Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited

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44 before final payment, erector shall remove and shall restore the site to a neat workman like conditions, at his cost. 21.0 Erector’s Personnel : Erector shall function as on erection organisation and furnish adequate courteous and competent labour (unskilled, semiskilled and skilled, watchman, supervisors, and engineers of all classes for the duration of the work to maintain the rate of erection in accordance with the requirement of the schedule of completion, and shall be in the work included in the contract at such times as will ensure its completion as specified and shall complete the same force of all lines and charged, at or before the time specified for completion. Erector shall make available qualified engineers for placing the equipment in operation and carrying out the necessary tests and trials. Conducts required of erector‟s men are specified below : 21.1 It is important that erector shall employ men known to be reliable and competent for the work in general and it shall be requirement of the contract that men used on special works shall be competent, well trained and trusted employees. 21.2 Erector shall furnish details of the qualifications and experience of his senior supervisors and engineers assigned to the work including their experience in supervising erection and commissioning of plant and equipment of comparable capacity. 21.3 Erector shall be personally present or employ at least one competent representative (whose name shall have previously been communicated in writing to RCDF to supervise the erection of the equipment and carrying out the work under the contract. This representative shall have full technical capability and complete administrative and financial powers to expeditiously and efficiently execute the work under the contract. Erector or his representative or if more than one be employed, one of the representative shall be present at the site at all times when work is in progress, and any written orders or instructions which RCDF may give to the said representative of erector shall deemed to have been given to the erector. He shall maintain an office near/or adjacent to the site of the work, and shall at all times keep in office a complete set of specifications and drawings. RCDF shall normally communicate directly with the said representative at site. 21.4 Erector‟s representative at the site shall be posted and be available at site within a reasonable time after RCDF shall inform erector in writing to the effect. The service of erector‟s representatives shall be made available during the progress of the work for such periods during the working days as RCDF may require. (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

45 21.5 When erector or his representative is not present on any part of the work where it may be desired to give directions in the event of emergencies, orders may be given by RCDF and shall be received and obeyed by the supervisors or foreman who may have charge of the particular part of the work in reference to which order given. If requested to do so, RCDF shall confirm such orders in writing. Any such instruction, direction or notices given by RCDF shall be held to have been given to the erector. 21.6 Erector shall furnish RCDF a fortnightly labour force report showing by classifications the number of employees engaged in the work. Erector‟s employment records shall include any reasonable information as may be required by RCDF. The erector should also display necessary information as may be required by statutory regulations. 21.7 None of the erector‟s superintendents, supervisors, engineers, or labour may be withdrawn from the work without the notice given to RCDF and further no such withdrawals shall be made if in the opinion of RCDF, it will jeopardise the required pace of progress and/or the successful completion of the work. 21.8 RCDF shall be at liberty to object to any representatives or person or skilled, semiskilled or unskilled worker employed by the erector in the execution, or otherwise, of the worker who shall misconduct himself, or be incompetent, or negligent or unsuitable and erector shall remove the person so objected to upon receipt of notice in writing from RCDF requiring him to do so and shall provide in his place a competent representative at his own expense within reasonable time. 22.0 Construction, Electric Power & Water : Electric power and water will be made available for use by RCDF free of cost. These supplies will be made, where available at one central point in the site convenient to RCDF and all piping for service water to work area shall be furnished, installed and maintained by erector at his own expense. He shall also furnish, install and maintain at his cost the power lines, junction boxes and any other electrical receptacles, apparatus or equipment from the central point of his work area. 23.0 Drawings : 23.1 Within three weeks from the date of receipt of the order, erector shall submit list of necessary drawings as mentioned in 1.5, that he proposes to submit for approval, identifying each by a serial number and descriptive, title and giving the expected date of submission. This list shall be revised and extended, as necessary during the progress of work. 23.2 Erector shall also submit copies of design calculations, material specification and detailed drawings as called for in the equipment specifications for RCDF (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

45<br />

21.5 When erector or his representative is not present on any part of the work where<br />

it may be desired to give directions in the event of emergencies, orders may be<br />

given by RCDF and shall be received and obeyed by the supervisors or<br />

foreman who may have charge of the particular part of the work in reference to<br />

which order given. If requested to do so, RCDF shall confirm such orders in<br />

writing. Any such instruction, direction or notices given by RCDF shall be held<br />

to have been given to the erector.<br />

21.6 Erector shall furnish RCDF a fortnightly labour force report showing by<br />

classifications the number of employees engaged in the work. Erector‟s<br />

employment records shall include any reasonable information as may be<br />

required by RCDF. The erector should also display necessary information as<br />

may be required by statutory regulations.<br />

21.7 None of the erector‟s superintendents, supervisors, engineers, or labour may be<br />

withdrawn from the work without the notice given to RCDF and further no<br />

such withdrawals shall be made if in the opinion of RCDF, it will jeopardise<br />

the required pace of progress and/or the successful completion of the work.<br />

21.8 RCDF shall be at liberty to object to any representatives or person or skilled,<br />

semiskilled or unskilled worker employed by the erector in the execution, or<br />

otherwise, of the worker who shall misconduct himself, or be incompetent, or<br />

negligent or unsuitable and erector shall remove the person so objected to upon<br />

receipt of notice in writing from RCDF requiring him to do so and shall<br />

provide in his place a competent representative at his own expense within<br />

reasonable time.<br />

22.0 Construction, Electric Power & Water :<br />

Electric power and water will be made available for use by RCDF free of cost.<br />

These supplies will be made, where available at one central point in the site<br />

convenient to RCDF and all piping for service water to work area shall be<br />

furnished, installed and maintained by erector at his own expense. He shall also<br />

furnish, install and maintain at his cost the power lines, junction boxes and any<br />

other electrical receptacles, apparatus or equipment from the central point of<br />

his work area.<br />

23.0 Drawings :<br />

23.1 Within three weeks from the date of receipt of the order, erector shall submit<br />

list of necessary drawings as mentioned in 1.5, that he proposes to submit for<br />

approval, identifying each by a serial number and descriptive, title and giving<br />

the expected date of submission. This list shall be revised and extended, as<br />

necessary during the progress of work.<br />

23.2 Erector shall also submit copies of design calculations, material specification<br />

and detailed drawings as called for in the equipment specifications for RCDF<br />

(Signed & sealed by the tenderer<br />

in token of acceptance of above)<br />

(RCDF)<br />


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