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111. European Communities (2007) Cohesion Policy 2007-13 National Strategic Reference Frameworks, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 112. European Communities (2007) Growing Regions, growing Europe, Fourth report on economic and social cohesion, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 113. European Communities (2007) Eurostat regional yearbook 2007, Eurostat Statistical Books, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 114. European Communities (2008) Eurostat regional yearbook 2008, Eurostat Statistical Books, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 115. European Communities (2008) Europe in figures Eurostat yearbook 2008, Eurostat Statistical Books, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 116. European Communities (2008) Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013 National Strategic Reference Frameworks, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 117. European Parliament (1998) EU Structural Policy Indicators for the Identification of Problem Regions, Regional Policy Series REGI 104 En, Directorate General for Research. 118. European University Institute (2001) The Political Dimension of EU Enlargement: Looking towards post-accession Report of Reflection Group of Policy Advisors, Italy. 119. European University Institute (2003) Enlarging the European Union – Achivements and Challenges Report of Wim Kok to the European Commission, Belgium. 120. Everitt B., Cluster Analisys, Edward Arnold, 1993. 121. Fagerberg J., Srholec M. (2007) The Role of „Capabilities” in Development: Why some countries Manage to Catch Up While Others Stay Poor, DIME Working Paper 2007.08. 122. Fayolle J., Lecuyer A. (2000) „Croissance Regionale, Appartenance Nationale et Fonds Structurels Europeens: Un Bilan d’etape”, Revue de l’OFCE. 123. Feilmayr W., Multivariate Methods of Regional Science: Factor Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. 267

124. Florax R. J. G. M., de Groot H. L. F., Heijungs R. (2002) The empirical economic growth literature: robustness, significance and size, Tingergen Institute, Rotterdam. 125. Fontaine P. (2004) Europe in 12 lessons, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. 126. Frentz G. (2004) „Planul Naţional de Dezvoltare – instrument pentru realizarea coeziunii economice şi sociale în România” în Ailenei D., Constantin D.L., Jula D. (coord) Avantaje competitive şi dezvoltare regională, „Lucrările celui de-al Treilea Simpozion Naţional al Asociaţiei Române de Ştiinţe Regionale”, Bucureşti: Editura Oscar Print. 127. Ganev G., Primatarova A. (2007) „Regional Policy: Actors, Institutions and Policy Making Structures in Bulgaria in Relation to EU Membership” paper presented at International Conference: Regions in Focus, Lisbon, Aprilie 3-5. 128. Gilpin R. (2004) Economia mondială în secolul XXI: provocarea capitalismului global (trad. D. Istrăţescu şi C. Aboboaie) Iaşi: Editura Polirom. 129. Ghizdeanu I., Ţapu D. I. (2008) Real convergence of Romanian economy, paper presented at the Fourth International Conference of Applied Statistics, Bucharest. 130. Goldstein H. (1995) Multilevel statistical models, Edward Arnold. 131. Gordon A. (1981) Classification, Champman and Hall. 132. Goschin Z., Pârlog C. (2006) „Criterii de analiză şi indici sintetici pentru evidenţierea disparităţilor regionale” in Roşca E. (coord.) Dezvoltarea regională în contextul integrării în Uniunea Europeană, Editura Economică, Bucureşti. 133. Goschin Z., Constantin D. L., Roman M., Ileanu B. (2008), „A composite index of territorial disparities: spatial configuration in Romania”, 4 th International Conference of Applied Statistics, Bucharest, November, Special Issue of Romanian Statistical Review. 134. Gripaios et all (2006) „Impact of Objective One – a review”, 46 th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Volos, Greece, August 30 – September 3. 135. Gripaios P. (2007) „Growth in European Countries and Regions 1995 – 2003: Some lessons to be learned for the Lisbon Agenda?” paper 268

124. Florax R. J. G. M., de Groot H. L. F., Heijungs R. (2002) The<br />

empirical economic growth literature: robustness, significance and<br />

size, Tingergen Institute, Rotterdam.<br />

125. Fontaine P. (2004) Europe in 12 lessons, Office for Official<br />

Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.<br />

126. Frentz G. (2004) „Planul Naţional de Dezvoltare – instrument pentru<br />

realizarea coeziunii economice şi sociale în România” în Ailenei D.,<br />

Constantin D.L., Jula D. (coord) Avantaje competitive şi dezvoltare<br />

regională, „Lucrările celui de-al Treilea Simpozion Naţional al<br />

Asociaţiei Române de Ştiinţe Regionale”, Bucureşti: Editura Oscar<br />

Print.<br />

127. Ganev G., Primatarova A. (2007) „Regional Policy: Actors,<br />

Institutions and Policy Making Structures in Bulgaria in Relation to<br />

EU Membership” paper presented at International Conference:<br />

Regions in Focus, Lisbon, Aprilie 3-5.<br />

128. Gilpin R. (2004) Economia mondială în secolul XXI: provocarea<br />

capitalismului global (trad. D. Istrăţescu şi C. Aboboaie) Iaşi: Editura<br />

Polirom.<br />

129. Ghizdeanu I., Ţapu D. I. (2008) Real convergence of Romanian<br />

economy, paper presented at the Fourth International Conference of<br />

Applied Statistics, Bucharest.<br />

130. Goldstein H. (1995) Multilevel statistical models, Edward Arnold.<br />

131. Gordon A. (1981) Classification, Champman and Hall.<br />

132. Goschin Z., Pârlog C. (2006) „Criterii de analiză şi indici sintetici<br />

pentru evidenţierea disparităţilor regionale” in Roşca E. (coord.)<br />

Dezvoltarea regională în contextul integrării în Uniunea Europeană,<br />

Editura Economică, Bucureşti.<br />

133. Goschin Z., Constantin D. L., Roman M., Ileanu B. (2008), „A<br />

composite index of territorial disparities: spatial configuration in<br />

Romania”, 4 th International Conference of Applied Statistics,<br />

Bucharest, November, Special Issue of Romanian Statistical Review.<br />

134. Gripaios et all (2006) „Impact of Objective One – a review”, 46 th<br />

Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Volos,<br />

Greece, August 30 – September 3.<br />

135. Gripaios P. (2007) „Growth in European Countries and Regions 1995<br />

– 2003: Some lessons to be learned for the Lisbon Agenda?” paper<br />


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