />

[Baptismal promises: 31]<br />

[Bible: 51, 95, 222-224, 242]<br />

[Body and Blood: 79, 242]<br />

[Catholic Church:<br />

[Choices: 102-103, 162-167]<br />

[Chrism: 172-173, 176, 242]<br />

[Church/people of God: 52-53, 111, 113, 128-131, 164, 226, 242, 227<br />

[Church leaders: 120-123, 189-190, 226]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19]<br />

[Commandments: 234]<br />

Great: 149, 234<br />

Ten: 234<br />

Precepts 164-165<br />

[Communion of saints: 131, 226, 242]<br />

[Community: 45, 52-53, 78, 128-129, 226, 242]<br />

[Confirmation: 174, 175, 191, 232]<br />

[Conversion: 102-103, 172-174, ]<br />

[Conscience: 164-165, 236, 242]]<br />

[Creation: 43-45, 242]<br />

[Creed: 71, 225-229, 240, 242]<br />

[Cross, 27]<br />

[Death: 214-215, 228]<br />

[Disciples: 36, 207]<br />

[Easter: 32-35, 79, 233]<br />

[Easter Symbols: see water, chrism, Body and Blood, cross, Bible, Community]<br />

[Eucharist: 78-79, 105, 174-175, 230-231, 232]<br />

[Examination of conscience: 236]<br />

[Faith: 131, 156-157, 237, 243]<br />

[Family: 58-61]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 51, 111-113, 155, 200-201, 207]<br />

[Forgiveness: 146-147, 165-166]<br />

[God as Son: 225]<br />

[God as Creator: 44-45]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Good News sharing: 36, 94-97, 137]<br />

[Grace: 164-165, 174, 243]<br />

[Healing: 180-183, 232, 244]<br />

[Heaven: 216, 228, 243]<br />

[Hell: 216, 228, 243]<br />

[Helping others: 50-51, 57-58, 112-114, 186]<br />

[Holy Communion: 79, 172-173, 230-231]<br />

[Holy Orders: 190-191, 232, 243]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 36-39, 52, 69-71, 130-131, 164, 174-175, 225, ]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 28]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 94-96, 97, 12, 15, 237, 69-71, 225]<br />

[Jesus as Healer: 180-181]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 97, 103, 104-105, 111, 215]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 225]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 36, 52, 69, 84-85, 97, 148-149, 155]<br />

[John the Baptist: 12, 60]<br />

[justice: 209, 243]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 36, 95, 97, 209, 216, 224, 228, 243]<br />

[Last Supper 77, 79]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 233]<br />

[Light: 12, 15, 154-155]

[Liturgy: 78, 230-233, 243]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 6-7, 233]<br />

[Love: 148-149, 52, 58-61, 157, 237]<br />

[Love for others: 52, 58-61, 148-149,157]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 59-60, 131, 229]<br />

[Mass: 16, 76, 78-79, 95-96, 105, 230-231]<br />

[Matrimony: 188-191, 232, 243]<br />

[Mission: 136-137, 138-139, 212, 244]<br />

[missionaries: 20, 23, 138-138, 212, 244]<br />

[Morality: 234-237]<br />

[New Testament: 95, 222-224, 225]<br />

[Objects in Church-233]<br />

[Old Testament: 146-147, 222]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 20-23, 233]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 104-105, 244 [see sacrifice of Jesus]<br />

[Peace and Justice: 39, 209, 244]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 130-131, 233, 244]<br />

[Prayer: 61, 84-85, 86-87, 244]<br />

Prayers…individual<br />

Act of Contrition 241<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 309<br />

Apostles Creed 240<br />

Blessing for Child’s Birthday 241<br />

Holy Spirit prayer 240<br />

Hail Mary 238<br />

Glory to the Father 239<br />

Grace before meals 239<br />

Lord’s Prayer 238<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Prayer for Faith 202<br />

Prayer for Forgiveness 166<br />

Prayer for healing 184<br />

Prayer for Peace 274 [Make me an instrument of your peace]<br />

Prayer for the Kingdom of God 218<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit 37-38<br />

Prayer to Mary: 9, 10<br />

Prayers of Asking<br />

To understand God’s word 98<br />

For God’s help to help others 114<br />

For help to follow Paul’s example 140<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

For help in praising God 88<br />

To the Spirit [Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts…] 132<br />

To grow in virtues 158<br />

For help to forgive 150<br />

Prayers of Praise<br />

For Jesus 17-18<br />

For creation 46<br />

To God [Gloria from Mass] 80<br />

For Jesus’ sacrifice 106<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For calling us as Church 54<br />

For families 62<br />

For Ministry of ordained and married 192<br />

Praying With God’s Word [baptism focus] 176<br />

Praying With God’s Word [sharing the word focus] 20-21<br />

Praying with God’s Word [Trinity] 72<br />

[Purgatory: 130, 216, 228, 244]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 165, 182-183, 232, 244]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 66, 92]<br />

[Resurrection: 28, 32-35, 104-105, 215, 244]<br />

[Sacraments: 78, 105, 123, 131, 164]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 171-175]

[Sacraments of Healing: 180-183, 232, 244]<br />

[Sacraments of Vocation and Service: 188-191, 232, 245]<br />

[Sacrifice of Jesus/Paschal Mystery: 102-103, 245, 28]<br />

[Saints: 8, 131, 201]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 136-137, 112-116, 122-123]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 5]<br />

[Sin: 45, 165, 183, 245]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 234]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]<br />

[Trinity: 44, 61, 68-71, 69, 175, 225, 243]<br />

[Virtues: 156-157, 237, 245]<br />

[Waiting for Jesus: 12-15]<br />

[Water: 35, 32, 173, 175, 176]<br />

[Worship, 90, 91]

4 th GRADE SCHOOL<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Original Sin:<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 9,16<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Choices]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin] [Justice] [Free will] [Moral decisions]<br />

[Original Sin:<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 6, 3<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Choices] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 9, 11<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Mary, Mother of God] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Service]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 11, 21

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

[Virtues] [Service] Sacrament of<br />

Service and Vocation]<br />

[Covenant] [Virtues] [Truth] Faith<br />

in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapter 13<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Light] [Trinity] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

Chapters: 11, 20, 15<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] Sacraments]Baptism]<br />

[Respect for God] [Faith and Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 4, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Word of God] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Disciples] [Followers of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 19, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Promise of<br />

God] [Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell]<br />

[Purgatory] [Good News sharing] [Free will] [Moral<br />

decisions] [last judgment] [particular judgment] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin] [Forgiveness] [Original Sin:<br />

[Reconciliation] [Faith in Action 2] [Choose prayers or<br />

prayer ritual from index that best accommodates your<br />

theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 18, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Anointing of the Sick] [God as Creator] [Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Covenant]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 9

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Healer] [Sacrifice]<br />

[Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Commandment: the Great] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Morality] [Free will] [Moral decisions] [Reconciliation<br />

Sacrament] [last judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[particular judgment] [Forgiveness] [Conversion]<br />

[Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 6, 8<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] ]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God] [Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 2, 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Baptism] [Water] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God]<br />

[Trinity] [Choices] [Service] [Grace] [Original Sin] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 1, 17<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Savior] [Faith]<br />

[Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace] [Justice]<br />

[Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy]

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 4<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Paschal Mystery] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer] [Social sin]<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [water] [Faith] [Service]<br />

[Sin] [Love] [Good news sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of<br />

blessing] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Peace] [Original Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Chapters: 3, 14,<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Original Sin] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Forgiveness] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment] [social sin]<br />

[Free will] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Moral decisions]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Conscience] [Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Man Born Blind—ch.18]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 1, 18<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Commandments] [Covenant] [Grace] [Sin] [Following<br />

Jesus] [Service] [death] [Peace] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Social Sin] [Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments] [Signing of the senses] [Prayer: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Social Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 2<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal<br />

Mystery][cross] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 14

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass] [Faith and<br />

Action #7] [Holy Communion]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters:<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 4, 9<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin] [Mass]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Paschal Mystery] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 18, 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [death]<br />

[Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Chapters: 17, 9, 2, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church/people of God] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 17, 12, 20<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Truth] [Community]<br />

[Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Covenant] [Beatitudes]

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.) [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Chapters: 12, 14, 19<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace] [Respect for<br />

Life] [Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action:#5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 8, 17<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit:<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 17<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit:][Holy Trinity] [Community]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 11,20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit:][Creation] [Community]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Eucharist]<br />

[body and Blood] [Holy Communion] [Faith in Action<br />

#3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments] [Respect<br />

for Life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 2, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Adam and Eve]<br />

[Covenant] [Original Sin: [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/<br />

Purgatory] [Paschal Mystery] [Followers of<br />

Jesus/Christians] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and Venial<br />

Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 21, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Good News sharing] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 10,19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Covenant]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 21, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Anointing of the Sick]<br />

[Death] [Paschal Mystery] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit]<br />

[Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Jesus as Healer] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Helping others] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Respect for life]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

Chapters: 18, 19, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love for others] [Good News sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 15, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Saints]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Peace]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 20, 8<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Discipleship] [Kingdom of God] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Jesus as Teacher] [Free will] [Moral decisions]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Holy Communion [Mass] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 19, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Trinity]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Trinity] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[[Morality] [Choices] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 7<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Service] [Church/people of God] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Beatitudes]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth] [Scripture]<br />

[Old Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Free will] [Original Sin: [Moral<br />

decisions] [Beatitudes] [Respect for life]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Free will] [Original Sin] [Moral decisions]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 18, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

Chapters: 10, 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Peace]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 19, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social<br />

Sin] [Saints] [Good News sharing] [Forgiveness] [Prayer<br />

for Help] [Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation<br />

sacrament] [Free will] [Moral decisions]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 6, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death] [Respect for life]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 10, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love for<br />

others] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven] [respect for life]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 20, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as Savior] [Truth] [Sacraments]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick] [Holy Orders] Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Love for others]<br />

[Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts] ] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 3, 9<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18, 6<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [death] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Covenant] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 15<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Adam<br />

and Eve]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 4<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin:<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 7<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Communion] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Exodus] [Reconciliation]<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Chapters: 14<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 21<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Easter<br />

Symbols]<br />

Chapters: 1, 2, 16, 21, 3<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love for others]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, [refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Adam and Eve 52-53]<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 224, 226, 300 ]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 233, 245, 302]<br />

[Apostles: 90-91, 10-173, 259, 298]<br />

[Baptism: 27, 32, 99, 154, 163, 233, 278, 302, 307]<br />

[Beatitudes: 116-117, 259, 304, 313]<br />

[Bible: 39, 45, 292-295]<br />

[Choices: 79, 97-102, 206-207, 307]<br />

[Church/people of God: 298, 101, 172, 91, 271, 99, 170-175]<br />

[Church leaders: 172]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19]<br />

[Commandments:<br />

Great: 36, 124-125, 314<br />

Ten: 65, 66,92, 99, 138, 188-190, 197-198, 200. 260-261, 208-210, 294, 304<br />

Precepts 173, 306, 315<br />

[Community: 89, 90-92, 251-252,313]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 127-128, 306, 313]<br />

[Confirmation: 233, 278, 302, 307]<br />

[Conversion: 20-23, 233, 242-243, 313]<br />

[Conscience: 100-101, 305, 313]<br />

[Covenant: 55, 394, 313]<br />

[Creation: 42-43, 71-72]<br />

[Cross, 28, 302, 304]<br />

[Death: 280-281, 299]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 28-31, 32-35, 137, 223, 297]<br />

[Disciples: 20, 23, 24, 39, 172-173]<br />

[Easter: 28, 32-35, 224, 225-226, 300-302]<br />

[Easter Symbols: the primary symbols that express our Catholic identity are cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

oil, garment, bread, wine see 302]<br />

[Epiphany: 15, 224]<br />

[Eucharist: 223, 233, 234-235, 302, 313]<br />

[Faith: 91, 159-164]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation:71<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person:107<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person:143<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers:179<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: 215<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation:251<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, 287<br />

[Family: 186-190, 251-252]]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 20-24, 36, 39, 90- 91, 259, 268-269, 271, 297<br />

[Forgiveness: 28, 32 62-63, 92, 235, 242-246]<br />

[free will: 99, 101, 305, 307, 314]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 278-280, 281]<br />

[God as Creator: 42-43]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Good News sharing: 206-207]<br />

[Grace: 99, 307, 314]<br />

[Great Commandments: 36, 124-125, 314]<br />

[Healing: 233, 244-245]<br />

[Heaven: 31, 278, 279, 280-281, 314]<br />

[Hell: 280-281]<br />

[Helping others: 92, 126, 127, 132]<br />

[Holy Communion: 175, 235, 301]<br />

[Holy Orders: 233, 302]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 170, 297, 45, 101, 296, 36-39, 172-173, 176, 311]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 28]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 28-31, 32-35, 137, 223, 297, 296, 296-297, 294, 280-281, 299]<br />

[Jesus as Healer: 233, 244-245]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28-31, 32-35, 137, 223, 297, 296, 296-297, 294, 280-281, 299]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 296]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 45, 91, 116-117, 199242-243, 296]

[John the Baptist: 15]<br />

[justice: 271, 298, 324]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 90, 151-153, 280-281,296]<br />

[Last Supper 232, 234-235]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 224, 225-226, 300, 301]<br />

[Light: 32, 35]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 223-226, 300, 314]<br />

[Love:78, 80-81]<br />

[Love for others: 88-91, 100-101, 150-153, 215-26, 186-190, 36, 124-127, 164, ]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 50, 162-163, 187, 297]<br />

[Mass: 234-236]<br />

[Matrimony: 188, 233, 302]<br />

[Mission: 268-271, 272, 298, 314]<br />

[missionaries: 268-272]<br />

[Morality: 90-91, 100-101, 304-308, 314]<br />

[Moral Decisions: 102]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 80, 244, 308, 314[<br />

[New Testament: 39, 45, 293]<br />

[Old Testament: 39, 45, 293]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8, 20-23, 224, 225-226, 300]<br />

[Original Sin: 52-53, 297, 308, 314]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 222-223, 223-225, 294, 301-302, 314]<br />

[Peace: 92, 215-216, 297]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 172-173, 225]<br />

[Prayer: 24, 46, 101, 118, 301, 309-311]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 310<br />

Confetior 311<br />

Holy Spirit prayer 176, 311<br />

Hail Mary 309<br />

Glory to the Father 309<br />

Lord’s Prayer 309<br />

Memorare 310<br />

Sign of the Cross 309<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Litany of Saints 166<br />

Prayer for Community 94<br />

Prayer for Forgiveness 212<br />

Prayer for Dignity and Respect 84<br />

Prayer for Mercy 58<br />

Prayer for the Gift of Salvation 68<br />

Prayer for the Kingdom of God 284<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit 176<br />

Prayer of reflection for God’s guidance 104<br />

Prayer of Mediation for peace 156, 248<br />

Prayers of Asking<br />

To understand God’s word 120<br />

For God’s help to help others 140<br />

For help to follow Paul’s example 176<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

For families: 192<br />

For help with stewardship: 265<br />

For truth 212<br />

Prayers of Praise 140<br />

For Jesus 228<br />

For God’s Mission: 274<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For the Eucharist 238<br />

Praying With God’s Word [God’s love and Mercy] 130<br />

Praying With God’s Word [To choose God’s way 202<br />

Psalm of Hope 48<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 173, 306, 315

[Purgatory: 299]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 175, 233, 243-244, 302, 303]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 124-125, 134-137]<br />

[Respect for life;196-199, 198]<br />

[Resurrection: 28-31, 32-35, 137, 223, 297]<br />

[Sacraments: 99, 223, 233-235, 243-245, 302-303, 315]<br />

[Saints: 160-161, 164, 166, 299]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 36-39, 151-153, 159]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 5]<br />

[Sin: 28, 32, 52-53, 80-81, 101, 223, 232, 235, 242-246, 308, 315 ]<br />

[Social sin: 81, 308]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 65, 66,92, 99, 138, 188-190, 197-198, 200. 260-261, 208-210, 294, 304]<br />

[Triduum 28-31, 225, 301, 315]<br />

[Trinity: 296]<br />

[Venial Sin: 80, 235, 308, 315]<br />

[Virtues: 310, 308, ]

4 th GRADE PARISH<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Original Sin:<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 9,16<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Choices]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin] [Justice] [Free will] [Original Sin:<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 6, 3<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [Waiting for<br />

Jesus] [Kingdom of God] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Choices] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 9, 11<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Prayer] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Mary, Mother of God] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Service]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 11, 21

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love for others] [Faith]<br />

[Virtues] [Service] Sacrament of<br />

Service and Vocation]<br />

[Covenant] [Virtues] [Truth]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapter 13<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son] [Good<br />

News sharing] [Light] [Trinity] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

Chapters: 11, 20, 15<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Baptism of Jesus] [Jesus as Son] Sacraments]Baptism]<br />

[Respect for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 4, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Word of God] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Disciples] [Followers of Jesus] [Virtues]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 19, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Promise of<br />

God] [Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell]<br />

[Purgatory] [Good News sharing] [Free will] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Original Sin: [Reconciliation] [Choose<br />

prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 18, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Anointing of the Sick] [God as Creator] [Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Covenant]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 9<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Healer] [Sacrifice]

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Commandment: the Great] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 14, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Morality] [Free will] [Reconciliation Sacrament] [last<br />

judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [particular judgment]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 6, 8<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love<br />

for others] [Good news sharing] ]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 2, 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Baptism] [Water] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of God]<br />

[Trinity] [Choices] [Service] [Grace] [Original Sin] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 1, 17<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Savior] [Faith]<br />

[Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace] [Justice]<br />

[Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 4<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Paschal Mystery] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer] [Social sin]

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [water] [Faith] [Service]<br />

[Sin] [Love] [Good news sharing] [Mission] [Prayer of<br />

blessing] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Peace] [Original Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

Chapters: 3, 14,<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament,<br />

[Commandments] [Choices] [Original Sin] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Forgiveness] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment] [social sin]<br />

[Free will] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Conscience] [Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Man Born Blind—ch.18]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 1, 18<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Followers of Jesus] [Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Commandments] [Covenant] [Grace] [Sin] [Following<br />

Jesus] [Service] [death] [Peace] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Social Sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Sacraments]<br />

[Sacraments] [Signing of the senses] [Prayer: Lord’s<br />

Prayer] [Social Sin] [Respect for Life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 2<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as Savior] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal<br />

Mystery][cross] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 14<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass] [Holy<br />

Communion]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

Chapters: 17, 16<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 4, 9<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin] [Mass]<br />

[Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Paschal Mystery] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 18, 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [death]<br />

[Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Chapters: 17, 9, 2, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love for others] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Church/people of God] [Easter symbols]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 17, 12, 20<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Truth] [Community]<br />

[Trinity][Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Covenant] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Chapters: 12, 14, 19<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace] [Respect for<br />

Life] [Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 8, 17<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit:<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 17<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit:][Holy Trinity] [Community]<br />

[Church/people of God] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 11,20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit:][Creation] [Community]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Eucharist]<br />

[body and Blood] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as Savior] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments] [Respect<br />

for Life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 2, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Adam and Eve]<br />

[Covenant] [Original Sin: [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/<br />

Purgatory] [Paschal Mystery] [Followers of<br />

Jesus/Christians] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and Venial<br />

Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 21, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Good News sharing] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 10,19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Kingdom of God] [Creation] [God as<br />

Creator] [Covenant]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 21, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Anointing of the Sick]<br />

[Death] [Paschal Mystery] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit]<br />

[Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Jesus as Healer] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Helping others] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Respect for life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 19, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love for others] [Good News sharing] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

Chapters: 20, 15, 14<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Followers of Jesus/Christians] [Saints]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Love for others]<br />

[Good News sharing] [Kingdom of God] [Peace]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 20, 8<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Followers of Jesus/Christians]<br />

[Discipleship] [Kingdom of God] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Jesus as Teacher] [Free will]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Holy Communion [Mass] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 19, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Trinity]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Trinity] [Holy Communion]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[[Morality] [Choices] [Conscience]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 7<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Good News sharing]<br />

[Service] [Church/people of God] [Mission]

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

[Missionaries] [Beatitudes]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth] [Scripture]<br />

[Old Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Free will] [Original Sin:<br />

[Beatitudes] [Respect for life]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 15<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Free will] [Original Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 18, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love for others] [Jesus as Savior] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love for others] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Peace]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 19, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social<br />

Sin] [Saints] [Good News sharing] [Forgiveness] [Prayer<br />

for Help] [Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation<br />

sacrament] [Free will]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 6, 4<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time [Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death] [Respect for life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [New Testament] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 10, 12<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as Savior] [Service] [Love for<br />

others] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven] [respect for life]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 20, 10<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as Savior] [Truth] [Sacraments]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick] [Holy Orders] Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Love for others]<br />

[Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts] ] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 3, 9<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love for others] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 18, 6<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [death] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]

eceived dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Covenant] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 15<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Adam<br />

and Eve]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 4<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin:<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 7<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Communion] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Exodus] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 14<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 21<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as Savior] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Easter<br />

Symbols]<br />

Chapters: 1, 2, 16, 21, 3<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

Chapters: 11<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love for others]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, [refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Adam and Eve 50-51]<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 174, 230]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 181, 191, 232]<br />

[Apostles: 78-79, 136-139, 199, 228]<br />

[Baptism: 27, 32, 85, 131, 181, 214, 232, 237]<br />

[Beatitudes: 96-97, 199, 234, 242]<br />

[Bible: 39, 45, 222-225]<br />

[Bread : 182<br />

[Choices:69, 83-87, 162-163, 237]<br />

[Church/people of God: 228, 206-209, 228, 226, 139, 236, 244, 209, 85, 135-139]<br />

[Church leaders: 181, 232]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19, 174, 230]<br />

[Commandments:<br />

Great: 36, 102-103, 243<br />

Ten: 24, 60-61, 111-113, 147-149, 200-201, 234, 225, 85]<br />

Precepts 139, 236, 244<br />

[Community: 77, 78-79, 242]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 105, 236, 242]<br />

[Confirmation: 181, 214, 232, 237]<br />

[Conversion: 20-23, 181, 188-189]<br />

[Conscience: 86-87, 235, 242]<br />

[Covenant: 53, 225, 242]<br />

[Creation: 42-43]<br />

[Cross, 28, 232-234]<br />

[Death: 216-217, 229]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 28-31, 32-35, 113, 173, 227]<br />

[Disciples: 20, 23, 24, 39, 138]<br />

[Easter: 28, 32-35, 174, 175, 230-232]<br />

[Easter Symbols: the primary symbols that express our Catholic identity are cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

oil, garment, bread, wine see 245]<br />

[Epiphany: 15, 174]<br />

[Eucharist: 173, 181, 182-183, 232, 242]<br />

[Faith: 79, 127-132]<br />

[Family: 145-149]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 20-24, 39, 78-79, 107, 199<br />

[Forgiveness: 28, 32 58-59, 183, 188-191, 243]<br />

[free will: 85, 87, 235, 237, 243]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 36, 39, 214-216, 227, 237, 243]<br />

[God as Creator: 42-43]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Good News sharing: 162-163, 208, 209, 212]<br />

[Grace: 85, 237, 243]<br />

[Great Commandments: 36, 102-103, 243]<br />

[Healing: 181, 190-191]<br />

[Heaven: 31, 214, 215, 216-217, 229, 243]<br />

[Hell: 216-217]<br />

[Helping others: 76-79, 86-87, 120-123]<br />

[Holy Communion: 139, 183, 231]<br />

[Holy Orders: 181, 232]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 105, 136, 227, 45, 87, 226, 36-39, 138, 140-241, 156]<br />

[Holy Thursday: 28]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 28-31, 32-35, 45, 71, 113, 147, 173, 225-227 ]<br />

[Jesus as Healer: 181, 190-191]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28-31, 32-35, 113, 147, 173,]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 226]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 45, 79, 96-97, 157, 188-189]<br />

[John the Baptist: 15]<br />

[justice: 209, 228, 243]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 78, 214, 216-217, 229]<br />

[Last Supper 180, 182-183]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 174-175, 230-231]<br />

[Light: 32, 35]

[Liturgical seasons: 173-175, 230, 243]<br />

[Love: 68, 70-71]<br />

[Love for others: 36, 76-79, 86-87, 102-105, 120-123 ]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 48, 130-131, 147, 226-227]<br />

[Mass: 182-183]<br />

[Matrimony: 148,181, 232]<br />

[Mission: 206-209, 228, 244]<br />

[missionaries: 206-209]<br />

[Morality: 78-79, 86-87, 234-238,244]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 70, 190, 238, 244]<br />

[New Testament: 39, 45, 223, 224]<br />

[Old Testament: 39, 45, 222-223, 224]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8, 20-23, 174, 175, 230]<br />

[Original Sin: 50-51, 227, 238, 244]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 173-175, 224, 231, 244]<br />

[Peace: 227]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 138, 175, 230]<br />

[Prayer: 24, 87, 231, 239-241]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 240<br />

Confetior 241<br />

Holy Spirit prayer 140, 241<br />

Hail Mary 239<br />

Glory to the Father 239<br />

Lord’s Prayer 239,<br />

Memorare 240<br />

Sign of the Cross 112, 239<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Celebration for commandments 62<br />

Litany of Saints 132<br />

Prayer for Community 80<br />

Prayer of Blessing 98<br />

Prayer for Dignity and Respect 72<br />

Prayer for Mercy 54,<br />

Prayer for the Gift of Salvation 62<br />

Prayer for the Kingdom of God 218<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit 140<br />

Prayer of reflection for God’s guidance 88<br />

Prayer of Mediation for peace 124, 192<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

For families: 150<br />

For help with stewardship: 202<br />

For truth 166<br />

Prayers of Praise 114<br />

For Jesus 176<br />

For God’s Mission: 210<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For the Eucharist 184<br />

Praying With God’s Word [God’s love and Mercy] 106<br />

Praying With God’s Word [To choose God’s way 158<br />

Psalm of Hope 46<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 139, 236, 244]<br />

[Purgatory: 229]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 188-191, 233, 139, 181, 232, 233]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 102-103, 110-113, 70-72, 79, 112, 237]<br />

[Respect for life; 154-157]<br />

[Resurrection: 28-31, 32-35, 113, 173, 227]<br />

[Sacraments: 85, 173, 181-183, 189-191, 232-233, 244]<br />

[Saints: 128-129, 229, 245]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 36-39, 121-123]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: 5]

[Sin: 28, 31, 32, 50-51, 70-71, 87, 173, 180, 183, 188-181, 237, 238, 245]<br />

[Social sin: 71, 238, 245]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 24, 60-61, 111-113, 147-149, 200-201, 234, 225, 85]<br />

[Triduum 28-31, 175, 231, 245]<br />

[Trinity: 226]<br />

[Water: 34]<br />

[Venial Sin: 70, 183, 238, 245]<br />

[Virtues: 238]

5 th GRADE SCHOOL<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Incarnation] [Original<br />

Sin] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 1, 2<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Choices]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin] [Justice] [Moral decisions] [Original<br />

Sin] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 9<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Waiting<br />

for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Evangelization] [Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Choices] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 7<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [last judgment] [particular<br />

judgment] [Kingdom of God] [Mary, Mother of God]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Yes to God]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 4,

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love] [Faith] [Virtues]<br />

[Service] Sacrament of Service<br />

and Vocation] [Covenant]<br />

[Charity] [Truth] [Yes to God]<br />

[Incarnation] Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 3<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Evangelization] [Light] [Trinity] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

[Evangelization] [Incarnation]<br />

[Mysteries] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism of Jesus: 80-81]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Incarnation] [Sacraments]Baptism]<br />

[Respect for God] [Faith and Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Yes to<br />

God] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Word of God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Baptism] [Disciples] [Disciples] [Virtues]<br />

[Evangelization] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Promise of<br />

God] [Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell]<br />

[Purgatory] [Evangelization] [Moral decisions] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Original Sin: [Reconciliation] [Faith in<br />

Action 2] [Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index<br />

that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 17, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Anointing of the Sick] [God as Creator] [Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Jesus as Healer]<br />

[Covenant] [Incarnation] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 8, 3<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Healer] [Sacrifice] [Order of<br />

Christian Funerals] [Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer] [Mysteries]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Disciples] [Commandment: the Great]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Morality] [Moral decisions] [Reconciliation<br />

Sacrament] [last judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[particular judgment] [Forgiveness] [Conversion]<br />

[Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 7,<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Evangelization] ] [Incarnation] [Longing for God]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God] [Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 8, 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence] [Baptism] [Water] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of<br />

God] [Trinity] [Choices] [Service] [Grace] [Original<br />

Sin] [Sin] [Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 13<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Faith] [Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace]<br />

[Justice] [Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Fast and Abstinence]

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 12, 6<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Paschal Mystery] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Resurrection][Choices] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Social sin] [Mysteries] Stewardship<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Fast and Abstinence]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Creed] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service] [Sin] [Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Prayer<br />

of blessing] [Signing of the senses] [Evangelization]<br />

[Peace] [Original Sin] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13, 14<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence], [Commandments] [Choices] [Original Sin]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Forgiveness] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence] [Signing of the senses] [last judgment]<br />

[particular judgment] [social sin] [Mortal and Venial<br />

Sin] [Moral decisions] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Conscience] [Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Man Born Blind—ch.18]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 21,<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Disciples] [Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Yes to<br />

God] [Commandments] [Covenant] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

[Following Jesus] [Service] [death] [Peace] [Signing of<br />

the senses] [Fast and Abstinence] [Social Sin] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence] [Faith in Action #2] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Creed] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Prayer: Lord’s Prayer] [Social Sin]<br />

[Order of Christian Funerals] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 19, 11<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Paschal Mystery][cross] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass] [Faith and<br />

Action #7] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 16, 17, 14<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Jesus as Son] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Charity] [Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 1, 8<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin]<br />

[Mass] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Paschal Mystery] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin] [Doctrine/dogma]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 2, 5<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Church/Body of<br />

Christ] [death] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Incarnation] [Mysteries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Chapters: 3, 9, 2<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Easter symbols] [Charity]

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

[Doctrine/dogma] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Truth] [Community] [Trinity][Commandments/Great]<br />

[Holy Spirit] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Yes to God]<br />

[Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Charity]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Chapters: 19, 10, 11<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace]<br />

[Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action:#5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Chapters: 21, 3, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Mysteries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 3, 8<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit:][Holy Trinity] [Community] [Church/Body<br />

of Christ] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Evangelization] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit:][Creation] [Community]<br />

[Mysteries] [Creed] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 1, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Eucharist]<br />

[body and Blood] [Faith in Action #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 7, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Original Sin: [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/ Purgatory] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Disciples] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 7, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Evangelization] [Creation] [God as Creator]<br />

[Love of others] [Conversion] [Yes to God]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 6, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Kingdom of God] [Creation]<br />

[God as Creator] [Covenant] [Incarnation] [Creed]<br />

[Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7, 20<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time [Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Anointing of the Sick]

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

[Death] [Paschal Mystery] [Order of Christian Funerals]<br />

[Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Jesus as Healer] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Helping others] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Viaticum]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

Chapters: 20, 6, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Disciples] [Saints] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Service] [Love] [Evangelization]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Peace] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 3, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Disciples] [Discipleship] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Jesus as savior/salvation] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Moral decisions] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 10, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Holy Communion [Mass] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Creed]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Trinity]

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 18, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Trinity]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 16, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[[Morality] [Choices] [Conscience] [Incarnation]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 19, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Evangelization] [Service]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 2, 4<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth] [Scripture]<br />

[Old Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Original Sin: [Moral decisions]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Doctrine/dogma] [Reconciliation<br />

sacrament]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 8, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Original Sin] [Moral decisions]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders] [Mysteries]

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 14, 5<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice] [Peace]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Choices] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social<br />

Sin] [Saints] [Evangelization] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for<br />

Help] [Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Moral decisions]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Evangelization]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 15,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[New Testament] [Service] [Commandments] [Longing<br />

for God] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Charity]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 6<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Service]<br />

[Love] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven] [Mysteries]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 21, 19,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Truth]<br />

[Sacraments] [Anointing of the Sick] [Holy Orders]<br />

Sacraments of Vocation and Service] [Jesus as Healer]

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 15<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Love] [Heaven]<br />

[Commandments] [precepts] [Longing for God] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 20,1<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 9, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [death] [last judgment] [particular<br />

judgment] [Michael the Archangel: 194] [Mysteries]<br />

[Incarnation]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Covenant] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment] [Mysteries]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20, 2<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Adam<br />

and Eve]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The<br />

Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Chapters: 12, 19<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin:<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 13<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Orders] [Exodus] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 17, 18<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Easter<br />

Symbols] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Chapters: 14, 2, 9,<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 300, 302]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 65, 137, 208-209]<br />

[Apostles: 28, 31, 161, 162-163, 292, 295]<br />

[Baptism: 27, 32, 36, 45, 65, 90, 117, 137, 196-197, 198-199, 280, 294, 299]<br />

[Beatitudes: 305, 307]<br />

[Bible: 88-89, 173, 232-234, 235, 293, 292-294]<br />

[Bread, 32, 137]<br />

[Cardinal Virtues: see virtues]<br />

[Charity: 24, 81, 281]<br />

[Choices: 102]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ: 127, 161-163, 222-224, 225, 152-153, 259, 278-279, 280-281, 287]<br />

[Church leaders: 225]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19, 293, 200, 302]<br />

[Chrism: 197, 312]<br />

[Commandments:<br />

Great: 98-99, 304<br />

Ten: 81, 200, 304, 307<br />

Precepts 304<br />

[Community: 251, 262, 282]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 251, 272, 281, 305, 312]<br />

[Confirmation: 36, 65, 90, 137, 194-195, 197, 198, 299]<br />

[Conversion: 127, 199, 312]<br />

[Conscience: 210, 307]<br />

[Covenant: 64-65, 312]<br />

[Creation: 54-55, 58, 71, 312]<br />

[Creed: 295] [Creed]<br />

[Cross, 138, 307]<br />

[Death: 136-137, 187, 268-271, 298, 299]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 28, 32, 136-137, 296, 302]<br />

[Disciples: 280-281, 312]<br />

[Doctrine/dogma] : 164]<br />

[Easter: 32-36, 300-302]<br />

[Easter Symbols: the primary symbols that express our Catholic identity are cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

chrism/oil, garment, bread, wine see 302]<br />

[Epiphany:]<br />

[Eucharist: 298, 299, 296, 137, 28, 127, 198, 242-245, 280, 200, 65, 246]<br />

[Evangelization]: 280-281, 313]<br />

[Faith: 45, 81, 82, 107-108, 313]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation:71<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person: 107<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person: 143<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers: 179<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: 215<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation: 251<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: 287<br />

[Family: 158, 251, 282]]<br />

[Fast and Abstinence: 24, 303]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 280-281, 312<br />

[Forgiveness: 27, 127, 188-189, 206-207, 210]<br />

[God as Creator: 54-55, 58, 71, 312]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Grace: , 45, 127, 199, 305, 313]<br />

[Great Commandments: 98-99, 304]<br />

[Healing: 206-209, 299]<br />

[Heaven: 269, 298, 313]<br />

[Hell: 268-269, 313]<br />

[Helping others:]<br />

[Holy Family:16]<br />

[Holy Orders: 65, 137, 163, 261, 297, 299, 300]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 173, 152-153, 200, 210, 36-39, 280, 80-81, 295, 296]<br />

[Incarnation]: 116-117, 296, 313]

[Jesus Christ: 12, 15-16, 20, 23, 28-32, 80-81, 116-118, 136-137, 244, 296, 302, 296, 302 ]<br />

[Jesus as Healer: 206-209, 299, 28, 45]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28-31, 28, 45, 171, 244, 296]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 116-117, 80-81, 90-91, 295, 313]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 44, 124-127, 268]<br />

[John the Baptist: 80-81]<br />

[justice: 99-100, 215-216, 281, 282, 313]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 124-127, 125, 313]<br />

[Last Supper 64, 244]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 296, 300, 302, 303]<br />

[Light: 138]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 12-39, 173, 293-294, 300, 301]<br />

[Longing for God: 41-43, 46]<br />

[Love:27, 81, 98-99, 136]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8, 16, 19, 172--174, 178, 297, 302]<br />

[Mass: 65, 89-91, 200, 224, 235, 245, 301, 302]<br />

[Matrimony: 65, 137, 261, 300]<br />

[Mission: 36, 152-153, 278-279, 287]<br />

[missionaries: 216, 278-281, 279, 314]<br />

[Morality: 304-307]<br />

[Moral Decisions: 102]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 188-189, 306, 314]<br />

[Mysteries: 78-81, 79, 116, 136-137, 244-245]<br />

[New Testament: 173, 235, 292-294]<br />

[Oil: 137<br />

[Old Testament: 88-89, 232-234, 235, 293]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 20-23, 300, 302]<br />

[Original Sin: 117, 136, 187, 199, 270, 306, 314]<br />

[Order of Christian Funerals: 270, 298]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 136-137, 138, 223, 296]<br />

[Peace: 144]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 280]<br />

[Prayer: 12, 46, 66, 89-91, 174, 190, 294, 295, 301, 302, 314]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Contrition 210<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 309<br />

Angelus: 311<br />

Apostles Creed: 84<br />

Hail Mary 308<br />

Glory to the Father 309<br />

Lord’s Prayer 284, 308<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit: 310<br />

Sign of the Cross 81<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [deepest longings] 48<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [last days] 274<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Jesus and the Father] 120<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [kingdom of God] 130<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [for peace] 212<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [community] 228<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Word of God] 238<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Work of Christ] 264<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Jesus as Teacher] 166<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Baptism] 202<br />

Celebration of Word [Mission] 265<br />

Celebration of Word [end of life] 275<br />

Celebration of Word [Peace] 213<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [God’s Image] 21<br />

Litany of the Eucharist 248<br />

Litany of Mary 176<br />

Litany of Repentance 192<br />

Praise of Risen Christ 140<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

Goodness of creation: 68

For Church 146<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For Creation 58<br />

For being created I God’s image: 94<br />

Psalm of Hope 48<br />

Psalm of Praise [Walking in the Lord’s ways] 104<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 302]<br />

[Purgatory: 268]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 65, 127, 137, 189, 206-207, 299, 304, 307]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 143, 144, 179-180, 282]<br />

[Resurrection: 28,136-137, 315]<br />

[Sacraments: 57, 65, 80, 90, 127, 137, 280, 293, 299, 296, 315]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 196-197]<br />

[Saints:170-173, 298]<br />

[Salvation: 28, 45, 171, 244, 296]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 31, 39, 200, 226, 262]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: ]<br />

[Sin: 117, 136, 187-189, 199, 207, 210, 215, 306, 307 ]<br />

[Social sin: 306]<br />

[Stewardship: 54-56]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 81, 200, 304, 307]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]<br />

[Trinity: 296]<br />

[Yes to God: 8, 11]<br />

[Venial Sin: 189, 306, 315<br />

[Viaticum: 270-271, 315]<br />

[Virtues: 99-101, 307, 312, 315 ]<br />

[Water: 22, 138]

5 th GRADE PARISH<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Incarnation] [Original<br />

Sin] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 1, 2<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Morality]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Justice] [Free will] [Original Sin] [Longing<br />

for God]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 9<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Waiting<br />

for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Evangelization] [Sign of the<br />

Cross] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 7<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [last judgment] [particular<br />

judgment] [Kingdom of God] [Mary, Mother of God]<br />

[Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Yes to God]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 8, 4,

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love] [Faith] [Virtues]<br />

[Service] Sacrament of Service<br />

and Vocation] [Covenant]<br />

[Charity] [Truth] [Yes to God]<br />

[Incarnation] Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 3<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Evangelization] [Light] [Trinity] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

[Evangelization] [Incarnation]<br />

[Mysteries] [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Baptism of Jesus: 80-81]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Incarnation] [Sacraments]Baptism]<br />

[Respect for God] [Faith and Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Yes to<br />

God] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Word of God] [Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Baptism] [Disciples] [Disciples] [Virtues]<br />

[Evangelization] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Promise of<br />

God] [Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell]<br />

[Purgatory] [Evangelization] [Free will] [last judgment]<br />

[particular judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Original Sin: [Reconciliation] [Faith in<br />

Action 2] [Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index<br />

that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 17, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus<br />

as Son] [Anointing of the Sick] [God as Creator] [Sign of<br />

the Cross] [Saints] [Prayer for Healing] [Covenant]<br />

[Incarnation] [Longing for God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 8, 3<br />

5 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Sacrifice] [Order of Christian Funerals]<br />

[Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer] [Mysteries]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Disciples] [Commandment: the Great]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments] [Anointing<br />

of the Sick] [Jesus as Son of God] [Forgiveness] [Sin]<br />

[Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Morality] [Free will] [Reconciliation Sacrament] [last<br />

judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [particular judgment]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 7,<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus as Son] [Prayer] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Evangelization] ] [Incarnation] [Longing for God]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God] [Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 8, 10<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence] [Baptism] [Water] [Holy Spirit] [Promise of<br />

God] [Trinity] [Service] [Grace] [Original Sin] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 13<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Faith] [Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace]<br />

[Justice] [Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Fast and Abstinence]<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 12, 6<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Old Testament][Sign of the Cross]<br />

[Commandments] [Paschal Mystery] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Resurrection] [Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as<br />

Son] [Forgiveness] [Virtues] [Lord’s Prayer] [Social sin]<br />

[Mysteries] Stewardship<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Fast and Abstinence]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Creed] [water] [Faith]<br />

[Service] [Sin] [Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Prayer<br />

of blessing] [Evangelization]<br />

[Original Sin] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13, 14<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Word of God] [Bible] [New<br />

Testament] [Sin] Grace] [Old Testament] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence], [Commandments] [Original Sin] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Forgiveness] [Fast and Abstinence]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment] [social sin] [Free<br />

will] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Sin] [Morality] ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Reconciliation] [Conscience]<br />

[Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Man Born Blind—ch.18]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 21,<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Disciples] [Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Yes to<br />

God] [Commandments] [Covenant] [Grace] [Sin]<br />

[Following Jesus] [Service] [death] [Fast and<br />

Abstinence] [Social Sin] [Fast and Abstinence] [Faith in<br />

Action #2] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

A: [Creed] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Prayer: Lord’s Prayer]<br />

[Social Sin]<br />

[Order of Christian Funerals] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 19, 11<br />

[Lent] [Cross] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Paschal Mystery][cross] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass] [Faith and<br />

Action #7] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Easter Symbols] [Baptismal Promises]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 16, 17, 14<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Jesus as Son] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Charity] [Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 1, 8<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin]<br />

[Mass] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Paschal Mystery] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal<br />

and Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 2, 5<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Church/Body of<br />

Christ] [death] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Incarnation] [Mysteries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

Chapters: 3, 9, 2<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Beatitudes] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Easter symbols] [Charity] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Truth] [Community] [Trinity][Commandments/Great]<br />

[Holy Spirit] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Yes to God]<br />

[Covenant] [Beatitudes] [Charity]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

Chapters: 19, 10, 11<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Sacraments of<br />

Vocation and Service][Community] [Grace]<br />

[Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as Savior]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Easter symbols] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action:#5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

Chapters: 21, 3, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Trinity] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Mysteries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 3, 8<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit:][Holy Trinity] [Community] [Church/Body<br />

of Christ] [Kingdom of God] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Evangelization] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 11, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Trinity] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Gifts of the Holy Spirit:][Creation] [Community]<br />

[Mysteries] [Creed] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 1, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons and colors<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Eucharist]<br />

[body and Blood] [Faith in Action #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 7, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Original Sin: [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/ Purgatory] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Disciples] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 7, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Evangelization] [Creation] [God as Creator]<br />

[Love of others] [Conversion] [Yes to God]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 6, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Kingdom of God] [Creation]<br />

[God as Creator] [Covenant] [Incarnation] [Creed]<br />

[Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 7, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Anointing of the Sick]<br />

[Death] [Paschal Mystery] [Order of Christian Funerals]<br />

[Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Helping others] [Corporal Works of Mercy] [Viaticum]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 6, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 12, 14<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders]<br />

[Sacraments of Service and Vocation] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Discipleship] [Disciples] [Saints] [Mission]<br />

[Missionaries] [Service] [Love] [Evangelization]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 3, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Disciples] [Discipleship] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Jesus as savior/salvation] Jesus as Teacher] [Free<br />

will] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 10, 12<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Holy Communion [Mass] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Creed]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 17, 18<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Trinity]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

be bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

Chapters: 17, 18, 16<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Trinity]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 16, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[[Morality] [Conscience] [Incarnation]<br />

[Mysteries] [Longing for God]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 19, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Evangelization] [Service]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 2, 4<br />

Ordinary Time] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth] [Scripture]<br />

[Old Testament] [New Testament][Conversion] [Service]<br />

[Commandments] [last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Free will] [Original Sin:<br />

[Beatitudes] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 8, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Free will] [Original Sin]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual<br />

from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 10, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders] [Mysteries]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

Chapters: 7, 14, 5<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social Sin] [Saints]<br />

[Evangelization] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation sacrament] [Free<br />

will]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Evangelization]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 15,<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[New Testament] [Service] [Commandments] [Longing<br />

for God] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Charity]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 6<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Service]<br />

[Love] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven] [Mysteries]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 21, 19,<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Truth]<br />

[Sacraments] [Anointing of the Sick] [Holy Orders]<br />

Sacraments of Vocation and Service]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Chapters: 20, 15<br />

Ordinary Time] [Great Commandment] [Love] [bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Love] [Heaven]<br />

[Commandments] [precepts] [Longing for God] [Saints]<br />

[Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy Orders]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 20,1<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 9, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as Son of God] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [death] [last judgment] [particular<br />

judgment] [Michael the Archangel: 194] [Mysteries]<br />

[Incarnation]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Trinity]<br />

[Praise to Jesus [Prayer] [Covenant] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment] [Mysteries]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 20, 2<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Adam<br />

and Eve]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Longing for God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [God relationship with ] [birth of<br />

Jesus] [Saints] [Saying Yes to God]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12, 19<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin:<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The<br />

Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

judgment] [particular judgment] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 13<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy of the Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Holy Orders] [Exodus] [Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 17, 18<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass] [Easter<br />

Symbols] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

Chapters: 14, 2, 9,<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love]<br />

[last judgment] [particular judgment]<br />

Choose prayers or prayer ritual from index that best<br />

accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 12<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 230, 232]<br />

[Anointing of the Sick: 61, 113, 164-165, 229, 242]<br />

[Apostles: 28, 31, 129, 130-131, 222, 225]<br />

[Baptism: 27, 32, 36, 45, 61, 70-71, 113, 97, 216, 224,]<br />

[Beatitudes: 235]<br />

[Bible: 76-77, 180-182, 183, 222, 223, 139, 183, 22, 224]<br />

[Bread and Wine, 32, 61<br />

[Cardinal Virtues: see virtues]<br />

[Charity: 24, 71, 217]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ: 77, 105, 105, 122-123, 172-174, 225, 227, 242,]<br />

[Church leaders: 175]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19, 223, 230, 232]<br />

[Chrism: 155, 242]<br />

[Commandments:<br />

Great: 84-85, 236<br />

Ten: 71, 234, 237<br />

Precepts 234<br />

[Community: 172-174]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 217, 235]<br />

[Confirmation: 36, 61, 78, 113, 152-153, 155, 156, 229]<br />

[Conversion: 105, 157, 242]<br />

[Conscience: 237]<br />

[Covenant: 60-61, 242]<br />

[Creation: 52-53, 242]<br />

[Creed: 225-228]<br />

[Cross, 238]<br />

[Death: 112-113, 147, 206-209, 228, 229]<br />

[Death of Jesus: 28, 32, 112-113, 226]<br />

[Disciples: 216-217, 242]<br />

[Easter: 32-36, 230, 232]<br />

[Easter Symbols: the primary symbols that express our Catholic identity are cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

chrism/oil, garment, bread, wine ]<br />

[Eucharist: 228,229, 226, 172-174, 113, 105, 156, 188-191, 216, 61]<br />

[Evangelization: 216-217, 243]<br />

[Faith: 45, 71, 243]<br />

[Family: 126]<br />

[Fast and Abstinence: 24, 233]<br />

[Followers of Jesus/Christians: 216-217, 242]<br />

[Forgiveness: 27, 105, 148-149, 162-163]<br />

[God as Creator: 52-53, 242]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Grace: 45, 105, 157, 236, 243]<br />

[Great Commandments: 84-85, 236]<br />

[Healing: 162-163, 229]<br />

[Heaven: 207, 228, 243]<br />

[Hell: 206-207, 243]<br />

[Holy Orders: 61, 113, 131, 201, 227, 229, 230]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 36-39, 70-71, 79, 131, 137, 139,122-123, 216, 226, 225, 226, 215]<br />

[Incarnation: 96-97, 226, 232, 243]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 12, 15-16, 20, 23, 28-32, 60-61, 70-71, 79, 94-95, 104-105, 122, 112-113, 226, 147-148, 156, 208 ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28-31, 28, 112]<br />

[Jesus as Son of God: 70-71,226]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 44, 102-105, 206]<br />

[John the Baptist: 70-71]<br />

[justice: 85-86, 217, 243]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 102-105, 103]<br />

[Last Supper 60, 190]<br />

[Lent: 24-27, 226, 230, 232, 233]<br />

[Light: ]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 12-39, 139, 223-224, 230, 231, 244]<br />

[Longing for God: 41-46]<br />

[Love: 27, 71,84-85, 97]

[Mary, Mother of God: 8, 16, 19, 138, 139, 227]<br />

[Mass: 61, 191, 183, 231, 77-79]<br />

[Matrimony: 61, 113, 201, 230]<br />

[Mission: 36, 122-123, 214-215]<br />

[missionaries: 214-217, 215]<br />

[Morality: 234-237]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 148-149, 236, 244]<br />

[Mysteries: 68-71, 69, 96, 112-113, 190-191]<br />

[New Testament: 139, 183, 222, 224]<br />

[Oil: 36<br />

[Old Testament: 76-77, 180-182, 183, 222, 223]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 20-23, 230, 232]<br />

[Original Sin: 97, 132, 147, 157, 208, 236, 244]<br />

[Order of Christian Funerals: 208, 228]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 112-113, 173, 226, 244]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 216]<br />

[Prayer: 12, 77-79, 224, 225, 231, 232, 244]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Contrition 240<br />

Act of Faith Hope and Love 239<br />

Angelus: 241<br />

Apostles Creed: 72<br />

Hail Mary 238<br />

Glory to the Father 239<br />

Lord’s Prayer 218, 238<br />

Prayer to the Holy Spirit: 240<br />

Sign of the Cross 238<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [deepest longings] 46<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [last days] 210<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Jesus and the Father] 98<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [kingdom of God] 106<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [for peace] 166<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [community] 178<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Word of God] 184<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Work of Christ] 203<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Jesus as Teacher] 132<br />

Celebration of God’s Word [Baptism] 158<br />

Litany of the Eucharist 192<br />

Litany of Mary 140<br />

Litany of Repentance 150<br />

Praise of Risen Christ 114<br />

Prayers of Petition<br />

Goodness of creation: 62<br />

For Church 124<br />

Prayers of Thanks<br />

For Creation 58<br />

For being created I God’s image: 80<br />

Psalm of Praise [Walking in the Lord’s ways]88<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 234]<br />

[Purgatory: 206-207]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 61, 105, 113, 149, 162-163, 229, 234, 237]<br />

[Resurrection: 28, 112-113, 245]<br />

[Sacraments: 61, 70, 78, 105, 113, 216, 223, 226, 229, 245]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 154-155]<br />

[Saints: 136-139, 228]<br />

[Salvation: 28, 45, 137, 190, 226]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 31, 201-202, 230, 218-219]<br />

[Sin: 97, 112, 147-149, 157, 163, 236]<br />

[Social sin: 236]<br />

[Stewardship: 53, 245]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 71, 234, 237]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]

[Trinity: 70-71, 78-79, 225, 243]<br />

[Yes to God: 8, 11]<br />

[Venial Sin: 149, 236, 245<br />

[Viaticum: 208-209, 228, 245]<br />

[Virtues: 71, 85-87, 237, 245]<br />

[Water: 22, 113]

6 th GRADE SCHOOL<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] ] [[Original Sin] [Original holiness] [Eternity]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 9, 14, 19<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Morality]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Justice] [Moral decisions] [Original Sin]<br />

[Original holiness] [Mark, Gospel of] [Prophets]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 9<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Waiting<br />

for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Evangelization] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John,<br />

Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 8<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [last judgment] ] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service] [Original holiness] [Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 4

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love] [Faith] [Virtues]<br />

[Service] [Covenant] [Charity]<br />

[Truth] [Law] [Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 8, 2<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Anoint][Evangelization] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Evangelization] [ [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 10,<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Anoint][Respect for God] [Faith and Action<br />

#3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Virtues] [Law] [Evangelization] [Original<br />

holiness] [John, the Evangelist] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 12, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Covenant]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell] [Law] [Purgatory]<br />

[Evangelization] [Moral decisions] [last judgment]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Forgiveness] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Original Sin] [Reconciliation] [Faith in Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [Saints] [Covenant] [Original holiness]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Prophets] [Mark, the Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 10<br />

5 th Ordinary Time [Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Commandment: the Great] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of] [Justice]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Sin] [Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Morality] [Moral decisions] [Law]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament] [last judgment] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Evangelization] [Ecumenism] [Original holiness]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God] [Faith]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 21<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant] [Baptism] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Service] [Grace] [Original Sin] [Sin] [Morality]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 15, 16<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Faith] [Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace]<br />

[Justice] [Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament][Sign of the Cross] [Commandments] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Resurrection]<br />

[Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son] [Forgiveness] [Virtues]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer] [Social sin] [Stewardship]<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Creed] [Faith] [Service]<br />

[Sin] [Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Evangelization] [Peace] [Original Sin]

[Sacraments of Initiation] [John the Evangelist<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 8, 16<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Bible] [New Testament] [Sin]<br />

Grace] [Old Testament] , [Commandments] [Original<br />

Sin] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Forgiveness] [Signing of<br />

the senses] [last judgment] [social sin] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Moral decisions] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Faithfulness of God]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Conscience] [Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 14<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Commandments]<br />

[Covenant] [Grace] [Sin] [Service] [death] [Peace]<br />

[Signing of the senses] [Social Sin] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy] [Prophets] [Reconciliation sacrament] [Faith in<br />

Action #2]<br />

A: [Creed] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer] [Social Sin]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 17, 20<br />

[Lent] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Triduum]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Anoint] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Eternity]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith and Action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[poverty] [Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Easter symbols] [Charity] [Original<br />

holiness]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 13

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Eternity] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Church/Body of<br />

Christ] [death] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 21<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Respect for God<br />

and others] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Easter symbols] [Charity]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Ecumenism] [John the<br />

Evangelist] [Law] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Truth] [Community] [Commandments/Great] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Covenant] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Charity] [John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 17, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church leaders]<br />

[Church] [Community] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

Christ] [Jesus as Savior] [Church/Body of Christ] [Easter<br />

symbols] [Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Faith in Action:#5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Faithfulness of God] [John the Evangelist] [John Gospel

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit] [Community] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Kingdom of God] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Evangelization] [Sacraments<br />

of Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts<br />

of the Holy Spirit][Creation] [Community]<br />

[Creed] [Ecumenism] [Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Sacraments] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Exodus] [Covenant] [Mark, Gospel<br />

of] [Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments]<br />

[Original holiness] [Eternity]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 3, 8<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Original Sin] [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/ Purgatory] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Eternity] [Mark, gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Evangelization] [Creation] [God as Creator]<br />

[Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

[Faithfulness of God]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Kingdom of God] [Creation]<br />

[God as Creator] [Covenant] [Creed]<br />

[Original holiness]

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 7, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Death] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Corporal Works of Mercy] [Anoint]<br />

[Eternity] [Poverty]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Prophets]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Discipleship] [Saints] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service] [Love] [Evangelization] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Peace] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 12, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Discipleship] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Moral<br />

decisions] [Original holiness] [Prophets]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 10<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Justice] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy] [Creed]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy] [Conversion] [John, Gospel of] [John<br />

the Evangelist]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Initiation sacraments] [Faith] [Conversion]<br />

[Service] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [[Morality] [Conscience] [Original holiness]<br />

[John, Gospel of] [John the Evangelist] [Faith in Action<br />

#4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Evangelization] [Service]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eternity]<br />

[Faithfulness of God]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Law] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth]<br />

[Scripture] [Old Testament] [New Testament]<br />

[Conversion] [Service] [Commandments] [last<br />

judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Original Sin] [Moral<br />

decisions] [Beatitudes] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Original Sin] [Moral decisions]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index

e bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders] [Prophets]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 4, 1<br />

Ordinary Time ] [Love] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice] [Peace]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social Sin] [Saints]<br />

[Evangelization] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Moral decisions] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Evangelization]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

[New Testament] [Service] [Commandments] [Original<br />

holiness] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Charity] [Poverty]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Service]<br />

[Love] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 20, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Sacraments]<br />

[Holy Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 10, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Law] [Great Commandment] [Love]<br />

[bible] [New Testament] Old Testament] [Love]<br />

[Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts] [Original holiness]<br />

[Saints] [Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 6<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[death] [last judgment] [Eternity] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [p. 119] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Prayer]<br />

[Covenant] [Kingdom of God] [last judgment]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of] Faith in Action #2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]

for Salvation)<br />

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The<br />

Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

Chapters: 2<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Original holiness] [Ecumenism] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Original<br />

Holiness]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin]<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last<br />

judgment] ] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Holy Orders] [Exodus]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy][Easter Symbols] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Anoint]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 16,<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love]<br />

[last judgment] ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 301]<br />

[Anoint: 115, 225, 312]<br />

[Apostles: 36, 153, 161-162, 171, 32, 160, 222]<br />

[Baptism: 8, 24, 36, 222-224]<br />

[Beatitudes: 118, 188, 304, 312]<br />

[Bible:312, 293-296, 43-45, 295, 226, 1520153, 162, 170-171, 278-279, 292-294, 28, 52-53, 99, 125, 134-137, 198,<br />

292-294, 78-81, 89-91]<br />

[Bread:]<br />

[Cardinal Virtues: see virtues]<br />

[Charity: 189, 262, 287-288, 312]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ: 153, 172, 174, 36, 161-163, 171, 260-261, 199, 172-173, 297, 222-223, 297, 215-216, 268-<br />

269, 270, 163]<br />

[Church leaders: 234]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19]<br />

[Chrism: 225, 312]<br />

[Commandments:<br />

Great: 188-189, 190, 306<br />

Ten: 98-99, 100-101, 312<br />

Precepts 189, 297<br />

[Community: 251-252]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 107-108, 262]<br />

[Confirmation: 24, 223, 225]<br />

[Conversion: 222-224]<br />

[Conscience: 208-209, 210, 312]<br />

[Covenant: 63, 65, 78-79, 91, 99-100, 116, 312]<br />

[Creation: 28, 52-55, 71-72, 281]<br />

[Creed: 172-173, 297-300, 312]<br />

[Death: 28, 35, 62, 64, 280]<br />

[Easter: 28, 32-35, 280]<br />

[Easter Symbols: while not directly covered in the resource this year, the primary symbols that express our Catholic<br />

identity are always grist for catechetical reflection in the Easter season [cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

chrism/oil, garment, bread, wine]<br />

[Ecumenism: 270, 271, 299, 313]<br />

[Eucharist: 24, 91, 223, 225, 226, 261]<br />

[Eternity: 55, 313]<br />

[Evangelization: 224-225, 313]<br />

[Faith: 78-81, 102, 282, 313]<br />

1. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching, Care for God’s Creation:71<br />

2. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Life and Dignity of the Human Person:107<br />

3. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person:143<br />

4. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers: 179<br />

5. Faith in Action: Catholic Social teaching: Solidarity of the Human Family: 215<br />

6. Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Call to Family Community, and Participation:251<br />

7 Faith in Action: Catholic Social Teaching: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: 287<br />

[Faithfulness of God: 45, 63-65, 66, 98-99]<br />

[Family:244-245, 246, 251]<br />

[Forgiveness: 206-207]<br />

[God as Creator: 52-55]<br />

[God as Holy Spirit: see Holy Spirit]<br />

[God as Trinity: see Trinity<br />

[Grace: 197, 305]<br />

[Great Commandments: 188-189, 190, 306]<br />

[Heaven: 298]<br />

[Hell: 298]<br />

[Holy Orders: 234-235, 313]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 172, 43, 226, 81, 100, 188, 36-39, 161, 48, 310, 303, 287]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 12, 15, 16, 28, 31, 35, 65, 81, 91, 100, 117, 118, 136-137, 158, 187, 224, 226, 278, 279, 295 ]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28, 31,81, 226]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 100-101, 188, 207.44, 295]<br />

[John, Gospel of: 32, 152, 236, 294]<br />

[John the Baptist: 158]

[John the Evangelist: 286]<br />

[justice: 16, 196-199, 200, 216, 306, 313, 143-144, 179-180]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 100, 223, 298]<br />

[Last judgment: 298]<br />

[Last Supper 91, 232-233, 268-269, 302, 313]<br />

[Law: 98-99, 186-189, 197]<br />

[Lent: 24-27]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 8-39, 301]<br />

[Liturgy: 301-304]<br />

[Love: 23, 154, 174, 186, 190, 262]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of: 152, 224, 236, 294]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 72, 150, 160, 242-243, 296]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of: 118, 152, 236, 294]<br />

[Mass: 302]<br />

[Matrimony: 242-245, 243, 313]<br />

[Mission:222-223, 226, 297, 313]<br />

[missionaries: 162-163, 313]<br />

[Morality: 304-307]<br />

[Moral Decisions: 130, 210]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 206, 306, 313]<br />

[Moses: 28, 89, 98, 187, 224]<br />

[New Testament: 314, 162, 278-279, 292-293, 170-171, 174, 152-153, 236, 28, 90]<br />

[Old Testament: 314, 52-55, 114-115, 292, 98-99, 186, 134-137, 292, 89-90, 125-127, 292]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 20-23, 301]<br />

[Original Holiness: 54]<br />

[Original Sin: 28, 62, 64-65, 306, 314]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 28]<br />

[Peace: 16, 19, 198-199, 306, 314]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 161]<br />

[Poverty: 143-144, 235, 287-288, 314]<br />

[Prayer: 308-311, 16, 24, 27, 81, 82, 261-264, 282, 314]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Contrition 310<br />

Act of Faith 309<br />

Canticle of Zechariah 310<br />

Hail Mary 308<br />

Glory to the Father 308<br />

Grace Before and After Meals 311<br />

Jesus Prayer 308<br />

Lord’s Prayer 308<br />

Magnificat 311<br />

Nicene Creed 309<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Celebrate Mary 9<br />

Celebrate Advent 13<br />

Celebrate Peace 17<br />

Celebrate Service 21<br />

Celebrate Lent 25<br />

Celebrate Triduum 29<br />

Celebrate Easter 33<br />

Celebrate the Holy Spirit 37<br />

Litany of Saints 264<br />

Celebration of the Word [Called to One faith] 176<br />

Celebration of the Word [Good Shepherd] 84<br />

Celebration of the Word [Initiation Sacraments] 228<br />

Celebration of the Word [Ten Commandments theme] 104<br />

Prayer for Mercy 68<br />

Prayer to the holy Spirit 48<br />

Prayer of Lament 202<br />

Prayer of Petition [Alpha and Omega] 284<br />

Prayer of Petition [ Holy Spirit] 166<br />

Prayer of Petition [Jesus Prayer] 212<br />

Prayer of Petition [service] 238<br />

Prayer of Praise 131

Prayer of Praise for God 58<br />

Prayer of Praise [Exodus theme] 94<br />

Prayer of Praise [Jesus Son of David] 120<br />

Prayer of Praise [Jesus the Messiah] 192<br />

Prayer of praise [John the Baptist] 140<br />

Prayer of thanksgiving [for Jesus] 157<br />

Prayer of Blessing [marriage] 248<br />

Prayer of Petition [live the call] 274<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 189, 297, 315]<br />

[Prophets: 28, 114-115, 134-137, 135, 138, 143, 186, 198, 315]<br />

[Purgatory: 261]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 24, 206, 209]<br />

[Respect for God and Others: 56, 102, 179-180, 200]<br />

[Resurrection: 32-35, 280]<br />

[Sacraments: 24, 81, 91, 209, 23-225, 234-235, 242-243]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 222-225]<br />

[Saints: 20-23, 264, 266, 298, 299, 300]<br />

[Salvation: 43, 315, 173, 28, 31, 78-81, 89-91, 294]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 236, 251-252]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: ]<br />

[Sin: 62-65, 82, 199, 206-209, 208, 306-307, 315 ]<br />

[Social sin: 199]<br />

[Stewardship: 55, 71-72]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 98-99, 100-101, 312]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]<br />

[Venial Sin: 206, 307]<br />

[Virtues: 189, 197, 235, 245, 262, 307, 315 ]

6 th GRADE PARISH<br />

See the Doctrinal Index for listing of page<br />

1 st Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7<br />

(You are the potter, we are the clay.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9<br />

(God will keep us steadfast.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:33-37<br />

(Watch! Stay awake! The Lord is coming!)<br />

numbers.<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mission] [Missionaries] [Service] [Virtues] [last<br />

judgment] ] [[Original Sin] [Original holiness] [Eternity]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith and Action 1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 I:<br />

(A voice cries in the desert, “Prepare!”)<br />

Reading II: 2 Pet 3:8-14 I:<br />

(The day of the Lord will come like a thief.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8<br />

(John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance.)<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11<br />

(The spirit of the Lord has anointed me.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24<br />

(Rejoice always, pray unceasingly!)<br />

Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28<br />

( One is coming whose sandal I am unworthy to tie.)<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Advent<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 7:10-14 : (Nathan promised David that<br />

his<br />

dynasty would last forever.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 1:1-7<br />

(The secret long hidden is now revealed.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 1:18-24<br />

(Mary said “yes” to God.)<br />

Chapters: 9, 14, 19<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist]<br />

[Creation] [Heaven] [Kingdom of God] [Morality]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Sin] [Reconciliation] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Justice] [Original Sin] [Original holiness]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of] [Prophets]<br />

[Faith and Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 9<br />

[Advent] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Waiting<br />

for Jesus] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Evangelization] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John,<br />

Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 8<br />

[Advent:] [Liturgical seasons] [John the Baptist] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Prayer] [last judgment] ] [Kingdom of<br />

God] [Mary, Mother of God] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service] [Original holiness] [Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 4

Holy Family<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Duties toward<br />

Parents)<br />

(Opt B): Gen 15:1-6; 21:1-3 (Abraham’s descendents<br />

shall be his heir.)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Colossians 3: 12-21 (The Practice of<br />

Virtues)<br />

(Opt B): Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19: II (Abraham’s faith<br />

sealed God’s promise.)<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21 (The Flight to<br />

Egypt)<br />

Or (opt. B) Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40: (The child<br />

grew in wisdom.)<br />

Epiphany<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Glory of the New Zion)<br />

Reading II: Eph 3: 2-3, 5-6 (Commission to Preach God’s<br />

Plan)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (The Astrologers)<br />

Baptism of the Lord<br />

Reading I: (ABC) Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (The Servant of<br />

the Lord.)<br />

(Opt B): Isaiah 55:1-11 ( “All who are thirsty, come to<br />

the waters!”)<br />

Reading II: (ABC) Acts 10:34-38 (Peter’s Discourse)<br />

(Opt B): 1 John 5:1-9: Jesus came by water and blood.<br />

Gospel: (ABC) Matthew 3:13-17 (The Baptism of Jesus)<br />

(opt. B) Mark 1:7-11 (The Voice of God is pleased with<br />

his beloved son Jesus.)<br />

2 nd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19 Samuel said, “Speak Lord<br />

your servant is listening.”)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 (Your body<br />

is a temple of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 1:35-42 (The apostles asked where Jesus<br />

was staying and they stayed with him.)<br />

3 rd Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (The Ninevites turned away<br />

from their sins.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 (The world in its<br />

present for is passing away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 (Repent and believe the Good<br />

News!)<br />

4 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 18:15-20 (Moses was raised up as a<br />

prophet.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 (Guard against<br />

distraction.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28<br />

(Even the unclean spirits obey Jesus!)<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Family] [Love] [Faith] [Virtues]<br />

[Service] [Covenant] [Charity]<br />

[Truth] [Law] [Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18, 8, 2<br />

[Christmas] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as Son]<br />

[Anoint][Evangelization] [Covenant] [Epiphany]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Evangelization] [ [Sacraments of<br />

Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 10,<br />

[Christmas] [Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Baptism] [Anoint][Respect for God] [Faith and Action<br />

#3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Creation]<br />

[Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church] [Church leaders]<br />

[Jesus as Son] [Sacraments] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Baptism] [Virtues] [Law] [Evangelization] [Original<br />

holiness] [John, the Evangelist] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 12, 11<br />

Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Forgiveness]<br />

[Reconciliation sacrament] [Truth] [Virtues] [Covenant]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Heaven] [Hell] [Law] [Purgatory]<br />

[Evangelization] [last judgment] [Mortal and Venial<br />

Sin] [Forgiveness] [Ecumenism] [Original Sin]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Faith in Action 2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Creation] [Saints] [Covenant] [Original holiness]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Prophets] [Mark, the Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 10<br />

5 th Ordinary Time [Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]

Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job’s restlessness til dawn.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (I have<br />

become all things to all for the sake of the gospel.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (Jesus cured many who were sick.)<br />

6 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 (Lepers were placed<br />

outside the community.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 (Imitate Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45Jesus healed the leper.<br />

7 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 (God wipes<br />

away our sins and forgets them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 (God’s promises are<br />

fulfilled in Jesus.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus has authority to forgive sins.)<br />

[Justice][Kingdom of God] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Prayer] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Commandment: the Great] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of] [Justice]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Sacraments]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Sin] [Social Sin] [Covenant] [Original Sin]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Morality] [Law] [Reconciliation<br />

Sacrament] [last judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Conversion] [Conscience]<br />

[Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13<br />

8 th Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 (God will hold us<br />

close forever.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6 (By your example,<br />

you are like a letter about Christ.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 (They are not to fast because Jesus<br />

is still with them.)<br />

1 <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Genesis 9:8-15 (God’s promise to Noah after<br />

deliverance from the flood.)<br />

Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18-22 (The water of the flood<br />

looked forward to baptism)<br />

Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 (Jesus as tempted in the desert)<br />

2 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Gen 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 (The sacrifice of<br />

Abraham our father in faith.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:31b-34 (If God is for us who can<br />

be against us?<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 (The voice of God said, “This is<br />

my beloved Son.”<br />

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Exod 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17 (God<br />

gave Moses the Law)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 The wisdom of the<br />

cross).<br />

Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus drove out the<br />

moneychangers and prophesied about his resurrection.<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny readings<br />

Reading I: Exodus 17: 3-7 (Water from the Rock)<br />

Reading II: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8 (Faith, Hope and Love)<br />

Gospel: John 4:-42 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Evangelization] [Ecumenism] [Original holiness]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Respect for God] [Faith]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 21<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant] [Baptism] [Holy<br />

Spirit] [Service] [Grace] [Original Sin] [Sin] [Morality]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Forgiveness] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 15, 16<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Faith] [Creation] [Prayer] [Service] [Sin] [Grace]<br />

[Justice] [Conversion] [Forgiveness] [Conscience] [Sin]<br />

[Morality] [Paschal Mystery] [Virtues] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Sacrament of Reconciliation] [Covenant] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 9<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old<br />

Testament][Sign of the Cross] [Commandments] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Resurrection]<br />

[Grace] [Sin] [Jesus as Son] [Forgiveness] [Virtues]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer] [Social sin] [Stewardship]<br />

Signing of the Senses] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Creed] [Faith] [Service]<br />

[Sin] [Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Evangelization] [Peace] [Original Sin]

[Sacraments of Initiation] [John the Evangelist<br />

[Faith in Action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 8, 16<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: 2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 (God’s anger is<br />

shown in the exile of his people and his mercy is shown in<br />

their freedom.)<br />

Reading II: Eph 2:4-10 (Though sinners, we are saved by<br />

grace.)<br />

Gospel: John 3:14-21 (God sent his Son to save the<br />

world.)<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: I Samuel 16: 1b-6-7, 10-13a (Samuel Anoints<br />

David)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:8-14 (Duty to Live in the Light)<br />

Gospel: John 9: 1-41 (The Man Born Blind)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Lent<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God makes a new<br />

promise with Israel.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 (Christ learned obedience<br />

from his suffering)<br />

Gospel: John 12:20-33 [Anyone wishing to serve Jesus<br />

must follow him]<br />

YEAR A: Scrutiny Readings<br />

Reading I: Ezekiel 37: 12-14 (Prophecy of Restoration)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:8-11 (The Flesh and the Spirit)<br />

Gospel: John 11:1-45 (The Raising of Lazarus)<br />

Passion (Palm) <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Procession Gospel: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16<br />

Jesus entrance into Jerusalem. Hosanna!<br />

ABC: Reading I: Isaiah 50: 4-7<br />

(Salvation only through the Lord’s Servant)<br />

ABC: Reading II: Philippians 2:6-11<br />

(Imitating Christ’s Humility)<br />

Gospel: B: Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39<br />

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.)<br />

Easter <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 (The disciples ate and<br />

drank with Jesus after he rose from the dead.)<br />

Reading II: Col 3:1-4 (Seek what is above, that is where<br />

Jesus is.) or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 (Become a fresh batch<br />

of dough.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:1-9 (Jesus rose from the dead.)<br />

or Luke 24:13-35 (for afternoon Masses) (They<br />

recognized him in the breaking of the bread.<br />

2nd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:32-35 (There was no needy person<br />

among them.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 5:1-6 (Everyone who loves God,<br />

loves his Son.)<br />

Gospel: John 20:19-31 (Eight days later Jesus came and<br />

stood in their midst.)<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Bible] [New Testament] [Sin]<br />

Grace] [Old Testament] , [Commandments] [Original<br />

Sin] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Forgiveness] [Signing of<br />

the senses] [last judgment] [social sin] [Mortal and<br />

Venial Sin] [Reconciliation sacrament] [Faithfulness of<br />

God]<br />

A: [Sacraments][Sacraments] [Grace] [Signing of the<br />

senses] [Sin] [Morality] ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Reconciliation] [Conscience] [Social sin]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 14<br />

[Lent] [Covenant] [Service] [Bible] [Sacraments]<br />

[Heaven] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Commandments]<br />

[Covenant] [Grace] [Sin] [Service] [death] [Peace]<br />

[Signing of the senses] [Social Sin] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy] [Prophets] [Reconciliation sacrament] [Faith in<br />

Action #2]<br />

A: [Creed] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Signing of the senses]<br />

[Lord’s Prayer] [Social Sin]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 1, 17, 20<br />

[Lent] [Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Triduum]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Eucharist] [Liturgy] [Mass]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation] [Anoint] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Eternity]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith and Action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 4<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Virtues]<br />

[poverty] [Commandments/Great] [Beatitudes] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Easter symbols] [Charity] [Original<br />

holiness]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 13

3 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 (God raised the author of<br />

life .)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 2:1-5a (Jesus died for our sins.)<br />

Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 (The law and the prophets<br />

foretold that Jesus would suffer, die and rise again.)<br />

[Easter season] [Liturgical seasons] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Resurrection] [Sacraments] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Holy Spirit] [Original Sin] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Bible] [New Testament] [Old Testament]<br />

[Commandments] [Precepts] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Eucharist] [Easter Symbols] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Eternity] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 6<br />

4 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 4:8-12 (Salvation is only through Jesus.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:1-2 (We shall see God as he really<br />

is.)<br />

Gospel: John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd lays down<br />

his life for his sheep.)<br />

5 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 9:26-31 (Paul saw the Lord on the way.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3:18-24 (God commands that we love<br />

Jesus and one another.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:1-8 (Jesus is the vine and we are the<br />

branches.)<br />

6 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (The Holy Spirit<br />

was given to the Gentiles.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 (God is love.)<br />

Gospel: John 15:9-17 (I chose you.)<br />

Ascension<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:1-11 (The apostles were watching as<br />

Jesus was lifted up.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:17-23 (Jesus is seated at God’s<br />

right hand.)<br />

Or Year B option: Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13) (Jesus<br />

ascended above the heavens…Jesus gave each of us grace<br />

according to the measure of his gift.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 (Jesus blessed them and was<br />

then lifted up.)<br />

7 th <strong>Sunday</strong> of Easter<br />

Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 (They went to the<br />

upper room to pray.)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 4:11-16 (Blessed are you who are<br />

insulted for the name of Jesus.)<br />

[Easter season] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Resurrection]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

savior/salvation] [Church/Body of<br />

Christ] [death] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 21<br />

[Easter season] [Commandments/Great] [Love] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Beatitudes] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Easter symbols] [Charity] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Ecumenism] [John the Evangelist] [Law] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Creation] [Church/Body of Christ]<br />

[Truth] [Commandments/Great] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Covenant] [Beatitudes]<br />

[Charity] [John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith in Action #1]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 17, 12<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Holy Orders] [Church leaders]<br />

[Church] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as<br />

Savior] [Church/Body of Christ] [Easter symbols]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Faith<br />

in Action:#5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 7<br />

[Easter season] [Apostles] [Grace] [Resurrection] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Baptism]<br />

[Confirmation] [Eucharist] [Easter Symbols]<br />

[Gifts of the Holy Spirit] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Faithfulness of God] [John the Evangelist] [John Gospel

Gospel: John 17:11b-19 (Jesus asked his Father, “Glorify<br />

your Son.”<br />

Pentecost<br />

Reading I: Year ABC: Acts 2: 1-11 (Descent of the<br />

Holy Spirit) or Year B: opt. Acts 2:1-11 (They were filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading II: Year ABC: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13<br />

(Many Gifts, One Spirit and the Analogy of the Body) or<br />

Year B: Gal 5:16-25 (Fruits of the Spirit.)<br />

Gospel: John 20: 19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples)<br />

Or year B-opt: John 15:26-27; 16:12-15) Jesus tells of the<br />

coming of the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Ordinary Time<br />

Trinity <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

Reading I: Deut 4:32-34, 39-40(The Lord is God.)<br />

Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 (We are God’s adopted<br />

children.)<br />

Gospel: Matt 28:16-20 (Baptizing them in the name of<br />

the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.)<br />

Reading I: Exodus 24:3-8 (Moses sprinkled the blood of<br />

the covenant on the people.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:11-15 (Jesus’ blood will cleanse us.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 (Take this and eat, this is<br />

my body.)<br />

9 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 5:12-15 (Remember your slavery and<br />

that God delivered you from bondage in Egypt.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 (Jesus is manifest in<br />

our bodies.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6 or 2:23-28 (Jesus is Lord of the<br />

Sabbath.)<br />

10 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 3:9-15 (Adam heard God in the garden<br />

but he was naked and afraid.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 (We look to what<br />

we cannot see for it will last forever.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 (Whoever does the will of God is<br />

Jesus’ brother or sister. The end of the Devil.)<br />

11 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 17:22-24 (God will make the dead tree<br />

bloom.”<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (We walk by faith, not<br />

by what we see.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 (The smallest mustard seed<br />

becomes the large bush.)<br />

12 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Job 38:1, 8-11 ( Your proud waves will be<br />

stilled.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 (The past is gone,<br />

of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7, 13<br />

[Pentecost] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts of the<br />

Holy Spirit] [Church/Body of Christ] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Sacraments] [Baptism] [Confirmation] [Eucharist]<br />

[Evangelization] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 7<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Holy Spirit] [Gifts<br />

of the Holy Spirit][Creation]<br />

[Creed] [Ecumenism] [Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 16, 2<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Sacraments] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Eucharist] [Exodus] [Covenant] [Mark, Gospel<br />

of] [Faith in Action #3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 19<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Covenant] [Exodus] [Liturgical<br />

seasons] [Jesus Christ] [Creation] [God as Creator] [Jesus<br />

as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Commandments]<br />

[Original holiness] [Eternity]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 5, 3, 8<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Covenant]<br />

[Original Sin] [Sin] [Heaven] [Hell/ Purgatory] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Conscience] [truth] [Mortal and Venial Sin]<br />

[Eternity] [Mark, gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Faith] [Jesus as<br />

Teacher] [Evangelization] [Creation] [God as Creator]<br />

[Love of others] [Conversion]<br />

[Faithfulness of God]<br />

Faith in Action: #1<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 3<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Liturgical seasons] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Kingdom of God] [Creation]<br />

[God as Creator] [Covenant] [Creed]<br />

[Original holiness]

new things have come.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 (Who is this Jesus that even the<br />

wind obeys him? )<br />

13 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24 (Death enters the<br />

world through the devil’s jealousy.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 (Help the poor<br />

with your abundance.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 (Jesus healed a girl who died.)<br />

or 5:21-24, 35-43<br />

14 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Ezek 2:2-5 (The rebellious people will know<br />

that a prophet was among them.)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (I will boast in my<br />

weakness because Christ lives in me.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 (A prophet is not accepted in his<br />

home town.)<br />

15 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Amos 7:12-15 (God told Amos to prophesy<br />

to the people.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10 (God chose us.)<br />

Gospel: Matthew Mark 6:7-13 (Jesus sent out the twelve<br />

two by two.)<br />

16 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 23:1-6 (God will gather the<br />

remnant.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 2:13-18 (Jesus is our peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 (The people were like sheep<br />

without a shepherd.)<br />

17 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 2 Kings 4:42-44 (Give the people something<br />

to eat and there be some left over.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:1-6 (There is one Lord, one<br />

faith, one baptism.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:1-15 (Jesus fed those who were<br />

reclining.)<br />

18 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 (Vanity of vanities!)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 (Seek things from<br />

above where Christ is seated at the right hand of his<br />

Father.)<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 21, 7, 9<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Original Sin] [Death] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Justice] [Sacraments] [Prayer] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Corporal Works of Mercy] [Anoint]<br />

[Eternity] [Poverty]<br />

[Faith in Action #2]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 21<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Saints] [Prayer] [Service] [Justice]<br />

[Love] [Evangelization] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Prophets]<br />

[Faith in Action # 3]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 6<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Apostles] [Church Leaders] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Discipleship] [Saints] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Service] [Love] [Evangelization] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Peace] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Ecumenism]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 11, 12, 17<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Discipleship] [Kingdom of God]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus as Teacher] [Original<br />

holiness] [Prophets]<br />

[Faith in Action #6]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 10<br />

[Ordinary Time] [God as Father] [Baptism][Sacraments]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Justice] [Corporal Works of<br />

Mercy] [Creed]<br />

[Faith in Action: #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 20<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Prayer] [Sacraments] [Eucharist]<br />

[Mass] [Liturgy] [Conversion] [John, Gospel of] [John<br />

the Evangelist]<br />

[Faith in Action: #3]

Gospel: John 6:24-35 (NO one who comes to him will<br />

ever hunger or thirst)<br />

19 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:4-8 (Strengthened by that food<br />

Elijah walked forty days and forty nights.)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 4:30—5:2 (Imitate God.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:41-51 (Jesus said, “I am the living Bread”<br />

20 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Proverbs 9:1-6 (Wisdom said, “Come, eat of<br />

my food.”)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:15-20 ((Watch how you live.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:51-58 (Jesus said, “My flesh is true food,<br />

by blood is true drink.”<br />

21 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Joshua said: “As for<br />

me and my house we will serve the Lord.”<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 (This is<br />

great mystery of Christ and his Church.)<br />

Gospel: John 6:60-69 (“Lord to whom shall we go; you<br />

have the words of eternal life?”<br />

22 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 (Keep the commandments of<br />

God.)<br />

Reading II: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 (Be doers of the<br />

Word.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (You disregard God’s<br />

laws, but you hang on to human laws.)<br />

23 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a (The eyes of the deaf will<br />

be opened and the ears of the deaf will be cleared.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:1-5 (Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 (Whatever you bind on earth shall<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19, 4<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [Initiation sacraments] [Faith] [Conversion]<br />

[Service] [John, Gospel of]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3, 8<br />

Ordinary Time] [Praise to God] [Sacraments] [Bible]<br />

[New Testament] Old Testament] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy] [[Morality] [Conscience] [Original holiness]<br />

[John, Gospel of] [John the Evangelist] [Faith in Action<br />

#4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 10, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Word of God] [Scripture] [Bible] [Old<br />

Testament] [New Testament] [Evangelization] [Service]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ] [Mission] [Missionaries]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Sacraments of Initiation] [Eternity]<br />

[Faithfulness of God]<br />

Faith in Action # 2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 20, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Law] [Precepts] [Bible] [Truth]<br />

[Scripture] [Old Testament] [New Testament]<br />

[Conversion] [Service] [Commandments] [last<br />

judgment] [Mortal and Venial Sin] [Original Sin]<br />

[Beatitudes] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6, 13<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Sacraments] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Forgiveness] [Truth] Jesus as Healer] [Sin] [Social Sin]<br />

[Commandment/Great] [Beatitudes] [Commandments<br />

Ten] [Kingdom of God] [Forgiveness] [Love of others]<br />

[Original Sin]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index

e bound in heaven.)<br />

24 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 50:4-9a (The servant gave his back to<br />

those who beat him.)<br />

Reading II: James 2:14-18 (Faith without works is<br />

dead.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 8:27-35 (Jesus asked his apostles who they<br />

believed him to be.)<br />

25 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (Let us put the just one<br />

to the test.)<br />

Reading II: Jas 3:16—4:3 (Those who sow peace, reap<br />

peace.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37 (The Son of Man is to be handed<br />

over; the first shall be last and the last first.)<br />

26 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Numbers 11:25-29 (Would that all the people<br />

were prophets!)<br />

Reading II: James 5:1-6 (Their wealth rotted away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (Whoever is not against<br />

us is for us; it would be better for the ones who cause a<br />

little one to sin if a millstone were wrapped around their<br />

necks and they were thrown in the water.)<br />

27 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Gen 2:18-24 (The two become one.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 2:9-11 (He tasted death for<br />

everyone)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (What God has joined,<br />

let no one separate.)<br />

28 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Wisdom 7:7-11 (The spirit of wisdom came to<br />

the one who prayed.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:12-13 (The word of God is<br />

sharper than a two-edged sword.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (Sell all you have<br />

and give to the poor, then follow Jesus.)<br />

29 th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 53:10-11 (Through his suffering the<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 13, 20<br />

Ordinary Time] [Love] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Jesus<br />

as Teacher] Jesus as Son] [Faith] [Service] Trinity]<br />

[Apostles] [Church leaders] [Prophets]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 4, 1<br />

Ordinary Time ] [Love] [Love] [Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[Prayer] [Paschal Mystery] [Service] [Justice] [Peace]<br />

Faith in Action #5<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 14, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [Sin] [Original Sin] [Social Sin] [Saints]<br />

[Evangelization] [Forgiveness] [Prayer for Help]<br />

[Purgatory] [Morality] [Reconciliation sacrament]<br />

[Mortal and Venial Sin] [Evangelization]<br />

Faith in Action #2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15, 5<br />

[Ordinary Time] [Matrimony][Sacraments] [Sacraments<br />

of Vocation and Service] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal<br />

Mystery] [Jesus as Teacher] [Service] [Family] [Love of<br />

others] [Death]<br />

Faith in Action #6<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 18<br />

Ordinary Time] [Scripture] [Old Testament] [Holy Spirit]<br />

[New Testament] [Service] [Commandments] [Original<br />

holiness] [Prayer] [Love of others] [Justice] [Corporal<br />

Works of Mercy] [Charity] [Poverty]<br />

[Faith in action #7]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 13<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Promise of Jesus] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Service]

servant will justify many.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 4:14-16 (Jesus is the great high<br />

priest who has passed through the heavens.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (Whoever wishes to<br />

be first will be the servant of all.)<br />

30th <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Jeremiah 31:7-9 (Those who depart in tears<br />

will be led to brooks of water.)<br />

Reading II: Hebrews 5:1-6 (He is a priest according to<br />

the order of Melchisedek.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 (Jesus healed the blind man and<br />

told him that the man’s faith saved him.)<br />

31 st <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Deut 6:2-6 (Keep the Lord’s statutes all the<br />

days of your life.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 7:23-28 (Jesus’ priesthood does not<br />

pass away.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34 (Love God, love your neighbor<br />

as yourself.)<br />

32 nd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: 1 Kings 17:10-16 (The widow’s hospitality to<br />

Elijah.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 9:24-28 (Jesus offered his life for the<br />

sins of all.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (The widow offered<br />

more than the others.)<br />

33 rd <strong>Sunday</strong> in Ordinary Time<br />

Reading I: Dan 12:1-3 Michael, the guardian shall arise,<br />

those who are dead will arise.)<br />

Reading II: Heb 10:11-14, 18 (Through the offering of<br />

his life Jesus made perfect those who are consecrated.)<br />

Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 (They will see the Son of Man<br />

coming in the clouds…but no one knows the day or the<br />

hour.)<br />

Christ the King<br />

Reading I: Dan 7:13-14 (One like the Son of man<br />

received dominion, glory and kingship.)<br />

Reading II: Rev 1:5-8 (Jesus Christ is the first-born of<br />

the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.)<br />

Gospel: John 18:33b-37 (You say that I am a king; my<br />

kingdom does not belong to this world.)<br />

Immaculate Conception (December 8)<br />

Reading I: Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 (The Fall)<br />

Reading II: Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 (The Father’s Plan<br />

for Salvation)<br />

[Love] [Commandments/Great] Jesus as Teacher]<br />

[heaven]<br />

[Faith in Action #5]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 17, 20, 19<br />

Ordinary Time] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Faith]<br />

Covenant] [Jesus as savior/salvation] [Sacraments]<br />

[Holy Orders] Sacraments of Vocation and Service]<br />

[Faith in Action #4]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4, 10, 17<br />

Ordinary Time] [Law] [Great Commandment] [Love]<br />

[bible] [New Testament] Old Testament] [Love]<br />

[Heaven] [Commandments] [precepts] [Original holiness]<br />

[Saints] [Commandments/Great] [Sacraments] [Holy<br />

Orders] [Beatitudes] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer<br />

ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates<br />

your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 6<br />

Ordinary Time [Commandment/Great] [Service] [Love]<br />

[Love] [Heaven] [Commandments] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Resurrection] [Saints]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 13, 14<br />

Ordinary Time] [kingdom of God] [Jesus Christ]<br />

[Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons] [Heaven]<br />

[Resurrection] [Saints] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[death] [last judgment] [Eternity] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Faith in Action #1]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 9, 21<br />

Ordinary Time] [p. 119] [Sacraments] [Sacraments]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Liturgical seasons]<br />

[Heaven] [Purgatory] [Resurrection] [Saints] [Prayer]<br />

[Covenant] [Kingdom of God] [last judgment]<br />

[John the Evangelist] [John, Gospel of] Faith in Action #2<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 7<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 2

Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 (Announcement of the birth of<br />

Jesus)<br />

Christmas Midnight (December 25)<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 9:3-6 (The Prince of Peace)<br />

Reading II: Titus 2: 11-14<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (The Birth of Jesus)<br />

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of<br />

God – ABC (January 1)<br />

Reading I: Numbers 6: 22-27 (A Blessing)<br />

Reading II: Galatians 4:4-7 (Freedom in Christ)<br />

Gospel: Luke 2: 16-21 (Shepherds Find Jesus)<br />

Ash Wednesday<br />

Reading I: Joel 2: 12-18 (The Day of the Lord)<br />

Reading II: 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2( Ministry of<br />

Reconciliation)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 (Purity of Intentions:<br />

Prayer and Fasting)<br />

Triduum<br />

Holy Thursday<br />

Reading I: Exodus 12:1-8; 11-14 (The Passover Ritual<br />

Prescribed)Reading II: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 (The<br />

Lord’s Supper)<br />

Gospel: John 13: 1-15 (The Washing of Feet)<br />

Good Friday<br />

Reading I: Isaiah 52, 13-53, 12 (He surrendered himself<br />

to death)<br />

Reading II: Heb 4: 14-16, 5: 7-9 (He submitted humbly)<br />

Gospel: John 18: 1-19, 42 (The Passion)<br />

Holy Saturday Vigil<br />

Reading I: Genesis 1: 1-22-2:2 (First Story of Creation)<br />

Reading II: Genesis 22: 1-18 (The Testing of Abraham)<br />

Reading III: Exodus 14: 15-15:1 (Crossing of the Red<br />

Sea and Destruction of the Egyptians)<br />

Reading IV: Isaiah 54: 5-14 (The New Zion)<br />

Reading V: Isaiah 55: 1-11 (An Invitation to Grace)<br />

Reading VI: Baruch 3: 9-15, 32-4:4 (Prayer of Wisdom<br />

in the Law of Moses)<br />

Reading VII: Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28 (Regeneration of<br />

the People)<br />

Epistle: Romans 6: 3-11 (Death to Sin, Life in God)<br />

Gospel: Mark 16: 1-8 (The Women at the Tomb)<br />

[Christmas] [Jesus Christ] [Jesus as savior/salvation]<br />

[Original holiness] [Ecumenism] [Faithfulness of God]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 3<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [birth of Jesus] [Saints] [Original<br />

Holiness]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 4<br />

[Lent] [Liturgical seasons] [Ash Wednesday] [Faith]<br />

[Prayer] [Service][Serving others] [Sin] [Original Sin]<br />

[Love] [Grace] [Sin] [Conscience] [Mission] [last<br />

judgment] ] [Corporal Works of Mercy]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 15<br />

[Triduum] [Last Supper] [Service][Serving others]<br />

[Eucharist] [Mass] [Liturgy] [Holy Orders] [Exodus]<br />

[Reconciliation]<br />

Chapters: 5, 16<br />

[Triduum] [Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery] [Crucifix]<br />

[Sign of the Cross]<br />

Chapters: 9<br />

[Triduum] [Easter season] [exodus] [Creation] [Faith]<br />

[Jesus Christ] [Paschal Mystery]<br />

[Jesus as savior/salvation] [Baptism] [Confirmation]<br />

[Sacraments] [Sacraments] [Eucharist] [Mass]<br />

[Liturgy][Easter Symbols] [Sacraments of Initiation]<br />

[Anoint]<br />

Chapters: 2, 5, 16,<br />

Assumption (August 15)<br />

1 Chronicles 15: 3-4, 15: 54-57 (The Ark Brought to<br />

Jerusalem)<br />

Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 54-57 (Glorification of the<br />

Body)<br />

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-28 (True Happiness by Keeping the<br />

Word of God)<br />

All Saints<br />

(November 1)<br />

Reading I: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 (Triumph of the Elect)<br />

Reading II: 1 John 3: 1-3 (Children of God)<br />

Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12 (The Beatitudes)<br />

[Mary, Mother of God] [Bible] [Saints] [New Testament]<br />

[Old Testament]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 6<br />

[Saints] [Love] [Love]<br />

[last judgment] ]<br />

[Choose prayers or prayer ritual from doctrinal index<br />

below that best accommodates your theme.]<br />

Chapters: 19<br />

[refer to text for individual saints]

Doctrinal Index:<br />

[Advent: 12-15, 231]<br />

[Anoint: 95, 175, 242]<br />

[Apostles: 36, 123, 129-130, 137, 32, 128]<br />

[Baptism: 8, 24, 36, 172-174]<br />

[Beatitudes: 148, 234, 242]<br />

[Bible: 43-45, 68-71, 77-79, 122-123, 130, 136-137, 156, 214-215, 222, 225, 242]<br />

[Bread:]<br />

[Cardinal Virtues: see virtues]<br />

[Charity: 149, 200, 242]<br />

[Church/Body of Christ: 36, 71, 122, 129-131, 137-139, 157, 172-173, 198-199, 206-207, 227-228, 242]<br />

[Church leaders: 182-183, 243]<br />

[Christmas: 16-19]<br />

[Chrism: 175, 242]<br />

[Confirmation: 24, 173, 175]<br />

[Conversion: 172-174]<br />

[Conscience: 164-165, 235, 242]<br />

[Corporal Works of Mercy: 200]<br />

[Covenant: 59, 61, 68-69, 79, 85-86, 96, 242]<br />

[Creation: 28, 50-53, 217]<br />

[Creed: 138-139, 227-230, 242]<br />

[Death: 28, 35, 58, 60, 216]<br />

[Easter: 32-35]<br />

[Easter Symbols: while not directly covered in the resource this year, the primary symbols that express our Catholic<br />

identity are always grist for catechetical reflection in the Easter season [cross, light, Scripture, community, water,<br />

chrism/oil, garment, bread, wine]<br />

[Ecumenism: 208-209, 229, 243]<br />

[Eucharist: 24, 79, 173, 175, 243]<br />

[Eternity: 53, 243]<br />

[Evangelization: 174-175, 243]<br />

[Faith: 68-71, 243]<br />

[Faithfulness of God: 45, 69-61, 84-85]<br />

[Family: 190-191]<br />

[Forgiveness: 162-163]<br />

[God as Creator: 50-53]<br />

[Grace: 155, 235]<br />

[Great Commandments: 148-149, 234]<br />

[Heaven: 228]<br />

[Hell: 228]<br />

[Holy Orders: 182-183, 243]<br />

[Holy Spirit: 138, 43, 71, 86, 148, 36-39, 129, 46]<br />

[Jesus Christ: 12, 15, 16, 28, 31, 35, 61, 79, 86, 97, 112-113, 126, 147, 174, 215-216, 225]<br />

[Jesus as Savior: 28, 31,112-113, 61, 79, 86, 31, 71]<br />

[Jesus as Teacher: 86-87, 148, 163]<br />

[John, Gospel of: 32, 122, 224]<br />

[John the Baptist: 126]<br />

[John the Evangelist: 220]<br />

[justice: 16, 154-157, 155, 236, 243]<br />

[Kingdom of God: 86, 173, 228]<br />

[Last judgment: 228]<br />

[Last Supper 79, 180-181, 206-207, 232, 243]<br />

[Law: 84-85, 146-149, 234]<br />

[Lent: 24-27]<br />

[Liturgical seasons: 8-39, 231]<br />

[Liturgy: 97, 232-233]<br />

[Love: 23, 23, 146, 200]<br />

[Mark, Gospel of: 122, 174, 224]<br />

[Mary, Mother of God: 8-11, 120, 128, 188-189, 226]<br />

[Matthew, Gospel of: 122, 224]<br />

[Mass: 232]<br />

[Matrimony: 188-191, 189, 244]<br />

[Mission: 172-173, 229, 244]<br />

[missionaries: 130-131, 244]

[Morality: 234-237]<br />

[Mortal Sin: 162, 236, 244]<br />

[Moses: 28, 77, 84, 94, 147, 174]<br />

[New Testament: 28, 78, 130, 122-123, 136-137, 214-215, 222-223, 244]<br />

[Old Testament: 28, 50-53, 77-78, 84-85, 94-95, 103-105, 110-113, 146, 216, 222, 244]<br />

[Ordinary Time: 8-11, 20-23, 231]<br />

[Original Holiness: 52]<br />

[Original Sin: 28, 58, 60-61, 236, 244]<br />

[Paschal Mystery: 28]<br />

[Peace: 16, 19, 156-157, 236, 244]<br />

[Pentecost: 36-39, 129]<br />

[Poverty: 183, 244]<br />

[Prayer: 16, 24, 27, 71, 199, 200, 201, 244]<br />

Prayers…regular<br />

Act of Contrition 240<br />

Act of Faith 239<br />

Canticle of Zechariah 240<br />

Hail Mary 238<br />

Glory to the Father 238<br />

Grace Before and After Meals 241<br />

Jesus Prayer 238<br />

Lord’s Prayer 238<br />

Magnificat 241<br />

Nicene Creed 239<br />

Prayers/ritual<br />

Celebrate Mary 9<br />

Celebrate Advent 13<br />

Celebrate Peace 17<br />

Celebrate Service 21<br />

Celebrate Lent 25<br />

Celebrate Triduum 29<br />

Celebrate Easter 33<br />

Celebrate the Holy Spirit 37<br />

Litany of Saints 264<br />

Celebration of the Word [Called to One faith] 140<br />

Celebration of the Word [Good Shepherd] 72<br />

Celebration of the Word [Initiation Sacraments] 124<br />

Celebration of the Word [Ten Commandments theme] 88<br />

Prayer for Mercy 166<br />

Prayer to the holy Spirit 46<br />

Prayer of Lament 158<br />

Prayer of Petition [Alpha and Omega] 218<br />

Prayer of Petition [ Holy Spirit] 132<br />

Prayer of Petition [service] 210<br />

Prayer of Praise 106<br />

Prayer of Praise [Exodus theme] 80<br />

Prayer of Praise [Jesus Son of David] 98<br />

Prayer of Praise [Jesus the Messiah] 150<br />

Prayer of praise [John the Baptist] 114<br />

Prayer of thanksgiving 124<br />

Prayer of Blessing [marriage] 192<br />

Prayer of Petition [live the call] 184<br />

[Precepts of the Church: 149, 229, 245]<br />

[Prophets: 28, 94-95, 110-113, 111, 146, 156, 245]<br />

[Purgatory: 199, 228, 245]<br />

[Reconciliation Sacrament: 24, 206, 209]<br />

[Resurrection: 32-35, 216]<br />

[Sacraments: 24, 71, 79, 165, 173-175, 182-183, 188-189]<br />

[Sacraments of Initiation: 172-174]<br />

[Saints: 20-23, 202, 204, 230]<br />

[Salvation: 43, 245, 139, 28, 31, 68-71, 77-79, 224, 122-123, 129]<br />

[Scripture: See Bible, Old Testament and New Testament]<br />

[Service: 180-183, 188, 189, ]<br />

[Signing of the Senses: ]

[Sin: 58-61, 157, 162-163, 164, 237, 245]<br />

[Social sin: 157, 245]<br />

[Stewardship: 53]<br />

[Ten Commandments: 84-87, 146, 191, 234, 245]<br />

[Triduum 28-31]<br />

[Venial Sin: 162, 237]<br />

[Virtues: 149, 155, 183, 191, 200, 237, 245 ]

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