Caribbean Compass Yachting Magazine 2015

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Welcome to Caribbean Compass, the most widely-read boating publication in the Caribbean! THE MOST NEWS YOU CAN USE - feature articles on cruising destinations, regattas, environment, events...


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SEPTEMBER <strong>2015</strong> CARIBBEAN COMPASS PAGE 10<br />





So stated Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada,<br />

Carriacou & Petite Martinique on August 5th at a ceremony marking the completion<br />

of Phase One of the rebuilding of Clarkes Court Boatyard & Marina on Grenada’s<br />

yacht-dotted south coast. Confidence in the country’s recreational marine sector was<br />

exemplified by the official “launching” of the yard’s new 242-ton boat lift. Dubbed<br />

“The Hulk”, this huge mobile boat hoist — the largest in the southeastern <strong>Caribbean</strong><br />

— raises Grenada’s growing yacht service industry to yet another level.<br />

As Clarkes Court’s developer and Director, Kelly Glass, explained, obtaining a boat<br />

hoist of such capability “future-proofs” Clarkes Court as catamarans become<br />

increasingly popular, longer and wider; and boats of all sorts become ever larger. The<br />

lift will accommodate monohulls up to 130 feet long with a 13-foot draft and multihulls<br />

with a maximum beam of 38 feet.<br />

At the ceremony, Tourism Minister Yolande Bain-Horsford said, “This [yachting]<br />

sector makes a major economic contribution to Grenada, Carriacou & Petite<br />

Martinique. Marine support services and the overall yachting industry provide great<br />

potential and excellent opportunities to address the provision of sustainable livelihoods<br />

for our people.” However, she noted, “All of the persons employed in Grenada’s<br />

yachting sector must be well-trained. The Government of Grenada is therefore committed<br />

to continuing its work with the National Training Agency, the TA Marryshow<br />

Community College, and the Marine and <strong>Yachting</strong> Association of Grenada (MAYAG)<br />

in making additional training opportunities available to the people employed in the<br />

yachting sector.” She stated that so far this year marine training and certification<br />

has been provided for approximately 40 Grenadians. “This on-the-job training and<br />

certification programme continues, and so we expect to see more trained and highly<br />

qualified persons coming out of the yachting sector.” (See related item on page 14.)<br />

The Tourism Minister added that, “the private sector plays a very critical role in<br />

helping to build the international and regional recognition of the high level of quality<br />

that is consistently shown in Grenada’s yachting businesses and industry. To the<br />

30-plus yachting businesses that are registered in Grenada today, I therefore extend<br />

grateful thanks on behalf of the Government of Grenada.”<br />

Also speaking at the event was the Honourable Alexandra Otway-Noel, Minister for<br />

Implementation, who noted, “Grenada’s yachting industry provided approximately 17<br />

percent of its stay-over visitors in 2014, and we are sure to see this number rise in the<br />

coming years.” The Grenada Tourism Authority worked with the OECS Commission in<br />

2014 and continued in <strong>2015</strong>, to market Grenada’s yachting products and services in<br />

Canada and North America. The Minister for Implementation also related that yachting’s<br />

annual contribution to Grenada’s economy is in excess of EC$130,382,099<br />

(approximately US$4,865,000) and that employment and on-the-job training are provided<br />

for more than 1,000 persons at Grenada’s nine marinas and four boatyards.<br />

Left to right: CCBM Site Manager<br />

Carlyn Haynes, Hon. Yolande Bain-<br />

Horsford, Kelly Glass, Dr. the Rt.<br />

Hon. Keith Mitchell, Republic Bank<br />

Managing Director Keith Johnson,<br />

CCBM General Manager Conor<br />

Holmes, Hon. Alexandra Otway-Noel<br />

During the first construction build-out phase of the Clarkes Court Boatyard &<br />

Marina, which began in August last year and included the replanting of mangroves<br />

as well as boatyard construction, 100 persons were employed. This number is<br />

expected to increase as the project progresses through its second and third phases,<br />

prior to the full completion of the boatyard and marina in 2017. Future phases of<br />

the project will include the marina (including a dedicated berth for a Marine<br />

Protected Area vessel), a chandlery and a sail loft, Customs and Immigration offices,<br />

a boutique hotel and spa, a restaurant and provisioning services.<br />

There will also be facilities for “weekend warriors” — those who, as Director Kelly<br />

Glass says, “want to splash their boat on Friday or Saturday, haul back out on<br />

Sunday afternoon, get a wash-down, flush their engines, and be parked next to their<br />

own storage locker with water and power outlets under a covered area to save their<br />

boats from the UV rays of the sun.”<br />

<strong>Compass</strong> asked Kelly, best known in his adopted homeland of St. Vincent & the<br />

Grenadines for introducing cable television and for the recent refurbishment of Blue<br />

Lagoon Marina, why invest in marinas now? “Because I love boats — and marinas<br />

are the future.” Why Grenada? “Below 12 degrees north, great people, and excellent<br />

governance with a public service that works with the private sector. I am happy to<br />

endorse Grenada as a great place to do business and get things achieved.”<br />

Thanks to Arlene Telesford and Lynn Fletcher for information in this report.<br />

For more information on Clarkes Court Boatyard & Marina see ad on page 23.

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