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180. Marchis G. (2007) „Cohesion policy perspective in the context of European integration. Benchmarks for Romania”, The Sixth International Symposium of the Romanian Regional Science Association: „The Impact of Romania’s Accession to the EU on Regional Structures”, the Romanian Regional Science Association and the „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, the Research Centre for Territorial Development and Regional Development Agency Alba, 8 – 9 June, 181. Marcu N. (2008) „Romania’s Exchange Rate Policy towards its European Monetary Union Membership – Prospects and Challenges” în Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.9, nr.1, Institutul Naţional de Prognoză Economică. 182. Marelli E. (2007) „Specialisation and Convergence of European Regions”, in The European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol.4, no.2, articol disponibil on-line la adresa: 183. Marin D., Socol C., Marinaş M. (2004) Economie europeană: o prezentare sinoptică, editura Economică, Bucureşti. 184. Marin D., Marinescu D. (2007) „Implicaţiile neconvexităţii asupra existenţei echilibrului concurenţial într-o economie”, articol disponibil on-line la adresa: 185. Martin P. (1999) „Are European Regional Policies Delivering?”, European Investment Bank Papers. 186. Martin R., Tyler P. (2006) „Evaluating the impact of the Structural Fund son Objective 1 Regions: An Exploratory Discussion” in Regional Studies, vol.40.2. 187. Martinico G. (2007) “The impact of the cohesion policies on the “Form of Union”: for a constitutional language of the “integrative” regionalism” in Regions in Focus?, Regional studies Association, Lisbon, Portugal, 2 nd – 5 th April. 188. McDonald F., Dearden St. (2005) European Economic Integration 4 th Edition, FT Prentice Hall. 189. Mereuţă C., Albu L. L., Iordan M., Chilian M. N. (2007) „A Model to Evaluate the Regional Competitiveness of the EU Regions” în Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.8, nr.3, Institutul Naţional de Prognoză Economică. 273

190. Midelfart-Knarvik K.H., Overman H.G. (2002) „Delocation and European Integration: Is Structural Spending Justified?”, in Economic Policy. 191. Mihailovic K. (1972) Regional Development Experiences and Prospects in Eastern Europe, Free Press, New York. 192. Miron D. (2002) Economia Uniunii Europene Bucureşti: Editura Luceafărul. 193. Molle W. (2006) „Evaluating the EU cohesion policy” în Shaping EU Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures, Conference Leuven, Belgium, 8 th -9 th June. 194. Mooslechner P. (2003) „Some remarks on ‘How to balance real and nominal convergence’: an introductory statement” în în Tumpel Gugerell G., Mooslechner P. (eds) Economic Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Growth and Regional Development in an Enlarged European Union, Edward Elgar Publishing. 195. Mora T. (2006) Explaning within-country regional GDPpc inequality in the European Union, 46 th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Volos, Greece, August 30 – September 3. 196. Moşteanu R.N. (2003) Finanţarea dezvoltării regionale în România Bucureşti: Editura Economică. 197. Musyck B., Reid A. (2007) „Innovation and Regional Development: Do European Structural Funds Make a Difference?”, in European Planning Studies, no. 15. 198. Nared J., Ravbar M. (2003) „Starting Points for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Policy in Slovania”, Acta Geographica Slovenica, 43-1. 199. Nica N.A. (2001) „Politica de dezvoltare regională între necesitate internă şi cerinţă externă (Filozofia sprijinului european pentru dezvoltare regională)” în Constantin D.L. Probleme actuale ale dezvoltării regionale în România, Lucrările primului simpozion naţional al Asociaţiei Române de Ştiinţe Regionale, editura Oscar Print, Bucureşti. 200. Oprescu G., Constantin D. L., Ilie F., Pîslaru D. (2006) „Analiza capacităţii de absorbţie a fondurilor comunitare în România”, studiul nr.1 din colecţia Studii de impact III, Institutul European din România. 274

180. Marchis G. (2007) „Cohesion policy perspective in the context of<br />

European integration. Benchmarks for Romania”, The Sixth<br />

International Symposium of the Romanian Regional Science<br />

Association: „The Impact of Romania’s Accession to the EU on<br />

Regional Structures”, the Romanian Regional Science Association<br />

and the „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, the Research<br />

Centre for Territorial Development and Regional Development<br />

Agency Alba, 8 – 9 June,<br />

181. Marcu N. (2008) „Romania’s Exchange Rate Policy towards its<br />

European Monetary Union Membership – Prospects and Challenges”<br />

în Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.9, nr.1, Institutul<br />

Naţional de Prognoză Economică.<br />

182. Marelli E. (2007) „Specialisation and Convergence of European<br />

Regions”, in The European Journal of Comparative Economics,<br />

vol.4, no.2, articol disponibil on-line la adresa:<br />

183. Marin D., Socol C., Marinaş M. (2004) Economie europeană: o<br />

prezentare sinoptică, editura Economică, Bucureşti.<br />

184. Marin D., Marinescu D. (2007) „Implicaţiile neconvexităţii asupra<br />

existenţei echilibrului concurenţial într-o economie”, articol<br />

disponibil on-line la adresa:<br />

185. Martin P. (1999) „Are European Regional Policies Delivering?”,<br />

European Investment Bank Papers.<br />

186. Martin R., Tyler P. (2006) „Evaluating the impact of the Structural<br />

Fund son Objective 1 Regions: An Exploratory Discussion” in<br />

Regional Studies, vol.40.2.<br />

187. Martinico G. (2007) “The impact of the cohesion policies on the<br />

“Form of Union”: for a constitutional language of the “integrative”<br />

regionalism” in Regions in Focus?, Regional studies Association,<br />

Lisbon, Portugal, 2 nd – 5 th April.<br />

188. McDonald F., Dearden St. (2005) European Economic Integration 4 th<br />

Edition, FT Prentice Hall.<br />

189. Mereuţă C., Albu L. L., Iordan M., Chilian M. N. (2007) „A Model<br />

to Evaluate the Regional Competitiveness of the EU Regions” în<br />

Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, vol.8, nr.3, Institutul<br />

Naţional de Prognoză Economică.<br />


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