air pollution – monitoring, modelling and health - Ademloos air pollution – monitoring, modelling and health - Ademloos


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Exposure to Nano-Sized Particles and the Emergence<br />

of Contemporary Diseases with a Focus on Epigenetics 335<br />

Strahl B.D., Allis C.D. (2000). The language of covalent histone modifications. Nature,<br />

Vol.403(6765): 41-45.<br />

Stobbs N.T. (1952). Foggy Day in Decemeber 1952 - Nelson's Column in December. London<br />

image: The Great Smog of 1952. Available online (accessed in Feb. 2012):<br /><br />

Solomon W.R. (2002). Airborne pollen: A brief life. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., Vol.109(6):<br />

895-900.<br />

Surani M.A., Reik W. (2007). Germ Line and Pluripotent Stem Cells. In: Epigenetics, Ch.20.<br />

Aliis C.D., Jenuwein T., Reinberg D., Caparros M.L. eds., (2007). Cold Spring<br />

Harbor Laboratory Press, New York - USA; p.377-395.<br />

Tada M., Tada T, Lefebvre L., Barton S.C., Surani M.A. (1997). Embryonic germ cells induce<br />

epigenetic reprogramming of somatic nucleus in hybrid cells. EMBO J., Vol.16(21):<br />

6510-6520.<br />

Tada M., Takahama Y., Abe K., Nakatsuji N., Tada T. (2001). Nuclear reprogramming of<br />

somatic cells by in vitro hybridization with ES cells. Curr. Biol., Vol.11(19): 1553-1558.<br />

Takenaka H., Zhang K. Diaz-Sanchez D., Tsien A., Saxon A. (1995). Enhanced human IgE<br />

production results from exposure to the aromatic hydrocarbons from diesel<br />

exhaust: Direct effects on B-cell IgE production, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., Vol.95(1<br />

Pt.1): 103-115.<br />

Tarantini L., Bonzini M., Apostoli P., Pegoraro V., Bollati V., Marinelli B., Cantone L., Rizzo<br />

G., Hou L.F., Schwartz J., Bertazzi A.P., Baccarelli A. (2009). Effects of particulate<br />

matter on genomic DNA methylation content and iNOS promoter methylation.<br />

Environ. Health Perspect., Vol.117(2): 217-222.<br />

Taylor P.E., Flagan R.C., Valenta R., Glovsky M. (2002). Release of allergens as respirable<br />

aerosols: A link between grass pollen and asthma. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.,<br />

Vol.109(1): 51-56.<br />

Thaler D.S. (1994). The evolution of genetic intelligence. Science, Vol.264(5156): 224-225.<br />

Tortora G.J., Grabowski S.R. (1996). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 8 th ed. Harper<br />

Collins, Menlo Park, CA <strong>–</strong> USA.<br />

Tost J. (2008). Epigenetics. Preface. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk - UK; p.303-386.<br />

Traidl-Hoffmann C., Jakob T., Behrendt H. (2009): Determinants of allergenicity. J. Allergy<br />

Clin. Immunol., Vol. 123(3): 558-566.<br />

VanHelden E.G., VanHelden P.D. (1989). Age-related methylation changes in DNA may<br />

reflect the proliferative potential of organs. Mutat. Res. Vol.219(5-6): 263-266.<br />

Vladimir V. (2001). Reactive Oxygen Species, Water, Photons and Life. Riv. Biol., Vol.103(2-<br />

3): 321-342.<br />

Vickaryous M.K., Hall B.K. (2006). Human cell type diversity, evolution, development, and<br />

classification with special reference to cells derived from the neural crest. Biol. Rev.,<br />

Vol.81(3): 425-455.<br />

Vineis P., Kusgafvel-Pursiainen K. (2005). Air pollution and cancer: biomarker studies in<br />

human populations. Carcinogenesis, Vol.26(11): 1846-1855.<br />

Vostal J.J. (1980). Health aspects of diesel exhaust particulate emissions. Bull N.Y. Acad.<br />

Med., Vol.56(9): 914-934.<br />

Walker D., Gore A.C. (2011). Transgeneretional neuroendocrine disruption of reproduction.<br />

Nat. Rev. Endocrinol., Vol.7(4): 197-207.

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