Bunge Newsletter

Bunge E-Newsletter May 2013 Issue No:007 - Parliament of Tanzania Bunge E-Newsletter May 2013 Issue No:007 - Parliament of Tanzania

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Bunge e Newsletter Issue No 007 MAY 2013 Parliament for the last seven Weeks in Budgetary Session The 11th Parliamentary Session, which is the budget session, is in its 7th week since it started on 9th April, 2013. Up to now 283 normal questions have been asked and answered in the Parliament. Within this time about 420 supplementary questions were asked and all of them received answers from the Government. According to the Parliamentary Standing Orders, every Thursday, it’s Prime Minister’s questions and up to the end of May more than 20 questions had been asked and answered by the Prime Minister. Despite of the normal Q&A session in the Parliament, during this session, Parliament has also continued discussing and approving ministries budget estimates for the financial year 2013/14. So far 28 ministries have already presented their budget estimates in the House. Members of Parliament have scrutined the Government and made sure that national development priorities are been considered in every ministry as a way of fulfilling their constitutional mandate of representation, legislation and oversight. The number of Members of Parliament who have contributed to the budget discussions per each ministry up to now is as follows: The Office of Prime Minister [114 Contributors], President’s Office [17 Contributions], Office of Vice President [6 Contributors], Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperative [45 Contributors], Ministry of Water [43 Contributors], Ministry of Natural resources and tourism [34 Contributors], Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs [7 Contributors]. After the change of the Budget Cycle to the current one, the entire exercise of discussing and approving the budget estimates has received a ernomous contributions from the Members of Parliament. Others are the Ministry of Defense and National Service[9 Contributors],Ministry of Home affairs[43 Contributors], Ministry of health and social welfare[38 Contributors], 1

<strong>Bunge</strong><br />

e<br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Issue No 007 MAY 2013<br />

Parliament for the last seven Weeks in Budgetary Session<br />

The 11th Parliamentary Session, which is the budget<br />

session, is in its 7th week since it started on 9th April,<br />

2013. Up to now 283 normal questions have been asked<br />

and answered in the Parliament. Within this time<br />

about 420 supplementary questions were asked and<br />

all of them received answers from the Government.<br />

According to the Parliamentary Standing Orders,<br />

every Thursday, it’s Prime Minister’s questions and<br />

up to the end of May more than 20 questions had<br />

been asked and answered by the Prime Minister.<br />

Despite of the normal Q&A session in the Parliament,<br />

during this session, Parliament has also continued<br />

discussing and approving ministries budget estimates<br />

for the financial year 2013/14. So far 28 ministries have<br />

already presented their budget estimates in the House.<br />

Members of Parliament have scrutined the Government<br />

and made sure that national development<br />

priorities are been considered in every ministry<br />

as a way of fulfilling their constitutional<br />

mandate of representation, legislation and oversight.<br />

The number of Members of Parliament who have<br />

contributed to the budget discussions per each ministry<br />

up to now is as follows: The Office of Prime<br />

Minister [114 Contributors], President’s Office [17<br />

Contributions], Office of Vice President [6 Contributors],<br />

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperative<br />

[45 Contributors], Ministry of Water<br />

[43 Contributors], Ministry of Natural resources<br />

and tourism [34 Contributors], Ministry of Justice<br />

and Constitutional affairs [7 Contributors].<br />

After the change of the Budget Cycle to the current<br />

one, the entire exercise of discussing and approving<br />

the budget estimates has received a ernomous<br />

contributions from the Members of Parliament.<br />

Others are the Ministry of Defense and National<br />

Service[9 Contributors],Ministry of<br />

Home affairs[43 Contributors], Ministry of<br />

health and social welfare[38 Contributors],<br />


Ministry of Community Development, Gender and<br />

children[9 Contributors]; Ministry of Infrastructure<br />

[45 Contributors]; Ministry of Industry and Trade<br />

[8 Contributors]; Ministry of Transport [33 Contributors];<br />

Information, Youth, Culture and Sport [30<br />

Contributors]; Energy and Minerals [24 Contributors];<br />

East African Corporation [7 Contributors];<br />

Despite approving the above-mentioned Ministries<br />

budget, the Parliament has done its role of<br />

advising the Government and asked some Ministry<br />

to review their Ministrial Budgets they<br />

serve before tabled for approval in the House.<br />

This success is built on the effectiveness of the newly<br />

created Budget committee, which has been advising<br />

all Ministries on its budget in each sector.<br />

The formation of this committee has been a success<br />

in effectiveness of the Parliament specifically<br />

in this budget session as the parliament<br />

has been advising the Government well.<br />

Women MPs want more skills to table<br />

Private Member’s Bills and Motions<br />

Chairperson of the TWPG Hon. Anna Abdallah gesturing to the Women Mps while she was opening a one day workshop on how to table Private<br />

members motions and Bill. Right is the secretary of TWGP Hon. Angela Kairuki and sitting left is the Deputy Chair Hon. Dr. Mary Mwanjelwa<br />

Association of Women MPs in the Parliament of<br />

Tanzania (Tanzania Women Parliamentarian Group<br />

- TWPG) this month conducted a one-day seminar<br />

for all Women Parliamentarians aiming at improving<br />

their comprehensive understanding on<br />

the best form of self-presentation and tabling of<br />

Private Members Bills and Motions in Parliament.<br />

The seminar was one of the capacity building organized<br />

by TWGP aiming at improving Women Mps in<br />

order to effectively engage themselves in legislative<br />

process with competent ideas that reflect people’s lives.<br />

Opening the seminar, the Chairperson of the<br />

TWPG Hon. Anna Abdallah (Mp) asked all its<br />

MPs regardless of their political-party affiliation<br />

to effectively engage with the Office of the Parliamentary<br />

Legal Adviser on how to prepare and<br />

table the Private Member’s Bills and Motions.<br />

Hon. Abdallah added that, Women Parliamentarians<br />

are responsible in solving problems facing<br />

the peoples in the country, especially those affecting<br />

women and children, by engaging on bringing<br />

more bills and motions in the house that focus to<br />


tackle their problems. Furthermore it is the effective<br />

way of putting the Government accountable to Wananchi<br />

represented by Mps in the House. She added<br />

“Honorable Members, this is my eighth term in the<br />

House, there is still little awareness for many women<br />

Mps on how to table Private Members Bills and Motions<br />

in the Parliament. I believe if we take advantage<br />

of this kind of awareness seminars, they will help us<br />

very much to effectively draft good and convincing<br />

Private Bills and Motions that focus on resolving people’s<br />

problems while they meet all the Standing Orders<br />

demands at the same time. She said Hon. Anna<br />

Abdallah Said to the TWGP at the Msekwa Hall.<br />

During the discussion, many Women MPs<br />

asked TWGP leadership to organize such kind<br />

of seminars regularly as they will impart more<br />

understanding to Women MPs in the House.<br />

“This might be in practice so that education always<br />

takes place for the purpose of reminding us<br />

with house procedures and even legal requirements<br />

that are needed when on tabling the motion or the<br />

Bill in the House. This will make us more competence<br />

and able to compete with Men MPs while<br />

Legislating. We have a lot of issues that we need to<br />

present in the House, but sometime we lack technical<br />

inputs on how to table them. As a result<br />

many of us are no more vibrant in the House”. Said<br />

one of the MP while contributing to the Seminar.<br />

The Members agreed that they have to fulfill their<br />

mandates of representing people effectively as the<br />

voice of wananchi by bringing into Parliament issues<br />

which need immediate solution from the Government.<br />

“Parliament is the place where laws are made and<br />

where people put the Government accountable, we<br />

have to make sure that we do not leave that job to<br />

Male MPs only, we are the Women in the Parliament<br />

and we represent hundreds of Women and<br />

Children of this country whose voices must be<br />

heard in the House through us. So we have to ensure<br />

that we raise the people’s voices while we are in<br />

the Parliament by bringing in their problems to be<br />

solved.” Said Hon. Anne Kilango Malecela (MP).<br />

The workshop consisted of three topics namely<br />

how to bring in a Private-Member Motion, Private<br />

Members Bill and the Procedure to table<br />

the Government Bills in the House. The presenters<br />

came from the Office of the National Assembly<br />

Parliament formed Special Committee<br />

to defuse Mtwara Gas Crisis<br />

Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Anne Makinda announcing<br />

names of the Mps who will form the Special Parliamentary<br />

Committee that will work to find out the cause of Mtwara Crisis<br />

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon.<br />

Anne Makinda has announced a Special Committee<br />

with thirteen members select to probe<br />

dispute-surrounding construction of a natural<br />

gas pipeline from Mtwara to Dar es Salaam.<br />

The dispute caused riots in Mtwara this month and<br />

escalated on the day the Ministry of Energy and Minerals<br />

was tabling its Ministerial Budget estimates.<br />

The Speaker formed the Committee after the Government<br />

had issued its statement in the house, the<br />

Parliamentary Steering Committee met and decided<br />

that a Special committee to be formed and listen<br />

to residents of Mtwara over their skepticism in<br />

the government’s plan to construct the gas pipeline.<br />

Hon. Makinda noted that in a calm environment the<br />

committee will tour Mtwara and meet various groups.<br />

She urged residents to remain calm and give utmost<br />

cooperation and speak freely on their grievances.<br />

“I call upon residents of Mtwara to cooperate to be<br />

open and free to speak their minds without fear. The<br />

committee will have sufficient time to meet residents,<br />

groups, organisations and leaders,” she said.<br />

The Speaker announced the names of the<br />

Members of that Commitee shortly after<br />

the house approved the Ministry of Energy<br />

and Minerals 2013/14 budget estimates.<br />


She said the committee will be guided by fourclause<br />

terms of reference which includes probing<br />

the source of chaos, make a follow up on<br />

various steps taken by the government, meeting<br />

stakeholders and get their views on gas projects<br />

and look at any other issues related to the mayhem.<br />

The team will be under the chairmanship of Hon.<br />

Charles Mwijage (CCM). Other members are<br />

Hon. Said Arfi (CHADEMA), Hon. Dalaly Kafumu<br />

(CCM), Hon. Said Nkumba (CCM), Hon.<br />

Cynthia Ngoye (CCM), Hon. Hamad Rashid Mohamed<br />

(CUF), Hon. Ramo Makani (CCM) and<br />

Hon. Muhammad Amour Chomboh (CCM).<br />

Others in the team are Hon. Cecilia Paresso (CHADE-<br />

MA), Hon. Rukia Kassim Ahmed (CUF), Hon.<br />

Mariam Kisangi (CCM), Hon. Agripina Buyogela<br />

(NCCR-Mageuzi) and Hon. Selemani Jafo (CCM) .<br />

Budget Committee shows it relevance<br />

The newly formed Parliamentary Budget Committee<br />

has been showing its significance by effectively<br />

advising the Government to prioritize issues<br />

of National Interest in each Ministerial Budget<br />

during the ongoing Budget session in Dodoma.<br />

The Committee appears to be asserting<br />

its role by querying discrepancies on<br />

each Ministerial Budget between the policy<br />

and the final budget in the house for approval.<br />

Since the start of the Budget session in Dodoma,<br />

the Budget Committee has been meeting with various<br />

Ministries and Parliamentary sectorial Committee<br />

to discuss and advice them on disbursements<br />

of funds to each Ministry’s budget estimates.<br />

Minister for Ernegy and Minerals Hon. Prof. Sospeter<br />

Muhongo dispalying some of the Ministerial Documents<br />

containing Ministerial Plan for Gas and Energy in the House<br />

The committee is expected to table the report<br />

within two weeks. It will then be debated<br />

in the ongoing session and the recommendations<br />

passed on to the Government for action.<br />

Residents of Mtwara have been resisting the<br />

construction of a pipeline to transport gas<br />

to Dar es Salaam for electricity generation.<br />

The 532km pipeline, to be built at a cost of $1.225<br />

billion, will transport the gas to the city to produce<br />

2,780MW of electricity. It is a joint project<br />

between China Petroleum and Technology Development<br />

Company (CPTDC), a unit of China National<br />

Petroleum Corp (CNPC), and the Tanzania<br />

Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC).<br />

The Committee has advices each Ministry to allocate<br />

more funds to developmental projects, which are<br />

the main interest of the country’s development plan.<br />

Basing on the ministerial report for the finacial year<br />

2012/13, the Budget Committee was able to look<br />

on the Government Efficiency on the implementation<br />

and uses of taxpayer’s money through the projects<br />

which are executed based on value for money.<br />

Parliament is supposed to play an oversight role<br />

over the budgetary process to ensure that the<br />

nation’s priorities are adequately catered for.<br />

After years of Parliament without this Committees<br />

in the budget process, now MPs are agitated for<br />

a more active role and as a result they have formed<br />

this Budget Committee which is more transparency<br />

and very cooperative around the budgetary process.<br />



Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Anne<br />

Makinda giving worlds of consolation to the Arch .<br />

Bishop Josephat Lebulu of the Arusha Arch-Diocese<br />

when she led a delegation of 25 MPs to visit the<br />

victims of the Olasite Church Bombing this Month.<br />

The Parish priest of the Olasite parish Rev. Father<br />

Pedy Kasterino escorting the Speaker of the National<br />

Assembly Hon. Anne Makinda and her delegation<br />

to see the damage of the Bombing<br />

of the Olastite Church in Arusha<br />

Irish Ambasador to Tanzania<br />

Hon. Fionnuala Gilsenan paying a courtesy<br />

call to the speaker of the National Assembly<br />

Hon. Anne Makinda in Dodoma this Month<br />

South Kigoma Mp. Hon. David Kafulila making<br />

contribution during the Climate Change<br />

Serminar in Dodoma this Month. The Serminar<br />

was organised by the Parliament in collaboration<br />

with UNDP under the Legislative Support<br />

Project as capacity building to Mps and Staff<br />


<strong>Bunge</strong> Principal Information Officer died in Malaysia<br />

Once again the Office of National Assembly has suffered<br />

a great loss of its member of staff the late Ernest<br />

Xavier Zulu. The diseased who was born on July 10th<br />

1957 in Songea region at Maposeni – Ndilima village<br />

passed away on May 23rd, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur,<br />

Malaysia after he had suffered from brain trauma followed<br />

by head surgery towards the end of the year 2012.<br />

The late Zulu joined <strong>Bunge</strong> in 1997 after he had<br />

worked with the then Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation<br />

since 1976 to 1983 as an Assistant News<br />

Writer, The Uhuru/ Mzalendo Senior Correspondent<br />

in 1985 to 1990, The Express Newspaper Sub<br />

– editor in 1991 to 1994 and the Voice of Germany<br />

(Doche Welle) Senior Correspondent in 1995<br />

Due to his dedicated endeavor, in 2004 Mr. Ernest<br />

Zulu was promoted to Principal Information<br />

Officer, the position he held till he passed away.<br />

Eager to learn more and despite of his grown age, in<br />

July 2010 Mr. Zulu joined the Taylor University in Kuala<br />

Lumpur, Malaysia to pursue the Bachelor Degree<br />

in Media Communication and Administration, the<br />

course which was due to an end come November 2013.<br />

The above story speaks for itself as for how our beloved<br />

Zulu cherished education and went after it.<br />

Let it be a legacy and inspiration to young, old and<br />

to all of us who knew and worked with the late Ernest<br />

Zulu. To many he was referred to as a Teacher…<br />

The diseased studied at Mpera Primary School in<br />

Kahama from 1966 to 1970. For the Ordinary level<br />

studies, the late Zulu went at Bagamoyo Secondary<br />

School from the year 1971 to 1974 culminating<br />

with Diploma in Journalism from the then Tanzania<br />

School of Journalism (TSJ) in 1975 to 1976.<br />

In his quest to quench academic thirst, in<br />

1986 to 1987 the diseased attended International<br />

Journalism studies in Moscow, Russia.<br />

Survived with a widow and four children the late Zulu<br />

in 1997 joined <strong>Bunge</strong> as a Civic Education Consultant<br />

and in 1998 Mr. Zulu was fully employed by Office of<br />

National Assembly as a Senior Information Officer.<br />

The Office of the National Assembly in collaboration<br />

with the Embassy of Tanzania in Malaysia<br />

worked diligently to bring back to the cou<br />

try the remains of the body of Mr. Ernest Zulu.<br />

The Commissioner and the Mafia Island Member of<br />

Parliament who represented the Speaker of the National<br />

Assembly Hon. Abdul Karim Shah together<br />

with the Clerk of the National Assembly Dr. Thomas<br />

Kashilliah led the <strong>Bunge</strong> Staff in receiving the body and<br />

arranging funeral ceremony which took place in Songea<br />

at Maposeni-Ndilima village on May 31st, 2013.<br />

The Potrait of the late Ernest Zullu<br />

The Widow Mrs Theresia Zullu (Right) morning<br />

her husband<br />


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