Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited

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40 said work, but also for the protection of the pumping station and of the safety of any adjacent roads, streets, cellars, vaults ovens, walls, houses, buildings and all other erections, matters or things. Erector shall take out and remove any or all such centring, scaffolding, staging, planking timbering, strutting, shorting etc. as occasion shall require or when ordered to do so and shall fully reinstalled and make good all matters and things disturbed during execution of the work, to the satisfaction of RCDF. Erector shall be paid no additional amount for the above. 18.0 Erection & Inspection : 18.1 Erector shall prepare a detailed and comprehensive erection schedule for review and approval of RCDF‟s site Engineer and supplier‟s erection supervisors. This „Approved‟ erection schedule shall form the basis for evaluating the pace of all the erection works to be performed by erector. 18.2 The schedule shall show approximately the date on which each part of divisions of the work is expected to begin based on his knowledge of the works of the other contractors and the date when the work is schedules to be finished. Upon the request of RCDF erector should be prepared to discuss his schedule in relation to the master schedule and shall co-ordinate his work with that of the other erectors/contractors as determined by RCDF. 18.3 The work so far as it is carried out on RCDF‟s promised shall be carried out at such time as RCDF may approve consistent with the construction schedule and so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the conduct of RCDF‟s business and RCDF will give erector all reasonable assistance for carrying out the work. 18.4 Erector shall revise and up date his erection schedule periodically (atleast once every calendar month) to indicate actual progress of works, in relation to scheduled progress. Erector shall also submit monthly progress reports indicating progress work giving scheduled and actual percentage completions, causes for delay etc. as well as such other reasonable reports RCDF may request from time to time. 18.5 Adherence to the instructions of supervisory engineers of manufacturers, where provided by RCDF is compulsory. Erector shall work as per the procedure suggested by manufacturer and shall complete erection of equipment in such a way so as not to interfere with or prevent equipment from functioning as intended, as well as to the entire satisfaction of the manufacturer‟s supervisor/RCDF. Erector shall also permit and provide all facilities for manufacturer‟s erection super visors to carry out all checks that they may wish to and approve any erection procedure and/or final setting and alignment of components, in order to satisfy themselves that erection has been carried out as intended by them. This shall, however, in no way relieve erector of his responsibility for providing adequate and competent supervision and quality (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

41 workmanship. In case of any dispute, the decision of the RCDF/Manufacturer‟s erection supervisor shall be final and binding on the erector. 18.6 Erector shall haul materials and equipment furnished at RCDF‟s storage or unloading areas to the points where they are to be used, in the construction work, install the materials and equipment in their final location and classify and store all surplus and auxiliary parts in a systematic manner in the warehouse, where they can be readily identified and located when needed at a later date. 18.7 In the execution of the work no person other than erector or his duly appointed representatives, his subcontractors and their workman shall be allowed to do work at the site except by the special permission, in writing of RCDF or their representatives, but access to everywhere in the site at all times shall be accorded to RCDF and their representatives and other authorized officials and statutory public authorities. Nevertheless, erector shall not object to the execution of the work by other erector/contractor or tradesman whose names shall have been previously communicated in every facility for the execution of their several functions simultaneously with his own. 18.8 Erector shall carry out the required „minor modification work‟ at site as required to efficiently complete the work covered in this contract at no extra cost over his contracted sum. However „minor modifications‟ shall not involve more than 24 man hours per each item of such work. However, in case of „major modifications‟ which are required to be done on the equipment, for no fault of erector he shall be compensated on the basis of man day rates. It is the responsibility of the erector to get the prior approval for such „major modifications work‟ from RCDF before such works are taken up. Erector shall also get the estimates and the actual time sheets certified by RCDF and these certified time sheets will be the basis for processing his bills for the „Major modifications‟. 18.9 If the work or any portion thereof shall be damaged in any way excepting by the acts of RCDF, or if defects not readily detected on prior inspection and which shall develop before the final completion and acceptance of the whole work, erector shall forthwith make good, without compensation, such damage or defects in a manner satisfactory to RCDF. In no case shall defective or imperfect work will be retained. 18.10 Erector at all times shall work in co-ordination with RCDF‟s engineering staff and after them all reasonable facilities to become familiar with the erection, operation and maintenance of the equipments. 18.11 In respect of observation of local rules, administrative orders, working staff and the like, erector and his personnel shall co-operate with the RCDF. (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

40<br />

said work, but also for the protection of the pumping station and of the safety<br />

of any adjacent roads, streets, cellars, vaults ovens, walls, houses, buildings<br />

and all other erections, matters or things. Erector shall take out and remove any<br />

or all such centring, scaffolding, staging, planking timbering, strutting, shorting<br />

etc. as occasion shall require or when ordered to do so and shall fully<br />

reinstalled and make good all matters and things disturbed during execution of<br />

the work, to the satisfaction of RCDF. Erector shall be paid no additional<br />

amount for the above.<br />

18.0 Erection & Inspection :<br />

18.1 Erector shall prepare a detailed and comprehensive erection schedule for<br />

review and approval of RCDF‟s site Engineer and supplier‟s erection<br />

supervisors. This „Approved‟ erection schedule shall form the basis for<br />

evaluating the pace of all the erection works to be performed by erector.<br />

18.2 The schedule shall show approximately the date on which each part of<br />

divisions of the work is expected to begin based on his knowledge of the works<br />

of the other contractors and the date when the work is schedules to be finished.<br />

Upon the request of RCDF erector should be prepared to discuss his schedule<br />

in relation to the master schedule and shall co-ordinate his work with that of<br />

the other erectors/contractors as determined by RCDF.<br />

18.3 The work so far as it is carried out on RCDF‟s promised shall be carried out at<br />

such time as RCDF may approve consistent with the construction schedule and<br />

so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the conduct of RCDF‟s business and<br />

RCDF will give erector all reasonable assistance for carrying out the work.<br />

18.4 Erector shall revise and up date his erection schedule periodically (atleast once<br />

every calendar month) to indicate actual progress of works, in relation to<br />

scheduled progress. Erector shall also submit monthly progress reports<br />

indicating progress work giving scheduled and actual percentage completions,<br />

causes for delay etc. as well as such other reasonable reports RCDF may<br />

request from time to time.<br />

18.5 Adherence to the instructions of supervisory engineers of manufacturers, where<br />

provided by RCDF is compulsory. Erector shall work as per the procedure<br />

suggested by manufacturer and shall complete erection of equipment in such a<br />

way so as not to interfere with or prevent equipment from functioning as<br />

intended, as well as to the entire satisfaction of the manufacturer‟s<br />

supervisor/RCDF. Erector shall also permit and provide all facilities for<br />

manufacturer‟s erection super visors to carry out all checks that they may wish<br />

to and approve any erection procedure and/or final setting and alignment of<br />

components, in order to satisfy themselves that erection has been carried out as<br />

intended by them. This shall, however, in no way relieve erector of his<br />

responsibility for providing adequate and competent supervision and quality<br />

(Signed & sealed by the tenderer<br />

in token of acceptance of above)<br />

(RCDF)<br />


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