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234. Sen A., Smith T.E. (1995) Gravity Models of Spatial Interaction<br />

Behavior, Springer, New York.<br />

235. Senior Nello S., Smith K.E. (1997) The consequence of Eastern<br />

Enlargement of the European Union Stages European University<br />

Institute Working Paper RSCAS No.97/51, Robert Schuman Centre<br />

for Advanced Studies.<br />

236. Sepos A. (2005) Differential Integration in the EU: The Position of<br />

Small Member States European University Institute, Working Paper<br />

RSCAS No.2005/17, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.<br />

237. Sinnott R. (2004) Assesing the implication of EU Enlargement for the<br />

Existing Member States: The Public Opinion Perspective, European<br />

University Institute Working Paper RSCAS No.2004/11, Robert<br />

Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.<br />

238. Smith C.A. (1976) Regional Analysis, vol. II – Social systems,<br />

Academic Press, New York.<br />

239. Spircu L., Scarlat E., Oprescu Gh., Chiriţă N. (2002) Bazele<br />

cibernetici economice. Modelarea optimală a sistemelor ciberneticoeconomice,<br />

Editura A.S.E., Bucureşti.<br />

240. Stancu S. (2007) Modelarea matematică a sistemelor şi proceselor<br />

de conducere. Analiza sistemelor economice complexe. Teorie şi<br />

aplicaţii, Editura A.S.E., Bucureşti.<br />

241. Stăiculescu C., Mogoş G. (2006) Solicitarea cu succes a fondurilor<br />

europene, Editura Forum, Bucureşti.<br />

242. Stetter S. (2004) Torn between Reform and Stagnation: An<br />

Institutionalist Analysis of the MEDA Programme European<br />

University Institute Working Paper RSCAS No.2004/43, Robert<br />

Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.<br />

243. Stierle M. (2004) „Conditions for a contribution by the Structural<br />

Funds to real convergence of the Recently Acceded Member States”,<br />

EU Economy Review, chapter 2.<br />

244. Stokovic I. (2006) Transition process in South East Europe<br />

compared to the Central European transition countries, 46 th<br />

Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Volos,<br />

Greece, August 30 – September 3.<br />


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